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Defining Social Media ROI
New Comm Forum
April 2010

Katie Delahaye Paine
Founding Fellow, Society for New Communications Research
Social Media renders everything you know about
measurement obsolete

Old School Communications                                 21st Century Role
   The definition of timely has changed
   The definition of reach has changed
      GRPs & Impressions are irrelevant in social media
   The definition of success has changed
     The answer isn’t how many you’ve reached, but how those you’ve reached
     have responded

                                                                              Page 2
Signs that it’s the end of measurement as we know it
1.  The Army did more recruitment via a video game than they did thru all their other advertising
2. Procter & Gamble is now paying for engagement, not eyeballs
3. Sodexo cut $300K out of its recruitment budget using Twitter
4. HSUS generated $650,000 in new donations from an on-line photo contest on Flickr
5. IBM sells more with a $500 podcast than it does from an ad
6. 11 Mom’s turned around Wal-Mart's image and delivered measureable increases in sales.
7. In a week, the Red Cross raised $35 million for Haiti relief via texting
8. Facebook USERS translated the site from English to Spanish via a Wiki in less than 4 weeks and
    cost Facebook $0
9. 78% of consumers trust peer recommendations , only 14% trust advertisements
10. Only 18% of traditional TV campaigns generate a positive ROI
11. More people use Facebook daily than Google
12. More companies have a Twitter account than a public facing blog. Twitter sees 300K
    new registrations per day.
A measurement timeline

       MSM        Online      Social

        Eyeball    HITS    Engagement
The shifting sands of marketing
         From                               To
Traditional advertising               PR
                                      Transactional Ads

Impressions &                         Engagement
Eyeballs                              Impact-based metrics
It’s not just about marketing anymore


Customer   Marketing &   Competitive    Business    HR
 Service      Sales      Intelligence   Analytics
Old School Metrics
                      HITS (How Idiots Track
                      Couch Potatoes
                      # of Twitter Followers
                     (unless you’re a celebrity)
                      # of Facebook
                     Friends/Fans (unless they
                     donate money)

                                                   Page 7
New School Metrics
    Influence = The power or ability to affect someone’s
    Engagement= Some action beyond zero
    Advocacy = engagement driven by an agenda
    Sentiment = contextual expression of opinion – regardless
   of tone
    ROI: Return on Investment – no more no less. End of
The Engagement Decision Tree

Awareness   Consideration   Preference       Trial       Purchase

              Observe/      Participate   Engagement   Purchase/Act
Find            Lurk                                    /Link/WOM
Measurable Goals for Marketing Today
1. Marketing/leads/sales/
2. Mission/safety/civic engagement
3. Relationship/reputation/positioning

                              To fix this   Or get to this
Goals drive metrics, metrics drive results
            Reputation/                                 Sales
                                Get the word out
 Goal      Relationships

                                                     Engagement Index
          Relationship scores
                                     % hearing
                                                     Cost per customer
Metrics                             % believing        Web analytics

              Positioning                               Sales leads
                                      % acting

                                                   Marketing Mix Modeling

Goals, Actions and Metrics
      Goal            Action          Output Metric          Outtake Metric             Outcome Metric

Get the word out Twitter campaign Number of followers     % trusting AAA as a      Reduction in safety hazards
about safety                      Number of posts         reliable source of       Reduction in accidents
issues                                                    information
                                                          % increase in tweets
                                                          and retweets
Increase in      Flickr/Youtube    Number of entrants     % change in share of     Increase in requests for
creative class   photo contest                            “creative/artistic”      information for space
venues                                                    positioning in           Increase usage of support
downtown                                                  traditional and social   materials/ funding
Adoption of a    Facebook page    # of friends, followers % awareness               Increased web traffic to info
new product      YouTube video    that participate in the % preferring brands       site
                                  conversation                                      Online orders
                                  Length of threads                                 Market share
                                  % recommending
                                  product & visibility

Conversation Type by Message Saturation

                                                                  Expressing support              40                         221

Conversation Type                 January   February   March

Making an observation              142       152        46                                    22 24
                                                               Making an observation

Expressing support                  20        40       261
                                                                                                                                                               Contains no message
Offering an opinion                 18         1        1                                     5
                                                                    Asking a question                                                                          Contains One+ Message
Rallying support                    4          4        5

Advertising something               10
                                                                     Rallying support
Asking a question                   1          2        6

Distributing media                  4          2                                          0            50        100     150         200      250    300
Making a suggestion                 2          3                                                                       Mentions
                                                                                                                 Conversation Type by Tone
Giving a shout-out                  1          2        1

Calling for action                  1          2
                                                                    Expressing support                                 178                          83
Expressing criticism                           1        1

Disclosing personal information     1          1
                                                                 Making an observation            12 34
Putting out a wanted ad                        1

Expressing agreement                           1                                                                                                                            Positive
Recruiting people                   1                                 Asking a question

Answering a question                1

Expressing surprise                            1                       Rallying support

Grand Total                        206       213       321
                                                                                              0             50         100          150       200        250     300
Moving conversation from observation to support
Media Engagement & Online Giving

                                     35,152,789 OTS

                                                      Red line
                                                      indicates media
                     6,253,852 OTS
The 7 steps to the perfect 21st Century Measurement Program

  1.   Define the “R” – Define the expected results?
  2.   Define the “I” -- What’s the investment?
  3.   Understand your audiences and what motivates them
  4.   Define the metrics (what you want to become)
  5.   Determine what you are benchmarking against
  6.   Pick a tool and undertake research
  7.   Analyze results and glean insight, take action, measure
Step 1: Define the “R”
  What return is expected? – Define in terms of the business or
  What problems are you trying to solve?
  What were you hired to do? What difference are you expected to
  If you are celebrating complete 100% success a year from now, what
  is different about the organization?
  If your department is eliminated, what would be different?

Reach & Influence are not ROI!
  Revenue minus cost = ROI
  Revenue = $$ in or $$ not spent
    HSUS                             Reach
     • Flickr Revenue: $650,000      Frequency
     • Contest Cost $1000            Hits
     • ROI = $649,000                Friends
     • Twitter costs: $30,000
     • Cost savings: $300,000
     • Net savings (ROI): $270,000
ROI = revenue or savings.
  ROI = cost savings                                     Reach
    + Cost of program                                    Frequency
    – Cost elimination                                   Friends
  ROI = greater efficiency
     +cost of program
     – cost of doing something “the old way” (cost per
    percentage point gained)
  ROI = greater revenue
    +cost of program
    –value of leads/sales
How Social Media Impacts Financial Performance
  Generates Revenue, Sales, Profit
     • Social Media can drive sales, market share, adoption, preference
     • Social Media can drive donations & membership
  Drives Efficiency
     • Better audience targeting
     • Reaching more people with a credible message for less money
  Avoids Catastrophic Cost
     • Listening + Quality counsel helps to mitigate impacts of crises

How Social Media Impacts Internal Costs*
      Increases employee satisfaction and engagement, leading to greater
 efficiency, increased retention, lower turnover rates, lower recruitment
 costs, and higher productivity
      Provides greater transparency and commitment to and from
      Lowers legal costs by increasing social capital
      Change employee behaviors such as greater levels of focus on key
 areas such as safety, quality, call response times
      Creates a platform should it be necessary to communicate bad news
 at some stage in the future
* Note items here can also refer to other internal publics such as trade association members.

How Social Media Affects Public Policy
 Creates public awareness, understanding, and support for
legislation, regulation, and political candidates
 Affects voter behavior
 Helps pass legislation, regulation, and initiatives
 Affects specific companies and industries through
appropriations, tax impacts, and regulatory changes that can
affect any and all aspects of a business
 Instigates and perpetuates grassroots campaigns

Step 2: Define the “I”
  Social Media is not “FREE”
    Promoted Tweets
  What is the investment?
    Agency compensation
    Senior Staff time
     Opportunity cost

Step 3: Define your audiences and how you impact them
  There is no “audience.” There are multiple constituencies
  Should you blog or Twitter? Don’t ask me, ask your customers
  Understand your role in getting the audience to do what you
  want it to do
     Raise awareness
     Increase preference
     Increase engagement

Step 4: Define your benchmarks
  Past Performance
  Different programs, different tactics
  Think 3
      Underdog nipping at your heels
      Stretch goal
  Whatever keeps the C-suite up at night

Step 5: Define your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

   The Perfect KPI
      Gets you where you want to go (achieves corporate goals)
      Is actionable
      Continuously improves your processes
      Is there when you need it
   KPIs should be developed for:
      Overall objectives
      Different tactics
Step 5: Define your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) carefully because
you become what you measure

  Cost savings
  Efficiency                                       Improvement in relationship /reputation
      Cost per message communicated                scores with customers and
      Cost per new lead/customer acquired            communities (Loyalty/Retention)
  Productivity:                                Thought leadership:
      Increase in employee engagement/morale       Share of quotes
      Lower turnover/recruitment costs             Share of opportunities
  Engagement:                                  Message penetration
      Ratio of posts to comments                   Positioning on key issues
      % of repeat visitors                         Improvement in favorable/unfavorable
      % of 5+min visitors                          ratio
      % of registrations                           Improvement in Optimal Content Score
Step 6: Pick a tool
1. Content Analysis
  • Look at the whole conversation, not just your brand
  • Separate out paid content vs. organic
2. Analytics
  •       Web Analytics:
      •      Not just visits
      •      Downloads, coupons, registration
  •       Business Intelligence/Analytics
3. Surveys
  •       Segmentation, segmentation, segmentation
  •       Get as specific as you can get
Step 6: Selecting a measurement tool
Objective                          KPI                                Tool
Increase inquiries, web traffic,   % increase in traffic              Web Analytics:
recruitment                        #s of clickthrus or downloads
Increase awareness/preference      % of audience preferring your      Survey: Online -- SurveyMonkey,
                                   brand to the competition           Zoomerang or Mail
Engage marketplace                 Conversation index greater than .8 Web analytics or Content Analysis:
                                   Rankings                           TypePad, Technorati
                                   % increase in engagement           Omniture, Google Analytics

Communicate messages               % of articles containing key       Media content analysis –
                                   Total opportunities to see key
                                   Cost per opportunity to see key
                                   % aware of or believing in key     Survey
1. Content Analysis requires a content source:
    •      Google News/Google Blogs, RSS feeds, Technorati,
           Social Mention, Twazzup, Tweetdeck, Seesmic, Hootsuite
    •      Radian 6, Techrigy, Sysomos, Visible Technologies,
           Scout Labs, Cyberalert, CustomScoop, e-Watch, Crimson
    •      SAS SMA, Cymfony, Biz 360, Nielsen, Attensity

Next: A way to analyze content
     Census vs. random sample
     Sentiment vs. Topics
     The 80/20 rule – Measure what matters
     because 20% of the content influences
     80% of the decisions

Why you need a Kick-Butt Index?
  You decide what’s important:
  Benchmark against peers and/or competitors
  Track activities against OCS over time
  Understand the cost of perfection vs good enough

How to calculate your KBI
Quality score      +10                                               0                                    -10

                                      Score                              Score                                  Score
Tonality           Positive                   3 Neutral                          0 Negative                        -3
                                                                                   Positions the
                                                                                   competition favorably or
                                                                                   positions Sargento
Positioning        Contains                   2 Doesn't contain                  0 negatively                      -2
                                                                                   Does not contain or
                                                                                   miscommunicates key
Messaging          Contains                   3 partially contains               0 message (neg mess)              -1
Quotes             Contains                   1                                    Does not contain                -1
Competitive        Does not mention                                                Competition mentioned
mention            Competition                1                                    prominently                     -3

Total Score                                   10                                 0                                -10

Visibility Score
                   +10                                               0                                    -10

                                      Score                              Score                                  Score
                                                                                   Contains competitive
Brand Photo        Contains                   3 Doesn't contain                  0 photo                           -5
Dominance          Focal point                3                                    Not a focal point               -1
Visibility         Headline mention           2 Top -20 % of story               0 Minor mention                   -2
publication        Top Tier                   2 2nd tier                         0 Not on target list              -2

Total Score                                   10                                 0                                -10
Charting KBI over time between divisions
                             Optimum Content Score Relative to Competitors
                         The Percent Difference Between Each Business Unit's Average Optimum Content Score and the
                                Average Optimum Content Score of Tracked Competitors for each Business Unit


               400%                                                             Patriot (Korea)

% Difference

                                                                            ASAT, Patriot
                       FBX-T                          AESA                                                                                 IDS
               200%                                 for F-15E,                                    MALD,
                                                                  Glory APS and                                                            IIS
                                    DDG-1000 MSE                    VIIRS vs.                                   APG-63 (v3) RIS JPL        MS
                                                                                            RISS, GBS


                       ALR-67(V)3             APG-79, APG63                                 ERGM cancellation
                                                                 VIIRS delays                                    NPOESS; BOE B-52 jammer
                       Jul     Aug     Sep    Oct    Nov         Dec    Jan       Feb       Mar     Apr     May      Jun      Jul

                                          2007                                                     2008
Trend against competition with KBI
                         Optimum Content Score by Company




0.50                                                                                  Client
                                                                                      Company B
0.40                                                                                  Company C
                                                                                      Company D
0.30                                                                                  Company E
                                                                                      Company F


       Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec   Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr    May   Jun   Jul

                     2007                                    2008
KBI makes it easier to compare value
          Launch A   Launch B       Launch C          Launch D
      0                                                          $45,000

      1                                                          $40,000

      2                                                          $35,000

      3                                                          $30,000

      4                                                          $25,000

      5                                                          $20,000

      6                                                          $15,000

      7                                                          $10,000

      8                         OCS Score      Cost              $5,000

      9                                                          $0
Assessing the Value of Engagement

 Level 1   Searchers   % Unique Visitors

 Level 2    Lurkers    % Repeat visitors > 3-5/month

 Level 3    Casuals    % Comments, friends, followers

                       % repeat comments, retweets, participation in
 Level 4    Actives    threads

 Level 5               % Advocating, recommending, defending the
           Defenders   brand
10 ways Improved Relationships Affect ROI
1.Increases likelihood to purchase / consider your brand(s)
2.Minimizes the effects of a crisis
3.Reinforces communication of organizational values
4.Rebuilds trust after a crisis
5.Establishes credibility of new products / companies; ease of market
6.Commanding higher prices, lower costs, premium on stock price
7.Enhances recommendations / word of mouth leading to faster adoption
8.Increases customer loyalty / renewals / satisfaction
9.Improves the attracting / retaining of talent
10.Lowers legal costs
Survey tools & tips
    SurveyMonkey, Zoomerang, Benchpoint
    Segment by:
       Media source/type
    A/B testing is critical
Aspects of relationships
     Control mutuality
     Exchange relationship
     Communal relationship

Components of a Relationship Index
 Control mutuality
         In dealing with people like me, this organization has a tendency to throw its weight around. (Reversed)
         This organization really listens to what people like me have to say.
         This organization can be relied on to keep its promises.
         This organization has the ability to accomplish what it says it will do.
         Generally speaking, I am pleased with the relationship this organization has established with people like me.
         Most people enjoy dealing with this organization.
         There is a long-lasting bond between this organization and people like me.
         Compared to other organizations, I value my relationship with this organization more
 Exchange relationship
         Even though people like me have had a relationship with this organization for a long time; it still expects
         something in return whenever it offers us a favor.
         This organization will compromise with people like me when it knows that it will gain something.
         This organization takes care of people who are likely to reward the organization.
 Communal relationship
         This organization is very concerned about the welfare of people like me.
         I think that this organization succeeds by stepping on other people. (Reversed)
How to implement relationship metrics
    Step 1: Conduct a benchmark relationship study
    Step 2: Implement PR program
    Step 3: Conduct a follow up relationship study
    Step 4: Look at what’s changed
Step 7: Analysis - -Research without insight is just trivia

    Look for failures first
    Check to see what the competition is doing
    Then look for exceptional success
    Compare to last month, last quarter, 13-month average
    Figure out what worked and what didn’t work
    Move resources from what isn’t working to what is

Actionable Conclusions
             Ask for money
         Get Commitment
     Manage Timing
             Influence decisions
         Get Outside help
    Just Say No

Thank You!
   For more information on measurement, read my blog: or subscribe to The Measurement
   For a copy of this presentation go to:
   Follow me on Twitter: KDPaine
   Friend me on Facebook: Katie Paine
   Or call me at 1-603-682-0735

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Defining social media_roi_new_comm_2010_read-only

  • 1. Defining Social Media ROI New Comm Forum April 2010 Katie Delahaye Paine CEO http:/ Founding Fellow, Society for New Communications Research
  • 2. Social Media renders everything you know about measurement obsolete Old School Communications 21st Century Role The definition of timely has changed The definition of reach has changed GRPs & Impressions are irrelevant in social media The definition of success has changed The answer isn’t how many you’ve reached, but how those you’ve reached have responded Page 2
  • 3. Signs that it’s the end of measurement as we know it 1. The Army did more recruitment via a video game than they did thru all their other advertising efforts 2. Procter & Gamble is now paying for engagement, not eyeballs 3. Sodexo cut $300K out of its recruitment budget using Twitter 4. HSUS generated $650,000 in new donations from an on-line photo contest on Flickr 5. IBM sells more with a $500 podcast than it does from an ad 6. 11 Mom’s turned around Wal-Mart's image and delivered measureable increases in sales. 7. In a week, the Red Cross raised $35 million for Haiti relief via texting 8. Facebook USERS translated the site from English to Spanish via a Wiki in less than 4 weeks and cost Facebook $0 9. 78% of consumers trust peer recommendations , only 14% trust advertisements 10. Only 18% of traditional TV campaigns generate a positive ROI 11. More people use Facebook daily than Google 12. More companies have a Twitter account than a public facing blog. Twitter sees 300K new registrations per day.
  • 4. A measurement timeline MSM Online Social Media Eyeball HITS Engagement counting
  • 5. The shifting sands of marketing From To Traditional advertising PR Mobile Search IPTV VOD Events Transactional Ads Impressions & Engagement Eyeballs Impact-based metrics
  • 6. It’s not just about marketing anymore Conversations Customer Marketing & Competitive Business HR Service Sales Intelligence Analytics
  • 7. Old School Metrics AVEs Eyeballs HITS (How Idiots Track Success) Couch Potatoes # of Twitter Followers (unless you’re a celebrity) # of Facebook Friends/Fans (unless they donate money) Page 7
  • 8. New School Metrics Influence = The power or ability to affect someone’s actions. Engagement= Some action beyond zero Advocacy = engagement driven by an agenda Sentiment = contextual expression of opinion – regardless of tone ROI: Return on Investment – no more no less. End of discussion
  • 9. The Engagement Decision Tree Awareness Consideration Preference Trial Purchase Observe/ Participate Engagement Purchase/Act Find Lurk /Link/WOM
  • 10. Measurable Goals for Marketing Today 1. Marketing/leads/sales/ 2. Mission/safety/civic engagement 3. Relationship/reputation/positioning To fix this Or get to this
  • 11. Goals drive metrics, metrics drive results Reputation/ Sales Get the word out Goal Relationships Engagement Index Relationship scores % hearing Cost per customer acquisition Recommendations Metrics % believing Web analytics Positioning Sales leads % acting Marketing Mix Modeling Engagement 11
  • 12. Goals, Actions and Metrics Goal Action Output Metric Outtake Metric Outcome Metric Get the word out Twitter campaign Number of followers % trusting AAA as a Reduction in safety hazards about safety Number of posts reliable source of Reduction in accidents issues information % increase in tweets and retweets Increase in Flickr/Youtube Number of entrants % change in share of Increase in requests for creative class photo contest “creative/artistic” information for space venues positioning in Increase usage of support downtown traditional and social materials/ funding media Adoption of a Facebook page # of friends, followers % awareness Increased web traffic to info new product YouTube video that participate in the % preferring brands site conversation Online orders Length of threads Market share % recommending product & visibility 12
  • 13. Conversation Type by Message Saturation Expressing support 40 221 Conversation Type January February March Making an observation 142 152 46 22 24 Making an observation Expressing support 20 40 261 Contains no message Offering an opinion 18 1 1 5 Asking a question Contains One+ Message Rallying support 4 4 5 Advertising something 10 4 Rallying support Asking a question 1 2 6 Distributing media 4 2 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Making a suggestion 2 3 Mentions Conversation Type by Tone Giving a shout-out 1 2 1 Calling for action 1 2 Expressing support 178 83 Expressing criticism 1 1 Disclosing personal information 1 1 Making an observation 12 34 Putting out a wanted ad 1 Expressing agreement 1 Positive Neutral Recruiting people 1 Asking a question Negative Answering a question 1 Expressing surprise 1 Rallying support Grand Total 206 213 321 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 13 Mentions
  • 14. Moving conversation from observation to support
  • 15. Media Engagement & Online Giving 35,152,789 OTS Red line indicates media impressions 6,253,852 OTS
  • 16. The 7 steps to the perfect 21st Century Measurement Program 1. Define the “R” – Define the expected results? 2. Define the “I” -- What’s the investment? 3. Understand your audiences and what motivates them 4. Define the metrics (what you want to become) 5. Determine what you are benchmarking against 6. Pick a tool and undertake research 7. Analyze results and glean insight, take action, measure again
  • 17. Step 1: Define the “R” What return is expected? – Define in terms of the business or mission. What problems are you trying to solve? What were you hired to do? What difference are you expected to make? If you are celebrating complete 100% success a year from now, what is different about the organization? If your department is eliminated, what would be different? 17
  • 18. Reach & Influence are not ROI! Revenue minus cost = ROI Revenue = $$ in or $$ not spent HSUS Reach • Flickr Revenue: $650,000 Frequency • Contest Cost $1000 Hits • ROI = $649,000 Friends Followers Sodexho • Twitter costs: $30,000 • Cost savings: $300,000 • Net savings (ROI): $270,000
  • 19. ROI = revenue or savings. ROI = cost savings Reach + Cost of program Frequency Hits – Cost elimination Friends Followers ROI = greater efficiency +cost of program – cost of doing something “the old way” (cost per percentage point gained) ROI = greater revenue +cost of program –value of leads/sales
  • 20. How Social Media Impacts Financial Performance Generates Revenue, Sales, Profit • Social Media can drive sales, market share, adoption, preference • Social Media can drive donations & membership Drives Efficiency • Better audience targeting • Reaching more people with a credible message for less money Avoids Catastrophic Cost • Listening + Quality counsel helps to mitigate impacts of crises 20
  • 21. How Social Media Impacts Internal Costs* Increases employee satisfaction and engagement, leading to greater efficiency, increased retention, lower turnover rates, lower recruitment costs, and higher productivity Provides greater transparency and commitment to and from employees Lowers legal costs by increasing social capital Change employee behaviors such as greater levels of focus on key areas such as safety, quality, call response times Creates a platform should it be necessary to communicate bad news at some stage in the future * Note items here can also refer to other internal publics such as trade association members. 21
  • 22. How Social Media Affects Public Policy Creates public awareness, understanding, and support for legislation, regulation, and political candidates Affects voter behavior Helps pass legislation, regulation, and initiatives Affects specific companies and industries through appropriations, tax impacts, and regulatory changes that can affect any and all aspects of a business Instigates and perpetuates grassroots campaigns 22
  • 23. Step 2: Define the “I” Social Media is not “FREE” Ning Facebook Promoted Tweets What is the investment? Personnel Agency compensation Senior Staff time Opportunity cost 23
  • 24. Step 3: Define your audiences and how you impact them There is no “audience.” There are multiple constituencies Should you blog or Twitter? Don’t ask me, ask your customers Understand your role in getting the audience to do what you want it to do Raise awareness Increase preference Increase engagement 24
  • 25. Step 4: Define your benchmarks Past Performance Different programs, different tactics Think 3 Peer Underdog nipping at your heels Stretch goal Whatever keeps the C-suite up at night 25
  • 26. Step 5: Define your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) The Perfect KPI Gets you where you want to go (achieves corporate goals) Is actionable Continuously improves your processes Is there when you need it KPIs should be developed for: Programs Overall objectives Different tactics 26
  • 27. Step 5: Define your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) carefully because you become what you measure Cost savings Trust: Efficiency Improvement in relationship /reputation Cost per message communicated scores with customers and Cost per new lead/customer acquired communities (Loyalty/Retention) Productivity: Thought leadership: Increase in employee engagement/morale Share of quotes Lower turnover/recruitment costs Share of opportunities Engagement: Message penetration Ratio of posts to comments Positioning on key issues % of repeat visitors Improvement in favorable/unfavorable % of 5+min visitors ratio % of registrations Improvement in Optimal Content Score (OCS) 27
  • 28. Step 6: Pick a tool 1. Content Analysis • Look at the whole conversation, not just your brand • Separate out paid content vs. organic 2. Analytics • Web Analytics: • Not just visits • Downloads, coupons, registration • Business Intelligence/Analytics 3. Surveys • Segmentation, segmentation, segmentation • Get as specific as you can get
  • 29. Step 6: Selecting a measurement tool Objective KPI Tool Increase inquiries, web traffic, % increase in traffic Web Analytics: recruitment #s of clickthrus or downloads Increase awareness/preference % of audience preferring your Survey: Online -- SurveyMonkey, brand to the competition Zoomerang or Mail Engage marketplace Conversation index greater than .8 Web analytics or Content Analysis: Rankings TypePad, Technorati % increase in engagement Omniture, Google Analytics Communicate messages % of articles containing key Media content analysis – messages Total opportunities to see key messages Cost per opportunity to see key messages % aware of or believing in key Survey message 29
  • 30. 1. Content Analysis requires a content source: Free: • Google News/Google Blogs, RSS feeds, Technorati, Social Mention, Twazzup, Tweetdeck, Seesmic, Hootsuite $500+ • Radian 6, Techrigy, Sysomos, Visible Technologies, Scout Labs, Cyberalert, CustomScoop, e-Watch, Crimson Hexagon $40,000+ • SAS SMA, Cymfony, Biz 360, Nielsen, Attensity 30
  • 31. Next: A way to analyze content Automated Human: Census vs. random sample Sentiment vs. Topics The 80/20 rule – Measure what matters because 20% of the content influences 80% of the decisions 31
  • 32. Why you need a Kick-Butt Index? You decide what’s important: Benchmark against peers and/or competitors Track activities against OCS over time Understand the cost of perfection vs good enough 32
  • 33. How to calculate your KBI -10 Quality score +10 0 -10 Score Score Score Tonality Positive 3 Neutral 0 Negative -3 Positions the competition favorably or positions Sargento Positioning Contains 2 Doesn't contain 0 negatively -2 Does not contain or miscommunicates key Messaging Contains 3 partially contains 0 message (neg mess) -1 Quotes Contains 1 Does not contain -1 Competitive Does not mention Competition mentioned mention Competition 1 prominently -3 Total Score 10 0 -10 Visibility Score +10 0 -10 Score Score Score Contains competitive Brand Photo Contains 3 Doesn't contain 0 photo -5 Dominance Focal point 3 Not a focal point -1 Visibility Headline mention 2 Top -20 % of story 0 Minor mention -2 Target publication Top Tier 2 2nd tier 0 Not on target list -2 Total Score 10 0 -10
  • 34. Charting KBI over time between divisions Optimum Content Score Relative to Competitors The Percent Difference Between Each Business Unit's Average Optimum Content Score and the Average Optimum Content Score of Tracked Competitors for each Business Unit 500% 400% Patriot (Korea) 300% % Difference SAS ASAT, Patriot FBX-T AESA IDS 200% for F-15E, MALD, Glory APS and IIS DIB DDG-1000 MSE VIIRS vs. APG-63 (v3) RIS JPL MS RISS, GBS 100% 0% ALR-67(V)3 APG-79, APG63 ERGM cancellation VIIRS delays NPOESS; BOE B-52 jammer -100% Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul 2007 2008
  • 35. Trend against competition with KBI Optimum Content Score by Company 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 Client Company B 0.40 Company C Company D 0.30 Company E Company F 0.20 0.10 0.00 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul 2007 2008
  • 36. KBI makes it easier to compare value Launch A Launch B Launch C Launch D 0 $45,000 1 $40,000 2 $35,000 3 $30,000 4 $25,000 5 $20,000 6 $15,000 7 $10,000 8 OCS Score Cost $5,000 9 $0
  • 37. Assessing the Value of Engagement Metrics Level 1 Searchers % Unique Visitors Level 2 Lurkers % Repeat visitors > 3-5/month Level 3 Casuals % Comments, friends, followers % repeat comments, retweets, participation in Level 4 Actives threads Level 5 % Advocating, recommending, defending the Defenders brand
  • 38. 10 ways Improved Relationships Affect ROI 1.Increases likelihood to purchase / consider your brand(s) 2.Minimizes the effects of a crisis 3.Reinforces communication of organizational values 4.Rebuilds trust after a crisis 5.Establishes credibility of new products / companies; ease of market entry 6.Commanding higher prices, lower costs, premium on stock price 7.Enhances recommendations / word of mouth leading to faster adoption 8.Increases customer loyalty / renewals / satisfaction 9.Improves the attracting / retaining of talent 10.Lowers legal costs 38
  • 39. Survey tools & tips SurveyMonkey, Zoomerang, Benchpoint Segment by: Media source/type Demographics Pychographics A/B testing is critical
  • 40. Aspects of relationships Control mutuality Trust Satisfaction Commitment Exchange relationship Communal relationship 40
  • 41. Components of a Relationship Index Control mutuality In dealing with people like me, this organization has a tendency to throw its weight around. (Reversed) This organization really listens to what people like me have to say. Trust This organization can be relied on to keep its promises. This organization has the ability to accomplish what it says it will do. Satisfaction Generally speaking, I am pleased with the relationship this organization has established with people like me. Most people enjoy dealing with this organization. Commitment There is a long-lasting bond between this organization and people like me. Compared to other organizations, I value my relationship with this organization more Exchange relationship Even though people like me have had a relationship with this organization for a long time; it still expects something in return whenever it offers us a favor. This organization will compromise with people like me when it knows that it will gain something. This organization takes care of people who are likely to reward the organization. Communal relationship This organization is very concerned about the welfare of people like me. I think that this organization succeeds by stepping on other people. (Reversed)
  • 42. How to implement relationship metrics Step 1: Conduct a benchmark relationship study Step 2: Implement PR program Step 3: Conduct a follow up relationship study Step 4: Look at what’s changed
  • 43. Step 7: Analysis - -Research without insight is just trivia Look for failures first Check to see what the competition is doing Then look for exceptional success Compare to last month, last quarter, 13-month average Figure out what worked and what didn’t work Move resources from what isn’t working to what is 43
  • 44. Actionable Conclusions Ask for money Get Commitment Manage Timing Influence decisions Get Outside help Just Say No 44
  • 45. Thank You! For more information on measurement, read my blog: or subscribe to The Measurement Standard: For a copy of this presentation go to: Follow me on Twitter: KDPaine Friend me on Facebook: Katie Paine Or call me at 1-603-682-0735