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First	published	in	2017	by	Gloucester	Publishers	Limited,	London
Copyright	©	2017	Cyrus	Lakdawala
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About	the	Author
Cyrus	Lakdawala	is	an	International	Master,	a	former	National	Open	and	American	Open
Champion,	and	a	six-time	State	Champion.	He	has	been	teaching	chess	for	over	30	years,
and	coaches	some	of	the	top	junior	players	in	the	U.S.
Also	by	the	Author:
Play	the	London	System
A	Ferocious	Opening	Repertoire
The	Slav:	Move	by	Move
1	…	d6:	Move	by	Move
The	Caro-Kann:	Move	by	Move
The	Four	Knights:	Move	by	Move
Capablanca:	Move	by	Move
The	Modern	Defence:	Move	by	Move
Kramnik:	Move	by	Move
The	Colle:	Move	by	Move
The	Scandinavian:	Move	by	Move
Botvinnik:	Move	by	Move
The	Nimzo-Larsen	Attack:	Move	by	Move
Korchnoi:	Move	by	Move
The	Alekhine	Defence:	Move	by	Move
The	Trompowsky	Attack:	Move	by	Move
Carlsen:	Move	by	Move
The	Classical	French:	Move	by	Move
Larsen:	Move	by	Move
1	…	b6:	Move	by	Move
Bird’s	Opening:	Move	by	Move
Petroff	Defence:	Move	by	Move
Fischer:	Move	by	Move
Anti-Sicilians:	Move	by	Move
Opening	Repertoire:	…	c6
First	Steps:	the	Modern
About	the	Author
1	3	…	Qa5
2	3	…	Qd6:	Introduction	and	…	c6	Lines
3	3	…	Qd6	with	…	a6
4	3	…	Qd6	with	…	g6
5	White	Delays	Nc3
6	2	…	Nf6
7	Everything	Else
Index	of	Complete	Games
Modernes	Skandinavisch,	Matthias	Wahls	(Schach	1997)
Starting	Out:	The	Scandinavian,	Jovanka	Houska	(Everyman	Chess	2009)
The	Safest	Scandinavian,	Vasilios	Kotronias	(Chess	Stars	2016)
The	Scandinavian,	John	Emms	(Everyman	Chess	2004)
When	we	first	enter	the	exciting/terrifying	arena	of	rated	tournament	chess	it	may	feel	that
whatever	 we	 know,	 everyone	 else	 seems	 to	 know	 more.	 Our	 first	 task	 is	 to	 build	 an
opening	repertoire,	preferably	one	which	fits	our	natural	style	and	inclinations.	So	why
would	we	pick	the	Scandinavian,	which	presumes	to	be	beyond	the	grasp	of	the	law	and
which,	in	the	2	…	Qxd5	versions,	we	flagrantly	violate	by	bringing	out	our	queen	on	the
second	move?	So	honest	and	upright	is	your	writer,	that	if	I	accidently	exceeded	the	speed
limit	by	five	miles	per	hour,	I	would	drive	to	the	nearest	police	station	and	turn	myself	in,
demanding	that	they	ticket	me.	Well,	maybe	this	is	a	slight	exaggeration,	but	I	certainly
wouldn’t	 play	 an	 opening	 line	 which	 violates	 chess	 laws.	 Yet	 I	 happily	 play	 the
It	 may	 feel	 crazy	 even	 to	 consider	 the	 …	 Qxd5	 Scandinavian	 lines,	 since	 on	 her
second	move	Black’s	insane	queen	goes	swooping	up,	as	if	she	were	Daenerys	Targaryen,
Breaker	 of	 Chains,	 Mother	 of	 Dragons,	 riding	 Drogon	 (that’s	 the	 largest	 of	 her	 three
dragons,	with	black	and	red	markings)	into	battle.	When	we	play	2	…	Qxd5	the	laws	of
physics	begin	to	break	down.	After	all,	how	can	bringing	out	our	queen	as	the	first	piece
developed	 be	 sound?	 If	 a	 clinical	 psychotic	 were	 to	 see	 such	 a	 move,	 his	 or	 her	 first
thought	would	be:	“That’s	crazy!”	The	natural	corollary	of	2	…	Qxd5	is	that	we	as	Black
–	already	a	move	down	–	fall	further	behind	in	development.	You	may	ask,	“What	logical
end	 are	 you	 striving	 to	 reach?”	 Why	 should	 we	 play	 a	 line	 with	 such	 an	 unwanted,
inherited	 by-product?	 Starting	 the	 game	 down	 in	 development	 with	 Black	 is	 not	 some
species-specific	issue,	since	most	openings	have	us	behind	in	development	as	Black.	It’s
just	that	the	…	Qxd5	Scandi	flaunts	it.	My	answer	is	to	dismiss	your	concerns	about	the
line’s	soundness	credentials.	Black	may	be	behind	in	development,	yet	remains	relatively
safe	since	White	must	deal	with	these	issues:
1.	White	is	unable	to	exploit	his	or	her	development	lead,	since	Black’s	ultra-solid	…
c6/	…	Bf5/	…	e6	set-up	renders	the	position	rigid.
2.	 White	 lacks	 targets	 in	 our	 weakness-free	 position,	 which	 greatly	 dilutes	 the
development	lead.
3.	 For	 some	 bizarre	 reason,	 the	 vast	 majority	 of	 my	 miniature	 wins	 (in	 under	 20
moves)	tend	to	come	from	Scandinavians.	Why?	Well,	because	many	of	my	opponents
tend	to	go	berserk	at	the	sight	of	1	…	d5!,	in	response	to	their	push	of	their	e-pawn.	A
good	 chunk	 of	 your	 club-level	 opponents	 will	 not	 respect	 or	 understand	 the
Scandinavian’s	hidden	resources	and	they	may	proceed	recklessly	in	a	position	you	will
probably	know	better	than	they	do.
When	it	comes	to	opening	choices,	we	tend	to	get	to	pick	from	two	categories:
1.	Openings	based	on	memorization	of	data	and	sharp,	computer-checked	forcing	lines.
2.	Openings	based	on	depth	of	understanding,	which	takes	precedence	over	absorption	of
So	 which	 category	 does	 Scandinavian	 fit	 in?	 The	 answer	 is	 both.	 There	 are	 incredibly
sharp	lines	in	the	…	Qa5/	…	Bg4	Scandinavians,	which	are	nothing	more	than	tactical,
homework/comp	 battles	 between	 the	 two	 sides,	 like	 the	 following	 position	 in	 the
following	diagram:
The	above	position	is	a	realm	of	no	second	chances,	since	if	we	mess	up	we	become
the	startled	sinner	on	Judgment	Day,	unprepared	for	the	Almighty’s	righteous	wrath.	In
this	position,	Black	must	be	booked	up	on	9	Nc4,	which	places	our	queen	in	great	peril;	9
h4,	intending	to	go	after	our	bishop	with	10	h5;	and	also	the	9	Bg2	line,	threatening	our
b7-pawn.	If	you	aren’t	comped	up	here,	you	are	as	good	as	dead	with	the	black	pieces.	I
take	to	quiet	strategic	lines	as	a	narcotic	to	a	terminally	ill	patient	in	chronic	pain.	Your
writer	is	bred	for	abstract	logic,	rather	than	the	blood	and	gore	of	tactics	and	calculation.
So	how	do	I	get	away	with	playing	this	crazy	line?	The	reason	I	score	well	is	that	this	line
is	heavily	comped.	I	have	been	playing	it	for	three	and	a	half	decades	and	holding	my
own,	even	versus	GMs,	since	they	play	my	computer,	not	me.	The	Scandinavian	is	the
movie	martial	arts	master	who	makes	the	apprentice	sweep	the	floor	and	mow	the	lawn	for
months	(in	our	case	years!)	before	he	is	willing	to	teach	the	disciple.	It’s	a	long	learning
curve	to	master	the	Scandinavian,	but	I	assure	you,	it’s	well	worth	the	wait,	because	once
you	understand	it,	you	will	wield	it	as	a	terrible	weapon.	It’s	a	difficult	opening	to	learn
and	we	can’t	treat	it	as	the	shoe-store	clerk	who	decides	to	change	careers	by	studying
YouTube	 videos	 on	 surgery,	 and	 then	 applies	 for	 the	 newly	 opened	 post	 of	 head	 of
neurosurgery	at	the	local	hospital.
The	Caro-Kann	Scandinavians
The	 Scandinavian,	 once	 considered	 just	 an	 interesting	 oddity,	 is	 now	 a	 fully	 fledged
member	of	the	sound	openings	category,	especially	when	we	enter	the	ultra-solid	lines	like
the	…	Qa5/	…	c6	and	…	Qd6/	…	c6	lines	which	exude	a	Caro-Kann	flavour,	as	in	the	two
diagrams	below.	I	actually	consider	the	lines	rather	easy	to	learn	and	understand.	Many	of
our	sharp	trendy	lines	are	hard	to	remember	and	it’s	easy	to	get	disoriented	in	the	network
of	tributaries.	Not	this	one.	If	modern	opening	theory	is	Big	Brother,	then	the	…	e6/	…	c6
Scandinavian	structure	is	Winston	Smith.
The	 soundness
credentials	of	the	black	side	of	a	line	like	the	Chigorin	Ruy	Lopez	are	impregnable.	Would
you	be	surprised	if	I	claimed	the	same	status	for	some	lines	of	the	Scandinavian?	Your
tactically	challenged	writer	has	survived	all	these	years,	simply	by	ducking	sharp	positions
and	playing	deviously	solid	lines.	What	does	“solid”	have	to	do	with	the	Scandinavian?
Well,	any	time	you	play	a	…	c6	version,	you	get	a	very	solid	Caro-Kann(-ish)	version,	as
in	the	above	two	diagrams.	But	you	may	ask:	“If	you	like	Caro-Kann	structures,	then	why
not	just	play	the	Caro-Kann?”	The	answer	is:	in	the	Caro-Kann	White	has	the	option	to
veer	with	un-Caro	lines	like	the	Advance	Variation,	or	the	Panov-Botvinnik	Attack,	where
he	or	she	often	takes	on	an	isolani.	In	the	Scandinavian	…	c6	versions	we	always	get
positions	similar	to	the	ultra-solid	structures	derived	from	the	Classical	lines	of	the	Caro,
which	 arise	 from	 the	 move	 order	 1	 e4	 c6	 2	 d4	 d5	 3	 Nc3	 dxe4	 4	 Nxe4.	 Our	 Scandi
positions	are	exceedingly	similar.	Trust	me.	These	lines	easily	pass	as	civilization.
The	2	…	Nf6	Scandinavian
The	Scandi	rules	are	subject	to	change	without	notice	and	maybe	the	laws	of	physics
suddenly	begin	to	alter,	where	the	sun	begins	to	revolve	around	the	earth,	and	not	the	other
way	around.	The	diagram	above	is	the	starting	position	of	the	2	…	Nf6	Scandinavian,
which	 is	 a	 completely	 different	 opening	 from	 the	 2	 …	 Qxd5	 lines,	 and	 is	 filled	 with
geological	caprices.	First	of	all,	it’s	really	a	gambit,	since	White	can	push	the	c2-pawn	to
c4	in	order	to	hang	on	to	the	now	extra	d5-pawn.	We	have	several	interesting	responses	at
our	disposal.	A	gambit	with	the	white	pieces	tends	to	be	a	risky	proposal,	while	a	gambit
with	the	black	pieces	almost	feels	reckless.	Now	I	am	normally	an	intolerant,	puritanical
conservative	 when	 it	 comes	 to	 gambits.	 So	 just	 think	 what	 I	 will	 have	 to	 say	 about
sacrificing	with	the	black	pieces!	Having	studied	the	lines	carefully,	I	came	to	a	shocking
conclusion:	Black’s	various	gambits	all	appear	sound.	I	have	never	played	the	2	…	Nf6
Scandinavian	 lines,	 always	 incorrectly	 viewing	 them	 as	 shady	 and	 every	 time	 I	 was
tempted	in	the	past,	I	always	backed	off,	thinking	this	love	affair	is	as	doomed	as	Fay
Wray’s	 cross-species	 fling	 with	 King	 Kong.	 But	 now,	 having	 absorbed	 greater
understanding	of	the	lines,	I	vow	to	start	playing	the	2	…	Nf6	Scandi.
In	a	weird	way,	this	is	almost	two	different	books,	within	a	single	book,	since	the	2	…	Nf6
lines	are	so	alien	from	the	2	…	Qxd5	lines.	Back	in	the	1980s,	IM	David	Strauss	and	I
shared	a	room	at	a	tournament	where	he	successfully	played	the	2	…	Nf6	Scandinavian.
Bewildered,	I	asked	David:	“But,	but,	but,	doesn’t	it	just	lose	a	pawn	to	3	c4	-	?”	It	does.
In	that	position	we	can	play	3	…	e6,	turning	it	into	the	dangerous	Icelandic	Gambit,	where
White	can	fall	seriously	behind	in	development.	I	have	never	had	the	guts	to	play	the	line,
yet	I	saw	friends	like	IM	David	Strauss	and	GM	Darwin	Laylo	absolutely	destroy	strong
players	with	it.	So	be	warned:	The	2	…	Nf6	line	may	outwardly	feel	less	risky	than	the	2
…	Qxd5	lines,	but	I	assure	you	it’s	not.	The	wide	range	of	the	Scandinavian	offers	us	great
leeway	 either	 to	 go	 all	 out	 and	 force	 the	 issue,	 as	 in	 the	 2	 …	 Nf6	 lines,	 or	 play	 ultra
solidly,	as	in	the	…	Qd6/	…	c6	Caro-Kann	Scandinavians,	which	I	play.	The	road	lies
ahead	for	us,	but	first	we	must	provision	for	the	journey.	Here	are	some	of	the	positions
we	reach	in	the	2	…	Nf6	lines:
The	 above	 position	 was	 reached	 from	 the	 Icelandic	 Gambit,	 from	 the	 game	 Kuijf-
Hodgson.	Black	may	be	down	a	pawn,	yet	his	massive	development	lead	and	potential	for
a	wicked	attack	surely	compensate.
This	is	the	Jadoul	Gambit,	White	can	play	f2-f3,	followed	by	c2-c4,	securing	the	extra
pawn	 on	 d5.	 Just	 as	 in	 the	 Icelandic	 Gambit,	 in	 the	 Jadoul	 Gambit	 (also	 called	 the
Portuguese	 Gambit)	 Black	 gets	 a	 massive	 development	 lead	 and	 sacrifices	 one	 and
sometimes	even	two	pawns.	Now	if	a	safety-first	chicken	of	your	writer’s	calibre	agrees	to
play	such	a	line,	then	rest	assured	that	it’s	sound.
I	 walked	 by	 my	 buddy	 GM	 Darwin	 Laylo’s	 board	 at	 a	 tournament	 and	 saw	 this
position,	which	arose	from	the	Jadoul	Gambit.	Let	me	tell	you	that	Jane	Eyre’s	suffering	at
the	orphanage	was	a	picnic	when	compared	with	what	is	about	to	happen	to	White	here.
White	doesn’t	always	try	to	hang	on	to	the	d5-pawn,	and	sometimes	just	gives	it	back
to	seize	a	large	pawn	centre.	But	this	doesn’t	mean	that	Black	is	doomed	to	stand	worse.
The	positions	we	reach	can	resemble	lines	from	Alekhine’s	Defence,	where	we	first	give
White	the	centre,	then	do	everything	we	can	to	either	overextend	or	dismantle	it.
White	 originally	 declined	 to	 hang	 on	 to	 the	 offered	 d5-pawn,	 yet	 here	 we	 see	 another
sacrifice	 on	 our	 part.	 Even	 though	 we	 may	 soon	 be	 down	 a	 pawn	 in	 an	 ending,	 our
massive	development	lead,	coupled	with	White’s	slight	overextension,	offers	us	more	than
enough	compensation	and,	in	fact,	I	think	White	will	be	lucky	to	remain	equal.
Many	thanks	to	cousin	Richard	for	his	edit	and	also	to	Nancy	for	proofreading.	May	our
overconfident	and	under-booked	opponents	rub	their	hands	in	glee	when	we	respond	to	1
e4	with	1	…	d5!.
Chapter	One
3	…	Qa5
In	this	chapter	we	cover	the	old-school	3	…	Qa5	lines,	which	can	be	played	in
extremes.	If	we	go	with	the	…	c6,	…	Bf5	and	…	e6	structures,	we	reach	one	of	the
most	solid	opening	lines	in	chess.	On	the	other	hand,	if	we	venture	the	wild	…	Bg4
lines,	we	provoke	White	into	h2-h3	and	then	g2-g4,	where	the	positions	we	reach	are
considerably	sharper	and	we	can	end	up	with	quick	wins	or	losses.
Game	1
L.Dominguez	Perez-V.Ivanchuk
Capablanca	Memorial,	Havana	2012
1	e4	d5	2	exd5	Qxd5
Black’s	principle-violating	queen	is	the	outlaw	who	bleaches	her	hair	orange	after	the
commission	of	a	crime	to	assist	her	quest	for	anonymity,	thinking	to	herself,	“There!	Now
I	 will	 blend	 in.”	 Black’s	 shocking	 move	 evaporates	 our	 Fred	 Reinfeldian	 frame	 of
reference	for	what	passes	as	“normal”	in	the	opening,	as	we	take	leave	of	the	familiar	and
embrace	the	incomprehensible.	In	one	swoop,	Black	brings	out	the	queen,	violating	the
original	sin	principles:
1.	Don’t	bring	out	your	queen	early	in	the	game.
2.	Don’t	fall	behind	in	development	in	the	opening	stage.
Yet	by	some	geometric	quirk,	I	assure	you	the	2	…	Qxd5	Scandinavian,	a	treasure	chest	of
contradiction,	remains	both	solid	and	sound.	We	look	at	2	…	Nf6	near	the	end	of	the	book.
3	Nc3	Qa5
Later	in	the	book	we	look	at	the	ultra-solid	3	…	Qd6.
Instead,	 3	 …	 Qd8!?	 is	 a	 weird	 idea	 which	 is	 growing	 in	 popularity.	 To	 me	 it	 goes
against	the	spirit	of	the	Scandinavian	by	safely	tucking	in	the	queen	and	accepting	a	slight
disadvantage.	Part	of	the	fun	of	the	Scandi	is	that	our	queen	is	in	danger.	That	fact	tends	to
push	White	into	risky	action.	Play	can	continue	4	d4	Nf6	5	Nf3	Bg4	6	h3	Bxf3	7	Qxf3	c6,
reaching	 the	 tabiya	 starting	 position.	 It	 looks	 quite	 unpleasant	 to	 me,	 with	 White	 in
ownership	of	the	bishop	pair	and	space.	My	recommendation	to	you	is	to	avoid	this	line	as
4	d4	Nf6	5	Bd2
White’s	bishop	ominously	eyes	Black’s	target	queen	on	a5.
Tip:	When	White	plays	Bd2	with	our	queen	on	a5,	be	on	high	alert	for	all	potential
discoveries	with	the	c3-knight.	But	also	remember	this:	the	more	we	expose	ourselves
to	a	toxin,	the	more	immunity	we	build.
Experienced	Scandinavian	players	barely	suppress	a	yawn	as	Black	in	such
situations,	since	we	wisely	comped	the	position	to	kingdom	come,	and	know
full	well	that	the	club-level	opponent	isn’t	magically	going	to	find	something
the	 3200-rated	 chess	 computer	 missed.	 As	 a	 chess	 teacher	 I	 refuse	 to
eternally	coddle	the	nervous	and	the	unprepared.	So	I	tell	my	students	to
relax	and	just	trust	the	comp’s	analysis,	over	our	fallible	human	opponents.
Next	we	examine	White’s	main	line	with	5	Bc4	c6	6	Nf3	Bf5	7	Bd2	e6	8	Qe2
Bb4	9	0-0-0	reaches	the	main	line,	which	we	examine	next	game,	and	8	Nd5
will	be	covered	in	the	following	two	games.
5	…	c6
This	move	offers	our	queen	air	to	escape	via	c7	or	d8.
Also	 possible	 is	 5	 …	 Bg4	 6	 f3	 (if	 6	 Be2	 Bxe2	 7	 Qxe2	 Nc6	 8	 Nf3	 Qf5	 Black	 has
benefited	 from	 the	 exchange	 of	 light-squared	 bishops,	 since	 his	 position	 is	 more	 free,
V.Okhotnik-S.Azarov,	Tallinn	2014)
Note:	 The	 insertion	 of	 a	 white	 pawn	 on	 f3	 slightly	 jumbles	 White’s	 kingside
development	by	denying	the	f3-square	for	a	piece.
6	…	Bd7	(if	the	bishop	went	to	f5,	it	would	allow	White	a	g2-g4	attacking	thrust	free
of	charge)	7	Bc4	(the	threat	is	Nd5	and	Nxc7+)	7	…	Qb6	(attacking	d4)	8	Nge2	e6	(of
course	White’s	b2-pawn	isn’t	really	hanging,	since	White	would	respond	with	Rb1	and
Rxb7)	9	Bb3	Nc6	10	Be3	Na5!	(Black	picks	off	the	bishop	pair)	11	0-0	Nxb3	12	axb3
with	a	solid	game	for	Black,	V.Anand-L.Van	Wely,	Wijk	aan	Zee	2013.
6	Bd3
The	idea	is	to	cut	off	…	Bf5.	Instead,	6	Bc4	Bf5	leads	to	the	main	lines.
6	…	Bg4!
Tip:	6	…	Bf5??	is	a	trap	we	must	know	and	avoid.	White	wins	a	piece	by	deflecting
Black’s	queen	with	7	b4!.
7	f3	Bh5
On	g6	we	can	challenge	White’s	bishop.
8	Nge2
Note:	White	intends	Nf4,	picking	up	the	bishop	pair.	What	should	we	do	about	it?	The
answer	is	…	nothing!	As	Black	in	many	Scandinavian	lines	we	allow	this	imbalance,
since	it	rids	us	of	our	bad	bishop	and	strengthens	our	pawn	structure	when	we
recapture	on	g6	with	our	h-pawn.
Tip:	Don’t	fear	the	structural	alteration	when	White	plays	8	Ne4	Qc7	9	Nxf6+	gxf6.
This	position	resembles	Larsen’s	Variation	of	the	Caro-Kann	which	runs	1	e4	c6	2	d4
d5	3	Nc3	dxe4	4	Nxe4	Nf6!?	5	Nxf6+	gxf6.	I	think	the	version	we	get	here	in	the
Scandinavian	is	actually	superior	to	the	Caro	version,	since	we	provoked	the	awkward
f2-f3	from	White.
8	…	Nbd7
8	…	Bg6	is	also	possible.	After	9	Ne4	Qb6	10	Nxf6+	gxf6	11	Be3	Nd7	we	have	a
sharp	game	where	Black	stands	no	worse.
9	Nf4	Bg6	10	Nxg6	hxg6
Was	it	a	mistake	for	us	to	give	White	the	bishop	pair?	No,	since	we	dumped	our	bad
bishop	and,	as	a	bonus,	received	an	open	h-file,	which	could	come	in	handy	to	whip	up	an
attack	should	White	decide	to	castle	short.
11	Qe2	e6	12	Ne4	Bb4!
Black	either	rids	White	of	the	bishop	pair,	or	induces	c2-c3.	Why	is	that	important?
Because	if	we	provoke	c2-c3,	White’s	king	will	be	unsafe	on	either	side	of	the	board.
Black’s	last	move	was	stronger	than	the	also	playable	12	…	Qb6.
13	c3
13	Nd6+	fails	to	bother	Black’s	king,	since	he	is	happy	on	f8,	with	the	h8-rook	in
control	over	the	open	file.	Play	continues	13	…	Kf8	and	now	if	14	Nxb7?	Qb6	15	Nc5
Nxc5	16	dxc5	Bxd2+	17	Qxd2	Qxb2	18	0-0	Qe5!	with	a	double	attack	on	h2	and	c5,
which	wins	a	pawn.
13	…	Be7	14	g3!?
a)	14	0-0	Qc7	allows	Black’s	queen	to	take	aim	at	h2.
b)	14	c4	can	be	met	by	14	…	Bb4!.
Tip:	 In	 this	 situation,	 typical	 of	 some	 Caro-Kann	 lines,	 we	 shouldn’t	 fear	 the
“combination”	15	Nd6+?!	Ke7	16	Nxb7	Qb6.
White’s	extra	pawn	was	short	lived,	since	Black	immediately	regains	it,	favourably.
After	17	Nc5	Bxd2+	18	Qxd2	Nxc5	19	dxc5	Qxc5	20	0-0-0	Rhd8	the	advantage	is	with
Black,	 who	 has	 increased	 control	 over	 the	 central	 dark	 squares,	 has	 the	 potential	 for	 a
good	 knight	 versus	 bad	 bishop	 situation,	 and	 who	 owns	 the	 favourable	 pawn	 majority.
Finally,	Black’s	king	looks	safer.
14	…	Nxe4!?
Ivanchuk	invites	White	to	take	central	control,	with	the	intention	of	chipping	away	at
the	centre	from	the	sides.	I	would	be	more	inclined	to	play	the	safer	14	…	0-0,	which	is
15	fxe4	Bg5!
Two	principles	follow	with	this	move:
1.	The	cramped	side	benefits	from	exchanges.
2.	When	your	opponent	owns	the	bishop	pair,	swap	one	of	them	off.
16	0-0	Bxd2	17	Qxd2	c5!
Ivanchuk	demonstrates	that	White’s	imposing	pawn	centre	is	as	much	a	liability	as	an
18	Qf2	0-0	19	e5!?
The	fact	that	we	own	a	pencil	and	a	piece	of	paper	doesn’t	automatically	mean	we
have	the	ability	to	draw.	White	enhances	his	bishop’s	power,	at	the	cost	of	turning	his	d-
pawn	into	a	backward	one.
19	…	Rad8	20	Be4	cxd4	21	cxd4	Nb8	22	Rad1?!
This	move	may	be	overly	ambitious.	22	Bxb7	Qb6	23	Bg2	Rxd4	24	Rad1	Rxd1	25
Rxd1	Rd8	looks	about	even.
22	…	Nc6	23	Rd3
After	23	Bxc6	bxc6	24	b3	Qb4	25	Rd3	Rd5	26	Rc1	Qb6,	White	is	the	one	fighting	for
the	draw.
23	…	Qb6	24	Rfd1	Rd7	25	Rb3	Qa6	26	Ra3	Qb5	27	Bxc6
White	 attempts	 to	 reduce	 pressure	 from	 d4.	 27	 Rb3?!	 is	 met	 by	 27	 …	 Qa4!	 with
pressure	on	a2	and	d4.
27	…	bxc6	28	Rf1	f5!
In	this	way	Black	doesn’t	have	to	worry	about	defending	f7	any	more.
29	b3?
White	gets	better	chances	to	draw	if	he	enters	a	pawn	down	queen	ending	with	29	exf6
Rxf6	30	Rf3	Rdf7	31	Rxf6	Rxf6	32	Qg2	Rxf1+	33	Qxf1	Qxb2	34	Qc4	Kf7.
29	…	Rfd8	30	Ra4	c5!
This	 is	 the	 unpleasant	 by-product	 of	 his	 29th	 move.	 Now	 White	 is	 given	 a	 terrible
choice	of	losing	a	pawn	or	allowing	Black’s	rooks	to	infiltrate	at	d2.
31	dxc5?
This	allows	decisive	rook	entry	and	White	is	now	as	far	from	salvation	as	the	sky	is	to
the	ground	below.	He	should	just	give	up	a	pawn	with	31	Rd1	Qb6	32	h4	Rxd4	33	Raxd4
cxd4	34	Rd3.	It’s	still	lost,	but	at	least	here	White	can	play	on.
31	…	Rd2	32	Qf3
32	Qe3??	R8d3	33	Qg5	Qxc5+	34	Kh1	Qd5+	forces	mate.
32	…	Qxc5+	33	Kh1	Qc2!
It’s	time	to	go	after	the	Dickensian	waif	on	h2.
34	Rc4	Qxa2
There	was	also	nothing	wrong	with	grabbing	both	pawns	with	34	…	Rxh2+	35	Kg1
35	Rh4	g5!
This	places	White’s	rook	way	offside.
36	Rh5	g4	37	Qc6	Qxb3
Covering	e6,	while	nabbing	another	white	pawn.
38	Rg5
Exercise:	(mating	pattern):	How	does	Black	force	mate?
Answer:	38	…	Rd1!	0-1
Answer	#2:	Also	crushing	is	38	…	Rc2!	with	the	removal	of	the	defender.	White’s
queen	must	vacate	the	h1-a8	diagonal	with	devastating	consequences	to	his	king	after	39
Qa6	Qd5+	with	mate	in	two	moves.
After	38	…	Rd1!	as	played,	39	Qg2	(or	39	Rxd1	Qxd1+	40	Kg2	Rd2	mate)	39	…
Rxf1+	40	Qxf1	Rd1	wins	the	queen.
Meet	an	early	Bd2	with	…	c7-c6,	which	offers	our	queen	an	escape	route	to	potential
knight	discoveries.
Game	2
San	Luis	Zonal	2007
1	e4	d5	2	exd5	Qxd5	3	Nc3	Qa5	4	Nf3	Nf6	5	d4	c6	6	Bc4	Bf5	7	Bd2	e6	8	Qe2
This	is	considered	White’s	main	line.	In	the	next	game	we	look	at	8	Nd5.
8	…	Bb4
If	someone	walks	up	to	you	and	attempts	to	sell	you	a	gold	brick	for	$20,	the	odds	are
rather	high	that	it’s	an	actual	brick,	spray-painted	gold.	Don’t	get	greedy	with	8	…	Bxc2??
9	d5!.
Warning:	 Note	 the	 principles:	 open	 the	 position	 and	 create	 confrontation	 when
leading	in	development.
After	9	…	cxd5	10	Nxd5	Qd8	11	Bb5+	Nc6	(11	…	Nbd7	12	Ne5!	is	lethal)	12	Nxf6+
gxf6	13	Rc1	Bg6	14	Rxc6,	the	description	of	Black’s	position	which	comes	to	mind	is	that
it	looks	a	lot	like	the	eviscerated	entrails	of	a	rat,	blown	to	smithereens	by	the	disgruntled
farmer’s	12-gauge	shotgun.
9	0-0-0	Nbd7	10	a3
10	 d5	 doesn’t	 lead	 anywhere	 for	 White	 after	 10	 …	 cxd5	 11	 Nxd5	 Nxd5	 12	 Bxd5
Bxd2+	13	Rxd2	Nc5	with	a	good	position	for	Black.
10	…	Bxc3
Tip:	Don’t	be	afraid	of	handing	over	the	bishop	pair	to	White.	The	structure	is	rigid
for	now,	which	enhances	the	capabilities	of	Black’s	knights.
11	Bxc3	Qc7	12	Ne5
White	clears	the	path	for	ideas	such	as	f2-f3	and	g2-g4.
12	…	Nxe5
The	main	line,	which	follows	the	principle:	Clarify	the	structure	into	rigid	resolution
when	your	opponent	owns	the	bishop	pair.
Instead,	12	…	0-0!?	is	a	playable,	high-risk	venture.	After	13	g4	(the	calmer	13	f3
intending	g2-g4	is	also	worth	a	thought)	13	…	Nxe5	14	dxe5	Nxg4	15	Rhg1	Nh6	16	Bd2
Kh8	17	Bxh6	gxh6	18	Rd6	Rg8,	White	got	full	compensation	for	his	sacrificed	pawn,
H.Steingrimsson-E.Prie,	Reykjavik	1993.
13	dxe5	Nd5
14	Bd2
White	logically	preserves	the	bishop	pair.	Sometimes	I	get	the	cowardly/joy-killing	14
Bxd5,	which	is	an	attempt	to	grovel	a	draw	in	an	opposite-coloured	bishops	ending.	After
14	…	cxd5	(if	you	are	desperately	in	need	of	a	win,	then	you	can	venture	the	risky	14	…
exd5!?	15	g4	Bg6	16	Qe3!,	preventing	queenside	castling;	White	probably	has	the	better
chances,	but	at	least	it’s	complicated	and	you	denied	your	cowardly	opponent	a	drawish
game)	15	Bb4	Rc8	16	Rd2	b6	17	Qb5+	Qc6	18	Qxc6+	Rxc6.	The	ending	is	pretty	close	to
even,	but	if	anyone	is	going	to	win,	it	will	be	Black,	who	can	play	on	the	c-file	and	light
squares	with	the	plan	…	Kd7,	…	Rhc8	and	…	Rc4.	I	once	beat	a	2300+	rated	player	from
this	position,	so	it’s	not	100%	drawn.
14	…	0-0-0	15	g4
White	typically	plays	for	f2-f4	and	then	f4-f5.
15	…	Bg6	16	f4	h5!
In	this	way	Black	generates	play	down	the	h-file.
17	h3
17	g5?!	would	be	a	strategic	error	from	White,	who	just	froze	his	once	mobile	kingside
structure	and	also	handed	Black	control	over	the	freshly	minted	f5-hole.
17	…	Qb6!
Reactivating	the	queen,	while	fighting	for	control	over	e3.
18	Rhf1
Still	angling	for	f4-f5.
18	…	hxg4	19	hxg4	Qc5!
The	queen	latently	eyes	c2,	while	creeping	closer	to	the	c4-bishop.
20	Bb3
20	 f5?!	 exf5	 21	 gxf5??	 would	 be	 a	 big	 blunder	 due	 to	 21	 …	 Bh5,	 bagging	 the
exchange	on	d1.
20	…	Rh3!
The	threat	is	…	Rxb3.
21	Qf2
Black	is	okay	in	this	ending.	21	Rf3	is	considered	the	critical	line.	The	following	game
is	an	example	of	Black’s	optimal	play	against	this	move:	21	…	Rdh8	22	f5	Rh2	23	Qc4
Qxc4	24	Bxc4	exf5	25	gxf5	Bh5	26	Bxd5	cxd5	27	Rc3+	Kd7	28	e6+	fxe6	29	fxe6+	Kxe6
30	Re1+	Kd7	31	Bf4	Re2!	(ignoring	the	c7-invasion)	32	Rc7+	Ke6	33	Rxe2+	Bxe2	34
Rxg7	d4!	35	Kd2!	(35	Rxb7??	Rh1+	36	Kd2	Bf3!	37	Rxa7	Rd1	is	mate)	35	…	Ba6	36
Rg5	and	the	players	agreed	to	a	draw,	Z.Markovic-M.Savic,	Senta	2011.
21	…	Qxf2	22	Rxf2	Be4!
Black’s	bishop	sidesteps	the	coming	f4-f5.
23	Re1
23	f5!?	Bf3	24	fxe6!?	Bxd1!?	(24	…	fxe6	is	also	okay	for	Black)	25	Bxd5	cxd5	26
exf7	Bxg4!	27	f8Q	Rh1+	28	Rf1	Rxf8	29	Rxh1	Bf5	with	an	equal	ending.
23	…	Bf3!	24	g5?!
Nobody	 can	 describe	 White’s	 kingside	 structure	 as	 an	 exquisitely	 choreographed
ballet.	White	risks	an	overpress.	Handing	Black	control	over	the	f5-hole	and	the	kingside
light	squares	is	a	big	concession.	Far	safer	is	24	Rg1	Rdh8	25	f5	Rh1	26	Rff1	Rxg1	27
Rxg1	Kd7	which	is	fine	for	Black.
24	…	Ne7?!
24	…	Bg4!	is	more	accurate.
25	Bb4?!
White	misses	25	g6!	and	if	25	…	Nxg6	26	f5!,	White’s	initiative	flares	up.
25	…	Nd5	26	Bd2	Bg4!
Now	we	transpose	to	the	note	above	and	Black	is	back	on	track.
27	Bc4	Bf5
The	bishop	occupies	the	f5-hole.
28	b3	Ne7	29	a4	Ng6	30	a5	b6	31	Bf1	Rg3	32	Re3	Rg1	33	Rc3	Kc7	34	Re3	Rh8	35
Kb2	Rhh1	36	Bd3?
36	Re1	is	correct,	when	Black	only	holds	a	slight	edge	after	36	…	Nh4.
36	…	Rb1+	37	Kc3	Ne7!
White	must	watch	out	for	a	knight	check	on	d5.
38	Kc4
After	38	axb6+	axb6	39	Ref3	c5!	40	Bxf5	Nxf5	41	Be3	White’s	king	is	not	too	safe
and	he	landed	in	a	classic	good	knight	versus	bad	bishop	position.
38	…	c5	39	Kb5!?
White	 attempts	 the	 lemons-to-lemonade	 trick,	 by	 trying	 to	 transform	 his	 advanced
king	into	a	virtue,	rather	than	a	liability.
39	…	Kb7
Cutting	off	potential	king	invasions	into	a6,	while	worrying	White	about	…	a7-a6+
40	a6+	Kc7	41	Be4?!
41	Ref3	is	a	tougher	defence.
41	…	Rhd1?!
Black	misses	41	…	Bxe4!	42	Rxe4	g6	43	Re3	Nf5	44	Rd3	Nd4+,	winning	material.
42	Bf3
42	Bxf5	Nxf5	43	Rd3	Rb2!	44	Be3	Rxd3	45	cxd3	Rxb3+	46	Kc4	Rb4+	47	Kc3	Nxe3
42	…	Bxc2!?
Black	gets	two	pawns	for	this	exchange	sacrifice,	but	42	…	Rg1!	is	even	stronger.
43	Bxd1	Bxd1	44	Re1	Nf5?!
44	…	Rxb3+	45	Kc4	Rb1	is	completely	lost	for	White.
45	Bc3	Rxb3+
White’s	position	continues	to	disgorge	pawns	at	an	alarming	rate.
46	Kc4
Exercise	(combination	alert):	Black	missed	a	way	to	win	more	material	here.	Do	you
see	how	to	do	it?
46	…	Ra3
Still	winning.
Answer:	But	stronger	was	46	…	b5+!	with	deflection/removal	of	the	guard.	After	47
Kxc5	Rxc3+	and	if	48	Kb4?	Rc4+	49	Kxb5	Bb3!,	Black’s	threat	of	…	Nd4+	and	…	Ra4
mate	can	only	be	stopped	by	handing	over	even	more	material.
47	Rd2
47	Rxd1	is	met	by	the	fork	47	…	Ne3+.
47	…	Bf3	48	Ra1
Exercise	(combination	alert):	Black	to	play	and	win	more	material.
48	…	Bd5+!
Answer:	Step	1:	Drive	the	king	to	d3.
49	Kd3	c4+!	0-1
Step	2:	Drive	the	king	to	c2	–	50	Kc2	Be4+!
Step	3:	Drive	the	king	to	b2	–	51	Kb2	Rb3+	–	White’s	demoted	bishop	seems	to	be	an
eternal	“associate”	status	member	of	his	team.
Step	4:	Deliver	a	rook	check	on	b3,	which	separates	king	from	bishop.
This	game	is	one	of	the	most	important	in	the	book	for	…	Qa5	Scandinavian	players.	At
the	 very	 least,	 you	 must	 memorize	 the	 tabiya	 position	 which	 arises	 after	 Black’s	 14th
move.	Not	only	that,	but	you	should	be	ready	for	White’s	plan	to	push	his	or	her	kingside
pawns	with	a	g2-g4	advance.	So	study	this	one	carefully.
Game	3
Austrian	Team	Championship	2014
1	e4	d5	2	exd5	Qxd5	3	Nc3	Qa5	4	d4	Nf6	5	Nf3	c6	6	Bc4	Bf5	7	Bd2	e6	8	Nd5
With	this	move	White	hopes	to	achieve	the	following:
1.	The	c3-knight	is	often	a	problem	piece,	since	it	almost	artificially	isolates	White’s
d-pawn.	By	moving	the	knight,	White	allows	his	c-pawn	free	to	push	to	c3,	supporting	d4.
2.	Black’s	queen	will	be	chased	to	d8,	which	blocks	the	natural	square	for	a	black
3.	 When	 White	 swaps	 on	 f6,	 if	 Black’s	 queen	 captures,	 she	 is	 vulnerable;	 if	 Black
recaptures	 with	 the	 g-pawn,	 many	 players	 perceive	 it	 as	 damage	 to	 Black’s	 structure
(whereas	I	don’t!).
8	…	Qd8	9	Nxf6+	gxf6!
Tip:	Don’t	consider	this	“damage”	to	our	pawn	structure.
In	fact,	it	can	be	argued	that	Black’s	structure	has	actually	been	enhanced,	since	by
playing	…	g7xf6,	Black	has:
1.	Seized	control	over	the	e5-square.
2.	Seized	a	greater	central	influence,	since	our	g-pawn	got	promoted	to	a	more	central
3.	Seized	an	open	g-file,	which	can	come	in	very	handy	as	the	precursor	to	an	attack,
should	White	castle	kingside.
I	advise	the	reader	to	avoid	9	…	Qxf6?!	which	loses	even	more	time,	since	Black’s
queen	isn’t	well	placed	on	f6.	After	10	c3	Nd7	11	Qb3	Nb6	12	Be2	h6	13	a4!	0-0-0	14	a5
Nd5	15	Ne5	a6	16	f4	(16	c4	Nc7	17	Bc3	looks	pretty	tough	for	Black)	16	…	Be4	17	0-0
Qe7	18	Rfe1	Bh7	19	Nxc6?!	(this	sacrifice	allows	Black	back	into	the	game;	White	stands
clearly	better	after	19	Bh5!)	19	…	bxc6	20	Bxa6+	Kd7?	(20	…	Kc7!	is	okay	for	Black)	21
Qb7+?	(21	Bb7!,	preparing	to	push	the	a-pawn,	favours	White)	21	…	Nc7?	(21	…	Kd6!)
22	d5!	Qc5+!	23	Be3	exd5!	24	Rad1?	(after	24	Bxc5??	Bxc5+	25	Kh1	Rb8	Black	regains
the	sacrificed	queen	with	interest;	however,	Black	is	busted	after	the	simple	24	Kh1!)	24
…	Qxa5	25	b4??	(25	Ra1!	is	still	better	for	White)	25	…	Qxa6	0-1.	Black	is	two	pieces	up
and	queens	are	coming	off	the	board,	A.Shirov-C.Lakdawala,	Internet	Blitz	1996.	This
game	 gives	 direct	 challenge	 to	 the	 Capablanca	 quip	 of	 the	 better	 player	 always	 being
lucky.	Sometimes	the	crappy	one	lucks	out	as	well!
10	c3	Nd7	11	Bf4	Nb6	12	Bb3	a5!
This	move	gains	useful	space	on	the	queenside	and	makes	it	less	palatable	for	White	to
castle	long.
13	a4
Note:	This	move	comes	at	a	cost	for	White.	Now	when	Black	posts	a	knight	on	d5,
White	 is	 not	 so	 tempted	 to	 boot	 it	 out	 with	 c3-c4,	 since	 the	 knight	 can	 jump	 into	 the
freshly	created	hole	on	b4.
13	…	Nd5	14	Bg3	Bg4	15	0-0	Qb6!?
Black	threatens	…	Bxf3,	when	White	would	be	forced	to	recapture	with	his	g-pawn.
Black	equalizes	comfortably	if	he	plays	it	safe	with	15	…	Bd6!	16	Re1	0-0	17	Bc2	f5	18
Qd3	Bxf3!	19	Qxf3	Kh8.
16	c4!
The	only	move.
16	…	Nb4	17	Qe2	c5!?	18	Qe4?!
This	wastes	time.	Correct	was	18	h3	Bh5	19	d5	Bg7	20	Rfe1	0-0!	21	dxe6	Nc6!	22
exf7+	Rxf7	23	Bd1	Re7	with	full	compensation	for	the	pawn.	Since	White’s	forces	are
tangled,	Black’s	knight	has	access	to	b4	and	d4	and	Black’s	queen	applies	pressure	down
the	b-file.
18	…	f5	19	Qe3	Bxf3	20	Qxf3	Nc6!
Black	threatens	to	bang	down	a	knight	on	d4,	forking	white	queen	and	b3-bishop.
21	dxc5	Bxc5
Black	has	the	advantage	as	he	dominates	key	central	dark	squares:	d4,	c5,	b6	and	b4.
Also,	White’s	light-squared	bishop	is	a	god-awful	piece,	with	a-	and	c-pawns	fixed	on	the
wrong	colour.
22	Rad1?
He	had	to	try	22	Qc3	Bd4	23	Qc2	Rg8	24	Rfe1.	Now	I	admit	that	in	this	line	White’s
pieces,	much	like	our	lazy	dogs,	sprawl	limply	on	the	floor,	doing	nothing,	while	thinking
about	nothing.	White’s	game	is	strategically	miserable,	but	still	better	than	what	he	got	in
the	game’s	continuation.
This	decision	doesn’t	easily	lend	itself	to	the	concept	of	moderation.	In	this	case	White
hopes	his	sacrifice	is	the	Snickers	bar	for	his	low-energy,	sagging	position.
Exercise	(combination	alert):	White’s	last	move,	a	desperate/unsound	sacrifice,	was
made	 with	 the	 thought:	 collateral	 damage	 to	 your	 own	 side	 is	 sometimes	 a	 regrettable
military	necessity.	Black	has	a	simple	way	to	win	material.	How?
22	…	Nd4
Answer:	Double	attack	on	f3	and	b3.	The	move	is	so	simple	and	so	easy	to	find	that	it
doesn’t	 really	 even	 deserve	 an	 exclam.	 White’s	 metastasizing	 dark	 square	 weakness
continues	to	spread	unchecked.
23	Qh5	Qxb3
Or	23	…	Nxb3	24	Be5	Rf8	25	Bg7	Nd4!	26	Qxh7	(your	attack	is	likely	to	fail	when
only	20%	of	your	forces	penetrate	enemy	territory)	26	…	Rd8	27	Bxf8	Bxf8	and	Black’s
two	pieces	far	outweigh	White’s	rook	and	pawn.
24	Be5	0-0-0	25	Bxh8	Rxh8	26	Qxf7
A	bomb	is	a	useless	weapon	when	deprived	of	the	targets	on	which	it	seeks	to	expend
itself.	White	has	indeed	made	inroads	into	Black’s	kingside.	The	problem	is	that	Black’s
king	now	resides	on	the	other	side.
26	…	Rd8
Very	clearly,	we	see	that	White’s	would-be	initiative	now	droops	like	an	elderly	and
under-watered	rose.
27	Rxd4!?
He	turns	it	into	a	full	piece	sacrifice	to	pick	up	a	few	black	pawns.
The	greedy	27	Qxh7??	walks	into	27	…	Ne2+	28	Kh1	Qxd1,	when	White	not	only
drops	a	rook,	but	is	also	mated.
27	…	Bxd4	28	Qxe6+	Kb8	29	Qxf5	Qxc4	30	b3
After	30	Qxh7	Black	has	the	killing	shot	30	…	Bxf2+!,	winning	on	the	spot.
30	…	Qxb3	31	Qxa5
The	verdict	from	the	gathered	evidence	is	now	well	past	the	point	of	denial.	White’s
last	move	was	a	blunder	in	an	already	lost	situation.	His	defence	has	been	rendered	as
dysfunctional	as	his	counter-attack.
Exercise:	Black	to	play	and	force	the	win:
31	…	Bxf2+!
Answer:	Attraction/weak	back	rank/queen	trap.
32	Rxf2
A	suggestion	isn’t	really	a	suggestion	if	you	don’t	have	the	option	of	turning	it	down:
a)	32	Kxf2	Rf8+	33	Ke2	Qc2+	wins.
b)	After	32	Kh1	Rd5!	the	once	invisible	begins	to	materialize	in	a	shimmer	of	de-
bonding	atoms.	Black	unexpectedly	traps	White’s	queen.
32	…	Rd1+	33	Rf1	Qe3+	34	Kh1	Rxf1	mate
Don’t	be	afraid	to	face	White’s	knight	discovery	8	Nd5	Qd8	9	Nxf6+,	when	we	follow
principle	by	capturing	toward	the	centre	with	9	…	gxf6.	The	position	we	reach	is	similar
to	Larsen’s	line	of	the	Caro-Kann.
Game	4
San	Diego	Rapidplay	2006
IM	John	Bryant	is	the	son	of	GM	Enrico	Sevillano,	who	also	played	in	this	tournament.
1	e4	d5	2	exd5	Qxd5	3	Nc3	Qa5	4	d4	Nf6	5	Bc4	Bg4
Black	takes	advantage	of	White’s	slightly	non-standard	move	order	with	a	move	which
either	provokes	a	pawn	weakness	or	a	pin.	5	…	c6	6	Nf3	Bf5	7	Bd2	e6	leads	to	positions
we	have	already	examined.
6	f3
a)	6	Nge2	e6	7	0-0	Bd6	8	f3	Bf5	9	Ng3	Bg6	10	Nce4	Nbd7	looks	okay	for	Black.
b)	After	6	Nf3	Nc6!	Black	is	ready	to	castle	queenside	and	play	…	e7-e5,	with	at	least
an	equal	game.
6	…	Bh5!?
This	 move	 probably	 takes	 provocation	 a	 bit	 too	 far,	 since	 Black’s	 bishop	 becomes
vulnerable	to	future	g2-g4	and	f3-f4!	smothering	ideas.	Safer	and	stronger	is	6	…	Bf5,
Black’s	main	line,	which	runs	7	Nge2	e6	8	Bd2	Qb6	9	0-0	c6	and	I	don’t	believe	Black
stands	worse.
7	Bd2
The	threat	is	Nd5	and	Nxc7+.
If	7	Nge2	Nc6!?	8	Bd2	0-0-0	9	Nd5	Qa4	10	b3	Qa3.
Remember	 our	 sacred	 Scandinavian	 prayer:	 our	 queen	 only	 requires	 a	 single	 safe
square.	After	11	Nxf6	gxf6	12	c3,	the	advance	…	e7-e5	is	coming	and	I	think	Black	gets
fully	even	chances	in	the	coming	complications,	T.Radjabov-C.Lakdawala,	Internet	Blitz
7	…	c6?!
Your	writer	is	now	older	and	wiser	than	the	2006	version,	where	I	didn’t	know	any
better.	This	move	is	inaccurate	and	allows	White	a	powerful	idea.	Correct	was	7	…	Qb6!	8
Nge2	e6.
Tip:	Watch	out	for	traps	like	8	…	Nc6??,	which	is	in	blasphemous	violation	of	the
our-queen-requires-only-a-single-safe-square	prayer.	After	9	Na4	we	go	home	early,
since	our	queen	is	trapped.
8	Nd5
Much	 stronger	 was	 8	 Qe2!,	 leaving	 Nd5	 hanging	 over	 Black’s	 head,	 since	 White
threatens	 g2-g4	 and	 then	 f2-f4,	 intending	 f4-f5.	 Here	 8	 …	 Bg6!	 is	 an	 unplayed	 move
(which	is	I	believe	an	improvement	over	theory’s	8	…	Qc7?!	9	g4	Bg6	10	f4!,	when	Black
is	in	serious	trouble)	9	0-0-0	Qc7	10	h4	e6	11	Nh3	Bd6	12	Ne4	with	a	solid	advantage	for
8	…	Qd8	9	Nxf6+	gxf6
More	thematic	than	capturing	with	the	e-pawn,	away	from	the	centre.
10	Ne2
Protecting	the	d4-pawn,	while	contemplating	a	future	Nf4,	going	after	my	h5-bishop.
10	Qe2!?,	offering	d4	for	a	development	lead,	is	an	alternative.
10	…	Bg6	11	c3	Nd7	12	0-0
12	 h4	 Nb6	 13	 Bb3	 Qd7	 14	 Nf4	 Bh6	 15	 h5	 Bf5	 16	 g4	 Qd6!	 allows	 Black’s	 light-
squared	bishop	to	slip	out.
12	…	Qc7	13	Re1
13	Bf4	is	met	by	13	…	e5.
13	…	e6	14	Bf4
Or	14	Nf4	0-0-0	and	of	course	Black	isn’t	afraid	of	Nxg6,	since	…	h7xg6	opens	the	h-
file	for	Black’s	potential	attack.
14	…	Bd6	15	Bxd6	Qxd6	16	a4
White	starts	attacking	the	queenside	even	before	I	commit	my	king	there!
16	…	Nb6
16	…	0-0!?	is	also	possible.
17	Ba2	Nd5
Note:	A	reminder	–	when	they	toss	in	a2-a4	in	such	structures,	just	like	last	game,	we
can	post	a	knight	on	d5.	If	White	plays	c3-c4,	our	knight	can	jump	into	the	b4	hole.
18	Ng3	0-0-0!?
This	is	an	outright	declaration	of	war.	18	…	0-0	is	safer,	but	I	had	to	win	to	go	for	a	tie
for	first	place	with	Bryant’s	GM	father.
19	a5
19	Ne4	Qe7	20	Qd2	Rhg8	is	the	alternative.
19	…	f5
Denying	White’s	knight	use	of	e4.
20	Qa4	a6	21	Bxd5
He	wants	to	stick	me	with	a	bad	bishop	versus	his	remaining	knight.
21	…	cxd5	22	b4?!
If	you	see	a	crime	taking	place	against	your	position	and	you	do	nothing	about	it,	you
cannot	be	called	an	“innocent	bystander”.	It	does	you	no	good	to	only	work	out	half	of	the
equation.	The	position	is	deceptive.	It	looks	like	White	gained	the	quicker	attack	and	also
a	 good	 knight	 versus	 bad	 bishop,	 since	 every	 single	 pawn	 on	 my	 side	 is	 on	 the	 same
colour	 as	 my	 remaining	 bishop.	 But	 the	 reality	 is	 the	 opposite.	 Black’s	 bishop	 is	 the
stronger	piece	and	Black’s	attack	is	also	faster.	White	had	to	try	22	Ne2!,	intending	to
transfer	the	knight	to	either	d3	or	b3.
22	…	f4
Kicking	 the	 knight	 but,	 more	 importantly,	 crimping	 the	 white	 g-pawn.	 This	 fact
coordinates	perfectly	with	the	open	g-file	Black	has	at	his	disposal.
23	Nf1
He	was	better	off	playing	the	knight	to	e2.
23	…	Bd3!
This	move	flips	the	assessment,	base	over	apex,	and	we	begin	to	sense	a	great	divide
between	what	White’s	game	appears	on	the	outside	and	how	it	really	is	on	the	inside.	In
this	case	Black’s	enhanced	ability	on	the	light	squares	acts	as	an	opiate	against	White’s
fading	 power	 on	 the	 dark	 squares.	 The	 bishop	 shuts	 down	 White’s	 queenside	 play	 by
freezing	his	pawns.	Now	White	can	only	wait.
24	Nd2	Rhg8	25	Nb3	Rg6
Preparing	to	double	rooks	on	the	open	g-file.
26	Nc5	Bc4!
In	this	way	I	make	it	harder	for	my	opponent	to	cover	g2	since,	on	c4,	the	bishop
prevents	both	Ra2	and	Re2.
27	Re5?
When	our	forces	fail	to	coordinate,	we	become	the	captain	of	the	ship	threatened	with
mutiny.	Now	there’s	no	way	for	a	rook	to	cover	the	second	rank	and	g2,	since	Black’s
bishop	covers	both	a2	and	e2,	making	defence	of	the	white	king	impossible.	Here	my	eyes
gazed	at	the	ceiling	and	my	lips	moved	silently,	perhaps	in	prayerful	thanks	to	the	chess
goddess,	since	I	realized	I	was	completely	winning.	Necessary	was	the	awkward	27	Red1.
27	…	Rdg8	28	Qc2
Exercise	 (planning):	 White’s	 position	 is	 a	 stormy	 sky,	 about	 to	 erupt	 into	 a	 full-
blown	storm.	Find	one	powerful	idea	and	White’s	king	can’t	be	saved.
28	…	Qf8!
Normally	your	attack/initiative-challenged	writer	tends	to	spray	errors	like	a	fountain
during	the	time	pressure	phase,	but	not	this	time.
Answer:	 Step	 1:	 Transfer	 the	 queen	 into	 the	 attack,	 via	 f8.	 The	 effectiveness	 of
Black’s	well-coordinated	force	achieves	results	far	out	of	proportion	to	its	size.
29	Rd1	Qh6!
The	h2-square,	not	g2,	is	the	intended	target.	White	remains	alive	after	the	inaccurate
29	…	Qg7?!	30	Rd2.
30	Kh1	Qh4!
There’s	no	defence	against	…	Rh6.	This	move	is	even	stronger	than	the	also	winning
30	…	Rxg2	31	Qxg2	Rxg2	32	Kxg2	Qg6+	33	Kh3	Qc2	34	Rg1	Qxc3.	The	base	of	White’s
structure	collapses.
31	Qa4
31	 Rd2	 Rh6	 32	 h3	 allows	 the	 breakthrough	 sacrifice	 32	 …	 Rxg2!	 33	 Rxg2	 (or	 33
Kxg2	Qxh3+	34	Kf2	Qf1	mate)	33	…	Qxh3+	34	Kg1	Qh1+	35	Kf2	Qf1	mate.
31	…	Bb5	0-1
The	careless	31	…	Rxg2??	walks	into	32	Qd7+	Kb8	(the	king	hoped	to	terminate	the
interview	with	his	sister	as	soon	as	etiquette	allows,	but	she	just	won’t	go	away)	33	Qxb7
and	it	is	Black’s	king	who	is	mated.
However,	after	31	…	Bb5	White	is	mated:	32	Qc2	Rh6	33	h3	Rg3!	34	Rd2	Rxh3+!	35
gxh3	Qxh3+	36	Rh2	(36	Kg1	Qf1	mate)	36	…	Qf1	mate.
Lines	 in	 which	 we	 end	 up	 with	 the	 …	 g7xf6	 structure	 often	 end	 up	 with	 the	 players
castling	on	opposite	wings,	with	mutual	attacks.	Your	job	is	to	get	to	the	opponent’s	king
Game	5
E.Moreno	Tejera-V.Laznicka
German	League	2016
1	e4	d5	2	exd5	Qxd5	3	Nc3	Qa5	4	Bc4	Nf6	5	d3
This	is	an	example	of	White	holding	back	on	d2-d4.	The	idea	is	to	avoid	providing
Black	with	a	target.
5	…	Bg4
I	like	this	move	better	than	Black’s	main	continuation	5	…	c6	6	Bd2	Qc7	7	Qe2,	when
White	prepares	to	castle	queenside.
6	f3	Bd7!
Tip:	After	 having	 provoked	 a	 weakness	 in	 White’s	 camp	 with	 …	 Bg4,	 our	 bishop
sometimes	posts	itself	on	d7,	the	safest	spot,	since	h5	or	f5	allows	White	a	future	useful
tempo	with	g2-g4.
7	Bd2	Qb6!
I	also	prefer	this	move	to	7	…	c6.
8	Qe2	Nc6!
Threatening	to	harass	White’s	queen	with	a	future	…	Nd4.	8	…	Qxb2?!	would	be	an
unwise	pawn	grab.	After	9	Rb1	Qa3	(9	…	Qxc2??	is	yet	again	a	violation	of	the	our-
queen-only-requires-one-square	prayer:	10	Bb3	and	adios	black	queen)	10	Rb3	Qc5	11
Rxb7,	when	it	is	White	who	benefited	from	the	exchange	of	b-pawns.
9	Na4
Is	the	queen	trapped?
9	…	Qd4
Note:	No.	Please	remember	our	sacred	prayer.	As	all	the	comps	understand:	you	only
need	one	safe	square	for	the	variation	to	work.	Don’t	let	this	worry	you,	since	one	is	all	we
require.	It’s	just	the	high-risk	nature	of	our	line.
10	Be3	Qe5
11	Nc3?!
11	f4	looks	like	a	better	try.	The	game	looks	even	after	11	…	Qd6	12	Nc5	Nd4!	13
Bxd4	(13	Nxb7?!	Qb6	14	Bxd4	Qxd4	15	Qe5	Qb6	16	Nc5	Bc6	17	Nf3	e6	18	Nb3	Bxf3	19
gxf3	Bd6	and	Black	regains	the	lost	pawn	with	the	superior	position)	13	…	Qxd4	14	Nxd7
Nxd7	15	Nh3	Qxb2	16	0-0	Qf6,	when	at	least	White	has	a	development	lead	to	comfort
him	from	the	fact	that	Black	has	an	extra	pawn.
11	…	Nd4!
Black	picks	up	the	bishop	pair	as	well	as	enhanced	dark	square	control.
12	Bxd4
12	Qd2??	Qxe3+!	13	Qxe3	Nxc2+	14	Kf2	Nxe3	15	Kxe3	leaves	Black	up	a	pawn,
with	the	bishop	pair	and	superior	structure	in	the	ending.
12	…	Qxd4	13	Qd2	g6
I	prefer	the	more	natural	13	…	e6.
14	Nge2	Qh4+	15	Ng3
White	is	better	off	playing	15	g3!.
15	…	Bg7	16	0-0	0-0	17	Rae1	e6	18	Nce4	a5
Black	is	looking	to	gain	a	little	queenside	space.
19	c3	a4?!
Black	missed	19	…	b5!	20	Bb3	a4	21	Bc2,	when	he	has	a	promising	pawn	sacrifice
with	21	…	b4!	22	cxb4	Nd5	with	huge	compensation	from	control	over	d5	and	enhanced
power	on	the	dark	squares.
20	a3	Rad8	21	Nxf6+	Qxf6	22	d4
Now	White’s	position	looks	only	slightly	worse	since	White’s	extra	space	somewhat
makes	up	for	Black’s	bishop	pair.
22	…	b6	23	Qe2	Qf4	24	Ne4	c6	25	Nf2	Bc8	26	Nd3	Qc7	27	Qe3	Rd6	28	f4	Rfd8	29
29	Ne5	is	correct.
29	…	Qa7
Perhaps	Black	can	enter	slightly	favourable	complications	with	29	…	b5!	30	Ba2	c5!
31	Nxc5	Rxd4!	32	Bxe6	Qxc5	33	Bxc8	Rxc8	34	cxd4	Bxd4	35	Qd2	Kg7	36	Kf1	Bxf2	37
Qxf2	Qd5	38	Qe3	Rc4.	Black	stands	better	in	the	major	piece	ending,	since	White’s	king
doesn’t	look	safe.
30	Ne5	Ba6	31	Qf3	c5	32	dxc5	bxc5	33	Qe4	Bxc4	34	Nxc4	Rd5
Black	stands	a	shade	better	since	he	controls	the	d-file,	his	bishop	is	slightly	more
useful	than	White’s	knight,	and	b2	looks	weaker	than	Black’s	a4-	and	c5-pawns.
35	Ne3	Rd3	36	Nc4	Qa6	37	Ne5	Rd1	38	h3	h5	39	Rxd1	Rxd1+	40	Kh2	h4!	41	Nf3
Bf6	42	Rd2	Rc1
The	threat	is	…	Qf1	and	…	Qh1	mate.
43	Qe2?!
The	awkward	43	Rd3	should	hold	the	game	after	43	…	Rc2	44	Ne5!,	intending	to
counter-attack	with	Rd7.
43	…	Qxe2!
This	ending	will	be	tough	to	hold	for	White.
44	Rxe2	Rf1!
Preventing	g2-g3.
45	Re4!
White	avoids	the	strategic	trap	45	Rd2?	Be7!	46	Rd7	Kf8	47	Rd2	(not	47	Ra7??	Bd6
and	White	is	suddenly	busted)	47	…	Ke8	and	White	is	in	zugzwang.	For	example:	48	Re2
Bd6!	wins	material.
45	…	Rf2	46	Rxa4	Rxb2	47	Rc4	Be7	48	Kg1	Ra2	49	a4	f5	50	Kf1	Kg7	51	Ne5	g5
52	fxg5?!
52	Nc6!	Bf6	53	fxg5	Bxg5	54	a5	and	White	still	stands	worse	but	may	yet	save	the
52	…	Bxg5	53	Rxc5	Be3	54	Rc6	Kf6	55	Nd3	Rxa4	56	Ke2	Ba7
Black	holds	an	edge	for	the	following	reasons:
1.	Black’s	bishop	is	more	powerful	than	White’s	knight.
2.	White’s	g-pawn	is	vulnerable	to	the	black	rook’s	attacks	along	the	second	rank.
3.	Black’s	kingside	majority	is	more	dangerous	than	White’s	passed	c-pawn,	since	the
majority,	if	pushed	far	enough,	may	be	able	to	break	through	on	f3.
4.	Black’s	king	is	slightly	more	active	than	White’s.
57	Nb4	Ra5	58	Rc4	Kg5	59	Rc7	Re5+	60	Kf1	Be3	61	Nc2	Bf4	62	Nd4	Kf6	63	Rc8
Threatening	mate	on	e1.
64	Ne2	Ra5	65	Nd4
White	is	unable	to	save	himself	in	the	rook	ending	after	65	Nxg3	hxg3	66	Ke2	f4	67
Kf3	e5	68	Ke4	Ra1!	69	Rc6+	Ke7	70	c4	(70	Kxe5??	f3!	and	Black	forces	a	pawn	through
to	promotion)	70	…	Re1+	71	Kf3	Re3+	72	Kg4	Re2	and	the	g2-pawn	falls,	after	which
White	is	busted.
65	…	Ra1+?!
A	violation	of	the	endgame	principle:	Avoid	giving	the	enemy	king	unnecessary	checks.
65	…	Ra2	66	Rc6	Kf7	leaves	White	busted,	no	matter	how	he	plays.
66	Ke2	Re1+	67	Kd2	Re4
67	…	Rg1	68	Rc6	offers	White	adequate	counterplay.
68	Kd3	Bf2	69	Rf8+	Kg5	70	Rg8+	Kf4	71	Ne2+
After	71	Rg6!	Bxd4	72	cxd4	Re3+	73	Kc4,	White	should	hold	the	draw.
71	…	Ke5	72	Rb8	Ra4	73	Rb1	Ra5	74	Rf1	Rd5+	75	Kc4	Be3	76	Re1	f4?
Moves	 continue	 to	 pass	 inconclusively	 and	 until	 now	 Black’s	 advantage	 refused	 to
increase	or	decrease	but,	instead,	remained	in	what	felt	like	an	endless	“=+”	slight	edge
assessment	…	until	now.	Black	holds	his	edge	with	76	…	Bd2!	77	Rd1	Rd7.
77	Nd4!
Intending	Nf3+	and	Nxh4.
77	…	Kf6	78	Nf3	Rd8	79	Re2	e5	80	Nxh4	Kg5	81	Nf3+	Kf5	82	Ne1?
After	82	Ra2!	e4	83	Ra5+	Kf6	84	Ne5,	White	will	hold	the	game.
82	…	e4	83	g3?
White	had	to	try	a	move	like	83	Ra2.
White	believes	he	feigns	injury,	when	in	secret	he	is	ready	to	counter.	He	hoped	to
break	 up	 Black’s	 connected	 central	 pawn	 mass.	 In	 reality	 this	 is	 an	 unwelcome	 added
burden	in	an	already	difficult	situation.
Exercise	(planning):	White’s	last	move	was	a	blunder.	Black	to	play	and	force	the
83	…	Rd2!
Answer:	Sometimes	it’s	the	cheapo	which	is	the	point	and	it	is	the	logic	and	strategy
which	feels	like	the	distraction.	This	is	a	bitter	awakening	for	White	to	the	truth:	Black’s
central	pawns,	rather	than	breaking	up,	are	instead	helped	forward.	By	forcing	White’s
rook	from	e2,	Black	enables	the	decisive	…	f4-f3	push	and	the	fabric	of	the	defence	rends
like	an	overripe	tomato	to	a	hammer.
84	Rg2	Bf2
Also	winning	is	84	…	f3!,	when	the	f-pawn	follows	the	white	rook	like	a	bloodhound
on	 the	 escaped	 convict’s	 scent.	 After	 85	 Rxd2	 (there	 was	 nowhere	 else	 for	 the
disenfranchised	rook	to	go)	85	…	Bxd2	86	Nxf3	(or	86	Nc2	f2,	forcing	promotion)	86	…
exf3	87	Kd3	Bf4!!	wins.
85	gxf4	Bxe1	0-1
I	like	to	meet	all	of	White’s	d2-d3	lines	with	a	kingside	fianchetto,	starting	with	…	g7-g6.
Prepare	 for	 long	 manoeuvring	 games	 in	 this	 variation,	 since	 there	 is	 no	 early	 clash	 of
pawns	in	the	centre.
Game	6
San	Diego	Rapidplay	2006
1	e4	d5	2	exd5	Qxd5	3	Nc3	Qa5	4	Nf3	Nf6	5	Bc4	Bg4	6	h3	Bh5	7	g4
Tip:	Don’t	be	intimidated	when	White	chases	our	bishop	with	h2-h3	and	g2-g4.	Yes,
White	gains	space,	but	at	the	same	time	White	risks	future	overextension.
Note:	7	b4!?	is	a	kind	of	Wing	Gambit.	I’m	okay	with	Black’s	position	after	7	…
Qxb4	8	Qe2	Bxf3	9	gxf3	Qd6	10	Rb1	b6	11	Bb2	Nbd7.	Okay,	I	admit	we	are	a	mile
behind	in	development,	and	handed	White	an	open	b-file	and	also	the	bishop	pair.	But	on
our	 side	 of	 the	 ledger	 we	 are	 a	 pawn	 up	 and	 inflicted	 damage	 to	 White’s	 kingside
structure.	Chances	look	approximately	balanced.
7	…	Bg6	8	d3
Tip:	White	can	switch	to	a	d2-d3	line	late,	so	don’t	assume	your	opponent	will	always
play	d2-d4.
8	…	Nbd7
Tip:	By	playing	this	move	order,	if	White	tries	the	standard	Bd2	and	Nd5	tricks,	when
he	 plays	 Nxf6+,	 I	 can	 recapture	 with	 my	 d7-knight,	 avoiding	 the	 …	 g7xf6	 structures
which	we	looked	at	earlier	in	the	book.
9	Bd2
Note:	I	can’t	stress	this	enough:	when	our	queen	is	on	a5	and	our	opponent’s	bishop
on	d2,	be	on	high	alert	for	dirty	Nd5	tricks,	like	the	one	White	threatens	here.
9	…	c6	10	Qe2	Qc7	11	0-0-0	e6	12	h4	h5!
This	move	was	prepared	at	home,	specifically	for	my	opponent.	The	previous	week	I
walked	into	his	prep	after	12	…	Nxg4?.	Your	amiable	writer	is	one	of	those	remarkably
happy/gullible	people	who	got	that	way	from	a	serendipitous	mix	of	a	clear	conscience,
good	weather	from	living	in	San	Diego,	and	a	low	IQ.	After	13	Bxe6!	I	groaned	softly	and
internally	buried	my	face	in	my	hands,	a	universal	symbol	of	despair.	When	we	walk	into
a	 trick	 like	 this,	 we	 desperately	 want	 to	 declare	 to	 our	 opponent:	 “Okay,	 I’ve	 been
provoked.	Watch	out	opponent,	or	I	will	respond	with	a	retaliatory(ish!)	gesture,	which	is
certain	to	intimidate	you.”	And	of	course	we	have	nothing	and	proceed	meekly.	The	game
B.Baker-C.Lakdawala,	San	Diego	Rapidplay	2006,	continued	13	…	fxe6	14	Qxe6+	Be7
15	Qxg4	0-0.	Later	I	ended	up	stumbling	into	a	win	due	to	my	bishop	pair	and	light	square
control,	but	in	this	position	White	stands	clearly	better.
13	g5	Ng8!
Thanks	 for	 your	 concern	 but	 my	 mental	 state	 remains	 perfectly	 within	 “normal”
parameters.	In	this	instance	retrograde	developing	is	turned	into	a	serviceable	weapon.	I
intend	 the	 leisurely	 transfer	 of	 my	 knight	 into	 the	 f5-hole,	 while	 daring	 White	 to	 do
something	about	it.
14	Ne4
a)	14	Bxe6?	fxe6	15	Qxe6+	Ne7	doesn’t	give	White	enough	for	the	piece,	since	Black
will	castle	long	next.
b)	 14	 Nd4	 doesn’t	 bother	 Black	 either.	 We	 simply	 play	 14	 …	 Bc5,	 when	 White’s
sacrifices	on	e6	are	all	borderline	sound.	For	example:	15	Nxe6!?	(such	a	sacrifice	looks
to	me	like	a	dangerous	mix	of	finite	resources	and	infinite	ambition)	15	…	fxe6	16	Qxe6+
Ne7	17	Ne4	Nf8	18	Qh3	Bd4.	Sure,	Black	is	tangled	up,	but	White	only	has	two	pawns	for
the	 piece	 and	 I	 would	 take	 my	 chances	 with	 Black’s	 position.	 White	 certainly	 gets
practical	 opportunities	 and	 conversion	 for	 Black	 won’t	 be	 easy,	 since	 the	 road	 ahead
remains	infested	with	cutthroats	and	highwaymen.
14	…	0-0-0	15	Kb1	Ne7
The	f5-square	is	a	juicy	outpost	for	my	knight	and	at	this	stage	I	was	happy	with	my
chances	of	overextending	White	later	in	the	game,	should	pieces	be	exchanged.
16	Be3	Nf5
I	ignore	his	“threat”	to	a7.
17	Nfd2
He	doesn’t	mind	handing	over	the	bishop	pair,	since	if	I	play	…	Nxe3,	met	by	f2xe3,
he	rids	himself	of	a	powerful	black	piece	on	f5	and	also	eliminates	his	hole	on	f4.
Possible	 is	 17	 Bxa7?	 (if	 you	 possess	 some	 courage,	 then	 you	 are	 brave;	 if	 you
overflow	with	too	much	courage,	you	are	foolhardy	–	this	is	a	case	of	the	latter),	but	the
sac	is	unsound	after	17	…	b5!	(double	attack	–	both	white	bishops	hang;	certainly	not	17
…	b6??	18	Ba6+,	when	Black	must	cough	up	his	queen)	18	Bxb5	cxb5	19	Be3	Kb8	and	I
don’t	see	enough	compensation	for	the	piece	sacrifice.
17	…	Kb8	18	Bb3	Be7	19	d4
The	comp	likes	Black	after	this	move,	but	if	not	this	then	White	lacks	a	concrete	plan.
19	…	Nb6
Uncovering	an	attack	on	d4.	19	…	c5	is	also	worth	a	thought.
20	Nc4	Nxe3!
This	is	a	good	moment	to	chop	on	e3,	since	White	is	unable	to	recapture	with	his	f-
pawn.	This	means	that	I	picked	up	the	bishop	pair	without	losing	control	over	the	f4-hole.
21	Qxe3	Nd5	22	Qe1	Qf4
Jumping	into	the	hole.
23	Ng3
The	comp	suggests	23	Nc5.
23	…	Bb4
Provoking	an	ending	where	Black	hopes	to	make	White	pay	for	his	previous	pawn
pushes	on	the	kingside.	23	…	f6!?	is	an	interesting	option.
24	Qe5+	Qxe5	25	Nxe5	Ne7
Not	allowing	White	to	inflict	damage	to	my	structure	with	Nxg6.
26	Kc1	Bd6	27	Rhe1	c5!?
I	didn’t	think	I	could	win	after	27	…	Bxe5	28	dxe5	Kc7,	so	I	entered	a	risky	line	to
oust	White’s	powerful	e5-knight	without	giving	up	my	dark-squared	bishop.
28	dxc5?!
28	d5!	is	the	only	way	to	maintain	the	balance.	After	28	…	exd5	29	Bxd5	Nxd5	30
Rxd5	Kc7	31	Nxg6	fxg6,	I	only	slightly	prefer	Black’s	chances,	due	to	White’s	weakened
kingside	pawns.	Note	that	32	Re6??	is	impossible	due	to	32	…	Bf4+,	picking	off	his	now
hanging	d5-rook.
28	…	Bxc5?!
Most	 of	 our	 games	 tend	 not	 to	 be	 won	 or	 lost	 in	 a	 straight	 line,	 but	 instead	 are
episodic,	full	of	ups	and	downs.	Stronger	is	the	more	straightforward	idea	28	…	Bxe5!	29
Rxe5	Rxd1+	30	Kxd1	Rd8+	31	Kc1	Rd4!,	when	White’s	h-pawn	falls	and	Black	gains	a
passed	pawn,	with	the	superior	chances	in	the	ending.
Exercise	(critical	decision):	Did	Black	just	blunder?	Make	a	decision:	would	you	play
29	Nd7+,	which	wins	the	exchange?	Or	is	it	better	to	refrain?
29	Re2!
Answer:	 White	 should	 refrain	 from	 winning	 the	 exchange.	 He	 sees	 through	 my
strategic	trap	and	my	opponent’s	eyelids	closed	half-way	in	deep	suspicion,	avoiding	29
Nd7+?	Rxd7	30	Rxd7	Bxf2	31	Rh1	Bxg3	32	Rxe7	Rd8!,	when	the	dual	threats	of	33	…
Bd6	 (to	 trap	 his	 e7-rook)	 and	 …	 Rd4	 are	 coming,	 after	 which	 White	 will	 drop	 all	 his
kingside	pawns,	leaving	Black	with	too	many	passed	pawns	on	that	flank.
29	…	Rxd1+	30	Kxd1	Rd8+	31	Ke1	Kc7	32	c3	Bd6	33	Nxg6	Nxg6
This	is	a	case	where	the	parties	share	each	other’s	fears	of	having	their	kingside	pawns
wiped	out.
34	Nxh5?!
This	is	that	place	where	we	are	driving	and	we	turn	right	instead	of	going	straight	on.
White	should	still	be	okay	after	34	Re4!.
34	…	Nxh4	35	f4?
Now	White’s	misery	quotient	begins	to	rise	dramatically	since	his	kingside	pawns	get
fixed	on	vulnerable	squares.	Others:
a)	35	Nxg7?	Ng2+!	36	Kf1	Nf4	37	Re3	Rg8	traps	the	wayward	white	knight.	White
doesn’t	have	enough	pawns	after	38	Nxe6+	Nxe6	39	Bxe6	fxe6	40	Rxe6	Rxg5.
b)	35	Re4!	was	White’s	best	shot	at	resisting.	After	35	…	Nf3+	36	Ke2	Nxg5	37	Rg4
Be7	38	f4!	(if	38	Nxg7?	Rh8!	White’s	knight	is	at	grave	risk)	38	…	g6	39	fxg5	gxh5	40
Rf4	Rf8	41	g6	fxg6	42	Rxf8	Bxf8	43	Bxe6	and	White	has	good	chances	to	hold	the	draw
due	to	the	bishops	of	opposite	colours.
35	…	g6
Black’s	solution	is	neither	mysterious	nor	difficult	to	spot.	After	this	simple	move	the
walls	crumble	and	White’s	pawns	begin	to	fall.
36	Nf6	Bxf4	37	Ne4	Nf3+	0-1
The	g5-pawn	falls	as	well.
Realize	that	when	White	holds	back	his	or	her	d-pawn,	as	in	this	game,	they	have	the
option	to	play	d2-d3,	rather	than	push	the	pawn	two	squares,	so	factor	this	into	your	piece
Game	7
German	League	2002
1	e4	d5	2	exd5	Qxd5	3	Nc3	Qa5	4	g3
Note:	The	 kingside	 fianchetto	 lines	 are	 in	 the	 same	 vein	 as	 the	 d2-d3	 lines,	 where
White	refuses	to	offer	Black	any	pawn	targets.	The	downside	for	White	is	that	in	these
lines,	he	or	she	lacks	White’s	normal	space	edge,	since	all	the	white	pawns	have	been	held
back	to	the	third	rank.
4	…	Nf6	5	Bg2	c6
Tip:	Against	the	g2-g3	lines,	I	like	to	toss	in	an	early	…	c7-c6,	which	blunts	White’s	
powerful	light-squared	bishop.
After	5	…	Nc6!?	6	Nge2	Bg4	7	h3	Bh5	8	b4!?	Nxb4	9	Bxb7	Rb8,	Black’s	activity
makes	up	for	the	fact	that	he	just	devalued	his	queenside	pawns	with	two	isolanis.
6	Nge2
Note:	In	this	line	White	generally	develops	the	g1-knight	to	e2,	since	on	e2	it		keeps
the	light-squared	bishop’s	diagonal	open	and	also	reinforces	the	c3-knight,		which	can	be
important	if	White	later	plays	d2-d3	and	b2-b4.
6	 Nf3	 Bf5	 7	 0-0	 e6	 8	 d3	 Be7	 9	 h3	 h6!	 preserves	 the	 light-squared	 bishop	 against
White’s	Nh4	ideas.	Black	looks	fine	here.
6	…	g6!
I	like	this	non-standard	fianchetto	versus	the	g2-g3	lines,	since	it	undercuts	White’s
plans.	If	we	develop	routinely	with	6	…	Bf5	White	can	exploit	it	with	7	b4!.	If	our	queen
takes	the	pawn,	then	White	has	Rb1	and	Rxb7.	If	we	decline	the	pawn,	then	White	can
play	to	soften	up	the	h1-a8	diagonal	with	b4-b5.	So	this	means	that	by	not	developing	our
light-squared	 bishop,	 we	 deny	 White	 this	 b2-b4	 trick,	 since	 our	 b7-square	 remains
7	0-0	Bg7	8	Rb1
White’s	b2-b4	is	coming	all	the	same.
8	…	0-0	9	b4	Qd8
Black	can	also	play	9	…	Qc7,	intending	to	meet	10	d3	and	Bf4	with	…	e7-e5.
10	a4
White	plans	b4-b5.
10	…	Ne8!
I	consider	British	GM	Jon	Speelman	a	brilliantly	original	strategist.	The	best	way	to
describe	his	style	is	one	of	disorganized	accumulation.	I	love	this	original	Speelmanesque
contortion.	Black’s	oddly	effective	idea	is	to	not	develop	his	queenside	pieces	just	yet.
This	means	that	when	White	plays	b4-b5	and	b5xc6,	Black	will	simply	recapture	with	his
b8-knight.	 In	 this	 way	 Speelman	 weirdly	 rendered	 White’s	 typical	 queenside	 attack
strategy	harmless.
11	b5	Nd6!
If	White	takes	on	c6,	then	Black	develops	nicely	with	…	Nxc6.	If	White	retains	the
pawn	tension,	then	Speelman	drums	up	counterplay	with	the	plan	to	push	his	c-pawn	to
12	d3	c5!?
Speelman’s	plan	remains	provisional,	to	be	altered	with	the	flow	of	events.	He	intends
to	loosen	up	White’s	queenside	light	squares	with	…	c5-c4!.	The	comp	prefers	to	go	into
waiting	mode	with	12	…	Re8.
13	Ne4
After	13	Bd2	Nd7	14	Re1	c4!	15	Nd5	Nb6	Black	looks	okay.
13	…	Nxe4	14	Bxe4	Nd7
At	long	last,	Speelman	develops	his	first	queenside	piece!
15	Bd2
White	wants	to	play	a4-a5	and	a5-a6.
15	…	Rb8	16	Bc3	Bxc3
I	 wouldn’t	 give	 White’s	 knight	 a	 free	 lift	 to	 c3.	 Maybe	 16	 …	 b6	 is	 a	 touch	 more
17	Nxc3	Nf6	18	Bg2	b6
Notice	how	all	of	White’s	queenside	pawns	have	been	lured	on	to	the	same	colour	as
the	remaining	white	bishop.
19	Ne4	Nxe4	20	Bxe4
20	dxe4	e5	is	slightly	worse	for	White,	who	is	stuck	with	a	bad	bishop.
20	…	Qd4
Worrying	White	about	his	a4-pawn.
21	Re1!	e6
After	 21	 …	 Qxa4?	 22	 Bc6!	 White	 regains	 the	 pawn	 favourably,	 since	 he
simultaneously	threatens	Rxe7	and	Ra1,	followed	by	Rxa7.
22	Ra1	a5!
Either	 White’s	 pawns	 will	 get	 fixed	 on	 the	 wrong	 colour,	 or	 he	 activates	 Black’s
23	bxa6	Bxa6
Black	stands	a	shade	better	from	my	human	perspective,	which	contradicts	Komodo’s
even	assessment.
24	Ra3	Rfd8
Now	the	advance	…	c5-c4	is	in	the	air.
25	Qa1	Qxa1	26	Rexa1	c4!	27	dxc4	Bxc4
White	has	two	isolanis	to	Black’s	one.	Still,	one	gets	the	feeling	that	White	should
hold	the	game	here.
28	Rb1	Kg7	29	Rc3	Bd5	30	Bxd5	Rxd5	31	Rcb3	Rc8	32	R1b2
32	Rxb6	Rxc2	33	R6b2	is	a	theoretical	draw,	where	Black	can	still	play	on	and	press
for	a	hundred	moves.
32	…	Rd4	33	Rb4?
Correct	is	33	Rxb6	Rxa4	with	only	a	sliver	of	an	edge	for	Black.
Exercise	 (combination	 alert):	 Ignorance	 isn’t	 the	 same	 thing	 as	 confusion.	 	 It’s
impossible	 to	 spot	 your	 opponent’s	 combination	 when	 we	 harbour	 doubts	 about	 	 its
existence.	In	this	position	there	is	a	direct	correlation	between	the	acquisition		of	wealth
and	happiness.	White	just	walked	into	a	little	combination.	Do	you	see	it?
33	…	Rxc2!
Answer:	 Overloaded	 defenders.	 Black’s	 rooks	 believe	 in	 the	 vigilante’s	 motto:	 if
society	won’t	provide	you	justice,	then	get	it	yourself.	For	Speelman	this	shot	brings	with
it	a	promise	of	new	beginnings.
34	Rxb6
After	we	blunder,	it’s	important	to	place	a	time	period	on	our	mourning.	Then	we	must
move	on	without	sorrow	gnawing	away	at	our	heart.	Casper	was	undoubtedly	irritated	that
he	overlooked	Black’s	combination.	Still,	he	has	decent	chances	to	hold	the	draw.
34	…	Rc1+	35	Kg2	Rxa4
One	phase	ends	and	another	begins.
36	Rb7	g5!
Discouraging	h2-h4,	which	would	help	White’s	defence.
37	R7b4
After	37	Rd7	Ra5	38	Rbb7	Rf5	there	is	no	mistaking	Black’s	intent.	f7	is	covered	and
White	is	the	one	who	must	scramble	to	prevent	Black’s	coming	…	Rc2,	which	goes	after
37	…	Rc4	38	Rxa4	Rxa4	39	Rb5	f6	0-1
White	lost	on	time.
Note:	Four	versus	three	on	the	same	side	in	a	rook	ending	is	theoretically	drawn		but
often	lost	in	practice.	I	would	say	Black’s	practical	chances	to	win	are	around	50%,		since
successful	defence	requires	the	patience	of	a	granite	monument.
Remember	GM	Speelman’s	amazing	undevelopment	plan	against	the	Fianchetto	line:
1.	Play	an	early	…	c7-c6	with	your	light-squared	bishop	remaining	undeveloped	on	c8.	In
this	way	it	takes	the	sting	out	of	White’s	early	b2-b4	tricks.
2.	After	castling,	play	…	Ne8!	and	…	Nd6!,	which	allows	Black	to	aim	for	…	c6-c5	and
…	c5-c4	if	White	plays	his	or	her	b-pawn	to	b5.
Game	8
San	Diego	Rapidplay	2005
1	e4	d5	2	exd5	Qxd5	3	Nc3	Qa5	4	Nf3	Nf6	5	Bc4
Or	5	d4	Bg4	6	Be2	Nc6	7	Be3	(after	7	0-0	0-0-0	8	Be3?	–	White	should	play	8	Ng5!	–
8	…	e5	9	d5	Nxd5	10	Nxe5	Bxe2	11	Nxc6	Bxd1	12	Nxa5	Nxc3	13	bxc3	Bxc2,	Black	was
up	a	pawn	in	the	ending,	with	the	bishop	pair	and	a	superior	pawn	structure,	B.Barquin-
C.Lakdawala,	San	Diego	Rapidplay	2006)	7	…	0-0-0	8	a3	Qh5	9	0-0	e5	10	h3	exd4!	11
hxg4	 Nxg4	 12	 Nh4	 f5!	 13	 Bxg4	 fxg4	 and	 Black	 had	 a	 winning	 attack,	 D.Hughan-
C.Lakdawala,	Yuma	2005.
5	…	Bg4!
Tip:	I	 like	 to	 meet	 an	 early	 Bc4	 with	 …	 Bg4.	 Why?	 Because	 White	 then	 has	 the	
unpleasant	choice	of	either	wasting	a	tempo	to	retreat	the	already-developed	bishop	back
to	e2,	or	weakening	the	kingside	structure	with	h2-h3	and	g2-g4.
6	h3	Bh5
7	d4!?
This	move	provides	Black	a	juicy	target	along	the	d-file.	Perhaps	White	should	settle
for	the	more	modest	7	d3.
7	…	Nc6!
Tip:	Always	be	on	alert	to	abandon	our	standard	Caro-Kann/Scandi	set-up	with			…
c7-c6	and	instead	replace	it	with	…	Nc6,	preparing	to	castle	long,	going	after	d4.		One
thing	to	realize	is	that	if	you	play	any	of	the	…	Nc6	lines,	the	position	tends	to		grow
progressively	noisier,	when	juxtaposed	with	the	sedate	Caro-Kann/Scandinavian
…	c6/	…	Bf5	and	…	e6	structures.
8	0-0
White	is	better	off	trying	8	g4	Bg6	9	Bd2	(9	Bb5	Ne4!	favours	Black)	9	…	0-0-0	10
Qe2	Nxd4	11	Nxd4	Rxd4	12	Nb5	Rxd2	13	Qxd2	Qxd2+	14	Kxd2,	when	Black’s	pawn
and	bishop	pair	offer	adequate	compensation	for	the	sacrificed	exchange.
8	…	0-0-0	9	Be3?
Too	passive.	He	had	to	take	the	plunge	with	9	g4	Bg6	10	Bb5	Qb6	11	Be3	Nd5	12	Qe2
with	a	complete	mess	of	a	position,	which	the	comp	rules	equal.
9	…	e5
Now	White	is	in	deep	trouble,	due	to	his	pinned	d-pawn.
10	d5	Bb4?
“Papa	Gepetto,	will	I	one	day	be	a	real	chess	player?”	When	pieces	are	swapped	and
an	ending	nears,	I	remind	one	of	a	Zen	master,	with	eyes	closed,	legs	crossed,	each	foot	on
the	opposing	thigh,	and	with	palms	upward	in	the	attitude	of	meditative	equipoise.	On	the
other	 hand,	 in	 a	 crowded	 board	 like	 this	 one,	 your	 initiative/tactics/attack-challenged
writer’s	play	is	more	unnerving	than	that	time	when	you	discovered	that	your	physical
trainer	at	the	gym	was	obese.	Black	stands	clearly	better	after	the	thematic	10	…	e4!	11	g4
exf3	12	gxh5	Ne5	13	Bb3	Nxh5	14	Qd4	f6.
11	g4?
Better	is	11	Qe2!	Nd4	12	Bxd4	exd4	13	Nb5	Nxd5	14	a3	Be7	15	g4	Bg6	16	Bxd5
Rxd5	 17	 c4!	 Rd7	 18	 Ne5!	 (this	 wins	 the	 exchange,	 although	 Black	 still	 gets	 full
compensation)	18	…	Rhd8	19	Nxd7	Rxd7	20	Nxd4	Bf6,	when	White	stands	no	worse	in
the	complications.
11	…	Bxc3	12	bxc3
12	gxh5	Nxd5	is	also	miserable	for	White.
12	…	Nxd5
Stronger	than	12	…	Bg6.
13	Bxd5	Rxd5	14	Qe2	Bg6
White’s	game	is	an	overextended	wreck,	a	pawn	down	and	with	a	hopeless	structure
on	both	wings.	His	only	prayer	lies	with	generating	an	attack	down	the	b-file.
15	c4	Rdd8!?
I	didn’t	want	to	play	15	…	Rd7	since	I	planned	…	Nd4,	and	when	White	exchanges,
then	…	e5xd4.	Here	I	wanted	the	option	of	seizing	the	e-file	with	…	Rhe8.
16	Rab1	Nd4
16	…	f6!,	consolidating	the	e5-point,	followed	by	…	h7-h5	looks	like	a	strong	plan.
17	Nxd4	exd4	18	Rb5	Qa6
The	comp	likes	the	greedy	18	…	Qxa2!	19	Bf4	Rhe8	20	Rc5	Qa5!!,	but	of	course	we
blind	humans	miss	such	geometric	anomaly	lines.
19	Bf4!
Going	after	Black’s	only	soft	point,	on	c7.
19	…	Rhe8	20	Qd2	d3?!
20	…	b6!	completely	kills	White’s	attempted	attack.
21	cxd3?!
Now	 White	 is	 re-busted.	 He	 misses	 21	 Rc5!	 Re7	 22	 Re1!	 dxc2	 23	 Rxe7	 Rxd2	 24
Rcxc7+	Kd8	25	Bxd2	Qd6	26	Be3	Qxc7	27	Rxc7	Kxc7,	when	the	presence	of	bishops	of
opposite	colours	may	offer	some	chance	of	salvation.
21	…	Rxd3	22	Qb4	Be4!	23	Re1?!
23	Re5!	is	correct.
23	…	Qf6!	24	Rf5
Exercise	 (combination	 alert):	 In	 this	 position	 Black’s	 health	 and	 well	 being	 is
simply		a	matter	of	arithmetic.	Should	Black	move	his	queen,	or	do	you	see	something
24	…	Rxh3!
Answer:	Queen	 sacrifice.	 Actually	 it’s	 a	 completely	 fake	 queen	 sac	 since	 White	 is
mated	on	the	move	if	he	takes	it!
25	f3
Now	what?	Black’s	queen	and	bishop	are	simultaneously	attacked:
a)	25	Rxf6??	Rh1	is	mate.
b)	25	Rxe4	Qa1+	26	Qe1	(or	26	Kg2	Qh1	mate)	26	…	Qxe1+	and	Black	comes	out	a
full	exchange	and	two	pawns	ahead	in	the	ending.
25	…	Qh4!
Black	allows	the	bishop	to	hang,	since	his	major	pieces	hunt	down	White’s	king.	I	see
that	your	eyes	are	wet	with	tears	from	the	almost	unbearable	beauty	of	Black’s	attacking
skill.	They	aren’t?	Okay,	still,	it’s	a	pretty	nice	finish,	even	if	you	don’t	cry.
26	Rxe4	Rh1+	27	Kg2	Qh3+	28	Kf2	Rf1+	0-1
On	the	rare	occasions	I	win	a	game	like	this	one,	I	expect	the	spectators	to	cheer	and
carry	me	on	their	shoulders	onto	the	street,	but	it	hasn’t	happened	so	far.
After	 29	 Ke3	 (when	 we	 proceed	 forward	 bravely	 against	 all	 odds,	 rather	 than
resigning,	we	do	so	mainly	because	we	are	too	dense	to	understand	that	we	are	busted	and
wasting	everyone’s	time)	29	…	Qxf3+	30	Kd4	Rxe4+	31	Kc5	Qf2+	32	Kb5	c6+	(are	you
crying	yet?)	33	Ka5	Qxa2+	34	Qa4	b6+	35	Ka6	Qxa4+	36	Ra5	Qxa5	is	mate.
Meet	an	early	Bc4	with	…	Bg4.	Why?	Because	White	then	has	the	unpleasant	choice	of
either	wasting	a	tempo	to	retreat	the	already-developed	bishop	back	to	e2,	or	weakening
the	kingside	structure	with	h2-h3	and	g2-g4.
Game	9
Buena	Park	1994
1	e4	d5	2	exd5	Qxd5	3	Nc3	Qa5	4	Bc4	Nf6	5	d4	Bf5	6	Nf3	e6	7	0-0
When	we	come	into	a	chess	game	theoretically	unprepared,	to	my	mind	it’s	the	same
as	a	couple	making	reservations	to	a	world-class	restaurant	and	then,	when	seated,	just
asking	the	waiter	for	water.	They	don’t	need	food,	since	they	carried	in	their	own	take-out
bag	from	McDonalds.	This	unassuming	move	is	kind	of	the	default	variation	when	White
isn’t	booked	up	on	the	sharper	lines.	Study	this	game	and	the	next	one	carefully,	because
you	reach	this	kind	of	set-up	a	lot	at	club	level.
Instead,	7	Bd2	c6	8	Qe2	Bb4	9	0-0-0	is	a	position	we	already	examined	earlier	in	the
7	…	c6
8	Ne5
a)	8	Re1	Bb4	9	Bd2	Nbd7	10	a3	Bxc3	11	Bxc3	Qc7	is	possible.	Now	if	12	Nh4!?	(12
Ne5	0-0	transposes	to	our	game),	attempting	to	pick	up	the	bishop	pair,	can	be	met	by	12
…	Be4	13	f3	Bd5	14	Bf1	0-0	(now	White	must	watch	out	for	…	g7-g5	tricks,	which	trap
the	wayward	h4-knight)	15	Bd2	(threatening	c2-c4,	trapping	our	bishop)	15	…	b5!	and
Black	stands	no	worse.
b)	8	Bf4	Nbd7	9	h3,	intending	Nh4,	to	go	after	our	light-squared	bishop,	can	simply	be
met	by	9	…	h6	with	an	equal	position.
c)	 8	 Nh4	 Bg6	 9	 f4!?	 (we	 have	 to	 be	 careful	 against	 this	 plan;	 9	Nxg6	hxg6	 is	 no
problem	for	Black)	9	…	Bh5!	10	Qe1	Nbd7	11	f5	e5	12	dxe5	Nxe5	13	Bf4	Bd6	14	Bb3	0-
0-0	15	h3	Rhe8	and	Black’s	bishop	is	curiously	safe	on	h5.
8	…	Nbd7	9	Re1	Bb4
Tip:	I	have	always	played	this	way	to	create	an	imbalance.	Don’t	fear	the	loss	of
the	bishop	pair.	The	relatively	rigid	central	formation	allows	Black’s	knight	to	hold	its
9	…	Nxe5	also	looks	promising	after	10	Rxe5	Qc7,	when	White	must	worry	about	the
coming	…	Bd6	and	White’s	d-pawn	looks	under-protected	with	…	0-0-0	coming.
10	Bd2	0-0	11	a3	Bxc3
This	is	my	standard	unbalancing	move	when	playing	for	a	win	against	a	lower-rated
opponent.	White’s	bishops	don’t	function	particularly	well	in	the	rigid	structure.
12	Bxc3	Qc7	13	Bd3
I	was	happy	to	see	this	move.	It’s	an	indicator	that	White	is	unable	to	find	a	dynamic
plan,	mainly	since	a	dynamic	option	is	non-existent	for	his	side!
13	 Bb3	 Rad8	 14	 Qf3	 h6	 15	 h3	 Nxe5	 16	 Rxe5	 Rd7	 17	 Rae1	 Rfd8	 is	 also	 equal,
J.Gdanski-A.Gechkov,	Antwerp	1992.
13	…	Bxd3
Note	the	principles:
1.	When	your	opponent	owns	the	bishop	pair,	remove	one	of	them	if	possible.
2.	 Exchanges	 favour	 the	 cramped	 side,	 which	 in	 this	 case	 is	 Black,	 since	 we	 only
pushed	our	pawns	to	the	third	rank.
14	Qxd3	Rad8
White	must	be	careful	to	get	his	queen	off	the	d-file.
15	Qg3
15	Re2?!	Nxe5	16	Rxe5	Qxe5!	17	dxe5	Rxd3	18	cxd3	Nd5	leads	to	a	Black	advantage,
as	he	has	a	good	knight	versus	a	potentially	bad	white	bishop	and	White	also	nurses	a
backward	d3-pawn	on	the	open	file.
15	…	Nd5	16	Bd2	Nxe5	17	dxe5
After	17	Rxe5	Ne7	18	c3	Ng6	19	Re2	Qb6!,	Black	already	stands	slightly	better	due	to
White’s	weakened	light	squares	on	the	queenside.
17	…	Ne7
Reading	 the	 position	 from	 left	 to	 right,	 all	 looks	 well	 for	 White.	 Outer	 tranquillity
sometimes	belies	hidden	danger.	White’s	draw-in-hand	is	an	illusion	and	he	is	in	for	a
lengthy	 and	 difficult	 defence.	 I	 already	 prefer	 Black,	 who	 has	 good	 chances	 to	 seize
control	 over	 the	 open	 d-file	 and	 owns	 the	 superior	 minor	 piece.	 In	 such	 positions	 we
should	ladle	out	irritation	in	small	doses,	the	cumulative	effect	of	which	is	future	outright
pain	for	our	opponent.
18	Bg5	Rd5	19	c4?!
This	 tempting	 move	 weakens	 d4.	 I	 think	 White	 has	 better	 chances	 to	 draw	 by
exchanging	into	a	slightly	unfavourable	major	piece	ending	with	19	Bxe7	Qxe7	20	Rad1
Rfd8	21	Rxd5	Rxd5	22	Qe3	b5	23	g3	c5.	Obviously	Black	stands	better,	due	to	absolute
control	over	the	d-file.	Still,	winning	major	piece	endings	is	notoriously	difficult.
19	…	Rd4?!
In	 chess,	 alertness	 to	 detail	 tends	 to	 be	 the	 sole	 source	 of	 all	 our	 benefits	 and
happiness,	and	the	concentration	required	for	details	in	such	positions	is	akin	to	reading
with	too-small	print.	More	accurate	is	19	…	Nf5!	20	Qc3	Rd7	21	Rad1	h6	22	Rxd7	Qxd7
23	Be3	b6	24	Re2,	intending	Rd2.	After	24	…	Qd1+	25	Re1	Rd8!	Black	seizes	control
over	the	d-file	and	owns	the	superior	minor	piece.
20	Rad1	Nf5	21	Qc3	c5	22	Rxd4	Nxd4	23	Re4?!
A	far-away	fire	can	still	be	inferred	by	the	smoke	we	do	see.	Sometimes	we	wilfully
choose	 to	 disregard	 a	 position’s	 warning	 signs,	 simply	 because	 embracing	 the	 truth	 is
depressing.	White	should	be	concentrating	on	defence,	rather	than	chasing	a	non-existent
attack	 on	 the	 kingside.	 I	 can	 see	 the	 reasoning	 behind	 his	 decision:	 he	 feels	 he	 has
toothache,	and	not	doing	something	about	it	is	akin	to	thinking,	“if	I	go	to	the	dentist	and
have	a	root	canal	done,	it	will	hurt;	it’s	better	not	to	go	and	just	accept	the	more	minor
pain	of	the	toothache,	in	perpetuity.”	White	has	reasonable	chances	to	save	the	game	if	he
assumes	a	defensive	posture,	starting	with	23	f3.
23	…	h6	24	Bc1
24	 Be3??,	 which	 attacks	 Black’s	 knight,	 has	 one	 slight	 downside:	 it	 hangs	 a	 queen
after	24	…	Ne2+.
24	…	Rd8	25	h3	Nf5	26	Kh2	Rd4!
Principle:	Meet	a	wing	attack	with	a	central	counter.
27	Re2
After	27	Rxd4?	cxd4	White’s	queen	can	protect	the	c4-	or	e5-pawn,	but	not	both.
27	…	h5
This	move	anchors	the	knight	on	f5.
28	f4?!
A	powerful	medicine	is	of	no	use	to	us	if	our	constitution	is	too	weak	to	stand	the	cure.
This	move,	which	makes	his	semi-bad	bishop	even	worse	and	also	fatally	weakens	the
central	light	squares,	is	in	violation	of	the	principle:	Avoid	fixing	your	pawns	on	the	same
colour	as	your	remaining	bishop.	White	should	satisfy	himself	with	the	passive	28	Qc2.
28	…	Qc6	29	Be3
Technically,	White’s	last	move	isn’t	even	an	error,	since	29	b3	b6	30	a4	h4	31	Qc2
Qd7	leaves	White	in	virtual	zugzwang.	If	32	Qb2	Rd1	33	Qc3	Qd4	34	Qxd4	Nxd4,	Black
wins	a	piece.
Exercise	 (combination	 alert):	 My	 eyes	 widened	 in	 glee	 to	 silver	 dollar-like	
dimensions	since	we	find	the	thought	of	our	opponent’s	misery	maliciously	soothing.		I
see	that	Black	can	force	the	win	of	a	pawn	after	White’s	last	move.	How?
29	…	Re4!
Answer:	Step	1:	Pin	White’s	bishop.
30	Qd3	Nxe3
Step	2:	Removal	of	the	guard.	Swap	off	the	defender	of	f4.
31	Rxe3	Rxf4
Step	3:	Pick	up	the	loose	f4-pawn.
32	Qd8+	Kh7	33	Rg3?
Threat:	Qg5,	with	a	double	attack	on	f4	and	g7.	But	the	move	is	incorrect,	since	it
loses	another	pawn.	He	had	to	play	33	b3.
33	…	g6	34	Qd6
This	leads	to	a	hopelessly	lost	rook	ending,	as	does	34	Qd3	Qe4.
34	…	Qxd6	35	exd6	Rd4	36	b4	b6	37	bxc5	bxc5	38	Rb3	Rxd6	39	Rb5	Ra6	0-1
40	Rxc5	Rxa3	leaves	Black	up	two	clean	pawns,	with	a	simple	technical	win.
The	default	set-up	with	Nc3/Nf3/d2-d4/Bc4/0-0	is	toothless	and	no	threat	to	our	side.	Still,
we	must	master	the	position	since	we	get	it	so	often,	especially	at	club	level.
Game	10
San	Diego	Rapidplay	2015
1	e4	d5	2	exd5	Qxd5	3	Nc3	Qa5	4	Nf3	Nf6	5	Be2	c6	6	d4	Bf5	7	0-0
Nothing	 much	 has	 altered	 from	 the	 last	 game,	 except	 this	 time	 we	 get	 the	 default
variation	 with	 White’s	 bishop	 on	 e2,	 rather	 than	 the	 more	 aggressive	 c4-square.	 We
proceed	much	like	we	did	last	game.
7	…	Nbd7
Tip:	Control	 over	 e5	 is	 a	 high	 priority	 for	 Black,	 so	 I	 often	 play	 …	 Nbd7	 before
playing			…	e7-e6.	Why	does	this	matter?	Because	when	we	give	White	control	over	e5,	
we	offer	our	opponent	options	like	an	early	Ne5,	followed	by	potential	g2-g4	and		h2-h4
thrusts,	which	go	after	our	light-squared	bishop	on	f5.
8	Bf4	e6
This	move	allows	his	coming	Nh4.	As	mentioned	earlier	in	the	book,	we	are	not	afraid
of	handing	over	the	bishop	pair,	for	the	following	reasons:
1.	Our	knights	hold	their	own	against	White’s	bishops	in	a	rigid	position.
2.	 With	 our	 …	 h7xg6	 recapture,	 we	 get	 use	 of	 an	 open	 h-file,	 with	 a	 potential	 for
attack	against	White’s	king	–	especially	if,	as	in	this	game,	he	is	already	castled.
Tip:	When	we	already	lag	in	development,	don’t	take	the	time	to	insert	8	…	h6?!		to
preserve	our	bishop	pair.
I	think	Black	is	already	in	trouble	after	9	Nd2!,	when	9	…	e6	can	be	met	by	10	Nc4,
attacking	the	queen,	with	the	option	to	sink	the	knight	into	d6.
9	Nh4
Note:	One	point	of	White’s	posting	of	his	bishop	on	e2,	is	that	when	he	plays	Nh4,	
going	for	the	bishop	pair,	Black	now	lacks	the	…	Bg4	option.
9	…	Bg6	10	Nxg6	hxg6	11	Bf3	Be7
12	g3?!
White	thinks	he	has	the	time	for	the	leisurely	Bg2,	Ne2,	and	a	later	c2-c4.
Instead,	12	Re1	is	about	equal.
12	…	g5!	13	Bd2	Qf5!
Threatening	…	Qh3.
14	Bg2	g4
Intending	…	Qh7,	going	after	h2.	I	wanted	to	play	this	before	White	got	to	play	h2-h3.
15	f4?
He	 had	 to	 try	 15	 f3!	 Qh7	 16	 fxg4	 Qxh2+	 17	 Kf2	 (planning	 Rh1,	 trapping	 Black’s
queen).	Here	Black	has	a	very	promising	sacrifice	with	17	…	Ne5!	(also	possible	is	17	…
Bc5!,	when	18	dxc5	is	met	by	18	…	Ne5	and	if	19	Rh1	Nfxg4+	20	Qxg4	Nxg4+	21	Kf3
f5	22	Rxh2	Rxh2	and	Black	only	stands	a	shade	better	in	the	ending)	18	dxe5	(forced)	18
…	Bc5+	19	Be3	Bxe3+	20	Kxe3	Qxg3+	21	Qf3	Qxe5+	22	Ne4	0-0-0.	Admittedly	this
looks	pretty	scary	for	White,	but	it’s	still	far	better	than	what	he	reached	in	the	game.
15	…	Qh7	16	Kf2	0-0-0
White’s	problem	is	that	I	don’t	have	to	take	h2	and	fall	for	his	queen	trap.	His	king	is
unsafe	in	the	middle	and	his	d-pawn	–	almost	an	artificial	isolani	–	is	vulnerable	to	tricks
from	Black’s	rook	on	d8.
17	Be3	Nb6	18	Qe2	Nbd5	19	Nxd5	exd5
Now	the	e-file	is	opened	and	White	must	be	on	a	constant	lookout	for	Black’s	knight
landing	on	e4.
20	Rh1
A	 sad	 necessity,	 since	 after	 20	 Rae1??	 Qxh2!	 the	 planned	 queen	 trap	 21	 Rh1	 fails
miserably	to	21	…	Ne4+	22	Kf1	Qxh1+!	(simplification)	23	Bxh1	Nxg3+	24	Kg1	Nxe2+
with	a	hopeless	ending	for	White.
20	…	Qf5
Preventing	h2-h3	or	h2-h4	ideas	from	White.
21	Qd3!?
When	we	are	in	deep	trouble,	we	sometimes	act	like	the	person	who	had	too	much	to
drink	 at	 a	 party.	 Every	 attempt	 to	 disguise	 the	 fact	 that	 we	 are	 drunk	 makes	 everyone
notice	it	more.	This	is	a	huge	concession	for	king	safety.
21	…	Qxd3
Houdini	doesn’t	like	this	move,	but	I	think	it	leads	to	a	winning	ending.
22	cxd3
Now	 Black’s	 pawn	 structure	 is	 Beverly	 Hills,	 while	 White’s	 is	 a	 slum.	 The
wonderfully	 odd	 thing	 about	 chess	 is	 that	 two	 different	 players	 may	 enter	 the	 same
position	and	yet	experience	opposite	psychological	realities.	Here	my	beef	is	not	with	a
human	player,	but	with	the	idiot/genius	comp,	who	has	me	less	than	a	pawn	up.	I,	on	the
other	hand,	took	a	look	at	White’s	awful	structure	and	felt	I	had	a	strategically	won	game.
You	are	the	judge	and	arbitrate	the	dispute.
22	…	Rh5!
Intending	…	Rdh8,	which	would	tie	down	White’s	king	and	rook	to	defence	of	h2.	The
idea	behind	my	move	is	that	I	want	to	induce	h2-h4,	which	makes	his	structure	even	more
rigid	and	harms	his	bishops	further.
23	h4	Ne8
The	knight	is	of	no	use	on	f6	any	more.
24	Bf1	Nc7!
This	move	has	two	points:
1.	White’s	queenside	minority	attack	with	b2-b4,	a2-a4,	and	b4-b5	is	halted.
2.	Black	can	later	pile	up	on	d4	with	…	Ne6	and	…	Bf6.
25	Be2	f5	26	a4
If	26	Rhb1,	Black	replies	26	…	Re8	and	now	if	White	launches	his	minority	attack
with	27	b4?	it	can	be	met	by	27	…	Rxh4!	28	gxh4	Bxh4+	29	Kg2	Rxe3	30	Rb2	Ne6	31
Rf1	Nxd4,	when	White’s	position	is	a	disaster.
26	…	Re8	27	Bf1	Bb4
Occupying	the	newly-made	hole	on	b4	and	simultaneously	seizing	control	over	e1.
28	Bg2
Exercise	(planning):	We	 discover	 the	 correct	 plan	 when	 we	 formulate	 the	 correct	
questions.	Find	one	simple	idea	and	White’s	game	collapses.
28	…	Rh6!
Answer:	Transfer	the	h5-rook	to	e6	and	then	invade	along	the	e-file.
29	Rab1	Rhe6	30	Bc1	Be1+	0-1
The	 bishop’s	 predominantly	 vertical	 expansion	 effort	 comes	 to	 a	 successful
conclusion,	since	g3,	the	base	of	White’s	structure,	falls.
Even	more	crushing	is	to	simply	seize	the	second	rank	with	30	…	Re2+	31	Kg1	Be1
32	 b3	 Bxg3	 with	 an	 overwhelming	 position,	 since	 White’s	 king	 has	 been	 reduced	 to	 a
quivering	mental	patient	whose	medication	just	lapsed.
Don’t	fear	Nh4	and	Nxh6,	since	after	…	h7xg6,	we	are	easily	compensated	by	the	open	h-
file	and	resultant	attacking	chances.
Game	11
Bucharest	2006
1	e4	d5	2	exd5	Qxd5	3	Nc3	Qa5	4	b4!?
This	 sacrifice,	 although	 almost	 certainly	 dubious	 on	 an	 objective	 evaluation,	 is
nevertheless	dangerous	as	a	practical	surprise	weapon.	When	I	try	–	unsuccessfully	–	to
talk	one	of	my	students	out	of	playing	some	shady	gambit,	I	reach	the	point	of	the	phone
call	 where	 the	 exasperated	 father	 says:	 “Please	 put	 mommy	 on	 the	 phone!”	 White’s
thinking	 behind	 the	 gambit	 is,	 “why	 memorize	 the	 endlessly	 growing	 cannon	 of
mainstream	theory,	when	one	contaminating	move	shifts	the	game	into	the	unknown,	at
the	low	price	of	just	one	pawn?”
So,	with	his	last	move,	White	vocally	embraces	absolute	violence.	He	offers	a	pawn	to
increase	 his	 already	 present	 development	 lead	 and	 also	 open	 the	 b-file	 for	 his	 once-
sleeping	a1-rook.
4	…	Qxb4
Your	first	over	the	board	battle	in	this	line	will	impress	itself	into	your	mind,	far	more
than	any	amount	of	leisurely	home	study.
Tip:	We	shouldn’t	ignore	White’s	discourtesy.	If	we	decline	the	gambit	then	White	
gets	a	free	kick	on	our	queen	and	useful	queenside	space	for	no	cost.
5	Rb1	Qd6
So	for	the	pawn,	White	gets	a	development	lead	and	an	open	b-file	for	his	rook.	The
trouble	is	that	our	weakness-free	position	provides	the	would-be	attacker	zero	targets.
6	d4
White	can	also	hold	back	the	d-pawn	with	6	Nf3,	but	it’s	a	temporary	state	since	White
nearly	always	ends	up	pushing	the	d-pawn	two	squares	later	on.	After	6	…	Nf6	7	Bc4	a6,
Nakamura	saw	nothing	better	than	8	d4	in	H.Nakamura-R.Har	Zvi,	Internet	Blitz	2007.
6	…	Nf6	7	Nb5
Note:	White	plays	this	to	achieve	c2-c4.	Black	didn’t	really	lose	a	tempo,	since	we
get	it	back	with	a	tempo	on	White’s	knight	with	…	c7-c6.
7	…	Qd8	8	c4	c6	9	Nc3	g6!
As	 in	 the	 lines	 where	 White	 fianchettoes	 kingside,	 against	 the	 Wing	 Gambit	 I	 like
Black’s	strategy	of	…	g7-g6!	and	then	fianchetto	with	…	Bg7.	This	way	we	deprive	our
opponent	of	clear	sacrificial	targets.	The	comp	says	the	position	is	almost	even,	giving
White	full	compensation,	while	your	greedy	writer	says:	“Hooray,	a	free	pawn	for	me!”
10	Bg5	Bg7	11	Qd2	0-0	12	Nf3	Na6!
The	knight	will	be	transferred	to	c7,	where	it	keeps	watch	over	the	d5-square	and	also
gets	White	nervous	about	a	possible	…	Ne6,	which	hits	his	bishop,	as	well	as	the	d4-
13	c5?!
He	wants	his	bishop	on	c4	and	also	hopes	to	make	Black	defend	b7,	but	handing	Black
the	d5-square	is	a	too	huge	concession.	13	Be2	is	better.	Yet	even	after	this,	I	don’t	see	full
compensation	 following	 13	 …	 Nc7	 14	 0-0	 Ne6	 15	 Be3	 Qc7,	 intending	 to	 complete
development	with	a	combination	of	…	Rd8,	…	b7-b6	and	…	Bb7.
13	…	Nc7	14	Bc4	b5!
Now	comes	the	clash	between	matter	and	anti-matter.	Principle:	When	you	are	up	a
pawn	and	defending,	always	look	for	a	way	to	return	the	pawn	and	seize	the	initiative.
Black	does	just	that	with	his	last	move.
15	cxb6	axb6	16	Rxb6	Nb5!
Suddenly	Black’s	pieces	explode	with	energy.	Black’s	knight	uncovers	on	White’s	now
loose	b6-rook,	forcing	the	next	move.
17	Rxc6	Nxc3	18	Qxc3	Ne4
Even	stronger	is	18	…	Bb7!	19	Bxf6	Bxf6	and	White	must	hand	over	the	exchange	on
f6,	since	after	20	Rc5?	Bxf3	21	Qxf3	Qxd4	22	Rc6	Qa1+	23	Qd1	Qc3+	24	Qd2	Rfc8!	25
Rxc8+	Rxc8	White	must	hand	over	a	piece,	as	26	Be2??	is	met	by	26	…	Qa1+	and	White
loses	his	queen,	no	matter	which	way	he	blocks	the	check.
19	Qb4
Threatening	e7	…
19	…	Bd7!
	…	which	Black	ignores	with	powerfully	energetic	play.
20	Rb6
20	Bxe7	Rb8!	21	Qa3	Qe8!	22	Ra6	Rb1+	pops	the	rook	in	the	h1-corner.
We	are	at	the	point	where	James	Bond	enters	the	villain’s	lair,	attempting	to	disarm	the
nuke,	and	reaches	the	“What-does-this-wire-do?”	moment.
Exercise	 (combination	 alert):	 Find	 Black’s	 combination	 and	 you	 end	 White’s	
20	…	Ra4?!
This	is	a	case	of	correct	idea/wrong	move	order.	Black	still	has	a	winning	position
after	this.
Answer:	 But	 much	 stronger	 was	 20	 …	 Nxg5!	 21	 Nxg5	 Ra4!	 22	 Qc5	 Rxc4!
(overloaded	defender)	23	Qxc4	Qxb6	and	Black	wins	a	piece.
21	Bxf7+!
White	finds	the	only	move	to	remain	alive.	GM	Golubev	probably	expected	21	Qb3?
Nxg5	22	Nxg5	Rxc4!,	winning	a	full	piece.
21	…	Rxf7	22	Qb3	Bxd4!?
Risky.	Black	consolidates	with	22	…	Ra8!	which	covers	his	first	rank	against	Rb8.
23	Rb8
Inaccurate.	Marginally	better	is	23	Nxd4	Rxd4,	when	24	Rb8	is	met	by	24	…	Bc8.
23	…	Bxf2+
Another	invader	slips	through	White’s	porous	border.
24	Kf1	Bc8
Threatening	a	huge	check	on	a6.	Sometimes	forced	moves	can	still	be	strong	ones.
25	Rxc8!
This	move	regains	the	lost	piece,	yet	there	is	little	corresponding	improvement	in	his
overall	misery	index.	25	Qxa4??	walks	into	25	…	Qd3	mate.
25	…	Qxc8	26	Qxa4
Exercise:	White	may	have	regained	his	lost	piece,	yet	he	is	far	from	safe.		How	should
Black	exploit	his	development	lead/attack?
26	…	Rxf3!
Answer:	Black’s	coming	co-ordinated	attack	is	a	ballet	of	destruction.	This	exchange
sacrifice	removes	a	key	layer	in	White’s	defensive	barrier.
27	Qxe4
The	only	move.	27	gxf3??	Qh3+	28	Ke2	Nc3+	forks	king	and	queen.
27	…	Rf7
White’s	 king	 is	 decisively	 exposed.	 Black	 threatens	 a	 deadly	 discovery	 with	 his
28	Ke2
If	28	Bf4	e5!	and	White	must	hand	over	a	piece	since	29	Bxe5	is	met	by	29	…	Qa6+!
30	Qe2	Bg3+,	which	forces	mate	in	three	moves.
28	…	Qa6+	29	Qd3	Qxa2+	30	Bd2
30	Qd2??	loses	to	30	…	Qc4+	31	Qd3	Qg4+	32	Kd2	Qxg2	with	a	double	attack	on	h1
and	g5.
30	…	Qe6+	31	Kd1	Qg4+!	32	Kc2	Qxg2	33	Ra1	e5!
This	has	a	dual	purpose:
1.	Black’s	king	is	shielded	from	potential	bishop	checks	on	c3,	should	Black’s	king
later	be	forced	to	g7.
2.	Black’s	passed	e-pawn	is	an	asset,	to	be	later	pushed	down	the	board.
34	Qd8+	Rf8	35	Qd7	Qe4+	36	Qd3
After	36	Kd1	Bd4	37	Qe6+	Kh8,	White	is	out	of	checks	and	is	unable	to	cover	dual
threats	on	f1	and	a1.
36	…	Rc8+	37	Bc3
Exercise	(combination	alert):	Find	Black’s	game-ending	combination.
37	…	Rxc3+!	0-1
Answer:	Attraction/bishop	skewer.	After	38	Kxc3	Bd4+	(here	is	the	skewer)	39	Kc2
Qxd3+	40	Kxd3	Bxa1,	White’s	lone	king	isn’t	going	to	put	up	much	of	a	fight	against
Black’s	extra	piece	and	two	pawns.
The	Wing	Gambit	with	4	b4!?	is,	in	my	opinion,	a	dangerous	but	borderline	unsound	line.
If	we	are	prepared	for	it,	we	should	be	able	to	grab	the	pawn	and	ride	out	the	storm.
Game	12
Western	States	Open,	Reno	2005
1	e4	d5	2	exd5	Qxd5	3	Nc3	Qa5	4	d4	Nf6	5	Nf3	Bg4!?
Why	do	we	get	tempted	by	a	line	so	complex	that	only	about	ten	players	in	the	world
actually	understand	it?	After	this	provocation,	there	is	no	way	for	Black	to	–	what	is	the
word?	–	“regularize”	the	position.	The	early	…	Bg4	line	of	the	…	Qa5	Scandinavian	is
maybe	the	sharpest	possible	response.	Some	annotators	have	dubbed	the	line	as	dubious.	I
don’t	believe	it	and	have	played	it	successfully	for	three	decades.	In	this	game	I	have	the
chutzpah	to	play	it	on	a	pretty	strong	GM.
6	h3
All	other	tries	are	harmless	for	Black:
a)	6	Be2	Nc6!	7	0-0	0-0-0!	is	similar	to	my	game	with	Haun,	earlier	in	the	chapter.
b)	6	Bc4	Nc6!	7	h3	Bh5	8	0-0	0-0-0	directly	transposes	to	Haun-Lakdawala.
c)	6	Bd2	Qf5!?	7	Bd3	(7	Be2	Nc6!,	intending	to	castle	long,	is	at	least	equal	for	Black)
7	…	Bxf3	8	gxf3	Qd7	is	an	interesting	imbalance	between	White’s	development	lead	and
bishop	pair	versus	Black’s	superior	structure.
6	…	Bh5	7	g4!	Bg6	8	Ne5!
This	idea	is	by	far	White’s	most	challenging	line	against	the	early	…	Bg4	lines.	All
others	allow	Black	easy	equality.
8	…	e6	9	Bg2
I	face	this	move	most	often.	White	develops,	while	generating	a	threat	against	our	b7-
pawn.	Others:
a)	If	there	is	a	refutation	of	Black’s	line	then	I	predict	it	will	come	out	of	9	h4!.	I	have
yet	 to	 find	 a	 path	 for	 Black	 to	 full	 equality,	 but	 even	 when	 White	 plays	 the	 book
“refutation”,	to	my	mind	it’s	only	a	“+=“	edge	for	White	in	complex	positions,	which	I	can
live	with.
White’s	intention	with	his	last	move	is	Bd2	and	h4-h5,	running	Black’s	bishop	out	of
room.	Play	continues	9	…	Bb4	10	Bd2	Nbd7	11	Nc4	Qa6	12	h5	Bxc3	13	hxg6	Bxd2+	14
Nxd2	Qc6	15	gxf7+	Kxf7.	Okay,	I	admit	that	White	stands	better,	with	the	bishop	pair.	But
is	 it	 really	 that	 bad	 to	 be	 called	 a	 “refutation”?	 I	 can	 deal	 with	 slight	 inferiority	 in	 a
complex	position	which	I	will	certainly	understand	better	(due	to	greater	experience)	than
my	opponent.
b)	9	Bd2	Nbd7	is	okay	for	Black.	We	shouldn’t	fear	10	Nc4	Qa6	11	Qf3	(11	Bf4?!	is
met	by	11	…	Qc6!	with	advantage	for	Black),	since	11	…	Bb4	is	about	equal.
9	…	c6	10	0-0	Nbd7
11	Qe2!?
The	book	move,	but	I	think	it’s	weak.	White	has	a	hard	time	staying	equal	in	this	line.
11	f4!	is	White’s	best.	My	buddy	GM	Yasser	Seirawan	played	this	on	me	several	times	in
online	5-minute	games	and	I	think	it’s	the	only	way	to	put	pressure	on	Black	in	the	Bg2
line.	 The	 move	 doesn’t	 try	 to	 refute	 Black’s	 line	 but	 simply	 grabs	 space.	 Y.Seirawan-
C.Lakdawala,	Internet	Blitz	2007,	continued	11	…	Bb4!	12	Ne2	and	now	12	…	Rd8	looks
only	slightly	worse	for	Black.
11	…	Nxe5	12	dxe5	Nd7	13	Bf4
Superior	 to	 13	 f4?!	 h5!	 14	 f5	 Bh7	 15	 fxe6	 fxe6	 which	 was	 played	 in	 a	 Benjamin-
Rodgers	game,	where	White’s	position	already	felt	somewhat	overextended.
13	…	Bb4?!
This	superficial	move	is	a	waste	of	time	because	White	wants	his	knight	to	head	for	e4
anyway.	13	…	h5!	14	Ne4!	hxg4	15	hxg4	Bxe4	16	Qxe4	0-0-0	looks	at	least	equal	for
14	Nd1?!
The	players	have	willingly	entered	a	strategic	tangle	whose	workings	neither	side	fully
comprehends.	This	is	too	leisurely	for	the	position’s	needs.	White	plans	a	slow	queenside
pawn	advance,	which	he	doesn’t	have	time	for.	14	Ne4!	Bxe4	15	Qxe4	h5	16	g5!	looks	a
touch	better	for	White,	whose	central	space	and	bishop	pair	may	mean	something.
14	…	Be7
Running	away	before	being	hit	with	a2-a3.
15	a3?
Correct	is	15	Ne3.
15	…	Qa4!
The	battle	begins	to	swing	in	Black’s	favour.	This	move,	overlooked	by	my	opponent,
hits	both	the	c2-pawn	and	the	f4-bishop.
16	c4	Qb3!
Ibragimov	 missed	 this	 move	 as	 well	 which	 plugs	 up	 his	 intended	 queenside	 pawn
advance.	He	was	expecting	16	…	Nc5	17	b4!	(White	abandons	a	weakness	to	bolster	his
strength)	17	…	Bd3	18	Qe3	Bxf1	19	Bxf1,	when	White’s	queenside	initiative,	space	and
bishop	pair	may	offer	him	full	compensation	for	the	exchange.
17	Ne3	Bd3	18	Qd1
Exercise	(critical	decision):	I	considered	a	pair	of	possibilities	here:	a)	18	…	Bxc4,
winning	a	pawn;	b)	18	…	Nc5,	declining	the	pawn,	while	increasing	Black’s	bind	on	the	
central	light	squares.	So	should	Black	go	for	immediate	gratification	with	line	‘a’	and		take
the	money?	Or	at	least	temporarily	decline	the	cash	and	go	for	line	‘b’?
18	…	Bxc4?!
This	hasty	pawn	grab	throws	away	a	huge	chunk	of	Black’s	advantage.
Answer:	It	grows	to	decisive	proportions	with	18	…	Nc5!	19	Qxb3	(19	Re1	Qxb2
gives	Black	a	crushing	bind	and	an	extra	pawn)	19	…	Nxb3	20	Rad1	Be2	21	Be4	g5	22
Bg3	Bxd1	23	Rxd1	Rd8	24	Bc2	Rxd1+	25	Bxd1	and	White,	a	full	exchange	down	in	the
ending,	is	totally	without	hope.
19	Nxc4	Qxc4	20	Bg3	Rd8	21	Rc1	Nb6!	22	Qe1
After	22	Rxc4	Rxd1	23	Rxd1	Nxc4	24	Rd3	Nb6,	the	exchanges	have	benefited	Black.
22	…	Qb3	23	Qe2	Qd3
Principle:	Exchanges	benefit	the	material-up	side.
24	Rfe1
The	 GM	 refuses	 to	 make	 yet	 another	 concession	 with	 24	 Qe1	 and	 allows	 a	 queen
24	…	0-0	25	Be4	Qxe2	26	Rxe2	Rd7	27	f4	Rfd8	28	Rcc2	Rd1+	29	Kf2	Nd5
29	…	Na4!	either	eliminates	White’s	bishop	pair	or	worsens	his	position	after	30	Kg2
Nc5	31	Bf3	a5.	White	can	do	nothing	but	await	events.
30	Kf3	Rd7
The	idea	is	to	centralize	the	king	next.	30	…	f6	was	worth	a	thought.
31	Re1!	Rxe1	32	Bxe1
White’s	position	has	gradually	gotten	better	over	the	last	15	moves	or	so,	and	Komodo
at	this	stage	only	gives	Black	a	slight	edge,	despite	the	extra	pawn.
32	…	Bd8	33	h4	h6?!
This	is	overly	passive.	I	should	challenge	White’s	centre	with	33	…	f6!.
34	h5	½-½
I	 agreed	 to	 a	 draw	 here,	 with	 Komodo	 assessing	 at	 nearly	 even	 (most	 of	 us
unconsciously	defer	to	the	comp’s	assessment	–	even	when	it’s	inaccurate!).	Now	why
would	I	accept	a	draw	against	a	strong	GM	a	full	pawn	up?	This	was	one	of	my	final	slow
time	control	tournaments,	before	I	was	forced	to	retire,	due	to	recurring	back	issues.	In
this	case	my	back	was	on	fire	and	it	was	only	the	second	day	of	a	three-day	tournament.	I
knew	that	if	I	played	the	game	out	for	another	two	or	three	hours,	it	would	destroy	my
play	 on	 the	 final	 day.	 There	 is	 no	 point	 in	 agreeing	 to	 fight	 in	 a	 weakened	 state,	 so	 I
decided	to	save	my	strength	for	the	next	day,	where	my	odds	are	better.
5	…	Bg4!?	is	a	high-risk	winning	try	from	our	side.	Only	those	who	crave	adventure	will
dare	to	play	it	among	the	Scandi	folk.
Game	13
R.Del	Pilar-C.Lakdawala
San	Diego	Rapidplay	2006
1	e4	d5	2	exd5	Qxd5	3	Nc3	Qa5	4	d4	Nf6	5	Nf3	Bg4	6	h3	Bh5	7	g4	Bg6	8	Ne5	e6	9	Nc4
Tip:	Everyone	please	remain	calm	and	remember	our	only-one-safe-square-required	
philosophy.	Our	queen	isn’t	trapped,	since	she	slips	into	a	haven	on	a6.
9	…	Qa6	10	Ne5!?
A	tacit	draw	offer	if	Black	repeats	with	…	Qa5.
Tip:	Don’t	be	afraid	of	the	queen	“trap”	10	Bf4?!	Qc6!	11	Nd6+??	(White	is	only		a
touch	worse	after	11	Rg1	Bb4)	11	…	Bxd6	12	Bb5	Bxf4	13	Bxc6+	Nxc6,	when	Black	got
three	pieces	–	way	too	much	–	for	White’s	“extra”	queen,	G.Hernandez-	C.Lakdawala,
San	Diego	Championship	1993.
10	…	Qb6
Tip:	Always	be	aware	of	our	g6-bishop’s	health	by	staying	away	from	traps
like	10	…	Qd6?	11	Bg2	c6	12	h4!	h5	13	g5	Nd5	14	Nxg6	fxg6	15	Qd3,	when
Black	is	strategically	lost.
11	Bg2	c6?!
11	 …	 Nbd7	 is	 Black’s	 most	 accurate	 response,	 since	 it	 is	 in	 our	 best	 interests	 to
challenge	White’s	e5-knight	as	quickly	as	possible.	12	Nxg6	hxg6	looks	fine	for	Black.
12	0-0?!
White	 lets	 me	 off	 the	 hook	 for	 my	 inaccuracy	 last	 move,	 which	 he	 could	 have
exploited	by	12	h4!	Bb4	13	h5	Be4	14	f3	Bd5,	when	White	gained	useful	kingside	space
and	placed	Black’s	bishop	in	an	uncomfortable	post	on	d5.
12	…	Nbd7
Now	everything	is	okay	again	for	Black.
13	Nxd7
13	h4	is	met	by	13	…	Rd8!	14	Qe2	Qxd4	15	Nxd7	Rxd7	16	h5	Bxc2	17	Qxc2	Qxg4
and	Black	has	full	compensation	for	the	piece.
13	…	Kxd7?!
Your	 writer’s	 great	 joy	 in	 life	 is	 to	 bait	 opponents.	 Our	 life	 decisions	 convey	 our
personality,	far	better	than	words	and	descriptions	alone.	Such	bone-headed	decisions	are
certain	to	stain	my	Wikipedia	page.	We	construct	our	reality	in	terms	of	expectation	and	in
this	 case	 the	 host	 of	 my	 justifications	 and	 rationalizations	 fall	 short.	 I	 was	 leading	 the
tournament	and	needed	only	a	draw	for	clear	first,	but	I	also	outrated	my	National	Master
opponent	by	about	250	rating	points	and	thought	about	playing	for	a	win,	which	I	did	with
this	unnecessarily	provocative	move.	Much	simpler	and	better	suited	for	my	tournament
situation	is	13	…	Nxd7	with	a	perfectly	stable	position.
14	Na4!
Dual	purpose:
1.	White’s	knight	is	ready	to	land	on	c5,	with	tempo.
2.	White	clears	the	way	for	c2-c4	to	go	after	Black’s	king.
14	…	Qc7	15	Nc5+	Ke8!?
I	felt	that	15	…	Bxc5	16	dxc5+	not	only	handed	White	the	bishop	pair	but	also	gave
away	too	many	dark	squares.
16	Be3
Not	energetic	enough.	16	f4!	invests	his	position	with	potency.	After	16	…	Bd6	17	f5
exf5	 18	 gxf5	 Bh5	 19	 Qd3	 h6	 20	 Bd2	 Kf8	 (remember,	 Black	 can’t	 castle,	 having
voluntarily	moved	the	king	earlier)	Black’s	h8-rook	will	be	out	of	play	for	some	time.
16	…	Rd8
Threatening	a	cheapo	on	c5.
17	Qe2	Bd6
17	…	h5!	either	forces	the	slightly	overextending	white	g-pawn	to	g5,	or	allows	Black
to	open	the	h-file.
18	Rae1	Kf8
Buh	bye!	I	see	f2-f4	and	f4-f5	coming	and	get	my	king	off	the	e-file.
19	f4	h6
Black’s	main	issue:	How	do	I	develop	my	h8-rook?
20	Bc1
I	would	play	20	Nd3,	intending	to	go	to	e5	next.
20	…	Be7?!
Black	may	be	okay	after	the	correct	20	…	Kg8.
21	Qf2
He	should	go	for	the	energetic	21	f5!	Bxc5	22	dxc5	exf5	23	gxf5	Bh5	24	Qf2	Kg8	25
Bf4	Qa5	26	Be5	Qd2	27	Bd6	Qxf2+	28	Kxf2	with	a	difficult	ending	for	Black.
21	…	b6	22	Nb3?!
Passive.	White	must	seize	his	moment	with	22	f5!,	when	he	has	a	clear	advantage.
22	…	Bd6
Now	Black	is	okay	again.
23	Re2	a5	24	a4?!
Now	if	he	plays	c2-c4,	Black	will	occupy	the	b4-hole	with	his	bishop.	24	Be3	was
24	…	Kg8	25	Qf3	h5!
White	is	given	the	unpleasant	choice	of	allowing	Black	to	open	the	h-file	for	his	rook,
or	create	a	hole	on	f5	by	pushing	past	with	g4-g5.
26	g5	Nd5	27	c4	Nb4
The	knight	happily	occupies	the	b4-hole.	White	already	stands	worse,	with	a	distinct
feeling	of	overextension.
28	c5?!
In	 his	 desperation	 to	 win	 the	 game	 White	 is	 overextending	 further.	 Correct	 was	 28
28	…	Be7	29	f5!?
White’s	game	is	overtaken	by	the	force	of	inertia.	This	desperate	clearance	sacrifice	is
motivated	 by	 the	 fear	 of	 having	 to	 lapse	 into	 defence	 and	 just	 defend	 his	 multiple
weaknesses	passively.
29	…	Bxf5	30	Bf4	Qa7	31	Be5!?
Del	 Pilar	 was	 low	 on	 the	 clock	 by	 now.	 After	 31	 cxb6	 Qxb6	 White	 has	 too	 many
structural	weaknesses	to	survive.
31	…	bxc5	32	dxc5
32	Nxc5	Bxc5	33	dxc5	Rd3	is	decisive.
32	…	Rd3
The	d3-square	is	the	fulcrum	for	Black’s	lever,	and	White	is	completely	busted.
33	Re3	Bxc5	34	Nxc5	Qxc5	35	Rfe1	Nd5
35	…	Nc2!	is	even	stronger.
36	Bf4	Qd4!
Attacking	a	key	defender	of	e3.
37	Be5	Qb6
Also	easily	winning	is	37	…	Qxe3+!?	38	Rxe3	Rxe3	39	Qf2	Rxe5	with	way	too	many
pieces	for	the	queen.
38	Bf4
Exercise	(combination	alert):	Find	a	key	move	and	you	short	circuit	White’s	defence.
38	…	e5!
Answer:	Removal	of	the	guard.	Black	wins	a	piece.
39	Kh1	Nxf4	40	Rxd3	Bxd3	41	Rxe5	Qd4	42	Re7	Bg6	43	Qxc6	Kh7	0-1
I	was	really	tired	of	spotting	my	opponent	rook	odds	this	game	and	decided	to	finally
develop	the	late-blooming	h8-rook.
When	 White	 plays	 9	 Nc4,	 remember	 our	 only-one-safe-square-required	 policy	 and
respond	with	9	…	Qa6.
Game	14
US	10-minute	Championship	2005
Same	GM,	different	time	control.	This	one	was	played	at	the	US	G/10	Championship.	A
ten-minute	game	with	a	three-second	time	delay	doesn’t	really	count	as	rapid	and	is	more
of	a	glorified	blitz	battle.
1	e4	d5	2	exd5	Qxd5	3	Nc3	Qa5	4	d4	Nf6	5	Bc4	Bg4!?
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