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Pictures of the day
Dec.14 – Dec.20, 2018
Pictures of the day
Dec.14 – Dec. 20, 2018
Sources : , AP images , , The Telegraph, …
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February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 1
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 2
The conflict switched to the skies in
November when a bungled Israeli commando
mission inside Gaza erupted into a deadly
gunfight and then the fiercest Palestinian
rocket salvoes and Israeli air strikes since the
2014 war.
The skies fell quiet again as the year drew to
a close, giving way to ceasefires and
mediation efforts, as all sides waited for the
Trump administration to unveil its long-
expected Middle East peace plan.
Jan.4, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 3
Hamas, the militant Islamist group that
controls Gaza, televised images of the
Palestinian dead and wounded, and
Palestinian protesters posted images from
the front lines on social media.
The primary stated purpose of the protests
was to revive a demand by refugees for the
right to return to lands that Palestinians
were driven from or fled when Israel was
founded in 1948. Israel has ruled out any
such right, concerned that the country
would lose its Jewish majority.
Jan.10 , 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 4
Jan.13, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 5
Feb.23, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 6
Mar.19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 7
Mar.23, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 8
Apr.6, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 9
Apr.25, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 10
May.11, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 11
May.11, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 12
But the immediate factor was
Palestinian anger at U.S. President
Donald Trump's decisions on Dec. 6
last year to recognise Jerusalem as the
capital of Israel and to begin
preparations to move its embassy to
the city that is sacred to three of the
great monotheistic faiths: Judaism,
Christianity and Islam.
Trump's move delighted Israel's
government, which regards Jerusalem
as the capital of the Jewish people, but
infuriated Palestinians, who claim East
Jerusalem as the capital of a state they
hope to establish in the Israeli-
occupied West Bank and in Gaza.
May.14, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 13
The deadliest day of the protests was May 14, when
the new embassy held its opening ceremony. It fell on
a symbolic date for both sides - the 70th anniversary of
the creation of Israel. That is a joyous day for Israelis,
but an event regarded by Palestinians as their
"Nakba" or Catastrophe when they lost their
May.14, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 14
May.15, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 15
Jun.3, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 16
Jun.8, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 17
Jul.14, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 18
Jul.14, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 19
Jun.18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 20
Taking place in a handful of
accessible locations at
prearranged times, the
protests became battlegrounds
of image and spin for both
The Israeli military published
video footage, pictures and
social media posts in Hebrew,
English and Arabic to support
its message that its forces
were engaged in "riot
Jun. 24, 2018
February 25, 2019
Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010
Jul.21, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 22
Aug.9, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 23
Aug.9, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 24
Aug.9, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 25
The protests pitted thousands of
Palestinian demonstrators
against heavily armed Israeli
soldiers on the other side of the
fortified border fence intent on
stopping the protesters from
crossing or approaching the
What became known as the
"Great March of Return"
dominated the headlines for
months, evolving into a
compelling but deadly form of
attritional public spectacle, all
covered by photojournalists
risking their lives to document it.
Aug.31 , 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 26
Sep.7, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 27
Oct.1, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 28
Oct.5, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 29
Oct.5, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 30
Oct.15, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 31
The Jerusalem-Gaza juxtaposition
made headlines at home and abroad,
and produced a worldwide split-
screen television moment as Trump's
daughter Ivanka attended the
embassy ceremony, even as Israeli
troops killed around 60 Palestinian
protesters just over 70 km (43 miles)
Oct.19, 2018
February 25, 2019
Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010
Oct.22, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 33
Nov.12, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 34
Nov.12, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 35
The border protests continued and morphed into
other forms.
Israelis were angered by another new phenomenon
first seen in 2018 - the Palestinian 'fire kites' and
balloons loaded with petrol bombs by Gaza militants
and sent flying over the border.
Palestinians continued to call for an end to an
Israeli-led blockade on Gaza.
Nov.12, 2018
February 25, 2019
Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010
Nov.13, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 37
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 38
Nov.14, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 39
Nov.14, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 40
Nov.15, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 41
Nov.15, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 42
Nov.15, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 43
Global attention largely falls on perilous
Mediterranean Sea crossings and the uncertain
fate of the Central American caravan at the
U.S.-Mexico border. But Chile and other
comparatively wealthy Latin American nations
are absorbing another wave of mass migration
from destitute nations in the region like Haiti
and Venezuela.
Arica city near the Chilean and Peruvian border.
Nov.15, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 44
Nov.16, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 45
Nov.16, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 46
In the pitch black of the moonless Chilean desert night, the
Cuban man is hard to spot until he is within yards of the
Placing a small backpack of clothes on the ground, Yoniel
Torres, 31, a father of two, puts his hands up as police
approach with flashlights and take him into custody.
"A coyote (people trafficker) left me near (Peruvian border
town) Tacna and told me to follow the old railway line," he
tells Reuters as he is led away. "This is all horrible. The journey
was so hard. I just came in search of a better life."
Policemen look out from a watchtower at the Chilean and Peruvian border.
Nov.16, 2018
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Nov.16, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 48
Javiera Lopez, Arica's chief prosecutor,
says migrants often suffer sexual assault
and robberies on the journey.
"There are scars that might never heal,
not only from the journey but also once
in Chile because they find the situation
is totally different to the one they
thought they would find,” he says.
Venezuelan migrant Enrique Miller (44) takes
a picture of customers at a restaurant.
Nov.16, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 49
Some migrants, like Torres, travel
up to 5,600 miles (9,000 km) by air
and land to get as far as Chile. The
country has the highest GDP per
capita in South America, low levels
of corruption and the lowest murder
rate, World Bank and InSight Crime
figures show.
They endure Amazonian humidity
then extreme temperatures and
high altitude in the deserts between
Peru, Bolivia and Chile.
Immigration into Chile has
increased sixfold in less than 30
years, from 114,500 in the 1992
census, to 746,465 last year.
Undocumented Bolivian migrant
known as Elvis, 40, uses a mobile
phone after work.
Nov.17, 2018
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Nov.17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 51
Those who make it to Chile often live a
precarious existence. Haitians,
Dominicans, and Bolivians live cheek
by jowl in tumbledown neighborhoods
like Arica's Cerro Chuno, scraping
together a living working in
restaurants and mines. Racism and job
discrimination is common.
The 29 countries who refused to sign
the UN Migration Pact argue that it
undermines their sovereignty.
"People have a right to leave their
country when they feel it is right,"
Chilean Foreign Minister Roberto
Ampuero told a Senate committee last
week. "But ... they cannot go to any
country they want to."
Undocumented Bolivian migrant known as
Ramiro (39) arrives at the camp where he works.
Nov.17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 52
Scenes like this are replicated every
day along Chile's long land border.
The country is hardening its stance
towards immigration, and refused
to sign a United Nations migration
pact last week aimed at improving
migrant integration and protection.
Haitian migrant Stephane (19) hides his face as he poses for a photograph.
Nov.18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 53
There has also been a spike in
illegal migration. In the dusty Arica
region at Peru's southern border,
Chilean police say they caught
more than 2,200 foreigners
attempting to enter the country
illegally between January and
November, up 80 percent from the
previous year.
Guided in many cases by traffickers
paid as much as $3,000, police say,
they cross in remote areas to avoid
border guards, risking a fatal
encounter with landmines planted
on the frontier decades ago on the
orders of former dictator Augusto
Nov.18, 2018
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December 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 55
Students of Santa Claus school attend their
classes in Sao Paulo, Brazil, December 4.
REUTERS/Paulo Whitaker
Dec. 4, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 56
Migrants from Honduras, part of a caravan of
thousands from Central America trying to reach
the United States, try to climb over a border
fence to cross into the U.S., in Tijuana, Mexico,
December 11. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem
Dec. 11, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 57
Migrants prepare to climb over the
border wall into the U.S. from
Tijuana, Mexico December 13, 2018.
REUTERS/Leah Millis
Dec. 13, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 58
Reuters / Thursday, December 13,
Accused Russian agent Maria
Butina pleads guilty to a single
conspiracy charge in a deal with
prosecutors and admitted to
working with a top Russian official
to infiltrate a powerful gun rights
group and influence U.S. policy
toward Moscow, in this courtroom
sketch in U.S. District Court in
Washington. REUTERS/Bill
Dec. 13, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 59
December 14, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 60
A U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer
watches a group of migrants as they search for a
place to cross over the U.S. border wall in
Tijuana, Mexico December 14, 2018.
REUTERS/Leah Millis
Dec. 14, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 61
Noe Hernandez, a migrant from
Honduras leans against the border
wall after arriving with the
intention to cross through it into
the U.S. from Tijuana and finding
the water too high in Tijuana,
Mexico December 14, 2018.
REUTERS/Leah Milli
Dec. 14, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 62
Reuters / Friday, December 14,
U.S. Customs and Border
Protection (CBP) officials stand
guard next to the border wall
after a group of migrants, part of
a caravan of thousands from
Central America trying to reach
the United States, crossed
illegally from Mexico to the U.S.,
as seen from Tijuana, Mexico.
REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins
Dec. 14, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 63
Policemen charge towards demonstrators
marching during a protest against the new
labor law in Budapest, Hungary, December
14, 2018. REUTERS/Bernadett Szabo
Dec. 14, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 64
Jewish cemetery desecrated with swastikas in France
Graves desecrated with swastikas are seen in the
Jewish cemetery of Herrlisheim, north of
Strasbourg, France. REUTERS/Vincent Kessler
Dec. 14, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 65
Strasbourg's Grand Rabbi
Harold-Abraham Weill inspects
graves desecrated with
swastikas in the Jewish
cemetery of Herrlisheim, north of
Strasbourg, France, December
14, 2018. REUTERS/Vincent
Dec. 14, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 66
Graves desecrated with swastikas are seen in
the Jewish cemetery of Herrlisheim, north of
Strasbourg, France. REUTERS/Vincent Kessler
Dec. 14, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 67
Strasbourg's Grand Rabbi Harold-
Abraham Weill inspects graves
desecrated with swastikas in the
Jewish cemetery of Herrlisheim,
north of Strasbourg, France.
REUTERS/Vincent Kessler
Dec. 14, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 68
Graves desecrated with swastikas
are seen in the Jewish cemetery of
Herrlisheim, north of Strasbourg,
France. REUTERS/Vincent KessleDec. 14, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 69
Strasbourg's Grand Rabbi Harold-
Abraham Weill inspects graves
desecrated with swastikas in the
Jewish cemetery of Herrlisheim, north
of Strasbourg, France.
REUTERS/Vincent Kessler
Dec. 14, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 70
French President Emmanuel Macron meets
police officers wearing hoods near the
Christmas market in Strasbourg, eastern
France, Friday, Dec.14, 2018. A fourth person
died Friday from wounds suffered in an attack
on the Christmas market in Strasbourg, as
investigators worked to establish whether the
main suspect had help while on the run. (AP
Photo/Jean-Francois Badias, Pool)
Dec. 14, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 71
Palestinians watch medics move a
wounded youth who was shot by
Israeli troops during a protest at the
Gaza Strip's border with Israel, into
the treatment room of Shifa hospital
in Gaza City, Friday, Dec. 14, 2018.
Hamas has orchestrated
demonstrations on a weekly basis
since March, demanding an end to a
crippling Israeli-Egyptian blockade on
the territory. (AP Photo/Adel Hana)
Dec. 14, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 72
December 15, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 73
Migrants jump over the border wall to
cross from Mexico to the U.S, as seen from
Tijuana, Mexico, December 15, 2018.
REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins
Dec. 15, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 74
A migrant woman jumps over the
border wall to cross illegally from
Mexico to the U.S., as seen from
Tijuana, Mexico, December 15, 2018.
REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins
Dec. 15, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 75
A girl walks near her house destroyed in
an air strike carried out by the Saudi-led
coalition in Faj Attan village, Sanaa,
Yemen. REUTERS/Mohamed al-Sayaghi
Dec. 15, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 76
Virgin Galactic s carrier airplane
WhiteKnightTwo carrying space tourism
rocket plane SpaceShipTwo takes off
from Mojave Air and Space Port in
Mojave, California. REUTERS/Gene
Dec. 15, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 77
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and British
Prime Minister Theresa May take part in a
European Union leaders summit in Brussels,
Belgium. REUTERS/Yves Herman
Dec. 15, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 78
Britain's Queen Elizabeth visits The
Honourable Society of Lincoln s Inn to open
the new Ashworth Centre, and re-open the
recently renovated Great Hall, in London.
REUTERS/Toby Melville
Dec. 15, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 79
A woman walks her dog on Wall St.
during a cold day in New York City.
REUTERS/Brendan McDermid
Dec. 15, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 80
U.S. first lady Melania Trump sits beside Nathan
Simm while reading a children's Christmas story
during her visit to Children's National Health
System in Washington. REUTERS/Kevin
Dec. 15, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 81
A healthcare worker sprays around a baby
suspected of dying of Ebola in Beni, North
Kivu Province of Democratic Republic of
Congo. REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic
Dec. 15, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 82
Khadija Kamara sits next to
her son Carlos, who she says
hasn't been seen by staff at
Freetown's Connaught
Hospital in days, despite
needing surgery to remove a
foreign object lodged in his
windpipe, in Freetown,
Sierra Leone.
REUTERS/Cooper Inveen
Dec. 15, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 83
The impact from a bullet is seen on a wall on
the rue du Savon after the deadly shooting in
Strasbourg, France. REUTERS/Vincent Kessler
Dec. 15, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 84
British actor Keira Knightley poses
for the media after receiving an
OBE for her services to drama and
charity at an investiture ceremony
at Buckingham Palace in London.
Victoria Jones/Pool via REUTERS
Dec. 15, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 85
A man is seen trapped in a restaurant grease duct in
San Lorenzo, California. ALAMEDA COUNTY SHERIFFS
Dec. 15, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 86
An HIV-positive and tuberculosis patient
lies on a stretcher at the Jose Gregorio
Hernandez hospital in the slum of Catia in
Caracas, Venezuela. REUTERS/Marco Bello
Dec. 15, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 87
Canadas Foreign Minister
Chrystia Freeland listens to a
question during a news
conference in Ottawa.
REUTERS/Chris Wattie
Dec. 15, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 88
Cast member Jason Momoa performs a haka
dance at the premiere for Aquaman in Los
Angeles. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni
Dec. 15, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 89
Reuters / Saturday, December 15, 2018
Tipape Lekatoo, a Maasai Moran from Mbirikani
Manyatta, competes in a traditional high-jump event
during the 2018 Maasai Olympics at the Sidai Oleng
Wildlife Sanctuary, at the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro,
near the Kenya-Tanzania border in Kimana, Kajiado,
Kenya. REUTERS/Thomas Mukoya
Dec. 15, 2018
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December 16, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 91
Reuters / Sunday, December 16, 2018
Snow covers the roofs of the so-called Alter
Flecken, the historic core of downtown
Freudenberg with its half-timbered houses from
the 17th century in the heart of the federal state
of North Rhine-Westphalia near the city of
Siegen, Germany. REUTERS/Wolfgang Rattay
Dec. 16, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 92
December 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 93
Li Wenzu, the wife of prominent Chinese
rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang, has her
head shaved in protest over the
government's treatment of her husband in
Beijing, China. REUTERS/Thomas Peter
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 94
Forensic experts search for evidence after a
bomb blast outside the Greek SKAI TV
building in Athens, Greece. REUTERS/Costas
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 95
Los Angeles Rams wide receiver Josh
Reynolds is tackled short of the end zone by
Philadelphia Eagles cornerback Rasul
Douglas. Kelvin Kuo-USA TODAY Sports
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 96
Hamish the polar bear emerges from his
frozen muddy pond searching for his red ball
in the Highland Wildlife Park in Kincraig,
Scotland. REUTERS/Russell Cheyne
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 97
A tear gas shell fired by Indian
police explodes during a protest
march in Srinagar.
REUTERS/Danish Ismail
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 98
Georgian police officers block opposition
supporters on the road in Mukuzani,
Georgia. REUTERS/David Chkhikvishvili
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 99
The moon rises over the Dolomites alps in Gardena
pass in Val Gardena, northern Italy.
REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 100
The mother of a baby suspected of
dying from Ebola, cries outside a
hospital in Beni, North Kivu Province
of Democratic Republic of Congo.
REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 101
Palestinians take part in a rally
marking the 31st anniversary of
Hamas' founding, in Gaza City.
REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu MustafDec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 102
COP24 President Michal Kurtyka reacts
during a final session of the COP24 U.N.
Climate Change Conference 2018 in
Katowice, Poland. REUTERS/Kacper
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 103
Daiya Seto of Japan competes in the 400m
individual medley finals at the FINA World
Swimming Championships in Hangzhou, China.
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 104
Cars are seen following snowfall at a car park
in Yantai, Shandong province, China.
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 105
Domingo Caal, 61, grandfather of Jakelin, a 7-
year-old girl who died in U.S. custody, holds his
mobile phone with a picture of his
granddaughter as he stands outside her house in
Raxruha, Guatemala. REUTERS/Josue Decavele
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 106
A far-right supporter throws a
barricade during a protest against the
Marrakesh Migration Pact in Brussels,
Belgium. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 107
Participants dressed as Santa Claus take
part in the annual race known as Run
Santa Run at Fundidora Park in
Monterrey, Mexico. REUTERS/Daniel
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 108
Newlywed Stephanie
Pinheiro Cardoso and
Joyce Generoso kiss after
a collective wedding
ceremony for 38 same-sex
couples organized by
"House 1", an NGO and
residential shelter in Sao
Paulo, Brazil.
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 109
A figure of Santa Claus using a
parachute is seen among
Christmas decorations and lights
on the facade of a house in San
Gwann, Malta. REUTERS/Darrin
Zammit Lupi
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 110
The Frecce Tricolori performs at the
Alpine Skiing World Cup in Alta Badia,
Italy. REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 111
Honduran migrants, part of a caravan of migrants
from Central America traveling with the intention
of reaching the U.S. jump over a border fence
into the U.S. from Tijuana, Mexico.
REUTERS/Leah Millis
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 112
A boy, part of a caravan of migrants
from Central America traveling with
the intention of reaching the U.S.,
jumps over a border fence into the
U.S. from Tijuana, Mexico.
REUTERS/Carlos Barria
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 113
Reuters / Monday, December 17,
Maria Meza, a 40-year-old migrant
woman from Honduras, part of a
caravan of thousands from Central
America trying to reach the United
States, holds her daughter as she
waits at the Otay Mesa port of
entry in San Diego, California to be
processed as an asylum seeker, as
seen from Tijuana, Mexico.
REUTERS/Carlos Barria
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 114
Philippines wins Miss Universe crown
Miss Philippines Catriona Gray is
crowned Miss Universe during
the final round of the Miss
Universe pageant in Bangkok,
Thailand, December 17, 2018.
REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 115
Miss Philippines Catriona Gray reacts
after being crowned Miss Universe
during the final round. REUTERS/Athit
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 116
Miss Philippines Catriona Gray waves
after being crowned Miss Universe
during the final round. REUTERS/Athit
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 117
Miss Curacao Akisha Albert speaks next to
host Steve Harvey after she was selected as
one of the contestants for the top 20 during
the final round. REUTERS/Athit
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 118
Miss Philippines Catriona Gray
reacts during the final round.
REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 119
Reuters / Sunday, December 16, 2018
Contestants selected for the top 5 are pictured during the
final round. From L-R: Miss Venezuela Sthefany Guti rrez,
Miss South Africa Tamaryn Green, Miss Philippines
Catriona Gray, Miss Vietnam H'Hen Nie and Miss Puerto
Rico Kiara Ortega. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 120
Miss Philippines Catriona Gray
reacts after she was selected as
one of the top 20 contestants
during the final round.
REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 121
Miss Indonesia Sonia Fergina Citra, Miss
Venezuela Sthefany Gutierrez and Miss USA
Sarah Rose Summers react during the final
round. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 122
Reuters / Sunday, December 16,
Miss Philippines Catriona Gray
reacts after she is named the
winner as she hold hands with
first runner-up Miss South Africa
Tamaryn Green during the final
round of the Miss Universe
pageant in Bangkok, Thailand,
December 17, 2018.
REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 123
Miss Philippines Catriona Gray is
crowned Miss Universe during the final
round. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 124
Miss Philippines Catriona Gray competes
during the final round. REUTERS/Athit
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 125
Miss Venezuela Sthefany Guti rrez
competes during the final round of the
Miss Universe pageant in Bangkok,
Thailand, December 17, 2018.
REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 126
Miss Spain Angela Ponce competes
during the final round. REUTERS/Athit
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 127
Contestants take part in the final round.
REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 128
Mount Soputan volcano spews hot ash during
an eruption as seen from Silian Tiga village in
South East Minahasa, North Sulawesi,
Indonesia. Antara Foto/Adwit B Pramono/ via
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 129
Migrants at the border fence
Migrants from Honduras, part of a
caravan of thousands from Central
America trying to reach the United
States, take cover next to the border
fence as they prepare to cross it
illegally, in Tijuana, Mexico,
December 17, 2018.
REUTERS/Mohammed Salem
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 130
Reuters / Monday, December 17,
Jamie Mejia Meza, a daughter of
Maria Meza, sits at the Otay Mesa
port of entry in San Diego to be
processed as an asylum seeker, as
seen from Tijuana, Mexico
December 17, 2018. A system
dubbed "metering" limits how
many can ask for asylum each day
at U.S. ports of entry, leading to
months-long waits in Mexico for
thousands of migrants fleeing
violence in Central America.
REUTERS/Mohammed Salem
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 131
Reuters / Monday, December 17, 2018
Children of Maria Meza make their way
to the Otay Mesa port of entry in San
Diego to be processed as an asylum
seeker, in Tijuana, Mexico December
17, 2018. CBP said in response to
questions that this year it had seen a
more than 100 percent increase in
asylum seekers processed at ports of
entry and that it processed people as
quickly as possible. "As we have done
for several years, when our ports of
entry reach capacity, we have to
manage the queues and individuals
presenting without documents may
need to wait in Mexico as CBP officers
work to process those already within
our facilities. REUTERS/Mohammed
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 132
A migrant from Honduras stands
next to the border fence as he
prepares to cross it illegally, in
Tijuana, Mexico, December 17, 2018.
REUTERS/Mohammed Salem
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 133
Reuters / Monday, December 17,
The daughter of Maria Meza
cries as she waits with her
mother sitting at the Otay Mesa
port of entry in San Diego to be
processed as asylum seeker, as
seen from Tijuana, Mexico
December 17, 2018. Activists say
metering is intended to deter
asylum applicants by making the
process arduous, while U.S.
officials maintain the system
only exists to manage
overcapacity at ports of entry.
REUTERS/Mohammed Salem
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 134
Reuters / Monday, December 17,
Migrants look at U.S. Customs and
Border Protection (CBP) officials in
San Diego County, U.S., after
crossing illegally from Mexico to the
U.S by jumping a border fence,
photographed through the border
wall in Tijuana, Mexico December
17, 2018. REUTERS/Mohammed
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 135
Reuters / Monday, December 17,
Chen Jingyang, who has been in
the village for 12 years, works on
his original painting as a portrait of
the Chinese president Xi Jinping by
him is placed on the ground at his
studio in Dafen Oil Painting Village
in Shenzhen, Guangdong province,
China. REUTERS/Thomas Suen
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 136
Reuters / Monday, December 17,
Migrant Yoniel Torres, 31, from
Cuba is handcuffed after being
detained by the police by a train
line in a mined area of desert at
the Chilean and Peruvian border
in Arica, Chile. "A coyote (people
trafficker) left me near (Peruvian
border town) Tacna and told me
to follow the old railway line,"
Torres said. "This is all horrible.
The journey was so hard. I just
came in search of a better life."
REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 137
Reuters / Monday, December 17,
Furniture to be moved sits in the hall
outside of U.S. Congressional offices
weeks before the end of the current
term, as dozens of outgoing and
incoming members of Congress move
into and out of Washington as votes
on a potential federal government
shutdown loom, on Capitol Hill in
Washington. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 138
Reuters / Monday, December 17, 2018
U.S. former Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI) Director James Comey walks past a group
of reporters as he arrives to give closed-door
testimony to the House Oversight and House
Judiciary committees, as part of their probes
into Comey's 2016 handling of the
investigation into former Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton's email use, on Capitol Hill in
Washington. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 139
December 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 140
An aerial view shows a climber, dressed as
Santa Claus, who decorates a 57-metre-high
Christmas tree in a park on Tatyshev Island,
located in the middle of the Yenisei River in
the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
REUTERS/Ilya Naymushin
Dec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 141
Migrant family who fled tear gas at U.S. border seeks asylum
Reuters / Tuesday, December 18,
A family waits to apply for asylum
at the Otay Mesa port of entry in
San Diego, California, seen from
Tijuana, Mexico December 17,
2018. Sandra Cordero, from
advocacy group Families Belong
Together, which accompanied the
migrants, said eight
unaccompanied minors were
being processed for asylum. Meza
and her family were also being
processed, Cordero said.
REUTERS/Carlos Barria
Dec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 142
Reuters / Tuesday, December 18,
Unaccompanied minors are escorted
by U.S. Customs and Border
Protection (CBP) officers as they
have been processed for asylum at
the Otay Mesa port of entry in San
Diego, California, December 17,
2018. Sometimes U.S. border
authorities allow individuals
considered vulnerable, such as
unaccompanied minors, be
processed more rapidly. Activists
said the group on Monday fit that
category. REUTERS/Carlos Barria
Dec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 143
Reuters / Tuesday, December
18, 2018
An unaccompanied minor
reacts as he is allowed to enter
the United States to apply for
asylum, at the Otay Mesa port
of entry in San Diego,
California, seen from Tijuana,
Mexico December 17, 2018.
Democratic U.S.
Representatives Jimmy Gomez
and Nanette Barragan, along
with lawyers, accompanied the
group at the Otay Mesa port of
entry in Tijuana, Mexico, on
Monday afternoon, the Reuters
witness said. REUTERS/Carlos
Dec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 144
Fire engulfs 600 stilt
Reuters / Tuesday, December 18,
A resident is seen after a fire at
Educandos neighbourhood, on a
branch of the Rio Negro, a
tributary to the Amazon river, in
the city of Manaus, Brazil
December 18, 2018. A fire raced
through a neighborhood in the
Brazilian jungle city of Manaus
early on Tuesday, engulfing at
least 600 wooden houses built on
stilts due to seasonal floods and
sending thousands fleeing from
their homes.REUTERS/Bruno Kelly
Dec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 145
Houses on fire are seen at
Educandos neighbourhood in
the city of Manaus, Brazil
December 17, 2018.
REUTERS/Bruno Kelly
Dec. 17 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 146
Houses on fire are seen at Educandos
neighbourhood in the city of Manaus,
Brazil December 17, 2018.
REUTERS/Bruno Kelly
Dec. 17, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 147
Reuters / Tuesday, December 18,
A man looks at houses on fire at
Educandos neighbourhood in the
city of Manaus, Brazil December
17, 2018. No deaths were
reported from the blaze, which
authorities said may have been
triggered by a pressure cooker
explosion. Four people were
injured, and more than 2,000
people were forced to flee,
Amadeu Soares, head of the
Amazonas state security ministry,
told reporters at the scene.
REUTERS/Bruno Kelly
Dec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 148
Reuters / Tuesday, December 18,
A resident is seen with her dog
during a fire in the city of Manaus,
Brazil December 17, 2018. Such
fires are common in poorer
neighborhoods and slums in Brazil,
where scant government planning
during decades of rapid
urbanization resulted in informal
settlements sprouting up, housing
millions who sought jobs in urban
centers. REUTERS/Bruno Kelly
Dec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 149
A resident is seen after a fire at
Educandos neighbourhood in
the city of Manaus, Brazil
December 18, 2018.
REUTERS/Bruno Kelly
Dec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 150
Residents are seen after a fire at Educandos
neighbourhood in the city of Manaus, Brazil December
18, 2018. REUTERS/Bruno KellyDec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 151
A resident is seen after a fire at Educandos
neighbourhood in the city of Manaus, Brazil
December 18, 2018. REUTERS/Bruno Kelly
Dec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 152
A resident is seen after a fire at Educandos
neighbourhood in the city of Manaus, Brazil
December 18, 2018. REUTERS/Bruno KellyDec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 153
The wealthiest celebrities
Reuters / Friday, June 10, 2016
Forbes magazine has named its
10 wealthiest celebrities, using
estimates based on the
celebrities' known holdings of
real estate, art and shares of
companies both public and
private, as well as other assets
and estimated lifetime earnings.
Topping the list is director
George Lucas, with a net worth
of $5.4 billion. Most of Lucas's
wealth came from the $4.05
billion sale of the LucasFilm
production company to Walt
Disney Co in 2012, Forbes said.
REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 154
Reuters / Wednesday, June 13, 2018
2. Fellow filmmaker Steven Spielberg,
72, came in second, with an
estimated $3.7 billion net worth.
Spielberg's career as director, writer
and producer spans some 50 years
with credits that include "Jaws,"
"E.T.," "Raiders of the Lost Ark,"
"Schindler's List" and "Saving Private
Ryan." REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 155
3. The richest female
celebrity was Oprah
Winfrey, 64, whose acting
and media enterprises
have yielded her a net
worth of an estimated $2.8
billion, third overall.
REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 156
Reuters / Friday, June 12, 2015
4. Basketball legend Michael Jordan
boosted his net worth by an estimated
$400 million in the past year, mostly off
his 34-year-long sneaker deal with Nike
and his stake in the Charlotte Hornets.
His estimated $1.7 billion net worth
ranked him fourth. REUTERS/Gonzalo
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 157
5. (tie) Kylie Jenner's Kylie Cosmetics
puts the 21-year-old on track to
become the youngest ever self-made
billionaire, the magazine said. She has
an estimated worth of $900 million.
REUTERS/Carlo Allegri
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 158
7. Illusionist and entertainer David
Copperfield amassed his fortune
through a grueling pace of 600 shows
per year in Las Vegas, earning a net
worth of $875 million.
REUTERS/Danny Moloshok
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 159
A mother of a child, suspected of dying
from Ebola, cries near her child's coffin
in Beni, North Kivu Province of
Democratic Republic of Congo.
REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic
Dec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 160
Giant waves are seen at Shore Acres
State Park, in Oregon. WRIGHT AURA
Dec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 161
A woman calls up GROOVE X's
new home robot LOVOT at its
demonstration during the
launching event in Tokyo, Japan.
REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon
Dec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 162
Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May
leaves 10 Downing Steet in London.
REUTERS/Toby Melville
Dec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 163
A woman reacts after a fire burnt several
businesses in a street of Port-au-Prince,
Haiti. REUTERS/Andres Martinez Casares
Dec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 164
Nine-year-old Juice looks at its two-
month-old clone at He Jun's pet
resort in Beijing, China.
Dec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 165
Chilean dockworkers are sprayed by a riot police
water truck during a protest against the port
operator TPS (South Pacific Terminal) to demand
that temporary workers be included in collective
bargaining in Valparaiso, Chile. REUTERS/Rodrigo
Dec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 166
A diver wearing a Santa Claus costume
swims in a large fish tank during an
underwater performance at Sunshine
Aquarium in Tokyo. REUTERS/Issei Kato
Dec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 167
A girl carries a container of water at a coltan
mine in Kamatare, Masisi territory, North
Kivu Province of Democratic Republic of
Congo. REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic
Dec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 168
A man stands by an installation depicting
2019 in the Red Square in Moscow,
Russia. REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov
Dec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 169
Singer Carla Bruni-Sarkozy poses
with her wax figure made by
German sculptor Claus Velte at the
Grevin wax museum during the
presentation of her waxwork in
Paris. REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes
Dec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 170
People are seen ice skating at Rockefeller
Center as the rain falls in Manhattan.
REUTERS/Amr AlfikyDec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 171
Students prepare for an event marking the
40th anniversary of China's reform and
opening up at the Great Hall of the People
in Beijing. REUTERS/Jason Lee
Dec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 172
Austria's Marcel Hirsher in action
during the Men's Parallel Giant Slalom
at the Alpine Skiing World Cup.
REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini
Dec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 173
Reuters / Tuesday, December 18,
Maria Meza sits as she waits at the
Otay Mesa port of entry in San Diego,
California to be processed as an
asylum seeker, as seen from Tijuana,
Mexico December 17, 2018. The
asylum seekers had been part of
groups of thousands of migrants
known as caravans that left from
Central America and arrived in
Tijuana in recent months. U.S.
President Donald Trump declared the
caravans an "invasion," and sent
several thousand troops to "harden"
the border, including with barbed
wire. REUTERS/Carlos Barria
Dec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 174
Journalists stand in the newsroom of
Venezuela's El Nacional newspaper after
it published its last print edition on
Friday, after struggling for years under
government pressure and a collapsing
economy, in Caracas, Venezuela.
REUTERS/Manaure Quinter
Dec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 175
A man walks through a vegetable
field on a foggy winter morning in
New Delhi, India.
REUTERS/Anushree FadnavisDec. 18, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 176
December 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 177
A resident is seen after a fire at Educandos
neighbourhood, on a branch of the Rio
Negro, a tributary to the Amazon river, in
the city of Manaus, Brazil.
REUTERS/Bruno Kelly
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 178
Mini-pigs perform during the
presentation in Balashikha, Russia.
REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 179
Tesla founder Elon Musk speaks at the The
Boring Company unveiling event for the test
tunnel of a proposed underground
transportation network across Los Angeles
County, in Hawthorne, California. Robyn
Beck/Pool via REUTERS
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 180
Chilean dockworkers clash with riot police
during a protest against port operator TPS
(South Pacific Terminal), to demand temporary
workers be included in collective bargaining, in
Valparaiso, Chile. REUTERS/Rodrigo Garrido
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 181
Former U.S. national security adviser
Michael Flynn passes by members of the
media as he departs after his sentencing
was delayed at U.S. District Court in
Washington. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 182
Paratroopers from the Qatari armed
forces take part in Qatar's National Day
celebrations in Doha, Qatar.
REUTERS/Ibraheem al Omari
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 183
Miners leave shaft 7, some 1,200
meters below surface, following
their shift at Germany's last active
coal mine Prosper-Haniel of the
RAG foundation in Bottrop, western
Germany. REUTERS/Wolfgang
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 184
Borussia Dortmund fans
with flares during their
match against Fortuna
Dusseldorf in
Dusseldorf, Germany.
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 185
Pedro Flores looks on during the trial of accused
Mexican drug lord Joaquin El Chapo Guzman in this
courtroom sketch as they appear in Brooklyn
federal court in New York. REUTERS/Jane
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 186
Migrants, intercepted off the coast in the
Mediterranean Sea, wait to disembark a
rescue boat at the port of Malaga,
southern Spain. REUTERS/Jon Nazca
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 187
Residents look at houses on fire at
Educandos neighborhood, a branch
of the Rio Negro a tributary to the
Amazon river, in the city of Manaus,
Brazi. REUTERS/Bruno Kelly
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 188
Pope Francis blesses a pregnant woman's
ultrasound during the weekly general
audience at Paul VI hall at the Vatican.
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 189
Los Angeles Lakers small forward
LeBron James reacts during the fourth
quarter against the Brooklyn Nets.
Brad Penner-USA TODAY Sports
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 190
Reuters / Wednesday, December 19,
Supporters of India's ruling Bharatiya
Janata Party (BJP) shout slogans
during a protest against what they
call disinformation by India's main
opposition Congress party on a deal
to buy Rafale fighter planes from a
French company, in Chandigarh,
India. REUTERS/Ajay Verma
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 191
Peter Zion, who was attacked in January
by nomadic herdsmen in the central
Nigerian state of Benue, speaks during an
interview with Reuters at a cafe in
Makurdi, Nigeria. REUTERS/Afolabi
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 192
People hold a big European Union flag during a
protest against a proposed new labor law, billed as
the slave law, in front of the Parliament building in
Budapest, Hungary. REUTERS/Marko Djurica
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 193
Healthcare worker carry a coffin with a baby
suspected of dying of Ebola during the funeral in
Beni, North Kivu Province of Democratic Republic
of Congo. REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 194
People visit the Shining a light on
species exhibition in the Jardin de
plantes garden in Paris, France.
REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 195
A sunflower field is seen in Lopburi
province, Thailand. REUTERS/Ann Wang
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 196
A woman, part of a caravan of thousands
from Central America trying to reach the
United States, holds a Christmas tree as she
walks at the temporary shelter in Tijuana,
Mexico. REUTERS/Carlos Barria
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 197
Tunnels at Israel-Lebanon border
Reuters / Wednesday, December
19, 2018
An Israeli soldier lowers a
camera down an Israeli-dug
hole into a cross-border tunnel
dug from Lebanon into Israel, as
seen on the Israeli side of the
border, near the town of Metula
December 19, 2018. Israel says
Hezbollah dug tunnels under
the Israel-Lebanon border with
the aim of launching attacks
into Israeli territory with backing
from its regional sponsor Iran.
Hezbollah has yet to comment.
REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 198
Israeli soldiers patrol the border near
the village of Kfar Kila, Lebanon
December 4, 2018. REUTERS/
Karamallah Daher
Dec. 4, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 199
Reuters / Tuesday, December 04, 2018
Heavy machinery preparing for a military operation in
northern Israel near the border with Lebanon is seen is this
still image taken from video footage released by the Israeli
army on December 4, 2018. Courtesy Israel Defence Force
Spokesperson Unit/Handout via REUTERS
Dec. 4, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 200
Reuters / Tuesday, December 04, 2018
Heavy machinery preparing for a
military operation in northern Israel
near the border with Lebanon is seen is
this still image taken from video
footage released by the Israeli army on
December 4, 2018. Courtesy Israel
Defence Force Spokesperson
Unit/Handout via REUTERS
Dec. 4, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 201
Israeli soldiers are seen from Kfar Kila
village, in south Lebanon December 4, 2018.
REUTERS/ Karamallah Daher
Dec. 4, 2018
Israeli vehicles are seen from the village
of Kfar Kila, in south Lebanon December
4, 2018. REUTERS/Ali Hashisho
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 202
Flags of Hezbollah, Lebanon and Palestine
are seen fluttering near the border with
Israel in the village of Khiam, Lebanon
December 4, 2018. REUTERS/Ali Hashisho
Dec. 4, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 203
Israeli vehicle digs at the border near the
village of Kfar Kila, in south Lebanon
December 4, 2018. REUTERS/
Karamallah Daher
Dec. 4, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 204
UN peacekeepers (UNIFIL) patrol the
border with Israel near the village of
Kfar Kila, Lebanon December 4, 2018.
REUTERS/Ali Hashisho
Dec. 4, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 205
Israeli military personnel and a drill are seen as they
work next to the border with Lebanon, near Metulla,
northern Israel December 4, 2018. REUTERS/Gil
Dec. 4, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 206
Israeli soldiers are seen from the village of
Kfar Kila, in south Lebanon December 5,
2018. REUTERS/Aziz Taher
Dec. 5, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 207
Israeli soldiers are seen from the village
of Kfar Kila, in south Lebanon
December 5, 2018. REUTERS/Aziz Taher
Dec. 5, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 208
Reuters / Wednesday, December 05, 2018
U.N. peacekeepers and Israeli soldiers look towards the border
with Lebanon the morning after the Israeli military said it had
launched an operation to "expose and thwart" cross-border
attack tunnels from Lebanon, in Israel's northernmost town
Metula December 5, 2018. REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun
Dec. 5, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 209
Lebanese soldiers stand near the border with
Israel, at the village of Kfar Kila, in south
Lebanon December 5, 2018. REUTERS/Aziz
Dec. 5, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 210
Israeli soldiers lift the cover of an
Israeli-dug hole into a cross-border
tunnel dug from Lebanon into Israel,
as seen on the Israeli side of the
border, near the town of Metula
December 19, 2018 REUTERS/ Ronen
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 211
A photo taken during a guided tour by
the Israeli army shows a view inside a
tunnel which reportedly connects
Lebanon and Israel, near the border by
the northern Israeli town of Metula
December 19, 2018 Jack Guez/Pool via
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 212
Reuters / Wednesday, December 19, 2018
A man stands next to a drill as Israeli
military personnel continue work on
exposing and thwarting cross-border
tunnels dug from Lebanon into Israel, as
seen on the Israeli side of the border, near
the town of Metula December 19, 2018.
REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 213
A photo taken during a guided tour by the
Israeli army shows a view inside a tunnel
which reportedly connects Lebanon and
Israel, near the border by the Israeli town of
Metula December 19, 2018 Jack Guez/Pool
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 214
U.S. forces in Syria
A man gestures at U.S military vehicles driving in
the town of Darbasiya next to the Turkish border.
April 28, 2017. REUTERS/Rodi Said
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 215
U.S. and Turkish soldiers conduct the first-ever
combined joint patrol outside Manbij,
November 1, 2018. Courtesy Arnada
Jones/U.S. Army/Handout via REUTERS
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 216
Syrian schoolchildren walk as U.S. troops
patrol near Turkish border in Hasakah,
November 4, 2018. REUTERS/Rodi Said
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 217
U.S. forces are seen at the Kurdish People's
Protection Units (YPG) headquarters after it
was hit by Turkish airstrikes in Mount Karachok
near Malikiya. April 25, 2017. REUTERS/ Rodi
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 218
Reuters / Friday, April 07, 2017
U.S. Navy guided-missile destroyer USS Porter (DDG
78) conducts strike operations while in the
Mediterranean Sea which U.S. Defense Department
said was a part of cruise missile strike against Syria
on April 7, 2017. Ford Williams/Courtesy U.S.
Navy/Handout via REUTERS
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 219
Syrian residents watch as U.S.
troops patrol near Turkish border
in Hasakah, November 4, 2018.
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 220
U.S. forces set up a new base in Manbij,
May 8, 2018. REUTERS/Rodi Said
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 221
Syrian Democratic Forces and U.S. troops
are seen during a patrol near Turkish
border in Hasakah, November 4, 2018.
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 222
A U.S military demining vehicle leads a
convoy on the main road in Raqqa, July 31,
2017. REUTERS/Rodi Said
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 223
A U.S army soldier stands guard next to an
armored vehicle as Brett McGurk, U.S. envoy to
the coalition against Islamic State, visits the
town of Tabqa, June 29, 2017. REUTERS/Rodi
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 224
A U.S military convoy is seen on the
main road in Raqqa July 31, 201.
REUTERS/ Rodi Said
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 225
Inside America's prisons
Inmates stand in a gymnasium where they are
housed due to overcrowding at the California
Institution for Men state prison in Chino, California,
June 2011. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 226
An inmate sits in the yard of a cellblock
which mainly houses prisoners with
cognitive decline, Alzheimer's, and
dementia, at the California Health Care
Facility in Stockton, California, May 2018.
REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 227
Inmates serving a jail sentence make a
phone call at Maricopa County's Tent City
jail in Phoenix, July 2010. REUTERS/Joshua
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 228
Cori Walters, 32, (R) hugs her daughter
Hannah Walters, 6, at California Institute for
Women state prison in Chino, California, May
2012. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 229
Robert Galvan, who is on death row for
murder, exercises at the Adjustment Center
yard during a media tour of California's Death
Row at San Quentin State Prison in San
Quentin, California, December 2015.
REUTERS/Stephen Lam
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 230
Marvin Caldwell, 63, who said he was imprisoned
for 20 years under the three strikes law for
possession and sale of methamphetamine, looks out
of his cell at San Quentin state prison in San
Quentin, California, June 2012. REUTERS/Lucy
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 231
Ukraine holds military exercises amid standoff with Russia
Ukrainian Army reservists take part in military
exercises at the Ukrainian Army training centre
"Desna" in Chernihiv region, Ukraine December 19,
2018. REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 232
A Ukrainian soldier fires a howitzer during
military exercises in the Ukrainian Ground
Forces training center near Honcharivske in
Chernihiv region, Ukraine December 3, 2018.
REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko
Dec. 3, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 233
Reuters / Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Ukrainian servicemen take part in drills
as President Petro Poroshenko visits the
169th training center "Desna" of the
Ukrainian Army ground forces in
Chernihiv Region, Ukraine November 28,
2018. Mykola Lazarenko/Ukrainian
Presidential Press Service/Handout via
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 234
An Ukrainian Army reservist takes part in
military exercises at the Ukrainian Army
training centre "Desna" in Chernihiv
region, Ukraine December 19, 2018.
REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 235
An Ukrainian Army reservist takes part in
military exercises at the Ukrainian Army
training centre "Desna" in Chernihiv region,
Ukraine December 19, 2018.
REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 236
An Ukrainian Army reservist rides atop
of tank as he takes part in military
exercises at the Ukrainian Army
training centre "Desna" in Chernihiv
region, Ukraine December 19, 2018.
REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 237
Ukrainian Army reservists take part in
military exercises at the Ukrainian Army
training centre "Desna" in Chernihiv
region, Ukraine December 19, 2018.
REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 238
An Ukrainian Army reservist runs during
the military exercises at the Ukrainian Army
training centre "Desna" in Chernihiv region,
Ukraine December 19, 2018.
REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 239
Ukrainian Army reservists take
part in military exercises at the
Ukrainian Army training centre
"Desna" in Chernihiv region,
Ukraine December 19, 2018.
REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 240
Ukrainian Army reservists take part in
military exercises at the Ukrainian
Army training centre "Desna" in
Chernihiv region, Ukraine December
19, 2018. REUTERS/Valentyn
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 241
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 242
In this July 30, 2018, photo, a boy holds an AK-
47 while overlooking the high dam in Marib,
Yemen. (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty)
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 243
Boys recite poems during a session at a
rehabilitation center for former child
soldiers in Marib, Yemen, in this July 25,
2018, photo. (AP Photo/Nariman El-
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 244
Riyadh, a 13-year-old former child soldier forced to
enlist by Houthi rebels, poses for a photograph, in
Marib, Yemen, in this July 28, 2018, photo. He said
he and his younger brother once shot and killed to
enemy soldiers but most often, he closed his eyes
tightly when he fired his rifle, terrified by combat.
(AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty)
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 245
In this July 28, 2018 photo, boys listen during an
Arabic language class at the Rehabilitation Of
Children Recruited and Impacted By War in Yemen
Project center in Marib, Yemen, (AP Photo/Nariman
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 246
Kahlan, a 12-year-old former child soldier,
demonstrates how to use a weapon, at a camp for
displaced persons where he took shelter with his
family, in Marib, Yemen in this July 27, 2018
photo. (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty)
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 247
In this July 27, 2018 photo, 12 year-old Kahlan Sales
Amer, demonstrates how to use a rifle, at a camp
for displaced persons where he took shelter with his
family, in Marib, Yemen, (AP Photo/Nariman El-
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 248
In this July 28, 2018 photo, a boy at
the Rehabilitation Of Children
Recruited and Impacted By War in
Yemen Project center in Marib,
Yemen, (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty)
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 249
A boy steps over an AK-47 assault rifle at a
camp for displaced persons, in Marib,
Yemen, in this July 27, 2018, photo. (AP
Photo/Nariman El-Mofty)
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 250
In this July 27, 2018 photo, 14 year-old
Abdel Hamid Saleh, and his father pose
for a photograph at a camp for displaced
persons where they took shelter, in Marib,
Yemen, (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty)
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 251
Sadek, a 14 year-old former child soldier,
poses for a photograph at a camp for
displaced persons where he took shelter
with his family, in Marib, Yemen, in this
July 27, 2018, photo. (AP Photo/Nariman
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 252
In this July 27, 2018 photo, 14 year-old Abdel
Hamid Saleh, second right, and 14 year-old
Morsal Al Amery, third right, sit at a camp for
displaced persons where they took shelter, in
Marib, Yemen, (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty)
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 253
Boys run up the stairs at a rehabilitation
center for former child soldiers in Marib,
Yemen, in this July 25, 2018, photo. (AP
Photo/Nariman El-Mofty)
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 254
In this July 30, 2018, photo, a 17 year-old
boy holds his weapon in High dam in Marib,
Yemen. Experts say child soldiers are “the
firewood” in the inferno of Yemen’s civil war,
trained to fight, kill and die on the front
lines. (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty)
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 255
This July 28, 2018, photo shows a
bedroom at the Rehabilitation Of
Children Recruited and Impacted By
War in Yemen Project center in Marib,
Yemen. The Houthis have inducted
18,000 child soldiers into their rebel
army since the beginning of the war in
2014, a senior Houthi military official
acknowledged to The Associated
Press. (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty)
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 256
In this July 27, 2018 photo, 14 year-
old Morsal Al Amery, right, and 14
year-old Abdel Hamid Saleh, pose
for a photograph at a camp for
displaced persons where they took
shelter, in Marib, Yemen, (AP
Photo/Nariman El-Mofty)
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 257
This July 28, 2018, photo shows the
Rehabilitation of Children Recruited and
Impacted by War in Yemen Project center in
Marib, Yemen. (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty)
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 258
In this July 27, 2018 photo, 15 year-old
Nawaf Mohammed, poses for a
photograph at a camp for displaced
persons where he took shelter with his
family, in Marib, Yemen, (AP
Photo/Nariman El-Mofty)
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 259
In this July 27, 2018 photo, 14 year-old Abdel
Hamid Saleh, poses for a photograph at a camp
for displaced persons where he took shelter, in
Marib, Yemen. (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty)
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 260
In this July 27, 2018 photo, 14 year-old
Morsal Al Amery, poses for a photograph at a
camp for displaced persons where he took
shelter, in Marib, Yemen, (AP Photo/Nariman
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 261
In this July 25, 2018 photo, 14 year-old Abdel
Majeed Mohammed Al Folaihy sits on the floor at
the Rehabilitation Of Children Recruited and
Impacted By War in Yemen Project center in
Marib, Yemen, (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty)
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 262
Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex, greets head
chef Stuart Jones as she visits the Royal
Variety Charity's residential nursing and care
home Brinsworth House, in West London.
Geoff Pugh/Pool via REUTERS
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 263
Reuters / Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Ivan Arostica, president of the Constitutional Court, is
escorted by riot policemen as demonstrators protest
against an appeal from government coalition Chile
Vamos to nullify a draft law that further restricts human
rights abusers from getting prison benefits, according to
local media, in Santiago, Chile. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado
Dec. 19, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 264
December 20, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 265
Immigrants participate in a
naturalization ceremony to
become U.S. citizens in Los
Angeles. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
Dec. 20, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 266
Aquarist Zhao Jian Wen, 38,
feeds a stingray dressed as Santa
Claus during S.E.A Aquarium's
Christmas festivities in
Singapore. REUTERS/Edgar Su
Dec. 20, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 267
A modified Tesla Model X electric vehicle
enters a tunnel during an unveiling event
for the Boring Co. Hawthorne test tunnel
in Hawthorne, California. Robyn
Beck/Pool via REUTERS
Dec. 20, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 268
Workers put the finishing touches on a statue
entitled 'Julia' by Spanish artist Jaume Plensa at
Plaza Colon square in Madrid, Spain.
REUTERS/Susana Vera
Dec. 20, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 269
Taxi drivers take part in a protest against
a carpool service application launched
by Kakao Corp in Seoul, South Korea.
Dec. 20, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 270
Retiring U.S. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan
delivers his farewell address in the Great Hall
of the Library of Congress in Washington.
REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
Dec. 20, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 271
A man stands next to his dyed donkey, in
Tijuana, Mexico. REUTERS/Mohammed
Dec. 20, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 272
Retiring U.S. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan
arrives to deliver his farewell address in the Great
Hall of the Library of Congress in Washington.
REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
Dec. 20, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 273
Chilean dockworkers clash with riot police during a
protest against the port operator TPS (South Pacific
Terminal) demanding the inclusion of temporary
workers in the collective bargaining, in Valparaiso,
Chile. REUTERS/Rodrigo Garrido
Dec. 20, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 274
A Chilean dockworker is detained by riot
police during a protest against port
operator TPS (South Pacific Terminal), to
demand temporary workers be included in
collective bargaining, in Valparaiso, Chile.
REUTERS/Rodrigo Garrido
Dec. 20, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 275
A trader works inside his booth as a screen
displays U.S. Federal Reserve Chairperson Jerome
Powell's news conference on the floor of the New
York Stock Exchange. REUTERS/Brendan
Dec. 20, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 276
Migrants, part of a caravan of thousands from
Central America trying to reach the United
States, rest at a temporary shelter near the U.S.
border in Tijuana, Mexico.
REUTERS/Mohammed Salem
Dec. 20, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 277
A mother plays with her baby, as they
are heading to a nearby bus stop early
cold morning in Karachi, Pakistan.
REUTERS/Akhtar Soomro
Dec. 20, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 278
General view of Dubai's cranes at a construction
site in Dubai, UAE. REUTERS/Satish Kumar
Dec. 20, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 279
Motonari Otsuru, lawyer of Nissan's arrested
chairman Carlos Ghosn, is surrounded by
media as he leaves the Tokyo Detention
Center in Tokyo, Japan. REUTERS/Issei Kato
Dec. 20, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 280
Model Masafumi is made up by make-up artist
Hiroki using Pola Orbis subsidiary Acro's cosmetics
during their demonstration at a department store
in Tokyo, Japan. REUTERS/Toru Hanai
Dec. 20, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 281
A man holding a baby wrapped in a blanket
stands next to a bonfire on a cold winter
morning in New Delhi, India.
REUTERS/Adnan Abidi
Dec. 20, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 282
Defense Secretary Mattis quits
Defense Secretary James Mattis looks at President
Donald Trump as he speaks during a meeting with
Medal of Honor recipients in the Oval Office of the
White House in Washington, March 24, 2017.
REUTERS/Carlos Barria
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 283
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis reviews
a Chinese honor guard during a
welcome ceremony at the Bayi
Building in Beijing, Wednesday, June
27, 2018. Mark Schiefelbein/Pool via
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 284
Defense Secretary James Mattis joins
White House Press Secretary Sarah
Huckabee Sanders for the daily press
briefing at the White House in
Washington, February 7, 2018.
REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 285
Defense Secretary James Mattis looks
out over Kabul as he arrives via
helicopter at Resolute Support
headquarters in Kabul, Afghanistan
April 24, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 286
Defense Secretary James Mattis (R) bids
farewell to Israeli military dignitaries as
he departs from Ben Gurion International
Airport, Tel Aviv, Israel April 21, 2017.
REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 287
President Donald Trump walks in with
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis as they arrive
to attend the multilateral meeting of the
North Atlantic Council in Brussels, Belgium
July 11, 2018. Pablo Martinez
Monsivais/Pool via REUTERS
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 288
Reuters / Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Defense Secretary James Mattis reacts as
White House Deputy National Security
Advisor Dina Powell (R) tells the Saudi
delegation that Mattis's call sign in the
Trump White House is "favorite of the
president" during their meeting with
Saudi Arabia's Deputy Crown Prince and
Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman
at the Ministry of Defense in Riyadh, Saudi
Arabia April 19, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 289
Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Secretary of
State Rex Tillerson arrive to brief the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee on the ongoing fight
against the Islamic State on Capitol Hill in
Washington, August 2, 2017. REUTERS/Aaron P.
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 290
Egyptian soldiers assist Defense Secretary James
Mattis (C) as he places a wreath at the Unknown
Soldier Memorial in Cairo, Egypt, April 20, 2017.
REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 291
Drones cripple Gatwick Airport
Reuters / Thursday, December 20, 2018
Passengers wait around in the South Terminal building at
Gatwick Airport. Britain sent troops to its second-biggest
airport after an unprecedented attempt to cripple
Christmas travel with large drones forced all flights to be
cancelled on Thursday. REUTERS/Peter Nicholls
Dec. 20, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 292
Passengers wait around in the South
Terminal building at Gatwick Airport.
REUTERS/Peter Nicholls
Dec. 20, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 293
Passengers wait around in the South
Terminal building at Gatwick Airport.
REUTERS/Peter Nicholls
Dec. 20, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 294
Passengers wait around in the South
Terminal building at Gatwick Airport after
drones flying illegally over the airfield forced
the closure of the airport, in Gatwick,
Britain, December 20, 2018. REUTERS/Peter
Dec. 20, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 295
Passengers wait around in the South
Terminal building at Gatwick Airport.
REUTERS/Peter Nicholls
Dec. 20, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 296
Passengers wait around in the South Terminal
building at Gatwick Airport. REUTERS/Peter
Dec. 20, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 297
A police vehicle stands on the closed
runway at Gatwick Airport.
REUTERS/Peter Nicholls
Dec. 20, 2018
February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 298
A police helicopter flies over the closed runway at
Gatwick Airport. REUTERS/Peter NichollsDec. 20, 2018
Pictures of the day
Dec. 14 – Dec. 20, 2018
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February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 299

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DECEMBER 2018 - Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec.20, 2018.

  • 1. DECEMBER 2018 Pictures of the day Dec.14 – Dec.20, 2018 vinhbinh2010 DECEMBER 2018 Pictures of the day Dec.14 – Dec. 20, 2018 Sources : , AP images , , The Telegraph, … PPS by 299 slides February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 1
  • 2. GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 2
  • 3. The conflict switched to the skies in November when a bungled Israeli commando mission inside Gaza erupted into a deadly gunfight and then the fiercest Palestinian rocket salvoes and Israeli air strikes since the 2014 war. The skies fell quiet again as the year drew to a close, giving way to ceasefires and mediation efforts, as all sides waited for the Trump administration to unveil its long- expected Middle East peace plan. Jan.4, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 3
  • 4. Hamas, the militant Islamist group that controls Gaza, televised images of the Palestinian dead and wounded, and Palestinian protesters posted images from the front lines on social media. The primary stated purpose of the protests was to revive a demand by refugees for the right to return to lands that Palestinians were driven from or fled when Israel was founded in 1948. Israel has ruled out any such right, concerned that the country would lose its Jewish majority. 10 JAN 2018. HAVAT GILAD, PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES. REUTERS/RONEN ZVULUN Jan.10 , 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 4
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  • 13. But the immediate factor was Palestinian anger at U.S. President Donald Trump's decisions on Dec. 6 last year to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to begin preparations to move its embassy to the city that is sacred to three of the great monotheistic faiths: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Trump's move delighted Israel's government, which regards Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish people, but infuriated Palestinians, who claim East Jerusalem as the capital of a state they hope to establish in the Israeli- occupied West Bank and in Gaza. 14 MAY 2018. GAZA, PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES. REUTERS/IBRAHEEM ABU MUSTAFA May.14, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 13
  • 14. The deadliest day of the protests was May 14, when the new embassy held its opening ceremony. It fell on a symbolic date for both sides - the 70th anniversary of the creation of Israel. That is a joyous day for Israelis, but an event regarded by Palestinians as their "Nakba" or Catastrophe when they lost their homeland. 14 MAY 2018. JERUSALEM, ISRAEL. REUTERS/RONEN ZVULUN May.14, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 14
  • 15. May.15, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 15
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  • 20. Jun.18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 20
  • 21. Taking place in a handful of accessible locations at prearranged times, the protests became battlegrounds of image and spin for both sides. The Israeli military published video footage, pictures and social media posts in Hebrew, English and Arabic to support its message that its forces were engaged in "riot dispersal". 24 JUN 2018. KHAN YOUNIS, PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES. REUTERS/MOHAMMED SALEM Jun. 24, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 21
  • 22. Jul.21, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 22
  • 23. Aug.9, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 23
  • 24. Aug.9, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 24
  • 25. Aug.9, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 25
  • 26. The protests pitted thousands of Palestinian demonstrators against heavily armed Israeli soldiers on the other side of the fortified border fence intent on stopping the protesters from crossing or approaching the frontier. What became known as the "Great March of Return" dominated the headlines for months, evolving into a compelling but deadly form of attritional public spectacle, all covered by photojournalists risking their lives to document it. 31 AUG 2018. GAZA CITY, PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES. REUTERS/MOHAMMED SALEM Aug.31 , 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 26
  • 27. Sep.7, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 27
  • 28. Oct.1, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 28
  • 29. Oct.5, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 29
  • 30. Oct.5, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 30
  • 31. Oct.15, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 31
  • 32. The Jerusalem-Gaza juxtaposition made headlines at home and abroad, and produced a worldwide split- screen television moment as Trump's daughter Ivanka attended the embassy ceremony, even as Israeli troops killed around 60 Palestinian protesters just over 70 km (43 miles) away. 19 OCT 2018. GAZA BORDER, ISRAEL. REUTERS/AMIR COHEN Oct.19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 32
  • 33. Oct.22, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 33
  • 34. Nov.12, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 34
  • 35. Nov.12, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 35
  • 36. The border protests continued and morphed into other forms. Israelis were angered by another new phenomenon first seen in 2018 - the Palestinian 'fire kites' and balloons loaded with petrol bombs by Gaza militants and sent flying over the border. Palestinians continued to call for an end to an Israeli-led blockade on Gaza. 12 NOV 2018. GAZA CITY, PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES. REUTERS/AHMED ZAKOT Nov.12, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 36
  • 37. Nov.13, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 37
  • 38. February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 38
  • 39. Nov.14, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 39
  • 40. Nov.14, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 40
  • 41. Nov.15, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 41
  • 42. Nov.15, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 42
  • 43. Nov.15, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 43
  • 44. Global attention largely falls on perilous Mediterranean Sea crossings and the uncertain fate of the Central American caravan at the U.S.-Mexico border. But Chile and other comparatively wealthy Latin American nations are absorbing another wave of mass migration from destitute nations in the region like Haiti and Venezuela. 15 NOV 2018. ARICA, CHILE. REUTERS/IVAN ALVARADO Arica city near the Chilean and Peruvian border. Nov.15, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 44
  • 45. Nov.16, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 45
  • 46. Nov.16, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 46
  • 47. In the pitch black of the moonless Chilean desert night, the Cuban man is hard to spot until he is within yards of the border. Placing a small backpack of clothes on the ground, Yoniel Torres, 31, a father of two, puts his hands up as police approach with flashlights and take him into custody. "A coyote (people trafficker) left me near (Peruvian border town) Tacna and told me to follow the old railway line," he tells Reuters as he is led away. "This is all horrible. The journey was so hard. I just came in search of a better life." 16 NOV 2018. ARICA, CHILE. REUTERS/IVAN ALVARAD Policemen look out from a watchtower at the Chilean and Peruvian border. Nov.16, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 47
  • 48. Nov.16, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 48
  • 49. Javiera Lopez, Arica's chief prosecutor, says migrants often suffer sexual assault and robberies on the journey. "There are scars that might never heal, not only from the journey but also once in Chile because they find the situation is totally different to the one they thought they would find,” he says. 16 NOV 2018. ARICA, CHILE. REUTERS/IVAN ALVARADO Venezuelan migrant Enrique Miller (44) takes a picture of customers at a restaurant. Nov.16, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 49
  • 50. Some migrants, like Torres, travel up to 5,600 miles (9,000 km) by air and land to get as far as Chile. The country has the highest GDP per capita in South America, low levels of corruption and the lowest murder rate, World Bank and InSight Crime figures show. They endure Amazonian humidity then extreme temperatures and high altitude in the deserts between Peru, Bolivia and Chile. Immigration into Chile has increased sixfold in less than 30 years, from 114,500 in the 1992 census, to 746,465 last year. 17 NOV 2018. ARICA, CHILE. REUTERS/IVAN ALVARADO Undocumented Bolivian migrant known as Elvis, 40, uses a mobile phone after work. Nov.17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 50
  • 51. Nov.17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 51
  • 52. Those who make it to Chile often live a precarious existence. Haitians, Dominicans, and Bolivians live cheek by jowl in tumbledown neighborhoods like Arica's Cerro Chuno, scraping together a living working in restaurants and mines. Racism and job discrimination is common. The 29 countries who refused to sign the UN Migration Pact argue that it undermines their sovereignty. "People have a right to leave their country when they feel it is right," Chilean Foreign Minister Roberto Ampuero told a Senate committee last week. "But ... they cannot go to any country they want to." 17 NOV 2018. ARICA, CHILE. REUTERS/IVAN ALVARADO Undocumented Bolivian migrant known as Ramiro (39) arrives at the camp where he works. Nov.17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 52
  • 53. Scenes like this are replicated every day along Chile's long land border. The country is hardening its stance towards immigration, and refused to sign a United Nations migration pact last week aimed at improving migrant integration and protection. 18 NOV 2018. ARICA, CHILE. REUTERS/IVAN ALVARADO Haitian migrant Stephane (19) hides his face as he poses for a photograph. Nov.18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 53
  • 54. There has also been a spike in illegal migration. In the dusty Arica region at Peru's southern border, Chilean police say they caught more than 2,200 foreigners attempting to enter the country illegally between January and November, up 80 percent from the previous year. Guided in many cases by traffickers paid as much as $3,000, police say, they cross in remote areas to avoid border guards, risking a fatal encounter with landmines planted on the frontier decades ago on the orders of former dictator Augusto Pinochet. Nov.18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 54
  • 55. December 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 55
  • 56. Students of Santa Claus school attend their classes in Sao Paulo, Brazil, December 4. REUTERS/Paulo Whitaker Dec. 4, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 56
  • 57. Migrants from Honduras, part of a caravan of thousands from Central America trying to reach the United States, try to climb over a border fence to cross into the U.S., in Tijuana, Mexico, December 11. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem Dec. 11, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 57
  • 58. Migrants prepare to climb over the border wall into the U.S. from Tijuana, Mexico December 13, 2018. REUTERS/Leah Millis Dec. 13, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 58
  • 59. Reuters / Thursday, December 13, 2018 Accused Russian agent Maria Butina pleads guilty to a single conspiracy charge in a deal with prosecutors and admitted to working with a top Russian official to infiltrate a powerful gun rights group and influence U.S. policy toward Moscow, in this courtroom sketch in U.S. District Court in Washington. REUTERS/Bill Hennessy Dec. 13, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 59
  • 60. December 14, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 60
  • 61. A U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer watches a group of migrants as they search for a place to cross over the U.S. border wall in Tijuana, Mexico December 14, 2018. REUTERS/Leah Millis Dec. 14, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 61
  • 62. Noe Hernandez, a migrant from Honduras leans against the border wall after arriving with the intention to cross through it into the U.S. from Tijuana and finding the water too high in Tijuana, Mexico December 14, 2018. REUTERS/Leah Milli Dec. 14, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 62
  • 63. Reuters / Friday, December 14, 2018 U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials stand guard next to the border wall after a group of migrants, part of a caravan of thousands from Central America trying to reach the United States, crossed illegally from Mexico to the U.S., as seen from Tijuana, Mexico. REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins Dec. 14, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 63
  • 64. Policemen charge towards demonstrators marching during a protest against the new labor law in Budapest, Hungary, December 14, 2018. REUTERS/Bernadett Szabo Dec. 14, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 64
  • 65. Jewish cemetery desecrated with swastikas in France Graves desecrated with swastikas are seen in the Jewish cemetery of Herrlisheim, north of Strasbourg, France. REUTERS/Vincent Kessler Dec. 14, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 65
  • 66. Strasbourg's Grand Rabbi Harold-Abraham Weill inspects graves desecrated with swastikas in the Jewish cemetery of Herrlisheim, north of Strasbourg, France, December 14, 2018. REUTERS/Vincent Kessler Dec. 14, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 66
  • 67. Graves desecrated with swastikas are seen in the Jewish cemetery of Herrlisheim, north of Strasbourg, France. REUTERS/Vincent Kessler Dec. 14, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 67
  • 68. Strasbourg's Grand Rabbi Harold- Abraham Weill inspects graves desecrated with swastikas in the Jewish cemetery of Herrlisheim, north of Strasbourg, France. REUTERS/Vincent Kessler Dec. 14, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 68
  • 69. Graves desecrated with swastikas are seen in the Jewish cemetery of Herrlisheim, north of Strasbourg, France. REUTERS/Vincent KessleDec. 14, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 69
  • 70. Strasbourg's Grand Rabbi Harold- Abraham Weill inspects graves desecrated with swastikas in the Jewish cemetery of Herrlisheim, north of Strasbourg, France. REUTERS/Vincent Kessler Dec. 14, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 70
  • 71. French President Emmanuel Macron meets police officers wearing hoods near the Christmas market in Strasbourg, eastern France, Friday, Dec.14, 2018. A fourth person died Friday from wounds suffered in an attack on the Christmas market in Strasbourg, as investigators worked to establish whether the main suspect had help while on the run. (AP Photo/Jean-Francois Badias, Pool) Dec. 14, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 71
  • 72. Palestinians watch medics move a wounded youth who was shot by Israeli troops during a protest at the Gaza Strip's border with Israel, into the treatment room of Shifa hospital in Gaza City, Friday, Dec. 14, 2018. Hamas has orchestrated demonstrations on a weekly basis since March, demanding an end to a crippling Israeli-Egyptian blockade on the territory. (AP Photo/Adel Hana) Dec. 14, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 72
  • 73. December 15, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 73
  • 74. Migrants jump over the border wall to cross from Mexico to the U.S, as seen from Tijuana, Mexico, December 15, 2018. REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins Dec. 15, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 74
  • 75. A migrant woman jumps over the border wall to cross illegally from Mexico to the U.S., as seen from Tijuana, Mexico, December 15, 2018. REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins Dec. 15, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 75
  • 76. A girl walks near her house destroyed in an air strike carried out by the Saudi-led coalition in Faj Attan village, Sanaa, Yemen. REUTERS/Mohamed al-Sayaghi Dec. 15, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 76
  • 77. Virgin Galactic s carrier airplane WhiteKnightTwo carrying space tourism rocket plane SpaceShipTwo takes off from Mojave Air and Space Port in Mojave, California. REUTERS/Gene Blevins Dec. 15, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 77
  • 78. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and British Prime Minister Theresa May take part in a European Union leaders summit in Brussels, Belgium. REUTERS/Yves Herman Dec. 15, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 78
  • 79. Britain's Queen Elizabeth visits The Honourable Society of Lincoln s Inn to open the new Ashworth Centre, and re-open the recently renovated Great Hall, in London. REUTERS/Toby Melville Dec. 15, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 79
  • 80. A woman walks her dog on Wall St. during a cold day in New York City. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid Dec. 15, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 80
  • 81. U.S. first lady Melania Trump sits beside Nathan Simm while reading a children's Christmas story during her visit to Children's National Health System in Washington. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque Dec. 15, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 81
  • 82. A healthcare worker sprays around a baby suspected of dying of Ebola in Beni, North Kivu Province of Democratic Republic of Congo. REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic Dec. 15, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 82
  • 83. Khadija Kamara sits next to her son Carlos, who she says hasn't been seen by staff at Freetown's Connaught Hospital in days, despite needing surgery to remove a foreign object lodged in his windpipe, in Freetown, Sierra Leone. REUTERS/Cooper Inveen Dec. 15, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 83
  • 84. The impact from a bullet is seen on a wall on the rue du Savon after the deadly shooting in Strasbourg, France. REUTERS/Vincent Kessler Dec. 15, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 84
  • 85. British actor Keira Knightley poses for the media after receiving an OBE for her services to drama and charity at an investiture ceremony at Buckingham Palace in London. Victoria Jones/Pool via REUTERS Dec. 15, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 85
  • 86. A man is seen trapped in a restaurant grease duct in San Lorenzo, California. ALAMEDA COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE /via REUTERS Dec. 15, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 86
  • 87. An HIV-positive and tuberculosis patient lies on a stretcher at the Jose Gregorio Hernandez hospital in the slum of Catia in Caracas, Venezuela. REUTERS/Marco Bello Dec. 15, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 87
  • 88. Canadas Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland listens to a question during a news conference in Ottawa. REUTERS/Chris Wattie Dec. 15, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 88
  • 89. Cast member Jason Momoa performs a haka dance at the premiere for Aquaman in Los Angeles. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni Dec. 15, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 89
  • 90. Reuters / Saturday, December 15, 2018 Tipape Lekatoo, a Maasai Moran from Mbirikani Manyatta, competes in a traditional high-jump event during the 2018 Maasai Olympics at the Sidai Oleng Wildlife Sanctuary, at the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro, near the Kenya-Tanzania border in Kimana, Kajiado, Kenya. REUTERS/Thomas Mukoya Dec. 15, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 90
  • 91. December 16, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 91
  • 92. Reuters / Sunday, December 16, 2018 Snow covers the roofs of the so-called Alter Flecken, the historic core of downtown Freudenberg with its half-timbered houses from the 17th century in the heart of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia near the city of Siegen, Germany. REUTERS/Wolfgang Rattay Dec. 16, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 92
  • 93. December 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 93
  • 94. Li Wenzu, the wife of prominent Chinese rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang, has her head shaved in protest over the government's treatment of her husband in Beijing, China. REUTERS/Thomas Peter Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 94
  • 95. Forensic experts search for evidence after a bomb blast outside the Greek SKAI TV building in Athens, Greece. REUTERS/Costas Baltas Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 95
  • 96. Los Angeles Rams wide receiver Josh Reynolds is tackled short of the end zone by Philadelphia Eagles cornerback Rasul Douglas. Kelvin Kuo-USA TODAY Sports Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 96
  • 97. Hamish the polar bear emerges from his frozen muddy pond searching for his red ball in the Highland Wildlife Park in Kincraig, Scotland. REUTERS/Russell Cheyne Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 97
  • 98. A tear gas shell fired by Indian police explodes during a protest march in Srinagar. REUTERS/Danish Ismail Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 98
  • 99. Georgian police officers block opposition supporters on the road in Mukuzani, Georgia. REUTERS/David Chkhikvishvili Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 99
  • 100. The moon rises over the Dolomites alps in Gardena pass in Val Gardena, northern Italy. REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 100
  • 101. The mother of a baby suspected of dying from Ebola, cries outside a hospital in Beni, North Kivu Province of Democratic Republic of Congo. REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 101
  • 102. Palestinians take part in a rally marking the 31st anniversary of Hamas' founding, in Gaza City. REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu MustafDec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 102
  • 103. COP24 President Michal Kurtyka reacts during a final session of the COP24 U.N. Climate Change Conference 2018 in Katowice, Poland. REUTERS/Kacper Pempel Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 103
  • 104. Daiya Seto of Japan competes in the 400m individual medley finals at the FINA World Swimming Championships in Hangzhou, China. REUTERS/Aly Song Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 104
  • 105. Cars are seen following snowfall at a car park in Yantai, Shandong province, China. REUTERS/Stringer Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 105
  • 106. Domingo Caal, 61, grandfather of Jakelin, a 7- year-old girl who died in U.S. custody, holds his mobile phone with a picture of his granddaughter as he stands outside her house in Raxruha, Guatemala. REUTERS/Josue Decavele Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 106
  • 107. A far-right supporter throws a barricade during a protest against the Marrakesh Migration Pact in Brussels, Belgium. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 107
  • 108. Participants dressed as Santa Claus take part in the annual race known as Run Santa Run at Fundidora Park in Monterrey, Mexico. REUTERS/Daniel Becerril Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 108
  • 109. Newlywed Stephanie Pinheiro Cardoso and Joyce Generoso kiss after a collective wedding ceremony for 38 same-sex couples organized by "House 1", an NGO and residential shelter in Sao Paulo, Brazil. REUTERS/Amanda Perobelli Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 109
  • 110. A figure of Santa Claus using a parachute is seen among Christmas decorations and lights on the facade of a house in San Gwann, Malta. REUTERS/Darrin Zammit Lupi Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 110
  • 111. The Frecce Tricolori performs at the Alpine Skiing World Cup in Alta Badia, Italy. REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 111
  • 112. Honduran migrants, part of a caravan of migrants from Central America traveling with the intention of reaching the U.S. jump over a border fence into the U.S. from Tijuana, Mexico. REUTERS/Leah Millis Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 112
  • 113. A boy, part of a caravan of migrants from Central America traveling with the intention of reaching the U.S., jumps over a border fence into the U.S. from Tijuana, Mexico. REUTERS/Carlos Barria Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 113
  • 114. Reuters / Monday, December 17, 2018 Maria Meza, a 40-year-old migrant woman from Honduras, part of a caravan of thousands from Central America trying to reach the United States, holds her daughter as she waits at the Otay Mesa port of entry in San Diego, California to be processed as an asylum seeker, as seen from Tijuana, Mexico. REUTERS/Carlos Barria Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 114
  • 115. Philippines wins Miss Universe crown Miss Philippines Catriona Gray is crowned Miss Universe during the final round of the Miss Universe pageant in Bangkok, Thailand, December 17, 2018. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 115
  • 116. Miss Philippines Catriona Gray reacts after being crowned Miss Universe during the final round. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 116
  • 117. Miss Philippines Catriona Gray waves after being crowned Miss Universe during the final round. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 117
  • 118. Miss Curacao Akisha Albert speaks next to host Steve Harvey after she was selected as one of the contestants for the top 20 during the final round. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 118
  • 119. Miss Philippines Catriona Gray reacts during the final round. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 119
  • 120. Reuters / Sunday, December 16, 2018 Contestants selected for the top 5 are pictured during the final round. From L-R: Miss Venezuela Sthefany Guti rrez, Miss South Africa Tamaryn Green, Miss Philippines Catriona Gray, Miss Vietnam H'Hen Nie and Miss Puerto Rico Kiara Ortega. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 120
  • 121. Miss Philippines Catriona Gray reacts after she was selected as one of the top 20 contestants during the final round. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 121
  • 122. Miss Indonesia Sonia Fergina Citra, Miss Venezuela Sthefany Gutierrez and Miss USA Sarah Rose Summers react during the final round. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 122
  • 123. Reuters / Sunday, December 16, 2018 Miss Philippines Catriona Gray reacts after she is named the winner as she hold hands with first runner-up Miss South Africa Tamaryn Green during the final round of the Miss Universe pageant in Bangkok, Thailand, December 17, 2018. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 123
  • 124. Miss Philippines Catriona Gray is crowned Miss Universe during the final round. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 124
  • 125. Miss Philippines Catriona Gray competes during the final round. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 125
  • 126. Miss Venezuela Sthefany Guti rrez competes during the final round of the Miss Universe pageant in Bangkok, Thailand, December 17, 2018. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 126
  • 127. Miss Spain Angela Ponce competes during the final round. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 127
  • 128. Contestants take part in the final round. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 128
  • 129. Mount Soputan volcano spews hot ash during an eruption as seen from Silian Tiga village in South East Minahasa, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Antara Foto/Adwit B Pramono/ via REUTERS Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 129
  • 130. Migrants at the border fence Migrants from Honduras, part of a caravan of thousands from Central America trying to reach the United States, take cover next to the border fence as they prepare to cross it illegally, in Tijuana, Mexico, December 17, 2018. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 130
  • 131. Reuters / Monday, December 17, 2018 Jamie Mejia Meza, a daughter of Maria Meza, sits at the Otay Mesa port of entry in San Diego to be processed as an asylum seeker, as seen from Tijuana, Mexico December 17, 2018. A system dubbed "metering" limits how many can ask for asylum each day at U.S. ports of entry, leading to months-long waits in Mexico for thousands of migrants fleeing violence in Central America. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 131
  • 132. Reuters / Monday, December 17, 2018 Children of Maria Meza make their way to the Otay Mesa port of entry in San Diego to be processed as an asylum seeker, in Tijuana, Mexico December 17, 2018. CBP said in response to questions that this year it had seen a more than 100 percent increase in asylum seekers processed at ports of entry and that it processed people as quickly as possible. "As we have done for several years, when our ports of entry reach capacity, we have to manage the queues and individuals presenting without documents may need to wait in Mexico as CBP officers work to process those already within our facilities. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 132
  • 133. A migrant from Honduras stands next to the border fence as he prepares to cross it illegally, in Tijuana, Mexico, December 17, 2018. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 133
  • 134. Reuters / Monday, December 17, 2018 The daughter of Maria Meza cries as she waits with her mother sitting at the Otay Mesa port of entry in San Diego to be processed as asylum seeker, as seen from Tijuana, Mexico December 17, 2018. Activists say metering is intended to deter asylum applicants by making the process arduous, while U.S. officials maintain the system only exists to manage overcapacity at ports of entry. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 134
  • 135. Reuters / Monday, December 17, 2018 Migrants look at U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials in San Diego County, U.S., after crossing illegally from Mexico to the U.S by jumping a border fence, photographed through the border wall in Tijuana, Mexico December 17, 2018. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 135
  • 136. Reuters / Monday, December 17, 2018 Chen Jingyang, who has been in the village for 12 years, works on his original painting as a portrait of the Chinese president Xi Jinping by him is placed on the ground at his studio in Dafen Oil Painting Village in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, China. REUTERS/Thomas Suen Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 136
  • 137. Reuters / Monday, December 17, 2018 Migrant Yoniel Torres, 31, from Cuba is handcuffed after being detained by the police by a train line in a mined area of desert at the Chilean and Peruvian border in Arica, Chile. "A coyote (people trafficker) left me near (Peruvian border town) Tacna and told me to follow the old railway line," Torres said. "This is all horrible. The journey was so hard. I just came in search of a better life." REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 137
  • 138. Reuters / Monday, December 17, 2018 Furniture to be moved sits in the hall outside of U.S. Congressional offices weeks before the end of the current term, as dozens of outgoing and incoming members of Congress move into and out of Washington as votes on a potential federal government shutdown loom, on Capitol Hill in Washington. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 138
  • 139. Reuters / Monday, December 17, 2018 U.S. former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey walks past a group of reporters as he arrives to give closed-door testimony to the House Oversight and House Judiciary committees, as part of their probes into Comey's 2016 handling of the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's email use, on Capitol Hill in Washington. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst Dec. 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 139
  • 140. December 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 140
  • 141. An aerial view shows a climber, dressed as Santa Claus, who decorates a 57-metre-high Christmas tree in a park on Tatyshev Island, located in the middle of the Yenisei River in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk, Russia. REUTERS/Ilya Naymushin Dec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 141
  • 142. Migrant family who fled tear gas at U.S. border seeks asylum Reuters / Tuesday, December 18, 2018 A family waits to apply for asylum at the Otay Mesa port of entry in San Diego, California, seen from Tijuana, Mexico December 17, 2018. Sandra Cordero, from advocacy group Families Belong Together, which accompanied the migrants, said eight unaccompanied minors were being processed for asylum. Meza and her family were also being processed, Cordero said. REUTERS/Carlos Barria Dec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 142
  • 143. Reuters / Tuesday, December 18, 2018 Unaccompanied minors are escorted by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers as they have been processed for asylum at the Otay Mesa port of entry in San Diego, California, December 17, 2018. Sometimes U.S. border authorities allow individuals considered vulnerable, such as unaccompanied minors, be processed more rapidly. Activists said the group on Monday fit that category. REUTERS/Carlos Barria Dec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 143
  • 144. Reuters / Tuesday, December 18, 2018 An unaccompanied minor reacts as he is allowed to enter the United States to apply for asylum, at the Otay Mesa port of entry in San Diego, California, seen from Tijuana, Mexico December 17, 2018. Democratic U.S. Representatives Jimmy Gomez and Nanette Barragan, along with lawyers, accompanied the group at the Otay Mesa port of entry in Tijuana, Mexico, on Monday afternoon, the Reuters witness said. REUTERS/Carlos Barria Dec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 144
  • 145. Fire engulfs 600 stilt Reuters / Tuesday, December 18, 2018 A resident is seen after a fire at Educandos neighbourhood, on a branch of the Rio Negro, a tributary to the Amazon river, in the city of Manaus, Brazil December 18, 2018. A fire raced through a neighborhood in the Brazilian jungle city of Manaus early on Tuesday, engulfing at least 600 wooden houses built on stilts due to seasonal floods and sending thousands fleeing from their homes.REUTERS/Bruno Kelly Dec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 145
  • 146. Houses on fire are seen at Educandos neighbourhood in the city of Manaus, Brazil December 17, 2018. REUTERS/Bruno Kelly Dec. 17 2018 GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 146
  • 147. Houses on fire are seen at Educandos neighbourhood in the city of Manaus, Brazil December 17, 2018. REUTERS/Bruno Kelly Dec. 17, 2018 GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 147
  • 148. Reuters / Tuesday, December 18, 2018 A man looks at houses on fire at Educandos neighbourhood in the city of Manaus, Brazil December 17, 2018. No deaths were reported from the blaze, which authorities said may have been triggered by a pressure cooker explosion. Four people were injured, and more than 2,000 people were forced to flee, Amadeu Soares, head of the Amazonas state security ministry, told reporters at the scene. REUTERS/Bruno Kelly Dec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 148
  • 149. Reuters / Tuesday, December 18, 2018 A resident is seen with her dog during a fire in the city of Manaus, Brazil December 17, 2018. Such fires are common in poorer neighborhoods and slums in Brazil, where scant government planning during decades of rapid urbanization resulted in informal settlements sprouting up, housing millions who sought jobs in urban centers. REUTERS/Bruno Kelly Dec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 149
  • 150. A resident is seen after a fire at Educandos neighbourhood in the city of Manaus, Brazil December 18, 2018. REUTERS/Bruno Kelly Dec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 150
  • 151. Residents are seen after a fire at Educandos neighbourhood in the city of Manaus, Brazil December 18, 2018. REUTERS/Bruno KellyDec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 151
  • 152. A resident is seen after a fire at Educandos neighbourhood in the city of Manaus, Brazil December 18, 2018. REUTERS/Bruno Kelly Dec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 152
  • 153. A resident is seen after a fire at Educandos neighbourhood in the city of Manaus, Brazil December 18, 2018. REUTERS/Bruno KellyDec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 153
  • 154. The wealthiest celebrities Reuters / Friday, June 10, 2016 Forbes magazine has named its 10 wealthiest celebrities, using estimates based on the celebrities' known holdings of real estate, art and shares of companies both public and private, as well as other assets and estimated lifetime earnings. Topping the list is director George Lucas, with a net worth of $5.4 billion. Most of Lucas's wealth came from the $4.05 billion sale of the LucasFilm production company to Walt Disney Co in 2012, Forbes said. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 154
  • 155. Reuters / Wednesday, June 13, 2018 2. Fellow filmmaker Steven Spielberg, 72, came in second, with an estimated $3.7 billion net worth. Spielberg's career as director, writer and producer spans some 50 years with credits that include "Jaws," "E.T.," "Raiders of the Lost Ark," "Schindler's List" and "Saving Private Ryan." REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 155
  • 156. 3. The richest female celebrity was Oprah Winfrey, 64, whose acting and media enterprises have yielded her a net worth of an estimated $2.8 billion, third overall. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 156
  • 157. Reuters / Friday, June 12, 2015 4. Basketball legend Michael Jordan boosted his net worth by an estimated $400 million in the past year, mostly off his 34-year-long sneaker deal with Nike and his stake in the Charlotte Hornets. His estimated $1.7 billion net worth ranked him fourth. REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 157
  • 158. 5. (tie) Kylie Jenner's Kylie Cosmetics puts the 21-year-old on track to become the youngest ever self-made billionaire, the magazine said. She has an estimated worth of $900 million. REUTERS/Carlo Allegri GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 158
  • 159. 7. Illusionist and entertainer David Copperfield amassed his fortune through a grueling pace of 600 shows per year in Las Vegas, earning a net worth of $875 million. REUTERS/Danny Moloshok GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 159
  • 160. A mother of a child, suspected of dying from Ebola, cries near her child's coffin in Beni, North Kivu Province of Democratic Republic of Congo. REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic Dec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 160
  • 161. Giant waves are seen at Shore Acres State Park, in Oregon. WRIGHT AURA PHOTOGRAPHY via REUTERS Dec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 161
  • 162. A woman calls up GROOVE X's new home robot LOVOT at its demonstration during the launching event in Tokyo, Japan. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon Dec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 162
  • 163. Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May leaves 10 Downing Steet in London. REUTERS/Toby Melville Dec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 163
  • 164. A woman reacts after a fire burnt several businesses in a street of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. REUTERS/Andres Martinez Casares Dec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 164
  • 165. Nine-year-old Juice looks at its two- month-old clone at He Jun's pet resort in Beijing, China. REUTERS/Jason Lee Dec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 165
  • 166. Chilean dockworkers are sprayed by a riot police water truck during a protest against the port operator TPS (South Pacific Terminal) to demand that temporary workers be included in collective bargaining in Valparaiso, Chile. REUTERS/Rodrigo Garrido Dec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 166
  • 167. A diver wearing a Santa Claus costume swims in a large fish tank during an underwater performance at Sunshine Aquarium in Tokyo. REUTERS/Issei Kato Dec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 167
  • 168. A girl carries a container of water at a coltan mine in Kamatare, Masisi territory, North Kivu Province of Democratic Republic of Congo. REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic Dec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 168
  • 169. A man stands by an installation depicting 2019 in the Red Square in Moscow, Russia. REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov Dec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 169
  • 170. Singer Carla Bruni-Sarkozy poses with her wax figure made by German sculptor Claus Velte at the Grevin wax museum during the presentation of her waxwork in Paris. REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes Dec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 170
  • 171. People are seen ice skating at Rockefeller Center as the rain falls in Manhattan. REUTERS/Amr AlfikyDec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 171
  • 172. Students prepare for an event marking the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening up at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. REUTERS/Jason Lee Dec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 172
  • 173. Austria's Marcel Hirsher in action during the Men's Parallel Giant Slalom at the Alpine Skiing World Cup. REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini Dec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 173
  • 174. Reuters / Tuesday, December 18, 2018 Maria Meza sits as she waits at the Otay Mesa port of entry in San Diego, California to be processed as an asylum seeker, as seen from Tijuana, Mexico December 17, 2018. The asylum seekers had been part of groups of thousands of migrants known as caravans that left from Central America and arrived in Tijuana in recent months. U.S. President Donald Trump declared the caravans an "invasion," and sent several thousand troops to "harden" the border, including with barbed wire. REUTERS/Carlos Barria Dec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 174
  • 175. Journalists stand in the newsroom of Venezuela's El Nacional newspaper after it published its last print edition on Friday, after struggling for years under government pressure and a collapsing economy, in Caracas, Venezuela. REUTERS/Manaure Quinter Dec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 175
  • 176. A man walks through a vegetable field on a foggy winter morning in New Delhi, India. REUTERS/Anushree FadnavisDec. 18, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 176
  • 177. December 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 177
  • 178. A resident is seen after a fire at Educandos neighbourhood, on a branch of the Rio Negro, a tributary to the Amazon river, in the city of Manaus, Brazil. REUTERS/Bruno Kelly Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 178
  • 179. Mini-pigs perform during the presentation in Balashikha, Russia. REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 179
  • 180. Tesla founder Elon Musk speaks at the The Boring Company unveiling event for the test tunnel of a proposed underground transportation network across Los Angeles County, in Hawthorne, California. Robyn Beck/Pool via REUTERS Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 180
  • 181. Chilean dockworkers clash with riot police during a protest against port operator TPS (South Pacific Terminal), to demand temporary workers be included in collective bargaining, in Valparaiso, Chile. REUTERS/Rodrigo Garrido Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 181
  • 182. Former U.S. national security adviser Michael Flynn passes by members of the media as he departs after his sentencing was delayed at U.S. District Court in Washington. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 182
  • 183. Paratroopers from the Qatari armed forces take part in Qatar's National Day celebrations in Doha, Qatar. REUTERS/Ibraheem al Omari Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 183
  • 184. Miners leave shaft 7, some 1,200 meters below surface, following their shift at Germany's last active coal mine Prosper-Haniel of the RAG foundation in Bottrop, western Germany. REUTERS/Wolfgang Rattay Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 184
  • 185. Borussia Dortmund fans with flares during their match against Fortuna Dusseldorf in Dusseldorf, Germany. REUTERS/Thilo Schmuelgen Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 185
  • 186. Pedro Flores looks on during the trial of accused Mexican drug lord Joaquin El Chapo Guzman in this courtroom sketch as they appear in Brooklyn federal court in New York. REUTERS/Jane Rosenberg Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 186
  • 187. Migrants, intercepted off the coast in the Mediterranean Sea, wait to disembark a rescue boat at the port of Malaga, southern Spain. REUTERS/Jon Nazca Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 187
  • 188. Residents look at houses on fire at Educandos neighborhood, a branch of the Rio Negro a tributary to the Amazon river, in the city of Manaus, Brazi. REUTERS/Bruno Kelly Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 188
  • 189. Pope Francis blesses a pregnant woman's ultrasound during the weekly general audience at Paul VI hall at the Vatican. REUTERS/Max Rossi Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 189
  • 190. Los Angeles Lakers small forward LeBron James reacts during the fourth quarter against the Brooklyn Nets. Brad Penner-USA TODAY Sports Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 190
  • 191. Reuters / Wednesday, December 19, 2018 Supporters of India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) shout slogans during a protest against what they call disinformation by India's main opposition Congress party on a deal to buy Rafale fighter planes from a French company, in Chandigarh, India. REUTERS/Ajay Verma Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 191
  • 192. Peter Zion, who was attacked in January by nomadic herdsmen in the central Nigerian state of Benue, speaks during an interview with Reuters at a cafe in Makurdi, Nigeria. REUTERS/Afolabi Sotunde Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 192
  • 193. People hold a big European Union flag during a protest against a proposed new labor law, billed as the slave law, in front of the Parliament building in Budapest, Hungary. REUTERS/Marko Djurica Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 193
  • 194. Healthcare worker carry a coffin with a baby suspected of dying of Ebola during the funeral in Beni, North Kivu Province of Democratic Republic of Congo. REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 194
  • 195. People visit the Shining a light on species exhibition in the Jardin de plantes garden in Paris, France. REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 195
  • 196. A sunflower field is seen in Lopburi province, Thailand. REUTERS/Ann Wang Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 196
  • 197. A woman, part of a caravan of thousands from Central America trying to reach the United States, holds a Christmas tree as she walks at the temporary shelter in Tijuana, Mexico. REUTERS/Carlos Barria Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 197
  • 198. Tunnels at Israel-Lebanon border Reuters / Wednesday, December 19, 2018 An Israeli soldier lowers a camera down an Israeli-dug hole into a cross-border tunnel dug from Lebanon into Israel, as seen on the Israeli side of the border, near the town of Metula December 19, 2018. Israel says Hezbollah dug tunnels under the Israel-Lebanon border with the aim of launching attacks into Israeli territory with backing from its regional sponsor Iran. Hezbollah has yet to comment. REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 198
  • 199. Israeli soldiers patrol the border near the village of Kfar Kila, Lebanon December 4, 2018. REUTERS/ Karamallah Daher Dec. 4, 2018 GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 199
  • 200. Reuters / Tuesday, December 04, 2018 Heavy machinery preparing for a military operation in northern Israel near the border with Lebanon is seen is this still image taken from video footage released by the Israeli army on December 4, 2018. Courtesy Israel Defence Force Spokesperson Unit/Handout via REUTERS Dec. 4, 2018 GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 200
  • 201. Reuters / Tuesday, December 04, 2018 Heavy machinery preparing for a military operation in northern Israel near the border with Lebanon is seen is this still image taken from video footage released by the Israeli army on December 4, 2018. Courtesy Israel Defence Force Spokesperson Unit/Handout via REUTERS Dec. 4, 2018 GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 201
  • 202. Israeli soldiers are seen from Kfar Kila village, in south Lebanon December 4, 2018. REUTERS/ Karamallah Daher Dec. 4, 2018 GALLLERY PHOTOS Israeli vehicles are seen from the village of Kfar Kila, in south Lebanon December 4, 2018. REUTERS/Ali Hashisho February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 202
  • 203. Flags of Hezbollah, Lebanon and Palestine are seen fluttering near the border with Israel in the village of Khiam, Lebanon December 4, 2018. REUTERS/Ali Hashisho Dec. 4, 2018 GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 203
  • 204. Israeli vehicle digs at the border near the village of Kfar Kila, in south Lebanon December 4, 2018. REUTERS/ Karamallah Daher Dec. 4, 2018 GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 204
  • 205. UN peacekeepers (UNIFIL) patrol the border with Israel near the village of Kfar Kila, Lebanon December 4, 2018. REUTERS/Ali Hashisho Dec. 4, 2018 GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 205
  • 206. Israeli military personnel and a drill are seen as they work next to the border with Lebanon, near Metulla, northern Israel December 4, 2018. REUTERS/Gil Eliyahu Dec. 4, 2018 GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 206
  • 207. Israeli soldiers are seen from the village of Kfar Kila, in south Lebanon December 5, 2018. REUTERS/Aziz Taher Dec. 5, 2018 GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 207
  • 208. Israeli soldiers are seen from the village of Kfar Kila, in south Lebanon December 5, 2018. REUTERS/Aziz Taher Dec. 5, 2018 GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 208
  • 209. Reuters / Wednesday, December 05, 2018 U.N. peacekeepers and Israeli soldiers look towards the border with Lebanon the morning after the Israeli military said it had launched an operation to "expose and thwart" cross-border attack tunnels from Lebanon, in Israel's northernmost town Metula December 5, 2018. REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun Dec. 5, 2018 GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 209
  • 210. Lebanese soldiers stand near the border with Israel, at the village of Kfar Kila, in south Lebanon December 5, 2018. REUTERS/Aziz Taher Dec. 5, 2018 GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 210
  • 211. Israeli soldiers lift the cover of an Israeli-dug hole into a cross-border tunnel dug from Lebanon into Israel, as seen on the Israeli side of the border, near the town of Metula December 19, 2018 REUTERS/ Ronen Zvulun Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 211
  • 212. A photo taken during a guided tour by the Israeli army shows a view inside a tunnel which reportedly connects Lebanon and Israel, near the border by the northern Israeli town of Metula December 19, 2018 Jack Guez/Pool via REUTERS Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 212
  • 213. Reuters / Wednesday, December 19, 2018 A man stands next to a drill as Israeli military personnel continue work on exposing and thwarting cross-border tunnels dug from Lebanon into Israel, as seen on the Israeli side of the border, near the town of Metula December 19, 2018. REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 213
  • 214. A photo taken during a guided tour by the Israeli army shows a view inside a tunnel which reportedly connects Lebanon and Israel, near the border by the Israeli town of Metula December 19, 2018 Jack Guez/Pool via REUTERS Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 214
  • 215. U.S. forces in Syria A man gestures at U.S military vehicles driving in the town of Darbasiya next to the Turkish border. April 28, 2017. REUTERS/Rodi Said GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 215
  • 216. U.S. and Turkish soldiers conduct the first-ever combined joint patrol outside Manbij, November 1, 2018. Courtesy Arnada Jones/U.S. Army/Handout via REUTERS GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 216
  • 217. Syrian schoolchildren walk as U.S. troops patrol near Turkish border in Hasakah, November 4, 2018. REUTERS/Rodi Said GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 217
  • 218. U.S. forces are seen at the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) headquarters after it was hit by Turkish airstrikes in Mount Karachok near Malikiya. April 25, 2017. REUTERS/ Rodi Said GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 218
  • 219. Reuters / Friday, April 07, 2017 U.S. Navy guided-missile destroyer USS Porter (DDG 78) conducts strike operations while in the Mediterranean Sea which U.S. Defense Department said was a part of cruise missile strike against Syria on April 7, 2017. Ford Williams/Courtesy U.S. Navy/Handout via REUTERS GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 219
  • 220. Syrian residents watch as U.S. troops patrol near Turkish border in Hasakah, November 4, 2018. REUTERS/Rodi Said GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 220
  • 221. U.S. forces set up a new base in Manbij, May 8, 2018. REUTERS/Rodi Said GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 221
  • 222. Syrian Democratic Forces and U.S. troops are seen during a patrol near Turkish border in Hasakah, November 4, 2018. REUTERS/Rodi Said GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 222
  • 223. A U.S military demining vehicle leads a convoy on the main road in Raqqa, July 31, 2017. REUTERS/Rodi Said GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 223
  • 224. A U.S army soldier stands guard next to an armored vehicle as Brett McGurk, U.S. envoy to the coalition against Islamic State, visits the town of Tabqa, June 29, 2017. REUTERS/Rodi Said GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 224
  • 225. A U.S military convoy is seen on the main road in Raqqa July 31, 201. REUTERS/ Rodi Said GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 225
  • 226. Inside America's prisons Inmates stand in a gymnasium where they are housed due to overcrowding at the California Institution for Men state prison in Chino, California, June 2011. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 226
  • 227. An inmate sits in the yard of a cellblock which mainly houses prisoners with cognitive decline, Alzheimer's, and dementia, at the California Health Care Facility in Stockton, California, May 2018. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 227
  • 228. Inmates serving a jail sentence make a phone call at Maricopa County's Tent City jail in Phoenix, July 2010. REUTERS/Joshua Lott GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 228
  • 229. Cori Walters, 32, (R) hugs her daughter Hannah Walters, 6, at California Institute for Women state prison in Chino, California, May 2012. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 229
  • 230. Robert Galvan, who is on death row for murder, exercises at the Adjustment Center yard during a media tour of California's Death Row at San Quentin State Prison in San Quentin, California, December 2015. REUTERS/Stephen Lam GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 230
  • 231. Marvin Caldwell, 63, who said he was imprisoned for 20 years under the three strikes law for possession and sale of methamphetamine, looks out of his cell at San Quentin state prison in San Quentin, California, June 2012. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 231
  • 232. Ukraine holds military exercises amid standoff with Russia Ukrainian Army reservists take part in military exercises at the Ukrainian Army training centre "Desna" in Chernihiv region, Ukraine December 19, 2018. REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 232
  • 233. A Ukrainian soldier fires a howitzer during military exercises in the Ukrainian Ground Forces training center near Honcharivske in Chernihiv region, Ukraine December 3, 2018. REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko Dec. 3, 2018 GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 233
  • 234. Reuters / Wednesday, November 28, 2018 Ukrainian servicemen take part in drills as President Petro Poroshenko visits the 169th training center "Desna" of the Ukrainian Army ground forces in Chernihiv Region, Ukraine November 28, 2018. Mykola Lazarenko/Ukrainian Presidential Press Service/Handout via REUTERS GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 234
  • 235. An Ukrainian Army reservist takes part in military exercises at the Ukrainian Army training centre "Desna" in Chernihiv region, Ukraine December 19, 2018. REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 235
  • 236. An Ukrainian Army reservist takes part in military exercises at the Ukrainian Army training centre "Desna" in Chernihiv region, Ukraine December 19, 2018. REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 236
  • 237. An Ukrainian Army reservist rides atop of tank as he takes part in military exercises at the Ukrainian Army training centre "Desna" in Chernihiv region, Ukraine December 19, 2018. REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 237
  • 238. Ukrainian Army reservists take part in military exercises at the Ukrainian Army training centre "Desna" in Chernihiv region, Ukraine December 19, 2018. REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 238
  • 239. An Ukrainian Army reservist runs during the military exercises at the Ukrainian Army training centre "Desna" in Chernihiv region, Ukraine December 19, 2018. REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 239
  • 240. Ukrainian Army reservists take part in military exercises at the Ukrainian Army training centre "Desna" in Chernihiv region, Ukraine December 19, 2018. REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 240
  • 241. Ukrainian Army reservists take part in military exercises at the Ukrainian Army training centre "Desna" in Chernihiv region, Ukraine December 19, 2018. REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 241
  • 242. GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 242
  • 243. In this July 30, 2018, photo, a boy holds an AK- 47 while overlooking the high dam in Marib, Yemen. (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty) GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 243
  • 244. Boys recite poems during a session at a rehabilitation center for former child soldiers in Marib, Yemen, in this July 25, 2018, photo. (AP Photo/Nariman El- Mofty) GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 244
  • 245. Riyadh, a 13-year-old former child soldier forced to enlist by Houthi rebels, poses for a photograph, in Marib, Yemen, in this July 28, 2018, photo. He said he and his younger brother once shot and killed to enemy soldiers but most often, he closed his eyes tightly when he fired his rifle, terrified by combat. (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty) GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 245
  • 246. In this July 28, 2018 photo, boys listen during an Arabic language class at the Rehabilitation Of Children Recruited and Impacted By War in Yemen Project center in Marib, Yemen, (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty) GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 246
  • 247. Kahlan, a 12-year-old former child soldier, demonstrates how to use a weapon, at a camp for displaced persons where he took shelter with his family, in Marib, Yemen in this July 27, 2018 photo. (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty) GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 247
  • 248. In this July 27, 2018 photo, 12 year-old Kahlan Sales Amer, demonstrates how to use a rifle, at a camp for displaced persons where he took shelter with his family, in Marib, Yemen, (AP Photo/Nariman El- Mofty) GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 248
  • 249. In this July 28, 2018 photo, a boy at the Rehabilitation Of Children Recruited and Impacted By War in Yemen Project center in Marib, Yemen, (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty) GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 249
  • 250. A boy steps over an AK-47 assault rifle at a camp for displaced persons, in Marib, Yemen, in this July 27, 2018, photo. (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty) GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 250
  • 251. In this July 27, 2018 photo, 14 year-old Abdel Hamid Saleh, and his father pose for a photograph at a camp for displaced persons where they took shelter, in Marib, Yemen, (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty) GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 251
  • 252. Sadek, a 14 year-old former child soldier, poses for a photograph at a camp for displaced persons where he took shelter with his family, in Marib, Yemen, in this July 27, 2018, photo. (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty) GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 252
  • 253. In this July 27, 2018 photo, 14 year-old Abdel Hamid Saleh, second right, and 14 year-old Morsal Al Amery, third right, sit at a camp for displaced persons where they took shelter, in Marib, Yemen, (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty) GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 253
  • 254. Boys run up the stairs at a rehabilitation center for former child soldiers in Marib, Yemen, in this July 25, 2018, photo. (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty) GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 254
  • 255. In this July 30, 2018, photo, a 17 year-old boy holds his weapon in High dam in Marib, Yemen. Experts say child soldiers are “the firewood” in the inferno of Yemen’s civil war, trained to fight, kill and die on the front lines. (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty) GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 255
  • 256. This July 28, 2018, photo shows a bedroom at the Rehabilitation Of Children Recruited and Impacted By War in Yemen Project center in Marib, Yemen. The Houthis have inducted 18,000 child soldiers into their rebel army since the beginning of the war in 2014, a senior Houthi military official acknowledged to The Associated Press. (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty) GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 256
  • 257. In this July 27, 2018 photo, 14 year- old Morsal Al Amery, right, and 14 year-old Abdel Hamid Saleh, pose for a photograph at a camp for displaced persons where they took shelter, in Marib, Yemen, (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty) GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 257
  • 258. This July 28, 2018, photo shows the Rehabilitation of Children Recruited and Impacted by War in Yemen Project center in Marib, Yemen. (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty) GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 258
  • 259. In this July 27, 2018 photo, 15 year-old Nawaf Mohammed, poses for a photograph at a camp for displaced persons where he took shelter with his family, in Marib, Yemen, (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty) GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 259
  • 260. In this July 27, 2018 photo, 14 year-old Abdel Hamid Saleh, poses for a photograph at a camp for displaced persons where he took shelter, in Marib, Yemen. (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty) GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 260
  • 261. In this July 27, 2018 photo, 14 year-old Morsal Al Amery, poses for a photograph at a camp for displaced persons where he took shelter, in Marib, Yemen, (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty) GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 261
  • 262. In this July 25, 2018 photo, 14 year-old Abdel Majeed Mohammed Al Folaihy sits on the floor at the Rehabilitation Of Children Recruited and Impacted By War in Yemen Project center in Marib, Yemen, (AP Photo/Nariman El-Mofty) TEXT FROM THE AP NEWS STORY, AP INVESTIGATION: CHILDREN FIGHT ON FRONT LINES OF YEMEN WAR, BY MAGGIE MICHAEL. PHOTOS BY NARIMAN EL-MOFTY GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 262
  • 263. Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex, greets head chef Stuart Jones as she visits the Royal Variety Charity's residential nursing and care home Brinsworth House, in West London. Geoff Pugh/Pool via REUTERS Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 263
  • 264. Reuters / Wednesday, December 19, 2018 Ivan Arostica, president of the Constitutional Court, is escorted by riot policemen as demonstrators protest against an appeal from government coalition Chile Vamos to nullify a draft law that further restricts human rights abusers from getting prison benefits, according to local media, in Santiago, Chile. REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado Dec. 19, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 264
  • 265. December 20, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 265
  • 266. Immigrants participate in a naturalization ceremony to become U.S. citizens in Los Angeles. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson Dec. 20, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 266
  • 267. Aquarist Zhao Jian Wen, 38, feeds a stingray dressed as Santa Claus during S.E.A Aquarium's Christmas festivities in Singapore. REUTERS/Edgar Su Dec. 20, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 267
  • 268. A modified Tesla Model X electric vehicle enters a tunnel during an unveiling event for the Boring Co. Hawthorne test tunnel in Hawthorne, California. Robyn Beck/Pool via REUTERS Dec. 20, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 268
  • 269. Workers put the finishing touches on a statue entitled 'Julia' by Spanish artist Jaume Plensa at Plaza Colon square in Madrid, Spain. REUTERS/Susana Vera Dec. 20, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 269
  • 270. Taxi drivers take part in a protest against a carpool service application launched by Kakao Corp in Seoul, South Korea. REUTERS/Kim Hong-Ji Dec. 20, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 270
  • 271. Retiring U.S. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan delivers his farewell address in the Great Hall of the Library of Congress in Washington. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst Dec. 20, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 271
  • 272. A man stands next to his dyed donkey, in Tijuana, Mexico. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem Dec. 20, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 272
  • 273. Retiring U.S. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan arrives to deliver his farewell address in the Great Hall of the Library of Congress in Washington. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst Dec. 20, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 273
  • 274. Chilean dockworkers clash with riot police during a protest against the port operator TPS (South Pacific Terminal) demanding the inclusion of temporary workers in the collective bargaining, in Valparaiso, Chile. REUTERS/Rodrigo Garrido Dec. 20, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 274
  • 275. A Chilean dockworker is detained by riot police during a protest against port operator TPS (South Pacific Terminal), to demand temporary workers be included in collective bargaining, in Valparaiso, Chile. REUTERS/Rodrigo Garrido Dec. 20, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 275
  • 276. A trader works inside his booth as a screen displays U.S. Federal Reserve Chairperson Jerome Powell's news conference on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid Dec. 20, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 276
  • 277. Migrants, part of a caravan of thousands from Central America trying to reach the United States, rest at a temporary shelter near the U.S. border in Tijuana, Mexico. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem Dec. 20, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 277
  • 278. A mother plays with her baby, as they are heading to a nearby bus stop early cold morning in Karachi, Pakistan. REUTERS/Akhtar Soomro Dec. 20, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 278
  • 279. General view of Dubai's cranes at a construction site in Dubai, UAE. REUTERS/Satish Kumar Dec. 20, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 279
  • 280. Motonari Otsuru, lawyer of Nissan's arrested chairman Carlos Ghosn, is surrounded by media as he leaves the Tokyo Detention Center in Tokyo, Japan. REUTERS/Issei Kato Dec. 20, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 280
  • 281. Model Masafumi is made up by make-up artist Hiroki using Pola Orbis subsidiary Acro's cosmetics during their demonstration at a department store in Tokyo, Japan. REUTERS/Toru Hanai Dec. 20, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 281
  • 282. A man holding a baby wrapped in a blanket stands next to a bonfire on a cold winter morning in New Delhi, India. REUTERS/Adnan Abidi Dec. 20, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 282
  • 283. Defense Secretary Mattis quits Defense Secretary James Mattis looks at President Donald Trump as he speaks during a meeting with Medal of Honor recipients in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, March 24, 2017. REUTERS/Carlos Barria GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 283
  • 284. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis reviews a Chinese honor guard during a welcome ceremony at the Bayi Building in Beijing, Wednesday, June 27, 2018. Mark Schiefelbein/Pool via Reuters GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 284
  • 285. Defense Secretary James Mattis joins White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders for the daily press briefing at the White House in Washington, February 7, 2018. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 285
  • 286. Defense Secretary James Mattis looks out over Kabul as he arrives via helicopter at Resolute Support headquarters in Kabul, Afghanistan April 24, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 286
  • 287. Defense Secretary James Mattis (R) bids farewell to Israeli military dignitaries as he departs from Ben Gurion International Airport, Tel Aviv, Israel April 21, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 287
  • 288. President Donald Trump walks in with Defense Secretary Jim Mattis as they arrive to attend the multilateral meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Brussels, Belgium July 11, 2018. Pablo Martinez Monsivais/Pool via REUTERS GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 288
  • 289. Reuters / Wednesday, April 19, 2017 Defense Secretary James Mattis reacts as White House Deputy National Security Advisor Dina Powell (R) tells the Saudi delegation that Mattis's call sign in the Trump White House is "favorite of the president" during their meeting with Saudi Arabia's Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman at the Ministry of Defense in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia April 19, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 289
  • 290. Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson arrive to brief the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on the ongoing fight against the Islamic State on Capitol Hill in Washington, August 2, 2017. REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 290
  • 291. Egyptian soldiers assist Defense Secretary James Mattis (C) as he places a wreath at the Unknown Soldier Memorial in Cairo, Egypt, April 20, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst GALLLERY PHOTOS February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 291
  • 292. Drones cripple Gatwick Airport Reuters / Thursday, December 20, 2018 Passengers wait around in the South Terminal building at Gatwick Airport. Britain sent troops to its second-biggest airport after an unprecedented attempt to cripple Christmas travel with large drones forced all flights to be cancelled on Thursday. REUTERS/Peter Nicholls Dec. 20, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 292
  • 293. Passengers wait around in the South Terminal building at Gatwick Airport. REUTERS/Peter Nicholls Dec. 20, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 293
  • 294. Passengers wait around in the South Terminal building at Gatwick Airport. REUTERS/Peter Nicholls Dec. 20, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 294
  • 295. Passengers wait around in the South Terminal building at Gatwick Airport after drones flying illegally over the airfield forced the closure of the airport, in Gatwick, Britain, December 20, 2018. REUTERS/Peter Nicholls Dec. 20, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 295
  • 296. Passengers wait around in the South Terminal building at Gatwick Airport. REUTERS/Peter Nicholls Dec. 20, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 296
  • 297. Passengers wait around in the South Terminal building at Gatwick Airport. REUTERS/Peter Nicholls Dec. 20, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 297
  • 298. A police vehicle stands on the closed runway at Gatwick Airport. REUTERS/Peter Nicholls Dec. 20, 2018 February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 298
  • 299. A police helicopter flies over the closed runway at Gatwick Airport. REUTERS/Peter NichollsDec. 20, 2018 THE END Pictures of the day Dec. 14 – Dec. 20, 2018 PPS by February 25, 2019 Pictures of the day - Dec. 14 - Dec. 20, 2018 - vinhbinh2010 299