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Colin Mair
December 2006
Dear Parent,
At the end of another very busy and suc-
cessful term, I am very pleased to bring you
news of activities and achievements at both
Junior and Senior Schools.
As you will read, senior pupils again per-
formed impressively in their SQA examina-
tions, and we were delighted that the recent
Sunday Times Parent Guide again listed the
High School as the best-performing Scottish
Independent School. Our pupils have also
recorded successes in a range of sports, ex-
tra-curricular activities and competitions, as
well as supporting a number of worthwhile
causes and events. Our musicians greatly
appreciated the opportunity to perform in
the magnificent surroundings of the Univer-
sity of Glasgow Chapel, by the kind permis-
sion of the Principal and the Chaplain, and
we were privileged that the Lord Provost of
Glasgow, Mrs Liz Cameron, joined us on
that occasion. At the time of writing, we
are eagerly awaiting the productions of The
Wizard of Oz and The Steamie at the Junior
and Senior Schools respectively.
We must always look forward and aim to
improve the accommodation at Anniesland
and at Bearsden, and to that end our plans
for our latest development campaign are
well under way. Mrs Karen Waugh and I
are very grateful to those of you who have
agreed to be part of the parents’ team who
will be assisting in the Campaign. Along
with the Appeal Chairman, Mr Colin Mackie,
and our Development Director, Mrs Katie
Keenan, we look forward to presenting our
plans for the Senior School Science exten-
sion and the Junior School lower ground
floor classroom improvements to meetings
of parents in January and February. Building
work should commence at both schools in the
Summer of 2007.
As he had intimated at the Senior School
Prizegiving in June, Professor Sir Michael
Bond retired as Chairman of Governors earli-
er this month. We are indebted to Sir Michael
for his outstanding commitment to this role
over the last five years. The Governors have
elected Sheriff Brian Adair as the new Chair-
man and Mr Raymond Williamson as Deputy
Chairman. Both are very supportive former
pupils of the High School who have enjoyed
distinguished legal careers.
I hope that this will be a very happy Christmas
for you and your family, and I offer you my
best wishes for the New Year.
Yours sincerely,
Pipe Band perform at Scottish Spina Bifida
event with Gordon Ramsay
In August, the Junior School was pleased to welcome Miss
Hazel Scott, who joined the staff to teach Junior 5. Miss
Scott had previously taught at Killearn Primary School.
The busy first term of the session saw many class outings,
new experiences and visitors to enhance the children’s
Junior 6 visited the Science & Technology Forum at Strath-
clyde University to attend workshops called ‘A Sound Ex-
perience’. As part of their Religious Education studies,
the children paid visits to the Greek Orthodox Church
in Glasgow and the Thomas Coats Memorial Church in
Paisley; the latter visit was a new one for the school, and
members of the congregation welcomed the children and
gave very interesting tours of this famous church. Lessons
at Scotland Street School in The World War 2 classroom
brought the wartime childhood experience to life – with
gasmasks at the ready! Visits from willing grandparents
to classrooms to talk about their experiences were much
enjoyed and appreciated by children and teachers.
Our community Police Constable Alex Moore led work-
shops about Drugs and Health for the children and a
group of parents. This informative day allowed time for
learning, discussion and a sharing of ideas to develop the
children’s understanding of an important area of their Citi-
zenship and the Law programme. The visit to the Child
Safety Centre in Pollok marked another step in their grow-
ing confidence and independence.
Junior 5 began the term with a science topic about Plants.
Their visit to the Botanic Gardens gave a greater under-
standing of the interdependence of plants and animals.
Understanding biodiversity is an important part of the Eco
Schools Initiative too. From plants, the studies moved to
human biology and the study of teeth and how to care for
them. A visit from Dr and Mrs Garrett gave an insight into
the work of dentists and their work in preventing decay.
Scotland was the geography topic for the term, and an ex-
cellent talk from Iain Nisbet from VisitScotland was a great
starting point for the children’s learning. The Bridges topic
was very successful, and a visit organised by John McPart-
lin from the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) and the
building of a 7m span cable stayed bridge in the school’s
small hall was a highlight of the term. We invited children
from Bearsden Primary to join us to build bridges. On
a later day, Mr Foggo came in to talk about his work on
Scottish bridges. His presentation was excellent, and his
display of equipment and plans was of great interest to the
children and their teachers.
Junior 4 visited Vikingar in Largs for their study of life in a
Viking settlement. They also visited the Science and Tech-
nology Forum at Strathclyde University to study Light and
Colour, while Junior 3 visited to study Magnetism. The
workshops provide opportunities to experiment with spe-
cial equipment and ask questions of the lecturers.
Junior 2 studied ‘Toys in the Past’ and visited Scotland
Street School for special workshops on this subject. They
had an exciting visit from Zoolab; Marco and his animals
taught the children about ‘Senses and Textures’ in the ani-
mal world. A visit to the new Aquarium at Loch Lomond
Shores allowed Junior 1 to get close to many sea crea-
tures. They also visited the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and
Museum for a workshop in the education suite on Scottish
Kindergarten children have had a busy first term. Un-
fortunately, a planned autumn walk was rained off, but
they have managed many sessions of outdoor play in the
playground. Their first public performance in a Harvest
Assembly was delightful, and everyone looks forward to
their Christmas Sing-along.
We thank our many visitors to the Junior School. We ap-
preciate the giving of their time, commitment and experi-
ence. The Rev John Harris, Gordon McCracken and Mr
Gray have led assemblies, and we were delighted to wel-
come Adrienne Cartwright (Donaldson) back again. Dur-
ing Book Week in October, Mrs Sheila McCarron invited
Fergus McNicol to tell his stories to Junior 4.
Children of all ages have enjoyed a host of clubs this term,
such as Whacky Rackets, Science, Art, Pipe Band Drum-
ming, Football, Country Dancing, Bridge, Chess and Ski-
ing. Daytime clubs included SUper Club, wind band,
string orchestra and all choirs. Many children took the
opportunity to attend Children’s Classic Concerts on Sat-
We have supported some favourite charities this term.
Our Harvest boxes were collected by the local Meals on
Wheels organiser, The Salvation Army and Focal Point
in Drumchapel. The many letters received showed how
much our efforts were appreciated. The Macmillan Can-
cer Coffee Event raised a record amount of £1100. We
Junior 1 visit the Loch Lomond Aquarium
Junior 4 study life of Vikings at Vikingar
enjoyed a ‘Dress As You Please’ day at Halloween and
£591.68 raised went to the British Heart Foundation.
This year, our Christmas boxes were sent to the Blyths-
wood Shoe Box Appeal, and we sold cards made in Rwan-
da to raise money for the Hope charity in that recovering
country. Mrs Katie Freer initiated this appeal, and our en-
terprise group ‘The High Buy Bunch’ coordinated sales of
this and our school Christmas card, this year ‘A Partridge
in a Pear Tree’designed by Romey Clark in J5S.
Mrs Freer led Junior 4 to develop a wonderfully evoca-
tive celebration of the new Kelvingrove Art Gallery & Mu-
seum. The children used mime, song, movement and a
tableau to express their ideas.
The Junior School Production of The Wizard of Oz is in
final rehearsals as we go to print and promises to be an
excellent theatrical experience for all – full of drama,
song, and the familiar story of the famous characters and
their adventures in the Emerald City. The String Orchestra
played ‘Over the Rainbow’ at assembly to get everyone in
the mood.
The J6 girls were successful in winning the Carol Hamilton
Memorial Trophy for hockey. This competition is played
annually against Glasgow Academy.
Junior 6 children will sing at Princes Square for Quarriers,
and they will visit Yorkhill Hospital and Abbotsford Care
Home to bring Christmas cheer as we go to print. Other
Christmas events include the Junior 1 Nativity, ‘Shepherds’
Delight’, to be performed for parents, friends and a school
audience and again for New Kilpatrick Guild. All classes
look forward to tremendous fun and excitement at their
Christmas parties. All at the Junior School send Season’s
Greetings to parents and friends.
Our pupils and their teachers are to be congratulated on
another year of outstanding examination results. Our Fifth
Year pupils’ achievement of 62% Grade A passes in their
Highers bettered the corresponding figure in every other
Scottish school. Fourth Year had 95% Credit awards at
Standard Grade, and there were A passes in 48% of our
Advanced Higher presentations. The statistics below have
been updated following the Appeals process.
Standard Grade Examinations - 4th Year Candidates
Subjects taken 704
Grade 1 590 (84%)
Grade 2 80 (11%)
Credit Awards (Grades 1 and 2) 670 (95%)
Grade 3 passes 25 (4%)
Grade 4 passes 7 (1%)
Grade 5 passes 2 (0%)
There were no passes below Grade 5. 58 of the 100 pupils
in Fourth Year gained 7 or 8 Grade 1 passes and 96 pupils
gained 5 or more Credit passes (i.e. Grades 1 and 2).
Higher Examinations - 5th Year Candidates
Subjects taken 500
Grade A 308 (62%)
Grade B 100 (20%)
Grade C 61 (12%)
Total A-C 469 (94%)
Grade D 13 (3%)
No award 18 (4%)
On average each Fifth Year pupil passed 4.6 Highers. 34
of the 101 pupils in Fifth Year gained Grade A passes in
all of their Highers. 81 pupils gained 5 or more Higher
passes (80%), and 96 gained 3 or more passes (95%).
Advanced Highers - 6th Year Candidates
Subjects taken 213
Grade A 102 (48%)
Grade B 51 (24%)
Grade C 30 (14%)
Total A-C 183 (86%)
Grade D 8 (4%)
No award 22 (10%)
It is very pleasing that nearly all pupils are achieving or
exceeding their individual targets and virtually all are
achieving success. As usual the great majority of leav-
ers gained places at the universities of their choice. As a
result of their excellent results, 11 members of last year’s
Sixth Year gained admission to Cambridge University. 72
pupils have gone to Oxford or Cambridge over the last 8
Two individual awards were granted this year to High
School pupils. Shona Gibson (S6) was presented with an
award by the Royal Society of Chemistry and Shell UK as
one of the only three candidates to achieve top marks in
the 2006 SQA Higher Chemistry examination. Shona was
presented with her prize at Our Dynamic Earth by Profes-
sor Anne Glover, Chief Scientific Officer for Scotland as
part of the Science and the Parliament Event. Elizabeth
Davies (left 2006) was presented with the David Graham
Memorial Trophy by the Modern Studies Association as
the candidate with the highest mark in the 2006 SQA Ad-
Junior School String Orchestra
Kindergarten Harvest Assembly
vanced Higher Modern Studies examination. Elizabeth,
who is the third High School pupil to win this award, was
presented with her prize at the Modern Studies Associa-
tion conference by Professor Stephen White of the Glas-
gow University Politics Department.
This term proved to be the start of another successful year
in the Primary and Senior Maths Challenges. In the Pri-
mary Maths Challenge, six Gold, seventeen Silver and
twenty-one Bronze awards were achieved. Gold winners
were Rebekah Cubie, Erin Frizzell, Rory Halsey, Maxine
Muirhead, Rory Shirley and Alastair Stanley (all Transitus).
The Senior Maths Challenge resulted in one Gold, won by
Shona Gibson (S6), seven Silver and eight Bronze. Shona
will go forward to the British Mathematical Olympiad as
we go to print.
A team of Third Year pupils won second prize in the Eu-
roSun 2006 Solar Energy Powered Car Competition. The
event, which took place at the end of last term, required
entrants to design and build a solar-powered car. The
lightweight design was constructed by current S4 pupils
Alison Boyd, Alison Davies, Tessa Jennett, Tara Mansfield
and Thomas Kinghorn. Several Second Year pupils took
part in the BAE Systems Schools’ Engineering Challenge,
where they built a model ship out of cardboard, glue and
sellotape. The team achieved a very commendable fifth
place in the competition. In the first round of the West of
Scotland Physics Education Group Physics Competition in
September, our team of Alison Davies, Douglas Gibson
(both S4) and Zoë Woodhouse (S3) qualified for the semi-
final in an exciting final round.
Roshni Mansfield (S2), Rory Allbutt, Lucy Mackintosh and
Priya Senthilkumar (all S1) were placed third in the West
of Scotland Heat of the Kids Lit Quiz. They each received
books and book tokens as prizes.
Two of last year’s First Year pupils (now S2) won prizes
in the Glasgow Educational and Marshall Trust Glasgow
Prize Competition during the summer. In the Literary/ His-
torical section, Eilean Crombie was awarded a certificate
for her well-written report on the life of David Livingstone.
Rachel Milton won an identical prize for her significant
research and work describing and comparing therapeutic
with reproductive cloning.
Olivia Macfarlane (S2) was one of approximately twenty
prizewinners from three categories in the Chevron Up-
stream Europe Focus Environment Photographic Competi-
tion, which is open to all secondary schools in Scotland.
Olivia won her award in the ‘Nature’s Moods’ 11-14 years’
category for her splendid photograph, entitled ‘Gathering
Claire Crawford, Fiona Waugh (both S6) and Tom Taylor
(S5) advanced to the final round of the Business and Pro-
fessional Women Public Speaking Competition. Fiona and
Gavin O’Leary (S5) also progressed to the second round
of the ESU Mace Debating Competition, while Kathryn
Connolly, Katie Murray (both S3), Roshni Mansfield and
Rachel Milton (both S2) progressed to the second round in
the junior division. Claire, along with James Gordon and
Laurie Slavin (both S3), also reached the final of the Rotary
Club Public Speaking Competition.
As we approach the end of term, we look forward to the
School’s production of The Steamie in the Drama Studio.
The performers, crew and members of staff involved have
worked hard preparing for the production, and we wish
them every success.
During the summer holiday, The Queen and the Duke
of Edinburgh gave a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace
to celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Duke of Edin-
burgh Award. To celebrate the occasion, icons of the past
fifty years were invited to present certificates to Duke of
Edinburgh Award operating authorities to thank them for
their work in helping to provide an enjoyable, challeng-
ing and rewarding personal development programme for
young people. Brian Jones, OBE, pilot of Breitling Orbiter
3, who made the first ever round-the-world voyage in a
hot air balloon, presented a Certificate of Thanks to the
High School.
Since we last went to print, the following awards have
been achieved: Silver- Catriona McNab, Kirsteen Run-
cie (both left 2006), Richard Moyes and Alexandra Stu-
art (both S6). Bronze- James Anderson, Rachel Leggett
and Max Ralston (all S5). This term, expeditions included
one Gold teambuilding trip to Crianlarich and two Bronze
qualification trips to Innerleithen. The following awards
have been achieved this term: Silver- Abbey McGhee,
Aisling McGhee (both S6), Ashley Currie, Fiona Dutton,
Lucy Grier, Stuart Houston, Alasdair Jamieson, Katie Lud-
wig, Zoë Sheard and Tom Taylor (all S5). Bronze- Eilidh
Murray (S6), Alysha Aikman, Rachel Bolland, Tom Bon-
nington, Alison Boyd, Stuart Campbell, Douglas Gibson,
Calum Hay, Rebecca Kay, Ralph Keith, Mark Kemsley,
Shona Gibson achieves top marks in Higher Chemistry exam
wins prize for
photograph en-
titled 'Gathering
Thomas Kinghorn, Emma Logan, Siddharth Maroo, Dec-
lan McInnes, Christopher McKeown, Ruth Moffett, Oliver
Roditi and Stephanie Sarafilovic (all S4).
Claire Cameron (S6) was the only Scot out of four national
finalists competing for the Film Education’s ‘Film Critic of
the Year’. The finalists were chosen from 500 entries to the
competition and attended an awards ceremony in London
in October.
Eight Fifth Year pupils from the High School spent the Sat-
urday before Remembrance Sunday at Asda collecting
for the Bearsden and Milngavie Poppy Appeal. Ashley
Currie, Clara McGhee, Jessica Karlsen, Alison Brunger,
Alasdair Jamieson, Victoria Pickard, David Wishart and
Gavin O’Leary were proud to have helped raise £400 in
the store. The overall total raised in Asda throughout the
week was £2580.
Fourth Year pupils decided to take action to help protect
the endangered environment while studying the Rainfor-
est in Miss Porter’s Standard Grade Geography class. The
class raised money, with which they sponsored an acre of
the Brazilian Rainforest and adopted a monkey. The class
was pleased to receive their certificate from the Rainforest
Foundation and the adoption papers for their monkey.
Seven Sixth Year Art pupils assisted with the sale of art-
work at the Macmillan Cancer Support Art Exhibition. Su-
sie Broadbent, Amy Foreman, Karen Forgie, Graham Hall,
Rachel Kerr, Samantha Kerr and Andrea Santoni acted as
couriers to prospective buyers at this event, which took
place at the Scotland Street School in November.
House fundraising weeks this term were a success. Clyde
organised events such as a cake and candy stall, a fete day,
a Clyde House show, a staff vs pupil beep test and a staff
vs pupil football match, which raised an excellent sum for
their chosen charity, Vietnam YMCA. Bannerman House
raised money in support of Barnardo’s children’s charity
during their week through a House Show, individual spon-
sored events and ‘Guess The Number of Sweeties In the
Jar’ and ‘Guess The Number of Balloons We Can Fit In a
Twenty-eight members of the Historical Society went on
a ghost walk near Glasgow Cathedral, where they were
treated to tales of ghosts, ghouls and witches from Glas-
gow’s past.
First Year history pupils participated in ‘Living History Scot-
land’ workshops with Hugh Robertson, where they studied
the Scottish Wars of Independence and viewed medieval
clothing, weapons, armour and fighting methods.
The School hosted the annual Autumn SATH (Scottish As-
sociation of Teachers of History) conference in November.
The main topic of discussion at the conference was the
implications for history education of the Scottish Execu-
tive’s ‘Curriculum for Excellence’. Delegates commented
on the excellence of the School’s facilities, catering and
helpfulness of staff, and the SATH President, in his final
comments to delegates, also made reference to the High
School’s hospitality in providing such a first class venue
for the conference.
The Geography department’s fieldtrip to Iceland, where
forty pupils from S3 to S6 spent six days exploring South-
west Iceland during the summer holidays, was a great
success. The pupils and six members of staff experienced
Iceland’s incredible natural wonders with a visit to the ex-
plosive Geyser, a swim in the geothermal waters of the
Blue Lagoon and a flight to the volcanic island of Heimaey
to walk into an active volcanic crater. The group also vis-
ited huge waterfalls and glacial landscapes on the edge of
an ice cap.
After having hosted pupils from the Melanchthon Gym-
nasium in Nuremberg last term, eleven Fourth Year pupils
travelled to Germany in October for the second leg of this
year’s German Exchange. Over the course of the week,
pupils attended school lessons with their hosts and visited
many historical attractions, such as Faber Castell Castle,
the Turm der Sinne Science Museum and the Dokuzen-
trum Museum, and took an informative tour of the old
The annual Fantastic Fireworks Evening organised by the
Home & School Association was another huge success.
Hundreds of parents, pupils and friends of the school
watched a magnificent display and enjoyed the many add-
ed attractions, which included children’s rides and stalls
selling novelties and snacks.
Seven Advanced Higher Modern Studies pupils visited the
Scottish Parliament for a seminar on research methods,
organised by the Scottish Parliament Education Service.
As well as being involved in a workshop run by the Scot-
tish Parliament Information Centre, the pupils also sat in
on Parliament Committee meetings, toured the chamber
and participated in a question and answer session with the
Stalls provide added entertainment at
Home& School Association's Fireworks Night
Fifth Year pupils raise money for Poppy Appeal
Deputy Presiding Officer, Trish Godsman, MSP.
The Orchestral and Choral Concert at Glasgow Univer-
sity Chapel in November, which was broadcast live on
the University website, was an outstanding success and a
memorable first visit to this marvellous venue. The main
feature of the evening was the performance by the Sen-
ior String Orchestra, who were also joined by others to
form the Chamber Orchestra, while a Brass Ensemble,
the Chamber Choir and the Monteverdi Choir also per-
formed beautifully. The soloists and ensembles included
Nick Beacher and Susie Broadbent (both S6), Fay Jennett,
Catriona Miller and Stephanie Wilson (all S5), the String
Octet and the Saxophone Quartet.
The Pipe Band provided the musical entertainment at the
2006 Scotland v England Deaf Rugby International, where
the Scotland team were presented with the Kolkata Cup.
They also, along with the Sax Quartet, performed at the
opening of a new Scottish Spina Bifida Association Family
Support Centre in Cumbernauld, where Gordon Ramsay,
patron of the Association, officially opened the building at
a lunchtime ceremony.
The Chamber Choir has been invited by the Scottish Spina
Bifida Association to perform at their annual ‘Classics at
Christmas Concert’ held at the Royal Scottish Academy of
Music and Drama in conjunction with the Bothwell Phil-
harmonic Choir. The concert is scheduled to take place at
the end of term.
Fourteen senior pupils sat the Associated Board of the
Royal Schools of Music exam this term. A total of three
passes, eight merits and five distinctions were achieved.
Our Remembrance Service took place as usual on Fri-
day, 10th November in the Assembly Hall. The Address
was delivered by Rev Bill Ferguson of Broomhill Parish
Church, and wreaths were laid at the War Memorials by
Mr Gordon Grant, the President of the Former Pupil Club,
and Cameron Brown on behalf of the school.
We are sorry to bid farewell at Christmas to Mr Gordon
Hunter who has been Teacher of Modern Studies for near-
ly 4½ years. He has also been Assistant Housemaster of
Law House and contributed enthusiastically to Transitus
rugby and cricket coaching. Two of his Advanced Higher
Modern Studies pupils in the last four years have achieved
the highest mark in the Advanced Higher Modern Studies
exam. We wish him every happiness in the future as he
moves to become Principal Teacher of Social Studies at
Craigroyston High School, Edinburgh.
Miss Jane McAteer, currently at Wellington School, will
replace Mr Hunter next term.
Current Sixth Year pupils Abbey and Aisling McGhee were
selected to represent Scotland in the SIAB Athletics Match
during the summer holiday, where Abbey competed in the
800m event, and Aisling competed as a member of the 4x
300m relay team.
The S1/S2 boys’ team, Jed Stubing, Richard Murray (both
S2), Gavyn Chalmers and Robbie Fraser (both S1), won
Silver medals at the John Cairney Memorial Road Relay
Race. This first time ever competition was organised by
Shettleston Harriers in memory of John Cairney, a life long
road relay runner who spent his professional life promot-
ing fitness in schools. The event consisted of a 4x1 mile
relay race and was supported by the 2014 Glasgow Com-
monwealth Games Bid Team.
The girls’ medley relay team, Abbey McGhee (captain),
Aisling McGhee (both S6), Holly Conyers and Kirsty Haig
(both S2), finished in sixth place at the Scottish Schools’
Road Relay Championships.
Our U-14 badminton team of Nicholas Sutcliffe (S2), Rory
Allbutt, Sarah Bell, Charlotte Black, Hannah Jolly, David
Norris, Johanna Norris and Richard Shemilt (all S1) won
the U-14 Glasgow Badminton Quaich. The team will now
represent Glasgow at the Scottish Championships in Feb-
Geography fieldtrip to Iceland
German Exchange
Gillian Sloan (S4) received the shared award of ‘Glasgow
Young Sportsperson of the Year’. She was successful in
winning the Scottish National U-19 Ladies’ Doubles with
her partner, as well as finishing runner-up in the Mixed
Doubles. Gillian now holds the record for the most junior
Scottish National titles held by a female. She was also
selected to represent Scotland at U-19 level in Northum-
berland in November. Linda Sloan (left 2006) won the
Gold in the Ladies’ Doubles and the Bronze in the Ladies’
Singles in the junior European circuit against Slovakia and
also won the Gold in Singles and the Silver in Doubles
against Switzerland.
The football team has had a great start to the season this
year, having won all of the games played so far, including
the league match against last year’s Scottish Independent
Schools’Cup winners, Hamilton College.
Participating in a newly organised competition, Clark Nel-
son (S6), Anthony Kinsey (S5) and James Hendry (S4), won
their first round of the Independent Schools’ Golf Associa-
tion competition against Lomond School.
The 1st XI girls won Silver medals at the West District
Hockey Final, where they were narrowly defeated by
Craigholme School when the match went to penalties.
The squad consisted of Alexandra Stuart (captain), Mary
Mactaggart, Kate Moffett, Rachel Osborne, Jennifer Short,
Nina Syme (all S6), Faye Jennett, Kate Lemond, Stephanie
Livingston, Clara McGhee, Charlotte Sinclair, Emily Spyt,
Charlotte Sutcliffe (all S5) and Ruth Moffett (S4). The 1st
XI have also qualified for the semi-final of the BP League
Cup which will take place as we go to press.
Several of our hockey players were selected for the West
District squads. At the U-18 level, Alexandra Stuart, Kate
Moffett and Rachel Osborne (all S6) helped the West team
to win the Inter District Tournament in Edinburgh, while
Ruth Moffett (S4), Caitlin Black and Jennifer Johnstone
(both S3) were selected for the U-16 squad, which finished
runners-up. Following the Inter District Tournament Ruth
Moffett was also selected for the U-16 Scotland hockey
training squad.
The 1st XV have progressed to the last 16 of the Scottish
U-18 Cup, as have the U-15 team. The Cup matches will
take place as we go to print.
District Rugby and Hockey participants
(not pictured: Callum Kerr and Desmond Woods)
British Dry Ski SLope Race
finished twelfth out of twenty-three. Both groups of skiers
were the only teams from the West of Scotland to qualify
from the Scottish Championships.
Sixty-three senior pupils competed in the Glasgow
Schools’ Swimming Championship Finals. A total of thirty
individual medals and eight team medals were awarded.
Individual Gold medals were awarded to Karen Forgie (S6),
James Reid (S4), Jamie Culpan, Caroline Smith (both S3),
Chris Barnes, Ailsa McNab and Katie McKay (all S1), and
team Gold medals were awarded Jamie Culpan and James
Reid (U-16 Boys’ Lifesaving), Caitlin Tullett, Eliza Walker
(both S4), Caroline Smith and Heather Wilkinson (both
S3) (U-16 Girls’ Relay), Caroline Davidson, Karen Forgie,
Emma Reid and Clara Smith (all S6) (Over 16 Girls’ Relay)
and Richard Moyes, Iain Roy (both S6), Daniel Filmer and
Thomas Wild (both S5) (Over 16 Boys’ Relay). The Over
16 Girls’Relay team also set a new record.
Congratulations to Clara Smith (S6), who was selected to
represent Scotland in the first UK Schools’ Games, which
took place in Glasgow in September.
U-13 boys, Connor McInteer (S3), Nicholas Sutcliffe (S2),
David Norris and Matthew Paterson (both S1), won first
place in the Nestle Scottish Tennis Finals, qualifying them
for the British quarter finals. The U-13 girls, Zoë Drum-
mond, Sarah Kinsey (both S3), Caroline Ward (S2) and Sa-
rah Bell (S1), finished runners-up to George Watson’s Col-
lege. The U-15 girls, Francesca Fraser, Catilin McInteer
(both S5), Emma McGrath and Ruth Moffett (both S4), fin-
ished runners-up to Hutchesons’ Grammar School, and the
U-15 boys, Graham Revie (S5), Ross Mackay (S4), Charlie
McNaught and Phil Revie (both S3), won the competition
to become Scottish Champions. They were then success-
ful in the quarter finals of the British competition and will
now take part in the British Finals as we go to press.
The girls’ team of Jenny Drummond (S6), Ruth Moffett
(S4), Zoë Drummond (S3) and Caroline Ward (S2) won
all four singles matches of the second round of the Scot-
tish Schools’ Tennis Championships, qualifying them for
the third round. The boys’ team of Jeremy Hanks (S6),
Graham Revie (S5), Ross Mackay (S4) and Phil Revie (S3)
has progressed to the last eight of the same competition,
following their recent victory over Marr College.
Jenny Drummond (S6) has once again been selected to
represent Scotland in the Tri-Nations International tennis
match with Ireland and Wales, which will take place as
we go to print in December.
At the District level, Rory McCormick and Craig Bennie
(both S6) were selected for the U-18 squad, and Callum
Kerr and Desmond Woods (both S4) were selected for the
U-16 squad.
Robert Gibson (S5) has once again been selected for the
GBR Sailing squad.
Both the boys’ and girls’ skiing teams qualified for the
British Dry Ski Slope Race, following their success in the
Scottish Schools’ Seniors’ and Minors’ Ski Champion-
ships, where the boys’ team finished seventh and the girls’
fourth in Scotland. In the British Championships, the girls
finished thirteenth out of twenty-two teams, and the boys
Spring Term 2006
There will be a full list of events in the Spring Term Calendar (circulated at the beginning
of the term), but you may wish to note the following dates in the meantime:
Term begins on Tuesday 9th January (8th January for staff) and ends on Friday 30th March.
The Half-Term holiday is from Monday 12th to Friday 16th February inclusive.
Pupils in Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Years already have details of the timetable for the
Preliminary Examinations for Standard Grade, Highers and Advanced Highers, which begin
on Wednesday 10th January. During the fortnight of the exams, there will be no senior
classes, and pupils will attend school only to sit examinations. All pupils must return on
Monday 29th January, when normal classes resume. Study facilities are provided for pupils
in school during the exams, and staff are available for consultation if required.
Wednesday 24th January (for entry to Junior 2 to Junior 6 and Transitus to Fourth Year).
There will be no school for Transitus to Sixth Year pupils on this day, although some Third
Year Monitors will be on duty. Junior School 12.30 p.m. finish.
Senior School (7.00 p.m. in each case)
Transitus….......Thursday 11th January
Third Year…......Monday 15th January
Fifth Year…...Thursday 22nd February
Fourth Year…..Tuesday 27th February
Second Year..........Tuesday 6th March
Please note that there will also be a
Second Year Parents’Subject Choice Information Meeting
from 7.00 – 8.00 p.m. on Wednesday 7th February.
Junior School
(individual appointments)
Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th March
Junior Orchestral Concert Junior School Ski Gala
Thursday 1st February at 7.00 p.m. Tuesday 13th March
Fourth & Fifth Year Ceilidh Hockey & Rugby Sevens
TournamentFriday 2nd February at 7.00 p.m. Wednesday 14th March from 1.30 p.m.
Senior School Swimming Gala Junior School Spring Concert
Monday 5th February at 5.00 p.m. Friday 17th March
(Anniesland Pool)
Junior Musical Production
Transitus Party/Dance (Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat)
Thursday 8th February at 7.00 p.m. 21st, 22nd and 23rd March at 7.00 p.m.
Home & School Association AGM Senior Orchestral Concert
Thursday 1st March at 7.00 p.m. Tuesday 27th March at 7.00 p.m.
Home & School Association Duke of Edinburgh Silver Practice
Uniform Sale Expedition
Monday 5th March at 3.30 p.m. Friday 23rd – Sunday 25th March
Junior School Swimming Gala Duke of Edinburgh Gold Practice
Wednesday 7th March at 1.45 p.m. Expedition
(Allander Sports Centre) Saturday 31st March – Tuesday 3rd April

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  • 1. END OF TERM LETTER Colin Mair December 2006 Dear Parent, At the end of another very busy and suc- cessful term, I am very pleased to bring you news of activities and achievements at both Junior and Senior Schools. As you will read, senior pupils again per- formed impressively in their SQA examina- tions, and we were delighted that the recent Sunday Times Parent Guide again listed the High School as the best-performing Scottish Independent School. Our pupils have also recorded successes in a range of sports, ex- tra-curricular activities and competitions, as well as supporting a number of worthwhile causes and events. Our musicians greatly appreciated the opportunity to perform in the magnificent surroundings of the Univer- sity of Glasgow Chapel, by the kind permis- sion of the Principal and the Chaplain, and we were privileged that the Lord Provost of Glasgow, Mrs Liz Cameron, joined us on that occasion. At the time of writing, we are eagerly awaiting the productions of The Wizard of Oz and The Steamie at the Junior and Senior Schools respectively. We must always look forward and aim to improve the accommodation at Anniesland and at Bearsden, and to that end our plans for our latest development campaign are well under way. Mrs Karen Waugh and I are very grateful to those of you who have agreed to be part of the parents’ team who will be assisting in the Campaign. Along with the Appeal Chairman, Mr Colin Mackie, and our Development Director, Mrs Katie Keenan, we look forward to presenting our plans for the Senior School Science exten- sion and the Junior School lower ground floor classroom improvements to meetings of parents in January and February. Building work should commence at both schools in the Summer of 2007. As he had intimated at the Senior School Prizegiving in June, Professor Sir Michael Bond retired as Chairman of Governors earli- er this month. We are indebted to Sir Michael for his outstanding commitment to this role over the last five years. The Governors have elected Sheriff Brian Adair as the new Chair- man and Mr Raymond Williamson as Deputy Chairman. Both are very supportive former pupils of the High School who have enjoyed distinguished legal careers. I hope that this will be a very happy Christmas for you and your family, and I offer you my best wishes for the New Year. Yours sincerely, NEWS&INFORMATION HIGHLIGHTSLIGHTS Pipe Band perform at Scottish Spina Bifida event with Gordon Ramsay
  • 2. JUNIOR SCHOOL Staff In August, the Junior School was pleased to welcome Miss Hazel Scott, who joined the staff to teach Junior 5. Miss Scott had previously taught at Killearn Primary School. Outings The busy first term of the session saw many class outings, new experiences and visitors to enhance the children’s learning. Junior 6 visited the Science & Technology Forum at Strath- clyde University to attend workshops called ‘A Sound Ex- perience’. As part of their Religious Education studies, the children paid visits to the Greek Orthodox Church in Glasgow and the Thomas Coats Memorial Church in Paisley; the latter visit was a new one for the school, and members of the congregation welcomed the children and gave very interesting tours of this famous church. Lessons at Scotland Street School in The World War 2 classroom brought the wartime childhood experience to life – with gasmasks at the ready! Visits from willing grandparents to classrooms to talk about their experiences were much enjoyed and appreciated by children and teachers. Our community Police Constable Alex Moore led work- shops about Drugs and Health for the children and a group of parents. This informative day allowed time for learning, discussion and a sharing of ideas to develop the children’s understanding of an important area of their Citi- zenship and the Law programme. The visit to the Child Safety Centre in Pollok marked another step in their grow- ing confidence and independence. Junior 5 began the term with a science topic about Plants. Their visit to the Botanic Gardens gave a greater under- standing of the interdependence of plants and animals. Understanding biodiversity is an important part of the Eco Schools Initiative too. From plants, the studies moved to human biology and the study of teeth and how to care for them. A visit from Dr and Mrs Garrett gave an insight into the work of dentists and their work in preventing decay. Scotland was the geography topic for the term, and an ex- cellent talk from Iain Nisbet from VisitScotland was a great starting point for the children’s learning. The Bridges topic was very successful, and a visit organised by John McPart- lin from the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) and the building of a 7m span cable stayed bridge in the school’s small hall was a highlight of the term. We invited children from Bearsden Primary to join us to build bridges. On a later day, Mr Foggo came in to talk about his work on Scottish bridges. His presentation was excellent, and his display of equipment and plans was of great interest to the children and their teachers. Junior 4 visited Vikingar in Largs for their study of life in a Viking settlement. They also visited the Science and Tech- nology Forum at Strathclyde University to study Light and Colour, while Junior 3 visited to study Magnetism. The workshops provide opportunities to experiment with spe- cial equipment and ask questions of the lecturers. Junior 2 studied ‘Toys in the Past’ and visited Scotland Street School for special workshops on this subject. They had an exciting visit from Zoolab; Marco and his animals taught the children about ‘Senses and Textures’ in the ani- mal world. A visit to the new Aquarium at Loch Lomond Shores allowed Junior 1 to get close to many sea crea- tures. They also visited the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum for a workshop in the education suite on Scottish Wildlife. Kindergarten children have had a busy first term. Un- fortunately, a planned autumn walk was rained off, but they have managed many sessions of outdoor play in the playground. Their first public performance in a Harvest Assembly was delightful, and everyone looks forward to their Christmas Sing-along. Visitors We thank our many visitors to the Junior School. We ap- preciate the giving of their time, commitment and experi- ence. The Rev John Harris, Gordon McCracken and Mr Gray have led assemblies, and we were delighted to wel- come Adrienne Cartwright (Donaldson) back again. Dur- ing Book Week in October, Mrs Sheila McCarron invited Fergus McNicol to tell his stories to Junior 4. Clubs Children of all ages have enjoyed a host of clubs this term, such as Whacky Rackets, Science, Art, Pipe Band Drum- ming, Football, Country Dancing, Bridge, Chess and Ski- ing. Daytime clubs included SUper Club, wind band, string orchestra and all choirs. Many children took the opportunity to attend Children’s Classic Concerts on Sat- urdays. Charities We have supported some favourite charities this term. Our Harvest boxes were collected by the local Meals on Wheels organiser, The Salvation Army and Focal Point in Drumchapel. The many letters received showed how much our efforts were appreciated. The Macmillan Can- cer Coffee Event raised a record amount of £1100. We Junior 1 visit the Loch Lomond Aquarium Junior 4 study life of Vikings at Vikingar
  • 3. enjoyed a ‘Dress As You Please’ day at Halloween and £591.68 raised went to the British Heart Foundation. This year, our Christmas boxes were sent to the Blyths- wood Shoe Box Appeal, and we sold cards made in Rwan- da to raise money for the Hope charity in that recovering country. Mrs Katie Freer initiated this appeal, and our en- terprise group ‘The High Buy Bunch’ coordinated sales of this and our school Christmas card, this year ‘A Partridge in a Pear Tree’designed by Romey Clark in J5S. Drama Mrs Freer led Junior 4 to develop a wonderfully evoca- tive celebration of the new Kelvingrove Art Gallery & Mu- seum. The children used mime, song, movement and a tableau to express their ideas. The Junior School Production of The Wizard of Oz is in final rehearsals as we go to print and promises to be an excellent theatrical experience for all – full of drama, song, and the familiar story of the famous characters and their adventures in the Emerald City. The String Orchestra played ‘Over the Rainbow’ at assembly to get everyone in the mood. Sport The J6 girls were successful in winning the Carol Hamilton Memorial Trophy for hockey. This competition is played annually against Glasgow Academy. Christmas Junior 6 children will sing at Princes Square for Quarriers, and they will visit Yorkhill Hospital and Abbotsford Care Home to bring Christmas cheer as we go to print. Other Christmas events include the Junior 1 Nativity, ‘Shepherds’ Delight’, to be performed for parents, friends and a school audience and again for New Kilpatrick Guild. All classes look forward to tremendous fun and excitement at their Christmas parties. All at the Junior School send Season’s Greetings to parents and friends. EXAM SUCCESS Our pupils and their teachers are to be congratulated on another year of outstanding examination results. Our Fifth Year pupils’ achievement of 62% Grade A passes in their Highers bettered the corresponding figure in every other Scottish school. Fourth Year had 95% Credit awards at Standard Grade, and there were A passes in 48% of our Advanced Higher presentations. The statistics below have been updated following the Appeals process. Standard Grade Examinations - 4th Year Candidates Subjects taken 704 Grade 1 590 (84%) Grade 2 80 (11%) Credit Awards (Grades 1 and 2) 670 (95%) Grade 3 passes 25 (4%) Grade 4 passes 7 (1%) Grade 5 passes 2 (0%) There were no passes below Grade 5. 58 of the 100 pupils in Fourth Year gained 7 or 8 Grade 1 passes and 96 pupils gained 5 or more Credit passes (i.e. Grades 1 and 2). Higher Examinations - 5th Year Candidates Subjects taken 500 Grade A 308 (62%) Grade B 100 (20%) Grade C 61 (12%) Total A-C 469 (94%) Grade D 13 (3%) No award 18 (4%) On average each Fifth Year pupil passed 4.6 Highers. 34 of the 101 pupils in Fifth Year gained Grade A passes in all of their Highers. 81 pupils gained 5 or more Higher passes (80%), and 96 gained 3 or more passes (95%). Advanced Highers - 6th Year Candidates Subjects taken 213 Grade A 102 (48%) Grade B 51 (24%) Grade C 30 (14%) Total A-C 183 (86%) Grade D 8 (4%) No award 22 (10%) It is very pleasing that nearly all pupils are achieving or exceeding their individual targets and virtually all are achieving success. As usual the great majority of leav- ers gained places at the universities of their choice. As a result of their excellent results, 11 members of last year’s Sixth Year gained admission to Cambridge University. 72 pupils have gone to Oxford or Cambridge over the last 8 years. Two individual awards were granted this year to High School pupils. Shona Gibson (S6) was presented with an award by the Royal Society of Chemistry and Shell UK as one of the only three candidates to achieve top marks in the 2006 SQA Higher Chemistry examination. Shona was presented with her prize at Our Dynamic Earth by Profes- sor Anne Glover, Chief Scientific Officer for Scotland as part of the Science and the Parliament Event. Elizabeth Davies (left 2006) was presented with the David Graham Memorial Trophy by the Modern Studies Association as the candidate with the highest mark in the 2006 SQA Ad- Junior School String Orchestra Kindergarten Harvest Assembly
  • 4. vanced Higher Modern Studies examination. Elizabeth, who is the third High School pupil to win this award, was presented with her prize at the Modern Studies Associa- tion conference by Professor Stephen White of the Glas- gow University Politics Department. COMPETITION SUCCESS This term proved to be the start of another successful year in the Primary and Senior Maths Challenges. In the Pri- mary Maths Challenge, six Gold, seventeen Silver and twenty-one Bronze awards were achieved. Gold winners were Rebekah Cubie, Erin Frizzell, Rory Halsey, Maxine Muirhead, Rory Shirley and Alastair Stanley (all Transitus). The Senior Maths Challenge resulted in one Gold, won by Shona Gibson (S6), seven Silver and eight Bronze. Shona will go forward to the British Mathematical Olympiad as we go to print. A team of Third Year pupils won second prize in the Eu- roSun 2006 Solar Energy Powered Car Competition. The event, which took place at the end of last term, required entrants to design and build a solar-powered car. The lightweight design was constructed by current S4 pupils Alison Boyd, Alison Davies, Tessa Jennett, Tara Mansfield and Thomas Kinghorn. Several Second Year pupils took part in the BAE Systems Schools’ Engineering Challenge, where they built a model ship out of cardboard, glue and sellotape. The team achieved a very commendable fifth place in the competition. In the first round of the West of Scotland Physics Education Group Physics Competition in September, our team of Alison Davies, Douglas Gibson (both S4) and Zoë Woodhouse (S3) qualified for the semi- final in an exciting final round. Roshni Mansfield (S2), Rory Allbutt, Lucy Mackintosh and Priya Senthilkumar (all S1) were placed third in the West of Scotland Heat of the Kids Lit Quiz. They each received books and book tokens as prizes. Two of last year’s First Year pupils (now S2) won prizes in the Glasgow Educational and Marshall Trust Glasgow Prize Competition during the summer. In the Literary/ His- torical section, Eilean Crombie was awarded a certificate for her well-written report on the life of David Livingstone. Rachel Milton won an identical prize for her significant research and work describing and comparing therapeutic with reproductive cloning. Olivia Macfarlane (S2) was one of approximately twenty prizewinners from three categories in the Chevron Up- stream Europe Focus Environment Photographic Competi- tion, which is open to all secondary schools in Scotland. Olivia won her award in the ‘Nature’s Moods’ 11-14 years’ category for her splendid photograph, entitled ‘Gathering Wrath’. DEBATING & PUBLIC SPEAKING Claire Crawford, Fiona Waugh (both S6) and Tom Taylor (S5) advanced to the final round of the Business and Pro- fessional Women Public Speaking Competition. Fiona and Gavin O’Leary (S5) also progressed to the second round of the ESU Mace Debating Competition, while Kathryn Connolly, Katie Murray (both S3), Roshni Mansfield and Rachel Milton (both S2) progressed to the second round in the junior division. Claire, along with James Gordon and Laurie Slavin (both S3), also reached the final of the Rotary Club Public Speaking Competition. DRAMA As we approach the end of term, we look forward to the School’s production of The Steamie in the Drama Studio. The performers, crew and members of staff involved have worked hard preparing for the production, and we wish them every success. DUKE OF EDINBURGH During the summer holiday, The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh gave a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace to celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Duke of Edin- burgh Award. To celebrate the occasion, icons of the past fifty years were invited to present certificates to Duke of Edinburgh Award operating authorities to thank them for their work in helping to provide an enjoyable, challeng- ing and rewarding personal development programme for young people. Brian Jones, OBE, pilot of Breitling Orbiter 3, who made the first ever round-the-world voyage in a hot air balloon, presented a Certificate of Thanks to the High School. Since we last went to print, the following awards have been achieved: Silver- Catriona McNab, Kirsteen Run- cie (both left 2006), Richard Moyes and Alexandra Stu- art (both S6). Bronze- James Anderson, Rachel Leggett and Max Ralston (all S5). This term, expeditions included one Gold teambuilding trip to Crianlarich and two Bronze qualification trips to Innerleithen. The following awards have been achieved this term: Silver- Abbey McGhee, Aisling McGhee (both S6), Ashley Currie, Fiona Dutton, Lucy Grier, Stuart Houston, Alasdair Jamieson, Katie Lud- wig, Zoë Sheard and Tom Taylor (all S5). Bronze- Eilidh Murray (S6), Alysha Aikman, Rachel Bolland, Tom Bon- nington, Alison Boyd, Stuart Campbell, Douglas Gibson, Calum Hay, Rebecca Kay, Ralph Keith, Mark Kemsley, Shona Gibson achieves top marks in Higher Chemistry exam Olivia Macfarlane wins prize for photograph en- titled 'Gathering Wrath'
  • 5. Thomas Kinghorn, Emma Logan, Siddharth Maroo, Dec- lan McInnes, Christopher McKeown, Ruth Moffett, Oliver Roditi and Stephanie Sarafilovic (all S4). FILM CRITIC Claire Cameron (S6) was the only Scot out of four national finalists competing for the Film Education’s ‘Film Critic of the Year’. The finalists were chosen from 500 entries to the competition and attended an awards ceremony in London in October. HELPING OTHERS Eight Fifth Year pupils from the High School spent the Sat- urday before Remembrance Sunday at Asda collecting for the Bearsden and Milngavie Poppy Appeal. Ashley Currie, Clara McGhee, Jessica Karlsen, Alison Brunger, Alasdair Jamieson, Victoria Pickard, David Wishart and Gavin O’Leary were proud to have helped raise £400 in the store. The overall total raised in Asda throughout the week was £2580. Fourth Year pupils decided to take action to help protect the endangered environment while studying the Rainfor- est in Miss Porter’s Standard Grade Geography class. The class raised money, with which they sponsored an acre of the Brazilian Rainforest and adopted a monkey. The class was pleased to receive their certificate from the Rainforest Foundation and the adoption papers for their monkey. Seven Sixth Year Art pupils assisted with the sale of art- work at the Macmillan Cancer Support Art Exhibition. Su- sie Broadbent, Amy Foreman, Karen Forgie, Graham Hall, Rachel Kerr, Samantha Kerr and Andrea Santoni acted as couriers to prospective buyers at this event, which took place at the Scotland Street School in November. House fundraising weeks this term were a success. Clyde organised events such as a cake and candy stall, a fete day, a Clyde House show, a staff vs pupil beep test and a staff vs pupil football match, which raised an excellent sum for their chosen charity, Vietnam YMCA. Bannerman House raised money in support of Barnardo’s children’s charity during their week through a House Show, individual spon- sored events and ‘Guess The Number of Sweeties In the Jar’ and ‘Guess The Number of Balloons We Can Fit In a Shogun’competitions. HISTORY Twenty-eight members of the Historical Society went on a ghost walk near Glasgow Cathedral, where they were treated to tales of ghosts, ghouls and witches from Glas- gow’s past. First Year history pupils participated in ‘Living History Scot- land’ workshops with Hugh Robertson, where they studied the Scottish Wars of Independence and viewed medieval clothing, weapons, armour and fighting methods. The School hosted the annual Autumn SATH (Scottish As- sociation of Teachers of History) conference in November. The main topic of discussion at the conference was the implications for history education of the Scottish Execu- tive’s ‘Curriculum for Excellence’. Delegates commented on the excellence of the School’s facilities, catering and helpfulness of staff, and the SATH President, in his final comments to delegates, also made reference to the High School’s hospitality in providing such a first class venue for the conference. HIGH SCHOOL TRAVELS The Geography department’s fieldtrip to Iceland, where forty pupils from S3 to S6 spent six days exploring South- west Iceland during the summer holidays, was a great success. The pupils and six members of staff experienced Iceland’s incredible natural wonders with a visit to the ex- plosive Geyser, a swim in the geothermal waters of the Blue Lagoon and a flight to the volcanic island of Heimaey to walk into an active volcanic crater. The group also vis- ited huge waterfalls and glacial landscapes on the edge of an ice cap. After having hosted pupils from the Melanchthon Gym- nasium in Nuremberg last term, eleven Fourth Year pupils travelled to Germany in October for the second leg of this year’s German Exchange. Over the course of the week, pupils attended school lessons with their hosts and visited many historical attractions, such as Faber Castell Castle, the Turm der Sinne Science Museum and the Dokuzen- trum Museum, and took an informative tour of the old town. HOME & SCHOOL ASSOCIATION The annual Fantastic Fireworks Evening organised by the Home & School Association was another huge success. Hundreds of parents, pupils and friends of the school watched a magnificent display and enjoyed the many add- ed attractions, which included children’s rides and stalls selling novelties and snacks. MODERN STUDIES Seven Advanced Higher Modern Studies pupils visited the Scottish Parliament for a seminar on research methods, organised by the Scottish Parliament Education Service. As well as being involved in a workshop run by the Scot- tish Parliament Information Centre, the pupils also sat in on Parliament Committee meetings, toured the chamber and participated in a question and answer session with the Stalls provide added entertainment at Home& School Association's Fireworks Night NEWS&INFORMATION HIGHLIGHTSLIGHTS Fifth Year pupils raise money for Poppy Appeal
  • 6. Deputy Presiding Officer, Trish Godsman, MSP. MUSIC The Orchestral and Choral Concert at Glasgow Univer- sity Chapel in November, which was broadcast live on the University website, was an outstanding success and a memorable first visit to this marvellous venue. The main feature of the evening was the performance by the Sen- ior String Orchestra, who were also joined by others to form the Chamber Orchestra, while a Brass Ensemble, the Chamber Choir and the Monteverdi Choir also per- formed beautifully. The soloists and ensembles included Nick Beacher and Susie Broadbent (both S6), Fay Jennett, Catriona Miller and Stephanie Wilson (all S5), the String Octet and the Saxophone Quartet. The Pipe Band provided the musical entertainment at the 2006 Scotland v England Deaf Rugby International, where the Scotland team were presented with the Kolkata Cup. They also, along with the Sax Quartet, performed at the opening of a new Scottish Spina Bifida Association Family Support Centre in Cumbernauld, where Gordon Ramsay, patron of the Association, officially opened the building at a lunchtime ceremony. The Chamber Choir has been invited by the Scottish Spina Bifida Association to perform at their annual ‘Classics at Christmas Concert’ held at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in conjunction with the Bothwell Phil- harmonic Choir. The concert is scheduled to take place at the end of term. Fourteen senior pupils sat the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music exam this term. A total of three passes, eight merits and five distinctions were achieved. REMEMBRANCE DAY Our Remembrance Service took place as usual on Fri- day, 10th November in the Assembly Hall. The Address was delivered by Rev Bill Ferguson of Broomhill Parish Church, and wreaths were laid at the War Memorials by Mr Gordon Grant, the President of the Former Pupil Club, and Cameron Brown on behalf of the school. STAFF NEWS We are sorry to bid farewell at Christmas to Mr Gordon Hunter who has been Teacher of Modern Studies for near- ly 4½ years. He has also been Assistant Housemaster of Law House and contributed enthusiastically to Transitus rugby and cricket coaching. Two of his Advanced Higher Modern Studies pupils in the last four years have achieved the highest mark in the Advanced Higher Modern Studies exam. We wish him every happiness in the future as he moves to become Principal Teacher of Social Studies at Craigroyston High School, Edinburgh. Miss Jane McAteer, currently at Wellington School, will replace Mr Hunter next term. SPORT Athletics Current Sixth Year pupils Abbey and Aisling McGhee were selected to represent Scotland in the SIAB Athletics Match during the summer holiday, where Abbey competed in the 800m event, and Aisling competed as a member of the 4x 300m relay team. The S1/S2 boys’ team, Jed Stubing, Richard Murray (both S2), Gavyn Chalmers and Robbie Fraser (both S1), won Silver medals at the John Cairney Memorial Road Relay Race. This first time ever competition was organised by Shettleston Harriers in memory of John Cairney, a life long road relay runner who spent his professional life promot- ing fitness in schools. The event consisted of a 4x1 mile relay race and was supported by the 2014 Glasgow Com- monwealth Games Bid Team. The girls’ medley relay team, Abbey McGhee (captain), Aisling McGhee (both S6), Holly Conyers and Kirsty Haig (both S2), finished in sixth place at the Scottish Schools’ Road Relay Championships. Badminton Our U-14 badminton team of Nicholas Sutcliffe (S2), Rory Allbutt, Sarah Bell, Charlotte Black, Hannah Jolly, David Norris, Johanna Norris and Richard Shemilt (all S1) won the U-14 Glasgow Badminton Quaich. The team will now represent Glasgow at the Scottish Championships in Feb- ruary. Geography fieldtrip to Iceland German Exchange Gillian Sloan (S4) received the shared award of ‘Glasgow Young Sportsperson of the Year’. She was successful in winning the Scottish National U-19 Ladies’ Doubles with her partner, as well as finishing runner-up in the Mixed Doubles. Gillian now holds the record for the most junior Scottish National titles held by a female. She was also selected to represent Scotland at U-19 level in Northum- berland in November. Linda Sloan (left 2006) won the Gold in the Ladies’ Doubles and the Bronze in the Ladies’ Singles in the junior European circuit against Slovakia and also won the Gold in Singles and the Silver in Doubles against Switzerland. Football The football team has had a great start to the season this year, having won all of the games played so far, including
  • 7. the league match against last year’s Scottish Independent Schools’Cup winners, Hamilton College. Golf Participating in a newly organised competition, Clark Nel- son (S6), Anthony Kinsey (S5) and James Hendry (S4), won their first round of the Independent Schools’ Golf Associa- tion competition against Lomond School. Hockey The 1st XI girls won Silver medals at the West District Hockey Final, where they were narrowly defeated by Craigholme School when the match went to penalties. The squad consisted of Alexandra Stuart (captain), Mary Mactaggart, Kate Moffett, Rachel Osborne, Jennifer Short, Nina Syme (all S6), Faye Jennett, Kate Lemond, Stephanie Livingston, Clara McGhee, Charlotte Sinclair, Emily Spyt, Charlotte Sutcliffe (all S5) and Ruth Moffett (S4). The 1st XI have also qualified for the semi-final of the BP League Cup which will take place as we go to press. Several of our hockey players were selected for the West District squads. At the U-18 level, Alexandra Stuart, Kate Moffett and Rachel Osborne (all S6) helped the West team to win the Inter District Tournament in Edinburgh, while Ruth Moffett (S4), Caitlin Black and Jennifer Johnstone (both S3) were selected for the U-16 squad, which finished runners-up. Following the Inter District Tournament Ruth Moffett was also selected for the U-16 Scotland hockey training squad. Rugby The 1st XV have progressed to the last 16 of the Scottish U-18 Cup, as have the U-15 team. The Cup matches will take place as we go to print. District Rugby and Hockey participants (not pictured: Callum Kerr and Desmond Woods) British Dry Ski SLope Race finished twelfth out of twenty-three. Both groups of skiers were the only teams from the West of Scotland to qualify from the Scottish Championships. Swimming Sixty-three senior pupils competed in the Glasgow Schools’ Swimming Championship Finals. A total of thirty individual medals and eight team medals were awarded. Individual Gold medals were awarded to Karen Forgie (S6), James Reid (S4), Jamie Culpan, Caroline Smith (both S3), Chris Barnes, Ailsa McNab and Katie McKay (all S1), and team Gold medals were awarded Jamie Culpan and James Reid (U-16 Boys’ Lifesaving), Caitlin Tullett, Eliza Walker (both S4), Caroline Smith and Heather Wilkinson (both S3) (U-16 Girls’ Relay), Caroline Davidson, Karen Forgie, Emma Reid and Clara Smith (all S6) (Over 16 Girls’ Relay) and Richard Moyes, Iain Roy (both S6), Daniel Filmer and Thomas Wild (both S5) (Over 16 Boys’ Relay). The Over 16 Girls’Relay team also set a new record. Congratulations to Clara Smith (S6), who was selected to represent Scotland in the first UK Schools’ Games, which took place in Glasgow in September. Tennis U-13 boys, Connor McInteer (S3), Nicholas Sutcliffe (S2), David Norris and Matthew Paterson (both S1), won first place in the Nestle Scottish Tennis Finals, qualifying them for the British quarter finals. The U-13 girls, Zoë Drum- mond, Sarah Kinsey (both S3), Caroline Ward (S2) and Sa- rah Bell (S1), finished runners-up to George Watson’s Col- lege. The U-15 girls, Francesca Fraser, Catilin McInteer (both S5), Emma McGrath and Ruth Moffett (both S4), fin- ished runners-up to Hutchesons’ Grammar School, and the U-15 boys, Graham Revie (S5), Ross Mackay (S4), Charlie McNaught and Phil Revie (both S3), won the competition to become Scottish Champions. They were then success- ful in the quarter finals of the British competition and will now take part in the British Finals as we go to press. The girls’ team of Jenny Drummond (S6), Ruth Moffett (S4), Zoë Drummond (S3) and Caroline Ward (S2) won all four singles matches of the second round of the Scot- tish Schools’ Tennis Championships, qualifying them for the third round. The boys’ team of Jeremy Hanks (S6), Graham Revie (S5), Ross Mackay (S4) and Phil Revie (S3) has progressed to the last eight of the same competition, following their recent victory over Marr College. Jenny Drummond (S6) has once again been selected to represent Scotland in the Tri-Nations International tennis match with Ireland and Wales, which will take place as we go to print in December. At the District level, Rory McCormick and Craig Bennie (both S6) were selected for the U-18 squad, and Callum Kerr and Desmond Woods (both S4) were selected for the U-16 squad. Sailing Robert Gibson (S5) has once again been selected for the GBR Sailing squad. Skiing Both the boys’ and girls’ skiing teams qualified for the British Dry Ski Slope Race, following their success in the Scottish Schools’ Seniors’ and Minors’ Ski Champion- ships, where the boys’ team finished seventh and the girls’ fourth in Scotland. In the British Championships, the girls finished thirteenth out of twenty-two teams, and the boys
  • 8. FORTHCOMING EVENTS Spring Term 2006 There will be a full list of events in the Spring Term Calendar (circulated at the beginning of the term), but you may wish to note the following dates in the meantime: BEGINNING OF TERM Term begins on Tuesday 9th January (8th January for staff) and ends on Friday 30th March. The Half-Term holiday is from Monday 12th to Friday 16th February inclusive. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS Pupils in Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Years already have details of the timetable for the Preliminary Examinations for Standard Grade, Highers and Advanced Highers, which begin on Wednesday 10th January. During the fortnight of the exams, there will be no senior classes, and pupils will attend school only to sit examinations. All pupils must return on Monday 29th January, when normal classes resume. Study facilities are provided for pupils in school during the exams, and staff are available for consultation if required. ENTRANCE TESTS Wednesday 24th January (for entry to Junior 2 to Junior 6 and Transitus to Fourth Year). There will be no school for Transitus to Sixth Year pupils on this day, although some Third Year Monitors will be on duty. Junior School 12.30 p.m. finish. PARENTS’EVENINGS Senior School (7.00 p.m. in each case) Transitus….......Thursday 11th January Third Year…......Monday 15th January Fifth Year…...Thursday 22nd February Fourth Year…..Tuesday 27th February Second Year..........Tuesday 6th March Please note that there will also be a Second Year Parents’Subject Choice Information Meeting from 7.00 – 8.00 p.m. on Wednesday 7th February. Junior School (individual appointments) Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th March Junior Orchestral Concert Junior School Ski Gala Thursday 1st February at 7.00 p.m. Tuesday 13th March Fourth & Fifth Year Ceilidh Hockey & Rugby Sevens TournamentFriday 2nd February at 7.00 p.m. Wednesday 14th March from 1.30 p.m. Senior School Swimming Gala Junior School Spring Concert Monday 5th February at 5.00 p.m. Friday 17th March (Anniesland Pool) Junior Musical Production Transitus Party/Dance (Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat) Thursday 8th February at 7.00 p.m. 21st, 22nd and 23rd March at 7.00 p.m. Home & School Association AGM Senior Orchestral Concert Thursday 1st March at 7.00 p.m. Tuesday 27th March at 7.00 p.m. Home & School Association Duke of Edinburgh Silver Practice Uniform Sale Expedition Monday 5th March at 3.30 p.m. Friday 23rd – Sunday 25th March Junior School Swimming Gala Duke of Edinburgh Gold Practice Wednesday 7th March at 1.45 p.m. Expedition (Allander Sports Centre) Saturday 31st March – Tuesday 3rd April