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Family                                                                                           Times
Volume 3, Issue 12                                                                                                     December 2012

Flu Season
  Article from

It’s that time of year again – flu season. Time   not infect the body. Some recipi-
for you and your family to get flu                ents report mild flu-like symptoms,
shots. Not only will you significantly            which result from antibodies your
lower your chance of getting the flu              body produces that help fight off
this winter, but you can make an im-              the actual flu.
portant contribution to public health
by limiting the spread of this danger-            Getting a flu shot is easy and inex-
ous disease.                                      pensive for TRICARE beneficiar-
                                                  ies. You can get your flu vaccine
The Center for Disease Control and                from any military medical clinic or
Prevention states “flu seasons are un-            hospital at no cost to you, or from         Minimize close contact with sick
predictable and can be severe.” All               your pharmacist at one of 45,000 net-           people.
family members, six months and                    work pharmacies that administer vac-
older, should be immunized every                  cines to TRICARE beneficiaries. You  Practice good health habits. Get
year, since the flu virus changes                 can also be vaccinated by your doctor,          plenty of sleep and exercise, man-
slightly season to season, requiring              or at one of the retail health clinics          age your stress, drink plenty of
yearly vaccinations.                              found inside many pharmacies. Keep              fluids, and eat healthy food.
                                                  in mind this is considered a “medical
This is especially true for people at             visit,” so you may have cost shares or  Cover your nose and mouth with a
high risk of catching the flu or with a           co-pays.                                        tissue when you cough or sneeze.
risk of flu-related complications, such                                                           Throw your used tissue in the
as children, pregnant women, people               Generally, if the pharmacist adminis-           trash.
65 and older and those with chronic               ters the vaccine, it is at no cost to you.
medical conditions such as asthma. A              If another healthcare professional ad-  If you are sick with flu-like illness,
complete list of people at higher risk            ministers the vaccine, it is a medical          stay home until at least 24 hours
of complications is available at the              visit and you must pay the associated           after your fever is gone (without
Center for Disease Control and Pre-               co-pays. Although getting vaccinated            the use of fever-reducing medi-
vention website:                 is the best way to prevent the flu, there       cine).
groups.htm.                                       are additional steps you can follow to
                                                  avoid the flu.                             It’s important to get a flu shot every
Some people worry flu shots don’t
                                                                                             year – your chances of staying healthy
work. It is possible to get the flu, even         One of the most important is to wash
after getting immunized. There are                your hands regularly with soap and         this winter increase dramatically if
different strains of the flu virus in cir-        water, or use an alcohol-based hand        you do. For more information on this
culation, meaning you can be exposed              sanitizer when those are not available. year’s flu season, visit
to a version of the virus you’re not              Here are some other tips from              flu. To learn more about TRICARE
immunized against. Some even be-                                       coverage of flu shots, visit
lieve the flu vaccine causes the flu.
This is incorrect. Flu shots contain                                               
                                                   Avoid touching your eyes, nose,
only pieces of killed flu virus that can-              or mouth.
Director’s Corner
The Holiday season is upon           issue, by filling out an AFAP
us, do take advantage of the         submission form at the follow-    afap_form.php
Holiday Season in New York           ing locations:
City.                                                                  Have a wonderful Holiday
                                     Army Community Service,           Season.
ACS is hosting the 2012              Barber Shop, Belfour Beatty
AFAP Conference on Decem-            Communities, Bowling              Carmen E. Borrero
ber 11, 2012, 0800-1630 at the       Center, Child Development         ACS Director
Fort Hamilton Community              Center, Community Club, Fit-
Club It’s not too late! If you       ness Center, ID Section, Post
have an idea which you be-           Office, Reserve Center, and
lieve would be beneficial to         Visitor Control Center or Sub-
the Fort Hamilton Commu-             mit your Issues today online:
nity, submit your AFAP               http://

        Inside This Issue:                                  ACS Programs & Staff
   2       Director’s Corner/ACS Programs & Staff           ACS Director
                                                                                  Family Advocacy/
                                                           Carmen Borrero
   3       Armed Forces Action Plan Conference                                     Vincent DiMaira
                                                       Army Emergency Relief
   4       Master Resiliency Training/Army Family          718-630-4754
                                                                                  Financial Readiness
           Team Building
   5       Employment Readiness Program-Put Vol-     Army Family Team Building
                                                            John Mapes
           unteer Work on your Resume                                                 Front Desk/
   5       Volunteer Program
                                                                                 Information & Referral
                                                                                    Magda Lawrence
                                                       Army Family Action Plan
   6       Family Advocacy Program-What is Child            John Mapes
           Abuse                                            718-630-4498
                                                                                     Loan Closet
                                                        Army Volunteer Corps
   7       SOS/EFMP/MFLC/SHARP                             Joseph Gamez
                                                                                 Relocation Readiness
                                                                                 Madeline Pastorella
   8       Financial Readiness Program – Regifting                                   718-630-4462
           Gains Popularity
                                                        Madeline Pastorella
                                                                                 Sexual Assault/Victim
   9       Waiting Families/Mob-Dep/Lending                 718-630-4462
           Closet/Newcomer’s Orientation
                                                                                    Vincent DiMiara
                                                        Employment Readiness
   10      Relocation Program— Sponsor Training                                      718-630-4460
                                                           Joseph Gamez
   11      Boost Your Metabolism After 40

   12      Safety-Clutter Causes Casualties              Happy                      Holidays !
   13      Calendar                                                                                     Page 2
Armed Forces Action Plan Conference
     December 11, 2012 0800-1630hrs. @
      Fort Hamilton Community Club

                    IT’S NOT TOO LATE!!
       If you have an idea which you believe would be
          beneficial to the Fort Hamilton Community
              SUBMIT your Idea/Issue TODAY!!

  Submit your Issues online @
    afap_form.php or visit one of the following locations:

       Army Community Service            Fitness Center
       Barber Shop                       ID Section
       Belfour Beatty                    Post Office
       Bowling Center                    Reserve Center
       Child Development Center          Visitor Control Center
       Community Club                    Post Exchange

If you would like to participate as a Delegate, Facilitator, Recorder,
    or Transcriber, please contact: John Mapes at 718-630-4498

                AFAP….Voice of the Community                         Page 3
Master Resiliency Training

                           Tuesday, December 18, 2012
                 1300 to 1430 hrs. at ACS Conference Room
        Resilience is the ability to grow and thrive in the face of challenges and bounce back
                                             from adversity.
         Learn skills to overcome obstacles and how to bounce back from life's challenges.

               For more information contact John Mapes at 718-630-4498.

           Tuesday, December 04, 2012, 1100 — 1230 hrs.
                               ACs conference Room
Army Family Team Building empowers individuals, maxi-
mizing their personal growth and professional develop-
ment through specialized training, transforming our com-
munity into a resilient and strong foundation meeting to-
day's military mission.
For questions or more information, please call:
John Mapes, Program Manager 718-630-4498                                                  Page 4
Employment Readiness Program
Put Volunteer Work on Your Resume
 Article from

When you are looking for a job, your re-      Consider integrating your volunteer work        learned as a volunteer. Did you have the
sume gets your foot in the door. It repre-    into the section of your resume called          chance to practice public speaking? Write
sents you to a potential employer and you     "Work Experience." Even if you were not         reports, news releases, newsletters? Plan
want it to stand out from the resumes of      paid a salary and did not consider the          projects, coordinate sub-committees, train
the other applicants. One way to capture      volunteering to be "employment," it cer-        others to do the work? Such skills are ap-
the interest of an employer is to show that   tainly was productive work and should           plicable to just about any setting.
you are an involved citizen -- someone        count as "experience." The key is to trans-
who works to make the community a bet-        late what you gained from the volunteer         Describe your activities and achievements
ter place to live. In other words, make       activity into the language of the paid          fully. You do not need to say these were
sure your volunteer work appears on           work world.                                     done as a volunteer, though you are of
your resume.                                                                                  course welcome to do so. If you feel un-
                                              Don't use "volunteer" as a job title. It's an   easy about representing volunteer work as
It is a common misconception that there is    adjective and alone does not convey the         equivalent to a full-time paid job, you can
only one "right" way to design a resume.      work that you accomplished. So, if you          identify the volunteering as being part-
Actually, the most important thing is to      did tutoring, use the title "Tutor." If you     time. Be honest. Don't overstate what you
present the information in such a way as      coordinated a project, identify your work       did. But also be sure to give yourself the
to document and support your career           accurately as "Project Coordinator." The        credit you deserve.
goal. If you tell a prospective employer      fact that you filled this position in an un-
that you want a particular job, your re-      paid capacity is part of your description       If you are a student seeking your first real
sume must prove that you are the right        of the work. First grab your prospective        job, being able to show volunteer work on
candidate to fill it. Sometimes your paid     employer's interest with an accurate posi-      a resume demonstrates that you had inter-
work history may not be as important as       tion title.                                     ests beyond the classroom. If you are re-
what you have done as a volunteer in                                                          turning to the paid work force after some
demonstrating that you have the neces-     Next describe the volunteer work in terms          time away, your volunteer activities prove
sary job skills.                           of your achievements, highlighting the             that you kept yourself sharp and in-
                                           skills that you learned and demonstrated.          volved. If you want to change career
One approach used by many people is to What would be important to the work                    fields, it may be your volunteer work in
add a section to their resumes called      world about what you did? For example,             the new field that tells a prospective em-
"Community Service" or "Volunteer          did you raise $100,000? Did you manage a           ployer you're worth the risk, even if all
Work." They list the highlights of their   budget or accomplish goals on schedule?            your paid employment history is in some
volunteering here, to show that they have Did you supervise a staff of people? Even           other field. Be unapologetic about giving
interests outside of their employment his- if they, too, were volunteers, your success        space on your resume to volunteering.
tory already described. This is certainly  required the ability to be a motivating            Since the whole goal of a resume is to get
better than ignoring volunteer experience leader. All these sorts of things impress an        you an interview, think how more inter-
on a resume, but it is not the best way to employer.                                          esting your face-to-face conversation will
highlight what you have learned as a vol-                                                     be when you add all those community
unteer.                                    Take the time to analyze what you                  activities to show who you really are.

   Fort Hamilton                                                        Employment Readiness Program (ERP)
   Army Volunteer Corps
                                                                                Employment Readiness Offers:
              Meet New People                                                     Job search assistance
              Become Active in Your Community                                     Resume development
              Gain New Job Skills
                                                                                   Career Planning
              Feel Good About Yourself
              Enhance Job Opportunities                                           Vacancy Listings
              Gain Experience                                                     Computer Lab

                   TO REGISTER call                                                 To schedule an appointment
                    (718) 630-4756
                                                                                     Please call (718) 630-4756
Family Advocacy Program
What is Child Abuse?

  It shouldn't hurt to be a kid....
     Child abuse is physical -- shaking, hitting, beating,
      burning, or biting a child.
     Child abuse is emotional -- constantly blaming or
      putting down a child; excessive yelling, shaming.
     Child abuse is sexual -- incest, any forced sexual
      activity, exposure to sexual stimulation not appro-
      priate for the child's age.                                      *Department of Emergency (DES)
     Child abuse is neglect -- a pattern of failure to provide         718-630-4456
      for the child's physical needs, such as food, clothing,         *Administration for Children’s Services
      shelter, and medical care; a pattern of failure to pro-
      vide for the child's emotional needs, such as affection,
      attention, and supervision.                               What are the Consequences of Child Abuse?
  It is legal in every state to spank a child on the buttocks     In an abusive environment, children are often expected
  with a bare hand. Any other discipline, such as a slap,          to behave as if they are much older than they are.
  hitting with an object or any kind of discipline that causes
                                                                  Children are often "punished" for behavior they are too
  a mark, a bruise or an injury is abuse!
                                                                   young to control.
  Every one of us can help stop child abuse
                                                                  Abusive parents do not know they have to teach the
     Help out a parent under stress with a few hours of           behavior they want the child to have. Punishing un-
      child care or assistance with other chores.                  wanted behavior is not enough.
     Lend an ear to a parent or child in crisis.                 Parents and caretakers often abuse children in response
                                                                   to their own anger and unhappiness. It may have no
     Support programs that offer child care, parent educa-
                                                                   relationship to what the child is doing at the time.
      tion, family counseling, and child safety.
                                                                  Abused children
     Call a Parental Stress program for resources and sup-
      port.                                                            *Believe that they have no value.
  If you suspect that a child has been abused:                         *Believe that they cannot affect the world
                                                                        around them with good behavior.
     In cases of an immediate emergency, always call 911
      for Law Enforcement intervention.                                *Feel angry and/or depressed.
     Where the situation is not an emergency needing the
      police, reports should be immediately to:

 Family Advocacy Program (FAP) is dedicated to Spousal & Child Abuse Prevention,
 Education, Prompt Reporting, Investigation, & Intervention.

 To access the Family Advocacy Program, contact Vincent DiMaira at 718-630-4460
 To access the Ft. Hamilton Social Worker, contact Elizabeth Winslow at 718-630-4242
Exceptional Family Member Program

Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult
things anyone can go through. In its commit-         EFMP is a mandatory enrollment program
ment to the Families of the Fallen, the United       that works with other military and civilian
States Army has developed a comprehensive            agencies to provide comprehensive and coordi-
Survivor Outreach Services (SOS) Program.            nated medical, educational, housing, commu-
                                                     nity support, and personnel services to Fami-
The mission of the Survivor Outreach Services        lies with special needs.
(SOS) is to provide long-term support to Fami-
lies of our Fallen Soldiers by offering assistance   For any questions concerning the Exceptional
with any concerns or issues, providing informa-      Family Member Program, please contact Vin-
tion on services and programs, and connecting        cent DiMaira, Family Advocacy Program Man-
Families to outreach organizations both inside       ager at 718-630-4460
and outside the Department of Defense.
                                                     To enroll your Family Member in EFMP, con-
 If you would like more information, please          tact Nola Francois at Keller Army Community
             call 718-630-4754                       Hospital in West Point. Phone: 845-938-6881

          NEED TO TALK?
 Military & Family Life Consultants Help
      with the Stress of Military Life

Military Family Life Counselors (MFLCs)
    are mental health specialist who
provide confidential, short-term, non-
medical counseling to Military families.

   To access MFLC services please call:
                 (718) 704-3485
Financial Readiness Program
Regifting Gains Popularity
 Article from

If you’re someone who’s looking to make cuts in your
spending this holiday season, but you're not sure how, try
regifting! Regifting can be a great way to ensure you have a
frugal, yet festive, holiday season, but first, you should
brush up on your knowledge and take a course in Regifting

If you are thinking about regifting this holiday season, ask
yourself the following questions:
   Is the gift regiftable? Never regift handmade or one-            sirable, the recipient probably will too. If you are
    of-a-kind items. Signed books and monogrammed
                                                                     regifting simply because you ran out of time, gift cards
    items are off-limits. Do you have to be told not to
                                                                     are simple to obtain and always well received.
    regift free promotional items? Some gifts that are good
    candidates for regifting include good (unopened!) bot-          How does it look? When it comes to gift-giving, go
    tles of wine, new household items and inexpensive jew-           for show! While gift bags in good condition can be
    elry.                                                            reused, wrapping paper is a one-time thing. Always
                                                                     spring for a new card or gift tag.
   How is the condition? Only new, unopened gifts in
    good condition should be considered for regift-                 Can you handle it? If you don’t plan to announce the
    ing. Never give partially used gift cards. Don’t give            gift as a regift, ask yourself if you can keep the se-
    items that you have owned for a long time. A general             cret. Never feel guilty about regifting once you’ve
    rule of thumb: if you have to dust it off, it is not             done it.
    regiftable.                                                     Have you considered your options? An unwanted gift
   Is this going to work? Successful regifters use com-             could be a welcome donation to a charitable organiza-
    mon sense. If you are going to regift, be sure you know          tion. It is also an option to suck it up and keep an un-
    who gave you the item, so you don’t return something             wanted gift—after all, it was a gift.
    to the original giver. Only regift items to people who       Finally, if you suspect that a gift you’ve received has been
    are not likely to see the original giver.                    recycled, take comfort in the fact that MMI survey respon-
   Do you have good intentions? Don’t just give a gift          dents regift because they know the gift is something the
    to give a gift. Be sure that the recipient will appreciate   recipient would really like.
    the item. Remember, if you feel that an item is unde-

                                                                 Financial Readiness Program
                                                                                                 Financial Educa-
                                                                                                 tion Classes of-
                                                                                                 fered to Service
                                                                                                 Members and
                                                                                                 their Families

                                                                          To schedule appointment
                                                                                Call 718-630-4754
Waiting Families
         Support Group                          Mobilization/Deployment

     Have a Deployed Service Member?
Join Waiting Families Support Group for fun,    Immigration & Naturalization
             outings & support!                         Assistance:

                                                This service offers information on
                                                 Immigration and Naturalization
                                                 policies, procedures and forms.

                                                  Due to the high demand of this
                                               service, appointments are preferred.

                                                 Service provided to Active Duty
                                                   Service Members, Retirees,
                                                       and their Dependants

                                                   To schedule an appointment
                                                       call (718) 630-4462

    Army Community Service
        Lending Closet
     Are You Departing or Arriving to
       Ft. Hamilton Without Your
           Household Goods?
                                                   New to Ft. Hamilton?
                                                             Attend Our
                         Come to the ACS                Newcomer’s Orientation
                        Lending Closet for                January 31, 2013
                        Temporary use of
                                                         8:30 am—11:30 am
                                                     ACS Conference Room
                          you may Need.
                                                 Bldg. 137-C Poly Place, 1st Floor

                                                       Followed by a complimentary lunch

  For More Information Call:
                                                      at the Fort Hamilton Community Club

     718-630-4754/4462                         Please call to reserve your seat (718) 630-4754
Sponsor Training Available!

Having trouble helping your sponsors perform their job?

 Check out the new comprehensive application for sponsorship training, communication,
 and management of the process.
 eSponsorship Application & Training:
 The online application provides:
                Registration for you and your newcomer
                Training
                Certificate for your files
                Sponsorship Duty Checklist
                Newcomer and family needs assessment
                Congratulations and Welcome letter templates and packages
                Links to important DoD and Service moving websites
                Reporting module
                Customer Satisfaction Surveys

     Contact:     Madeline Pastorella
                  Army Community Service
                  137C Poly Place, 1st Floor
                  Brooklyn, NY 11209
                                                                                Page 10

                  (718) 630-4754/4462
Boost Your Metabolism After 40
    Article from

Turning 40 sets off midlife crisis                                                                       shoulders and belly, as well as your
alarm bells in most women and it’s                                                                       thighs.
no wonder. This milestone age
brings grim realities like a slowing                                                                     Solution: To fight muscle loss in your
metabolism, resulting in seemingly                                                                       back and shoulders try plank exercises;
unexplainable weight gain. Indeed,                                                                       you can do them during commercial
after 40 your metabolism winds                                                                           breaks while you’re watching TV.
down 5% every 10 years, which                                                                            Simple squats are great for firming up
means you have to consume fewer                                                                          thigh muscles; try doing them in the
calories and work out more just to                                                                       kitchen while you wait for dinner to
maintain your normal weight. Many                                                                        finish cooking.
women dread turning 40, the age
when metabolism begins to slow,                                                                          Metabolism Boosters for Under $5
causing disarming effects like a big-                                                                    Here are 4 more ways to fight metabo-
ger belly and steady weight gain in                                                                      lism slow down without breaking your
other areas, too.                                       before?                                        bank account.

What is Metabolism? Metabolism is the                   Answer: After 40 your estrogen levels          Oolong Tea: Oolong tea contains poly-
process the body uses to convert food into              drop which causes insulin levels to go up      phenols that help block fat-building en-
energy. Your body either uses this fuel                 and thyroid levels to go down, both of         zymes. This young tea is low in caffeine
right away or stores it in body tissues, like           which increase hunger. You wind up eat-        so you can drink it throughout the day for
your liver, muscles or as body fat. Many                ing more and burning fewer calories,           continued results. Research shows that
factors influence metabolism including                  which adds to the fat deep inside your         your metabolism will be raised for 2
sex, age, thyroid levels, the ratio of mus-             belly known as omentum fat.                    hours after every cup of Oolong.
cle to fat and your emotional state.
 Here are the answers to your biggest                   Solution: Soluble fiber is your best de-
                                                                                       Black Pepper: Black pepper contains the
questions about metabolism after age 40,                fense against hunger and belly fat. It fills
                                                                                       alkaloid piperine, which helps speed up
followed by simple ways to rev it back up               you up fast so you eat less and stay satis-
                                                                                       metabolism. Add black pepper to tomato
again.                                                  fied. At 40 you should consume 25 grams
                                                                                       juice for a double metabolism boosting
                                                        of fiber daily. Consider these excellent
                                                                                       effect—tomatoes contain lycopene, an
1. Why am I gaining fat in new places?                  sources:                       antioxidant that helps protect your mito-
                                                                                       chondria. Reach for the pepper mill when
Answer: Mitochondria—the structures        1 bowl of steel-cut oats = 9 grams of fiber you’d normally use salt; you’ll boost your
within cells that convert food into en-    1 cup raspberries = 8 grams of fiber        metabolism and reduce your sodium in-
ergy— slow down or die off after age 40. 1 cup brown rice = 8 grams of fiber           take.
Subsequently, you can’t burn calories like Total = 25 grams of fiber
you did before and can start gaining                                                   Beans: Beans are chockfull of soluble
weight.                                    3. Why can’t I even lose a pound any        fiber to help lower insulin levels so you
                                           more?                                       store less fat and also feel fuller. Eat 2
Solution: To combat the loss of mito-                                                  cups of red, white or black beans to get
chondria, cut 100 calories from your daily Answer: Muscle burns 3 times more           your recommended daily fiber intake of
intake. Easy ways to trim 100 calories     calories than fat cells, which means loss   25 grams.
include removing skin from chicken         of muscle mass causes weight gain and an
breasts; using skim instead of whole milk inability to shed pounds. Key factors that Ice Water: Here’s a surprise: drinking ice
in coffee; swapping mustard for mayo on create loss of muscle mass include a drop water forces your body to burn calories by
sandwiches; and eating plain hamburgers in testosterone levels, crash dieting and      bringing your body temperature back to
rather than cheeseburgers. Studies show    disuse from aging. Recent studies suggest normal. Eight glasses of ice water a day
that eliminating 100 calories a day helps that at 40, women lose muscle mass twice works off 70 calories. Drink ice water
to keep weight off long term.              a fast as men. You lose the most muscle     before a meal to feel fuller quicker.
                                           mass on the body’s largest surface areas
2. Why am I hungrier now than ever         like the core muscles supporting your
Army Safety Gram
                                                Army Safe is Army Strong

                                             Clutter Causes Casualties
     Clutter and disorder contribute to many workplace accidents. To help prevent them, use this checklist to find
     and eliminate the hazards of poor workplace housekeeping:
        Floors are free of water, mud, ice, grease, trash and waste materials.

        Traffic routes remain clear. They are free of tripping hazards such as
         electrical cables, hoses and stored materials.
        Exits and stairways are well marked. They are kept clear at all times and
         are not used for storage.
        Fire extinguishers are kept charged according to a regular schedule.
         They are located where they will be easily accessible in case of a fire.
         They are not obstructed by stored materials.
        Trash cans are located where they are needed, and are emptied regularly.
        Oily rags are disposed of in covered metal cans.
        Lighting is adequate for safety. Burned-out lights are replaced promptly.
        Supplies and materials are stored safely. They are stacked so they cannot
        Any potentially hazardous materials are safely stored in the correct kinds of containers. They are correctly labeled and accom-
         panied by Material Safety Data Sheets. Storage arrangements take into account the requirements of temperature, ventilation
         and humidity for various materials. Potentially incompatible materials are separated.
        Flammable and combustible materials are stored away from sources of ignition.
        Machinery is kept clean, free of oil, grease and dust. Equipment is maintained properly to prevent fires and accidents.
        Tools are cleaned and put away right after they are used. There are designated places for tools.
        Work stations are left clean at the end of the shift.
        Surfaces and equipment are checked over regularly for hazards such as protruding nails and rough surfaces. These could
         cause accidents such as eye injuries, cuts and bruises.
        Stools and chairs are placed so they are not tripping hazards. They are kept in good repair. When chairs or stools are dam-
         aged, they are removed from service so they cannot be used accidentally.
        Drawers and cabinet doors are kept closed to prevent tripping accidents. Filing cabinets are filled from the bottom up to pre-
         vent them from tipping over.
        Any smoking is confined to certain designated areas. Ashtrays are available and are used.
        Lunch areas are kept clean and free of trash. Washrooms are also kept clean and dry.
        Everyone takes responsibility for jobsite housekeeping. All employees know how to report safety hazards so they will be cor-
Remember, a safe workplace depends on each and every employee taking responsibility for good housekeeping—to
                                   prevent fires, falls and other accidents.
December 2012

     Sunday        Monday          Tuesday            Wednesday        Thursday        Friday        Saturday


2             3             4                    5                6               7             8

                                 AFTB Training
                                ACS Conf room

9             10            11                   12               13              14            15

                             AFAP Conference
                             Ft. Hamilton CC

16            17            18                   19               20              21            22

                                 MRT Training
                                 ACS Conf room

23            24            25                   26               27              28            29
                                  ACS Closed


30            31

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Dec 2012 acs newsletter

  • 1. Family Times Volume 3, Issue 12 December 2012 Flu Season Article from It’s that time of year again – flu season. Time not infect the body. Some recipi- for you and your family to get flu ents report mild flu-like symptoms, shots. Not only will you significantly which result from antibodies your lower your chance of getting the flu body produces that help fight off this winter, but you can make an im- the actual flu. portant contribution to public health by limiting the spread of this danger- Getting a flu shot is easy and inex- ous disease. pensive for TRICARE beneficiar- ies. You can get your flu vaccine The Center for Disease Control and from any military medical clinic or Prevention states “flu seasons are un- hospital at no cost to you, or from  Minimize close contact with sick predictable and can be severe.” All your pharmacist at one of 45,000 net- people. family members, six months and work pharmacies that administer vac- older, should be immunized every cines to TRICARE beneficiaries. You  Practice good health habits. Get year, since the flu virus changes can also be vaccinated by your doctor, plenty of sleep and exercise, man- slightly season to season, requiring or at one of the retail health clinics age your stress, drink plenty of yearly vaccinations. found inside many pharmacies. Keep fluids, and eat healthy food. in mind this is considered a “medical This is especially true for people at visit,” so you may have cost shares or  Cover your nose and mouth with a high risk of catching the flu or with a co-pays. tissue when you cough or sneeze. risk of flu-related complications, such Throw your used tissue in the as children, pregnant women, people Generally, if the pharmacist adminis- trash. 65 and older and those with chronic ters the vaccine, it is at no cost to you. medical conditions such as asthma. A If another healthcare professional ad-  If you are sick with flu-like illness, complete list of people at higher risk ministers the vaccine, it is a medical stay home until at least 24 hours of complications is available at the visit and you must pay the associated after your fever is gone (without Center for Disease Control and Pre- co-pays. Although getting vaccinated the use of fever-reducing medi- vention website: is the best way to prevent the flu, there cine). groups.htm. are additional steps you can follow to avoid the flu. It’s important to get a flu shot every Some people worry flu shots don’t year – your chances of staying healthy work. It is possible to get the flu, even One of the most important is to wash after getting immunized. There are your hands regularly with soap and this winter increase dramatically if different strains of the flu virus in cir- water, or use an alcohol-based hand you do. For more information on this culation, meaning you can be exposed sanitizer when those are not available. year’s flu season, visit to a version of the virus you’re not Here are some other tips from flu. To learn more about TRICARE immunized against. Some even be- coverage of flu shots, visit lieve the flu vaccine causes the flu. This is incorrect. Flu shots contain  Avoid touching your eyes, nose, only pieces of killed flu virus that can- or mouth.
  • 2. Director’s Corner The Holiday season is upon issue, by filling out an AFAP us, do take advantage of the submission form at the follow- afap_form.php Holiday Season in New York ing locations: City. Have a wonderful Holiday Army Community Service, Season. ACS is hosting the 2012 Barber Shop, Belfour Beatty AFAP Conference on Decem- Communities, Bowling Carmen E. Borrero ber 11, 2012, 0800-1630 at the Center, Child Development ACS Director Fort Hamilton Community Center, Community Club, Fit- Club It’s not too late! If you ness Center, ID Section, Post have an idea which you be- Office, Reserve Center, and lieve would be beneficial to Visitor Control Center or Sub- the Fort Hamilton Commu- mit your Issues today online: nity, submit your AFAP http:// Inside This Issue: ACS Programs & Staff 2 Director’s Corner/ACS Programs & Staff ACS Director Family Advocacy/ Carmen Borrero EFMP 718-630-4457 3 Armed Forces Action Plan Conference Vincent DiMaira 718-630-4460 Army Emergency Relief 4 Master Resiliency Training/Army Family 718-630-4754 Financial Readiness Team Building 718-630-4754 5 Employment Readiness Program-Put Vol- Army Family Team Building John Mapes unteer Work on your Resume Front Desk/ 718-630-4498 5 Volunteer Program Information & Referral Magda Lawrence Army Family Action Plan 718-630-4754 6 Family Advocacy Program-What is Child John Mapes Abuse 718-630-4498 Loan Closet 718-630-4754 Army Volunteer Corps 7 SOS/EFMP/MFLC/SHARP Joseph Gamez Relocation Readiness 718-630-4756 Madeline Pastorella 8 Financial Readiness Program – Regifting 718-630-4462 Deployment/Mobilization Gains Popularity Madeline Pastorella Sexual Assault/Victim 9 Waiting Families/Mob-Dep/Lending 718-630-4462 Advocacy Closet/Newcomer’s Orientation Vincent DiMiara Employment Readiness 10 Relocation Program— Sponsor Training 718-630-4460 Joseph Gamez 718-630-4756 11 Boost Your Metabolism After 40 12 Safety-Clutter Causes Casualties Happy Holidays ! 13 Calendar Page 2
  • 3. Armed Forces Action Plan Conference December 11, 2012 0800-1630hrs. @ Fort Hamilton Community Club IT’S NOT TOO LATE!! If you have an idea which you believe would be beneficial to the Fort Hamilton Community SUBMIT your Idea/Issue TODAY!! Submit your Issues online @ afap_form.php or visit one of the following locations:  Army Community Service  Fitness Center  Barber Shop  ID Section  Belfour Beatty  Post Office  Bowling Center  Reserve Center  Child Development Center  Visitor Control Center  Community Club  Post Exchange If you would like to participate as a Delegate, Facilitator, Recorder, or Transcriber, please contact: John Mapes at 718-630-4498 AFAP….Voice of the Community Page 3
  • 4. Master Resiliency Training Tuesday, December 18, 2012 1300 to 1430 hrs. at ACS Conference Room  Resilience is the ability to grow and thrive in the face of challenges and bounce back from adversity.  Learn skills to overcome obstacles and how to bounce back from life's challenges. For more information contact John Mapes at 718-630-4498. ARMY FAMILY TEAM BUILDING CLASSES Tuesday, December 04, 2012, 1100 — 1230 hrs. ACs conference Room Army Family Team Building empowers individuals, maxi- mizing their personal growth and professional develop- ment through specialized training, transforming our com- munity into a resilient and strong foundation meeting to- day's military mission. For questions or more information, please call: John Mapes, Program Manager 718-630-4498 Page 4
  • 5. Employment Readiness Program Put Volunteer Work on Your Resume Article from When you are looking for a job, your re- Consider integrating your volunteer work learned as a volunteer. Did you have the sume gets your foot in the door. It repre- into the section of your resume called chance to practice public speaking? Write sents you to a potential employer and you "Work Experience." Even if you were not reports, news releases, newsletters? Plan want it to stand out from the resumes of paid a salary and did not consider the projects, coordinate sub-committees, train the other applicants. One way to capture volunteering to be "employment," it cer- others to do the work? Such skills are ap- the interest of an employer is to show that tainly was productive work and should plicable to just about any setting. you are an involved citizen -- someone count as "experience." The key is to trans- who works to make the community a bet- late what you gained from the volunteer Describe your activities and achievements ter place to live. In other words, make activity into the language of the paid fully. You do not need to say these were sure your volunteer work appears on work world. done as a volunteer, though you are of your resume. course welcome to do so. If you feel un- Don't use "volunteer" as a job title. It's an easy about representing volunteer work as It is a common misconception that there is adjective and alone does not convey the equivalent to a full-time paid job, you can only one "right" way to design a resume. work that you accomplished. So, if you identify the volunteering as being part- Actually, the most important thing is to did tutoring, use the title "Tutor." If you time. Be honest. Don't overstate what you present the information in such a way as coordinated a project, identify your work did. But also be sure to give yourself the to document and support your career accurately as "Project Coordinator." The credit you deserve. goal. If you tell a prospective employer fact that you filled this position in an un- that you want a particular job, your re- paid capacity is part of your description If you are a student seeking your first real sume must prove that you are the right of the work. First grab your prospective job, being able to show volunteer work on candidate to fill it. Sometimes your paid employer's interest with an accurate posi- a resume demonstrates that you had inter- work history may not be as important as tion title. ests beyond the classroom. If you are re- what you have done as a volunteer in turning to the paid work force after some demonstrating that you have the neces- Next describe the volunteer work in terms time away, your volunteer activities prove sary job skills. of your achievements, highlighting the that you kept yourself sharp and in- skills that you learned and demonstrated. volved. If you want to change career One approach used by many people is to What would be important to the work fields, it may be your volunteer work in add a section to their resumes called world about what you did? For example, the new field that tells a prospective em- "Community Service" or "Volunteer did you raise $100,000? Did you manage a ployer you're worth the risk, even if all Work." They list the highlights of their budget or accomplish goals on schedule? your paid employment history is in some volunteering here, to show that they have Did you supervise a staff of people? Even other field. Be unapologetic about giving interests outside of their employment his- if they, too, were volunteers, your success space on your resume to volunteering. tory already described. This is certainly required the ability to be a motivating Since the whole goal of a resume is to get better than ignoring volunteer experience leader. All these sorts of things impress an you an interview, think how more inter- on a resume, but it is not the best way to employer. esting your face-to-face conversation will highlight what you have learned as a vol- be when you add all those community unteer. Take the time to analyze what you activities to show who you really are. Fort Hamilton Employment Readiness Program (ERP) Army Volunteer Corps Employment Readiness Offers:  Meet New People  Job search assistance  Become Active in Your Community  Resume development  Gain New Job Skills  Career Planning  Feel Good About Yourself  Enhance Job Opportunities  Vacancy Listings  Gain Experience  Computer Lab TO REGISTER call To schedule an appointment (718) 630-4756 Please call (718) 630-4756
  • 6. Family Advocacy Program What is Child Abuse? It shouldn't hurt to be a kid....  Child abuse is physical -- shaking, hitting, beating, burning, or biting a child.  Child abuse is emotional -- constantly blaming or putting down a child; excessive yelling, shaming.  Child abuse is sexual -- incest, any forced sexual activity, exposure to sexual stimulation not appro- priate for the child's age. *Department of Emergency (DES)  Child abuse is neglect -- a pattern of failure to provide 718-630-4456 for the child's physical needs, such as food, clothing, *Administration for Children’s Services shelter, and medical care; a pattern of failure to pro- 1-800-342-3720 vide for the child's emotional needs, such as affection, attention, and supervision. What are the Consequences of Child Abuse? It is legal in every state to spank a child on the buttocks  In an abusive environment, children are often expected with a bare hand. Any other discipline, such as a slap, to behave as if they are much older than they are. hitting with an object or any kind of discipline that causes  Children are often "punished" for behavior they are too a mark, a bruise or an injury is abuse! young to control. Every one of us can help stop child abuse  Abusive parents do not know they have to teach the  Help out a parent under stress with a few hours of behavior they want the child to have. Punishing un- child care or assistance with other chores. wanted behavior is not enough.  Lend an ear to a parent or child in crisis.  Parents and caretakers often abuse children in response to their own anger and unhappiness. It may have no  Support programs that offer child care, parent educa- relationship to what the child is doing at the time. tion, family counseling, and child safety.  Abused children  Call a Parental Stress program for resources and sup- port. *Believe that they have no value. If you suspect that a child has been abused: *Believe that they cannot affect the world around them with good behavior.  In cases of an immediate emergency, always call 911 for Law Enforcement intervention. *Feel angry and/or depressed.  Where the situation is not an emergency needing the police, reports should be immediately to: Family Advocacy Program (FAP) is dedicated to Spousal & Child Abuse Prevention, Education, Prompt Reporting, Investigation, & Intervention. To access the Family Advocacy Program, contact Vincent DiMaira at 718-630-4460 To access the Ft. Hamilton Social Worker, contact Elizabeth Winslow at 718-630-4242
  • 7. Exceptional Family Member Program Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult things anyone can go through. In its commit- EFMP is a mandatory enrollment program ment to the Families of the Fallen, the United that works with other military and civilian States Army has developed a comprehensive agencies to provide comprehensive and coordi- Survivor Outreach Services (SOS) Program. nated medical, educational, housing, commu- nity support, and personnel services to Fami- The mission of the Survivor Outreach Services lies with special needs. (SOS) is to provide long-term support to Fami- lies of our Fallen Soldiers by offering assistance For any questions concerning the Exceptional with any concerns or issues, providing informa- Family Member Program, please contact Vin- tion on services and programs, and connecting cent DiMaira, Family Advocacy Program Man- Families to outreach organizations both inside ager at 718-630-4460 and outside the Department of Defense. To enroll your Family Member in EFMP, con- If you would like more information, please tact Nola Francois at Keller Army Community call 718-630-4754 Hospital in West Point. Phone: 845-938-6881 NEED TO TALK? Military & Family Life Consultants Help with the Stress of Military Life Military Family Life Counselors (MFLCs) are mental health specialist who provide confidential, short-term, non- medical counseling to Military families. To access MFLC services please call: (718) 704-3485
  • 8. Financial Readiness Program Regifting Gains Popularity Article from If you’re someone who’s looking to make cuts in your spending this holiday season, but you're not sure how, try regifting! Regifting can be a great way to ensure you have a frugal, yet festive, holiday season, but first, you should brush up on your knowledge and take a course in Regifting 101. If you are thinking about regifting this holiday season, ask yourself the following questions:  Is the gift regiftable? Never regift handmade or one- sirable, the recipient probably will too. If you are of-a-kind items. Signed books and monogrammed regifting simply because you ran out of time, gift cards items are off-limits. Do you have to be told not to are simple to obtain and always well received. regift free promotional items? Some gifts that are good candidates for regifting include good (unopened!) bot-  How does it look? When it comes to gift-giving, go tles of wine, new household items and inexpensive jew- for show! While gift bags in good condition can be elry. reused, wrapping paper is a one-time thing. Always spring for a new card or gift tag.  How is the condition? Only new, unopened gifts in good condition should be considered for regift-  Can you handle it? If you don’t plan to announce the ing. Never give partially used gift cards. Don’t give gift as a regift, ask yourself if you can keep the se- items that you have owned for a long time. A general cret. Never feel guilty about regifting once you’ve rule of thumb: if you have to dust it off, it is not done it. regiftable.  Have you considered your options? An unwanted gift  Is this going to work? Successful regifters use com- could be a welcome donation to a charitable organiza- mon sense. If you are going to regift, be sure you know tion. It is also an option to suck it up and keep an un- who gave you the item, so you don’t return something wanted gift—after all, it was a gift. to the original giver. Only regift items to people who Finally, if you suspect that a gift you’ve received has been are not likely to see the original giver. recycled, take comfort in the fact that MMI survey respon-  Do you have good intentions? Don’t just give a gift dents regift because they know the gift is something the to give a gift. Be sure that the recipient will appreciate recipient would really like. the item. Remember, if you feel that an item is unde- Financial Readiness Program Financial Educa- tion Classes of- fered to Service Members and their Families To schedule appointment Call 718-630-4754
  • 9. Waiting Families Support Group Mobilization/Deployment Have a Deployed Service Member? Join Waiting Families Support Group for fun, Immigration & Naturalization outings & support! Assistance: This service offers information on Immigration and Naturalization policies, procedures and forms. Due to the high demand of this service, appointments are preferred. Service provided to Active Duty Service Members, Retirees, and their Dependants To schedule an appointment call (718) 630-4462 Army Community Service Lending Closet Are You Departing or Arriving to Ft. Hamilton Without Your Household Goods? New to Ft. Hamilton? Attend Our Come to the ACS Newcomer’s Orientation Lending Closet for January 31, 2013 Temporary use of 8:30 am—11:30 am Household Essentials ACS Conference Room you may Need. Bldg. 137-C Poly Place, 1st Floor Followed by a complimentary lunch For More Information Call: at the Fort Hamilton Community Club 718-630-4754/4462 Please call to reserve your seat (718) 630-4754
  • 10. Sponsor Training Available! Having trouble helping your sponsors perform their job? WE CAN HELP! Check out the new comprehensive application for sponsorship training, communication, and management of the process. eSponsorship Application & Training: The online application provides:  Registration for you and your newcomer  Training  Certificate for your files  Sponsorship Duty Checklist  Newcomer and family needs assessment  Congratulations and Welcome letter templates and packages  Links to important DoD and Service moving websites  Reporting module  Customer Satisfaction Surveys Contact: Madeline Pastorella Army Community Service 137C Poly Place, 1st Floor Brooklyn, NY 11209 Page 10 (718) 630-4754/4462
  • 11. Boost Your Metabolism After 40 Article from Turning 40 sets off midlife crisis shoulders and belly, as well as your alarm bells in most women and it’s thighs. no wonder. This milestone age brings grim realities like a slowing Solution: To fight muscle loss in your metabolism, resulting in seemingly back and shoulders try plank exercises; unexplainable weight gain. Indeed, you can do them during commercial after 40 your metabolism winds breaks while you’re watching TV. down 5% every 10 years, which Simple squats are great for firming up means you have to consume fewer thigh muscles; try doing them in the calories and work out more just to kitchen while you wait for dinner to maintain your normal weight. Many finish cooking. women dread turning 40, the age when metabolism begins to slow, Metabolism Boosters for Under $5 causing disarming effects like a big- Here are 4 more ways to fight metabo- ger belly and steady weight gain in lism slow down without breaking your other areas, too. before? bank account. What is Metabolism? Metabolism is the Answer: After 40 your estrogen levels Oolong Tea: Oolong tea contains poly- process the body uses to convert food into drop which causes insulin levels to go up phenols that help block fat-building en- energy. Your body either uses this fuel and thyroid levels to go down, both of zymes. This young tea is low in caffeine right away or stores it in body tissues, like which increase hunger. You wind up eat- so you can drink it throughout the day for your liver, muscles or as body fat. Many ing more and burning fewer calories, continued results. Research shows that factors influence metabolism including which adds to the fat deep inside your your metabolism will be raised for 2 sex, age, thyroid levels, the ratio of mus- belly known as omentum fat. hours after every cup of Oolong. cle to fat and your emotional state. Here are the answers to your biggest Solution: Soluble fiber is your best de- Black Pepper: Black pepper contains the questions about metabolism after age 40, fense against hunger and belly fat. It fills alkaloid piperine, which helps speed up followed by simple ways to rev it back up you up fast so you eat less and stay satis- metabolism. Add black pepper to tomato again. fied. At 40 you should consume 25 grams juice for a double metabolism boosting of fiber daily. Consider these excellent effect—tomatoes contain lycopene, an 1. Why am I gaining fat in new places? sources: antioxidant that helps protect your mito- chondria. Reach for the pepper mill when Answer: Mitochondria—the structures 1 bowl of steel-cut oats = 9 grams of fiber you’d normally use salt; you’ll boost your within cells that convert food into en- 1 cup raspberries = 8 grams of fiber metabolism and reduce your sodium in- ergy— slow down or die off after age 40. 1 cup brown rice = 8 grams of fiber take. Subsequently, you can’t burn calories like Total = 25 grams of fiber you did before and can start gaining Beans: Beans are chockfull of soluble weight. 3. Why can’t I even lose a pound any fiber to help lower insulin levels so you more? store less fat and also feel fuller. Eat 2 Solution: To combat the loss of mito- cups of red, white or black beans to get chondria, cut 100 calories from your daily Answer: Muscle burns 3 times more your recommended daily fiber intake of intake. Easy ways to trim 100 calories calories than fat cells, which means loss 25 grams. include removing skin from chicken of muscle mass causes weight gain and an breasts; using skim instead of whole milk inability to shed pounds. Key factors that Ice Water: Here’s a surprise: drinking ice in coffee; swapping mustard for mayo on create loss of muscle mass include a drop water forces your body to burn calories by sandwiches; and eating plain hamburgers in testosterone levels, crash dieting and bringing your body temperature back to rather than cheeseburgers. Studies show disuse from aging. Recent studies suggest normal. Eight glasses of ice water a day that eliminating 100 calories a day helps that at 40, women lose muscle mass twice works off 70 calories. Drink ice water to keep weight off long term. a fast as men. You lose the most muscle before a meal to feel fuller quicker. mass on the body’s largest surface areas 2. Why am I hungrier now than ever like the core muscles supporting your
  • 12. Army Safety Gram Army Safe is Army Strong Clutter Causes Casualties Clutter and disorder contribute to many workplace accidents. To help prevent them, use this checklist to find and eliminate the hazards of poor workplace housekeeping:  Floors are free of water, mud, ice, grease, trash and waste materials.  Traffic routes remain clear. They are free of tripping hazards such as electrical cables, hoses and stored materials.  Exits and stairways are well marked. They are kept clear at all times and are not used for storage.  Fire extinguishers are kept charged according to a regular schedule. They are located where they will be easily accessible in case of a fire. They are not obstructed by stored materials.  Trash cans are located where they are needed, and are emptied regularly.  Oily rags are disposed of in covered metal cans.  Lighting is adequate for safety. Burned-out lights are replaced promptly.  Supplies and materials are stored safely. They are stacked so they cannot fall.  Any potentially hazardous materials are safely stored in the correct kinds of containers. They are correctly labeled and accom- panied by Material Safety Data Sheets. Storage arrangements take into account the requirements of temperature, ventilation and humidity for various materials. Potentially incompatible materials are separated.  Flammable and combustible materials are stored away from sources of ignition.  Machinery is kept clean, free of oil, grease and dust. Equipment is maintained properly to prevent fires and accidents.  Tools are cleaned and put away right after they are used. There are designated places for tools.  Work stations are left clean at the end of the shift.  Surfaces and equipment are checked over regularly for hazards such as protruding nails and rough surfaces. These could cause accidents such as eye injuries, cuts and bruises.  Stools and chairs are placed so they are not tripping hazards. They are kept in good repair. When chairs or stools are dam- aged, they are removed from service so they cannot be used accidentally.  Drawers and cabinet doors are kept closed to prevent tripping accidents. Filing cabinets are filled from the bottom up to pre- vent them from tipping over.  Any smoking is confined to certain designated areas. Ashtrays are available and are used.  Lunch areas are kept clean and free of trash. Washrooms are also kept clean and dry.  Everyone takes responsibility for jobsite housekeeping. All employees know how to report safety hazards so they will be cor- rected. Remember, a safe workplace depends on each and every employee taking responsibility for good housekeeping—to prevent fires, falls and other accidents.
  • 13. December 2012 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 AFTB Training 11am-1230pm ACS Conf room 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 AFAP Conference 8am-4:30pm Ft. Hamilton CC 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 MRT Training 1:00-2:30 ACS Conf room 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ACS Closed Merry Christmas!! 30 31