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Data-Intensive Scalable Science:
Beyond MapReduce
Bill Howe, UW
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01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 4
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 5
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 6
Science is reducing to a database problem
Old model: “Query the world” (Data acquisition coupled to a specific hypothesis)
New model: “Download the world” (Data acquired en masse, in support of many hypotheses)
 Astronomy: High-resolution, high-frequency sky surveys (SDSS, LSST, PanSTARRS)
 Oceanography: high-resolution models, cheap sensors, satellites
 Biology: lab automation, high-throughput sequencing,
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 7
Two dimensions#ofbytes
# of apps
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 8
 Introduction
 Context: RDBMS, MapReduce, etc.
 New Extensions for Science
 Spatial Clustering
 Recursive MapReduce
 Skew Handling
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 9
What Does Scalable Mean?
 In the past: Out-of-core
 “Works even if data doesn’t fit in main memory”
 Now: Parallel
 “Can make use of 1000s of independent
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 10
Taxonomy of Parallel Architectures
Easiest to program, but
Scales to 1000s of computers
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 11
Design Space
This talk
slide src: Michael Isard, MSR
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 12
Some distributed algorithm…
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 13
MapReduce Programming Model
 Input & Output: each a set of key/value pairs
 Programmer specifies two functions:
 Processes input key/value pair
 Produces set of intermediate pairs
 Combines all intermediate values for a particular key
 Produces a set of merged output values (usually just one)
map (in_key, in_value) -> list(out_key, intermediate_value)
reduce (out_key, list(intermediate_value)) -> list(out_value)
Inspired by primitives from functional programming
languages such as Lisp, Scheme, and Haskell
slide source: Google, Inc.
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 14
Example: What does this do?
map(String input_key, String input_value):
// input_key: document name
// input_value: document contents
for each word w in input_value:
EmitIntermediate(w, 1);
reduce(String output_key, Iterator intermediate_values):
// output_key: word
// output_values: ????
int result = 0;
for each v in intermediate_values:
result += v;
slide source: Google, Inc.
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 15
Example: Rendering
Bronson et al. Vis 2010 (submitted)
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 16
Example: Isosurface Extraction
Bronson et al. Vis 2010 (submitted)
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 17
Large-Scale Data Processing
 Many tasks process big data, produce big data
 Want to use hundreds or thousands of CPUs
 ... but this needs to be easy
 Parallel databases exist, but they are expensive, difficult to set up, and
do not necessarily scale to hundreds of nodes.
 MapReduce is a lightweight framework, providing:
 Automatic parallelization and distribution
 Fault-tolerance
 I/O scheduling
 Status and monitoring
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 18
What’s wrong with MapReduce?
 Literally Map then Reduce and that’s it…
 Reducers write to replicated storage
 Complex jobs pipeline multiple stages
 No fault tolerance between stages
Map assumes its data is always available: simple!
 What else?
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 19
Realistic Job = Directed Acyclic Graph
(file, pipe,
slide credit: Michael
Isard, MSR
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 20
Pre-Relational: if your data changed, your application broke.
Early RDBMS were buggy and slow (and often reviled), but
required only 5% of the application code.
“Activities of users at terminals and most application programs
should remain unaffected when the internal representation of data
is changed and even when some aspects of the external
representation are changed.”
Key Ideas: Programs that manipulate tabular data exhibit an
algebraic structure allowing reasoning and manipulation
independently of physical data representation
Relational Database History
-- Codd 1979
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 21
Key Idea: Data Independence
physical data independence
logical data independence
files and
FROM my_sequences
FROM ncbi_sequences
WHERE seq =
f = fopen(‘table_file’);
while (True) {
fread(&buf, 1, 8192, f);
if (buf == GATTACGATATTA) {
. . .
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 22
Key Idea: Indexes
 Databases are especially, but exclusively, effective at
“Needle in Haystack” problems:
 Extracting small results from big datasets
 Transparently provide “old style” scalability
 Your query will always* finish, regardless of dataset size.
 Indexes are easily built and automatically used when
appropriateCREATE INDEX seq_idx ON sequence(seq);
FROM sequence
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 23
Key Idea: An Algebra of Tables
join join
Other operators: aggregate, union, difference, cross product
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 24
Key Idea: Algebraic Optimization
N = ((z*2)+((z*3)+0))/1
Algebraic Laws:
1. (+) identity: x+0 = x
2. (/) identity: x/1 = x
3. (*) distributes: (n*x+n*y) = n*(x+y)
4. (*) commutes: x*y = y*x
Apply rules 1, 3, 4, 2:
N = (2+3)*z
two operations instead of five, no division operator
Same idea works with the Relational Algebra!
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 25
Key Idea: Declarative Languages
FROM Order o, Item i
WHERE o.item = i.item
AND = today()
scan scan
date = today()
o.item = i.item
Order oItem i
Find all orders from today, along with the items ordered
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 26
Shared Nothing Parallel Databases
 Teradata
 Greenplum
 Netezza
 Aster Data Systems
 Datallegro
 Vertica
 MonetDB
Recently commercialized as “Vectorwise”
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 27
Example System: Teradata
AMP = unit of parallelism
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 28
Example System: Teradata
FROM Orders o, Lines i
WHERE o.item = i.item
AND = today()
scan scan
date = today()
o.item = i.item
Order oItem i
Find all orders from today, along with the items ordered
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 29
Example System: Teradata
Order o
Order o
Order o
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 30
Example System: Teradata
Item i
Item i
Item i
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 31
Example System: Teradata
join join join
o.item = i.item o.item = i.item o.item = i.item
contains all orders and all lines
where hash(item) = 1
contains all orders and all lines
where hash(item) = 2
contains all orders and all lines
where hash(item) = 3
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 32
MapReduce Contemporaries
 Dryad (Microsoft)
 Relational Algebra
 Pig (Yahoo)
 Near Relational Algebra over MapReduce
 HIVE (Facebook)
 SQL over MapReduce
 Cascading
 Relational Algebra
 Clustera
 U of Wisconsin
 Hbase
 Indexing on HDFS
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 33
Example System: Yahoo Pig
Pig Latin
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 34
MapReduce vs RDBMS
 Declarative query languages
 Schemas
 Logical Data Independence
 Indexing
 Algebraic Optimization
 Caching/Materialized Views
 ACID/Transactions
 MapReduce
 High Scalability
 Fault-tolerance
 “One-person deployment”
HIVE, Pig, Dryad
Dryad, Pig, HIVE
Pig, (Dryad, HIVE)
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 35
ComparisonData Model Prog. Model Services
GPL * * Typing (maybe)
Workflow * dataflow typing, provenance,
scheduling, caching,
task parallelism, reuse
Relations Select, Project,
Join, Aggregate, …
optimization, physical
data independence,
data parallelism
MapReduce [(key,value)] Map, Reduce massive data
parallelism, fault
MS Dryad IQueryable,
RA + Apply +
typing, massive data
parallelism, fault
MPI Arrays/
70+ ops data parallelism,
full control
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 36
 Introduction
 Context: RDBMS, MapReduce, etc.
 New Extensions for Science
 Recursive MapReduce
 Skew Handling
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 37
url rank 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
url_src url_dest
Rank Table R0
Linkage Table L
url rank 2.13 3.89 2.60 2.60 2.13
Rank Table R3
Ri L
Ri.rank = Ri.rank/γurlCOUNT(url_dest)
Ri.url = L.url_src
π(url_dest, γurl_destSUM(rank))
[Bu et al. VLDB 2010 (submitted)]
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 38
MapReduce Implementation
Not done !
Join & compute rank
Aggregate fixpoint evaluation
done !
[Bu et al. VLDB 2010 (submitted)]
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 39
What’s the problem?
 L is loaded and shuffled in each iteration
 L never changes
[Bu et al. VLDB 2010 (submitted)]
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 40
HaLoop: Loop-aware Hadoop
 Hadoop: Loop control in client program
 HaLoop: Loop control in master node
Hadoop HaLoop
[Bu et al. VLDB 2010 (submitted)]
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 41
Feature: Inter-iteration Locality
 Mapper Output Cache
 K-means
 Neural network analysis
 Reducer Input Cache
 Recursive join
 PageRank
 HITs
 Social network analysis
 Reducer Output Cache
 Fixpiont evaluation
[Bu et al. VLDB 2010 (submitted)]
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 42
HaLoop Architecture
[Bu et al. VLDB 2010 (submitted)]
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 43
 Amazon EC2
 20, 50, 90 default small instances
 Datasets
 Billions of Triples (120GB)
 Freebase (12GB)
 Livejournal social network (18GB)
 Queries
 Transitive Closure
 PageRank
 k-means [Bu et al. VLDB 2010 (submitted)]
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 44
Application Run Time
 Transitive Closure
 PageRank
[Bu et al. VLDB 2010 (submitted)]
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 45
Join Time
 Transitive Closure
 PageRank
[Bu et al. VLDB 2010 (submitted)]
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 46
Run Time Distribution
 Transitive Closure
 PageRank
[Bu et al. VLDB 2010 (submitted)]
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 47
Fixpoint Evaluation
 PageRank
[Bu et al. VLDB 2010 (submitted)]
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 48
 Introduction
 Context: RDBMS, MapReduce, etc.
 New Extensions for Science
 Recursive MapReduce
 Skew Handling
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 49
N-body Astrophysics Simulation
• 15 years in dev
• 109
• Months to run
• 7.5 million
CPU hours
• 500 timesteps
• Big Bang to now
Simulations from Tom Quinn’s Lab, work by Sarah Loebman, YongChul
Kwon, Bill Howe, Jeff Gardner, Magda Balazinska
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 50
Q1: Find Hot Gas
FROM gas
WHERE temp > 150000
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 51
Single Node: Query 1
169 MB 1.4 GB 36 GB
[IASDS 09]
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 52
Multiple Nodes: Query 1
Database Z
[IASDS 09]
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 53
Q4: Gas Deletion
FROM gas1
Particles removed
between two timesteps
[IASDS 09]
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 54
Single Node: Query 4 [IASDS 09]
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 55
Multiple Nodes: Query 4 [IASDS 09]
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 56
New Task: Scalable Clustering
 Group particles into spatial clusters
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are needed to see this picture.
[Kwon SSDBM 2010]
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 57
Scalable Clustering
QuickTime™ and a
are needed to see this picture.
[Kwon SSDBM 2010]
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 58
Scalable Clustering in Dryad
QuickTime™ and a
are needed to see this picture.
[Kwon SSDBM 2010]
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 59
Scalable Clustering in Dryad
YongChul Kwon, Dylan Nunlee, Jeff Gardner, Sarah Loebman, Magda
Balazinska, Bill Howe
QuickTime™ and a
are needed to see this picture.
non-skewed skewed
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 60
 Introduction
 Context: RDBMS, MapReduce, etc.
 New Extensions for Science
 Recursive MapReduce
 Skew Handling
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 61
Example: Friends of Friends
C1 C2
C5 C6
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 62
Example: Friends of Friends
C1 C2
C5 C6
C1 C2
C5 C6
C5 → C3
C6 → C4
Merge P1, P3
Merge P2, P4
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 63
Example: Friends of Friends
C1 C2
C5 C6
C5 → C3
C6 → C4
C4 → C3
C5 → C3
C6 → C3
C1 C2
C5 C6
Merge P1-P3, P2-P4
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 64
What’s going on?!
Local FoF
Example: Unbalanced Computation
The top red line runs for 1.5 hours
5 minutes
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 65
Which one is better?
 How to decompose space?
 How to schedule?
 How to avoid memory overrun?
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 66
Optimal Partitioning Plan Non-Trivial
 Fine grained partitions
 Less data = Less skew
 Framework overhead dominates
 Finding optimal point is
time consuming
 No guarantee of
successful merge phase
Can we find a good partitioning plan
without trial and error?
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 67
Skew Reduce Framework
 User provides three functions
 Plus (optionally) two cost functions
S = sample of the input block; α and B
are metadata about the block
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 68
Skew Reduce Framework
Partition Process Merge Finalize
InputInput Local ResultLocal Result OutputOutput
•User supplied cost function
•Could run in offline
•User supplied cost function
•Could run in offline
• Hierarchically
reconcile local result
• Hierarchically
reconcile local result
• Update local result
and produce final result
• Update local result
and produce final result
Process Merge
Local ResultLocal Result
Data at boundary
+ Reconcile State
Local Result Intermediate
Reconciliation State
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 69
Contiribution: SkewReduce
 Two algorithms: Serial/Merge algorithm
 Two cost functions for each algorithm
 Find a good partition plan and schedule
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 70
Does SkewReduce work?
 Static plan yields 2 ~ 8 times faster running time
Coarse Fine Finer Finest Manual Opt
14.1 8.8 4.1 5.7 2.0 1.6
87.2 63.1 77.7 98.7 - 14.1
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 71
Scalable Science
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 72
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 73
Visualization + Data Management
“Transferring the whole data generated … to a storage device or a visualization
machine could become a serious bottleneck, because I/O would take most of the …
time. A more feasible approach is to reduce and prepare the data in situ for
subsequent visualization and data analysis tasks.”
-- SciDAC Review
We can no longer afford two separate systems
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 74
Converging Requirements
Core vis techniques (isosurfaces, volume rendering, …)
Emphasis on interactive performance
Mesh data as a first-class citizen
Vis DB
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 75
Converging Requirements
Declarative languages
Automatic data-parallelism
Algebraic optimization
Vis DB
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 76
Converging Requirements
Vis: “Query-driven Visualization”
Vis: “In Situ Visualization”
Vis: “Remote Visualization”
DB: “Push the computation to the data”
Vis DB
01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 77
Desiderata for a “VisDB”
 New Data Model
 Structured and Unstructured
 New Query Language
 Scalable grid-aware operators
 Native visualization primitives
 New indexing and
optimization techniques
 “Smart” Query Results
 Interactive Apps/Dashboards

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Beyond MapReduce: Data-Intensive Scalable Science

  • 1. Data-Intensive Scalable Science: Beyond MapReduce Bill Howe, UW QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. …plus a bunch of people
  • 2. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.
  • 6. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 6 Science is reducing to a database problem Old model: “Query the world” (Data acquisition coupled to a specific hypothesis) New model: “Download the world” (Data acquired en masse, in support of many hypotheses)  Astronomy: High-resolution, high-frequency sky surveys (SDSS, LSST, PanSTARRS)  Oceanography: high-resolution models, cheap sensors, satellites  Biology: lab automation, high-throughput sequencing,
  • 7. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 7 Biology Oceanography Astronomy Two dimensions#ofbytes # of apps LSST SDSS Galaxy BioMart GEO IOOS OOI LANL HIVPathway Commons PanSTARRS
  • 8. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 8 Roadmap  Introduction  Context: RDBMS, MapReduce, etc.  New Extensions for Science  Spatial Clustering  Recursive MapReduce  Skew Handling
  • 9. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 9 What Does Scalable Mean?  In the past: Out-of-core  “Works even if data doesn’t fit in main memory”  Now: Parallel  “Can make use of 1000s of independent computers”
  • 10. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 10 Taxonomy of Parallel Architectures Easiest to program, but $$$$ Scales to 1000s of computers
  • 11. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 11 Design Space 11 ThroughputLatency Internet Private data center Data- parallel Shared memory DISC This talk slide src: Michael Isard, MSR
  • 12. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 12 Some distributed algorithm… Map (Shuffle) Reduce
  • 13. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 13 MapReduce Programming Model  Input & Output: each a set of key/value pairs  Programmer specifies two functions:  Processes input key/value pair  Produces set of intermediate pairs  Combines all intermediate values for a particular key  Produces a set of merged output values (usually just one) map (in_key, in_value) -> list(out_key, intermediate_value) reduce (out_key, list(intermediate_value)) -> list(out_value) Inspired by primitives from functional programming languages such as Lisp, Scheme, and Haskell slide source: Google, Inc.
  • 14. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 14 Example: What does this do? map(String input_key, String input_value): // input_key: document name // input_value: document contents for each word w in input_value: EmitIntermediate(w, 1); reduce(String output_key, Iterator intermediate_values): // output_key: word // output_values: ???? int result = 0; for each v in intermediate_values: result += v; Emit(result); slide source: Google, Inc.
  • 15. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 15 Example: Rendering Bronson et al. Vis 2010 (submitted)
  • 16. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 16 Example: Isosurface Extraction Bronson et al. Vis 2010 (submitted)
  • 17. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 17 Large-Scale Data Processing  Many tasks process big data, produce big data  Want to use hundreds or thousands of CPUs  ... but this needs to be easy  Parallel databases exist, but they are expensive, difficult to set up, and do not necessarily scale to hundreds of nodes.  MapReduce is a lightweight framework, providing:  Automatic parallelization and distribution  Fault-tolerance  I/O scheduling  Status and monitoring
  • 18. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 18 What’s wrong with MapReduce?  Literally Map then Reduce and that’s it…  Reducers write to replicated storage  Complex jobs pipeline multiple stages  No fault tolerance between stages  Map assumes its data is always available: simple!  What else?
  • 19. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 19 Realistic Job = Directed Acyclic Graph Processing vertices Channels (file, pipe, shared memory) Inputs Outputs slide credit: Michael Isard, MSR
  • 20. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 20 Pre-Relational: if your data changed, your application broke. Early RDBMS were buggy and slow (and often reviled), but required only 5% of the application code. “Activities of users at terminals and most application programs should remain unaffected when the internal representation of data is changed and even when some aspects of the external representation are changed.” Key Ideas: Programs that manipulate tabular data exhibit an algebraic structure allowing reasoning and manipulation independently of physical data representation Relational Database History -- Codd 1979
  • 21. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 21 Key Idea: Data Independence physical data independence logical data independence files and pointers relations view s SELECT * FROM my_sequences SELECT seq FROM ncbi_sequences WHERE seq = ‘GATTACGATATTA’; f = fopen(‘table_file’); fseek(10030440); while (True) { fread(&buf, 1, 8192, f); if (buf == GATTACGATATTA) { . . .
  • 22. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 22 Key Idea: Indexes  Databases are especially, but exclusively, effective at “Needle in Haystack” problems:  Extracting small results from big datasets  Transparently provide “old style” scalability  Your query will always* finish, regardless of dataset size.  Indexes are easily built and automatically used when appropriateCREATE INDEX seq_idx ON sequence(seq); SELECT seq FROM sequence WHERE seq = ‘GATTACGATATTA’; *almost
  • 23. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 23 Key Idea: An Algebra of Tables select project join join Other operators: aggregate, union, difference, cross product
  • 24. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 24 Key Idea: Algebraic Optimization N = ((z*2)+((z*3)+0))/1 Algebraic Laws: 1. (+) identity: x+0 = x 2. (/) identity: x/1 = x 3. (*) distributes: (n*x+n*y) = n*(x+y) 4. (*) commutes: x*y = y*x Apply rules 1, 3, 4, 2: N = (2+3)*z two operations instead of five, no division operator Same idea works with the Relational Algebra!
  • 25. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 25 Key Idea: Declarative Languages SELECT * FROM Order o, Item i WHERE o.item = i.item AND = today() join select scan scan date = today() o.item = i.item Order oItem i Find all orders from today, along with the items ordered
  • 26. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 26 Shared Nothing Parallel Databases  Teradata  Greenplum  Netezza  Aster Data Systems  Datallegro  Vertica  MonetDB Microsoft Recently commercialized as “Vectorwise”
  • 27. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 27 Example System: Teradata AMP = unit of parallelism
  • 28. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 28 Example System: Teradata SELECT * FROM Orders o, Lines i WHERE o.item = i.item AND = today() join select scan scan date = today() o.item = i.item Order oItem i Find all orders from today, along with the items ordered
  • 29. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 29 Example System: Teradata AMP 1 AMP 2 AMP 3 select date=today() select date=today() select date=today() scan Order o scan Order o scan Order o hash h(item) hash h(item) hash h(item) AMP 4 AMP 5 AMP 6
  • 30. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 30 Example System: Teradata AMP 1 AMP 2 AMP 3 scan Item i AMP 4 AMP 5 AMP 6 hash h(item) scan Item i hash h(item) scan Item i hash h(item)
  • 31. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 31 Example System: Teradata AMP 4 AMP 5 AMP 6 join join join o.item = i.item o.item = i.item o.item = i.item contains all orders and all lines where hash(item) = 1 contains all orders and all lines where hash(item) = 2 contains all orders and all lines where hash(item) = 3
  • 32. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 32 MapReduce Contemporaries  Dryad (Microsoft)  Relational Algebra  Pig (Yahoo)  Near Relational Algebra over MapReduce  HIVE (Facebook)  SQL over MapReduce  Cascading  Relational Algebra  Clustera  U of Wisconsin  Hbase  Indexing on HDFS
  • 33. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 33 Example System: Yahoo Pig Pig Latin program
  • 34. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 34 MapReduce vs RDBMS  RDBMS  Declarative query languages  Schemas  Logical Data Independence  Indexing  Algebraic Optimization  Caching/Materialized Views  ACID/Transactions  MapReduce  High Scalability  Fault-tolerance  “One-person deployment” HIVE, Pig, Dryad Dryad, Pig, HIVE Pig, (Dryad, HIVE) Hbase
  • 35. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 35 ComparisonData Model Prog. Model Services GPL * * Typing (maybe) Workflow * dataflow typing, provenance, scheduling, caching, task parallelism, reuse Relational Algebra Relations Select, Project, Join, Aggregate, … optimization, physical data independence, data parallelism MapReduce [(key,value)] Map, Reduce massive data parallelism, fault tolerance MS Dryad IQueryable, IEnumerable RA + Apply + Partitioning typing, massive data parallelism, fault tolerance MPI Arrays/ Matrices 70+ ops data parallelism, full control
  • 36. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 36 Roadmap  Introduction  Context: RDBMS, MapReduce, etc.  New Extensions for Science  Recursive MapReduce  Skew Handling
  • 37. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 37 PageRank url rank 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 url_src url_dest Rank Table R0 Linkage Table L url rank 2.13 3.89 2.60 2.60 2.13 Rank Table R3 Ri L Ri.rank = Ri.rank/γurlCOUNT(url_dest) Ri.url = L.url_src π(url_dest, γurl_destSUM(rank)) Ri+1 [Bu et al. VLDB 2010 (submitted)]
  • 38. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 38 MapReduce Implementation mi1 mi2 mi3 r01 r02 mi4 mi5 r03 r04 Ri L-split1 L-split0 mi6 mi7 ri5 ri6 Not done ! i=i+1 Converged? Join & compute rank Aggregate fixpoint evaluation Client done ! [Bu et al. VLDB 2010 (submitted)]
  • 39. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 39 What’s the problem?  L is loaded and shuffled in each iteration  L never changes m01 m02 m03 r01 r02 Ri L-split1 L-split0 [Bu et al. VLDB 2010 (submitted)]
  • 40. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 40 HaLoop: Loop-aware Hadoop  Hadoop: Loop control in client program  HaLoop: Loop control in master node Hadoop HaLoop [Bu et al. VLDB 2010 (submitted)]
  • 41. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 41 Feature: Inter-iteration Locality  Mapper Output Cache  K-means  Neural network analysis  Reducer Input Cache  Recursive join  PageRank  HITs  Social network analysis  Reducer Output Cache  Fixpiont evaluation [Bu et al. VLDB 2010 (submitted)]
  • 42. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 42 HaLoop Architecture [Bu et al. VLDB 2010 (submitted)]
  • 43. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 43 Experiments  Amazon EC2  20, 50, 90 default small instances  Datasets  Billions of Triples (120GB)  Freebase (12GB)  Livejournal social network (18GB)  Queries  Transitive Closure  PageRank  k-means [Bu et al. VLDB 2010 (submitted)]
  • 44. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 44 Application Run Time  Transitive Closure  PageRank [Bu et al. VLDB 2010 (submitted)]
  • 45. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 45 Join Time  Transitive Closure  PageRank [Bu et al. VLDB 2010 (submitted)]
  • 46. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 46 Run Time Distribution  Transitive Closure  PageRank [Bu et al. VLDB 2010 (submitted)]
  • 47. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 47 Fixpoint Evaluation  PageRank [Bu et al. VLDB 2010 (submitted)]
  • 48. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 48 Roadmap  Introduction  Context: RDBMS, MapReduce, etc.  New Extensions for Science  Recursive MapReduce  Skew Handling
  • 49. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 49 N-body Astrophysics Simulation • 15 years in dev • 109 particles • Months to run • 7.5 million CPU hours • 500 timesteps • Big Bang to now Simulations from Tom Quinn’s Lab, work by Sarah Loebman, YongChul Kwon, Bill Howe, Jeff Gardner, Magda Balazinska
  • 50. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 50 Q1: Find Hot Gas SELECT id FROM gas WHERE temp > 150000
  • 51. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 51 Single Node: Query 1 169 MB 1.4 GB 36 GB [IASDS 09]
  • 52. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 52 Multiple Nodes: Query 1 Database Z [IASDS 09]
  • 53. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 53 Q4: Gas Deletion SELECT FROM gas1 FULL OUTER JOIN gas2 ON WHERE Particles removed between two timesteps [IASDS 09]
  • 54. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 54 Single Node: Query 4 [IASDS 09]
  • 55. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 55 Multiple Nodes: Query 4 [IASDS 09]
  • 56. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 56 New Task: Scalable Clustering  Group particles into spatial clusters QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. [Kwon SSDBM 2010]
  • 57. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 57 Scalable Clustering QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. [Kwon SSDBM 2010]
  • 58. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 58 Scalable Clustering in Dryad QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. [Kwon SSDBM 2010]
  • 59. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 59 Scalable Clustering in Dryad YongChul Kwon, Dylan Nunlee, Jeff Gardner, Sarah Loebman, Magda Balazinska, Bill Howe QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. non-skewed skewed
  • 60. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 60 Roadmap  Introduction  Context: RDBMS, MapReduce, etc.  New Extensions for Science  Recursive MapReduce  Skew Handling
  • 61. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 61 Example: Friends of Friends P1 II C1 C2 C3 P3 I P4 P2 I C4 C5 C6
  • 62. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 62 Example: Friends of Friends P1 II C1 C2 C3 P3 I P4 P2 I C4 C5 C6 mergemerge P1 C1 C2 C3 P3 I P4 P2 I C4 C5 C6 C5 → C3 C6 → C4 Merge P1, P3 Merge P2, P4
  • 63. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 63 Example: Friends of Friends mergemerge P1 C1 C2 C3 P3 I P4 P2 C4 C5 C6 C5 → C3 C6 → C4 C4 → C3 C5 → C3 C6 → C3 P1 C1 C2 C3 P3 I P4 P2 I C4 C5 C6 Merge P1-P3, P2-P4
  • 64. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 64 What’s going on?! Local FoF Merge Example: Unbalanced Computation The top red line runs for 1.5 hours 5 minutes
  • 65. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 65 Which one is better?  How to decompose space?  How to schedule?  How to avoid memory overrun?
  • 66. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 66 Optimal Partitioning Plan Non-Trivial  Fine grained partitions  Less data = Less skew  Framework overhead dominates  Finding optimal point is time consuming  No guarantee of successful merge phase Can we find a good partitioning plan without trial and error?
  • 67. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 67 Skew Reduce Framework  User provides three functions  Plus (optionally) two cost functions S = sample of the input block; α and B are metadata about the block
  • 68. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 68 Skew Reduce Framework SampleSample Static Plan Static Plan Partition Process Merge Finalize InputInput Local ResultLocal Result OutputOutput •User supplied cost function •Could run in offline •User supplied cost function •Could run in offline • Hierarchically reconcile local result • Hierarchically reconcile local result • Update local result and produce final result • Update local result and produce final result Process Merge Local ResultLocal Result Data at boundary + Reconcile State Local Result Intermediate Reconciliation State
  • 69. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 69 Contiribution: SkewReduce  Two algorithms: Serial/Merge algorithm  Two cost functions for each algorithm  Find a good partition plan and schedule Serial Algorithm Merge Algorithm Cost functions Cost functions
  • 70. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 70 Does SkewReduce work?  Static plan yields 2 ~ 8 times faster running time Coarse Fine Finer Finest Manual Opt 14.1 8.8 4.1 5.7 2.0 1.6 87.2 63.1 77.7 98.7 - 14.1 Hours Minutes
  • 71. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 71 Data-Intensive Scalable Science
  • 72. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 72 BACKUP SLIDES
  • 73. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 73 Visualization + Data Management “Transferring the whole data generated … to a storage device or a visualization machine could become a serious bottleneck, because I/O would take most of the … time. A more feasible approach is to reduce and prepare the data in situ for subsequent visualization and data analysis tasks.” -- SciDAC Review We can no longer afford two separate systems
  • 74. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 74 Converging Requirements Core vis techniques (isosurfaces, volume rendering, …) Emphasis on interactive performance Mesh data as a first-class citizen Vis DB
  • 75. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 75 Converging Requirements Declarative languages Automatic data-parallelism Algebraic optimization Vis DB
  • 76. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 76 Converging Requirements Vis: “Query-driven Visualization” Vis: “In Situ Visualization” Vis: “Remote Visualization” DB: “Push the computation to the data” Vis DB
  • 77. 01/30/15 Bill Howe, UW 77 Desiderata for a “VisDB”  New Data Model  Structured and Unstructured Grids  New Query Language  Scalable grid-aware operators  Native visualization primitives  New indexing and optimization techniques  “Smart” Query Results  Interactive Apps/Dashboards

Editor's Notes

  1. Drowning in data; starving for information We’re at war with these engineering companies. FlowCAM is bragging about the amount of data they can spray out of their device. How to use this enormous data stream to answer scientific questions is someone else’s problem. “Typical large pharmas today are generating 20 terabytes of data daily. That’s probably going up to 100 terabytes per day in the next year or so.” “tens of terabytes of data per day” -- genome center at Washignton University Increase data collection exponentially with flowcam
  2. Vertical: Fewer, bigger apps Horizontal: Many, smaller apps Limiting Resource: Effort = Napps * Nbytes
  3. The goal here is to make Shared Nothing Architecturs easier to program.
  4. <number> Dryad is optimized for: throughput, data-parallel computation, in a private data-center.
  5. A dryad application is composed of a collection of processing vertices (processes). The vertices communicate with each other through channels. The vertices and channels should always compose into a directed acyclic graph.
  6. It provides a means of describing data with its natural structure only--that is, without superimposing any additional structure for machine representation purposes. Accordingly, it provides a basis for a high level data language which will yield maximal independence between programs on the one hand and machine representation on the other.
  7. It turns out that you can express a wide variety of computations using only a handful of operators.
  8. Pig compiles and optimizes the PigLatin query into map reduce jobs. It submits these jobs to the Hadoop cluster and receives the result.
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  19. Analytics and Visualization are mutually dependent Scalability Fault-tolerance Exploit shared-nothing, commodity clusters In general: Move computation to the data Data is ending up in the cloud; we need to figure out how to use it.