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“Transcending Turbulence”
                                                Gary L. Convis
                                            Chief Executive Officer
                                           Dana Holding Corporation

                                   The Management Briefing Seminars
                                 August 13, 2008 – Traverse City, Michigan

                                “I believe that both the scope and impact
                            of that which is within our control is far greater
                                    than most observers, and perhaps
                                   many of us here today, appreciate.”

Good morning. It’s a pleasure to be back in beautiful      Yes, much of what is occurring in our industry today
Traverse City and to take part in this 43rd edition of     is beyond our direct control. Some past errors in
The Management Briefing Seminars.                          strategy and execution are very difficult – and costly –
                                                           to fix. And current challenges like the skyrocketing
At the risk of stating the obvious, our theme today –      prices for petroleum, steel (which Dana uses at the
Transcending Turbulence – couldn’t be timelier, or         rate of about 1.5 million tons annually), and other
more crucial to our future.                                commodities; intense global competition; and the
                                                           ailing broader economy in the U.S. are all the result of
Turbulence, by definition, is a state of agitation or      larger forces.
irregularity – the departure from a smooth flow. As a
lifelong student of manufacturing process, where the       This graphic [refers to slide] provides a pretty stark
objective is consistent flow and repeatability, you        illustration of the downturn in the North American
could say that “turbulence” has been an enduring foe       light vehicle markets. However, I firmly believe that
of mine over the years.                                    both the scope and impact of that which is within our
                                                           control is far greater than most observers, and perhaps
Speaking more figuratively, “transcending turbulence”      many of us here today, appreciate.
has today become a virtual rallying cry across our
industry. This is particularly true here in North          When we talk of solutions to our industry’s problems,
America, where conditions – both macro and micro –         the conversation inevitably turns to the bold, game-
are as about as difficult as I have witnessed at any       changing remedies. Alternative-energy vehicles
point during my 40-plus years in this industry.            powered by hydrogen, electricity, or bio-fuels, are the
                                                           most frequently cited examples. And while it’s
At the same time, I want to be clear in also saying that   essential that we continue to advance toward these
I don’t believe our collective future is nearly as bleak   long-term solutions, I’m here to tell you that there are
as some would have us think.                               also “game-changing” benefits to be derived from the
                                                           comparatively mundane, “un-sexy” pursuit of
                                                           systematic process improvement across our
As is so often the case in times of turmoil and            Because this is precisely the effort I am currently
turbulence, it’s a recommitment to the basics – a          immersed in, I’d like to provide you a few specific
return to the very essence of our purpose – that           examples of how we are doing this at Dana.
unlocks the potential of our future.
                                                           First and foremost, we are aggressively working to
As David [Cole] noted, I spent more than 20 years at       “jump-start” our operations. Within days of joining
Toyota, where the benefits derived from the legendary      the Dana team, I launched an initiative we have
Toyota Production System are inarguable. But these         termed “Operational Excellence.” At its core,
benefits are only realized because the entire              Operational Excellence is about better aligning our
organization – from team members to senior managers        company’s resources and support infrastructure to
– understand, appreciate, and practice the                 ensure that our manufacturing operations are capable
fundamentals of TPS on a daily basis, and drive            of being best-in-industry performers.
success through a strong culture committed to
continuous improvements, big and small.                    To facilitate this, we are implementing the Dana
                                                           Operating System, which focuses on improvement in
Of course, I have brought this philosophy with me to       every Dana plant and process.
Dana, and I’ll talk about some of our efforts – and
early results – in a few moments.                          Specifically, the standard set of values, processes,
                                                           tools, and metrics in the Dana Operating System will
Dana, as you may know, has been something of a             help the people in our plants pursue the goals of
standard-bearer for turbulence in the automotive           perfect safety and quality, lowest cost (including
industry over the past decade. The company has             minimal waste and variation), and 100-percent on-
experienced several major restructurings, a hostile        time delivery.
takeover attempt, the death of a sitting chairman,
financial restatements, major divestitures, and Chapter    The Operational Excellence initiative is already well
11 reorganization … and that’s just what’s occurred        underway in North America with a strong team
during the last five years!                                assembled, multiple pilots in progress, and continued
                                                           movement toward eventual roll-out across our global
The good news in this litany of challenges is that Dana    manufacturing organization.
has emerged (quite literally) as a fundamentally
changed – and improved company.                            The early results, less than six months into the
                                                           program, have been both tangible and extremely
We have a great new Board, a strong investor in            positive.
Centerbridge Partners, positive union relationships, a
solid financial position, and an experienced new           At our Lima, Ohio, driveshaft products operation
management team that is collectively focused on            we have:
                                                              • Reduced changeover times in certain areas of
returning Dana to the leadership position it enjoyed
not so long ago.                                                  the plant from eight hours to less than two.

                                                              • Improved our capacity to deliver driveshaft
There are those who would have you believe that the
timing of our emergence is akin to one setting out with         service kits, which are a very important
a realtor’s license these days – not exactly the best           offering, by 80 percent with no substantial
conditions for immediate success.                               capital investment. In May, we produced
                                                                60,000 kits; in July, we produced 108,000.
And while we would surely prefer to begin this new
                                                              • And we’ve accomplished this without losing
chapter in Dana’s 104-year history amid a stronger
U.S. marketplace, the fact is that emergence in itself          sight of our primary pursuit at the facility –
was a substantial positive accomplishment for the               producing high-quality, heavy-duty driveshafts
Dana team. Despite the broader environment, I                   for many of the leading Class 5-8 truck
believe that there is actually a silver lining within           manufacturers. In fact, we recently eclipsed
these extreme challenges.                                       our record day in producing driveshafts from
                                                                the facility and have full confidence that this
To fully exploit this silver lining, we must begin by           kind of performance will be consistently
taking a firm grasp of that which is within our control.        achieved.                                                                                                       2
At our Auburn Hills, Michigan, driveshaft plant,            At our Longview, Texas, and Hopkinsville, Kentucky,
through strong problem solving and teamwork with            structural products stamping facilities, we are now
engineering and manufacturing, we have reduced              focusing not on how much we can produce in a given
scrap to one tenth of the level incurred there just a few   period, but rather on how much we should produce,
months ago (from nearly 4% of sales in January, to a        and how best to achieve this goal. To support this
little more than 1% today).                                 new thinking, we’ve adopted pattern production,
                                                            which seeks smaller lot sizes and more frequent die
At our Lugoff, South Carolina, Off-Highway heavy            changes, thus reducing total costs by avoiding excess
axle facility, we’ve doubled the number of axles            storage racks, fork trucks, and space.
rolling off our Hercules line from eight weeks ago,
with no increase in manpower or investment.                 This adoption of the Dana Standard KPIs is central to
                                                            our overall effort to jump-start Dana’s operations.
In our Ft. Wayne, Indiana, light axle manufacturing
plant, and our Dry Ridge, Kentucky, light axle              You might be surprised to hear that over the course of
assembly plant, we have identified and begun                my career, I’ve rarely witnessed an issue with workers
implementing standard work improvements that we             diligently pursuing their production goals.
expect will save us $2 million to $3 million annually.
Again, this is largely the result of good standardized      At the same time, I’ve consistently observed that
work and waste elimination.                                 workers are far more committed and do a far better job
                                                            when they understand how they can have a positive
While we have made good initial progress with our           impact on the outcome. To achieve this level of
pilot operations, the challenge that we face in the         engagement, we need to establish KPIs that are
coming months is embedding the cultural change of           appropriate and visible on the production floor. The
the Dana Operating System in all of our North               answer, in many cases, is as simple as providing a KPI
American plants, and then rolling out the Dana              “scoreboard” that illustrates and motivates progress.
Operating System worldwide.
                                                            This slide [refers to slide] further illustrates a number
While the DOS roll out has largely been confined to         of the tangible improvements we achieved during the
North America thus far, we have been working to             second quarter – again just a few months into the
embed a root cause/corrective action and continuous         Operational Excellence program.
improvement culture in all of our facilities worldwide
through the deployment of standard Key Performance          We also need to ensure that new team members are
Indicators, or “KPIs.”                                      equipped to understand – and perform – their role
                                                            before they begin working for us. To facilitate this,
Today, we are tracking the same six metrics with 17         we’re establishing Certified Training Centers in our
subcomponent KPIs in all 113 of our facilities              plants to ensure that these individuals are uniformly
worldwide, a first for this organization.                   trained and certified, which results in a more stable
                                                            environment and improved safety, quality, and
Additionally, we have established meeting standards         efficiency.
and visualization standards, which will be fully
implemented worldwide by the end of this quarter, to        Is any of this revolutionary? Of course not. But as I
help our plants identify root causes and many of the        noted earlier, it’s the execution of the seemingly
daily challenges that inhibit our performance and to        mundane basics that so often fuels improved
develop corrective actions to help the plants               performance.
continuously improve. This accomplishment, when
                                                            Another “basic” development at Dana is the recent
coupled with a regular operating review cadence, will
                                                            formation of an Engineering Council to implement
provide transparency into the key issues at a plant and
                                                            and spread best practices throughout our driveline
help us help our plant management teams develop
                                                            product operations and across our automotive,
defined action plans, schedules, resources, and
                                                            commercial vehicle, and off-highway groups. The
leadership to improve the past performance of all
                                                            council’s scope includes advancing and extending our
                                                            work in technological development; advanced
Today, we track and review these KPIs daily at the          engineering; testing and standards; gated
plant level, weekly, bi-weekly at the regional level,       management; VA/VE; parts communization; and
and monthly at the executive level.                         complexity reduction. In short, we’re working to
                                                            improve and replicate our best work throughout our
                                                            company.                                                                                                            3
Again, nothing revolutionary; just good old fashioned     But while current conditions may necessitate some
common sense applied in a very focused manner.            difficult actions, none of us believes in reducing our
                                                          way to prosperity. Rather, it’s about refining our
Yet another “common sense” tactic during a downturn       direction and executing with increasing discipline and
is to take advantage of the situation to tackle issues    precision.
that can’t be addressed when you’re running at full
capacity.                                                 In fact, while we are necessarily cutting in some areas,
                                                          we are also growing in others. Growth is not
One of the proudest moments during my leadership of       something you hear too much about in the auto
Toyota’s Georgetown, Kentucky, facility, was a long-      industry these days. But even amid our challenges,
term improvement we accomplished during what              there are considerable opportunities to fully leverage
many would have viewed as a moment of crisis. Back        our prospects for profitable growth.
in the early part of this decade, the Georgetown
facility was faced with the move of one of our chief      At Dana, we are pursuing growth on several fronts.
programs, the Sienna minivan, to the new Princeton,
Indiana, plant because the new model was going to be      The first is through taking advantage of our market
too large to fit in the TMMK plant. The cadence of        diversification. While many people primarily
this move left the Georgetown plant with a six-month      associate Dana with the automotive market, the fact is
gap in production and uncertainty about our future.       that North American light-duty sales actually
                                                          comprise only about a third of our overall sales.
Instead of merely riding out the storm, we embraced
the situation as an opportunity to create a new future    And nearly 40 percent of our annual sales are derived
for the facility, and to more substantially form the      from our operations devoted to the off-highway and
vision of what we called “The Plant of Choice.”           commercial vehicle sectors.

We seized on this opportunity to deploy resources to      The off-highway business has been particularly
redesign two of our paint spray booths to achieve         beneficial to Dana in recent years. Marked by the
increased automation, paint transfer efficiency, speed,   diversity of both its customers and its geographic
volume, and profitability while reducing costs            base, this business has been growing by about 20
dramatically by shutting down a third spray booth and     percent annually for several years due largely to
oven. We also embarked on an aggressive training          construction in emerging markets, as well as our
effort to “level-up” the capabilities of our workforce.   ability to supply the makers of agricultural, mining,
                                                          and forestry equipment.
The direct result of this effort, which I’ve obviously
oversimplified for the purposes of this discussion, was   Our industry extends far beyond North America and
the eventual award an all-new crossover vehicle added     into countries and regions that are experiencing strong
to the TMMK Camry, Camry Hybrid, and Avalon               growth.
vehicles built there, which significantly enhanced the
plant’s long-term future.                                 Dana’s footprint currently encompasses more than 100
                                                          operations in 26 countries and we’re expanding our
Again, I’d like to emphasize the important role of        footholds in China, India, the Mercosur region and
company leadership facing turbulent times. This           elsewhere. And we are actively looking to
could only have been achieved by looking beyond the       strategically expand to support the emerging needs in
near-term storms, and charting a path that would result   Russia, which may soon eclipse Germany as the
in a much stronger and more competitive business          leading European automotive market.
model as the waters calmed.
                                                          We’re also diversifying the company’s sales by
In turbulent times, there is obviously an enhanced        customer. Our goal is to increase sales with all of our
focus on controlling costs through aggressive             customers, while at the same time diversifying our
management of the supply chain, process efficiency,       revenue base. Today, the Detroit “Big 3” comprise
and yes, unfortunately, reducing our workforce in         approximately a third of our sales. Toyota is our third
some cases. As you may know, we recently                  largest customer, and we’ve more than doubled our
announced plans to reduce our North American              sales with Japanese-based equipment manufacturers
workforce, both salaried and hourly, by about 17          over the past decade, surpassing the $1 billion
percent largely in response to what we feel are           threshold for the first time last year.
structural changes taking place here in the U.S.                                                                                                      4
We’ve also experienced continued growth with non-           When Dana emerged from Chapter 11 reorganization
                                                            back on January 31st, we coined the theme, “Our New
automotive customers like PACCAR, Navistar, and
John Deere, all of which are among our Top 10               Beginning.” While the company had accomplished
customers in terms of sales.                                much in its reorganization, our new beginning was
                                                            just that – a beginning.
The pursuit of profitable growth is largely a tactical
effort. But beneath the tactics lies a strategic approach   I would suggest that our collective efforts to transcend
to transcending turbulence.                                 the turbulence of today’s automotive industry will also
                                                            represent a new beginning.
At Dana, we’ve determined that our future will be
aligned around our deep capabilities in driveline           And I firmly believe that while we face some
products – principally axles and driveshafts – applied      considerable headwinds and a great deal of work, we
across our three key markets: automotive, commercial        also possess the ability to successfully weather today’s
vehicle, and off-highway.                                   turbulence and shape a new beginning that is worthy
                                                            of this great industry.
To support this focus, we are realigning our North
American light vehicle businesses and leveraging            Thank you.
growth opportunities – particularly in the stronger
markets and regions I just mentioned.

Those of us who have been around a while understand
that the turbulent state of today’s automotive industry
is unquestionably serious. But we also benefit from
the perspective gained from overcoming past
challenges. And as a result, we understand that this
moment is a snapshot in time.                                                                                                      5

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dana holdings MBS_081308

  • 1. “Transcending Turbulence” Gary L. Convis Chief Executive Officer Dana Holding Corporation The Management Briefing Seminars August 13, 2008 – Traverse City, Michigan “I believe that both the scope and impact of that which is within our control is far greater than most observers, and perhaps many of us here today, appreciate.” Good morning. It’s a pleasure to be back in beautiful Yes, much of what is occurring in our industry today Traverse City and to take part in this 43rd edition of is beyond our direct control. Some past errors in The Management Briefing Seminars. strategy and execution are very difficult – and costly – to fix. And current challenges like the skyrocketing At the risk of stating the obvious, our theme today – prices for petroleum, steel (which Dana uses at the Transcending Turbulence – couldn’t be timelier, or rate of about 1.5 million tons annually), and other more crucial to our future. commodities; intense global competition; and the ailing broader economy in the U.S. are all the result of Turbulence, by definition, is a state of agitation or larger forces. irregularity – the departure from a smooth flow. As a lifelong student of manufacturing process, where the This graphic [refers to slide] provides a pretty stark objective is consistent flow and repeatability, you illustration of the downturn in the North American could say that “turbulence” has been an enduring foe light vehicle markets. However, I firmly believe that of mine over the years. both the scope and impact of that which is within our control is far greater than most observers, and perhaps Speaking more figuratively, “transcending turbulence” many of us here today, appreciate. has today become a virtual rallying cry across our industry. This is particularly true here in North When we talk of solutions to our industry’s problems, America, where conditions – both macro and micro – the conversation inevitably turns to the bold, game- are as about as difficult as I have witnessed at any changing remedies. Alternative-energy vehicles point during my 40-plus years in this industry. powered by hydrogen, electricity, or bio-fuels, are the most frequently cited examples. And while it’s At the same time, I want to be clear in also saying that essential that we continue to advance toward these I don’t believe our collective future is nearly as bleak long-term solutions, I’m here to tell you that there are as some would have us think. also “game-changing” benefits to be derived from the comparatively mundane, “un-sexy” pursuit of systematic process improvement across our operations.
  • 2. As is so often the case in times of turmoil and Because this is precisely the effort I am currently turbulence, it’s a recommitment to the basics – a immersed in, I’d like to provide you a few specific return to the very essence of our purpose – that examples of how we are doing this at Dana. unlocks the potential of our future. First and foremost, we are aggressively working to As David [Cole] noted, I spent more than 20 years at “jump-start” our operations. Within days of joining Toyota, where the benefits derived from the legendary the Dana team, I launched an initiative we have Toyota Production System are inarguable. But these termed “Operational Excellence.” At its core, benefits are only realized because the entire Operational Excellence is about better aligning our organization – from team members to senior managers company’s resources and support infrastructure to – understand, appreciate, and practice the ensure that our manufacturing operations are capable fundamentals of TPS on a daily basis, and drive of being best-in-industry performers. success through a strong culture committed to continuous improvements, big and small. To facilitate this, we are implementing the Dana Operating System, which focuses on improvement in Of course, I have brought this philosophy with me to every Dana plant and process. Dana, and I’ll talk about some of our efforts – and early results – in a few moments. Specifically, the standard set of values, processes, tools, and metrics in the Dana Operating System will Dana, as you may know, has been something of a help the people in our plants pursue the goals of standard-bearer for turbulence in the automotive perfect safety and quality, lowest cost (including industry over the past decade. The company has minimal waste and variation), and 100-percent on- experienced several major restructurings, a hostile time delivery. takeover attempt, the death of a sitting chairman, financial restatements, major divestitures, and Chapter The Operational Excellence initiative is already well 11 reorganization … and that’s just what’s occurred underway in North America with a strong team during the last five years! assembled, multiple pilots in progress, and continued movement toward eventual roll-out across our global The good news in this litany of challenges is that Dana manufacturing organization. has emerged (quite literally) as a fundamentally changed – and improved company. The early results, less than six months into the program, have been both tangible and extremely We have a great new Board, a strong investor in positive. Centerbridge Partners, positive union relationships, a solid financial position, and an experienced new At our Lima, Ohio, driveshaft products operation management team that is collectively focused on we have: • Reduced changeover times in certain areas of returning Dana to the leadership position it enjoyed not so long ago. the plant from eight hours to less than two. • Improved our capacity to deliver driveshaft There are those who would have you believe that the timing of our emergence is akin to one setting out with service kits, which are a very important a realtor’s license these days – not exactly the best offering, by 80 percent with no substantial conditions for immediate success. capital investment. In May, we produced 60,000 kits; in July, we produced 108,000. And while we would surely prefer to begin this new • And we’ve accomplished this without losing chapter in Dana’s 104-year history amid a stronger U.S. marketplace, the fact is that emergence in itself sight of our primary pursuit at the facility – was a substantial positive accomplishment for the producing high-quality, heavy-duty driveshafts Dana team. Despite the broader environment, I for many of the leading Class 5-8 truck believe that there is actually a silver lining within manufacturers. In fact, we recently eclipsed these extreme challenges. our record day in producing driveshafts from the facility and have full confidence that this To fully exploit this silver lining, we must begin by kind of performance will be consistently taking a firm grasp of that which is within our control. achieved. 2
  • 3. At our Auburn Hills, Michigan, driveshaft plant, At our Longview, Texas, and Hopkinsville, Kentucky, through strong problem solving and teamwork with structural products stamping facilities, we are now engineering and manufacturing, we have reduced focusing not on how much we can produce in a given scrap to one tenth of the level incurred there just a few period, but rather on how much we should produce, months ago (from nearly 4% of sales in January, to a and how best to achieve this goal. To support this little more than 1% today). new thinking, we’ve adopted pattern production, which seeks smaller lot sizes and more frequent die At our Lugoff, South Carolina, Off-Highway heavy changes, thus reducing total costs by avoiding excess axle facility, we’ve doubled the number of axles storage racks, fork trucks, and space. rolling off our Hercules line from eight weeks ago, with no increase in manpower or investment. This adoption of the Dana Standard KPIs is central to our overall effort to jump-start Dana’s operations. In our Ft. Wayne, Indiana, light axle manufacturing plant, and our Dry Ridge, Kentucky, light axle You might be surprised to hear that over the course of assembly plant, we have identified and begun my career, I’ve rarely witnessed an issue with workers implementing standard work improvements that we diligently pursuing their production goals. expect will save us $2 million to $3 million annually. Again, this is largely the result of good standardized At the same time, I’ve consistently observed that work and waste elimination. workers are far more committed and do a far better job when they understand how they can have a positive While we have made good initial progress with our impact on the outcome. To achieve this level of pilot operations, the challenge that we face in the engagement, we need to establish KPIs that are coming months is embedding the cultural change of appropriate and visible on the production floor. The the Dana Operating System in all of our North answer, in many cases, is as simple as providing a KPI American plants, and then rolling out the Dana “scoreboard” that illustrates and motivates progress. Operating System worldwide. This slide [refers to slide] further illustrates a number While the DOS roll out has largely been confined to of the tangible improvements we achieved during the North America thus far, we have been working to second quarter – again just a few months into the embed a root cause/corrective action and continuous Operational Excellence program. improvement culture in all of our facilities worldwide through the deployment of standard Key Performance We also need to ensure that new team members are Indicators, or “KPIs.” equipped to understand – and perform – their role before they begin working for us. To facilitate this, Today, we are tracking the same six metrics with 17 we’re establishing Certified Training Centers in our subcomponent KPIs in all 113 of our facilities plants to ensure that these individuals are uniformly worldwide, a first for this organization. trained and certified, which results in a more stable environment and improved safety, quality, and Additionally, we have established meeting standards efficiency. and visualization standards, which will be fully implemented worldwide by the end of this quarter, to Is any of this revolutionary? Of course not. But as I help our plants identify root causes and many of the noted earlier, it’s the execution of the seemingly daily challenges that inhibit our performance and to mundane basics that so often fuels improved develop corrective actions to help the plants performance. continuously improve. This accomplishment, when Another “basic” development at Dana is the recent coupled with a regular operating review cadence, will formation of an Engineering Council to implement provide transparency into the key issues at a plant and and spread best practices throughout our driveline help us help our plant management teams develop product operations and across our automotive, defined action plans, schedules, resources, and commercial vehicle, and off-highway groups. The leadership to improve the past performance of all council’s scope includes advancing and extending our KPIs. work in technological development; advanced Today, we track and review these KPIs daily at the engineering; testing and standards; gated plant level, weekly, bi-weekly at the regional level, management; VA/VE; parts communization; and and monthly at the executive level. complexity reduction. In short, we’re working to improve and replicate our best work throughout our company. 3
  • 4. Again, nothing revolutionary; just good old fashioned But while current conditions may necessitate some common sense applied in a very focused manner. difficult actions, none of us believes in reducing our way to prosperity. Rather, it’s about refining our Yet another “common sense” tactic during a downturn direction and executing with increasing discipline and is to take advantage of the situation to tackle issues precision. that can’t be addressed when you’re running at full capacity. In fact, while we are necessarily cutting in some areas, we are also growing in others. Growth is not One of the proudest moments during my leadership of something you hear too much about in the auto Toyota’s Georgetown, Kentucky, facility, was a long- industry these days. But even amid our challenges, term improvement we accomplished during what there are considerable opportunities to fully leverage many would have viewed as a moment of crisis. Back our prospects for profitable growth. in the early part of this decade, the Georgetown facility was faced with the move of one of our chief At Dana, we are pursuing growth on several fronts. programs, the Sienna minivan, to the new Princeton, Indiana, plant because the new model was going to be The first is through taking advantage of our market too large to fit in the TMMK plant. The cadence of diversification. While many people primarily this move left the Georgetown plant with a six-month associate Dana with the automotive market, the fact is gap in production and uncertainty about our future. that North American light-duty sales actually comprise only about a third of our overall sales. Instead of merely riding out the storm, we embraced the situation as an opportunity to create a new future And nearly 40 percent of our annual sales are derived for the facility, and to more substantially form the from our operations devoted to the off-highway and vision of what we called “The Plant of Choice.” commercial vehicle sectors. We seized on this opportunity to deploy resources to The off-highway business has been particularly redesign two of our paint spray booths to achieve beneficial to Dana in recent years. Marked by the increased automation, paint transfer efficiency, speed, diversity of both its customers and its geographic volume, and profitability while reducing costs base, this business has been growing by about 20 dramatically by shutting down a third spray booth and percent annually for several years due largely to oven. We also embarked on an aggressive training construction in emerging markets, as well as our effort to “level-up” the capabilities of our workforce. ability to supply the makers of agricultural, mining, and forestry equipment. The direct result of this effort, which I’ve obviously oversimplified for the purposes of this discussion, was Our industry extends far beyond North America and the eventual award an all-new crossover vehicle added into countries and regions that are experiencing strong to the TMMK Camry, Camry Hybrid, and Avalon growth. vehicles built there, which significantly enhanced the plant’s long-term future. Dana’s footprint currently encompasses more than 100 operations in 26 countries and we’re expanding our Again, I’d like to emphasize the important role of footholds in China, India, the Mercosur region and company leadership facing turbulent times. This elsewhere. And we are actively looking to could only have been achieved by looking beyond the strategically expand to support the emerging needs in near-term storms, and charting a path that would result Russia, which may soon eclipse Germany as the in a much stronger and more competitive business leading European automotive market. model as the waters calmed. We’re also diversifying the company’s sales by In turbulent times, there is obviously an enhanced customer. Our goal is to increase sales with all of our focus on controlling costs through aggressive customers, while at the same time diversifying our management of the supply chain, process efficiency, revenue base. Today, the Detroit “Big 3” comprise and yes, unfortunately, reducing our workforce in approximately a third of our sales. Toyota is our third some cases. As you may know, we recently largest customer, and we’ve more than doubled our announced plans to reduce our North American sales with Japanese-based equipment manufacturers workforce, both salaried and hourly, by about 17 over the past decade, surpassing the $1 billion percent largely in response to what we feel are threshold for the first time last year. structural changes taking place here in the U.S. 4
  • 5. We’ve also experienced continued growth with non- When Dana emerged from Chapter 11 reorganization back on January 31st, we coined the theme, “Our New automotive customers like PACCAR, Navistar, and John Deere, all of which are among our Top 10 Beginning.” While the company had accomplished customers in terms of sales. much in its reorganization, our new beginning was just that – a beginning. The pursuit of profitable growth is largely a tactical effort. But beneath the tactics lies a strategic approach I would suggest that our collective efforts to transcend to transcending turbulence. the turbulence of today’s automotive industry will also represent a new beginning. At Dana, we’ve determined that our future will be aligned around our deep capabilities in driveline And I firmly believe that while we face some products – principally axles and driveshafts – applied considerable headwinds and a great deal of work, we across our three key markets: automotive, commercial also possess the ability to successfully weather today’s vehicle, and off-highway. turbulence and shape a new beginning that is worthy of this great industry. To support this focus, we are realigning our North American light vehicle businesses and leveraging Thank you. growth opportunities – particularly in the stronger markets and regions I just mentioned. Those of us who have been around a while understand that the turbulent state of today’s automotive industry is unquestionably serious. But we also benefit from the perspective gained from overcoming past challenges. And as a result, we understand that this moment is a snapshot in time. 5