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Facebook Ads for
Ecommerce /
Understanding iOS14 & its
Susan Wenograd
The journey of this course
Lesson 1
Facebook in the
era of iOS14
This is a short
description of the
Lesson 2
Pixel, Event
and Audience
The backbone parts of
your ad account setup.
Lesson 3
Campaigns & Ad
Settings, pros/cons,
and targeting in post
Lesson 4
Creative &
Messaging for
Your Ads
The ad messaging ads
should focus on, and
how to organize your
creative library for
easier analysis.
Lesson 5
Using Facebook
Go beyond just running
ads for sales with
these additional
Campaign types &
Lesson Objectives
1. How this affects Facebook advertisers.
a. How it has likely impacted targeting
b. What it means for the data you see
2. What the data means in this new era.
How FB Data Used
to Work
Facebook used to have a LOT of data, thanks to its
pixel being a fixture on almost every website out
Facebook user behavior could be pieced together
outside of what they did on Facebook.
This information could then be used by advertisers to
target on Facebook.
Sounds great, right? (It was.)
FB Pixel on
On-FB and
But then, iOS14
Prior to iOS14: Users were automatically opted into
this tracking, unless they went into settings and
disabled it.
After iOS14: A prompt had users opt IN.
Estimates are a
60%+ Opt-Out
Ouch. Let’s see why this hurts.
How did this affect
Facebook Ads?
● Online behaviors off-Facebook that contribute to targeting disappear. They know
less about their users than then used to.
How did this affect
Facebook Ads?
● Actions a user takes directly on an advertiser’s site (did they purchase? Did they
Add to Cart?)
● A user will only be tied to one event (Example: They Added to Cart and
Purchased, it will only track Purchase if tracking is enabled.)
How did this affect
Facebook Ads?
● Without that data, it has less to use for
● Less data feedback on whether the users are
performing the actions the advertiser wants
FB Pixel on
On-FB and
Are Facebook Ads
worthless now?
Many claimed this would be the death knell for Facebook.
While it doesn’t work like it used to, that doesn’t mean it just “doesn’t work.”
Many brands still cite and use Facebook as one of their primary media drivers.
Case Study:
How an
stayed the
● Lookalike audiences based off site visitor
● Niche interest groups with creative tightly
messaged to those user types.
● To prepare, we stopped focusing on
Facebook’s metrics, and came up with overall
ROAS goals for site sales to gauge advertising
Avg monthly spend: $325,000-$350,000
January: 2.7
February: 2.4
March: 2.4
April: 2.2
Initial Post-iOS14
● Users started opting in during a rolling period of
weeks while their phones updated.
● Initial data loss created noticeable issues of
poor ad performance.
Dropped spend to just over $200,000 (exept for Q4)
June: 1.6
July: 1.8
August: 1.7
September: 1.9
Oct: 2.0
How do you think their
targeting has changed?
Recent Post-iOS14
● Broad targeting
● Interest groups stay much broader
● Lookalikes don’t work as well, and we rarely use
them with this client
● More creative, and faster iterations on versions
that are working.
Monthly Spend remains around $225,000. Other
money distributed to heavy up in Google and TikTok.
Jan: 1.9
Feb: 2.1
Mar: 2.0
Apr: 1.9
It now falls more to the
advertisers to make
this work.
If you tackle Facebook Ads knowing this, and with
pointes we’ll show you, you won’t have the panic
many brands have had.
The brands that
succeed know…
#1: Advertising channels work together to deliver results.
In-platform attribution was never totally correct.
The brands that
succeed know…
#2: Ads get users in the door, but that doesn’t build a
The brands that
succeed know…
#3: Their numbers: conversion rates, upsell rates, lifetime
value, and all the things that make a healthy, sustainable
Facebook Ads are a tactic, not a strategy.
Do you feel you have a good
grasp on your business?
If so, then don’t be scared off by people frustrated
over Facebook Ads, and focus on what you can
Lesson Recap
1. What iOS14 did
2. How it affected data feedback to Facebook
3. How this affected targeting and event tracking
4. What brands need to know to navigate this new era.
Lesson Resources
Facebook’s detailed Business Center release on iOS14 can be found here, if you’d like to
know the more intricate details of the landscape.
● Log all the relevant metrics in your ecommerce world.
○ Average conversion rates
○ Lifetime value
● Use these to understand an acceptable cost to acquire new customers.
● Also calculate the Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) that makes sense for your business
Facebook Ads Success
in Ecommerce
Pixel, Event Measurement and Audience Creation
Instructor Name
The journey of this course
Lesson 1
Facebook in the
era of iOS14
This is a short
description of the
Lesson 2
Pixel, Event
and Audience
The backbone parts of
your ad account setup.
Lesson 3
Campaigns & Ad
Settings, pros/cons,
and targeting in post
Lesson 4
Creative &
Messaging for
Your Ads
Winning with creative
means having a plan.
Here’s the framework
and best practices for
Facebook Ad creative
Lesson 5
Going Beyond
Conversion Goals
Go beyond Conversion
goals to leverage other
things Facebook is
good at, to propel your
business results.
Lesson Objectives
1. Ensuring pixel setup and event tracking are correct in the post-iOS14 world.
2. The difference between CAPI and the Facebook Pixel, and why to have both.
3. Audience types you can create, and how to use your own customer data.
The Pixel & Aggregated
Event Measurement
Pixel Events
Pixel Events
Aggregated Event
“Allows for measurement of web and
app events from people using iOS 14.5
or later devices”
8 designated events only from a
verified domain
Prioritizing Events
Prioritizing Events
Web Purchase Events with Revenue: Automatically uses 4 of your 8 slots
Link to specific documentation at end of deck.
Creating Custom
For anything outside “typical” Events in Ecommerce
Creating Custom
URL logic can be set to “contains,” “includes,” or
“Doesn’t contain.”
CAPI (Conversion API)
CAPI vs. Cookies
Your Website Server
Facebook Ads Manager
User Browser Cookie Added
Your Website
Facebook’s Server
Accessing CAPI
Things to Know
You need server access for implementation.
If you’re not a developer, you will likely want to have one handy, as it will require some
coding work to format your events to be read by Facebook’s API.
It’s worth it if you experience a large disparity between Facebook data and your on-site
data. It will not “fix it” (nothing will), but more data is not a bad thing.
Creating Audiences
First-Party vs. Meta
● First-party: Data you provide to Facebook (email addresses, web traffic, etc).
● Facebook Data: Interest-based (FB determines this) and on-platform behaviors.
Let’s look at these in more detail.
Creating Audiences
Creating Audiences
Creating Audiences
Using Your Data
● Your email lists
● Segments of your product catalog, based on what users viewed, added to cart, or
● Pixel-based behaviors (viewed x pages, etc)
Creating Audiences
Using Meta’s Data:
Most Common
● Users who viewed x% of specified videos
● Users who viewed or filled out lead forms in your ads
● Users who opened an Instant Experience ad to interact with it
● Users who interacted with your posts or Page on FB or IG
Using Audiences to
your Benefit
High-interaction content can play a crucial role in your ad efforts.
Think through what you have, and how to leverage it.
Highly-engaged video → Create segment of watchers and run remarketing ads
Think through what audiences you have that you can leverage, beyond the obvious ones:
1. Look at your content. Are there standouts for interaction/watching?
2. Would it be worth running it to more people as a Video View campaign?
a. Cheaper than Conversion campaigns
b. Builds the Audience segment of those who watched.
3. The same can be done for written content or posts. Do you have any that resonated with
your core audience?
Figure out what audience segments you can make that should get remarketing ads as their
next step.
Lookalike Audiences
What are
Indicate audience you
want to find more of from
your Custom Audience
This can be based on
your own data, or on their
FB-based behaviors, like
our previous examples.
Facebook matches those
users to FB users,
understands their patterns of
behavior, and finds other users
not on the list who are like that.
How Well Do They
● Unfortunately, pixel-based behavior lookalikes have suffered with iOS14. Less data
means Facebook can’t be as accurate as it was.
● Success also depends on how specific you are with who you want.
○ If your list is enormous and contains many different buyer types, this won’t
help Facebook much.
○ If it’s too small, FB will struggle to discern patterns
● Recommended size is at least a few thousand, assuming they are a very defined
persona type.
Examples of Lookalike
● Sometimes less is more!
○ Upload separate lists of buyers based on amount spent.
○ Upload separate lists of buyers based on what was purchased.
○ Upload lists from holiday season to help locate gifters outside of your usual
Lesson Recap
1. Leverage audiences you own that don’t rely on the Facebook pixel.
2. Maximize audiences who interact with you in various ways on Facebook. That data isn’t
as eroded, and it’s often overlooked.
3. Test lookalikes, but make sure the seed audience is a good representation of what you
want. Think through your buyers and customer types, and do more lists with less people
if that makes sense for your situation.
Facebook Ads for
Campaign and Ad Options
Instructor Name
The journey of this course
Lesson 1
Facebook in the
era of iOS14
This is a short
description of the
Lesson 2
Pixel, Event
and Audience
The backbone parts of
your ad account setup.
Lesson 3
Campaigns & Ad
Settings, pros/cons,
and targeting in post
Lesson 4
Creative &
Messaging for
Your Ads
Lesson 5
Going Beyond
Conversion Goals
Winning with creative
means having a plan.
Here’s the framework
and best practices for
Facebook Ad creative
Go beyond Conversion
goals to leverage other
things Facebook is
good at, to propel your
business results.
Lesson Objectives
1. Review the components of a Facebook Ads campaign.
2. Understand the targeting options you have to reach your ideal customers.
Facebook Ads operate as a parent-child system
comprised of Campaign→ Ad Sets → Ad Creative.
Ad Set
Ad Ad
Ad Set
Ad Ad Ad
Different settings for your advertising are set up in
Campaigns and Ad Sets.
Here’s a breakdown of the major options, and where
they live between the two.
Budget is one exception to this division, where it can
be set in either section.
● Campaign Type/Objective
● Budget (optionally)
● Total Spend Cap
● Special Category ID (if applicable)
● Targeting
● Budget (optionally)
● Optimization Action
● Attribution Model
● Schedule
● Audience Target
● Placement Options
● Device Targets
Campaign Options &
1: Campaign
In most cases, ecommerce campaigns use
Conversions as their goal.
This doesn’t always have to be a Purchase - it can be
anything you set up as your key Events in your pixel
set up.
We will also cover Catalog sales in a later lesson.
2: Special Ad
If you are in what Facebook classifies as a “sensitive
subject area,” you will have gone through an identity
verification process, which allows you to run this type
of messaging.
Here is where you would check off which group you
belong to.
If you don’t, you can leave this blank.
3: Capping Lifetime
If your Campaign has a defined budget that you
cannot go over, you set this cap here.
Ways to Allocate
There are two ways to budget in Facebook:
1. Budget for a Campaign, which will then have
Facebook distribute the spend to the Ad Sets
as it sees fit.
2. Budget is specifically assigned to each Ad Set,
and you set no budget at the Campaign level
What do you think the
Pros/Cons of CBO might be?
CBO: Pros & Cons
Simpler budget management
Possible overall better performance
with Facebook automatically
adjusting your spend to your best-
performing Ad Sets.
Facebook now gets less data,
which can impact CBO’s ability to
determine winners.
Less control if you have a specific
way you want money spent.
Pros Cons
4: Campaign Budget
Optimization (“CBO”)
Using CBO means you would then set these options
to apply to all of your Ad Sets.
If you don’t use CBO, you will still have these options,
but they are set up with each Ad Set.
Campaign Bidding
● Most advertisers leave this as “highest value
or lowest cost.”
● Other bidding types have struggled since
iOS14, due to lack of data.
● Start with lowest cost, see where it hits.
○ After that, test Cost cap.
○ Testing Cost cap with no
history/baseline can cause it to not
ROAS bidding is largely ineffective at this point.
Ad Set Options & Settings
Setting Your
Facebook will automatically list the pixel you have
associated with your account.
The dropdown will automatically populate with the
Aggregated Events you set up in Business Manager
tracked by your pixel.
Choose the event you want Facebook to optimize
your buy for. (This is usually Purchase.)
Opting in to Dynamic
Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO) isn’t actually
set up until the Ad Creative section, but you opt into it
We will cover this more in depth when we dive into
creative - for now, just know that’s where the control
for it sits.
Setting Your Budget
& Schedule
If you did not opt in to Campaign Budgeting, then you
will see the same options here in the Ad Set.
● Daily or lifetime budget
● Start/End dates (optional)
● Ad Schedule (only available with lifetime
budget setting)
Targeting Your
There are three main ways to target:
● Custom Audience: One that you own or created,
example: email list, lookalikes
● Saved Audience: One that you assembled and
saved to be used over and over
● Detailed Targeting: Using Facebook’s
classifications of its users
Gender, Age, Location are also standard.
Excluding Audiences
Still recommended as a best practice, however:
Remember, iOS14 will affect excluding audiences
based on site pixel - so some of your excluded
audiences will likely still see your ads.
● Users who have purchased.
● Users who visited but didn’t purchase & need
specific remarketing creative.
Typical Account Structure
Using CBO with
Categorized Ad Sets
Assigning a campaign-level budget, but keeping the
ad sets along the same theme.
● Lookalikes grouped together
● Interests
These days, highly specific ad groups aren’t advised.
Larger groups are better to help make up for less
How Should You
Target Now?
● Broader is better. Facebook needs large data pools, and that has gotten harder with iOS14.
● Facebook also can easily draw associations between your goal and the audiences it has. You can
give it a general direction and it will optimize as it learns, without needing to be overly prescriptive.
Is Remarketing Still a
● Yes and no.
● Yes, set up retargeting, but be ready for it to not do what you might expect.
● Test NOT excluding these audiences from your larger groups - this can actually make your results better
overall. (Remember, FB needs more data per ad set, not less.)
Lesson Recap
1. Campaigns and Ad Sets both have settings that affect your targeting, spend, and results.
2. Aggregated Event Measurement was created in response to iOS14. It’s crucial you have
it set up properly for the best chance of optimization.
3. Audience targeting has drastically changed, from hyper-specific to tell Facebook what to
do, to telling Facebook what you want done and having them find the audiences.
4. Remarketing has also changed, and cannot be relied upon the same way it was.
Lesson Resources
1. More on Event Measurement details can be read here
2. Details on choosing to use Value Measurement in your Purchase events, and how that
affects your number of named events is here.
Facebook Ads for
Creative Messaging & Your Ads
Instructor Name
The journey of this course
Lesson 1
Facebook in the
era of iOS14
This is a short
description of the
Lesson 2
Pixel, Event
and Audience
The backbone parts of
your ad account setup.
Lesson 3
Campaigns & Ad
Settings, pros/cons,
and targeting in post
Lesson 4
Creative &
Messaging for
Your Ads
Lesson 5
Winning with creative
means having a plan.
Here’s the framework
and best practices for
Facebook Ad creative
Going Beyond
Conversion Goals
Go beyond Conversion
goals to leverage other
things Facebook is
good at, to propel your
business results.
Lesson Objectives
1. Breakdown of common creative constructs.
2. What to test in your ads.
3. How to plan your testing, so you’re never looking for ideas and staring at a blank screen.
The Importance of
Reduction in targeting ability leaves creative as the
main lever of control in Facebook/Instagram.
The #1 Mistake
Having no plan wastes time, money, and effort.
Creative testing needs to be a crucial, focused part of your marketing efforts.
Without it, it leads to:
● Random ads without evolving to what works.
● Not understand what your customers care about.
● Lack of understanding to your strengths.
● Flailing, last minute creative tries where nothing is learned, and hope is a strategy.
The Other
Unfortunately, the in-app experience for
analyzing creative in Facebook isn’t that
It doesn’t create views that help you get high-
level insights.
To do it well, usually a third-party tool is best,
but we will go through a manual way.
How to Start in a
Ready State
Creative is often mistaken as something that has to be inspired and go viral.
Creative that works is a result of testing with purpose, but many brands don’t understand how to handle
creative in a purposeful way.
We’re going to break down, step by step, how to make a Creative testing plan.
Preparing Ahead to
This can be done however you’re most comfortable.
For example’s sake, we’ll do this in a Google Sheet.
Figure Out Your Naming
Because Facebook isn’t a great place to derive larger-scale insights, work around this by naming your ads
Your way may vary, but here’s a way to start.
This will allow you to export your data and get insights more easily.
First: Creative
Types & Names
At its most basic level, your Facebook Ads are made
up of visuals and text.
First, list them and decide how you’ll refer to them in
your ad names. Here’s an example on the right.
● Static images → static
● Illustrations → illus
● Videos → video
● Animated Gifs → gif
● Headline → hl
● Paragraph Text → pt
● In-Image Copy → iic
Make a Simple
Creative Key
You can do this in a Google Sheet, an Excel
Sheet…whatever makes sense for your situation.
(This not only acts as a creative inventory, but it is
also a great way to not run out of ideas.)
Make a tab for headlines, and one for paragraph text.
Second: Catalog
What You’ll Run
On both sheets:
● Call the first column “ID”
● The second column can be called “Headline
Text.” (Or Paragraph Text, depending on the
● Go down the “Text” line, and start filling in your
copy, one version per line.
● You can insert your first ID number, and just
keep going up as you add a version.
Many brands don’t do this next part, because they
already have a name to the creative they choose to
But, if you want to, you can do something similar for
visuals. In this instance, we’ll pretend you have a
creative storage system in Google Drive.
● Add another tab. You’ll probably want one tab
per creative type (ie, one for Image, one for
Video, etc)
● Like before, drop in ID numbers
● Then a description of the asset
● If helpful, hyperlink to the asset for easy
retrieval if you need to see it in the future.
Then What?
Now, you have a way to name your creative that is:
1. Consistent, so you can easily analyze by
exporting data
2. Not subject to personal preference, so no
matter who runs the ads, you’re all naming
things the same way.
Here’s an example on the right of how you’d name an
Let’s Look at it in
Remember this?
It’s a long list of ads that aren’t named the same way.
The names used shorthand, made up by whoever ran
the ads…short of going into every single one, it’s hard
to know what it had in it.
Let’s Look at it in
With the ads named consistently, we now have this.
And when you export it, you get a nice Excel Sheet,
which aggregate the results into a pivot table!
Let’s Look at it in
With the ads named consistently, we now have this.
And when you export it, you get a nice Excel Sheet,
which aggregate the results into a pivot table!
Let’s Look at it in
Now you can easily see the best version, filter by
certain headlines or text, isolate video vs. gif vs.
static…you get the idea!
Common Creative Focus &
Unlimited Ideas
Let’s Break It Down
Creative can feel overwhelming.
Fortunately, if you have some basic formulas to start with, it’ll give you good direction!
Let’s review the most common ad types, and then also best practices to keep in mind.
UGC Testimonials
Build credibility by letting your customers sell it for you.
● Video of customer giving their review while holding the product in the frame.
● User-submitted images, with their testimonials in text.
Day in the Life
Help users visualize their future self.
● Quick video showing the product in use so people see its benefit live in the ad.
● “My life now” shots that showcase how their day or life is better, summarized in a shot of a video.
Why It’s For You
Help the user immediately identify them as the person who will love this product.
● “This is for you”: Know your audience, and say exactly who it’s for, framed as the problem it solves. (“If
you’re sick of…”)
● Here’s a List of Why: Give them the reasons they need it, and be specific and succinct
Do you have things that
already fit this criteria?
Best Practices for Your
Creative in Action
The First 3 Seconds
● Interesting
visual/contrast/bright colors
● Clear Value Message
Show, Don’t Tell
● Don’t describe it when you
can show it!
Assume No Sound
Notice how in the previous two
examples, they use text a lot?
Assume ads won’t be heard. Watch
your versions with the sound off.
Use Emotion &
Even with the sound off, you can tell
a genuine reaction from an actor.
Get those “OMG” moments from
first-time users of your product.
Based on these best
practices, what assets could
you start with immediately?
1. Make your creative key. You will thank yourself later as you get more and more creative
2. Catalog what you have, and push yourself to brainstorm future text versions right into
the sheet. Jot down ideas anytime they come up.
3. Review what creative you have, and how you can make it fit into one or a few of the best
practice frameworks.
Lesson Recap
1. Make a creative key of some kind - it’s ok to adapt to your situation, but this will help you
analyze and understand larger trends of what works for your brand.
2. Creative needs a plan, or you won’t know what you’re testing or trying to learn.
3. Brainstorm ahead of time, and evaluate what you have as your starting point. Don’t try
and solve for everything in one creative or one test.
Facebook Ads for
Ecommerce / Campaigns
& Targeting
Using Facebook Beyond Conversions
Instructor Name
The journey of this course
Lesson 1
Facebook in the
era of iOS14
This is a short
description of the
Lesson 2
Pixel, Event
and Audience
The backbone parts of
your ad account setup.
Lesson 3
Campaigns & Ad
Settings, pros/cons,
and targeting in post
Lesson 4
Creative &
Messaging for
Your Ads
The ad messaging ads
should focus on, and
how to organize your
creative library for
easier analysis.
Lesson 5
Using Facebook
Go beyond just running
ads for sales with
these additional
Campaign types &
Lesson Objectives
1. Other campaign types with different goals.
2. Things to test once you’re up and running.
Going Beyond
Additional Campaign types can both empower your
Conversion-focused efforts, and keep customers
engaged ongoing!
Here are some creative ways to go beyond simply
running ads that try and sell right away.
Of course, iOS14 may affect how well these do, but
they don’t hurt to try.
Case Study: Using Facebook
to Pre-Empt Holiday Costs
The Situation
Business type: Large female apparel retailer
Issue: Holidays aren’t their busiest season, but
discounts are expected. Rising Facebook costs were
making it almost cost-prohibitive to run.
Hypothesis: Get users into a VIP email list prior to
Holidays, and lean on that for the sales versus
running hard on Conversion ads during Black
Friday/Cyber Monday weekend.
The Test
● We can avoid spending so hard Black
Friday/Cyber Monday if we lean on email.
● Entice users to sign onto VIP list prior to
holidays, and get sales that way.
● Media will be cheaper prior, and cheaper using
lead ads.
Send BFCM Sales
Ads were cut off the week
before Thanksgiving, and only
remarketing was run for
Upload Customer List
We uploaded their list of
customers who purchased in
the previous 6 months.
Create Lead Ad
We ran Lead Ads to them the
last week in Oct/first week of
Nov, offering to add them to a
VIP list.
They would receive access to
the BFCM deals a day early,
and would get an email with
the deals.
The Results
ROAS of Ads run on
Emails sign ups:
$4.34 each
Tactic: Use Engagement
Campaigns to Strengthen
Conversion Ads
Conversion vs.
Social proof is strong attention-getter when there’s
high user interaction!
The problem? Conversions campaigns look for
buyers, not necessarily interactions.
Conversion vs.
Engagement campaigns get that social proof. The
challenge is, it’s tied to the Ad ID.
The solution?
Engagement campaigns, with a shared Ad ID to your
Conversion campaign!
Here’s How!
Create your ad, and launch it in an Engagement
IMPORTANT: Have it targeted to your ideal audience.
Genuine interaction is important.
Engagement campaigns are MUCH less expensive
than Conversion campaigns, so you don’t have to put
very much to it per day.
Run the same ID for
Facebook acts like it gives you this option, but it
frequently doesn’t actually work.
Let’s look at a workaround.
Run the same ID for
Open the existing creative in the Engagement
campaign, and choose “Facebook Post with
This will open it on a new screen, within the Facebook
Feed interface.
Run the same ID for
This is your Ad ID. Copy it.
Run the same ID for
Create a new ad in your Conversion Campaign.
Change the default of “Create Ad” to “Use Existing
Run the same ID for
The option to enter the Post ID will appear. Paste your
copied ID there, and you’ll see the ad populate in the
Push it live, and now it’s running both places!
Your comments/likes/shares from the Engagement
Campaign will populate onto the ad version running in
the Conversion campaign.
There is another sneaky
added bonus to these two
Beefing Up
As we covered in lesson 1, website-side audiences
took a large hit with iOS14.
These on-Facebook interactions create whole other
remarketing audiences for you to keep your ads in
front of.
Let’s look at how.
Target Lead Form
In the case study at the start of this lesson, we used
Lead Ads.
You can make a targetable audience off their Lead
Form interactions.
Choose the
Interaction & Form
Target Engagement
Create a new Audience.
Choose Facebook Page as the source for the
Target Engagement
Create a new Audience.
Choose Facebook Page as the source for the
Run remarketing to these Audiences.
Do they convert? If so, for how much?
Note: You can also do the same thing with Video
Cost of getting them
into remarketing
Cost to run conversion
campaign to them for
1. Consider ways to use Facebook beyond looking for quick sales.
2. List your options for things Engagement or Video Views. What videos do you have that
would naturally encourage interaction/engagement?
3. Run a small test using an alternate campaign type to build on-Facebook remarketing
audiences, and see how they do over time from a sales standpoint.
Lesson Recap
1. Facebook can be used for tactics and methods other than Conversions.
2. User engagement and interaction can still be a valuable thing to get, especially because
your ideal audience is certainly in those groups.
3. Think outside of just Conversions to maximize the reach Facebook Ads have. Use those
alternate methods to help backfill remarketing audiences.

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  • 1. Facebook Ads for Ecommerce / Understanding iOS14 & its Impact Susan Wenograd
  • 2. The journey of this course Lesson 1 Understanding Facebook in the era of iOS14 This is a short description of the lesson. Lesson 2 Pixel, Event Measurement, and Audience Types The backbone parts of your ad account setup. Lesson 3 Campaigns & Ad Sets Settings, pros/cons, and targeting in post iOS14. Lesson 4 Creative & Messaging for Your Ads The ad messaging ads should focus on, and how to organize your creative library for easier analysis. Lesson 5 Using Facebook Beyond Conversions Go beyond just running ads for sales with these additional Campaign types & tactics.
  • 3. Lesson Objectives 1. How this affects Facebook advertisers. a. How it has likely impacted targeting b. What it means for the data you see 2. What the data means in this new era.
  • 4. How FB Data Used to Work Facebook used to have a LOT of data, thanks to its pixel being a fixture on almost every website out there. Facebook user behavior could be pieced together outside of what they did on Facebook. This information could then be used by advertisers to target on Facebook. Sounds great, right? (It was.) FB Pixel on External Sites On-FB and On-IG activity User
  • 5. But then, iOS14 happened. Prior to iOS14: Users were automatically opted into this tracking, unless they went into settings and disabled it. After iOS14: A prompt had users opt IN.
  • 6. Estimates are a 60%+ Opt-Out Rate Ouch. Let’s see why this hurts.
  • 7. How did this affect Facebook Ads? ● Online behaviors off-Facebook that contribute to targeting disappear. They know less about their users than then used to.
  • 8. How did this affect Facebook Ads? ● Actions a user takes directly on an advertiser’s site (did they purchase? Did they Add to Cart?) ● A user will only be tied to one event (Example: They Added to Cart and Purchased, it will only track Purchase if tracking is enabled.)
  • 9. How did this affect Facebook Ads? ● Without that data, it has less to use for targeting. ● Less data feedback on whether the users are performing the actions the advertiser wants FB Pixel on External Sites On-FB and On-IG activity User
  • 10. Are Facebook Ads worthless now? Many claimed this would be the death knell for Facebook. While it doesn’t work like it used to, that doesn’t mean it just “doesn’t work.” Many brands still cite and use Facebook as one of their primary media drivers.
  • 12. Pre-iOS14 ● Lookalike audiences based off site visitor behavior ● Niche interest groups with creative tightly messaged to those user types. ● To prepare, we stopped focusing on Facebook’s metrics, and came up with overall ROAS goals for site sales to gauge advertising effectiveness. Avg monthly spend: $325,000-$350,000 January: 2.7 February: 2.4 March: 2.4 April: 2.2
  • 13. Initial Post-iOS14 ● Users started opting in during a rolling period of weeks while their phones updated. ● Initial data loss created noticeable issues of poor ad performance. Dropped spend to just over $200,000 (exept for Q4) June: 1.6 July: 1.8 August: 1.7 September: 1.9 Oct: 2.0
  • 14. How do you think their targeting has changed?
  • 15. Recent Post-iOS14 ● Broad targeting ● Interest groups stay much broader ● Lookalikes don’t work as well, and we rarely use them with this client ● More creative, and faster iterations on versions that are working. Monthly Spend remains around $225,000. Other money distributed to heavy up in Google and TikTok. Jan: 1.9 Feb: 2.1 Mar: 2.0 Apr: 1.9
  • 16. It now falls more to the advertisers to make this work. If you tackle Facebook Ads knowing this, and with pointes we’ll show you, you won’t have the panic many brands have had.
  • 17. The brands that succeed know… #1: Advertising channels work together to deliver results. In-platform attribution was never totally correct.
  • 18. The brands that succeed know… #2: Ads get users in the door, but that doesn’t build a business.
  • 19. The brands that succeed know… #3: Their numbers: conversion rates, upsell rates, lifetime value, and all the things that make a healthy, sustainable brand. Facebook Ads are a tactic, not a strategy.
  • 20. Do you feel you have a good grasp on your business? If so, then don’t be scared off by people frustrated over Facebook Ads, and focus on what you can control.
  • 21. Lesson Recap 1. What iOS14 did 2. How it affected data feedback to Facebook 3. How this affected targeting and event tracking 4. What brands need to know to navigate this new era.
  • 22. Lesson Resources Facebook’s detailed Business Center release on iOS14 can be found here, if you’d like to know the more intricate details of the landscape.
  • 23. Assignment ● Log all the relevant metrics in your ecommerce world. ○ Average conversion rates ○ AOV ○ Lifetime value ● Use these to understand an acceptable cost to acquire new customers. ● Also calculate the Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) that makes sense for your business situation.
  • 24. Facebook Ads Success in Ecommerce Pixel, Event Measurement and Audience Creation post-iOS14 Instructor Name
  • 25. The journey of this course Lesson 1 Understanding Facebook in the era of iOS14 This is a short description of the lesson. Lesson 2 Pixel, Event Measurement, and Audience Types The backbone parts of your ad account setup. Lesson 3 Campaigns & Ad Sets Settings, pros/cons, and targeting in post iOS14. Lesson 4 Creative & Messaging for Your Ads Winning with creative means having a plan. Here’s the framework and best practices for Facebook Ad creative testing. Lesson 5 Going Beyond Conversion Goals Go beyond Conversion goals to leverage other things Facebook is good at, to propel your business results.
  • 26. Lesson Objectives 1. Ensuring pixel setup and event tracking are correct in the post-iOS14 world. 2. The difference between CAPI and the Facebook Pixel, and why to have both. 3. Audience types you can create, and how to use your own customer data.
  • 27. The Pixel & Aggregated Event Measurement
  • 29. Pixel Events Aggregated Event Measurement: “Allows for measurement of web and app events from people using iOS 14.5 or later devices” 8 designated events only from a verified domain
  • 31. Prioritizing Events Web Purchase Events with Revenue: Automatically uses 4 of your 8 slots Link to specific documentation at end of deck.
  • 32. Creating Custom Events For anything outside “typical” Events in Ecommerce
  • 33. Creating Custom Events URL logic can be set to “contains,” “includes,” or “Doesn’t contain.”
  • 35. CAPI vs. Cookies Your Website Server Facebook Ads Manager User Browser Cookie Added Your Website Facebook’s Server Pixel Method CAPI
  • 37. Things to Know You need server access for implementation. If you’re not a developer, you will likely want to have one handy, as it will require some coding work to format your events to be read by Facebook’s API. It’s worth it if you experience a large disparity between Facebook data and your on-site data. It will not “fix it” (nothing will), but more data is not a bad thing.
  • 39. First-Party vs. Meta Data ● First-party: Data you provide to Facebook (email addresses, web traffic, etc). ● Facebook Data: Interest-based (FB determines this) and on-platform behaviors. Let’s look at these in more detail.
  • 43. Using Your Data ● Your email lists ● Segments of your product catalog, based on what users viewed, added to cart, or purchased ● Pixel-based behaviors (viewed x pages, etc)
  • 45. Using Meta’s Data: Most Common ● Users who viewed x% of specified videos ● Users who viewed or filled out lead forms in your ads ● Users who opened an Instant Experience ad to interact with it ● Users who interacted with your posts or Page on FB or IG
  • 46. Using Audiences to your Benefit High-interaction content can play a crucial role in your ad efforts. Think through what you have, and how to leverage it. Highly-engaged video → Create segment of watchers and run remarketing ads
  • 47. Assignment Think through what audiences you have that you can leverage, beyond the obvious ones: 1. Look at your content. Are there standouts for interaction/watching? 2. Would it be worth running it to more people as a Video View campaign? a. Cheaper than Conversion campaigns b. Builds the Audience segment of those who watched. 3. The same can be done for written content or posts. Do you have any that resonated with your core audience? Figure out what audience segments you can make that should get remarketing ads as their next step.
  • 49. What are Lookalikes? Indicate audience you want to find more of from your Custom Audience list. This can be based on your own data, or on their FB-based behaviors, like our previous examples. Facebook matches those users to FB users, understands their patterns of behavior, and finds other users not on the list who are like that.
  • 50. How Well Do They Work? ● Unfortunately, pixel-based behavior lookalikes have suffered with iOS14. Less data means Facebook can’t be as accurate as it was. ● Success also depends on how specific you are with who you want. ○ If your list is enormous and contains many different buyer types, this won’t help Facebook much. ○ If it’s too small, FB will struggle to discern patterns ● Recommended size is at least a few thousand, assuming they are a very defined persona type.
  • 51. Examples of Lookalike Segmentation ● Sometimes less is more! ○ Upload separate lists of buyers based on amount spent. ○ Upload separate lists of buyers based on what was purchased. ○ Upload lists from holiday season to help locate gifters outside of your usual buyer.
  • 52. Lesson Recap 1. Leverage audiences you own that don’t rely on the Facebook pixel. 2. Maximize audiences who interact with you in various ways on Facebook. That data isn’t as eroded, and it’s often overlooked. 3. Test lookalikes, but make sure the seed audience is a good representation of what you want. Think through your buyers and customer types, and do more lists with less people if that makes sense for your situation.
  • 53. Facebook Ads for Ecommerce Campaign and Ad Options Instructor Name
  • 54. The journey of this course Lesson 1 Understanding Facebook in the era of iOS14 This is a short description of the lesson. Lesson 2 Pixel, Event Measurement, and Audience Types The backbone parts of your ad account setup. Lesson 3 Campaigns & Ad Sets Settings, pros/cons, and targeting in post iOS14. Lesson 4 Creative & Messaging for Your Ads Lesson 5 Going Beyond Conversion Goals Winning with creative means having a plan. Here’s the framework and best practices for Facebook Ad creative testing. Go beyond Conversion goals to leverage other things Facebook is good at, to propel your business results.
  • 55. Lesson Objectives 1. Review the components of a Facebook Ads campaign. 2. Understand the targeting options you have to reach your ideal customers.
  • 56. Ecosystem Hierarchy Facebook Ads operate as a parent-child system comprised of Campaign→ Ad Sets → Ad Creative. Campaign Ad Set Ad Ad Ad Set Ad Ad Ad Ad
  • 57. Ecosystem Hierarchy Different settings for your advertising are set up in Campaigns and Ad Sets. Here’s a breakdown of the major options, and where they live between the two. Budget is one exception to this division, where it can be set in either section. Campaign Ad Set ● Campaign Type/Objective ● Budget (optionally) ● Total Spend Cap ● Special Category ID (if applicable) ● Targeting ● Budget (optionally) ● Optimization Action ● Attribution Model ● Schedule ● Audience Target ● Placement Options ● Device Targets
  • 59. 1: Campaign Objective In most cases, ecommerce campaigns use Conversions as their goal. This doesn’t always have to be a Purchase - it can be anything you set up as your key Events in your pixel set up. We will also cover Catalog sales in a later lesson.
  • 60. 2: Special Ad Declaration If you are in what Facebook classifies as a “sensitive subject area,” you will have gone through an identity verification process, which allows you to run this type of messaging. Here is where you would check off which group you belong to. If you don’t, you can leave this blank.
  • 61. 3: Capping Lifetime Spend If your Campaign has a defined budget that you cannot go over, you set this cap here.
  • 62. Ways to Allocate Budget There are two ways to budget in Facebook: 1. Budget for a Campaign, which will then have Facebook distribute the spend to the Ad Sets as it sees fit. 2. Budget is specifically assigned to each Ad Set, and you set no budget at the Campaign level
  • 63. What do you think the Pros/Cons of CBO might be?
  • 64. CBO: Pros & Cons Simpler budget management Possible overall better performance with Facebook automatically adjusting your spend to your best- performing Ad Sets. Facebook now gets less data, which can impact CBO’s ability to determine winners. Less control if you have a specific way you want money spent. Pros Cons
  • 65. 4: Campaign Budget Optimization (“CBO”) Using CBO means you would then set these options to apply to all of your Ad Sets. If you don’t use CBO, you will still have these options, but they are set up with each Ad Set.
  • 66. Campaign Bidding ● Most advertisers leave this as “highest value or lowest cost.” ● Other bidding types have struggled since iOS14, due to lack of data. ● Start with lowest cost, see where it hits. ○ After that, test Cost cap. ○ Testing Cost cap with no history/baseline can cause it to not deliver. ROAS bidding is largely ineffective at this point.
  • 67. Ad Set Options & Settings
  • 68. Setting Your Conversion Facebook will automatically list the pixel you have associated with your account. The dropdown will automatically populate with the Aggregated Events you set up in Business Manager tracked by your pixel. Choose the event you want Facebook to optimize your buy for. (This is usually Purchase.)
  • 69. Opting in to Dynamic Creative Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO) isn’t actually set up until the Ad Creative section, but you opt into it here. We will cover this more in depth when we dive into creative - for now, just know that’s where the control for it sits.
  • 70. Setting Your Budget & Schedule If you did not opt in to Campaign Budgeting, then you will see the same options here in the Ad Set. ● Daily or lifetime budget ● Start/End dates (optional) ● Ad Schedule (only available with lifetime budget setting)
  • 71. Targeting Your Audiences There are three main ways to target: ● Custom Audience: One that you own or created, example: email list, lookalikes ● Saved Audience: One that you assembled and saved to be used over and over ● Detailed Targeting: Using Facebook’s classifications of its users Gender, Age, Location are also standard.
  • 72. Excluding Audiences Still recommended as a best practice, however: Remember, iOS14 will affect excluding audiences based on site pixel - so some of your excluded audiences will likely still see your ads. Example: ● Users who have purchased. ● Users who visited but didn’t purchase & need specific remarketing creative.
  • 74. Using CBO with Categorized Ad Sets Assigning a campaign-level budget, but keeping the ad sets along the same theme. Examples: ● Lookalikes grouped together ● Interests These days, highly specific ad groups aren’t advised. Larger groups are better to help make up for less data.
  • 75. How Should You Target Now? ● Broader is better. Facebook needs large data pools, and that has gotten harder with iOS14. ● Facebook also can easily draw associations between your goal and the audiences it has. You can give it a general direction and it will optimize as it learns, without needing to be overly prescriptive.
  • 76. Is Remarketing Still a Thing? ● Yes and no. ● Yes, set up retargeting, but be ready for it to not do what you might expect. ● Test NOT excluding these audiences from your larger groups - this can actually make your results better overall. (Remember, FB needs more data per ad set, not less.)
  • 77. Lesson Recap 1. Campaigns and Ad Sets both have settings that affect your targeting, spend, and results. 2. Aggregated Event Measurement was created in response to iOS14. It’s crucial you have it set up properly for the best chance of optimization. 3. Audience targeting has drastically changed, from hyper-specific to tell Facebook what to do, to telling Facebook what you want done and having them find the audiences. 4. Remarketing has also changed, and cannot be relied upon the same way it was.
  • 78. Lesson Resources 1. More on Event Measurement details can be read here 2. Details on choosing to use Value Measurement in your Purchase events, and how that affects your number of named events is here.
  • 79. Facebook Ads for Ecommerce Creative Messaging & Your Ads Instructor Name
  • 80. The journey of this course Lesson 1 Understanding Facebook in the era of iOS14 This is a short description of the lesson. Lesson 2 Pixel, Event Measurement, and Audience Types The backbone parts of your ad account setup. Lesson 3 Campaigns & Ad Sets Settings, pros/cons, and targeting in post iOS14. Lesson 4 Creative & Messaging for Your Ads Lesson 5 Winning with creative means having a plan. Here’s the framework and best practices for Facebook Ad creative testing. Going Beyond Conversion Goals Go beyond Conversion goals to leverage other things Facebook is good at, to propel your business results.
  • 81. Lesson Objectives 1. Breakdown of common creative constructs. 2. What to test in your ads. 3. How to plan your testing, so you’re never looking for ideas and staring at a blank screen.
  • 82. The Importance of Creative Reduction in targeting ability leaves creative as the main lever of control in Facebook/Instagram.
  • 83. The #1 Mistake Having no plan wastes time, money, and effort. Creative testing needs to be a crucial, focused part of your marketing efforts. Without it, it leads to: ● Random ads without evolving to what works. ● Not understand what your customers care about. ● Lack of understanding to your strengths. ● Flailing, last minute creative tries where nothing is learned, and hope is a strategy.
  • 84. The Other Challenge Unfortunately, the in-app experience for analyzing creative in Facebook isn’t that great. It doesn’t create views that help you get high- level insights. To do it well, usually a third-party tool is best, but we will go through a manual way.
  • 85. How to Start in a Ready State Creative is often mistaken as something that has to be inspired and go viral. Creative that works is a result of testing with purpose, but many brands don’t understand how to handle creative in a purposeful way. We’re going to break down, step by step, how to make a Creative testing plan.
  • 86. Preparing Ahead to Analyze This can be done however you’re most comfortable. For example’s sake, we’ll do this in a Google Sheet.
  • 87. Figure Out Your Naming Conventions
  • 88. Ecosystem Hierarchy Because Facebook isn’t a great place to derive larger-scale insights, work around this by naming your ads consistently. Your way may vary, but here’s a way to start. This will allow you to export your data and get insights more easily.
  • 89. First: Creative Types & Names At its most basic level, your Facebook Ads are made up of visuals and text. First, list them and decide how you’ll refer to them in your ad names. Here’s an example on the right. Visuals Text ● Static images → static ● Illustrations → illus ● Videos → video ● Animated Gifs → gif ● Headline → hl ● Paragraph Text → pt ● In-Image Copy → iic
  • 90. Make a Simple Creative Key You can do this in a Google Sheet, an Excel Sheet…whatever makes sense for your situation. (This not only acts as a creative inventory, but it is also a great way to not run out of ideas.) Make a tab for headlines, and one for paragraph text.
  • 91. Second: Catalog What You’ll Run On both sheets: ● Call the first column “ID” ● The second column can be called “Headline Text.” (Or Paragraph Text, depending on the sheet.) ● Go down the “Text” line, and start filling in your copy, one version per line. ● You can insert your first ID number, and just keep going up as you add a version.
  • 92. Ecosystem Hierarchy Many brands don’t do this next part, because they already have a name to the creative they choose to use. But, if you want to, you can do something similar for visuals. In this instance, we’ll pretend you have a creative storage system in Google Drive. ● Add another tab. You’ll probably want one tab per creative type (ie, one for Image, one for Video, etc) ● Like before, drop in ID numbers ● Then a description of the asset ● If helpful, hyperlink to the asset for easy retrieval if you need to see it in the future.
  • 93. Then What? Now, you have a way to name your creative that is: 1. Consistent, so you can easily analyze by exporting data 2. Not subject to personal preference, so no matter who runs the ads, you’re all naming things the same way. Here’s an example on the right of how you’d name an ad.
  • 94. Let’s Look at it in Action Remember this? It’s a long list of ads that aren’t named the same way. The names used shorthand, made up by whoever ran the ads…short of going into every single one, it’s hard to know what it had in it.
  • 95. Let’s Look at it in Action With the ads named consistently, we now have this. And when you export it, you get a nice Excel Sheet, which aggregate the results into a pivot table!
  • 96. Let’s Look at it in Action With the ads named consistently, we now have this. And when you export it, you get a nice Excel Sheet, which aggregate the results into a pivot table!
  • 97. Let’s Look at it in Action Now you can easily see the best version, filter by certain headlines or text, isolate video vs. gif vs. static…you get the idea!
  • 98. Common Creative Focus & Unlimited Ideas
  • 99. Let’s Break It Down Creative can feel overwhelming. Fortunately, if you have some basic formulas to start with, it’ll give you good direction! Let’s review the most common ad types, and then also best practices to keep in mind.
  • 100. UGC Testimonials Build credibility by letting your customers sell it for you. ● Video of customer giving their review while holding the product in the frame. ● User-submitted images, with their testimonials in text.
  • 101. Day in the Life Help users visualize their future self. ● Quick video showing the product in use so people see its benefit live in the ad. ● “My life now” shots that showcase how their day or life is better, summarized in a shot of a video.
  • 102. Why It’s For You Help the user immediately identify them as the person who will love this product. ● “This is for you”: Know your audience, and say exactly who it’s for, framed as the problem it solves. (“If you’re sick of…”) ● Here’s a List of Why: Give them the reasons they need it, and be specific and succinct
  • 103. Do you have things that already fit this criteria?
  • 104. Best Practices for Your Creative in Action
  • 105. The First 3 Seconds ● Interesting visual/contrast/bright colors ● Clear Value Message
  • 106. Show, Don’t Tell ● Don’t describe it when you can show it!
  • 107. Assume No Sound Notice how in the previous two examples, they use text a lot? Assume ads won’t be heard. Watch your versions with the sound off.
  • 108. Use Emotion & Reaction Even with the sound off, you can tell a genuine reaction from an actor. Get those “OMG” moments from first-time users of your product.
  • 109. Based on these best practices, what assets could you start with immediately?
  • 110. Assignment 1. Make your creative key. You will thank yourself later as you get more and more creative running. 2. Catalog what you have, and push yourself to brainstorm future text versions right into the sheet. Jot down ideas anytime they come up. 3. Review what creative you have, and how you can make it fit into one or a few of the best practice frameworks.
  • 111. Lesson Recap 1. Make a creative key of some kind - it’s ok to adapt to your situation, but this will help you analyze and understand larger trends of what works for your brand. 2. Creative needs a plan, or you won’t know what you’re testing or trying to learn. 3. Brainstorm ahead of time, and evaluate what you have as your starting point. Don’t try and solve for everything in one creative or one test.
  • 112. Facebook Ads for Ecommerce / Campaigns & Targeting Using Facebook Beyond Conversions Instructor Name
  • 113. The journey of this course Lesson 1 Understanding Facebook in the era of iOS14 This is a short description of the lesson. Lesson 2 Pixel, Event Measurement, and Audience Types The backbone parts of your ad account setup. Lesson 3 Campaigns & Ad Sets Settings, pros/cons, and targeting in post iOS14. Lesson 4 Creative & Messaging for Your Ads The ad messaging ads should focus on, and how to organize your creative library for easier analysis. Lesson 5 Using Facebook Beyond Conversions Go beyond just running ads for sales with these additional Campaign types & tactics.
  • 114. Lesson Objectives 1. Other campaign types with different goals. 2. Things to test once you’re up and running.
  • 115. Going Beyond Conversions Additional Campaign types can both empower your Conversion-focused efforts, and keep customers engaged ongoing! Here are some creative ways to go beyond simply running ads that try and sell right away. Of course, iOS14 may affect how well these do, but they don’t hurt to try.
  • 116. Case Study: Using Facebook to Pre-Empt Holiday Costs
  • 117. The Situation Business type: Large female apparel retailer Issue: Holidays aren’t their busiest season, but discounts are expected. Rising Facebook costs were making it almost cost-prohibitive to run. Hypothesis: Get users into a VIP email list prior to Holidays, and lean on that for the sales versus running hard on Conversion ads during Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend.
  • 118. The Test Hypothesis: ● We can avoid spending so hard Black Friday/Cyber Monday if we lean on email. ● Entice users to sign onto VIP list prior to holidays, and get sales that way. ● Media will be cheaper prior, and cheaper using lead ads.
  • 119. Send BFCM Sales Ads were cut off the week before Thanksgiving, and only remarketing was run for BFCM. Upload Customer List We uploaded their list of customers who purchased in the previous 6 months. Create Lead Ad We ran Lead Ads to them the last week in Oct/first week of Nov, offering to add them to a VIP list. They would receive access to the BFCM deals a day early, and would get an email with the deals.
  • 120. The Results ROAS of Ads run on BFCM: 280% ROAS of VIP Emails: 324% Emails sign ups: $4.34 each
  • 121. Tactic: Use Engagement Campaigns to Strengthen Conversion Ads
  • 122. Conversion vs. Engagement Social proof is strong attention-getter when there’s high user interaction! The problem? Conversions campaigns look for buyers, not necessarily interactions.
  • 123. Conversion vs. Engagement Engagement campaigns get that social proof. The challenge is, it’s tied to the Ad ID. The solution? Engagement campaigns, with a shared Ad ID to your Conversion campaign!
  • 124. Here’s How! Create your ad, and launch it in an Engagement campaign. IMPORTANT: Have it targeted to your ideal audience. Genuine interaction is important. Engagement campaigns are MUCH less expensive than Conversion campaigns, so you don’t have to put very much to it per day.
  • 125. Run the same ID for Conversions Facebook acts like it gives you this option, but it frequently doesn’t actually work. Let’s look at a workaround.
  • 126. Run the same ID for Conversions Open the existing creative in the Engagement campaign, and choose “Facebook Post with Comments.” This will open it on a new screen, within the Facebook Feed interface.
  • 127. Run the same ID for Conversions This is your Ad ID. Copy it.
  • 128. Run the same ID for Conversions Create a new ad in your Conversion Campaign. Change the default of “Create Ad” to “Use Existing Post.”
  • 129. Run the same ID for Conversions The option to enter the Post ID will appear. Paste your copied ID there, and you’ll see the ad populate in the preview. Push it live, and now it’s running both places! Your comments/likes/shares from the Engagement Campaign will populate onto the ad version running in the Conversion campaign.
  • 130. There is another sneaky added bonus to these two examples.
  • 131. Beefing Up Remarketing As we covered in lesson 1, website-side audiences took a large hit with iOS14. These on-Facebook interactions create whole other remarketing audiences for you to keep your ads in front of. Let’s look at how.
  • 132. Target Lead Form Interactions In the case study at the start of this lesson, we used Lead Ads. You can make a targetable audience off their Lead Form interactions.
  • 134. Target Engagement Audiences Create a new Audience. Choose Facebook Page as the source for the Audience.
  • 135. Target Engagement Audiences Create a new Audience. Choose Facebook Page as the source for the Audience.
  • 136. Then… Run remarketing to these Audiences. Do they convert? If so, for how much? Note: You can also do the same thing with Video Views! Cost of getting them into remarketing audience + Cost to run conversion campaign to them for remarketing
  • 137. Assignment 1. Consider ways to use Facebook beyond looking for quick sales. 2. List your options for things Engagement or Video Views. What videos do you have that would naturally encourage interaction/engagement? 3. Run a small test using an alternate campaign type to build on-Facebook remarketing audiences, and see how they do over time from a sales standpoint.
  • 138. Lesson Recap 1. Facebook can be used for tactics and methods other than Conversions. 2. User engagement and interaction can still be a valuable thing to get, especially because your ideal audience is certainly in those groups. 3. Think outside of just Conversions to maximize the reach Facebook Ads have. Use those alternate methods to help backfill remarketing audiences.

Editor's Notes

  1. Tip: MAKE THIS ONCE AND THEN COPY AND PASTE THIS SLIDE (from the left hand bar) TO NEW DECKS (and select the “Do Not Link”). Use the a red border to indicate which lesson of the course the slide deck is covering. To edit: Part 1, 2, & 3. Change how you see fit to the evolution of your course. If you have more lessons, highlight all the text fields Exam If starting on first
  2. Asking open-ended questions to the students increases engagement. Here is a sample question. Allow the time for students to answer these questions for themselves.
  3. Asking open-ended questions to the students increases engagement
  4. Tip: MAKE THIS ONCE AND THEN COPY AND PASTE THIS SLIDE (from the left hand bar) TO NEW DECKS (and select the “Do Not Link”). Use the a red border to indicate which lesson of the course the slide deck is covering. To edit: Part 1, 2, & 3. Change how you see fit to the evolution of your course. If you have more lessons, highlight all the text fields Exam If starting on first
  5. [Instructor] Hi, welcome back tothe Facebook Ads Success In Ecommerce course.In lesson two we're going to talk about Pixels,event measurement, and audience creationin a post iOS 14 world.This really serves two purposes.The first is to understand how these things are set upand the second to understand what they can and can't do now.So in lesson one we covered just understandingwhat iOS 14 is and what it changed.Here we're just going to talk about the best practicesof your plumbing to get all of this set up the right way.And then we'll go on to talk about campaignsand ad sets and creation of audiences in further lessons.In this particular lesson, we're going to talkabout ensuring your Pixel setupand your event tracking are correctin this post iOS 14 world.We're going to talk about the differencebetween what's called CAPI or C-A-P-I and the Facebook Pixeland why you want to use both of them.We're going to talk about the audience types you can createand how to use your own customer data to do it.Pixel and aggregated event measurement has definitelychanged in post iOS 14.They sent out a lot of noticesabout it before it broke on how to set it up.There's been some things that have changed about it.Some things are still not totally clear, but let's just gothrough the pieces on how you actually get it set up.Pixels are an asset in your Facebook account, just like adsor your page or anything else that you have on Facebook.When you go to your business settingsunder data sources that's where you'll find your Pixels.You can click add to create a new one.If it's already there, it'll showup in the list of what you already have.One of the things you do need to make sureis that you are assigned as a user to that Pixel.So you do still need to treat itlike it's of page or an ad accountand be an authorized user in order to do anything with it.There's an option that you'll see thereto open it in Events Manager.When you do that, you're going to see allof the activity that your Pixel is tracking.And you're probably going to noticethat it might be lower than what your site data tells you.This is where aggregated event measurement comes into play.And you'll see that there's a tab for it, rightwhere the Pixel and conversion API information is.Facebook doesn't say exactly how this works.There's a lot of assumptions, they make data assumptions,there's some data modeling involved in itbut their specific explanation is it allowsfor measurement of web and app events from peopleusing iOS 14.5 or later devices, not very specific.So basically it's modeling what it thinks is happeningfrom a purchase behavior standpoint, it's making a lotof assumptions based on the data that it does have.The biggest differencein this world with this aggregated event measurementis that you can only designate eight different eventsfrom a verified domain.So you have to verify that you own the domainthat it's not just some random website that you're latchingonto from, you know, some other business.And you can only designate eight different thingsfor Facebook to track.Typically, what that's going to be is somethinglike purchase, initiate checkout,add payment information et cetera.With these aggregated events,you actually specify the priority level of them.So as an ecommerce brandthe most important one is probably going to be purchases.What that's telling Facebook is this is reallythe one that I care about the most.And as I mentioned in lesson oneFacebook is really only tracking one event per user now.So for user was to add to cart and then also do purchase,you're basically telling FacebookI just want you to track the purchase.So while you can specify multiple eventsthe one that you label as your highest priorityis the one you're telling Facebook you really care about.So if you have a user that both addsto cart and then purchases, all Facebook will trackultimately is that highest priority eventwhich is the purchase.When you set up the event priorityyou will see those stock event typeslike purchase, add to cart, et cetera.There is one thing that's really important to know in e-comif you want to track the sales value, i.e. your revenue.If you toggle that over to on telling itthat you want it to track that revenue data, it takesup four of those eight slots, probably not a bad trade offconsidering that revenue is what you deal in eCommerce.But it's just very importantto know that the second you decide to have it lookat those values, that takes up half of your slots.So just be aware of that.There is a link to specific documentationon how to handle that I will havein the appendix of the course.You can still create events that areoutside of those typical stock ones.Most brands don't at this pointbut if you need to create custom conversionsyou absolutely can.Those are also located in the Events Manager and justlike always, you can do things like specify URLs, et cetera.Those URLs can have logic such as contains, includes,doesn't contain all the things that it always used to.The biggest difference is justyou're going to be limited to those eight slots.So if you do make those custom conversionsmake sure they really count.Let's talk a little bit about CAPI or conversion API.This is something that's come up a lotand it actually is a really good stop gap tool for someof the issues people run into with iOS 14.Let's first look at howthese two things operate differently.First with the Pixel method,traditionally, the Facebook Pixel is added to your website.When a user comes to your websitethey then get a cookie added to their browser.That cookie is then fed to Facebook's server.It interprets it into the ad managerwith CAPI, it circumvents some of that processyour website server sends the user information directlyto Facebook server.It completely goes around using a cookie of any kind.So it's a little more efficientand it also protects the privacy.Accessing the CAPI interface,that part's easy getting it to work,you're probably going to need developer forbut let's look at where it is.First, when you look at that Pixel datayou're going to see there's an area calledmanage integrations over there on the right.That's the first thing.When you click that your integrations will come up.It will tell you if you have the Pixel and if it's activeand also what your status is with the conversions API.If it's not there, you'll have the option to set it up.Few things you need to know about CAPI.You're going to need server access for implementation'cause obviously it's your website server sendinginformation directly to Facebook.If you're not a developeryou're probably going to want to have one handy.This is a little tough and a little complicated.Sometimes, especially if you run into issuesit does require some coding work to format your eventsso that Facebook's API can actually read them.It's definitely worth having a developerimplement this for you if you experience a large disparitybetween Facebook data and your onsite data.To be clear, it doesn't fix anything.Nothing can fix iOS 14.So don't be led astray by people tell youthat this is the solution, but it does give you more dataand that's never a bad thing in this environment.Let's talk about creating audiences nowbecause we don't have as much data as we used to.This has also changed.In advertising, there are really two types of audiences,they're made up of data that iseither first party data that you ownor what they call third party data that the platform owns.So in this case, that would be Facebook's data.So in first party data, we're providing datato Facebook that we legally are allowed to use.So maybe it's a customer email list or it's their addressesor it's your web traffic or those things.Facebook's data is what they're able to interpret.So it's things that they have either doneon the site or it's user bucketsand cohorts that Facebook has created basedon what users have done.Let's look at these in a little bit more detail.To make these audiences, when you go into your ads manager,there is the section that you'll see for audiences.When you go to create audienceyou'll see there's a couple different kindsbut we're going to start with custom.Custom is essentially creating your very ownfrom whatever information you want to give it.You'll see when you go in therethis is essentially first party and third party.There's your sourcesand there's Facebook slash meta sources.So to create your own audiencesfrom data that you have you're going to choose up on the top.These options from your sourcesones that still work really wellare ones that you own because you're not relyingon Facebook or its privacy to make those decisions for you.So things like your email lists, if you had segments.So in a world where we've beenso used to just relying on purchase based behaviors,to think of audiences it's really important to thinkoutside the box specifically with Facebook audiences,think about how high interaction contentcan play a really crucial role in your ad efforts.Think through what you have and how to leverage it.As an example, maybe you have a videothat's had a ton of watchesand lots of comments and just a whole lot of interaction.That might make for a great segmentof an audience to run remarketing ads too.So don't feel like you have to be limitedto just what runs on your site.As I mentioned, we'll talkabout some options with these kinds of thingsin a later lesson, for your assignment,look through what audiences you have that you can leverage.Just go beyond the audience ones, look at your content.Are there standouts for interaction watching commenting?Would it be worth running these things to more people sayas a video campaign, instead of just doing conversionthey are cheaper than conversion campaigns.This can build an audience segment that you can remarket totry and think through the content you havethat really wows people,the same can be done for written content or posts.Do you have any that really seemto resonate with your core audience?Figure out what audience segments you can makethat should get remarketing ads as their next step.Let's talk about lookalike audiences.As I mentioned, this is an area where we've seen a lotof change because of the lack of data.First, let's just talk about what they are.Lookalike audiences are based offof a data set that you already give to Facebook.So you indicate the audience you want to find more offrom your custom audience list.This can be done on both your own dataor the Facebook based behaviors that we talked about.Facebook then looks at that user list,matches it to the Facebook accounts they represent,and understands their patternsof behavior what they do, what they buy.And then it goesand tries to find other users who look just like them.Hence the name lookalike audience.How well do they work is really the question.Unfortunately, Pixel based behavior lookalikeshave suffered a lot with iOS 14.There's just less data.So Facebook can't be as accurate as it was.Success also dependson how specific you are with what you want.Let's say your list is enormousand it contains a bunch of different buyer types.That's going to really confuse Facebook, but if it's too small,there isn't enough data to make a pattern.My recommended size is at least a few thousand people,assuming that it's a very defined persona type.If you have men and women ages 20 to 60 buying your product,that's going to be a little tough.If you can narrow it down, maybeby gender or by age group that might helpshake out some patterns for Facebook.So just use your best judgment into how you decideto give it that information to go a little deeper on that.Try and think about how sometimes less is more.Maybe you want to give separate listsof buyers based on the amountthat was spent as opposed to something like gender or age.Maybe you want to upload separate lists basedon what they bought.Maybe you have people that buy sneakersand then other ones that buy bathing suits.It's also helpful to upload your listsfrom the holiday season because that'll help locate gifters.They're not your normal customer.So if there's something like Mother's Day coming upor Father's Day, and you know that you needto go after the people that aren't your normal consumerthings like lists from peoplethat purchased over holidays can be really helpfulfor Facebook to find someone that's outside the normbut might be likely to gift what you sell.So to recap, leverage the audiences you ownthat don't rely on the Facebook Pixelto help backfill some of this information.Also make sure you're maximizing the audienceswho interact with you in various ways on Facebook,that data isn't as eroded as what we seewith Facebook Pixels, and often it's overlooked.It's kind of an easy win.They're already interacting with your brand.It's just a lot of people don't wind upusing it for anything.Finally, test lookalikes, but make surethat the seed audience is a good representationof what you want.Think through your buyers and your customer typesin your situation, do more lists with less peopleif that makes sense, but think through it thoroughlybecause whatever you give Facebookis what it's going to try and replicate.
  6. Asking open-ended questions to the students increases engagement. Here is a sample question. Allow the time for students to answer these questions for themselves.
  7. Most brands dont use this
  8. Will be limited to 8 slots
  9. Asking open-ended questions to the students increases engagement. Here is a sample question. Allow the time for students to answer these questions for themselves.
  10. It goes around the cookie, its more efficient/private
  11. Asking open-ended questions to the students increases engagement. Here is a sample question. Allow the time for students to answer these questions for themselves.
  12. Asking open-ended questions to the students increases engagement. Here is a sample question. Allow the time for students to answer these questions for themselves.
  13. Tip: MAKE THIS ONCE AND THEN COPY AND PASTE THIS SLIDE (from the left hand bar) TO NEW DECKS (and select the “Do Not Link”). Use the a red border to indicate which lesson of the course the slide deck is covering. To edit: Part 1, 2, & 3. Change how you see fit to the evolution of your course. If you have more lessons, highlight all the text fields Exam If starting on first
  14. Can choose video conversion campaign or conversion.
  15. Asking open-ended questions to the students increases engagement. Here is a sample question. Allow the time for students to answer these questions for themselves.
  16. Asking open-ended questions to the students increases engagement. Here is a sample question. Allow the time for students to answer these questions for themselves.
  17. Asking open-ended questions to the students increases engagement. Here is a sample question. Allow the time for students to answer these questions for themselves.
  18. Asking open-ended questions to the students increases engagement. Here is a sample question. Allow the time for students to answer these questions for themselves.
  19. Tip: MAKE THIS ONCE AND THEN COPY AND PASTE THIS SLIDE (from the left hand bar) TO NEW DECKS (and select the “Do Not Link”). Use the a red border to indicate which lesson of the course the slide deck is covering. To edit: Part 1, 2, & 3. Change how you see fit to the evolution of your course. If you have more lessons, highlight all the text fields Exam If starting on first
  20. Asking open-ended questions to the students increases engagement. Here is a sample question. Allow the time for students to answer these questions for themselves.
  21. Asking open-ended questions to the students increases engagement. Here is a sample question. Allow the time for students to answer these questions for themselves.
  22. Asking open-ended questions to the students increases engagement. Here is a sample question. Allow the time for students to answer these questions for themselves.
  23. Asking open-ended questions to the students increases engagement. Here is a sample question. Allow the time for students to answer these questions for themselves.
  24. Asking open-ended questions to the students increases engagement. Here is a sample question. Allow the time for students to answer these questions for themselves.
  25. Tip: MAKE THIS ONCE AND THEN COPY AND PASTE THIS SLIDE (from the left hand bar) TO NEW DECKS (and select the “Do Not Link”). Use the a red border to indicate which lesson of the course the slide deck is covering. To edit: Part 1, 2, & 3. Change how you see fit to the evolution of your course. If you have more lessons, highlight all the text fields Exam If starting on first
  26. Asking open-ended questions to the students increases engagement. Here is a sample question. Allow the time for students to answer these questions for themselves.
  27. Asking open-ended questions to the students increases engagement. Here is a sample question. Allow the time for students to answer these questions for themselves.
  28. Asking open-ended questions to the students increases engagement. Here is a sample question. Allow the time for students to answer these questions for themselves.