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Cutting IT Costs and Improving Business Performance
Conversations with Leading IT Executives

Reducing the Cycle Time for Change in Health Care Insurance
A Conversation with Kelly Cannon, former Vice President, Shared Application
Services at Kaiser Permanente, CIO, Enterprise Infrastructure at Nationwide
Insurance, and CIO at Wausau Insurance.

                Mr. Kelly Cannon has over 20 years experience in all aspects of
                technology leadership, including direct delivery experience in health
                care, property/casualty insurance, life & health insurance, and
                manufacturing. He is currently a principal at Kelly Cannon and
                Associates. For additional details, please see Mr. Cannon’s
                biography at


The authors of a recent McKinsey Global Institute study on health care∗
summarize their findings as follows: “[T]he United States spends $650 billion
more on health care than might be expected given the country’s wealth
and the experience of comparable members of the Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). …Roughly two-thirds of it
pays for outpatient care, including visits to physicians, same-day hospital
treatment, and emergency-room care. The next-largest contributors to the
extra spending are drugs, and administration and insurance.”

The CAST Research team recently caught up with Kelly Cannon, former Vice
President, Shared Application Services at Kaiser Permanente, one of the
largest health care insurers in the U.S. We talked about the current state of IT
in the health care insurance sector, the major initiatives underway, and how
senior IT executives are responding to the tough economic conditions by
rapidly delivering business benefits.



CAST Research: Before we focus on the health care insurance sector, tell us a
little bit about the different types of insurance companies and how they are
feeling the effects of this recession.

Kelly Cannon: Sure. There are three major sectors in insurance – life insurance,
property and casualty, which is insurance for automobiles, homes, etc., and
health care insurance. The insurance business generates two kinds of
revenue: underwriting income, which comes from the policies we write, and
investment income which comes from investing the monies from premiums.

You’ve probably read recently about how life insurance has been affected
by the current economic downturn – their investment portfolios have suffered
large losses in the financial markets. In general, life insurance companies rely
heavily on investment income and their fortunes are closely tied to the state
of the financial markets.

Property and casualty revenue streams are tied to natural calamities which
are hard to predict and can trigger huge outflows of cash. It’s a very
competitive business where transaction volumes are large and margins are
thin. IT is a key driver of business innovation in this sector.

Health insurance is not directly tied to the financial markets or natural
disasters. It is affected by the rapidly escalating costs of health care in the
United States.

CR: How so?

The current recession squeezes health         KC: The basic cost of health care
                                              – what hospitals and physicians
care insurance from both sides.
                                              charge – continues to escalate.
But health care insurers can’t raise their premiums at the same rate.

In fact, the current recession squeezes health care insurance from both sides.
On the one side, hospitals and physicians are pushing for higher rates of
reimbursement. On the other side, large customers and corporations are
pushing us to reduce premiums. Our customers are saying, “Here are the
prices we are willing to pay, take it or leave it.” The competition to win
business is intense.

CR: How are health insurance companies responding?

KC: You wouldn’t be surprised to know that we’re cutting costs – it’s not
uncommon to hear of cost cuts in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Our

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business model is stable, but we need to generate more revenue from this
model, cut costs, and improve efficiency. And we need to do this much
faster than before.

The silver lining in these difficult economic times is that we’re able to partner
with our vendors to drive down unit costs, cut down on the number of
projects we launch, and retire systems at a higher rate. The economic crisis
has also enabled us to make some internal cost cuts that would have been
difficult even a couple of years ago.

CR: Tell us how this translates into IT initiatives.

KC: First, let me say that in these tough times, IT has the attention,
engagement, and support of our business partners. Our business partners are
relying on IT to improve their competitive advantage.

Competitive advantage comes from using the vast amounts of information
we have in our data warehouses to drive business cost reduction and
generate additional revenue. The role of IT is not just to automate business
processes – it is to transform them, and enable new strategies for increased
business efficiency and revenue. IT makes possible successful new business
strategies that would not and could not otherwise exist.

CR: How is IT transforming business processes in health care insurance?

The role of IT is not just to automate            KC: The value chain of a policy
                                                  begins with underwriting, then
business processes – it is to transform
                                                  servicing the policy through its life
them, and enable new strategies for
                                                  time, and finally, handling claims
increased business efficiency and                 on the policy if and when that
revenue. IT makes possible successful             happens. At each step of the
new business strategies that would not            value chain, IT can drive
and could not otherwise exist.                    significant business cost savings,
                                                  increase revenue or both.

I’ll begin with the servicing of a policy through its life – it’s an area where IT
can have an immediate and significant impact. Providing policy holders
access to their information online allows us to drastically reduce the cost of
servicing a policy.

The things that customers usually call us for – information on fundamental
coverage on the policy, access to policy details, updating personal
information, renewing their policy – can now all be done online without any

                                        PAGE 3 OF 9

customer service agents. The hard cost savings for the business are
immediate and substantial.

This applies for our internal customers as well. Arming our business customers
with relevant data, and providing them with platforms for quickly analyzing
this data, puts a lot of power in their hands. It enables them to generate
reports, take different cuts of the data, and visualize it, all without sending a
request to IT. Data access leads to better business decisions and tremendous
business productivity.

From the IT standpoint, this requires rock solid web platforms – very high
availability and low latency. It requires us to provide useful functionality that
works very reliably. And we need to be very nimble in developing, deploying,
and enhancing this functionality to serve the evolving needs of our policy
holders and our internal business customers.

CR: What about the other segments of the value chain?

KC: At the very beginning of the value chain is the activity of underwriting –
making the decision on whether to write the policy in the first place, and if so,
at what price.

Enterprise-wide access to well-structured      When you write a policy, there
                                               are a lot of unknowns. It comes
digitized data is essential for all our
                                               down to how accurately you can
business initiatives.                          price the risk of health problems.
Having a lot of information helps, but that’s actually the easy part; the hard
part is figuring out what’s relevant -- getting to the right datasets to uncover
the right patterns.

We use rules engines for underwriting, similar to the ones credit card
companies have to determine customer credit scores and credit limits. These
rules mine data patterns to better quantify the risk of writing a particular
policy or group.

Roughly speaking, the cost of policy underwriting ranges between 10%-15%
of the business cost of a policy. When you use a good underwriting engine,
you save time and money; and if the engine is more accurate than a human
underwriter, you reduce the likelihood of claim liabilities.

Insurance companies have rules engines for pricing as well. Pricing is
becoming very important given the heightened competition we face.
Generating a new price list to match changing business conditions and
customer profiles is a significant competitive advantage.

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CR: All this sounds data intensive. How do you manage the vast and growing
amounts of policy information?

KC: Enterprise-wide access to well-structured digitized data is essential for all
our business initiatives.

Of course, the foundation for this is high-quality data -- accurate, complete,
and up to date -- and a practical and useful data model. We’ve all had
sophisticated data warehousing systems for years, but it’s still very hard. For
one thing, the data model is not stable – it keeps changing because health
care is a constantly evolving field – new ways of coding diagnoses, new
medicines, new medical technology. The advent of electronic heath records
has an enormous impact, because it makes so much information available
for the first time in digital form, instead of paper.

                                                And, the nature of the business
The opportunity here is to shape business
                                                is such that data is dispersed
strategy, not simply enable business            over multiple business units
operations.                                     across multiple systems. Pulling
this data together is a substantial technical challenge. It’s very IT intensive
and we need to be able to deliver this functionality very rapidly to our
business partners and our customers.

Moreover, the difficulty of implementing such a solution goes beyond the
technical. The data resides in various business silos with their respective
owners who may not need to cooperate with their counterparts in other
business silos – it becomes a political issue of protecting one’s business turf.

CR: So what should the CIO do?

KC: I think it’s a unique opportunity for CIOs to shine. As a CIO, you’ve built a
relationship with business unit heads founded on trust, respect, and a mutual
understanding of each others’ short- and medium-term needs. Use this hard-
won credibility and knowledge of the business to work with business partners
to integrate your data sources and improve data quality. The opportunity
here is to shape business strategy, not simply enable business operations.

Let me say that again. As IT executives, this is a new and unique opportunity
for us to go beyond automating business process to forging new business
processes that reshape our companies. IT does matter -- now more than ever.

CR: We’ve talked about underwriting and servicing a policy. What about the
claims processing segment of the value chain?

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KC: Yes, that’s a very important part of the value chain – about 65% of the
cost of a policy is incurred at this segment of the value chain – from the
handling and the payment of claims.

The basic idea here is called “straight through processing” which is a term
that comes from the financial services industry. The aim is to handle a claim
transaction from start to finish, for example, from the time the claim is filed all
the way through to when the physician gets reimbursed, without any human
intervention. No customer service reps, no human adjudicators.

The economics for doing this are very appealing. We can cut the cost of a
claim by a factor of 20 – from around a dollar to a few pennies per claim.
And this adds up over hundreds of thousands of claims.

As you can imagine, high-quality data is essential for straight through
processing. For example, we can do quite a bit with mining data patterns to
uncover fraudulent claims, but only if the data is accurate and complete.

                                                  CR: This sounds like a concrete
The best CIOs know how to take a                  opportunity for IT to move from
business strategy and put it into practice        order taker to order shaper –
in a way that gives their business partners       working closely with the business
control over the significant revenue and          to improve business productivity.
cost levers.
                                              KC: Yes, that’s right. The best CIOs
know how to take a business strategy and put it into practice in a way that
gives their business partners control over the significant revenue and cost
levers. It requires having deep knowledge and empathy for what business
leaders are facing. Instilling this knowledge and empathy in the IT leadership
team is one of the best things a CIO can do.

CR: How do you deliver this competitive advantage quickly at low cost?

KC: For years mature IT practitioners have been steadily improving the
efficiency of the software development life cycle. But the conditions we face
today require more than incremental change – we need a significant leap in
speed, at lower cost, but without loss of quality.

Outsourcing is a big driver of cost savings, but you quickly hit the limit where
any more outsourcing and you erode quality and productivity. The speed
you gain in delivery can come back to haunt you as increased maintenance
costs. Everyone would like to shorten the testing cycle, but again there are
obvious limits and risks.

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CR: Where then do the significant gains come from?

KC: There are no silver bullets. You’ll get significant gains if you’re able to
objectively and consistently measure the progress made towards completing
a software product (as opposed to simply the time spent). You also need to
have a good measure of the quality of software delivered. After all,
productivity without good quality is a waste, and quality without productivity
is costly!

You’ll get significant gains if you’re able to    CR: The CAST Application
objectively and consistently measure the          Intelligence Platform (AIP)
progress made towards completing a                generates objective measures of
software product (as opposed to simply            both progress and quality. How
the time spent). You also need to have a          do you recommend CIOs use
good measure of the quality of software           these metrics?
delivered. After all, productivity without
good quality is a waste, and quality          KC: I think CIOs and their IT
                                              leadership teams can use these
without productivity is costly!
                                              metrics in a number of ways. With
vendors, you can write the quality metrics into your SLAs, and use the
productivity metrics to monitor and drive down unit costs. With internal teams,
use these metrics to deliver faster, at lower cost and higher quality. Use the
quality metrics to measure and manage the risk of business disruption in the
legacy portfolio. And finally, use these metrics to get maximum visibility of the
interdependencies in the legacy portfolio.

CR: Can you expand on this last point?

KC: Certainly. A CIO’s dilemma is that nothing is green field. Your portfolio of
applications evolves in a way that never makes rational sense when you look
at it in hindsight. But this haphazard evolution drives huge maintenance costs.
Few business partners want to hear about the challenge of managing this
legacy code base, much less invest in making it more efficient.

The applications you deliver today become your legacy applications
tomorrow. So be very careful what you deliver today and get the best
visibility you can of interdependencies between your complex application
systems. The more you know where the bodies are buried, the better off you

CR: It’s interesting that you bring in the legacy portfolio and TCO. The CAST
AIP measures the Application Software Quality of a complex application.

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We define Application Software Quality as more than just high availability
and low latency in the production environment. It includes the speed with
which the application can be modified to meet a pressing business need,
and the inherent strength of the application to repel security attacks. In other
words, Application Software Quality goes beyond present-day performance
to include a measure of future performance -- how well an application can
meet future business needs.

KC: That’s precisely my point. Speed in IT is not just speed of delivery. It won’t
matter much how fast you deliver something if it ends up costing you an arm
and a leg to maintain or modify in response to the next pressing business
need. The goal is to deliver supportable systems at a reasonable cost.

For an IT executive, the cost to maintain the legacy portfolio is a perennial
challenge. The reality is that legacy maintenance always grows faster than
the rate of inflation. The reason is not hard to understand – every year, more
complex new systems that cost even more to support are piled on to the
                                               legacy portfolio; and we don’t
Speed in IT is not just speed of delivery. It  retire enough to balance the
won’t matter much how fast you deliver         added costs. Add to this the fact
something if it ends up costing you an arm that new systems cost much more
and a leg to maintain or modify in             to maintain in the first 3 years of
response to the next pressing business         their life than at any other stage,
need. The goal is to deliver supportable       and the rate of maintenance cost
                                               growth quickly escalates.
systems at a reasonable cost.
                                         CR: Which means that if you
wanted to keep the maintenance cost flat, you’d have to retire several
legacy systems for each new one you introduce.

KC: That’s correct. But it’s not possible to do that. So what you need is visibility
over your application portfolio. Where are the real drivers of cost, and how
fast are they growing? To find out, you have to get to the real drivers of risk in
your portfolio. Unfortunately, these are buried deep within the source code of
your applications. The more you can do to find those risk hotspots reliably and
fix them quickly, the better you’ll be at directing your valuable maintenance
dollars to fix the most costly problems. And keep in mind that your most
urgent problems are not necessarily the most visible or costly to address.

Every CIO has been in annual discussions with business partners over where to
allocate IT funds. Should we put it toward maintaining the critical operating
platforms on which the business runs, or build new business functionality? The
business always wins this one - the answer is new business functionality. If you
want to change this outcome, you need to come prepared with objective

                                        PAGE 8 OF 9

data about the quality of your legacy applications, and the effect a new
system will have on the quality and performance of existing applications. The
objective data on quality that the CAST AIP generates is exactly what you

CR: We’ve spoken in quite some detail about IT’s role in reducing business
                                               costs and increasing revenue in
The job of a CIO is not just to deliver fast – health care insurance. As we
it is to reduce the cycle time of change in    conclude this conversation, what
the enterprise. To be able to do this well,    is your advice for CIOs in these
you have to deliver flawlessly; but that’s     difficult economic conditions?
only the first step.
                                               KC: The job of a CIO is not just to
deliver fast – it is to reduce the cycle time of change in the enterprise. To be
able to do this well, you have to deliver flawlessly; but that’s only the first step.
In addition, CIOs have to focus on two things:

               Move from detailed business-process knowledge to a detailed
               understanding of your organization’s business model – an
               understanding of the significant drivers of cost and revenue in
               the business model.

               Move from detailed knowledge of IT delivery and maintenance
               processes to an understanding of the key drivers of TCO in your
               application portfolio.

To do these things, you have to make delivery progress and application
quality objectively measureable. These quantities give you the visibility over
the IT factory you need to focus on the real reason for your job – to
significantly increase business profitability.

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Cutting it costs and improving business performance

  • 1. Cutting IT Costs and Improving Business Performance Conversations with Leading IT Executives Reducing the Cycle Time for Change in Health Care Insurance A Conversation with Kelly Cannon, former Vice President, Shared Application Services at Kaiser Permanente, CIO, Enterprise Infrastructure at Nationwide Insurance, and CIO at Wausau Insurance. Mr. Kelly Cannon has over 20 years experience in all aspects of technology leadership, including direct delivery experience in health care, property/casualty insurance, life & health insurance, and manufacturing. He is currently a principal at Kelly Cannon and Associates. For additional details, please see Mr. Cannon’s biography at Introduction The authors of a recent McKinsey Global Institute study on health care∗ summarize their findings as follows: “[T]he United States spends $650 billion more on health care than might be expected given the country’s wealth and the experience of comparable members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). …Roughly two-thirds of it pays for outpatient care, including visits to physicians, same-day hospital treatment, and emergency-room care. The next-largest contributors to the extra spending are drugs, and administration and insurance.” The CAST Research team recently caught up with Kelly Cannon, former Vice President, Shared Application Services at Kaiser Permanente, one of the largest health care insurers in the U.S. We talked about the current state of IT in the health care insurance sector, the major initiatives underway, and how senior IT executives are responding to the tough economic conditions by rapidly delivering business benefits. ∗
  • 2. REDUCING THE CYCLE TIME FOR CHANGE IN HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AN INTERVIEW WITH KELLY CANNON CAST Research: Before we focus on the health care insurance sector, tell us a little bit about the different types of insurance companies and how they are feeling the effects of this recession. Kelly Cannon: Sure. There are three major sectors in insurance – life insurance, property and casualty, which is insurance for automobiles, homes, etc., and health care insurance. The insurance business generates two kinds of revenue: underwriting income, which comes from the policies we write, and investment income which comes from investing the monies from premiums. You’ve probably read recently about how life insurance has been affected by the current economic downturn – their investment portfolios have suffered large losses in the financial markets. In general, life insurance companies rely heavily on investment income and their fortunes are closely tied to the state of the financial markets. Property and casualty revenue streams are tied to natural calamities which are hard to predict and can trigger huge outflows of cash. It’s a very competitive business where transaction volumes are large and margins are thin. IT is a key driver of business innovation in this sector. Health insurance is not directly tied to the financial markets or natural disasters. It is affected by the rapidly escalating costs of health care in the United States. CR: How so? The current recession squeezes health KC: The basic cost of health care – what hospitals and physicians care insurance from both sides. charge – continues to escalate. But health care insurers can’t raise their premiums at the same rate. In fact, the current recession squeezes health care insurance from both sides. On the one side, hospitals and physicians are pushing for higher rates of reimbursement. On the other side, large customers and corporations are pushing us to reduce premiums. Our customers are saying, “Here are the prices we are willing to pay, take it or leave it.” The competition to win business is intense. CR: How are health insurance companies responding? KC: You wouldn’t be surprised to know that we’re cutting costs – it’s not uncommon to hear of cost cuts in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Our PAGE 2 OF 9
  • 3. REDUCING THE CYCLE TIME FOR CHANGE IN HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AN INTERVIEW WITH KELLY CANNON business model is stable, but we need to generate more revenue from this model, cut costs, and improve efficiency. And we need to do this much faster than before. The silver lining in these difficult economic times is that we’re able to partner with our vendors to drive down unit costs, cut down on the number of projects we launch, and retire systems at a higher rate. The economic crisis has also enabled us to make some internal cost cuts that would have been difficult even a couple of years ago. CR: Tell us how this translates into IT initiatives. KC: First, let me say that in these tough times, IT has the attention, engagement, and support of our business partners. Our business partners are relying on IT to improve their competitive advantage. Competitive advantage comes from using the vast amounts of information we have in our data warehouses to drive business cost reduction and generate additional revenue. The role of IT is not just to automate business processes – it is to transform them, and enable new strategies for increased business efficiency and revenue. IT makes possible successful new business strategies that would not and could not otherwise exist. CR: How is IT transforming business processes in health care insurance? The role of IT is not just to automate KC: The value chain of a policy begins with underwriting, then business processes – it is to transform servicing the policy through its life them, and enable new strategies for time, and finally, handling claims increased business efficiency and on the policy if and when that revenue. IT makes possible successful happens. At each step of the new business strategies that would not value chain, IT can drive and could not otherwise exist. significant business cost savings, increase revenue or both. I’ll begin with the servicing of a policy through its life – it’s an area where IT can have an immediate and significant impact. Providing policy holders access to their information online allows us to drastically reduce the cost of servicing a policy. The things that customers usually call us for – information on fundamental coverage on the policy, access to policy details, updating personal information, renewing their policy – can now all be done online without any PAGE 3 OF 9
  • 4. REDUCING THE CYCLE TIME FOR CHANGE IN HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AN INTERVIEW WITH KELLY CANNON customer service agents. The hard cost savings for the business are immediate and substantial. This applies for our internal customers as well. Arming our business customers with relevant data, and providing them with platforms for quickly analyzing this data, puts a lot of power in their hands. It enables them to generate reports, take different cuts of the data, and visualize it, all without sending a request to IT. Data access leads to better business decisions and tremendous business productivity. From the IT standpoint, this requires rock solid web platforms – very high availability and low latency. It requires us to provide useful functionality that works very reliably. And we need to be very nimble in developing, deploying, and enhancing this functionality to serve the evolving needs of our policy holders and our internal business customers. CR: What about the other segments of the value chain? KC: At the very beginning of the value chain is the activity of underwriting – making the decision on whether to write the policy in the first place, and if so, at what price. Enterprise-wide access to well-structured When you write a policy, there are a lot of unknowns. It comes digitized data is essential for all our down to how accurately you can business initiatives. price the risk of health problems. Having a lot of information helps, but that’s actually the easy part; the hard part is figuring out what’s relevant -- getting to the right datasets to uncover the right patterns. We use rules engines for underwriting, similar to the ones credit card companies have to determine customer credit scores and credit limits. These rules mine data patterns to better quantify the risk of writing a particular policy or group. Roughly speaking, the cost of policy underwriting ranges between 10%-15% of the business cost of a policy. When you use a good underwriting engine, you save time and money; and if the engine is more accurate than a human underwriter, you reduce the likelihood of claim liabilities. Insurance companies have rules engines for pricing as well. Pricing is becoming very important given the heightened competition we face. Generating a new price list to match changing business conditions and customer profiles is a significant competitive advantage. PAGE 4 OF 9
  • 5. REDUCING THE CYCLE TIME FOR CHANGE IN HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AN INTERVIEW WITH KELLY CANNON CR: All this sounds data intensive. How do you manage the vast and growing amounts of policy information? KC: Enterprise-wide access to well-structured digitized data is essential for all our business initiatives. Of course, the foundation for this is high-quality data -- accurate, complete, and up to date -- and a practical and useful data model. We’ve all had sophisticated data warehousing systems for years, but it’s still very hard. For one thing, the data model is not stable – it keeps changing because health care is a constantly evolving field – new ways of coding diagnoses, new medicines, new medical technology. The advent of electronic heath records has an enormous impact, because it makes so much information available for the first time in digital form, instead of paper. And, the nature of the business The opportunity here is to shape business is such that data is dispersed strategy, not simply enable business over multiple business units operations. across multiple systems. Pulling this data together is a substantial technical challenge. It’s very IT intensive and we need to be able to deliver this functionality very rapidly to our business partners and our customers. Moreover, the difficulty of implementing such a solution goes beyond the technical. The data resides in various business silos with their respective owners who may not need to cooperate with their counterparts in other business silos – it becomes a political issue of protecting one’s business turf. CR: So what should the CIO do? KC: I think it’s a unique opportunity for CIOs to shine. As a CIO, you’ve built a relationship with business unit heads founded on trust, respect, and a mutual understanding of each others’ short- and medium-term needs. Use this hard- won credibility and knowledge of the business to work with business partners to integrate your data sources and improve data quality. The opportunity here is to shape business strategy, not simply enable business operations. Let me say that again. As IT executives, this is a new and unique opportunity for us to go beyond automating business process to forging new business processes that reshape our companies. IT does matter -- now more than ever. CR: We’ve talked about underwriting and servicing a policy. What about the claims processing segment of the value chain? PAGE 5 OF 9
  • 6. REDUCING THE CYCLE TIME FOR CHANGE IN HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AN INTERVIEW WITH KELLY CANNON KC: Yes, that’s a very important part of the value chain – about 65% of the cost of a policy is incurred at this segment of the value chain – from the handling and the payment of claims. The basic idea here is called “straight through processing” which is a term that comes from the financial services industry. The aim is to handle a claim transaction from start to finish, for example, from the time the claim is filed all the way through to when the physician gets reimbursed, without any human intervention. No customer service reps, no human adjudicators. The economics for doing this are very appealing. We can cut the cost of a claim by a factor of 20 – from around a dollar to a few pennies per claim. And this adds up over hundreds of thousands of claims. As you can imagine, high-quality data is essential for straight through processing. For example, we can do quite a bit with mining data patterns to uncover fraudulent claims, but only if the data is accurate and complete. CR: This sounds like a concrete The best CIOs know how to take a opportunity for IT to move from business strategy and put it into practice order taker to order shaper – in a way that gives their business partners working closely with the business control over the significant revenue and to improve business productivity. cost levers. KC: Yes, that’s right. The best CIOs know how to take a business strategy and put it into practice in a way that gives their business partners control over the significant revenue and cost levers. It requires having deep knowledge and empathy for what business leaders are facing. Instilling this knowledge and empathy in the IT leadership team is one of the best things a CIO can do. CR: How do you deliver this competitive advantage quickly at low cost? KC: For years mature IT practitioners have been steadily improving the efficiency of the software development life cycle. But the conditions we face today require more than incremental change – we need a significant leap in speed, at lower cost, but without loss of quality. Outsourcing is a big driver of cost savings, but you quickly hit the limit where any more outsourcing and you erode quality and productivity. The speed you gain in delivery can come back to haunt you as increased maintenance costs. Everyone would like to shorten the testing cycle, but again there are obvious limits and risks. PAGE 6 OF 9
  • 7. REDUCING THE CYCLE TIME FOR CHANGE IN HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AN INTERVIEW WITH KELLY CANNON CR: Where then do the significant gains come from? KC: There are no silver bullets. You’ll get significant gains if you’re able to objectively and consistently measure the progress made towards completing a software product (as opposed to simply the time spent). You also need to have a good measure of the quality of software delivered. After all, productivity without good quality is a waste, and quality without productivity is costly! You’ll get significant gains if you’re able to CR: The CAST Application objectively and consistently measure the Intelligence Platform (AIP) progress made towards completing a generates objective measures of software product (as opposed to simply both progress and quality. How the time spent). You also need to have a do you recommend CIOs use good measure of the quality of software these metrics? delivered. After all, productivity without good quality is a waste, and quality KC: I think CIOs and their IT leadership teams can use these without productivity is costly! metrics in a number of ways. With vendors, you can write the quality metrics into your SLAs, and use the productivity metrics to monitor and drive down unit costs. With internal teams, use these metrics to deliver faster, at lower cost and higher quality. Use the quality metrics to measure and manage the risk of business disruption in the legacy portfolio. And finally, use these metrics to get maximum visibility of the interdependencies in the legacy portfolio. CR: Can you expand on this last point? KC: Certainly. A CIO’s dilemma is that nothing is green field. Your portfolio of applications evolves in a way that never makes rational sense when you look at it in hindsight. But this haphazard evolution drives huge maintenance costs. Few business partners want to hear about the challenge of managing this legacy code base, much less invest in making it more efficient. The applications you deliver today become your legacy applications tomorrow. So be very careful what you deliver today and get the best visibility you can of interdependencies between your complex application systems. The more you know where the bodies are buried, the better off you are. CR: It’s interesting that you bring in the legacy portfolio and TCO. The CAST AIP measures the Application Software Quality of a complex application. PAGE 7 OF 9
  • 8. REDUCING THE CYCLE TIME FOR CHANGE IN HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AN INTERVIEW WITH KELLY CANNON We define Application Software Quality as more than just high availability and low latency in the production environment. It includes the speed with which the application can be modified to meet a pressing business need, and the inherent strength of the application to repel security attacks. In other words, Application Software Quality goes beyond present-day performance to include a measure of future performance -- how well an application can meet future business needs. KC: That’s precisely my point. Speed in IT is not just speed of delivery. It won’t matter much how fast you deliver something if it ends up costing you an arm and a leg to maintain or modify in response to the next pressing business need. The goal is to deliver supportable systems at a reasonable cost. For an IT executive, the cost to maintain the legacy portfolio is a perennial challenge. The reality is that legacy maintenance always grows faster than the rate of inflation. The reason is not hard to understand – every year, more complex new systems that cost even more to support are piled on to the legacy portfolio; and we don’t Speed in IT is not just speed of delivery. It retire enough to balance the won’t matter much how fast you deliver added costs. Add to this the fact something if it ends up costing you an arm that new systems cost much more and a leg to maintain or modify in to maintain in the first 3 years of response to the next pressing business their life than at any other stage, need. The goal is to deliver supportable and the rate of maintenance cost growth quickly escalates. systems at a reasonable cost. CR: Which means that if you wanted to keep the maintenance cost flat, you’d have to retire several legacy systems for each new one you introduce. KC: That’s correct. But it’s not possible to do that. So what you need is visibility over your application portfolio. Where are the real drivers of cost, and how fast are they growing? To find out, you have to get to the real drivers of risk in your portfolio. Unfortunately, these are buried deep within the source code of your applications. The more you can do to find those risk hotspots reliably and fix them quickly, the better you’ll be at directing your valuable maintenance dollars to fix the most costly problems. And keep in mind that your most urgent problems are not necessarily the most visible or costly to address. Every CIO has been in annual discussions with business partners over where to allocate IT funds. Should we put it toward maintaining the critical operating platforms on which the business runs, or build new business functionality? The business always wins this one - the answer is new business functionality. If you want to change this outcome, you need to come prepared with objective PAGE 8 OF 9
  • 9. REDUCING THE CYCLE TIME FOR CHANGE IN HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AN INTERVIEW WITH KELLY CANNON data about the quality of your legacy applications, and the effect a new system will have on the quality and performance of existing applications. The objective data on quality that the CAST AIP generates is exactly what you need. CR: We’ve spoken in quite some detail about IT’s role in reducing business costs and increasing revenue in The job of a CIO is not just to deliver fast – health care insurance. As we it is to reduce the cycle time of change in conclude this conversation, what the enterprise. To be able to do this well, is your advice for CIOs in these you have to deliver flawlessly; but that’s difficult economic conditions? only the first step. KC: The job of a CIO is not just to deliver fast – it is to reduce the cycle time of change in the enterprise. To be able to do this well, you have to deliver flawlessly; but that’s only the first step. In addition, CIOs have to focus on two things: Move from detailed business-process knowledge to a detailed understanding of your organization’s business model – an understanding of the significant drivers of cost and revenue in the business model. Move from detailed knowledge of IT delivery and maintenance processes to an understanding of the key drivers of TCO in your application portfolio. To do these things, you have to make delivery progress and application quality objectively measureable. These quantities give you the visibility over the IT factory you need to focus on the real reason for your job – to significantly increase business profitability. PAGE 9 OF 9