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Are You Aligning Your Culture and Brand to Increase ROI?
zz Pellet, Felix Global Vice President USA
Books by Lizz Pellet
Program Information on This Session

• How to assess and define an organization’s cultural frame work

• Subcultures with in Cultures

• What is Attract, Retain, Repel

• The Cultural “Fit” Factor

• Personal Values System alignment

• Employee Value Proposition
Can you conduct a culture assessment to
determine what “fit” will be?
What should be measured
       and why?

•   Identity – employment
•   Leadership
•   Relationships
•   Communication
•   Infrastructure
• Employee Engagement
•   Change Management
•   Finance
Tools to measure organizational culture:

• Past Employee Satisfaction surveys
• New assessment focused on
  cultural elements
• Standard surveys customized to
  your organization
• Validate survey data
• Quantitative and Qualitative data
Benefits of Quantitative Data

 Quantitative data allows you to determine who you are and who
 you are NOT! No more guesswork or assumptions.
                         Healthy    Neutral   Unhealthy

              Identity                   78                      13        9

        Relationships                   72                      18         10

          Leadership               59                      25         16

 Employee Engagement               58                      26         16

        Infrastructure             58                      25         17

      Communication            55                         25          20

             Finance     38                         39               24
Why do organizations need to understand
organizational culture?

 • Employee Satisfaction and engagement

 • To Create a Sustainable Competitive Advantage

 • What We Stand For Versus What We Do

 • To Create Internal Brand Loyalty and Trust

 • To Compete With Other Employers for the Best Talent

 • To Communicate the Value Proposition to employees

 • What happens in the case of M&A – whose identity wins,
   whose identity loses, whose identity do you use?
Why is Culture Important?

 •   Numerous studies show that organizations with
     performance-driven cultures have better:
    o Revenue growth
    o Employment growth
    o Stock Price growth
    o Net Income growth
 • Bottom line: Companies that live their culture are high
   performing and better places to work
Defining Your Corporate Culture is Not as
Easy as One Might Think…
 •   Leaders create cultures that will be most beneficial in helping
     them achieve their goals as a business.
 •   Differences are very real and can dilute a congruent
     corporate culture message.
 •   Values will support an organization in times of crisis so that
     the leadership can easily respond rather than react. Just say
 •   The ability to perceive the limitations of one’s culture and to
     develop the culture’s adaptability (change) is the essence
     and ultimate challenge of human resource leadership.
 •   Airline examples – who do you want to work for?
How Is Culture Created?

               Actions and Behavior
                   of Executives

                 What Leaders Pay
                   Attention To
 Executives                              Culture
               What Gets Rewarded
               & What Gets Punished

               Allocation of Attention
                    & Resources
HR’s Role in Shaping Culture

Recruiting &    Compensation      Training &          Talent         Performance
  Staffing       & Benefits      Development        Management       Management

• Hire people   • Create         • Instill          •Attract the     • Create a
who will “fit   compensation     corporate          best of the      culture where
in” with the    and benefit      values and         best             employees
current         packages that    desired            •Retain top      know what is
culture.        help reinforce   behaviors/skills   talent.          expected of
                and drive the    that will help     •Repel the
                                                                     them and hold
• Hire for
                company          promote the        ones that just   them
fit/aptitude,   culture.         current culture.   don’t fit        accountable.
not skills                       •Measure
                                 culture and
Executives Agree that Culture Can Be a
Significant Advantage
“We do a lot of things right but all those things can be copied by a
competitor tomorrow. The only thing they can’t copy is our culture.
Culture provides us a competitive advantage.”
         Colleen Barrett, President – Southwest Airlines
“We have had firms study our processes and benchmark us for years,
but they are hard-pressed to duplicate our success. When it comes to
a sustainable competitive advantage, our GE culture is one of the
most difficult things for others to copy.”
         Jeff Immelt, CEO – General Electric
“We have no patent on anything we do, and anything we do can be
copied by anyone else. But you can't copy the heart and the soul and
culture of our company and that distinguishes us from everyone else.”
         Howard Schultz, Founder – Starbucks
“We have a culture dedicated to creating a place where talented
people want to work. This gives us a tremendous advantage when it
comes to attracting, developing, exciting and retaining exceptional
         Ian Davis, Managing Director – McKinsey & Company
Today’s Employees Want Transparency

•   Employees are looking for a
    meaningful, authentic and
    congruent work experience
•   It is deeply rooted in U.S. culture
    to talk about our “jobs”
•   Cultural fit is paramount in
    finding a job you love (how long
    did you stay at a job that you
    didn’t fit)
•   Potential employees are
    twittering about their job
    interviews, the people who are
    interviewing them and how they
    are being treated. Potential PR
    nightmare or outstanding
    exposure opportunity.
What is Attract, Retain, Repel as it
Relates to Culture?
• The ability to understand who you are from a cultural

• Being crystal clear on what your culture is as you create an
  employment brand

• Employees will be either attracted to your organization or be
  repelled by this brand

• Employees who do come to work for you and enjoy an
  authentic and congruent work experience will stick around –
  retain – and talk to other people about how pleased they are
Attract, Retain, Repel as it Relates to
Recruitment and Retention = ROI
• Attract – how can you get the best of the best from the current
  and future talent pool?

• Retain – how will you keep the good ones you have that really
  are a good fit?

• Repel – how can you keep the ones that just don’t fit from
  applying in the first place?
The Connection Between Culture
and its Effect on ROI…
• Hard dollars spent on Recruitment and Retention = statistics
• Take one executive salary from last year that was a “bad
• Baby Boomer = Bust: the 2010 shortage = OR NOT
• Gen Y challenges
• The new Knowledge worker
• Mergers and Acquisitions = Cultural integration issues
• Employee Engagement and productivity = do more with less
  and get back to work
• Corporate Scandals = loss of employee confidence and
  share holder value
• Organization’s ability to respond rather than react in times of
  crisis or challenges = loss of consumer confidence and
  brand stability
Cultural Fit is key to Employee Engagement

  Gallup Study Results with responses from over 3 million
   • 29% of the U.S. work force is actively engaged, 55% is not
     engaged and 16% is actively disengaged.
   • That means that 71% of the Americans who go to work
     everyday are not engaged in their job.
   • This equates to businesses operating at one third of their
   • This can cost the economy up to $350 billion per year.
   • HR movement – Presenteeism……..
   • We have to “measure what we treasure”
The Cost of the Disengaged

                       1,000 Employees
                       x average hourly wage
                       of $15/hour = $15,000

                       $15,000 x 2 hours/day in lost
                       productivity = $30,000

                       $30,000 x 20 days worked in a
                       month = $600,000

                       $600,000 x 12 months
                       = $7.2 M in lost productivity.

                       These figures are based on a M–F, 8–5pm operation.
So how do you get people engaged?
How about have some fun!
Boomer Fit
       This was an actual picture on the career site for
               Harrah’s Casino in Las Vegas

  It was predicted that in 2010, 30,000 boomers would
   retire a day in the US.
  We have to get creative to keep our older workers - IP.
  There is as much competition to retain the boomers as
   there is to attract Gen Y.
The Next Gen Challenges…and you
 know what they are!

• Social networking is KEY
  Facebook, YouTube and
  Twitter are the new norms in
  communication and have
  changed the branding

• UAB Emergency Room Rap

• Read the article by
  Dr. John Sullivan re: who
  owns your brand
How Does Organizational Cultural Fit Relate
to Your Employment Branding Efforts?
• Vision, Mission, Values - leaders create and sustain
  organizational culture

• A common way of thinking, which drives a common way
  of acting

• Shared assumptions and beliefs: the silent code of
  conduct. It is the glue that holds an organization
  together…or not

• It is your employment BRAND in the truest form –
  whether you have consciously created it or not

• How employees feel they fit and identify with the
Cult-like Cultures - What do they have in
•    Strong sense of identity –
     BRAND - a core ideology.
     They are VERY clear about
     who they are and who they are

•    Greater tightness of fit.
     Employees either “buy-in” or
     “get out”

•    Self selection process... “this is
     just not for me”

•    Show evidence of elitism. They
     create a sense of belonging
     [internally] and superiority
Who Has a Cult-like Culture? Built to Last

                              • Southwest Airlines has
                                earned its reputation as
                                one of the most
                                outstanding companies
                                in consumer and
                                employment branding:
                                Fast, FUN and Friendly
                                is who they are… bags
                                fly free 
                              • You want to be a
                              • Mayo Clinic’s Mission
                              • Zappos!
Photo Source: Libby Sartain
Encourage & Promote Executive
The Starbucks Brand: It’s all “Green” to Me
…and to Them!
Values Alignment
Knowing your intrinsic values and asking an organization to
complete a values assessment.
What is Employee Value Proposition (EVP)?

• A narrative proclamation – to the employees – of how an
  employer will carry out the promise and uphold the values
  in the employment relationship. It needs to be both
  rational and emotional.

• Make sure you have a clear understanding of EVP before
  going to the C-suite. Create a proclamation before you
  outline any creative approach
Creative Approach to EVP

While your internal marketing departments know your company’s
brand, they may not have the psychometrics or external exposure
to pinpoint the EVP or employment brand perception. People
relate best to visual images. Consistency is quality!

                                                       Source: Southwest Airlines
EVP and the New Addition of Social
Networking and Sustainability

                            Company Commitment


                    Employee Value Proposition/Brand

Recruiting/    Training and    Pay,      Health and Financial Work/    Work
Orientation      Career     Recognition, Well-being Security Life Environment Social
               Development Performance                       BalanceSustainability
      Leadership                                                      programs

                 Program           Communication                    Delivery
                 Content             Vehicles                       Channels

                                                          Source: Libby Sartain, co-author “Brand from the
Example of positioning your EVP.
Start each top line with “we offer”…….

Compensation        Benefits      Amenities          Career                   Life Tools              Connections
                                                                             More solutions
Competitive       More choices,   Free Latte,     More                                                You can work
                                                                             to help you
Salary, Stock     more options,   Health Club,    Opportunities                                       with some of
                                                                             plan your life
Options, Bonus,   more            Foos Ball,      to learn and                                        the brightest
                                                                             and future
and Promotional   possibilities   Sport Courts,   grow                                                people around,
Opportunities                     Covered                                                             in a dynamic,
                                                                             Planning, Child
                                  Parking                                                             challenging
                                                                             Care                     environment.
                  So that you                                                401(k)
                  Can                             So that you
                  Customize                       can grow your
So that you       your Package                    career with us                                      So that your
can grow with     to meet your                                               So that you
                                  So that you     and get the                                         work Makes a
us and create     needs                                                      Can Create
                                  Can take a      most important                                      Difference
the career and                                                               Financial
                                  break and       things
experience                                                                   Security..
                                  have fun at     in your life.
you want.

                                                        Source: Libby Sartain, co-author “Brand From the Inside”
Employment Brand Promise:
Delivery Timeline
Results                                        1 to 3 Years
                                               Full alignment
                                               Significantly better business results
                                               Increased ROI of recruitment & retention programs

               3 to 6 Months
               Establish value proposition
               Develop brand message
               Roll out initiatives
                                        12 Months
                                        Redeploy diagnostic to measure progress
                                        Track ROI

1 to 3 Months
Diagnostic, Data Collection, Analysis
Delivery of action plan


  What about being green? How will you shift your culture?
Going Green to Attract, Retain and Repel
What are your core values as it relates to being a green organization?

A report by Sustainable Business Network of Washington (SB NOW)
gives us a great list to why a company should go green.

Their number one reason?
  1. Increasing employee satisfaction, retention and productivity
  2. Improving operational efficiency and effectiveness
  3. Saving energy, water and raw materials
  4. Shielding yourself from escalating energy and water prices
  5. Branding the business and differentiating it from the competition
  6. Developing a positive, proactive relationship with local compliance
  7. Reducing pollution, waste and greenhouse gas emissions
  8. Avoiding fines and other sanctions green guide and certification
The Way We Interview Candidates is
Forever Changing
CO2 Reduction Using Virtual Interviews

            645 kg CO2                        17 kg CO2

         In-person Interview               Live virtual Interview

Conducting just 30 live virtual interviews per month is the same CO2
savings as taking 60 cars off the road annually
Join the new LinkedHR Green Group!
Why is Green Important to Your Recruiting
Strategy and Overall HR Initiatives?

“While candidates of all generations have begun
evaluating potential employers based on their
greenness few in recruiting have leveraged this hot
topic in recruitment communication and activities”.

“Individual recruiters need to make their firm’s
environment stance a critical element of their sales pitch
to potential applicants and candidates”

              Dr. John Sullivan
              June, 2007
Social Media

• We cannot talk about                       Video/Photo
  cultural fit without talking                 Sharing       Blogging
  about how Social Media
  is changing today’s             Podcasts
• Social media has                                 Key Social           Blogging
  created a fundamental                            Platforms
  shift in the way people        Message
  communicate via real-
  time conversations                                                    RSS
  online.                                   Chat
                                           Rooms        Social
The World of Social Networking Changes
Every Day!
Social Media Revolution
ROI: The Cost of Using Social Media vs.
Other Methods

$$$             $$                         Free


                Niche boards

                Micro sites

                Web advertisements

                                                  (word press)


Lizz Pellet’s Contact information:
(480) 221-9649

Follow me on Twitter:

Invite me on LinkedIn:

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Cultural Fit Factor:How to Attract, Retain and Repel the Right Employee

  • 1. Are You Aligning Your Culture and Brand to Increase ROI? THE CULTURAL FIT FACTOR zz Pellet, Felix Global Vice President USA 2011
  • 2. Books by Lizz Pellet
  • 3. Program Information on This Session • How to assess and define an organization’s cultural frame work • Subcultures with in Cultures • What is Attract, Retain, Repel • The Cultural “Fit” Factor • Personal Values System alignment • Employee Value Proposition
  • 4. Can you conduct a culture assessment to determine what “fit” will be? What should be measured and why? • Identity – employment brand • Leadership • Relationships • Communication • Infrastructure • Employee Engagement • Change Management • Finance
  • 5. Tools to measure organizational culture: • Past Employee Satisfaction surveys • New assessment focused on cultural elements • Standard surveys customized to your organization • Validate survey data • Quantitative and Qualitative data
  • 6. Benefits of Quantitative Data Quantitative data allows you to determine who you are and who you are NOT! No more guesswork or assumptions. Healthy Neutral Unhealthy Identity 78 13 9 Relationships 72 18 10 Leadership 59 25 16 Employee Engagement 58 26 16 Infrastructure 58 25 17 Communication 55 25 20 Finance 38 39 24
  • 7. Why do organizations need to understand organizational culture? • Employee Satisfaction and engagement • To Create a Sustainable Competitive Advantage • What We Stand For Versus What We Do • To Create Internal Brand Loyalty and Trust • To Compete With Other Employers for the Best Talent • To Communicate the Value Proposition to employees • What happens in the case of M&A – whose identity wins, whose identity loses, whose identity do you use?
  • 8. Why is Culture Important? • Numerous studies show that organizations with performance-driven cultures have better: o Revenue growth o Employment growth o Stock Price growth o Net Income growth • Bottom line: Companies that live their culture are high performing and better places to work
  • 9. Defining Your Corporate Culture is Not as Easy as One Might Think… • Leaders create cultures that will be most beneficial in helping them achieve their goals as a business. • Differences are very real and can dilute a congruent corporate culture message. • Values will support an organization in times of crisis so that the leadership can easily respond rather than react. Just say J&J. • The ability to perceive the limitations of one’s culture and to develop the culture’s adaptability (change) is the essence and ultimate challenge of human resource leadership. • Airline examples – who do you want to work for?
  • 10. How Is Culture Created? Actions and Behavior of Executives What Leaders Pay Attention To Executives Culture What Gets Rewarded & What Gets Punished Allocation of Attention & Resources
  • 11. HR’s Role in Shaping Culture Recruiting & Compensation Training & Talent Performance Staffing & Benefits Development Management Management • Hire people • Create • Instill •Attract the • Create a who will “fit compensation corporate best of the culture where in” with the and benefit values and best employees current packages that desired •Retain top know what is culture. help reinforce behaviors/skills talent. expected of and drive the that will help •Repel the them and hold • Hire for company promote the ones that just them fit/aptitude, culture. current culture. don’t fit accountable. not skills •Measure culture and identify potential derailers.
  • 12. Executives Agree that Culture Can Be a Significant Advantage “We do a lot of things right but all those things can be copied by a competitor tomorrow. The only thing they can’t copy is our culture. Culture provides us a competitive advantage.” Colleen Barrett, President – Southwest Airlines “We have had firms study our processes and benchmark us for years, but they are hard-pressed to duplicate our success. When it comes to a sustainable competitive advantage, our GE culture is one of the most difficult things for others to copy.” Jeff Immelt, CEO – General Electric “We have no patent on anything we do, and anything we do can be copied by anyone else. But you can't copy the heart and the soul and culture of our company and that distinguishes us from everyone else.” Howard Schultz, Founder – Starbucks “We have a culture dedicated to creating a place where talented people want to work. This gives us a tremendous advantage when it comes to attracting, developing, exciting and retaining exceptional people.” Ian Davis, Managing Director – McKinsey & Company
  • 13. Today’s Employees Want Transparency • Employees are looking for a meaningful, authentic and congruent work experience • It is deeply rooted in U.S. culture to talk about our “jobs” • Cultural fit is paramount in finding a job you love (how long did you stay at a job that you didn’t fit) • Potential employees are twittering about their job interviews, the people who are interviewing them and how they are being treated. Potential PR nightmare or outstanding exposure opportunity.
  • 14. What is Attract, Retain, Repel as it Relates to Culture? • The ability to understand who you are from a cultural perspective. • Being crystal clear on what your culture is as you create an employment brand • Employees will be either attracted to your organization or be repelled by this brand • Employees who do come to work for you and enjoy an authentic and congruent work experience will stick around – retain – and talk to other people about how pleased they are
  • 15. Attract, Retain, Repel as it Relates to Recruitment and Retention = ROI • Attract – how can you get the best of the best from the current and future talent pool? • Retain – how will you keep the good ones you have that really are a good fit? • Repel – how can you keep the ones that just don’t fit from applying in the first place?
  • 16. The Connection Between Culture and its Effect on ROI… • Hard dollars spent on Recruitment and Retention = statistics • Take one executive salary from last year that was a “bad hire” • Baby Boomer = Bust: the 2010 shortage = OR NOT • Gen Y challenges • The new Knowledge worker • Mergers and Acquisitions = Cultural integration issues • Employee Engagement and productivity = do more with less and get back to work • Corporate Scandals = loss of employee confidence and share holder value • Organization’s ability to respond rather than react in times of crisis or challenges = loss of consumer confidence and brand stability
  • 17. Cultural Fit is key to Employee Engagement Gallup Study Results with responses from over 3 million employees: • 29% of the U.S. work force is actively engaged, 55% is not engaged and 16% is actively disengaged. • That means that 71% of the Americans who go to work everyday are not engaged in their job. • This equates to businesses operating at one third of their capacity. • This can cost the economy up to $350 billion per year. • HR movement – Presenteeism…….. • We have to “measure what we treasure”
  • 18. The Cost of the Disengaged 1,000 Employees x average hourly wage of $15/hour = $15,000 $15,000 x 2 hours/day in lost productivity = $30,000 $30,000 x 20 days worked in a month = $600,000 $600,000 x 12 months = $7.2 M in lost productivity. These figures are based on a M–F, 8–5pm operation.
  • 19. So how do you get people engaged? How about have some fun!
  • 20. Boomer Fit This was an actual picture on the career site for Harrah’s Casino in Las Vegas  It was predicted that in 2010, 30,000 boomers would retire a day in the US.  We have to get creative to keep our older workers - IP.  There is as much competition to retain the boomers as there is to attract Gen Y.
  • 21. The Next Gen Challenges…and you know what they are! • Social networking is KEY Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are the new norms in communication and have changed the branding landscape • UAB Emergency Room Rap • Read the article by Dr. John Sullivan re: who owns your brand
  • 22. How Does Organizational Cultural Fit Relate to Your Employment Branding Efforts? • Vision, Mission, Values - leaders create and sustain organizational culture • A common way of thinking, which drives a common way of acting • Shared assumptions and beliefs: the silent code of conduct. It is the glue that holds an organization together…or not • It is your employment BRAND in the truest form – whether you have consciously created it or not • How employees feel they fit and identify with the organization
  • 23. Cult-like Cultures - What do they have in common? • Strong sense of identity – BRAND - a core ideology. They are VERY clear about who they are and who they are not • Greater tightness of fit. Employees either “buy-in” or “get out” • Self selection process... “this is just not for me” • Show evidence of elitism. They create a sense of belonging [internally] and superiority [externally]
  • 24. Who Has a Cult-like Culture? Built to Last • Southwest Airlines has earned its reputation as one of the most outstanding companies in consumer and employment branding: Fast, FUN and Friendly is who they are… bags fly free  • You want to be a Nordee? • Mayo Clinic’s Mission • Zappos! Photo Source: Libby Sartain
  • 25. Encourage & Promote Executive Sponsorship
  • 26. The Starbucks Brand: It’s all “Green” to Me …and to Them!
  • 27. Values Alignment Knowing your intrinsic values and asking an organization to complete a values assessment.
  • 28. What is Employee Value Proposition (EVP)? • A narrative proclamation – to the employees – of how an employer will carry out the promise and uphold the values in the employment relationship. It needs to be both rational and emotional. • Make sure you have a clear understanding of EVP before going to the C-suite. Create a proclamation before you outline any creative approach
  • 29. Creative Approach to EVP While your internal marketing departments know your company’s brand, they may not have the psychometrics or external exposure to pinpoint the EVP or employment brand perception. People relate best to visual images. Consistency is quality! Source: Southwest Airlines
  • 30. EVP and the New Addition of Social Networking and Sustainability Company Commitment Employees Employee Value Proposition/Brand Recruiting/ Training and Pay, Health and Financial Work/ Work Orientation Career Recognition, Well-being Security Life Environment Social Networks Development Performance BalanceSustainability Leadership programs Program Communication Delivery Content Vehicles Channels Source: Libby Sartain, co-author “Brand from the Inside”
  • 31. Example of positioning your EVP. Start each top line with “we offer”……. Compensation Benefits Amenities Career Life Tools Connections Development More solutions Competitive More choices, Free Latte, More You can work to help you Salary, Stock more options, Health Club, Opportunities with some of plan your life Options, Bonus, more Foos Ball, to learn and the brightest and future and Promotional possibilities Sport Courts, grow people around, Financial Opportunities Covered in a dynamic, Planning, Child Parking challenging Care environment. Assistance, So that you 401(k) Can So that you Customize can grow your So that you your Package career with us So that your can grow with to meet your So that you So that you and get the work Makes a us and create needs Can Create Can take a most important Difference the career and Financial break and things experience Security.. have fun at in your life. you want. work Source: Libby Sartain, co-author “Brand From the Inside”
  • 32. Employment Brand Promise: Delivery Timeline Results 1 to 3 Years Full alignment Significantly better business results Increased ROI of recruitment & retention programs 3 to 6 Months Establish value proposition Develop brand message Roll out initiatives 12 Months Redeploy diagnostic to measure progress Track ROI 1 to 3 Months Diagnostic, Data Collection, Analysis Delivery of action plan Time
  • 33. Sustainability What about being green? How will you shift your culture?
  • 34. Going Green to Attract, Retain and Repel What are your core values as it relates to being a green organization? A report by Sustainable Business Network of Washington (SB NOW) gives us a great list to why a company should go green. Their number one reason? 1. Increasing employee satisfaction, retention and productivity 2. Improving operational efficiency and effectiveness 3. Saving energy, water and raw materials 4. Shielding yourself from escalating energy and water prices 5. Branding the business and differentiating it from the competition 6. Developing a positive, proactive relationship with local compliance inspectors 7. Reducing pollution, waste and greenhouse gas emissions 8. Avoiding fines and other sanctions green guide and certification
  • 35. The Way We Interview Candidates is Forever Changing
  • 36. CO2 Reduction Using Virtual Interviews 645 kg CO2 17 kg CO2 In-person Interview Live virtual Interview Conducting just 30 live virtual interviews per month is the same CO2 savings as taking 60 cars off the road annually
  • 37. Join the new LinkedHR Green Group!
  • 38. Why is Green Important to Your Recruiting Strategy and Overall HR Initiatives? “While candidates of all generations have begun evaluating potential employers based on their greenness few in recruiting have leveraged this hot topic in recruitment communication and activities”. “Individual recruiters need to make their firm’s environment stance a critical element of their sales pitch to potential applicants and candidates” Dr. John Sullivan June, 2007
  • 39. Social Media • We cannot talk about Video/Photo cultural fit without talking Sharing Blogging about how Social Media is changing today’s Podcasts employment. Micro • Social media has Key Social Blogging created a fundamental Platforms shift in the way people Message Boards communicate via real- time conversations RSS online. Chat Rooms Social Networking
  • 40. The World of Social Networking Changes Every Day!
  • 42. ROI: The Cost of Using Social Media vs. Other Methods $$$ $$ Free Corporate Niche boards Micro sites Web advertisements (word press) (application)
  • 43. Questions? Lizz Pellet’s Contact information: (480) 221-9649 Follow me on Twitter: Invite me on LinkedIn: