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Cultural Background Paper
Culture Background: A Research Paper There's various things that describes everyone, but there's only a few things that make each and every one of us
unique, which is, our cultural background. As far as cultural background, it defines the individual's upbringing. The cultural background includes ones
religion, race, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic factors, linguistic and values. These values can be shaped byfamily, friends, society, or authoritative
level. This paper is a great way for one to define my identity or at least understand who I am.
Introduction to my Family I value my family so much. They don't always do what I want them to do, but they always do what I need them to do. I
would like to introduce you to some of the most favorite people in my life. First, my mom (Helen) and my dad (Terry). My parents are just so
perfect and they have created a wonderful young lady. I wish I was the only child, but, I'm not. I have two siblings, both of my sisters are older than
me and married with children. I have a sister on more content...
I've been told that I'm a people's person and that I get along well with others. However, I don't see that. In fact, I see myself offset from others and I
don't like meeting new people. I often get nervous of meeting new people. So I decided to take a personality test and learned that I my personality is
described as OCEAN ("Big–Five Personality Test, 2015"). This test described me as being low in openness to experience, low in conscientiousness,
low in extraversion, low in agreeableness, and low in neuroticism. I would have to say I truly agree with this personality test. I have come aware of
my personality and I am learning to cope with the lows and turn them to highs. What I men by that is, although I might not be to open or concern with
certain things socially, I don't let it affect me or others. I try to communicate with others, be open, and adjust to meeting new people.
Gender Roles
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Cultural Diversity Essay
To work with culturally diverse people we should be aware of their culture, norms and traditions and accordingly reflect in it. We should also maintain
the communication strategies and respect strategies so that we can avoid conflict and communication barriers at the workplace. We should be well–
informed of all their cultures restrictions as well to avoid any misunderstanding. We should always treat them equally and adore their uniqueness.
2.What types of diversity may you encounter in your role?
Ans: I may encounter both cultural and ethnicity diversity.For example I am Nepalese and I follow Nepalese culture. Now I am in Australia and I can
encounter lots of cultural and work differences.
3.How can your attitudes impact diverse groups of people?
Ans : My attitudes can hugely impact the diverse groups of people. For instance if I looked down at their cultural norms and values, this will result in
racial conflict. Thus if I perform any activities that is against the diverse group then a huge clash will be the consequences. Thus my attitudes can
hugely impact both me and the diverse group. So it is important for me to act cautiously towards them so that they don't become offended.
4.How may cultural diversity impact different areas of work?
Ans: Cultural diversity impact different areas of work by :
Impact of culture in tourism : the impact of culture on tourism examines the growing relationship between tourism and culture, and the way in which
they have together
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Cultural Analysis : Cultural Baggage
Cultural baggage is when a person's own behaviors or beliefs can hinder or interfere with someone else culture without them knowing it. An example is
when I had an Amish patient and Amish women let the men do the talking and I would always try and talk to her forgetting about their culture because
it was different than mine.
Ethnocentrism is judging other cultures based on one own cultures and standards because people think there culture is better than other people's culture.
An example of this would be America. Even though we are a melting pot of many different cultures and standard's, many Americans think that the
standard of our health care and how we live are better than how other's live in different countries . more content...
I educated the patient on the effects of having uncontrolled blood pressure and diabetes and provided nutrient education but I had to also respect her
culture also.
Cultural self–assessment is a reflection on a nurse own idea's, values and attitudes and how they were formed on the nurses journey. Nurse find their
strength and there weakness along the path and they may change as the nurse grows in self–discovery through experience and furthering education. I
grew up in a small country town and when I moved to a large hospital I found out that one of my weaknesses is that I do not have that much
experience with foreign patients. I have never had a Russian speaking patient and I had no idea what kind of cultural things I would see like the
patient wanted sausage, potatoes and rolls for breakfast with oatmeal and it was such a shock that this patient could eat so much for breakfast even
though she was her for abdominal pain and she should have been on a clear diet but because of her culture that's what she at every day for breakfast
back in Russia. I think that it's important the health care professionals keep learning and
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Cultural Web
Organizational culture sometimes influences the organizations strategy if taken for granted. Culture has played a role in Sony's current financial
difficulties. They had power blocks which hindered the flow of communication and corporation between the management, designers, production and
The Cultural Web, developed by Gerry Johnson and Kevan Scholes in 1992, provides one such approach for looking at and changing your organization
's culture. Using it, you can expose cultural assumptions and practices, and set to work aligning organizational elements with one another, and with
your strategy.
The Cultural Web identifies six interrelated elements that help to make up what more content...
A high level of respect was kept between the senior and junior employees in the company. Various Health and wellness programs and benefits were
available for employees. Sony was an engineer–driven culture which put what the engineers thought and innovated before what the customers wanted
or what the market demanded.
Power Structures: Howard was made the new CEO thus giving power of the company to him. He was able to make changes but very smartly Howard
made Chubachi his right hand man since he was aware that he was the first non–Japanese CEO of the company. His power can be seen in the fact that
Howard is now President of Sony in 2009.
Control Systems: There was a more cost control in the company through reduction of employees in many of the sites. Manufacturing companies were
consolidated and shut down in many areas. Rewards and bonuses based on group performance (not seniority) after Howard Stringer had taken over.
Organizational Structure: With the structural changes that Howard had made to the company Sony had a flatter structure. Management was made to be
more involved in each of the business units of the company. There was more responsibility given to senior and middle management.
Stories: As per Chubachi, it was said that since Sir Howard had taken over "there was a sparkle in the eyes of the employees". The over
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Cultural Reflective Essay
For me, Given the opportunity to Bead undoubtedly brought me closer to Native culture and taught me much about patience, the ability to focus
and to have goodwill. It drew my attention into how Native peoples view the world, and the simplistic yet utterly complex art styles they hold to
their culture. Over the course of around a month of beading, I was opened up to such a vast world of culture. With not only beading but how it led
me deeper into the Native Culture, more specifically Ojibway. My Experiences while beading truly varies, it was definitely very difficult for me but
brought an aspect of fun and creativity with the activity. While thinking about the grandfather teachings, I took some time and concluded that during
the activity I was most like the bear, which represents courage. As I am impaired with my vision I needed lots of courage to be able to pull the
beading off, and it definitely took a good amount of time for me to find the courage inside me, most of the time it was very frustrating, and that took
away from the fun that the project brought, more content...
Thankfully I have a loving family that was able to pick me right back up when I stumbled. When I got frustrated my mom would always be there to
help me with the beading, and it became something we almost did together. She helped me so much and I am so grateful for her bringing back the
courage inside me. My teacher Mrs.Dowdall was also able to understand my problems with the beading and was also there to help me and bring
back that courage, so for that I thank her. And in the end I finally found my fix to my problem, It became much easier for me to bead when I worked
slower. And knowing that if I failed a step that there would be someone there to help me flourish again. It brought totally new positive views to my
family and friends. And has left a mark on me
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Cultural Reflection Essay
There comes a point in everyone's lives when they shift out of their comfort zone and must familiarize themselves to new cultures and socializations.
For my example, it includes sharing my experience of moving from Peru, Indiana to Indianapolis for college this past year. The different ideas of
socialization include social structural and social conflict and ideas of culture like idea stuff and actual stuff. I have gone through the socialization
process and been culturized to a new community moving to college and learning how to adapt to the experience by; living next to the LBGTQ+
community, take care of myself, and exposed to a more politically diverse environment than where I grew up. A shock to me was move–in–day when I
realized my dorm is right next to the LBGTQ+ community. With me being a heterosexual white female from a small town of northern Indiana, not
many people openly said they were homosexual. They usually waited until they left the town to come out because mostly everyone in that town was
a Republican and did not support people breaking the social norm of who you should be able to love. Moving next to this community made me so
excited because I was not use to people expressing their sexuality if they there are homosexual and it allowed me to realize that the rest of the world
is not like the tiny town I got out of. I also had to get use to asking people of that community what their pronouns are or how they would like me to
affiliate conversation with them.
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Cultural Identity Paper
Cultural Identity: Thoughts and Ideas of Cultural Identity Cultural identity refers to identification with, or sense of belonging to, a particular group
based on various cultural categories, including nationality, ethnicity, race, gender, and religion (2014). These identities are gained through ones own
experiences. The study of cultural identities offers rich understandings for both oneself and others. In the world one lives in today, it has one becoming
increasingly diverse; the study of cultural identities will continue to gain traction within the communication discipline and beyond (2016). One can be
shaped positively or negatively through events that him or her has been through. While people expand their horizons to other more
I do not want to be kept at one school with one main group of race but I do not want to be stuck at one school that has so many mixed races. I want
to be able to teach in both classrooms, to be able to see the differences and similarities of them both. I do not want to be tied down to one school
because I am comfortable, I believe in myself enough to know I could teach in both of the scenarios and to succeed. I want to see the different life
styles of the students I teach, whether it is in a city, and suburban, or rural
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Different Cultures, Different Essay
Every society and culture has different ways of interpreting and defining occurrences by the way their own culture or society functions. "A society's
culture, consists of whatever it is one has to know or believe in order to operate in a manner acceptable to its members"(Geertz 242). The rituals,
customs, ethics and morals that are attributed to the cultures have caused these differences. To understand how the people of one culture interpret a
situation or event, one must evaluate the attributes that a culture has. The criteria that an event is based on changes as one culture applies their own
ideas to the given situation. Heroism and violation are two concepts that are easily misinterpreted depending on culture's ideals. Since
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What tripped Cohen up, and with him the whole, ancient pattern of social and economic relationships within which he functioned, was a confusion of
tongues. (Geertz 241)
Geertz explains that the reason for the confusion, and the different interpretations of the event that took place is a simple misunderstanding that when
took place in clashing cultures with different views, both striving to claim the situation in their own contexts became a somewhat humorous event. This
conflict between cultures causes a view of a person to change depending on which point of reference they are being seen from.
In Ernest Hemingway's "Indian Camp," the conflict between cultures again cause a difference of views of the father. The concept of heroism and
violation becomes the issue of conflict. The father or doctor is considered a hero or a violator of the Indian woman depending on the culture
viewing him. From the father's culture, he is viewed as a hero for his actions at the Indian camp. His actions are viewed as heroic under the
circumstances of his procedure. Because of the culture of the Indian people, having a white man, an outsider of the tribe, come in and operate on an
Indian woman is viewed as obscene and a violation of the woman not to
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Culture is a body of characteristics such as beliefs, social norms and ethnic background shared in a region by a population of people. Development and
discipline can be influenced by culture. Culture contains values, norms, prejudice, social influence and human activity. Values and beliefs hold high
importance. An example would be religion, in" many cultures religion is of high value"(Kerfoot). Norms set an expectation to what is socially
acceptable. Prejudice is formed in culture. This bias can be "generalized ideas formed off popular belief" and tolerance (Wilson 2008). Social influence
comes from media outlets and world leaders. Culture guides human activity. Being culturally aware of Russian culture, history and more
This is under atmospheric diffusion through Cinder Cone Butte, Idaho calculation. Russia has measured to have 25% error of complex diffusion while
the United States has 15% error. The European plain takes up a large portion of Russian territory this is the most populated and active area in the
country. There are many important places located in the European plain. The Federation Tower located in Moscow, Russia is an international business
center. Sheremetyevo International is the most active airport in Russia and Novorossiysk is the major ship port. The airport and port are fine
representations of urban terrain Russia dominates. A final example would the 275–foot length Subway located in Moscow. Upgrades in this country
spread beyond the national limits; changes globally have been in effect. Within the last ten years, Russia has attracted foreign direct investment at
3.3%. In the past 20 years, Russia has fallen behind dropping to "93rd globally in quality of overall" infrastructure (Eitelhuber, 2009). Russia's
Railway infrastructure is ranked 31st, this placement is relatively high. Over 300 projects have surfaced in the past five years. Estimated funding at
969.4 B dollars. The benefits from operating at a lower global rate include lowered production cost and increased net output for national economy. A
stable economic home front improves a nation and even
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cultural issues Essay
Plays from African American, Latino–American, Asian American and European American cultures often deal with important and relevant issues
pertinent to that culture but they also connect to all cultures in a universal way. Throughout history in America people of all races have been
discriminated against. Immigrants have dealt with experiencing new ways of life and struggled with the tough decision of holding on to their culture
or adapting to change.
A Raisin in the Sun is a play about an African American family living in Chicago in the sixties. The Younger's are a family made up of a mother, her
daughter and her son with his wife and son. The home they are renting is a small two bedroom apartment, the bathroom is across the hall and they more content...
Rebellion will not be tolerated. She tells the slaves of their future and how they will work in scorching heat. She gives them hope by telling them
that it will take civil right leaders to give them any hope of ever being treated equally to their fellow man. The play ends with an example of a
stereotype when Ms. Pat displays "all right, so your gonna have to suffer for a few hundred years, but from your pain will come a culture so complex.
And with this item here... (she removes a basketball from the overhead compartment)'ll become millionaires!" She reveals basketball to point out
the stereotype that all black play basketball.
African Americans weren't the only race to experience racism and cultural difficulties. Mexican Americans and Asians also experienced their own
struggles. Most of those who migrated to America wanted to hold on to their cultural values and heritage. When their children who were born in the
United States grew up, they grew up in an American community. They were exposed to American traditions and ways of life. Their parents felt that
their children had lost touch with their roots. The parents tried to keep their cultural alive by keeping traditional homes, but their children were
attracted to the society they lived in.
The play Zoot Suit Riots is a good example of the struggles with racism and loss of culture Mexican Americans had to deal with. As
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Essay about Cultural Experience
English 1130
Fall 2012
Cultural Diversity Assignment I didn't know where I should go to visit for my culture experience paper. I am neither into a play or temple, but I
absolutely love food, all kinds of food. I think meals and restaurants are a great way to experience a different culture. The problem was what kind of
food I should try and won't be too disappointed? So I called my brother who has numerous experiences in food. He told me that I should try a
Greek food and there is a Greek restaurant in uptown called It's Greek to me, it is a nice place to go and offers delicious authentic Greek food. I was
attempting and exciting. Therefore, I decided to try Greek food for my culture experience. Next following day, my more content...
They all looked amazing and delicious, I had to stop and take some pictures. My dish Beef Kebob had four juicy steak nuggets, and a moist
medium–rare with flavors you won't find anywhere with some onion and pepper in between them. Couple this with vegetables and home–style
potatoes. I took a first bite of potatoes and it tasted so sour. I didn't like much but I didn't get bother by it. As soon as I took the first bite of my
steak nuggets, all the sour potatoes thoughts were disappeared and I felt so happy chewing on the steak. It was so tender and delicious. My
boyfriend's dish also looked amazing, he really loved it. I didn't try because I don't like the taste of lamb. Soon after we both cleaned out the plate
and left no room for desserts. We had to promise each other that we would come back again next time. After that, I called my brother and thank
him for the wonderful suggestion. He told me little bit about Greek culture on food. He said his Greek friend told him that food is very important
in Greek, Greek people take food very seriously. Family loves to come together and cook for a nice meal, enjoy the food, laugh and have fun
together. I don't know much about Greek culture, but I guess I am interested in it now because this experience. One thing I notice that Greek food is
amazing and they do really appreciate the food and create amazing dishes. I am glad that I chose Greek restaurant for this cultural
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Essay on Cultural Globalization
Globalisation and global flows of culture have redefined the processes in which we share and connect to ourselves, others, and the world. From its
onset, globalisation had both proponents' and critics; some believed that it leads to a rich, hybrid global culture. Others saw it as the west versus the
rest, an imprint of Western values and ideologies upon the world's rich and diverse cultures. In exploring global flows ofculture, we can observe these
major assumptions about globalisation as well as its changing nature. New, 'reverse' cultural flows have begun to emerge and question these traditional
assumptions. The case study of Japan's 'pink globalisation' is one such reverse flow.
Globalisation can take on many different shapes more content...
Appadurai terms these global flows as 'scapes', in which media, technology and ideology circulate broadly around the globe. The forces behind this
new global imagination and its scapes are no longer nation states but global media corporations. Accelerated by the dawn of the internet and an
opening up of transnational borders for economic trade in the 1990's, global media corporations have rapidly penetrated overseas markets with
products aimed at consumers in what could be seen as a cultural ideology of consumerism. Cultural globalisation is no longer a case of
Americanisation, but rather multiple, competing globalisations of global media corporations. Henry Jenkins observed the impact of these global
media corporations which he described as 'corporate convergence.' In addition, we also see a 'grassroots convergence,' in which fans armed with new
technologies capable of crossing borders (such as the internet) prescribe to new forms of popular culture. Jenkins observed this convergence coupling
as 'pop cosmopolitanism.' This notion of pop cosmopolitanism explains the rise in popularity of a new, reverse flow, in which Japanese popular culture
products are being disseminated across the globe.
To demonstrate the active way in which media is appropriated by people
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Cultural Anthropology Essay
Cultural Anthropology
Almost all cultures world wide have highly developed traditions of music and dance. According to Mari Womack, author of Being Human: An
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, music and dance carry much importance within a culture. "As do other artistic forms, music and dance reflect
cultural and social organization. Cultural values can be conveyed in the words of a song, and the performance of a song or a dance is dependent on
the social context" (Womack 226). Music and instruments are of great significance in many places world wide. For example, the BaMbuti foragers
from Africa's Ituri rain forest have an instrument which they call the molimo which looks like an extremely long pipe. The men of the
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When done correctly, it looks like an advanced version of "the wave." These are fine examples of Marching Band as the art of music and dance.
Marching Band is, in most high schools, on the fringes of society. Those instrument–toting kids spend countless hours fine tuning their skills, only to
receive little respect from the rest of the students. They are called "band nerds." They are laughed at. And yet they persist. But why? Why not give
into the mainstream high school culture and join football or cheer leading? Why spend countless hours playing and replaying their parts until their
fingers are worn to the bone when they could be watching movies, going on dates, and eating pizza? These were my questions based on my limited
knowledge of high school marching bands. So, I decided to use my budding role as anthropologist to find out.
My first step was to select a marching band to study. Luckily, the local high school, Goshen High School, has an excellent marching band which
has competed at the state level for the last decade. A friend of mine at Goshen College who was a member of the band helped me to contact a
current member of the band who could assist me by being my informant. For my informant, I chose a student, Jordan, who is currently involved in
the band as a section leader, but has been in several other roles as well. Jordan also has been involved in the Marching Band for all of his four years of
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Cultural Communities Essay
In this essay, I will argue that to understand a person's behaviour, ways of life and their development, we need to understand their cultural practices and
circumstances of their communities. I will also discuss how this can be done and the implication for this in early childhood education. Rogoff (2003)
argues that humans are develops as cultural beings: "people develop as participants in cultural communities. Their development can be understood only
in light of the cultural practices and circumstances of their communities– which also change" (p. 3–4)
According to Gonzalez– Mena (2003), understanding cultural differences can be confusing and no one can possibly know all about the culture of every
family who might come into more content...
6). However the same action in some other cultures is not considered appropriate. Tools, such as machetes, saws or cooking knives are not used by
children when they are young. In different cultural communities it is expected that children will engage in activities at vastly different times in
childhood, and may regard in other communities as surprising or even dangerous. For example in Fiji, children at age 12 are often regarded as
capable of caring for themselves or tending another child. My parents would sometimes leave me and my younger brothers and sisters at home and go
shopping in Fiji, but not in New Zealand. In New Zealand, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 years without adult supervision.
Rogoff (2003) makes the points that: "interpreting the activity of people without regard for their meaning system and goals renders observations
meaningless. We need to understand the coherence of what people from different communities do, rather than simply determining that some other
group of people do not do what "we" do, or do not do it as well or in the way that we do it, or jumping to conclusion that their practices are barbaric"
(p. 17). For example a generation ago in Japan, the United States and in urban areas of China formal education began with primary school and most
children under five years were cared for, educated and raised by their full time mothers, grandparents, or older siblings (Tobin, Hsueh, & Karasawa,
2009).This view
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Cultural Values Essay example
The purpose of this paper is to examine how personal, organizational, and cultural values affect decision making in my personal and professional life.
My cultural, organizational and personal values represent my beliefs and traditions of my cultural environment. Through my research, I examined
values and based them on how important they are within my personal, organizational, work, and cultural lifestyle. Based on the research, I came to the
conclusion knowing the foundational elements of individual behavior can be very rewarding. Values do not act individually, but also relate with other
values as well. The dynamic between individual values is almost as important as the values themselves. From what I learned between
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A value is a belief, a mission or philoshy that is really meaningful to a person (Nonis,2001).
Whether we are consciously aware of them or not, every individual has a number of personal values. My personal values range from a belief in hard
work, self reliance, and punctuality, concerns for others, and trust in others as well. My personal values have
Values 4
propelled me to great success and achievement not only through work but within myself as well. Personal values help me become more self aware,
helps prioritize my tasks, make ethical decisions, and develops credibility. What we value shapes our choices, and impacts the decision about what is
believe we can do, how well we treat ourselves and the value. Organizational values often include such tradition virtues as trust, loyalty, and
commitment, honesty, and respect for one another and avoiding conflicts of interest. Values are the active component and ever developing foundation
behind all organizational decisions core organizational values can remain steadfast within an environment of constant change (Sessa,2002). Values are
powerful determinants of personality and culture, but the depth of their contribution to individual and organizational behavior has been greatly
underestimated. Research studies have consistently found a
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Cultural Synthesis Essay
To start, in today's global world, it can be quite advantageous for a nation to maintain it's individualistic culture since positive cultural relations can help
to endorse a reputable status. In fact, culture is a very crucial aspect to public diplomacy. There has been a plethora of Canadian achievements, which
have not only garnered recognition from an international audience, but these efforts are also known for their contributions to public life. These
triumphant accomplishments capture a more sympathetic international audience, and more importantly, a more receptive environment in which to
project national interest. Indeed, Canadian novelist John Ralston Saul has stated that: Canada's profile abroad is, for the most part, its culture. That
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The Differences Of Culture And Culture Essay
The Differences of Culture
Culture is part of each of us; its characteristics are defined by a combination of multiple conditions such as language, religion, places, people, lifestyle,
etc. People in different societies have different cultures, sometimes they can be significantly different, but they can also have similarities. We are all
surrounded by people of different backgrounds, religion and culture. This expands our knowledge and by being surrounded of different cultures, it let
us to think with an open mind accepting our differences, but also celebrating our similarities. Some of us might have a greater knowledge in this
subject; some of us have live between a mix of cultures. People that have emigrated from a different country know how different cultures can be. I
believe every one of us at some point have seen the differences of cultures, some might know little about them, but at least everyone can be identified
with their own culture. To know who we are and what our culture represents is important, it is also important to expand our knowledge in cultures
from people that surround us because we are in a diverse world where millions of people live differently and it might surprise us how different but also
how similar we all are.
Culture is powerful; it can shape our perceptions, attributions, judgment, and ideas of our self and of others. It is one of the most important attributes
in our lives. We carry this since a very young age; we look up to our parents, our
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Essay about Cultural Universals
Cultural concepts are the outline of life. These concepts work with and complement each other. There are sayings such as "you are what you eat"
and "you're a product of your environment" These sayings only hold true if you believe you were put on earth to serve a purpose. There are some
that believe your design for life has already been made and there are those that choose to believe the outcome of your life is what you make of it.
Every choice you make redesigns your life's path. I choose to believe in the saying "life is what you make it". After reading each meaning I can
understand why I choose to make the decisions I make on a daily basis. Material Culture is the man–made possessions in society, such as our cars, more content...
I was brought up Catholic and went to Catholic school. On the other hand I am a believer that as a parent, a public school has the right to teach
and inform children about other religions. I am not one of those parents at the PTA meeting that gets upset when the school wants to show a
viewing of the President of the United States of America talk about education and reading. I am also proud to display the coloring my child's
brings home of a Menorah. Many of us get wrapped up in thinking our beliefs are the only way. Because of this many people tend to flock to a
cognitive culture. It is easy to have conversations when everyone is in agreement with the topic or on the same level with one another. New ideas
are being brought to the table but rarely is there conflict with this type of culture. An example of a cognitive culture in my life is my work. I am in
the military and we use a language of our own. In a group it is easy to have a conversation with each other. We understand what is being said
without having to explain at the lowest level to an outsider. I can also tie my work life into a subculture and using language and symbols. The
military is subculture of life because they have their own set of rules and values they live by. In the military you are taught service before self. This
something that no other culture or subculture is required to do. Being a part of this subculture you are not only required to adapt to
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Cultural Identity And My Family
Cultural identity is defined as the sense or feeling of belonging to a group. I connect my cultural identity to my immediate family. My immediate
family consists of my parents, two younger sisters, and myself. Each one of us has significant values that have been instilled in one another. I believe
that they play a large role in making me who I am today. Coming from a large, Sicilianfamily, the importance of love, loyalty, and support has always
been prominent. My Sicilian culture has always been existent in my life, however I do not fully connect with it on many levels. For example,
tattoos are not very accepted by my extended family. My father, mother, and I have several visible tattoos. When my grandparents and a few other
family members noticed, they were immediately disgusted. They could not see that we were the same people we were before they noticed the
tattoos. They also become distant for some time. The tattoos are a form of expression for us and we see them as art. My parents have always
taught my sisters and me to never be ashamed of who we are. I value this deeply. I feel that just because other people are unable to see how special
one person is, does not mean that that person is not special. In addition, this taught me to not judge someone based solely on their appearance. Some
of the nicest people I have ever met are covered with tattoos. To not be judgmental is a very valuable asset in being a speech language pathologist.
There will be
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  • 1. Cultural Background Paper Culture Background: A Research Paper There's various things that describes everyone, but there's only a few things that make each and every one of us unique, which is, our cultural background. As far as cultural background, it defines the individual's upbringing. The cultural background includes ones religion, race, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic factors, linguistic and values. These values can be shaped byfamily, friends, society, or authoritative level. This paper is a great way for one to define my identity or at least understand who I am. Introduction to my Family I value my family so much. They don't always do what I want them to do, but they always do what I need them to do. I would like to introduce you to some of the most favorite people in my life. First, my mom (Helen) and my dad (Terry). My parents are just so perfect and they have created a wonderful young lady. I wish I was the only child, but, I'm not. I have two siblings, both of my sisters are older than me and married with children. I have a sister on more content... I've been told that I'm a people's person and that I get along well with others. However, I don't see that. In fact, I see myself offset from others and I don't like meeting new people. I often get nervous of meeting new people. So I decided to take a personality test and learned that I my personality is described as OCEAN ("Big–Five Personality Test, 2015"). This test described me as being low in openness to experience, low in conscientiousness, low in extraversion, low in agreeableness, and low in neuroticism. I would have to say I truly agree with this personality test. I have come aware of my personality and I am learning to cope with the lows and turn them to highs. What I men by that is, although I might not be to open or concern with certain things socially, I don't let it affect me or others. I try to communicate with others, be open, and adjust to meeting new people.
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  • 2. Cultural Diversity Essay To work with culturally diverse people we should be aware of their culture, norms and traditions and accordingly reflect in it. We should also maintain the communication strategies and respect strategies so that we can avoid conflict and communication barriers at the workplace. We should be well– informed of all their cultures restrictions as well to avoid any misunderstanding. We should always treat them equally and adore their uniqueness. 2.What types of diversity may you encounter in your role? Ans: I may encounter both cultural and ethnicity diversity.For example I am Nepalese and I follow Nepalese culture. Now I am in Australia and I can encounter lots of cultural and work differences. 3.How can your attitudes impact diverse groups of people? Ans : My attitudes can hugely impact the diverse groups of people. For instance if I looked down at their cultural norms and values, this will result in racial conflict. Thus if I perform any activities that is against the diverse group then a huge clash will be the consequences. Thus my attitudes can hugely impact both me and the diverse group. So it is important for me to act cautiously towards them so that they don't become offended. 4.How may cultural diversity impact different areas of work? Ans: Cultural diversity impact different areas of work by : Impact of culture in tourism : the impact of culture on tourism examines the growing relationship between tourism and culture, and the way in which they have together Get more content on
  • 3. Cultural Analysis : Cultural Baggage Cultural baggage is when a person's own behaviors or beliefs can hinder or interfere with someone else culture without them knowing it. An example is when I had an Amish patient and Amish women let the men do the talking and I would always try and talk to her forgetting about their culture because it was different than mine. Ethnocentrism is judging other cultures based on one own cultures and standards because people think there culture is better than other people's culture. An example of this would be America. Even though we are a melting pot of many different cultures and standard's, many Americans think that the standard of our health care and how we live are better than how other's live in different countries . more content... I educated the patient on the effects of having uncontrolled blood pressure and diabetes and provided nutrient education but I had to also respect her culture also. Cultural self–assessment is a reflection on a nurse own idea's, values and attitudes and how they were formed on the nurses journey. Nurse find their strength and there weakness along the path and they may change as the nurse grows in self–discovery through experience and furthering education. I grew up in a small country town and when I moved to a large hospital I found out that one of my weaknesses is that I do not have that much experience with foreign patients. I have never had a Russian speaking patient and I had no idea what kind of cultural things I would see like the patient wanted sausage, potatoes and rolls for breakfast with oatmeal and it was such a shock that this patient could eat so much for breakfast even though she was her for abdominal pain and she should have been on a clear diet but because of her culture that's what she at every day for breakfast back in Russia. I think that it's important the health care professionals keep learning and Get more content on
  • 4. Cultural Web THE CULTURAL WEB BEFORE HOWARD STRINGER Organizational culture sometimes influences the organizations strategy if taken for granted. Culture has played a role in Sony's current financial difficulties. They had power blocks which hindered the flow of communication and corporation between the management, designers, production and marketing. The Cultural Web, developed by Gerry Johnson and Kevan Scholes in 1992, provides one such approach for looking at and changing your organization 's culture. Using it, you can expose cultural assumptions and practices, and set to work aligning organizational elements with one another, and with your strategy. The Cultural Web identifies six interrelated elements that help to make up what more content... A high level of respect was kept between the senior and junior employees in the company. Various Health and wellness programs and benefits were available for employees. Sony was an engineer–driven culture which put what the engineers thought and innovated before what the customers wanted or what the market demanded. THE CULTURAL WEB AFTER HOWARD STRINGER Power Structures: Howard was made the new CEO thus giving power of the company to him. He was able to make changes but very smartly Howard made Chubachi his right hand man since he was aware that he was the first non–Japanese CEO of the company. His power can be seen in the fact that Howard is now President of Sony in 2009. Control Systems: There was a more cost control in the company through reduction of employees in many of the sites. Manufacturing companies were consolidated and shut down in many areas. Rewards and bonuses based on group performance (not seniority) after Howard Stringer had taken over. Organizational Structure: With the structural changes that Howard had made to the company Sony had a flatter structure. Management was made to be more involved in each of the business units of the company. There was more responsibility given to senior and middle management.
  • 5. Stories: As per Chubachi, it was said that since Sir Howard had taken over "there was a sparkle in the eyes of the employees". The over Get more content on
  • 6. Cultural Reflective Essay For me, Given the opportunity to Bead undoubtedly brought me closer to Native culture and taught me much about patience, the ability to focus and to have goodwill. It drew my attention into how Native peoples view the world, and the simplistic yet utterly complex art styles they hold to their culture. Over the course of around a month of beading, I was opened up to such a vast world of culture. With not only beading but how it led me deeper into the Native Culture, more specifically Ojibway. My Experiences while beading truly varies, it was definitely very difficult for me but brought an aspect of fun and creativity with the activity. While thinking about the grandfather teachings, I took some time and concluded that during the activity I was most like the bear, which represents courage. As I am impaired with my vision I needed lots of courage to be able to pull the beading off, and it definitely took a good amount of time for me to find the courage inside me, most of the time it was very frustrating, and that took away from the fun that the project brought, more content... Thankfully I have a loving family that was able to pick me right back up when I stumbled. When I got frustrated my mom would always be there to help me with the beading, and it became something we almost did together. She helped me so much and I am so grateful for her bringing back the courage inside me. My teacher Mrs.Dowdall was also able to understand my problems with the beading and was also there to help me and bring back that courage, so for that I thank her. And in the end I finally found my fix to my problem, It became much easier for me to bead when I worked slower. And knowing that if I failed a step that there would be someone there to help me flourish again. It brought totally new positive views to my family and friends. And has left a mark on me Get more content on
  • 7. Cultural Reflection Essay There comes a point in everyone's lives when they shift out of their comfort zone and must familiarize themselves to new cultures and socializations. For my example, it includes sharing my experience of moving from Peru, Indiana to Indianapolis for college this past year. The different ideas of socialization include social structural and social conflict and ideas of culture like idea stuff and actual stuff. I have gone through the socialization process and been culturized to a new community moving to college and learning how to adapt to the experience by; living next to the LBGTQ+ community, take care of myself, and exposed to a more politically diverse environment than where I grew up. A shock to me was move–in–day when I realized my dorm is right next to the LBGTQ+ community. With me being a heterosexual white female from a small town of northern Indiana, not many people openly said they were homosexual. They usually waited until they left the town to come out because mostly everyone in that town was a Republican and did not support people breaking the social norm of who you should be able to love. Moving next to this community made me so excited because I was not use to people expressing their sexuality if they there are homosexual and it allowed me to realize that the rest of the world is not like the tiny town I got out of. I also had to get use to asking people of that community what their pronouns are or how they would like me to affiliate conversation with them. Get more content on
  • 8. Cultural Identity Paper Cultural Identity: Thoughts and Ideas of Cultural Identity Cultural identity refers to identification with, or sense of belonging to, a particular group based on various cultural categories, including nationality, ethnicity, race, gender, and religion (2014). These identities are gained through ones own experiences. The study of cultural identities offers rich understandings for both oneself and others. In the world one lives in today, it has one becoming increasingly diverse; the study of cultural identities will continue to gain traction within the communication discipline and beyond (2016). One can be shaped positively or negatively through events that him or her has been through. While people expand their horizons to other more content... I do not want to be kept at one school with one main group of race but I do not want to be stuck at one school that has so many mixed races. I want to be able to teach in both classrooms, to be able to see the differences and similarities of them both. I do not want to be tied down to one school because I am comfortable, I believe in myself enough to know I could teach in both of the scenarios and to succeed. I want to see the different life styles of the students I teach, whether it is in a city, and suburban, or rural Get more content on
  • 9. Different Cultures, Different Essay Every society and culture has different ways of interpreting and defining occurrences by the way their own culture or society functions. "A society's culture, consists of whatever it is one has to know or believe in order to operate in a manner acceptable to its members"(Geertz 242). The rituals, customs, ethics and morals that are attributed to the cultures have caused these differences. To understand how the people of one culture interpret a situation or event, one must evaluate the attributes that a culture has. The criteria that an event is based on changes as one culture applies their own ideas to the given situation. Heroism and violation are two concepts that are easily misinterpreted depending on culture's ideals. Since more content... What tripped Cohen up, and with him the whole, ancient pattern of social and economic relationships within which he functioned, was a confusion of tongues. (Geertz 241) Geertz explains that the reason for the confusion, and the different interpretations of the event that took place is a simple misunderstanding that when took place in clashing cultures with different views, both striving to claim the situation in their own contexts became a somewhat humorous event. This conflict between cultures causes a view of a person to change depending on which point of reference they are being seen from. In Ernest Hemingway's "Indian Camp," the conflict between cultures again cause a difference of views of the father. The concept of heroism and violation becomes the issue of conflict. The father or doctor is considered a hero or a violator of the Indian woman depending on the culture viewing him. From the father's culture, he is viewed as a hero for his actions at the Indian camp. His actions are viewed as heroic under the circumstances of his procedure. Because of the culture of the Indian people, having a white man, an outsider of the tribe, come in and operate on an Indian woman is viewed as obscene and a violation of the woman not to Get more content on
  • 10. Culture is a body of characteristics such as beliefs, social norms and ethnic background shared in a region by a population of people. Development and discipline can be influenced by culture. Culture contains values, norms, prejudice, social influence and human activity. Values and beliefs hold high importance. An example would be religion, in" many cultures religion is of high value"(Kerfoot). Norms set an expectation to what is socially acceptable. Prejudice is formed in culture. This bias can be "generalized ideas formed off popular belief" and tolerance (Wilson 2008). Social influence comes from media outlets and world leaders. Culture guides human activity. Being culturally aware of Russian culture, history and more content... This is under atmospheric diffusion through Cinder Cone Butte, Idaho calculation. Russia has measured to have 25% error of complex diffusion while the United States has 15% error. The European plain takes up a large portion of Russian territory this is the most populated and active area in the country. There are many important places located in the European plain. The Federation Tower located in Moscow, Russia is an international business center. Sheremetyevo International is the most active airport in Russia and Novorossiysk is the major ship port. The airport and port are fine representations of urban terrain Russia dominates. A final example would the 275–foot length Subway located in Moscow. Upgrades in this country spread beyond the national limits; changes globally have been in effect. Within the last ten years, Russia has attracted foreign direct investment at 3.3%. In the past 20 years, Russia has fallen behind dropping to "93rd globally in quality of overall" infrastructure (Eitelhuber, 2009). Russia's Railway infrastructure is ranked 31st, this placement is relatively high. Over 300 projects have surfaced in the past five years. Estimated funding at 969.4 B dollars. The benefits from operating at a lower global rate include lowered production cost and increased net output for national economy. A stable economic home front improves a nation and even Get more content on
  • 11. cultural issues Essay Plays from African American, Latino–American, Asian American and European American cultures often deal with important and relevant issues pertinent to that culture but they also connect to all cultures in a universal way. Throughout history in America people of all races have been discriminated against. Immigrants have dealt with experiencing new ways of life and struggled with the tough decision of holding on to their culture or adapting to change. A Raisin in the Sun is a play about an African American family living in Chicago in the sixties. The Younger's are a family made up of a mother, her daughter and her son with his wife and son. The home they are renting is a small two bedroom apartment, the bathroom is across the hall and they more content... Rebellion will not be tolerated. She tells the slaves of their future and how they will work in scorching heat. She gives them hope by telling them that it will take civil right leaders to give them any hope of ever being treated equally to their fellow man. The play ends with an example of a stereotype when Ms. Pat displays "all right, so your gonna have to suffer for a few hundred years, but from your pain will come a culture so complex. And with this item here... (she removes a basketball from the overhead compartment)'ll become millionaires!" She reveals basketball to point out the stereotype that all black play basketball. African Americans weren't the only race to experience racism and cultural difficulties. Mexican Americans and Asians also experienced their own struggles. Most of those who migrated to America wanted to hold on to their cultural values and heritage. When their children who were born in the United States grew up, they grew up in an American community. They were exposed to American traditions and ways of life. Their parents felt that their children had lost touch with their roots. The parents tried to keep their cultural alive by keeping traditional homes, but their children were attracted to the society they lived in. The play Zoot Suit Riots is a good example of the struggles with racism and loss of culture Mexican Americans had to deal with. As Get more content on
  • 12. Essay about Cultural Experience English 1130 Fall 2012 Cultural Diversity Assignment I didn't know where I should go to visit for my culture experience paper. I am neither into a play or temple, but I absolutely love food, all kinds of food. I think meals and restaurants are a great way to experience a different culture. The problem was what kind of food I should try and won't be too disappointed? So I called my brother who has numerous experiences in food. He told me that I should try a Greek food and there is a Greek restaurant in uptown called It's Greek to me, it is a nice place to go and offers delicious authentic Greek food. I was attempting and exciting. Therefore, I decided to try Greek food for my culture experience. Next following day, my more content... They all looked amazing and delicious, I had to stop and take some pictures. My dish Beef Kebob had four juicy steak nuggets, and a moist medium–rare with flavors you won't find anywhere with some onion and pepper in between them. Couple this with vegetables and home–style potatoes. I took a first bite of potatoes and it tasted so sour. I didn't like much but I didn't get bother by it. As soon as I took the first bite of my steak nuggets, all the sour potatoes thoughts were disappeared and I felt so happy chewing on the steak. It was so tender and delicious. My boyfriend's dish also looked amazing, he really loved it. I didn't try because I don't like the taste of lamb. Soon after we both cleaned out the plate and left no room for desserts. We had to promise each other that we would come back again next time. After that, I called my brother and thank him for the wonderful suggestion. He told me little bit about Greek culture on food. He said his Greek friend told him that food is very important in Greek, Greek people take food very seriously. Family loves to come together and cook for a nice meal, enjoy the food, laugh and have fun together. I don't know much about Greek culture, but I guess I am interested in it now because this experience. One thing I notice that Greek food is amazing and they do really appreciate the food and create amazing dishes. I am glad that I chose Greek restaurant for this cultural Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on Cultural Globalization Globalisation and global flows of culture have redefined the processes in which we share and connect to ourselves, others, and the world. From its onset, globalisation had both proponents' and critics; some believed that it leads to a rich, hybrid global culture. Others saw it as the west versus the rest, an imprint of Western values and ideologies upon the world's rich and diverse cultures. In exploring global flows ofculture, we can observe these major assumptions about globalisation as well as its changing nature. New, 'reverse' cultural flows have begun to emerge and question these traditional assumptions. The case study of Japan's 'pink globalisation' is one such reverse flow. Globalisation can take on many different shapes more content... Appadurai terms these global flows as 'scapes', in which media, technology and ideology circulate broadly around the globe. The forces behind this new global imagination and its scapes are no longer nation states but global media corporations. Accelerated by the dawn of the internet and an opening up of transnational borders for economic trade in the 1990's, global media corporations have rapidly penetrated overseas markets with products aimed at consumers in what could be seen as a cultural ideology of consumerism. Cultural globalisation is no longer a case of Americanisation, but rather multiple, competing globalisations of global media corporations. Henry Jenkins observed the impact of these global media corporations which he described as 'corporate convergence.' In addition, we also see a 'grassroots convergence,' in which fans armed with new technologies capable of crossing borders (such as the internet) prescribe to new forms of popular culture. Jenkins observed this convergence coupling as 'pop cosmopolitanism.' This notion of pop cosmopolitanism explains the rise in popularity of a new, reverse flow, in which Japanese popular culture products are being disseminated across the globe. To demonstrate the active way in which media is appropriated by people Get more content on
  • 14. Cultural Anthropology Essay Cultural Anthropology Almost all cultures world wide have highly developed traditions of music and dance. According to Mari Womack, author of Being Human: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, music and dance carry much importance within a culture. "As do other artistic forms, music and dance reflect cultural and social organization. Cultural values can be conveyed in the words of a song, and the performance of a song or a dance is dependent on the social context" (Womack 226). Music and instruments are of great significance in many places world wide. For example, the BaMbuti foragers from Africa's Ituri rain forest have an instrument which they call the molimo which looks like an extremely long pipe. The men of the more content... When done correctly, it looks like an advanced version of "the wave." These are fine examples of Marching Band as the art of music and dance. Marching Band is, in most high schools, on the fringes of society. Those instrument–toting kids spend countless hours fine tuning their skills, only to receive little respect from the rest of the students. They are called "band nerds." They are laughed at. And yet they persist. But why? Why not give into the mainstream high school culture and join football or cheer leading? Why spend countless hours playing and replaying their parts until their fingers are worn to the bone when they could be watching movies, going on dates, and eating pizza? These were my questions based on my limited knowledge of high school marching bands. So, I decided to use my budding role as anthropologist to find out. My first step was to select a marching band to study. Luckily, the local high school, Goshen High School, has an excellent marching band which has competed at the state level for the last decade. A friend of mine at Goshen College who was a member of the band helped me to contact a current member of the band who could assist me by being my informant. For my informant, I chose a student, Jordan, who is currently involved in the band as a section leader, but has been in several other roles as well. Jordan also has been involved in the Marching Band for all of his four years of high Get more content on
  • 15. Cultural Communities Essay In this essay, I will argue that to understand a person's behaviour, ways of life and their development, we need to understand their cultural practices and circumstances of their communities. I will also discuss how this can be done and the implication for this in early childhood education. Rogoff (2003) argues that humans are develops as cultural beings: "people develop as participants in cultural communities. Their development can be understood only in light of the cultural practices and circumstances of their communities– which also change" (p. 3–4) According to Gonzalez– Mena (2003), understanding cultural differences can be confusing and no one can possibly know all about the culture of every family who might come into more content... 6). However the same action in some other cultures is not considered appropriate. Tools, such as machetes, saws or cooking knives are not used by children when they are young. In different cultural communities it is expected that children will engage in activities at vastly different times in childhood, and may regard in other communities as surprising or even dangerous. For example in Fiji, children at age 12 are often regarded as capable of caring for themselves or tending another child. My parents would sometimes leave me and my younger brothers and sisters at home and go shopping in Fiji, but not in New Zealand. In New Zealand, it is an offense to leave a child under age 14 years without adult supervision. Rogoff (2003) makes the points that: "interpreting the activity of people without regard for their meaning system and goals renders observations meaningless. We need to understand the coherence of what people from different communities do, rather than simply determining that some other group of people do not do what "we" do, or do not do it as well or in the way that we do it, or jumping to conclusion that their practices are barbaric" (p. 17). For example a generation ago in Japan, the United States and in urban areas of China formal education began with primary school and most children under five years were cared for, educated and raised by their full time mothers, grandparents, or older siblings (Tobin, Hsueh, & Karasawa, 2009).This view Get more content on
  • 16. Cultural Values Essay example Abstract The purpose of this paper is to examine how personal, organizational, and cultural values affect decision making in my personal and professional life. My cultural, organizational and personal values represent my beliefs and traditions of my cultural environment. Through my research, I examined values and based them on how important they are within my personal, organizational, work, and cultural lifestyle. Based on the research, I came to the conclusion knowing the foundational elements of individual behavior can be very rewarding. Values do not act individually, but also relate with other values as well. The dynamic between individual values is almost as important as the values themselves. From what I learned between more content... A value is a belief, a mission or philoshy that is really meaningful to a person (Nonis,2001). Whether we are consciously aware of them or not, every individual has a number of personal values. My personal values range from a belief in hard work, self reliance, and punctuality, concerns for others, and trust in others as well. My personal values have Values 4 propelled me to great success and achievement not only through work but within myself as well. Personal values help me become more self aware, helps prioritize my tasks, make ethical decisions, and develops credibility. What we value shapes our choices, and impacts the decision about what is believe we can do, how well we treat ourselves and the value. Organizational values often include such tradition virtues as trust, loyalty, and commitment, honesty, and respect for one another and avoiding conflicts of interest. Values are the active component and ever developing foundation behind all organizational decisions core organizational values can remain steadfast within an environment of constant change (Sessa,2002). Values are powerful determinants of personality and culture, but the depth of their contribution to individual and organizational behavior has been greatly underestimated. Research studies have consistently found a Get more content on
  • 17. Cultural Synthesis Essay To start, in today's global world, it can be quite advantageous for a nation to maintain it's individualistic culture since positive cultural relations can help to endorse a reputable status. In fact, culture is a very crucial aspect to public diplomacy. There has been a plethora of Canadian achievements, which have not only garnered recognition from an international audience, but these efforts are also known for their contributions to public life. These triumphant accomplishments capture a more sympathetic international audience, and more importantly, a more receptive environment in which to project national interest. Indeed, Canadian novelist John Ralston Saul has stated that: Canada's profile abroad is, for the most part, its culture. That Get more content on
  • 18. The Differences Of Culture And Culture Essay The Differences of Culture Culture is part of each of us; its characteristics are defined by a combination of multiple conditions such as language, religion, places, people, lifestyle, etc. People in different societies have different cultures, sometimes they can be significantly different, but they can also have similarities. We are all surrounded by people of different backgrounds, religion and culture. This expands our knowledge and by being surrounded of different cultures, it let us to think with an open mind accepting our differences, but also celebrating our similarities. Some of us might have a greater knowledge in this subject; some of us have live between a mix of cultures. People that have emigrated from a different country know how different cultures can be. I believe every one of us at some point have seen the differences of cultures, some might know little about them, but at least everyone can be identified with their own culture. To know who we are and what our culture represents is important, it is also important to expand our knowledge in cultures from people that surround us because we are in a diverse world where millions of people live differently and it might surprise us how different but also how similar we all are. Culture is powerful; it can shape our perceptions, attributions, judgment, and ideas of our self and of others. It is one of the most important attributes in our lives. We carry this since a very young age; we look up to our parents, our Get more content on
  • 19. Essay about Cultural Universals Cultural concepts are the outline of life. These concepts work with and complement each other. There are sayings such as "you are what you eat" and "you're a product of your environment" These sayings only hold true if you believe you were put on earth to serve a purpose. There are some that believe your design for life has already been made and there are those that choose to believe the outcome of your life is what you make of it. Every choice you make redesigns your life's path. I choose to believe in the saying "life is what you make it". After reading each meaning I can understand why I choose to make the decisions I make on a daily basis. Material Culture is the man–made possessions in society, such as our cars, more content... I was brought up Catholic and went to Catholic school. On the other hand I am a believer that as a parent, a public school has the right to teach and inform children about other religions. I am not one of those parents at the PTA meeting that gets upset when the school wants to show a viewing of the President of the United States of America talk about education and reading. I am also proud to display the coloring my child's brings home of a Menorah. Many of us get wrapped up in thinking our beliefs are the only way. Because of this many people tend to flock to a cognitive culture. It is easy to have conversations when everyone is in agreement with the topic or on the same level with one another. New ideas are being brought to the table but rarely is there conflict with this type of culture. An example of a cognitive culture in my life is my work. I am in the military and we use a language of our own. In a group it is easy to have a conversation with each other. We understand what is being said without having to explain at the lowest level to an outsider. I can also tie my work life into a subculture and using language and symbols. The military is subculture of life because they have their own set of rules and values they live by. In the military you are taught service before self. This something that no other culture or subculture is required to do. Being a part of this subculture you are not only required to adapt to Get more content on
  • 20. Cultural Identity And My Family Cultural identity is defined as the sense or feeling of belonging to a group. I connect my cultural identity to my immediate family. My immediate family consists of my parents, two younger sisters, and myself. Each one of us has significant values that have been instilled in one another. I believe that they play a large role in making me who I am today. Coming from a large, Sicilianfamily, the importance of love, loyalty, and support has always been prominent. My Sicilian culture has always been existent in my life, however I do not fully connect with it on many levels. For example, tattoos are not very accepted by my extended family. My father, mother, and I have several visible tattoos. When my grandparents and a few other family members noticed, they were immediately disgusted. They could not see that we were the same people we were before they noticed the tattoos. They also become distant for some time. The tattoos are a form of expression for us and we see them as art. My parents have always taught my sisters and me to never be ashamed of who we are. I value this deeply. I feel that just because other people are unable to see how special one person is, does not mean that that person is not special. In addition, this taught me to not judge someone based solely on their appearance. Some of the nicest people I have ever met are covered with tattoos. To not be judgmental is a very valuable asset in being a speech language pathologist. There will be Get more content on