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Critical Analysis Of Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs once said "Being the richest man in the century doesn't matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful, that's
what matters to me". In 2013, Open Road Films released the movie Jobs paying tribute to Steve Jobs, co–founder of Apple Inc. The movie takes place
in Cupertino, California where Steve Jobs (Ashton Kutcher), and Steve Wozniak (Josh Gad), spark a revolution in home computer systems in Steve's
garage. The beginning of the movie takes place in 2001, where Steve Jobs is introducing the new iPod at an Apple meeting, it then flashes back to
1976 where it all began. After Jobs and Wozniak introduced the Apple 1 to Paul Terrell, he encourages them to come up with an even greater model.
Later on, in 1977 they release the Apple 2 with the help of the recently hired Rod Helt, guiding them to the vast success of the Apple 2. After the
release, it becomes an instant hit with the American people and would be the start of an industry that would soon become one of the most successful
companies in the world. The movie Jobs portrays the idea of a brilliant innovator in Steve Jobs, who deals with successes in the newfound industry of
computer systems and comes face to face with his personality and hardships through the industry. The movie Jobs shows a variety of ways how Steve
Jobs dealt with many trials and tribulations during his time running Apple Inc. In the movie Steve Jobs is first given the opportunity to create the first
home computer
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Steve Jobs Character Analysis
In the article "The story of Steve Jobs: An inspiration or a cautionary tale", by Ben Austen, the author claims that damaging norms of social or
business collaboration that stands amongst you and what you want was Jobs most important lesson. A few entrepreneurs from all over the world now
see Jobs and his ways of running a successful business as a holy scripture. In many ways Steve Jobs can be seen as a good influence when it comes to
entrepreneurship because of the outcome of his business. On the other hand, some may disagree with him due to his private life and actions while
running apple. Ben Austen explains the sides and opinions of the opposing sides known as the acolytes and the rejectors. This is where bosses around
the world share their stories and experiences they had with Steve Jobs.
Entrepreneurs who have used Jobs as a role model in business to become more aggressive as visionaries, competitors, and above all as bosses are
known as acolytes. Many people talk about the influence given to them from Steve Jobs accomplishments in his business. For example, Steve Davis
a CEO of TwoFour mentioned the impact Jobs had on him when he said "We're willing to fail. Look at jobs. he got knocked down, and kept going.
He's totally unconventional, driving on his particular path. Either you join him or get out of the way"(Austen 4). This shows that Jobs is a hard worker
and even through obstacles he is able to overcome them and stay successful. An iphone software developer;
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Steve Jobs Essay
Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in Los Altos, California. He is Co–founder, Chairman, and former CEO of Apple Inc. Steve Jobs and Steve
Wozniak high school friends and both college dropouts joined together to start Apple Computer in 1976. They are credited for inventing the first
computer for home use. They made it possible for people to have a computer anywhere in their home, or on an office desk, where previously a single
computer took up a whole room. There creation changed the world. However Steve Jobs didn't change what was in the products but how they looked,
functioned, and what they meant.
In 1776 the Apple I was finished being created. Jobs and Wozniak had spent six months creating the prototype of the Apple I in more content...
He didn't only pay attention to what was in his products but what they looked like and what they meant to his buyers. That is how he changed the
world, not with what his products have in them, all of the components of his products are the same as any other out there, but with how they look and
what they make easier in our lives. No one goes out and says oh I'm going to buy a MP3 player that's only 29.00$, they're going to want to buy Apples
iPod even if they have the same software. When you buy an apple product you're not just buying the actual product your buying what the product
represents. Job's ability to take what he wants in a phone, portable music device, and computer and make it real and wanted by the masses is a gift.
In conclusion, Steve Jobs changed the world not only with the invention of the Apple II in 76'which was in collaboration with Steve Wozniak, but with
how he thinks. When Job's thinks of the next big thing in technology he thinks about what he would want. He makes products that make life easier,
they look good and they represent an
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Steve Jobs is a man known worldwide for his influential advancements in the world of technology. In a room of teens, it is very common for more
than half of them to have some kind of product made by his top grossing technological business, Apple. The Iphone, The Ipad, The Ipod, The Imac and
more are some of the many products produced and invented by Steve Jobs and his team of extremely intelligent engineers. Like all businesses, there is
a path to success. Sometimes this path has its bumps and turns, Steve Jobs struggled to gain the success he is known for today. A notable movie about
how Steve Jobs created his business was released on August 16th 2013. Director, Joshua Michael Sterns, wanted to create a motion picture film to
show the positive
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Steve Jobs: The Man Who Thought Different
Steve Jobs: The Man Who Thought Different by Karen Blumenthal is a biography of the celebrated technology leader who put a cell phone, computer
and the Internet all in your pocket in the form of the iPhone. There were many other innovations that the high–tech rock star and face of the personal
computer developed over the years. Although he had many gifts, he was at times his own worst enemy.
There were two things that were obvious to Paul and Clara Jobs about their son, Steve, from the time he was a little toddler: he was very bright and
he hated to listen or obey anyone. Those traits followed him throughout his life and career. As a young man living in the heart of the technological age
that was on the verge of exploding, Jobs felt right at home. From a young boy on, Steve loved electronics and devices. He took them apart and put
them back together with great joy and more content...
Once of these boys was a few years older and worked at Hewlett–Packard that was located in the Santa Clara Valley where they lived. Steve Wozniak
was a true technology nerd who just instinctively knew how to create electronic devices and make them work. He was a brilliant inventor and computer
whiz. Steve Jobs had dropped out of college after one semester and had no real technology background. However, he had a bearing about him that
impressed people. He was hired by Atari with other college drop–outs like himself. The president of the company noticed him and asked him to
develop a new game for the company. Since Jobs didn't have the expertise to create the game, he snuck Wozniak in who developed the
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Steve Jobs Reflection Paper
Biography of Steve Jobs
25 of September, 2015. The sale day of IPhone 6S had started. Many fans of Apple argued that Apple's products are no more innovative. When
everybody talking about the success story of Apple, they will talk about Steve Jobs, credit him as "Hero" for company, without him, Apple cannot be
the wealthiest company in the world. For that, I am interested in him and want to know more about him, Is he really like a God or the most succeed
leader as the Apple's fans said? After I had read "Steve Jobs", the auditor is Walter Isaacson and I read the paperbacked version which published in
2013, as same as the version in 2011. The book is talking about his story and personalities , I can know more about his success story and more
about his personality through his life, may be you will not said he is "perfect leader" again. In this reflective essay, I want mainly focus what are
the characteristics of Steve, reflection on the strengths and weaknesses of me, then make comparison with him , are there any similarities or
differences? I am sure this book can tell me what should I learn or something shouldn't learn from his experience. It can help me to get a mind which
areas I need to improve and a direction that how to develop the leadership skills plans to become a good leader. This essay will mainly divided in 4
parts, more content...
Paul was a mechanic while he was serving US Coast Guard. For little Steve, he was just observing just beside his father and found his interest with
electronics while his father was fixing a car. Moreover, by observing the design of the real estate developer Joseph Eichler who built simple modern
home with inexpensive price, Steve fell in passion for making great designed and simple capability with low cost products for mass market, he said in
the interview, "that's the original vision of Apple. That's what I tried do with Mac and IPod." (Isaacson, 2013,
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The Life of Steve Jobs
Steve Paul Jobs was born in San Francisco, California on February 24th, 1955. He was born to Joanne Schieble, and Abdulfattah Jandali. Both of
them were graduates of the University of Wisconsin. Unfortunately, they gave the unnamed (Steve)son up for adoption. His father, Abdulfattah
Jandali, was a Syrian political science professor and his mother, Jonne Schieble worked as a speech therapist. Later after they gave Steve up for
adoption the married couple had another child, Mona Simpson. It was not until Steve was 27 that he was able to discover this information on his
biological parents. As an infant, Steve was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs and named Steven P. Jobs. Clara worked as an accountant and Paul was
a Coast Guard Veteran and machinist. The family lived in Mountain View in California's Silicon Valley. As a boy, Stece and his father Paul would
work on electronics in the family garage. Paul would show Steve how to take apart and reconstruct them, a hobby which instilled something great into
Steve. As time went on Steve preferred to do things by himself. He was very competitive and tenacious with certain things. However he was not
interested in team sports or other group activites. While Steve being a very intelligent and innovative kid, his youth was riddled with frustrations over
formal schooling. He was a prankster in elementary school; Some of Steve's teachers even had to bribe him to study. When it came to testing results,
Steve did so well that the Administrators
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Essay about Steve Jobs Biography Summary
Chapter 1: Childhood: Abandoned and Chosen Steve Jobs was the natural–born son of John Jandali and Joanne Schieble. Jandali was a teaching
assistant from Syria and Joanne was a Catholic girl from Wisconsin whose parents disapproved of her relationship with a Muslim. Unable to wed,
they gave their baby up for adoption and baby Steve was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs of San Francisco, California. Paul Jobs was an engine
technician turned car mechanic, and he introduced Steve to the world of engineering and design, instilling in him many of the principles of good
design that are so characteristic of Apple products. Still, Jobs struggled at times with the circumstances surrounding his birth, and he expressed mixed
emotions about more content...
One engineer complained, "This guy's a goddamn hippie with b.o. Why did you do this to me? And he's impossible to deal with." Jobs temporarily left
Atari to visit India and pursue his interest in Eastern spirituality. Although he initially sought out a few notable spiritual gurus, he eventually turned
inward and sought simplicity and deprivation, although he never found the spiritual calm he was looking for. Still, he was deeply affected by this
experience and developed an understanding of the importance of intuition in Indian culture. When he returned to Atari, Bushnell challenged Jobs to
design a one–player version of the game pong, and offered an additional bonus for designing the game with fewer computer chips. Jobs recruited
Wozniak to design the game and proposed they split the fee. Wozniak finished the design in four days, and Bushnell paid Jobs. There is some
controversy regarding this story, as some accounts suggest Jobs kept the additional bonus for himself, never telling Wozniak about the bonus money.
Chapter 5: The Apple I As the technology revolution was being born in Silicon Valley, Steve Wozniak joined an informal interest group of computer
nerds called the Homebrew Computer Club, where he saw a demonstration for a microprocessor. It was there that Wozniak came up with the idea for
the modern personal computer – keyboard, screen and computer all in one package. While Wozniak initially wanted to give away his design for
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The Steve Jobs biography "Steve Jobs the Man Who Thought Different" provides a glimpse into the past and the development of current technology.
Although at some points did this book fail to capture my attention, overall I came to the conclusion that it did help me learn a lot about the Apple
Industry and how it came to be. Because of this I would recommend this book to a friend. The author's unique way of reviewing Steve Jobs's life and his
impact made on society, along with his associates who helped him make it to where he was helped to build my interest in the book. Although, it did fail
to capture my attention because of the, what I felt, extensive and repetitive descriptions of each situation Jobs found himself in throughout his life. By
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Introduction Steve Jobs' unique approach to leadership and visionary approach to creating, producing and selling innovative products, combined
with his innate ability to orchestrate increasingly complex companies have earned him many accolades. Fortune Magazine named him the best
leader of the Decade and countless other publications, colleges and universities have given him many accolades and honorary degrees. All these
external measures of success reflect who Steve Jobs is on a daily basis, and how his unique and highly effective approach to creating entire new
products and shaping organizations that center first on a passion for delighting customers and delivering exceptional experiences through unique
products (Burrows, Grover, Green, 2006). The goal of this analysis is to evaluate Steve Jobs as a visionary and transformational leader, including
a functional analysis of Steve Job's success as a leader and an assessment of his leadership style as well. Unifying these leadership strengths is also
an innate sense of how to design products so they deliver the greatest possible customer experience possible (David, 2010). Steve Jobs rallied Apple
from nearly going out of business to being the most profitable in the world by using product launch events to underscore how incredibly valuable and
unique their new products are (David, 2010). Underscoring this vision of creating consistently excellent products was a strong passion for product
quality as well, which drive Jobs to
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Reflection Paper On Steve Jobs
"This is the closest I've been to a graduation." These words spoken humbly and authentic, by the late Steve Jobs at a commencement ceremony for the
class of 2005 at the very prestigious Stanford University, was the beginning of a masterpiece, a speech that was designed to encourage and empower
those young college graduates to take on the world, trust their gut, and follow their dreams and aspirations in life. Significantly, Jobs grabs and holds
the attention of his young audience by recounting 3 brief, yet meaningful stories. Each story followed the moments in his life that impacted and made
him Steve Jobs. Above all, it was not the words itself that captivated my mind, but it was the purpose behind them that fed my soul. After reading more content...
Stupidly, I found myself disregarding my success, obliterating my failures, and moving on without taking one look back. But, after reading Jobs
speech I learned to simply connect the dots. Rewind, remember, and reflect on the events that led to where you are today. Secondly, I was
reminded, through Steve's Jobs speech, to search and thirst after my passion. His second story was about love and loss. In this story, he retells his
sudden dismissal from his job at Apple. He portrays a picture of hurt, devastation, betrayal, and sudden loss. Sadly, his job, passion, and his why
was gone at the snap of a finger. Or was it? See, after losing his job he still had that fire and passion for what he did. The loss of his job was meant to
break him, but instead, it fueled him to continue doing what he cherished. As a result, he moved on and created a company entitled Next. Moreover,
my freshman year of high school I tried out for the junior varsity cheerleading squad. After a long week of tryouts, we finally received the results. I
was so nervous and anxious to see if my name was on the list. To make a long story short, I didn't make it, but it was the fervor I had for
cheerleading that made me go out and try again the next year. It was a certain fire in me the next go around that got me a position on the squad, and a
year later I made the varsity squad. So, in a way, Jobs is
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The Life and Legacy of Steve Jobs Essay
Why Steve Jobs? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––2
Leadership period (1996–2011) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––3
Personality traits–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––7
Leadership style–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––7
Management style––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––8
Limitations of Steve Jobs–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
more content...
According to my view, Steve Jobs was a successful leader and proved hid proficiency through the success of his company. Not only Apple's product
are great, but the main fact they became the most innovative company of world was due to the reason that Steve Jobs had a clear leadership model
and he knew what worked and what did not.
Steve Jobs was not only a role model for his team but also to people all around the world. People were always curious about the secret behind hid
success and focused on everything he ever said.. He gained and had a great deal of respect from followers and this is what a good leader wants,
Respect. Any leader who lacked the respect from his followers will be unsuccessful at the end of the day. Similarly, the leader who don't his
follower is also going to be unsuccessful., the team will likely lose spirit and feel as if they are not properly being guided for their goals and their
tribulations. All of this will inevitably result in a failed business or loss of a company. All this support my starting argument that a company may have
everything going for it such as great products and amazing future goals, but a due to a lack of leadership and one can say bye–bye to that company, it
will create a negative environment in the progressive way of that company. Not just because that path–goal leadership theory has worked so
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Steve Jobs Leadership Essay
Some would say that Steve Jobs, co–founder of Apple Computers Inc., was an exceptional leader. However, there are many who would disagree with
that statement. Jobs could define leadership in some aspects, yet he fell short in others. Jobs' leadership style is difficult to pin down because his
position fit very many styles.
Steve Jobs co–founded Apple in 1976 and in 1984 he created the Macintosh, the first small computer with a graphic interface. Unfortunately in 1985
Jobs was forced to leave after an internal power struggle with the companies CEO. Jobs later returned to a struggling Apple after 12 years and turned
the company around. During the 12 years he was away, Steve Jobs created successful companies such as Pixar and NeXT. more content...
One of Jobs' greatest quotes on leadership is "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" (Jobs, 2006).
Steve Jobs' leadership style is very difficult to clearly identify. Jobs' characteristics and traits sporadically fit into different leadership styles. Jobs
would be classified as an autocratic leader, he tells people what to do, asserting themselves, and serving as a model team member. Jobs was
definitely not a democratic leader, it has been said that Jobs hated team meetings and was rather rude when employees spoke their mind. Steve Jobs
could also be classified as entrepreneurial, despite the fact that he is a multibillionaire, his work ethic never changed. Andrew Dubrin defines an
entrepreneur as "someone with a strong will for achievement and a sensible risk taking, high degree of enthusiasm, tendency to act quickly on
opportunity, being impatient, visionary, amongst others" (Dubrin, 2010). Dubrin's definition describes Steve Jobs to a tee. A transformational leader
is one who "brings about major, positive change for the group, organization or society" (Dubrin, 2010). Jobs' leadership showed many similarities to a
transformational leader except one, Jobs lacked the humane qualities necessary. Jobs' could also be considered a charismatic leader. Steve's
exceptional ability to captivate his audience during a speech is the time his charisma can be clearly seen. Jobs could fit himself into
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Steve Jobs Biography
Eric Munoz J. Alicata 10/17/12 ITEC 1700 Steve Jobs Steve Jobs might be one of the most creative and innovative inventors of our generation. His
advances for Apple Inc. have put the company on top. With over 300, (313 to be exact) patents under his belt, there is no one that could beat him in
our modern day. Job's was an American entrepreneur and inventor. You might know him as the Chief Executive Officer of Apple Inc., however he was
also the chairman, and one of the co–founders. He was mostly recognized through Apple Inc. as the "charismatic" pioneer of the personal computer
revolution and for his inspirational involvement in the consumer electronics and computer field. Also, unbeknownst to most, Jobs was also a
co–founder more content...
During his years with Next Inc. Jobs had made many technological advances after getting funding of a billionaire Ross Perot. In 1986, Jobs bought
the Graphic Group, which he would later rename Pixar, from the computer graphics division of Lucasfilm's for ten million dollars. The first film
produced by the partnership was Toy Story in 1995, with Jobs credited as the executive producer, and would later be followed a massive amount of
hit animated movies. In 1996, Apple announced that they would buy Next Inc., bringing jobs back to Apple Inc. Then in 2011 Jobs had resigned as
the CEO of Apple but still stayed with the company as chairman of the company's boards. Jobs design aesthetic for his inventions was mainly
influenced by his seven month spiritual journey in India and the Buddhist teachings that he had followed. He is listed as either primary Inventor or
co–inventor in 342 United States patents or patent applications. Even while terminally ill in the hospital, Jobs sketched new devices that would
hold the iPad in a hospital bed. He also hated having the oxygen monitor placed on his finger and suggested ways to revise the design for simplicity.
Jobs had died in his California home around 3pm on October 5th, 2011 due to complications from his cancer. He had lost consciousness the previous
day and passed with his wife, children, and sister at his side. Apple Inc., Pixar Studios, and Walt Disney World and Land all had there flags flying
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Steve Jobs : A Visionary Leader
Think about your 401k or retirement savings. Do you care how your wealth is accumulated, or are you simply concerned with the outcome? If you
care about how your wealth is accumulated, then you want a pioneer or visionary to champion that endeavor and you probably are concerned about the
ethical behavior of that pioneer. In the following paragraphs, I will demonstrate how Steve Jobs was a visionary leader. I will also prove Steve Jobs was
an unethical leader. Lastly, I will give personal examples of how I have experienced the sameleadership approaches and how I responded to them.
Finally, I will summarize what I have learned.
Visionary Leader Steve Jobs was a visionary leader because he empowered his employees and inspired them to achieve greatness. Steve co–founded
Apple Inc. with his good friend Steve Wozniak in 1976. They started out small and were working out of Jobs' parent's garage. Just four years later,
Apple Inc. became a publicly traded company and in 1984 they released their first Macintosh computer. During this time, the board of director's focus
became profits instead of quality. Steve was disappointed with the direction the company had taken and resigned in 1985. Apple Inc. floundered in
the years that Steve was absent. They were able to release products and keep their head above water; but just barely. It wasn't until his return 1997 that
a vision was restored to the company. (Steve Jobs Biography, 2015) Steve's strategy was simple. The
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Steve Jobs
Rhetorical Analysis– Steve Jobs
Given the task of conceptualizing a man who truly changed the realm of technology as we know it today, my mind secludes one person. That person is
Steve Jobs, co–founder of Apple Computer, now known simply as Apple. For this rhetorical analysis, I will be using three biographies/profiles about
Jobs including "The Real Genius of Steve Jobs" by Malcolm Gladwell with The New Yorker (June 19, 2017), "Jobs' Biography; Thoughts on Life,
Death, and Apple" from NPR (October 25, 2011), and "Steve Jobs" from (April 28, 2017). Precise attention to the audience, purpose,
and tone, allows all three of these profiles to vividly explain and represent Jobs as the truly exceptionally minded man that he more
I feel as if there is a negative connotation to the profile as a whole, making Jobs look like a criminal. It is written in a tone that relays that Jobs did
not deserve what he had. Thinking about all the things we use today that have a piece of Jobs' mind behind them, whether he "invented" them or not,
one could make the case that he truly molded the world of technology as we know it, and deservedly so.
"Jobs' attention to detail on his creations was unrivaled, says Isaacson. Though he was a technologist and businessman, he was also an artist and
designer." (Jobs' Biography NPR par 11) Focus is given to summarizing a biography written about Jobs by Walter Isaacson. The publication's purpose
is to detail Jobs' entire life, starting from a very young age when he found out he was adopted. Isaacson, the author of Jobs' official biography writes,
"For Steve Jobs, he felt throughout his life that he was on a journey – and he often said, 'The journey was the reward.'" Jobs felt that all design was
important whether it could be seen or not. Countless designs brought to him were turned down because they were too complex. "I see the depth of
simplicity," said Jobs. This profile has a much more casual tone and focuses on Jobs as a person, and not so much as a businessman. The tone does
not discredit what Jobs has accomplished. However, due to the fact that several bits and pieces from the Jobs' biography (Isaacson)
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Steve Jobs Research Paper
Steve Jobs Have you ever wondered who the real Steve Jobs was? He was a very intelligent person, but he had no direction. He had experimented
with different pursuits before working with Apple Computers. Which included the, I pod, I pad, and the, I phone. Steve Jobs had an high IQ, was a
great inventor, and he met his longtime partner Steve Wozniak. Steve Paul Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco, California to Joanne
Schieble and Abdulfattah "John" Jandal. Soon after his birth his, parents gave him up for adoption. The people that adopted him were Clara and Paul
Jobs. Steve was always an intelligent and "innovative thinker, his teachers needed to bribe him to study." He did very well in school, the administrators more content...
Later he dropped out of college and went in and out of creative classes. He took a course in calligraphy soon after he developed his love in
typography. In 1974, Jobs took a position as a video game designer with Atari. Several months later he, left the company to go find peace in India.
When he left India, and went back to San Francisco to find a sense of direction. The Duo with his partner/best friend Steve Wozniak they started the
making of the Apple Computer in Jobs family garage. Funding their entrepreneurial venture, Jobs sold his Volkswagen bus and sold his beloved
scientific calculator. They were credited for revolutionizing the computer industry by making machines smaller, cheaper, intuitive, and accessible to
everyday consumers. The first Apple Computer marketed for the public was sold for $666.66. In 1980, Apple Computer became a publicly traded
company. In 2003, Jobs discovered that he had a neuroendocrine tumor. He postponed the surgery for 9 months. The executives feared that
shareholders would pull their stocks if they found out they found out their CEO was ill. In 2004, he had a successful surgery to remove the tumor. He
disclosed little about the health to the public eye. On October 11, 2011 Steve Jobs past away from his pancreatic cancer he died at the age of 56 years
old. Everyone a part of the apple company was very upset that he had past away.
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Steve Jobs Research Paper
Steve was born in San Francisco, California on February 24,1955 (Steve Jobs Biography). He was put up for adoption. His original parents were not
married. Joanne Schieble and Abdulfatlah Jandali were the names of his biological parents (Steve Jobs Biography). They were both students of the
University of Wisconsin (Pilar). His adopted parents were Clara and Paul Jobs (Steve Jobs Biography). They lived in Mountain View, California, later
known as Silicon Valley. When Jobs was a kid, he liked to work with his dad with electronics in the family garage (Steve Jobs Biography). Jobs
attended Homestead High School in Cupertino, California (Spicer). He then met Steve Wozniak, another co–founder of Apple. Jobs graduated high
school in 1972 (Spicer). After graduating from high school, he enrolled in Reed College ("Steve Jobs: An Extraordinary Career"). Unlike most people,
Steve dropped out of college more content...
Jobs was interested in machines early in his life (Pilar). Taking objects apart and seeing how they work was something he loved to do. To start off,
Steve got a summer internship at Hewlett–Packard ("Steve Jobs: An Extraordinary Career"). Hewlett–Packard (HP) is a printer manufacturer. Jobs
initially wanted parts. Later in 1974, both Jobs, and Wozniak worked at a company called Atari and designed video games and other products
(Pilar). Both Jobs, and Wozniak were part of group of computer enthusiasts whose focus was building computers and computer chips (Pilar). Jobs
and Wozniak wanted to make computers small enough for people to have them in their homes or offices ("Apple Computer, Inc"). In 1975 Steve and
Wozniak set up shop in Jobs' parents' garage ("Steve Jobs: An Extraordinary Career"). In the garage they started out building the Apple 1, their very
first computer. Their desire for better computers drove the Apple company into what it is today.Apple started off in a
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Biography of Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs Introduction When most people think of Steve Jobs, they will often associate him with the i Pod and the i Phone. While these items are
some of the products that he helped to develop, the fact of the matter is that he had a major impact on Apple. To fully understand his influence
requires carefully examining the company and his effect on the firm. This will be accomplished by providing: a description of the company,
organizational performance determinants and the status of the firm today. Together, these different elements will highlight Jobs' influence on Apple
and how it was able to transform itself in a competitive marketplace. Description of the company (vision, mission, products / services and the
industry etc.) Apple was founded in 1977. The vision and mission of the firm are to create lasting changes that will improve the lives of everyone.
This means designing products that will address the needs of customers and offer them something more in contrast to competitors. As a result, the
company has developed a number of different devices to achieve these objectives. A few of the most notable include: personal computers, notebooks,
work stations, portable music video players, tablets and an online store to support these products. (Lustead, 2012, pp. 14 32) The industry is
considered to be very competitive with a number of firms entering the marketplace to address the needs of the consumers. Over the course of time, this
can create sudden shifts as to
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Critical Analysis Of Steve Jobs

  • 1. Critical Analysis Of Steve Jobs Steve Jobs once said "Being the richest man in the century doesn't matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful, that's what matters to me". In 2013, Open Road Films released the movie Jobs paying tribute to Steve Jobs, co–founder of Apple Inc. The movie takes place in Cupertino, California where Steve Jobs (Ashton Kutcher), and Steve Wozniak (Josh Gad), spark a revolution in home computer systems in Steve's garage. The beginning of the movie takes place in 2001, where Steve Jobs is introducing the new iPod at an Apple meeting, it then flashes back to 1976 where it all began. After Jobs and Wozniak introduced the Apple 1 to Paul Terrell, he encourages them to come up with an even greater model. Later on, in 1977 they release the Apple 2 with the help of the recently hired Rod Helt, guiding them to the vast success of the Apple 2. After the release, it becomes an instant hit with the American people and would be the start of an industry that would soon become one of the most successful companies in the world. The movie Jobs portrays the idea of a brilliant innovator in Steve Jobs, who deals with successes in the newfound industry of computer systems and comes face to face with his personality and hardships through the industry. The movie Jobs shows a variety of ways how Steve Jobs dealt with many trials and tribulations during his time running Apple Inc. In the movie Steve Jobs is first given the opportunity to create the first home computer Get more content on
  • 2. Steve Jobs Character Analysis In the article "The story of Steve Jobs: An inspiration or a cautionary tale", by Ben Austen, the author claims that damaging norms of social or business collaboration that stands amongst you and what you want was Jobs most important lesson. A few entrepreneurs from all over the world now see Jobs and his ways of running a successful business as a holy scripture. In many ways Steve Jobs can be seen as a good influence when it comes to entrepreneurship because of the outcome of his business. On the other hand, some may disagree with him due to his private life and actions while running apple. Ben Austen explains the sides and opinions of the opposing sides known as the acolytes and the rejectors. This is where bosses around the world share their stories and experiences they had with Steve Jobs. Entrepreneurs who have used Jobs as a role model in business to become more aggressive as visionaries, competitors, and above all as bosses are known as acolytes. Many people talk about the influence given to them from Steve Jobs accomplishments in his business. For example, Steve Davis a CEO of TwoFour mentioned the impact Jobs had on him when he said "We're willing to fail. Look at jobs. he got knocked down, and kept going. He's totally unconventional, driving on his particular path. Either you join him or get out of the way"(Austen 4). This shows that Jobs is a hard worker and even through obstacles he is able to overcome them and stay successful. An iphone software developer; Get more content on
  • 3. Steve Jobs Essay Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in Los Altos, California. He is Co–founder, Chairman, and former CEO of Apple Inc. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak high school friends and both college dropouts joined together to start Apple Computer in 1976. They are credited for inventing the first computer for home use. They made it possible for people to have a computer anywhere in their home, or on an office desk, where previously a single computer took up a whole room. There creation changed the world. However Steve Jobs didn't change what was in the products but how they looked, functioned, and what they meant. In 1776 the Apple I was finished being created. Jobs and Wozniak had spent six months creating the prototype of the Apple I in more content... He didn't only pay attention to what was in his products but what they looked like and what they meant to his buyers. That is how he changed the world, not with what his products have in them, all of the components of his products are the same as any other out there, but with how they look and what they make easier in our lives. No one goes out and says oh I'm going to buy a MP3 player that's only 29.00$, they're going to want to buy Apples iPod even if they have the same software. When you buy an apple product you're not just buying the actual product your buying what the product represents. Job's ability to take what he wants in a phone, portable music device, and computer and make it real and wanted by the masses is a gift. In conclusion, Steve Jobs changed the world not only with the invention of the Apple II in 76'which was in collaboration with Steve Wozniak, but with how he thinks. When Job's thinks of the next big thing in technology he thinks about what he would want. He makes products that make life easier, they look good and they represent an Get more content on
  • 4. Steve Jobs is a man known worldwide for his influential advancements in the world of technology. In a room of teens, it is very common for more than half of them to have some kind of product made by his top grossing technological business, Apple. The Iphone, The Ipad, The Ipod, The Imac and more are some of the many products produced and invented by Steve Jobs and his team of extremely intelligent engineers. Like all businesses, there is a path to success. Sometimes this path has its bumps and turns, Steve Jobs struggled to gain the success he is known for today. A notable movie about how Steve Jobs created his business was released on August 16th 2013. Director, Joshua Michael Sterns, wanted to create a motion picture film to show the positive Get more content on
  • 5. Steve Jobs: The Man Who Thought Different Steve Jobs: The Man Who Thought Different by Karen Blumenthal is a biography of the celebrated technology leader who put a cell phone, computer and the Internet all in your pocket in the form of the iPhone. There were many other innovations that the high–tech rock star and face of the personal computer developed over the years. Although he had many gifts, he was at times his own worst enemy. There were two things that were obvious to Paul and Clara Jobs about their son, Steve, from the time he was a little toddler: he was very bright and he hated to listen or obey anyone. Those traits followed him throughout his life and career. As a young man living in the heart of the technological age that was on the verge of exploding, Jobs felt right at home. From a young boy on, Steve loved electronics and devices. He took them apart and put them back together with great joy and more content... Once of these boys was a few years older and worked at Hewlett–Packard that was located in the Santa Clara Valley where they lived. Steve Wozniak was a true technology nerd who just instinctively knew how to create electronic devices and make them work. He was a brilliant inventor and computer whiz. Steve Jobs had dropped out of college after one semester and had no real technology background. However, he had a bearing about him that impressed people. He was hired by Atari with other college drop–outs like himself. The president of the company noticed him and asked him to develop a new game for the company. Since Jobs didn't have the expertise to create the game, he snuck Wozniak in who developed the Get more content on
  • 6. Steve Jobs Reflection Paper Biography of Steve Jobs Introduction 25 of September, 2015. The sale day of IPhone 6S had started. Many fans of Apple argued that Apple's products are no more innovative. When everybody talking about the success story of Apple, they will talk about Steve Jobs, credit him as "Hero" for company, without him, Apple cannot be the wealthiest company in the world. For that, I am interested in him and want to know more about him, Is he really like a God or the most succeed leader as the Apple's fans said? After I had read "Steve Jobs", the auditor is Walter Isaacson and I read the paperbacked version which published in 2013, as same as the version in 2011. The book is talking about his story and personalities , I can know more about his success story and more about his personality through his life, may be you will not said he is "perfect leader" again. In this reflective essay, I want mainly focus what are the characteristics of Steve, reflection on the strengths and weaknesses of me, then make comparison with him , are there any similarities or differences? I am sure this book can tell me what should I learn or something shouldn't learn from his experience. It can help me to get a mind which areas I need to improve and a direction that how to develop the leadership skills plans to become a good leader. This essay will mainly divided in 4 parts, more content... Paul was a mechanic while he was serving US Coast Guard. For little Steve, he was just observing just beside his father and found his interest with electronics while his father was fixing a car. Moreover, by observing the design of the real estate developer Joseph Eichler who built simple modern home with inexpensive price, Steve fell in passion for making great designed and simple capability with low cost products for mass market, he said in the interview, "that's the original vision of Apple. That's what I tried do with Mac and IPod." (Isaacson, 2013, Get more content on
  • 7. The Life of Steve Jobs Steve Paul Jobs was born in San Francisco, California on February 24th, 1955. He was born to Joanne Schieble, and Abdulfattah Jandali. Both of them were graduates of the University of Wisconsin. Unfortunately, they gave the unnamed (Steve)son up for adoption. His father, Abdulfattah Jandali, was a Syrian political science professor and his mother, Jonne Schieble worked as a speech therapist. Later after they gave Steve up for adoption the married couple had another child, Mona Simpson. It was not until Steve was 27 that he was able to discover this information on his biological parents. As an infant, Steve was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs and named Steven P. Jobs. Clara worked as an accountant and Paul was a Coast Guard Veteran and machinist. The family lived in Mountain View in California's Silicon Valley. As a boy, Stece and his father Paul would work on electronics in the family garage. Paul would show Steve how to take apart and reconstruct them, a hobby which instilled something great into Steve. As time went on Steve preferred to do things by himself. He was very competitive and tenacious with certain things. However he was not interested in team sports or other group activites. While Steve being a very intelligent and innovative kid, his youth was riddled with frustrations over formal schooling. He was a prankster in elementary school; Some of Steve's teachers even had to bribe him to study. When it came to testing results, Steve did so well that the Administrators Get more content on
  • 8. Essay about Steve Jobs Biography Summary Chapter 1: Childhood: Abandoned and Chosen Steve Jobs was the natural–born son of John Jandali and Joanne Schieble. Jandali was a teaching assistant from Syria and Joanne was a Catholic girl from Wisconsin whose parents disapproved of her relationship with a Muslim. Unable to wed, they gave their baby up for adoption and baby Steve was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs of San Francisco, California. Paul Jobs was an engine technician turned car mechanic, and he introduced Steve to the world of engineering and design, instilling in him many of the principles of good design that are so characteristic of Apple products. Still, Jobs struggled at times with the circumstances surrounding his birth, and he expressed mixed emotions about more content... One engineer complained, "This guy's a goddamn hippie with b.o. Why did you do this to me? And he's impossible to deal with." Jobs temporarily left Atari to visit India and pursue his interest in Eastern spirituality. Although he initially sought out a few notable spiritual gurus, he eventually turned inward and sought simplicity and deprivation, although he never found the spiritual calm he was looking for. Still, he was deeply affected by this experience and developed an understanding of the importance of intuition in Indian culture. When he returned to Atari, Bushnell challenged Jobs to design a one–player version of the game pong, and offered an additional bonus for designing the game with fewer computer chips. Jobs recruited Wozniak to design the game and proposed they split the fee. Wozniak finished the design in four days, and Bushnell paid Jobs. There is some controversy regarding this story, as some accounts suggest Jobs kept the additional bonus for himself, never telling Wozniak about the bonus money. Chapter 5: The Apple I As the technology revolution was being born in Silicon Valley, Steve Wozniak joined an informal interest group of computer nerds called the Homebrew Computer Club, where he saw a demonstration for a microprocessor. It was there that Wozniak came up with the idea for the modern personal computer – keyboard, screen and computer all in one package. While Wozniak initially wanted to give away his design for Get more content on
  • 9. The Steve Jobs biography "Steve Jobs the Man Who Thought Different" provides a glimpse into the past and the development of current technology. Although at some points did this book fail to capture my attention, overall I came to the conclusion that it did help me learn a lot about the Apple Industry and how it came to be. Because of this I would recommend this book to a friend. The author's unique way of reviewing Steve Jobs's life and his impact made on society, along with his associates who helped him make it to where he was helped to build my interest in the book. Although, it did fail to capture my attention because of the, what I felt, extensive and repetitive descriptions of each situation Jobs found himself in throughout his life. By Get more content on
  • 10. Introduction Steve Jobs' unique approach to leadership and visionary approach to creating, producing and selling innovative products, combined with his innate ability to orchestrate increasingly complex companies have earned him many accolades. Fortune Magazine named him the best leader of the Decade and countless other publications, colleges and universities have given him many accolades and honorary degrees. All these external measures of success reflect who Steve Jobs is on a daily basis, and how his unique and highly effective approach to creating entire new products and shaping organizations that center first on a passion for delighting customers and delivering exceptional experiences through unique products (Burrows, Grover, Green, 2006). The goal of this analysis is to evaluate Steve Jobs as a visionary and transformational leader, including a functional analysis of Steve Job's success as a leader and an assessment of his leadership style as well. Unifying these leadership strengths is also an innate sense of how to design products so they deliver the greatest possible customer experience possible (David, 2010). Steve Jobs rallied Apple from nearly going out of business to being the most profitable in the world by using product launch events to underscore how incredibly valuable and unique their new products are (David, 2010). Underscoring this vision of creating consistently excellent products was a strong passion for product quality as well, which drive Jobs to Get more content on
  • 11. Reflection Paper On Steve Jobs "This is the closest I've been to a graduation." These words spoken humbly and authentic, by the late Steve Jobs at a commencement ceremony for the class of 2005 at the very prestigious Stanford University, was the beginning of a masterpiece, a speech that was designed to encourage and empower those young college graduates to take on the world, trust their gut, and follow their dreams and aspirations in life. Significantly, Jobs grabs and holds the attention of his young audience by recounting 3 brief, yet meaningful stories. Each story followed the moments in his life that impacted and made him Steve Jobs. Above all, it was not the words itself that captivated my mind, but it was the purpose behind them that fed my soul. After reading more content... Stupidly, I found myself disregarding my success, obliterating my failures, and moving on without taking one look back. But, after reading Jobs speech I learned to simply connect the dots. Rewind, remember, and reflect on the events that led to where you are today. Secondly, I was reminded, through Steve's Jobs speech, to search and thirst after my passion. His second story was about love and loss. In this story, he retells his sudden dismissal from his job at Apple. He portrays a picture of hurt, devastation, betrayal, and sudden loss. Sadly, his job, passion, and his why was gone at the snap of a finger. Or was it? See, after losing his job he still had that fire and passion for what he did. The loss of his job was meant to break him, but instead, it fueled him to continue doing what he cherished. As a result, he moved on and created a company entitled Next. Moreover, my freshman year of high school I tried out for the junior varsity cheerleading squad. After a long week of tryouts, we finally received the results. I was so nervous and anxious to see if my name was on the list. To make a long story short, I didn't make it, but it was the fervor I had for cheerleading that made me go out and try again the next year. It was a certain fire in me the next go around that got me a position on the squad, and a year later I made the varsity squad. So, in a way, Jobs is Get more content on
  • 12. The Life and Legacy of Steve Jobs Essay TABLE OF CONTENT Why Steve Jobs? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––2 Leadership period (1996–2011) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––3 Personality traits–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––7 Leadership style–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––7 Management style––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––8 Limitations of Steve Jobs––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– more content... According to my view, Steve Jobs was a successful leader and proved hid proficiency through the success of his company. Not only Apple's product are great, but the main fact they became the most innovative company of world was due to the reason that Steve Jobs had a clear leadership model and he knew what worked and what did not. Steve Jobs was not only a role model for his team but also to people all around the world. People were always curious about the secret behind hid success and focused on everything he ever said.. He gained and had a great deal of respect from followers and this is what a good leader wants, Respect. Any leader who lacked the respect from his followers will be unsuccessful at the end of the day. Similarly, the leader who don't his follower is also going to be unsuccessful., the team will likely lose spirit and feel as if they are not properly being guided for their goals and their tribulations. All of this will inevitably result in a failed business or loss of a company. All this support my starting argument that a company may have everything going for it such as great products and amazing future goals, but a due to a lack of leadership and one can say bye–bye to that company, it will create a negative environment in the progressive way of that company. Not just because that path–goal leadership theory has worked so Get more content on
  • 13. Steve Jobs Leadership Essay Some would say that Steve Jobs, co–founder of Apple Computers Inc., was an exceptional leader. However, there are many who would disagree with that statement. Jobs could define leadership in some aspects, yet he fell short in others. Jobs' leadership style is difficult to pin down because his position fit very many styles. Steve Jobs co–founded Apple in 1976 and in 1984 he created the Macintosh, the first small computer with a graphic interface. Unfortunately in 1985 Jobs was forced to leave after an internal power struggle with the companies CEO. Jobs later returned to a struggling Apple after 12 years and turned the company around. During the 12 years he was away, Steve Jobs created successful companies such as Pixar and NeXT. more content... One of Jobs' greatest quotes on leadership is "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" (Jobs, 2006). Steve Jobs' leadership style is very difficult to clearly identify. Jobs' characteristics and traits sporadically fit into different leadership styles. Jobs would be classified as an autocratic leader, he tells people what to do, asserting themselves, and serving as a model team member. Jobs was definitely not a democratic leader, it has been said that Jobs hated team meetings and was rather rude when employees spoke their mind. Steve Jobs could also be classified as entrepreneurial, despite the fact that he is a multibillionaire, his work ethic never changed. Andrew Dubrin defines an entrepreneur as "someone with a strong will for achievement and a sensible risk taking, high degree of enthusiasm, tendency to act quickly on opportunity, being impatient, visionary, amongst others" (Dubrin, 2010). Dubrin's definition describes Steve Jobs to a tee. A transformational leader is one who "brings about major, positive change for the group, organization or society" (Dubrin, 2010). Jobs' leadership showed many similarities to a transformational leader except one, Jobs lacked the humane qualities necessary. Jobs' could also be considered a charismatic leader. Steve's exceptional ability to captivate his audience during a speech is the time his charisma can be clearly seen. Jobs could fit himself into Get more content on
  • 14. Steve Jobs Biography Eric Munoz J. Alicata 10/17/12 ITEC 1700 Steve Jobs Steve Jobs might be one of the most creative and innovative inventors of our generation. His advances for Apple Inc. have put the company on top. With over 300, (313 to be exact) patents under his belt, there is no one that could beat him in our modern day. Job's was an American entrepreneur and inventor. You might know him as the Chief Executive Officer of Apple Inc., however he was also the chairman, and one of the co–founders. He was mostly recognized through Apple Inc. as the "charismatic" pioneer of the personal computer revolution and for his inspirational involvement in the consumer electronics and computer field. Also, unbeknownst to most, Jobs was also a co–founder more content... During his years with Next Inc. Jobs had made many technological advances after getting funding of a billionaire Ross Perot. In 1986, Jobs bought the Graphic Group, which he would later rename Pixar, from the computer graphics division of Lucasfilm's for ten million dollars. The first film produced by the partnership was Toy Story in 1995, with Jobs credited as the executive producer, and would later be followed a massive amount of hit animated movies. In 1996, Apple announced that they would buy Next Inc., bringing jobs back to Apple Inc. Then in 2011 Jobs had resigned as the CEO of Apple but still stayed with the company as chairman of the company's boards. Jobs design aesthetic for his inventions was mainly influenced by his seven month spiritual journey in India and the Buddhist teachings that he had followed. He is listed as either primary Inventor or co–inventor in 342 United States patents or patent applications. Even while terminally ill in the hospital, Jobs sketched new devices that would hold the iPad in a hospital bed. He also hated having the oxygen monitor placed on his finger and suggested ways to revise the design for simplicity. Jobs had died in his California home around 3pm on October 5th, 2011 due to complications from his cancer. He had lost consciousness the previous day and passed with his wife, children, and sister at his side. Apple Inc., Pixar Studios, and Walt Disney World and Land all had there flags flying Get more content on
  • 15. Steve Jobs : A Visionary Leader Think about your 401k or retirement savings. Do you care how your wealth is accumulated, or are you simply concerned with the outcome? If you care about how your wealth is accumulated, then you want a pioneer or visionary to champion that endeavor and you probably are concerned about the ethical behavior of that pioneer. In the following paragraphs, I will demonstrate how Steve Jobs was a visionary leader. I will also prove Steve Jobs was an unethical leader. Lastly, I will give personal examples of how I have experienced the sameleadership approaches and how I responded to them. Finally, I will summarize what I have learned. Visionary Leader Steve Jobs was a visionary leader because he empowered his employees and inspired them to achieve greatness. Steve co–founded Apple Inc. with his good friend Steve Wozniak in 1976. They started out small and were working out of Jobs' parent's garage. Just four years later, Apple Inc. became a publicly traded company and in 1984 they released their first Macintosh computer. During this time, the board of director's focus became profits instead of quality. Steve was disappointed with the direction the company had taken and resigned in 1985. Apple Inc. floundered in the years that Steve was absent. They were able to release products and keep their head above water; but just barely. It wasn't until his return 1997 that a vision was restored to the company. (Steve Jobs Biography, 2015) Steve's strategy was simple. The Get more content on
  • 16. Rhetorical Analysis Of Steve Jobs Rhetorical Analysis– Steve Jobs Given the task of conceptualizing a man who truly changed the realm of technology as we know it today, my mind secludes one person. That person is Steve Jobs, co–founder of Apple Computer, now known simply as Apple. For this rhetorical analysis, I will be using three biographies/profiles about Jobs including "The Real Genius of Steve Jobs" by Malcolm Gladwell with The New Yorker (June 19, 2017), "Jobs' Biography; Thoughts on Life, Death, and Apple" from NPR (October 25, 2011), and "Steve Jobs" from (April 28, 2017). Precise attention to the audience, purpose, and tone, allows all three of these profiles to vividly explain and represent Jobs as the truly exceptionally minded man that he more content... I feel as if there is a negative connotation to the profile as a whole, making Jobs look like a criminal. It is written in a tone that relays that Jobs did not deserve what he had. Thinking about all the things we use today that have a piece of Jobs' mind behind them, whether he "invented" them or not, one could make the case that he truly molded the world of technology as we know it, and deservedly so. "Jobs' attention to detail on his creations was unrivaled, says Isaacson. Though he was a technologist and businessman, he was also an artist and designer." (Jobs' Biography NPR par 11) Focus is given to summarizing a biography written about Jobs by Walter Isaacson. The publication's purpose is to detail Jobs' entire life, starting from a very young age when he found out he was adopted. Isaacson, the author of Jobs' official biography writes, "For Steve Jobs, he felt throughout his life that he was on a journey – and he often said, 'The journey was the reward.'" Jobs felt that all design was important whether it could be seen or not. Countless designs brought to him were turned down because they were too complex. "I see the depth of simplicity," said Jobs. This profile has a much more casual tone and focuses on Jobs as a person, and not so much as a businessman. The tone does not discredit what Jobs has accomplished. However, due to the fact that several bits and pieces from the Jobs' biography (Isaacson) Get more content on
  • 17. Steve Jobs Research Paper Steve Jobs Have you ever wondered who the real Steve Jobs was? He was a very intelligent person, but he had no direction. He had experimented with different pursuits before working with Apple Computers. Which included the, I pod, I pad, and the, I phone. Steve Jobs had an high IQ, was a great inventor, and he met his longtime partner Steve Wozniak. Steve Paul Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco, California to Joanne Schieble and Abdulfattah "John" Jandal. Soon after his birth his, parents gave him up for adoption. The people that adopted him were Clara and Paul Jobs. Steve was always an intelligent and "innovative thinker, his teachers needed to bribe him to study." He did very well in school, the administrators more content... Later he dropped out of college and went in and out of creative classes. He took a course in calligraphy soon after he developed his love in typography. In 1974, Jobs took a position as a video game designer with Atari. Several months later he, left the company to go find peace in India. When he left India, and went back to San Francisco to find a sense of direction. The Duo with his partner/best friend Steve Wozniak they started the making of the Apple Computer in Jobs family garage. Funding their entrepreneurial venture, Jobs sold his Volkswagen bus and sold his beloved scientific calculator. They were credited for revolutionizing the computer industry by making machines smaller, cheaper, intuitive, and accessible to everyday consumers. The first Apple Computer marketed for the public was sold for $666.66. In 1980, Apple Computer became a publicly traded company. In 2003, Jobs discovered that he had a neuroendocrine tumor. He postponed the surgery for 9 months. The executives feared that shareholders would pull their stocks if they found out they found out their CEO was ill. In 2004, he had a successful surgery to remove the tumor. He disclosed little about the health to the public eye. On October 11, 2011 Steve Jobs past away from his pancreatic cancer he died at the age of 56 years old. Everyone a part of the apple company was very upset that he had past away. Get more content on
  • 18. Steve Jobs Research Paper Steve was born in San Francisco, California on February 24,1955 (Steve Jobs Biography). He was put up for adoption. His original parents were not married. Joanne Schieble and Abdulfatlah Jandali were the names of his biological parents (Steve Jobs Biography). They were both students of the University of Wisconsin (Pilar). His adopted parents were Clara and Paul Jobs (Steve Jobs Biography). They lived in Mountain View, California, later known as Silicon Valley. When Jobs was a kid, he liked to work with his dad with electronics in the family garage (Steve Jobs Biography). Jobs attended Homestead High School in Cupertino, California (Spicer). He then met Steve Wozniak, another co–founder of Apple. Jobs graduated high school in 1972 (Spicer). After graduating from high school, he enrolled in Reed College ("Steve Jobs: An Extraordinary Career"). Unlike most people, Steve dropped out of college more content... Jobs was interested in machines early in his life (Pilar). Taking objects apart and seeing how they work was something he loved to do. To start off, Steve got a summer internship at Hewlett–Packard ("Steve Jobs: An Extraordinary Career"). Hewlett–Packard (HP) is a printer manufacturer. Jobs initially wanted parts. Later in 1974, both Jobs, and Wozniak worked at a company called Atari and designed video games and other products (Pilar). Both Jobs, and Wozniak were part of group of computer enthusiasts whose focus was building computers and computer chips (Pilar). Jobs and Wozniak wanted to make computers small enough for people to have them in their homes or offices ("Apple Computer, Inc"). In 1975 Steve and Wozniak set up shop in Jobs' parents' garage ("Steve Jobs: An Extraordinary Career"). In the garage they started out building the Apple 1, their very first computer. Their desire for better computers drove the Apple company into what it is today.Apple started off in a Get more content on
  • 19. Biography of Steve Jobs Steve Jobs Introduction When most people think of Steve Jobs, they will often associate him with the i Pod and the i Phone. While these items are some of the products that he helped to develop, the fact of the matter is that he had a major impact on Apple. To fully understand his influence requires carefully examining the company and his effect on the firm. This will be accomplished by providing: a description of the company, organizational performance determinants and the status of the firm today. Together, these different elements will highlight Jobs' influence on Apple and how it was able to transform itself in a competitive marketplace. Description of the company (vision, mission, products / services and the industry etc.) Apple was founded in 1977. The vision and mission of the firm are to create lasting changes that will improve the lives of everyone. This means designing products that will address the needs of customers and offer them something more in contrast to competitors. As a result, the company has developed a number of different devices to achieve these objectives. A few of the most notable include: personal computers, notebooks, work stations, portable music video players, tablets and an online store to support these products. (Lustead, 2012, pp. 14 32) The industry is considered to be very competitive with a number of firms entering the marketplace to address the needs of the consumers. Over the course of time, this can create sudden shifts as to Get more content on