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WHAT A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN LOOKS LIKE���������������������������������������������������3
WORKING WITH AN EDITORIAL CALENDAR������������������������������������������������������������������7
DEVELOPING YOUR OWN VOICE AND STYLE�������������������������������������������������������������11
GETTING BEYOND THE BASIC BLOG POST���������������������������������������������������������������� 14
OPTIMIZING YOUR CONTENT FOR CONVERSIONS�������������������������������������������������18
Stop us if this sounds familiar: you get excited
about search engine optimization, lead
generation, and branding opportunities online.
That leads to a decision to prioritize content
creation as part of your Internet marketing
strategy. Your team generates 4 or 5 blog posts
or videos, and then you suddenly find that
pressing deadlines, client requests, and other
day-to-day obligations get in the way. Before
long, your campaign is stuck in neutral.
That’s a common scenario we hear from
new clients who are frustrated from a lack of
progress with their content marketing. Another
similar challenge arises when a business owner
or manager feels as if they’ve been writing (or
buying) content regularly for weeks or months
but don’t seem to be getting any results. They
throw new pieces and ideas online, but it
doesn’t lead to any improvement in sales or
search positioning.
There are a lot of reasons businesses struggle
to both generate content, and create a bottom
line impact with it. A big part of the issue,
though, can usually be traced back to the fact
that they don’t have a coherent strategy in the
first place. They are generating content – or at
least thinking about it – but aren’t quite sure
how the different pieces they produce could,
or should fit together.
We want to help you avoid those kinds of
mistakes. Content marketing is extraordinarily
valuable, but only if you know how to create a
system that attracts visits from search engines
and social media platforms. Additionally, those
visits have to turn into conversions before they
have value.
With that in mind, let’s look at what you have to
know to create a content marketing plan that
works for your company…
To a lot of marketers, a “content marketing
plan” essentially equates to a promise that
the owner of the business will sit down to
blog for half an hour every weekend. That’s
certainly better than nothing, but it’s not
the kind of strategy you need to help your
business thrive.
Even if your company is comprised of a single
person, you need an actual plan to help
you create and disseminate your marketing
messages. Certainly, a production goal (so
many blog posts and videos per month, etc.)
is going to be part of that. But there are other
elements to consider, too.
For one thing, time and consistency are
important factors. You can certainly choose
to create content in batches, or to hire a
creative professional or team to generate
content for you in bursts. However, for the
maximum marketing effect, you’ll want to
space the release of each new piece of
content out over time. In fact, it’s a good
idea to follow a calendar that keeps you on
track. That’s something we’ll get to in just a
Before you worry about when your content
will be produced and released, it’s important
to have a sense of what you want to
accomplish. Who should read or see the
content? What kinds of impressions do you
want them to have about your company?
Which actions are you hoping they will take
as a result?
To answer that, you have to have an
understanding of your target market, your
personality as a marketer, and your unique
selling propositions. Moreover, you need to
be able to identify the places and platforms
that will let you reach the buyers you are
looking for most efficiently. Do they look for
products and services like yours on Google,
or spend their time on Facebook? Are they
likely to read your emails, or are you better
off posting material to your blog?
There probably isn’t an “either-or” answer
to these questions. Most likely, your plan
will have to include a variety of buyers and
influencers, as well as several different
marketing channels where you can post your
content. Still, it’s important to consider these
issues from the start. Otherwise, you could
find yourself playing the Internet marketing
version of whack-a-mole, trying to generate
some momentum with your content in one
place only to find your customers are flocking
to another.
A content marketing plan isn’t a to do list,
or the notion of things you are hoping will
happen. To be functional, it has to have a
goal, schedule, and focus. That should lead
to a list of executable items, but those only
come after you’ve established what your
content is supposed to do for your business,
not to mention the people who will see it.
Once you know what you’re trying to accomplish
with your content marketing, it’s time to put all the
pieces together in a way that keeps you focused
moving forward. The easiest way to do that is by
using a simple editorial calendar that is reviewed
and updated on a regular basis.
If you aren’t familiar with the way an editorial
calendar works, just look at your TV listings.
Scroll forward through the hours and dates on
your remote, and you’ll see that most popular
programs have been assigned a date and time
weeks or months in advance. If you were to go
farther behind the scenes, you would notice
the way writers and producers map out entire
seasons of your favorite shows before they start
to know where they’ll start, how things will finish,
and which spaces they can sell to advertisers.
You may not have advertisers to please
and ratings to worry about, but you should
know which pieces of content you will be
producing in the future, along with when and
where they’ll be distributed. The biggest
benefit to this kind of approach – whether
your calendar is cv built on a spreadsheet,
a word processing document, or scheduling
app – is that it keeps you focused and
motivated. You never have to wonder what
you should be working on next, because the
answers are right in front of you.
Aside from preventing writers block, using
an editorial calendar also allows you to
coordinate and consolidate your message.
It keeps you from posting one thing on
your blog and then going in a whole new
direction through your social feeds or email
newsletter. In other words, it lets you make
a bigger impression on buyers, and come
off as more polished, because each of your
posts, images, and videos reinforces the
Scheduling your content also allows you to
look ahead so you can tie your marketing
into external events that can be anticipated.
For instance, you might not know what the
next breaking news item in your industry will
be, but you can anticipate major holidays,
conferences, and product release dates.
Why not build your content along the same
themes your customers are already talking
about and looking up online?
Don’t think that an editorial calendar is just
about timing and topics, though. There is
also the issue of responsibility. If you have
several different individuals creating content
for your marketing plan, or working with
an outside vendor to generate things like
pictures, post, and videos, then you can
keep everyone on the same page with a
list of topics and deadlines. That can go a
long way towards improving your workflow,
increasing cooperation, and making sure
every piece of content produced finds its
way to the right destination.
We began this report by advising you to
turn your content marketing wishes into
a concrete plan of action. Setting a firm
editorial calendar into place makes that job
a lot easier and ensures you don’t go too far
off track with your messaging.
To a lot of business owners, content is
content. They see is something has to be put
on a website, blog, or social feet, but as long
as the ideas are coherent and the keywords
are in the right places, they tend not to worry
too much about the rest.
That’s a shortsighted point of view. For one
thing, Google’s algorithms are getting better
at measuring engagement, authenticity, and
authority. Having strong content matters if
you want to attract visitors to your website.
The bigger issue, however, is that content
needs to be compelling and persuasive
if you want to make an impression on live
humans. They don’t want bland, generic,
keyword-stuffed articles. They want a unique
point of view that addresses their issues and
For that reason, every marketer should be
aiming to develop a voice and style that is all
their own. In the same way that two singers
might approach the same song in entirely
different ways, two marketers can address
a popular topic in a way that reflects each
one’s distinctive audience, strengths, and
knowledge base.
Usually, a prolific content marketer will
develop their own style over time. The more
they practice, the easier it is to figure out
what feels natural. However, there are a few
things you can do to move the process along
and stand out in a very crowded Internet.
The first is to consider what the marketing
personality of your organization should be
like in the first place. Do you want to be
serious and solemn, or lighthearted and
witty? Would you prefer that people see you
and your business as the premier source of
information in the industry, or as a group that
delivers fun facts in an entertaining fashion?
Another good idea is to find one or two
individuals who can serve as the public
face of your business. This is usually the
owner, but it could also be a spokesperson
or family member. When customers see the
same person in numerous videos, photos,
and biographies, it becomes easier for them
to associate that face with the business as
a whole. They feel like they are “getting to
know” the individual, and that carries over to
the company.
In order to ensure consistency in your
communications, you could also create a
stylesheet that indicates what colors you’re
going to use in your messaging, which types
of grammar preferences and abbreviations
you’ll stick to, and even which words or
terms should be prioritized. These types of
documents can help with building a brand,
and make it easier for you to create pieces
of content that seem like they go together.
The goal of content marketing isn’t just to
have people view your ideas and marketing
pieces. Instead, it’s to carve out a niche in
buyers minds and show them what makes
you different from your competitors. By
expressing yourself with a unique voice
and point of view, you make it easier for
customers to know you, like you, and pick
out your content again and again.
Most content marketers use a blog as the
focal point of their distribution efforts. That
makes perfect sense, given that every new
post counts as a fresh page in Google’s
eyes, and someone who clicks through to
your website to read one article is likely to
stay and peruse others.
But, as you consider filling your blog with
informative 500 word items, consider a
couple of things: first, your blog isn’t just
about text and keywords; and second, there
are still other places you should share and
promote your ideas.
Obviously, written content is likely to be
the focus of your blog. That’s the easiest
and cheapest type of content to produce, it
stands out clearly to Google and the other
search engines, and is convenient for your
readers. However, your posts don’t just
need to consist of paragraphs and search-
friendly text.
Although the titles of your blog posts are
going to be the first thing readers notice, the
images you attach to them convey meaning
and emotion almost instantly. It’s amazing
to see how two different posts can perform
when one has a stunning visual next to it
and the other doesn’t. If you want to attract
attention and create interest, pay as much
attention to the pictures you put on your
blog as you do the text.
You should also think through the details as
you craft the body of your posts themselves.
Few people enjoy reading long, unbroken
blocks of words. You can transmit key points,
and make your content see more interesting,
by including subheadings, bullet points,
and numbered lists. These help the reader
to retain key thoughts, and make your content
seem more inviting.
As easy and helpful as it is to work with text,
keep in mind that you can comprise entire posts
of images and video. In fact, you may consider
taking some of your ideas that have been
popular in a written post format and translating
them into different mediums, like video clips and
infographics. That lets you get more mileage out
of your best concepts, reach a wider audience,
and engage potential buyers who might not have
noticed your content otherwise.
In the same way, remember that a lot of what you
consider to be blog content can also be shared,
promoted, or repackaged in social media. While
it’s important to have content on your website
for search engine optimization purposes, it’s
often easier to bring in viewers from platforms
they already know and use every day. So, while
you might have a written article on your own
blog, you could post a shortened, image-
based version to Facebook, and then use
the resulting script to make a short video that
is distributed via YouTube. Taking that kind of
approach increases viewership across the
board and helps you leave a bigger footprint
Finding the specific answers that work for
your business might require you to tweak
analytics you’ll discover what your customers
do and don’t respond to. What matters most,
though, is that you take a bigger picture of
content marketing that isn’t just constrained
to a few paragraphs that go on to your blog.
The worldwide web is huge, and you need
to be using every type of media – in several
different platforms – if you want to reach as
many buyers as possible.
For all the advice we give about creating
interesting and insightful content, it’s
important to remember that we aren’t
trying to turn you into a novelist or a media
personality. Or to put it another way, the point
of creating content is to help your business
grow. Otherwise, why would you bother
at all?
It used to be that you could post a lot of
material online, get visitors from Google,
and watch your sales increase. Now, though,
the web is so crowded and competitive that
even people who are good prospects for
your products or services are likely to read
what you have to say and then take their
attention elsewhere if you don’t give them
a good reason to hang around. That’s why
your content has to be optimized specifically
for conversions.
Generating conversions from your content
is a two-step process. The first is making
sure as many people as possible can find
and view your ideas. Naturally, that includes
all the great advice about search engine
optimization we like to give out in our blogs
and reports. You want someone who turns
to Google to come across your thoughts as
frequently as possible.
You shouldn’t settle for simply search
optimizing your content, though. In 2017,
there are a lot of different ways you can
promote your ideas to a larger audience.
For instance, you can put links to your
blog posts in your social feeds. Or, you can
promote one social media item from another
(tweeting about your latest YouTube video,
for example). You can even use advertising
options like Facebook’s “boost” feature to
Likewise, you can draw in more readers and
viewers by cross-promoting your content through
internal links, email newsletters, and even PPC
ads. All of this ensures the effort you put into
developing unique content style will pay off
broader exposure.
When you’re satisfied your content is reaching
the right audience, you can make it pay off by
including a focused call to action at the end of
every piece. Don’t hope someone who sees
your post or video will take the next step – invite
them specifically to move forward and sign up for
your newsletter, follow you online, or download
a report you put together. Give them a specific
benefit so they have a reason to stay in touch.
Ultimately, content marketing is still marketing. If
you aren’t promoting the pieces you put online,
then they aren’t going to be seen and won’t have
a noticeable effect on your company. Likewise,
if it isn’t clear what someone who likes your
content should do to learn more, you’ll
constantly lose prospects who might have
turned into buyers if they had remained in
your sales funnel.
Given the time, money, and effort it takes to
plan, it makes sense to give yourself every
possible chance to generate conversions.
Are you doing enough to see bottom-line
In this brief guide, we have walked you
through the steps needed to create a
comprehensive content marketing strategy
and bring it to life. It’s not uncommon for
new clients to tell us they’ve thought about
different elements of their campaigns in the
past, but hadn’t ever put the pieces together
to achieve the right results.
If you’ve dabbled in content marketing, or
even if you’ve put it off because it seemed
overwhelming, this is your chance to turn
the page and start carving out your identity
on the web. By following the tips and advice
we’ve provided here, you can figure out what
you’re trying to accomplish, set an editorial
calendar, reach buyers through a variety of
platforms, and even generate inbound leads
or sales.
Of course, each of these steps gets a lot
easier when you have the right creative
team working on your side. Reach out to the
creative minds at Web Full Circle today to
schedule a free consultation see how we
can help you get started!

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Creating a Content Marketing Plan That Works

  • 2. CONTENT WHAT A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN LOOKS LIKE���������������������������������������������������3 WORKING WITH AN EDITORIAL CALENDAR������������������������������������������������������������������7 DEVELOPING YOUR OWN VOICE AND STYLE�������������������������������������������������������������11 GETTING BEYOND THE BASIC BLOG POST���������������������������������������������������������������� 14 OPTIMIZING YOUR CONTENT FOR CONVERSIONS�������������������������������������������������18 CONTENT MARKETING SUCCESS DOESN’T HAPPEN BY ACCIDENT����������������22
  • 3. 1 WWW.WEBFULLCIRCLE.COM CREATING A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN THAT WORKS Stop us if this sounds familiar: you get excited about search engine optimization, lead generation, and branding opportunities online. That leads to a decision to prioritize content creation as part of your Internet marketing strategy. Your team generates 4 or 5 blog posts or videos, and then you suddenly find that pressing deadlines, client requests, and other day-to-day obligations get in the way. Before long, your campaign is stuck in neutral. That’s a common scenario we hear from new clients who are frustrated from a lack of progress with their content marketing. Another similar challenge arises when a business owner or manager feels as if they’ve been writing (or buying) content regularly for weeks or months but don’t seem to be getting any results. They throw new pieces and ideas online, but it doesn’t lead to any improvement in sales or search positioning.
  • 4. 2 WWW.WEBFULLCIRCLE.COM CREATING A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN THAT WORKS There are a lot of reasons businesses struggle to both generate content, and create a bottom line impact with it. A big part of the issue, though, can usually be traced back to the fact that they don’t have a coherent strategy in the first place. They are generating content – or at least thinking about it – but aren’t quite sure how the different pieces they produce could, or should fit together. We want to help you avoid those kinds of mistakes. Content marketing is extraordinarily valuable, but only if you know how to create a system that attracts visits from search engines and social media platforms. Additionally, those visits have to turn into conversions before they have value. With that in mind, let’s look at what you have to know to create a content marketing plan that works for your company…
  • 5. 3 WWW.WEBFULLCIRCLE.COM CREATING A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN THAT WORKS To a lot of marketers, a “content marketing plan” essentially equates to a promise that the owner of the business will sit down to blog for half an hour every weekend. That’s certainly better than nothing, but it’s not the kind of strategy you need to help your business thrive. Even if your company is comprised of a single person, you need an actual plan to help you create and disseminate your marketing messages. Certainly, a production goal (so many blog posts and videos per month, etc.) is going to be part of that. But there are other elements to consider, too. For one thing, time and consistency are important factors. You can certainly choose to create content in batches, or to hire a creative professional or team to generate WHAT A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN LOOKS LIKE
  • 6. 4 WWW.WEBFULLCIRCLE.COM CREATING A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN THAT WORKS content for you in bursts. However, for the maximum marketing effect, you’ll want to space the release of each new piece of content out over time. In fact, it’s a good idea to follow a calendar that keeps you on track. That’s something we’ll get to in just a moment. Before you worry about when your content will be produced and released, it’s important to have a sense of what you want to accomplish. Who should read or see the content? What kinds of impressions do you want them to have about your company? Which actions are you hoping they will take as a result? To answer that, you have to have an understanding of your target market, your personality as a marketer, and your unique
  • 7. 5 WWW.WEBFULLCIRCLE.COM CREATING A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN THAT WORKS selling propositions. Moreover, you need to be able to identify the places and platforms that will let you reach the buyers you are looking for most efficiently. Do they look for products and services like yours on Google, or spend their time on Facebook? Are they likely to read your emails, or are you better off posting material to your blog? There probably isn’t an “either-or” answer to these questions. Most likely, your plan will have to include a variety of buyers and influencers, as well as several different marketing channels where you can post your content. Still, it’s important to consider these issues from the start. Otherwise, you could find yourself playing the Internet marketing version of whack-a-mole, trying to generate some momentum with your content in one place only to find your customers are flocking to another.
  • 8. 6 WWW.WEBFULLCIRCLE.COM CREATING A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN THAT WORKS A content marketing plan isn’t a to do list, or the notion of things you are hoping will happen. To be functional, it has to have a goal, schedule, and focus. That should lead to a list of executable items, but those only come after you’ve established what your content is supposed to do for your business, not to mention the people who will see it.
  • 9. 7 WWW.WEBFULLCIRCLE.COM CREATING A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN THAT WORKS Once you know what you’re trying to accomplish with your content marketing, it’s time to put all the pieces together in a way that keeps you focused moving forward. The easiest way to do that is by using a simple editorial calendar that is reviewed and updated on a regular basis. If you aren’t familiar with the way an editorial calendar works, just look at your TV listings. Scroll forward through the hours and dates on your remote, and you’ll see that most popular programs have been assigned a date and time weeks or months in advance. If you were to go farther behind the scenes, you would notice the way writers and producers map out entire seasons of your favorite shows before they start filmingasingleepisode.That’sbecausetheywant to know where they’ll start, how things will finish, and which spaces they can sell to advertisers. WORKING WITH AN EDITORIAL CALENDAR
  • 10. 8 WWW.WEBFULLCIRCLE.COM CREATING A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN THAT WORKS You may not have advertisers to please and ratings to worry about, but you should know which pieces of content you will be producing in the future, along with when and where they’ll be distributed. The biggest benefit to this kind of approach – whether your calendar is cv built on a spreadsheet, a word processing document, or scheduling app – is that it keeps you focused and motivated. You never have to wonder what you should be working on next, because the answers are right in front of you. Aside from preventing writers block, using an editorial calendar also allows you to coordinate and consolidate your message. It keeps you from posting one thing on your blog and then going in a whole new direction through your social feeds or email newsletter. In other words, it lets you make BLOGGINGBLOGGING
  • 11. 9 WWW.WEBFULLCIRCLE.COM CREATING A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN THAT WORKS a bigger impression on buyers, and come off as more polished, because each of your posts, images, and videos reinforces the others. Scheduling your content also allows you to look ahead so you can tie your marketing into external events that can be anticipated. For instance, you might not know what the next breaking news item in your industry will be, but you can anticipate major holidays, conferences, and product release dates. Why not build your content along the same themes your customers are already talking about and looking up online? Don’t think that an editorial calendar is just about timing and topics, though. There is also the issue of responsibility. If you have several different individuals creating content
  • 12. 10 WWW.WEBFULLCIRCLE.COM CREATING A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN THAT WORKS for your marketing plan, or working with an outside vendor to generate things like pictures, post, and videos, then you can keep everyone on the same page with a list of topics and deadlines. That can go a long way towards improving your workflow, increasing cooperation, and making sure every piece of content produced finds its way to the right destination. We began this report by advising you to turn your content marketing wishes into a concrete plan of action. Setting a firm editorial calendar into place makes that job a lot easier and ensures you don’t go too far off track with your messaging.
  • 13. 11 WWW.WEBFULLCIRCLE.COM CREATING A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN THAT WORKS To a lot of business owners, content is content. They see is something has to be put on a website, blog, or social feet, but as long as the ideas are coherent and the keywords are in the right places, they tend not to worry too much about the rest. That’s a shortsighted point of view. For one thing, Google’s algorithms are getting better at measuring engagement, authenticity, and authority. Having strong content matters if you want to attract visitors to your website. The bigger issue, however, is that content needs to be compelling and persuasive if you want to make an impression on live humans. They don’t want bland, generic, keyword-stuffed articles. They want a unique point of view that addresses their issues and concerns. DEVELOPING YOUR OWN VOICE AND STYLE
  • 14. 12 WWW.WEBFULLCIRCLE.COM CREATING A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN THAT WORKS For that reason, every marketer should be aiming to develop a voice and style that is all their own. In the same way that two singers might approach the same song in entirely different ways, two marketers can address a popular topic in a way that reflects each one’s distinctive audience, strengths, and knowledge base. Usually, a prolific content marketer will develop their own style over time. The more they practice, the easier it is to figure out what feels natural. However, there are a few things you can do to move the process along and stand out in a very crowded Internet. The first is to consider what the marketing personality of your organization should be like in the first place. Do you want to be serious and solemn, or lighthearted and witty? Would you prefer that people see you and your business as the premier source of information in the industry, or as a group that delivers fun facts in an entertaining fashion? Another good idea is to find one or two individuals who can serve as the public face of your business. This is usually the owner, but it could also be a spokesperson or family member. When customers see the same person in numerous videos, photos, and biographies, it becomes easier for them to associate that face with the business as a whole. They feel like they are “getting to know” the individual, and that carries over to the company. In order to ensure consistency in your communications, you could also create a stylesheet that indicates what colors you’re
  • 15. 13 WWW.WEBFULLCIRCLE.COM CREATING A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN THAT WORKS going to use in your messaging, which types of grammar preferences and abbreviations you’ll stick to, and even which words or terms should be prioritized. These types of documents can help with building a brand, and make it easier for you to create pieces of content that seem like they go together. The goal of content marketing isn’t just to have people view your ideas and marketing pieces. Instead, it’s to carve out a niche in buyers minds and show them what makes you different from your competitors. By expressing yourself with a unique voice and point of view, you make it easier for customers to know you, like you, and pick out your content again and again.
  • 16. 14 WWW.WEBFULLCIRCLE.COM CREATING A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN THAT WORKS Most content marketers use a blog as the focal point of their distribution efforts. That makes perfect sense, given that every new post counts as a fresh page in Google’s eyes, and someone who clicks through to your website to read one article is likely to stay and peruse others. But, as you consider filling your blog with informative 500 word items, consider a couple of things: first, your blog isn’t just about text and keywords; and second, there are still other places you should share and promote your ideas. Obviously, written content is likely to be the focus of your blog. That’s the easiest and cheapest type of content to produce, it stands out clearly to Google and the other search engines, and is convenient for your readers. However, your posts don’t just GETTING BEYOND THE BASIC BLOG POST BLOG
  • 17. 15 WWW.WEBFULLCIRCLE.COM CREATING A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN THAT WORKS need to consist of paragraphs and search- friendly text. Although the titles of your blog posts are going to be the first thing readers notice, the images you attach to them convey meaning and emotion almost instantly. It’s amazing to see how two different posts can perform when one has a stunning visual next to it and the other doesn’t. If you want to attract attention and create interest, pay as much attention to the pictures you put on your blog as you do the text. You should also think through the details as you craft the body of your posts themselves. Few people enjoy reading long, unbroken blocks of words. You can transmit key points, and make your content see more interesting, by including subheadings, bullet points, and numbered lists. These help the reader
  • 18. 16 WWW.WEBFULLCIRCLE.COM CREATING A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN THAT WORKS to retain key thoughts, and make your content seem more inviting. As easy and helpful as it is to work with text, keep in mind that you can comprise entire posts of images and video. In fact, you may consider taking some of your ideas that have been popular in a written post format and translating them into different mediums, like video clips and infographics. That lets you get more mileage out of your best concepts, reach a wider audience, and engage potential buyers who might not have noticed your content otherwise. In the same way, remember that a lot of what you consider to be blog content can also be shared, promoted, or repackaged in social media. While it’s important to have content on your website for search engine optimization purposes, it’s often easier to bring in viewers from platforms they already know and use every day. So, while
  • 19. 17 WWW.WEBFULLCIRCLE.COM CREATING A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN THAT WORKS you might have a written article on your own blog, you could post a shortened, image- based version to Facebook, and then use the resulting script to make a short video that is distributed via YouTube. Taking that kind of approach increases viewership across the board and helps you leave a bigger footprint online. Finding the specific answers that work for your business might require you to tweak theseapproaches.And,bystudyingyourweb analytics you’ll discover what your customers do and don’t respond to. What matters most, though, is that you take a bigger picture of content marketing that isn’t just constrained to a few paragraphs that go on to your blog. The worldwide web is huge, and you need to be using every type of media – in several different platforms – if you want to reach as many buyers as possible.
  • 20. 18 WWW.WEBFULLCIRCLE.COM CREATING A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN THAT WORKS For all the advice we give about creating interesting and insightful content, it’s important to remember that we aren’t trying to turn you into a novelist or a media personality. Or to put it another way, the point of creating content is to help your business grow. Otherwise, why would you bother at all? It used to be that you could post a lot of material online, get visitors from Google, and watch your sales increase. Now, though, the web is so crowded and competitive that even people who are good prospects for your products or services are likely to read what you have to say and then take their attention elsewhere if you don’t give them a good reason to hang around. That’s why your content has to be optimized specifically for conversions. OPTIMIZING YOUR CONTENT FOR CONVERSIONS
  • 21. 19 WWW.WEBFULLCIRCLE.COM CREATING A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN THAT WORKS Generating conversions from your content is a two-step process. The first is making sure as many people as possible can find and view your ideas. Naturally, that includes all the great advice about search engine optimization we like to give out in our blogs and reports. You want someone who turns to Google to come across your thoughts as frequently as possible. You shouldn’t settle for simply search optimizing your content, though. In 2017, there are a lot of different ways you can promote your ideas to a larger audience. For instance, you can put links to your blog posts in your social feeds. Or, you can promote one social media item from another (tweeting about your latest YouTube video, for example). You can even use advertising options like Facebook’s “boost” feature to reachabiggerandtightly-targetedaudience.
  • 22. 20 WWW.WEBFULLCIRCLE.COM CREATING A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN THAT WORKS Likewise, you can draw in more readers and viewers by cross-promoting your content through internal links, email newsletters, and even PPC ads. All of this ensures the effort you put into developing unique content style will pay off broader exposure. When you’re satisfied your content is reaching the right audience, you can make it pay off by including a focused call to action at the end of every piece. Don’t hope someone who sees your post or video will take the next step – invite them specifically to move forward and sign up for your newsletter, follow you online, or download a report you put together. Give them a specific benefit so they have a reason to stay in touch. Ultimately, content marketing is still marketing. If you aren’t promoting the pieces you put online, then they aren’t going to be seen and won’t have a noticeable effect on your company. Likewise,
  • 23. 21 WWW.WEBFULLCIRCLE.COM CREATING A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN THAT WORKS if it isn’t clear what someone who likes your content should do to learn more, you’ll constantly lose prospects who might have turned into buyers if they had remained in your sales funnel. Given the time, money, and effort it takes to buildandexecuteastrongcontentmarketing plan, it makes sense to give yourself every possible chance to generate conversions. Are you doing enough to see bottom-line results?
  • 24. 22 WWW.WEBFULLCIRCLE.COM CREATING A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN THAT WORKS CONTENT MARKETING SUCCESS DOESN’T HAPPEN BY ACCIDENT In this brief guide, we have walked you through the steps needed to create a comprehensive content marketing strategy and bring it to life. It’s not uncommon for new clients to tell us they’ve thought about different elements of their campaigns in the past, but hadn’t ever put the pieces together to achieve the right results. If you’ve dabbled in content marketing, or even if you’ve put it off because it seemed overwhelming, this is your chance to turn the page and start carving out your identity on the web. By following the tips and advice we’ve provided here, you can figure out what you’re trying to accomplish, set an editorial calendar, reach buyers through a variety of platforms, and even generate inbound leads or sales.
  • 25. 23 WWW.WEBFULLCIRCLE.COM CREATING A CONTENT MARKETING PLAN THAT WORKS Of course, each of these steps gets a lot easier when you have the right creative team working on your side. Reach out to the creative minds at Web Full Circle today to schedule a free consultation see how we can help you get started! $
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