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"Create an implementation of a binary tree using the recursive approach introduced in the
chapter. In this approach, each node is a binary tree. Thus a binary tree contains a reference to
the element stored at its root as well as references to its left and right subtrees. You may also
want to include a reference to its parent." p.741
You need to use the locally implemented binary tree. This means you need to have a "jsjf"
subfolder with at least these files:,,, and the exceptions sub-subfolder.
Test/demonstrate your binary tree by doing the following:
Request file name from user,
Read an infix expression from file,
Build binary expression tree,
Display binary expression tree,
Evaluate binary expression tree,
Display result.
Note a typical input file can be found here
# Version 0.2, fully parenthesized.
# This is a comment
((9 + 4) * 5) + (4 - (6 + 3))
# Note first expression should evaluate to 60
((42 + ( 10 - 2 )) + ( 5 * 3 )) / 6
# Note second expression should evaluate to 65 / 6 or 10 (integer division)
My program is below but the out put is incorrect
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Stack;
import jsjf.BinaryTreeNode;
import jsjf.LinkedBinaryTree;
public class StringTree extends LinkedBinaryTree {
public StringTree(String rootStr, StringTree leftSubtree, StringTree rightSubtree) {
root = new BinaryTreeNode(rootStr, leftSubtree, rightSubtree);
} // StringTree
public StringTree(File f) {
Stack leftStack = new Stack(), rightStack = new Stack();
// stacks of left and right subtrees of nodes
Scanner scan;
// scanner for reading from the file
String nodeType,
// string contained in the current node
boolean hasLeftChild, hasRightChild;
// true if the current node has a left or right child
StringTree leftSubtree, rightSubtree,
// left and right subtrees of the current node
// subtree having the current node as its root
// Create a scanner for reading from the file.
try {
scan = new Scanner(f);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
root = null;
System.out.println(" "+"The program has terminated......");
// Read the file and build a tree from the bottom up.
while (scan.hasNext()) {
// Input information about a tree node.
nodeType =;
hasLeftChild = ("y"));
hasRightChild = ("y"));
nodeStr =;
// Determine the left and right subtrees of the subtree
// having the node as its root.
if (hasLeftChild)
leftSubtree = leftStack.pop();
leftSubtree = null;
if (hasRightChild)
rightSubtree = rightStack.pop();
rightSubtree = null;
// Create the subtree having the node as its root.
subtree = new StringTree(nodeStr, leftSubtree, rightSubtree);
// Push the subtree onto the appropriate stack or finish
// construction of the whole tree.
if (nodeType.equalsIgnoreCase("L"))
else if (nodeType.equalsIgnoreCase("R"))
else {
root = subtree.root;
} // while
} // StringTree
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
// scanner to read keyboard input
String name;
// name of a tree description file
File f;
// the corresponding file object
StringTree tree;
// tree constructed from the file
// Input a tree description file name and create a
// corresponding file object.
System.out.print("Enter a tree description file name: ");
name = scan.nextLine();
f = new File(name);
// Create a tree as described by the file.
tree = new StringTree(f);
// Display the tree.
// Find and display the tree's height.
System.out.println("The tree's height is: " + tree.getHeight());
// List the nodes in the order visited in a post-order
// traversal.
Iterator post = tree.iteratorPostOrder();
System.out.print("Traversed in PostOrder: ");
while (post.hasNext()) {
System.out.print( + " ");
//Printing terminating message
System.out.println(" "+" "+"The program has terminated......");
} // main
} // class StringTree
// ***************************************************************
package jsjf;
import java.util.*;
import jsjf.exceptions.*;
public class LinkedBinaryTree implements BinaryTreeADT, Iterable {
protected BinaryTreeNode root;
protected int modCount = 0;
public LinkedBinaryTree() {
root = null;
} // LinkedBinaryTree
public LinkedBinaryTree(T element) {
root = new BinaryTreeNode(element);
} // LinkedBinaryTree
public LinkedBinaryTree(T element, LinkedBinaryTree left, LinkedBinaryTree right) {
root = new BinaryTreeNode(element);
} // LinkedBinaryTree
public T getRootElement() throws EmptyCollectionException {
if (root == null) {
throw new EmptyCollectionException("There is no element at root! There must be a
root element to"
+ "create a tree.");
} else {
return root.getElement();
} // getRootElement
protected BinaryTreeNode getRootNode() throws EmptyCollectionException {
if(root == null){
throw new EmptyCollectionException("There is no node at root! There must be a root
node to"
+ "create a tree.");
} else{
return root;
} // getRootNode
public LinkedBinaryTree getLeft() {
BinaryTreeNode leftChild;
LinkedBinaryTree leftSubtree;
if (root == null)
return null;
leftChild = root.getLeft();
if (leftChild == null)
return null;
leftSubtree = new LinkedBinaryTree();
leftSubtree.root = leftChild;
return leftSubtree;
} // getLeft
public LinkedBinaryTree getRight() {
BinaryTreeNode rightChild;
LinkedBinaryTree rightSubtree;
if (root == null)
return null;
rightChild = root.getRight();
if (rightChild == null)
return null;
rightSubtree = new LinkedBinaryTree();
rightSubtree.root = rightChild;
return rightSubtree;
} // getRight
public boolean isEmpty() {
return (root == null);
} // isEmpty
public int size() {
return 0;
} // size
public int getHeight() {
if (this.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println(" "+"Check file for formatting errors.....");
System.out.println(" "+"The program has terminated......");
return 0;
} else {
BinaryTreeNode node = root;
return height(node);
} // getHeight
private int height(BinaryTreeNode node) {
if (node == null){
return -1;
int leftSub = height(node.left);
int rightSub = height(node.right);
if (leftSub > rightSub){
return leftSub + 1;
return rightSub + 1;
} // height
public boolean contains(T targetElement) {
return false;
} // contains
public T find(T targetElement) throws ElementNotFoundException {
BinaryTreeNode current = findNode(targetElement, root);
if (current == null)
throw new ElementNotFoundException("LinkedBinaryTree");
return (current.getElement());
} // find
private BinaryTreeNode findNode(T targetElement, BinaryTreeNode next) {
if (next == null)
return null;
if (next.getElement().equals(targetElement))
return next;
BinaryTreeNode temp = findNode(targetElement, next.getLeft());
if (temp == null)
temp = findNode(targetElement, next.getRight());
return temp;
} // findNode
public String toString() {
return toString(root, 0);
} // toString
// Recursive helper method for the toString method.
private String toString(BinaryTreeNode node, int indent) {
String result = "";
BinaryTreeNode leftChild, rightChild;
if (node == null)
return "";
rightChild = node.getRight();
if (rightChild != null)
result += toString(rightChild, indent + 1);
for (int k = 1; k <= indent; k++)
result += " ";
result += node.getElement() + " ";
leftChild = node.getLeft();
if (leftChild != null)
result += toString(leftChild, indent + 1);
return result;
} // toString
public Iterator iterator() {
return iteratorInOrder();
} // iterator
public Iterator iteratorInOrder() {
ArrayUnorderedList tempList = new ArrayUnorderedList();
inOrder(root, tempList);
return new TreeIterator(tempList.iterator());
} // iteratorInOrder
protected void inOrder(BinaryTreeNode node, ArrayUnorderedList tempList) {
if (node != null) {
inOrder(node.getLeft(), tempList);
inOrder(node.getRight(), tempList);
} // inOrder
public Iterator iteratorPreOrder() {
return null;
} // iteratorPreOrder
protected void preOrder(BinaryTreeNode node, ArrayUnorderedList tempList) {
// To be completed as a Programming Project
} // preOrder
public Iterator iteratorPostOrder() {
ArrayUnorderedList tempList = new ArrayUnorderedList();
postOrder(root, tempList);
return new TreeIterator(tempList.iterator());
} // iteratorPostOrder
protected void postOrder(BinaryTreeNode node, ArrayUnorderedList tempList) {
if (node != null) {
postOrder(node.getLeft(), tempList);
postOrder(node.getRight(), tempList);
} // postOrder
public Iterator iteratorLevelOrder() {
ArrayUnorderedList> nodes = new ArrayUnorderedList>();
ArrayUnorderedList tempList = new ArrayUnorderedList();
BinaryTreeNode current;
while (!nodes.isEmpty()) {
current = nodes.removeFirst();
if (current != null) {
if (current.getLeft() != null)
if (current.getRight() != null)
} else
return new TreeIterator(tempList.iterator());
} // iteratorLevelOrder
private class TreeIterator implements Iterator {
private int expectedModCount;
private Iterator iter;
public TreeIterator(Iterator iter) {
this.iter = iter;
expectedModCount = modCount;
} // TreeIterator
public boolean hasNext() throws ConcurrentModificationException {
if (!(modCount == expectedModCount))
throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
return (iter.hasNext());
} // hasNext
public T next() throws NoSuchElementException {
if (hasNext())
return (;
throw new NoSuchElementException();
} // next
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
} // remove
} // class TreeIterator
} // class LinkedBinaryTree
// ***************************************************************
package jsjf;
import java.util.Iterator;
public interface BinaryTreeADT
public T getRootElement();
public boolean isEmpty();
public int size();
public boolean contains(T targetElement);
public T find(T targetElement);
public String toString();
public Iterator iterator();
public Iterator iteratorInOrder();
public Iterator iteratorPreOrder();
public Iterator iteratorPostOrder();
public Iterator iteratorLevelOrder();
package jsjf;
public class BinaryTreeNode
protected T element;
protected BinaryTreeNode left, right;
public BinaryTreeNode(T obj)
element = obj;
left = null;
right = null;
public BinaryTreeNode(T obj, LinkedBinaryTree left, LinkedBinaryTree right)
element = obj;
if (left == null)
this.left = null;
this.left = left.getRootNode();
if (right == null)
this.right = null;
this.right = right.getRootNode();
public int numChildren()
int children = 0;
if (left != null)
children = 1 + left.numChildren();
if (right != null)
children = children + 1 + right.numChildren();
return children;
public T getElement()
return element;
public BinaryTreeNode getRight()
return right;
public void setRight(BinaryTreeNode node)
right = node;
public BinaryTreeNode getLeft()
return left;
public void setLeft(BinaryTreeNode node)
left = node;
package jsjf.exceptions;
public class EmptyCollectionException extends RuntimeException
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public EmptyCollectionException (String collection)
super ("The " + collection + " is empty.");
package jsjf.exceptions;
public class ElementNotFoundException extends RuntimeException
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public ElementNotFoundException (String collection)
super ("The target element is not in this " + collection);
package jsjf;
import jsjf.exceptions.*;
public class ArrayUnorderedList extends ArrayList
implements UnorderedListADT
public ArrayUnorderedList()
public ArrayUnorderedList(int initialCapacity)
public void addToFront(T element)
if (size() == list.length)
// shift elements up one
for (int scan=rear; scan > 0; scan--)
list[scan] = list[scan-1];
list[0] = element;
public void addToRear(T element)
if (size() == list.length)
list[rear] = element;
public void addAfter(T element, T target)
if (size() == list.length)
int scan = 0;
// find the insertion point
while (scan < rear && !target.equals(list[scan]))
if (scan == rear)
throw new ElementNotFoundException("UnorderedList");
// shift elements up one
for (int shift=rear; shift > scan; shift--)
list[shift] = list[shift-1];
// insert element
list[scan] = element;
package jsjf;
public interface UnorderedListADT extends ListADT
public void addToFront(T element);
public void addToRear(T element);
public void addAfter(T element, T target);
package jsjf;
import java.util.Iterator;
public interface ListADT extends Iterable
public T removeFirst();
public T removeLast();
public T remove(T element);
public T first();
public T last();
public boolean contains(T target);
public boolean isEmpty();
public int size();
public Iterator iterator();
public String toString();
package jsjf;
import jsjf.exceptions.*;
import java.util.*;
public abstract class ArrayList implements ListADT, Iterable
private final static int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 100;
private final static int NOT_FOUND = -1;
protected int rear;
protected T[] list;
protected int modCount;
public ArrayList()
// Added.
public ArrayList(int initialCapacity)
rear = 0;
list = (T[])(new Object[initialCapacity]);
modCount = 0;
protected void expandCapacity()
list = Arrays.copyOf(list, list.length*2);
public T removeLast() throws EmptyCollectionException
if (isEmpty())
throw new EmptyCollectionException("ArrayList");
T result;
result = list[rear];
list[rear] = null;
return result;
public T removeFirst() throws EmptyCollectionException
if (isEmpty())
throw new EmptyCollectionException("ArrayList");
T result = list[0];
/** shift the elements */
for (int scan=0; scan < rear; scan++)
list[scan] = list[scan+1];
list[rear] = null;
return result;
public T remove(T element)
T result;
int index = find(element);
if (index == NOT_FOUND)
throw new ElementNotFoundException("ArrayList");
result = list[index];
// shift the appropriate elements
for (int scan=index; scan < rear; scan++)
list[scan] = list[scan+1];
list[rear] = null;
return result;
public T first() throws EmptyCollectionException
if (isEmpty())
throw new EmptyCollectionException("ArrayList");
return list[0];
public T last() throws EmptyCollectionException
if (isEmpty())
throw new EmptyCollectionException("ArrayList");
return list[rear-1];
public boolean contains(T target)
return (find(target) != NOT_FOUND);
private int find(T target)
int scan = 0;
int result = NOT_FOUND;
if (!isEmpty())
while (result == NOT_FOUND && scan < rear)
if (target.equals(list[scan]))
result = scan;
return result;
public boolean isEmpty()
return (rear == 0);
public int size()
return rear;
public String toString()
String result = "";
for (int scan=0; scan < rear; scan++)
result = result + list[scan] + " ";
return result;
public Iterator iterator()
return new ArrayListIterator();
private class ArrayListIterator implements Iterator
int iteratorModCount;
int current;
public ArrayListIterator()
iteratorModCount = modCount;
current = 0;
public boolean hasNext() throws ConcurrentModificationException
if (iteratorModCount != modCount)
throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
return (current < rear);
public T next() throws ConcurrentModificationException
if (!hasNext())
throw new NoSuchElementException();
return list[current - 1];
public void remove() throws UnsupportedOperationException
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
# include
# include
using namespace std;
struct node
int info;
struct node *left;
struct node *right;
class BST
void find(int, node **, node **);
void insert(int);
void del(int);
void case_a(node *,node *);
void case_b(node *,node *);
void case_c(node *,node *);
void preorder(node *);
void inorder(node *);
void postorder(node *);
void display(node *, int);
root = NULL;
int main()
int choice, num;
BST bst;
node *temp;
while (1)
case 1:
temp = new node;
cout<<"Enter the number to be inserted : ";
bst.insert(root, temp);
case 2:
if (root == NULL)
cout<<"Tree is empty, nothing to delete"<>num;
case 3:
cout<<"Inorder Traversal of BST:"<info)
*loc = root;
*par = NULL;
if (item < root->info)
ptr = root->left;
ptr = root->right;
ptrsave = root;
while (ptr != NULL)
if (item == ptr->info)
*loc = ptr;
*par = ptrsave;
ptrsave = ptr;
if (item < ptr->info)
ptr = ptr->left;
ptr = ptr->right;
*loc = NULL;
*par = ptrsave;
void BST::insert(node *tree, node *newnode)
if (root == NULL)
root = new node;
root->info = newnode->info;
root->left = NULL;
root->right = NULL;
cout<<"Root Node is Added"<info == newnode->info)
cout<<"Element already in the tree"<info > newnode->info)
if (tree->left != NULL)
insert(tree->left, newnode);
tree->left = newnode;
(tree->left)->left = NULL;
(tree->left)->right = NULL;
cout<<"Node Added To Left"<right != NULL)
insert(tree->right, newnode);
tree->right = newnode;
(tree->right)->left = NULL;
(tree->right)->right = NULL;
cout<<"Node Added To Right"<left == NULL && location->right == NULL)
case_a(parent, location);
if (location->left != NULL && location->right == NULL)
case_b(parent, location);
if (location->left == NULL && location->right != NULL)
case_b(parent, location);
if (location->left != NULL && location->right != NULL)
case_c(parent, location);
void BST::case_a(node *par, node *loc )
if (par == NULL)
root = NULL;
if (loc == par->left)
par->left = NULL;
par->right = NULL;
void BST::case_b(node *par, node *loc)
node *child;
if (loc->left != NULL)
child = loc->left;
child = loc->right;
if (par == NULL)
root = child;
if (loc == par->left)
par->left = child;
par->right = child;
void BST::case_c(node *par, node *loc)
node *ptr, *ptrsave, *suc, *parsuc;
ptrsave = loc;
ptr = loc->right;
while (ptr->left != NULL)
ptrsave = ptr;
ptr = ptr->left;
suc = ptr;
parsuc = ptrsave;
if (suc->left == NULL && suc->right == NULL)
case_a(parsuc, suc);
case_b(parsuc, suc);
if (par == NULL)
root = suc;
if (loc == par->left)
par->left = suc;
par->right = suc;
suc->left = loc->left;
suc->right = loc->right;
void BST::preorder(node *ptr)
if (root == NULL)
cout<<"Tree is empty"<info<<" ";
void BST::inorder(node *ptr)
if (root == NULL)
cout<<"Tree is empty"<left);
cout<info<<" ";
void BST::postorder(node *ptr)
if (root == NULL)
cout<<"Tree is empty"<left);
cout<info<<" ";
void BST::display(node *ptr, int level)
int i;
if (ptr != NULL)
display(ptr->right, level+1);
cout<: ";
for (i = 0;i < level;i++)
cout<<" ";
display(ptr->left, level+1);

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  • 1. "Create an implementation of a binary tree using the recursive approach introduced in the chapter. In this approach, each node is a binary tree. Thus a binary tree contains a reference to the element stored at its root as well as references to its left and right subtrees. You may also want to include a reference to its parent." p.741 You need to use the locally implemented binary tree. This means you need to have a "jsjf" subfolder with at least these files:,,, and the exceptions sub-subfolder. Test/demonstrate your binary tree by doing the following: Request file name from user, Read an infix expression from file, Build binary expression tree, Display binary expression tree, Evaluate binary expression tree, Display result. ############################################## Note a typical input file can be found here ############################################## # Version 0.2, fully parenthesized. # This is a comment ((9 + 4) * 5) + (4 - (6 + 3)) # Note first expression should evaluate to 60 ((42 + ( 10 - 2 )) + ( 5 * 3 )) / 6 # Note second expression should evaluate to 65 / 6 or 10 (integer division) ############################################## My program is below but the out put is incorrect ############################################## import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Stack; import jsjf.BinaryTreeNode; import jsjf.LinkedBinaryTree;
  • 2. public class StringTree extends LinkedBinaryTree { public StringTree(String rootStr, StringTree leftSubtree, StringTree rightSubtree) { root = new BinaryTreeNode(rootStr, leftSubtree, rightSubtree); } // StringTree public StringTree(File f) { Stack leftStack = new Stack(), rightStack = new Stack(); // stacks of left and right subtrees of nodes Scanner scan; // scanner for reading from the file String nodeType, nodeStr; // string contained in the current node boolean hasLeftChild, hasRightChild; // true if the current node has a left or right child StringTree leftSubtree, rightSubtree, // left and right subtrees of the current node subtree; // subtree having the current node as its root // Create a scanner for reading from the file. try { scan = new Scanner(f); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); root = null; System.out.println(" "+"The program has terminated......"); System.exit(0); return; } // Read the file and build a tree from the bottom up. while (scan.hasNext()) { // Input information about a tree node. nodeType =; hasLeftChild = ("y")); hasRightChild = ("y"));
  • 3. nodeStr =; // Determine the left and right subtrees of the subtree // having the node as its root. if (hasLeftChild) leftSubtree = leftStack.pop(); else leftSubtree = null; if (hasRightChild) rightSubtree = rightStack.pop(); else rightSubtree = null; // Create the subtree having the node as its root. subtree = new StringTree(nodeStr, leftSubtree, rightSubtree); // Push the subtree onto the appropriate stack or finish // construction of the whole tree. if (nodeType.equalsIgnoreCase("L")) leftStack.push(subtree); else if (nodeType.equalsIgnoreCase("R")) rightStack.push(subtree); else { root = subtree.root; break; } } // while } // StringTree public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scan = new Scanner(; // scanner to read keyboard input String name; // name of a tree description file File f; // the corresponding file object StringTree tree; // tree constructed from the file // Input a tree description file name and create a // corresponding file object.
  • 4. System.out.print("Enter a tree description file name: "); name = scan.nextLine(); scan.close(); f = new File(name); // Create a tree as described by the file. tree = new StringTree(f); // Display the tree. System.out.print(tree.toString()); // Find and display the tree's height. System.out.println("The tree's height is: " + tree.getHeight()); // List the nodes in the order visited in a post-order // traversal. Iterator post = tree.iteratorPostOrder(); System.out.print("Traversed in PostOrder: "); while (post.hasNext()) { System.out.print( + " "); } //Printing terminating message System.out.println(" "+" "+"The program has terminated......"); } // main } // class StringTree // *************************************************************** package jsjf; import java.util.*; import jsjf.exceptions.*; public class LinkedBinaryTree implements BinaryTreeADT, Iterable { protected BinaryTreeNode root; protected int modCount = 0; public LinkedBinaryTree() { root = null; } // LinkedBinaryTree public LinkedBinaryTree(T element) {
  • 5. root = new BinaryTreeNode(element); } // LinkedBinaryTree public LinkedBinaryTree(T element, LinkedBinaryTree left, LinkedBinaryTree right) { root = new BinaryTreeNode(element); root.setLeft(left.root); root.setRight(right.root); } // LinkedBinaryTree public T getRootElement() throws EmptyCollectionException { if (root == null) { throw new EmptyCollectionException("There is no element at root! There must be a root element to" + "create a tree."); } else { return root.getElement(); } } // getRootElement protected BinaryTreeNode getRootNode() throws EmptyCollectionException { if(root == null){ throw new EmptyCollectionException("There is no node at root! There must be a root node to" + "create a tree."); } else{ return root; } } // getRootNode public LinkedBinaryTree getLeft() { BinaryTreeNode leftChild; LinkedBinaryTree leftSubtree; if (root == null) return null; leftChild = root.getLeft(); if (leftChild == null) return null; leftSubtree = new LinkedBinaryTree(); leftSubtree.root = leftChild;
  • 6. return leftSubtree; } // getLeft public LinkedBinaryTree getRight() { BinaryTreeNode rightChild; LinkedBinaryTree rightSubtree; if (root == null) return null; rightChild = root.getRight(); if (rightChild == null) return null; rightSubtree = new LinkedBinaryTree(); rightSubtree.root = rightChild; return rightSubtree; } // getRight public boolean isEmpty() { return (root == null); } // isEmpty public int size() { return 0; } // size public int getHeight() { if (this.isEmpty()) { System.out.println(" "+"Check file for formatting errors....."); System.out.println(" "+"The program has terminated......"); System.exit(0); return 0; } else { BinaryTreeNode node = root; return height(node); } } // getHeight private int height(BinaryTreeNode node) { if (node == null){ return -1; }
  • 7. int leftSub = height(node.left); int rightSub = height(node.right); if (leftSub > rightSub){ return leftSub + 1; } else{ return rightSub + 1; } } // height public boolean contains(T targetElement) { return false; } // contains public T find(T targetElement) throws ElementNotFoundException { BinaryTreeNode current = findNode(targetElement, root); if (current == null) throw new ElementNotFoundException("LinkedBinaryTree"); return (current.getElement()); } // find private BinaryTreeNode findNode(T targetElement, BinaryTreeNode next) { if (next == null) return null; if (next.getElement().equals(targetElement)) return next; BinaryTreeNode temp = findNode(targetElement, next.getLeft()); if (temp == null) temp = findNode(targetElement, next.getRight()); return temp; } // findNode public String toString() { return toString(root, 0); } // toString // Recursive helper method for the toString method. private String toString(BinaryTreeNode node, int indent) { String result = ""; BinaryTreeNode leftChild, rightChild;
  • 8. if (node == null) return ""; rightChild = node.getRight(); if (rightChild != null) result += toString(rightChild, indent + 1); for (int k = 1; k <= indent; k++) result += " "; result += node.getElement() + " "; leftChild = node.getLeft(); if (leftChild != null) result += toString(leftChild, indent + 1); return result; } // toString public Iterator iterator() { return iteratorInOrder(); } // iterator public Iterator iteratorInOrder() { ArrayUnorderedList tempList = new ArrayUnorderedList(); inOrder(root, tempList); return new TreeIterator(tempList.iterator()); } // iteratorInOrder protected void inOrder(BinaryTreeNode node, ArrayUnorderedList tempList) { if (node != null) { inOrder(node.getLeft(), tempList); tempList.addToRear(node.getElement()); inOrder(node.getRight(), tempList); } } // inOrder public Iterator iteratorPreOrder() { return null; } // iteratorPreOrder protected void preOrder(BinaryTreeNode node, ArrayUnorderedList tempList) { // To be completed as a Programming Project } // preOrder
  • 9. public Iterator iteratorPostOrder() { ArrayUnorderedList tempList = new ArrayUnorderedList(); postOrder(root, tempList); return new TreeIterator(tempList.iterator()); } // iteratorPostOrder protected void postOrder(BinaryTreeNode node, ArrayUnorderedList tempList) { if (node != null) { postOrder(node.getLeft(), tempList); postOrder(node.getRight(), tempList); tempList.addToRear(node.getElement()); } } // postOrder public Iterator iteratorLevelOrder() { ArrayUnorderedList> nodes = new ArrayUnorderedList>(); ArrayUnorderedList tempList = new ArrayUnorderedList(); BinaryTreeNode current; nodes.addToRear(root); while (!nodes.isEmpty()) { current = nodes.removeFirst(); if (current != null) { tempList.addToRear(current.getElement()); if (current.getLeft() != null) nodes.addToRear(current.getLeft()); if (current.getRight() != null) nodes.addToRear(current.getRight()); } else tempList.addToRear(null); } return new TreeIterator(tempList.iterator()); } // iteratorLevelOrder private class TreeIterator implements Iterator { private int expectedModCount; private Iterator iter;
  • 10. public TreeIterator(Iterator iter) { this.iter = iter; expectedModCount = modCount; } // TreeIterator public boolean hasNext() throws ConcurrentModificationException { if (!(modCount == expectedModCount)) throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); return (iter.hasNext()); } // hasNext public T next() throws NoSuchElementException { if (hasNext()) return (; else throw new NoSuchElementException(); } // next public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } // remove } // class TreeIterator } // class LinkedBinaryTree // *************************************************************** package jsjf; import java.util.Iterator; public interface BinaryTreeADT { public T getRootElement(); public boolean isEmpty(); public int size(); public boolean contains(T targetElement); public T find(T targetElement); public String toString(); public Iterator iterator(); public Iterator iteratorInOrder();
  • 11. public Iterator iteratorPreOrder(); public Iterator iteratorPostOrder(); public Iterator iteratorLevelOrder(); } package jsjf; public class BinaryTreeNode { protected T element; protected BinaryTreeNode left, right; public BinaryTreeNode(T obj) { element = obj; left = null; right = null; } public BinaryTreeNode(T obj, LinkedBinaryTree left, LinkedBinaryTree right) { element = obj; if (left == null) this.left = null; else this.left = left.getRootNode(); if (right == null) this.right = null; else this.right = right.getRootNode(); } public int numChildren() { int children = 0; if (left != null) children = 1 + left.numChildren(); if (right != null)
  • 12. children = children + 1 + right.numChildren(); return children; } public T getElement() { return element; } public BinaryTreeNode getRight() { return right; } public void setRight(BinaryTreeNode node) { right = node; } public BinaryTreeNode getLeft() { return left; } public void setLeft(BinaryTreeNode node) { left = node; } } package jsjf.exceptions; public class EmptyCollectionException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public EmptyCollectionException (String collection) {
  • 13. super ("The " + collection + " is empty."); } } package jsjf.exceptions; public class ElementNotFoundException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public ElementNotFoundException (String collection) { super ("The target element is not in this " + collection); } } package jsjf; import jsjf.exceptions.*; public class ArrayUnorderedList extends ArrayList implements UnorderedListADT { public ArrayUnorderedList() { super(); } public ArrayUnorderedList(int initialCapacity) { super(initialCapacity); } public void addToFront(T element) { if (size() == list.length) expandCapacity(); // shift elements up one for (int scan=rear; scan > 0; scan--) list[scan] = list[scan-1];
  • 14. list[0] = element; rear++; modCount++; } public void addToRear(T element) { if (size() == list.length) expandCapacity(); list[rear] = element; rear++; modCount++; } public void addAfter(T element, T target) { if (size() == list.length) expandCapacity(); int scan = 0; // find the insertion point while (scan < rear && !target.equals(list[scan])) scan++; if (scan == rear) throw new ElementNotFoundException("UnorderedList"); scan++; // shift elements up one for (int shift=rear; shift > scan; shift--) list[shift] = list[shift-1]; // insert element list[scan] = element; rear++; modCount++; } }
  • 15. package jsjf; public interface UnorderedListADT extends ListADT { public void addToFront(T element); public void addToRear(T element); public void addAfter(T element, T target); } package jsjf; import java.util.Iterator; public interface ListADT extends Iterable { public T removeFirst(); public T removeLast(); public T remove(T element); public T first(); public T last(); public boolean contains(T target); public boolean isEmpty(); public int size(); public Iterator iterator(); public String toString(); } package jsjf; import jsjf.exceptions.*; import java.util.*; public abstract class ArrayList implements ListADT, Iterable { private final static int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 100; private final static int NOT_FOUND = -1; protected int rear; protected T[] list;
  • 16. protected int modCount; public ArrayList() { this(DEFAULT_CAPACITY); } // Added. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ArrayList(int initialCapacity) { rear = 0; list = (T[])(new Object[initialCapacity]); modCount = 0; } protected void expandCapacity() { list = Arrays.copyOf(list, list.length*2); } public T removeLast() throws EmptyCollectionException { if (isEmpty()) throw new EmptyCollectionException("ArrayList"); T result; rear--; result = list[rear]; list[rear] = null; modCount++; return result; } public T removeFirst() throws EmptyCollectionException { if (isEmpty()) throw new EmptyCollectionException("ArrayList"); T result = list[0];
  • 17. rear--; /** shift the elements */ for (int scan=0; scan < rear; scan++) list[scan] = list[scan+1]; list[rear] = null; modCount++; return result; } public T remove(T element) { T result; int index = find(element); if (index == NOT_FOUND) throw new ElementNotFoundException("ArrayList"); result = list[index]; rear--; // shift the appropriate elements for (int scan=index; scan < rear; scan++) list[scan] = list[scan+1]; list[rear] = null; modCount++; return result; } public T first() throws EmptyCollectionException { if (isEmpty()) throw new EmptyCollectionException("ArrayList"); return list[0]; } public T last() throws EmptyCollectionException {
  • 18. if (isEmpty()) throw new EmptyCollectionException("ArrayList"); return list[rear-1]; } public boolean contains(T target) { return (find(target) != NOT_FOUND); } private int find(T target) { int scan = 0; int result = NOT_FOUND; if (!isEmpty()) while (result == NOT_FOUND && scan < rear) if (target.equals(list[scan])) result = scan; else scan++; return result; } public boolean isEmpty() { return (rear == 0); } public int size() { return rear; } public String toString() { String result = ""; for (int scan=0; scan < rear; scan++) result = result + list[scan] + " "; return result;
  • 19. } public Iterator iterator() { return new ArrayListIterator(); } private class ArrayListIterator implements Iterator { int iteratorModCount; int current; public ArrayListIterator() { iteratorModCount = modCount; current = 0; } public boolean hasNext() throws ConcurrentModificationException { if (iteratorModCount != modCount) throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); return (current < rear); } public T next() throws ConcurrentModificationException { if (!hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException(); current++; return list[current - 1]; } public void remove() throws UnsupportedOperationException
  • 20. { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } } Solution # include # include using namespace std; struct node { int info; struct node *left; struct node *right; }*root; class BST { public: void find(int, node **, node **); void insert(int); void del(int); void case_a(node *,node *); void case_b(node *,node *); void case_c(node *,node *); void preorder(node *); void inorder(node *); void postorder(node *); void display(node *, int); BST() { root = NULL; } };
  • 21. int main() { int choice, num; BST bst; node *temp; while (1) { cout<<"-----------------"<>choice; switch(choice) { case 1: temp = new node; cout<<"Enter the number to be inserted : "; cin>>temp->info; bst.insert(root, temp); case 2: if (root == NULL) { cout<<"Tree is empty, nothing to delete"<>num; bst.del(num); break; case 3: cout<<"Inorder Traversal of BST:"<info) { *loc = root; *par = NULL; return; } if (item < root->info) ptr = root->left; else ptr = root->right; ptrsave = root; while (ptr != NULL) { if (item == ptr->info)
  • 22. { *loc = ptr; *par = ptrsave; return; } ptrsave = ptr; if (item < ptr->info) ptr = ptr->left; else ptr = ptr->right; } *loc = NULL; *par = ptrsave; } void BST::insert(node *tree, node *newnode) { if (root == NULL) { root = new node; root->info = newnode->info; root->left = NULL; root->right = NULL; cout<<"Root Node is Added"<info == newnode->info) { cout<<"Element already in the tree"<info > newnode->info) { if (tree->left != NULL) { insert(tree->left, newnode); } else { tree->left = newnode; (tree->left)->left = NULL; (tree->left)->right = NULL; cout<<"Node Added To Left"<right != NULL)
  • 23. { insert(tree->right, newnode); } else { tree->right = newnode; (tree->right)->left = NULL; (tree->right)->right = NULL; cout<<"Node Added To Right"<left == NULL && location->right == NULL) case_a(parent, location); if (location->left != NULL && location->right == NULL) case_b(parent, location); if (location->left == NULL && location->right != NULL) case_b(parent, location); if (location->left != NULL && location->right != NULL) case_c(parent, location); free(location); } void BST::case_a(node *par, node *loc ) { if (par == NULL) { root = NULL; } else { if (loc == par->left) par->left = NULL; else par->right = NULL; } } void BST::case_b(node *par, node *loc) { node *child; if (loc->left != NULL)
  • 24. child = loc->left; else child = loc->right; if (par == NULL) { root = child; } else { if (loc == par->left) par->left = child; else par->right = child; } } void BST::case_c(node *par, node *loc) { node *ptr, *ptrsave, *suc, *parsuc; ptrsave = loc; ptr = loc->right; while (ptr->left != NULL) { ptrsave = ptr; ptr = ptr->left; } suc = ptr; parsuc = ptrsave; if (suc->left == NULL && suc->right == NULL) case_a(parsuc, suc); else case_b(parsuc, suc); if (par == NULL) { root = suc; } else
  • 25. { if (loc == par->left) par->left = suc; else par->right = suc; } suc->left = loc->left; suc->right = loc->right; } void BST::preorder(node *ptr) { if (root == NULL) { cout<<"Tree is empty"<info<<" "; preorder(ptr->left); preorder(ptr->right); } } void BST::inorder(node *ptr) { if (root == NULL) { cout<<"Tree is empty"<left); cout<info<<" "; inorder(ptr->right); } } void BST::postorder(node *ptr) { if (root == NULL) { cout<<"Tree is empty"<left); postorder(ptr->right); cout<info<<" "; } }
  • 26. void BST::display(node *ptr, int level) { int i; if (ptr != NULL) { display(ptr->right, level+1); cout<: "; else { for (i = 0;i < level;i++) cout<<" "; } cout<info; display(ptr->left, level+1); } }