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Method 1 – CPALead Insanity!
This is a huge untapped market that almost no one talks about, and it almost seems
like marketers are trying to keep this a well-kept secret that is only known among
themselves. I can quite honestly say that I've yet to see any real guide about how
powerful this network is, and how many ways this can be applied profitably, you're
literally limited only by your imagination and there is ALWAYS new material and
developments that can take advantage of profitable! I would be doing you a
disservice by not saying that this technique ALONE can be used to make hundreds of
dollars (or even more) with almost no out-of-pocket costs!
As I go along, I'll provide more details about why I think this is an excellent starting
point for the CPA newbie who knows very little about how things are done in the
CPA world. This is the network that I recommend all newbies join right away – see
how my report is already shaping up to be very different from the typical rehashed
CPA reports you've read before?
What is CPALead?
First of all, let me give you a little background on what this is, as I'm sure many of
you have no clue what I'm talking about. What is and why is it so
CPA Lead is a CPA network that does things quite differently from the other
networks that I'm sure you're familiar with. The most important distinction with
CPALead is that it allows incentivization for ALL its offers!
For people who are unfamiliar with what this means, let me explain. Incentivization
means that you're able to give your visitor some incentive (usually some sort of
freebie which I'll go into greater detail
in a while) in exchange for them performing an action (the CPA Offer) which will
result in you earning money! For the newbies who may not understand why this is
such a big deal, let me explain. The vast majority of CPA networks absolutely frown
on any sort of incentivization for the completion of their offers, and trying to do so
will get you banned if they find out you've been doing it. CPALead allows
incentivization across the board for all its offers, so can you see now why this is so
powerful, and how it opens up a whole new world that you can exploit creatively
(without getting banned)? It also has many payment options - PayPal, ACH, Wire
Transfer or Check, and is very open to approving non-US publishers.
CPALead does things very differently from your major CPA networks, and I'll go into
detail about what makes it so special and easy to monetize. Firstly, CPALead offers
are mostly free for the visitor to complete, and they are short little surveys that
typically pay you between $1 and $3 for visitor completion – you choose the payout,
which varies according to the offer.
MOST importantly, since CPALead allows incentivization they aren't as stringent with
the application process as most typical networks are. You are pretty much approved
as long as you can provide a simple website and domain.
You may have heard of the famous Blackhat Codebreaker script that was developed
by Imran Naseem of the Warrior Forum, who then sold it to someone else, It now
sells for $67, and it basically does what CPALead does, but you have to search out
incentivize offers on the major CPA networks to use it with, and the only major
network that I've found to have halfway decent incentivize offers is Maxbounty.
CPALead is basically an all-in-one solution that combines a free gateway script to
use that is similar to Blackhat Codebreaker AND incentivize survey offers to use!
Since this complete solution is provided by the same network, it is completely safe to
use, and there are absolutely no worries about getting banned!
Let me quickly explain in more detail how CPALead works. The gateway script is
basically a lock for your content. In order to unlock the content, the user must first
complete a survey. After joining CPALead, you will be able to generate a snippet of
code you can copy and paste into the webpage that you need to protect. The only
way users will then be able to access that page is by completing a CPA offer which
will make you anywhere from $1 to $2. The offers actually vary between $0.20 and
$20, but I suggest you disable all the low paying ones and stick to $1-$2 offers for
maximum revenue.
CPALead works well with almost any kind of site, but from my personal experience, I
find that it works best when used with TV Sites, Movie Sites, Music Sites, and Game
Sites. The reason why it works so incredibly well with content sites like the ones
above is because people are always searching for free content of that type on the
web, and furthermore there is always new music, games, movies and tv episodes
coming out each day, so you have fresh content to offer all the time! This is what
the gateway does on your site – it actually locks all content on your page and it
opens again only after a visitor has completed one of the surveys.
The awesome thing about this script is that everything is automatic, and offers are
shown according to your location (GEO IP). This saves you a lot of hassle as typical
CPA network offers are country-specific, and you have to spend a lot of time figuring
out what offers to users, and how to redirect visitors to the right offers based on
their locations. With CPALead this is all transparent and everything is done
automatically for you! For example, US-only offers will be shown solely to visitors
from the US and Canada-only offers will be shown only to visitors from Canada. This
really maximizes your value per lead as there will be some relevant offer for your
visitor to complete, based on where they're located! In my opinion, this is perhaps
the most important feature of CPALead as it frees beginners from having to worry
about the source of traffic, and instead just concentrate on getting as much traffic
as they possibly can.
Quick Start Approval for CPALead
1) The first thing I suggest you do is to construct a very simple movie website.
Before you panic, I want to mention that I'll be showing you right here how to do it
quickly and efficiently! While you can utilize a free blog like, I'd highly
recommend that you go with Hostgator's Baby plan for hosting, and Godaddy for
domain names. To get the cheapest price for Godaddy's domains, just enter this in
google to get current coupon codes – “GoDaddy coupon + current month + year”,
i.e. “GoDaddy coupon + December + 2018”
2) For the domain name, pick something related to “watch free
movies/shows/videos online”, it does not necessarily have to be a .com domain.
Next, you want to set up the website with wordpress installed on it. If you're unsure
of this, you can find a ton of quick videos on how to do this on youtube.
3) Find a free basic Wordpress Theme to use on your own website to be able to post
blog entries about movies/television shows to watch. You want something clean and
uncluttered that allows the visitor to focus on what you have to offer. You can find
some great free ones over here - and
4) Once you have Wordpress installed, start making blog posts on new movie shows
and television episodes. Make at least 3-4 posts before applying at CPALead. Use the
movie name for the title
or “tv show name season # episode #” for tv shows, as this is a popular search on
search engines. Add a movie/tv poster picture for better click-through rates, and a
brief description of the movie/episode. Here's an example of one of the blog posts
that I've used for the Dark Knight movie below - notice that I am not actually
hosting the movie files on my website, I'm just linking to them. You do not want to
host movie files or other copyrighted material on your website as it could open you
up to liability issues, and besides that
there is the practical aspect of using up a lot of bandwidth and time uploading movies to your
host. A great website to link to for all the popular television shows is
This is a great place to get ideas for making blog posts about what's popular at the moment,
and they always seem to have a nice selection of the hottest current shows and blockbusters.
5) After that, you need to do is go to's publisher application page
6)If you get denied for any reason the best thing to do is contact the affiliate manager,
preferably by phone (number and extension is listed on the website) if you can. That will
usually help to clear things up and get you approved on the spot.
7) I'd suggest that you classify your website under the 'Video Content' category and describe
it as a movie/tv website blog that provides information and links to current popular movies
and television shows.
8) When asked “Please describe how you will get your users to complete our surveys:” just
put in that something along the lines of “I will be using the content blocker provided by
CPALead, I intend to block the most popular/demanded media on my site and require users
to complete a survey.”
9) When asked “Where did you hear about us?” just mention through the web or a friend, it
doesn't really matter. That's it! You should be approved within 48 hours, and be ready to start
earning quickly with CPALead!
Once you are approved, you'll be given access to the Gateway script that you just copy and
paste into your website blog HTML code. In case you're wondering how the Gateway looks
like, here's an example below. It pops up on your webpage when a visitor tries to access your
blog post that contains links to the video content that he or she is searching for.
The CPALead Gateway script as shown above (yours might vary a little from the
example above, as you can customize it to your liking) will pop appear and lock your
website from further access when a visitor tries to access your blog post that has the
link to the show or movie. The visitor will then have to fill out and complete one of
the free offers before your blog post content is unlocked.
QuickStart Monetization
Let's get to the part that I know you all have been waiting for – quick monetization
of your site using CPALead! I know that many people may think that this is hard to
do, but you'll be pleasantly surprised at how quickly you'll be able to get up to speed
and acquire 100+ visitors daily in no time at all. There are many ways of getting
traffic to your site, but I feel like this is the easiest and fastest way to do so for
someone just starting out.
1) The very first thing you want to do is sign up for a free account at
2) Once you have signed up for your account, go back to the homepage and view
the "This Week's Best TV Shows". It is located in the middle about halfway down the
page – I've illustrated it below for your convenience.
3) Go to each show’s page and click on "Track" button (see below).
4) Next, you need to go create a new Gateway within CPALead. Be sure to
customize it as much as you can. If you want to go all the way, you can even create
own skin but it isn’t necessary. Add your Gateway to your site by adding it into the
header.php file of your blog site. When you download your Gateway script from
CPALead there will be more detailed instructions on inserting this script into your
website code. Do a quick check to make sure everything is in order by visiting your
website after uploading the Gateway.
5) Go back to Sidereel and click on the 'My Profile' tab (make sure that you're logged
in first). Check what shows are on that night and for the coming nights (for those of
you who don't live in the US, please remember that the listings are in Eastern (ET)
US time!). On your blog, create posts with the show and episode names in the title.
For the body of the post, for now just put in a description for the episode, which you
can also get from Sidereel. You can repeat this process for all the top movies at the
6) Next, you will need something to make a short 1 minute still film, I recommend
using Jing or Camstudio or Windows Movie Maker (detailed in Method 3 - Youtube
Robber) as they are both free and very easy to use. For each of your shows, create
a small video with nothing but a slide of that show. So for example, if I’m using
Family Guy, I grab the first picture from Google images of Family Guy and stick it in
my video. I then stretch it out for around 30 seconds. Add a slide at the end saying
“Sorry, Youtube keeps taking my videos down due to copyright issues. I have re-
uploaded it at:”. Keep that last slide playing for at least 20-
25 seconds (about 1 min for the total movie) so that your viewers won't get
distracted and view the other related videos that are presented by Youtube after
yours stops playing. You can use a free application like Smilebox to make your slides
look more interesting. Instead of the picture slideshow, you can also make a quick
30-second screenshot video of your blog post about the Game of Thrones episode.
ALTERNATIVE: you could also upload a movie trailer video
if you can get access to it.
7) If you want to go the extra mile, you can watermark your video with your website
URL using a free application like Video Watermark Factory.
8) For your video title, use something like the following:
Watch<Insert Movie Title><Movie Year>Online Free, part 1/8, full-length movie
It doesn't have to be exactly the way I have described it, just do something similar,
you will be fine as long as you keep the words online, free, and movie in the title.
For your video description, do not forget to include a link to your blog post (for this
particular movie/show), and keyword stuff the description with anything and
everything about that particular show. NOTE: your blog post URL is going to be too
long to be comfortably inserted in Youtube, I highly recommend using the free link
shortener service ; just go there and open up an account so that you can track
the clicks coming from your customized link. This service allows you to
designate a customized URL for your link, i.e. . You will be
given an option to do this after you shorten the link at the site (see below). This sort
of URL is a lot more memorable, and will increase your conversions significantly. The
way to do this is a bit tricky, so please pay attention to the screenshot below. After
you provide the link to to shorten, you will be shown the screen below
together with the standard link, which is a bunch of alphanumeric characters
after What you need to do next is type in your custom name in the area I've
circled and click on the 'Save' button, and this will give you your custom URL (if it is
not already taken). You can always try a different custom name if your first choice is
9) Make sure you save the videos that you created, but DO NOT UPLOAD your
videos immediately. What you want to do is wait for the night that the episode is
shown, and go back to Sidereel to wait for someone to share the video link for that
particular episode. You can also search for it at . Once you have
that link, you want to quickly insert it into your Wordpress blog post about that
episode, and THEN upload your video!
10) NOW Upload your video. If you really want to go all out, you can mass submit
your videos to many of the popular video sites using tools like Hey! Spread(free to
use) or Video Post Robot. The free traffic should start piling in quickly from the video
to your blog, and it should convert really well with the CPALead gateway blocking
to your blog post, as these people are desperate to view the videos!
11) There will be more shows airing the following night. This is really an unlimited
method, like I said before it all depends on how much
effort you want to put into this, do not be afraid to experiment with shows other
than the top 10 on Sidereel. With practice you'll get even better at making
interesting Youtube videos, and you'll get hundreds of visitors clicking through to
your blog, where your CPALead Gateway will monetize them like crazy!
If you'd like to do additional promotion, you can get a traffic boost by commenting
on other Youtube videos and including a link to your video – just make sure that
you're posting somewhat relevant content, you do not want to appear like a
spammer. You can also use the Yahoo Answers “trick” - ask a question from one
Yahoo account: where can I watch “insert show” online? Then answer from another
Yahoo account with your link, and choose it as the best answer.
This method will only work better over time as your blog gets more optimized for the
popular shows that you put up lots of posts on, especially the different episodes of
the same television shows. Don't forget to ping your blog at
every time you write a new post. If it is down for some reason (this happens
sometimes), then try hIttp:// If you want to do even more, you can also
mass social bookmark your blog posts at this site -
The reason it works so well is because people are willing to do almost anything
(free) to watch free television episodes and movies. They are typically very happy to
spend 1-2 minutes (many times even less) to complete a simple email submit CPA
offer or short survey on the CPALead gateway just to be able to view their favorite
This method is really powerful because Youtube, believe it or not, has become a
huge search engine where people look for shows, research products, and look for
information on just about anything under the sun! As a matter of fact, YouTube
surpassed Yahoo according to ComScore’s (a market research firm) search engine
rankings several years ago, and has only grown significantly since then, making
YouTube sit firmly now in second place, only second to Google. The powerful
advantage with Youtube is that it is so easy to optimize for keywords
in comparison with Google, and this makes it incredibly easy to attract targeted
traffic as a result without any costs whatsoever!
This method has worked very well for everyone I have taught this to, and you can
implement this today (assuming you're already approved for CPALead) and start
seeing results and earnings immediately the very same night! You're dealing with a
very hungry targeted market who really wants what you have to offer, BUT you
don't have to make any kind of sale in order to get paid!
I did not want to overload you with information as there is quite a bit more to
CPALead than just movies and shows, but I wanted to emphasize the movie/show
method so that I can get you started making money as quickly and easily as
possible. You can literally earn hundreds of dollars on the same day that you put up
a blog post about a popular movie or television show, and there's always something
new coming up!
The possibilities are really endless because CPALead offers the following options; the
description below is taken straight from their website :
CPALead, LLC is a performance-based, online advertising network that develops
technologies to promote incentive-based advertisements across niche websites in
the following genres:
• 1) Massively Multi-Player Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG)
• 2) Virtual Worlds
• 3) Social Networks
• 4) Premium Video, Music, eBook and Art Content Sites
• 5) USA Compliant Poker Websites
I know that many of you may be unfamiliar with the other categories, so I'd suggest
sticking mainly with (4) unless you have specific knowledge of the other areas. I'd
like to touch a little on eBook files and content. If you have good PLR or some
interesting public domain ebooks, the CPALead gateway can help you monetize this
on a passive basis.
What you want to do is upload the eBook/PLR content to
(sign up as a free member) and protect it with your CPALead gateway. You don't
have to do anything else to earn passive income for a long time to come. Every time
someone searches and attempts to download your file from there, the CPALead
gateway will make them complete one of the offers in order to access the file.
CPALead really has endless possibilities, just try to brainstorm about in-demand
content that there are a lot of searches for on the web, and then provide it to the
people (locked with the CPALead gateway, of course!) This simple premise can earn
you $200+ daily with minimal effort and with free traffic. There are some people
that choose to go crazy with this and also use paid traffic, but that is entirely
optional and not really necessary, especially if you consistently put up videos on a
daily basis.
Method 2 – Youtube Simplicity
Now I realize that there are many, many different ways to make money on Youtube,
but I wanted something that was as mechanical and brain-dead as possible, and
allowed me to just work at creating and uploading videos without having to worry
about complex creation and creativity issues, allowing me to outsource the work if
necessary. This method also has the added bonus of generating passive, automated
income once it's set up. It doesn't require any maintenance or babysitting once you
have implemented and deployed it – as the famous saying goes from Ron Popeil
who invented the Showtime® Rotisserie & BBQ machine, “Set it and forget it!”
I accidentally stumbled upon this when I realized that it had all the elements of a
perfect storm. Youtube has always had a vast number of searches for music (not
necessarily videos, as I found out through dumb luck and experience), and the vast
majority of these searchers were a demographic group that could be easily
monetized with a specific CPA offer, namely people in the 16-25-year-old group that
grew up with cell phones and text messaging in their blood.
We have already established the fact that Youtube is a huge juggernaut that now
even functions as a search engine. The numbers are quite staggering, as Youtube
serves over 4 Billion Videos per DAY, and this equates to over 46,000 views every
SECOND! All we need to do is stand in the way of this massive traffic to profit wildly,
there is no need to chase traffic when it's all available on Youtube!
Now that we know where all the traffic is, we need to figure out what sort of videos
are among the most popular on Youtube. Many of you will have probably guessed it
already, and this is music videos, and the key here is that people weren't necessarily
looking to watch videos, they wanted to listen to the music. I found this out by
accident after coming across tons of slideshow-type videos that were combined
with the music I wanted to hear on Youtube. Not only does Youtube have thousands
and thousands of these, I also noticed that many of them got a huge number of
page views. My mind went into overdrive and I tried to brainstorm about how to
monetize the demographic that was most likely to view these videos. Everything
clicked after a while once I realized that the majority of the 16-25 age demographic
viewing this are generally crazy about cell-phones, and more specifically cool
ringtones. All I had to do was see if the CPA networks had any ringtone offers, and
lo and behold they did!
I realized I was literally sitting on a goldmine here. Basically, all you need here is a
computer, an internet connection, a simple one-page website, and a CPA ringtone
offer. The Appendix at the end of this book goes into more detail about the CPA
networks, and how to maximize your chances of getting your application accepted.
I recommend Godaddy for the domain name and Hostgator for hosting (I've already
mentioned this in Method 1 on CPALeads). Some of the better networks include
AdworkMedia, ClickDealer, Maxbounty, ClickBooth, Peerfly, and Neverblue. I like
using AdworkMedia and ClickDealer for my CPA ringtone offers as they seem to
convert and pay well for me,
based on my testing.
Getting Started with Ringtone CPA offers!
This is a very easy method for generating consistent and passive income from
Youtube that grows over time as you post more and more videos. It's easy to build
on, and you can work as little or as much as you want. I estimate it takes up to 20
minutes for a brand- new beginner to post a video, so you could even start working
this 20 minutes a day if you wish. Once you get better at this you can set up and
post a video within 10 minutes or so. This is something that anyone can do, and
your income will be commensurate with the amount of work you put in, you can
work as little as 10-20 minutes per day, or scale it up to 8 hours or more and make
a killing with this! Also, this work is very easily outsourced so you could really scale
this up massively if you wish to.
I'm going to take you by the hand now and walk you through the simple steps
involved in creating and posting a video, which is really pretty simple once you get
the hang of it. I'll post screenshots where necessary so that you don't feel like you're
left in the dark as to what to do. Before we start I'd like to make it clear that you
need to have been approved for at least one CPA network so that you can start
using the ringtone offer in the video that you will be creating.
Let me give you a brief overview of the process. Basically what you will be doing is
posting videos to Youtube that link to a website domain that you have set up. Your
website will have a CPA offer link that goes to a Ringtone offer at your CPA network,
with this method that we'll be using. If the person ends up downloading the
Ringtone, this is classified as an offer conversion and you end up getting paid for it!
I am going to show you how to get your videos to “stick” on Youtube, and guide you
step-by-step through the whole process.
CPA Ringtones Quickstart
1) Create a brand new Youtube account specifically for this method, together with a
brand new Gmail email address to associate with the Youtube account, separate
from your personal email. This will keep everything organized and neat, it will help
you avoid confusion later on. I would recommend using Gmail as it's easy to use and
powerful, and you can set up unlimited Youtube accounts as long as each one is
attached to its own unique Gmail address.
2) Next, we're going to take a look at relevant offers at my account in AdworkMedia.
Even if you end up using a different CPA network, it is very likely that you'll find a
similar offer there. We are using a mainstream offering that is very popular, and it is
almost certain that you will find something almost identical in the other CPA
3) As you can see from the screenshot above and below, there are several high
paying ringtones offers in this network with huge EPC (earnings per click).
4) Next, I get my short tracking URL for the ringtone offer as shown below. This
ensures that I get credit for every ringtone conversion when the link is clicked on at
my website.
5) Now we have to set up your domain and hosting. I currently have 6 different
domains to track my different videos and CPA offers. You can start off with 1 first,
and then expand later on. Since you will be promoting ring tones, try picking a
domain name that is ringtone related, i.e. or
or ; just do a search to see what's currently available. Your
domain name and website combination will give you the flexibility to change CPA
links/offers easily while still keeping the same domain name. CPA offers will expire
or change from time to time, so this allows you to redirect the website to a different
offer if needed by just changing a snippet of HTML code on your website. Do not
worry, it's much simpler than you might think. Type out the following code using
NotePad, save this as index.html on your computer and then upload it to the root
folder on the host for your ringtone domain name.
<div align="center">
<a href="YourCPAtrackinglinkHERE"><font color=red>Click Here Now to Access
Your Ringtones! </font></a>
</body> </html>
This is all that's needed! You change “YourCPAtrackinglinkHERE” to your CPA offer
link as often as required. What your site visitor will see when they arrive at your
page after clicking on your link at Youtube is a clean and empty white website that
has nothing but one line of red hyperlinked text that says “Click Here Now to Access
Your Ringtones!” Clicking on that will bring them to your CPA offer (it would be the
Jamster offer mentioned above if I used that link).
I know this is the part where many people get nervous. I know that this is the main
reason why I kept away from Youtube for the longest time. I was under the
assumption initially that I had to be some video professional with all the credential
and proper training in order to be able to post a video that'd get a lot of views. I
realize now how wrong I was looking back on this! The truth of the matter is people
are looking for popular content on Youtube, and by popular I mean videos that
appeal to a wide spectrum of the population at large. The majority of people on
Youtube are looking for the same thing as when they flip through the channels on
television – entertainment!
Basically anything shocking, funny, controversial and pleasurable will be in demand
on Youtube, it doesn't even need to be original content that we create. Music is a
big part of what people go to Youtube for, and this is borne out in the following
statement from the Los Angeles Times - “Indeed, YouTube has proved as powerful a
force for music discovery among contemporary music fans as radio was a generation
ago. Music videos from the major labels, including Walt Disney Co.'s Hollywood
Records, account for 42.8 million views in a typical day, TubeMogul said.”
We just need to provide that in order to get a lot of views, and figure out how to
monetize those views. When you look at it from this perspective, it doesn't look so
daunting and intimidating anymore, does it?
The reason why this method is so easy is that we are not really creating any flashy
animated “videos”, instead, we are uploading what is essentially a slideshow of static
pictures with a specific song background – this is all we'll be doing with this method!
Do a search for songs on Youtube and you'll find that there are many such videos
out there. Do not be worried about competition though, as there are millions of
people getting on Youtube to look for specific music videos, and there are always
new artists and songs coming out!
1) What are we looking for our album songs that are not available on Youtube yet.
For example, there might be a title song from U2's latest album posted there, but
the other song tracks from the album are not. What you want to do is target all the
other songs on the album that aren't up on Youtube yet. I have found from
experience that many of the music videos posted are the 'hit' title tracks from the
album, and the other songs from the album aren't covered. Let me give you a quick
example from Amazon so that you understand exactly what I'm talking about in
regards to track selection.
I went to (you can also use and did a
quick search for their album 'No Line On The Horizon'. In the screenshot above I
take a look at the tracklist from the album; I have circled the songs in the album
other than the 'hit' title track, and these are the songs we want to target. As of right
now, I cannot find U2 videos in Youtube of any songs from the album besides the
title track 'No Line On The Horizon'. There are thousands of artists and albums to
target and there are new ones coming out every day, and even a huge mega-band
like U2 offers plenty of untapped opportunities, so I'd like to reiterate that there is
absolutely no chance of saturation here! Look for the songs that haven't been added
to Youtube yet – popular old albums, up-and-coming artists/albums, and
bootleg/unauthorized album pre-releases (if available). Start doing a search for
these songs, and copy and paste them into a Wordpad file so that you don't lose
track of your list. I'd recommend you create a list of 20-50 songs to start with.
2) Now we need to find the songs to use in our videos. I have several little-known
sources that I'll provide here that should give you pretty much all the music you'll
need.I have 3 great sources for music that will supply you plenty of tracks that you
can play as many times as you
want. First, we have, which I highly recommend that you sign up for
immediately (free account), as it allows you to save songs to your playlist to play
later. Another great source I recommend is Grooveshark, which has the ability to
pull up entire albums from the artist (if available), thus making it much easier to
access the songs there. I'd also advise that you do a search by 'artist name + song
name', as the album categorization isn't always reliable at Grooveshark (it's
dependent on the ID3 information tags of the MP3 songs, so it's not 100% reliable).
Another great source for music is Nexus Radio, which allows you to search and
download over 15
million songs (that number comes straight from their website). Other ways to
acquire songs include getting unlimited music subscription services (Rhapsody and
Napster), and purchasing through iTunes, Amazon, or ripping MP3's from an album
that you may already have. WARNING: If all else fails (which I highly doubt), you
can always use the torrents to download just about any song you can think of. The
most popular torrent search engine these days seems to be KickassTorrents, but
pirate bay, IsoHunt, and torrents are pretty big as well. I am not, condoning this in
any way, so USE TORRENTS AT YOUR OWN RISK! I am providing this for your
information only.
3) There are several ways to record the streaming music. You can use the free
application mp3 my mp3, which allows you to record anything that you can hear on
your computer, and you will basically use this to record the songs you get from the
above sites while they're playing. You have the choice of saving the files in .mp3 or
.wav format, I highly recommend mp3 as it is a compressed format which is much
more space-efficient. The software is pretty easy to use, and there is a nice tutorial
on the site if you're unsure about anything. Don't forget that there is no need to use
this with Nexus Radio, as it has its own recording function built in. IF you're really
going to get serious at this and start recording lots of songs to use with this method,
then I highly recommend using Audials , as it allows you to record several internet
music tracks simultaneously, and do so much more that, I really can't list it here, as
I'd have to write several paragraphs to cover everything! I'd like to stress that
recording music that is played from your computer is completely above-board and
legal, as you're merely recording with your computer soundcard what is being
played through your speakers, it does not involve copying a file of any kind, and
therefore does not break any laws. Once you have your music MP3 files ready, it is
time to move on to the next step.
4) Now we need to create the “movie”. It's really not as hard as you think, so please
bear with me. Since you already have your music MP3 files ready, the next thing you
need to acquire is the music album
artwork, and that is easily found on Do a search for the artist and
album, and when you see the album artwork all you need to do is right-click on it
and save it to your hard drive as an image. I'd recommend using Microsoft's Movie
Maker, as it's free and pretty easy
to use – download it from 2.mspx
(download for Windows XP, it should already be installed if you have Service Pack
2), it is a standard component in Windows Vista and other newer versions of
Windows from Windows 7 onwards.
The equivalent of this on the Apple Mac is iMovie, and it is part of the Mac operating
system, so no download is required. What you need to do next is to import your
album artwork (that you saved earlier) and song using your movie software. As I've
mentioned before, we will not be doing any flashy videos, basically what we are
doing is to let your album artwork be the background image for the duration of the
song –
so the “video” is basically a static background image of the album artwork that
displays while the song is played. We just need to add one minor thing to the
bottom of your video background, which is the background text for your ringtone
offer, i.e. something along the lines of “Download this Ringtone now at”. Here's a short tutorial on how to do this for Windows Movie
Maker -
Now that you have your videos ready, just log into your Youtube account and upload
them. After you are signed in, click on the yellow 'Upload' button on the top right of
your screen. Next, click on the 'Upload' button as shown below and you'll be asked
to browse and locate the video file on your computer that you want to upload. Be
sure to title and tag them in Youtube with the Artist and Song
Comments and Ratings are an integral part of a successful video marketing strategy
and something to keep in mind with all your videos. The more ratings and comments
that you get on your video, the higher your chances are of getting ranked for your
keyword terms, and consequently, you'll get more views. You could appeal for
ratings and comments in your video description, and this works especially well if it
has some controversial, entertaining and/or funny content. This is how videos go
viral when people start commenting/rating and also emailing them to all their friends
and acquaintances. A great and still relatively little-used strategy to promote your
video is to post it as a 'Video Response' to a related video. Since there are so few
video responses posted usually, your video tends to get a lot of attention. You could
post your U2 music track video as a response to the title track 'No Line on the
Horizon' video, which no doubt gets a lot of viewers, allowing you to piggyback on
its success. Another example would be to post a video response to an older movie
trailer in the same series, i.e. you could post a video of 'Spiderman 3' as a response
to a video of 'Spiderman 2'. Just bear in mind that as long as your video response is
relevant and useful, you're almost guaranteed to get a ton of views by doing this.
So this is the process in a nutshell. Simply rinse and repeat as many times as you
desire. As I've already elaborated, Youtube is like a giant search engine for music
videos, and you will definitely rank for your videos as there is no other videos of the
song tracks that you have selected! There are literally hundreds of thousands of
people searching out for specific songs, and when they find your videos many of
them will proceed to go to your CPA offer to download the ringtones. There is no
way to know exactly how many views each of your videos will get (though they'll
definitely get some), as it depends on popularity and what people are searching for.
If you do end up uploading something popular, your one video could potentially get
hundreds of thousands or even millions of views! The key here is that all your videos
will get some traffic, and the more videos you upload the more traffic you'll get
going to your CPA offer!
This is all organic traffic coming to your videos on a daily basis, and you literally
have the opportunity to scale it up as much as you want. In addition to that, you
never have to touch the videos again after you've uploaded them, but they'll
continue to generate passive income for you over many months to come. You could
use this method and upload one video in 15 minutes or less when you have a little
spare time (or spend the whole day doing it!), and it doesn't matter what time of the
day it is. This is extremely flexible as you can do as little or as much as you want,
whenever you want.
I have saved the best for last! Obviously, I wouldn't recommend this until you have
first acquired some experience using this method personally, but once you get your
feet wet and start earning some profits, you could reinvest this by outsourcing the
work. This is pretty simple work, and you could easily find people to create and
upload your videos for $2 per hour or less at places like (I recommend
them highly as you can track their work there),, and Amazon
Mechanical Turk. The Mechanical Turk is slightly different from the others as the
workers there can go to work immediately on your designated task without you
having to specifically authorize it first. You have to pay upfront to get a prepaid
balance at the mechanical turk, and it gets deducted as you approve the work done
by the workers there. Outsourcing would be invaluable if you plan to upload 50 or
more videos daily, and you can use this to really scale up your Youtube marketing if
you so wish.
I'd suggest that you initially concentrate on popular artists and bands
with songs that have not been uploaded to Youtube yet, as those tend to get a lot of
views if you create videos for them. It is not uncommon for an established artist's
videos to get tens of thousands of views (sometimes even millions over time). This
will really maximize your efforts, and since ringtones really are the perfect
complementary offer to these music videos, you'll find that anywhere from around
10-15% of your video watchers will click through to the CPA ringtones offer, and
then typically 2-5% of those people will sign up for the offer.
Now that you've set things up and know how the process works, keep adding new
videos and testing different offers. You need to test at least several offers to see
which converts best. Read the offer details and find out exactly what is required for
a conversion (and for you to get paid). Test the different offers to see which
converts best for you and ultimately gives you the highest payouts. With several
different domains, it makes it very easy to simultaneously test several different
offers easily.
Try to make it a point to create and upload videos consistently, preferably on a daily
basis. Remember that this is very scalable, and your views (and therefore sign-ups
and money!) will increase in proportion to the number of videos you put up. Keep
adding until you find yourself reaching the level of passive income that you want,
but don't completely stop there. Every extra video you add will result in extra
earnings daily, so try to keep adding videos consistently to grow your income even
Method 2 – Youtube Simplicity
Now I realize that there are many, many different ways to make money on Youtube,
but I wanted something that was as mechanical and brain-dead as possible, and
allowed me to just work at creating and uploading videos without having to worry
about complex creation and creativity issues, allowing me to outsource the work if
necessary. This method also has the added bonus of generating passive, automated
income once it's set up. It doesn't require any maintenance or babysitting once you
have implemented and deployed it – as the famous saying goes from Ron Popeil
who invented the Showtime® Rotisserie & BBQ machine, “Set it and forget it!”
I accidentally stumbled upon this when I realized that it had all the elements of a
perfect storm. Youtube has always had a vast number of searches for music (not
necessarily videos, as I found out through dumb luck and experience), and the vast
majority of these searchers were a demographic group that could be easily
monetized with a specific CPA offer, namely people in the 16-25-year-old group that
grew up with cell phones and text messaging in their blood.
We have already established the fact that Youtube is a huge juggernaut that now
even functions as a search engine. The numbers are quite staggering, as Youtube
serves over 4 Billion Videos per DAY, and this equates to over 46,000 views every
SECOND! All we need to do is stand in the way of this massive traffic to profit wildly,
there is no need to chase traffic when it's all available on Youtube!
Now that we know where all the traffic is, we need to figure out what sort of videos
are among the most popular on Youtube. Many of you will have probably guessed it
already, and this is music videos, and the key here is that people weren't necessarily
looking to watch videos, they wanted to listen to the music. I found this out by
accident after coming across tons of slideshow-type videos that were combined
with the music I wanted to hear on Youtube. Not only does Youtube have thousands
and thousands of these, I also noticed that many of them got a huge number of
page views. My mind went into overdrive and I tried to brainstorm about how to
monetize the demographic that was most likely to view these videos. Everything
clicked after a while once I realized that the majority of the 16-25 age demographic
viewing this are generally crazy about cell-phones, and more specifically cool
ringtones. All I had to do was see if the CPA networks had any ringtone offers, and
lo and behold they did!
I realized I was literally sitting on a goldmine here. Basically, all you need here is a
computer, an internet connection, a simple one-page website, and a CPA ringtone
offer. The Appendix at the end of this book goes into more detail about the CPA
networks, and how to maximize your chances of getting your application accepted.
I recommend Godaddy for the domain name and Hostgator for hosting (I've already
mentioned this in Method 1 on CPALeads). Some of the better networks include
AdworkMedia, ClickDealer, Maxbounty, ClickBooth, Peerfly, and Neverblue. I like
using AdworkMedia and ClickDealer for my CPA ringtone offers as they seem to
convert and pay well for me,
based on my testing.
Getting Started with Ringtone CPA offers!
This is a very easy method for generating consistent and passive income from
Youtube that grows over time as you post more and more videos. It's easy to build
on, and you can work as little or as much as you want. I estimate it takes up to 20
minutes for a brand- new beginner to post a video, so you could even start working
this 20 minutes a day if you wish. Once you get better at this you can set up and
post a video within 10 minutes or so. This is something that anyone can do, and
your income will be commensurate with the amount of work you put in, you can
work as little as 10-20 minutes per day, or scale it up to 8 hours or more and make
a killing with this! Also, this work is very easily outsourced so you could really scale
this up massively if you wish to.
I'm going to take you by the hand now and walk you through the simple steps
involved in creating and posting a video, which is really pretty simple once you get
the hang of it. I'll post screenshots where necessary so that you don't feel like you're
left in the dark as to what to do. Before we start I'd like to make it clear that you
need to have been approved for at least one CPA network so that you can start
using the ringtone offer in the video that you will be creating.
Let me give you a brief overview of the process. Basically what you will be doing is
posting videos to Youtube that link to a website domain that you have set up. Your
website will have a CPA offer link that goes to a Ringtone offer at your CPA network,
with this method that we'll be using. If the person ends up downloading the
Ringtone, this is classified as an offer conversion and you end up getting paid for it!
I am going to show you how to get your videos to “stick” on Youtube, and guide you
step-by-step through the whole process.
CPA Ringtones Quickstart
1) Create a brand new Youtube account specifically for this method, together with a
brand new Gmail email address to associate with the Youtube account, separate
from your personal email. This will keep everything organized and neat, it will help
you avoid confusion later on. I would recommend using Gmail as it's easy to use and
powerful, and you can set up unlimited Youtube accounts as long as each one is
attached to its own unique Gmail address.
2) Next, we're going to take a look at relevant offers at my account in AdworkMedia.
Even if you end up using a different CPA network, it is very likely that you'll find a
similar offer there. We are using a mainstream offering that is very popular, and it is
almost certain that you will find something almost identical in the other CPA
3) As you can see from the screenshot above and below, there are several high
paying ringtones offers in this network with huge EPC (earnings per click).
4) Next, I get my short tracking URL for the ringtone offer as shown below. This
ensures that I get credit for every ringtone conversion when the link is clicked on at
my website.
5) Now we have to set up your domain and hosting. I currently have 6 different
domains to track my different videos and CPA offers. You can start off with 1 first,
and then expand later on. Since you will be promoting ring tones, try picking a
domain name that is ringtone related, i.e. or
or ; just do a search to see what's currently available. Your
domain name and website combination will give you the flexibility to change CPA
links/offers easily while still keeping the same domain name. CPA offers will expire
or change from time to time, so this allows you to redirect the website to a different
offer if needed by just changing a snippet of HTML code on your website. Do not
worry, it's much simpler than you might think. Type out the following code using
NotePad, save this as index.html on your computer and then upload it to the root
folder on the host for your ringtone domain name.
<div align="center">
<a href="YourCPAtrackinglinkHERE"><font color=red>Click Here Now to Access
Your Ringtones! </font></a>
</body> </html>
This is all that's needed! You change “YourCPAtrackinglinkHERE” to your CPA offer
link as often as required. What your site visitor will see when they arrive at your
page after clicking on your link at Youtube is a clean and empty white website that
has nothing but one line of red hyperlinked text that says “Click Here Now to Access
Your Ringtones!” Clicking on that will bring them to your CPA offer (it would be the
Jamster offer mentioned above if I used that link).
I know this is the part where many people get nervous. I know that this is the main
reason why I kept away from Youtube for the longest time. I was under the
assumption initially that I had to be some video professional with all the credential
and proper training in order to be able to post a video that'd get a lot of views. I
realize now how wrong I was looking back on this! The truth of the matter is people
are looking for popular content on Youtube, and by popular I mean videos that
appeal to a wide spectrum of the population at large. The majority of people on
Youtube are looking for the same thing as when they flip through the channels on
television – entertainment!
Basically anything shocking, funny, controversial and pleasurable will be in demand
on Youtube, it doesn't even need to be original content that we create. Music is a
big part of what people go to Youtube for, and this is borne out in the following
statement from the Los Angeles Times - “Indeed, YouTube has proved as powerful a
force for music discovery among contemporary music fans as radio was a generation
ago. Music videos from the major labels, including Walt Disney Co.'s Hollywood
Records, account for 42.8 million views in a typical day, TubeMogul said.”
We just need to provide that in order to get a lot of views, and figure out how to
monetize those views. When you look at it from this perspective, it doesn't look so
daunting and intimidating anymore, does it?
The reason why this method is so easy is that we are not really creating any flashy
animated “videos”, instead, we are uploading what is essentially a slideshow of static
pictures with a specific song background – this is all we'll be doing with this method!
Do a search for songs on Youtube and you'll find that there are many such videos
out there. Do not be worried about competition though, as there are millions of
people getting on Youtube to look for specific music videos, and there are always
new artists and songs coming out!
1) What are we looking for our album songs that are not available on Youtube yet.
For example, there might be a title song from U2's latest album posted there, but
the other song tracks from the album are not. What you want to do is target all the
other songs on the album that aren't up on Youtube yet. I have found from
experience that many of the music videos posted are the 'hit' title tracks from the
album, and the other songs from the album aren't covered. Let me give you a quick
example from Amazon so that you understand exactly what I'm talking about in
regards to track selection.
I went to (you can also use and did a
quick search for their album 'No Line On The Horizon'. In the screenshot above I
take a look at the tracklist from the album; I have circled the songs in the album
other than the 'hit' title track, and these are the songs we want to target. As of right
now, I cannot find U2 videos in Youtube of any songs from the album besides the
title track 'No Line On The Horizon'. There are thousands of artists and albums to
target and there are new ones coming out every day, and even a huge mega-band
like U2 offers plenty of untapped opportunities, so I'd like to reiterate that there is
absolutely no chance of saturation here! Look for the songs that haven't been added
to Youtube yet – popular old albums, up-and-coming artists/albums, and
bootleg/unauthorized album pre-releases (if available). Start doing a search for
these songs, and copy and paste them into a Wordpad file so that you don't lose
track of your list. I'd recommend you create a list of 20-50 songs to start with.
2) Now we need to find the songs to use in our videos. I have several little-known
sources that I'll provide here that should give you pretty much all the music you'll
need.I have 3 great sources for music that will supply you plenty of tracks that you
can play as many times as you
want. First, we have, which I highly recommend that you sign up for
immediately (free account), as it allows you to save songs to your playlist to play
later. Another great source I recommend is Grooveshark, which has the ability to
pull up entire albums from the artist (if available), thus making it much easier to
access the songs there. I'd also advise that you do a search by 'artist name + song
name', as the album categorization isn't always reliable at Grooveshark (it's
dependent on the ID3 information tags of the MP3 songs, so it's not 100% reliable).
Another great source for music is Nexus Radio, which allows you to search and
download over 15
million songs (that number comes straight from their website). Other ways to
acquire songs include getting unlimited music subscription services (Rhapsody and
Napster), and purchasing through iTunes, Amazon, or ripping MP3's from an album
that you may already have. WARNING: If all else fails (which I highly doubt), you
can always use the torrents to download just about any song you can think of. The
most popular torrent search engine these days seems to be KickassTorrents, but
pirate bay, IsoHunt, and torrents are pretty big as well. I am not, condoning this in
any way, so USE TORRENTS AT YOUR OWN RISK! I am providing this for your
information only.
3) There are several ways to record the streaming music. You can use the free
application mp3 my mp3, which allows you to record anything that you can hear on
your computer, and you will basically use this to record the songs you get from the
above sites while they're playing. You have the choice of saving the files in .mp3 or
.wav format, I highly recommend mp3 as it is a compressed format which is much
more space-efficient. The software is pretty easy to use, and there is a nice tutorial
on the site if you're unsure about anything. Don't forget that there is no need to use
this with Nexus Radio, as it has its own recording function built in. IF you're really
going to get serious at this and start recording lots of songs to use with this method,
then I highly recommend using Audials , as it allows you to record several internet
music tracks simultaneously, and do so much more that, I really can't list it here, as
I'd have to write several paragraphs to cover everything! I'd like to stress that
recording music that is played from your computer is completely above-board and
legal, as you're merely recording with your computer soundcard what is being
played through your speakers, it does not involve copying a file of any kind, and
therefore does not break any laws. Once you have your music MP3 files ready, it is
time to move on to the next step.
4) Now we need to create the “movie”. It's really not as hard as you think, so please
bear with me. Since you already have your music MP3 files ready, the next thing you
need to acquire is the music album
artwork, and that is easily found on Do a search for the artist and
album, and when you see the album artwork all you need to do is right-click on it
and save it to your hard drive as an image. I'd recommend using Microsoft's Movie
Maker, as it's free and pretty easy
to use – download it from 2.mspx
(download for Windows XP, it should already be installed if you have Service Pack
2), it is a standard component in Windows Vista and other newer versions of
Windows from Windows 7 onwards.
The equivalent of this on the Apple Mac is iMovie, and it is part of the Mac operating
system, so no download is required. What you need to do next is to import your
album artwork (that you saved earlier) and song using your movie software. As I've
mentioned before, we will not be doing any flashy videos, basically what we are
doing is to let your album artwork be the background image for the duration of the
song –
so the “video” is basically a static background image of the album artwork that
displays while the song is played. We just need to add one minor thing to the
bottom of your video background, which is the background text for your ringtone
offer, i.e. something along the lines of “Download this Ringtone now at”. Here's a short tutorial on how to do this for Windows Movie
Maker -
Now that you have your videos ready, just log into your Youtube account and upload
them. After you are signed in, click on the yellow 'Upload' button on the top right of
your screen. Next, click on the 'Upload' button as shown below and you'll be asked
to browse and locate the video file on your computer that you want to upload. Be
sure to title and tag them in Youtube with the Artist and Song
Comments and Ratings are an integral part of a successful video marketing strategy
and something to keep in mind with all your videos. The more ratings and comments
that you get on your video, the higher your chances are of getting ranked for your
keyword terms, and consequently, you'll get more views. You could appeal for
ratings and comments in your video description, and this works especially well if it
has some controversial, entertaining and/or funny content. This is how videos go
viral when people start commenting/rating and also emailing them to all their friends
and acquaintances. A great and still relatively little-used strategy to promote your
video is to post it as a 'Video Response' to a related video. Since there are so few
video responses posted usually, your video tends to get a lot of attention. You could
post your U2 music track video as a response to the title track 'No Line on the
Horizon' video, which no doubt gets a lot of viewers, allowing you to piggyback on
its success. Another example would be to post a video response to an older movie
trailer in the same series, i.e. you could post a video of 'Spiderman 3' as a response
to a video of 'Spiderman 2'. Just bear in mind that as long as your video response is
relevant and useful, you're almost guaranteed to get a ton of views by doing this.
So this is the process in a nutshell. Simply rinse and repeat as many times as you
desire. As I've already elaborated, Youtube is like a giant search engine for music
videos, and you will definitely rank for your videos as there is no other videos of the
song tracks that you have selected! There are literally hundreds of thousands of
people searching out for specific songs, and when they find your videos many of
them will proceed to go to your CPA offer to download the ringtones. There is no
way to know exactly how many views each of your videos will get (though they'll
definitely get some), as it depends on popularity and what people are searching for.
If you do end up uploading something popular, your one video could potentially get
hundreds of thousands or even millions of views! The key here is that all your videos
will get some traffic, and the more videos you upload the more traffic you'll get
going to your CPA offer!
This is all organic traffic coming to your videos on a daily basis, and you literally
have the opportunity to scale it up as much as you want. In addition to that, you
never have to touch the videos again after you've uploaded them, but they'll
continue to generate passive income for you over many months to come. You could
use this method and upload one video in 15 minutes or less when you have a little
spare time (or spend the whole day doing it!), and it doesn't matter what time of the
day it is. This is extremely flexible as you can do as little or as much as you want,
whenever you want.
I have saved the best for last! Obviously, I wouldn't recommend this until you have
first acquired some experience using this method personally, but once you get your
feet wet and start earning some profits, you could reinvest this by outsourcing the
work. This is pretty simple work, and you could easily find people to create and
upload your videos for $2 per hour or less at places like (I recommend
them highly as you can track their work there),, and Amazon
Mechanical Turk. The Mechanical Turk is slightly different from the others as the
workers there can go to work immediately on your designated task without you
having to specifically authorize it first. You have to pay upfront to get a prepaid
balance at the mechanical turk, and it gets deducted as you approve the work done
by the workers there. Outsourcing would be invaluable if you plan to upload 50 or
more videos daily, and you can use this to really scale up your Youtube marketing if
you so wish.
I'd suggest that you initially concentrate on popular artists and bands
with songs that have not been uploaded to Youtube yet, as those tend to get a lot of
views if you create videos for them. It is not uncommon for an established artist's
videos to get tens of thousands of views (sometimes even millions over time). This
will really maximize your efforts, and since ringtones really are the perfect
complementary offer to these music videos, you'll find that anywhere from around
10-15% of your video watchers will click through to the CPA ringtones offer, and
then typically 2-5% of those people will sign up for the offer.
Now that you've set things up and know how the process works, keep adding new
videos and testing different offers. You need to test at least several offers to see
which converts best. Read the offer details and find out exactly what is required for
a conversion (and for you to get paid). Test the different offers to see which
converts best for you and ultimately gives you the highest payouts. With several
different domains, it makes it very easy to simultaneously test several different
offers easily.
Try to make it a point to create and upload videos consistently, preferably on a daily
basis. Remember that this is very scalable, and your views (and therefore sign-ups
and money!) will increase in proportion to the number of videos you put up. Keep
adding until you find yourself reaching the level of passive income that you want,
but don't completely stop there. Every extra video you add will result in extra
earnings daily, so try to keep adding videos consistently to grow your income even
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Done For You Email Follow Ups I know it can be stressful trying to come up with a good
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Schedule A Coaching Call Let’s get on a skype call together and get all your questions
answered. Don’t get stuck, let me unstuck you and into profits.
VIP CPA Marketing Training Do you need custom CPA training tailored specifically for
your needs? contact me and I’ll get back to you with more details.
SKYPE ID: HatimHattaOfficiel

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Cpa marketing blaster (FREE INSTANT ACCESS)

  • 1. CPA MARKETING BLASTER Method 1 – CPALead Insanity! This is a huge untapped market that almost no one talks about, and it almost seems like marketers are trying to keep this a well-kept secret that is only known among themselves. I can quite honestly say that I've yet to see any real guide about how powerful this network is, and how many ways this can be applied profitably, you're literally limited only by your imagination and there is ALWAYS new material and developments that can take advantage of profitable! I would be doing you a disservice by not saying that this technique ALONE can be used to make hundreds of dollars (or even more) with almost no out-of-pocket costs! As I go along, I'll provide more details about why I think this is an excellent starting point for the CPA newbie who knows very little about how things are done in the CPA world. This is the network that I recommend all newbies join right away – see how my report is already shaping up to be very different from the typical rehashed CPA reports you've read before? What is CPALead? First of all, let me give you a little background on what this is, as I'm sure many of you have no clue what I'm talking about. What is and why is it so powerful? CPA Lead is a CPA network that does things quite differently from the other networks that I'm sure you're familiar with. The most important distinction with CPALead is that it allows incentivization for ALL its offers! For people who are unfamiliar with what this means, let me explain. Incentivization means that you're able to give your visitor some incentive (usually some sort of freebie which I'll go into greater detail in a while) in exchange for them performing an action (the CPA Offer) which will result in you earning money! For the newbies who may not understand why this is such a big deal, let me explain. The vast majority of CPA networks absolutely frown on any sort of incentivization for the completion of their offers, and trying to do so will get you banned if they find out you've been doing it. CPALead allows incentivization across the board for all its offers, so can you see now why this is so powerful, and how it opens up a whole new world that you can exploit creatively
  • 2. (without getting banned)? It also has many payment options - PayPal, ACH, Wire Transfer or Check, and is very open to approving non-US publishers. CPALead does things very differently from your major CPA networks, and I'll go into detail about what makes it so special and easy to monetize. Firstly, CPALead offers are mostly free for the visitor to complete, and they are short little surveys that typically pay you between $1 and $3 for visitor completion – you choose the payout, which varies according to the offer. MOST importantly, since CPALead allows incentivization they aren't as stringent with the application process as most typical networks are. You are pretty much approved as long as you can provide a simple website and domain. You may have heard of the famous Blackhat Codebreaker script that was developed by Imran Naseem of the Warrior Forum, who then sold it to someone else, It now sells for $67, and it basically does what CPALead does, but you have to search out incentivize offers on the major CPA networks to use it with, and the only major network that I've found to have halfway decent incentivize offers is Maxbounty. CPALead is basically an all-in-one solution that combines a free gateway script to use that is similar to Blackhat Codebreaker AND incentivize survey offers to use! Since this complete solution is provided by the same network, it is completely safe to use, and there are absolutely no worries about getting banned! Let me quickly explain in more detail how CPALead works. The gateway script is basically a lock for your content. In order to unlock the content, the user must first complete a survey. After joining CPALead, you will be able to generate a snippet of code you can copy and paste into the webpage that you need to protect. The only way users will then be able to access that page is by completing a CPA offer which will make you anywhere from $1 to $2. The offers actually vary between $0.20 and $20, but I suggest you disable all the low paying ones and stick to $1-$2 offers for maximum revenue. CPALead works well with almost any kind of site, but from my personal experience, I find that it works best when used with TV Sites, Movie Sites, Music Sites, and Game Sites. The reason why it works so incredibly well with content sites like the ones above is because people are always searching for free content of that type on the web, and furthermore there is always new music, games, movies and tv episodes coming out each day, so you have fresh content to offer all the time! This is what the gateway does on your site – it actually locks all content on your page and it opens again only after a visitor has completed one of the surveys. The awesome thing about this script is that everything is automatic, and offers are shown according to your location (GEO IP). This saves you a lot of hassle as typical CPA network offers are country-specific, and you have to spend a lot of time figuring out what offers to users, and how to redirect visitors to the right offers based on their locations. With CPALead this is all transparent and everything is done automatically for you! For example, US-only offers will be shown solely to visitors
  • 3. from the US and Canada-only offers will be shown only to visitors from Canada. This really maximizes your value per lead as there will be some relevant offer for your visitor to complete, based on where they're located! In my opinion, this is perhaps the most important feature of CPALead as it frees beginners from having to worry about the source of traffic, and instead just concentrate on getting as much traffic as they possibly can. Quick Start Approval for CPALead 1) The first thing I suggest you do is to construct a very simple movie website. Before you panic, I want to mention that I'll be showing you right here how to do it quickly and efficiently! While you can utilize a free blog like, I'd highly recommend that you go with Hostgator's Baby plan for hosting, and Godaddy for domain names. To get the cheapest price for Godaddy's domains, just enter this in google to get current coupon codes – “GoDaddy coupon + current month + year”, i.e. “GoDaddy coupon + December + 2018” 2) For the domain name, pick something related to “watch free movies/shows/videos online”, it does not necessarily have to be a .com domain. Next, you want to set up the website with wordpress installed on it. If you're unsure of this, you can find a ton of quick videos on how to do this on youtube. 3) Find a free basic Wordpress Theme to use on your own website to be able to post blog entries about movies/television shows to watch. You want something clean and uncluttered that allows the visitor to focus on what you have to offer. You can find some great free ones over here - and 4) Once you have Wordpress installed, start making blog posts on new movie shows and television episodes. Make at least 3-4 posts before applying at CPALead. Use the movie name for the title or “tv show name season # episode #” for tv shows, as this is a popular search on search engines. Add a movie/tv poster picture for better click-through rates, and a brief description of the movie/episode. Here's an example of one of the blog posts that I've used for the Dark Knight movie below - notice that I am not actually hosting the movie files on my website, I'm just linking to them. You do not want to host movie files or other copyrighted material on your website as it could open you up to liability issues, and besides that there is the practical aspect of using up a lot of bandwidth and time uploading movies to your host. A great website to link to for all the popular television shows is This is a great place to get ideas for making blog posts about what's popular at the moment, and they always seem to have a nice selection of the hottest current shows and blockbusters. 5) After that, you need to do is go to's publisher application page at:
  • 4. 6)If you get denied for any reason the best thing to do is contact the affiliate manager, preferably by phone (number and extension is listed on the website) if you can. That will usually help to clear things up and get you approved on the spot. 7) I'd suggest that you classify your website under the 'Video Content' category and describe it as a movie/tv website blog that provides information and links to current popular movies and television shows. 8) When asked “Please describe how you will get your users to complete our surveys:” just put in that something along the lines of “I will be using the content blocker provided by CPALead, I intend to block the most popular/demanded media on my site and require users to complete a survey.” 9) When asked “Where did you hear about us?” just mention through the web or a friend, it doesn't really matter. That's it! You should be approved within 48 hours, and be ready to start earning quickly with CPALead! Once you are approved, you'll be given access to the Gateway script that you just copy and paste into your website blog HTML code. In case you're wondering how the Gateway looks like, here's an example below. It pops up on your webpage when a visitor tries to access your blog post that contains links to the video content that he or she is searching for.
  • 5. The CPALead Gateway script as shown above (yours might vary a little from the example above, as you can customize it to your liking) will pop appear and lock your website from further access when a visitor tries to access your blog post that has the link to the show or movie. The visitor will then have to fill out and complete one of the free offers before your blog post content is unlocked. QuickStart Monetization Let's get to the part that I know you all have been waiting for – quick monetization of your site using CPALead! I know that many people may think that this is hard to do, but you'll be pleasantly surprised at how quickly you'll be able to get up to speed and acquire 100+ visitors daily in no time at all. There are many ways of getting traffic to your site, but I feel like this is the easiest and fastest way to do so for someone just starting out. 1) The very first thing you want to do is sign up for a free account at 2) Once you have signed up for your account, go back to the homepage and view the "This Week's Best TV Shows". It is located in the middle about halfway down the page – I've illustrated it below for your convenience. 3) Go to each show’s page and click on "Track" button (see below). 4) Next, you need to go create a new Gateway within CPALead. Be sure to customize it as much as you can. If you want to go all the way, you can even create own skin but it isn’t necessary. Add your Gateway to your site by adding it into the header.php file of your blog site. When you download your Gateway script from CPALead there will be more detailed instructions on inserting this script into your website code. Do a quick check to make sure everything is in order by visiting your website after uploading the Gateway. 5) Go back to Sidereel and click on the 'My Profile' tab (make sure that you're logged in first). Check what shows are on that night and for the coming nights (for those of you who don't live in the US, please remember that the listings are in Eastern (ET) US time!). On your blog, create posts with the show and episode names in the title. For the body of the post, for now just put in a description for the episode, which you can also get from Sidereel. You can repeat this process for all the top movies at the site 6) Next, you will need something to make a short 1 minute still film, I recommend using Jing or Camstudio or Windows Movie Maker (detailed in Method 3 - Youtube Robber) as they are both free and very easy to use. For each of your shows, create a small video with nothing but a slide of that show. So for example, if I’m using Family Guy, I grab the first picture from Google images of Family Guy and stick it in
  • 6. my video. I then stretch it out for around 30 seconds. Add a slide at the end saying “Sorry, Youtube keeps taking my videos down due to copyright issues. I have re- uploaded it at:”. Keep that last slide playing for at least 20- 25 seconds (about 1 min for the total movie) so that your viewers won't get distracted and view the other related videos that are presented by Youtube after yours stops playing. You can use a free application like Smilebox to make your slides look more interesting. Instead of the picture slideshow, you can also make a quick 30-second screenshot video of your blog post about the Game of Thrones episode. ALTERNATIVE: you could also upload a movie trailer video if you can get access to it. 7) If you want to go the extra mile, you can watermark your video with your website URL using a free application like Video Watermark Factory. 8) For your video title, use something like the following: Watch<Insert Movie Title><Movie Year>Online Free, part 1/8, full-length movie It doesn't have to be exactly the way I have described it, just do something similar, you will be fine as long as you keep the words online, free, and movie in the title. For your video description, do not forget to include a link to your blog post (for this particular movie/show), and keyword stuff the description with anything and everything about that particular show. NOTE: your blog post URL is going to be too long to be comfortably inserted in Youtube, I highly recommend using the free link shortener service ; just go there and open up an account so that you can track the clicks coming from your customized link. This service allows you to designate a customized URL for your link, i.e. . You will be given an option to do this after you shorten the link at the site (see below). This sort of URL is a lot more memorable, and will increase your conversions significantly. The way to do this is a bit tricky, so please pay attention to the screenshot below. After you provide the link to to shorten, you will be shown the screen below together with the standard link, which is a bunch of alphanumeric characters after What you need to do next is type in your custom name in the area I've circled and click on the 'Save' button, and this will give you your custom URL (if it is not already taken). You can always try a different custom name if your first choice is taken. 9) Make sure you save the videos that you created, but DO NOT UPLOAD your videos immediately. What you want to do is wait for the night that the episode is shown, and go back to Sidereel to wait for someone to share the video link for that particular episode. You can also search for it at . Once you have that link, you want to quickly insert it into your Wordpress blog post about that episode, and THEN upload your video! 10) NOW Upload your video. If you really want to go all out, you can mass submit your videos to many of the popular video sites using tools like Hey! Spread(free to use) or Video Post Robot. The free traffic should start piling in quickly from the video
  • 7. to your blog, and it should convert really well with the CPALead gateway blocking access to your blog post, as these people are desperate to view the videos! 11) There will be more shows airing the following night. This is really an unlimited method, like I said before it all depends on how much effort you want to put into this, do not be afraid to experiment with shows other than the top 10 on Sidereel. With practice you'll get even better at making interesting Youtube videos, and you'll get hundreds of visitors clicking through to your blog, where your CPALead Gateway will monetize them like crazy! If you'd like to do additional promotion, you can get a traffic boost by commenting on other Youtube videos and including a link to your video – just make sure that you're posting somewhat relevant content, you do not want to appear like a spammer. You can also use the Yahoo Answers “trick” - ask a question from one Yahoo account: where can I watch “insert show” online? Then answer from another Yahoo account with your link, and choose it as the best answer. This method will only work better over time as your blog gets more optimized for the popular shows that you put up lots of posts on, especially the different episodes of the same television shows. Don't forget to ping your blog at every time you write a new post. If it is down for some reason (this happens sometimes), then try hIttp:// If you want to do even more, you can also mass social bookmark your blog posts at this site - The reason it works so well is because people are willing to do almost anything (free) to watch free television episodes and movies. They are typically very happy to spend 1-2 minutes (many times even less) to complete a simple email submit CPA offer or short survey on the CPALead gateway just to be able to view their favorite shows. This method is really powerful because Youtube, believe it or not, has become a huge search engine where people look for shows, research products, and look for information on just about anything under the sun! As a matter of fact, YouTube surpassed Yahoo according to ComScore’s (a market research firm) search engine rankings several years ago, and has only grown significantly since then, making YouTube sit firmly now in second place, only second to Google. The powerful advantage with Youtube is that it is so easy to optimize for keywords in comparison with Google, and this makes it incredibly easy to attract targeted traffic as a result without any costs whatsoever! This method has worked very well for everyone I have taught this to, and you can implement this today (assuming you're already approved for CPALead) and start seeing results and earnings immediately the very same night! You're dealing with a
  • 8. very hungry targeted market who really wants what you have to offer, BUT you don't have to make any kind of sale in order to get paid! Conclusion I did not want to overload you with information as there is quite a bit more to CPALead than just movies and shows, but I wanted to emphasize the movie/show method so that I can get you started making money as quickly and easily as possible. You can literally earn hundreds of dollars on the same day that you put up a blog post about a popular movie or television show, and there's always something new coming up! The possibilities are really endless because CPALead offers the following options; the description below is taken straight from their website : CPALead, LLC is a performance-based, online advertising network that develops technologies to promote incentive-based advertisements across niche websites in the following genres: • 1) Massively Multi-Player Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG) • 2) Virtual Worlds • 3) Social Networks • 4) Premium Video, Music, eBook and Art Content Sites • 5) USA Compliant Poker Websites I know that many of you may be unfamiliar with the other categories, so I'd suggest sticking mainly with (4) unless you have specific knowledge of the other areas. I'd like to touch a little on eBook files and content. If you have good PLR or some interesting public domain ebooks, the CPALead gateway can help you monetize this on a passive basis. What you want to do is upload the eBook/PLR content to (sign up as a free member) and protect it with your CPALead gateway. You don't have to do anything else to earn passive income for a long time to come. Every time someone searches and attempts to download your file from there, the CPALead gateway will make them complete one of the offers in order to access the file. CPALead really has endless possibilities, just try to brainstorm about in-demand content that there are a lot of searches for on the web, and then provide it to the people (locked with the CPALead gateway, of course!) This simple premise can earn you $200+ daily with minimal effort and with free traffic. There are some people that choose to go crazy with this and also use paid traffic, but that is entirely optional and not really necessary, especially if you consistently put up videos on a daily basis.
  • 9. Method 2 – Youtube Simplicity Now I realize that there are many, many different ways to make money on Youtube, but I wanted something that was as mechanical and brain-dead as possible, and allowed me to just work at creating and uploading videos without having to worry about complex creation and creativity issues, allowing me to outsource the work if necessary. This method also has the added bonus of generating passive, automated income once it's set up. It doesn't require any maintenance or babysitting once you have implemented and deployed it – as the famous saying goes from Ron Popeil who invented the Showtime® Rotisserie & BBQ machine, “Set it and forget it!” I accidentally stumbled upon this when I realized that it had all the elements of a perfect storm. Youtube has always had a vast number of searches for music (not necessarily videos, as I found out through dumb luck and experience), and the vast majority of these searchers were a demographic group that could be easily monetized with a specific CPA offer, namely people in the 16-25-year-old group that grew up with cell phones and text messaging in their blood. We have already established the fact that Youtube is a huge juggernaut that now even functions as a search engine. The numbers are quite staggering, as Youtube serves over 4 Billion Videos per DAY, and this equates to over 46,000 views every SECOND! All we need to do is stand in the way of this massive traffic to profit wildly, there is no need to chase traffic when it's all available on Youtube! Now that we know where all the traffic is, we need to figure out what sort of videos are among the most popular on Youtube. Many of you will have probably guessed it already, and this is music videos, and the key here is that people weren't necessarily looking to watch videos, they wanted to listen to the music. I found this out by accident after coming across tons of slideshow-type videos that were combined with the music I wanted to hear on Youtube. Not only does Youtube have thousands and thousands of these, I also noticed that many of them got a huge number of page views. My mind went into overdrive and I tried to brainstorm about how to monetize the demographic that was most likely to view these videos. Everything
  • 10. clicked after a while once I realized that the majority of the 16-25 age demographic viewing this are generally crazy about cell-phones, and more specifically cool ringtones. All I had to do was see if the CPA networks had any ringtone offers, and lo and behold they did! I realized I was literally sitting on a goldmine here. Basically, all you need here is a computer, an internet connection, a simple one-page website, and a CPA ringtone offer. The Appendix at the end of this book goes into more detail about the CPA networks, and how to maximize your chances of getting your application accepted. I recommend Godaddy for the domain name and Hostgator for hosting (I've already mentioned this in Method 1 on CPALeads). Some of the better networks include AdworkMedia, ClickDealer, Maxbounty, ClickBooth, Peerfly, and Neverblue. I like using AdworkMedia and ClickDealer for my CPA ringtone offers as they seem to convert and pay well for me, based on my testing. Getting Started with Ringtone CPA offers! This is a very easy method for generating consistent and passive income from Youtube that grows over time as you post more and more videos. It's easy to build on, and you can work as little or as much as you want. I estimate it takes up to 20 minutes for a brand- new beginner to post a video, so you could even start working this 20 minutes a day if you wish. Once you get better at this you can set up and post a video within 10 minutes or so. This is something that anyone can do, and your income will be commensurate with the amount of work you put in, you can work as little as 10-20 minutes per day, or scale it up to 8 hours or more and make a killing with this! Also, this work is very easily outsourced so you could really scale this up massively if you wish to. I'm going to take you by the hand now and walk you through the simple steps involved in creating and posting a video, which is really pretty simple once you get the hang of it. I'll post screenshots where necessary so that you don't feel like you're left in the dark as to what to do. Before we start I'd like to make it clear that you need to have been approved for at least one CPA network so that you can start using the ringtone offer in the video that you will be creating. Let me give you a brief overview of the process. Basically what you will be doing is posting videos to Youtube that link to a website domain that you have set up. Your website will have a CPA offer link that goes to a Ringtone offer at your CPA network, with this method that we'll be using. If the person ends up downloading the Ringtone, this is classified as an offer conversion and you end up getting paid for it! I am going to show you how to get your videos to “stick” on Youtube, and guide you step-by-step through the whole process. CPA Ringtones Quickstart
  • 11. 1) Create a brand new Youtube account specifically for this method, together with a brand new Gmail email address to associate with the Youtube account, separate from your personal email. This will keep everything organized and neat, it will help you avoid confusion later on. I would recommend using Gmail as it's easy to use and powerful, and you can set up unlimited Youtube accounts as long as each one is attached to its own unique Gmail address. 2) Next, we're going to take a look at relevant offers at my account in AdworkMedia. Even if you end up using a different CPA network, it is very likely that you'll find a similar offer there. We are using a mainstream offering that is very popular, and it is almost certain that you will find something almost identical in the other CPA networks.
  • 12. 3) As you can see from the screenshot above and below, there are several high paying ringtones offers in this network with huge EPC (earnings per click). 4) Next, I get my short tracking URL for the ringtone offer as shown below. This ensures that I get credit for every ringtone conversion when the link is clicked on at my website. 5) Now we have to set up your domain and hosting. I currently have 6 different domains to track my different videos and CPA offers. You can start off with 1 first, and then expand later on. Since you will be promoting ring tones, try picking a domain name that is ringtone related, i.e. or
  • 13. or ; just do a search to see what's currently available. Your domain name and website combination will give you the flexibility to change CPA links/offers easily while still keeping the same domain name. CPA offers will expire or change from time to time, so this allows you to redirect the website to a different offer if needed by just changing a snippet of HTML code on your website. Do not worry, it's much simpler than you might think. Type out the following code using NotePad, save this as index.html on your computer and then upload it to the root folder on the host for your ringtone domain name. <html> <body> <br><br><br> <div align="center"> <a href="YourCPAtrackinglinkHERE"><font color=red>Click Here Now to Access Your Ringtones! </font></a> </body> </html> This is all that's needed! You change “YourCPAtrackinglinkHERE” to your CPA offer link as often as required. What your site visitor will see when they arrive at your page after clicking on your link at Youtube is a clean and empty white website that has nothing but one line of red hyperlinked text that says “Click Here Now to Access Your Ringtones!” Clicking on that will bring them to your CPA offer (it would be the Jamster offer mentioned above if I used that link). Implementation I know this is the part where many people get nervous. I know that this is the main reason why I kept away from Youtube for the longest time. I was under the assumption initially that I had to be some video professional with all the credential and proper training in order to be able to post a video that'd get a lot of views. I realize now how wrong I was looking back on this! The truth of the matter is people are looking for popular content on Youtube, and by popular I mean videos that appeal to a wide spectrum of the population at large. The majority of people on Youtube are looking for the same thing as when they flip through the channels on television – entertainment! Basically anything shocking, funny, controversial and pleasurable will be in demand on Youtube, it doesn't even need to be original content that we create. Music is a big part of what people go to Youtube for, and this is borne out in the following statement from the Los Angeles Times - “Indeed, YouTube has proved as powerful a force for music discovery among contemporary music fans as radio was a generation ago. Music videos from the major labels, including Walt Disney Co.'s Hollywood Records, account for 42.8 million views in a typical day, TubeMogul said.” We just need to provide that in order to get a lot of views, and figure out how to monetize those views. When you look at it from this perspective, it doesn't look so daunting and intimidating anymore, does it?
  • 14. The reason why this method is so easy is that we are not really creating any flashy animated “videos”, instead, we are uploading what is essentially a slideshow of static pictures with a specific song background – this is all we'll be doing with this method! Do a search for songs on Youtube and you'll find that there are many such videos out there. Do not be worried about competition though, as there are millions of people getting on Youtube to look for specific music videos, and there are always new artists and songs coming out! 1) What are we looking for our album songs that are not available on Youtube yet. For example, there might be a title song from U2's latest album posted there, but the other song tracks from the album are not. What you want to do is target all the other songs on the album that aren't up on Youtube yet. I have found from experience that many of the music videos posted are the 'hit' title tracks from the album, and the other songs from the album aren't covered. Let me give you a quick example from Amazon so that you understand exactly what I'm talking about in regards to track selection. I went to (you can also use and did a quick search for their album 'No Line On The Horizon'. In the screenshot above I take a look at the tracklist from the album; I have circled the songs in the album other than the 'hit' title track, and these are the songs we want to target. As of right now, I cannot find U2 videos in Youtube of any songs from the album besides the title track 'No Line On The Horizon'. There are thousands of artists and albums to target and there are new ones coming out every day, and even a huge mega-band like U2 offers plenty of untapped opportunities, so I'd like to reiterate that there is absolutely no chance of saturation here! Look for the songs that haven't been added to Youtube yet – popular old albums, up-and-coming artists/albums, and bootleg/unauthorized album pre-releases (if available). Start doing a search for these songs, and copy and paste them into a Wordpad file so that you don't lose track of your list. I'd recommend you create a list of 20-50 songs to start with. 2) Now we need to find the songs to use in our videos. I have several little-known sources that I'll provide here that should give you pretty much all the music you'll need.I have 3 great sources for music that will supply you plenty of tracks that you can play as many times as you want. First, we have, which I highly recommend that you sign up for immediately (free account), as it allows you to save songs to your playlist to play later. Another great source I recommend is Grooveshark, which has the ability to pull up entire albums from the artist (if available), thus making it much easier to access the songs there. I'd also advise that you do a search by 'artist name + song name', as the album categorization isn't always reliable at Grooveshark (it's dependent on the ID3 information tags of the MP3 songs, so it's not 100% reliable). Another great source for music is Nexus Radio, which allows you to search and download over 15
  • 15. million songs (that number comes straight from their website). Other ways to acquire songs include getting unlimited music subscription services (Rhapsody and Napster), and purchasing through iTunes, Amazon, or ripping MP3's from an album that you may already have. WARNING: If all else fails (which I highly doubt), you can always use the torrents to download just about any song you can think of. The most popular torrent search engine these days seems to be KickassTorrents, but pirate bay, IsoHunt, and torrents are pretty big as well. I am not, condoning this in any way, so USE TORRENTS AT YOUR OWN RISK! I am providing this for your information only. 3) There are several ways to record the streaming music. You can use the free application mp3 my mp3, which allows you to record anything that you can hear on your computer, and you will basically use this to record the songs you get from the above sites while they're playing. You have the choice of saving the files in .mp3 or .wav format, I highly recommend mp3 as it is a compressed format which is much more space-efficient. The software is pretty easy to use, and there is a nice tutorial on the site if you're unsure about anything. Don't forget that there is no need to use this with Nexus Radio, as it has its own recording function built in. IF you're really going to get serious at this and start recording lots of songs to use with this method, then I highly recommend using Audials , as it allows you to record several internet music tracks simultaneously, and do so much more that, I really can't list it here, as I'd have to write several paragraphs to cover everything! I'd like to stress that recording music that is played from your computer is completely above-board and legal, as you're merely recording with your computer soundcard what is being played through your speakers, it does not involve copying a file of any kind, and therefore does not break any laws. Once you have your music MP3 files ready, it is time to move on to the next step. 4) Now we need to create the “movie”. It's really not as hard as you think, so please bear with me. Since you already have your music MP3 files ready, the next thing you need to acquire is the music album artwork, and that is easily found on Do a search for the artist and album, and when you see the album artwork all you need to do is right-click on it and save it to your hard drive as an image. I'd recommend using Microsoft's Movie Maker, as it's free and pretty easy to use – download it from 2.mspx (download for Windows XP, it should already be installed if you have Service Pack 2), it is a standard component in Windows Vista and other newer versions of Windows from Windows 7 onwards. The equivalent of this on the Apple Mac is iMovie, and it is part of the Mac operating system, so no download is required. What you need to do next is to import your album artwork (that you saved earlier) and song using your movie software. As I've mentioned before, we will not be doing any flashy videos, basically what we are
  • 16. doing is to let your album artwork be the background image for the duration of the song – so the “video” is basically a static background image of the album artwork that displays while the song is played. We just need to add one minor thing to the bottom of your video background, which is the background text for your ringtone offer, i.e. something along the lines of “Download this Ringtone now at”. Here's a short tutorial on how to do this for Windows Movie Maker - dits.mspx Now that you have your videos ready, just log into your Youtube account and upload them. After you are signed in, click on the yellow 'Upload' button on the top right of your screen. Next, click on the 'Upload' button as shown below and you'll be asked to browse and locate the video file on your computer that you want to upload. Be sure to title and tag them in Youtube with the Artist and Song Name. Comments and Ratings are an integral part of a successful video marketing strategy and something to keep in mind with all your videos. The more ratings and comments that you get on your video, the higher your chances are of getting ranked for your keyword terms, and consequently, you'll get more views. You could appeal for ratings and comments in your video description, and this works especially well if it has some controversial, entertaining and/or funny content. This is how videos go viral when people start commenting/rating and also emailing them to all their friends and acquaintances. A great and still relatively little-used strategy to promote your video is to post it as a 'Video Response' to a related video. Since there are so few video responses posted usually, your video tends to get a lot of attention. You could post your U2 music track video as a response to the title track 'No Line on the Horizon' video, which no doubt gets a lot of viewers, allowing you to piggyback on its success. Another example would be to post a video response to an older movie trailer in the same series, i.e. you could post a video of 'Spiderman 3' as a response to a video of 'Spiderman 2'. Just bear in mind that as long as your video response is relevant and useful, you're almost guaranteed to get a ton of views by doing this. So this is the process in a nutshell. Simply rinse and repeat as many times as you desire. As I've already elaborated, Youtube is like a giant search engine for music videos, and you will definitely rank for your videos as there is no other videos of the song tracks that you have selected! There are literally hundreds of thousands of people searching out for specific songs, and when they find your videos many of them will proceed to go to your CPA offer to download the ringtones. There is no way to know exactly how many views each of your videos will get (though they'll definitely get some), as it depends on popularity and what people are searching for. If you do end up uploading something popular, your one video could potentially get hundreds of thousands or even millions of views! The key here is that all your videos will get some traffic, and the more videos you upload the more traffic you'll get going to your CPA offer!
  • 17. This is all organic traffic coming to your videos on a daily basis, and you literally have the opportunity to scale it up as much as you want. In addition to that, you never have to touch the videos again after you've uploaded them, but they'll continue to generate passive income for you over many months to come. You could use this method and upload one video in 15 minutes or less when you have a little spare time (or spend the whole day doing it!), and it doesn't matter what time of the day it is. This is extremely flexible as you can do as little or as much as you want, whenever you want. I have saved the best for last! Obviously, I wouldn't recommend this until you have first acquired some experience using this method personally, but once you get your feet wet and start earning some profits, you could reinvest this by outsourcing the work. This is pretty simple work, and you could easily find people to create and upload your videos for $2 per hour or less at places like (I recommend them highly as you can track their work there),, and Amazon Mechanical Turk. The Mechanical Turk is slightly different from the others as the workers there can go to work immediately on your designated task without you having to specifically authorize it first. You have to pay upfront to get a prepaid balance at the mechanical turk, and it gets deducted as you approve the work done by the workers there. Outsourcing would be invaluable if you plan to upload 50 or more videos daily, and you can use this to really scale up your Youtube marketing if you so wish. I'd suggest that you initially concentrate on popular artists and bands with songs that have not been uploaded to Youtube yet, as those tend to get a lot of views if you create videos for them. It is not uncommon for an established artist's videos to get tens of thousands of views (sometimes even millions over time). This will really maximize your efforts, and since ringtones really are the perfect complementary offer to these music videos, you'll find that anywhere from around 10-15% of your video watchers will click through to the CPA ringtones offer, and then typically 2-5% of those people will sign up for the offer. Now that you've set things up and know how the process works, keep adding new videos and testing different offers. You need to test at least several offers to see which converts best. Read the offer details and find out exactly what is required for a conversion (and for you to get paid). Test the different offers to see which converts best for you and ultimately gives you the highest payouts. With several different domains, it makes it very easy to simultaneously test several different offers easily. Try to make it a point to create and upload videos consistently, preferably on a daily basis. Remember that this is very scalable, and your views (and therefore sign-ups and money!) will increase in proportion to the number of videos you put up. Keep adding until you find yourself reaching the level of passive income that you want, but don't completely stop there. Every extra video you add will result in extra earnings daily, so try to keep adding videos consistently to grow your income even more!
  • 18. Method 2 – Youtube Simplicity Now I realize that there are many, many different ways to make money on Youtube, but I wanted something that was as mechanical and brain-dead as possible, and allowed me to just work at creating and uploading videos without having to worry about complex creation and creativity issues, allowing me to outsource the work if necessary. This method also has the added bonus of generating passive, automated income once it's set up. It doesn't require any maintenance or babysitting once you have implemented and deployed it – as the famous saying goes from Ron Popeil who invented the Showtime® Rotisserie & BBQ machine, “Set it and forget it!” I accidentally stumbled upon this when I realized that it had all the elements of a perfect storm. Youtube has always had a vast number of searches for music (not necessarily videos, as I found out through dumb luck and experience), and the vast majority of these searchers were a demographic group that could be easily monetized with a specific CPA offer, namely people in the 16-25-year-old group that grew up with cell phones and text messaging in their blood. We have already established the fact that Youtube is a huge juggernaut that now even functions as a search engine. The numbers are quite staggering, as Youtube serves over 4 Billion Videos per DAY, and this equates to over 46,000 views every SECOND! All we need to do is stand in the way of this massive traffic to profit wildly, there is no need to chase traffic when it's all available on Youtube! Now that we know where all the traffic is, we need to figure out what sort of videos are among the most popular on Youtube. Many of you will have probably guessed it already, and this is music videos, and the key here is that people weren't necessarily looking to watch videos, they wanted to listen to the music. I found this out by accident after coming across tons of slideshow-type videos that were combined with the music I wanted to hear on Youtube. Not only does Youtube have thousands and thousands of these, I also noticed that many of them got a huge number of page views. My mind went into overdrive and I tried to brainstorm about how to monetize the demographic that was most likely to view these videos. Everything clicked after a while once I realized that the majority of the 16-25 age demographic viewing this are generally crazy about cell-phones, and more specifically cool ringtones. All I had to do was see if the CPA networks had any ringtone offers, and lo and behold they did! I realized I was literally sitting on a goldmine here. Basically, all you need here is a computer, an internet connection, a simple one-page website, and a CPA ringtone offer. The Appendix at the end of this book goes into more detail about the CPA networks, and how to maximize your chances of getting your application accepted.
  • 19. I recommend Godaddy for the domain name and Hostgator for hosting (I've already mentioned this in Method 1 on CPALeads). Some of the better networks include AdworkMedia, ClickDealer, Maxbounty, ClickBooth, Peerfly, and Neverblue. I like using AdworkMedia and ClickDealer for my CPA ringtone offers as they seem to convert and pay well for me, based on my testing. Getting Started with Ringtone CPA offers! This is a very easy method for generating consistent and passive income from Youtube that grows over time as you post more and more videos. It's easy to build on, and you can work as little or as much as you want. I estimate it takes up to 20 minutes for a brand- new beginner to post a video, so you could even start working this 20 minutes a day if you wish. Once you get better at this you can set up and post a video within 10 minutes or so. This is something that anyone can do, and your income will be commensurate with the amount of work you put in, you can work as little as 10-20 minutes per day, or scale it up to 8 hours or more and make a killing with this! Also, this work is very easily outsourced so you could really scale this up massively if you wish to. I'm going to take you by the hand now and walk you through the simple steps involved in creating and posting a video, which is really pretty simple once you get the hang of it. I'll post screenshots where necessary so that you don't feel like you're left in the dark as to what to do. Before we start I'd like to make it clear that you need to have been approved for at least one CPA network so that you can start using the ringtone offer in the video that you will be creating. Let me give you a brief overview of the process. Basically what you will be doing is posting videos to Youtube that link to a website domain that you have set up. Your website will have a CPA offer link that goes to a Ringtone offer at your CPA network, with this method that we'll be using. If the person ends up downloading the Ringtone, this is classified as an offer conversion and you end up getting paid for it! I am going to show you how to get your videos to “stick” on Youtube, and guide you step-by-step through the whole process. CPA Ringtones Quickstart 1) Create a brand new Youtube account specifically for this method, together with a brand new Gmail email address to associate with the Youtube account, separate from your personal email. This will keep everything organized and neat, it will help you avoid confusion later on. I would recommend using Gmail as it's easy to use and powerful, and you can set up unlimited Youtube accounts as long as each one is attached to its own unique Gmail address.
  • 20. 2) Next, we're going to take a look at relevant offers at my account in AdworkMedia. Even if you end up using a different CPA network, it is very likely that you'll find a similar offer there. We are using a mainstream offering that is very popular, and it is almost certain that you will find something almost identical in the other CPA networks. 3) As you can see from the screenshot above and below, there are several high paying ringtones offers in this network with huge EPC (earnings per click).
  • 21. 4) Next, I get my short tracking URL for the ringtone offer as shown below. This ensures that I get credit for every ringtone conversion when the link is clicked on at my website. 5) Now we have to set up your domain and hosting. I currently have 6 different domains to track my different videos and CPA offers. You can start off with 1 first, and then expand later on. Since you will be promoting ring tones, try picking a domain name that is ringtone related, i.e. or or ; just do a search to see what's currently available. Your domain name and website combination will give you the flexibility to change CPA links/offers easily while still keeping the same domain name. CPA offers will expire
  • 22. or change from time to time, so this allows you to redirect the website to a different offer if needed by just changing a snippet of HTML code on your website. Do not worry, it's much simpler than you might think. Type out the following code using NotePad, save this as index.html on your computer and then upload it to the root folder on the host for your ringtone domain name. <html> <body> <br><br><br> <div align="center"> <a href="YourCPAtrackinglinkHERE"><font color=red>Click Here Now to Access Your Ringtones! </font></a> </body> </html> This is all that's needed! You change “YourCPAtrackinglinkHERE” to your CPA offer link as often as required. What your site visitor will see when they arrive at your page after clicking on your link at Youtube is a clean and empty white website that has nothing but one line of red hyperlinked text that says “Click Here Now to Access Your Ringtones!” Clicking on that will bring them to your CPA offer (it would be the Jamster offer mentioned above if I used that link). Implementation I know this is the part where many people get nervous. I know that this is the main reason why I kept away from Youtube for the longest time. I was under the assumption initially that I had to be some video professional with all the credential and proper training in order to be able to post a video that'd get a lot of views. I realize now how wrong I was looking back on this! The truth of the matter is people are looking for popular content on Youtube, and by popular I mean videos that appeal to a wide spectrum of the population at large. The majority of people on Youtube are looking for the same thing as when they flip through the channels on television – entertainment! Basically anything shocking, funny, controversial and pleasurable will be in demand on Youtube, it doesn't even need to be original content that we create. Music is a big part of what people go to Youtube for, and this is borne out in the following statement from the Los Angeles Times - “Indeed, YouTube has proved as powerful a force for music discovery among contemporary music fans as radio was a generation ago. Music videos from the major labels, including Walt Disney Co.'s Hollywood Records, account for 42.8 million views in a typical day, TubeMogul said.” We just need to provide that in order to get a lot of views, and figure out how to monetize those views. When you look at it from this perspective, it doesn't look so daunting and intimidating anymore, does it? The reason why this method is so easy is that we are not really creating any flashy animated “videos”, instead, we are uploading what is essentially a slideshow of static
  • 23. pictures with a specific song background – this is all we'll be doing with this method! Do a search for songs on Youtube and you'll find that there are many such videos out there. Do not be worried about competition though, as there are millions of people getting on Youtube to look for specific music videos, and there are always new artists and songs coming out! 1) What are we looking for our album songs that are not available on Youtube yet. For example, there might be a title song from U2's latest album posted there, but the other song tracks from the album are not. What you want to do is target all the other songs on the album that aren't up on Youtube yet. I have found from experience that many of the music videos posted are the 'hit' title tracks from the album, and the other songs from the album aren't covered. Let me give you a quick example from Amazon so that you understand exactly what I'm talking about in regards to track selection. I went to (you can also use and did a quick search for their album 'No Line On The Horizon'. In the screenshot above I take a look at the tracklist from the album; I have circled the songs in the album other than the 'hit' title track, and these are the songs we want to target. As of right now, I cannot find U2 videos in Youtube of any songs from the album besides the title track 'No Line On The Horizon'. There are thousands of artists and albums to target and there are new ones coming out every day, and even a huge mega-band like U2 offers plenty of untapped opportunities, so I'd like to reiterate that there is absolutely no chance of saturation here! Look for the songs that haven't been added to Youtube yet – popular old albums, up-and-coming artists/albums, and bootleg/unauthorized album pre-releases (if available). Start doing a search for these songs, and copy and paste them into a Wordpad file so that you don't lose track of your list. I'd recommend you create a list of 20-50 songs to start with. 2) Now we need to find the songs to use in our videos. I have several little-known sources that I'll provide here that should give you pretty much all the music you'll need.I have 3 great sources for music that will supply you plenty of tracks that you can play as many times as you want. First, we have, which I highly recommend that you sign up for immediately (free account), as it allows you to save songs to your playlist to play later. Another great source I recommend is Grooveshark, which has the ability to pull up entire albums from the artist (if available), thus making it much easier to access the songs there. I'd also advise that you do a search by 'artist name + song name', as the album categorization isn't always reliable at Grooveshark (it's dependent on the ID3 information tags of the MP3 songs, so it's not 100% reliable). Another great source for music is Nexus Radio, which allows you to search and download over 15 million songs (that number comes straight from their website). Other ways to acquire songs include getting unlimited music subscription services (Rhapsody and Napster), and purchasing through iTunes, Amazon, or ripping MP3's from an album
  • 24. that you may already have. WARNING: If all else fails (which I highly doubt), you can always use the torrents to download just about any song you can think of. The most popular torrent search engine these days seems to be KickassTorrents, but pirate bay, IsoHunt, and torrents are pretty big as well. I am not, condoning this in any way, so USE TORRENTS AT YOUR OWN RISK! I am providing this for your information only. 3) There are several ways to record the streaming music. You can use the free application mp3 my mp3, which allows you to record anything that you can hear on your computer, and you will basically use this to record the songs you get from the above sites while they're playing. You have the choice of saving the files in .mp3 or .wav format, I highly recommend mp3 as it is a compressed format which is much more space-efficient. The software is pretty easy to use, and there is a nice tutorial on the site if you're unsure about anything. Don't forget that there is no need to use this with Nexus Radio, as it has its own recording function built in. IF you're really going to get serious at this and start recording lots of songs to use with this method, then I highly recommend using Audials , as it allows you to record several internet music tracks simultaneously, and do so much more that, I really can't list it here, as I'd have to write several paragraphs to cover everything! I'd like to stress that recording music that is played from your computer is completely above-board and legal, as you're merely recording with your computer soundcard what is being played through your speakers, it does not involve copying a file of any kind, and therefore does not break any laws. Once you have your music MP3 files ready, it is time to move on to the next step. 4) Now we need to create the “movie”. It's really not as hard as you think, so please bear with me. Since you already have your music MP3 files ready, the next thing you need to acquire is the music album artwork, and that is easily found on Do a search for the artist and album, and when you see the album artwork all you need to do is right-click on it and save it to your hard drive as an image. I'd recommend using Microsoft's Movie Maker, as it's free and pretty easy to use – download it from 2.mspx (download for Windows XP, it should already be installed if you have Service Pack 2), it is a standard component in Windows Vista and other newer versions of Windows from Windows 7 onwards. The equivalent of this on the Apple Mac is iMovie, and it is part of the Mac operating system, so no download is required. What you need to do next is to import your album artwork (that you saved earlier) and song using your movie software. As I've mentioned before, we will not be doing any flashy videos, basically what we are doing is to let your album artwork be the background image for the duration of the song –
  • 25. so the “video” is basically a static background image of the album artwork that displays while the song is played. We just need to add one minor thing to the bottom of your video background, which is the background text for your ringtone offer, i.e. something along the lines of “Download this Ringtone now at”. Here's a short tutorial on how to do this for Windows Movie Maker - dits.mspx Now that you have your videos ready, just log into your Youtube account and upload them. After you are signed in, click on the yellow 'Upload' button on the top right of your screen. Next, click on the 'Upload' button as shown below and you'll be asked to browse and locate the video file on your computer that you want to upload. Be sure to title and tag them in Youtube with the Artist and Song Name. Comments and Ratings are an integral part of a successful video marketing strategy and something to keep in mind with all your videos. The more ratings and comments that you get on your video, the higher your chances are of getting ranked for your keyword terms, and consequently, you'll get more views. You could appeal for ratings and comments in your video description, and this works especially well if it has some controversial, entertaining and/or funny content. This is how videos go viral when people start commenting/rating and also emailing them to all their friends and acquaintances. A great and still relatively little-used strategy to promote your video is to post it as a 'Video Response' to a related video. Since there are so few video responses posted usually, your video tends to get a lot of attention. You could post your U2 music track video as a response to the title track 'No Line on the Horizon' video, which no doubt gets a lot of viewers, allowing you to piggyback on its success. Another example would be to post a video response to an older movie trailer in the same series, i.e. you could post a video of 'Spiderman 3' as a response to a video of 'Spiderman 2'. Just bear in mind that as long as your video response is relevant and useful, you're almost guaranteed to get a ton of views by doing this. So this is the process in a nutshell. Simply rinse and repeat as many times as you desire. As I've already elaborated, Youtube is like a giant search engine for music videos, and you will definitely rank for your videos as there is no other videos of the song tracks that you have selected! There are literally hundreds of thousands of people searching out for specific songs, and when they find your videos many of them will proceed to go to your CPA offer to download the ringtones. There is no way to know exactly how many views each of your videos will get (though they'll definitely get some), as it depends on popularity and what people are searching for. If you do end up uploading something popular, your one video could potentially get hundreds of thousands or even millions of views! The key here is that all your videos will get some traffic, and the more videos you upload the more traffic you'll get going to your CPA offer! This is all organic traffic coming to your videos on a daily basis, and you literally have the opportunity to scale it up as much as you want. In addition to that, you never have to touch the videos again after you've uploaded them, but they'll
  • 26. continue to generate passive income for you over many months to come. You could use this method and upload one video in 15 minutes or less when you have a little spare time (or spend the whole day doing it!), and it doesn't matter what time of the day it is. This is extremely flexible as you can do as little or as much as you want, whenever you want. I have saved the best for last! Obviously, I wouldn't recommend this until you have first acquired some experience using this method personally, but once you get your feet wet and start earning some profits, you could reinvest this by outsourcing the work. This is pretty simple work, and you could easily find people to create and upload your videos for $2 per hour or less at places like (I recommend them highly as you can track their work there),, and Amazon Mechanical Turk. The Mechanical Turk is slightly different from the others as the workers there can go to work immediately on your designated task without you having to specifically authorize it first. You have to pay upfront to get a prepaid balance at the mechanical turk, and it gets deducted as you approve the work done by the workers there. Outsourcing would be invaluable if you plan to upload 50 or more videos daily, and you can use this to really scale up your Youtube marketing if you so wish. I'd suggest that you initially concentrate on popular artists and bands with songs that have not been uploaded to Youtube yet, as those tend to get a lot of views if you create videos for them. It is not uncommon for an established artist's videos to get tens of thousands of views (sometimes even millions over time). This will really maximize your efforts, and since ringtones really are the perfect complementary offer to these music videos, you'll find that anywhere from around 10-15% of your video watchers will click through to the CPA ringtones offer, and then typically 2-5% of those people will sign up for the offer. Now that you've set things up and know how the process works, keep adding new videos and testing different offers. You need to test at least several offers to see which converts best. Read the offer details and find out exactly what is required for a conversion (and for you to get paid). Test the different offers to see which converts best for you and ultimately gives you the highest payouts. With several different domains, it makes it very easy to simultaneously test several different offers easily. Try to make it a point to create and upload videos consistently, preferably on a daily basis. Remember that this is very scalable, and your views (and therefore sign-ups and money!) will increase in proportion to the number of videos you put up. Keep adding until you find yourself reaching the level of passive income that you want, but don't completely stop there. Every extra video you add will result in extra earnings daily, so try to keep adding videos consistently to grow your income even more!
  • 27. Resources: WordPress Website Design looking for a TOP Quality Website that should POP to your Visitors & Customers? or Worried about losing mobile Visitors? Then you cam to the right place! Done For You Email Follow Ups I know it can be stressful trying to come up with a good follow up a system. So I have created 60 emails ready to get, just add your rotating link. Schedule A Coaching Call Let’s get on a skype call together and get all your questions answered. Don’t get stuck, let me unstuck you and into profits. VIP CPA Marketing Training Do you need custom CPA training tailored specifically for your needs? contact me and I’ll get back to you with more details. SKYPE ID: HatimHattaOfficiel