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Management 350: Administrative Communications
Instructor: Anna Phillips
An individual integrative case analysis, which applies pertinent
course concepts and theories to illustrate actual organizational
issues, will be due on date of presentation.
1. One (1) page, typed, double-spaced DRAFT of Integrative
Case Analysis
· Identify the organization (manufacturing, service, government,
import/export, etc)
· Identify human relations theory, communication issues,
intercultural relationships, and ethics as they relate to your
· Explain your role in the organization, if any.
2. The research report will determine 40 points towards the final
grade for the course.
3. The written integrative case analysis should be:
a) typed, double-spaced, a minimum of ten (10) pages and a
maximum of fifteen (15) pages.
b) use MLA format.
c) Do Not use Wikipedia as a resource.
4. Presentation paper will be accompanied by a 10- minute oral
presentation on a business topic to be agreed upon with
a) 1 page, typed, double-spaced DRAFT of Integrative Case
Analysis (see schedule)
b) Remember to use the RULE of 3. Three (3) theories or
concepts and three (3) examples of each theory or concept in the
analysis of the case. Clearly you cannot address all of the
theories or concepts identified in the text – suggest selecting 3
theories or concepts which relate to your case and then provide
3 examples of how the theory or concept applies to the case
c) Individual 10 minute oral PowerPoint presentation.
5. Written and oral report will determine 40% of a student’s
final grade for the course. (see individual presentation rating
Overview of paper
Cover Page
Table of Contents
Human Relations Theory
Communication issues
Works Cited
Written Analysis will include all of the information on the
Rating sheet. The structure of the written assignment is as
· Cover Page … with the name of your topic, a list of the
students presenting the topic, the date and the course name
· The Table of Contents which is a listing of the topics the
written paper will cover
· The Executive Summary outlines the observations of the
organization. The Executive Summary is the first section of the
paper however it is the last section to be written.
· The reason for writing this section last is that you need to
have written the entire document so that you are able to identify
the key ideas the reader expects in the paper.
· REMEMBER the Executive Summary is for the EXECUTIVE.
This means it needs to attract the Executive to either read the
rest of the document or, more likely, refer the document to the
appropriate staff person to read e.g. marketing, production,
legal, etc.
· This section can be as long as 1 pages and is clearly longer
than a paragraph.
· The Body of the written analysis will feature those theories or
concepts attached to the case (see the Excel Worksheet for this
· Introduction Overview of organization
· The Introduction section begins to describe the case study and
the issues that cause the analysis to begin.
· Type of Organization – vertical, horizontal, etc.
· Organizational Chart
· THE HUMAN Relations Theory
· Zaremba ch 2 Taylor/ Fayol /Hawthorne / McGregor /Maslow
· Zaremba ch 3 Peters and Waterman / Systems / Critical/
· Time & Distance/Business Etiquette (Guffy Ch11)
· /communication culture (Ch 7 Zaremba)
· /Teamwork/Crisis Management (Ch 10 Zaremba 3rd edition)
(Ch 11 Zaremba and Guffy Ch 1) High context or low context
culture/barriers/ overcoming barriers
Zaremba Ch 4 Employing Ethical Yardsticks: Four Rulers for
Consideration and Strategic Ambiguity
· The conclusion represents the 3 key ideas you want the
audience to remember as the result of your analysis.
· Works Cited Page contains all of the resources you are using
to understand the case and the text(s) where you retrieved the
theories or concepts.
· Remember to check the rating sheet:
a. To ensure you have included all of the Organizational
b. The content section rates how the paper is written with the
focus on the theories or concepts required for your topic and if
there were 3 case examples for each theory or concept.
c. Remember the information in the written analysis should be
presented in the PowerPoint or Prezi; that is bot documents
should mirror each other.
· See Course Information for ICA support documents.
Grammar and style. Papers must be written in proper English.
Avoid colloquialisms, slang, contractions, sexist language, etc.
Good grammar and appropriate style are essential; papers using
poor grammar and style will lose points. Write in a narrative
style; third person probably will be best, but use "I" when you
refer to your thoughts, interpretations, observations, opinions,
Use appropriate transitions so that your narrative "flows"
smoothly from one idea to the next. Clear, short sentences are
always better than long, convoluted ones.
Proofreading. Proofread your paper before turning it in,
especially to catch typographical errors. Better yet, exchange
papers with someone in the class so that you can point out
confusing parts or problems with mechanics and style in each
other's paper.
Also, before you turn it in, make a photocopy of your paper.
This protects you against the inadvertent loss, theft, or
plagiarism of your paper.
Visual aids.
The visual portion of the collaborative assignment will include
all of the information on the Rating sheet.
1. Ten (10) slides is the rule of thumb which works out to about
1 minute oral for each slide. The visual presentation should
include the following information:
· Slide 1: is a cover page should list the title of your case, the
team members, the course and the quarter & year you are taking
the course
· Slide e2 is a Table of Contents or a list of information your
team plans to present in the following slides
· Slides 3 is an overview of the case
· Slides 4 through 9 features the theories or concepts and 3
examples of how each theory or concept applies to the case.
· Slide 10 should list the conclusion --- the 3 KEY points you
want the audience to REMEMBER
· Slide 11 should be your works cited page, a reference listing
of where you culled the information in your presentation
2. Unlike the written analysis the visuals should use key words
to showcase the theories or concepts required for your topic and
the 3 examples for each theory or concept.
3. Remember you also need a 1 to 2 minute YouTube video link
about your topic as part of your PowerPoint or Prezi
4. Remember the information in the PowerPoint or Prezi should
be presented in the written analysis; that is both documents
should mirror each other.
Oral Presentation
Your presentation should include these elements:
· An Cover Page of what you will be discussing include:
· Your name
· Company analyzed
· Date and name of course
· Table of Contents = a list of topics you will be discussing
· Introduction = brief background of company
· Body of Presentation.
Human Relations Theory
Communication issues
· Include similar "real world' situations from your personal
experiences, as applicable.
· Focus on the relative theories per frame
· Remember to use the rule of 3 (3 examples per theory/concept)
· A Conclusion should include:
· Restate an overview of three (3) of your key findings.
· Your opinion regarding success of company and/or
recommendations for improvement
· The time limit is 10 minutes. (Option in person OR Video)
· You should rehearse the presentation with the clock running,
at least 2-3 times.
· Remember the main part of your presentation is the how the
company fits into the various theories.
· Spend a little time on the background (who/what/where is the
business/ nonprofit/government)
· Remind the class of the three (3) important concepts as
discussed in class; NO NEED TO RESTATE THEORY … give
examples of how the theory/concept applies to your
Submit your ICA presentation PowerPoint or Prezi to the
Discussions Forum.
Email the written analysis to [email protected].
If you are using Google Docs or YouTube, etc. …. Remember to
give me permission to open the documents or video.
Course Link : /course information/overview of Course/overview
of course/ ICA overview.
SAMPLE Executive Summary
The organization selected is Cool Sonic International, Inc.,
which operates its headquarters in California and a subsidiary in
Australia. The company produces automotive audio amplifiers
designed to be placed in the door compartments and the rear
deck thereby providing space in the dash for other components
i.e. GPS, cell phone, computer, DVD, etc.
The human relations model is based on a combination of
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs and McGregor’s Y Theory.
Although each department has specific tasks, the overall
approach focuses on the goals of the organization and the
variety of methods to reach each of the goals. The engineering
and marketing departments have the greatest flexibility in
determining the approach to completing their projects. The
Controller is required to follow certain federal, state, local, and
business requirements, which limits their flexibility and yet the
team appears to enjoy their jobs.
Communication is a major issue as the time zones are not the
same. California is half way through its work day before
Australia begins working, and it is the next day for Australia.
The “tyranny-of-distance” is overcome with frequent emails and
teleconferences, with occasional in-country visits.
There are intercultural issues. Culturally there is a clash
between the marketing department in the USA and engineering
department in Australia. The USA pace is faster than the
Australians which tends to be “NO WORRIES MATE!”
Ethically the company has some trust concerns. The
headquarter company is structured separately from the
subsidiary, which is located in Australia, with each company
complying with separate federal, state, and local regulations.
Although the Chair and the President are represented on each
Board of Directors, there is uneasiness with the relationship.
All of the departments recognize the objective of the company
is to produce an audio amplifier which supports the next
generation sound system. Cool Sonic International, Inc.
continues to strive to build a Class D audio amplifier for the
automotive industry.
IntegrativeCase Analysis
SAMPLE Executive Summary
The organization selected is Cool Sonic International, Inc.,
which operates its headquarters in California and a subsidiary in
Australia. The company produces automotive audio amplifiers
designed to be placed in the door compartments and the rear
deck thereby providing space in the dash for other components
i.e. GPS, cell phone, computer, DVD, etc.
The human relations model is based on a combination of
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs and McGregor’s Y Theory.
Although each department has specific tasks the overall
approach focuses on the goals of the organization and the
variety of methods to reach each of the goals. The engineering
and marketing departments have the greatest flexibility in
determining the approach to completing their projects. The
Controller is required to follow certain federal, state, local, and
business requirements which requires limits their flexibility and
yet the team appears to enjoy their jobs.
Human Relations Theory
Communication is a major issue as the time zones are not the
same. California is half way through its work day before
Australia begins working and it is the next day for Australia.
The “tyranny-of-distance” is overcome with frequent emails and
teleconferences, with occasional in-country visits.
Communication issues
There are intercultural issues. Culturally there is a clash
between the marketing department in the USA and engineering
department in Australia. The USA pace is faster than the
Australians which tends to be “NO WORRIES MATE!”
Ethically the company has some trust concerns. The
headquarter company is structured separately from the
subsidiary, which is located in Australia, with each company
complying with separate federal, state, and local regulations.
Although the Chair and the President are represented on each
Board of Directors, there is uneasiness with the relationship.
All of the departments recognize the objective of the company
is to produce an audio amplifier which supports the next
generation sound system. Cool Sonic International, Inc.
continues to strive to build a Class D audio amplifier for the
automotive industry.
(Dr. Jeanne King Developed Most of the Evaluative Criteria
Listed Below)
Overall Organization of the Integrative Case Report
The paper is disorganized; information is presented in an
arbitrary or almost random order; paragraphs contain unrelated
ideas; subheadings are missing or too brief to describe the
issues discussed in the subsections.
The paper is not consistently organized; some information is out
of place and interferes with the logical flow of ideas;
paragraphs tend to contain unrelated topics or too long;
subheadings are missing or too brief to describe the related
Information is organized overall; most paragraphs are well-
constructed with only a few deviations from the man point;
subheadings are appropriate overall, although a few may be too
brief to describe all issues related to the subsection...
The paper is very well organized overall; paragraphs have topic
sentences and are well-constructed; sentences address only
issues relevant to each paragraph; subheadings are appropriately
descriptive of the related subsection.
Paper Requirements
The paper is too brief to cover the topics assigned; the content
does not reflect the scope of assignment or some topics are
missing entirely.
The paper should be longer; it includes too few concepts/issues;
there is insufficient discussion of concepts, problems and
solution; some topics are missing.
The paper satisfies or exceeds length requirements but lacks
thorough discussion of relevant concepts, problem and solution.
The paper satisfies or exceeds length requirements and satisfies
or exceeds requirements for the content of the paper.
There is no clear introduction alerting the reader to the overall
structure of the paper or issues to be addressed
The introduction presents a few main issues but it is too brief to
adequately preview the entire paper; it lacks originality and is
highly similar to the text of the course readings.
The introduction states the most of the main issues to be
discussed throughout the paper; its length is acceptable; intro is
in the author’s own words.
The introduction states the main issues, previews all topics
discussed throughout the paper in sufficient detail, and is
clearly written in the author’s words.
Organizational Context
The organizational background is brief and incomplete, or
longer than two pages.
The organizational background is descriptive and satisfactory
but could include some fundamental concepts to help the reader
understand the analysis to come.
The organizational background contains most details and
concepts needed to understand the organization and the analysis
that follows.
The organizational background is complete, informative, and
prepares the reader for the analysis to come.
Reframing Problem/ Issue
Discussion of issue or problem for reframing analysis is not
included or unclear.
The problem presented could be developed in a way more
suitable for a reframing analysis.
The problem used in the reframing analysis could be more
detailed with respect to the person(s) involved (including the
author) as well as the place, time, and situation.
The problem is clearly suitable for a reframing analysis and is
highly detailed with respect to the person(s) involved (including
the author) as well as the place, time, and situation.
Description of Problem
The problem is reported with no or only a few facts or details
and/or is dominated by strong personal speculations about why
it occurred.
Problem report needs to include more facts or details to be
complete; statements of personal feelings or thoughts about why
it occurred need to be removed.
Problem description is reported factually in terms of what
anyone might have observed but needs more development.
Problem report and the facts and details leading to it are clear;
objective, and complete.
Logical transitions between ideas/topics/paragraphs are unclear
or nonexistent; paragraphs lack topic sentences, or opening
sentences use conversational language or slang
A few transitions work well, few use only brief, incomplete
subheadings not followed by a related topic sentence starting
the next paragraph. Connections between
ideas/topics/paragraphs are unclear, informal or use slang.
Most transitions show how ideas/topics/paragraphs are
connected, but a few use only brief, incomplete sub headings
not followed by a related topic sentence starting the next
paragraph. A few transitions are unclear, too informal or use
A variety of thoughtful transitions are used in the form of topic
sentences for each paragraph. They introduce and expand on
the content of the subheading; transitions clearly show how
ideas/topics/paragraphs are connected throughout the paper.
There is no obvious conclusion; the paper just ends.
There is a concluding paragraph but it merely repeats the
introduction without tying together topics discussed throughout
the paper; again the writing is highly similar to phrasing in the
There is concluding paragraphs which summarizes or tie
together all topics addressed throughout the paper.
The conclusion is strong, summarizes or ties together most or
all topics, and leaves the reader feeling he/she understands the
most important points of the paper.
Accuracy and Application
None of the course concepts/principles/theories are identified
by name in the paper; the ideas are used without being defined
or applied accurately or completely
A few of the course concepts/principles/theories are identified
by name in the paper; but most are used without being defined
or applied accurately or completely.
Many of the course concepts/principles/theories are identified
by name in the paper; but some are used without being defined
or applied accurately or completely.
All/almost all of the course concepts/principles/theories are
identified by name in the paper, and all/almost all are defined
and applied accurately.
Reference Sources Cited
No reference citations are integrated in the text of the paper or
listed in a reference page.
A few citations are used and listed; citation styles are
Most citations are integrated in the text and listed in a reference
page; citation style is generally acceptable
All/almost all citations are used and listed; citation style is
consistent and generally acceptable.
Grammar & Syntax
The paper contains too many grammatical, spelling, and/or
punctuation errors to count (or correct); thus the content of the
paper is very difficult to understand. Campus writing assistance
and proofreading is strongly encouraged.
The paper contains numerous grammatical, spelling, and/or
punctuation errors and cannot all be individually corrected; this
makes the content of the paper more difficult to understand.
Campus writing assistance and proofreading is strongly
The paper contains only a few grammatical, spelling, and/or
punctuation errors – some examples have been corrected – but
still needs improvement. Proofreading and a mechanics check
by a friend or tutor will improve your skills further.
The paper contains virtually no grammatical/spelling/ and/or
punctuation errors; it demonstrates excellent command of
English writing fundamentals.
Clarity and Integration
All/most all sentences sound unnatural when read aloud because
they may be awkwardly constructed, repetitive, use too much
jargon or slang, are too long or fragmented or cannot be
understood. This paper should be read orally to someone before
submitting it.
Most sentences sound rather unnatural when read aloud because
they may be awkwardly constructed, repetitive, use too much
jargon or slang, are too long or fragmented, or cannot be
understood. This paper should be read orally to someone before
submitting it.
Most sentences sound natural when read aloud, are
understandable, and the paper’s style flows reasonably well.
The paper should be read to someone to catch the small number
of awkward or difficult to understand sentences.
All/almost all sentences are like natural speech when read aloud
and virtually all are clearly understandable. The paper flows
smoothly and is easy to grasp its ideas and enjoyable to read
and evaluate.
The paper is not formatted according to standards and the paper
also may have an unprofessional appearance.
Several formatting problems are present; the paper could also
have a more professional appearance.
Only a few formatting problems exist; on the whole, the paper
is also professionally presented
Virtually no formatting problems exist, and the paper is
professionally presented.
Mgmt 350 Individual Presentation Rating
Part 1. Written content and organization of the presentation.
(22 points)
Content (8
· Meets guidelines:
· 1/3 covers background information &
· 2/3 covers case decision/conclusions/ implications
· Majority of case focuses on case decision.
· Reviews only important points needed to make decisions;
assumes audience is familiar with reading.
· Makes clear the most important points/concepts.
· Presentation is clear, concise, and precise
Quality of visual aids (8
· Visual aids enhance the presentation. (GRAPHICS and
Organization chart)
· Video (1-2 minutes)
· Material highlights main points; uses outline format.
· Avoid long, complicated, complete sentences; text is not
copied verbatim (3 examples per concept/theory)
· Presentation was distinctive and different from the other class
· Logo on each page
· Conclusion (3 key concepts)
· Your opinion and/or recommendations
· Works Cited
Organization of written material (6
· Presentation is clear, consistent and well organized.
· Cover Page
· Table of Contents
· Executive Summary
· Introduction (Org chart/type org)
· Body
· Conclusion (3 key concepts)
· Your Opinion and/or recommendations
· Works Cited
· Complete written summary of information submitted
· Written report
· PowerPoint
Part II. Delivery of the presentation and visual aids. (18
Preparation and timing (4 points)
· Presentation flows smoothly; evidence of sufficient rehearsal.
· Presentation is not so brief as to omit important material;
presenter does not run out of time or rush to finish on time.
Delivery (6 points)
· Speaks loudly and clearly.
· Avoids speaking in monotone; varies inflection.
· Demonstrates enthusiasm and interest in topic.
· Does not read directly from material on screen or notes.
· Dressed for SUCCESS and posture.
Eye Contact (6 points)
· Presenter maintains good eye contact with all members of the
· Presenter speaks with little or no notes or screen during most
of the presentation
· Presenter speaks to entire audience not the screen or one place
or person in room.
Other (2 point)
· Engage Audience
· Audience is able to refer to slides while focusing attention on
· Audience is politely listening. (NO CELL PHONES ETC.)
Human Relations
13 | Page

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  • 1. COURSE SYLLABUS ADDENDUM INTEGRATED CASE ANALYSIS CRITERIA Management 350: Administrative Communications Instructor: Anna Phillips An individual integrative case analysis, which applies pertinent course concepts and theories to illustrate actual organizational issues, will be due on date of presentation. 1. One (1) page, typed, double-spaced DRAFT of Integrative Case Analysis · Identify the organization (manufacturing, service, government, import/export, etc) · Identify human relations theory, communication issues, intercultural relationships, and ethics as they relate to your organization. · Explain your role in the organization, if any. 2. The research report will determine 40 points towards the final grade for the course. 3. The written integrative case analysis should be: a) typed, double-spaced, a minimum of ten (10) pages and a maximum of fifteen (15) pages. b) use MLA format. c) Do Not use Wikipedia as a resource.
  • 2. 4. Presentation paper will be accompanied by a 10- minute oral presentation on a business topic to be agreed upon with instructor. a) 1 page, typed, double-spaced DRAFT of Integrative Case Analysis (see schedule) b) Remember to use the RULE of 3. Three (3) theories or concepts and three (3) examples of each theory or concept in the analysis of the case. Clearly you cannot address all of the theories or concepts identified in the text – suggest selecting 3 theories or concepts which relate to your case and then provide 3 examples of how the theory or concept applies to the case c) Individual 10 minute oral PowerPoint presentation. 5. Written and oral report will determine 40% of a student’s final grade for the course. (see individual presentation rating sheet) Overview of paper Cover Page Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction Human Relations Theory Communication issues Intercultural Ethics Conclusion Works Cited Written Analysis will include all of the information on the Rating sheet. The structure of the written assignment is as follows: · Cover Page … with the name of your topic, a list of the students presenting the topic, the date and the course name
  • 3. · The Table of Contents which is a listing of the topics the written paper will cover · The Executive Summary outlines the observations of the organization. The Executive Summary is the first section of the paper however it is the last section to be written. · The reason for writing this section last is that you need to have written the entire document so that you are able to identify the key ideas the reader expects in the paper. · REMEMBER the Executive Summary is for the EXECUTIVE. This means it needs to attract the Executive to either read the rest of the document or, more likely, refer the document to the appropriate staff person to read e.g. marketing, production, legal, etc. · This section can be as long as 1 pages and is clearly longer than a paragraph. · The Body of the written analysis will feature those theories or concepts attached to the case (see the Excel Worksheet for this information). · Introduction Overview of organization · The Introduction section begins to describe the case study and the issues that cause the analysis to begin. · Type of Organization – vertical, horizontal, etc. · Organizational Chart · THE HUMAN Relations Theory · Zaremba ch 2 Taylor/ Fayol /Hawthorne / McGregor /Maslow · Zaremba ch 3 Peters and Waterman / Systems / Critical/ Feminism · THE COMMUNICATIONS ISSUES · Time & Distance/Business Etiquette (Guffy Ch11)
  • 4. · /communication culture (Ch 7 Zaremba) · /Teamwork/Crisis Management (Ch 10 Zaremba 3rd edition) · THE INTERCULTURAL RELATIONSHIPS (Ch 11 Zaremba and Guffy Ch 1) High context or low context culture/barriers/ overcoming barriers · ETHICS ISSUES Zaremba Ch 4 Employing Ethical Yardsticks: Four Rulers for Consideration and Strategic Ambiguity · The conclusion represents the 3 key ideas you want the audience to remember as the result of your analysis. · Works Cited Page contains all of the resources you are using to understand the case and the text(s) where you retrieved the theories or concepts. · Remember to check the rating sheet: a. To ensure you have included all of the Organizational requirements b. The content section rates how the paper is written with the focus on the theories or concepts required for your topic and if there were 3 case examples for each theory or concept. c. Remember the information in the written analysis should be presented in the PowerPoint or Prezi; that is bot documents should mirror each other. · See Course Information for ICA support documents. Grammar and style. Papers must be written in proper English. Avoid colloquialisms, slang, contractions, sexist language, etc. Good grammar and appropriate style are essential; papers using
  • 5. poor grammar and style will lose points. Write in a narrative style; third person probably will be best, but use "I" when you refer to your thoughts, interpretations, observations, opinions, etc. GET WRITING HELP IF YOU NEED IT -- AS SOON AS YOU CAN!! Use appropriate transitions so that your narrative "flows" smoothly from one idea to the next. Clear, short sentences are always better than long, convoluted ones. Proofreading. Proofread your paper before turning it in, especially to catch typographical errors. Better yet, exchange papers with someone in the class so that you can point out confusing parts or problems with mechanics and style in each other's paper. Also, before you turn it in, make a photocopy of your paper. This protects you against the inadvertent loss, theft, or plagiarism of your paper. Visual aids. The visual portion of the collaborative assignment will include all of the information on the Rating sheet. 1. Ten (10) slides is the rule of thumb which works out to about 1 minute oral for each slide. The visual presentation should include the following information: · Slide 1: is a cover page should list the title of your case, the team members, the course and the quarter & year you are taking the course · Slide e2 is a Table of Contents or a list of information your team plans to present in the following slides · Slides 3 is an overview of the case
  • 6. · Slides 4 through 9 features the theories or concepts and 3 examples of how each theory or concept applies to the case. · Slide 10 should list the conclusion --- the 3 KEY points you want the audience to REMEMBER · Slide 11 should be your works cited page, a reference listing of where you culled the information in your presentation 2. Unlike the written analysis the visuals should use key words to showcase the theories or concepts required for your topic and the 3 examples for each theory or concept. 3. Remember you also need a 1 to 2 minute YouTube video link about your topic as part of your PowerPoint or Prezi presentation. 4. Remember the information in the PowerPoint or Prezi should be presented in the written analysis; that is both documents should mirror each other. Oral Presentation Your presentation should include these elements: · An Cover Page of what you will be discussing include: · Your name · Company analyzed · Date and name of course · Table of Contents = a list of topics you will be discussing · Introduction = brief background of company
  • 7. · Body of Presentation. Human Relations Theory Communication issues Intercultural Ethics · Include similar "real world' situations from your personal experiences, as applicable. · Focus on the relative theories per frame · Remember to use the rule of 3 (3 examples per theory/concept) · A Conclusion should include: · Restate an overview of three (3) of your key findings. · Your opinion regarding success of company and/or recommendations for improvement Details · The time limit is 10 minutes. (Option in person OR Video) · You should rehearse the presentation with the clock running, at least 2-3 times. · Remember the main part of your presentation is the how the company fits into the various theories. · Spend a little time on the background (who/what/where is the business/ nonprofit/government) · Remind the class of the three (3) important concepts as discussed in class; NO NEED TO RESTATE THEORY … give examples of how the theory/concept applies to your company/organization Submit your ICA presentation PowerPoint or Prezi to the Discussions Forum.
  • 8. Email the written analysis to [email protected]. If you are using Google Docs or YouTube, etc. …. Remember to give me permission to open the documents or video. Course Link : /course information/overview of Course/overview of course/ ICA overview. SAMPLE Executive Summary The organization selected is Cool Sonic International, Inc., which operates its headquarters in California and a subsidiary in Australia. The company produces automotive audio amplifiers designed to be placed in the door compartments and the rear deck thereby providing space in the dash for other components i.e. GPS, cell phone, computer, DVD, etc. The human relations model is based on a combination of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs and McGregor’s Y Theory. Although each department has specific tasks, the overall approach focuses on the goals of the organization and the variety of methods to reach each of the goals. The engineering and marketing departments have the greatest flexibility in determining the approach to completing their projects. The Controller is required to follow certain federal, state, local, and business requirements, which limits their flexibility and yet the team appears to enjoy their jobs. Communication is a major issue as the time zones are not the same. California is half way through its work day before Australia begins working, and it is the next day for Australia. The “tyranny-of-distance” is overcome with frequent emails and teleconferences, with occasional in-country visits. There are intercultural issues. Culturally there is a clash between the marketing department in the USA and engineering department in Australia. The USA pace is faster than the
  • 9. Australians which tends to be “NO WORRIES MATE!” Ethically the company has some trust concerns. The headquarter company is structured separately from the subsidiary, which is located in Australia, with each company complying with separate federal, state, and local regulations. Although the Chair and the President are represented on each Board of Directors, there is uneasiness with the relationship. All of the departments recognize the objective of the company is to produce an audio amplifier which supports the next generation sound system. Cool Sonic International, Inc. continues to strive to build a Class D audio amplifier for the automotive industry. IntegrativeCase Analysis SAMPLE Executive Summary The organization selected is Cool Sonic International, Inc., which operates its headquarters in California and a subsidiary in Australia. The company produces automotive audio amplifiers designed to be placed in the door compartments and the rear deck thereby providing space in the dash for other components i.e. GPS, cell phone, computer, DVD, etc. Introduction The human relations model is based on a combination of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs and McGregor’s Y Theory. Although each department has specific tasks the overall approach focuses on the goals of the organization and the variety of methods to reach each of the goals. The engineering and marketing departments have the greatest flexibility in determining the approach to completing their projects. The Controller is required to follow certain federal, state, local, and business requirements which requires limits their flexibility and
  • 10. yet the team appears to enjoy their jobs. Human Relations Theory Communication is a major issue as the time zones are not the same. California is half way through its work day before Australia begins working and it is the next day for Australia. The “tyranny-of-distance” is overcome with frequent emails and teleconferences, with occasional in-country visits. Communication issues There are intercultural issues. Culturally there is a clash between the marketing department in the USA and engineering department in Australia. The USA pace is faster than the Australians which tends to be “NO WORRIES MATE!” Intercultural Ethically the company has some trust concerns. The headquarter company is structured separately from the subsidiary, which is located in Australia, with each company complying with separate federal, state, and local regulations. Although the Chair and the President are represented on each Board of Directors, there is uneasiness with the relationship. Ethics All of the departments recognize the objective of the company is to produce an audio amplifier which supports the next generation sound system. Cool Sonic International, Inc. continues to strive to build a Class D audio amplifier for the automotive industry. Summary EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR MGMT- CASE REPORT
  • 11. (Dr. Jeanne King Developed Most of the Evaluative Criteria Listed Below) CATEGORY INADEQUATE POOR FAIR GOOD Overall Organization of the Integrative Case Report The paper is disorganized; information is presented in an arbitrary or almost random order; paragraphs contain unrelated ideas; subheadings are missing or too brief to describe the issues discussed in the subsections. The paper is not consistently organized; some information is out of place and interferes with the logical flow of ideas; paragraphs tend to contain unrelated topics or too long; subheadings are missing or too brief to describe the related subsection. Information is organized overall; most paragraphs are well- constructed with only a few deviations from the man point; subheadings are appropriate overall, although a few may be too brief to describe all issues related to the subsection... The paper is very well organized overall; paragraphs have topic sentences and are well-constructed; sentences address only issues relevant to each paragraph; subheadings are appropriately descriptive of the related subsection. Paper Requirements The paper is too brief to cover the topics assigned; the content does not reflect the scope of assignment or some topics are missing entirely. The paper should be longer; it includes too few concepts/issues; there is insufficient discussion of concepts, problems and solution; some topics are missing. The paper satisfies or exceeds length requirements but lacks thorough discussion of relevant concepts, problem and solution. The paper satisfies or exceeds length requirements and satisfies or exceeds requirements for the content of the paper.
  • 12. Introduction There is no clear introduction alerting the reader to the overall structure of the paper or issues to be addressed The introduction presents a few main issues but it is too brief to adequately preview the entire paper; it lacks originality and is highly similar to the text of the course readings. The introduction states the most of the main issues to be discussed throughout the paper; its length is acceptable; intro is in the author’s own words. The introduction states the main issues, previews all topics discussed throughout the paper in sufficient detail, and is clearly written in the author’s words. Organizational Context The organizational background is brief and incomplete, or longer than two pages. The organizational background is descriptive and satisfactory but could include some fundamental concepts to help the reader understand the analysis to come. The organizational background contains most details and concepts needed to understand the organization and the analysis that follows. The organizational background is complete, informative, and prepares the reader for the analysis to come. Reframing Problem/ Issue Discussion of issue or problem for reframing analysis is not included or unclear. The problem presented could be developed in a way more suitable for a reframing analysis. The problem used in the reframing analysis could be more detailed with respect to the person(s) involved (including the author) as well as the place, time, and situation. The problem is clearly suitable for a reframing analysis and is highly detailed with respect to the person(s) involved (including the author) as well as the place, time, and situation. Description of Problem The problem is reported with no or only a few facts or details
  • 13. and/or is dominated by strong personal speculations about why it occurred. Problem report needs to include more facts or details to be complete; statements of personal feelings or thoughts about why it occurred need to be removed. Problem description is reported factually in terms of what anyone might have observed but needs more development. Problem report and the facts and details leading to it are clear; objective, and complete. Transitions Logical transitions between ideas/topics/paragraphs are unclear or nonexistent; paragraphs lack topic sentences, or opening sentences use conversational language or slang A few transitions work well, few use only brief, incomplete subheadings not followed by a related topic sentence starting the next paragraph. Connections between ideas/topics/paragraphs are unclear, informal or use slang. Most transitions show how ideas/topics/paragraphs are connected, but a few use only brief, incomplete sub headings not followed by a related topic sentence starting the next paragraph. A few transitions are unclear, too informal or use slang. A variety of thoughtful transitions are used in the form of topic sentences for each paragraph. They introduce and expand on the content of the subheading; transitions clearly show how ideas/topics/paragraphs are connected throughout the paper. Conclusions There is no obvious conclusion; the paper just ends. There is a concluding paragraph but it merely repeats the introduction without tying together topics discussed throughout the paper; again the writing is highly similar to phrasing in the readings There is concluding paragraphs which summarizes or tie together all topics addressed throughout the paper. The conclusion is strong, summarizes or ties together most or all topics, and leaves the reader feeling he/she understands the
  • 14. most important points of the paper. Accuracy and Application None of the course concepts/principles/theories are identified by name in the paper; the ideas are used without being defined or applied accurately or completely A few of the course concepts/principles/theories are identified by name in the paper; but most are used without being defined or applied accurately or completely. Many of the course concepts/principles/theories are identified by name in the paper; but some are used without being defined or applied accurately or completely. All/almost all of the course concepts/principles/theories are identified by name in the paper, and all/almost all are defined and applied accurately. Reference Sources Cited No reference citations are integrated in the text of the paper or listed in a reference page. A few citations are used and listed; citation styles are inconsistent. Most citations are integrated in the text and listed in a reference page; citation style is generally acceptable All/almost all citations are used and listed; citation style is consistent and generally acceptable. Grammar & Syntax The paper contains too many grammatical, spelling, and/or punctuation errors to count (or correct); thus the content of the paper is very difficult to understand. Campus writing assistance and proofreading is strongly encouraged. The paper contains numerous grammatical, spelling, and/or punctuation errors and cannot all be individually corrected; this makes the content of the paper more difficult to understand. Campus writing assistance and proofreading is strongly encouraged The paper contains only a few grammatical, spelling, and/or punctuation errors – some examples have been corrected – but still needs improvement. Proofreading and a mechanics check
  • 15. by a friend or tutor will improve your skills further. The paper contains virtually no grammatical/spelling/ and/or punctuation errors; it demonstrates excellent command of English writing fundamentals. Clarity and Integration All/most all sentences sound unnatural when read aloud because they may be awkwardly constructed, repetitive, use too much jargon or slang, are too long or fragmented or cannot be understood. This paper should be read orally to someone before submitting it. Most sentences sound rather unnatural when read aloud because they may be awkwardly constructed, repetitive, use too much jargon or slang, are too long or fragmented, or cannot be understood. This paper should be read orally to someone before submitting it. Most sentences sound natural when read aloud, are understandable, and the paper’s style flows reasonably well. The paper should be read to someone to catch the small number of awkward or difficult to understand sentences. All/almost all sentences are like natural speech when read aloud and virtually all are clearly understandable. The paper flows smoothly and is easy to grasp its ideas and enjoyable to read and evaluate. Formatting The paper is not formatted according to standards and the paper also may have an unprofessional appearance. Several formatting problems are present; the paper could also have a more professional appearance. Only a few formatting problems exist; on the whole, the paper is also professionally presented Virtually no formatting problems exist, and the paper is professionally presented. Mgmt 350 Individual Presentation Rating Form_________________ Part 1. Written content and organization of the presentation.
  • 16. (22 points) Content (8 points) · Meets guidelines: · 1/3 covers background information & · 2/3 covers case decision/conclusions/ implications · Majority of case focuses on case decision. · Reviews only important points needed to make decisions; assumes audience is familiar with reading. · Makes clear the most important points/concepts. · Presentation is clear, concise, and precise Quality of visual aids (8 points) · Visual aids enhance the presentation. (GRAPHICS and Organization chart) · Video (1-2 minutes) · Material highlights main points; uses outline format. · Avoid long, complicated, complete sentences; text is not copied verbatim (3 examples per concept/theory) · Presentation was distinctive and different from the other class presentations · Logo on each page
  • 17. · Conclusion (3 key concepts) · Your opinion and/or recommendations · Works Cited Organization of written material (6 points) · Presentation is clear, consistent and well organized. · Cover Page · Table of Contents · Executive Summary · Introduction (Org chart/type org) · Body · Conclusion (3 key concepts) · Your Opinion and/or recommendations · Works Cited · Complete written summary of information submitted · Written report · PowerPoint Part II. Delivery of the presentation and visual aids. (18 points) Preparation and timing (4 points) · Presentation flows smoothly; evidence of sufficient rehearsal. · Presentation is not so brief as to omit important material;
  • 18. presenter does not run out of time or rush to finish on time. Delivery (6 points) · Speaks loudly and clearly. · Avoids speaking in monotone; varies inflection. · Demonstrates enthusiasm and interest in topic. · Does not read directly from material on screen or notes. · Dressed for SUCCESS and posture. Eye Contact (6 points) · Presenter maintains good eye contact with all members of the audience · Presenter speaks with little or no notes or screen during most of the presentation · Presenter speaks to entire audience not the screen or one place or person in room. Other (2 point) · Engage Audience · Audience is able to refer to slides while focusing attention on speakers.
  • 19. · Audience is politely listening. (NO CELL PHONES ETC.) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS _______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _________________ Human Relations Communication Intercultural Ethics TOTAL POINTS _______ 13 | Page