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Course 605 discussion
Here the discussion's question , please write one page for the
Please discuss the following excerpt from page 57.
"Hence, in planning, teachers need to know something about the
intellectual predicaments of their students and the questions that
logically arise in such predicaments. Teachers, then, create
lesson plans that will answer these questions."
Discuss the following excerpt from chapter 4 in association with
the implementation of the educational movement toward
the Common Core Standards. Existentialism, with its talk of
human freedom and its rejection of systems, just does not fit the
culture of a nation bent on systematic reform (p. 82).
The first student discussion
Chapter 3: C.M.B. Macmillan and James Garrison introduced an
'erotetic' concept of teaching. In this concept, teachers are
encouraged to answer questions of students given their
intllectual predicaments. In other words, "to teach someone
something is to answer that person's questions about some
subject matter" (Noddings, pg 57). The authors note, however,
that this is not intended to restrict teachers to simply answer
questions that students may ask. Rather, the intention is to 'open
a huge and fascinating domain for analysis' (Nodding, pg 57).
Teachers are encouraged to prepare lessons in such a way that
the instruction and activites answer the questions that students
'ought' to ask. The authors state that teachers, while planning,
need to be aware of their student's 'intellectual predicaments' in
order to create lesson plans that will answer the needs/questions
of their students. I tend to agree with the authors. As classroom
teachers, we are tasked with the need to deeply understand our
student's needs. Even a portion of the RISE teacher evaluation
model assigns credibility to a teacher who is able to
preemptively address student questions/needs before they arise.
In order to do so, a teacher must have a fundamental
understanding of their student's capacity.
Chapter 4: Existentialist place emphasis on the individual as a
free agent, giving the individual a sense of responsibility,
choice and self-determination. Many educational movements
have had little effect on education. Noddings (page 61) suggests
that one reason for this seemingly lack of impact may be related
to our society being dominated by technology and a
longstanding faith in scientific progress and control. Even
Dewey maintained fundamental support for our nation's faith in
science. Philosophers, like Dewey, helped to contribute clarity
and consistency. Therefore, they continue to impact our
educational framework as noted by continued citation in recent
research articles. Therefore, it seems that "existentialism, with
its talk of human freedom and its rejection of systems, just does
not fit the culture of a nation bent on systematic reform"
(Noddings, pg 82). In applying the implementation of the
movement toward Common Core Standards, existentialism
seems to promote something on the other end of the spectrum.
Systematic reform, which promoted 'sameness' in standardized
testing, common core standards, minimum competency and
adequate performance does not align with the concepts
imbedded with existentialism.
The second
I thought the passage on Macmillan and Garrison’s erotetic
concept of teaching was very interesting. The notion that we, as
educators, should anticipate the questions that students ought to
be asking sounds reasonable; yet, I am not sure that this could
be fully achieved in first-year teachers. We can engage in
instructional design and break down a lesson into all of its
component parts, making sure that all of the prerequisite
knowledge is covered in order to achieve the stated lesson
objective. In that sense, we can anticipate possible questions
just based on the hierarchy of knowledge that needs to be
learned. However, until we have experience interacting with
students and with the subject matter, I think it would be much
more difficult to anticipate all of the questions. I know my first
quarter teaching a first-year seminar was a big eye opener – I
had planned out lessons, but truly had no idea how the students
would react. Even today, five years later, I am still surprised at
some of the questions they ask.
I do agree with the passage, that where possible we should
create lesson plans that will answer the questions students ought
to be asking. I see two conditions to this statement, though.
First, we need to make sure that the lesson plans engage the
students into discovery of these answers, not just creating plans
that sequentially answer a series of questions. Second, our
lesson plans need to be reviewed on a regular basis as the
students and their needs are ever changing.
I can see where Existentialists would not support the Common
Core Standards. From what I understand, the Common Core
movement suggests that all students should have the same
education across the nation. A 10th grader in Indiana should be
achieving the same standards as a 10th grader in California.
From the Existential perspective, having a mandate such as this
forces students to become what the system desires. It removes
the individuality that each student brings to the classroom and
assumes that all students are both willing and able to learn these
standards. I think the Existentialists would emphasize that
students are human beings, not human doings. That is, school
should be a place for students to come and figure out their
strengths, weaknesses, and desires in order to shape their
future. School should not be a place where students fulfill a
checklist: show up on time, attend 4-7 classes, turn in
homework, learn a lesson, complete a worksheet, ask questions,
work on new homework, etc.
The third
The excerpt from page 57 led me to a couple thoughts regarding
the teacher's role in lesson planning, as it relates to the
understanding of their students' intellectual predicaments and
questions that may arise. First of all, I think the teacher needs
to have some time invested in their students to understand their
thinking process, and intellectual capacities. I think whether the
teacher is a first year teach or a veteran is irrelevant, because
all students will be different, not the same year after year. As
far as the lesson planning goes, the teacher should be able to
lead the students into their learning by creating such lessons
that allows the students to work through the predicaments they
may come to. The teacher should know when in the lesson those
situations may arise for certain students, as well as the
questions that may be brought up, and be able to guide the
students into their own discovery of the desired purpose.
Knowing the students capabilities and processes is very
important while creating these lesson plans, and if done
correctly, could lead the students into positive experiences and
excitement in learning.
The excerpt in chapter 4 made me think of an obvious
contradiction, in my opinion, that is found across the entire
nation and in our society. The contradiction is that we want our
students and our citizens to have their freedom of choice and
express their individuality through works, but yet try to control
the process and outcomes that are based on a standard of
equality. In regards to existentialism and the Common Core
Standards, student expression and individualism are not
accounted, and therefore cannot be compatible with the system
of equal standards for all. I have read many posts discussing the
fact that standards are not a fair representation of student
learning due to the fact that all students are different, learn in
different ways, and could show their learning through different
ways other than a standardized test. I believe this is true. My
point is, our nation cannot have it both ways. If we are to be
accountable by means of the Common Core Standards, where
everyone is equal, how are teachers not to teach as if everyone
were equal?
The forth
Teacher basis of the educational process is successful.Teacher
successful always what we call the general observations on the
lesson ended , where the teacher asks himself the following
questions:Did the lesson objectives ?Do you respond to students
with the lesson ?Do you need to review some of the parts  Is
material suitable for students ?Am I satisfied with my
performance in general?Teacher successful special attention to
the preparation of the lesson , because it helps students gain the
trust and respect him, and gives the teacher confidence in
himself , and the teacher will be ready for any question of his
students .It also reduces the amount of preparation of trial and
error in education , and holds a link to decision , and he can
from his critique , and see its flaws.
Evolution of Education is currently characterized by the return
of attention to the human element and the emergence of a new
role . What distinguishes the administrative and planned and
directed and mentor and teacher in the present day, is the
ongoing confrontation with the latest developments and
unexpected positions and decision-making . It has also become
characterized by their relentless quest toward behavior
modification and adaptation to reality shifts and pressures of
daily work and keep up the same now , what affects the
educational curriculum of the renewal and development .Mostly
, what explains the occurrence of development and reform in the
educational field , is that the Education social activity is
influenced by society and affected by it . Since the communities
are subject to constantly shift , as well as the education must
evolve and continuously , allowing it to adapt to the new
requirements . Hence, it is wrong to believe in the possibility of
completing a form to complete and is ideal for the platform. The
educational systems are constantly working to adapt to changes
in the needs and the resulting transformation of societies to
modern formats .
The last
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I do agree that we need to be familiar with the intellectual
predicaments of students, therefore doing the best we can to
differentiate lessons to best meet the needs of our students.
Also we must ahead questions that will stimulate student
thinking to grasp the material but also ask questions that are
higher level to challenge the students, possibly leading to
inquiry of the subject at a deeper level. On the TAP lesson
evaluation rubrics, questioning is important to the success of
the lesson. As I watch teachers, great discussion and
engagement happens based on the questioning asked.
Existentialism theorists would not be in favor of the Common
Core Standards, based on their move for freedom and flexibility
of what students are being taught. They believe that a structure
model for all students is not necessary and students should be
able to create their own identities. A few quotes really stood
out as I was reading, “Students should have the capacity to
reflect, to plan, to choose, and to become is the fundamental
work of human existence.” and “…first move is to make every
man aware of what he is and to make the full responsibility of
his existence rest on him.” These sound good in theory,
however some students don’t have the initiative to take control
and work towards the necessary skills needed. I’m amazed at
how many high school students say they want to get into the
medical field, however have only taken the basic level science
class. Or a student who wants to major in business in college
however they have only taken one of the business classes
offered. I do believe there should be some flexibility in
education, however some structure and guidance is important to
prepare students for an unknown to them.
Bottom of Form
Course 608
There the discussion's question, please write one page
After reading the chapter, comment on any or all of the societal
forces facing today's youth: mass media, material consumption,
violence, poverty, changing family structures.
The first student
There are so many societal forces facing our youth today. Our
book makes several great points, but I also feel as if it is very
outdated (published in 1999). The book discusses material
consumption and mass media as a few of those social forces. I
believe that since our book was published, the past 15 years has
only intensified this problem exponentially. On page 110, our
authors describe video games, walkman, telephone, and internet
as consuming children's life. Now 15 years later, all those
devices are jammed into one -- a smartphone. All of those
devices and many more can fit into the pocket of a student.
With the development of facebook and twitter (and other social
media sites), studets are constantly infatuated with their online
reputation and interests. What's worse is that they are not only
infatuated, but the means are widely available. iPhones,
Android phones, and Windows phones are in the majority of
pockets of our middle and high school students. If a student
does not have a smartphone, the majority of their efforts are
probably to get one -- not to get an A on a test. This is because
of the social pressures of peers and the need to conform to
With all of the technological advances comes a host of problems
- cyberbullying, data theft, sexting, texting/driving, etc. It also
reduces face to face communication and social interaction.
Having worked with middle school students for the last year and
a half, I have learned that the majority of the evening time spent
of a student is on facebook, texting friends, or sending
inappropriate snap chats. This, with the changing family
structure (less supervision in the evening), has led students to
lose motivation for academics and miss out on
moral/philosophical growth. Their minds are not being
challenged, and the enjoyment of nature/outdoors has greatly
The second
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Total views: 21 (Your views: 1)
Todays youth are faceting so many factors that can prevent or
influence there performance in learning. Family structure is
changeling , now there are so many more single family hopes or
parents that have to both work; things such as this can greatly
effect how a child feels . Parents are finding themselves with
much less time to spend with children due to having to work
more to make ends meet, this can effect having time together
and less time to work on homework and such. Also children are
exposed to much more electronics than before , this can include
video gaming and television and other distractions that will take
away from the desire to learn or study as well as having or
taking time to study or doing homework. Also the Internet is at
everyones finger tips, in my opinion this makes it way to easy
to find information that is needed, children can easiy look up
answers rather than taking time to actually study or read books
in order to find information. We are living in an age of
electronics and it is making our youth lazy, parents are finding
it to easy to sit a child aside with a game and let them go and
this may not necessarily be do to lack of caring but rather just
being to tired because working so much or having to
multitaskings in order to keep the household running.
Bottom of Form
The third
There are many societal forces facing youth. Technology has a
huge influence on the youth today and chases them everywhere.
For example, a TV in the restaurant, barbershop, coffee shop,
airport; also, there is an iPad in their pocket, DVD player and
radio in the car, video game, and computer at home. Parents like
to provide all kind of technology to their children to keep them
busy all the time; however, technology plays an important role
of students losing concentration and dispersion of attention in
the classroom. The technology is causing the students to forgot
how to use grammar correctly because of the use of internet
slang. In addition, several students are losing their intelligence
because too much technology use.
Poverty rate has increased every year, and the highest
percentage of the homeless is children. Many children live
below the poverty and without health insurance, which make
them become criminals and violence because they try to provide
money for themselves or to reduce the anger inside themselves;
however, schools try to help the children by providing free meal
in the school and after school for them and their family who
needs food and home. Even though the school is trying to help
this is still not enough to keep the students in school and on a
positive path. I have read several stories about students
dropping out of school and selling drugs and worse.
Family structure has changed with every generation. Many years
ago, a father was responsible to provide his family’s needs, and
the mother was responsible of the household and took care of
her kids. Both parents and their kids were grateful for their
living. Today, after the problem of price rises, one parent
working is not enough to provide the family’s needs. Therefore,
both parents work to provide the best life for themselves and
their kids at the same time the kids do not get that much
attention and care from their parents which lead some children
to not doing well in the school. With both parents having to
work, the children are left to become involved in illegal
activities. Additionally, some girls are starting to become
mothers at younger ages due to no parental supervision. Also,
some kids are being raised without parents.
The forth
I like the statement from our text “We cannot hold teachers and
other personnel responsible for finding solutions to all the
serious problems facing youth today. Teachers can, and often
do, provide meaningful environments for students, but they
must compete with all of the societal forces-mass media,
material consumption, violence, poverty, changing family
structures-that are tremendous influences on the way young
people construct meaning in their worlds" (deMarrais and
LeCompte, 1999, p.143. The descriptions given for The Lessons
of Schooling provide us teachers with several factors that help
us to identify with the children we teach. Without exceptions
all fall into one category or another. In our diverse
communities, our students need a opportunity to express
themselves in their academic understandings, but this is also
seen as a challenge in life. Not having a strong voice or enough
courage, students fail to meet academic and society’s needs.
Building a community that is tolerant of our differences and
celebrates our achievements goes a long way in helping students
break down diverse barriers. Defining the “new role” as a
student does depend on how we as teachers model our solutions
to problems that arise. Personally, I feel students are always
watching. How do we celebrate achievements, take our losses,
and keep things together when sometimes they just fall apart.
We are not personally responsible but at all parts of our day we
are expected to model daily solutions to problems.
The last
Chapter 3 provides great insight into the social development of
children as indivuals as well as the development of youth
culture. The authors suggest that the terms peer group and youth
culture are 'linked terms', resulting in the need to use the terms
interchangebly and together. Children are not born with the
instinct to survive. Rather, children are formally and informally
taught by watching others, developing skills and learning
through interaction. This process is called 'socialization'.
Chapter 3 provides insight into the changing cultures of our
youth. Within the context of patterns of consumption,
technology, cultural survival and family structure -- children's
process of socialization continues to evolve. With the addition
of compulsory school attendance, education as a whole plays a
greater role in the socialization of children than it did for past
generations. Given the exponential growth of technology,
media, social networking along with the decline of family
structures -- children of today are presented with tremendous
distractions. As educators, we must remain aware of all
influences that impact our students. It is important to consider
the experiences of students within a broader context. Students
are not simply what we teach in school. Easy access to
technology brings a controvesial level of 'addiction' to social
media. Stress within the student's family (poverty, divorce,
violence) will impact each student in very unique ways. For
students who drop out of school, the authors suggest that these
students may have already been placed at risk and were further
forced out of societal norms by an institution that was unwilling
to provide flexibility to meet the student's needs. Moving
forward, perhaps school administrators and all stakeholders
need to seek meaningful and effective solutions to reach all
students -- especially those who need some flexibility in finding
their way.

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Course 605 discussion Here the discussions question , please wr.docx

  • 1. Course 605 discussion Here the discussion's question , please write one page for the discussion Please discuss the following excerpt from page 57. "Hence, in planning, teachers need to know something about the intellectual predicaments of their students and the questions that logically arise in such predicaments. Teachers, then, create lesson plans that will answer these questions." Discuss the following excerpt from chapter 4 in association with the implementation of the educational movement toward the Common Core Standards. Existentialism, with its talk of human freedom and its rejection of systems, just does not fit the culture of a nation bent on systematic reform (p. 82). The first student discussion Chapter 3: C.M.B. Macmillan and James Garrison introduced an 'erotetic' concept of teaching. In this concept, teachers are encouraged to answer questions of students given their intllectual predicaments. In other words, "to teach someone something is to answer that person's questions about some subject matter" (Noddings, pg 57). The authors note, however, that this is not intended to restrict teachers to simply answer questions that students may ask. Rather, the intention is to 'open a huge and fascinating domain for analysis' (Nodding, pg 57). Teachers are encouraged to prepare lessons in such a way that the instruction and activites answer the questions that students 'ought' to ask. The authors state that teachers, while planning, need to be aware of their student's 'intellectual predicaments' in order to create lesson plans that will answer the needs/questions of their students. I tend to agree with the authors. As classroom teachers, we are tasked with the need to deeply understand our
  • 2. student's needs. Even a portion of the RISE teacher evaluation model assigns credibility to a teacher who is able to preemptively address student questions/needs before they arise. In order to do so, a teacher must have a fundamental understanding of their student's capacity. Chapter 4: Existentialist place emphasis on the individual as a free agent, giving the individual a sense of responsibility, choice and self-determination. Many educational movements have had little effect on education. Noddings (page 61) suggests that one reason for this seemingly lack of impact may be related to our society being dominated by technology and a longstanding faith in scientific progress and control. Even Dewey maintained fundamental support for our nation's faith in science. Philosophers, like Dewey, helped to contribute clarity and consistency. Therefore, they continue to impact our educational framework as noted by continued citation in recent research articles. Therefore, it seems that "existentialism, with its talk of human freedom and its rejection of systems, just does not fit the culture of a nation bent on systematic reform" (Noddings, pg 82). In applying the implementation of the movement toward Common Core Standards, existentialism seems to promote something on the other end of the spectrum. Systematic reform, which promoted 'sameness' in standardized testing, common core standards, minimum competency and adequate performance does not align with the concepts imbedded with existentialism. The second I thought the passage on Macmillan and Garrison’s erotetic concept of teaching was very interesting. The notion that we, as educators, should anticipate the questions that students ought to be asking sounds reasonable; yet, I am not sure that this could be fully achieved in first-year teachers. We can engage in instructional design and break down a lesson into all of its
  • 3. component parts, making sure that all of the prerequisite knowledge is covered in order to achieve the stated lesson objective. In that sense, we can anticipate possible questions just based on the hierarchy of knowledge that needs to be learned. However, until we have experience interacting with students and with the subject matter, I think it would be much more difficult to anticipate all of the questions. I know my first quarter teaching a first-year seminar was a big eye opener – I had planned out lessons, but truly had no idea how the students would react. Even today, five years later, I am still surprised at some of the questions they ask. I do agree with the passage, that where possible we should create lesson plans that will answer the questions students ought to be asking. I see two conditions to this statement, though. First, we need to make sure that the lesson plans engage the students into discovery of these answers, not just creating plans that sequentially answer a series of questions. Second, our lesson plans need to be reviewed on a regular basis as the students and their needs are ever changing. I can see where Existentialists would not support the Common Core Standards. From what I understand, the Common Core movement suggests that all students should have the same education across the nation. A 10th grader in Indiana should be achieving the same standards as a 10th grader in California. From the Existential perspective, having a mandate such as this forces students to become what the system desires. It removes the individuality that each student brings to the classroom and assumes that all students are both willing and able to learn these standards. I think the Existentialists would emphasize that students are human beings, not human doings. That is, school should be a place for students to come and figure out their strengths, weaknesses, and desires in order to shape their future. School should not be a place where students fulfill a checklist: show up on time, attend 4-7 classes, turn in homework, learn a lesson, complete a worksheet, ask questions,
  • 4. work on new homework, etc. The third The excerpt from page 57 led me to a couple thoughts regarding the teacher's role in lesson planning, as it relates to the understanding of their students' intellectual predicaments and questions that may arise. First of all, I think the teacher needs to have some time invested in their students to understand their thinking process, and intellectual capacities. I think whether the teacher is a first year teach or a veteran is irrelevant, because all students will be different, not the same year after year. As far as the lesson planning goes, the teacher should be able to lead the students into their learning by creating such lessons that allows the students to work through the predicaments they may come to. The teacher should know when in the lesson those situations may arise for certain students, as well as the questions that may be brought up, and be able to guide the students into their own discovery of the desired purpose. Knowing the students capabilities and processes is very important while creating these lesson plans, and if done correctly, could lead the students into positive experiences and excitement in learning. The excerpt in chapter 4 made me think of an obvious contradiction, in my opinion, that is found across the entire nation and in our society. The contradiction is that we want our students and our citizens to have their freedom of choice and express their individuality through works, but yet try to control the process and outcomes that are based on a standard of equality. In regards to existentialism and the Common Core Standards, student expression and individualism are not accounted, and therefore cannot be compatible with the system of equal standards for all. I have read many posts discussing the fact that standards are not a fair representation of student learning due to the fact that all students are different, learn in different ways, and could show their learning through different ways other than a standardized test. I believe this is true. My point is, our nation cannot have it both ways. If we are to be
  • 5. accountable by means of the Common Core Standards, where everyone is equal, how are teachers not to teach as if everyone were equal? The forth Teacher basis of the educational process is successful.Teacher successful always what we call the general observations on the lesson ended , where the teacher asks himself the following questions:Did the lesson objectives ?Do you respond to students with the lesson ?Do you need to review some of the parts Is material suitable for students ?Am I satisfied with my performance in general?Teacher successful special attention to the preparation of the lesson , because it helps students gain the trust and respect him, and gives the teacher confidence in himself , and the teacher will be ready for any question of his students .It also reduces the amount of preparation of trial and error in education , and holds a link to decision , and he can from his critique , and see its flaws. Evolution of Education is currently characterized by the return of attention to the human element and the emergence of a new role . What distinguishes the administrative and planned and directed and mentor and teacher in the present day, is the ongoing confrontation with the latest developments and unexpected positions and decision-making . It has also become characterized by their relentless quest toward behavior modification and adaptation to reality shifts and pressures of daily work and keep up the same now , what affects the educational curriculum of the renewal and development .Mostly , what explains the occurrence of development and reform in the educational field , is that the Education social activity is influenced by society and affected by it . Since the communities are subject to constantly shift , as well as the education must evolve and continuously , allowing it to adapt to the new requirements . Hence, it is wrong to believe in the possibility of completing a form to complete and is ideal for the platform. The educational systems are constantly working to adapt to changes
  • 6. in the needs and the resulting transformation of societies to modern formats . The last Collapse Top of Form Total views: 3 (Your views: 1) I do agree that we need to be familiar with the intellectual predicaments of students, therefore doing the best we can to differentiate lessons to best meet the needs of our students. Also we must ahead questions that will stimulate student thinking to grasp the material but also ask questions that are higher level to challenge the students, possibly leading to inquiry of the subject at a deeper level. On the TAP lesson evaluation rubrics, questioning is important to the success of the lesson. As I watch teachers, great discussion and engagement happens based on the questioning asked. Existentialism theorists would not be in favor of the Common Core Standards, based on their move for freedom and flexibility of what students are being taught. They believe that a structure model for all students is not necessary and students should be able to create their own identities. A few quotes really stood out as I was reading, “Students should have the capacity to reflect, to plan, to choose, and to become is the fundamental work of human existence.” and “…first move is to make every man aware of what he is and to make the full responsibility of his existence rest on him.” These sound good in theory, however some students don’t have the initiative to take control and work towards the necessary skills needed. I’m amazed at how many high school students say they want to get into the medical field, however have only taken the basic level science class. Or a student who wants to major in business in college however they have only taken one of the business classes offered. I do believe there should be some flexibility in
  • 7. education, however some structure and guidance is important to prepare students for an unknown to them. Bottom of Form Course 608 There the discussion's question, please write one page discussion After reading the chapter, comment on any or all of the societal forces facing today's youth: mass media, material consumption, violence, poverty, changing family structures. The first student There are so many societal forces facing our youth today. Our book makes several great points, but I also feel as if it is very outdated (published in 1999). The book discusses material consumption and mass media as a few of those social forces. I believe that since our book was published, the past 15 years has only intensified this problem exponentially. On page 110, our authors describe video games, walkman, telephone, and internet as consuming children's life. Now 15 years later, all those devices are jammed into one -- a smartphone. All of those devices and many more can fit into the pocket of a student. With the development of facebook and twitter (and other social media sites), studets are constantly infatuated with their online reputation and interests. What's worse is that they are not only infatuated, but the means are widely available. iPhones, Android phones, and Windows phones are in the majority of pockets of our middle and high school students. If a student does not have a smartphone, the majority of their efforts are probably to get one -- not to get an A on a test. This is because of the social pressures of peers and the need to conform to others. With all of the technological advances comes a host of problems - cyberbullying, data theft, sexting, texting/driving, etc. It also
  • 8. reduces face to face communication and social interaction. Having worked with middle school students for the last year and a half, I have learned that the majority of the evening time spent of a student is on facebook, texting friends, or sending inappropriate snap chats. This, with the changing family structure (less supervision in the evening), has led students to lose motivation for academics and miss out on moral/philosophical growth. Their minds are not being challenged, and the enjoyment of nature/outdoors has greatly diminished. The second Collapse Top of Form Total views: 21 (Your views: 1) Todays youth are faceting so many factors that can prevent or influence there performance in learning. Family structure is changeling , now there are so many more single family hopes or parents that have to both work; things such as this can greatly effect how a child feels . Parents are finding themselves with much less time to spend with children due to having to work more to make ends meet, this can effect having time together and less time to work on homework and such. Also children are exposed to much more electronics than before , this can include video gaming and television and other distractions that will take away from the desire to learn or study as well as having or taking time to study or doing homework. Also the Internet is at everyones finger tips, in my opinion this makes it way to easy to find information that is needed, children can easiy look up answers rather than taking time to actually study or read books in order to find information. We are living in an age of electronics and it is making our youth lazy, parents are finding it to easy to sit a child aside with a game and let them go and this may not necessarily be do to lack of caring but rather just being to tired because working so much or having to multitaskings in order to keep the household running.
  • 9. Bottom of Form The third There are many societal forces facing youth. Technology has a huge influence on the youth today and chases them everywhere. For example, a TV in the restaurant, barbershop, coffee shop, airport; also, there is an iPad in their pocket, DVD player and radio in the car, video game, and computer at home. Parents like to provide all kind of technology to their children to keep them busy all the time; however, technology plays an important role of students losing concentration and dispersion of attention in the classroom. The technology is causing the students to forgot how to use grammar correctly because of the use of internet slang. In addition, several students are losing their intelligence because too much technology use. Poverty rate has increased every year, and the highest percentage of the homeless is children. Many children live below the poverty and without health insurance, which make them become criminals and violence because they try to provide money for themselves or to reduce the anger inside themselves; however, schools try to help the children by providing free meal in the school and after school for them and their family who needs food and home. Even though the school is trying to help this is still not enough to keep the students in school and on a positive path. I have read several stories about students dropping out of school and selling drugs and worse. Family structure has changed with every generation. Many years ago, a father was responsible to provide his family’s needs, and the mother was responsible of the household and took care of her kids. Both parents and their kids were grateful for their living. Today, after the problem of price rises, one parent working is not enough to provide the family’s needs. Therefore, both parents work to provide the best life for themselves and their kids at the same time the kids do not get that much attention and care from their parents which lead some children
  • 10. to not doing well in the school. With both parents having to work, the children are left to become involved in illegal activities. Additionally, some girls are starting to become mothers at younger ages due to no parental supervision. Also, some kids are being raised without parents. The forth I like the statement from our text “We cannot hold teachers and other personnel responsible for finding solutions to all the serious problems facing youth today. Teachers can, and often do, provide meaningful environments for students, but they must compete with all of the societal forces-mass media, material consumption, violence, poverty, changing family structures-that are tremendous influences on the way young people construct meaning in their worlds" (deMarrais and LeCompte, 1999, p.143. The descriptions given for The Lessons of Schooling provide us teachers with several factors that help us to identify with the children we teach. Without exceptions all fall into one category or another. In our diverse communities, our students need a opportunity to express themselves in their academic understandings, but this is also seen as a challenge in life. Not having a strong voice or enough courage, students fail to meet academic and society’s needs. Building a community that is tolerant of our differences and celebrates our achievements goes a long way in helping students break down diverse barriers. Defining the “new role” as a student does depend on how we as teachers model our solutions to problems that arise. Personally, I feel students are always watching. How do we celebrate achievements, take our losses, and keep things together when sometimes they just fall apart. We are not personally responsible but at all parts of our day we are expected to model daily solutions to problems. The last Chapter 3 provides great insight into the social development of
  • 11. children as indivuals as well as the development of youth culture. The authors suggest that the terms peer group and youth culture are 'linked terms', resulting in the need to use the terms interchangebly and together. Children are not born with the instinct to survive. Rather, children are formally and informally taught by watching others, developing skills and learning through interaction. This process is called 'socialization'. Chapter 3 provides insight into the changing cultures of our youth. Within the context of patterns of consumption, technology, cultural survival and family structure -- children's process of socialization continues to evolve. With the addition of compulsory school attendance, education as a whole plays a greater role in the socialization of children than it did for past generations. Given the exponential growth of technology, media, social networking along with the decline of family structures -- children of today are presented with tremendous distractions. As educators, we must remain aware of all influences that impact our students. It is important to consider the experiences of students within a broader context. Students are not simply what we teach in school. Easy access to technology brings a controvesial level of 'addiction' to social media. Stress within the student's family (poverty, divorce, violence) will impact each student in very unique ways. For students who drop out of school, the authors suggest that these students may have already been placed at risk and were further forced out of societal norms by an institution that was unwilling to provide flexibility to meet the student's needs. Moving forward, perhaps school administrators and all stakeholders need to seek meaningful and effective solutions to reach all students -- especially those who need some flexibility in finding their way. ce 9