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Counseling Psychology
Counseling psychology is one of the many subfields of psychology, but it is the most thought of when one thinks of a psychologist. This special field
helps clients to explore the positive side of themselves and their lives and understand the negatives. Counseling psychologists focus their work on the
overall wellbeing of their clients. This subfield also has many benefits to society. Counseling Psychology helps people to improve their life, and while
they do not solely focus on mental disorders, they can focus on physical, emotional, and mental needs. An average individual who is experiencing
troubles in his life may seek out guidance from a counselor.
While counseling psychologists focus work on the general mental health on an individual, environmental psychologists solely focus on how the way
people act and react and how that affects the plants and environment. Environmental psychologists study responses to different environments and how
the environments affect one's more content...
Forensic psychology goes along with public service psychology and it helps to make daily decisions. The people that contribute so much to life deal
with forensic psychology when they help with laws, court orders, or even with people working to help others. This particular division helps several
day–to–day jobs such as public safety, diverse organizations, and so much more.
Rehabilitation psychology is another crucial component of psychology. The rehabilitation aspects work with people with disabilities, both born with
and acquired, to help them succeed and to help them make the most of their lives. Sports, war, and many other environments .. These special version
of psychologists are able to take all parts of one's life into consideration when helping them to improve their wellbeing. This field is able to help people
from all types of backgrounds with a variety of
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Perspectives of Psychology
Perspectives of Psychology Psychology can be defined as the systematic study of mental processes, couple with behaviors, and experiences (Kalat,
2011). There are many ways in examining, mental processes and behaviors among people, and therefore psychologist uses different perspectives to
understand how human beings, think, act, and behave. Some psychologist uses one perspective to analyze behaviors, and other uses a
multidimensional approach. Carter & Seifert (2013) identified 7 major perspectives that are used to study people's behavior, and mental processes.
These perspectives are the biological, evolutionary, psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, cognitive, and the sociocultural perspective. Biological
perspective more content...
The biological perspective, examines biological and environmental factors that shape how we learned. This perspective does not focus on subject
experiences, but objectives behaviors. Behavioral scientists are interested in how we learn from the things around us. The Humanistic perspective This
perspective assumes that we all thrive for personality growth, through mental processes and behaviors.. This perspective is different in its methodology
compare to the biological approach, and the psychodynamic approach. Both these perspectives assume that human beings are controlled by internal or
external forces. There are deterministic in nature. The humanistic perspective, promotes free will, and people can be, whatever, they envision
themselves. This perspective was influence by humanists such as Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow, who emphasizes on the importance of individual
potentials. The Cognitive perspective The cognitive and biological perspective, studies how the brain influence people's behavior. To differentiate the
two, we must look at which function the brain is being studied. The biological perspective looks at physiological responses from a biological
standpoint, factors such as genes and neurotransmitters. The cognitive perspective examines, how information is being
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Psychology : Psychology And Psychology
In the future, I ultimately intend to be a psychologist. With being a psychologist, I am taking on the responsibility on how to lead people into having an
overall better life and promote positive change for them. Psychologists often specialize in studying and examining the brain and human behavior. That
being said, psychology is a very important branch of science that attempts to help us stay sane!
Already getting started next year, I enrolled into a psychology class to get a jumpstart for when I go into college. I chose to enroll into the
psychology class because the human mind is something that is very complex and diverse. By me taking this class, I am partially more ahead and more
taught than that of a student who doesn't take the class. And that way, when I get into the psychology major, I have a small intake of what it is all about.
Once I'm done with taking the high school courses of psychology, I plan on going to the University of California, Los Angeles to further continue my
soon–to–be career. Researching the top ranked colleges of the psychology major, UCLA is ranked number 2! Me being in the psychology classes
might possibly give me a better look into wanting to study at the number 2 ranked college for psychology, so it should be a win–win situation.
In order to become a psychologist, there are certain classes that you have to enroll in. The required classes that you have to take into having the
psychology major are statistics, experimental methods/research
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Human relationships are the foundation of human life, they strongly influence other individual's behaviour (Bercheid et al., 2000). There are different
types of relationships such as co workers, friendship, marriage which all involve a connection and therefore is an important characteristic of the
formation of human relationships (Salisch 1996). The purpose of this essay is to explore research within human relationships and the relevant social
psychological theories that have been linked with this conflicting topic. The theories that will be discussed throughout this essay will be the attribution
theory, social learning theory, social exchange,attachment theory, evolutionary theory and the breakdown of relationships. This would
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To explain human relationships further, the social exchange theory can be another definite explanation to help distinguish how we feel to be with
other people and how one perceives to be with them, either to rekindle their relationship or to question the decisions that make to be in a
relationship (Kelley 1959). The social exchange theory can be defined as a term that allows behaviour to be exchanged to allow a relationship
between two people to happen (Huston et al., 2013). An individual social life involves interactions between two people which can be viewed as
social exchanges in terms of costs and benefits (Nakagawa et al., 2013). By taking the view of human relationships the social exchange theory argues
that individuals engage in a cost benefit analysis which forms their relationship with others (Milkie et al., 2004). When the costs and benefits are equal
in a relationship, it is defined as equitable (Siddiqui 2008). Moreover, romantic relationships may be difficult for some people as it involves
interpersonal skills in order to make them mutually satisfying therefore requires constant maintenance. Recently, Psychologists have begun to look at
the breakdown of relationships and the characteristics which requires them to fail. The breakdown of relationship is a theory which explains the failure
of certain human relationships and the factors that may be involved such as lack
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Industrial Psychology Essay
INTRODUCTION Industrial psychology is concerned with people at work. It is also called personnel psychology. A closely related field is known as
organizational psychology. Traditionally, industrial psychologists have assessed differences among individual workers and have evaluated individual
jobs. Organizational psychologists generally seek to understand how workers function in an organization, and how the organization functions in society.
The distinctions between industrial psychology and organizational psychology are not always clear. Thus, the two areas are often referred to jointly as
industrial/organizational psychology, or I/O psychology. I/O psychologists work for businesses, consulting firms, government departments,
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To have value, a system should maximize the accuracy with which people rate performance, and minimize bias. Industrial psychologists commonly
develop training programs. This function involves identifying performance or technical needs of employees that can be met by training. It also deals
with evaluating the effectiveness of the training program. Training needs may include ways to (1) help new employees get used to the organization, (2)
update technical skills of current employees, and (3) prepare employees for new responsibilities. Techniques used in training include classroom lectures,
work simulators, computer–assisted instruction, and role playing. Industrial psychologists devote much time to job satisfaction. They investigate
factors that have been found to relate to satisfaction, including employee turnover, absenteeism, age, pay, and attitudes toward unions. Industrial
psychologists also study motivation because evidence suggests that both motivation and ability are necessary for employees to succeed in their jobs.
Thus, psychologists develop systems for rewarding good performance, and they redesign jobs for greater interest and challenge. Another important
concern of industrial psychologists is what makes an effective leader. The psychologists help identify the personality traits of a good leader and the
types of leaders who should be selected for a particular position. Industrial psychologists also help maximize efficiency by
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Essay on my interest in psychology
my interest in psychology
I have always been intrigued by the mental processes of humans and animals. As a young child and into adolescence, as a student and teacher and as a
caregiver, I have always been interested in psychology in one form or another. This essay will reflect not only the development of my interest in
psychology, but the development of myself as a person.
I was born into a family with Native American heritage that practiced a strict protestant religion. As a child, I would often wonder why people's
attitudes, behaviors and beliefs could be so different from one another. I wondered why some people believed in things with great zeal, yetother people
believed the contrary just as more content...
I then went back to school with more determination and plunged myself into more psychology classes.
In these classes, I found myself naturally drawn to the topics of research methods and statistics. These two academic areas in particular provided an
environment in which I was able to develop and excercise my naturally analytical way of thinking. I then geared my undergraduate education towards
learning to perform research in psychology by taking more research and science based psychology classes. Additionally, I sought out and obtained
research assistantships with professors of cognition, physiological and clinical psychology. Specifically, I have been a primary research assistant for an
investigation of the effect of irony on recall and recognition, an investigation of the performance of children with and without Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) on a computer anticipation task, and an investigation of the effect of Polychlorinated Biphenyls on ADHD–like
behavior in laboratory rats. I have also assisted in literature reviews in the area of receptive language and Autism, as well as a review on sleep and
genetics. In addition, I have been a participant recruiter for a research project on familial inheritance of depression and REM sleep abnormalities. For
complete information, please see my attached curriculum vitae.
While taking research–based courses, I found that I had another natural inclination:
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Psychological Misconceptions
The topic of psychological myths and misconceptions are studied in the field of psychology by researchers. Psychological myths can be found just
anywhere. Sometimes, myths can be misinterpreted and misunderstood by people. However, understanding the myths can lead people to change their
view of the myths while allowing them to find new discovery. In this essay, three myths explained here are reinforcement, opposite–attracts, and
criminal profiling. Firstly, the reinforcement is thought to be the most effective method to reinforce a behavior. Reinforcement is the behavior that
repeats each time when an award is given (Wood & Boyd, p. 154). Unfortunately, it is an ineffective method because it can lead to extinction,
decrease of behavior, when the award is not given anymore. For example, a mother giving her son money every time when he cleans his room is
reinforcement. The son will most likely continue this behavior because receiving money increases his behavior to clean; but when his mother stops
rewarding him, he stops cleaning his room. Reinforcement is not very effective in this case. The idea behind this myth is to more content...
This myth does not seem to be true because a couple with opposite personality may result in more conflicts in comparison to a couple with similar
personality. A couple with similar personality tends to have a more common ground with each other which allows them to relate to one another
resulting in agreements (Watson, par. 3). On the other hand, a couple with opposite personality will find difficulties in relating to each other causing
disagreements. Researchers find that being with someone with similar interest will often result in a longer, lasting relationship because the chemistry
is there (Myers, par. 22). The idea behind this myth is that people look for a different, opposite partner so that they can explore new
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Essay on Psychology Class Reflection
Over the course of this class I have pieced together many things about my own life that before went unnoticed. I am now able to see things in a bit
of a different light. Now that I have been introduced to the realm of psychology I understand some of the reasons for behavior around me. I have
learned that there is a reason for most everything and a lot of our behaviors and mental processes can be explained through psychology. Studies have
been conducted for many years to try and pinpoint the source of our behavior and it is not something that most people think about every day. Having a
better understanding of why we operate the way we do will help me to better understand myself and the others around me. Our behavior more
role confusion stage. (Gerrig & Zimbardo, 2009) It is a coping mechanism that probably stems from his childhood in some way. This is just one
example of how I am seeing the world from a more psychological perspective. I now try and form some theory about abnormal behavior rather that
just shrugging it off. While I have not really had any experience with anyone with any very serious psychological conditions I see now that there is
much more than meets the eye when it comes to their behavior. There is typically some sort of explanation that can be found in psychology and I
think if everyone had a basic understanding of psychology they would understand the abnormal behavior a little better. After this introduction to
psychology I can now also better understand my behavior and understand the things that are affecting my life. There are certain aspects in my life
that limit me from making the choices I may prefer to make. I have obligations and responsibilities that I must maintain in order to provide a
decent life for my family. There is much at stake for me and I cannot always just do whatever it is that I would like to do. As a child I was raised in
a house where honesty was the key. It has been instilled in my life and to this day I know the right thing to do is to be honest. My parents were very
good at instilling a since of honor in me. I am still not sure how they did it but I know it affected the decisions that I made and make today. I was always
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Essay about Definition of Psychology
Definition of Psychology
The term psychology comes from two Greek words: psyche, which means
1. The spirit or soul. 2. The human mind. 3. In psychoanalysis, the mind functioning as the center of thought, emotion, and behavior.
And logos, "the study of." or according to modern researches "science"
These root words were first combined in the 16th century, at a time when the human soul, spirit, or mind was seen as distinct from the body.
Definition of Psychology:
Psychology is one of the youngest sciences. It is still going through the process of its development. There has been much fierce controversy about its
definition. It has been variously defined as the science of soul, more content...
Great psychologist like Sigmand Freud support this fact.
The science of Behavior:
J.B. Watson described Psychology as the science of Behavior.. He said that external action or behavior is the only concern of Psychology. He totally
ignored mental processes. He said that what goes on in our mind eventually comes out as our behavior. But this is not true for all times so this was
considered incomplete.
Now a days the most comprehensive definition of Psychology is:
"Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior, and its application to solve human problems"
"Psychology is the schematic study of behavior and mental processes"
This definition contains three elements. The first is that psychology is a scientific enterprise that obtains knowledge through systematic and objective
methods of observation and experimentation. Second is that psychologists study behavior, which refers to any action or reaction that can be measured
or observed–such as the blink of an eye, an increase in heart rate, or the unruly violence that often erupts in a mob. Third is that psychologists study the
mind, which refers to both conscious and unconscious mental states. These states cannot actually be seen, only inferred from
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Psychology : Sensation And Perception Essay
1.Define sensation and perception. How do sensation and perception differ from cognition? How might sensation and perception be related to cognition?
a.Although sensation and perception are closely related, it is very important to understand the difference between the two. Sensation is the process of
sensing our environment using our different sensory systems. There are four different systems: visual, auditory, cutaneous, and chemical. The
information we acquire through sensation is then sent to our brains. This is where the two now link together. Perception is the way that we interpret that
information from our senses in order for it to mean anything. Simply put, perceiving is believing. Perception differs from person to person. Using
color as an example, the color "green" to one person may be different to another person.
Cognition is not the same as perception but they are directly linked to one another as well. Simplest way to explain cognition is the word thinking.
Cognition involves our thought processes and how we store information. 90% of what we see is lost by the time it reaches our brain. This means that we
combine our visual information with information previously stored in our brain. So without the information from cognition, perception and sensation
would not be the same.
2.Describe the Gestalt Approach to sensation and perception. How does it differ from the Empiricist Approach?
a.The Gestalt Approach, which came from German psychologists, believes that
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Persuasive Essay About Psychology
Imagine that a friend of yours heard that you were taking a psychology class. Your friend asks you. "Why are you wasting your time with that class?
I never took a psych class but it seems like a waste of time. It seems like other fields are more important." Write a short dialogue where you either
agree or disagree with your friend about the importance of psychology. In your dialogue, include at least two pieces of evidence that support your
argument. Friend: I heard you are taking a psychology class.
Me: Yeah! Why?
Friend: Why are you wasting your time with that class? I never took a psych class but it seems like a waste of time. It seems like other fields are more
Me: You can think what you wish, but the psychology field has many different branches that are beneficial to society. In psychology, we have learned
many different tools that could be used in the real world.
Friend: Like what?
Me: First, psychology has many different roots and main schools of thought. A few of them are behaviorism, cognitive, humanistic, and neuroscience.
Friend: Well, how does that make psychology more important than other fields?
Me: The main schools of thought look into many different aspects of the brain, behavior and other things of that nature. I think that it is very helpful to
understand and know how people function, think, and act, especially because we all have to live together.
Friend: Okay. I see where you're coming from but I am not sure I can fully agree with you
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Through reviewing my Projection essay, I noticed that my priorities, purpose, goals, attributes, and hurdles have all remained the same. In my
essay, I described that by taking a psychology course this quarter, I would hopefully have a better idea if that is a subject I would enjoy focusing
my career on. My passion for psychology has been reinforced this quarter as I have found every topic in my psychology class to be engaging and
interesting. My interest in this subject is evident as it has led me to work extremely hard in this class as there is a lot of content that is covered in the
reading. This class has strengthened my desire and potential to enter the field of psychology and has lead me to think further about what specific career more content...
Receiving a degree signifies to employers that the individual has completed and been exposed to a certain amount of knowledge regarding the topic. It
can also serve as a prerequisite to additional education or training that will allow an individual to continue and advance their chosen career. Along
with the knowledge that universities equip individuals with, college helps individuals grow by becoming more responsible and developing into
adults. This is evident as students must learn to manage their time and spread out their workload and as they are given the responsibility of doing
homework despite completion not being checked. College also requires students to be responsible as they receive less guidance from peers and
professors, are expected to do more without relying on others, and must gain a sense of maturity. By attending college, the ability to attain my
goals are strengthened. Prior to entering college, I was unsure what I wanted to major in or what career I would have in the future. In the
beginning of the year at orientation, I had to pick a major of interest, having no clue what I wanted to do, I decided to focus on psychology simply
because a high school psychology class I took was interesting. But through college allowing me to take specific classes, I was able to see that
psychology truly is a field I am interested in and a career I could find myself happy in. This
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Personal Reflection In Psychology
I consider myself someone who values the question "why?". My entire life I have caught myself questioning things that others never really seemed to
care to think about, about a multitude of subjects. Specifically, asking those close to me like my parents, siblings, friends, and now my husband.
Leaning this semester about Psychology has been very interesting to me because it had helped me understand the "why" behind the way the brain
works. In this class, Lifespan Growth and Development, I have learned about concepts that I will be able to carry with me throughout my college
education, my professional career, my marriage, and my eventual parenthood as a mother. One of the topics I learned about that intrigued me the
most, was about Jean Piaget and his work. I think this is because the concepts that were learned in this class over Piaget's studies relate to multiple
chapters in a person's life, so it was easy to connect back with and understand. It was easy for me to understand the "why" because I was able to
relate it back to Piaget's study. Piaget was a psychologist who focused on the "qualitative changes" that occur in a child's "mode of thought" (Crandell,
Human Development). He studied that a child's biological growth combined with the interactions of their environment led to specific stages that would
take place at different ages in one's life. This is especially interesting to me as an adult now because even though I don't have children, I have friends
who have
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Psychology Reflection Paper
In this fast paced world we live in it is often hard to find the time to ask ourselves, "Who am I?" To even begin to scratch the surface of this question
one must first understand the brain and how experiences shape who we are. These events can either be tragic, uplifting, or redefining. Psychology
states that these experiences can affect the outcome of a person's personality (Wood, et. al., 2014). Personality is a multifaceted array of
idiosyncrasies that help us understand a person's behaviors, identity, and characteristics. Inside my mind is a vault filled with nineteen years
worth of memories and learned behaviors that have impacted me in some way. In order to gain a better understanding of who I am I must delve
deep into my mind and analyze the core components of my personality. Having taken this class I have come to understand a lot about my emotions
and why I feel the way that I do about certain things throughout my life. Stress is something that has weighed heavy on me since a very young age.
I have always wondered why I seemed to not be able to handle stress as well as my peers. Then I came to understand that mothers who experience
high levels of stress during pregnancy release high levels of cortisol, and in turn this can have a lasting effect on the baby. (Wood, et. al., 2014) This
includes the child not being able to deal with stress as well as he or she grows up and even an increased chance at the baby suffering from high blood
pressure later in in life.
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Reflection Paper On Psychology And Psychology
Taking Introduction to Psychology has given me the opportunity to examine myself. As I learned about concepts in class I found myself asking, "How
does this apply to my life?" Soon, I grew cognizant that the curriculum was not a study in psychological diseases or a discussion of the abstract
subconscious. It was exposure to constructs affecting my daily emotions, thoughts, and stresses. The areas of Psychology that push me toward my
future goals and explain who I am today are my nurture, growth mindset, and motivation. Seeking to make sense of my past, present and future, this
essay was written.
From the point of view of an outside observer, it is understandable one may not understand the childhood that has had a profound impact in my later
years. My parents are the two people I trust most in the world. This will change, inevitably, but I have a great deal of respect for how they brought
my brothers and me into the world. One must first understand the distant personality's who raised me. My father is a hard worker who has a
compulsion to stay busy. My mother encourages learning new things and individuality. Both are religious and exhibit good values and dedication. I
love what my parents have done to provide a stable life. They have given me what I've needed, yet fostered an environment where I have to work for
what I want to achieve. I'm thankful that things are not handed to me. Science suggests many of my parent's traits are inside me. Through the class, I
have been
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The Science of Psychology Essay
The Science of Psychology
"Psychology is the scientific study of mind, brain and behaviour. Some of what you do learn may seem like 'common sense', or at least familiar to
you because you are learning about topics in which you can relate to. However some things you may believe is true, but is incorrect. The way we
know this is through the application of scientific methods."
Mark Leary suggests that the subject matter of psychology is much more familiar to most people than is the subject matter of physics or biology; we
see behaviour all around us. Psychology would be an odd science of thought and behaviour if it only considered thoughts and behaviours completely
foreign to people' more content...
An example of this is; one of the simplest rules of behaviour is that if you reward someone for doing something, they are more likely to do it again
(the principle of reinforcement. How many people out there actually verbalise this rule and use it consistently? Certainly not the mother who rewards
her child's tired tantrum in the street by buying them a toy or a magazine, nor the person who showers their partner with attention and affection when
they are having a jealous sulk at a party.
If you take Milgram's study of obedience, you can see that, the teacher obeyed the person with authority. If you met a policeman in the street and he
asks you where you were the following night, because an incident happened and you may have been around the area or the time it happened, you
would do as the policeman asks as he has more authority, so it may seem like common sense, as it is something you would see happening in
everyday life. But Milgram's study was a scientific experiment to see whether people would go as far as killing a person by authority.
Also if you look at the surroundings and at how the experiment was set up it was all very scientific, based in a make–believe laboratory. With
scientific equipment, so a lot of it actually was more scientific than common sense, which is explained above that scientific methods usually way up
more than common sense.
Zimbardo's study
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What Psychology is to Me Essay
What Psychology is to Me
After taking Psychology 1000, psychology means much more to me than it did prior to taking the class. At the beginning of the semester, I was asked
to define the word psychology, and the best definition I could muster was simply the study of the mind and how it works. After examining the large
realm of the science of psychology I now realize that this definition was quite incomplete.
My initial definition simply covered the branch of psychology known as cognitive psychology, and this is only one of many areas that are actually
included under the title psychology. Many psychologists focus on more quantitative aspects than the function of the human mind. There are several
different more content...
This is just one of the many examples that illustrate this point, and that makes developing a working definition of the term psychology extremely
difficult to attain.
The range of topics that are considered psychology is very surprising to a newcomer in the field. Everything from determining which parts of the brain
are responsible for controlling certain senses to analyzing the influence of society on behavior and development is considered ?psychology?. So it is
obvious that my original definition was extremely limited, but it has now been vastly broadened.
In addition to recognizing the broad range of topics that psychology covers, I also realized that there is large number of different occupations a
person trained in psychology can hold. My original idea was that a psychologist was a person who dealt only with psychoanalysis, and I would
imagine that this is a common misconception. The possible career fields for a psychologist is much greater than I had imagined it to be, it includes
everything from school counselors to psychiatrists to sensation and perception researchers.
Each different area of psychology has many differences from all of the other areas, but the origins of these areas enables them all to fall under the
incredibly large topic of psychology. Although psychology is a very large topic this immense field is still
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A Career as a Psychologist Essay
Psychologists are very important people; they help millions of people with their everyday struggles and problems that they have to deal with. Not
only do psychologists help people with problems that they cannot handle on their own, they also are scientists who study human minds and
behaviors. With being a psychologist, there are many different careers to choose from within this profession (Explore Health Careers). The first type
of psychologists to choose from is a clinical psychologist. Clinical psychologists help people with counseling and psychotherapy. They work with
people who have all around life problems, such as new adjustments in life. Clinical psychologists also help people who have emotional disorders or more content...
They also provide consolation to courts and attorneys in different types of legal proceedings (Psyris). Next is an organization psychologist, which helps
in the productivity of groups and individuals in a workplace. These types of psychologists focus on improving the function of organizations, and to keep
individuals healthy within the organization (Psyris). Another type of psychology to choose from is a counseling psychologist. These are important
psychologists because they teach people how to deal with their everyday problems. They help their patients determine their problems and help them
understand the problems they are facing. Not only do counseling psychologists help their patients with the issues they are experiencing at home but
also in their workplace or their community in general. By helping their patients identify their strengths and resources, is how counseling psychologists
help them with their problems (Bureau of Labor Statistics). The next type of psychology is the developmental psychologist. Developmental
psychologists work with psychological processes and development that takes place throughout life. They study aging and problems the elderly may
face, but this type of psychologist mainly focuses on children and adolescents (Bureau of Labor Statistics). The last type of psychologist to choose
from is the social
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Introduction to Psychology Essay examples
Introduction to Psychology The concern about life is a main human characteristic. No matter if his concern is concentrated in himself or in persons or
things that surround him and constitute his environment, everybody wants to know why people, himself included, behave the way they behave.
Everybody, also, wants to improve his behavior, so as to live in harmony with himself and the society. The Greek word Psychology, is a word consisted
of the words ψυχή–soul and λόγος–utterance, talk. So, generally, psychology is the science
that examines the soul. But , since the psychologists work on the problems of the personal, family, school, professional and social life, we could say, more content...
The heartbeats, the movements of our head are behavior. The way we eat, the way we drink, the way we walk, we talk, are behavior. The
construction of a bridge, the composition of a song are behavior. The fantasies of a child, the dreams of a adolescent, the illusions of an alcoholic
are behavior. Although we are all familiar with human behavior, a little do we understand or we can explain about it. Since our infancy we learn
about behavior through the experiences and the knowledge that we get by observing other people or having relations with them. Living in society
leads us to watch and try to explain the way people behave. But that is not always easy. Sometimes we cannot understand even ourselves. Psychology
comes to give answers to all this uncertainty. Therefore, according to modern psychology, the term behavior means all the conscious, unconscious,
verbal, mental and kinetic expressions of ourselves. Psychology uses statistic researches so as to distinguish the normal behavior from the abnormal
one. Such a thing is very difficult because every society has its own behavior standards, and, consequently, an act that is normal according to one
society, may be abnormal according to another. For example, polygamy is not permitted in Europe, but it is permitted in certain societies in Africa. So,
the judgement of a behavior must bear in mind the social environment in which it takes place .
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Counseling Psychology

  • 1. Counseling Psychology Counseling psychology is one of the many subfields of psychology, but it is the most thought of when one thinks of a psychologist. This special field helps clients to explore the positive side of themselves and their lives and understand the negatives. Counseling psychologists focus their work on the overall wellbeing of their clients. This subfield also has many benefits to society. Counseling Psychology helps people to improve their life, and while they do not solely focus on mental disorders, they can focus on physical, emotional, and mental needs. An average individual who is experiencing troubles in his life may seek out guidance from a counselor. While counseling psychologists focus work on the general mental health on an individual, environmental psychologists solely focus on how the way people act and react and how that affects the plants and environment. Environmental psychologists study responses to different environments and how the environments affect one's more content... Forensic psychology goes along with public service psychology and it helps to make daily decisions. The people that contribute so much to life deal with forensic psychology when they help with laws, court orders, or even with people working to help others. This particular division helps several day–to–day jobs such as public safety, diverse organizations, and so much more. Rehabilitation psychology is another crucial component of psychology. The rehabilitation aspects work with people with disabilities, both born with and acquired, to help them succeed and to help them make the most of their lives. Sports, war, and many other environments .. These special version of psychologists are able to take all parts of one's life into consideration when helping them to improve their wellbeing. This field is able to help people from all types of backgrounds with a variety of Get more content on
  • 2. Perspectives of Psychology Perspectives of Psychology Psychology can be defined as the systematic study of mental processes, couple with behaviors, and experiences (Kalat, 2011). There are many ways in examining, mental processes and behaviors among people, and therefore psychologist uses different perspectives to understand how human beings, think, act, and behave. Some psychologist uses one perspective to analyze behaviors, and other uses a multidimensional approach. Carter & Seifert (2013) identified 7 major perspectives that are used to study people's behavior, and mental processes. These perspectives are the biological, evolutionary, psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, cognitive, and the sociocultural perspective. Biological perspective more content... The biological perspective, examines biological and environmental factors that shape how we learned. This perspective does not focus on subject experiences, but objectives behaviors. Behavioral scientists are interested in how we learn from the things around us. The Humanistic perspective This perspective assumes that we all thrive for personality growth, through mental processes and behaviors.. This perspective is different in its methodology compare to the biological approach, and the psychodynamic approach. Both these perspectives assume that human beings are controlled by internal or external forces. There are deterministic in nature. The humanistic perspective, promotes free will, and people can be, whatever, they envision themselves. This perspective was influence by humanists such as Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow, who emphasizes on the importance of individual potentials. The Cognitive perspective The cognitive and biological perspective, studies how the brain influence people's behavior. To differentiate the two, we must look at which function the brain is being studied. The biological perspective looks at physiological responses from a biological standpoint, factors such as genes and neurotransmitters. The cognitive perspective examines, how information is being Get more content on
  • 3. Psychology : Psychology And Psychology In the future, I ultimately intend to be a psychologist. With being a psychologist, I am taking on the responsibility on how to lead people into having an overall better life and promote positive change for them. Psychologists often specialize in studying and examining the brain and human behavior. That being said, psychology is a very important branch of science that attempts to help us stay sane! Already getting started next year, I enrolled into a psychology class to get a jumpstart for when I go into college. I chose to enroll into the psychology class because the human mind is something that is very complex and diverse. By me taking this class, I am partially more ahead and more taught than that of a student who doesn't take the class. And that way, when I get into the psychology major, I have a small intake of what it is all about. Once I'm done with taking the high school courses of psychology, I plan on going to the University of California, Los Angeles to further continue my soon–to–be career. Researching the top ranked colleges of the psychology major, UCLA is ranked number 2! Me being in the psychology classes might possibly give me a better look into wanting to study at the number 2 ranked college for psychology, so it should be a win–win situation. In order to become a psychologist, there are certain classes that you have to enroll in. The required classes that you have to take into having the psychology major are statistics, experimental methods/research Get more content on
  • 4. Human relationships are the foundation of human life, they strongly influence other individual's behaviour (Bercheid et al., 2000). There are different types of relationships such as co workers, friendship, marriage which all involve a connection and therefore is an important characteristic of the formation of human relationships (Salisch 1996). The purpose of this essay is to explore research within human relationships and the relevant social psychological theories that have been linked with this conflicting topic. The theories that will be discussed throughout this essay will be the attribution theory, social learning theory, social exchange,attachment theory, evolutionary theory and the breakdown of relationships. This would more content... To explain human relationships further, the social exchange theory can be another definite explanation to help distinguish how we feel to be with other people and how one perceives to be with them, either to rekindle their relationship or to question the decisions that make to be in a relationship (Kelley 1959). The social exchange theory can be defined as a term that allows behaviour to be exchanged to allow a relationship between two people to happen (Huston et al., 2013). An individual social life involves interactions between two people which can be viewed as social exchanges in terms of costs and benefits (Nakagawa et al., 2013). By taking the view of human relationships the social exchange theory argues that individuals engage in a cost benefit analysis which forms their relationship with others (Milkie et al., 2004). When the costs and benefits are equal in a relationship, it is defined as equitable (Siddiqui 2008). Moreover, romantic relationships may be difficult for some people as it involves interpersonal skills in order to make them mutually satisfying therefore requires constant maintenance. Recently, Psychologists have begun to look at the breakdown of relationships and the characteristics which requires them to fail. The breakdown of relationship is a theory which explains the failure of certain human relationships and the factors that may be involved such as lack Get more content on
  • 5. Industrial Psychology Essay INTRODUCTION Industrial psychology is concerned with people at work. It is also called personnel psychology. A closely related field is known as organizational psychology. Traditionally, industrial psychologists have assessed differences among individual workers and have evaluated individual jobs. Organizational psychologists generally seek to understand how workers function in an organization, and how the organization functions in society. The distinctions between industrial psychology and organizational psychology are not always clear. Thus, the two areas are often referred to jointly as industrial/organizational psychology, or I/O psychology. I/O psychologists work for businesses, consulting firms, government departments, more content... To have value, a system should maximize the accuracy with which people rate performance, and minimize bias. Industrial psychologists commonly develop training programs. This function involves identifying performance or technical needs of employees that can be met by training. It also deals with evaluating the effectiveness of the training program. Training needs may include ways to (1) help new employees get used to the organization, (2) update technical skills of current employees, and (3) prepare employees for new responsibilities. Techniques used in training include classroom lectures, work simulators, computer–assisted instruction, and role playing. Industrial psychologists devote much time to job satisfaction. They investigate factors that have been found to relate to satisfaction, including employee turnover, absenteeism, age, pay, and attitudes toward unions. Industrial psychologists also study motivation because evidence suggests that both motivation and ability are necessary for employees to succeed in their jobs. Thus, psychologists develop systems for rewarding good performance, and they redesign jobs for greater interest and challenge. Another important concern of industrial psychologists is what makes an effective leader. The psychologists help identify the personality traits of a good leader and the types of leaders who should be selected for a particular position. Industrial psychologists also help maximize efficiency by Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on my interest in psychology my interest in psychology I have always been intrigued by the mental processes of humans and animals. As a young child and into adolescence, as a student and teacher and as a caregiver, I have always been interested in psychology in one form or another. This essay will reflect not only the development of my interest in psychology, but the development of myself as a person. I was born into a family with Native American heritage that practiced a strict protestant religion. As a child, I would often wonder why people's attitudes, behaviors and beliefs could be so different from one another. I wondered why some people believed in things with great zeal, yetother people believed the contrary just as more content... I then went back to school with more determination and plunged myself into more psychology classes. In these classes, I found myself naturally drawn to the topics of research methods and statistics. These two academic areas in particular provided an environment in which I was able to develop and excercise my naturally analytical way of thinking. I then geared my undergraduate education towards learning to perform research in psychology by taking more research and science based psychology classes. Additionally, I sought out and obtained research assistantships with professors of cognition, physiological and clinical psychology. Specifically, I have been a primary research assistant for an investigation of the effect of irony on recall and recognition, an investigation of the performance of children with and without Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) on a computer anticipation task, and an investigation of the effect of Polychlorinated Biphenyls on ADHD–like behavior in laboratory rats. I have also assisted in literature reviews in the area of receptive language and Autism, as well as a review on sleep and genetics. In addition, I have been a participant recruiter for a research project on familial inheritance of depression and REM sleep abnormalities. For complete information, please see my attached curriculum vitae.
  • 7. While taking research–based courses, I found that I had another natural inclination: Get more content on
  • 8. Psychological Misconceptions The topic of psychological myths and misconceptions are studied in the field of psychology by researchers. Psychological myths can be found just anywhere. Sometimes, myths can be misinterpreted and misunderstood by people. However, understanding the myths can lead people to change their view of the myths while allowing them to find new discovery. In this essay, three myths explained here are reinforcement, opposite–attracts, and criminal profiling. Firstly, the reinforcement is thought to be the most effective method to reinforce a behavior. Reinforcement is the behavior that repeats each time when an award is given (Wood & Boyd, p. 154). Unfortunately, it is an ineffective method because it can lead to extinction, decrease of behavior, when the award is not given anymore. For example, a mother giving her son money every time when he cleans his room is reinforcement. The son will most likely continue this behavior because receiving money increases his behavior to clean; but when his mother stops rewarding him, he stops cleaning his room. Reinforcement is not very effective in this case. The idea behind this myth is to more content... This myth does not seem to be true because a couple with opposite personality may result in more conflicts in comparison to a couple with similar personality. A couple with similar personality tends to have a more common ground with each other which allows them to relate to one another resulting in agreements (Watson, par. 3). On the other hand, a couple with opposite personality will find difficulties in relating to each other causing disagreements. Researchers find that being with someone with similar interest will often result in a longer, lasting relationship because the chemistry is there (Myers, par. 22). The idea behind this myth is that people look for a different, opposite partner so that they can explore new Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Psychology Class Reflection Over the course of this class I have pieced together many things about my own life that before went unnoticed. I am now able to see things in a bit of a different light. Now that I have been introduced to the realm of psychology I understand some of the reasons for behavior around me. I have learned that there is a reason for most everything and a lot of our behaviors and mental processes can be explained through psychology. Studies have been conducted for many years to try and pinpoint the source of our behavior and it is not something that most people think about every day. Having a better understanding of why we operate the way we do will help me to better understand myself and the others around me. Our behavior more content... role confusion stage. (Gerrig & Zimbardo, 2009) It is a coping mechanism that probably stems from his childhood in some way. This is just one example of how I am seeing the world from a more psychological perspective. I now try and form some theory about abnormal behavior rather that just shrugging it off. While I have not really had any experience with anyone with any very serious psychological conditions I see now that there is much more than meets the eye when it comes to their behavior. There is typically some sort of explanation that can be found in psychology and I think if everyone had a basic understanding of psychology they would understand the abnormal behavior a little better. After this introduction to psychology I can now also better understand my behavior and understand the things that are affecting my life. There are certain aspects in my life that limit me from making the choices I may prefer to make. I have obligations and responsibilities that I must maintain in order to provide a decent life for my family. There is much at stake for me and I cannot always just do whatever it is that I would like to do. As a child I was raised in a house where honesty was the key. It has been instilled in my life and to this day I know the right thing to do is to be honest. My parents were very good at instilling a since of honor in me. I am still not sure how they did it but I know it affected the decisions that I made and make today. I was always Get more content on
  • 10. Essay about Definition of Psychology Definition of Psychology The term psychology comes from two Greek words: psyche, which means 1. The spirit or soul. 2. The human mind. 3. In psychoanalysis, the mind functioning as the center of thought, emotion, and behavior. And logos, "the study of." or according to modern researches "science" These root words were first combined in the 16th century, at a time when the human soul, spirit, or mind was seen as distinct from the body. Definition of Psychology: Psychology is one of the youngest sciences. It is still going through the process of its development. There has been much fierce controversy about its definition. It has been variously defined as the science of soul, more content... Great psychologist like Sigmand Freud support this fact. The science of Behavior: J.B. Watson described Psychology as the science of Behavior.. He said that external action or behavior is the only concern of Psychology. He totally ignored mental processes. He said that what goes on in our mind eventually comes out as our behavior. But this is not true for all times so this was considered incomplete. Now a days the most comprehensive definition of Psychology is: "Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior, and its application to solve human problems"
  • 11. OR "Psychology is the schematic study of behavior and mental processes" This definition contains three elements. The first is that psychology is a scientific enterprise that obtains knowledge through systematic and objective methods of observation and experimentation. Second is that psychologists study behavior, which refers to any action or reaction that can be measured or observed–such as the blink of an eye, an increase in heart rate, or the unruly violence that often erupts in a mob. Third is that psychologists study the mind, which refers to both conscious and unconscious mental states. These states cannot actually be seen, only inferred from Get more content on
  • 12. Psychology : Sensation And Perception Essay 1.Define sensation and perception. How do sensation and perception differ from cognition? How might sensation and perception be related to cognition? a.Although sensation and perception are closely related, it is very important to understand the difference between the two. Sensation is the process of sensing our environment using our different sensory systems. There are four different systems: visual, auditory, cutaneous, and chemical. The information we acquire through sensation is then sent to our brains. This is where the two now link together. Perception is the way that we interpret that information from our senses in order for it to mean anything. Simply put, perceiving is believing. Perception differs from person to person. Using color as an example, the color "green" to one person may be different to another person. Cognition is not the same as perception but they are directly linked to one another as well. Simplest way to explain cognition is the word thinking. Cognition involves our thought processes and how we store information. 90% of what we see is lost by the time it reaches our brain. This means that we combine our visual information with information previously stored in our brain. So without the information from cognition, perception and sensation would not be the same. 2.Describe the Gestalt Approach to sensation and perception. How does it differ from the Empiricist Approach? a.The Gestalt Approach, which came from German psychologists, believes that Get more content on
  • 13. Persuasive Essay About Psychology Imagine that a friend of yours heard that you were taking a psychology class. Your friend asks you. "Why are you wasting your time with that class? I never took a psych class but it seems like a waste of time. It seems like other fields are more important." Write a short dialogue where you either agree or disagree with your friend about the importance of psychology. In your dialogue, include at least two pieces of evidence that support your argument. Friend: I heard you are taking a psychology class. Me: Yeah! Why? Friend: Why are you wasting your time with that class? I never took a psych class but it seems like a waste of time. It seems like other fields are more important. Me: You can think what you wish, but the psychology field has many different branches that are beneficial to society. In psychology, we have learned many different tools that could be used in the real world. Friend: Like what? Me: First, psychology has many different roots and main schools of thought. A few of them are behaviorism, cognitive, humanistic, and neuroscience. Friend: Well, how does that make psychology more important than other fields? Me: The main schools of thought look into many different aspects of the brain, behavior and other things of that nature. I think that it is very helpful to understand and know how people function, think, and act, especially because we all have to live together. Friend: Okay. I see where you're coming from but I am not sure I can fully agree with you Get more content on
  • 14. Through reviewing my Projection essay, I noticed that my priorities, purpose, goals, attributes, and hurdles have all remained the same. In my essay, I described that by taking a psychology course this quarter, I would hopefully have a better idea if that is a subject I would enjoy focusing my career on. My passion for psychology has been reinforced this quarter as I have found every topic in my psychology class to be engaging and interesting. My interest in this subject is evident as it has led me to work extremely hard in this class as there is a lot of content that is covered in the reading. This class has strengthened my desire and potential to enter the field of psychology and has lead me to think further about what specific career more content... Receiving a degree signifies to employers that the individual has completed and been exposed to a certain amount of knowledge regarding the topic. It can also serve as a prerequisite to additional education or training that will allow an individual to continue and advance their chosen career. Along with the knowledge that universities equip individuals with, college helps individuals grow by becoming more responsible and developing into adults. This is evident as students must learn to manage their time and spread out their workload and as they are given the responsibility of doing homework despite completion not being checked. College also requires students to be responsible as they receive less guidance from peers and professors, are expected to do more without relying on others, and must gain a sense of maturity. By attending college, the ability to attain my goals are strengthened. Prior to entering college, I was unsure what I wanted to major in or what career I would have in the future. In the beginning of the year at orientation, I had to pick a major of interest, having no clue what I wanted to do, I decided to focus on psychology simply because a high school psychology class I took was interesting. But through college allowing me to take specific classes, I was able to see that psychology truly is a field I am interested in and a career I could find myself happy in. This Get more content on
  • 15. Personal Reflection In Psychology I consider myself someone who values the question "why?". My entire life I have caught myself questioning things that others never really seemed to care to think about, about a multitude of subjects. Specifically, asking those close to me like my parents, siblings, friends, and now my husband. Leaning this semester about Psychology has been very interesting to me because it had helped me understand the "why" behind the way the brain works. In this class, Lifespan Growth and Development, I have learned about concepts that I will be able to carry with me throughout my college education, my professional career, my marriage, and my eventual parenthood as a mother. One of the topics I learned about that intrigued me the most, was about Jean Piaget and his work. I think this is because the concepts that were learned in this class over Piaget's studies relate to multiple chapters in a person's life, so it was easy to connect back with and understand. It was easy for me to understand the "why" because I was able to relate it back to Piaget's study. Piaget was a psychologist who focused on the "qualitative changes" that occur in a child's "mode of thought" (Crandell, Human Development). He studied that a child's biological growth combined with the interactions of their environment led to specific stages that would take place at different ages in one's life. This is especially interesting to me as an adult now because even though I don't have children, I have friends who have Get more content on
  • 16. Psychology Reflection Paper In this fast paced world we live in it is often hard to find the time to ask ourselves, "Who am I?" To even begin to scratch the surface of this question one must first understand the brain and how experiences shape who we are. These events can either be tragic, uplifting, or redefining. Psychology states that these experiences can affect the outcome of a person's personality (Wood, et. al., 2014). Personality is a multifaceted array of idiosyncrasies that help us understand a person's behaviors, identity, and characteristics. Inside my mind is a vault filled with nineteen years worth of memories and learned behaviors that have impacted me in some way. In order to gain a better understanding of who I am I must delve deep into my mind and analyze the core components of my personality. Having taken this class I have come to understand a lot about my emotions and why I feel the way that I do about certain things throughout my life. Stress is something that has weighed heavy on me since a very young age. I have always wondered why I seemed to not be able to handle stress as well as my peers. Then I came to understand that mothers who experience high levels of stress during pregnancy release high levels of cortisol, and in turn this can have a lasting effect on the baby. (Wood, et. al., 2014) This includes the child not being able to deal with stress as well as he or she grows up and even an increased chance at the baby suffering from high blood pressure later in in life. Get more content on
  • 17. Reflection Paper On Psychology And Psychology Taking Introduction to Psychology has given me the opportunity to examine myself. As I learned about concepts in class I found myself asking, "How does this apply to my life?" Soon, I grew cognizant that the curriculum was not a study in psychological diseases or a discussion of the abstract subconscious. It was exposure to constructs affecting my daily emotions, thoughts, and stresses. The areas of Psychology that push me toward my future goals and explain who I am today are my nurture, growth mindset, and motivation. Seeking to make sense of my past, present and future, this essay was written. From the point of view of an outside observer, it is understandable one may not understand the childhood that has had a profound impact in my later years. My parents are the two people I trust most in the world. This will change, inevitably, but I have a great deal of respect for how they brought my brothers and me into the world. One must first understand the distant personality's who raised me. My father is a hard worker who has a compulsion to stay busy. My mother encourages learning new things and individuality. Both are religious and exhibit good values and dedication. I love what my parents have done to provide a stable life. They have given me what I've needed, yet fostered an environment where I have to work for what I want to achieve. I'm thankful that things are not handed to me. Science suggests many of my parent's traits are inside me. Through the class, I have been Get more content on
  • 18. The Science of Psychology Essay The Science of Psychology "Psychology is the scientific study of mind, brain and behaviour. Some of what you do learn may seem like 'common sense', or at least familiar to you because you are learning about topics in which you can relate to. However some things you may believe is true, but is incorrect. The way we know this is through the application of scientific methods." Mark Leary suggests that the subject matter of psychology is much more familiar to most people than is the subject matter of physics or biology; we see behaviour all around us. Psychology would be an odd science of thought and behaviour if it only considered thoughts and behaviours completely foreign to people' more content... An example of this is; one of the simplest rules of behaviour is that if you reward someone for doing something, they are more likely to do it again (the principle of reinforcement. How many people out there actually verbalise this rule and use it consistently? Certainly not the mother who rewards her child's tired tantrum in the street by buying them a toy or a magazine, nor the person who showers their partner with attention and affection when they are having a jealous sulk at a party. If you take Milgram's study of obedience, you can see that, the teacher obeyed the person with authority. If you met a policeman in the street and he asks you where you were the following night, because an incident happened and you may have been around the area or the time it happened, you would do as the policeman asks as he has more authority, so it may seem like common sense, as it is something you would see happening in everyday life. But Milgram's study was a scientific experiment to see whether people would go as far as killing a person by authority. Also if you look at the surroundings and at how the experiment was set up it was all very scientific, based in a make–believe laboratory. With scientific equipment, so a lot of it actually was more scientific than common sense, which is explained above that scientific methods usually way up more than common sense. Zimbardo's study
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  • 20. What Psychology is to Me Essay What Psychology is to Me After taking Psychology 1000, psychology means much more to me than it did prior to taking the class. At the beginning of the semester, I was asked to define the word psychology, and the best definition I could muster was simply the study of the mind and how it works. After examining the large realm of the science of psychology I now realize that this definition was quite incomplete. My initial definition simply covered the branch of psychology known as cognitive psychology, and this is only one of many areas that are actually included under the title psychology. Many psychologists focus on more quantitative aspects than the function of the human mind. There are several different more content... This is just one of the many examples that illustrate this point, and that makes developing a working definition of the term psychology extremely difficult to attain. The range of topics that are considered psychology is very surprising to a newcomer in the field. Everything from determining which parts of the brain are responsible for controlling certain senses to analyzing the influence of society on behavior and development is considered ?psychology?. So it is obvious that my original definition was extremely limited, but it has now been vastly broadened. In addition to recognizing the broad range of topics that psychology covers, I also realized that there is large number of different occupations a person trained in psychology can hold. My original idea was that a psychologist was a person who dealt only with psychoanalysis, and I would imagine that this is a common misconception. The possible career fields for a psychologist is much greater than I had imagined it to be, it includes everything from school counselors to psychiatrists to sensation and perception researchers. Each different area of psychology has many differences from all of the other areas, but the origins of these areas enables them all to fall under the incredibly large topic of psychology. Although psychology is a very large topic this immense field is still
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  • 22. A Career as a Psychologist Essay Psychologists are very important people; they help millions of people with their everyday struggles and problems that they have to deal with. Not only do psychologists help people with problems that they cannot handle on their own, they also are scientists who study human minds and behaviors. With being a psychologist, there are many different careers to choose from within this profession (Explore Health Careers). The first type of psychologists to choose from is a clinical psychologist. Clinical psychologists help people with counseling and psychotherapy. They work with people who have all around life problems, such as new adjustments in life. Clinical psychologists also help people who have emotional disorders or more content... They also provide consolation to courts and attorneys in different types of legal proceedings (Psyris). Next is an organization psychologist, which helps in the productivity of groups and individuals in a workplace. These types of psychologists focus on improving the function of organizations, and to keep individuals healthy within the organization (Psyris). Another type of psychology to choose from is a counseling psychologist. These are important psychologists because they teach people how to deal with their everyday problems. They help their patients determine their problems and help them understand the problems they are facing. Not only do counseling psychologists help their patients with the issues they are experiencing at home but also in their workplace or their community in general. By helping their patients identify their strengths and resources, is how counseling psychologists help them with their problems (Bureau of Labor Statistics). The next type of psychology is the developmental psychologist. Developmental psychologists work with psychological processes and development that takes place throughout life. They study aging and problems the elderly may face, but this type of psychologist mainly focuses on children and adolescents (Bureau of Labor Statistics). The last type of psychologist to choose from is the social Get more content on
  • 23. Introduction to Psychology Essay examples Introduction to Psychology The concern about life is a main human characteristic. No matter if his concern is concentrated in himself or in persons or things that surround him and constitute his environment, everybody wants to know why people, himself included, behave the way they behave. Everybody, also, wants to improve his behavior, so as to live in harmony with himself and the society. The Greek word Psychology, is a word consisted of the words ψυχή–soul and λόγος–utterance, talk. So, generally, psychology is the science that examines the soul. But , since the psychologists work on the problems of the personal, family, school, professional and social life, we could say, more content... The heartbeats, the movements of our head are behavior. The way we eat, the way we drink, the way we walk, we talk, are behavior. The construction of a bridge, the composition of a song are behavior. The fantasies of a child, the dreams of a adolescent, the illusions of an alcoholic are behavior. Although we are all familiar with human behavior, a little do we understand or we can explain about it. Since our infancy we learn about behavior through the experiences and the knowledge that we get by observing other people or having relations with them. Living in society leads us to watch and try to explain the way people behave. But that is not always easy. Sometimes we cannot understand even ourselves. Psychology comes to give answers to all this uncertainty. Therefore, according to modern psychology, the term behavior means all the conscious, unconscious, verbal, mental and kinetic expressions of ourselves. Psychology uses statistic researches so as to distinguish the normal behavior from the abnormal one. Such a thing is very difficult because every society has its own behavior standards, and, consequently, an act that is normal according to one society, may be abnormal according to another. For example, polygamy is not permitted in Europe, but it is permitted in certain societies in Africa. So, the judgement of a behavior must bear in mind the social environment in which it takes place . Get more content on