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     D EM
   N G                                                                     AG
                                                                              E   R

  A A GY
 R N                                                    IN
                                                                     A   N

B A     T E                             M
                                                 K   ET

  M TR A                  R

                 A ID
   SS YE
Health Consortium of Pakistan is established in 2005 by a small group
   of professionals who felt that the lack of advanced nutritional
   products in Pakistan are adversely affecting the quality of life of an
   average Pakistani, who is already facing challenges like mal
   nutrition, adulteration and substandard products.
In the 1 st phase we revived traditional Mustard oil by eliminating it’s
    shortcomings like smell, colour and stabilizers. It was given a warm
    welcome by the market and became leading brand in 2008.
In 2 nd phase we introduced the concept of a perfect natural oil
    supplement for heart patients in 2009, an extension was launched
    in 2010 for general population which was greeted warmly in the
    central and north region markets.
A need was felt from the start for a healthy low price cooking oil in the
   market and HeartStar@ is an important milestone to fulfil that
Considering market dynamics , July 2012 is the ideal
  month for it’s launch.
                  TR            It is the purest cooking oil
           F IN                     available in the market,
                                    which of fers the best for

B   R                               your health and
                                    nutrition requirements.
                                    Hear tStar@ brings out
                                    the natural flavor and
                                    aroma of any recipe to
                                    the fullest and is
                                    introduced in a
                                    revolutionar y convenient
                                    and hygienic packaging
                                    at ver y attractive
General                       Medical
 Age: 25 - 40 years           Physicians
 Wants to look slim and       Fitness Gyms
  smart                        Class 1 Chemists
 Belonging to SEC A and       Physiotherapists
                               Cardiologists
 Housewives/working
  women                        Slimming Clinics
 Take great pride in their
 They want their family
  to be full of life
 Educated
 Health conscious

NATIONAL                 REGIONAL
 There are 44 brands     The size of Lahore ,
  available nationally     Rawalpindi &
 The size of Karachi      Peshawar combined is
  market is 10% of         approximately 23%.
  national market. The
  consumption pattern     It is a predominant Oil
  has two peaks: pre       market with exception
  Ramadan and period       of few outskirts of
  during Eid-ul-Azha.      Lahore & Peshawar
 The demand for           regions.
  edible oil declines
  during summer           More receptive to new
  months.                  launches

u   s
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             EE n t p l a
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           GH i n a                     7 5%
                 do th      up
               e          h
            p r row e ac
O    l
         a g
       is rd        t o
  O i p wa te d
     u         c
                                                                         te al
                                                                       ng on
                                                                     lo egi
                                                                    g r
                                                                  in by

                                              D ED         o
                                                             n ting
                                                        a s r ke
                                                   , r ma
                                   B  R          d
                                              de che
                                             n i
                                           ra s n
                                      n nd
                                   no ra
                     .N          n
                               ha p 3

                           d to
                          e y
            ED        a nd y b
                    br uit
          D       e in
                or nt
              m o
            is nt c
B R       t
       ke m e
     ar e
  l m r tis
Oi dve ds.
  a ran
   Habib Oil
Soya Supreme

i.   Increasing trade deficit
ii. High inflation
iii. Agricultural sector progress is not satisfactory
iv. Economic policies changes overnight
v. Incoming remittance improving the foreign exchange
vi. High fuel prices downward effecting the foreign
    exchange reserves

ii. Existing size of the industry gives more room to play
iii. People are shifting from Ghee to Oil which is a good
iv. Price wars shrinking profit margins
v. High fuel cost adversely effecting operating cost
vi. Quality difference among top brands is unnoticeable
vii.Better management of inventory and funds can
     increase the profit margins
                                                     N U
                                                T IO S D
                                              UA Y E R
                                             T A
                                          UC PL
                                        FL Y
                                     L L KE
                                   RA HE
                                 E T
                              OV G S:

                          A NM O O N
                      B EE A E A
                   TO A R G R                    1) Increase in the number of players in the branded
                S H
             M S WIN
M           E T
         S E K E L LO
       E AR O
                                                 2) Increase in the regional brands strength due to focused
    ER M E F
  TH HE TH                                             marketing activities
   T O                                           3) Increase in the price competition due to increase in
                                             number of players
                                        4)   In the pouches segment there is high price sensitivity with
                                             low loyalties towards the brand
                                        5)   There is a slow but upward shift of consumers from tin to
                                             pet and pouches
                                        6)   Tradition of using a particular brand is followed from
                                             generation to generation therefore the brand loyalty is
                                             strong for respective brands thus increasing the
                                             involvement of the customer.
                                        7)   Price war trends have shown a change in the purchasing
                                             attitudes of the customers.
                                        8)   Constant search for added values are changing the
                                             decision-making process of the customers. 
1) Heavy buying is usually done in the last week of every
   month till the end of the 1st week of every month.
2) Mainly the purchase decision maker is the women of
   the house
3) Average consumption per household is 1to 1.5 a pack
   (6.5 ltr.) per month
4) Consumption pattern - marked seasonality, with 2

Brands like Habib, Dalda and Season
have been in the market for a long time
thus enjoy brand loyalty and brand
association. Regional Brands are also
becoming active and concentrating on
national platform through aggressive
marketing and brand building strategies

STRENGTHS                        WEAKNESSES
 Market leader                   Packaging problems
                                  Damages due to
 Quality products                 transportation
 Strong national distribution    Lack of HRM & HRD
                                  Major market
 Wide product range
                                   segment (premium
 Strong Brand equity              consumer pack) is
 Financially strong               shrinking
 First ISO certified company     Lack of market
  in the industry                  research and product
 Strong credibility               development
 Price leaders                   High managerial
 High promotion budgets           turnover

    OPPORTUNITIES                 THREATS
 Population growth         Price fluctuation
 Increased standards       Inflation
  of living                 Price wars
 Health consciousness      Too much import
 Urbanization               reliance
                            Globalization
 Prolonged shelf life
                            Inconsistent
 Wider communication        government policies
  channels                  High operating costs
 By improving the MIS      Increased fuel and gas
  company can Improve        prices

      STRENGTHS                  WEAKNESSES
o Position in the premium   Weak after
                              disassociation with
o Trusted and the oldest
  name in the industry
o Strong distribution       Weak after-sales
  network                     service
o Research and
  development support
                            Lack of delegation
o Good field work
o Quality product           Lack of prompt
o Re organization             decision making

o Population growth     o Price fluctuation
o Increased             o Inflation
  standards of living   o Price wars
o Health                o Too much import
  consciousness         o Globalization
o Urbanization          o Inconsistent
o Prolonged shelf         government policies
  life                  o High operating costs
o Wider

 Enjoys ownership     High staff
  of Canola             turnover
 Good Quality         Weak
  Product with          distribution
  effective             network
  packaging            Weak media
 Enjoys good           penetration
  market reputation
 Effective BTL
OPPORTUNITIES                    THREATS

 Population growth        Price fluctuation
                           Inflation
 Increased                Price wars
  standards of living      Too much import
 Health                    reliance
  consciousness            Globalization
                           Inconsistent
 Urbanization              government policies
 Prolonged shelf          High operating costs
 Wider
H e artS tar@ is th e p u re s t cold p re s s e d com b ination cooking oil,
    wh ich offe rs th e b e s t for you r h e alth and nu trition re qu ire m e nts . It
    b rings ou t th e natu ral flavor and arom a of any re cip e to th e fu lle s t
    and com e s in a re volu tionary conve nie nt ,ve rs atile and h ygie nic
    p ackaging.
E xtracte d from th e fine s t oil s e e d s , s e le cte d from arou nd th e world
    H e artS tar@ is a p rod u ct of a m e ticu lou s re fining p roce s s th at is
    carrie d ou t on care fu lly s e le cte d oils . It will not s u p p re s s th e
    flavor and arom a of e ve n th e m os t d e licate ly flavore d d is h e s .
H e artS tar@ is p roce s s e d at a s tate -of-th e -art continu ou s re fining
    p lant u s ing E u rop e an te ch nology, wh ich is as ad vance d as th e
    te ch nology e m p loye d anywh e re in th e world . Th e p roce s s
    e ns u re s op tim u m p u rification and th at e ve ry d rop of oil ge ts
    u niform ly tre ate d , re s u lting in qu ality and cons is te ncy th at s im p ly
    cannot b e ach ie ve d th rou gh conve ntional p roce s s ing.
H e artS tar@ p rovid e s valu e in all its offe rings . It is targe te d for m ainly
    h e alth cons ciou s wom e n wh o are ve ry conce rne d ab ou t th e h e alth of
    th e ir fam ilie s . Its h igh qu ality allows its cu s tom e rs to ge t all th e
    b e ne fits of h e alth y life . It is a com p le te p ackage as it is p u re , e ns u re s
    h e alth y life , b rings ou t th e natu ral flavor and arom a of any re cip e to
    th e fu lle s t, com e s in a h ygie nic and conve nie nt p ackaging and
    p rovid e s m any b e ne fits to its cu s tom e rs in its com p e titive p rice .
A p e rfe ct com b ination of S u nflowe r, C anola & olive oils with s atu rate d
    fats le s s th an 5% , H e artS tar is th e b e s t for h e alth . Als o contains
    h igh am ou nts of p olyu ns atu rate d & m onou ns atu rate d fats , wh ich are
    cons id e re d ve ry good for h e alth .( O m e ga-3 & O m e ga-6).
                                                     LE               6,
                                                   FI              3,
                                           P RO            m
                               AL                  N
                                           A TI
                 R@                 B IN               HeartS tar@ is a c ombination of
         TA                   CO
                                   M                     S unflower, C anola & S oybean
       TS                IL                              Oils .
  AR                 O
                 &                                     In a ratio whic h gives
            TS                                            HeartS tar@ the bes t
                                                          formulation among all
                                                          c ooking oils available in
                                                          Pakis tan.
                                                       Formulated by top profes s ional
                                                         of the indus try it provides
                                                         Omega-3, 6 & 9 in perfec t
                                               F ILE a   3,

                                           P RO   m
                              AL N
                                   A TI
                  R@          IN              All fats are m ad e of variou s m ixtu re s of
                                                  s atu rate d and u ns atu rate d
         S            CO
                                                  (m onou ns atu rate d and
    RT           IL
                                                  p olyu ns atu rate d ) fatty acid s . All fatty
  A          O                                    acid s are com p os e d of ch ains of
         &                                        carb on, hyd roge n, and oxyge n
                                                  atom s . Fatty acid s are nam e d and
  F                                               nu m b e re d b as e d on h ow th e ir
                                                  carb on, hyd roge n, and oxyge n atom s
                                                  are arrange d . “O m e ga-3”,
                                                  “O m e ga-6”, and “O m e ga-9” are
                                                  actu ally ch ains of u ns atu rate d fatty
                                                  acid s cate gorize d b as e d on wh e re
                                                  th e d ou b le b ond b e twe e n two carb on
                                                  atom s occu rs . O m e ga-3, om e ga-6,
                                                  and om e ga-9 h ave a carb on– carb on
                                                  d ou b le b ond in th e #3 p os ition, th e
                                                  #6 p os ition, and th e #9 p os ition of
                                                  th e ir carb on ch ains , re s p e ctive ly.
                            P RO
         S TA             3
  A RT                  A
HE             E G            Omega-3 fatty acids are extremely important to health
                              because they help suppress inflammation, an underlying
           M                  cause of many diseases. There are a number of omega-3
                              fatty acids. They can be categorized according to short
     O                        chain or long chain configurations. One important short
                              chain omega-3 fatty acid is alpha linolenic acid (ALA). It is
                              essential to health; however, our bodies cannot make it,
                              so we must get this fatty acid from our diets. It is a
                              nutrient most Americans do not get enough of as
                              relatively few foods are good sources. Canola and
                              soybean oils are two widely available dietary sources of
                              essential ALA so their inclusion in the daily diet is
                              healthful. Longer chain omega-3’s are found in fatty fish,
                              which also have health benefits.
                              P RO
           S TA             6
      RT                  A
HEA                G            Omega-6 fatty acids are also essential to health and are
                 E              nutrients that our bodies cannot make. The most
                                familiar omega-6 fatty acid is called linoleic acid (LA).
             M                  Many oils contain omega-6 fatty acids, including
       O                        safflower, sunflower, soybean, corn, cottonseed, and
                                peanut oils so it is much easier to get the amount
                                needed through our daily diet. There has been some
                                debate regarding the importance of a balanced ratio of
                                omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids in the diet, but others
                                feel that it is the absolute amounts of each fatty acid in
                                the diet that matters. The current recommendation for
                                omega-6 fatty acid intake is 5-10% of total calories.
      TS E             9
 E AR FIL        A         Omega-9 fatty acids are found in various vegetable
H O            G           oils and animal fats. Unlike omega-3 and omega-6
  P R        E             fatty acids, they are not essential, but they too are
          M                important to health. Oleic acid is one of the main
      O                    omega-9 fatty acids, and emerging evidence is
                           showing that it may be important in metabolism
                           and weight regulation. Oleic acid is the main
                           component of olive oil, as well as, some of the new
                           generation, heat stable oils, including high-oleic
                           canola and sunflower oils. Another term for high-
                           oleic oils is Omega-9 oils. Omega-9 oils refer to a
                           category of oils that have over 70% oleic acid and
                           less than 3% linolenic (ALA).
                 B   R
                             li t
       D  ED           s on
    E N IT Y son (P                    Caring
                                       HeartStar@ is a considerate brand for those people
 X T N T Per
E E sa                                 who care for their families.
  ID nd a                              People consider it to be a reliable brand
     Br                                Underdog
                                       It is an underdog as it is directly competing with the
                                       market leaders like HOM, Dalda etc. It considers only
                                       them as its competitors and doesn’t counts other low
                                       profile brands like Manpasand etc. as its direct
                                       As HeartStar@ has competitive properties in its
                                       offering and is continuously trying to improve its
                                       product quality so it wouldn’t be wrong to say that it is
                                       competent in whatever it is doing.
                          N T
                   I DE
                 ND .
               A ct
            BR d u
         E D P ro
       ND s a             Attributes and Quality of HearStar@

   TE d A                 •
E X an                          Absolutely pure and completely
   B r                    •     Does not freeze even at zero degrees
                          •     Contains lowest amount of saturated
                                fatty acids in its class
                          •     Is light and easily digestible
                          •     Is not sticky or greasy
                          •     Free from any flavoring additives
                          •     Offers less consumption
M oth e rs , b e twe e n 25 and 40 ye ars , re s id e nts , b e longing to S E C A and B.
Th e y are p rim arily h ou s e wive s , wh o take gre at p rid e in th e ir h om e s and e nj cooking for
     th e fam ily th e m s e lve s . Th e y want th e ir fam ily to b e fu ll of life . Th e y are e d u cate d (at
     le as t M atric) and are aware of th e p re vale nce of ch ole s te rol-re late d d is e as e s and want
     th e ir fam ilie s to h ave a h e alth fu l life s tyle . Th e y are conce rne d , b u t p ractical m oth e rs
     and not ove rly s e ntim e ntal. Th e y h ave ch ild re n in th e e arly te e n – p re te e n age grou p
Th e u s e rs of oth e r b rand s and s witch e rs
G e ne ration N e xt:

Th e s e are fu tu re p ote ntial b u ye rs wh o h ave a m ind of th e ir own; th e y d on’t care wh at th e ir
     p are nts h ave b e e n u s ing in th e p as t th e y and th e y want to e xp e rim e nt.
•   H e alth cons ciou s
•   D oe s n’t com p rom is e qu ality ove r p rice
•   C aring, and love s cooking
•   Tru s tworth y
•   K nowle d ge ab le ab ou t nu tritional facts
•   D e cis ion m ake r for e d ib le oil b rand
•   P re fe rs b rand th at is od orle s s , trans p are nt and low in
    ch ole s te rol
•   E m otionally inte llige nt
•   K e e p s s e arch ing for h e alth ie r op tions .
•   Ad ap tive toward s b e tte r qu ality p rod u cts
S yed Haider Raza

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Cooking oil brand management strategy

  • 2. CORPORATE PROFILE Health Consortium of Pakistan is established in 2005 by a small group of professionals who felt that the lack of advanced nutritional products in Pakistan are adversely affecting the quality of life of an average Pakistani, who is already facing challenges like mal nutrition, adulteration and substandard products. In the 1 st phase we revived traditional Mustard oil by eliminating it’s shortcomings like smell, colour and stabilizers. It was given a warm welcome by the market and became leading brand in 2008. In 2 nd phase we introduced the concept of a perfect natural oil supplement for heart patients in 2009, an extension was launched in 2010 for general population which was greeted warmly in the central and north region markets. A need was felt from the start for a healthy low price cooking oil in the market and HeartStar@ is an important milestone to fulfil that need. Considering market dynamics , July 2012 is the ideal month for it’s launch.
  • 3. O N TI DUC O TR It is the purest cooking oil F IN available in the market, IE which of fers the best for B R your health and nutrition requirements. Hear tStar@ brings out the natural flavor and aroma of any recipe to the fullest and is introduced in a revolutionar y convenient and hygienic packaging at ver y attractive prices.
  • 4. TARGET MARKET OF HEARTSTAR@ General Medical  Age: 25 - 40 years  Physicians  Wants to look slim and  Fitness Gyms smart  Class 1 Chemists  Belonging to SEC A and  Physiotherapists B  Cardiologists  Housewives/working women  Slimming Clinics  Take great pride in their homes  They want their family to be full of life  Educated  Health conscious
  • 5. MARKET DYNAMICS NATIONAL REGIONAL  There are 44 brands  The size of Lahore , available nationally Rawalpindi &  The size of Karachi Peshawar combined is market is 10% of approximately 23%. national market. The consumption pattern  It is a predominant Oil has two peaks: pre market with exception Ramadan and period of few outskirts of during Eid-ul-Azha. Lahore & Peshawar  The demand for regions. edible oil declines during summer  More receptive to new months. launches comparatively.
  • 7. u s uo t in c on g w in 5 . s ho 2 01 an d of d w en no e r th EE n t p l a ye by GH i n a 7 5% to VS m do th up IL e h p r row e ac O l a g is rd t o r O i p wa te d u c pe Ex
  • 8. rm te al ng on lo egi g r in by D ED o be n ting a s r ke AN e , r ma B R d de che n i ra s n ON b n nd no ra .N n ha p 3 b VS t d to e y ED a nd y b br uit D e in AN or nt m o is nt c B R t ke m e ar e l m r tis Oi dve ds. a ran b
  • 12. ECONOMIC SITUATION i. Increasing trade deficit ii. High inflation iii. Agricultural sector progress is not satisfactory iv. Economic policies changes overnight v. Incoming remittance improving the foreign exchange reserves vi. High fuel prices downward effecting the foreign exchange reserves    
  • 13. INDUSTRY SITUATION   ii. Existing size of the industry gives more room to play iii. People are shifting from Ghee to Oil which is a good sign iv. Price wars shrinking profit margins v. High fuel cost adversely effecting operating cost vi. Quality difference among top brands is unnoticeable vii.Better management of inventory and funds can increase the profit margins    
  • 14. IN E N U T IO S D UA Y E R T A UC PL FL Y L L KE RA HE E T OV G S: ET N A NM O O N S B EE A E A K AR TO A R G R 1) Increase in the number of players in the branded S H M S WIN M E T S E K E L LO E AR O segment. 2) Increase in the regional brands strength due to focused   ER M E F TH HE TH marketing activities T O 3) Increase in the price competition due to increase in T number of players 4) In the pouches segment there is high price sensitivity with low loyalties towards the brand 5) There is a slow but upward shift of consumers from tin to pet and pouches 6) Tradition of using a particular brand is followed from generation to generation therefore the brand loyalty is strong for respective brands thus increasing the involvement of the customer. 7) Price war trends have shown a change in the purchasing attitudes of the customers. 8) Constant search for added values are changing the decision-making process of the customers. 
  • 15. CONSUMPTION & PURCHASE CYCLE 1) Heavy buying is usually done in the last week of every month till the end of the 1st week of every month. 2) Mainly the purchase decision maker is the women of the house 3) Average consumption per household is 1to 1.5 a pack (6.5 ltr.) per month 4) Consumption pattern - marked seasonality, with 2 peaks
  • 16. COMPETITOR’S SITUATION Brands like Habib, Dalda and Season have been in the market for a long time thus enjoy brand loyalty and brand association. Regional Brands are also becoming active and concentrating on national platform through aggressive marketing and brand building strategies
  • 17. HOM(HABIB COOKING OIL) STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES  Market leader  Packaging problems  Damages due to  Quality products transportation  Strong national distribution  Lack of HRM & HRD network  Major market  Wide product range segment (premium  Strong Brand equity consumer pack) is  Financially strong shrinking  First ISO certified company  Lack of market in the industry research and product  Strong credibility development  Price leaders  High managerial  High promotion budgets turnover
  • 18. HOM CONTINUED OPPORTUNITIES THREATS  Population growth  Price fluctuation  Increased standards  Inflation of living  Price wars  Health consciousness  Too much import  Urbanization reliance  Globalization  Prolonged shelf life  Inconsistent  Wider communication government policies channels  High operating costs  By improving the MIS  Increased fuel and gas company can Improve prices volumes
  • 19. DALDA STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES o Position in the premium Weak after segment disassociation with o Trusted and the oldest name in the industry Unilever o Strong distribution Weak after-sales network service o Research and development support Lack of delegation authority o Good field work o Quality product Lack of prompt o Re organization decision making
  • 20. DALDA CONTINUED OPPORTUNITIES THREATS o Population growth o Price fluctuation o Increased o Inflation standards of living o Price wars o Health o Too much import reliance consciousness o Globalization o Urbanization o Inconsistent o Prolonged shelf government policies life o High operating costs o Wider communication channels
  • 21. SEASONS CANOLA COOKING OIL STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES  Enjoys ownership  High staff of Canola turnover  Good Quality  Weak Product with distribution effective network packaging  Weak media  Enjoys good penetration market reputation  Effective BTL support
  • 22. SEASONS CANOLA COOKING OIL CONTINUED OPPORTUNITIES THREATS  Population growth  Price fluctuation  Inflation  Increased  Price wars standards of living  Too much import  Health reliance consciousness  Globalization  Inconsistent  Urbanization government policies  Prolonged shelf  High operating costs life    Wider communication channels
  • 23. BR AN D ID E N TITY H e artS tar@ is th e p u re s t cold p re s s e d com b ination cooking oil, wh ich offe rs th e b e s t for you r h e alth and nu trition re qu ire m e nts . It b rings ou t th e natu ral flavor and arom a of any re cip e to th e fu lle s t and com e s in a re volu tionary conve nie nt ,ve rs atile and h ygie nic p ackaging. E xtracte d from th e fine s t oil s e e d s , s e le cte d from arou nd th e world H e artS tar@ is a p rod u ct of a m e ticu lou s re fining p roce s s th at is carrie d ou t on care fu lly s e le cte d oils . It will not s u p p re s s th e flavor and arom a of e ve n th e m os t d e licate ly flavore d d is h e s . H e artS tar@ is p roce s s e d at a s tate -of-th e -art continu ou s re fining p lant u s ing E u rop e an te ch nology, wh ich is as ad vance d as th e te ch nology e m p loye d anywh e re in th e world . Th e p roce s s e ns u re s op tim u m p u rification and th at e ve ry d rop of oil ge ts u niform ly tre ate d , re s u lting in qu ality and cons is te ncy th at s im p ly cannot b e ach ie ve d th rou gh conve ntional p roce s s ing.
  • 24. BRAND IDENTITY H e artS tar@ p rovid e s valu e in all its offe rings . It is targe te d for m ainly h e alth cons ciou s wom e n wh o are ve ry conce rne d ab ou t th e h e alth of th e ir fam ilie s . Its h igh qu ality allows its cu s tom e rs to ge t all th e b e ne fits of h e alth y life . It is a com p le te p ackage as it is p u re , e ns u re s h e alth y life , b rings ou t th e natu ral flavor and arom a of any re cip e to th e fu lle s t, com e s in a h ygie nic and conve nie nt p ackaging and p rovid e s m any b e ne fits to its cu s tom e rs in its com p e titive p rice . A p e rfe ct com b ination of S u nflowe r, C anola & olive oils with s atu rate d fats le s s th an 5% , H e artS tar is th e b e s t for h e alth . Als o contains h igh am ou nts of p olyu ns atu rate d & m onou ns atu rate d fats , wh ich are cons id e re d ve ry good for h e alth .( O m e ga-3 & O m e ga-6).  
  • 25. 9. LE 6, FI 3, ga P RO m e O TH AL N HE O A TI R@ B IN HeartS tar@ is a c ombination of TA CO M S unflower, C anola & S oybean TS IL Oils . AR O HE & In a ratio whic h gives TS HeartS tar@ the bes t FA formulation among all c ooking oils available in Pakis tan. Formulated by top profes s ional of the indus try it provides Omega-3, 6 & 9 in perfec t ratio.
  • 26. 9. F ILE a 3, 6, P RO m eg O TH AL N HE O A TI R@ IN All fats are m ad e of variou s m ixtu re s of B TA s atu rate d and u ns atu rate d M S CO (m onou ns atu rate d and RT IL p olyu ns atu rate d ) fatty acid s . All fatty A O acid s are com p os e d of ch ains of HE ATS & carb on, hyd roge n, and oxyge n atom s . Fatty acid s are nam e d and F nu m b e re d b as e d on h ow th e ir carb on, hyd roge n, and oxyge n atom s are arrange d . “O m e ga-3”, “O m e ga-6”, and “O m e ga-9” are actu ally ch ains of u ns atu rate d fatty acid s cate gorize d b as e d on wh e re th e d ou b le b ond b e twe e n two carb on atom s occu rs . O m e ga-3, om e ga-6, and om e ga-9 h ave a carb on– carb on d ou b le b ond in th e #3 p os ition, th e #6 p os ition, and th e #9 p os ition of th e ir carb on ch ains , re s p e ctive ly.
  • 27. LE FI P RO TH AL HE R@ S TA 3 A RT A HE E G Omega-3 fatty acids are extremely important to health because they help suppress inflammation, an underlying M cause of many diseases. There are a number of omega-3 fatty acids. They can be categorized according to short O chain or long chain configurations. One important short chain omega-3 fatty acid is alpha linolenic acid (ALA). It is essential to health; however, our bodies cannot make it, so we must get this fatty acid from our diets. It is a nutrient most Americans do not get enough of as relatively few foods are good sources. Canola and soybean oils are two widely available dietary sources of essential ALA so their inclusion in the daily diet is healthful. Longer chain omega-3’s are found in fatty fish, which also have health benefits.
  • 28. LE FI P RO TH AL HE R@ S TA 6 RT A HEA G Omega-6 fatty acids are also essential to health and are E nutrients that our bodies cannot make. The most familiar omega-6 fatty acid is called linoleic acid (LA). M Many oils contain omega-6 fatty acids, including O safflower, sunflower, soybean, corn, cottonseed, and peanut oils so it is much easier to get the amount needed through our daily diet. There has been some debate regarding the importance of a balanced ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids in the diet, but others feel that it is the absolute amounts of each fatty acid in the diet that matters. The current recommendation for omega-6 fatty acid intake is 5-10% of total calories.
  • 29. TH AL HE R@ TA TS E 9 E AR FIL A Omega-9 fatty acids are found in various vegetable H O G oils and animal fats. Unlike omega-3 and omega-6 P R E fatty acids, they are not essential, but they too are M important to health. Oleic acid is one of the main O omega-9 fatty acids, and emerging evidence is showing that it may be important in metabolism and weight regulation. Oleic acid is the main component of olive oil, as well as, some of the new generation, heat stable oils, including high-oleic canola and sunflower oils. Another term for high- oleic oils is Omega-9 oils. Omega-9 oils refer to a category of oils that have over 70% oleic acid and less than 3% linolenic (ALA).
  • 30. AND B R y) li t D ED s on a er E N IT Y son (P Caring HeartStar@ is a considerate brand for those people X T N T Per E E sa who care for their families. Trustworthy ID nd a People consider it to be a reliable brand a   Br Underdog It is an underdog as it is directly competing with the market leaders like HOM, Dalda etc. It considers only them as its competitors and doesn’t counts other low profile brands like Manpasand etc. as its direct competition.   Competent As HeartStar@ has competitive properties in its offering and is continuously trying to improve its product quality so it wouldn’t be wrong to say that it is competent in whatever it is doing.
  • 31. I TY N T I DE ND . A ct BR d u E D P ro ND s a Attributes and Quality of HearStar@ TE d A • E X an Absolutely pure and completely odorless B r • Does not freeze even at zero degrees • Contains lowest amount of saturated fatty acids in its class • Is light and easily digestible • Is not sticky or greasy • Free from any flavoring additives • Offers less consumption
  • 32. D E M O G R AP H IC S Primary: M oth e rs , b e twe e n 25 and 40 ye ars , re s id e nts , b e longing to S E C A and B. Th e y are p rim arily h ou s e wive s , wh o take gre at p rid e in th e ir h om e s and e nj cooking for oy th e fam ily th e m s e lve s . Th e y want th e ir fam ily to b e fu ll of life . Th e y are e d u cate d (at le as t M atric) and are aware of th e p re vale nce of ch ole s te rol-re late d d is e as e s and want th e ir fam ilie s to h ave a h e alth fu l life s tyle . Th e y are conce rne d , b u t p ractical m oth e rs and not ove rly s e ntim e ntal. Th e y h ave ch ild re n in th e e arly te e n – p re te e n age grou p   econdary: S Th e u s e rs of oth e r b rand s and s witch e rs G e ne ration N e xt: Th e s e are fu tu re p ote ntial b u ye rs wh o h ave a m ind of th e ir own; th e y d on’t care wh at th e ir p are nts h ave b e e n u s ing in th e p as t th e y and th e y want to e xp e rim e nt.
  • 33. PSYCHOGRAPHICS:   • H e alth cons ciou s • D oe s n’t com p rom is e qu ality ove r p rice • C aring, and love s cooking • Tru s tworth y • K nowle d ge ab le ab ou t nu tritional facts • D e cis ion m ake r for e d ib le oil b rand • P re fe rs b rand th at is od orle s s , trans p are nt and low in ch ole s te rol • E m otionally inte llige nt • K e e p s s e arch ing for h e alth ie r op tions . • Ad ap tive toward s b e tte r qu ality p rod u cts    
  • 34. S yed Haider Raza