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Controversial Questions on
Hindu Scriptures
Question 1
What is the ultimate reality in
‫ہے؟‬ ‫کیا‬ ‫حقیقت‬ ‫حتمی‬ ‫میں‬ ‫ہندومت‬
ह िंदू धर्म र्ें अिंहिर् वास्तहवकिा क्या
Sanskrit - Eko dev sarv bhuteshu goodhah na prakashate,
Drishyate twagraya budhaya sokshmaya sookshm darshibhi
hi !
There is ONE ultimate reality that pervades through this
whole of this universe, but not seen by the ignorant. It
can be seen by sharp intellect by those who have the
passion to see the subtlest !
،‫ہے‬ ‫ہوئی‬ ‫پھیلی‬ ‫میں‬ ‫کائنات‬ ‫پوری‬ ‫اس‬ ‫جو‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫حقیقت‬ ‫حتمی‬ ‫ایک‬
‫دیکھ‬ ‫لوگ‬ ‫وہ‬ ‫سے‬ ‫عقل‬ ‫تیز‬ ‫اسے‬ ‫آتی۔‬ ‫نہیں‬ ‫نظر‬ ‫کو‬ ‫جاہلوں‬ ‫لیکن‬
‫ہیں‬ ‫رکھتے‬ ‫شوق‬ ‫کا‬ ‫دیکھنے‬ ‫ترین‬ ‫باریک‬ ‫جو‬ ‫ہیں‬ ‫سکتے‬
Question 2
Who are Tridev Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma?
Is God beyond murtis tilak four hands, milk honey
sweets etc ?
‫چار‬ ‫تلک‬ ‫مرتس‬ ‫خدا‬ ‫کیا‬ ‫ہیں؟‬ ‫کون‬ ‫برہما‬ ‫اور‬ ‫وشنو‬ ،‫شیو‬ ‫تردیو‬
‫ہے؟‬ ‫آگے‬ ‫سے‬ ‫وغیرہ‬ ‫مٹھائی‬ ‫کی‬ ‫شہد‬ ‫دودھ‬ ،‫ہاتھ‬
हिदेव हिव, हवष्णु और ब्रह्मा कौन ैं? क्या भगवान चार
ाथ, दू ध ि द हर्ठाई आहद हिलक से परे ैं?
"If a person sees the supreme reality 'brahm'
through three qualities of nature sato guna, rajo
guna and tamoguna, then it is like seeing the
brahman through three coloured lenses. Seen
through satogun the supreme reality appears as
vishnu, through rajoguna it appears as brahma
and through tamoguna it appears as shiva. So
Trideva are three aspects of the same reality.
Actually they are not three but one."
‫حقیقت‬ ٰ
‫اعلی‬ ‫شخص‬ ‫کوئی‬ ‫اگر‬
‫تی‬ ‫کی‬ ‫فطرت‬ ‫کو‬
‫دیکھ‬ ‫ذریعے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫تموگنا‬ ‫اور‬ ‫گنا‬ ‫راجو‬ ،‫گنا‬ ‫ساتو‬ ‫صفات‬
‫سے‬ ‫عینکوں‬ ‫کی‬ ‫رنگوں‬ ‫تین‬ ‫کو‬ ‫برہمن‬ ‫یہ‬ ‫تو‬ ،‫ہے‬
‫دیکھا‬ ‫ذریعے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫ستوگن‬ ‫ہے۔‬ ‫مترادف‬ ‫کے‬ ‫دیکھنے‬
،‫ہے‬ ‫ہوتی‬ ‫ظاہر‬ ‫پر‬ ‫طور‬ ‫کے‬ ‫وشنو‬ ‫حقیقت‬ ٰ
‫اعلی‬ ‫تو‬ ‫جائے‬
‫طور‬ ‫کے‬ ‫برہما‬ ‫ہے۔‬ ‫ہوتی‬ ‫ظاہر‬ ‫یہ‬ ‫ذریعے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫رجوگون‬
‫ہوتا‬ ‫ظاہر‬ ‫پر‬ ‫طور‬ ‫کے‬ ‫شیو‬ ‫یہ‬ ‫ذریعے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫تموگنا‬ ‫اور‬ ‫پر‬
‫ہیں۔‬ ‫پہلو‬ ‫تین‬ ‫کے‬ ‫حقیقت‬ ‫ہی‬ ‫ایک‬ ‫تریدیوا‬ ‫لہذا‬ ‫ہے۔‬
‫ہیں۔‬ ‫ایک‬ ‫بلکہ‬ ‫نہیں‬ ‫تین‬ ‫وہ‬ ‫دراصل‬
Shiva's Arti - "Brahma Vishnu Sadashiv J
anat aviveka, Pranav akshar om madhye ye teenon
‫تینوں‬ ‫یہ‬ ‫مدھیئے‬ ‫اوم‬ ‫اکشر‬ ‫پرناو‬ ،‫ایویکا‬ ‫جنات‬ ‫سداشیو‬ ‫وشنو‬ ‫برہما‬
ब्रह्मा हवष्णु सदाहिव जनि हववेक, प्रणव अक्षर ओर् र्धे ये
िीन िं एक।“
(Kathopanishad, Veda )
Question 3
Who is supreme and who is lower
among Tridev (Shiva, Vishnu and
Shiva's Arti - "Brahma Vishnu Sadashiv J
anat aviveka, Pranav akshar om madhye ye teenon
‫تینوں‬ ‫یہ‬ ‫مدھیئے‬ ‫اوم‬ ‫اکشر‬ ‫پرناو‬ ،‫ایویکا‬ ‫جنات‬ ‫سداشیو‬ ‫وشنو‬ ‫برہما‬
ब्रह्मा हवष्णु सदाहिव जनि हववेक, प्रणव अक्षर ओर् र्धे ये
िीन िं एक।“
(Kathopanishad, Veda )
Question 4
Are Tridevs just superheros among
beings ? Were they human beings
so they took birth and died like a
normal person?
Nope Tridev are not any life forms but their true
swaroopa or self is Brahm himself. Trideva are
brahma seen through three aspects.
Only Trideva's avatars come in this universe as
humans or other life forms world.
There is no birth and Death of Tridevas as they
being the aspect of brahman they are always
Question 5
Are Tridev Avtars?
Tridevas are the first recognizable aspects of
Brahm only., which become basis of the
universes. But they are not like life forms avtars
that come down as life forms like Bhagwan Ram
and Krishna, Hanuman etc.
Questions for Next Session
Is Purans false book?
Is god Nirgun Nirakar (qithout qualities and
form) or Sagun Sakaar (WIth qualities and forms
Question by Muslims
1- According to Hindu religion, there are 84
thousand kinds of creation and the best creation
on the earth is the human being. Then the
question is: Why are the cow, elephant and dog
worshipped by human beings, and the
worshipped must be superior and better than
the worshipper? It is a sort of philosophical
Question by Muslims
2- There are 33 million Devi and Devta (gods) in Hinduism,
who over millions of years managed to make only a few
million people Hindu most of them are Hindu by their birth
not by their choice. However, the Hindus were so weak in
their faith that they accepted Islam and became Muslim by
just simple efforts of Muslim preachers. When the Hindus
were invited to Islam and became familiar with the Islamic
message, they entered into the religion of Allah in multitudes.
If the Hindu beliefs were stronger, better and more suitable
than Islam, they would have never accepted Islam.
Question by Muslims
Prince Dara Shikoh (1615-1659 A.D.) says in his
book Safinat ul Aouliya about Khajah Moinuddin
Chishti (1141-1236): “Large numbers of non-
Muslims were blessed with Islam by his
auspicious invitation, even those who did not
embrace Islam used to send to him treasures of
gold coins of gold.”(2)
Question by Muslims
Hindus believe that Brahma has created the
people but the question is: why has he divided
them into high and low, pure and impure,
touchable and untouchable castes? Why did he
make four castes: Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas
and Shudras? Is this not a racial discrimination
and a clear injustice by the God?
Why does Shiva sit on a lion’s skin?
Shiva sits on the skin of lion as his images and
paintings show. The question is: how did Shiva
get this skin; is it not a sort of offence against
the lion? Is it not killing of an innocent animal?
Where was the wife of Lakshmana
during the exile period?
Q. Hindus believe that Rama is their Lord. According to Hindu
scriptures, Rama waged a war against Lanka in order to free
his wife Sita. Undoubtedly, this was his personal battle and for
personal cause then why has he pushed the whole society
into the war?
What was the contribution of this war to the wellbeing of the
common people? As Ravana was the king of Lanka since a
long time and his nature was evil and Rama knew all about his
vice acts why did Ram not fight him before the abduction of
his wife to teach him a lesson in advance? What was the
benefit of this war for the society and country?
Why did Dasaratha, the father of
Rama, have four wives?
Q. According to the Hindu religion, if second
marriage for a man is prohibited, especially
when the first wife is alive; the question is: Why
had Dasaratha the father of Rama four wives?
What is the justification for his marriages
according to the Hindu philosophy?
Why did Shiva order to bring another animal’s
head to put on Ganesh’s body
Hindu scriptures state that once Shiva chopped the neck of his son
Ganesh then he cut the head of an elephant and installed it on the
neck of his son Ganesh instead of his own head.
The question is:
Why did Shiva order to bring another animal’s head to put on
Ganesh’s body!
Why so? If he had so many powers, he could easily put back his
own head?
Who gave him the right to harm an innocent animal?
Additionally, how can an elephant’s head match with the neck of
a human baby?
Why did Rama kill an innocent deer?
Q. If the meat is forbidden in the Hindu religion, then
why did Rama go to haunt the golden deer?
If you say that Rama killed the golden deer for its
“kasturi” (deer’s navel or the substance with a
persistent odor, obtained from a gland of the male
musk deer situated in its back or rectal area.) for his
wife Sita then the question is:
Is killing an animal for kasturi permissible then why is
it not permissible for its meat?
If Rama is God, then why did he not know that
Ravana’s belly button includes elixir of life until
he was informed by others? Moreover, if he
would not have known the elixir of life in
Ravana’s belly he never would have been able to
defeat him. If he could not know such simple
thing then he cannot be a god.
Krishna watched secretly some nude
women who took bath in the river.
According to Hinduism, Krishna is a god, but the
Hindu scriptures state that Krishna watched
secretly some nude women who took bath in
the river.
How can such a person be a god who is
worshipped by Hindus?
What is the wisdom behind the
worship of Shiva’s penis instead of his
other body parts?
Why was Khujraho regarded a temple
despite the sexual images?
Q. Khujraho monuments have provocative and
shameful sexual images, then why was the
building regarded as the temple? Do the
provocative and sexual images
deserve worship and devotion but the question
is why?
samir sardana August 21, 2020let us look at the BIG PICTURE !
• No Story of Dalit oppression is complete w/o Brahminism
No Story of Brahminism is complete w/o Brahmins
No Story of Brahmis is complete w/o Ade Shankara !
• And who is this clown ?
• Shankara, from Kerala – a Shaiva exponent of “pure nondualism (Advaita)” and idealism – who was “a
Shiva avatar” and “had sex with the wife” of a Dead King, after “entering into the body of the dead
• Madhavacharya called Adi Shankara “a bastard & a son of a harlot” who copied, edited and pasted
Buddhism” and repackaged it, for the Hindoos.dindooohindoo
• He was born of a widower,and thus,was taunted as a “bastard” and also,mocked for his mothers
chastity (or lack thereof).
• At that time,India was ruled by Buddhists who mocked,abused and ostracised Ade Shankara,on
account of the above traits.So what did Ade Shankara do ? He wrote his Magnum Opus,wherein he
targeted Women (complex of being born of a widow,with no clear lineage),Dalits (who mocked him,as
Buddhists) and Buddhists (who called him a “bastard”).
• Ade Shankara destroyed Buddhism and Buddhists,and said that women had a status lower than that
of a cow,and the Dalits had a status,lower than cow dung !
• This is the BIG PICTURE of the Indian Maimonides (in terms of stature – not intellect).The Dalit
persecution,is the product of the diseased and complexed mind,of this Brahmin !
• But this ain’t it !
• This man used his yogic powers to enter the body of a dead king (Parakaya Pravesa),and had sex
with the wife of the dead king – for a long,long,long time !
• He then journeyed with his disciples to a city in which the king, named Amaruka, had died, and
employing the ‘science of entering into the body of another’ (parakayapravesavidya), he revived the
body of the king, which was lying on the funeral pyre. ‘The yogic power (yogabalam) of the teacher,
which was joined to his subtle body, entered the body of the king, and that connoisseur of yoga
(yogavit) guided his breath upward from the toes. Leaving his body via the fontanel, he slowly
entered the body of the dead king via the fontanel…’
• Reanimated by Shankara’s presence, the body of King Amaruka rose from its funeral pyre, and with
it, Shankara quickly mastered the erotic arts through extended love-play with the principle queen
• People ask – Y is Hindooism doomed ?
• Y ? They say Y was Hindoosthan enslaved for 2000 years by invaders ?
• I say that the entire Hindoo Pantheon and the crazed dementia of Jallikattu and Kali worship,is all a
copy and paste from the Assyrians,Babylonians,Sumerians,Persians,Nubians and Kushites
• People say – No – don’t say that – it breaks me heart !
• I present the copy and paste of the Indian Maimonides !
• Ramanuja called Shankara a “crypto-Buddhist” (prachanna -
bauddha).Sample the “copy and paste” of “Shankara the Shiva avatar”
• – As per Buddhism,the “world is Sunya-tattva” (non-existent) and Sankara
says, the world is “mithya” (non-existent), devoid of past, present and
– As per Buddhism,the way to achieve nirvana is “prajna-paramita”
(knowledge of reality),and Sankara says that “tattva-jnana” (true
knowledge of reality), is the method to attain moksa.
– As per Buddhism,”Sunya = Prajna-paramita-sutra = mano-vacam agocara
= The Sankaras Brahman”.
– As per Buddhism,liberation = “removal of samvrti” (the veil of illusion),
while for Sankara it is = “removal of veil of ignorance”

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A Free eBook ~ Valuable LIFE Lessons to Learn ( 5 Sets of Presentations)...
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A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism bk 1.pdf
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Deerfoot Church of Christ Bulletin 6 16 24
Deerfoot Church of Christ Bulletin 6 16 24Deerfoot Church of Christ Bulletin 6 16 24
Deerfoot Church of Christ Bulletin 6 16 24


  • 1. Controversial Questions on Hindu Scriptures Jaidevi
  • 2. Question 1 What is the ultimate reality in Hinduism? ‫ہے؟‬ ‫کیا‬ ‫حقیقت‬ ‫حتمی‬ ‫میں‬ ‫ہندومت‬ ह िंदू धर्म र्ें अिंहिर् वास्तहवकिा क्या ै?
  • 3. Sanskrit - Eko dev sarv bhuteshu goodhah na prakashate, Drishyate twagraya budhaya sokshmaya sookshm darshibhi hi ! There is ONE ultimate reality that pervades through this whole of this universe, but not seen by the ignorant. It can be seen by sharp intellect by those who have the passion to see the subtlest ! ،‫ہے‬ ‫ہوئی‬ ‫پھیلی‬ ‫میں‬ ‫کائنات‬ ‫پوری‬ ‫اس‬ ‫جو‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫حقیقت‬ ‫حتمی‬ ‫ایک‬ ‫دیکھ‬ ‫لوگ‬ ‫وہ‬ ‫سے‬ ‫عقل‬ ‫تیز‬ ‫اسے‬ ‫آتی۔‬ ‫نہیں‬ ‫نظر‬ ‫کو‬ ‫جاہلوں‬ ‫لیکن‬ ‫ہیں‬ ‫رکھتے‬ ‫شوق‬ ‫کا‬ ‫دیکھنے‬ ‫ترین‬ ‫باریک‬ ‫جو‬ ‫ہیں‬ ‫سکتے‬ !
  • 4. Question 2 Who are Tridev Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma? Is God beyond murtis tilak four hands, milk honey sweets etc ? ‫چار‬ ‫تلک‬ ‫مرتس‬ ‫خدا‬ ‫کیا‬ ‫ہیں؟‬ ‫کون‬ ‫برہما‬ ‫اور‬ ‫وشنو‬ ،‫شیو‬ ‫تردیو‬ ‫ہے؟‬ ‫آگے‬ ‫سے‬ ‫وغیرہ‬ ‫مٹھائی‬ ‫کی‬ ‫شہد‬ ‫دودھ‬ ،‫ہاتھ‬ हिदेव हिव, हवष्णु और ब्रह्मा कौन ैं? क्या भगवान चार ाथ, दू ध ि द हर्ठाई आहद हिलक से परे ैं?
  • 5. "If a person sees the supreme reality 'brahm' through three qualities of nature sato guna, rajo guna and tamoguna, then it is like seeing the brahman through three coloured lenses. Seen through satogun the supreme reality appears as vishnu, through rajoguna it appears as brahma and through tamoguna it appears as shiva. So Trideva are three aspects of the same reality. Actually they are not three but one."
  • 6. " ‫حقیقت‬ ٰ ‫اعلی‬ ‫شخص‬ ‫کوئی‬ ‫اگر‬ ' ‫برہم‬ ' ‫تی‬ ‫کی‬ ‫فطرت‬ ‫کو‬ ‫ن‬ ‫دیکھ‬ ‫ذریعے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫تموگنا‬ ‫اور‬ ‫گنا‬ ‫راجو‬ ،‫گنا‬ ‫ساتو‬ ‫صفات‬ ‫تا‬ ‫سے‬ ‫عینکوں‬ ‫کی‬ ‫رنگوں‬ ‫تین‬ ‫کو‬ ‫برہمن‬ ‫یہ‬ ‫تو‬ ،‫ہے‬ ‫دیکھا‬ ‫ذریعے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫ستوگن‬ ‫ہے۔‬ ‫مترادف‬ ‫کے‬ ‫دیکھنے‬ ،‫ہے‬ ‫ہوتی‬ ‫ظاہر‬ ‫پر‬ ‫طور‬ ‫کے‬ ‫وشنو‬ ‫حقیقت‬ ٰ ‫اعلی‬ ‫تو‬ ‫جائے‬ ‫طور‬ ‫کے‬ ‫برہما‬ ‫ہے۔‬ ‫ہوتی‬ ‫ظاہر‬ ‫یہ‬ ‫ذریعے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫رجوگون‬ ‫ہوتا‬ ‫ظاہر‬ ‫پر‬ ‫طور‬ ‫کے‬ ‫شیو‬ ‫یہ‬ ‫ذریعے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫تموگنا‬ ‫اور‬ ‫پر‬ ‫ہیں۔‬ ‫پہلو‬ ‫تین‬ ‫کے‬ ‫حقیقت‬ ‫ہی‬ ‫ایک‬ ‫تریدیوا‬ ‫لہذا‬ ‫ہے۔‬ ‫ہیں۔‬ ‫ایک‬ ‫بلکہ‬ ‫نہیں‬ ‫تین‬ ‫وہ‬ ‫دراصل‬ "
  • 7. Shiva's Arti - "Brahma Vishnu Sadashiv J anat aviveka, Pranav akshar om madhye ye teenon eka.” ‫تینوں‬ ‫یہ‬ ‫مدھیئے‬ ‫اوم‬ ‫اکشر‬ ‫پرناو‬ ،‫ایویکا‬ ‫جنات‬ ‫سداشیو‬ ‫وشنو‬ ‫برہما‬ ‫ایک۔‬ ब्रह्मा हवष्णु सदाहिव जनि हववेक, प्रणव अक्षर ओर् र्धे ये िीन िं एक।“ (Kathopanishad, Veda )
  • 8. Question 3 Who is supreme and who is lower among Tridev (Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma).
  • 9. Shiva's Arti - "Brahma Vishnu Sadashiv J anat aviveka, Pranav akshar om madhye ye teenon eka.” ‫تینوں‬ ‫یہ‬ ‫مدھیئے‬ ‫اوم‬ ‫اکشر‬ ‫پرناو‬ ،‫ایویکا‬ ‫جنات‬ ‫سداشیو‬ ‫وشنو‬ ‫برہما‬ ‫ایک۔‬ ब्रह्मा हवष्णु सदाहिव जनि हववेक, प्रणव अक्षर ओर् र्धे ये िीन िं एक।“ (Kathopanishad, Veda )
  • 10. Question 4 Are Tridevs just superheros among beings ? Were they human beings so they took birth and died like a normal person?
  • 11. Nope Tridev are not any life forms but their true swaroopa or self is Brahm himself. Trideva are brahma seen through three aspects. Only Trideva's avatars come in this universe as humans or other life forms world. There is no birth and Death of Tridevas as they being the aspect of brahman they are always there.
  • 13. Tridevas are the first recognizable aspects of Brahm only., which become basis of the universes. But they are not like life forms avtars that come down as life forms like Bhagwan Ram and Krishna, Hanuman etc.
  • 16. Is god Nirgun Nirakar (qithout qualities and form) or Sagun Sakaar (WIth qualities and forms ?
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  • 18. Question by Muslims 1- According to Hindu religion, there are 84 thousand kinds of creation and the best creation on the earth is the human being. Then the question is: Why are the cow, elephant and dog worshipped by human beings, and the worshipped must be superior and better than the worshipper? It is a sort of philosophical contradiction.
  • 19. Question by Muslims 2- There are 33 million Devi and Devta (gods) in Hinduism, who over millions of years managed to make only a few million people Hindu most of them are Hindu by their birth not by their choice. However, the Hindus were so weak in their faith that they accepted Islam and became Muslim by just simple efforts of Muslim preachers. When the Hindus were invited to Islam and became familiar with the Islamic message, they entered into the religion of Allah in multitudes. If the Hindu beliefs were stronger, better and more suitable than Islam, they would have never accepted Islam.
  • 20. Question by Muslims Prince Dara Shikoh (1615-1659 A.D.) says in his book Safinat ul Aouliya about Khajah Moinuddin Chishti (1141-1236): “Large numbers of non- Muslims were blessed with Islam by his auspicious invitation, even those who did not embrace Islam used to send to him treasures of gold coins of gold.”(2)
  • 21. Question by Muslims Hindus believe that Brahma has created the people but the question is: why has he divided them into high and low, pure and impure, touchable and untouchable castes? Why did he make four castes: Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras? Is this not a racial discrimination and a clear injustice by the God?
  • 22. Why does Shiva sit on a lion’s skin? Shiva sits on the skin of lion as his images and paintings show. The question is: how did Shiva get this skin; is it not a sort of offence against the lion? Is it not killing of an innocent animal?
  • 23. Where was the wife of Lakshmana during the exile period? Q. Hindus believe that Rama is their Lord. According to Hindu scriptures, Rama waged a war against Lanka in order to free his wife Sita. Undoubtedly, this was his personal battle and for personal cause then why has he pushed the whole society into the war? What was the contribution of this war to the wellbeing of the common people? As Ravana was the king of Lanka since a long time and his nature was evil and Rama knew all about his vice acts why did Ram not fight him before the abduction of his wife to teach him a lesson in advance? What was the benefit of this war for the society and country?
  • 24. Why did Dasaratha, the father of Rama, have four wives? Q. According to the Hindu religion, if second marriage for a man is prohibited, especially when the first wife is alive; the question is: Why had Dasaratha the father of Rama four wives? What is the justification for his marriages according to the Hindu philosophy?
  • 25. Why did Shiva order to bring another animal’s head to put on Ganesh’s body Hindu scriptures state that once Shiva chopped the neck of his son Ganesh then he cut the head of an elephant and installed it on the neck of his son Ganesh instead of his own head. The question is: Why did Shiva order to bring another animal’s head to put on Ganesh’s body! Why so? If he had so many powers, he could easily put back his own head? Who gave him the right to harm an innocent animal? Additionally, how can an elephant’s head match with the neck of a human baby?
  • 26. Why did Rama kill an innocent deer? Q. If the meat is forbidden in the Hindu religion, then why did Rama go to haunt the golden deer? If you say that Rama killed the golden deer for its “kasturi” (deer’s navel or the substance with a persistent odor, obtained from a gland of the male musk deer situated in its back or rectal area.) for his wife Sita then the question is: Is killing an animal for kasturi permissible then why is it not permissible for its meat?
  • 27. If Rama is God, then why did he not know that Ravana’s belly button includes elixir of life until he was informed by others? Moreover, if he would not have known the elixir of life in Ravana’s belly he never would have been able to defeat him. If he could not know such simple thing then he cannot be a god.
  • 28. Krishna watched secretly some nude women who took bath in the river. According to Hinduism, Krishna is a god, but the Hindu scriptures state that Krishna watched secretly some nude women who took bath in the river. How can such a person be a god who is worshipped by Hindus?
  • 29. What is the wisdom behind the worship of Shiva’s penis instead of his other body parts?
  • 30. Why was Khujraho regarded a temple despite the sexual images? Q. Khujraho monuments have provocative and shameful sexual images, then why was the building regarded as the temple? Do the provocative and sexual images deserve worship and devotion but the question is why?
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  • 35. samir sardana August 21, 2020let us look at the BIG PICTURE ! • No Story of Dalit oppression is complete w/o Brahminism No Story of Brahminism is complete w/o Brahmins No Story of Brahmis is complete w/o Ade Shankara ! • And who is this clown ? • Shankara, from Kerala – a Shaiva exponent of “pure nondualism (Advaita)” and idealism – who was “a Shiva avatar” and “had sex with the wife” of a Dead King, after “entering into the body of the dead king”. • Madhavacharya called Adi Shankara “a bastard & a son of a harlot” who copied, edited and pasted Buddhism” and repackaged it, for the Hindoos.dindooohindoo • He was born of a widower,and thus,was taunted as a “bastard” and also,mocked for his mothers chastity (or lack thereof). • At that time,India was ruled by Buddhists who mocked,abused and ostracised Ade Shankara,on account of the above traits.So what did Ade Shankara do ? He wrote his Magnum Opus,wherein he targeted Women (complex of being born of a widow,with no clear lineage),Dalits (who mocked him,as Buddhists) and Buddhists (who called him a “bastard”). • Ade Shankara destroyed Buddhism and Buddhists,and said that women had a status lower than that of a cow,and the Dalits had a status,lower than cow dung ! • This is the BIG PICTURE of the Indian Maimonides (in terms of stature – not intellect).The Dalit persecution,is the product of the diseased and complexed mind,of this Brahmin !
  • 36. • But this ain’t it ! • This man used his yogic powers to enter the body of a dead king (Parakaya Pravesa),and had sex with the wife of the dead king – for a long,long,long time ! • He then journeyed with his disciples to a city in which the king, named Amaruka, had died, and employing the ‘science of entering into the body of another’ (parakayapravesavidya), he revived the body of the king, which was lying on the funeral pyre. ‘The yogic power (yogabalam) of the teacher, which was joined to his subtle body, entered the body of the king, and that connoisseur of yoga (yogavit) guided his breath upward from the toes. Leaving his body via the fontanel, he slowly entered the body of the dead king via the fontanel…’ • Reanimated by Shankara’s presence, the body of King Amaruka rose from its funeral pyre, and with it, Shankara quickly mastered the erotic arts through extended love-play with the principle queen • People ask – Y is Hindooism doomed ? • Y ? They say Y was Hindoosthan enslaved for 2000 years by invaders ? • I say that the entire Hindoo Pantheon and the crazed dementia of Jallikattu and Kali worship,is all a copy and paste from the Assyrians,Babylonians,Sumerians,Persians,Nubians and Kushites
  • 37. • People say – No – don’t say that – it breaks me heart ! • I present the copy and paste of the Indian Maimonides ! • Ramanuja called Shankara a “crypto-Buddhist” (prachanna - bauddha).Sample the “copy and paste” of “Shankara the Shiva avatar” • – As per Buddhism,the “world is Sunya-tattva” (non-existent) and Sankara says, the world is “mithya” (non-existent), devoid of past, present and future. – As per Buddhism,the way to achieve nirvana is “prajna-paramita” (knowledge of reality),and Sankara says that “tattva-jnana” (true knowledge of reality), is the method to attain moksa. – As per Buddhism,”Sunya = Prajna-paramita-sutra = mano-vacam agocara = The Sankaras Brahman”. – As per Buddhism,liberation = “removal of samvrti” (the veil of illusion), while for Sankara it is = “removal of veil of ignorance” • BIG PICTURE ! It is all in the HISTORY of THEOLOGY and the PSYCHOLOGY of the ARCHITECTS of THEOLOGY.