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E N S T I N E M U K I . C O M
Enstine Muki
Discover Online
Money Making
Methods in
Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 1 P a g e
Content Is Money
Table of content
• Copyright Notice 3
• The Author 4
• About this book 5
• Understanding content production and distribution 9
• The Cameroonian market 10
• What to talk about – Content production 15
• Content distribution channels 20
o Your own blog 20
Where to host your blog 21
WordPress Vs Blogger 24 VS 24
Themes and Plugins 24
Most essential Pages to start with 26
o Social Media 29
o Fan pages/Groups, Communities and Boards 29
Grow your follower base naturally 29
Using Social Pay-Per-Click (SPPC) 30
o Live Videos 31
Getting set for Live video 32
What to do when Live 32
YouTube Live Video 33
Facebook Live Video 34
o Data Collection 35
o Offline events 37
o Material tools 38
• Creating wining content 40
1) 7 reasons people visit your blog/channels 41
2) How to know what readers want 44
3) 11 tips to write in-depth, wining articles 47
• Driving Targeted traffic 52
1) Understanding SEO 52
Technical SEO 52
Content SEO 53
• ON Page SEO 53
• OFF Page SEO 63
Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 2 P a g e
Content Is Money
2) Content outreach (Outreach Marketing for traffic) 65
3) Guest blogging 66
4) Blog commenting 70
• Monetizing your Content 73
1. Before monetizing (Segmenting your marketplace) 73
2. Local Monetizing strategies 75
Sponsored content 75
Direct advertising 76
Contextual advertising 76
Sponsored interviews 76
Negative reviews 77
Top X content type 77
Brand Ambassador 77
Affiliate Marketing in Cameroon 83
Create your own digital products for Cameroon 88
• Stepping out of Cameroon for Income 91
o Affiliate Marketing 91
o Fiverr & Micro jobs 91
• Partners 93
• SEO terms you must know 94
Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 3 P a g e
Content Is Money
Copyright Notice
Copyright © by Enstine Muki
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in
any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other
electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission
of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical
reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright
For permission requests, send an email to
with subject “Content is Money book review permission”
Enstine Muki |
Content Is Money
About Enstine
Enstine Muki is full time blogger and
serial entrepreneur. He started online in
2009 with WAU where he
contact with Internet Marketing.
He made his first earnings shortly after
in Affiliate Marketing by promoting and
earning commissions from a Clickbank
Due to Internet difficulties in
he dropped and only returned to online
business in 2011 with the creation of, which
EasyRetweet (A Twitter-
professional bloggers and that injected into
On the 21 of August 2012, in 2013 (as
constantly generated income mainly through Affiliate Marketing
of his own products and spo
content on Blogging, SEO, Social Media, Internet Marketing and related
Enstine has created a couple of products for bloggers including
CashDonator, BlogExpose
co-founded NjangiHost, a local web hosting company in | 237 677 26 74 59
Content Is Money
e Muki
full time blogger and
started online in
he got his first
contact with Internet Marketing.
first earnings shortly after
in Affiliate Marketing by promoting and
earning commissions from a Clickbank
Due to Internet difficulties in Cameroon,
dropped and only returned to online
business in 2011 with the creation of, which was later on sold for $13500.
-based web tool) brought him closer to many
professional bloggers and that injected into him the desire to be one.
On the 21 of August 2012, he published his first blog post. He in 2013 (as his second blog) and since then, it has
constantly generated income mainly through Affiliate Marketing
of his own products and sponsored content. On his blog, he
content on Blogging, SEO, Social Media, Internet Marketing and related
created a couple of products for bloggers including
BlogExpose, MyCommentAuthors, BroadedNet
, a local web hosting company in Cameroon
4 P a g e
closer to many
desire to be one.
He started
second blog) and since then, it has
constantly generated income mainly through Affiliate Marketing, sales
he publishes
content on Blogging, SEO, Social Media, Internet Marketing and related
created a couple of products for bloggers including
BroadedNet, etc, and
Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 5 P a g e
Content Is Money
About this book
This book is meant for content creators and bloggers in Cameroon who
desire to monetize and make money being in Cameroon.
The techniques discussed can be applied to content monetization in
any third world country.
If you can read and write, with a fairly good knowledge of how the
Internet works, what you have in your hands in something that can
generate the kind of income you dream to earn, being your own boss
We’ve been job seekers for quite a while now. I don’t blame us because
we were trained and given the tricks to quickly get a job after school.
So somehow our sight to seeing our entrepreneurial endowments was
The Internet is however a big blessing, offering all we need as young
Cameroonians to create thriving online businesses by getting involved
in content development and distribution.
But I’m still shocked!
What our brothers and sisters do is use Internet for senseless ends. We
spend time on chats, emails, gossips, scams, etc and that’s how we
grow deeper and deeper into desperation, while sitting on unexploited
gold mine.
If you want to be able to earn 1,000,000 (plus) fcfa consistently
monthly using the Internet, I’ve got something to share with you that
could make that dream come true.
In this book, I’m going to show you how to do principally two things.
Everything else revolves round these two cardinal points:
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1. Build an active and targeted marketplace
2. Legitimately monetize your marketplace.
You may not understand what these two mean. Give me a bit of your
time to explain. Of course you got this copy to learn these things.
1 - Your Marketplace
By this, I do not mean creating a market like Marche Mboppi or
Bonamoussadi market in Douala. That would be like tying your leg to a
tree and asking you to move forward.
Your marketplace is virtual and you do not need the millions to begin
It’s made up of your content consumers: Those who come to your
channels to read or view your content.
A huge portion of this book dwells on how to set up this marketplace.
Don’t worry. There is going to be nothing technical to break your
2 Legitimately monetize
We all know there are many ways people make money. Some do by
selling human parts. Others do by selling animal parts. But they all
make money.
The problem is selling human parts is illegal and that’s not something
I’m going to show you.
We are going to see legitimate and orthodox ways to make money on
the Internet and still show your face among people. Some
Cameroonians make money online but they spend their time in the
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Because they are simply doing black hat business!
Scamming people online is bad. Period!
If you pretend to sell extinct species of monkeys, you are one day going
to be the next monkey to be sold.
Basically, those are the two things you will learn from this book. As a
matter of fact, it’s my experience put on paper in a way to inspire and
show the readers to step into self-confidence and start a new journey
to financial breakthrough online.
There are two things you should do:
1. Read every single word of the book
2. Practice what you read.
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Understanding content production
and distribution
The content market used to be a thing of the few. We’ve known of
great writers in the past like Napoleon Hill, Sir Winston Churchill, etc
But you absolutely do not need to be a great writer to make money
with content. You do not need to write novels or voluminous
publications on ants and elephants to be successful.
You don’t even need people to know or talk about you in classrooms.
You do not need to have a radio station like Cyrille Bojiko of Radio
Balafon, FM 90.3.
I accept these guys are doing a huge job in marketing content. But we
do not need to get into traditional media.
We have the Internet. Period!
This makes content production and distribution remarkably easy.
Anyone (including you) can get involved and add to history.
Here are some very crucial understandings you should grab at this
• Content means Information
• Production means to gather, process and filter the information
• Distribution means to get the final, consumable version of the
information across to the final consumers.
NB: I didn’t say distribution is getting content to the general public.
That’s where you fail. You have to take it to the target consumers not
general public. More about this below.
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The Cameroonian market
I started online in Cameroon as content marketer in 2012. Before then,
I had been creating websites for local clients.
I tried Affiliate Marketing in 2009 but failed due to the Internet and
online money processing difficulties in Cameroon.
It was quite difficult to earn money from the Internet. Though I made
some money on Clickbank, my first payment (about $533) had to go
through a friend in Belgium.
It was wholly difficult to have a debit card as a Cameroonian in
Cameroon. There was absolutely no way to receive money online. We
had Moneybooker online merchants but that was far below
Getting involved in local content wasn’t at all easy. The market was
literally absent.
More Cameroonians online were very much involved in,
Yahoo Messenger, Porn sites, Facebook, and other distractions.
Internet access was a thing for the rich. I remember we used to burn
our fingers to buy cyber-café tickets. Sometimes, 1500 fcfa per hour.
You see making money online in Cameroon about a decade back was
hard to deal with.
That was a big excuse for graduate to keep moving from one
employment firm to the other with bags of job application letters:
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Content Is Money
Dear sir,
I have the honor to apply for the post of …
But today, a lot has changed for the better. You have to still be living
under a bridge to think you can’t make 1000,000 fcfa/month online
being in Cameroon.
It doesn’t matter who you are or where you are coming from.
Well, If you can’t read or write or you don’t even understand the
content of this book, I can understand your plight.
Whether you are a school dropout or you are a graduate (a been to),
you absolutely have no excuse not to make money online in Cameroon
I think your only excuse is lack of knowledge and maybe a bit of
But I want to spur you to hard work. Of course, your reading of this
book means you’ve taken the right path.
But this is just the beginning. It’s one thing to learn and another to
practice what you learn.
If you learn and don’t practice, you are on the same scale with
someone who didn’t learn. There is no difference. You may even be at a
loss because you spent money to purchase the study materials (I
appreciate if you really bought it)
The Cameroonian market is now so developed so we have the facilities
to earn money online.
Enstine Muki |
Content Is Money
Let’s start with Internet penetration and usage
According to, i
of the population in Cameroon accessed the internet,
percent in 2000
What this tells us is that there is a larger and a more receptive market.
More people now connect and more people now spend time online.
The Internet is the information highway. The more people connect, the
more the need for information because people connect to seek
information. And of course, the more the need for reliable sources of
information. | 237 677 26 74 59
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Let’s start with Internet penetration and usage
According to, in a most recently measured period, 23.2
of the population in Cameroon accessed the internet, up from 0.25
What this tells us is that there is a larger and a more receptive market.
More people now connect and more people now spend time online.
The Internet is the information highway. The more people connect, the
e need for information because people connect to seek
f course, the more the need for reliable sources of
11 P a g e
most recently measured period, 23.2%
up from 0.25
What this tells us is that there is a larger and a more receptive market.
More people now connect and more people now spend time online.
The Internet is the information highway. The more people connect, the
e need for information because people connect to seek
f course, the more the need for reliable sources of
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Now, let’s look at some comparative points
In those days, we needed 50,000 fcfa (and more)/month to have some
turbulent, low bandwidth Internet connection
Today, all you need is 10,000 fcfa (or less)/month to have a
relatively reliable high bandwidth connection signal.
Remarkable improvement right?
What this means is more time to connect, more time to read,
more time to watch YouTube and Facebook Live streams, etc.
In those days, you needed 1.2m fcfa to buy a Pentium 4 Laptop with
Windows 98.
But today, with 130,000 fcfa you have a high performing laptop
with Windows 7
In those days, you needed 50,000 for some kind of a modem.
But today, your Android phone does the trick.
Absolutely no reason for anyone in the major towns of our country to
still remain disconnected.
Now, the growth of the local Internet Community makes it hard for
companies and corporations to resist its attraction. They are turning to
it for exposure as they seek to acquire more customers.
They want to pay you to produce their content or promote their
products to your audience.
Don’t worry!
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We will see how this works in the pages ahead as we dive into the real
meat of the book.
From all indications, the local market is on a rising trend. We have the
tools we need to succeed online.
No more excuses. Period!
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What to write about – Content
Earlier, I mentioned the different phases of content marketing:
Production and distribution
I also mentioned that you may not distribute your content to the
general public.
You have to select a market and target in your strategies. In the online
marketing jargon, this is referred to as niche.
A niche is a reduced section of a global market or an industry.
Let’s take an example:
Health industry -> Weight loss -> Weight loss after birth
Now you see how I break that down to a reduced niche (i.e. Weight loss
after birth).
You need to be a big corporation to create a site that published
everything in Health. If not, you won’t see encouraging results.
Focusing on Weight lost is still broad and you may find hard times
building a leadership for your brand.
But going deeper and building a profile for the market section that
wants to lose weight after birth may give you super high chances to
break loose.
A successful content production strategy is not just writing about
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Sometimes I get really pissed off visiting some of our local blogs. You
don’t know what to expect from these blogs.
They just mix information from every angle and at the end no one is
interested because no one was targeted.
• They talk about football
• They talk about boxing
• They talk about health
• They talk about politics
• They gossip
• Etc
And all of these on one blog. What a shame!
But I do not want to tell you which content to produce. Here are some
questions to help you figure out what to write about:
1. Are you passionate about something?
2. Are you so knowledgeable about something?
These are just 2 questions that may help you decide your direction.
Remember we are still talking about content production and I’m
helping you decide on where to start.
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They keyword here is Focus!
Pick a topic and focus on it.
You have enough time to research it. You will be able to produce in-
depth content that makes your market always turn to you each time
they need something.
They will always know what to expect. They will invite and hire you as
the expert in the field.
So, if you want me to help you suggest a topic, I will ask you to answer
those questions above.
You can contact me with proof that you purchase this book. And I will
sincerely give you my attention.
Some folks think there is nothing to write about in Cameroon apart
from entertainment, politics and football.
Are you kidding me?
Let me say this…
The reason they think so is because they are within a tiny box. The only
solution is for them to jump out.
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If you create local content just about women and their hairstyles, you
will soar.
I hear Uber is already in Nigeria. Sooner or later, they are coming to
Cameroon. Why don’t you want to produce content on transportation
in Cameroon?
Think about the taxis and their wahalas and write about them. Think
about the travel agencies.
If you have content channel that has useful information about local
transportation, you will rock. Not only will you serve international
tourists. You will serve local communities and monetizing your channel
will be very easy.
Still don’t have any content idea?
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The reason is that you have refused to think and you do not want to do
some basic research.
It should not be difficult producing money making and attention
grabbing content being in Cameroon.
I mean content that’s consumed by Cameroonians.
A friend of mine just left. She was with me a few moments ago. She’s
got no college degree. She didn’t even get BAC. But she’s smart.
I mean really smart.
I helped her with getting started on YouTube and Facebook live. I was
very impressed.
She got into cosmetics some months back. While with me, I trained her
on shooting short promotional videos for social media.
We did four videos. She shared them on her WhatsApp status and
Facebook. Surprisingly, she got an order right in my presence.
She’s going to setup a group on Facebook and a review channel on
That’s just a bit of what happened and you see that you can start from
Content production in Cameroon is easy. You just have to start from
somewhere and before you know it, you are breaking barriers.
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Content distribution Channels
1 - Setting up your own blog
Now, I’m sure you know where we are going. You have some
knowledge what’s happening in Cameroon and you agree with me that
you can succeed.
You know you have the need to build your own market place. This is
made up of these content distribution channels.
These channels are the different ways you carry your content to the
Content consumers are those who read your blog posts or watch your
on demand or live videos.
Creating a blog is the best way to be in control. It’s your virtual home.
It’s where you express yourself. As a matter of fact, your blog is the
center of your marketplace.
Where to start
Have you decided on what to blog about?
I will recommend you think more seriously before moving on. I have
had friends who move forward and backward because at one point,
they realized they started on the wrong footing.
If you’ve decided on a blogging niche – content niche, the first thing is
to buy your name online.
It’s called domain name. Mine for instance is This is
what points readers to my location on the Internet. In other words, it’s
my website address.
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Deciding on a domain name doesn’t have to be difficult. You may want
to use your first and last names like in my case or get something very
My friend Nino came up with The activities on this
website have given the word a new meaning.
So you see you may want to settle for a descriptive domain name or
something that’s short and memorable.
Where to host your blog
The domain name is not hosting. It’s just a pointer to your location. If
someone gives you his physical address, he just shows you the way to
his house.
That’s what the domain name stands for. Now, hosting is actually a
folder on a remote computer where your website documents are
My website for instance is hosted by WPXHosting. So I have 2 different
elements put together:
1) The domain name – registered at Godaddy
2) The website – hosted by WPXHosting
Other registrars you may want to check out
Popular webhost for WordPress
• Godaddy
• Hostgator
• Siteground
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Content Is Money
• iPage
How do you buy online?
You need two elements:
1) A debit Card
2) A free Paypal account
The good news is that it’s easy to get these items. I recommend
checking out UBA’s card.
I wrote an article that could be very helpful:
With this card, you can easily enable your Cameroon Paypal account
and purchase online safely.
I highly recommend not using your card data directly. Link it to Paypal
and do all your purchases with Paypal.
Go to
You may also want to try out
They allow you to purchase virtual cards with Orange Money or MTN’s
MoMo. It’s a practical payment service.
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Content Is Money
Here is what Payqin looked like the last time I checked before this book.
They Payqin Mastercard or VISA can be used anywhere online. But I still
recommend using it to activate your PayPal account.
Any purchases online should absolutely be done with Paypal for
security reasons.
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WordPress Vs Blogger
Now, going by the few points above, you must have noticed I’m more
tilted towards WordPress.
This is because of the flexibility of the Content Management System
and the abundance of resources to scale your business.
Though WordPress powers over 30% of the Internet, it’s almost the
most vulnerable given its open source nature.
However, this shouldn’t frighten you at all. If you’ve made the right
choice where to host your blog and adhere to basic security practices,
you should be fine. Vs
One of these two must be better is the hosting service of WordPress. They handle your
blog and limit the way you deal with it. A huge section of plugins and
themes are limited. is your world. As a matter of fact, it’s the open source
version of It’s the CMS that allows you create self-
hosted blogs.
Any of the Web Hosting services I mentioned above will allow you
install the WordPress script with a few click of the button.
Themes and Plugins
Themes are actually what make the design of your blogs. WordPress by
default has some pretty nice themes.
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While it’s not bad to download and setup themes that are commended
by friends, you have to pay attention to the following elements:
• Theme designer reputation
• Theme colors
• Theme options
• Graphics and fonts
• Free or Paid (avoid free if you ask me)
• Load speed
• SEO features
• Etc
Plugins are the pieces of code that extend the functionalities of
WordPress in its core functions does not allow sending of SMSs. So if
you want to send SMSs from your WordPress blog, you need an SMS
plugin. This is just to make you understand what plugins are.
Now, there are some key plugins that are shipped with the WordPress
core. But for the most part, there is always need for some additional
Refrain from installing plugins just to find out if… Keep the number of
active plugins below 30.
Plugins can be very dangerous. Most blogs have been taken down
through backdoors created by malicious plugins.
Before you install any plugin:
• Check for plugin developer reputation
• Check for user reviews
• Number of downloads
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• Be sure it’s highly useful
• Make sure it doesn’t add extra load time to your blog
• Make sure it’s compatible with your theme and other plugins
• Make sure it’s regularly updated.
Creating essential pages on your new blog.
In WordPress, there is a different between blog post and pages. Pages
are web document with static content, created to be linked to from any
point on your blog.
If you do not link to a page, no one will ever see it. On the other hand,
blog posts are documents that are designed to show up on some areas
of your blog automatically: Blog roll, Homepage, sidebars, etc
But there are some specific pages that must be created for the purpose
of your business. These include:
• Contact page
• About me page
• Service page
• Privacy statement page
• Etc
These pages should be clearly linked from the footer area of your blog.
There are two pages that are highly visited on my blog. These are About
Me and Contact Me page.
Not giving these pages enough attention will hurt your business and
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2 - Social media
Social media is one of the ways to distribute and monetize your
Though social media initially was meant for social interactions and
networking, it has grown to becoming an unavoidable business tool and
an undeniable force in the marketing industry.
Behind social features like live chats, posts and comments are hidden
business arms like Fan pages, groups, SPPC, Communities, Boards, etc
The growth of social media in Cameroon is undeniable. According to
some sources, over 2,500,000 million Cameroonians are on Facebook,
placing the SM giant on top of the list with 93.68% market share:
Other active social media platforms include:
• YouTube
• Pinterest
• Twitter
• Instagram
• Google+
• LinkedIn
Not taking advantage of this huge presence will mean leaving a huge
portion of your market share on the table.
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To fully expand your marketplace to Social media and reach many more
Cameroonians, I recommend linking to your blog the following
• Facebook Fan Page
• Facebook Group
• YouTube Channel
• Pinterest Business account
• Instagram Account
• Twitter Account
• LinkedIn Account
• Google+ Account
• Google + Communities
Note however that you may not be required to begin with all of these
properties. Start with the most active: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter.
If you’re using a broad range of social media channels, you can look at
the overall numbers but if you have the time and means to do so, you
should inspect each channel individually to analyze their value.
Prepare your social media accounts for business
I see a lot of folks around playing with their social media presence. But
if you want your Facebook, Youtube or Twitter accounts to serve as
channels to distribute marketable content, I recommend you do these:
• Use professional cover images and profile pictures
• Grow your accounts naturally
• Don’t post irrelevant content
• Contribute reasonably on others’ accounts.
• Respond to all comments politely and with a personal and
conversational approach.
• Maintain a schedule. Etc
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3 - Fan pages/Groups, Communities and Boards
Top social media platforms have business tools. On Facebook, we have
groups, pages and paid ads. On Google plus, we have Communities and
on Pinterest, we have Boards. Just to mention these few.
Note that your social media profiles are meant for social interactions.
But a lot of people use these to share business materials and wonder
why people don’t engage on them.
If you want to understand the difference, go to your Facebook profile
and share business information. On the same profile, share some social
prank. Then compare the engagement (likes, shares and comments).
You are going to find out that the social piece of information is going to
attract more attention.
If you want to succeed on social media as content marketer, step away
from your main profiles and make use of these business elements.
Grow your follower base naturally.
Sometimes we want numbers: We want hundreds of followers, friends,
Fan Page likes or Group members. Many users are going to want to use
bots or some script to trick the system and get more likes/followers,
usually fake ones.
That’s the worst thing you are ever going to do. It’s a shortcut to killing
your own business.
Never take any steps to manipulate any social media platform to get
more followers or likers.
Follow platform ethics and naturally grow your list. Let people choose
to follow you, like your pages or join your groups.
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Facebook, for instance has made it so easy to create a group and get a
massive number of members within record time. Get your groups, Fan
Page or Google Communities properly setup with relevant images and
description. Regularly post reasonable content and watch as your
community expands.
Using Social Pay Per Click (SPPC)
One of the ways to quickly grow on social media is paid ads. On
platforms like Facebook, SPPC does remarkably well and cheap. You can
reach out to thousands with less than 5000 FCFA per day.
Do proper targeting (Age groups, interests, towns, etc) I recommend
targeted main towns like Douala, Yaounde, Limbe, Buea, etc.
You may want to choose to promote videos, boost Fan Page posts or
simply advertise a link.
The opportunities are limitless. If you break out of your brain and think
more broadly, you will be able to use these elements for massive
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4 - Live Videos
I used to freak-out each time someone
mentioned something about YouTube in
Cameroon because of three reasons:
1) Poor quality bandwidth.
2) Wallet threatening Internet cost.
3) Online video streaming eats a lot of
But those difficult days are gradually thinning
out as Internet technology gets more and more
improved and the cost of getting connected is
dropping by the day.
Though there’s been this remarkable
improvement over the past half decade,
Cameroon still has a lot to implement.
Nevertheless, what we have now is good
enough to allow you market your content in live
video format, principally on Facebook and
As these two social media sites are part of the
most visited websites in Cameroon according to
Alexa. I have reasons to believe that using them
for live videos is an excellent idea.
Producing and sharing content through videos is generally referred to
as vlogging.
You may not need any special training. It could just mean a couple of
hours to practice talking before the camera.
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You don’t mean to be a journalist on Canal 2, Equinox TV or CRTV. It
doesn’t have to be hard to start vlogging.
All you need is a webcam enabled HD Camera. Webcam function is a
requirement because that’s what connects you on live Facebook or
Preparing your live content
It would be a horrible experience to start a live broadcast without
having defined a topic. Just like dealing with written content, video
content has to go through preparation checks to avoid you messing up
Have your points noted and be confident especially if you are just
beginning. Be ready to face criticism and negative remarks. Take them
for stepping stones and move on.
Get a comfortable shooting space. Don’t worry about setting up
expensive studios. If you can’t afford an office background, shoot
against a clean wall or any natural background.
When you are live
Don’t get discouraged because no one is watching live. For a start, you
may be alone. You are just a baby. You will soon grow big.
Keep talking and post when you are through with the live show. Your
followers will playback the recording when they get online.
Avoid appearing like you are on CRTV news. Be relaxed, be yourself and
be casual. Make your live moments fun and attractive and choose your
words correctly. Words spoken cannot be erased.
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Make it interactive and allow viewers to drop their comments. Read
viewers’ comments and stop within your presentation to converse with
Going live on YouTube using PC.
It’s simple. Just go to and follow
instructions to connect. Make sure your Webcam and microphone are
fitted to their various ports.
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Going live on Facebook using PC
First, go to your Facebook account and click the Live Video
Note however that this may change at any time. Facebook has the right
to redesign their interface without notice:
Once you’ve gone live a couple of times, you are going to find the
exercise very friendly.
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Please Note
You can start your content marketing with just live videos without a
blog. The online downside is if those social media platforms suspend
your accounts, you will suddenly drop to naught. So creating your blog
is a big catch.
4 – User Data collection
It’s generally said “the money is in the list” and I agree with that. But
we want to focus more on seeing targeted traffic in the list.
List building in the Cameroonian way has to be with a special touch.
We are dealing with a local market. So we can’t limit ourselves to
collecting emails and first names.
In a short while, I will discuss details on the user data to collect and
how this is important.
Most you collect data?
A quick answer to this question is YES. That’s the only way to build and
keep under control a reliable portion of your market.
Your followers on social media are an important part of your
community. But what happens if one day Twitter decides to suspend
your account?
You lose access not only to your account but to your followers. Same
thing can happen on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.
Social media gives you very limited access to the list of your followers
and likers. You have absolutely no means to communicate with them
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except on the social media platform. This way, they define the way you
do your business.
But if you chose to collect readers’ data, you decide what to request
from them, how to process the data and when to contact your
subscribers directly.
You should be collecting some personal data from your readers
What to collect from readers
Traditional list building limits to first names and email addresses.
Though the list building software may go on to collect some more
technical info at the background, you may not find it quite useful.
But if you have to create a money making email list in Cameroon, you
may have to consider the following data fields:
• First names
• Email addresses
• Telephone numbers
• Sex
• Towns
• Quarters
• Consent to mail and send SMS
Local businesses often have the need to reach out to prospective
customers with proximity as a factor.
Few years back, Guinness Cameroon wanted my services to reach out
to consumers in Mabanda, Bonaberi through targeted SMSs. But I had a
huge list scattered all over the national territory.
I couldn’t filter the data to come out with a more geo-targeted list,
reason being that the data was partial.
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This is why I recommend collecting more data from your readers to
help in filtering and targeting.
What to use for data collection
Any email building platform should allow you create additional fields
for your list building and segmentation.
You may want to start out with cost effective platforms like MailChimp,
Sendinblue, etc
I highly advise against using any local plugin to send mass emails from
your website except you are on a VPN or some dedicated server.
Shared hostings (which is what you are likely to start with) have very
limit resources allocated to each hosting account.
5 – Offline events
This is a big marketing channel and I mean every word of it.
It’s an incredible way to take your message across to a very excited and
targeted audience.
95% of folks who attend seminars, conferences, meet-ups, etc expect
something from the event. That makes it one of the most result-driven
ways to step into influence.
Organizing offline events as an online marketer allows you to connect
with many more like-minded marketers, drive traffic to your business,
expand your sphere of influence, sell your services, bring more
exposure to your clients, make more money, etc.
It doesn’t have to be difficult to go offline. I know for a starter, it’s a
challenging step to take.
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But once you break your fears and take the first move, you will see
things falling in place. You have to start from somewhere.
My quick idea is to connect with someone who has done events before.
Partnership works in business.
During your events:
• Invite other experts to speak
• Get sponsors
• Focus on giving something to participants.
• Etc
Now, I just briefly touched on the main content distribution channels
and I’m sure you’ve gotten a clearer vision what these are.
Let me round this section up by looking at some other material tools
you need to effectively produce and distribute content on these
6 – Content creation and distribution tools
The good news here is that you do not need huge capital to begin with
as content marketer.
The basic things you need are:
• Internet connection (10,000FCFA/month
should get you going)
• A personal computer (desktop or laptop).
You do not need a supper, lightning-fast
computer. With 150,000 or less, you
should get a PC that’s good to go
• A good Camera (with webcam). You may
start with your Android phone if you think
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it has good picture quality. I however recommend not joking
around with your content quality except you want to chase away
your clients.
Added to these items should be a good and strong determination to
push forward and break through tough times.
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Creating wining content
The success of your content marketing business depends on the quality
of your content.
If you have the best production materials, host your blog on the best
servers but publish mediocre content, you won’t make it online.
There are generally 2 categories of content and if any information you
want to share doesn’t fall within these, you may have to rethink:
1. Problem solving content
2. Infortainment (Information and entertainment)
Competition in the content market is fierce. But you have to be top-
notch to be able to win the readers’ attention.
Winning content is content that has the innate power to attract the
readers and keep them stuck.
Everyone writes about a certain topic but here are some thought-
provoking questions to help you stand out and be different:
1. Why should readers care about you in a highly competitive
content world?
2. What brings them to your blog posts or videos?
3. Why should they sign up to your list?
Now, to help you understand winning content and how to create such
as to win the confidence of readers, let’s look at some reasons why
people visit your blog.
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7 reasons people visit your blog or content channels
1 – They have problems
One of the main reasons people read around is the undeniable fact that
they are in need of solutions to their problems.
The problems are in varied forms and that boils down to your niche. If
you have this understanding, you will always want to make sure your
articles are crafted towards solving a certain problem.
Going by the example above, a reader who gains weight after birth
certainly has a problem. She’s looking for how to lose these extra
kilos without having to visit the gym every 7 am.
If you are in that niche and you are targeting this reader, your content
must be aimed at helping her with a solution.
2 – Networking
Another reason people visit and read your blog is because they want to
connect with you. In blogging and content marketing, this is an
important factor.
The more bloggers and marketers you are connected with, the more
chances your blog or channels stand to grow.
Readers who want to connect with you often tend to drop comments,
share your posts on social media, contact you, follow you on social
media, etc.
Now, if you want this kind of readers, you must make sure you provide
the items that will make things easy for them:
Have an itch-free commenting system.
Encourage them to drop a comment in your content (Blog,
Facebook, Youtube, etc)
Reply to their comments.
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Say Thank You to them each time they tweet/share your posts
Link out to their posts and send them a notification.
Be personal and real.
3 – Infotainment
Folks generally want entertaining and humor-filled information.
Secondly, they want to feel comfortable when acquiring knowledge.
This is very important…
If you are boring in your content, chances are that your readers will get
pissed off and close your site or channel for good.
Add elements on your blog that will make it entertaining and attractive.
Once readers feel comfortable and entertained by your blog posts, they
will sign up to return.
Here are a couple of factors that could make your blog and articles and
videos thrilling and sticky:
Choice of words
Beautiful images
Content formatting
Videos on articles
Site load speed
4 – Expectations
Some readers have known you for something good. They know each
time they come to your blog, they are going to find something worth
their time.
Every now and then, you find them checking your blog to find out if
your next article or video is published. For this group of people, you
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have to be consistent. Don’t fail them because if you do, you may lose
them forever.
5 – They heard about you
You’ve been blogging and making news. People talk about you during
meetings and events. They mention you on social media chats and
Someone just told a friend “your blog is awesome” And here the friend
comes to your blog to find out more about you.
Maybe you applied for an opportunity. That brings some folks to your
blog to try to find out more. They may end up becoming returning
readers if you succeed in making your blog sticky.
6 – Just checking if you are still blogging.
Has someone ever come to your blog and mentioned he/she’s been
away for long?
Yes it happens. People sometimes just get absent from your blog for
some reasons. At some point they think about you and decide to find
out if you are still producing content.
Make sure your blog is regularly updated with fresh content. Such
readers will return and signup to your blog because they’ve found out
you are still waxing strong.
7 – They want you down
Not everyone reading your blog prays for your success. Competitors
want to know what makes you strong and what makes you weak. They
want to be able to push you away from your top search position.
Some pay hackers to take down your business. Some are readers who
spy for different evil motives. Some come to find out if you’ve
published another ‘epic content’ for them to easily copy and paste.
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There is no way to stop them from coming to your blog. But you have
to know this category of readers exists.
Get ready for them –
Enforce your blog’s security
Do your backups
Protect your content (Text, images, etc)
Choose a reliable host
So these are just some of the reasons people visit and read your blog or
watch your videos. Again, no one comes to you by chance.
There is a driving force and knowing what they want is a strong
marketing factor. That will help you prepare for them and not lose
How to know what your readers want
In order to create super winning content, besides knowing why people
visit your channels, you should be able to know exactly what they want.
It seems difficult to dig deep and find out what exactly is someone
looking on your blog. What does someone really expect by watching
your videos?
1 - Ask your readers
As a matter of fact, it isn’t a big deal to know what your readers want.
The most commonly used method is asking questions.
Ask in your articles or videos. Find out from your readers what next to
talk about. Send them an email and watch their comments.
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You are soon going to find out what a majority of them want. This helps
you to be more focused and get just want will keep readers excited.
2 – Polls and Surveys
The next method I recommend is to use Polls and Surveys. If you are
blogging on WordPress, you could easily find plugins that allow you
create these interactive elements to collect useful marketing and
content orienting data from your readers.
3 – Most commented and shared
Which article on your blog or live video is most commented and
Some articles really drive people crazy. Often, it’s not just the article
but the idea behind it. Once you discover people get to stick around
certain topics on your channels, rinse and repeat.
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4 – Heatmap tools
Have you heard about heatmap tools?
This is one of the most exciting content marketing technologies that
allow you spy on your visitors’ activities while they read your content.
The tools record mouse movements, clicks, scrolls and every other
activity performed by your site visitors.
It helps you know which menu item on your blog attracts more
attention and if readers scroll to the bottom of your site or not.
From the heatmap record above, you notice that the item PREMIUM
POSTS is something my readers don’t care about. So I took it down
Some commonly used heatmap tools are Crazy Egg, Mouseflow,
HotJar, Lucky Orange, PTengine, etc
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Now, you see with me that it’s not as difficult as some make it seem to
be to know what your readers want on your blog.
This knowledge will highly help you in producing winning content and
growing your audience and marketplace online.
How to write in-depth, wining articles
1 – Focus on the topic
I think the first step to come out with an in-depth content is to focus on
the topic and bring the meat out of it.
Do your proper research and try to cover every aspect. Tackle it from
every angle making sure you leave no stone unturned.
2 - Use examples
Show examples to backup your points. Examples are quick in painting a
clearer image of any point you are trying to make.
Try to get the most recent, most outstanding and most related
examples. The more examples, the more the understanding.
3 - Use images and graphics
It’s often said that images speak better than words. Related illustrative
graphics and pictures will be another way to make clear your point.
Don’t just fill up the spaces with images. Use relevant and top quality
images. How many images to use in a single post is up to you. However,
the more the images, the more time it takes to load.
You may use image optimization plugin like SmushId or Lazy Load (For
WordPress) to increase page speed.
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4 - Link out to related materials
Linking out to external resources is not only a search engine strategy.
It’s a way to offer more value to your readers and attract back links to
your own blog.
Don’t be a selfish blogger. If you have come across great content that’s
related to the article you are writing, link back to it. That will add meat
to the bone.
5 - Use quotes
Another way to add value to your article and make it in-depth is to
share what some others have said about the topic.
Before you tackle the topic, someone else might have said something
captivating and worth mentioning. Quote that person in your article
and add more value to it. Again, don’t be selfish.
6 - Define concepts and terms
Don’t think everyone reading that topic will understand those concepts
or jaw breaking terms. Make things easy for your readers and breaking
down into words the street man will understand.
What triggers a “wow” is when someone understands something he’s
been struggling with for a long time. Don’t think your readers already
know the concepts. Make them know the concepts. Write for the
professionals and the layman.
7 - Answer common questions
Every topic has common questions people ask here and there. Some of
those questions come up over and over in forums, discussion boards,
social media, etc. Bring out those questions and provide adequate
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answers. That will make your article sharable, bringing more traffic and
attracting search engines.
8 - Create your own questions and answer them
One excellent way to write in-depth articles and get something
understood is to create questions and provide answers yourself.
Readers might never think inline with your brain but your ingenious
question and accurate answer will open more their understanding.
9 - Show weak and strong points
Where appropriate, show the weak and the strong points of what you
are writing about. Don’t write to flatter someone. Be very balanced and
give your readers the right education.
Bringing out the disadvantages and advantages, pros and cons of a an
object or topic will ignite the better side of your readers’
10 - Use videos/audios
These are important media objects on every web page. Some visitors
may not want to go through your article word after word. They may
prefer the video or audio. This will be an attractive addition to keep
such visitors on your article.
11 - Make it fun
Don’t stress up your readers’ brains. Make your writing fun to read. Use
simple language and words to make your readers to smile.
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Driving Targeted traffic
Now, I believe we’ve gotten the essential structure setup. We have our
blog and social media channels setup.
We have the necessary tools and of course, we’ve understood basically
how to create winning content.
It’s time to drive traffic to our content. Traffic simply means the human
visitors your channels get daily.
If you produce content, it’s for readers. How do you get the readers to
your blog posts or YouTube/Facebook live videos?
That’s what we will be looking at in this chapter. If you do not get
readers and viewers, you won’t make money. It means your
marketplace is empty.
That’s why it’s super necessary you pay attention to this section and
practice what you learn. I will be touching on some very crucial traffic
factors that will turn your business around.
I insist on targeted traffic
Now, one of the problems we get online as marketers is that we just
want traffic. But that’s a poor posture.
Not all traffic is monetizable. Some blog owners tell you they get
thousands of daily readers yet they aren’t able to make good money
out of it.
On one of my blogs, I used to get just 100 to 200 daily readers. Even at
that, I was able to be paid over 150,000 FCFA just to write an article.
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And the advertisers were very satisfied. That’s because the traffic was
super targeted.
Targeted traffic is traffic that flows to your channels because you have
published content that answers their questions.
Folks click to your website because they know you have what they
want. They are not there by error. Not even because they are friends or
family members who want to see how your new blog looks like.
They were searching for where to “hire a RAV 4 2008 in Douala” and
your article comes up on SERP (Search Engine Result Page) because you
wrote content on “Luxury Car Rentals in Douala”
That’s targeted traffic. People who want car rental service in Douala
rushing to your blog to read more about how it’s done.
What if you wrote an article on “Best water fufu & eru restaurants in
Douala” and someone looking for “real estate agents in Douala” finds
that article?
Do you think he’s going to be a targeted reader?
No of course he’s not.
I hope you understand what it means to drive targeted traffic.
On a more global scale, if you are writing on weight loss after birth, you
should focus on getting women who were just delivered of their babies
(or who are pregnant) to your content.
If you just want Cameroonians to come and see that you are blogging
or you are live on Facebook, you are going to fail miserably and don’t
blame me because I just told you what to do.
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So how do you get the targeted traffic? Does it look like I’m asking you
to lift an elephant?
Absolutely no! Here is how to start.
Understanding SEO
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. In other words, it’s all you
do to make your content search engine friendly.
There is a lot when it comes to this topic and I can do a “big” book on
this. But I’m just going to give you the essentials so you start going.
However, broadly, we talk of (1) Technical and (2) Content SEO. The
later is further broken down to (a) OnPage and (b) OffPage SEO. Don’t
worry I will chop this into shreds to ease your understanding.
1 - Technical SEO:
This is everything that has to do with the technical aspect of your
blog/site that makes Google and other search engines love it.
It includes the configuration of your hosting server, the quality of the
template you use, the mobile friendliness of your site (Mobile SEO).
If you chose a good host and bought a premium theme, this aspect of
SEO should be fairly handled.
Another phase of technical SEO is getting some useful plugins that will
facilitate content optimization. I recommend Yoast for WordPress. It
will scan your articles and create an optimization report.
• Get Yoast setup. Go to Wordpress plugin area and search for it
• Set it up and generate your sitemap.
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• Link your site to your Google Search Console Account and submit
your sitemap.
This process will help get your articles by Google indexed pretty quickly.
2 – Content SEO
This is where you have to be fully involved. As you create your content,
you have to make sure they are indexed and ranked by Google
I mentioned above that Content SEO is further broken down into two:
a) On Page Optimization
b) Off page Optimization
A - On Page Content SEO
This is all you do on your articles to affect its search indexing and
Before we get to the details, I want you to understand the structure of
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Link your site to your Google Search Console Account and submit
This process will help get your articles by Google indexed pretty quickly.
here you have to be fully involved. As you create your content,
you have to make sure they are indexed and ranked by Google
I mentioned above that Content SEO is further broken down into two:
On Page Optimization
Off page Optimization
Content SEO
This is all you do on your articles to affect its search indexing and
Before we get to the details, I want you to understand the structure of
a complete web document.
52 P a g e
Link your site to your Google Search Console Account and submit
This process will help get your articles by Google indexed pretty quickly.
here you have to be fully involved. As you create your content,
you have to make sure they are indexed and ranked by Google
I mentioned above that Content SEO is further broken down into two:
This is all you do on your articles to affect its search indexing and
Before we get to the details, I want you to understand the structure of
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A complete web document (blog post or page) has 6 different sections.
These are:
1. Page Meta Title
2. Page URL
3. Page Meta Description
4. Page Introduction
5. Page Body
6. Page Conclusion
Each time you write a blog post, you have to pay attention to these
areas to make your final article is search engine friendly.
There are 3 SEO On Page elements that you need to include in your
documents to make it rank better. These are:
1. Keywords
2. Content length
3. Other multimedia elements (images, audio and video)
We will begin with content keyword and how to use them in your
document, from the page title down to the conclusion.
What is SEO keyword and how to properly optimize your document?
Keywords are simply the words searchers type in search engine forms
in order to find information.
This can go from one word to long tail keywords.
For instance:
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Restaurant in douala
Long tail could be something like:
Indian restaurants in Douala Cameroon
We could also have something like:
Best achu restaurants in akwa douala
The longer the keyword, the more your chances of having targeted
Now you understand SEO keywords right?
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Let’s look at something that’s even more important than the keyword:
Keyword intent or search intent
Search engine technology has really changed a lot in recent times.
Google has moved from trying to understand the meaning of keywords
to trying to read the minds of searchers.
If you understand this and apply it, you will certainly beat your
competitors hands down.
Let’s take one keyword example above and I will show you how
keyword intent works:
Best achu restaurants in akwa douala
Definitely, the searcher who keys these words in search engine is
looking for the best place to eat Achu in Douala. That’s all you and I
He alone knows what he considers “best”. It may mean a lot of things
put together:
- Quality of the food
- Yellow or black soup
- Location and accessibility of site
- Security
- Staff – politeness and cleanliness
- Price
- Appetizer, entrée, and dessert
- Etc
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So a lot of things are coming to mind and you are not a witch doctor to
know exactly what the keyword intent is. What does he mean by ‘Best’
So Google will not just reason in terms of ‘which restaurant is said to be
the best’. It will reason in terms of ‘which of these restaurants is the
I do not know if you’ve seen the difference.
Now, if you create content on White House Restaurant being the best
achu restaurant in Douala, you have 99% chances to fail.
Simply because the searcher may not just like something about White
House Restaurant. Maybe the staff is impolite or something and Google
will understand him.
The search engine already knows that creating content on a specific
restaurant as being the best will definitely not answer searcher’s intent.
You cannot decide for him what the best is. Rather, you should help him
with elements that will allow him choose based on his criteria.
That’s why a comparative post on top 5 achu restaurants in Douala will
easily win the contest.
Pick out 5 different restaurants and give out details of each, including
customer feedback and ratings. Google will love your content and
reward you with a better position because you’ve understood how
search intent works.
So search intent is:
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1. Try to understand what the searcher means not the meaning of
the word.
2. If you can’t get a clear picture, help him with alternatives to make
a choice.
Keywords in your documents or blog posts
Now, we’ve seen that a complete web document has 6 different parts.
Where do you include your keywords and where does intent come in?
How many keywords do you optimize for? How many times do you use
a single keyword in a document?
Before you start creating content, after you must have come up with a
hot idea, the first thing is to do your keyword research.
This will let you know how popular the idea is in natural search.
Keyword research tools abound on the Internet.
You may want to start out with Neil’s free Ubersuggest:
Once you’ve come up with a keyword you want to optimize for, put
your leg in the searcher’s shoe and try to feel his pains. You will be able
to understand the search intent.
Your main keyword is known as the seed keyword. You should do your
research to come up with a list of more related keywords. These are
known as Latent semantic indexing (LSI) keywords. They are simply
keywords related to the seed keywords.
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While the tool I mentioned above could be very helpful, you may start
with Google Search.
As you enter your seed keyword in the main search box, Google will
give you a short list of suggested LSI keywords.
You can also completely run your search and move down to the bottom
of the Search Engine Result Page (SERP)
There you have a list of suggested keywords related to your main
search term.
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Pick some of these keywords and sprinkle within your content. But
make sure you do constructive sentences for human understanding.
The related keywords make Google know you understand the seed
keyword intent.
Looking at the example above, the seed keyword is Cameroon beaches.
But Google is suggesting Mount Cameroon.
Do you see the intent?
Optimizing your content for the main/seed keyword is to actually
optimize for its intent. But you have to let Google know which is your
seed keyword.
To do this, use these tips:
- Add your seed keyword to the title of your document, preferably
at the beginning.
- Add it to your document resource location.
- Add the keyword to your description (see below)
- Add it to the intro of your article
- Use it within your article body
- Wrap it within heading tags
- Use it as your image alt text
- Then use it in your conclusion paragraph
NB: This does not guarantee top ranking as other factors must be put
together. If your content doesn’t really target the seed keyword intent,
this optimization may not mean any difference.
Avoid stuffing the keyword. Generally, the seed keyword usage should
not go above 3% of the document.
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The Yoast SEO plugin I mentioned above will measure and give you the
score. You may want to give it a try. Another option is SEOPressor
Keyword and the description tag
Keywords in your document’s Meta Description does not directly affect
ranking. It only helps your article listing on SERP to attract clicks and
improve your Click Through Rate (CTR) which is a huge ranking factor.
How can this be explained?
When your article shows up on SERP, searchers scan through the titles
and descriptions. The entry with the most relevant title and description
gets the click.
That’s why you should add your keyword to the meta description to
make it as relevant as possible on search result page:
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I have written an article on my blog to through more lights to this. See
this here:
Document length and LSI keyword
Is document length an SEO factor?
My answer is yes.
The longer your document or article, the more your chances to outrank
your competitors and the more you are able to get traffic from
different LSI keywords.
If you do a pretty long article like 2000+ words, chances are high to use
as many different related keywords as possible.
You will be able to go in-depth and tackle different angles of the topic
treated. Long form post will certainly give you an SEO edge over your
Make it a habit not to publish articles below 1000 words. This may
however depend on your niche.
Check out this document by Neil Patel on Long form articles:
Adding other multimedia elements
Adding images, videos and audios to your articles goes a long way to
impact user experience and improve search positioning.
Beautiful images and videos have the tendency to keep readers on your
content for longer period. This increases dwell time, which is one of the
200+ search engine ranking factors.
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While it’s possible and easy to simply upload images directly to your
blog posts, videos may get you into serious bandwidth and server space
A better option to deal with videos is to upload to YouTube and simply
embed the snippet in your articles.
Throughout we’ve been looking at Content On page SEO. Let’s face the
other aspect of content SEO
Content OFF Page SEO
There are 2 main things off page you need to get that will boost your
search ranking.
Off page simply means (things that happen) on other websites,
hosted on different servers or IPs, that have to do with your own
These 2 things are:
1. Incoming, inbound links or backlinks (Express links)
2. Mentions (Implied links)
Incoming links are links on other sites that point back to content on
your blog.
Let’s say you wrote a good article on your blog about Chinese
restaurants in Yaounde.
Then someone in UK writing about Cameroon finds your article and
links to it from his own article. That will be a backlink and a good Off
Page SEO vote.
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Though the importance Google will place on this backlink will highly
depend on the SEO status of the linking site, it still gives you some
amount of ‘link juice’ from it.
If the linking site has a solid positive SEO status, you will receive an
important vote that will remain valid for as long as the site’s status
doesn’t degrade. However, if the link is removed someday, you lose the
A mention comes when someone cites your brand in an online
document without a link
I wrote an article on how implied links can improve your natural
visibility. Check the post here:
So to get more stability in search engines and increase your natural
traffic, you need more backlinks and mentions from different websites
with strong domain and page authorities.
There are 4 main ways to get these links and mentions:
1. Do it yourself (build links)
2. Allow others link to you naturally (Earn links)
3. SEO outreach
4. Outsource to experts (some sort of buying links which is black hat)
The best way to grow your links in the face of Google is allowing others
naturally link back to your content.
You will have to be an expert who provides extremely valuable content
for others to love and link to. Naturally attracting these links isn’t bread
and butter at all.
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Connecting with other content marketers and expressly linking to their
content will often attract a reciprocal action
If you have the funds, you may want to hire an SEO firm or outsource to
experts. But if Google finds out someone is being paid to build links for
your profile, you will be in a pot of very hot soup.
The easiest and most practical way to boost your Off Page SEO is to
create links yourself.
This is what most people do with a huge dose of success and it’s
something Cameroonian content marketers are yet to discover. Guest
posting and blog commenting are strong Off Page SEO exercises and we
will be look at these in the pages ahead.
SEO Outreach
SEO outreach is otherwise known as link building outreach. It’s just a
small part of Content Outreach which we will be looking below.
SEO outreach is how you make contacts and get them to link to your
content. You must have a strong reason to have to get someone to
modify an existing article on his blog to create a link to yours.
Generally, using outreach applications, you may identify a broken link
on a related content published on another blog. Definitely, this is
hurting the blog’s reputation.
Linking to a dead page or outdated content is something most
marketers do not want to maintain on your blog. Therefore, if you find
a dead link on Mr. XY’s blog, you may reach out to him and suggest he
changes the link destination to your content.
In return, you will tweet his page and share it on Facebook or mail to
your list. If he says YES, then you win. Otherwise, move on.
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Basically, you now understand what SEO is and how to make your blog
search engine friendly from the technical and content points of view.
Outreach Marketing for traffic
Outreach marketing focuses on pitching content to influential people
who have a strong connection and relationship with your target
It involves the practice of searching for individuals and organizations
whose audiences share similar interest with yours and then reaching
out to them with the goal of getting them to promote your content
Simply put, the goal of outreach marketing campaign is to persuade
influencers – who act as a bridge between you or your brand and target
customers – to share or link out to your content.
When someone with hundreds of thousands of social fans or a popular
blog mentions your piece of work, it not only drives targeted traffic to
your website and but also promotes credibility and brand awareness.
Also, according to research, 83% of people trust recommendations
from their peers over advertising.
In our local market, content outreach is new. But someone must start it
and that’s you.
Get in touch with marketers you know in your industry. Connect with
them and get them to promote your content.
This may happen on social media, email list, Live Video mention,
Radio/Tv programs, printed magazines, etc.
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You see with me that outreach marketing isn’t hard at all. You may
want to break this down to Influencer outreach, Email outreach, Social
media outreach, etc
All this involves is getting folks to promote you and drive awareness to
your content.
Guest Posting
Remember we are still on driving traffic to your channels and at the
same time, building a community or marketplace.
In this regard, we’ve talked about SEO and content outreach, getting
others to promote you and send you readers.
Guest posting is an indisputable way to grow your reach and expand
your market. It’s a result of a successful outreach marketing strategy.
Guest posting has a bi-directional force:
a) You publish articles on other blogs.
b) You allow other bloggers to publish on yours.
Guest posting helps content marketing in four ways:
1. SEO implied and expressed links
2. Networking
3. Referral traffic
4. Brand promotion
We are soon going to get into details of these 4 points. But permit me
mention something at this point.
Cameroonian bloggers don’t guest-post but you have to break that
chain. You have to step out of your tiny box and think a broader reach.
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It takes fear and selfishness not to want to submit your “Epic” content
on other blogs. But there is something you get from the activity that
massively outweighs your fears.
We will be looking at these advantages shortly but you have to make up
your mind to do the following:
a) Step out and connect with savvy and like-minded bloggers
b) Create mind-blowing content and publish on their blogs
c) Promote the hell out of your guest articles
d) Engage on your guest articles
Advantages of guest posting
Let’s see why you must start guest posting to add meat to your content
marketing skeleton.
The easiest way to “build” links (Implied and expressed) is by
submitting your articles on other blogs. These are contextual links with
more SEO value than comment links.
While some bloggers and site owners will only allow you add a single
link in the author bio text box, a majority do allow up to 2 dofollow
links with the content area of articles.
I have also come across blog owners who are strict on their point not to
allow a single link to your content from their sites. Or they simply
approve with nofollow links.
Before you go on to submit your article on another blog, be sure to
read the guides provided by the blog owner.
B - Networking
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Networking simply means connecting and collaborating with other
bloggers in your industry.
I always tell my students “no one succeeds as an Island” You need the
input of others to experience success.
Connecting with savvy marketers attracts links, mentions, shares,
business, etc. If you submit epic content on other blogs, the owners will
not only hold you in high esteem. They will also recommend and
promote you.
C – Referral Traffic
One of the glaring attractions of guest posting is referral traffic. People
read your guest articles and click over to your blog.
If you submit articles on high traffic targeted blogs, your referral traffic
could easily translate to leads and sales.
D - Brand promotion
Your brand is what people think about each time they hear about you,
see you or anything that represents you.
If people see your logo, do they remember anything about you or your
business? What comes to their minds? How strong do you influence
their thoughts and actions?
The power of your brand is seen by the influence you have on the
community at any given moment. If people can easily forget about you,
it means your brand needs help.
It’s almost impossible to forget about Coca-cola, Guinness, MTN, Eto’o
Fils, etc because these are strong brands. People want to associate with
them because of their positive social and business impacts.
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If ORANCE Cameroun allows you to guest post on their blog, it gives
your brand a serious boost. While it’s important to pursue other factors
in guest blogging, it’s even more crucial to press after branding for its
long term effect.
Before you start guest blogging
For bloggers and marketers just starting, it may be quite difficult to find
successful blogs to feature on. That’s why I recommend you start with
building your personal profile.
Work on your image and position yourself as an attractive element.
Build an authentic social media presence, and post some reasonable
articles on your blog.
No one with a successful blog will accept content from amateur. The
more reason you shouldn’t attempt guest posting in your early days of
Be very selective. Posting on some blogs could mean a pure waste of
time – no link juice, poor link quality (posting to an SEO black listed
site), negative impact on your brand, etc.
You must only post on blogs in your industry. Getting links from
unrelated content could bring you up to a serious dance with Google.
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Blog commenting
Blog commenting is a marketing exercise highly neglected by many
Cameroonian bloggers.
I have had a massive degree of success with it so I think you should shift
away from a position of handling it with levity.
There are three reasons I recommend commenting as a means to grow
your marketplace:
I - Link building
This exercise has been known as one of the ways to build backlinks.
Though link juice from the comment section is not as heavy as
contextual links, it still goes a long way to balance up your SEO profile.
Most links gotten from blog commenting are nofollow. However,
commenting on CommentLuv enabled blog gives you a chance to create
do-follow links.
CommentLuv is a successful WordPress plugin pecially designed to
encourage the exercise and reward commenter with backlinks.
2 - Networking
Just like guest posting, blog commenting helps in networking. The
quality of comments you drop on other blogs can affect you negatively
or positively.
Dropping meaningful comments would always end up drawing blog
owners and other readers to you.
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3 - Referral Traffic
The more of your comments are approved on other blogs, the more the
traffic you stand to get.
These and some more (including branding) are the reasons you should
include blogging on your list of growth strategic factors.
How to drop attractive comments
Blog commenting has recently become so cruelly misused by SEO link
mongers. This has also pushed blog owners to step up and adjust to the
changes to protect their blogs and communities.
Short comments like “Nice post”, “great post”, “thanks for posting”, etc
are facing tough times getting approved these days.
To drop a comment that attracts the blog owner and its readers, you
should consider the following:
• Be patient. Don’t be in a hurry to drop a comment
• Read the post you want to comment thoroughly. I know we skim
but that only goes to hurt our results. If you read the content with
more attention, chances are that you are going to do a great
• Comment with value. Not too short and not too long. Long form
doesn’t necessarily mean value. Be sure to comment within topic.
• Ask questions in your comment to trigger conversation.
• Use a conversational tone. Do not write like a robot.
• Reply to other replies on your comment.
Here are other points I’d like you to know about blog commenting:
• Do not comment on random blogs. Work with blogs in your niche
• Comment regularly.
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• If you drop a comment on a blog for the first time, sending a
friendly mail to the blog owner can be magical.
Now, you know what content production and distribution is. You’ve
also seen the different distribution channels and how to pull target
traffic and build and active community (aka marketplace).
In the next section, we are tearing the meat of this book – Content is
We are going to see how to turn this content into money more from a
local perspective.
I will end up giving you some tips how to earn some dollars out of
Cameroon as well.
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Monetizing your content
The purpose of this book is to show you how to create epic content,
drive traffic and make money.
As a matter of fact:
Content + Traffic = Money
I know some folks have content and traffic but they are seriously broke.
If you know any of such, help them grab a copy of this book.
But let me be very clear here!
• It’s not just any kind of Content. Content has to be attractive and
• It’s not just any kind of Traffic. Traffic has to be targeted.
If you put together killer content and draw targeted traffic to it, it will
require God alone to stop you from banking big.
Before you monetize
There are many ways to monetize your content. But before we get into
those details, it’s crucial I underline some important points.
First, don’t focus on the money.
If you chase the money, you will forget the real thing that brings the
No one loves you to give you money. People pay you for a problem
solved. You solve your readers’ problems, you get their money. So focus
on solving problems rather than making money.
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Second, segment your community.
Trust me this is where many marketers misfire. They don’t know who is
who consuming their content. At the end of the day, they target the
wrong people and get the worst results ever.
I will help you break your community into two major parts:
1 – Your Readers
This is a group of visitors who only come to your site for information.
They want to read the latest or just know what it is you are talking
about live. Generally, they are the target of your second category.
2 – Your clients
Who are your clients?
If you fail this question, then stop everything. Try to identify them first.
But if you really can’t I will help you.
As content marketer, your main business model is selling space. If you
have a physical marketplace, the only way to monetize is to sell space.
We have 2 categories of people entering the market: Those coming to
buy and those coming to sell. You as market place owner don’t have
any money to make from those coming to buy (Your readers)
You make money from those coming to sell (Your Advertisers). Those
advertisers are your clients. You are their publisher. They pay you to
publish their products.
So you see how to segment your marketplace. You know the segment
of your market that brings you money.
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But listen…
The segment that brings you money depends on the segment that only
comes for information. If you have more buyers, the advertisers will be
looking for you.
With this understanding, you have to focus your energy on building and
maintaining the readers segment. Without this, the advertisers
segment will be scanty.
Now you know able to segment your market?
Monetizing local content
If you focus on the tips I explained earlier to pull local traffic, you won’t
find any difficulties earning in Francs CFA.
How much money can you make by the way?
The amount of money that flows within a specific marketplace depends
on the size of the market.
You can’t compare the central market with your small quarter market.
The bigger the size of your community, the more money you can make
if you apply the right monetizing strategies.
So here are the different ways to monetize local content:
1 - Sponsored content
Companies pay you to do biased/unbiased reviews of their
products/services on your channels. In other words, they sponsor
content on your channels.
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Trust me you can make a lot of money from local corporations using
this model. You have 4 elements of your community that give you a
huge bargaining power:
• Live video on Facebook
• Live Video on YouTube
• Your Blog post
• Social media posts
You see if you develop these traffic channels, you can charge
companies to talk to your channels about their products.
Again, the bigger and more active your channels, the more money you
can charge from these companies.
2 - Direct advertising
Direct advertising has to do with selling portions of your community to
your client.
These are banner slots on your blogs and articles and video interludes
during your live or playback videos.
3 – Contextual advertising
A good example of contextual advertising in Cameroon is Google
Adsense. While this pays peanut, Cameroonians are happy that their
income can be paid using Western Union. Let’s look at something more
4 - Sponsored interviews
Just like sponsored content, sponsored interviews are focused on
interviews. Companies pay you a fee to be interviewed on your
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channels. The interviews are well prepared to allow them sell their
5 – Negative/positive reviews
Negative reviews work well these days. Are you pissed off with a
product? Just do a negative review while recommending a competitor.
While this may be considered unethical or dangerous, it stands a better
chance to pull some income.
The company negatively reviewed may ask to pay you so you should
take down the review. On the other hand, competitors pay you to be
mentioned as the alternative.
6 - Top X content type
I have had some pretty nice success with Top X content type. You could
do a blog post on “Top 10 computer shops in Douala” If your article
does well in search engines and other references, trust me some shops
would want to pay you to be mentioned on top of the list
7 – Brand Ambassador.
This is where there is some real money. But to become a successful
brand ambassador, you will need to have an attractive marketing
Brands are ready to hire you and access your community for 30 days or
more. They want you to represent them and massively promote their
If you are a Nexttel Brand Ambassador, you’ll have to dedicate a
portion of your real estate where everything there is the brand. For
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Have a category on your blog where you do weekly articles on different
products promoted by the Nexttel brand.
How do you promote a brand in your marketplace?
Now, what you should do is give the brand your maximum exposure as
possible. Create a content path that leads the reader through various
presentation points to the desired target point - Brand website.
Content Path diagram
Brand product presentation
on your blog
Engagement points: Tweet,
FB post, live videos, etc
Brand presentation on your
Brand home, including
product presentation on
Brand main site
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Let me explain this content path from the bottom because that’s where
you start creating the promotion funnel.
Brand Home: This is the brand website with different product
presentation pages.
Brand presentation on your blog: Once you have a deal with any
Brand, create a landing page presenting the branch and its products.
Include videos, testimonials and elements that will clearly market the
Brand product presentation: On your blog you should create different
blog posts presenting the different brand products.
Engagement points: This is the reader’s entry point into your content
path. Once you have the funnel or path fully built, you will now go
sharing to your followers on social media about the brand, sending
them to the product pages on your blog.
Let me be more explicit!
When you seal a deal with a brand, it gives you links to their main site.
It also gives you details about their key products and pages on their site
where those products are detailed out.
You are going to have to create many different pages/posts on your
blog about the brand:
• A main page – sales page where you present the brand.
• Several other pages (blog posts) presenting the different
products. Each product should have a page/post
• All these other several pages (product presentation pages) should
link to the main brand presentation page.
• The product presentation pages/posts should interlink as well.
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• When you tweet or post on social media, drive traffic to the
product presentation page not the Brand presentation page.
• Readers on the product presentation page will click through to the
Brand presentation page and subsequently to the Brand’s main
Let’s look at simple content path for MTN:
Contacting brands and negotiating deals
If you have a busy market, a large community of active readers, it
should not be a big deal to stand out and pull attention from brands.
You are soon going to be having mails from here and there, requesting
to be promoted in your community. You have to prepare for this
category of clients:
A page about MoMo on your blog
A page about M2U on your blog
A page about Mobile Int. on your blog
A page about ABC on your blog
Focus promotion on these pages
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Create an Advertise Here Page: Give details on this page of your
community size (traffic stats, demographics, etc). I always do not
recommend mentioning your prices on this page. The reason is that it
does not allow you the flexibility to negotiate deals.
Respond to business emails asap: Once there is a message requesting
sponsorship details, be as proactive as possible. A delay could mean
losing the client to a competitor.
Stepping out to meeting other advertisers:
Another way to get more deals is to step out and confront prospective
clients with irresistible offers.
I know the shying and fearful spirit animating many bloggers. But you
have to break out of your dark box and step into light for more
My recommendation would be to prepare an offer of service with
details of what you can offer and what you expect in return. Include the
following in your offer:
• Your profile info
• Blog stats and demographics
• Social media coverage
• Promotion channels
• Past projects and results
• Testimonials
• Prices
• Special offers and bonuses
• Etc
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Become a sole proprietor
To be able to get paid by companies in Cameroon, you’ll need to have
official documents as a legal entity. The most ideal is creating a startup
with the “Sole Proprietor” status. As your business grows, you will see
need to upgrade to Limited Liability Company.
Affiliate Marketing in Cameroon
A this point, I’m fueled. I’m super excited because Affiliate Marketing is
working in our local context and I have some really exciting
opportunities to share with you.
The basics of Affiliate Marketing are simple to understand. You
promote products/services belonging to another company. Each time
you generate sales, the company pays you commissions.
In other words, you become an independent commercial agent. But this
is even more exiting:
• The company handles the product creation and all the challenges
that go with it.
• They also handle the maintenance and update.
• They take care of all the after sales services (delivery, customer
support, etc)
• They provide the tools you need
• All you do is drive traffic and earn commissions.
But doing affiliate in Cameroon has always been difficult for a couple of
1. Payment process: This has been the main reason Affiliate
Marketing has always failed in our local content. Given that
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everything is processed automatically, including payment of
commissions, any thinking minds have always seen no need to
push the business model forward. But with the introduction of
MonetBil online mobile Payment gateway, Affiliate Marketing will
soon flourish in Cameroon. More about MonetBil below.
2. Local digital products in high demand: Digital products, including
eBooks, software, membership sites, etc do exceptionally well in
Affiliate. But this product line is yet to fulfill its course in
Cameroon. Local book writers and software engineers have been
slow in coming up with products that attract the attention of local
content producers.
3. Tangible product order processing and delivery: This is another
reason why Affiliate Marketing has always not seen lights in our
local marketing. While Amazon, eBay, etc are making news as top
platforms for tangible products, Cameroon is yet to experience
this level of success with tangible product online sales platform.
I know you are thinking about Jumia. Well, you are not wrong. At
the moment of writing this book, Jumia has an unreliable Affiliate
Marketing platform.
4. Mindset and Culture: Most Cameroonians would want to move
up to the nearby brick & mortar store, have direct contact with
products, touch and feel before reaching a buying decision. They
don’t even have any trust in the sincerity of the local distributor.
Any Cameroonian buyer is on the defensive with the mindset that
sellers are about doing something funny.
These and many more explain the reason Affiliate Marketing is still
sleeping in Cameroon. But there are some options I want to propose to
you that will make a difference.
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Follow these recommendations and start making massive earnings with
Affiliate Marketing in Cameroon, promoting Cameroonian products.
But how much can you earn with Affiliate Marketing in Cameroon?
As a matter of fact, I advise against setting a limit on your marketing. If
you have an active blog, you should scale to a whole business and
generate the kind of income that will give you dreamt ambitions.
Scaling is simple:
• Locate what your audience likes
• Find out if there is an affiliate platform
• Start promoting.
• If it works, tweak, rinse and repeat.
• Contact product creators for toolbox and facilities that will help
boost conversions.
• If you find products that pay recurring earnings, make them a
Affiliate Marketing products to start with in Cameroon – Get your
commissions sent to Mobile Money/Momo
Now, I want to propose you start with some tested products. But
before we get there, here are some crucial points to note:
• Don’t just promote any product because it pays good
commissions. Promote products your audience will like.
• Use different methods – banners, affiliate reviews, email lists, etc.
• Treat it as a real business.
• Grow your traffic along the line.
• Optimize for conversion.
• Make proposals to product owners.
• Etc
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1 – “Content is Money” Affiliate Program.
I’m going to have to recommend you start with promoting this book
you are reading.
Now you are reading it and you know what’s inside. You are able to
convince your audience to grab a copy.
First, sign up to its affiliate program. Go to and create a free account.
After creating your free account, you will need to login and apply to be
an affiliate. The process is quite easy though and your application will
be automatically approved.
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You will need to Click “Affiliate Area” To go to the affiliate Dashboard.
As this is your first time, what you will see is the application form.
Make sure you enter both MTN and Orange numbers for your
commission payments. Many Mobile Money and Orange Money are
Entering wrong numbers here could mean lost commissions. Note also
that these numbers can be changed later from your account.
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This is what your account looks like:
Affiliate Link: Click here to generate your affiliate link. Pick the link of
the product you want to promote on the website and paste in the form
on this page.
Affiliate Coupon: If you have active coupon codes, they will appear
To see your commissions and request for payment, go to Commissions.
Click on Creatives for banner. Of course you have the stats and the
Settings page allows you to modify your commission payment phone
2 – “Money Making Machine” by Melvis Tanyi
Melvis has come up with an awesome ebook on how to make money
online. This has touched on a platform that’s different from what I
explain in this book.
Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 88 P a g e
Content Is Money
Remember in this book, I focus on Cameroon. But Melvis shares details
on how to make money on fiverr. It’s worth promoting. Signup to the
affiliate program, go to
3 – Promote products on is the pioneer, exciting platform for eLearning
and eBooks, teaching Cameroonians and Africans to develop and setup
profitable small businesses.
Both online courses and eBooks on this platform convert like crazy and I
believe it’s one of the platforms to promote and earn commissions. To
sign up to the affiliate platform, go to
All these platforms I have recommended will pay your affiliate earnings
to MTN Mobile money and Orange Money. That’s the beauty of it.
Create and selling digital products
Digital products are a quick way to make money online in Cameroon.
From wiring of eBooks to software development, no one should be
It doesn’t have to be complicated and you don’t have to be a university
graduate to come up with a product in high demand.
Whether you are a trained professional or unskilled reader, you can
write an ebook that will generate income for you.
Writing of eBooks is something that’s yet to penetrate our society. But
the market is high and receptive.
You just have to look around you and you’ll see a need whose solution
lies in an eBook you are yet to create.
Content is money - How to create and monetize content in Cameroon
Content is money - How to create and monetize content in Cameroon
Content is money - How to create and monetize content in Cameroon
Content is money - How to create and monetize content in Cameroon
Content is money - How to create and monetize content in Cameroon
Content is money - How to create and monetize content in Cameroon
Content is money - How to create and monetize content in Cameroon
Content is money - How to create and monetize content in Cameroon
Content is money - How to create and monetize content in Cameroon
Content is money - How to create and monetize content in Cameroon
Content is money - How to create and monetize content in Cameroon
Content is money - How to create and monetize content in Cameroon
Content is money - How to create and monetize content in Cameroon
Content is money - How to create and monetize content in Cameroon
Content is money - How to create and monetize content in Cameroon
Content is money - How to create and monetize content in Cameroon
Content is money - How to create and monetize content in Cameroon
Content is money - How to create and monetize content in Cameroon
Content is money - How to create and monetize content in Cameroon
Content is money - How to create and monetize content in Cameroon
Content is money - How to create and monetize content in Cameroon

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Content is money - How to create and monetize content in Cameroon

  • 1. MAKE REAL MONEY V 1.0.0 ONEY ONLINE IN CAMEROON E N S T I N E M U K I . C O M Enstine Muki AMEROON 2018+ Discover Online Money Making Methods in Cameroon
  • 2. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 1 P a g e Content Is Money Table of content • Copyright Notice 3 • The Author 4 • About this book 5 • Understanding content production and distribution 9 • The Cameroonian market 10 • What to talk about – Content production 15 • Content distribution channels 20 o Your own blog 20 Where to host your blog 21 WordPress Vs Blogger 24 VS 24 Themes and Plugins 24 Most essential Pages to start with 26 o Social Media 29 o Fan pages/Groups, Communities and Boards 29 Grow your follower base naturally 29 Using Social Pay-Per-Click (SPPC) 30 o Live Videos 31 Getting set for Live video 32 What to do when Live 32 YouTube Live Video 33 Facebook Live Video 34 o Data Collection 35 o Offline events 37 o Material tools 38 • Creating wining content 40 1) 7 reasons people visit your blog/channels 41 2) How to know what readers want 44 3) 11 tips to write in-depth, wining articles 47 • Driving Targeted traffic 52 1) Understanding SEO 52 Technical SEO 52 Content SEO 53 • ON Page SEO 53 • OFF Page SEO 63
  • 3. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 2 P a g e Content Is Money 2) Content outreach (Outreach Marketing for traffic) 65 3) Guest blogging 66 4) Blog commenting 70 • Monetizing your Content 73 1. Before monetizing (Segmenting your marketplace) 73 2. Local Monetizing strategies 75 Sponsored content 75 Direct advertising 76 Contextual advertising 76 Sponsored interviews 76 Negative reviews 77 Top X content type 77 Brand Ambassador 77 Affiliate Marketing in Cameroon 83 Create your own digital products for Cameroon 88 • Stepping out of Cameroon for Income 91 o Affiliate Marketing 91 o Fiverr & Micro jobs 91 • Partners 93 • SEO terms you must know 94
  • 4. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 3 P a g e Content Is Money Copyright Notice Copyright © by Enstine Muki All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, send an email to with subject “Content is Money book review permission”
  • 5. Enstine Muki | Content Is Money About Enstine Enstine Muki is full time blogger and serial entrepreneur. He started online in 2009 with WAU where he contact with Internet Marketing. He made his first earnings shortly after in Affiliate Marketing by promoting and earning commissions from a Clickbank product. Due to Internet difficulties in he dropped and only returned to online business in 2011 with the creation of, which EasyRetweet (A Twitter- professional bloggers and that injected into On the 21 of August 2012, in 2013 (as constantly generated income mainly through Affiliate Marketing of his own products and spo content on Blogging, SEO, Social Media, Internet Marketing and related topics. Enstine has created a couple of products for bloggers including CashDonator, BlogExpose co-founded NjangiHost, a local web hosting company in | 237 677 26 74 59 Content Is Money e Muki full time blogger and started online in he got his first contact with Internet Marketing. first earnings shortly after in Affiliate Marketing by promoting and earning commissions from a Clickbank Due to Internet difficulties in Cameroon, dropped and only returned to online business in 2011 with the creation of, which was later on sold for $13500. -based web tool) brought him closer to many professional bloggers and that injected into him the desire to be one. On the 21 of August 2012, he published his first blog post. He in 2013 (as his second blog) and since then, it has constantly generated income mainly through Affiliate Marketing of his own products and sponsored content. On his blog, he content on Blogging, SEO, Social Media, Internet Marketing and related created a couple of products for bloggers including BlogExpose, MyCommentAuthors, BroadedNet , a local web hosting company in Cameroon 4 P a g e closer to many desire to be one. He started second blog) and since then, it has constantly generated income mainly through Affiliate Marketing, sales he publishes content on Blogging, SEO, Social Media, Internet Marketing and related created a couple of products for bloggers including BroadedNet, etc, and Cameroon.
  • 6. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 5 P a g e Content Is Money About this book This book is meant for content creators and bloggers in Cameroon who desire to monetize and make money being in Cameroon. The techniques discussed can be applied to content monetization in any third world country. If you can read and write, with a fairly good knowledge of how the Internet works, what you have in your hands in something that can generate the kind of income you dream to earn, being your own boss We’ve been job seekers for quite a while now. I don’t blame us because we were trained and given the tricks to quickly get a job after school. So somehow our sight to seeing our entrepreneurial endowments was blurred. The Internet is however a big blessing, offering all we need as young Cameroonians to create thriving online businesses by getting involved in content development and distribution. But I’m still shocked! What our brothers and sisters do is use Internet for senseless ends. We spend time on chats, emails, gossips, scams, etc and that’s how we grow deeper and deeper into desperation, while sitting on unexploited gold mine. If you want to be able to earn 1,000,000 (plus) fcfa consistently monthly using the Internet, I’ve got something to share with you that could make that dream come true. In this book, I’m going to show you how to do principally two things. Everything else revolves round these two cardinal points:
  • 7. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 6 P a g e Content Is Money 1. Build an active and targeted marketplace 2. Legitimately monetize your marketplace. You may not understand what these two mean. Give me a bit of your time to explain. Of course you got this copy to learn these things. 1 - Your Marketplace By this, I do not mean creating a market like Marche Mboppi or Bonamoussadi market in Douala. That would be like tying your leg to a tree and asking you to move forward. Your marketplace is virtual and you do not need the millions to begin with. It’s made up of your content consumers: Those who come to your channels to read or view your content. A huge portion of this book dwells on how to set up this marketplace. Don’t worry. There is going to be nothing technical to break your excitement. 2 Legitimately monetize We all know there are many ways people make money. Some do by selling human parts. Others do by selling animal parts. But they all make money. The problem is selling human parts is illegal and that’s not something I’m going to show you. We are going to see legitimate and orthodox ways to make money on the Internet and still show your face among people. Some Cameroonians make money online but they spend their time in the hidings.
  • 8. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 7 P a g e Content Is Money Why? Because they are simply doing black hat business! Scamming people online is bad. Period! If you pretend to sell extinct species of monkeys, you are one day going to be the next monkey to be sold. Basically, those are the two things you will learn from this book. As a matter of fact, it’s my experience put on paper in a way to inspire and show the readers to step into self-confidence and start a new journey to financial breakthrough online. There are two things you should do: 1. Read every single word of the book 2. Practice what you read.
  • 9. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 8 P a g e Content Is Money Understanding content production and distribution The content market used to be a thing of the few. We’ve known of great writers in the past like Napoleon Hill, Sir Winston Churchill, etc But you absolutely do not need to be a great writer to make money with content. You do not need to write novels or voluminous publications on ants and elephants to be successful. You don’t even need people to know or talk about you in classrooms. You do not need to have a radio station like Cyrille Bojiko of Radio Balafon, FM 90.3. I accept these guys are doing a huge job in marketing content. But we do not need to get into traditional media. We have the Internet. Period! This makes content production and distribution remarkably easy. Anyone (including you) can get involved and add to history. Here are some very crucial understandings you should grab at this point: • Content means Information • Production means to gather, process and filter the information • Distribution means to get the final, consumable version of the information across to the final consumers. NB: I didn’t say distribution is getting content to the general public. That’s where you fail. You have to take it to the target consumers not general public. More about this below.
  • 10. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 9 P a g e Content Is Money The Cameroonian market I started online in Cameroon as content marketer in 2012. Before then, I had been creating websites for local clients. I tried Affiliate Marketing in 2009 but failed due to the Internet and online money processing difficulties in Cameroon. It was quite difficult to earn money from the Internet. Though I made some money on Clickbank, my first payment (about $533) had to go through a friend in Belgium. It was wholly difficult to have a debit card as a Cameroonian in Cameroon. There was absolutely no way to receive money online. We had Moneybooker online merchants but that was far below expectations. Getting involved in local content wasn’t at all easy. The market was literally absent. More Cameroonians online were very much involved in, Yahoo Messenger, Porn sites, Facebook, and other distractions. Internet access was a thing for the rich. I remember we used to burn our fingers to buy cyber-café tickets. Sometimes, 1500 fcfa per hour. You see making money online in Cameroon about a decade back was hard to deal with. That was a big excuse for graduate to keep moving from one employment firm to the other with bags of job application letters:
  • 11. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 10 P a g e Content Is Money Dear sir, I have the honor to apply for the post of … But today, a lot has changed for the better. You have to still be living under a bridge to think you can’t make 1000,000 fcfa/month online being in Cameroon. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you are coming from. Well, If you can’t read or write or you don’t even understand the content of this book, I can understand your plight. Whether you are a school dropout or you are a graduate (a been to), you absolutely have no excuse not to make money online in Cameroon today. I think your only excuse is lack of knowledge and maybe a bit of laziness. But I want to spur you to hard work. Of course, your reading of this book means you’ve taken the right path. But this is just the beginning. It’s one thing to learn and another to practice what you learn. If you learn and don’t practice, you are on the same scale with someone who didn’t learn. There is no difference. You may even be at a loss because you spent money to purchase the study materials (I appreciate if you really bought it) The Cameroonian market is now so developed so we have the facilities to earn money online.
  • 12. Enstine Muki | Content Is Money Let’s start with Internet penetration and usage According to, i of the population in Cameroon accessed the internet, percent in 2000 What this tells us is that there is a larger and a more receptive market. More people now connect and more people now spend time online. The Internet is the information highway. The more people connect, the more the need for information because people connect to seek information. And of course, the more the need for reliable sources of information. | 237 677 26 74 59 Content Is Money Let’s start with Internet penetration and usage According to, in a most recently measured period, 23.2 of the population in Cameroon accessed the internet, up from 0.25 What this tells us is that there is a larger and a more receptive market. More people now connect and more people now spend time online. The Internet is the information highway. The more people connect, the e need for information because people connect to seek f course, the more the need for reliable sources of 11 P a g e most recently measured period, 23.2% up from 0.25 What this tells us is that there is a larger and a more receptive market. More people now connect and more people now spend time online. The Internet is the information highway. The more people connect, the e need for information because people connect to seek f course, the more the need for reliable sources of
  • 13. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 12 P a g e Content Is Money Now, let’s look at some comparative points In those days, we needed 50,000 fcfa (and more)/month to have some turbulent, low bandwidth Internet connection Today, all you need is 10,000 fcfa (or less)/month to have a relatively reliable high bandwidth connection signal. Remarkable improvement right? What this means is more time to connect, more time to read, more time to watch YouTube and Facebook Live streams, etc. In those days, you needed 1.2m fcfa to buy a Pentium 4 Laptop with Windows 98. But today, with 130,000 fcfa you have a high performing laptop with Windows 7 In those days, you needed 50,000 for some kind of a modem. But today, your Android phone does the trick. Absolutely no reason for anyone in the major towns of our country to still remain disconnected. Now, the growth of the local Internet Community makes it hard for companies and corporations to resist its attraction. They are turning to it for exposure as they seek to acquire more customers. They want to pay you to produce their content or promote their products to your audience. Don’t worry!
  • 14. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 13 P a g e Content Is Money We will see how this works in the pages ahead as we dive into the real meat of the book. From all indications, the local market is on a rising trend. We have the tools we need to succeed online. No more excuses. Period!
  • 15. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 14 P a g e Content Is Money What to write about – Content production Earlier, I mentioned the different phases of content marketing: Production and distribution I also mentioned that you may not distribute your content to the general public. You have to select a market and target in your strategies. In the online marketing jargon, this is referred to as niche. A niche is a reduced section of a global market or an industry. Let’s take an example: Health industry -> Weight loss -> Weight loss after birth Now you see how I break that down to a reduced niche (i.e. Weight loss after birth). You need to be a big corporation to create a site that published everything in Health. If not, you won’t see encouraging results. Focusing on Weight lost is still broad and you may find hard times building a leadership for your brand. But going deeper and building a profile for the market section that wants to lose weight after birth may give you super high chances to break loose. A successful content production strategy is not just writing about anything.
  • 16. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 15 P a g e Content Is Money Sometimes I get really pissed off visiting some of our local blogs. You don’t know what to expect from these blogs. They just mix information from every angle and at the end no one is interested because no one was targeted. • They talk about football • They talk about boxing • They talk about health • They talk about politics • They gossip • Etc And all of these on one blog. What a shame! But I do not want to tell you which content to produce. Here are some questions to help you figure out what to write about: 1. Are you passionate about something? 2. Are you so knowledgeable about something? These are just 2 questions that may help you decide your direction. Remember we are still talking about content production and I’m helping you decide on where to start.
  • 17. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 16 P a g e Content Is Money They keyword here is Focus! Pick a topic and focus on it. Why? You have enough time to research it. You will be able to produce in- depth content that makes your market always turn to you each time they need something. They will always know what to expect. They will invite and hire you as the expert in the field. So, if you want me to help you suggest a topic, I will ask you to answer those questions above. You can contact me with proof that you purchase this book. And I will sincerely give you my attention. Listen… Some folks think there is nothing to write about in Cameroon apart from entertainment, politics and football. OMG! Are you kidding me? Let me say this… The reason they think so is because they are within a tiny box. The only solution is for them to jump out.
  • 18. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 17 P a g e Content Is Money See… If you create local content just about women and their hairstyles, you will soar. I hear Uber is already in Nigeria. Sooner or later, they are coming to Cameroon. Why don’t you want to produce content on transportation in Cameroon? Think about the taxis and their wahalas and write about them. Think about the travel agencies. If you have content channel that has useful information about local transportation, you will rock. Not only will you serve international tourists. You will serve local communities and monetizing your channel will be very easy. Still don’t have any content idea?
  • 19. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 18 P a g e Content Is Money The reason is that you have refused to think and you do not want to do some basic research. It should not be difficult producing money making and attention grabbing content being in Cameroon. I mean content that’s consumed by Cameroonians. A friend of mine just left. She was with me a few moments ago. She’s got no college degree. She didn’t even get BAC. But she’s smart. I mean really smart. I helped her with getting started on YouTube and Facebook live. I was very impressed. She got into cosmetics some months back. While with me, I trained her on shooting short promotional videos for social media. We did four videos. She shared them on her WhatsApp status and Facebook. Surprisingly, she got an order right in my presence. She’s going to setup a group on Facebook and a review channel on YouTube. That’s just a bit of what happened and you see that you can start from somewhere. Content production in Cameroon is easy. You just have to start from somewhere and before you know it, you are breaking barriers.
  • 20. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 19 P a g e Content Is Money Content distribution Channels 1 - Setting up your own blog Now, I’m sure you know where we are going. You have some knowledge what’s happening in Cameroon and you agree with me that you can succeed. You know you have the need to build your own market place. This is made up of these content distribution channels. These channels are the different ways you carry your content to the consumers. Content consumers are those who read your blog posts or watch your on demand or live videos. Creating a blog is the best way to be in control. It’s your virtual home. It’s where you express yourself. As a matter of fact, your blog is the center of your marketplace. Where to start Have you decided on what to blog about? I will recommend you think more seriously before moving on. I have had friends who move forward and backward because at one point, they realized they started on the wrong footing. If you’ve decided on a blogging niche – content niche, the first thing is to buy your name online. It’s called domain name. Mine for instance is This is what points readers to my location on the Internet. In other words, it’s my website address.
  • 21. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 20 P a g e Content Is Money Deciding on a domain name doesn’t have to be difficult. You may want to use your first and last names like in my case or get something very abstract. My friend Nino came up with The activities on this website have given the word a new meaning. So you see you may want to settle for a descriptive domain name or something that’s short and memorable. Where to host your blog The domain name is not hosting. It’s just a pointer to your location. If someone gives you his physical address, he just shows you the way to his house. That’s what the domain name stands for. Now, hosting is actually a folder on a remote computer where your website documents are stored. My website for instance is hosted by WPXHosting. So I have 2 different elements put together: 1) The domain name – registered at Godaddy 2) The website – hosted by WPXHosting Other registrars you may want to check out • • Popular webhost for WordPress • Godaddy • Hostgator • Siteground
  • 22. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 21 P a g e Content Is Money • OVH • iPage How do you buy online? You need two elements: 1) A debit Card 2) A free Paypal account The good news is that it’s easy to get these items. I recommend checking out UBA’s card. I wrote an article that could be very helpful: With this card, you can easily enable your Cameroon Paypal account and purchase online safely. I highly recommend not using your card data directly. Link it to Paypal and do all your purchases with Paypal. Go to You may also want to try out They allow you to purchase virtual cards with Orange Money or MTN’s MoMo. It’s a practical payment service.
  • 23. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 22 P a g e Content Is Money Here is what Payqin looked like the last time I checked before this book. They Payqin Mastercard or VISA can be used anywhere online. But I still recommend using it to activate your PayPal account. Any purchases online should absolutely be done with Paypal for security reasons.
  • 24. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 23 P a g e Content Is Money WordPress Vs Blogger Now, going by the few points above, you must have noticed I’m more tilted towards WordPress. This is because of the flexibility of the Content Management System and the abundance of resources to scale your business. Though WordPress powers over 30% of the Internet, it’s almost the most vulnerable given its open source nature. However, this shouldn’t frighten you at all. If you’ve made the right choice where to host your blog and adhere to basic security practices, you should be fine. Vs One of these two must be better is the hosting service of WordPress. They handle your blog and limit the way you deal with it. A huge section of plugins and themes are limited. is your world. As a matter of fact, it’s the open source version of It’s the CMS that allows you create self- hosted blogs. Any of the Web Hosting services I mentioned above will allow you install the WordPress script with a few click of the button. Themes and Plugins Themes are actually what make the design of your blogs. WordPress by default has some pretty nice themes.
  • 25. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 24 P a g e Content Is Money While it’s not bad to download and setup themes that are commended by friends, you have to pay attention to the following elements: • Theme designer reputation • Theme colors • Theme options • Graphics and fonts • Free or Paid (avoid free if you ask me) • Load speed • SEO features • Etc Plugins are the pieces of code that extend the functionalities of WordPress. WordPress in its core functions does not allow sending of SMSs. So if you want to send SMSs from your WordPress blog, you need an SMS plugin. This is just to make you understand what plugins are. Now, there are some key plugins that are shipped with the WordPress core. But for the most part, there is always need for some additional plugins. Refrain from installing plugins just to find out if… Keep the number of active plugins below 30. Plugins can be very dangerous. Most blogs have been taken down through backdoors created by malicious plugins. Before you install any plugin: • Check for plugin developer reputation • Check for user reviews • Number of downloads
  • 26. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 25 P a g e Content Is Money • Be sure it’s highly useful • Make sure it doesn’t add extra load time to your blog • Make sure it’s compatible with your theme and other plugins • Make sure it’s regularly updated. Creating essential pages on your new blog. In WordPress, there is a different between blog post and pages. Pages are web document with static content, created to be linked to from any point on your blog. If you do not link to a page, no one will ever see it. On the other hand, blog posts are documents that are designed to show up on some areas of your blog automatically: Blog roll, Homepage, sidebars, etc But there are some specific pages that must be created for the purpose of your business. These include: • Contact page • About me page • Service page • Privacy statement page • Etc These pages should be clearly linked from the footer area of your blog. There are two pages that are highly visited on my blog. These are About Me and Contact Me page. Not giving these pages enough attention will hurt your business and reputation.
  • 27. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 26 P a g e Content Is Money 2 - Social media Social media is one of the ways to distribute and monetize your content. Though social media initially was meant for social interactions and networking, it has grown to becoming an unavoidable business tool and an undeniable force in the marketing industry. Behind social features like live chats, posts and comments are hidden business arms like Fan pages, groups, SPPC, Communities, Boards, etc The growth of social media in Cameroon is undeniable. According to some sources, over 2,500,000 million Cameroonians are on Facebook, placing the SM giant on top of the list with 93.68% market share: Other active social media platforms include: • YouTube • Pinterest • Twitter • Instagram • Google+ • LinkedIn Not taking advantage of this huge presence will mean leaving a huge portion of your market share on the table.
  • 28. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 27 P a g e Content Is Money To fully expand your marketplace to Social media and reach many more Cameroonians, I recommend linking to your blog the following branches: • Facebook Fan Page • Facebook Group • YouTube Channel • Pinterest Business account • Instagram Account • Twitter Account • LinkedIn Account • Google+ Account • Google + Communities Note however that you may not be required to begin with all of these properties. Start with the most active: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter. If you’re using a broad range of social media channels, you can look at the overall numbers but if you have the time and means to do so, you should inspect each channel individually to analyze their value. Prepare your social media accounts for business I see a lot of folks around playing with their social media presence. But if you want your Facebook, Youtube or Twitter accounts to serve as channels to distribute marketable content, I recommend you do these: • Use professional cover images and profile pictures • Grow your accounts naturally • Don’t post irrelevant content • Contribute reasonably on others’ accounts. • Respond to all comments politely and with a personal and conversational approach. • Maintain a schedule. Etc
  • 29. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 28 P a g e Content Is Money 3 - Fan pages/Groups, Communities and Boards Top social media platforms have business tools. On Facebook, we have groups, pages and paid ads. On Google plus, we have Communities and on Pinterest, we have Boards. Just to mention these few. Note that your social media profiles are meant for social interactions. But a lot of people use these to share business materials and wonder why people don’t engage on them. If you want to understand the difference, go to your Facebook profile and share business information. On the same profile, share some social prank. Then compare the engagement (likes, shares and comments). You are going to find out that the social piece of information is going to attract more attention. If you want to succeed on social media as content marketer, step away from your main profiles and make use of these business elements. Grow your follower base naturally. Sometimes we want numbers: We want hundreds of followers, friends, Fan Page likes or Group members. Many users are going to want to use bots or some script to trick the system and get more likes/followers, usually fake ones. That’s the worst thing you are ever going to do. It’s a shortcut to killing your own business. Never take any steps to manipulate any social media platform to get more followers or likers. Follow platform ethics and naturally grow your list. Let people choose to follow you, like your pages or join your groups.
  • 30. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 29 P a g e Content Is Money Facebook, for instance has made it so easy to create a group and get a massive number of members within record time. Get your groups, Fan Page or Google Communities properly setup with relevant images and description. Regularly post reasonable content and watch as your community expands. Using Social Pay Per Click (SPPC) One of the ways to quickly grow on social media is paid ads. On platforms like Facebook, SPPC does remarkably well and cheap. You can reach out to thousands with less than 5000 FCFA per day. Do proper targeting (Age groups, interests, towns, etc) I recommend targeted main towns like Douala, Yaounde, Limbe, Buea, etc. You may want to choose to promote videos, boost Fan Page posts or simply advertise a link. The opportunities are limitless. If you break out of your brain and think more broadly, you will be able to use these elements for massive exposure.
  • 31. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 30 P a g e Content Is Money 4 - Live Videos I used to freak-out each time someone mentioned something about YouTube in Cameroon because of three reasons: 1) Poor quality bandwidth. 2) Wallet threatening Internet cost. 3) Online video streaming eats a lot of bandwidth But those difficult days are gradually thinning out as Internet technology gets more and more improved and the cost of getting connected is dropping by the day. Though there’s been this remarkable improvement over the past half decade, Cameroon still has a lot to implement. Nevertheless, what we have now is good enough to allow you market your content in live video format, principally on Facebook and YouTube. As these two social media sites are part of the most visited websites in Cameroon according to Alexa. I have reasons to believe that using them for live videos is an excellent idea. Producing and sharing content through videos is generally referred to as vlogging. You may not need any special training. It could just mean a couple of hours to practice talking before the camera.
  • 32. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 31 P a g e Content Is Money You don’t mean to be a journalist on Canal 2, Equinox TV or CRTV. It doesn’t have to be hard to start vlogging. All you need is a webcam enabled HD Camera. Webcam function is a requirement because that’s what connects you on live Facebook or YouTube. Preparing your live content It would be a horrible experience to start a live broadcast without having defined a topic. Just like dealing with written content, video content has to go through preparation checks to avoid you messing up live. Have your points noted and be confident especially if you are just beginning. Be ready to face criticism and negative remarks. Take them for stepping stones and move on. Get a comfortable shooting space. Don’t worry about setting up expensive studios. If you can’t afford an office background, shoot against a clean wall or any natural background. When you are live Don’t get discouraged because no one is watching live. For a start, you may be alone. You are just a baby. You will soon grow big. Keep talking and post when you are through with the live show. Your followers will playback the recording when they get online. Avoid appearing like you are on CRTV news. Be relaxed, be yourself and be casual. Make your live moments fun and attractive and choose your words correctly. Words spoken cannot be erased.
  • 33. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 32 P a g e Content Is Money Make it interactive and allow viewers to drop their comments. Read viewers’ comments and stop within your presentation to converse with them. Going live on YouTube using PC. It’s simple. Just go to and follow instructions to connect. Make sure your Webcam and microphone are fitted to their various ports.
  • 34. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 33 P a g e Content Is Money Going live on Facebook using PC First, go to your Facebook account and click the Live Video Note however that this may change at any time. Facebook has the right to redesign their interface without notice: Once you’ve gone live a couple of times, you are going to find the exercise very friendly.
  • 35. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 34 P a g e Content Is Money Please Note You can start your content marketing with just live videos without a blog. The online downside is if those social media platforms suspend your accounts, you will suddenly drop to naught. So creating your blog is a big catch. 4 – User Data collection It’s generally said “the money is in the list” and I agree with that. But we want to focus more on seeing targeted traffic in the list. List building in the Cameroonian way has to be with a special touch. Why? We are dealing with a local market. So we can’t limit ourselves to collecting emails and first names. In a short while, I will discuss details on the user data to collect and how this is important. Most you collect data? A quick answer to this question is YES. That’s the only way to build and keep under control a reliable portion of your market. Your followers on social media are an important part of your community. But what happens if one day Twitter decides to suspend your account? You lose access not only to your account but to your followers. Same thing can happen on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. Social media gives you very limited access to the list of your followers and likers. You have absolutely no means to communicate with them
  • 36. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 35 P a g e Content Is Money except on the social media platform. This way, they define the way you do your business. But if you chose to collect readers’ data, you decide what to request from them, how to process the data and when to contact your subscribers directly. You should be collecting some personal data from your readers What to collect from readers Traditional list building limits to first names and email addresses. Though the list building software may go on to collect some more technical info at the background, you may not find it quite useful. But if you have to create a money making email list in Cameroon, you may have to consider the following data fields: • First names • Email addresses • Telephone numbers • Sex • Towns • Quarters • Consent to mail and send SMS Local businesses often have the need to reach out to prospective customers with proximity as a factor. Few years back, Guinness Cameroon wanted my services to reach out to consumers in Mabanda, Bonaberi through targeted SMSs. But I had a huge list scattered all over the national territory. I couldn’t filter the data to come out with a more geo-targeted list, reason being that the data was partial.
  • 37. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 36 P a g e Content Is Money This is why I recommend collecting more data from your readers to help in filtering and targeting. What to use for data collection Any email building platform should allow you create additional fields for your list building and segmentation. You may want to start out with cost effective platforms like MailChimp, Sendinblue, etc I highly advise against using any local plugin to send mass emails from your website except you are on a VPN or some dedicated server. Shared hostings (which is what you are likely to start with) have very limit resources allocated to each hosting account. 5 – Offline events This is a big marketing channel and I mean every word of it. It’s an incredible way to take your message across to a very excited and targeted audience. 95% of folks who attend seminars, conferences, meet-ups, etc expect something from the event. That makes it one of the most result-driven ways to step into influence. Organizing offline events as an online marketer allows you to connect with many more like-minded marketers, drive traffic to your business, expand your sphere of influence, sell your services, bring more exposure to your clients, make more money, etc. It doesn’t have to be difficult to go offline. I know for a starter, it’s a challenging step to take.
  • 38. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 37 P a g e Content Is Money But once you break your fears and take the first move, you will see things falling in place. You have to start from somewhere. My quick idea is to connect with someone who has done events before. Partnership works in business. During your events: • Invite other experts to speak • Get sponsors • Focus on giving something to participants. • Etc Now, I just briefly touched on the main content distribution channels and I’m sure you’ve gotten a clearer vision what these are. Let me round this section up by looking at some other material tools you need to effectively produce and distribute content on these channels. 6 – Content creation and distribution tools The good news here is that you do not need huge capital to begin with as content marketer. The basic things you need are: • Internet connection (10,000FCFA/month should get you going) • A personal computer (desktop or laptop). You do not need a supper, lightning-fast computer. With 150,000 or less, you should get a PC that’s good to go • A good Camera (with webcam). You may start with your Android phone if you think
  • 39. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 38 P a g e Content Is Money it has good picture quality. I however recommend not joking around with your content quality except you want to chase away your clients. Added to these items should be a good and strong determination to push forward and break through tough times.
  • 40. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 39 P a g e Content Is Money Creating wining content The success of your content marketing business depends on the quality of your content. If you have the best production materials, host your blog on the best servers but publish mediocre content, you won’t make it online. There are generally 2 categories of content and if any information you want to share doesn’t fall within these, you may have to rethink: 1. Problem solving content 2. Infortainment (Information and entertainment) Competition in the content market is fierce. But you have to be top- notch to be able to win the readers’ attention. Winning content is content that has the innate power to attract the readers and keep them stuck. Everyone writes about a certain topic but here are some thought- provoking questions to help you stand out and be different: 1. Why should readers care about you in a highly competitive content world? 2. What brings them to your blog posts or videos? 3. Why should they sign up to your list? Now, to help you understand winning content and how to create such as to win the confidence of readers, let’s look at some reasons why people visit your blog.
  • 41. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 40 P a g e Content Is Money 7 reasons people visit your blog or content channels 1 – They have problems One of the main reasons people read around is the undeniable fact that they are in need of solutions to their problems. The problems are in varied forms and that boils down to your niche. If you have this understanding, you will always want to make sure your articles are crafted towards solving a certain problem. Going by the example above, a reader who gains weight after birth certainly has a problem. She’s looking for how to lose these extra kilos without having to visit the gym every 7 am. If you are in that niche and you are targeting this reader, your content must be aimed at helping her with a solution. 2 – Networking Another reason people visit and read your blog is because they want to connect with you. In blogging and content marketing, this is an important factor. The more bloggers and marketers you are connected with, the more chances your blog or channels stand to grow. Readers who want to connect with you often tend to drop comments, share your posts on social media, contact you, follow you on social media, etc. Now, if you want this kind of readers, you must make sure you provide the items that will make things easy for them: Have an itch-free commenting system. Encourage them to drop a comment in your content (Blog, Facebook, Youtube, etc) Reply to their comments.
  • 42. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 41 P a g e Content Is Money Say Thank You to them each time they tweet/share your posts Link out to their posts and send them a notification. Be personal and real. 3 – Infotainment Folks generally want entertaining and humor-filled information. Secondly, they want to feel comfortable when acquiring knowledge. This is very important… If you are boring in your content, chances are that your readers will get pissed off and close your site or channel for good. Add elements on your blog that will make it entertaining and attractive. Once readers feel comfortable and entertained by your blog posts, they will sign up to return. Here are a couple of factors that could make your blog and articles and videos thrilling and sticky: Choice of words Beautiful images Content formatting Fonts Videos on articles Site load speed 4 – Expectations Some readers have known you for something good. They know each time they come to your blog, they are going to find something worth their time. Every now and then, you find them checking your blog to find out if your next article or video is published. For this group of people, you
  • 43. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 42 P a g e Content Is Money have to be consistent. Don’t fail them because if you do, you may lose them forever. 5 – They heard about you You’ve been blogging and making news. People talk about you during meetings and events. They mention you on social media chats and posts. Someone just told a friend “your blog is awesome” And here the friend comes to your blog to find out more about you. Maybe you applied for an opportunity. That brings some folks to your blog to try to find out more. They may end up becoming returning readers if you succeed in making your blog sticky. 6 – Just checking if you are still blogging. Has someone ever come to your blog and mentioned he/she’s been away for long? Yes it happens. People sometimes just get absent from your blog for some reasons. At some point they think about you and decide to find out if you are still producing content. Make sure your blog is regularly updated with fresh content. Such readers will return and signup to your blog because they’ve found out you are still waxing strong. 7 – They want you down Not everyone reading your blog prays for your success. Competitors want to know what makes you strong and what makes you weak. They want to be able to push you away from your top search position. Some pay hackers to take down your business. Some are readers who spy for different evil motives. Some come to find out if you’ve published another ‘epic content’ for them to easily copy and paste.
  • 44. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 43 P a g e Content Is Money There is no way to stop them from coming to your blog. But you have to know this category of readers exists. Get ready for them – Enforce your blog’s security Do your backups Protect your content (Text, images, etc) Choose a reliable host Etc So these are just some of the reasons people visit and read your blog or watch your videos. Again, no one comes to you by chance. There is a driving force and knowing what they want is a strong marketing factor. That will help you prepare for them and not lose focus. How to know what your readers want In order to create super winning content, besides knowing why people visit your channels, you should be able to know exactly what they want. It seems difficult to dig deep and find out what exactly is someone looking on your blog. What does someone really expect by watching your videos? 1 - Ask your readers As a matter of fact, it isn’t a big deal to know what your readers want. The most commonly used method is asking questions. Ask in your articles or videos. Find out from your readers what next to talk about. Send them an email and watch their comments.
  • 45. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 44 P a g e Content Is Money You are soon going to find out what a majority of them want. This helps you to be more focused and get just want will keep readers excited. 2 – Polls and Surveys The next method I recommend is to use Polls and Surveys. If you are blogging on WordPress, you could easily find plugins that allow you create these interactive elements to collect useful marketing and content orienting data from your readers. 3 – Most commented and shared Which article on your blog or live video is most commented and shared? Some articles really drive people crazy. Often, it’s not just the article but the idea behind it. Once you discover people get to stick around certain topics on your channels, rinse and repeat.
  • 46. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 45 P a g e Content Is Money 4 – Heatmap tools Have you heard about heatmap tools? This is one of the most exciting content marketing technologies that allow you spy on your visitors’ activities while they read your content. The tools record mouse movements, clicks, scrolls and every other activity performed by your site visitors. It helps you know which menu item on your blog attracts more attention and if readers scroll to the bottom of your site or not. From the heatmap record above, you notice that the item PREMIUM POSTS is something my readers don’t care about. So I took it down Some commonly used heatmap tools are Crazy Egg, Mouseflow, HotJar, Lucky Orange, PTengine, etc
  • 47. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 46 P a g e Content Is Money Now, you see with me that it’s not as difficult as some make it seem to be to know what your readers want on your blog. This knowledge will highly help you in producing winning content and growing your audience and marketplace online. How to write in-depth, wining articles 1 – Focus on the topic I think the first step to come out with an in-depth content is to focus on the topic and bring the meat out of it. Do your proper research and try to cover every aspect. Tackle it from every angle making sure you leave no stone unturned. 2 - Use examples Show examples to backup your points. Examples are quick in painting a clearer image of any point you are trying to make. Try to get the most recent, most outstanding and most related examples. The more examples, the more the understanding. 3 - Use images and graphics It’s often said that images speak better than words. Related illustrative graphics and pictures will be another way to make clear your point. Don’t just fill up the spaces with images. Use relevant and top quality images. How many images to use in a single post is up to you. However, the more the images, the more time it takes to load. You may use image optimization plugin like SmushId or Lazy Load (For WordPress) to increase page speed.
  • 48. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 47 P a g e Content Is Money 4 - Link out to related materials Linking out to external resources is not only a search engine strategy. It’s a way to offer more value to your readers and attract back links to your own blog. Don’t be a selfish blogger. If you have come across great content that’s related to the article you are writing, link back to it. That will add meat to the bone. 5 - Use quotes Another way to add value to your article and make it in-depth is to share what some others have said about the topic. Before you tackle the topic, someone else might have said something captivating and worth mentioning. Quote that person in your article and add more value to it. Again, don’t be selfish. 6 - Define concepts and terms Don’t think everyone reading that topic will understand those concepts or jaw breaking terms. Make things easy for your readers and breaking down into words the street man will understand. What triggers a “wow” is when someone understands something he’s been struggling with for a long time. Don’t think your readers already know the concepts. Make them know the concepts. Write for the professionals and the layman. 7 - Answer common questions Every topic has common questions people ask here and there. Some of those questions come up over and over in forums, discussion boards, social media, etc. Bring out those questions and provide adequate
  • 49. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 48 P a g e Content Is Money answers. That will make your article sharable, bringing more traffic and attracting search engines. 8 - Create your own questions and answer them One excellent way to write in-depth articles and get something understood is to create questions and provide answers yourself. Readers might never think inline with your brain but your ingenious question and accurate answer will open more their understanding. 9 - Show weak and strong points Where appropriate, show the weak and the strong points of what you are writing about. Don’t write to flatter someone. Be very balanced and give your readers the right education. Bringing out the disadvantages and advantages, pros and cons of a an object or topic will ignite the better side of your readers’ understanding. 10 - Use videos/audios These are important media objects on every web page. Some visitors may not want to go through your article word after word. They may prefer the video or audio. This will be an attractive addition to keep such visitors on your article. 11 - Make it fun Don’t stress up your readers’ brains. Make your writing fun to read. Use simple language and words to make your readers to smile.
  • 50. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 49 P a g e Content Is Money Driving Targeted traffic Now, I believe we’ve gotten the essential structure setup. We have our blog and social media channels setup. We have the necessary tools and of course, we’ve understood basically how to create winning content. It’s time to drive traffic to our content. Traffic simply means the human visitors your channels get daily. If you produce content, it’s for readers. How do you get the readers to your blog posts or YouTube/Facebook live videos? That’s what we will be looking at in this chapter. If you do not get readers and viewers, you won’t make money. It means your marketplace is empty. That’s why it’s super necessary you pay attention to this section and practice what you learn. I will be touching on some very crucial traffic factors that will turn your business around. I insist on targeted traffic Now, one of the problems we get online as marketers is that we just want traffic. But that’s a poor posture. Not all traffic is monetizable. Some blog owners tell you they get thousands of daily readers yet they aren’t able to make good money out of it. On one of my blogs, I used to get just 100 to 200 daily readers. Even at that, I was able to be paid over 150,000 FCFA just to write an article.
  • 51. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 50 P a g e Content Is Money And the advertisers were very satisfied. That’s because the traffic was super targeted. Targeted traffic is traffic that flows to your channels because you have published content that answers their questions. Folks click to your website because they know you have what they want. They are not there by error. Not even because they are friends or family members who want to see how your new blog looks like. No! They were searching for where to “hire a RAV 4 2008 in Douala” and your article comes up on SERP (Search Engine Result Page) because you wrote content on “Luxury Car Rentals in Douala” That’s targeted traffic. People who want car rental service in Douala rushing to your blog to read more about how it’s done. What if you wrote an article on “Best water fufu & eru restaurants in Douala” and someone looking for “real estate agents in Douala” finds that article? Do you think he’s going to be a targeted reader? No of course he’s not. I hope you understand what it means to drive targeted traffic. On a more global scale, if you are writing on weight loss after birth, you should focus on getting women who were just delivered of their babies (or who are pregnant) to your content. If you just want Cameroonians to come and see that you are blogging or you are live on Facebook, you are going to fail miserably and don’t blame me because I just told you what to do.
  • 52. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 51 P a g e Content Is Money So how do you get the targeted traffic? Does it look like I’m asking you to lift an elephant? Absolutely no! Here is how to start. Understanding SEO SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. In other words, it’s all you do to make your content search engine friendly. There is a lot when it comes to this topic and I can do a “big” book on this. But I’m just going to give you the essentials so you start going. However, broadly, we talk of (1) Technical and (2) Content SEO. The later is further broken down to (a) OnPage and (b) OffPage SEO. Don’t worry I will chop this into shreds to ease your understanding. 1 - Technical SEO: This is everything that has to do with the technical aspect of your blog/site that makes Google and other search engines love it. It includes the configuration of your hosting server, the quality of the template you use, the mobile friendliness of your site (Mobile SEO). If you chose a good host and bought a premium theme, this aspect of SEO should be fairly handled. Another phase of technical SEO is getting some useful plugins that will facilitate content optimization. I recommend Yoast for WordPress. It will scan your articles and create an optimization report. • Get Yoast setup. Go to Wordpress plugin area and search for it • Set it up and generate your sitemap.
  • 53. Enstine Muki | Content Is Money • Link your site to your Google Search Console Account and submit your sitemap. This process will help get your articles by Google indexed pretty quickly. 2 – Content SEO This is where you have to be fully involved. As you create your content, you have to make sure they are indexed and ranked by Google properly. I mentioned above that Content SEO is further broken down into two: a) On Page Optimization b) Off page Optimization A - On Page Content SEO This is all you do on your articles to affect its search indexing and ranking. Before we get to the details, I want you to understand the structure of a complete web document. | 237 677 26 74 59 Content Is Money Link your site to your Google Search Console Account and submit This process will help get your articles by Google indexed pretty quickly. here you have to be fully involved. As you create your content, you have to make sure they are indexed and ranked by Google I mentioned above that Content SEO is further broken down into two: On Page Optimization Off page Optimization Content SEO This is all you do on your articles to affect its search indexing and Before we get to the details, I want you to understand the structure of a complete web document. 52 P a g e Link your site to your Google Search Console Account and submit This process will help get your articles by Google indexed pretty quickly. here you have to be fully involved. As you create your content, you have to make sure they are indexed and ranked by Google I mentioned above that Content SEO is further broken down into two: This is all you do on your articles to affect its search indexing and Before we get to the details, I want you to understand the structure of
  • 54. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 53 P a g e Content Is Money A complete web document (blog post or page) has 6 different sections. These are: 1. Page Meta Title 2. Page URL 3. Page Meta Description 4. Page Introduction 5. Page Body 6. Page Conclusion Each time you write a blog post, you have to pay attention to these areas to make your final article is search engine friendly. There are 3 SEO On Page elements that you need to include in your documents to make it rank better. These are: 1. Keywords 2. Content length 3. Other multimedia elements (images, audio and video) We will begin with content keyword and how to use them in your document, from the page title down to the conclusion. What is SEO keyword and how to properly optimize your document? Keywords are simply the words searchers type in search engine forms in order to find information. This can go from one word to long tail keywords. For instance:
  • 55. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 54 P a g e Content Is Money Restaurant in douala Long tail could be something like: Indian restaurants in Douala Cameroon We could also have something like: Best achu restaurants in akwa douala The longer the keyword, the more your chances of having targeted traffic. Now you understand SEO keywords right?
  • 56. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 55 P a g e Content Is Money Let’s look at something that’s even more important than the keyword: Keyword intent or search intent Search engine technology has really changed a lot in recent times. Google has moved from trying to understand the meaning of keywords to trying to read the minds of searchers. If you understand this and apply it, you will certainly beat your competitors hands down. Let’s take one keyword example above and I will show you how keyword intent works: Best achu restaurants in akwa douala Definitely, the searcher who keys these words in search engine is looking for the best place to eat Achu in Douala. That’s all you and I know. He alone knows what he considers “best”. It may mean a lot of things put together: - Quality of the food - Yellow or black soup - Location and accessibility of site - Security - Staff – politeness and cleanliness - Price - Appetizer, entrée, and dessert - Etc
  • 57. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 56 P a g e Content Is Money So a lot of things are coming to mind and you are not a witch doctor to know exactly what the keyword intent is. What does he mean by ‘Best’ ? So Google will not just reason in terms of ‘which restaurant is said to be the best’. It will reason in terms of ‘which of these restaurants is the best’ I do not know if you’ve seen the difference. Now, if you create content on White House Restaurant being the best achu restaurant in Douala, you have 99% chances to fail. Why? Simply because the searcher may not just like something about White House Restaurant. Maybe the staff is impolite or something and Google will understand him. The search engine already knows that creating content on a specific restaurant as being the best will definitely not answer searcher’s intent. You cannot decide for him what the best is. Rather, you should help him with elements that will allow him choose based on his criteria. That’s why a comparative post on top 5 achu restaurants in Douala will easily win the contest. Pick out 5 different restaurants and give out details of each, including customer feedback and ratings. Google will love your content and reward you with a better position because you’ve understood how search intent works. So search intent is:
  • 58. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 57 P a g e Content Is Money 1. Try to understand what the searcher means not the meaning of the word. 2. If you can’t get a clear picture, help him with alternatives to make a choice. Keywords in your documents or blog posts Now, we’ve seen that a complete web document has 6 different parts. Where do you include your keywords and where does intent come in? How many keywords do you optimize for? How many times do you use a single keyword in a document? Before you start creating content, after you must have come up with a hot idea, the first thing is to do your keyword research. This will let you know how popular the idea is in natural search. Keyword research tools abound on the Internet. You may want to start out with Neil’s free Ubersuggest: Once you’ve come up with a keyword you want to optimize for, put your leg in the searcher’s shoe and try to feel his pains. You will be able to understand the search intent. Your main keyword is known as the seed keyword. You should do your research to come up with a list of more related keywords. These are known as Latent semantic indexing (LSI) keywords. They are simply keywords related to the seed keywords.
  • 59. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 58 P a g e Content Is Money While the tool I mentioned above could be very helpful, you may start with Google Search. As you enter your seed keyword in the main search box, Google will give you a short list of suggested LSI keywords. You can also completely run your search and move down to the bottom of the Search Engine Result Page (SERP) There you have a list of suggested keywords related to your main search term.
  • 60. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 59 P a g e Content Is Money Pick some of these keywords and sprinkle within your content. But make sure you do constructive sentences for human understanding. The related keywords make Google know you understand the seed keyword intent. Looking at the example above, the seed keyword is Cameroon beaches. But Google is suggesting Mount Cameroon. Do you see the intent? Optimizing your content for the main/seed keyword is to actually optimize for its intent. But you have to let Google know which is your seed keyword. To do this, use these tips: - Add your seed keyword to the title of your document, preferably at the beginning. - Add it to your document resource location. - Add the keyword to your description (see below) - Add it to the intro of your article - Use it within your article body - Wrap it within heading tags - Use it as your image alt text - Then use it in your conclusion paragraph NB: This does not guarantee top ranking as other factors must be put together. If your content doesn’t really target the seed keyword intent, this optimization may not mean any difference. Avoid stuffing the keyword. Generally, the seed keyword usage should not go above 3% of the document.
  • 61. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 60 P a g e Content Is Money The Yoast SEO plugin I mentioned above will measure and give you the score. You may want to give it a try. Another option is SEOPressor plugin. Keyword and the description tag Keywords in your document’s Meta Description does not directly affect ranking. It only helps your article listing on SERP to attract clicks and improve your Click Through Rate (CTR) which is a huge ranking factor. How can this be explained? When your article shows up on SERP, searchers scan through the titles and descriptions. The entry with the most relevant title and description gets the click. That’s why you should add your keyword to the meta description to make it as relevant as possible on search result page:
  • 62. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 61 P a g e Content Is Money I have written an article on my blog to through more lights to this. See this here: Document length and LSI keyword Is document length an SEO factor? My answer is yes. The longer your document or article, the more your chances to outrank your competitors and the more you are able to get traffic from different LSI keywords. If you do a pretty long article like 2000+ words, chances are high to use as many different related keywords as possible. You will be able to go in-depth and tackle different angles of the topic treated. Long form post will certainly give you an SEO edge over your competitors. Make it a habit not to publish articles below 1000 words. This may however depend on your niche. Check out this document by Neil Patel on Long form articles: Adding other multimedia elements Adding images, videos and audios to your articles goes a long way to impact user experience and improve search positioning. Beautiful images and videos have the tendency to keep readers on your content for longer period. This increases dwell time, which is one of the 200+ search engine ranking factors.
  • 63. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 62 P a g e Content Is Money While it’s possible and easy to simply upload images directly to your blog posts, videos may get you into serious bandwidth and server space difficulties. A better option to deal with videos is to upload to YouTube and simply embed the snippet in your articles. Throughout we’ve been looking at Content On page SEO. Let’s face the other aspect of content SEO Content OFF Page SEO There are 2 main things off page you need to get that will boost your search ranking. Off page simply means (things that happen) on other websites, hosted on different servers or IPs, that have to do with your own site. These 2 things are: 1. Incoming, inbound links or backlinks (Express links) 2. Mentions (Implied links) Incoming links are links on other sites that point back to content on your blog. Let’s say you wrote a good article on your blog about Chinese restaurants in Yaounde. Then someone in UK writing about Cameroon finds your article and links to it from his own article. That will be a backlink and a good Off Page SEO vote.
  • 64. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 63 P a g e Content Is Money Though the importance Google will place on this backlink will highly depend on the SEO status of the linking site, it still gives you some amount of ‘link juice’ from it. If the linking site has a solid positive SEO status, you will receive an important vote that will remain valid for as long as the site’s status doesn’t degrade. However, if the link is removed someday, you lose the vote. A mention comes when someone cites your brand in an online document without a link I wrote an article on how implied links can improve your natural visibility. Check the post here: mentions-implied-links-express-links/ So to get more stability in search engines and increase your natural traffic, you need more backlinks and mentions from different websites with strong domain and page authorities. There are 4 main ways to get these links and mentions: 1. Do it yourself (build links) 2. Allow others link to you naturally (Earn links) 3. SEO outreach 4. Outsource to experts (some sort of buying links which is black hat) The best way to grow your links in the face of Google is allowing others naturally link back to your content. You will have to be an expert who provides extremely valuable content for others to love and link to. Naturally attracting these links isn’t bread and butter at all.
  • 65. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 64 P a g e Content Is Money Connecting with other content marketers and expressly linking to their content will often attract a reciprocal action If you have the funds, you may want to hire an SEO firm or outsource to experts. But if Google finds out someone is being paid to build links for your profile, you will be in a pot of very hot soup. The easiest and most practical way to boost your Off Page SEO is to create links yourself. This is what most people do with a huge dose of success and it’s something Cameroonian content marketers are yet to discover. Guest posting and blog commenting are strong Off Page SEO exercises and we will be look at these in the pages ahead. SEO Outreach SEO outreach is otherwise known as link building outreach. It’s just a small part of Content Outreach which we will be looking below. SEO outreach is how you make contacts and get them to link to your content. You must have a strong reason to have to get someone to modify an existing article on his blog to create a link to yours. Generally, using outreach applications, you may identify a broken link on a related content published on another blog. Definitely, this is hurting the blog’s reputation. Linking to a dead page or outdated content is something most marketers do not want to maintain on your blog. Therefore, if you find a dead link on Mr. XY’s blog, you may reach out to him and suggest he changes the link destination to your content. In return, you will tweet his page and share it on Facebook or mail to your list. If he says YES, then you win. Otherwise, move on.
  • 66. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 65 P a g e Content Is Money Basically, you now understand what SEO is and how to make your blog search engine friendly from the technical and content points of view. Outreach Marketing for traffic Outreach marketing focuses on pitching content to influential people who have a strong connection and relationship with your target audience. It involves the practice of searching for individuals and organizations whose audiences share similar interest with yours and then reaching out to them with the goal of getting them to promote your content Simply put, the goal of outreach marketing campaign is to persuade influencers – who act as a bridge between you or your brand and target customers – to share or link out to your content. When someone with hundreds of thousands of social fans or a popular blog mentions your piece of work, it not only drives targeted traffic to your website and but also promotes credibility and brand awareness. Also, according to research, 83% of people trust recommendations from their peers over advertising. In our local market, content outreach is new. But someone must start it and that’s you. Get in touch with marketers you know in your industry. Connect with them and get them to promote your content. This may happen on social media, email list, Live Video mention, Radio/Tv programs, printed magazines, etc.
  • 67. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 66 P a g e Content Is Money You see with me that outreach marketing isn’t hard at all. You may want to break this down to Influencer outreach, Email outreach, Social media outreach, etc All this involves is getting folks to promote you and drive awareness to your content. Guest Posting Remember we are still on driving traffic to your channels and at the same time, building a community or marketplace. In this regard, we’ve talked about SEO and content outreach, getting others to promote you and send you readers. Guest posting is an indisputable way to grow your reach and expand your market. It’s a result of a successful outreach marketing strategy. Guest posting has a bi-directional force: a) You publish articles on other blogs. b) You allow other bloggers to publish on yours. Guest posting helps content marketing in four ways: 1. SEO implied and expressed links 2. Networking 3. Referral traffic 4. Brand promotion We are soon going to get into details of these 4 points. But permit me mention something at this point. Cameroonian bloggers don’t guest-post but you have to break that chain. You have to step out of your tiny box and think a broader reach.
  • 68. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 67 P a g e Content Is Money It takes fear and selfishness not to want to submit your “Epic” content on other blogs. But there is something you get from the activity that massively outweighs your fears. We will be looking at these advantages shortly but you have to make up your mind to do the following: a) Step out and connect with savvy and like-minded bloggers b) Create mind-blowing content and publish on their blogs c) Promote the hell out of your guest articles d) Engage on your guest articles Advantages of guest posting Let’s see why you must start guest posting to add meat to your content marketing skeleton. A - SEO The easiest way to “build” links (Implied and expressed) is by submitting your articles on other blogs. These are contextual links with more SEO value than comment links. While some bloggers and site owners will only allow you add a single link in the author bio text box, a majority do allow up to 2 dofollow links with the content area of articles. I have also come across blog owners who are strict on their point not to allow a single link to your content from their sites. Or they simply approve with nofollow links. Before you go on to submit your article on another blog, be sure to read the guides provided by the blog owner. B - Networking
  • 69. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 68 P a g e Content Is Money Networking simply means connecting and collaborating with other bloggers in your industry. I always tell my students “no one succeeds as an Island” You need the input of others to experience success. Connecting with savvy marketers attracts links, mentions, shares, business, etc. If you submit epic content on other blogs, the owners will not only hold you in high esteem. They will also recommend and promote you. C – Referral Traffic One of the glaring attractions of guest posting is referral traffic. People read your guest articles and click over to your blog. If you submit articles on high traffic targeted blogs, your referral traffic could easily translate to leads and sales. D - Brand promotion Your brand is what people think about each time they hear about you, see you or anything that represents you. If people see your logo, do they remember anything about you or your business? What comes to their minds? How strong do you influence their thoughts and actions? The power of your brand is seen by the influence you have on the community at any given moment. If people can easily forget about you, it means your brand needs help. It’s almost impossible to forget about Coca-cola, Guinness, MTN, Eto’o Fils, etc because these are strong brands. People want to associate with them because of their positive social and business impacts.
  • 70. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 69 P a g e Content Is Money If ORANCE Cameroun allows you to guest post on their blog, it gives your brand a serious boost. While it’s important to pursue other factors in guest blogging, it’s even more crucial to press after branding for its long term effect. Before you start guest blogging For bloggers and marketers just starting, it may be quite difficult to find successful blogs to feature on. That’s why I recommend you start with building your personal profile. Work on your image and position yourself as an attractive element. Build an authentic social media presence, and post some reasonable articles on your blog. No one with a successful blog will accept content from amateur. The more reason you shouldn’t attempt guest posting in your early days of marketing. Be very selective. Posting on some blogs could mean a pure waste of time – no link juice, poor link quality (posting to an SEO black listed site), negative impact on your brand, etc. You must only post on blogs in your industry. Getting links from unrelated content could bring you up to a serious dance with Google.
  • 71. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 70 P a g e Content Is Money Blog commenting Blog commenting is a marketing exercise highly neglected by many Cameroonian bloggers. I have had a massive degree of success with it so I think you should shift away from a position of handling it with levity. There are three reasons I recommend commenting as a means to grow your marketplace: I - Link building This exercise has been known as one of the ways to build backlinks. Though link juice from the comment section is not as heavy as contextual links, it still goes a long way to balance up your SEO profile. Most links gotten from blog commenting are nofollow. However, commenting on CommentLuv enabled blog gives you a chance to create do-follow links. CommentLuv is a successful WordPress plugin pecially designed to encourage the exercise and reward commenter with backlinks. 2 - Networking Just like guest posting, blog commenting helps in networking. The quality of comments you drop on other blogs can affect you negatively or positively. Dropping meaningful comments would always end up drawing blog owners and other readers to you.
  • 72. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 71 P a g e Content Is Money 3 - Referral Traffic The more of your comments are approved on other blogs, the more the traffic you stand to get. These and some more (including branding) are the reasons you should include blogging on your list of growth strategic factors. How to drop attractive comments Blog commenting has recently become so cruelly misused by SEO link mongers. This has also pushed blog owners to step up and adjust to the changes to protect their blogs and communities. Short comments like “Nice post”, “great post”, “thanks for posting”, etc are facing tough times getting approved these days. To drop a comment that attracts the blog owner and its readers, you should consider the following: • Be patient. Don’t be in a hurry to drop a comment • Read the post you want to comment thoroughly. I know we skim but that only goes to hurt our results. If you read the content with more attention, chances are that you are going to do a great comment. • Comment with value. Not too short and not too long. Long form doesn’t necessarily mean value. Be sure to comment within topic. • Ask questions in your comment to trigger conversation. • Use a conversational tone. Do not write like a robot. • Reply to other replies on your comment. Here are other points I’d like you to know about blog commenting: • Do not comment on random blogs. Work with blogs in your niche • Comment regularly.
  • 73. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 72 P a g e Content Is Money • If you drop a comment on a blog for the first time, sending a friendly mail to the blog owner can be magical. Now, you know what content production and distribution is. You’ve also seen the different distribution channels and how to pull target traffic and build and active community (aka marketplace). In the next section, we are tearing the meat of this book – Content is Money. We are going to see how to turn this content into money more from a local perspective. I will end up giving you some tips how to earn some dollars out of Cameroon as well.
  • 74. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 73 P a g e Content Is Money Monetizing your content The purpose of this book is to show you how to create epic content, drive traffic and make money. As a matter of fact: Content + Traffic = Money I know some folks have content and traffic but they are seriously broke. If you know any of such, help them grab a copy of this book. But let me be very clear here! • It’s not just any kind of Content. Content has to be attractive and epic. • It’s not just any kind of Traffic. Traffic has to be targeted. If you put together killer content and draw targeted traffic to it, it will require God alone to stop you from banking big. Before you monetize There are many ways to monetize your content. But before we get into those details, it’s crucial I underline some important points. First, don’t focus on the money. If you chase the money, you will forget the real thing that brings the money. No one loves you to give you money. People pay you for a problem solved. You solve your readers’ problems, you get their money. So focus on solving problems rather than making money.
  • 75. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 74 P a g e Content Is Money Second, segment your community. Trust me this is where many marketers misfire. They don’t know who is who consuming their content. At the end of the day, they target the wrong people and get the worst results ever. I will help you break your community into two major parts: 1 – Your Readers This is a group of visitors who only come to your site for information. They want to read the latest or just know what it is you are talking about live. Generally, they are the target of your second category. 2 – Your clients Who are your clients? If you fail this question, then stop everything. Try to identify them first. But if you really can’t I will help you. As content marketer, your main business model is selling space. If you have a physical marketplace, the only way to monetize is to sell space. We have 2 categories of people entering the market: Those coming to buy and those coming to sell. You as market place owner don’t have any money to make from those coming to buy (Your readers) You make money from those coming to sell (Your Advertisers). Those advertisers are your clients. You are their publisher. They pay you to publish their products. So you see how to segment your marketplace. You know the segment of your market that brings you money.
  • 76. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 75 P a g e Content Is Money But listen… The segment that brings you money depends on the segment that only comes for information. If you have more buyers, the advertisers will be looking for you. With this understanding, you have to focus your energy on building and maintaining the readers segment. Without this, the advertisers segment will be scanty. Now you know able to segment your market? Monetizing local content If you focus on the tips I explained earlier to pull local traffic, you won’t find any difficulties earning in Francs CFA. How much money can you make by the way? The amount of money that flows within a specific marketplace depends on the size of the market. You can’t compare the central market with your small quarter market. The bigger the size of your community, the more money you can make if you apply the right monetizing strategies. So here are the different ways to monetize local content: 1 - Sponsored content Companies pay you to do biased/unbiased reviews of their products/services on your channels. In other words, they sponsor content on your channels.
  • 77. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 76 P a g e Content Is Money Trust me you can make a lot of money from local corporations using this model. You have 4 elements of your community that give you a huge bargaining power: • Live video on Facebook • Live Video on YouTube • Your Blog post • Social media posts You see if you develop these traffic channels, you can charge companies to talk to your channels about their products. Again, the bigger and more active your channels, the more money you can charge from these companies. 2 - Direct advertising Direct advertising has to do with selling portions of your community to your client. These are banner slots on your blogs and articles and video interludes during your live or playback videos. 3 – Contextual advertising A good example of contextual advertising in Cameroon is Google Adsense. While this pays peanut, Cameroonians are happy that their income can be paid using Western Union. Let’s look at something more rewarding. 4 - Sponsored interviews Just like sponsored content, sponsored interviews are focused on interviews. Companies pay you a fee to be interviewed on your
  • 78. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 77 P a g e Content Is Money channels. The interviews are well prepared to allow them sell their products/services 5 – Negative/positive reviews Negative reviews work well these days. Are you pissed off with a product? Just do a negative review while recommending a competitor. While this may be considered unethical or dangerous, it stands a better chance to pull some income. The company negatively reviewed may ask to pay you so you should take down the review. On the other hand, competitors pay you to be mentioned as the alternative. 6 - Top X content type I have had some pretty nice success with Top X content type. You could do a blog post on “Top 10 computer shops in Douala” If your article does well in search engines and other references, trust me some shops would want to pay you to be mentioned on top of the list 7 – Brand Ambassador. This is where there is some real money. But to become a successful brand ambassador, you will need to have an attractive marketing profile. Brands are ready to hire you and access your community for 30 days or more. They want you to represent them and massively promote their services. If you are a Nexttel Brand Ambassador, you’ll have to dedicate a portion of your real estate where everything there is the brand. For instance:
  • 79. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 78 P a g e Content Is Money Have a category on your blog where you do weekly articles on different products promoted by the Nexttel brand. How do you promote a brand in your marketplace? Now, what you should do is give the brand your maximum exposure as possible. Create a content path that leads the reader through various presentation points to the desired target point - Brand website. Content Path diagram Brand product presentation on your blog Engagement points: Tweet, FB post, live videos, etc Brand presentation on your blog Brand home, including product presentation on Brand main site
  • 80. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 79 P a g e Content Is Money Let me explain this content path from the bottom because that’s where you start creating the promotion funnel. Brand Home: This is the brand website with different product presentation pages. Brand presentation on your blog: Once you have a deal with any Brand, create a landing page presenting the branch and its products. Include videos, testimonials and elements that will clearly market the brand. Brand product presentation: On your blog you should create different blog posts presenting the different brand products. Engagement points: This is the reader’s entry point into your content path. Once you have the funnel or path fully built, you will now go sharing to your followers on social media about the brand, sending them to the product pages on your blog. Let me be more explicit! When you seal a deal with a brand, it gives you links to their main site. It also gives you details about their key products and pages on their site where those products are detailed out. You are going to have to create many different pages/posts on your blog about the brand: • A main page – sales page where you present the brand. • Several other pages (blog posts) presenting the different products. Each product should have a page/post • All these other several pages (product presentation pages) should link to the main brand presentation page. • The product presentation pages/posts should interlink as well.
  • 81. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 80 P a g e Content Is Money • When you tweet or post on social media, drive traffic to the product presentation page not the Brand presentation page. • Readers on the product presentation page will click through to the Brand presentation page and subsequently to the Brand’s main site. Let’s look at simple content path for MTN: Contacting brands and negotiating deals If you have a busy market, a large community of active readers, it should not be a big deal to stand out and pull attention from brands. You are soon going to be having mails from here and there, requesting to be promoted in your community. You have to prepare for this category of clients: A page about MoMo on your blog A page about M2U on your blog A page about Mobile Int. on your blog A page about ABC on your blog MTN Main Website Focus promotion on these pages
  • 82. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 81 P a g e Content Is Money Create an Advertise Here Page: Give details on this page of your community size (traffic stats, demographics, etc). I always do not recommend mentioning your prices on this page. The reason is that it does not allow you the flexibility to negotiate deals. Respond to business emails asap: Once there is a message requesting sponsorship details, be as proactive as possible. A delay could mean losing the client to a competitor. Stepping out to meeting other advertisers: Another way to get more deals is to step out and confront prospective clients with irresistible offers. I know the shying and fearful spirit animating many bloggers. But you have to break out of your dark box and step into light for more business. My recommendation would be to prepare an offer of service with details of what you can offer and what you expect in return. Include the following in your offer: • Your profile info • Blog stats and demographics • Social media coverage • Promotion channels • Past projects and results • Testimonials • Prices • Special offers and bonuses • Etc
  • 83. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 82 P a g e Content Is Money Become a sole proprietor To be able to get paid by companies in Cameroon, you’ll need to have official documents as a legal entity. The most ideal is creating a startup with the “Sole Proprietor” status. As your business grows, you will see need to upgrade to Limited Liability Company. Affiliate Marketing in Cameroon A this point, I’m fueled. I’m super excited because Affiliate Marketing is working in our local context and I have some really exciting opportunities to share with you. The basics of Affiliate Marketing are simple to understand. You promote products/services belonging to another company. Each time you generate sales, the company pays you commissions. In other words, you become an independent commercial agent. But this is even more exiting: • The company handles the product creation and all the challenges that go with it. • They also handle the maintenance and update. • They take care of all the after sales services (delivery, customer support, etc) • They provide the tools you need • All you do is drive traffic and earn commissions. But doing affiliate in Cameroon has always been difficult for a couple of reasons: 1. Payment process: This has been the main reason Affiliate Marketing has always failed in our local content. Given that
  • 84. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 83 P a g e Content Is Money everything is processed automatically, including payment of commissions, any thinking minds have always seen no need to push the business model forward. But with the introduction of MonetBil online mobile Payment gateway, Affiliate Marketing will soon flourish in Cameroon. More about MonetBil below. 2. Local digital products in high demand: Digital products, including eBooks, software, membership sites, etc do exceptionally well in Affiliate. But this product line is yet to fulfill its course in Cameroon. Local book writers and software engineers have been slow in coming up with products that attract the attention of local content producers. 3. Tangible product order processing and delivery: This is another reason why Affiliate Marketing has always not seen lights in our local marketing. While Amazon, eBay, etc are making news as top platforms for tangible products, Cameroon is yet to experience this level of success with tangible product online sales platform. I know you are thinking about Jumia. Well, you are not wrong. At the moment of writing this book, Jumia has an unreliable Affiliate Marketing platform. 4. Mindset and Culture: Most Cameroonians would want to move up to the nearby brick & mortar store, have direct contact with products, touch and feel before reaching a buying decision. They don’t even have any trust in the sincerity of the local distributor. Any Cameroonian buyer is on the defensive with the mindset that sellers are about doing something funny. These and many more explain the reason Affiliate Marketing is still sleeping in Cameroon. But there are some options I want to propose to you that will make a difference.
  • 85. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 84 P a g e Content Is Money Follow these recommendations and start making massive earnings with Affiliate Marketing in Cameroon, promoting Cameroonian products. But how much can you earn with Affiliate Marketing in Cameroon? As a matter of fact, I advise against setting a limit on your marketing. If you have an active blog, you should scale to a whole business and generate the kind of income that will give you dreamt ambitions. Scaling is simple: • Locate what your audience likes • Find out if there is an affiliate platform • Start promoting. • If it works, tweak, rinse and repeat. • Contact product creators for toolbox and facilities that will help boost conversions. • If you find products that pay recurring earnings, make them a priority. Affiliate Marketing products to start with in Cameroon – Get your commissions sent to Mobile Money/Momo Now, I want to propose you start with some tested products. But before we get there, here are some crucial points to note: • Don’t just promote any product because it pays good commissions. Promote products your audience will like. • Use different methods – banners, affiliate reviews, email lists, etc. • Treat it as a real business. • Grow your traffic along the line. • Optimize for conversion. • Make proposals to product owners. • Etc
  • 86. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 85 P a g e Content Is Money 1 – “Content is Money” Affiliate Program. I’m going to have to recommend you start with promoting this book you are reading. Now you are reading it and you know what’s inside. You are able to convince your audience to grab a copy. First, sign up to its affiliate program. Go to and create a free account. After creating your free account, you will need to login and apply to be an affiliate. The process is quite easy though and your application will be automatically approved.
  • 87. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 86 P a g e Content Is Money You will need to Click “Affiliate Area” To go to the affiliate Dashboard. As this is your first time, what you will see is the application form. Make sure you enter both MTN and Orange numbers for your commission payments. Many Mobile Money and Orange Money are free. Entering wrong numbers here could mean lost commissions. Note also that these numbers can be changed later from your account.
  • 88. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 87 P a g e Content Is Money This is what your account looks like: Affiliate Link: Click here to generate your affiliate link. Pick the link of the product you want to promote on the website and paste in the form on this page. Affiliate Coupon: If you have active coupon codes, they will appear here. To see your commissions and request for payment, go to Commissions. Click on Creatives for banner. Of course you have the stats and the Settings page allows you to modify your commission payment phone number. 2 – “Money Making Machine” by Melvis Tanyi Melvis has come up with an awesome ebook on how to make money online. This has touched on a platform that’s different from what I explain in this book.
  • 89. Enstine Muki | | 237 677 26 74 59 88 P a g e Content Is Money Remember in this book, I focus on Cameroon. But Melvis shares details on how to make money on fiverr. It’s worth promoting. Signup to the affiliate program, go to 3 – Promote products on is the pioneer, exciting platform for eLearning and eBooks, teaching Cameroonians and Africans to develop and setup profitable small businesses. Both online courses and eBooks on this platform convert like crazy and I believe it’s one of the platforms to promote and earn commissions. To sign up to the affiliate platform, go to All these platforms I have recommended will pay your affiliate earnings to MTN Mobile money and Orange Money. That’s the beauty of it. Create and selling digital products Digital products are a quick way to make money online in Cameroon. From wiring of eBooks to software development, no one should be indifferent. It doesn’t have to be complicated and you don’t have to be a university graduate to come up with a product in high demand. Whether you are a trained professional or unskilled reader, you can write an ebook that will generate income for you. Writing of eBooks is something that’s yet to penetrate our society. But the market is high and receptive. You just have to look around you and you’ll see a need whose solution lies in an eBook you are yet to create.