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Conference _ Programme.indd 1 12/10/2018 11:21
Conference _ Programme.indd 2 12/10/2018 11:21
Welcome to
New York
This year marks a decade since the first
MuseumNext took place in England.
I’ve run 18 MuseumNext conferences since
then, from Melbourne to Geneva, London
to Barcelona and at every event we’ve been
joined by inspiring people who are making
museums better.
As the decade has passed I’ve watched
careers flourish, passionate individuals
succeed and our community rise to
challenge after challenge.
The wonderful thing about our sector is
that everyone who works in museums is
here because they believe in the power of
education, art, science and history.
The people are truly special.
We’ve strived over the past ten years
to help this community of dedicated
professionals as they shape the future
of museums.
We’ve shared hundreds of inspiring case
studies, brought together people who would
otherwise never have met and helped forge
new and fruitful partnerships that span the
Over the course of the next few days I hope
that you make these kind of connections. I
know from experience that they will happen,
but often you have to push yourself to step
out of your comfort zone and talk to someone
you don’t know.
This years event has brought together the
most extraordinary group of people, with
delegates from around the world coming
to New York for this event.
I’d like to thank you all for taking time out
of your busy schedules to be with us. In doing
so you are making our conversations richer
and our network stronger.
I’d also like to thank our sponsors Sotheby’s
Museum Network, History IT, Wunder, Pratt,
Oxford Cultural Leaders, Gateway Ticketing
and AEA Consulting for ther support, aswell
as our Global Partners Microsoft.
I hope that you enjoy the next few days
and that you’ll take a notebook packed
full of ideas and a pocket full of business
cards home with you.
Jim Richardson
Conference _ Programme.indd 3 12/10/2018 11:21
09:45 - 10:30
Opening Keynote:
The Museum
of the Future
Dr Noah Raford,
Chief Operating Officer
& Futurist-in-Chief,
Dubai Future Foundation
Dubai’s Museum of the Future will blow
your mind, it is a unique incubator for futuristic
innovations and design, currently under
construction in Dubai, UAE.
Building on over 5 years of immersive
exploration of the future by the Dubai Future
Foundation, the organization behind the world’s
first 3D printed office to the Dubai Blockchain
Strategy, the Museum will become the world’s
largest and most exciting way to discover
tomorrow’s trends and opportunities.
In addition to acting as a center for visitors to
interact with world of tomorrow, it will have a
major event space, theatre, and partnership labs
with the most exciting brands helping to shape
the 21st century.
09:00 - 09:30
Register for the conference and take your
seat for MuseumNext NYC.
19:30 - 09:45
Delegates from around the world will be
welcomed to NewYork by MuseumNext
founder Jim Richardson.
Our host for the day will be Stephanie A.
Johnson-Cunningham, Co-Founder,
Museum Hue.
MuseumNext London — 18 - 20 June 2018
Conference _ Programme.indd 4 12/10/2018 11:21
10:30 - 11:00
Feeling the fear and
doing it anyway…
Hannah Fox,
Project Director, Museum of Making
Derby Museums
In a world where museums need to push
boundaries and our comfort levels to survive
and thrive, how might we use co-production and
design thinking to disrupt the norm of designing
and making our museums in ways that ensure
they have relevance and sustainability?
Hannah shares the acclaimed approaches
being used by one of England’s most exciting
museums to develop their sites and programmes
– including the redevelopment of the Silk Mill,
site of the world’s first factory, as the Museum
of Making – challenging us to expand
perspectives on what ‘makes a museum’.
11:00 - 11:30
X Design: From Local
Connections to Global
Dr Natalia Grincheva
Research Fellow,
Research Unit in Public Cultures,
The University of Melbourne
Creating a “co-design” museum model
empowers local creativity and leads to
innovations with global impacts.This is
achieved by bringing the museum, its audiences,
artists, academics and local creative start-ups
and investors together to develop productive
partnerships that result in innovative programs
and products, revolutionizing the professional
museum field.
This presentation will provide an example
of such a museum “co-design model” by
featuring the collaboration with academics
from the University of Melbourne highlighting
the role of the Museum as a hub for creative
11:30 - 12:00
Redesigning the
Design Museum
Laura Flusche,
Executive Director,
Museum of Design Atlanta (MODA)
Seven years ago, the Museum of Design Atlanta
(MODA) pressed restart. Since then, design
thinking has been its primary methodology in
the investigation of two questions:
1) Can a design museum change the world?
2) What is the museum of the 21st century?
This presentation will discuss how the MODA
staff employs design thinking in its day-to-day
work, how the practice of design thinking has
helped MODA better understand and respond
to constituent wants and needs, and how
MODA strives to empower visitors to think
like designers as they address challenges in
their own lives.
12:00 - 13:00
A buffet lunch will be served for delegates.
Lunch is also a great opportunity to meet
other delegates.
Conference _ Programme.indd 5 12/10/2018 11:21
13:00 -13:15
Start with Strategy
Kristen Gwinn-Becker,
CEO & Founder,
HistoryIT Inc
Where are you on your digital initiatives road
map? Where does your digital strategy fit into
your overall organizational strategic plan?
If you cannot answer both of these questions
with confidence stop what you are doing. Now.
Too often, digital initiatives result as a response
to a specific need or request.They are reactive
rather than proactive.
Kristen will describe how a strategy-first
approach can produce story and search
solutions in digital initiatives that are proactive
rather than reactive, sustainable, and bring
new and ongoing value to organizations.
13:15 - 13:45
Host, Spark, Core:
The new museum
of communication
Christian Rohner
Head of Exhibition & Digital Museum,
Museum of Communication, Berne
Since reopening in August 2017, the Museum
of Communication in Berne, Switzerland
has seen its appeal skyrocket, especially with
One of the most widely read media portals in
Switzerland – – describes it as ‘the most
innovative museum concept in Switzerland”.
We believe that we have managed to create a
successful mix of entertainment and a learning
environment with an incredible amount on
offer – for children, in particular.
Christian will take us behind the scenes at the
museum to share the secrets to their success.
MuseumNext London — 18 - 20 June 2018
Conference _ Programme.indd 6 12/10/2018 11:21
13:45 - 14:15
Are we there yet?
Designing a feminist
exhibition experience
Victoria Travers,
Head of Exhibitions,
Auckland Museum
When Auckland Museum carried out rapid
response collecting during the global Women’s
March of January 2017, they were trolled online
– how dare they collect protest material, they
were supposed to be apolitical.Were they? News
to them.They sensed an exhibition opportunity.
2018 is the 125th anniversary of Universal
Suffrage in New Zealand, the year of #metoo,
and saw the passing of significant equal-pay
legislation; the perfect context to overtly
explore the museum’s relevance to audiences
and their place in civic discourse.
Victoria shares what happened next.
14:15 - 14:45
Museums Lates:
Playground for
Liat Rosenthal,
Curator: Uniqlo Tate Lates,
Tate Modern
Museum Lates offer institutions a unique
way to engage new and diverse audiences.
How can ‘gallery lates’ become a vehicle for
mobilising new creative collaborations both
inside the gallery and beyond its walls? From
Solange,Yoko Ono to community partnerships
and conversations on swings, Liat reflects on
the learnings of launching Tate Modern’s
Uniqlo Tate Late.
14:45 - 15:15
Afternoon Break
Grab a coffee and network with your fellow
Conference _ Programme.indd 7 12/10/2018 11:21
15:15 - 15:45
Disciplines of Execution:
Culture Building
for Growth and
Jon Carfagno,
Executive Director,
Hickory Museum of Art
Volatile times call for new ways of working.
Learn alongside a small museum that is rapidly
transforming to compete in an uncertain
world. From strategic planning to day to day
operations, explore how Hickory Museum
of Art is evolving to foster growth and
sustainability through a radical reimagining
of organizational design.
This presentation will share examples of
frameworks and methods that the team is using
to bring empathy, purpose, transparency, and
efficiency to every corner of the institution.
Participants are encouraged to borrow, share,
and innovate on top of these ideas.
15:45 - 16:15
Rethinking Museum
Nico Wheadon,
Director of Public Programs
and Community Engagement,
Studio Museum
Join Nico Wheadon as she rethinks Museum
citizenship. Using her newly-founded
Community Advisory Network and expanded
community partnerships as case studies, she
will share tools that help to define, engage,
and serve local communities.
With a vested interest in both artists and the
sociocultural conditions that shape art, she
will explore how rearticulating her collective
impact model to center art, community, and
participation equally has encouraged the
Museum at-large to embody a neighbor and
collaborator, willing to work with, for and
through it’s community.
MuseumNext London — 18 - 20 June 2018
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16:15 - 16:45
Extended Realities:
AR/t and Intervention
Catherine D. Henry
Founder and Creative Strategist,
Palpable Media
David Lobser
3D Artist, Director & XR Developer
Catherine and David will address the
“MoMAR” Augmented Reality (AR) guerrilla
intervention at the MoMA in the context
of interactive art and museum innovation.
How can museums embrace new realities and
extended realities? More importantly, how can
they own and drive the narrative with the very
real potential of virtual digital sabotage?
They will also explore the wealth of innovations
museums can employ – from virtual and
augmented reality to holograms and more –
to enhance existing collections, create a new
dialogue with artists and enhance art education.
Conference _ Programme.indd 9 12/10/2018 11:21
Conference _ Programme.indd 10 12/10/2018 11:21
18:00 - 20:00
Social Event at the
Folk Art Museum
2 Lincoln Square, New York, NY 10023, USA
Join your fellow delegates for a private view
of the American Folk Art Museum.This is
the premier institution devoted to the creative
expressions of self-taught artists, past and
This is a great opportunity to network
with your fellow delegates, while exploring
the museums rich colection.
Thanks to the Folk Art Museum for hosting us,
and Museum Hue for making this happen.
Conference _ Programme.indd 11 12/10/2018 11:21
09:15 - 09:45
Pick up your conference badge and join us
for coffee.
This day will be hosted by Lucy Shaw, Head
of Programmes and Partnerships, University of
Oxford Gardens, Libraries and Museums.
09:45 - 10:30
The Benefits of
Immersive Technology
in Museums
Dan Ayoub,
General Manager,
Mixed Reality Education,
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are
transforming the learning landscape.
Dan Ayoub, General Manager of Mixed
Reality Education at Microsoft will talk about
how this powerful technology is changing
learning outcomes for students, how to
integrate it and the benefits to Museums.
Whether you are brand new to the technology
or you have a good understanding and would
like to learn more about how to use immersive
technology most effectively, this session will have
something for you and can help you get started!
10:30 - 11:00
Museums as a Platform
for Artists, Educators
Christina Boomer Vazquez,
Arts & Media Consultant
Dan Sullivan,
Head of Growth & Partnerships,
Artists have long looked to technology as
a means of expanding their suite of tools to
ideate, produce, and distribute their work to
the masses.Today, consumers and creators
have unprecedented access to leveraging the
power of artificial intelligence, sensors, drones,
and other previously untouchable tools.
As technology matures and barriers to entry
continue to fall, the impact on artists and
museum educators will continue to evolve.
With the support of the Knight Foundation,
museums across the country have been pushed
with exploring new ways to connect people
to art through technology. Perez Art Museum
Miami (PAMM), one of the leading
international contemporary art museums,
chose to leverage augmented reality to drive
deeper experiences for their visitors.
In this panel, you will hear about the multi
faceted collaboration to deliver PAMM AR.
The discussion will explore the relationship
between artist, institution, and outsider as
well as museums’ growing role as a platform
for artists and creative digital experiences.
MuseumNext London — 18 - 20 June 2018
Day Two
Conference _ Programme.indd 12 12/10/2018 11:21
11:00 - 11:30
Designing the perfect
ARt experience
Keri Ryan,
Director, Learning & Interpretation,
Art Gallery of Ontario
Alex Mayhew,
Artist and Creative Director,
Impossible Things
The danger with technology is that is becomes
a distraction to the experience. And institutions
are wondering how they can engage with AR
beyond the gimmick. ReBlink has shown how
it can be used as a tool for deeper engagement
and how it has the power to bring in new au-
diences. 2018 brings in much excitement over
augmented reality and players such as Apple
and Google are making the technology
mainstream but people still don’t know what
to do with it.
11:30 - 12:00
Ann Neumann,
Director of Exhibitions and Galleries,
MIT Museum
Hélène Adamo,
Head of VR Distribution ,
Camera Lucida Productions
Can an immersive virtual-reality project
change minds and foster understanding?
Take the museum into untested territory,
both technologically and politically.
Museums have a role to play as a platform
for conversations and exchanges of views
on complex and socially relevant topics.
The continuing design and development of
virtual reality technologies is a powerful tool
in engaging visitors with emotionally, compelling
narratives, ones that could change perceptions
and influence how we think and behave.
The VR experience, ‘The Enemy’ is deeply
affecting experiment in communication that
holds the promise of opening new frontiers for
the integration of journalism and art in a social
experience poised at technology’s cutting edge.
12:00 - 13:00
A buffet lunch will be served for delegates.
Lunch is also a great opportunity to meet other
Conference _ Programme.indd 13 12/10/2018 11:21
13:15 - 13:45
Museums Post-App
JiaJia Fei,
Director of Digital,
Jewish Museum in New York City
Having attended many museum conferences
including several editions of MuseumNext,
JiaJia believes themes of accessibility,
sustainability, as well as the demonstration
of a new ‘technology product’ will be widely
appealing to participants.
The design problems addressed in this
presentation around audience and approach,
can be universally applied to many museums
looking to build a long-term technology
solution. JiaJia also believes that many other
museums are over apps.
MuseumNext London — 18 - 20 June 2018
13:00 - 13:15
A Content House?
Sotheby’s Museum
Colleen Leth
AVP, Editorial and Head
of the Sotheby’s Museum Network
Hassan Ali Khan
VP, Marketing & Head of Audience
Development, Sotheby’s
What is an auction house, founded in 1744,
doing today to reach museum audiences and
support museums’ core missions?
Launched in 2016 as an experimental video site
for the company’s core institutional partners,
Sotheby’s Museum Network has evolved into
one of the most engaging and active platforms
for the global business, hosting over 1,700
museums around the world, bringing in new
audiences through adjacent, non-commercial
editorial, and serving as a foundation for
multifaceted partnerships with hundreds
of leading museums.
Colleen and Hassan will present a case study on
this ‘intrepreneurial’ project and the unexpected
lessons learned from disrupting tradition and
launching new content ventures.
Conference _ Programme.indd 14 12/10/2018 11:21
Where great museums
are just the beginning.
Discover insightful articles, curated guides,
and all you need to explore a world of art.
SOTHEBY’S, INC. LICENSE NO. 1216058. © SOTHEBY’S, INC. 2018 | @museumnetwork
Search by museum, exhibition, art, or city
Conference _ Programme.indd 15 12/10/2018 11:21
Paul Orselli Workshop, Inc.
(516) 238-2797
Let’s talk.
“Paul is a truly rare combination between in-depth scientific knowledge
and a creative, artistic mind. He is also one of the very few people I know
who leads you to the solution (as opposed to imposing one).”
~ Vessela Gertcheva, MUZEIKO Children’s Museum (Bulgaria)
“Paul is a man of action. His Cheshire Cat-like questions, frank
responses and urge to experiment will get you and your project
out of the office and into the shop before you think you're ready.”
~ Chris Burda, Science Museum of Minnesota
"Paul knows interactive exhibits - how to plan them, where
resources are and what's happening in the field. He asks good
questions, plays with ideas and keeps his eye on the visitor."
~ Jeanne Vergeront, Museum Planner
"Paul is both an energetic, insightful provocateur and a boundless source of
support. His humor, encouragement and creative wisdom have been important
ingredients in collaborating on and guiding exhibit development projects."
~ Jessica Strick, Exploratorium
"Paul is terrific to work with; he is a creative problem solver
who knows family audiences and is a great team player!"
~ Jo Ann Secor, Lee H. Skolnick A+D Partnership
Q: Why work with on your next project?
A: We’ll let our creative partners speak for themselves:
Conference _ Programme.indd 16 12/10/2018 11:22
13:45 - 14:15
Cracking ecommerce
at Tate
Clare Kelly,
Group Ecommerce Manager,
Consumers have high expectations of
ecommerce based on their experiences with
the likes of Amazon and Ticketmaster online
and the slick cross platform offer from high
street retailers. Hampered by limited resources
and legacy tech, many museums are struggling
to keep pace and run the risk of losing existing
and future audiences.
For the past 2 years Tate has worked on a
new ecommerce platform and service which
will deliver the highly anticipated ‘single basket’
– where customers can easily buy any
combination of tickets, membership, prints,
books, coffee, lunch – but most importantly
a great customer experience.
Clare will share a case study of how Tate ran
the project, from fundraising and staffing
to tech development and customer service,
including some pitfalls to avoid and the first
few months of results.
14:15 - 14:45
A museum’s journey
from Limboland to a
bold new website
Rolf Coppens
Founder & Creative Director,
Grrr creative agency
Robin Holland
Product Owner,
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Create something bold but also practical” said
the oracle, and she showed us a picture of an
Austrian eagle. “But what should it look like?”
we replied. “I know it when I see it” she
answered.That was the starting point of a
journey that led to the launch of a new
website for our museum.
We walked through the steep hills of
stakeholders management and the muddy
swamps of accessibility. Ending up with a
website which combines iconic design and
intuitive use and is accessible for broad range
of users.
Creative Director Rolf Coppens and Stedelijk
Museum product owner Robin Holland will
share with you the frank story of how the new
of the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam came
14:45 - 15:15
Afternoon Break
Grab a coffee and network with your fellow
Conference _ Programme.indd 17 12/10/2018 11:22
15:15 - 15:45
Artists, R&D and
Tim Powell,
Digital Producer, Creative
Programming & Interpretation,
Historic Royal Palaces
Historic Royal Palaces have been dedicating
increasing energy to an R&D approach to
developing public engagement projects.This
has resulted in a series of distinctive visitor
experiences that have surprised audiences
through their scale of spectacle and depth
of emotional impact.
They have now launched a dedicated R&D
Studio – a physical space with its own (small)
staff – with the ambition of embedding this
way of working in the organisation. At the heart
of the new approach will be three principles:
collaboration with artists; commitment to R&D
and prototyping; and gaining audience input
from the start.
In this talk Tim Powell will introduce some
of these projects – sharing the lessons learnt,
challenges faced and unexpected outcomes
from this new approach.
There will be drag queens.
15:45 - 16:15
The Engagement
Museum: Designing
for a Visitor-First
Jake Barton,
Principal and Founder,
Local Projects
Every museum is on the hunt for the next
big thing to drive visitation and expand
their audiences, be it by adding a new app,
a blockbuster exhibition, or a marketing
campaign. But how can museums carry out
their mission and expand their attendances?
What drives true visitor engagement? And
what are the secrets to a process that can help
museums understand how to find a blockbuster
idea that is unique and fulfills their purpose
as an organization?
From the Cleveland Museum of Art, to the
Museum of the City of NewYork, to the
Cooper Hewitt, Local Projects specializes in
major “big idea” experience designs that have
driven existing institutions to double their
visitation. In this talk, Jake will reveal how
Local Projects’ “engagement first” approach
can lead to double digit increases in attendance
for any institution that is ready to consider the
visitor first. He will provide key tools museums
can utilize when designing for and attracting
diverse audiences.
MuseumNext London — 18 - 20 June 2018
Conference _ Programme.indd 18 12/10/2018 11:22
16:15 - 16:45
‘Maintaining’ the
Future of Museums
Chad Weinard
Manager of Digital Initiatives,
Williams College Museum of Art
When we imagine what museum technology
should be like in the next 20 years, we should
look back and see how little our technology
infrastructure has changed in the last 20
years. Museums can be creative and innovative
in maintaining and reimagining core
infrastructure—technology that can
encourage transformation.
16:45 -17:00
Conference Closes
Conference _ Programme.indd 19 12/10/2018 11:22
Conference _ Programme.indd 20 12/10/2018 11:22

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Conference Programme

  • 1. Conference _ Programme.indd 1 12/10/2018 11:21
  • 3. Welcome to MuseumNext New York This year marks a decade since the first MuseumNext took place in England. I’ve run 18 MuseumNext conferences since then, from Melbourne to Geneva, London to Barcelona and at every event we’ve been joined by inspiring people who are making museums better. As the decade has passed I’ve watched careers flourish, passionate individuals succeed and our community rise to challenge after challenge. The wonderful thing about our sector is that everyone who works in museums is here because they believe in the power of education, art, science and history. The people are truly special. We’ve strived over the past ten years to help this community of dedicated professionals as they shape the future of museums. We’ve shared hundreds of inspiring case studies, brought together people who would otherwise never have met and helped forge new and fruitful partnerships that span the globe. Over the course of the next few days I hope that you make these kind of connections. I know from experience that they will happen, but often you have to push yourself to step out of your comfort zone and talk to someone you don’t know. This years event has brought together the most extraordinary group of people, with delegates from around the world coming to New York for this event. I’d like to thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules to be with us. In doing so you are making our conversations richer and our network stronger. I’d also like to thank our sponsors Sotheby’s Museum Network, History IT, Wunder, Pratt, Oxford Cultural Leaders, Gateway Ticketing and AEA Consulting for ther support, aswell as our Global Partners Microsoft. I hope that you enjoy the next few days and that you’ll take a notebook packed full of ideas and a pocket full of business cards home with you. Jim Richardson MuseumNext Conference _ Programme.indd 3 12/10/2018 11:21
  • 4. 09:45 - 10:30 Opening Keynote: The Museum of the Future Dr Noah Raford, Chief Operating Officer & Futurist-in-Chief, Dubai Future Foundation Dubai’s Museum of the Future will blow your mind, it is a unique incubator for futuristic innovations and design, currently under construction in Dubai, UAE. Building on over 5 years of immersive exploration of the future by the Dubai Future Foundation, the organization behind the world’s first 3D printed office to the Dubai Blockchain Strategy, the Museum will become the world’s largest and most exciting way to discover tomorrow’s trends and opportunities. In addition to acting as a center for visitors to interact with world of tomorrow, it will have a major event space, theatre, and partnership labs with the most exciting brands helping to shape the 21st century. 09:00 - 09:30 Registration Register for the conference and take your seat for MuseumNext NYC. 19:30 - 09:45 Welcome Delegates from around the world will be welcomed to NewYork by MuseumNext founder Jim Richardson. Our host for the day will be Stephanie A. Johnson-Cunningham, Co-Founder, Museum Hue. MuseumNext London — 18 - 20 June 2018 Conference _ Programme.indd 4 12/10/2018 11:21
  • 5. 10:30 - 11:00 Feeling the fear and doing it anyway… Hannah Fox, Project Director, Museum of Making Derby Museums In a world where museums need to push boundaries and our comfort levels to survive and thrive, how might we use co-production and design thinking to disrupt the norm of designing and making our museums in ways that ensure they have relevance and sustainability? Hannah shares the acclaimed approaches being used by one of England’s most exciting museums to develop their sites and programmes – including the redevelopment of the Silk Mill, site of the world’s first factory, as the Museum of Making – challenging us to expand perspectives on what ‘makes a museum’. 11:00 - 11:30 X Design: From Local Connections to Global Impacts Dr Natalia Grincheva Research Fellow, Research Unit in Public Cultures, The University of Melbourne Creating a “co-design” museum model empowers local creativity and leads to innovations with global impacts.This is achieved by bringing the museum, its audiences, artists, academics and local creative start-ups and investors together to develop productive partnerships that result in innovative programs and products, revolutionizing the professional museum field. This presentation will provide an example of such a museum “co-design model” by featuring the collaboration with academics from the University of Melbourne highlighting the role of the Museum as a hub for creative exploration. 11:30 - 12:00 Redesigning the Design Museum Laura Flusche, Executive Director, Museum of Design Atlanta (MODA) Seven years ago, the Museum of Design Atlanta (MODA) pressed restart. Since then, design thinking has been its primary methodology in the investigation of two questions: 1) Can a design museum change the world? 2) What is the museum of the 21st century? This presentation will discuss how the MODA staff employs design thinking in its day-to-day work, how the practice of design thinking has helped MODA better understand and respond to constituent wants and needs, and how MODA strives to empower visitors to think like designers as they address challenges in their own lives. 12:00 - 13:00 Lunch A buffet lunch will be served for delegates. Lunch is also a great opportunity to meet other delegates. #MuseumNext Conference _ Programme.indd 5 12/10/2018 11:21
  • 6. 13:00 -13:15 Start with Strategy Kristen Gwinn-Becker, CEO & Founder, HistoryIT Inc Where are you on your digital initiatives road map? Where does your digital strategy fit into your overall organizational strategic plan? If you cannot answer both of these questions with confidence stop what you are doing. Now. Too often, digital initiatives result as a response to a specific need or request.They are reactive rather than proactive. Kristen will describe how a strategy-first approach can produce story and search solutions in digital initiatives that are proactive rather than reactive, sustainable, and bring new and ongoing value to organizations. 13:15 - 13:45 Host, Spark, Core: The new museum of communication Switzerland Christian Rohner Head of Exhibition & Digital Museum, Museum of Communication, Berne Since reopening in August 2017, the Museum of Communication in Berne, Switzerland has seen its appeal skyrocket, especially with families. One of the most widely read media portals in Switzerland – – describes it as ‘the most innovative museum concept in Switzerland”. We believe that we have managed to create a successful mix of entertainment and a learning environment with an incredible amount on offer – for children, in particular. Christian will take us behind the scenes at the museum to share the secrets to their success. MuseumNext London — 18 - 20 June 2018 Conference _ Programme.indd 6 12/10/2018 11:21
  • 7. 13:45 - 14:15 Are we there yet? Designing a feminist exhibition experience Victoria Travers, Head of Exhibitions, Auckland Museum When Auckland Museum carried out rapid response collecting during the global Women’s March of January 2017, they were trolled online – how dare they collect protest material, they were supposed to be apolitical.Were they? News to them.They sensed an exhibition opportunity. 2018 is the 125th anniversary of Universal Suffrage in New Zealand, the year of #metoo, and saw the passing of significant equal-pay legislation; the perfect context to overtly explore the museum’s relevance to audiences and their place in civic discourse. Victoria shares what happened next. 14:15 - 14:45 Museums Lates: Playground for Participation Liat Rosenthal, Curator: Uniqlo Tate Lates, Tate Modern Museum Lates offer institutions a unique way to engage new and diverse audiences. How can ‘gallery lates’ become a vehicle for mobilising new creative collaborations both inside the gallery and beyond its walls? From Solange,Yoko Ono to community partnerships and conversations on swings, Liat reflects on the learnings of launching Tate Modern’s Uniqlo Tate Late. 14:45 - 15:15 Afternoon Break Grab a coffee and network with your fellow delegates. #MuseumNext Conference _ Programme.indd 7 12/10/2018 11:21
  • 8. 15:15 - 15:45 Disciplines of Execution: Culture Building for Growth and Sustainability Jon Carfagno, Executive Director, Hickory Museum of Art Volatile times call for new ways of working. Learn alongside a small museum that is rapidly transforming to compete in an uncertain world. From strategic planning to day to day operations, explore how Hickory Museum of Art is evolving to foster growth and sustainability through a radical reimagining of organizational design. This presentation will share examples of frameworks and methods that the team is using to bring empathy, purpose, transparency, and efficiency to every corner of the institution. Participants are encouraged to borrow, share, and innovate on top of these ideas. 15:45 - 16:15 Rethinking Museum Citizenship Nico Wheadon, Director of Public Programs and Community Engagement, Studio Museum Join Nico Wheadon as she rethinks Museum citizenship. Using her newly-founded Community Advisory Network and expanded community partnerships as case studies, she will share tools that help to define, engage, and serve local communities. With a vested interest in both artists and the sociocultural conditions that shape art, she will explore how rearticulating her collective impact model to center art, community, and participation equally has encouraged the Museum at-large to embody a neighbor and collaborator, willing to work with, for and through it’s community. MuseumNext London — 18 - 20 June 2018 Conference _ Programme.indd 8 12/10/2018 11:21
  • 9. 16:15 - 16:45 Extended Realities: AR/t and Intervention Catherine D. Henry Founder and Creative Strategist, Palpable Media David Lobser 3D Artist, Director & XR Developer Catherine and David will address the “MoMAR” Augmented Reality (AR) guerrilla intervention at the MoMA in the context of interactive art and museum innovation. How can museums embrace new realities and extended realities? More importantly, how can they own and drive the narrative with the very real potential of virtual digital sabotage? They will also explore the wealth of innovations museums can employ – from virtual and augmented reality to holograms and more – to enhance existing collections, create a new dialogue with artists and enhance art education. #MuseumNext Conference _ Programme.indd 9 12/10/2018 11:21
  • 11. 18:00 - 20:00 Social Event at the Folk Art Museum 2 Lincoln Square, New York, NY 10023, USA Join your fellow delegates for a private view of the American Folk Art Museum.This is the premier institution devoted to the creative expressions of self-taught artists, past and present. This is a great opportunity to network with your fellow delegates, while exploring the museums rich colection. Thanks to the Folk Art Museum for hosting us, and Museum Hue for making this happen. Conference _ Programme.indd 11 12/10/2018 11:21
  • 12. 09:15 - 09:45 Registration Pick up your conference badge and join us for coffee. This day will be hosted by Lucy Shaw, Head of Programmes and Partnerships, University of Oxford Gardens, Libraries and Museums. 09:45 - 10:30 Keynote: The Benefits of Immersive Technology in Museums Dan Ayoub, General Manager, Mixed Reality Education, Microsoft Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are transforming the learning landscape. Dan Ayoub, General Manager of Mixed Reality Education at Microsoft will talk about how this powerful technology is changing learning outcomes for students, how to integrate it and the benefits to Museums. Whether you are brand new to the technology or you have a good understanding and would like to learn more about how to use immersive technology most effectively, this session will have something for you and can help you get started! 10:30 - 11:00 Museums as a Platform for Artists, Educators & STEAM Christina Boomer Vazquez, Journalist, Arts & Media Consultant Dan Sullivan, Head of Growth & Partnerships, Cuseum Artists have long looked to technology as a means of expanding their suite of tools to ideate, produce, and distribute their work to the masses.Today, consumers and creators have unprecedented access to leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, sensors, drones, and other previously untouchable tools. As technology matures and barriers to entry continue to fall, the impact on artists and museum educators will continue to evolve. With the support of the Knight Foundation, museums across the country have been pushed with exploring new ways to connect people to art through technology. Perez Art Museum Miami (PAMM), one of the leading international contemporary art museums, chose to leverage augmented reality to drive deeper experiences for their visitors. In this panel, you will hear about the multi faceted collaboration to deliver PAMM AR. The discussion will explore the relationship between artist, institution, and outsider as well as museums’ growing role as a platform for artists and creative digital experiences. MuseumNext London — 18 - 20 June 2018 Day Two Conference _ Programme.indd 12 12/10/2018 11:21
  • 13. 11:00 - 11:30 Designing the perfect ARt experience Keri Ryan, Director, Learning & Interpretation, Art Gallery of Ontario Alex Mayhew, Artist and Creative Director, Impossible Things The danger with technology is that is becomes a distraction to the experience. And institutions are wondering how they can engage with AR beyond the gimmick. ReBlink has shown how it can be used as a tool for deeper engagement and how it has the power to bring in new au- diences. 2018 brings in much excitement over augmented reality and players such as Apple and Google are making the technology mainstream but people still don’t know what to do with it. 11:30 - 12:00 Transforming Perpectives Ann Neumann, Director of Exhibitions and Galleries, MIT Museum Hélène Adamo, Head of VR Distribution , Camera Lucida Productions Can an immersive virtual-reality project change minds and foster understanding? Take the museum into untested territory, both technologically and politically. Museums have a role to play as a platform for conversations and exchanges of views on complex and socially relevant topics. The continuing design and development of virtual reality technologies is a powerful tool in engaging visitors with emotionally, compelling narratives, ones that could change perceptions and influence how we think and behave. The VR experience, ‘The Enemy’ is deeply affecting experiment in communication that holds the promise of opening new frontiers for the integration of journalism and art in a social experience poised at technology’s cutting edge. 12:00 - 13:00 Lunch A buffet lunch will be served for delegates. Lunch is also a great opportunity to meet other delegates. #MuseumNext Conference _ Programme.indd 13 12/10/2018 11:21
  • 14. 13:15 - 13:45 Museums Post-App JiaJia Fei, Director of Digital, Jewish Museum in New York City Having attended many museum conferences including several editions of MuseumNext, JiaJia believes themes of accessibility, sustainability, as well as the demonstration of a new ‘technology product’ will be widely appealing to participants. The design problems addressed in this presentation around audience and approach, can be universally applied to many museums looking to build a long-term technology solution. JiaJia also believes that many other museums are over apps. MuseumNext London — 18 - 20 June 2018 13:00 - 13:15 A Content House? Sotheby’s Museum Network Colleen Leth AVP, Editorial and Head of the Sotheby’s Museum Network Hassan Ali Khan VP, Marketing & Head of Audience Development, Sotheby’s What is an auction house, founded in 1744, doing today to reach museum audiences and support museums’ core missions? Launched in 2016 as an experimental video site for the company’s core institutional partners, Sotheby’s Museum Network has evolved into one of the most engaging and active platforms for the global business, hosting over 1,700 museums around the world, bringing in new audiences through adjacent, non-commercial editorial, and serving as a foundation for multifaceted partnerships with hundreds of leading museums. Colleen and Hassan will present a case study on this ‘intrepreneurial’ project and the unexpected lessons learned from disrupting tradition and launching new content ventures. Conference _ Programme.indd 14 12/10/2018 11:21
  • 15. Where great museums are just the beginning. Discover insightful articles, curated guides, and all you need to explore a world of art. PHOTOGRAPH BY KARIN JOBST © 2016, COURTESY OF THE WHITNEY MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART SOTHEBY’S, INC. LICENSE NO. 1216058. © SOTHEBY’S, INC. 2018 | @museumnetwork Search by museum, exhibition, art, or city Conference _ Programme.indd 15 12/10/2018 11:21
  • 16. Paul Orselli Workshop, Inc. (516) 238-2797 Let’s talk. “Paul is a truly rare combination between in-depth scientific knowledge and a creative, artistic mind. He is also one of the very few people I know who leads you to the solution (as opposed to imposing one).” ~ Vessela Gertcheva, MUZEIKO Children’s Museum (Bulgaria) “Paul is a man of action. His Cheshire Cat-like questions, frank responses and urge to experiment will get you and your project out of the office and into the shop before you think you're ready.” ~ Chris Burda, Science Museum of Minnesota "Paul knows interactive exhibits - how to plan them, where resources are and what's happening in the field. He asks good questions, plays with ideas and keeps his eye on the visitor." ~ Jeanne Vergeront, Museum Planner "Paul is both an energetic, insightful provocateur and a boundless source of support. His humor, encouragement and creative wisdom have been important ingredients in collaborating on and guiding exhibit development projects." ~ Jessica Strick, Exploratorium "Paul is terrific to work with; he is a creative problem solver who knows family audiences and is a great team player!" ~ Jo Ann Secor, Lee H. Skolnick A+D Partnership Q: Why work with on your next project? A: We’ll let our creative partners speak for themselves: Conference _ Programme.indd 16 12/10/2018 11:22
  • 17. 13:45 - 14:15 Cracking ecommerce at Tate Clare Kelly, Group Ecommerce Manager, Tate Consumers have high expectations of ecommerce based on their experiences with the likes of Amazon and Ticketmaster online and the slick cross platform offer from high street retailers. Hampered by limited resources and legacy tech, many museums are struggling to keep pace and run the risk of losing existing and future audiences. For the past 2 years Tate has worked on a new ecommerce platform and service which will deliver the highly anticipated ‘single basket’ – where customers can easily buy any combination of tickets, membership, prints, books, coffee, lunch – but most importantly a great customer experience. Clare will share a case study of how Tate ran the project, from fundraising and staffing to tech development and customer service, including some pitfalls to avoid and the first few months of results. 14:15 - 14:45 A museum’s journey from Limboland to a bold new website Rolf Coppens Founder & Creative Director, Grrr creative agency Robin Holland Product Owner, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam Create something bold but also practical” said the oracle, and she showed us a picture of an Austrian eagle. “But what should it look like?” we replied. “I know it when I see it” she answered.That was the starting point of a journey that led to the launch of a new website for our museum. We walked through the steep hills of stakeholders management and the muddy swamps of accessibility. Ending up with a website which combines iconic design and intuitive use and is accessible for broad range of users. Creative Director Rolf Coppens and Stedelijk Museum product owner Robin Holland will share with you the frank story of how the new of the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam came about. 14:45 - 15:15 Afternoon Break Grab a coffee and network with your fellow delegates. #MuseumNext Conference _ Programme.indd 17 12/10/2018 11:22
  • 18. 15:15 - 15:45 Artists, R&D and serendipity Tim Powell, Digital Producer, Creative Programming & Interpretation, Historic Royal Palaces Historic Royal Palaces have been dedicating increasing energy to an R&D approach to developing public engagement projects.This has resulted in a series of distinctive visitor experiences that have surprised audiences through their scale of spectacle and depth of emotional impact. They have now launched a dedicated R&D Studio – a physical space with its own (small) staff – with the ambition of embedding this way of working in the organisation. At the heart of the new approach will be three principles: collaboration with artists; commitment to R&D and prototyping; and gaining audience input from the start. In this talk Tim Powell will introduce some of these projects – sharing the lessons learnt, challenges faced and unexpected outcomes from this new approach. There will be drag queens. 15:45 - 16:15 The Engagement Museum: Designing for a Visitor-First Experience Jake Barton, Principal and Founder, Local Projects Every museum is on the hunt for the next big thing to drive visitation and expand their audiences, be it by adding a new app, a blockbuster exhibition, or a marketing campaign. But how can museums carry out their mission and expand their attendances? What drives true visitor engagement? And what are the secrets to a process that can help museums understand how to find a blockbuster idea that is unique and fulfills their purpose as an organization? From the Cleveland Museum of Art, to the Museum of the City of NewYork, to the Cooper Hewitt, Local Projects specializes in major “big idea” experience designs that have driven existing institutions to double their visitation. In this talk, Jake will reveal how Local Projects’ “engagement first” approach can lead to double digit increases in attendance for any institution that is ready to consider the visitor first. He will provide key tools museums can utilize when designing for and attracting diverse audiences. MuseumNext London — 18 - 20 June 2018 Conference _ Programme.indd 18 12/10/2018 11:22
  • 19. 16:15 - 16:45 ‘Maintaining’ the Future of Museums Chad Weinard Manager of Digital Initiatives, Williams College Museum of Art When we imagine what museum technology should be like in the next 20 years, we should look back and see how little our technology infrastructure has changed in the last 20 years. Museums can be creative and innovative in maintaining and reimagining core infrastructure—technology that can encourage transformation. 16:45 -17:00 Conference Closes #MuseumNext Conference _ Programme.indd 19 12/10/2018 11:22