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1 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
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Preface to English Prefix and Suffix List and Greek and Latin Roots....................................................8
About the Author: .................................................................................................................................11
Our Story...............................................................................................................................................12
David Yao Amazon Kindle Author Central page .................................................................................13
Prefix: palaeo- (US usually paleo-) – ancient ...................................................................................14
Prefix (Medical): palpebr- Of or pertaining to the eyelid .................................................................15
Prefix: pan- including or relating to all the places or people............................................................15
Prefix (Medical): papill- nipple (of the hest/breast)..........................................................................17
Prefix (Medical): papul(o)- Indicates papulosity..............................................................................17
Prefix: para- further than...................................................................................................................18
Prefix: para- similar to, or helping to do a similar job......................................................................19
Prefix (Medical): path(o)- disease.....................................................................................................20
Prefix (Medical): pauci- Few............................................................................................................21
Prefix (Medical): ped-, -ped-, -pes -the foot; -footed........................................................................22
Prefix (Medical): pelv(i)-, pelv(o)- hip bone ....................................................................................25
Prefix (Medical): peo- Of or pertaining to the penis.........................................................................26
Prefix (Medical): per- through..........................................................................................................26
Prefix (Medical): peri- 'surrounding' or 'around'...............................................................................27
Prefix (Medical): phaco- lens-shaped ...............................................................................................28
Prefix (Medical): -phago- (eating, devouring)..................................................................................29
Prefix (Medical): phallo- phallus (an image or a model of the penis) ..............................................29
Prefix (Medical): pharmaco- drug, medication.................................................................................30
Prefix (Medical): pharyng(o)- pharynx, the upper throat cavity.......................................................32
Prefix (Medical): phleb(o)- (blood) veins, a vein .............................................................................32
Prefix (Medical): phon(o)- sound .....................................................................................................33
Prefix (Medical): phos- light or its chemical properties ...................................................................35
Prefix: photo- relating to or produced by light .................................................................................37
2 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
Prefix: photo- relating to photography..............................................................................................38
Prefix (Medical): phren(i)-, phren(o)-, phrenico (the mind).............................................................39
Prefix: pico- one trillionth of the stated unit.....................................................................................40
Prefix (Medical): piri- Pear...............................................................................................................41
Prefix (Medical): pleio- more, excessive, multiple...........................................................................41
Prefix (Medical): pleur(o)-, pleur(a) (Of or pertaining to the ribs)...................................................41
Prefix (Medical): pneum(o)- Of or pertaining to the lungs...............................................................43
Prefix (Medical): pneumat(o)- air, lung............................................................................................43
Prefix (Medical): pod-, -pod-, -pus (foot, -footed)............................................................................44
Prefix (Medical): poikil(o)- irregular................................................................................................46
Prefix (Medical): polio- Denoting a grey color ................................................................................47
Prefix (Medical): pollic- thumb ........................................................................................................47
Prefix: poly- many ............................................................................................................................48
Prefix (Medical): por(o)- pore, porous..............................................................................................51
Prefix (Medical): porphyr(o)- Denotes a purple color......................................................................52
Prefix (Medical): post- 'after' or 'behind' another.............................................................................52
Prefix: pre- before (a time or an event).............................................................................................55
Prefix (Medical): presby(o)- old age.................................................................................................65
Prefix (Medical): prim- 'first' or 'most-important'.............................................................................65
Prefix: pro- supporting or approving of something...........................................................................69
Prefix (Medical): pro- supporting or approving of something..........................................................71
Prefix (Medical): proct(o)- anus, rectum ..........................................................................................72
Prefix (Medical): prosop(o)- face .....................................................................................................73
Prefix: proto- first, original...............................................................................................................73
Prefix: pseudo- pretended and not real .............................................................................................74
Prefix: psych(e)-, psych(o) - Of or pertaining to the mind ...............................................................75
Prefix (Medical): pterygo- Pertaining to a wing...............................................................................81
Prefix (Medical): psor- Itching .........................................................................................................81
Prefix (Medical): pudend- loins, pubic region.................................................................................81
Prefix (Medical): pulmon-, pulmo- Of or relating to the lungs.........................................................82
Prefix (Medical): pyel(o)- pelvis.......................................................................................................83
Prefix (Medical): pyo- pus................................................................................................................83
Prefix (Medical): pyro- fever............................................................................................................84
Prefix: quasi- something is almost, but not completely, the thing described....................................85
Prefix: quad- four..............................................................................................................................86
RRR ......................................................................................................................................................87
3 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
Prefix (Medical): radio- radiation .....................................................................................................87
Prefix: re- do again............................................................................................................................90
Prefix: re- returning something to its original state ........................................................................103
Prefix (Medical): rect(o)- rectum....................................................................................................105
Prefix (Medical): ren(o)- kidney.....................................................................................................106
Prefix: rent-a- been rented for a particular purpose and is not sincere ...........................................108
Prefix (Medical): reticul(o)- net......................................................................................................109
Prefix (Medical): retro- backward, behind......................................................................................110
Prefix: retro- looking at or copying the past ...................................................................................112
Prefix (Medical): rhabd(o)- rod shaped, striated.............................................................................113
Prefix (Medical): rhachi(o)- spine...................................................................................................114
Prefix (Medical): rhin(o)- Of or pertaining to the nose...................................................................115
Prefix (Medical): rhod(o)- Denoting a rose-red color.....................................................................115
Prefix (Medical): rubr(o)- Of or pertaining to the red nucleus of the brain....................................116
Prefix: Romano- of or connected with Rome or Romans...............................................................116
Prefix (Medical): salping(o)- Of or pertaining to the fallopian tubes .............................................117
Prefix (Medical): sangui-, sanguine- Of or pertaining to blood......................................................117
Prefix (Medical): sarco- muscular, fleshlike...................................................................................118
Prefix (Medical): schist(o)- split, cleft............................................................................................119
Prefix (Medical): schiz(o)- 'split' or 'double-sided'.........................................................................119
Prefix (Medical): scler(o)- hardness ...............................................................................................120
Prefix (Medical): scoli(o)- twisted..................................................................................................122
Prefix (Medical): scoto- darkness ...................................................................................................122
Prefix: self- of or by yourself or itself.............................................................................................123
Prefix: semi- half or partly..............................................................................................................132
Prefix: short- something with a short part.................................................................................134
Prefix (Medical): sial(o)- saliva, salivary gland..............................................................................136
Prefix (Medical): sigmoid(o)- sigmoid, S-shaped curvature...........................................................136
Prefix (Medical): sinistr(o)- left, left side.......................................................................................137
Prefix (Medical): sito- food, grain ..................................................................................................137
Prefix (Medical): somat(o)-, somatico- body, bodily......................................................................137
Prefix: Sino- of or connected with China........................................................................................138
Prefix (Medical): sinus- sinus.........................................................................................................138
Prefix: socio- relating to society...............................................................................................139
Prefix (Medical): spasmo- spasm....................................................................................................141
Prefix (Medical): sperma-, spermo-, spermato- semen, spermatozoa.............................................141
4 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
Prefix (Medical): splanchn(i)-, splanchn(o)- viscera ......................................................................143
Prefix (Medical): splen(o)- spleen ..................................................................................................144
Prefix (Medical): spondyl(o)- Of or pertaining to the spine, the vertebra ......................................144
Prefix (Medical): squamos(o)- 'full of scales' or 'scaly' ..................................................................146
Prefix (Medical): sten(o)- 'narrow in shape' or narrowness............................................................146
Prefix: step- related to someone through a second marriage ..........................................................147
Prefix (Medical): steth(o)- (upper chest) ........................................................................................148
Prefix (Medical): stheno- strength, force, power ............................................................................148
Prefix (Medical): stom(a)- mouth ...................................................................................................149
Prefix (Medical): stomat(o)- Of or pertaining to the mouth ...........................................................150
Prefix: sub- less than a number or level..........................................................................................151
Prefix: sub- below or in a lower position........................................................................................151
Prefix: sub- almost or nearly...........................................................................................................152
Prefix: sub- being a smaller part of a larger whole.........................................................................153
Prefix: sub- not as good as..............................................................................................................155
Prefix: sub- less important or lower in rank....................................................................................156
Prefix: super- larger, more effective, more powerful......................................................................157
Prefix: super- over; above...............................................................................................................160
Prefix (Medical): supra- above, excessive ......................................................................................162
Prefix (Medical): sy, syl-, sym-, syn-, sys- similarity, likeness, or being together.........................164
TTT .....................................................................................................................................................165
Prefix (Medical): tachy- Denoting something as fast, irregularly fast............................................165
Prefix: techno- relating to or involving technology........................................................................165
Prefix: tele- over a long distance, done by phone, or on or for television ......................................166
Prefix: tera- 1,000,000,000,000 times the stated unit .....................................................................169
Prefix (Medical): tetan- igid, tense .................................................................................................169
Prefix (Medical): thec- case, sheath................................................................................................170
Prefix (Medical): thel(e)-, thel(o)- Of or pertaining to a nipple......................................................170
Prefix (Medical): thely- 'relating to a woman, feminine'................................................................171
Prefix: thermo- connected with heat or temperature.......................................................................171
Prefix (Medical): therap(o)- treatment............................................................................................172
Prefix (Medical): thorac(i)-, thorac(o)-, thoracico- upper chest, chest ...........................................176
Prefix (Medical): thromb(o)- blood clot .........................................................................................179
Prefix (Medical): thyr(o)- thyroid...................................................................................................181
Prefix (Medical): thym(o)(ia)- emotions.........................................................................................183
Prefix (Medical): toco- childbirth...................................................................................................183
Prefix: top- "best" ...........................................................................................................................184
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Prefix (Medical): top(o)- place, topical...........................................................................................184
Prefix (Medical): tort(i)- twisted.....................................................................................................186
Prefix (Medical): tox(i)-, tox(o)-,toxic(o)- toxin, poison................................................................187
Prefix (Medical): trache(a)- trachea................................................................................................192
Prefix (Medical): trachel(o)- neck...................................................................................................193
Prefix: trans- across.........................................................................................................................193
Prefix: trans- changing or having changed from one thing to another............................................195
Prefix: tri- three...............................................................................................................................199
Prefix (Medical): trich(i)-, trichia, trich(o)- hair, hair-lik ...............................................................200
Prefix (Medical): tympan(o)- eardrum............................................................................................201
Prefix (Medical): tum- tumour........................................................................................................202
Prefix: un- "not", "lacking", or "the opposite of"............................................................................203
Prefix: ultra- extreme or extremely.................................................................................................217
Prefix (Medical): umbilic- Of or pertaining to the navel................................................................218
Prefix: under- not enough or not done as well or as much as is necessary.....................................219
Prefix (Medical): ungui- nail, a claw ..............................................................................................222
Prefix: uni- having or consisting of only one..................................................................................223
Prefix: up- higher or improved........................................................................................................224
Prefix: ur- original or earliest..........................................................................................................230
Prefix (Medical): ureter(o)- ureter ..................................................................................................230
Prefix (Medical): urethr(o)-, urethr(a)- urethra...............................................................................231
Prefix (Medical): ur(o)- urine .........................................................................................................231
Prefix (Medical): uri(c)-, urico- uric acid .......................................................................................232
Prefix (Medical): urin- urine, the urinary system ...........................................................................233
Prefix (Medical): uter(o)- uterus or womb......................................................................................234
Prefix (Medical): vagin- Of or pertaining to the vagina .................................................................234
Prefix (Medical): varic(o)- swollen or twisted vein........................................................................235
Prefix (Medical): vas(o)- duct, blood vessel...................................................................................236
Prefix (Medical): vascul(o)- blood vessel.......................................................................................236
Prefix (Medical): ven- vein.............................................................................................................238
Prefix (Medical): ventr(o)- belly; the stomach cavities ..................................................................240
Prefix (Medical): ventricul(o)- ventricles .......................................................................................240
Prefix (Medical): vesic(o)- Of or pertaining to the bladder............................................................242
Prefix: vice- deputy.........................................................................................................................243
Prefix (Medical): viscer(o)- internal organs, the viscera ................................................................244
6 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
Prefix (Medical): vulv- vulva..........................................................................................................245
Prefix (Medical): xanth(o)- yellow color.......................................................................................245
Prefix (Medical): xen(o)- Foreign, different...................................................................................246
Prefix (Medical): xer(o)- dry, desert-like........................................................................................247
ZZZ .....................................................................................................................................................247
Prefix (Medical): zo(o)- animal, animal life...................................................................................247
Prefix (Medical): Zygomatic - cheek..............................................................................................248
Part 2: Suffixes (check Cam EN-CH-BM Suffix)...............................................................................249
Suffix: _ability................................................................................................................................249
Suffix: _able....................................................................................................................................250
Suffix (Medical): -ac, -acal (pertaining to) .....................................................................................265
Suffix (Medical): -acusis (hearing).................................................................................................265
Suffix (Medical): -aemia (BrE) - blood condition ..........................................................................265
Suffix: _age (the action or result of something).............................................................................268
Suffix: _age (refer to a state or condition).....................................................................................270
Suffix: _age (for place)...................................................................................................................278
Suffix: _aholic.................................................................................................................................279
Suffix: -al "connected with"...........................................................................................................280
Suffix (Medical): -algia (pain)........................................................................................................281
Suffix: _an.......................................................................................................................................282
Suffix: _ance...................................................................................................................................285
Suffix: _ant......................................................................................................................................296
Suffix: _arian ..................................................................................................................................298
Suffix: _armed ................................................................................................................................302
Suffix: -ary......................................................................................................................................303
Suffix (Medical): -ase (enzyme) .....................................................................................................310
Suffix: _athon..................................................................................................................................313
Suffix: _ation, -ion, -ition ...............................................................................................................314
Suffix: _ative...................................................................................................................................378
Suffix: _ive, -itive, -tive (same as -ative)........................................................................................385
BBB ....................................................................................................................................................394
7 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
Suffix: _backed...............................................................................................................................394
Suffix: _based .................................................................................................................................395
Suffix: _basher................................................................................................................................396
Suffix: _bashing..............................................................................................................................397
Suffix: _bearing ..............................................................................................................................398
Suffix: _bedroomed ........................................................................................................................399
Suffix: _behave...............................................................................................................................400
Suffix: _bellied................................................................................................................................400
Suffix: _blooded..............................................................................................................................401
Suffix: _bodied................................................................................................................................403
Suffix: _boned.................................................................................................................................403
Suffix: _bore ...................................................................................................................................404
Suffix: _born...................................................................................................................................404
Suffix: _borne .................................................................................................................................405
Suffix: _bound (travelling in the stated direction)..........................................................................406
Suffix: _bound (unable to leave a place) ........................................................................................407
Suffix: _brained ..............................................................................................................................410
Suffix: _breaker (who uses force to go into)...................................................................................411
Suffix: _breaker (someone who does not obey a law or rule)........................................................411
Suffix: _breasted.............................................................................................................................412
Suffix: _breasted (having the stated type of breasts) ......................................................................413
Suffix: _buster.................................................................................................................................413
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12 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
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22 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
English examples:
Pauci-immune noun [ U ] Pauci-immune GN is a
form of small vessel vasculitis classically associated with rapidly progressive
glomerulonephritis (RPGN). 123. On renal biopsy the hallmarks of the disease
are the presence of crescents and segmental necrosis on light microscopy, and
absence of immune deposits on immunofluorescence (;
Pauci-immune (pauci- Latin: few, little) vasculitis is a form of vasculitis that is
associated with minimal evidence of hypersensitivity upon immunofluorescent
staining for IgG. Often, this is discovered in the setting of the kidney.
paucity . i/ the fact
that there is too little of something
There is a paucity of information on the ingredients of many cosmetics.
paucal A language form referring to a few of something (three to around
ten), as a small group of people; contrast singular, dual, trial, and plural.
pauciloquent (p l kw nt ) adjective. rare. using few words in speech or
conversation. Collins English Dictionary.
Prefix (Medical): ped-, -ped-, -pes -the foot; -footed
Meaning in English: Of or pertaining to the foot; -footed
-, foot
English examples:
biped noun [ C ] biology specialized UK .ped/ US .ped/
an animal that walks on two legs
bipedal adjective BIOLOGY specialized UK /ba l/ US
/ba ped. l/ walking on two legs, or relating to this movement
32 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
pharmacy 1 noun UK .si/ US .si/ B1
[ C ] a shop or part of a shop in which medicines are
prepared and sold 2 noun [ C ] part of a hospital
where medicines are prepared 3 noun [ U ] the
activity or study of medicine preparation
Prefix (Medical): pharyng(o)- pharynx, the upper throat cavity
Meaning in English: Of or pertaining to the pharynx, the upper throat cavity
- (phárynx, pháryng-), throat,
windpipe; chasm
English examples:
pharyngeal adjective phonetics specialized UK /f r n.d i. l/ US
/f r n.d i. l/ (of a speech sound) made by making the muscles in the
pharynx tighter so that air cannot flow freely
pharyngitis noun [ U ] medical specialized UK a .t s/ US
/ a . s/
pain and swelling in the pharynx, often with a slight fever,
usually caused by infection
pharynx noun [ C ] medical specialized UK
plural pharynges UK n.d pharynxes the soft part at the top
of the throat that connects the mouth and nose to the oesophagus (= the tube that
takes food to the stomach) and the larynx (= the hollow organ between the nose
and lungs)
Pharyngoscopy noun [ U ] A Pharyngoscopy is a procedure that
allows the consultant to see first hand into your pharynx.
Prefix (Medical): phleb(o)- (blood) veins, a vein
Meaning in English: Of or pertaining to the (blood) veins, a vein
42 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
Pleurogenous 1 adjective. Anatomy. pertaining to or
originating from the pleura. 2 Botany. occurring on the side of a structure or
Pleurodynia Pleurodynia (formerly called Bornholm disease) is a
form of viral myalgia defined by the sudden occurrence of lancinating chest
pain or abdominal pain, commonly associated with fever, malaise, and
pleura noun [ C ] ANATOMY specialized UK .r r. /
plural pleurae a thin membrane covering each lung that folds back to make
a lining for the chest cavity
The pleura protects your lungs and helps them slide back and forth as they
expand and contract during breathing.
pleural .r r. l/
relating to the pleura (= the membrane surrounding the lungs)
pleurisy noun [ U ] UK .r .si/ US r. .si/ a
serious illness affecting the covering of the lungs, causing sharp pain when
pleuritis Pleurisy (PLOOR-ih-see) is a condition in which the pleura — two
large, thin layers of tissue that separate your lungs from your chest wall —
becomes inflamed. Also called pleuritis, pleurisy causes sharp chest pain
(pleuritic pain) that worsens during breathing.
Pleurodynia Pleurodynia (formerly called Bornholm disease)
is a form of viral myalgia defined by the sudden occurrence of lancinating chest
pain or abdominal pain, commonly associated with fever, malaise, and
52 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
porosity noun [ U ] UK /p s. .ti/ US /p . i/
the state of being porous [GRE]
porous s/
Something that is porous has many small holes, so liquid or air can pass
through, especially slowly. [GRE]
porous soil with good drainage
porous brick walls
a porous polymer membrane
not protected enough to stop people going through
The border in this region is porous and many refugees have simply walked
Prefix (Medical): porphyr(o)- Denotes a purple color
Meaning in English: Denotes a purple color
English examples:
porphyria noun [ U ] MEDICAL specialized UK /p r.i. / US
/p r.i. / a condition in which there are too many enzymes
called porphyrins in the blood and urine causing problems with the nerves
Porphyroblast noun [ U ] A porphyroblast is a large mineral
crystal in a metamorphic rock which has grown within the finer grained matrix.
Porphyroblasts are commonly euhedral crystals, but can also be partly to
completely irregular in shape. Wikipedia
Prefix (Medical): post- 'after' or 'behind' another
Meaning in English: Denotes something as 'after' or 'behind' another
Origin language: Latin (post), after, behind
62 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
presumptuous adjective UK /pr z mp.t s/ US /pr z mp.t s/
A person who is presumptuous shows little respect for others by
doing things they have no right to do. [GRE]
prevail 1 verb [ I ] formal UK /pr ve l/ US /pr ve l/ C2
to get control or influence [GRE]
prevalent l. l. nt/
existing very commonly or happening often [GRE]
prevaricate verb [ I ] formal UK /pr vær. .ke t/ US /pr ver. .ke t/
to avoid telling the truth or saying exactly what you
think [GRE]
prevent verb [ T ] UK /pr vent/ US /pr vent/ B1 to
stop something from happening or someone from doing something
prevention noun [ U ] UK /pr ven. n/ US /pr ven. n/ B2
the act of stopping something from happening or of stopping
someone from doing something
an opportunity to see something such as a film or a
collection of works of art before it is shown to the public, or a description of
something such as a television programme before it is shown to the public
previous i. s/ B1
happening or existing before something or someone else
72 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
procrastination noun [ U ] UK /pr kræs.t ne . n/ US
/pro kræs.t ne . n/ (YAO) the act of delaying something that must be
done, often because it is unpleasant or boring; Delaying and wasting time
procreate verb [ I ] UK .kri.e t/ US .kri.e t/ formal
to produce young
While priests were denied the right to marry and procreate, he said, their
situation would remain impossible.
procure 1 verb formal UK /pr kj r/ US /pr kj r/ [ T ]
to get something, especially after an effort GRE
procurement noun [ U ] formal UK /pr kj .m nt/ US /pr kj r.m nt/
the process of getting supplies [GRE]
a substantial budget for the procurement of military supplies
Prefix (Medical): proct(o)- anus, rectum
Meaning in English: anus, rectum
Origin language: Latin / Greek
English examples:
proctitis noun [ U ] UK /pr .t s/ US /pr . s/ specialized
inflammation of the anus (= the opening through which solid waste leaves
the body) and the lining of the last section of the rectum (= the lowest end of the
Proctalgia Proctalgia is pain due to a spasm of the pelvic floor
muscles, the muscles of the anal sphincter, or the muscles of the rectum. This
causes severe stabbing pain like a knife sticking into the rectum.
82 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
pudendal l/ US
l/ relating to the pudenda (= the sex organs on the outside of
the body)
the pudendal nerve
pudendum m/ US
m/ plural pude / US the
sexual organs, especially of a woman
Prefix (Medical): pulmon-, pulmo- Of or relating to the lungs.
Meaning in English: Of or relating to the lungs.
-, usually used in plural), a lung
English examples:
cardiopulmonary adjective medical specialized UK p l.m .n r.i/
US p l.m .ner.i/ relating to the heart and lungs
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
a cardiopulmonary bypass
pulmonary l.m .n r.i/ US
l.m .ner.i/ relating to the lungs (= organs used for breathing)
the pulmonary artery
pulmonary pleurae pulmonary pleurae
visceral pleura
pulmonary atresia noun [ U ] MEDICAL specialized UK
l.m .n r.i l.m ner.i / a congenital
disorder in which the pulmonary valve (= a valve in the heart) closes so that
blood does not flow from the heart to the lungs
91 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
English examples:
re- -/ /ri-/ /r - -/ /ri-/ /r -/ “ ”
used to add the meaning "do again", especially to verbs
re-elect lekt/
to elect someone again to a particular position
re-election lek. n/ US
lek. n/ the act of electing someone again to the same
re-enact nækt/
If you re-enact an event, you try to make it
happen again in exactly the same way that it happened the first time, often as an
entertainment or as a way to help people remember certain facts about an event.
re-enactment nækt.m nt/ US
nækt.m nt/ an occasion on which people re-
enact an event
re-enter /
to go back to a place where you were earlier or to an activity
that you did or were doing earlier
reactivate .ve .ve t/
to bring or come back into action
or use
readjust d d st/ C1
to change in order to fit a different situation, or to repair something slightly
105 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
replenish verb [ T ] formal UK /r plen. / US /r plen. /
to fill something up again [GRE]
restore 1 verb [ T ] UK /r st st
to return something or someone to an earlier good condition or position
restoration . re . n/
the act or process of returning something to its earlier good
condition or position
resuscitate verb [ T ] UK /r s s. .te t/ US /r s s. .te t/
; (YAO) to bring someone or something back to life or
wake someone or something [GRE]
resuscitation 1 noun [ U ] UK /r s s. te . n/ US /r s s. te . n/
the act of bringing someone or something back to life or
waking them [GRE]
Prefix (Medical): rect(o)- rectum
Meaning in English: rectum
Origin language: Latin / Greek
English examples:
rectitude noun [ .t
honesty and correct moral behaviour [GRE]
austere man of unquestioned moral rectitude, Nava inspired deep devotion in
those who worked for him.
116 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
rhododendron .d den.dr .d den.dr n/
a large evergreen bush (= one that never loses its leaves)
with large, usually bright pink, purple, or white flowers
a rhododendron bush
rhodophyte noun [ U ] Rhodophyta or red algae are one of the
oldest groups of eukaryotic algae. The Rhodophyta also comprises one of the
largest phyla of algae, containing over 7,000 currently recognized species with
taxonomic revisions ongoing. Wikipedia
Prefix (Medical): rubr(o)- Of or pertaining to the red nucleus of the brain
Meaning in English: Of or pertaining to the red nucleus of the brain
Origin language: Latin (ruber), red
English examples:
Rubrospinal noun [ U ] The rubrospinal tract is a part of the
nervous system. It is a part of the lateral indirect extra-pyramidal tract. The
rubrospinal tract originates in the red nucleus of the midbrain, decussates, and
then descends in the lateral aspect of the spinal cord. Major afferents are from
the cerebellar and cerebral cortices, and the rubrospinal tract projects to nuclei
in the brain stem and cerebellum before reaching the spinal cord.
Prefix: Romano- of or connected with Rome or Romans
Meaning in English:
Origin language: Latin / Greek
English examples:
Romano- prefix UK /r .m - -/
of or connected with Rome or Romans
a tutor in Romano-British history
126 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
self-declared kle d/ US
klerd/ stated or announced by yourself
self-deception sep. sep. n/
the act of hiding the truth from yourself
self-compassion With self-compassion, we give ourselves the same kindness
and care we'd give to a good friend.
self-conscious adjective UK n. s/ US s/ C1
nervous or uncomfortable because you are worried about
what people think about you or your actions
self-defeating adjective UK / self.d
used to describe something that causes or
makes worse the problem it was designed to avoid or solve
self-defence noun [ U ] uk (us self-defense) UK fens/ US
fens/ protection of yourself, either by fighting or discussion
self-delusion n/
the act of allowing yourself to believe something that is not true
self-denial noun [ U ] UK na . l/ US na . l/
the act of not taking or having something that you would like because you
think it is good for you not to have it
135 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
short-handed d/ (UK also
short-staffed) If a company or organization is short-
handed, it does not have the usual or necessary number of workers.
short-line railroad noun l.r n d/ (also short- l.we -/) US
a railway company that operates over a fairly small area
short-lived vd/ vd/
If a feeling or experience is short-lived, it only lasts for a short
short-order cook
k/ a person who works in a restaurant cooking food that can be
prepared quickly
short-range nd nd /
reaching a short distance
short-range missiles/weapons
short-sighted .t . d/ (SIGHT) C2
(US also nearsighted) A short-sighted person can only clearly see
objects that are close to them. adjective (THOUGHT) C2 disapproving
not thinking enough about how an action will affect the
short-sleeved adjective having short sleeves
a short-sleeved shirt
146 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
spondylosyndesis noun [ U ] Spinal fusion; Spinal fusion,
also called spondylodesis or spondylosyndesis, is a neurosurgical or orthopedic
surgical technique that joins two or more vertebrae. This procedure can be
performed at any level in the spine and prevents any movement between the
fused vertebrae. Wikipedia
Prefix (Medical): squamos(o)- 'full of scales' or 'scaly'
Meaning in English: Denoting something as 'full of scales' or 'scaly'
Origin langua
English examples:
squamous .m s/ US
.m s/ Squamous cells are cells that are shaped like fish
scales (= small flat pieces on the skin).
Basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas are the two most common
types of skin cancer.
Squamous cell noun [ U ] Squamous cells are thin, flat cells that
look like fish scales, and are found in the tissue that forms the surface of the
skin, the lining of the hollow organs of the body, and the lining of the
respiratory and digestive tracts.
Prefix (Medical): sten(o)- 'narrow in shape' or narrowness
Meaning in English: Denoting something as 'narrow in shape' or pertaining to
English examples:
aortic stenosis 1 noun [ C or U ] UK /e k st n .s s/ US /e k
st no .s s/ plural stenoses specialized a narrowing of the heart
valve that supplies the aorta (= the body's largest artery), reducing the blood
flow to the aorta
155 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
subdivision b.d v . b.d v . n/ US
b.d v . b.d v . n/ [ C or U ]
any of the parts into which something is divided, or the act of creating these
subgroup a
smaller group that is in some way different from the larger group to which it
a word, phrase, or sentence that is used to introduce part of a text
Prefix: sub- not as good as
Meaning in English: not as good as
Origin language: Latin / Greek
English examples:
sub- 5 prefix (LESS GOOD) … not as good as
a sub-standard effort
The film is a sort of sub-Godfather mafia family tale.
subconscious n. s/
the part of your mind that notices and remembers information
when you are not actively trying to do so, and influences your behaviour even
though you do not realize it
subhuman n/ US
n/ having or showing behaviour or
characteristics that are much worse than those expected of ordinary people
163 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
supraorbital vein noun [ U ] The supraorbital vein is a vein of
the forehead. It communicates with the frontal branch of the superficial
temporal vein.
suprarenal l/ US
l/ above the kidney (= one of two small organs that take
away waste matter from the blood to produce urine)
suprarenal glands
suprascapular adjective MEDICAL specialized UK
skæp.j .l skæp.j .l / above the scapula (= a
large, flat bone on each side of the back below the shoulder)
the suprascapular nerve
supraspinatous spa n
.spa ne . s/ relating to structures found in the
the supraspinatous tendon
supraspinatus spa n
.spa ne . s/ plural supraspinati a muscle in the
supraspinous fossa noun [ C ] ANATOMY specialized UK
spa .n s. spa .n / plural supraspinous
fossae a part of the scapula (= a large, flat bone on each side of the back
below the shoulder)
supraspinous ligament noun [ C ] ANATOMY specialized UK
spa .n . .m spa .n . .m nt/ a
185 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
topical 1 p. .k .k l/ (HAPPENING
NOW) of interest at the present time; relating
to things that are happening at present
a topical joke
The discussion focused on topical issues in medicine.
topical 2 adjective (MEDICINE) MEDICAL specialized
A topical medical product is used on the outside of the body.
This lotion is for topical application only.
Note: NOT tropical
tropical adjective UK p. .k .k l/ B2 GEOGRAPHY,
ENVIRONMENT from or relating to the area between the two tropics
Topical anesthetic noun [ U ] A topical
anesthetic is a local anesthetic that is used to numb the surface of a body part.
atopic adjective MEDICAL specialized UK /e t p. k/ US /e t k/
caused by an allergy that can affect any
part of the body, not just the part that touches the thing that causes the allergy
Eczema is also known as atopic dermatitis.
An increase in house mites can trigger atopic asthma.
topiary .pj
the art of cutting bushes into
attractive shapes, especially of animals and birds
282 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
Origin language: Greek
English examples:
myalgia noun [ U or C ] MEDICAL specialized UK /ma æl.d /
/ma æl.d / pain in the muscles
fibromyalgia noun [ U ] MEDICAL specialized UK
.br .ma æl.d i. .bro .ma æl.d / a medical
condition that causes pain in the muscles and surrounding tissue as well as
extreme tiredness
Suffix: _an
Meaning in English: connected with or belonging to the stated place, group, or
Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin
English examples:
_an 2 suffix UK / - n/ US / - n/ also -ean, -ian …
… … connected with or belonging to
the stated place, group, or type
American 1 adjective UK / mer. .k n/ US / mer. .k n/ of or
relating to the United States of America 2adjective of or relating to
North or South 3 noun [ C ] UK / mer. .k n/ US / mer. .k n/
someone from the United States of America
Australasian le .
belonging to or relating to Australasia or its people le . str le . n/ a person
from Australasia
382 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
figurative . r. .t .j . .t v/ (LANGUAGE)
(written abbreviation fig.) (of words and phrases) used
not with their basic meaning but with a more imaginative meaning, in order to
create a special effect [GRE]
formative .t . v/
relating to the time when someone or something is
starting to develop in character
generative en. r. .t en. r. .t v/
able to produce or create something
illustrative l. .str .t v/ US / l . v/
helping to explain or prove something
imaginative 1 adjective approving UK / mæd . .n .t v/ US
/ mæd . .n . v/ C1 new, original, and clever
imitative m. .t .t m. .te . v/
copying someone or something
imperative 1 adjective UK / .t v/ US / . v/ (URGENT)
C2 extremely important or urgent [GRE]
indicative 1 adjective UK / k. .t v/ US / k. . v/
being or relating to a sign that something exists, is true, or is likely to
informative adjective UK / .t v/ US / . v/ C1
providing a lot of useful information
392 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
predictive adjective formal UK /pr d k.t v/ US /pr d k.t v/
relating to the ability to predict
preemptive 1 adjective [ not gradable ] (also pre-emptive) US
v/ [GRE]
preoperative p. r. .t v/ US
/ relating to the period of time immediately before a
medical operation
presumptive adjective formal UK /pr z mp.t v/ US /pr z mp.t v/
believed to be something, or likely to be true, based
on the information that you have
preventive adjective [ before noun ] UK /pr ven.t v/ US /pr ven. v/ (also
preventative, ) C2 intended to stop something before it
primitive m. .t m. . v/
relating to human society at a very early stage of development, with
people living in a simple way without machines or a writing system
proactive æk.t æk.t v/
taking action by causing change and not only reacting to change when it
productive 1 adjective UK /pr d k.t v/ US /pr d k.t v/ B2
resulting in or providing a large amount or supply of something
393 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
unproductive d k.t v/ US d k.t v/ C1
not producing very much 2 adjective C1
not having positive results
receptive adjective UK /r sep.t v/ US /r sep.t v/ C2
willing to listen to and accept new ideas and
prohibitive adjective UK /pr h b. .t v/ US /pro h b. . v/
If the cost of something is
prohibitive, it is too expensive for most people. [GRE]
prospective adjective UK /pr spek.t v/ US /pr spek.t v/ prospective
buyers, employers, parents, etc. C1
people who are expected to buy something, employ someone,
become parents, etc. [GRE]
protective 1 adjective UK /pr tek.t v/ US /pr tek.t v/ B2
giving protection
punitive n .t . v/ LAW formal
or specialized intended as a punishment
reactive v/
reacting to events or situations rather than acting
first to change or prevent something
reconstructive k.t v/ US
k.t v/ Reconstructive medical treatment involves changing
the shape of part of a person's body, either because it has been badly damaged
or to improve someone's appearance.
394 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
recuperative adjective formal UK /r r. .t v/ US /r . . v/
helping you to become well again
after illness
redemptive adjective formal UK /r demp.t v/ US /r demp.t v/
(especially in Christianity) giving someone
reflective 1 adjective UK /r flek.t v/ US /r flek.t v/ (SURFACE)
A reflective surface sends back most of the light that shines on it and
can therefore be seen easily. 2 adjective (THINKING) formal
thinking carefully and quietly
relative .t . v/ (COMPARING)
C1 being judged or measured in comparison with
something else
Retrospective A retrospective, generally, is a look back at events that
took place, or works that were produced, in the past. As a noun, retrospective
has specific meanings in medicine, software development, popular culture and
the arts. Wikipedia
Suffix: _backed
Meaning in English: used to form adjectives that describe who is providing
Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin
English examples:
395 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
_backed 1 suffix UK / -bækt/ US / -bækt/ (SUPPORTED)
… used to form adjectives that describe who is providing
support, especially financial support
government-backed contracts
US-backed intervention
_backed 2 suffix (BACK PART) … …
used to form adjectives that describe what substance or material is at the back of
something, or what the back of something is like
foam-backed carpet
high-backed dining chairs
wing-backed chair
Suffix: _based
Meaning in English: showing the main place or area
Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin
English examples:
_based 1 suffix UK / -be st/ US / -be st/ (MAIN PLACE)
… used to form
adjectives showing the main place or area in which something or someone
works, lives, or does business
a Manchester-based company
community-based programs
396 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
evidence-based .d v. .d st/
supported by a large amount of scientific
evidence-based medicine/practice /
_based 2 suffix (MAIN PART) … used
to form adjectives describing the main thing from which a particular substance
or object is made
This is a cream-based sauce.
faith-based st/
relating to organizations or government policies that
are based on religious beliefs
a faith-based community initiative
petroleum-based adjective UK /p tr .li. st/ US /p tro .li. st/
containing petroleum
petroleum-based fuels
petroleum-based plastics
Suffix: _basher
Meaning in English: used in nouns meaning someone who hits or attacks a
particular type of person
Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin
English examples:
_basher 1 suffix UK / -bæ . r/ US / - / slang (HIT)
used in nouns meaning someone who hits or attacks a
particular type of person
397 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
_basher 2 suffix (CRITICIZE) …
… used in nouns meaning someone who strongly criticizes a particular
type of person or thing
Bible-basher noun [ C ] informal disapproving mainly uk UK
.b . r/ US .b . / (us usually Bible-thumper, UK
/ .b mp. r/ US /- / ) someone who
tries in a forceful or enthusiastic way to persuade other people to believe in the
Christian religion and the Bible
so queer-basher)
someone who hates gay people and attacks them violently
gay-bashing -
violence directed at gay people
Suffix: _bashing
Meaning in English: used in nouns meaning the practice of attacking a
particular type of person violently
Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin
English examples:
_bashing suffix UK / -bæ . / -bæ .
used in nouns meaning the practice of attacking a
particular type of person violently
398 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
_bashing suffix (CRITICIZE) … …
used in nouns meaning strong criticism of a particular type of person or thing
bashing 1 noun UK . . … [ U ]
strong criticism of a particular type of person or thing
There's been a lot of banker-
bashing lately.
bashing 2 noun … [ U ] a physical attack on someone
recent incidents of gay-bashing
bashing 3 [ U ] mainly uk also a bashing [ S ] the act of
hitting something hard
All steaks will benefit from a bashing, as this breaks up the muscle fibres that
comprise most of the meat.
queer-bashing noun [ U ] UK bæ . .
the act of physically attacking and hurting someone
because they are gay
union-bashing .
Suffix: _bearing
Meaning in English: supporting or holding the stated thing
Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin
399 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
English examples:
_bearing suffix UK / -be .r / -ber.
supporting or holding the stated thing
load-bearing 1 adjective [ usually before noun ] [usually before noun]
(WALL) supporting the weight of the building above it 2 adjective
[usually before noun] (CARRYING LOAD) relating to how much
something can carry
weight-bearing .r r.
supporting the weight of your body or a building
a load-bearing wall
ore-bearing rocks
a wheel bearing
a roller bearing
interest-bearing .r used to describe a financial product
that pays money in the form of interest
overbearing .v be .r
.v ber. too confident and too
determined to tell other people what to do, in a way that is unpleasant
Suffix: _bedroomed
Meaning in English:
400 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin
English examples:
_bedroomed suffix UK / - -bed.r md/ US / -
/bed.r md/ having the stated number of bedrooms
a two-bedroomed house
Suffix: _behave
Meaning in English: used after a word describing how someone behaves
Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin
English examples:
_behaved suffix UK / -b .he vd/ US / -b .he vd/ … used after a word
describing how someone behaves
well/badly/perfectly-behaved children
well behaved he he vd/
behaving in a way that is accepted as correct
[ before noun ] a well-behaved child
Suffix: _bellied
Meaning in English: having a belly (= stomach) of the type mentioned
Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin
English examples:
_bellied suffix UK / US / … having a belly (=
stomach) of the type mentioned
401 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
potbellied stove
an old-fashioned, round stove that uses
wood or coal for fuel
a fat, round stomach
Suffix: _blooded
Meaning in English:
Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin
English examples:
_blooded suffix UK / -bl d. d/ US / -bl d. d/ … having the type
of blood mentioned
blue blood noun [ [U] ] UK d/ US bl d/
the fact of someone having been born into a family that belongs to the
highest social class
blue-blooded adjective UK d. d/ US d. d/
A blue-blooded person has been born into a family that
belongs to the highest social class.
cold-blooded d. d. d/
Cold-blooded animals can only control their body heat by taking in
heat from the outside or by being very active.
Snakes and lizards are cold-blooded animals.
402 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
cold-blooded 2 adjective behaving in a very cruel
way with no sympathy for other people
a cold-blooded murder
full-blooded d. d/ US
d. d/ full-blooded adjective [before noun] (RACE) having
parents, grandparents, and earlier relations all belonging to the same race
a full-blooded Maori
full-blooded 2 adjective [before noun] (ENTHUSIASTIC) UK
enthusiastic and loyal
a full-blooded Liverpool supporter
hot-blooded d.
showing strong feelings very easily and quickly, especially anger or love
hot-blooded 2 adjective (SEXUAL) A hot-blooded person
has strong sexual feelings and energy.
He's just your average 25-year-old hot-blooded male.
red-blooded d. d. d/
used to describe someone who seems full of
confidence or sexual energy
He says he's a red-blooded American male!
403 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
Suffix: _bodied
Meaning in English: having a particular type of body
Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin
English examples:
_bodied 1 suffix UK / -b US / -b
STRUCTURE) … … having a particular type of
a long-bodied insect
a soft-bodied doll
_bodied 2 suffix (QUALITY) … … having a particular
quality or strength of flavour
a medium-bodied wine
able-bodied adjective UK .b US .b
used to refer to someone who is healthy and has no illness,
injury, or condition that makes it difficult to do the things that other people do
All able-bodied young men were forced to join the army.
Full-bodied wine has a strong, satisfying quality and taste.
A wide-bodied aircraft is wider and larger than average.
Suffix: _boned
Meaning in English: having bones of the type mentioned
Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin
404 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
English examples:
_boned suffix UK / -b nd/ US / -bo nd/ … having bones of
the type mentioned
She is big-boned, but she's not fat.
used to describe an animal that has little flesh on its bones so that its bones can
be seen clearly
Suffix: _bore
Meaning in English: used in adjectives to express the width of the space inside a
cylinder, especially the inside of a gun barrel (= part shaped like a tube)
Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin
English examples:
_bore suffix mainly uk UK / -b / -b -gauge) …
… used in adjectives to express the width of the space inside a
cylinder, especially the inside of a gun barrel (= part shaped like a tube)
a twelve-bore shotgun 12
Suffix: _born
Meaning in English: born in the way, place, or order mentione
Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin
English examples:
_born suffix UK / -b / -b … born in the
way, place, or order mentioned
Ben Okri is a Nigerian-born poet and novelist. ·
405 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
the first-born son
inborn n.b used to
refer to a mental or physical characteristic that someone has from birth
existing or active again
1978 a reborn version of a 1978 series
reborn 2 adjective
having decided to accept a particular type of evangelical
Christianity, especially after a deep spiritual experience
carried in a ship
stubborn b. b. n/ B2 disapproving
A stubborn person is determined to do what he or she wants
and refuses to do anything else.
unborn adjective UK / not yet born; in
the mother's womb
Suffix: _borne
Meaning in English: carried or moved by a particular thing
Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin
English examples:
406 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
_borne suffix UK / -b / -b … carried or
moved by a particular thing
airborne adjective UK .b
in the air, or carried by air or wind or by an aircraft
waterborne .b
carried by or through water
Suffix: _bound (travelling in the stated direction)
Meaning in English: travelling in the stated direction
Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin
English examples:
_bound 11 UK / -ba nd/ US / -ba nd/ suffix (DIRECTION) …
travelling in the stated direction
Northbound traffic is moving very slowly because of the accident.
The line did not close completely, but inbound and outbound trains (= trains
which were arriving and leaving) had to share one of the two tracks near the
eastbound nd/
going or leading towards the east
homeward bound travelling towards home
407 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
inbound nd/
travelling towards a particular point
northbound nd/
going or leading towards the north
northbound traffic
outbound nd/
travelling away from a particular point
outward-bound t.w nd/ US
t.w nd/ An outward-bound ship
or passenger is going away from home.
westbound nd/
going or leading towards the west
The accident occurred on the westbound carriageway of the motorway.
We crossed six time zones westbound on our flight.
Suffix: _bound (unable to leave a place)
Meaning in English: (causing people to be) unable to leave a place because of
an unwanted condition
Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin
English examples:
408 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
_bound 12 suffix (PREVENTING LEAVING) … …
(causing people to be) unable to leave a place because of an unwanted
During his long illness he was completely housebound (= he could not leave the
She has been wheelchair-bound for several years.
The airport was completely fogbound (= covered by fog).
deskbound adjective UK nd/ US nd/
used to refer to someone who has to work in an office,
sitting at a desk
earthbound nd/
unable to leave the surface of the
fogbound .ba
prevented from operating as usual or travelling because of fog
hidebound nd/
having fixed opinions and ways of doing things and not
willing to change or be influenced, especially by new or modern ideas [GRE]
housebound adjective UK nd/ US nd/
unable to leave your home, especially
because you are ill
She's been housebound since the accident.
409 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
muscle-bound s. nd/ US
s. nd/ used to describe someone who has very large
muscles that make it difficult to move normally
rootbound) If a plant is pot-bound, its roots
have filled the container it is growing in and it stops growing well.
rootbound nd/
If a plant is rootbound, its roots have filled the container it
is growing in and it stops growing well.
snowbound .ba nd/ US .ba nd/
(of vehicles or people) unable to
travel because of heavy snow, or (of roads) not able to be travelled on or
reached because of heavy snow
spellbound nd/
having your attention completely held by something, so that you cannot
think about anything else
spiral-bound .r r. nd/
(of a book) having a spiral-shaped piece of metal or plastic
holding its pages together
strikebound nd/
A strikebound place is closed or unable to operate
because the people employed there are refusing to work.
unbounded adjective UK / n.d d/ US / n.d d/
used to describe a positive feeling that is very great and
seems to have no limits
410 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
Suffix: _brained
Meaning in English:
Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin
English examples:
_brained suffix UK / -bre nd/ US / -bre nd/ … …
having a particular type of brain
These dinosaurs were large-brained and more intelligent than most.
_brained disapproving used in various phrases to
describe someone as stupid or badly organized
birdbrained adjective mainly us informal UK nd/ US
nd/ stupid
featherbrained .bre nd/ US
.bre nd/ silly or often forgetting things
harebrained .bre nd/
; (of plans or people) not practical or
peabrained nd/
extremely stupid
411 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
Suffix: _breaker (who uses force to go into)
Meaning in English: someone who uses force to go into or open the stated thing
Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin
English examples:
_breaker 2 suffix UK / -bre .k r/ US / -k / (USE FORCE)
… someone who uses force to go into or open the stated thing
housebreaker noun [ C ] UK .k r/ US .k /
a person who illegally enters a house in order to steal something
safebreaker .k .k / (US
safecracker) someone who opens safes using force and
steals the valuable things from inside
strikebreaker .k .k /
someone who continues working during a
strike or who takes the job of a worker who is involved in a strike
tie-breaker bre .k bre .k / (UK also tie-
break) extra
play at the end of a game when both teams have the same points, to decide who
is the winner
windbreaker .k .k / (UK
old-fashioned windcheater) a jacket made from a material that
protects you from the wind
Suffix: _breaker (someone who does not obey a law or rule)
Meaning in English: someone who does not obey a law or rule
412 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin
English examples:
_breaker 3 suffix (NOT OBEY) someone who does not obey a law
or rule, etc.
lawbreaker .k /
a person who does not obey the law, especially
intentionally and often
icebreaker 1 noun [ C ] UK .k r/ US .k / [ C ]
game or joke that makes people who do not know each other feel more relaxed
together 2 noun [ C ] (SHIP) a strong ship that can break a passage
through ice
jawbreaker .k .k / [C]
(SWEET) US (also mainly UK gobstopper) a large, hard,
round sweet 2 noun [C] (LANGUAGE) UK informal tongue
twister a tongue-twister 3 noun US and Australian English informal
a word that is difficult to pronounce
Suffix: _breasted
Meaning in English: arrangement of buttons at the front
Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin
English examples:
_breasted 1 suffix UK / -brest. d/ US / -brest. d/ (CLOTHING)
… (of a coat or jacket, etc.) designed with the stated arrangement
of buttons at the front
413 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
double-breasted adjective UK b. d/ US b. d/
A double-breasted jacket or coat has two sets of buttons
and two wide parts at the front, one of which covers the other when the buttons
are fastened.
A single-breasted jacket or coat
fastens in the centre, with only one row of buttons.
Suffix: _breasted (having the stated type of breasts)
Meaning in English: having the stated type of breasts
Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin
English examples:
_breasted 2 suffix (WOMAN) … having the stated
type of breasts
a big/small-breasted woman
Suffix: _buster
Meaning in English:
Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin
English examples:
_buster 2 suffix UK / -b s.t r/ US / -b s.t / … a
person or thing intended to destroy the stated thing
blockbusternoun [ C ] UK s.t r/ US
a book or film that is very
414 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
a blockbuster movie/novel
bonkbuster noun [ C ] uk informal humorous UK s.t r/ US
a type of popular book with a story in which the
characters have a lot of sex
filibuster l. .b s.t l. .b s.t /
to make a long speech in
order to delay or prevent a new law being made
415 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .
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  • 4. 1 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . - 2 2 Contents Preface to English Prefix and Suffix List and Greek and Latin Roots....................................................8 About the Author: .................................................................................................................................11 Our Story...............................................................................................................................................12 David Yao Amazon Kindle Author Central page .................................................................................13 PPP........................................................................................................................................................14 Prefix: palaeo- (US usually paleo-) – ancient ...................................................................................14 Prefix (Medical): palpebr- Of or pertaining to the eyelid .................................................................15 Prefix: pan- including or relating to all the places or people............................................................15 Prefix (Medical): papill- nipple (of the hest/breast)..........................................................................17 Prefix (Medical): papul(o)- Indicates papulosity..............................................................................17 Prefix: para- further than...................................................................................................................18 Prefix: para- similar to, or helping to do a similar job......................................................................19 Prefix (Medical): path(o)- disease.....................................................................................................20 Prefix (Medical): pauci- Few............................................................................................................21 Prefix (Medical): ped-, -ped-, -pes -the foot; -footed........................................................................22 Prefix (Medical): pelv(i)-, pelv(o)- hip bone ....................................................................................25 Prefix (Medical): peo- Of or pertaining to the penis.........................................................................26 Prefix (Medical): per- through..........................................................................................................26 Prefix (Medical): peri- 'surrounding' or 'around'...............................................................................27 Prefix (Medical): phaco- lens-shaped ...............................................................................................28 Prefix (Medical): -phago- (eating, devouring)..................................................................................29 Prefix (Medical): phallo- phallus (an image or a model of the penis) ..............................................29 Prefix (Medical): pharmaco- drug, medication.................................................................................30 Prefix (Medical): pharyng(o)- pharynx, the upper throat cavity.......................................................32 Prefix (Medical): phleb(o)- (blood) veins, a vein .............................................................................32 Prefix (Medical): phon(o)- sound .....................................................................................................33 Prefix (Medical): phos- light or its chemical properties ...................................................................35 Prefix: photo- relating to or produced by light .................................................................................37
  • 5. 2 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . Prefix: photo- relating to photography..............................................................................................38 Prefix (Medical): phren(i)-, phren(o)-, phrenico (the mind).............................................................39 Prefix: pico- one trillionth of the stated unit.....................................................................................40 Prefix (Medical): piri- Pear...............................................................................................................41 Prefix (Medical): pleio- more, excessive, multiple...........................................................................41 Prefix (Medical): pleur(o)-, pleur(a) (Of or pertaining to the ribs)...................................................41 Prefix (Medical): pneum(o)- Of or pertaining to the lungs...............................................................43 Prefix (Medical): pneumat(o)- air, lung............................................................................................43 Prefix (Medical): pod-, -pod-, -pus (foot, -footed)............................................................................44 Prefix (Medical): poikil(o)- irregular................................................................................................46 Prefix (Medical): polio- Denoting a grey color ................................................................................47 Prefix (Medical): pollic- thumb ........................................................................................................47 Prefix: poly- many ............................................................................................................................48 Prefix (Medical): por(o)- pore, porous..............................................................................................51 Prefix (Medical): porphyr(o)- Denotes a purple color......................................................................52 Prefix (Medical): post- 'after' or 'behind' another.............................................................................52 Prefix: pre- before (a time or an event).............................................................................................55 Prefix (Medical): presby(o)- old age.................................................................................................65 Prefix (Medical): prim- 'first' or 'most-important'.............................................................................65 Prefix: pro- supporting or approving of something...........................................................................69 Prefix (Medical): pro- supporting or approving of something..........................................................71 Prefix (Medical): proct(o)- anus, rectum ..........................................................................................72 Prefix (Medical): prosop(o)- face .....................................................................................................73 Prefix: proto- first, original...............................................................................................................73 Prefix: pseudo- pretended and not real .............................................................................................74 Prefix: psych(e)-, psych(o) - Of or pertaining to the mind ...............................................................75 Prefix (Medical): pterygo- Pertaining to a wing...............................................................................81 Prefix (Medical): psor- Itching .........................................................................................................81 Prefix (Medical): pudend- loins, pubic region.................................................................................81 Prefix (Medical): pulmon-, pulmo- Of or relating to the lungs.........................................................82 Prefix (Medical): pyel(o)- pelvis.......................................................................................................83 Prefix (Medical): pyo- pus................................................................................................................83 Prefix (Medical): pyro- fever............................................................................................................84 QQQ......................................................................................................................................................85 Prefix: quasi- something is almost, but not completely, the thing described....................................85 Prefix: quad- four..............................................................................................................................86 RRR ......................................................................................................................................................87
  • 6. 3 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . Prefix (Medical): radio- radiation .....................................................................................................87 Prefix: re- do again............................................................................................................................90 Prefix: re- returning something to its original state ........................................................................103 Prefix (Medical): rect(o)- rectum....................................................................................................105 Prefix (Medical): ren(o)- kidney.....................................................................................................106 Prefix: rent-a- been rented for a particular purpose and is not sincere ...........................................108 Prefix (Medical): reticul(o)- net......................................................................................................109 Prefix (Medical): retro- backward, behind......................................................................................110 Prefix: retro- looking at or copying the past ...................................................................................112 Prefix (Medical): rhabd(o)- rod shaped, striated.............................................................................113 Prefix (Medical): rhachi(o)- spine...................................................................................................114 Prefix (Medical): rhin(o)- Of or pertaining to the nose...................................................................115 Prefix (Medical): rhod(o)- Denoting a rose-red color.....................................................................115 Prefix (Medical): rubr(o)- Of or pertaining to the red nucleus of the brain....................................116 Prefix: Romano- of or connected with Rome or Romans...............................................................116 SSS......................................................................................................................................................117 Prefix (Medical): salping(o)- Of or pertaining to the fallopian tubes .............................................117 Prefix (Medical): sangui-, sanguine- Of or pertaining to blood......................................................117 Prefix (Medical): sarco- muscular, fleshlike...................................................................................118 Prefix (Medical): schist(o)- split, cleft............................................................................................119 Prefix (Medical): schiz(o)- 'split' or 'double-sided'.........................................................................119 Prefix (Medical): scler(o)- hardness ...............................................................................................120 Prefix (Medical): scoli(o)- twisted..................................................................................................122 Prefix (Medical): scoto- darkness ...................................................................................................122 Prefix: self- of or by yourself or itself.............................................................................................123 Prefix: semi- half or partly..............................................................................................................132 Prefix: short- something with a short part.................................................................................134 Prefix (Medical): sial(o)- saliva, salivary gland..............................................................................136 Prefix (Medical): sigmoid(o)- sigmoid, S-shaped curvature...........................................................136 Prefix (Medical): sinistr(o)- left, left side.......................................................................................137 Prefix (Medical): sito- food, grain ..................................................................................................137 Prefix (Medical): somat(o)-, somatico- body, bodily......................................................................137 Prefix: Sino- of or connected with China........................................................................................138 Prefix (Medical): sinus- sinus.........................................................................................................138 Prefix: socio- relating to society...............................................................................................139 Prefix (Medical): spasmo- spasm....................................................................................................141 Prefix (Medical): sperma-, spermo-, spermato- semen, spermatozoa.............................................141
  • 7. 4 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . Prefix (Medical): splanchn(i)-, splanchn(o)- viscera ......................................................................143 Prefix (Medical): splen(o)- spleen ..................................................................................................144 Prefix (Medical): spondyl(o)- Of or pertaining to the spine, the vertebra ......................................144 Prefix (Medical): squamos(o)- 'full of scales' or 'scaly' ..................................................................146 Prefix (Medical): sten(o)- 'narrow in shape' or narrowness............................................................146 Prefix: step- related to someone through a second marriage ..........................................................147 Prefix (Medical): steth(o)- (upper chest) ........................................................................................148 Prefix (Medical): stheno- strength, force, power ............................................................................148 Prefix (Medical): stom(a)- mouth ...................................................................................................149 Prefix (Medical): stomat(o)- Of or pertaining to the mouth ...........................................................150 Prefix: sub- less than a number or level..........................................................................................151 Prefix: sub- below or in a lower position........................................................................................151 Prefix: sub- almost or nearly...........................................................................................................152 Prefix: sub- being a smaller part of a larger whole.........................................................................153 Prefix: sub- not as good as..............................................................................................................155 Prefix: sub- less important or lower in rank....................................................................................156 Prefix: super- larger, more effective, more powerful......................................................................157 Prefix: super- over; above...............................................................................................................160 Prefix (Medical): supra- above, excessive ......................................................................................162 Prefix (Medical): sy, syl-, sym-, syn-, sys- similarity, likeness, or being together.........................164 TTT .....................................................................................................................................................165 Prefix (Medical): tachy- Denoting something as fast, irregularly fast............................................165 Prefix: techno- relating to or involving technology........................................................................165 Prefix: tele- over a long distance, done by phone, or on or for television ......................................166 Prefix: tera- 1,000,000,000,000 times the stated unit .....................................................................169 Prefix (Medical): tetan- igid, tense .................................................................................................169 Prefix (Medical): thec- case, sheath................................................................................................170 Prefix (Medical): thel(e)-, thel(o)- Of or pertaining to a nipple......................................................170 Prefix (Medical): thely- 'relating to a woman, feminine'................................................................171 Prefix: thermo- connected with heat or temperature.......................................................................171 Prefix (Medical): therap(o)- treatment............................................................................................172 Prefix (Medical): thorac(i)-, thorac(o)-, thoracico- upper chest, chest ...........................................176 Prefix (Medical): thromb(o)- blood clot .........................................................................................179 Prefix (Medical): thyr(o)- thyroid...................................................................................................181 Prefix (Medical): thym(o)(ia)- emotions.........................................................................................183 Prefix (Medical): toco- childbirth...................................................................................................183 Prefix: top- "best" ...........................................................................................................................184
  • 8. 5 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . Prefix (Medical): top(o)- place, topical...........................................................................................184 Prefix (Medical): tort(i)- twisted.....................................................................................................186 Prefix (Medical): tox(i)-, tox(o)-,toxic(o)- toxin, poison................................................................187 Prefix (Medical): trache(a)- trachea................................................................................................192 Prefix (Medical): trachel(o)- neck...................................................................................................193 Prefix: trans- across.........................................................................................................................193 Prefix: trans- changing or having changed from one thing to another............................................195 Prefix: tri- three...............................................................................................................................199 Prefix (Medical): trich(i)-, trichia, trich(o)- hair, hair-lik ...............................................................200 Prefix (Medical): tympan(o)- eardrum............................................................................................201 Prefix (Medical): tum- tumour........................................................................................................202 UUU....................................................................................................................................................203 Prefix: un- "not", "lacking", or "the opposite of"............................................................................203 Prefix: ultra- extreme or extremely.................................................................................................217 Prefix (Medical): umbilic- Of or pertaining to the navel................................................................218 Prefix: under- not enough or not done as well or as much as is necessary.....................................219 Prefix (Medical): ungui- nail, a claw ..............................................................................................222 Prefix: uni- having or consisting of only one..................................................................................223 Prefix: up- higher or improved........................................................................................................224 Prefix: ur- original or earliest..........................................................................................................230 Prefix (Medical): ureter(o)- ureter ..................................................................................................230 Prefix (Medical): urethr(o)-, urethr(a)- urethra...............................................................................231 Prefix (Medical): ur(o)- urine .........................................................................................................231 Prefix (Medical): uri(c)-, urico- uric acid .......................................................................................232 Prefix (Medical): urin- urine, the urinary system ...........................................................................233 Prefix (Medical): uter(o)- uterus or womb......................................................................................234 VVV....................................................................................................................................................234 Prefix (Medical): vagin- Of or pertaining to the vagina .................................................................234 Prefix (Medical): varic(o)- swollen or twisted vein........................................................................235 Prefix (Medical): vas(o)- duct, blood vessel...................................................................................236 Prefix (Medical): vascul(o)- blood vessel.......................................................................................236 Prefix (Medical): ven- vein.............................................................................................................238 Prefix (Medical): ventr(o)- belly; the stomach cavities ..................................................................240 Prefix (Medical): ventricul(o)- ventricles .......................................................................................240 Prefix (Medical): vesic(o)- Of or pertaining to the bladder............................................................242 Prefix: vice- deputy.........................................................................................................................243 Prefix (Medical): viscer(o)- internal organs, the viscera ................................................................244
  • 9. 6 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . Prefix (Medical): vulv- vulva..........................................................................................................245 WWW.................................................................................................................................................245 N/A..................................................................................................................................................245 XXX....................................................................................................................................................245 Prefix (Medical): xanth(o)- yellow color.......................................................................................245 Prefix (Medical): xen(o)- Foreign, different...................................................................................246 Prefix (Medical): xer(o)- dry, desert-like........................................................................................247 YYY....................................................................................................................................................247 N/A..................................................................................................................................................247 ZZZ .....................................................................................................................................................247 Prefix (Medical): zo(o)- animal, animal life...................................................................................247 Prefix (Medical): Zygomatic - cheek..............................................................................................248 Part 2: Suffixes (check Cam EN-CH-BM Suffix)...............................................................................249 AAA....................................................................................................................................................249 Suffix: _ability................................................................................................................................249 Suffix: _able....................................................................................................................................250 Suffix (Medical): -ac, -acal (pertaining to) .....................................................................................265 Suffix (Medical): -acusis (hearing).................................................................................................265 Suffix (Medical): -aemia (BrE) - blood condition ..........................................................................265 Suffix: _age (the action or result of something).............................................................................268 Suffix: _age (refer to a state or condition).....................................................................................270 Suffix: _age (for place)...................................................................................................................278 Suffix: _aholic.................................................................................................................................279 Suffix: -al "connected with"...........................................................................................................280 Suffix (Medical): -algia (pain)........................................................................................................281 Suffix: _an.......................................................................................................................................282 Suffix: _ance...................................................................................................................................285 Suffix: _ant......................................................................................................................................296 Suffix: _arian ..................................................................................................................................298 Suffix: _armed ................................................................................................................................302 Suffix: -ary......................................................................................................................................303 Suffix (Medical): -ase (enzyme) .....................................................................................................310 Suffix: _athon..................................................................................................................................313 Suffix: _ation, -ion, -ition ...............................................................................................................314 Suffix: _ative...................................................................................................................................378 Suffix: _ive, -itive, -tive (same as -ative)........................................................................................385 BBB ....................................................................................................................................................394
  • 10. 7 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . Suffix: _backed...............................................................................................................................394 Suffix: _based .................................................................................................................................395 Suffix: _basher................................................................................................................................396 Suffix: _bashing..............................................................................................................................397 Suffix: _bearing ..............................................................................................................................398 Suffix: _bedroomed ........................................................................................................................399 Suffix: _behave...............................................................................................................................400 Suffix: _bellied................................................................................................................................400 Suffix: _blooded..............................................................................................................................401 Suffix: _bodied................................................................................................................................403 Suffix: _boned.................................................................................................................................403 Suffix: _bore ...................................................................................................................................404 Suffix: _born...................................................................................................................................404 Suffix: _borne .................................................................................................................................405 Suffix: _bound (travelling in the stated direction)..........................................................................406 Suffix: _bound (unable to leave a place) ........................................................................................407 Suffix: _brained ..............................................................................................................................410 Suffix: _breaker (who uses force to go into)...................................................................................411 Suffix: _breaker (someone who does not obey a law or rule)........................................................411 Suffix: _breasted.............................................................................................................................412 Suffix: _breasted (having the stated type of breasts) ......................................................................413 Suffix: _buster.................................................................................................................................413 More Related Products ...................................................................................415 KDP- Edeo & Legoo Mandarin Publications List 2022 March Issue Vol. 11 ................................................................................................................................................415 Learn English can be fun like this!.....................................................................417 KDP- Comprehensive English Prefix and Suffix List ....................................................................417 KDP- Decoding Greek and Latin roots in English..........................................................................417 KDP- PSAT/NMSQT 5000 English Vocabulary According CEFR C1 C2....................................418 KDP- ACT 5000 English Vocabulary According CEFR C1 C2 ............418 KDP- Edeo & Legoo Mandarin Publications List 2021 July Issue ....419 KDP- GMAT English Vocabulary V2021, GMAT ...............419 KDP- SAT Chinese Grammar 2021 Edition ......................................420 KDP- TOEFL English Vocabulary 5000, TOEFL - Classified English Vocabulary According CEFR V2021 ( ) .........................................420 KDP- TOEIC 5000 English Vocabulary, TOEIC - Classified English Vocabulary According CEFR ( ) .....................................................421
  • 11. 12 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . Our Story “Share with You What We Know Best” is our Slogan. We start with LEGOO Mandarin and now expand the system into other topics: Bahasa Malaysia, IT eCommerce, Accounting and Finance, Tai Chi Fitness and Qi Gong. You can learn anytime anywhere! In addition to be a Contents Provider, we also provide Online Systems, which can be easily integrated with your school or company online system or use separately. We are using Udemy and other more than 10 similar platforms for video courses marketing. The Amazon KDP, Google Books and Apple iBooks are platforms we publishing our textbooks in addition to our own platform. We provide consultancy service to save your time and give you the best tips on how to leverage your efforts using all these amazing platforms. Please contact us for quotations (very reasonable price). We can assign our trained teachers to conduct live lesson through Webinar, Skype and YouTube, Facebook at reasonable price. Licencing Program to schools & Resellers
  • 12. 22 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . English examples: Pauci-immune noun [ U ] Pauci-immune GN is a form of small vessel vasculitis classically associated with rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN). 123. On renal biopsy the hallmarks of the disease are the presence of crescents and segmental necrosis on light microscopy, and absence of immune deposits on immunofluorescence (; Pauci-immune (pauci- Latin: few, little) vasculitis is a form of vasculitis that is associated with minimal evidence of hypersensitivity upon immunofluorescent staining for IgG. Often, this is discovered in the setting of the kidney. Wikipedia paucity . i/ the fact that there is too little of something There is a paucity of information on the ingredients of many cosmetics. paucal A language form referring to a few of something (three to around ten), as a small group of people; contrast singular, dual, trial, and plural. Wiktionary pauciloquent (p l kw nt ) adjective. rare. using few words in speech or conversation. Collins English Dictionary. Prefix (Medical): ped-, -ped-, -pes -the foot; -footed Meaning in English: Of or pertaining to the foot; -footed -, foot English examples: biped noun [ C ] biology specialized UK .ped/ US .ped/ an animal that walks on two legs bipedal adjective BIOLOGY specialized UK /ba l/ US /ba ped. l/ walking on two legs, or relating to this movement
  • 13. 32 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . pharmacy 1 noun UK .si/ US .si/ B1 [ C ] a shop or part of a shop in which medicines are prepared and sold 2 noun [ C ] part of a hospital where medicines are prepared 3 noun [ U ] the activity or study of medicine preparation Prefix (Medical): pharyng(o)- pharynx, the upper throat cavity Meaning in English: Of or pertaining to the pharynx, the upper throat cavity - (phárynx, pháryng-), throat, windpipe; chasm English examples: pharyngeal adjective phonetics specialized UK /f r n.d i. l/ US /f r n.d i. l/ (of a speech sound) made by making the muscles in the pharynx tighter so that air cannot flow freely pharyngitis noun [ U ] medical specialized UK a .t s/ US / a . s/ pain and swelling in the pharynx, often with a slight fever, usually caused by infection pharynx noun [ C ] medical specialized UK plural pharynges UK n.d pharynxes the soft part at the top of the throat that connects the mouth and nose to the oesophagus (= the tube that takes food to the stomach) and the larynx (= the hollow organ between the nose and lungs) Pharyngoscopy noun [ U ] A Pharyngoscopy is a procedure that allows the consultant to see first hand into your pharynx. Prefix (Medical): phleb(o)- (blood) veins, a vein Meaning in English: Of or pertaining to the (blood) veins, a vein
  • 14. 42 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . Pleurogenous 1 adjective. Anatomy. pertaining to or originating from the pleura. 2 Botany. occurring on the side of a structure or body. Pleurodynia Pleurodynia (formerly called Bornholm disease) is a form of viral myalgia defined by the sudden occurrence of lancinating chest pain or abdominal pain, commonly associated with fever, malaise, and headaches. pleura noun [ C ] ANATOMY specialized UK .r r. / plural pleurae a thin membrane covering each lung that folds back to make a lining for the chest cavity The pleura protects your lungs and helps them slide back and forth as they expand and contract during breathing. pleural .r r. l/ relating to the pleura (= the membrane surrounding the lungs) pleurisy noun [ U ] UK .r .si/ US r. .si/ a serious illness affecting the covering of the lungs, causing sharp pain when breathing pleuritis Pleurisy (PLOOR-ih-see) is a condition in which the pleura — two large, thin layers of tissue that separate your lungs from your chest wall — becomes inflamed. Also called pleuritis, pleurisy causes sharp chest pain (pleuritic pain) that worsens during breathing. Pleurodynia Pleurodynia (formerly called Bornholm disease) is a form of viral myalgia defined by the sudden occurrence of lancinating chest pain or abdominal pain, commonly associated with fever, malaise, and headaches
  • 15. 52 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . porosity noun [ U ] UK /p s. .ti/ US /p . i/ the state of being porous [GRE] porous s/ Something that is porous has many small holes, so liquid or air can pass through, especially slowly. [GRE] porous soil with good drainage porous brick walls a porous polymer membrane not protected enough to stop people going through The border in this region is porous and many refugees have simply walked across. Prefix (Medical): porphyr(o)- Denotes a purple color Meaning in English: Denotes a purple color English examples: porphyria noun [ U ] MEDICAL specialized UK /p r.i. / US /p r.i. / a condition in which there are too many enzymes called porphyrins in the blood and urine causing problems with the nerves Porphyroblast noun [ U ] A porphyroblast is a large mineral crystal in a metamorphic rock which has grown within the finer grained matrix. Porphyroblasts are commonly euhedral crystals, but can also be partly to completely irregular in shape. Wikipedia Prefix (Medical): post- 'after' or 'behind' another Meaning in English: Denotes something as 'after' or 'behind' another Origin language: Latin (post), after, behind
  • 16. 62 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . presumptuous adjective UK /pr z mp.t s/ US /pr z mp.t s/ A person who is presumptuous shows little respect for others by doing things they have no right to do. [GRE] prevail 1 verb [ I ] formal UK /pr ve l/ US /pr ve l/ C2 to get control or influence [GRE] prevalent l. l. nt/ existing very commonly or happening often [GRE] prevaricate verb [ I ] formal UK /pr vær. .ke t/ US /pr ver. .ke t/ to avoid telling the truth or saying exactly what you think [GRE] prevent verb [ T ] UK /pr vent/ US /pr vent/ B1 to stop something from happening or someone from doing something prevention noun [ U ] UK /pr ven. n/ US /pr ven. n/ B2 the act of stopping something from happening or of stopping someone from doing something preview an opportunity to see something such as a film or a collection of works of art before it is shown to the public, or a description of something such as a television programme before it is shown to the public previous i. s/ B1 happening or existing before something or someone else
  • 17. 72 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . procrastination noun [ U ] UK /pr kræs.t ne . n/ US /pro kræs.t ne . n/ (YAO) the act of delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring; Delaying and wasting time procreate verb [ I ] UK .kri.e t/ US .kri.e t/ formal to produce young While priests were denied the right to marry and procreate, he said, their situation would remain impossible. procure 1 verb formal UK /pr kj r/ US /pr kj r/ [ T ] to get something, especially after an effort GRE procurement noun [ U ] formal UK /pr kj .m nt/ US /pr kj r.m nt/ the process of getting supplies [GRE] a substantial budget for the procurement of military supplies Prefix (Medical): proct(o)- anus, rectum Meaning in English: anus, rectum Origin language: Latin / Greek English examples: proctitis noun [ U ] UK /pr .t s/ US /pr . s/ specialized inflammation of the anus (= the opening through which solid waste leaves the body) and the lining of the last section of the rectum (= the lowest end of the bowels) Proctalgia Proctalgia is pain due to a spasm of the pelvic floor muscles, the muscles of the anal sphincter, or the muscles of the rectum. This causes severe stabbing pain like a knife sticking into the rectum.
  • 18. 82 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . pudendal l/ US l/ relating to the pudenda (= the sex organs on the outside of the body) the pudendal nerve pudendum m/ US m/ plural pude / US the sexual organs, especially of a woman Prefix (Medical): pulmon-, pulmo- Of or relating to the lungs. Meaning in English: Of or relating to the lungs. -, usually used in plural), a lung English examples: cardiopulmonary adjective medical specialized UK p l.m .n r.i/ US p l.m .ner.i/ relating to the heart and lungs cardiopulmonary resuscitation a cardiopulmonary bypass pulmonary l.m .n r.i/ US l.m .ner.i/ relating to the lungs (= organs used for breathing) the pulmonary artery pulmonary pleurae pulmonary pleurae visceral pleura pulmonary atresia noun [ U ] MEDICAL specialized UK l.m .n r.i l.m ner.i / a congenital disorder in which the pulmonary valve (= a valve in the heart) closes so that blood does not flow from the heart to the lungs
  • 19. 91 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . English examples: re- -/ /ri-/ /r - -/ /ri-/ /r -/ “ ” used to add the meaning "do again", especially to verbs re-elect lekt/ to elect someone again to a particular position re-election lek. n/ US lek. n/ the act of electing someone again to the same position re-enact nækt/ If you re-enact an event, you try to make it happen again in exactly the same way that it happened the first time, often as an entertainment or as a way to help people remember certain facts about an event. re-enactment nækt.m nt/ US nækt.m nt/ an occasion on which people re- enact an event re-enter / to go back to a place where you were earlier or to an activity that you did or were doing earlier reactivate .ve .ve t/ to bring or come back into action or use readjust d d st/ C1 to change in order to fit a different situation, or to repair something slightly
  • 20. 105 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . replenish verb [ T ] formal UK /r plen. / US /r plen. / to fill something up again [GRE] restore 1 verb [ T ] UK /r st st to return something or someone to an earlier good condition or position restoration . re . n/ the act or process of returning something to its earlier good condition or position resuscitate verb [ T ] UK /r s s. .te t/ US /r s s. .te t/ ; (YAO) to bring someone or something back to life or wake someone or something [GRE] resuscitation 1 noun [ U ] UK /r s s. te . n/ US /r s s. te . n/ the act of bringing someone or something back to life or waking them [GRE] Prefix (Medical): rect(o)- rectum Meaning in English: rectum Origin language: Latin / Greek English examples: rectitude noun [ .t honesty and correct moral behaviour [GRE] An austere man of unquestioned moral rectitude, Nava inspired deep devotion in those who worked for him.
  • 21. 116 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . rhododendron .d den.dr .d den.dr n/ a large evergreen bush (= one that never loses its leaves) with large, usually bright pink, purple, or white flowers a rhododendron bush rhodophyte noun [ U ] Rhodophyta or red algae are one of the oldest groups of eukaryotic algae. The Rhodophyta also comprises one of the largest phyla of algae, containing over 7,000 currently recognized species with taxonomic revisions ongoing. Wikipedia Prefix (Medical): rubr(o)- Of or pertaining to the red nucleus of the brain Meaning in English: Of or pertaining to the red nucleus of the brain Origin language: Latin (ruber), red English examples: Rubrospinal noun [ U ] The rubrospinal tract is a part of the nervous system. It is a part of the lateral indirect extra-pyramidal tract. The rubrospinal tract originates in the red nucleus of the midbrain, decussates, and then descends in the lateral aspect of the spinal cord. Major afferents are from the cerebellar and cerebral cortices, and the rubrospinal tract projects to nuclei in the brain stem and cerebellum before reaching the spinal cord. Prefix: Romano- of or connected with Rome or Romans Meaning in English: Origin language: Latin / Greek English examples: Romano- prefix UK /r .m - -/ of or connected with Rome or Romans a tutor in Romano-British history
  • 22. 126 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . self-declared kle d/ US klerd/ stated or announced by yourself self-deception sep. sep. n/ the act of hiding the truth from yourself self-compassion With self-compassion, we give ourselves the same kindness and care we'd give to a good friend. (YAO) self-conscious adjective UK n. s/ US s/ C1 nervous or uncomfortable because you are worried about what people think about you or your actions self-defeating adjective UK / self.d used to describe something that causes or makes worse the problem it was designed to avoid or solve self-defence noun [ U ] uk (us self-defense) UK fens/ US fens/ protection of yourself, either by fighting or discussion self-delusion n/ the act of allowing yourself to believe something that is not true self-denial noun [ U ] UK na . l/ US na . l/ the act of not taking or having something that you would like because you think it is good for you not to have it
  • 23. 135 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . short-handed d/ (UK also short-staffed) If a company or organization is short- handed, it does not have the usual or necessary number of workers. short-line railroad noun l.r n d/ (also short- l.we -/) US a railway company that operates over a fairly small area short-lived vd/ vd/ If a feeling or experience is short-lived, it only lasts for a short time. short-order cook k/ a person who works in a restaurant cooking food that can be prepared quickly short-range nd nd / reaching a short distance short-range missiles/weapons short-sighted .t . d/ (SIGHT) C2 (US also nearsighted) A short-sighted person can only clearly see objects that are close to them. adjective (THOUGHT) C2 disapproving not thinking enough about how an action will affect the future short-sleeved adjective having short sleeves a short-sleeved shirt
  • 24. 146 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . spondylosyndesis noun [ U ] Spinal fusion; Spinal fusion, also called spondylodesis or spondylosyndesis, is a neurosurgical or orthopedic surgical technique that joins two or more vertebrae. This procedure can be performed at any level in the spine and prevents any movement between the fused vertebrae. Wikipedia Prefix (Medical): squamos(o)- 'full of scales' or 'scaly' Meaning in English: Denoting something as 'full of scales' or 'scaly' Origin langua English examples: squamous .m s/ US .m s/ Squamous cells are cells that are shaped like fish scales (= small flat pieces on the skin). Basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas are the two most common types of skin cancer. Squamous cell noun [ U ] Squamous cells are thin, flat cells that look like fish scales, and are found in the tissue that forms the surface of the skin, the lining of the hollow organs of the body, and the lining of the respiratory and digestive tracts. Prefix (Medical): sten(o)- 'narrow in shape' or narrowness Meaning in English: Denoting something as 'narrow in shape' or pertaining to narrowness English examples: aortic stenosis 1 noun [ C or U ] UK /e k st n .s s/ US /e k st no .s s/ plural stenoses specialized a narrowing of the heart valve that supplies the aorta (= the body's largest artery), reducing the blood flow to the aorta
  • 25. 155 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . subdivision b.d v . b.d v . n/ US b.d v . b.d v . n/ [ C or U ] any of the parts into which something is divided, or the act of creating these subgroup a smaller group that is in some way different from the larger group to which it belongs subheading a word, phrase, or sentence that is used to introduce part of a text Prefix: sub- not as good as Meaning in English: not as good as Origin language: Latin / Greek English examples: sub- 5 prefix (LESS GOOD) … not as good as a sub-standard effort The film is a sort of sub-Godfather mafia family tale. subconscious n. s/ the part of your mind that notices and remembers information when you are not actively trying to do so, and influences your behaviour even though you do not realize it subhuman n/ US n/ having or showing behaviour or characteristics that are much worse than those expected of ordinary people
  • 26. 163 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . supraorbital vein noun [ U ] The supraorbital vein is a vein of the forehead. It communicates with the frontal branch of the superficial temporal vein. suprarenal l/ US l/ above the kidney (= one of two small organs that take away waste matter from the blood to produce urine) suprarenal glands suprascapular adjective MEDICAL specialized UK skæp.j .l skæp.j .l / above the scapula (= a large, flat bone on each side of the back below the shoulder) the suprascapular nerve supraspinatous spa n .spa ne . s/ relating to structures found in the shoulder the supraspinatous tendon supraspinatus spa n .spa ne . s/ plural supraspinati a muscle in the shoulder supraspinous fossa noun [ C ] ANATOMY specialized UK spa .n s. spa .n / plural supraspinous fossae a part of the scapula (= a large, flat bone on each side of the back below the shoulder) supraspinous ligament noun [ C ] ANATOMY specialized UK spa .n . .m spa .n . .m nt/ a
  • 27. 185 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . topical 1 p. .k .k l/ (HAPPENING NOW) of interest at the present time; relating to things that are happening at present a topical joke The discussion focused on topical issues in medicine. topical 2 adjective (MEDICINE) MEDICAL specialized A topical medical product is used on the outside of the body. This lotion is for topical application only. Note: NOT tropical tropical adjective UK p. .k .k l/ B2 GEOGRAPHY, ENVIRONMENT from or relating to the area between the two tropics Topical anesthetic noun [ U ] A topical anesthetic is a local anesthetic that is used to numb the surface of a body part. atopic adjective MEDICAL specialized UK /e t p. k/ US /e t k/ caused by an allergy that can affect any part of the body, not just the part that touches the thing that causes the allergy Eczema is also known as atopic dermatitis. An increase in house mites can trigger atopic asthma. topiary .pj the art of cutting bushes into attractive shapes, especially of animals and birds
  • 28. 282 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . Origin language: Greek English examples: myalgia noun [ U or C ] MEDICAL specialized UK /ma æl.d / /ma æl.d / pain in the muscles fibromyalgia noun [ U ] MEDICAL specialized UK .br .ma æl.d i. .bro .ma æl.d / a medical condition that causes pain in the muscles and surrounding tissue as well as extreme tiredness Suffix: _an Meaning in English: connected with or belonging to the stated place, group, or type Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin English examples: _an 2 suffix UK / - n/ US / - n/ also -ean, -ian … … … connected with or belonging to the stated place, group, or type American 1 adjective UK / mer. .k n/ US / mer. .k n/ of or relating to the United States of America 2adjective of or relating to North or South 3 noun [ C ] UK / mer. .k n/ US / mer. .k n/ someone from the United States of America Australasian le . belonging to or relating to Australasia or its people le . str le . n/ a person from Australasia
  • 29. 382 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . figurative . r. .t .j . .t v/ (LANGUAGE) (written abbreviation fig.) (of words and phrases) used not with their basic meaning but with a more imaginative meaning, in order to create a special effect [GRE] formative .t . v/ relating to the time when someone or something is starting to develop in character generative en. r. .t en. r. .t v/ able to produce or create something illustrative l. .str .t v/ US / l . v/ helping to explain or prove something imaginative 1 adjective approving UK / mæd . .n .t v/ US / mæd . .n . v/ C1 new, original, and clever imitative m. .t .t m. .te . v/ copying someone or something imperative 1 adjective UK / .t v/ US / . v/ (URGENT) C2 extremely important or urgent [GRE] indicative 1 adjective UK / k. .t v/ US / k. . v/ being or relating to a sign that something exists, is true, or is likely to happen informative adjective UK / .t v/ US / . v/ C1 providing a lot of useful information
  • 30. 392 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . predictive adjective formal UK /pr d k.t v/ US /pr d k.t v/ relating to the ability to predict preemptive 1 adjective [ not gradable ] (also pre-emptive) US v/ [GRE] preoperative p. r. .t v/ US / relating to the period of time immediately before a medical operation presumptive adjective formal UK /pr z mp.t v/ US /pr z mp.t v/ believed to be something, or likely to be true, based on the information that you have preventive adjective [ before noun ] UK /pr ven.t v/ US /pr ven. v/ (also preventative, ) C2 intended to stop something before it happens primitive m. .t m. . v/ relating to human society at a very early stage of development, with people living in a simple way without machines or a writing system proactive æk.t æk.t v/ taking action by causing change and not only reacting to change when it happens productive 1 adjective UK /pr d k.t v/ US /pr d k.t v/ B2 resulting in or providing a large amount or supply of something
  • 31. 393 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . unproductive d k.t v/ US d k.t v/ C1 not producing very much 2 adjective C1 not having positive results receptive adjective UK /r sep.t v/ US /r sep.t v/ C2 willing to listen to and accept new ideas and suggestions prohibitive adjective UK /pr h b. .t v/ US /pro h b. . v/ If the cost of something is prohibitive, it is too expensive for most people. [GRE] prospective adjective UK /pr spek.t v/ US /pr spek.t v/ prospective buyers, employers, parents, etc. C1 people who are expected to buy something, employ someone, become parents, etc. [GRE] protective 1 adjective UK /pr tek.t v/ US /pr tek.t v/ B2 giving protection punitive n .t . v/ LAW formal or specialized intended as a punishment reactive v/ reacting to events or situations rather than acting first to change or prevent something reconstructive k.t v/ US k.t v/ Reconstructive medical treatment involves changing the shape of part of a person's body, either because it has been badly damaged or to improve someone's appearance.
  • 32. 394 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . recuperative adjective formal UK /r r. .t v/ US /r . . v/ helping you to become well again after illness redemptive adjective formal UK /r demp.t v/ US /r demp.t v/ (especially in Christianity) giving someone redemption reflective 1 adjective UK /r flek.t v/ US /r flek.t v/ (SURFACE) A reflective surface sends back most of the light that shines on it and can therefore be seen easily. 2 adjective (THINKING) formal thinking carefully and quietly relative .t . v/ (COMPARING) C1 being judged or measured in comparison with something else Retrospective A retrospective, generally, is a look back at events that took place, or works that were produced, in the past. As a noun, retrospective has specific meanings in medicine, software development, popular culture and the arts. Wikipedia BBB Suffix: _backed Meaning in English: used to form adjectives that describe who is providing support Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin English examples:
  • 33. 395 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . _backed 1 suffix UK / -bækt/ US / -bækt/ (SUPPORTED) … used to form adjectives that describe who is providing support, especially financial support government-backed contracts US-backed intervention _backed 2 suffix (BACK PART) … … used to form adjectives that describe what substance or material is at the back of something, or what the back of something is like foam-backed carpet high-backed dining chairs wing-backed chair Suffix: _based Meaning in English: showing the main place or area Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin English examples: _based 1 suffix UK / -be st/ US / -be st/ (MAIN PLACE) … used to form adjectives showing the main place or area in which something or someone works, lives, or does business a Manchester-based company community-based programs
  • 34. 396 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . evidence-based .d v. .d st/ supported by a large amount of scientific research evidence-based medicine/practice / _based 2 suffix (MAIN PART) … used to form adjectives describing the main thing from which a particular substance or object is made This is a cream-based sauce. faith-based st/ relating to organizations or government policies that are based on religious beliefs a faith-based community initiative petroleum-based adjective UK /p tr .li. st/ US /p tro .li. st/ containing petroleum petroleum-based fuels petroleum-based plastics Suffix: _basher Meaning in English: used in nouns meaning someone who hits or attacks a particular type of person Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin English examples: _basher 1 suffix UK / -bæ . r/ US / - / slang (HIT) used in nouns meaning someone who hits or attacks a particular type of person gay/queer-basher
  • 35. 397 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . _basher 2 suffix (CRITICIZE) … … used in nouns meaning someone who strongly criticizes a particular type of person or thing union-basher Bible-basher noun [ C ] informal disapproving mainly uk UK .b . r/ US .b . / (us usually Bible-thumper, UK / .b mp. r/ US /- / ) someone who tries in a forceful or enthusiastic way to persuade other people to believe in the Christian religion and the Bible gay-basher so queer-basher) someone who hates gay people and attacks them violently queer-basher gay-bashing - bashing) violence directed at gay people Suffix: _bashing Meaning in English: used in nouns meaning the practice of attacking a particular type of person violently Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin English examples: _bashing suffix UK / -bæ . / -bæ . used in nouns meaning the practice of attacking a particular type of person violently gay/queer-bashing
  • 36. 398 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . _bashing suffix (CRITICIZE) … … used in nouns meaning strong criticism of a particular type of person or thing union-bashing bashing 1 noun UK . . … [ U ] strong criticism of a particular type of person or thing There's been a lot of banker- bashing lately. bashing 2 noun … [ U ] a physical attack on someone recent incidents of gay-bashing bashing 3 [ U ] mainly uk also a bashing [ S ] the act of hitting something hard All steaks will benefit from a bashing, as this breaks up the muscle fibres that comprise most of the meat. queer-bashing noun [ U ] UK bæ . . the act of physically attacking and hurting someone because they are gay union-bashing . . Suffix: _bearing Meaning in English: supporting or holding the stated thing Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin
  • 37. 399 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . English examples: _bearing suffix UK / -be .r / -ber. supporting or holding the stated thing load-bearing 1 adjective [ usually before noun ] [usually before noun] (WALL) supporting the weight of the building above it 2 adjective [usually before noun] (CARRYING LOAD) relating to how much something can carry weight-bearing .r r. supporting the weight of your body or a building a load-bearing wall ore-bearing rocks a wheel bearing a roller bearing interest-bearing .r used to describe a financial product that pays money in the form of interest overbearing .v be .r .v ber. too confident and too determined to tell other people what to do, in a way that is unpleasant Suffix: _bedroomed Meaning in English:
  • 38. 400 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin English examples: _bedroomed suffix UK / - -bed.r md/ US / - /bed.r md/ having the stated number of bedrooms a two-bedroomed house Suffix: _behave Meaning in English: used after a word describing how someone behaves Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin English examples: _behaved suffix UK / -b .he vd/ US / -b .he vd/ … used after a word describing how someone behaves well/badly/perfectly-behaved children well behaved he he vd/ behaving in a way that is accepted as correct [ before noun ] a well-behaved child Suffix: _bellied Meaning in English: having a belly (= stomach) of the type mentioned Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin English examples: _bellied suffix UK / US / … having a belly (= stomach) of the type mentioned pot-bellied big-bellied
  • 39. 401 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . potbellied stove an old-fashioned, round stove that uses wood or coal for fuel potbelly a fat, round stomach Suffix: _blooded Meaning in English: Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin English examples: _blooded suffix UK / -bl d. d/ US / -bl d. d/ … having the type of blood mentioned warm-blooded blue blood noun [ [U] ] UK d/ US bl d/ the fact of someone having been born into a family that belongs to the highest social class blue-blooded adjective UK d. d/ US d. d/ A blue-blooded person has been born into a family that belongs to the highest social class. cold-blooded d. d. d/ Cold-blooded animals can only control their body heat by taking in heat from the outside or by being very active. Snakes and lizards are cold-blooded animals.
  • 40. 402 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . cold-blooded 2 adjective behaving in a very cruel way with no sympathy for other people a cold-blooded murder full-blooded d. d/ US d. d/ full-blooded adjective [before noun] (RACE) having parents, grandparents, and earlier relations all belonging to the same race a full-blooded Maori full-blooded 2 adjective [before noun] (ENTHUSIASTIC) UK enthusiastic and loyal a full-blooded Liverpool supporter hot-blooded d. (SHOWING FEELINGS) showing strong feelings very easily and quickly, especially anger or love hot-blooded 2 adjective (SEXUAL) A hot-blooded person has strong sexual feelings and energy. He's just your average 25-year-old hot-blooded male. 25 red-blooded d. d. d/ used to describe someone who seems full of confidence or sexual energy He says he's a red-blooded American male!
  • 41. 403 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . Suffix: _bodied Meaning in English: having a particular type of body Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin English examples: _bodied 1 suffix UK / -b US / -b STRUCTURE) … … having a particular type of body a long-bodied insect a soft-bodied doll _bodied 2 suffix (QUALITY) … … having a particular quality or strength of flavour a medium-bodied wine able-bodied adjective UK .b US .b used to refer to someone who is healthy and has no illness, injury, or condition that makes it difficult to do the things that other people do All able-bodied young men were forced to join the army. full-bodied Full-bodied wine has a strong, satisfying quality and taste. wide-bodied A wide-bodied aircraft is wider and larger than average. Suffix: _boned Meaning in English: having bones of the type mentioned Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin
  • 42. 404 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . English examples: _boned suffix UK / -b nd/ US / -bo nd/ … having bones of the type mentioned She is big-boned, but she's not fat. raw-boned used to describe an animal that has little flesh on its bones so that its bones can be seen clearly Suffix: _bore Meaning in English: used in adjectives to express the width of the space inside a cylinder, especially the inside of a gun barrel (= part shaped like a tube) Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin English examples: _bore suffix mainly uk UK / -b / -b -gauge) … … used in adjectives to express the width of the space inside a cylinder, especially the inside of a gun barrel (= part shaped like a tube) a twelve-bore shotgun 12 Suffix: _born Meaning in English: born in the way, place, or order mentione Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin English examples: _born suffix UK / -b / -b … born in the way, place, or order mentioned newborn Ben Okri is a Nigerian-born poet and novelist. ·
  • 43. 405 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . the first-born son inborn n.b used to refer to a mental or physical characteristic that someone has from birth reborn existing or active again 1978 a reborn version of a 1978 series reborn 2 adjective having decided to accept a particular type of evangelical Christianity, especially after a deep spiritual experience seaborne carried in a ship stubborn b. b. n/ B2 disapproving A stubborn person is determined to do what he or she wants and refuses to do anything else. unborn adjective UK / not yet born; in the mother's womb Suffix: _borne Meaning in English: carried or moved by a particular thing Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin English examples:
  • 44. 406 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . _borne suffix UK / -b / -b … carried or moved by a particular thing airborne adjective UK .b in the air, or carried by air or wind or by an aircraft waterborne .b carried by or through water Suffix: _bound (travelling in the stated direction) Meaning in English: travelling in the stated direction Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin English examples: _bound 11 UK / -ba nd/ US / -ba nd/ suffix (DIRECTION) … travelling in the stated direction Northbound traffic is moving very slowly because of the accident. The line did not close completely, but inbound and outbound trains (= trains which were arriving and leaving) had to share one of the two tracks near the station. eastbound nd/ going or leading towards the east homeward bound travelling towards home
  • 45. 407 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . inbound nd/ travelling towards a particular point northbound nd/ going or leading towards the north northbound traffic outbound nd/ travelling away from a particular point outward-bound t.w nd/ US t.w nd/ An outward-bound ship or passenger is going away from home. westbound nd/ going or leading towards the west The accident occurred on the westbound carriageway of the motorway. We crossed six time zones westbound on our flight. 6 Suffix: _bound (unable to leave a place) Meaning in English: (causing people to be) unable to leave a place because of an unwanted condition Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin English examples:
  • 46. 408 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . _bound 12 suffix (PREVENTING LEAVING) … … (causing people to be) unable to leave a place because of an unwanted condition During his long illness he was completely housebound (= he could not leave the house). She has been wheelchair-bound for several years. The airport was completely fogbound (= covered by fog). deskbound adjective UK nd/ US nd/ used to refer to someone who has to work in an office, sitting at a desk earthbound nd/ unable to leave the surface of the earth fogbound .ba prevented from operating as usual or travelling because of fog hidebound nd/ having fixed opinions and ways of doing things and not willing to change or be influenced, especially by new or modern ideas [GRE] housebound adjective UK nd/ US nd/ unable to leave your home, especially because you are ill She's been housebound since the accident.
  • 47. 409 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . muscle-bound s. nd/ US s. nd/ used to describe someone who has very large muscles that make it difficult to move normally pot-bound rootbound) If a plant is pot-bound, its roots have filled the container it is growing in and it stops growing well. rootbound nd/ If a plant is rootbound, its roots have filled the container it is growing in and it stops growing well. snowbound .ba nd/ US .ba nd/ (of vehicles or people) unable to travel because of heavy snow, or (of roads) not able to be travelled on or reached because of heavy snow spellbound nd/ having your attention completely held by something, so that you cannot think about anything else spiral-bound .r r. nd/ (of a book) having a spiral-shaped piece of metal or plastic holding its pages together strikebound nd/ A strikebound place is closed or unable to operate because the people employed there are refusing to work. unbounded adjective UK / n.d d/ US / n.d d/ used to describe a positive feeling that is very great and seems to have no limits
  • 48. 410 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . Suffix: _brained Meaning in English: Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin English examples: _brained suffix UK / -bre nd/ US / -bre nd/ … … having a particular type of brain These dinosaurs were large-brained and more intelligent than most. _brained disapproving used in various phrases to describe someone as stupid or badly organized birdbrained adjective mainly us informal UK nd/ US nd/ stupid featherbrained .bre nd/ US .bre nd/ silly or often forgetting things harebrained .bre nd/ ; (of plans or people) not practical or silly peabrained nd/ extremely stupid
  • 49. 411 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . Suffix: _breaker (who uses force to go into) Meaning in English: someone who uses force to go into or open the stated thing Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin English examples: _breaker 2 suffix UK / -bre .k r/ US / -k / (USE FORCE) … someone who uses force to go into or open the stated thing housebreaker noun [ C ] UK .k r/ US .k / a person who illegally enters a house in order to steal something safebreaker .k .k / (US safecracker) someone who opens safes using force and steals the valuable things from inside safecracker strikebreaker .k .k / someone who continues working during a strike or who takes the job of a worker who is involved in a strike tie-breaker bre .k bre .k / (UK also tie- break) extra play at the end of a game when both teams have the same points, to decide who is the winner windbreaker .k .k / (UK old-fashioned windcheater) a jacket made from a material that protects you from the wind Suffix: _breaker (someone who does not obey a law or rule) Meaning in English: someone who does not obey a law or rule
  • 50. 412 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin English examples: _breaker 3 suffix (NOT OBEY) someone who does not obey a law or rule, etc. lawbreaker .k / a person who does not obey the law, especially intentionally and often icebreaker 1 noun [ C ] UK .k r/ US .k / [ C ] (ACTIVITY) a game or joke that makes people who do not know each other feel more relaxed together 2 noun [ C ] (SHIP) a strong ship that can break a passage through ice jawbreaker .k .k / [C] (SWEET) US (also mainly UK gobstopper) a large, hard, round sweet 2 noun [C] (LANGUAGE) UK informal tongue twister a tongue-twister 3 noun US and Australian English informal a word that is difficult to pronounce Suffix: _breasted Meaning in English: arrangement of buttons at the front Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin English examples: _breasted 1 suffix UK / -brest. d/ US / -brest. d/ (CLOTHING) … (of a coat or jacket, etc.) designed with the stated arrangement of buttons at the front
  • 51. 413 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . double-breasted adjective UK b. d/ US b. d/ A double-breasted jacket or coat has two sets of buttons and two wide parts at the front, one of which covers the other when the buttons are fastened. single-breasted A single-breasted jacket or coat fastens in the centre, with only one row of buttons. Suffix: _breasted (having the stated type of breasts) Meaning in English: having the stated type of breasts Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin English examples: _breasted 2 suffix (WOMAN) … having the stated type of breasts a big/small-breasted woman Suffix: _buster Meaning in English: Origin language: Anglo-Saxon/ Latin English examples: _buster 2 suffix UK / -b s.t r/ US / -b s.t / … a person or thing intended to destroy the stated thing blockbusternoun [ C ] UK s.t r/ US a book or film that is very successful
  • 52. 414 | P a g e E d e o & L e g o o M a n d a r i n . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . a blockbuster movie/novel bonkbuster noun [ C ] uk informal humorous UK s.t r/ US a type of popular book with a story in which the characters have a lot of sex crime-busters filibuster l. .b s.t l. .b s.t / to make a long speech in order to delay or prevent a new law being made
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