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Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa
Countries Leadership. EPRDF Party versus
Prosperity Party Western leadership regularly resigns
vs Africa leadership has no accountability and
responsibility in their bad governance
October 2022
An Assessment of EPRDF Party versus Prosperity Party and the article also include
comparative study of foreign parliamentary provision of power, i.e., Comparative
study of UK leadership with Africa countries leadership. In general Western
leadership regularly resigns versus Africa leadership has no accountability and
responsibility in their bad governance. They are seen as leaders who want to stay in
power in a coup d'état, kill, persecute, oppress their people, leave them in poverty,
etc. the first part of the article is about EPRDF Party versus Prosperity Party the
second part of the article is logical reasoning and hasty general conclusions in 21st
century logic, When you present an issue and provide your audience with a logical
reasoning, premises and hasty generalization / conclusion; and based on a stable
and unshakable or strategic decision-making based on a solid foundation. The third
part of the article also, It is observed that the leadership of the Western world is
regularly resigning; African leaders should take responsibility for any crimes they
have committed in their bad governance; they have no accountability!! The
education and training I had been doing for twenty-five years was a success; Or
failure is seen when we can clearly say what we did, and what we didn't do. I leave
the other topics to those who deserve responsibility and accountability; … I leave
the other atrocity and cruel topics to those who deserve to inherit them. But let's take
a look at what I wrote about my career as a supporter when I was doing teaching
and education, training, Silver Jubilee special (25 years) service period, I also used
reference articles to make it a fugitive. As far as globalization is concerned,
competition is also international. Therefore, my question is what has Ethiopia
achieved or lost in the Millennium Development Plan and Goals? Is that Status of
Millennium Development Goals in Ethiopia? In the fourth place: - To summarize,
what was our performance in education and training in the last 30 years?
Table of Contentes
Synopsis............................................................... 2
1. Africa leadership has no accountability and responsibility in their bad governance ........... 1
1.1 "The phase of decline is closed, the phase of growth. ........................................................................1
1.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................1
1.1.1 "After twenty-five years, the new situation we have created through our struggle has
reached a point where it can be seen all over the country." It was. ...............................................7
1.1.2 Regarding access to health in the city .............................................................................14
1.1.3 Where democracy has become a reality twenty five years,...........................................17
1.1.4 Twenty-five years of good governance that contributed greatly to halting the decline;
1.1.5 Twenty-five years in which the process of creating a national consensus developed; 19
1.1.6 Where our regional and international relations are developed a quarter of a century.
1.1.7 Twenty-five years of our victories Cumulative implications; .......................................24
1.1.8 The fact that the change is the result of the executive power of the right leadership
and the direction of execution;.........................................................................................................26
1.1.9 A strong ideological organization it’s the journey he led. .............................................26
1.1.10 An organization whose political competence is proven the fact that he led the
movement; .........................................................................................................................................27
1.1.11 The fact that the organization whose ability to organize and motivate the people has
been proven is the change that he led..............................................................................................29
1.1.12 An organization whose political competence is proven the fact that he led the
movement; .........................................................................................................................................30
1.1.13 The fact that the organization whose ability to organize and motivate the people has
been proven is the change that he led..............................................................................................31
1.1.14 An organization that passed all tests with maturity and perseverance, being a guided
reform journey, .................................................................................................................................32
1.1.15 A platform full of new challenges that we are on;..........................................................33
1. የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየ .......................... 38
1.1 በበበበበ በበበበበበበ በበበበ በበበበበ በበበበ በበበበበበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበ
በበበ በበበ?.........................................................................................................................................41
1.2 በበበበ በበበበ በበበበበበ በበ በበበበበበበ በበበበ በበበበበ በበበበበ በበበበ
በበበበበበበ በበበ በበበ በበበ በበ" በበበ በበበበበበ............................................................42
1.3 የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየ የየየየየየየ.........47
1.3.1 የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየ
1.3.2 በበ/በ በበበ በበ/በበ በበበበበበ በበበ ...................................................................52
1.3.3 በበ/በ በበበ በበበ በበበበበበ በበበበበበ ...............................................................54
1.3.4 በበበበበበበ በበበ በበበ በበበበበ በበበ በበበበበበ በበ በበበበ በበበበበ .57
1.3.5 በበበበበበበ በበበ በበበበበ በበበበ በበበበበበ በበበበበ በበበበ በበበበበበ
በበበበበበ በበ በበበበ በበበበበ.................................................................................................59
1.3.6 በበበበበበ በበበ በበበበ በበበበበበበ በበበበበበ በበ በበበ በበበበ.............64
1.3.7 በበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበበበበ በበበ በበበበበበ...................................................69
1.3.8 በበበ በበበበበበ በበበበ በበበ በበበበ በበበበበበ በበበበ በበበ በበበበ.......71
1.3.9 በበበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበ በበበበ.................72
1.3.10 በበበበበ በበበ በበበበበበበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበበበበበ በበበበ ..................73
1.3.11 በበበበበበበ በበበበ በበበበበበ በበበ በበበበበበበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበበ
በበበበ 75
1.3.12 በበበበበበ በበ በበበበበበ በበበበ በበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበበበበ በበ በበበበ........80
1.3.13 በበበበ በበበበበ በበበበበ በበበበ በበ በበበበበ በበበበበበ..............................82
1.3.14 በበበበ በበበበበበበ በበበበበበበ በበበበበበ በበበ በበበበበበበ በበበበበበ..84
1.3.15 በበበበበበበ በበበበበ በበበበበ በበበበበበ በበበበበ!..........................................85
2. Logical reasoning and hasty general conclusions in 21st century logic.................... 88
2. የ21የየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየየየ ..................................... 98
3. በበበበበ በበበ በበበበ በበበበበ በበበበበበበ በበበ በበበበበበበ በበበበበ በበበበ
በበበበ በበበበበበበበ በበ በበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበበበበ በበበበበ በበበበበበ
በበበበበ! ........................................................... 111
3 It is observed that the leadership of the Western world is regularly resigning; African leaders
should take responsibility for any crimes they have committed in their bad governance; they have
no accountability! ...................................................... 119
3. 1 Western leadership is regularly seen resigning due to accountability; ..........................................119
4 To summarize, what was our performance in education and training in
the last 30 years?................................................. 126
4.1 የየየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ 30 የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ
የየ የየየ?..........................................................................................................................................126
1.Africa leadership has no accountability and
responsibility in their bad governance
1.1 "The phase of decline is closed, the phase of growth is opened,
a quarter-century journey!" When I heard a report submitted by
the former ruling party, I decided to see what was done and what
was not done and inform the readers. I was very interested in this
report comparing it to the regime of the day, and I felt compelled
to write more to help with research.
1.1 Introduction
It is a known the fact that King Emperor Haile Selassie was exiled from
his country by fascist invaders. Therefore, when the king returns from
exile to his country in victory and governs; one of the good things his
Excellency did was to establish the African Union in our capital, Addis
Ababa. Therefore, it is known that meetings were held in the capital.
Therefore, the agendas discussed by the member countries when they
meet will present a report on social, economic and political developments.
Therefore, it is known that the Union countries present during the meeting
are generally colonized. When the report was submitted, when they
presented the level they had reached in terms of access and coverage,
education distribution and equity, the number of people who said they had
entered school to study was extremely low. Reports say that the king
himself was disappointed. It was only after the King was shocked by the
report that improvements and changes were coming in our country's
access and coverage, fair play and equity. What I wanted readers to
understand is to show documents from our history on the progress of
education and training in our country. I want to understand whether the
colonial rulers' thoughts and actions were correct or not. What we can
learn from their history is that the speech of at hand foreign Minister,
such as the writer, "Tshafi Tizaze" Aklilu Hubtewold, who presented the
differences between Ethiopia and Eritrea to the audience in Geneva, will
be a historical document that will be read and regretted by future
generations. Going back to our recent history, I have it as follows.
What benefit has the African Union brought to the continent's economic,
social, and political background? It is appropriate to answer the question.
It is an open secret that the British voted against the European Union and
decided to leave the European Union in a referendum. When we leave
theirs and come to the African Union, it is only to establish the union, but
not to stop civil war, death of citizens, migration, poverty reduction,
human rights violations. On the contrary, when tyrants go to Addis Ababa
or other African countries for meetings, they are not seen doing their job
properly, but to have fun and commit adultery. Therefore, the fact that
there are days left to start the third year of the civil war going on in our
country and the silence itself will put the union in a question mark just
like the British. In this opinion, I share his opinion just like the
experienced person politician Professor Merra Gudina said that it will not
bring any solution.
Not to be blamed by history. Now in our country's schools, colleges,
technical and vocational institution, universities in education and training
Access and Coverage, distribution and Equity, have their numbers
increased or decreased? How many education and training institutions are
closed due to the civil war in each region? A region is separated from the
country's infrastructure by prohibition and sanctions, not only education
and training but all services are cut off, a full-scale war has been waged
against them, even the country's army is seen as an inhospitable
surroundings of war, and the local forest and wild animals are
disappearing. Why is there no accountability on the bodies that are set in
tyranny to carry out all the atrocities?
I have worked for my country as a teacher, so the question I am asking is,
what kind of students attended/learned in the school/ institute or school
coverage? What is the rate of training in our training institutes? How many
educational and training institutions were built? To answer my question,
I was in the process of collecting education and training resources by any
means. I thank my God that I have never done a job in my life that says
how many rebels have been destroyed. Therefore, this government should
give us back the amount of destruction, the amount of death, the amount
of displacement, the amount of human rights violations, etc. of the country
that we have built. When will he stop the endless civil war? That's what
I'm asking. Those who finish the poor child do not march themselves; the
slogan of those who came out with the slogan "Say it, cut it, cut it off" is
"There are no two armed forces in one country; and let the terrorist
government of Tigray disarm!" My question is, what do you call the arms
of the Tigray regional government? Will all your regional governments
When we were working together to build a country, I was against the
ruling party. They themselves believed in the problems of good
governance, rent-seeking, nepotism, brink manship, servility, racism, etc.
It was wrong that they were recruiting mainly on the basis of
organizational membership criteria and assigning them by authority.
Instead, transparency, accountability and popular choice or election come
to power. Therefore, what I was saying was that the person with the
knowledge should be assigned to the right place and work. Or the right
person at the right place. Therefore, it is the incompetent emissaries, the
representatives of their national region or their race, who have allowed the
country to go in the wrong direction, and they are leading the country in
the wrong direction from which we will never return.
The term you used when the report was submitted, the decline chapter is
closed; it was a quarter-century journey in which the development phase
was opened. Don't make me a beneficiary of the former ruling party. Let
me go Tighten your loins there. As an employee of the government, I
studied at Addis Ababa University, which is said to be the largest in the
country, and Kotebe Education University. When I was studying, I did my
diploma, my degree, and my master's at my own expense; but I want to
tell you that it is not by the government. Even so, what the previous ruling
party did and what they did and what they didn't do, and what the current
ruling party did, what they didn't do, what they didn't do, mainly from the
point of view of national peace. Of course, there is no doubt that the
current rulers were emissaries from the previous rulers. As you know, it
is true that only a few members of the opposition political party have now
come to power in the ruling party who are playing criminals. These are
the same people who have twisted the hand of the government and said
they have cut the country. To be balanced, I want to write, not because the
ruling party at the time prevented me from benefiting; did they confirm
the interest of the majority or not? Information is needed to answer that
question. Therefore, I present an informed report and my own opinion as
• The last twenty-seven years, the country was in the Golden Age, that is,
when others were growing; not everything is smooth sailing. The process
of decline we have been on has been stopped. Instead, there were years
that showed that we were going on a journey of progress and democracy."
• In these years, when a fundamental change of direction has been
implemented by any standard, in terms of access and coverage of
education and training, education distribution and equity, quality of
education (although there are flaws, a lot of work has been done), internal
efficiency of the education system. (Efficiency) I added my support to the
report to show that we had an excellent performance. I say that it is easy
to talk about information because the above-mentioned requirements for
education and training are information gathering.
• The report by the ruling party was not false that the main thing of their
achievements was that they were implementing their developmental
democratic direction hand in hand with his various social bases.
• Measured by any standard, there are strengths that have been seen in
these years where a fundamental change of direction has been
implemented; it is true that there are flaws too. Some of the problems are
the country's current leadership crisis and the former weak leaders who
are taking the country down the wrong path and now they are closer to
opposition and say let's destroy it instead of reconciliation. But the greed
that has been done in the past is election fraud, getting into the problem
of not being progression, the succession leadership not working properly
(lack of a plan to produce a succession), seeing the opposition political
parties with true national ideals as enemies (the fact that they are still
strengthening), the problem seen by all parties is not for the country, but
only for their organizations and their personal interests. The fact that
esurience, avaricious, greedy (Termism is still strong). For this reason,
our journey from the golden age; it is appropriate to waste time in order
not to lead us to the Dark Age. Therefore, if the war going on in Tigray,
other or Oromia, as well as Benshangul Gumz region etc does not stop
and the war criminals are not held accountable, continuous development
in our country will never be considered. The proof here is that since
October 24, 2013 E.C, a region (Tigray) has been involved in a bloody
civil war to completely separate itself from its mother country. It is not
seen that members sitting in the country's parliament are condemning this
mistake. When they were elected by the people, as people's
representatives, they should oppose the opening of a civil war against their
own people; On the contrary, they cut the people and make them go away.
They say that our sovereignty has been violated when the international
community condemns it.
When Eritrea carried out the invasion of the angry country of the debtor.
By watching in silence, they have endangered not only the security and
sovereignty of our country, but also the lives of poor Eritreans. Our
country, Ethiopia, is called a country that lived in freedom. It has become
a country without its borders. Our border has become a country without
freedom. Sudan has invaded the internal territory of 50/70 kilometers
along the Ethiopian border. It is impossible to think that there will be
1.1.1 "After twenty-five years, the new situation we
have created through our struggle has reached a
point where it can be seen all over the country."
It was.
• Although the struggle is still in its early stages, judging by the progress
made so far, it can be said that the result is unquestionably positive.
• On the other hand, there are various negative situations created during
the struggle.
• The spread of rent-seeking, lack of good governance, lack of
development in the ideological and political capacity of our
developmental and democratic organization and government, etc., have
become tangible limitations.
• Because of this, the twenty-fifth silver jubilee celebration should be
considered as an opportunity to stop and look at ourselves, and presented
the scope of the problem.
• This article was prepared on this historical occasion, and based on the
fundamental activities and changes recorded in the last quarter of a
century, it analyzes the main existing and conscious conditions that are
mainly related to the level we have reached.
• Based on the results recorded by our party in the last twenty five years,
it indicates the implications of these for our future struggle.
• In order to be able to do this, let's start by looking at the conditions of
the new Ethiopia, starting from the level we have reached.
After twenty-five years of struggle, the main facts of the new Ethiopia;
• Our country, Ethiopia, has gone through a continuous process of struggle
and change since it was freed from a dictatorial regime on May 20, 1983
• If we want to briefly describe the results of the struggle that took place
in the last quarter of a century, it can be summed up as "on the one hand,
we have created a country that is very hopeful and exciting, and on the
other hand, there are problems and challenges that are seen as threats." The phase of decline is closed and the
phase of growth A quarter century since its
• Twenty-five years of rapid and popular growth;
• Although Ethiopia was a land of great civilizations, it was a country that
went through a continuous process of decline for about five centuries.
• This phase continued until the collapse of the Derg and was able to close
with the continuous and rapid growth seen for twenty-five years.
• According to this, Ethiopia traveled with an average growth rate of 5.5
percent for the first twelve years under the leadership of EPRDF.
• During the next thirteen years of reform, it recorded an average annual
growth rate of 10 percent.
• In this, the average economic growth rate of the city has reached 15
• The rapid growth of Ethiopia, which continued for a total of twenty-five
years, has safely pushed the downward trend that has been widespread in
the country and replaced it with an average of 8 percent annual rapid
growth for 25 years.
• The real progress in Ethiopia is a change in all areas of life.
• It is a change that happened in all fields of economy, politics, social
development, image of Ethiopia, national consensus, international
relations etc.
• No less than the coverage of the sector, the geographical coverage is in
the orbit of change, from rural to urban, from the center of the country to
the border areas.
• Seen from this point of view, the change brought about by our
developmental democratic line implemented under the leadership of our
revolutionary democratic organization was deep, basic and wide-ranging.
• The reform line was designed and not only free from the influence of
neo-liberalism, but also based on a complete development mindset.
For the first period, there was an average growth of 10.6 percent.
• Although many countries have been experiencing continuous rapid
growth, it is safe to say that there is a country that has achieved continuous
double-digit growth for almost fourteen years.
• More than 136,000 houses were built and handed over in the integrated
housing development program in 2018 alone, and in this program, more
than 544,000 citizens started to live comfortably.
• The victory recorded in our country was not only rapid but also equitable
or qualitative development.
• Relying on the fact that the main source of wealth in rural areas is the
labor and land of the farmers, great efforts have been made to develop
• We have shown that the rural areas of our country will be the
battlegrounds where poverty is buried by ensuring the farmers' right to
free use of the produce and by providing the necessary professional
assistance for the development.
• Agricultural production increased from 73 million quintals to 278
million quintals in 2006.
• Due to the development of various economic sectors in the cities, and
especially the development of small and micro establishments, public
benefits have increased.
• Thus, in the last 12 consecutive years, more than one million citizens
have been created job opportunities in permanent and temporary fields.
• The population living below the poverty line in both urban and rural
areas has decreased significantly and the annual per capita income has
been continuously growing.
• Benefits that cannot be expressed in the form of direct financial income,
especially the opportunity to benefit from education, health, infrastructure
services, etc., have expanded.
• A society that breathes the air of peace has been built free from war
• Just like the countryside, our cities are in the orbit of rapid economic
growth from end to end.
From this, it is possible to conclude that the new Ethiopia is a land of
development, but this development is not only wide and deep compared
to any other country, but based on the quality of thinking and the ability
of our company to implement it, it is possible to realize that it is highly
• Social development is widespread and decline is prevented
A quarter of a century
• When the Derg fell, only 2.1 million of the 60 million people were in
regular schools. As a result, in the years leading up to the collapse of the
Derg, no more than 4 percent of the society had the opportunity to learn.
• In the last twenty five years, the number of students has increased from
2.1 million to 28 million.
• Today, up to 30 percent of our population is in school.
• It owns hundreds of colleges and technical and vocational training
institutions, as well as more than 45 universities.
• In terms of access to schools in the city
• In 1983, there were 127 kindergarten institutions, and in 2007, there
were more than 1085, and the total participation was 92.8%.
• Primary education (grades 1-8) in 1983 E.C, there were 161 primary
schools, and in 2007, there were more than 795. Package participation
reached 103%.
• The number of secondary schools in 1983 E.C, was 42, and in 2007 E.C,
the number of secondary schools, including preparatory schools, reached
more than 308.
• TVET has been opened in 10 colleges and 22 secondary institutions in
the government and 69 colleges and 282 secondary institutions in the
private sector, and more than 100,000 trainees have attended vocational
training at various levels.
• Our health development activity, which focuses on prevention and also
aims at expanding various health facilities that help in the treatment of
medically curable diseases, has not only achieved the goals of the century,
but also ensured the widespread benefit of our people.
• Mainly by promoting preventive education and building health facilities,
it was possible to control most of the diseases that are known to be deadly
in our country.
• Since the government trained and deployed from extension workers to
senior doctors in a special way, by expanding the construction of medical
facilities and the supply of medicines, we were able to go beyond
achieving the goals of the century in the field of health and ensure broad-
based public benefit.
• Mothers and children in general, the majority of Ethiopians who were
vulnerable to violence, have reached the point of benefiting from better
health development than ever before.
• In 1982 E.C, the average life expectancy rose from 45 years to an
average of 64 years.
1.1.2 Regarding access to health in the city
• In 1983, there were 12 health centers and now there are 86. In terms of
hospitals, including those under the federal government, there were 18 in
1983 and now there are more than 49 including private ones.
Accordingly, the construction of a 5- and 8-floor modern general medical
building has been completed and work has started in all the five hospitals.
Infrastructure on the decline journey
A quarter of a century of expansion;
• Our company started expanding infrastructure even when it was at a low
financial and implementation capacity.
• He continued this by fighting against the neo-liberal idea that "the role
of the government should be reduced".
• In the field of infrastructure, the government started to take decisive
action the day after it came to power, but the same work continued even
more strongly after the beginning of the reform era.
• Since the beginning of the 1990s, after the reform movement and the
development line designed through it, the development of the
infrastructure network in Ethiopia has been greatly expanded, mainly
based on developmental thinking and logic.
• Since this time, infrastructure development has been carried out to
eradicate rent-seeking on the one hand, and to build a political economy
conducive to development on the other.
• According to this, most of our national budget has been used for the
expansion of the infrastructure network.
• Since the beginning of the 1990s, after the reform movement and the
development line designed through it, the development of the
infrastructure network in Ethiopia has been greatly expanded, mainly
based on developmental thinking and logic.
• Since this time, infrastructure development has been carried out to
eradicate rent-seeking on the one hand, and to build a political economy
conducive to development on the other.
• According to this, most of our national budget has been used for the
expansion of the infrastructure network.
• The construction of modern infrastructure, which started on a large scale
in the first years of reform in Ethiopia, has been strengthened in the form
of mega projects since the first development and transformation plan.
• The projects started from the Great Renaissance Dam to the development
of railways show that our country is moving beyond easing the
infrastructure debt of today and yesterday to expanding the infrastructure
network that will support tomorrow's growth.
• The infrastructural service which is providing great support to the
people's developmental efforts from rural to urban areas in Ethiopia has
completely changed the low expansion of the infrastructure which was
confined only to the cities where rulers live and has started to benefit the
• From this point of view, it is not far from reality to say that the last
quarter of a century was the one in which Ethiopia closed the period of
decline and replaced it with rapid growth.
• From the point of view of our city, Addis Ababa had only 5.5% of road
coverage during the collapse of the Derg, ie 514 km/m of asphalt and 989
km/m of gravel roads, and now it has reached 21%.
• By increasing the production capacity of 600 thousand cubic meters per
day through water supply 94% coverage of clean drinking water has been
1.1.3 Where democracy has become a reality
twenty five years,
• Our country is a country that has been living under scattered feudal
administrations for several centuries.
• Even after the establishment of a centralized unitary government, it has
been governed in an anti-democratic manner.
• After the military dictatorship of the Derg government came to power,
the anti-democratic regime reached its peak and brought the country to
the brink of disintegration.
• They were forced to take up arms because they did not have the
democratic right to get rid of this terrible oppression.
• After the people of Ethiopia conducted a successful armed struggle under the
leadership of EPRDF and put the power in their hands, the era of political oppression
was completely removed.
• In our country, after the struggle for democracy, the rights of citizens and
communities have been respected.
• The democratic rights that have been given full attention since the interim
government of EPRDF , which was in power for one month after the collapse of the
Derg, continued to be fully respected, first in the charter and then in the constitution.
• Rights ranging from individual to group rights are recognized and protected by
• In our constitution, individual rights to express ideas, oppose or support, organize,
move from place to place, live, protect from physical harm, etc. are respected.
• Communities defined as groups are also endowed with complete equality. Ethnic
groups, religions, women, workers, children, disabled people and other communities
have had their group rights denied.
• It has been confirmed that the sovereign power of the country belongs to the people
and the power of the government is derived from the free vote of the people.
• The unitary government that was built in a centralized way in the country for
centuries was destroyed and a decentralized federal administration was built in the
last twenty five years.
• Ethiopia, believing that its continued existence can only be maintained if it treats
its citizens and people with respect, the democracy that has been implemented has
ended the country's solid public unity.
• A firm foundation has been laid for the elimination of oppression based on religion,
ethnicity, gender, or other forms.
1.1.4 Twenty-five years of good governance that
contributed greatly to halting the decline;
• For centuries, the good governance in Ethiopia was not the benefit of the people,
but the economic development was aggravating harm and abuse.
• In the past twenty-five years, the national change movement led by our company
has actually traveled a long distance, regardless of its limitations, to implement all
the requirements of good governance.
• Our goal of building a constitutional democratic system and issuing new laws was
to build a society where the rule of law prevails.
• In the past, our laws were designed to focus on the interests of the people, so the
main focus of our work to ensure the rule of law was to enhance the rights and
benefits of the people as well as their participation.
• The efforts made to build an efficient and effective administrative system to ensure
the benefit of the public were carried out in order to overcome the problem of good
governance that has been the challenge of survival in our country.
• In the past quarter of a century, the process of decline that we have been traveling
through for centuries was stopped and Ethiopia was able to implement a modern and
democratic system of governance, where a hard struggle was fought and
unprecedented good results were seen.
• From this point of view, when we celebrate the silver jubilee of the change in May
this year, it is not difficult to prove that our country has indeed walked the path of
progress in all fields for twenty-five years.
1.1.5 Twenty-five years in which the process of
creating a national consensus developed;
• There is no doubt that in the first years when Ethiopia took a new direction, there
were serious differences and skepticism in the political landscape of our country.
• There was little fear that the disintegration of the country would be inevitable
during the transitional period when the EPRDF stated that it wanted to build a unity
based on democracy by eliminating ethnic oppression.
• In the past twenty-five years, Ethiopia's ability to manage the majority in a
democratic way and the mutual trust that this has created in the majority of its people,
has gradually reduced the doubts and fears that existed in the early years.
• It has been shown in practice that communities whose rights are respected cannot
take a better option than living together.
• On top of this, the decentralized federal administration has paved the way for all
the people to benefit from the grace they have and to develop a positive attitude
towards the federal system.
• All the regions are growing at their own pace, but the assistance provided by the
government to compensate for the uneven growth caused by the difference in
capacity, especially the developing communities in the Dar region, has made them
connect to each other with a greater Ethiopian rope than ever before.
• On top of this, the expansion of the social and economic infrastructure that connects
the country from end to end and the opportunity to use this not separately but jointly,
made it possible to strengthen the national rope based on democracy with a strong
economic and infrastructure network.
• This right, which began to be celebrated twenty-five years ago, has contributed to
a significant level of eradicating the doubt that "disintegration is inevitable" that has
been prevalent among the elite of society for several years.
• Due to this, the number of people who doubt that the EPRDF has the ability to
protect not only the country's peace, democracy and development but also its
democratic unity has decreased.
• With the practical and educational works done in the last twenty five years, a better
national consensus is being created among the people of our country on various basic
issues than ever before.
• There is a comparatively better understanding that our constitution is a guarantee
of democracy and peace, justice and equality.
• There is a common consensus that the system to be built should be a market and
that people should have a legal guarantee of working and using it.
• On top of this, there is a general common understanding that poverty and
backwardness are our main enemies, and therefore we need to develop quickly and
ensure public benefits.
• There is an understanding that the rule of law must be respected and that all citizens
are equal before the law, at least as a starting point for communication.
• Here, both existing and new system problems related to the rapid development have
been almost universally agreed upon.
• It has become a belief that citizens should expand their rights and interests through
peaceful means and negotiation instead of violence.
• As it is expected that a better national consensus has been created around these
basic issues than ever, but this is not built on a solid foundation of political economy.
• People who accept that rent collection is bad are seen to share this tendency to a
lesser extent.
• A society that has accepted the rule of law and peaceful struggle, occasionally
moves to achieve its needs through force and conflict.
• Especially when our leadership does not lead in a competent way and does not lead
us in the direction of development and democracy, even the issues where we have
gone a long way in terms of national consensus tend to go backwards.
• In the past quarter of a century, Ethiopia has become a country that has created a
relatively better national consensus around many basic questions.
1.1.6 Where our regional and international
relations are developed a quarter of a century.
• Our international relations are one of the areas where significant changes have been
recorded in the years since Ethiopia started to follow a new direction.
• From close neighbors to distant countries, from corrupt governments to
superpowers, the international relations that we have built have been increasingly
accepted and have made our country's friends happy.
• Ethiopia's diplomacy should not be based on finding a foreign enemy, but instead,
accepting that poverty and backwardness are our main enemies, it has become
governed and guided by a policy designed to eliminate these through public efforts.
• The foreign relations policy and direction we were guided by was not looking from
the outside in.
• It was not based on longing for an unnecessary conflict that could be triggered
because of religion or our Trans-boundary rivers.
• Our foreign relations activity is based on our struggle to eradicate poverty and
backwardness in the country.
• Anyone who advances our anti-poverty and backwardness struggle is seen as
friendly and we have a strong relationship, on the other hand, the relationship that
hinders our anti-poverty and backwardness struggle is treated with superimposed
• Our international relations, which were built on this clear public foundation, we
were very careful not to make mistakes that would lead to the deterioration of
relations on the part of Ethiopia.
• On the other hand, the direction of our foreign relations based on a strong public
and national interest and perspective allowed Ethiopia to be more accepted than ever
and to expand its national interests.
• This can be confirmed by the good relations we have established with the whole of
Africa, from our immediate neighbors, and by the contribution we have made to
world peace and the good perspective we have built.
• Unlike the old "fight over bread" era of our closest neighbors; we have created a
relationship where they realize that Ethiopia can be the source of their peace,
development and benefit.
• With the exception of the Eritrean government, the good relations we have
established with neighboring countries from Somalia to Kenya, from North Sudan
to South Sudan and Djibouti were based on the goodwill of our country.
• Countries and peoples who accept that Ethiopia is a country that reaches out to
their problems and is a firm partner have increased.
• This is a great victory for Ethiopian diplomacy.
• Above all else, Ethiopia's efforts to not be a burden on anyone else has resulted in
rapid and beneficial development for the people, making it a good example for
• Ethiopia, which was a source of pride for all Africans in the brilliant Adwa victory
over colonial rulers a hundred years ago, has begun to be seen as a successful
economic model at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century.
• On this, Africa Whenever our people are in trouble, she has been able to be the
front runner.
• From Rwanda to Burundi, from Somalia to Liberia, from South Sudan to North
Sudan, she arrived before anyone else and played a key role in making the countries
free from conflict and stable.
• On top of this, being a leading participant in activities such as NEPAD and the
African renaissance, combined with her advocacy centered on the rights and interests
of Africans in the world arena, enabled our country to gain the sincere support and
love of Africans.
• This is a great diplomatic victory that Ethiopia has achieved in the last twenty five
• Being ready to act on the principle of mutual benefit with Africans, being able to
create better relations even with governments that have traditionally looked at it as
enemies with the foresight in energy development and the use of its transboundary
• By our organization and the developmental government led by it, putting the rights
and interests of Ethiopia and Africa at the center above all else, by preventing the
historical mistakes made in this regard from being corrected and from being
repeated, instead of these, great efforts have been made for the international
community to cooperate with us Africans in a sincere spirit for its own sake.
• Through this effort, Ethiopia maintained its independence from both existing and
new domains and was not an agent of anyone, thus proving that it is a reliable partner
in standing up for common fair interests, and was able to establish good relations
with all the superpowers.
• All of this shows that in the past quarter of a century, we have been able to build a
country that prioritizes love and cooperation with everyone in international relations,
and at the same time, we have been able to expand our benefits.
1.1.7 Twenty-five years of our victories Cumulative
• First of all, the fact that the country has risen steadily from a low level shows that
it has built a competitive image at the international level.
• In the age of globalization, all countries can remain stable only if they follow the
path of development.
• The fact that Ethiopia is moving forward not only through development but also
through rapid development makes it a country that can withstand the wave of
globalization at a better level.
• The fact that the country is on the path of development and democracy in all fields
will give it a much better starting point to withstand the wave of globalization.
• In the past twenty-five years, Ethiopia has followed a development path based on
the development of agriculture and natural resources, especially the small farmers'
fields, which has given it many other benefits.
• After a quarter of a century of efforts, the country has successfully mastered the
phase of primary capital accumulation.
• Primary capital accumulation is a phase where the ability to create and accumulate
large-scale capital required for industrial development is built.
• On the other hand, this phase is the phase where it is possible to provide a large-
scale labor force that wants and is ready to engage in manufacturing, leaving the
field of rural agriculture.
• The fact that our agriculture has started to show better productivity than ever and
that this can be sustained, on the one hand it provides the capital required for
development, and on the other hand it enables us to provide labor force employed in
the manufacturing field, is the grace of the development that has been carried out in
Ethiopia for twenty five years.
• But this is not the only good fortune created by Ethiopia's progress for twenty-five
• It has started producing a large number of educated manpower.
• Due to the correct health policy it has followed, it has a population that is healthy
and able to work and create wealth.
• It owns the infrastructure that serves it as a starting point.
• She laid the foundations of democratic institutions.
• It has become a country that has implemented democracy that engages and benefits
• Together, these are the tangible capabilities that will allow the country to continue
its future growth at a reliable level.
1.1.8 The fact that the change is the result of
the executive power of the right leadership
and the direction of execution;
• The key issue that we identified as the ability to implement the change in our
country at this speed and participatory level was the basic reason.
• The main issues seen in this implementation capacity are:
led by high discipline.
1.1.9 A strong ideological organization it’s the
journey he led.
• EPRDF was able to initiate and achieve change in an era and country where many
have failed because it was an organization led by the right thinking more than
anything else.
• The ideology of the EPRDF is a revolutionary or developmental democratic
• This way of thinking has made it possible to accurately analyze the situation we
are in, and it is a way of thinking that has made it possible to correctly identify the
problems facing our society and prepare their solutions.
• On the one hand, the way we are guided is by understanding the rules of society
correctly and following these rules to bring about change.
• That society grows from small to large, from simple to complex; this development
is determined by the struggle and struggle between the interests of the social forces
in the society, and the struggle is determined by the right direction.
• Since our organization was the organization that led the struggle by developing this
kind of thinking, it was not in conflict with the rules of society.
• Therefore, it is an organization that correctly understands the laws that ensure the
development of society and creates a favorable environment to implement them.
• Because he had this kind of ideological ability, he successfully resisted attacks
from both rent-seekers and neo-liberal ideologues for a long time and was able to
successfully lead his quarter-century journey of change.
1.1.10 An organization whose political competence is
proven the fact that he led the movement;
• Our quarter-century struggle was able to achieve such a brilliant victory because
our organization had the political ability to lead the struggle.
• Our organization EPRDF is not said to have been an organization that had perfected
all the political skills from the very beginning, but it was an organization that met
the political skills to fulfill its mandate.
• Ever since the Derg came to power in the mid-1960s, Ethiopian progressives
clearly defined the nature of the system, identified the enemy force and made armed
struggle the main goal of the armed struggle. From the level of influence that the
limited experience in the first years
• Our organization has gained a very commendable political ability especially since
1977 through the gradual construction.
• Starting from building and deploying the friendly forces of the struggle, weakening
the enemy forces politically and militarily, overnight he was able to completely rid
the country of the rule of anti-democratic forces.
• In the period after the collapse of the Derg, leading a transition process that was
carried out in a clear and democratic manner at the beginning, replacing the
command economy with a market economy step by step beyond the economic chaos
seen in other countries, enabling a skilled democratic and participatory constitution
approval process, building a decentralized federal administrative system, holding
democratic elections. He proved his competence by conducting it.
• In the years after the reform movement, he changed the line of struggle that he
designed in a clear manner into government policies and strategies.
• The fact that he faced the color revolution with maturity and perseverance,
designed new programs that would continue the country's rapid development and
was able to carry them out almost as promised, indeed proved that our organization
was politically competent to lead the national change that has come in the past
twenty-five years, both in theory and in practice.
1.1.11 The fact that the organization whose ability to
organize and motivate the people has been
proven is the change that he led.
• For the past twenty-five years, it has been possible to record high growth in our
country and stop the decline we have been living in, because we have built an
organization capable of motivating and organizing the people.
• Our organization is not only politically capable of designing a clear line, but it is
an organization that has the ability to carry out change by transferring the line to the
people and persuading them.
• The line penetrated the people and touched the ground because our organization is
full of cadres who are capable of inspiring, organizing and leading the people as an
• This cadre force does not only include those who are in the political field.
• Teachers, health and agricultural professionals engaged in activities to change the
population, forces that perform justice and security work, etc., are all included.
• If the government executive bodies at all levels had not already carried out their
mission of changing the country while serving at low salaries, it would not have been
possible to bring about the changes that Ethiopia has achieved in the last twenty-five
• On the one hand, the way we are guided is by understanding the rules of society
correctly and following these rules to bring about change.
• That society grows from small to large, from simple to complex; this development
is determined by the struggle and struggle between the interests of the social forces
in the society, and the struggle is determined by the right direction.
• Since our organization was the organization that led the struggle by developing this
kind of thinking, it was not in conflict with the rules of society.
• Therefore, it is an organization that correctly understands the laws that ensure the
development of society and creates a favorable environment to implement them.
• Because he had this kind of ideological ability, he successfully resisted attacks
from both rent-seekers and neo-liberal ideologues for a long time and was able to
successfully lead his quarter-century journey of change.
1.1.12 An organization whose political competence is
proven the fact that he led the movement;
• Our quarter-century struggle was able to achieve such a brilliant victory because
our organization had the political ability to lead the struggle.
• Our organization EPRDF is not said to have been an organization that had perfected
all the political skills from the very beginning, but it was an organization that met
the political skills to fulfill its mandate.
• Ever since the Derg came to power in the mid-1960s, Ethiopian progressives
clearly defined the nature of the system, identified the enemy force and made armed
struggle the main goal of the armed struggle. From the level of influence that the
limited experience in the first years
• Our organization has gained a very commendable political ability especially since
1977 through the gradual construction.
• Starting from building and deploying the friendly forces of the struggle, weakening
the enemy forces politically and militarily, overnight he was able to completely rid
the country of the rule of anti-democratic forces.
• In the period after the collapse of the Derg, leading a transition process that was
carried out in a clear and democratic manner at the beginning, replacing the
command economy with a market economy step by step beyond the economic chaos
seen in other countries, enabling a skilled democratic and participatory constitution
approval process, building a decentralized federal administrative system, holding
democratic elections. He proved his competence by conducting it.
• In the years after the reform movement, he changed the line of struggle that he
designed in a clear manner into government policies and strategies.
• The fact that he faced the color revolution with maturity and perseverance,
designed new programs that would continue the country's rapid development and
was able to carry them out almost as promised, indeed proved that our organization
was politically competent to lead the national change that has come in the past
twenty-five years, both in theory and in practice.
1.1.13 The fact that the organization whose ability to
organize and motivate the people has been
proven is the change that he led.
• For the past twenty-five years, it has been possible to record high growth in our
country and stop the decline we have been living in, because we have built an
organization capable of motivating and organizing the people.
• Our organization is not only politically capable of designing a clear line, but it is
an organization that has the ability to carry out change by transferring the line to the
people and persuading them.
• The line penetrated the people and touched the ground because our organization is
full of cadres who are capable of inspiring, organizing and leading the people as an
• This cadre force does not only include those who are in the political field.
• Teachers, health and agricultural professionals engaged in activities to change the
population, forces that perform justice and security work, etc., are all included.
• If the government executive bodies at all levels had not already carried out their
mission of changing the country while serving at low salaries, it would not have been
possible to bring about the changes that Ethiopia has achieved in the last twenty-five
• One fundamental difference between Ethiopia and countries that have not left the
path of decline is the difference between making government power a country
building tool and not making it a tool to benefit the few or the majority.
• It was another key issue that determined the progress of the last twenty-five years
and the good results achieved by our company, which began to transform the huge
government power from its usual predatory behavior into a development force.
1.1.14 An organization that passed all tests with
maturity and perseverance, being a guided
reform journey,
• The fact that our country has come out of recession and progressed to rapid growth,
which has continued for a quarter of a century, is not because our company has not
faced any challenges along the way.
• Instead, he faced serious challenges as he moved from one phase to another.
• Some of the tests are external tests. Some of them originated from within himself.
Some of the tests were easy or moderate. And the rest had behavior that raised the
question of existence.
• Even the so-called simple and mild ones, many of them demanded the sacrifice of
life and if they were not resolved in the right way, they could have reached the point
of being a test of existence.
• And our company is an organization that has never existed without such challenges.
• It was an organization whose existence was not based on not being tested, but on
testing and solving and passing the tests with perseverance and maturity.
• Based on our company's long-term struggle and experience, there was no time
when we had to prepare and anticipate many of the problems.
• Based on this, it can be said that our company faced problems like any other
company, but it was and still is a company that has its own distinguishing feature of
solving problems with maturity and perseverance.
• It is based on this when we say that it is an organization that has the culture and
experience to achieve its goals by not kneeling down and persevering in a world
where many have given up.
• In our country, the phase of decline has been closed and continued growth has been
confirmed for a quarter of a century, because our organization had and has the ability
to solve problems with maturity, perseverance and public partisanship.
• In summary, our organization and its member organizations, as well as our
developmental government, are leaders of change who have been able to achieve
great results in all fields of life for the past twenty-five years.
• This is an issue that should never be hidden due to the number of problems we face.
1.1.15 A platform full of new challenges that we are
• Even today, rent collection is the challenge of the platform.
• Recognizing that our system is at risk of rent collection, we have fought against
rent collection for fourteen years since our reform process.
• At the same time, we have made the existing situation very favorable for
• Despite this basic issue, even today, weeds that are suitable for rent collection have
not been removed at all.
• In addition, due to the existing process and the holes created by the rent-collecting
forces themselves, there are not a few problems that serve as fertile soil for the
proliferation of rent-collecting trends and activities.
• Our own weaknesses have significantly contributed to the emergence and spread
of this negative trend.
• Because of this, rent collection, which is stronger than it was yesterday and beyond
yesterday, continues to be a challenge to the system.
• We have gone through a situation where when the anti-rent-collecting struggle
weakens, the tendency expands, and when the struggle strengthens, the tendency is
seen to decrease.
• Currently, due to the relative weakening of the anti-rentalism struggle seen in the
struggle for some years, the tendency has been strengthened and has been causing
damage in many fields.
• Realizing this, the people, our organization and the developmental government
should create a situation where the tendency can be controlled again.
• This can be confirmed by strengthening the struggle that started recently.
• When we say that rent-seeking is the main danger of our system, it is related to the
increase of people who use more than their fair share in our economy.
• If we are able to strengthen the fight against rent-seeking in our country, the results
we have achieved in the last twenty-five years will be preserved and strengthened
with new victories.
• Our economy can still grow rapidly and benefit the people.
• On the other hand, if we allow rent-seeking to get out of control, it will have the
opposite effect. By strengthening our developmental
democratic government, let us rely on rent-
• On this historic occasion, special attention should be given to the issue of clearing
our developmental government from any kind of weakness and completing its
• This is determined more than anything else by the right direction of our leading
organization and the people's ability to control the government and prevent it from
straying from its good direction.
• After twenty-five years of successful struggle, on the one hand, we must focus on
developing the democratic and developmental characteristics of our developmental
government, and on the other hand, we must persevere in fighting the trends of rent-
seeking at the government level.
• We have created accumulated positive potentials that did not exist before the start
of reform and if we use them properly, we have accumulated positive potentials that
will lead to greater growth and strength of our country, so we should harness and
use them properly for results.
• We must fight persistently while exposing all forms of narrow-mindedness,
arrogance and religious extremism that serve as shelters for rent-seeking, and free
the government led by our revolutionary democratic organization from this. Freeing our company from weakness lets
complete the mission!
• It is possible to properly evaluate the actual situation of the platform, identify good
opportunities and challenges, take advantage of the good opportunities, and solve
the challenges in the appropriate direction when our company provides qualified
leadership as in the past.
• Our company, which brought us here by leading the changes that took place in
power for a quarter of a century, is still working to move the country towards higher
• This, more than anything else, is determined by our ability and competence in
identifying and solving the problems that prevent our organization from fulfilling its
• In this regard, realizing that rent-seeking has weakened not only our society and
the system, but also a danger that tests our company, it is necessary to overcome this
with perseverance and ensure the overall leadership ability of our company while
achieving our mission.
• Although there are many challenges that our company faces due to rent collection,
the most difficult one is the use of power for the promotion of public rights and
interests or viewing power as a tool for personal prosperity.
• At this time when rent collection is not only the main thing, but it has become more
widespread and comparatively more difficult than before, this is the main problem
that prevents the desired results from coming in quality and at the right time in our
struggle in every field.
• Currently, the efforts to fight this problem are being carried out in a way that
involves not only the members, but also the people in many areas.
• In this fight, especially our members and the people are fighting boldly and openly
to raise all the problems they see and face.
• At the same time, although the level is different, it has been observed that there is
a possibility that the tendency and need for adjustment may increase.
• If we are able to keep this kind of demand from being drowned in any other kind
of problem, and if we fight with the spirit of struggle and people's mentality to
develop and bring about the change while involving the members and the people in
democratic platforms, then it is resolved without any doubt that we will create a
much better situation in a short time.
Through this, it can be confirmed that it will only be a matter of time to achieve our
sustainable goal at a reliable level, based on the past twenty-five years, the good
opportunities and challenges that have opened up in this process, as well as the
process by which our company has used these for the public and national benefit.
• If history is a witness for tomorrow, our organization EPRDF Meles is not an
organization that is "promising to disappear in a blink of an eye".
• Democratic based on diversity!
• Unity for our renaissance!!
1.የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየ
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Coverage) የ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ (Equity) የ
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Coverage)የ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ (Fair play
and Equity)የ የየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ
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የየየየየየ የየየ (Access and Coverage) የ የየየየየየ
የየየየየ የየየየየየ (Fair play and Equity) የ የየየየየ
የየየ የየየ የየየ?
1.1 በበበበበ በበበበበበበ በበበበ በበበበበ
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የየየየየየ የየ?
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የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ!" የየ የየየ የየየየየ
የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ
የየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየ?
የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየ
የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ
የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ
የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ
የየየየየየ የየየየየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ
የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ
የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየ
የየየየየ የየ የየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ
የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ
የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ
የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየ
የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየየየ
የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ
1.2 በበበበ በበበበ በበበበበበ በበ በበበበበበበ
በበበበ በበበበበ በበበበበ በበበበ በበበበበበበ
በበበ በበበ በበበ በበ" በበበ በበበበበበ
የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየየየየ የየየ
የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ
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የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየ
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የየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ
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የየየየየ የየ የየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ
የየየየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ
የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ
የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ
የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ
የየየየየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ
የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ
የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ
የየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ
የየየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ
የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ
የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ? የየየየየ የየየ
የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ
የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየየየ
 የየየየ ሃያ ሰባት የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ
(Golden Age) የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ
የየየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ
የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየ
የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ" የየየ የየየ የየየ
 የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ
የየየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ
የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየ (Access and Coverage)የ
የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ (Equity)የ የየየየየየ
የየየ የየ (Quality) (የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ
የየየየ የየ የየየየየ)የ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ
(Efficiency) የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ
የየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ
የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ
የየየየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ
 የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየ
የየየ የየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ
የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ
የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ
የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ
የየየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ
የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ
የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ
የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ
የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ
የየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ
የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ
የየየየየየ (የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ)የ የየየየየ የየየየ
የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ
(የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ)የ የየየየ የየየየየ
የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየ
የየየየየየ (የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ) የየየየየ የየየ
የየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየ
(Dark Age) የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ
የየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ
የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ
የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየየየየየየ የየየ የየ
የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ 24 የየ የ2013 የ.የ የየየ የየየየ
የየየ (የየየየ) የየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ
የየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ
የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ
የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ
የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ
የየየ የየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ
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የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየ-የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ
የየየ የየየየየየየየየ የ 50/70 የየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ
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 የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ "የየየ የየየየ
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 የየየ የየየ የየየ የየ የየየ የየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየ
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 የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየ የየ የየየየ
የየየየየ የየየየየየ
 የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ
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የየየየየየየ የየየ… የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ
 የየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ
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 የየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ
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የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየየ
 የየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየየ
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የየየየየ የየየየየየየየ
 የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየ
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1.3 የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ
የየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየ የየየየየየየ
 የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየ 1983 የ.የ የየየየየየየየ
የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ
 የየየየ የየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየ
የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ "የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ
የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ
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1.3.1 የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ
የየየየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየ
 በበበበ በበበ በበበበበበበ በበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበበበበ
 የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ
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የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ
 የየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ
የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ
 የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየየ
የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የ5.5 የየየ የየየየየ የየየ
የየየየየ የየየየየየየ
 የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ
የ10 የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየየየ
 የየየ የየየ የየ/የ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ
15 የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ
 የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ
የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ
የየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የ25 የየየየ የየየየየ የ8
የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ
 የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ
የየየ የየየ የየየየ
 የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ
የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ…
የየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ
 የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ
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የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ
 የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየ
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የየየየየ የየየየ
 የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየ
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የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የ10.6
የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ
 የየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየ
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 የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየ/የ የየ የ136የ የየየ
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የ544የ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ
 የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየ የየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየየ
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 የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ
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 የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ
የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ
የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ
 የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የ73 የየየየ
የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የ2006 የየ 278 የየየየ
የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየየ
 የየየየየ የየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ
የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ
የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ
 የየየየ የየ/የ የየየየ 12 የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ
የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ
የየየየየየየየየ የየየየየየየ
 የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ
የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየየ
የየየየ የየየየየየ
 የየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ
የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ
የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ… የየየየየየ
 የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ
የየየየየየ የየየየየየ
 የየ የየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየ የየየየ
የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ
 የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየ የየ
የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ
የየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየ
የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየ
የየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ
የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ በበበበበ በበበ በበበበበ በበበበበበ
በበ በበበ በበበ
 የየየ የየየየ የ60 የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ
የየ የየየ የየየየየ 2.1 የየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየ
የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ
የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የ4 የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ
 የየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የ2.1 የየየየ
የየየየ 28 የየየየ የየየየየየ
 የየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ 30 የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ
የየየ የየ የየየየየየ
 የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየየየ
የየየየየ የየየየየ የ45 የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ
የየየየ የየየየየየ
1.3.2 በበ/በ በበበ በበ/በበ በበበበበበ በበበ
 የ1983 የ.የ 127 የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የ2007
የ.የ የ1085 የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ 92.8%
 የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ (የ1-8የ) የ1983 የ.የ 161
የየየየየየ የየየ የ/የየየ የየየየ የየየ የ2007 የ.የ
የ795 የየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየ 103% የየየየየየ
 የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የ1983 የ.የ የየ/የየየ የየየ
42 የየየየ የየየ የ2007 የ.የ የ2የ የየየ የ/የየየ
የየየየየ የየየ የ308 የየየ የየየየየየ
 TVET የየየየየየ 10 የየየየየ 22 የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ
የየየ የየየ 69 የየየየየ 282 የየየየየ የየየየ
የየየየየየየ የ100የ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ
የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየየየ
 የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ
የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ
የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ
የየየየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየ
የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየ
 የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየ
የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ
የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየየ
የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየየ
 የየየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ
የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ
የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ
የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ
የየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየ
 የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ
የየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ
የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ
 የ1982 የ.የ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የ45 የየየ የየየ
የየየየየ የየየየየ የ64 የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ
1.3.3 በበ/በ በበበ በበበ በበበበበበ
 የ1983 የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ 12 የየየየ የየየ
የየየየ የየየ 86የ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየ
የየየ የ1983 የ.የ 18 የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ
የየየየየ የየየ 49 የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ
የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየየ
 የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ 5 የየ 8 የየየ
የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየ
የየየየ የየ የየየየየየየ በበበበበበበ በበበ በበበ በበበበበ
በበበበበበበ በበ በበበ በበበበ
 የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ
የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየ
 የየየየ “የየየየየየ የየ የየ የየየ የየየየ” የየየየ የየየ
የየየየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ
 የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ
የየየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየ
የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ
 የ1990የየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየ
የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ
የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ
የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየየ
የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ
 የየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ
የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ
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የየየየየ የየየየየ
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Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx
Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx

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Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership.docx

  • 1. Comparative study of UK Leadership with Africa Countries Leadership. EPRDF Party versus Prosperity Party Western leadership regularly resigns vs Africa leadership has no accountability and responsibility in their bad governance October 2022
  • 2. Synopsis An Assessment of EPRDF Party versus Prosperity Party and the article also include comparative study of foreign parliamentary provision of power, i.e., Comparative study of UK leadership with Africa countries leadership. In general Western leadership regularly resigns versus Africa leadership has no accountability and responsibility in their bad governance. They are seen as leaders who want to stay in power in a coup d'état, kill, persecute, oppress their people, leave them in poverty, etc. the first part of the article is about EPRDF Party versus Prosperity Party the second part of the article is logical reasoning and hasty general conclusions in 21st century logic, When you present an issue and provide your audience with a logical reasoning, premises and hasty generalization / conclusion; and based on a stable and unshakable or strategic decision-making based on a solid foundation. The third part of the article also, It is observed that the leadership of the Western world is regularly resigning; African leaders should take responsibility for any crimes they have committed in their bad governance; they have no accountability!! The education and training I had been doing for twenty-five years was a success; Or failure is seen when we can clearly say what we did, and what we didn't do. I leave the other topics to those who deserve responsibility and accountability; … I leave the other atrocity and cruel topics to those who deserve to inherit them. But let's take a look at what I wrote about my career as a supporter when I was doing teaching and education, training, Silver Jubilee special (25 years) service period, I also used reference articles to make it a fugitive. As far as globalization is concerned, competition is also international. Therefore, my question is what has Ethiopia achieved or lost in the Millennium Development Plan and Goals? Is that Status of Millennium Development Goals in Ethiopia? In the fourth place: - To summarize, what was our performance in education and training in the last 30 years? …………………………………………………………………………….
  • 3. Table of Contentes Synopsis............................................................... 2 1. Africa leadership has no accountability and responsibility in their bad governance ........... 1 1.1 "The phase of decline is closed, the phase of growth. ........................................................................1 1.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................1 1.1.1 "After twenty-five years, the new situation we have created through our struggle has reached a point where it can be seen all over the country." It was. ...............................................7 1.1.2 Regarding access to health in the city .............................................................................14 1.1.3 Where democracy has become a reality twenty five years,...........................................17 1.1.4 Twenty-five years of good governance that contributed greatly to halting the decline; 18 1.1.5 Twenty-five years in which the process of creating a national consensus developed; 19 1.1.6 Where our regional and international relations are developed a quarter of a century. 21 1.1.7 Twenty-five years of our victories Cumulative implications; .......................................24 1.1.8 The fact that the change is the result of the executive power of the right leadership and the direction of execution;.........................................................................................................26 1.1.9 A strong ideological organization it’s the journey he led. .............................................26 1.1.10 An organization whose political competence is proven the fact that he led the movement; .........................................................................................................................................27 1.1.11 The fact that the organization whose ability to organize and motivate the people has been proven is the change that he led..............................................................................................29 1.1.12 An organization whose political competence is proven the fact that he led the movement; .........................................................................................................................................30 1.1.13 The fact that the organization whose ability to organize and motivate the people has been proven is the change that he led..............................................................................................31 1.1.14 An organization that passed all tests with maturity and perseverance, being a guided reform journey, .................................................................................................................................32 1.1.15 A platform full of new challenges that we are on;..........................................................33 1. የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየ .......................... 38 1.1 በበበበበ በበበበበበበ በበበበ በበበበበ በበበበ በበበበበበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበ በበበ በበበ?.........................................................................................................................................41 1.2 በበበበ በበበበ በበበበበበ በበ በበበበበበበ በበበበ በበበበበ በበበበበ በበበበ በበበበበበበ በበበ በበበ በበበ በበ" በበበ በበበበበበ............................................................42 1.3 የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየ የየየየየየየ.........47 1.3.1 የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየ 48
  • 4. 1.3.2 በበ/በ በበበ በበ/በበ በበበበበበ በበበ ...................................................................52 1.3.3 በበ/በ በበበ በበበ በበበበበበ በበበበበበ ...............................................................54 1.3.4 በበበበበበበ በበበ በበበ በበበበበ በበበ በበበበበበ በበ በበበበ በበበበበ .57 1.3.5 በበበበበበበ በበበ በበበበበ በበበበ በበበበበበ በበበበበ በበበበ በበበበበበ በበበበበበ በበ በበበበ በበበበበ.................................................................................................59 1.3.6 በበበበበበ በበበ በበበበ በበበበበበበ በበበበበበ በበ በበበ በበበበ.............64 1.3.7 በበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበበበበ በበበ በበበበበበ...................................................69 1.3.8 በበበ በበበበበበ በበበበ በበበ በበበበ በበበበበበ በበበበ በበበ በበበበ.......71 1.3.9 በበበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበ በበበበ.................72 1.3.10 በበበበበ በበበ በበበበበበበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበበበበበ በበበበ ..................73 1.3.11 በበበበበበበ በበበበ በበበበበበ በበበ በበበበበበበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበበ በበበበ 75 1.3.12 በበበበበበ በበ በበበበበበ በበበበ በበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበበበበ በበ በበበበ........80 1.3.13 በበበበ በበበበበ በበበበበ በበበበ በበ በበበበበ በበበበበበ..............................82 1.3.14 በበበበ በበበበበበበ በበበበበበበ በበበበበበ በበበ በበበበበበበ በበበበበበ..84 1.3.15 በበበበበበበ በበበበበ በበበበበ በበበበበበ በበበበበ!..........................................85 2. Logical reasoning and hasty general conclusions in 21st century logic.................... 88 2. የ21የየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየየየ ..................................... 98 3. በበበበበ በበበ በበበበ በበበበበ በበበበበበበ በበበ በበበበበበበ በበበበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበበበበበበበ በበ በበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበበበበ በበበበበ በበበበበበ በበበበበ! ........................................................... 111 3 It is observed that the leadership of the Western world is regularly resigning; African leaders should take responsibility for any crimes they have committed in their bad governance; they have no accountability! ...................................................... 119 3. 1 Western leadership is regularly seen resigning due to accountability; ..........................................119 4 To summarize, what was our performance in education and training in the last 30 years?................................................. 126 4.1 የየየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ 30 የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየ?..........................................................................................................................................126
  • 5. 1
  • 6. 1 1.Africa leadership has no accountability and responsibility in their bad governance 1.1 "The phase of decline is closed, the phase of growth is opened, a quarter-century journey!" When I heard a report submitted by the former ruling party, I decided to see what was done and what was not done and inform the readers. I was very interested in this report comparing it to the regime of the day, and I felt compelled to write more to help with research. ……………………………………………………………………………. 1.1 Introduction It is a known the fact that King Emperor Haile Selassie was exiled from his country by fascist invaders. Therefore, when the king returns from exile to his country in victory and governs; one of the good things his Excellency did was to establish the African Union in our capital, Addis Ababa. Therefore, it is known that meetings were held in the capital. Therefore, the agendas discussed by the member countries when they meet will present a report on social, economic and political developments. Therefore, it is known that the Union countries present during the meeting are generally colonized. When the report was submitted, when they presented the level they had reached in terms of access and coverage, education distribution and equity, the number of people who said they had entered school to study was extremely low. Reports say that the king himself was disappointed. It was only after the King was shocked by the
  • 7. 2 report that improvements and changes were coming in our country's access and coverage, fair play and equity. What I wanted readers to understand is to show documents from our history on the progress of education and training in our country. I want to understand whether the colonial rulers' thoughts and actions were correct or not. What we can learn from their history is that the speech of at hand foreign Minister, such as the writer, "Tshafi Tizaze" Aklilu Hubtewold, who presented the differences between Ethiopia and Eritrea to the audience in Geneva, will be a historical document that will be read and regretted by future generations. Going back to our recent history, I have it as follows. What benefit has the African Union brought to the continent's economic, social, and political background? It is appropriate to answer the question. It is an open secret that the British voted against the European Union and decided to leave the European Union in a referendum. When we leave theirs and come to the African Union, it is only to establish the union, but not to stop civil war, death of citizens, migration, poverty reduction, human rights violations. On the contrary, when tyrants go to Addis Ababa or other African countries for meetings, they are not seen doing their job properly, but to have fun and commit adultery. Therefore, the fact that there are days left to start the third year of the civil war going on in our country and the silence itself will put the union in a question mark just like the British. In this opinion, I share his opinion just like the experienced person politician Professor Merra Gudina said that it will not bring any solution.
  • 8. 3 Not to be blamed by history. Now in our country's schools, colleges, technical and vocational institution, universities in education and training Access and Coverage, distribution and Equity, have their numbers increased or decreased? How many education and training institutions are closed due to the civil war in each region? A region is separated from the country's infrastructure by prohibition and sanctions, not only education and training but all services are cut off, a full-scale war has been waged against them, even the country's army is seen as an inhospitable surroundings of war, and the local forest and wild animals are disappearing. Why is there no accountability on the bodies that are set in tyranny to carry out all the atrocities? I have worked for my country as a teacher, so the question I am asking is, what kind of students attended/learned in the school/ institute or school coverage? What is the rate of training in our training institutes? How many educational and training institutions were built? To answer my question, I was in the process of collecting education and training resources by any means. I thank my God that I have never done a job in my life that says how many rebels have been destroyed. Therefore, this government should give us back the amount of destruction, the amount of death, the amount of displacement, the amount of human rights violations, etc. of the country that we have built. When will he stop the endless civil war? That's what I'm asking. Those who finish the poor child do not march themselves; the slogan of those who came out with the slogan "Say it, cut it, cut it off" is "There are no two armed forces in one country; and let the terrorist
  • 9. 4 government of Tigray disarm!" My question is, what do you call the arms of the Tigray regional government? Will all your regional governments disarm? When we were working together to build a country, I was against the ruling party. They themselves believed in the problems of good governance, rent-seeking, nepotism, brink manship, servility, racism, etc. It was wrong that they were recruiting mainly on the basis of organizational membership criteria and assigning them by authority. Instead, transparency, accountability and popular choice or election come to power. Therefore, what I was saying was that the person with the knowledge should be assigned to the right place and work. Or the right person at the right place. Therefore, it is the incompetent emissaries, the representatives of their national region or their race, who have allowed the country to go in the wrong direction, and they are leading the country in the wrong direction from which we will never return. The term you used when the report was submitted, the decline chapter is closed; it was a quarter-century journey in which the development phase was opened. Don't make me a beneficiary of the former ruling party. Let me go Tighten your loins there. As an employee of the government, I studied at Addis Ababa University, which is said to be the largest in the country, and Kotebe Education University. When I was studying, I did my diploma, my degree, and my master's at my own expense; but I want to tell you that it is not by the government. Even so, what the previous ruling party did and what they did and what they didn't do, and what the current
  • 10. 5 ruling party did, what they didn't do, what they didn't do, mainly from the point of view of national peace. Of course, there is no doubt that the current rulers were emissaries from the previous rulers. As you know, it is true that only a few members of the opposition political party have now come to power in the ruling party who are playing criminals. These are the same people who have twisted the hand of the government and said they have cut the country. To be balanced, I want to write, not because the ruling party at the time prevented me from benefiting; did they confirm the interest of the majority or not? Information is needed to answer that question. Therefore, I present an informed report and my own opinion as follows. • The last twenty-seven years, the country was in the Golden Age, that is, when others were growing; not everything is smooth sailing. The process of decline we have been on has been stopped. Instead, there were years that showed that we were going on a journey of progress and democracy." • In these years, when a fundamental change of direction has been implemented by any standard, in terms of access and coverage of education and training, education distribution and equity, quality of education (although there are flaws, a lot of work has been done), internal efficiency of the education system. (Efficiency) I added my support to the report to show that we had an excellent performance. I say that it is easy to talk about information because the above-mentioned requirements for education and training are information gathering.
  • 11. 6 • The report by the ruling party was not false that the main thing of their achievements was that they were implementing their developmental democratic direction hand in hand with his various social bases. • Measured by any standard, there are strengths that have been seen in these years where a fundamental change of direction has been implemented; it is true that there are flaws too. Some of the problems are the country's current leadership crisis and the former weak leaders who are taking the country down the wrong path and now they are closer to opposition and say let's destroy it instead of reconciliation. But the greed that has been done in the past is election fraud, getting into the problem of not being progression, the succession leadership not working properly (lack of a plan to produce a succession), seeing the opposition political parties with true national ideals as enemies (the fact that they are still strengthening), the problem seen by all parties is not for the country, but only for their organizations and their personal interests. The fact that esurience, avaricious, greedy (Termism is still strong). For this reason, our journey from the golden age; it is appropriate to waste time in order not to lead us to the Dark Age. Therefore, if the war going on in Tigray, other or Oromia, as well as Benshangul Gumz region etc does not stop and the war criminals are not held accountable, continuous development in our country will never be considered. The proof here is that since October 24, 2013 E.C, a region (Tigray) has been involved in a bloody civil war to completely separate itself from its mother country. It is not seen that members sitting in the country's parliament are condemning this
  • 12. 7 mistake. When they were elected by the people, as people's representatives, they should oppose the opening of a civil war against their own people; On the contrary, they cut the people and make them go away. They say that our sovereignty has been violated when the international community condemns it. When Eritrea carried out the invasion of the angry country of the debtor. By watching in silence, they have endangered not only the security and sovereignty of our country, but also the lives of poor Eritreans. Our country, Ethiopia, is called a country that lived in freedom. It has become a country without its borders. Our border has become a country without freedom. Sudan has invaded the internal territory of 50/70 kilometers along the Ethiopian border. It is impossible to think that there will be peace 1.1.1 "After twenty-five years, the new situation we have created through our struggle has reached a point where it can be seen all over the country." It was. • Although the struggle is still in its early stages, judging by the progress made so far, it can be said that the result is unquestionably positive. • On the other hand, there are various negative situations created during the struggle.
  • 13. 8 • The spread of rent-seeking, lack of good governance, lack of development in the ideological and political capacity of our developmental and democratic organization and government, etc., have become tangible limitations. • Because of this, the twenty-fifth silver jubilee celebration should be considered as an opportunity to stop and look at ourselves, and presented the scope of the problem. • This article was prepared on this historical occasion, and based on the fundamental activities and changes recorded in the last quarter of a century, it analyzes the main existing and conscious conditions that are mainly related to the level we have reached. • Based on the results recorded by our party in the last twenty five years, it indicates the implications of these for our future struggle. • In order to be able to do this, let's start by looking at the conditions of the new Ethiopia, starting from the level we have reached. After twenty-five years of struggle, the main facts of the new Ethiopia; • Our country, Ethiopia, has gone through a continuous process of struggle and change since it was freed from a dictatorial regime on May 20, 1983 E.C. • If we want to briefly describe the results of the struggle that took place in the last quarter of a century, it can be summed up as "on the one hand,
  • 14. 9 we have created a country that is very hopeful and exciting, and on the other hand, there are problems and challenges that are seen as threats." The phase of decline is closed and the phase of growth A quarter century since its opening; • Twenty-five years of rapid and popular growth; • Although Ethiopia was a land of great civilizations, it was a country that went through a continuous process of decline for about five centuries. • This phase continued until the collapse of the Derg and was able to close with the continuous and rapid growth seen for twenty-five years. • According to this, Ethiopia traveled with an average growth rate of 5.5 percent for the first twelve years under the leadership of EPRDF. • During the next thirteen years of reform, it recorded an average annual growth rate of 10 percent. • In this, the average economic growth rate of the city has reached 15 percent. • The rapid growth of Ethiopia, which continued for a total of twenty-five years, has safely pushed the downward trend that has been widespread in the country and replaced it with an average of 8 percent annual rapid growth for 25 years. • The real progress in Ethiopia is a change in all areas of life.
  • 15. 10 • It is a change that happened in all fields of economy, politics, social development, image of Ethiopia, national consensus, international relations etc. • No less than the coverage of the sector, the geographical coverage is in the orbit of change, from rural to urban, from the center of the country to the border areas. • Seen from this point of view, the change brought about by our developmental democratic line implemented under the leadership of our revolutionary democratic organization was deep, basic and wide-ranging. • The reform line was designed and not only free from the influence of neo-liberalism, but also based on a complete development mindset. For the first period, there was an average growth of 10.6 percent. • Although many countries have been experiencing continuous rapid growth, it is safe to say that there is a country that has achieved continuous double-digit growth for almost fourteen years. • More than 136,000 houses were built and handed over in the integrated housing development program in 2018 alone, and in this program, more than 544,000 citizens started to live comfortably. • The victory recorded in our country was not only rapid but also equitable or qualitative development.
  • 16. 11 • Relying on the fact that the main source of wealth in rural areas is the labor and land of the farmers, great efforts have been made to develop this. • We have shown that the rural areas of our country will be the battlegrounds where poverty is buried by ensuring the farmers' right to free use of the produce and by providing the necessary professional assistance for the development. • Agricultural production increased from 73 million quintals to 278 million quintals in 2006. • Due to the development of various economic sectors in the cities, and especially the development of small and micro establishments, public benefits have increased. • Thus, in the last 12 consecutive years, more than one million citizens have been created job opportunities in permanent and temporary fields. • The population living below the poverty line in both urban and rural areas has decreased significantly and the annual per capita income has been continuously growing. • Benefits that cannot be expressed in the form of direct financial income, especially the opportunity to benefit from education, health, infrastructure services, etc., have expanded. • A society that breathes the air of peace has been built free from war
  • 17. 12 • Just like the countryside, our cities are in the orbit of rapid economic growth from end to end. From this, it is possible to conclude that the new Ethiopia is a land of development, but this development is not only wide and deep compared to any other country, but based on the quality of thinking and the ability of our company to implement it, it is possible to realize that it is highly promising. • Social development is widespread and decline is prevented A quarter of a century • When the Derg fell, only 2.1 million of the 60 million people were in regular schools. As a result, in the years leading up to the collapse of the Derg, no more than 4 percent of the society had the opportunity to learn. • In the last twenty five years, the number of students has increased from 2.1 million to 28 million. • Today, up to 30 percent of our population is in school. • It owns hundreds of colleges and technical and vocational training institutions, as well as more than 45 universities. • In terms of access to schools in the city • In 1983, there were 127 kindergarten institutions, and in 2007, there were more than 1085, and the total participation was 92.8%.
  • 18. 13 • Primary education (grades 1-8) in 1983 E.C, there were 161 primary schools, and in 2007, there were more than 795. Package participation reached 103%. • The number of secondary schools in 1983 E.C, was 42, and in 2007 E.C, the number of secondary schools, including preparatory schools, reached more than 308. • TVET has been opened in 10 colleges and 22 secondary institutions in the government and 69 colleges and 282 secondary institutions in the private sector, and more than 100,000 trainees have attended vocational training at various levels. • Our health development activity, which focuses on prevention and also aims at expanding various health facilities that help in the treatment of medically curable diseases, has not only achieved the goals of the century, but also ensured the widespread benefit of our people. • Mainly by promoting preventive education and building health facilities, it was possible to control most of the diseases that are known to be deadly in our country. • Since the government trained and deployed from extension workers to senior doctors in a special way, by expanding the construction of medical facilities and the supply of medicines, we were able to go beyond achieving the goals of the century in the field of health and ensure broad- based public benefit.
  • 19. 14 • Mothers and children in general, the majority of Ethiopians who were vulnerable to violence, have reached the point of benefiting from better health development than ever before. • In 1982 E.C, the average life expectancy rose from 45 years to an average of 64 years. ………. 1.1.2 Regarding access to health in the city • In 1983, there were 12 health centers and now there are 86. In terms of hospitals, including those under the federal government, there were 18 in 1983 and now there are more than 49 including private ones. Accordingly, the construction of a 5- and 8-floor modern general medical building has been completed and work has started in all the five hospitals. Infrastructure on the decline journey A quarter of a century of expansion; • Our company started expanding infrastructure even when it was at a low financial and implementation capacity. • He continued this by fighting against the neo-liberal idea that "the role of the government should be reduced".
  • 20. 15 • In the field of infrastructure, the government started to take decisive action the day after it came to power, but the same work continued even more strongly after the beginning of the reform era. • Since the beginning of the 1990s, after the reform movement and the development line designed through it, the development of the infrastructure network in Ethiopia has been greatly expanded, mainly based on developmental thinking and logic. • Since this time, infrastructure development has been carried out to eradicate rent-seeking on the one hand, and to build a political economy conducive to development on the other. • According to this, most of our national budget has been used for the expansion of the infrastructure network. • Since the beginning of the 1990s, after the reform movement and the development line designed through it, the development of the infrastructure network in Ethiopia has been greatly expanded, mainly based on developmental thinking and logic. • Since this time, infrastructure development has been carried out to eradicate rent-seeking on the one hand, and to build a political economy conducive to development on the other. • According to this, most of our national budget has been used for the expansion of the infrastructure network.
  • 21. 16 • The construction of modern infrastructure, which started on a large scale in the first years of reform in Ethiopia, has been strengthened in the form of mega projects since the first development and transformation plan. • The projects started from the Great Renaissance Dam to the development of railways show that our country is moving beyond easing the infrastructure debt of today and yesterday to expanding the infrastructure network that will support tomorrow's growth. • The infrastructural service which is providing great support to the people's developmental efforts from rural to urban areas in Ethiopia has completely changed the low expansion of the infrastructure which was confined only to the cities where rulers live and has started to benefit the people. • From this point of view, it is not far from reality to say that the last quarter of a century was the one in which Ethiopia closed the period of decline and replaced it with rapid growth. • From the point of view of our city, Addis Ababa had only 5.5% of road coverage during the collapse of the Derg, ie 514 km/m of asphalt and 989 km/m of gravel roads, and now it has reached 21%. • By increasing the production capacity of 600 thousand cubic meters per day through water supply 94% coverage of clean drinking water has been achieved.
  • 22. 17 1.1.3 Where democracy has become a reality twenty five years, • Our country is a country that has been living under scattered feudal administrations for several centuries. • Even after the establishment of a centralized unitary government, it has been governed in an anti-democratic manner. • After the military dictatorship of the Derg government came to power, the anti-democratic regime reached its peak and brought the country to the brink of disintegration. • They were forced to take up arms because they did not have the democratic right to get rid of this terrible oppression. • After the people of Ethiopia conducted a successful armed struggle under the leadership of EPRDF and put the power in their hands, the era of political oppression was completely removed. • In our country, after the struggle for democracy, the rights of citizens and communities have been respected. • The democratic rights that have been given full attention since the interim government of EPRDF , which was in power for one month after the collapse of the Derg, continued to be fully respected, first in the charter and then in the constitution. • Rights ranging from individual to group rights are recognized and protected by law. • In our constitution, individual rights to express ideas, oppose or support, organize, move from place to place, live, protect from physical harm, etc. are respected.
  • 23. 18 • Communities defined as groups are also endowed with complete equality. Ethnic groups, religions, women, workers, children, disabled people and other communities have had their group rights denied. • It has been confirmed that the sovereign power of the country belongs to the people and the power of the government is derived from the free vote of the people. • The unitary government that was built in a centralized way in the country for centuries was destroyed and a decentralized federal administration was built in the last twenty five years. • Ethiopia, believing that its continued existence can only be maintained if it treats its citizens and people with respect, the democracy that has been implemented has ended the country's solid public unity. • A firm foundation has been laid for the elimination of oppression based on religion, ethnicity, gender, or other forms. 1.1.4 Twenty-five years of good governance that contributed greatly to halting the decline; • For centuries, the good governance in Ethiopia was not the benefit of the people, but the economic development was aggravating harm and abuse. • In the past twenty-five years, the national change movement led by our company has actually traveled a long distance, regardless of its limitations, to implement all the requirements of good governance. • Our goal of building a constitutional democratic system and issuing new laws was to build a society where the rule of law prevails.
  • 24. 19 • In the past, our laws were designed to focus on the interests of the people, so the main focus of our work to ensure the rule of law was to enhance the rights and benefits of the people as well as their participation. • The efforts made to build an efficient and effective administrative system to ensure the benefit of the public were carried out in order to overcome the problem of good governance that has been the challenge of survival in our country. • In the past quarter of a century, the process of decline that we have been traveling through for centuries was stopped and Ethiopia was able to implement a modern and democratic system of governance, where a hard struggle was fought and unprecedented good results were seen. • From this point of view, when we celebrate the silver jubilee of the change in May this year, it is not difficult to prove that our country has indeed walked the path of progress in all fields for twenty-five years. 1.1.5 Twenty-five years in which the process of creating a national consensus developed; • There is no doubt that in the first years when Ethiopia took a new direction, there were serious differences and skepticism in the political landscape of our country. • There was little fear that the disintegration of the country would be inevitable during the transitional period when the EPRDF stated that it wanted to build a unity based on democracy by eliminating ethnic oppression. • In the past twenty-five years, Ethiopia's ability to manage the majority in a democratic way and the mutual trust that this has created in the majority of its people, has gradually reduced the doubts and fears that existed in the early years. • It has been shown in practice that communities whose rights are respected cannot take a better option than living together.
  • 25. 20 • On top of this, the decentralized federal administration has paved the way for all the people to benefit from the grace they have and to develop a positive attitude towards the federal system. • All the regions are growing at their own pace, but the assistance provided by the government to compensate for the uneven growth caused by the difference in capacity, especially the developing communities in the Dar region, has made them connect to each other with a greater Ethiopian rope than ever before. • On top of this, the expansion of the social and economic infrastructure that connects the country from end to end and the opportunity to use this not separately but jointly, made it possible to strengthen the national rope based on democracy with a strong economic and infrastructure network. • This right, which began to be celebrated twenty-five years ago, has contributed to a significant level of eradicating the doubt that "disintegration is inevitable" that has been prevalent among the elite of society for several years. • Due to this, the number of people who doubt that the EPRDF has the ability to protect not only the country's peace, democracy and development but also its democratic unity has decreased. • With the practical and educational works done in the last twenty five years, a better national consensus is being created among the people of our country on various basic issues than ever before. • There is a comparatively better understanding that our constitution is a guarantee of democracy and peace, justice and equality. • There is a common consensus that the system to be built should be a market and that people should have a legal guarantee of working and using it.
  • 26. 21 • On top of this, there is a general common understanding that poverty and backwardness are our main enemies, and therefore we need to develop quickly and ensure public benefits. • There is an understanding that the rule of law must be respected and that all citizens are equal before the law, at least as a starting point for communication. • Here, both existing and new system problems related to the rapid development have been almost universally agreed upon. • It has become a belief that citizens should expand their rights and interests through peaceful means and negotiation instead of violence. • As it is expected that a better national consensus has been created around these basic issues than ever, but this is not built on a solid foundation of political economy. • People who accept that rent collection is bad are seen to share this tendency to a lesser extent. • A society that has accepted the rule of law and peaceful struggle, occasionally moves to achieve its needs through force and conflict. • Especially when our leadership does not lead in a competent way and does not lead us in the direction of development and democracy, even the issues where we have gone a long way in terms of national consensus tend to go backwards. • In the past quarter of a century, Ethiopia has become a country that has created a relatively better national consensus around many basic questions. 1.1.6 Where our regional and international relations are developed a quarter of a century. • Our international relations are one of the areas where significant changes have been recorded in the years since Ethiopia started to follow a new direction.
  • 27. 22 • From close neighbors to distant countries, from corrupt governments to superpowers, the international relations that we have built have been increasingly accepted and have made our country's friends happy. • Ethiopia's diplomacy should not be based on finding a foreign enemy, but instead, accepting that poverty and backwardness are our main enemies, it has become governed and guided by a policy designed to eliminate these through public efforts. • The foreign relations policy and direction we were guided by was not looking from the outside in. • It was not based on longing for an unnecessary conflict that could be triggered because of religion or our Trans-boundary rivers. • Our foreign relations activity is based on our struggle to eradicate poverty and backwardness in the country. • Anyone who advances our anti-poverty and backwardness struggle is seen as friendly and we have a strong relationship, on the other hand, the relationship that hinders our anti-poverty and backwardness struggle is treated with superimposed hostility. • Our international relations, which were built on this clear public foundation, we were very careful not to make mistakes that would lead to the deterioration of relations on the part of Ethiopia. • On the other hand, the direction of our foreign relations based on a strong public and national interest and perspective allowed Ethiopia to be more accepted than ever and to expand its national interests. • This can be confirmed by the good relations we have established with the whole of Africa, from our immediate neighbors, and by the contribution we have made to world peace and the good perspective we have built.
  • 28. 23 • Unlike the old "fight over bread" era of our closest neighbors; we have created a relationship where they realize that Ethiopia can be the source of their peace, development and benefit. • With the exception of the Eritrean government, the good relations we have established with neighboring countries from Somalia to Kenya, from North Sudan to South Sudan and Djibouti were based on the goodwill of our country. • Countries and peoples who accept that Ethiopia is a country that reaches out to their problems and is a firm partner have increased. • This is a great victory for Ethiopian diplomacy. • Above all else, Ethiopia's efforts to not be a burden on anyone else has resulted in rapid and beneficial development for the people, making it a good example for Africans. • Ethiopia, which was a source of pride for all Africans in the brilliant Adwa victory over colonial rulers a hundred years ago, has begun to be seen as a successful economic model at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. • On this, Africa Whenever our people are in trouble, she has been able to be the front runner. • From Rwanda to Burundi, from Somalia to Liberia, from South Sudan to North Sudan, she arrived before anyone else and played a key role in making the countries free from conflict and stable. • On top of this, being a leading participant in activities such as NEPAD and the African renaissance, combined with her advocacy centered on the rights and interests of Africans in the world arena, enabled our country to gain the sincere support and love of Africans.
  • 29. 24 • This is a great diplomatic victory that Ethiopia has achieved in the last twenty five years. • Being ready to act on the principle of mutual benefit with Africans, being able to create better relations even with governments that have traditionally looked at it as enemies with the foresight in energy development and the use of its transboundary rivers. • By our organization and the developmental government led by it, putting the rights and interests of Ethiopia and Africa at the center above all else, by preventing the historical mistakes made in this regard from being corrected and from being repeated, instead of these, great efforts have been made for the international community to cooperate with us Africans in a sincere spirit for its own sake. • Through this effort, Ethiopia maintained its independence from both existing and new domains and was not an agent of anyone, thus proving that it is a reliable partner in standing up for common fair interests, and was able to establish good relations with all the superpowers. • All of this shows that in the past quarter of a century, we have been able to build a country that prioritizes love and cooperation with everyone in international relations, and at the same time, we have been able to expand our benefits. 1.1.7 Twenty-five years of our victories Cumulative implications; • First of all, the fact that the country has risen steadily from a low level shows that it has built a competitive image at the international level. • In the age of globalization, all countries can remain stable only if they follow the path of development.
  • 30. 25 • The fact that Ethiopia is moving forward not only through development but also through rapid development makes it a country that can withstand the wave of globalization at a better level. • The fact that the country is on the path of development and democracy in all fields will give it a much better starting point to withstand the wave of globalization. • In the past twenty-five years, Ethiopia has followed a development path based on the development of agriculture and natural resources, especially the small farmers' fields, which has given it many other benefits. • After a quarter of a century of efforts, the country has successfully mastered the phase of primary capital accumulation. • Primary capital accumulation is a phase where the ability to create and accumulate large-scale capital required for industrial development is built. • On the other hand, this phase is the phase where it is possible to provide a large- scale labor force that wants and is ready to engage in manufacturing, leaving the field of rural agriculture. • The fact that our agriculture has started to show better productivity than ever and that this can be sustained, on the one hand it provides the capital required for development, and on the other hand it enables us to provide labor force employed in the manufacturing field, is the grace of the development that has been carried out in Ethiopia for twenty five years. • But this is not the only good fortune created by Ethiopia's progress for twenty-five years. • It has started producing a large number of educated manpower. • Due to the correct health policy it has followed, it has a population that is healthy and able to work and create wealth.
  • 31. 26 • It owns the infrastructure that serves it as a starting point. • She laid the foundations of democratic institutions. • It has become a country that has implemented democracy that engages and benefits society. • Together, these are the tangible capabilities that will allow the country to continue its future growth at a reliable level. 1.1.8 The fact that the change is the result of the executive power of the right leadership and the direction of execution; • The key issue that we identified as the ability to implement the change in our country at this speed and participatory level was the basic reason. • The main issues seen in this implementation capacity are: led by high discipline. 1.1.9 A strong ideological organization it’s the journey he led. • EPRDF was able to initiate and achieve change in an era and country where many have failed because it was an organization led by the right thinking more than anything else.
  • 32. 27 • The ideology of the EPRDF is a revolutionary or developmental democratic ideology. • This way of thinking has made it possible to accurately analyze the situation we are in, and it is a way of thinking that has made it possible to correctly identify the problems facing our society and prepare their solutions. • On the one hand, the way we are guided is by understanding the rules of society correctly and following these rules to bring about change. • That society grows from small to large, from simple to complex; this development is determined by the struggle and struggle between the interests of the social forces in the society, and the struggle is determined by the right direction. • Since our organization was the organization that led the struggle by developing this kind of thinking, it was not in conflict with the rules of society. • Therefore, it is an organization that correctly understands the laws that ensure the development of society and creates a favorable environment to implement them. • Because he had this kind of ideological ability, he successfully resisted attacks from both rent-seekers and neo-liberal ideologues for a long time and was able to successfully lead his quarter-century journey of change. 1.1.10 An organization whose political competence is proven the fact that he led the movement; • Our quarter-century struggle was able to achieve such a brilliant victory because our organization had the political ability to lead the struggle. • Our organization EPRDF is not said to have been an organization that had perfected all the political skills from the very beginning, but it was an organization that met the political skills to fulfill its mandate.
  • 33. 28 • Ever since the Derg came to power in the mid-1960s, Ethiopian progressives clearly defined the nature of the system, identified the enemy force and made armed struggle the main goal of the armed struggle. From the level of influence that the limited experience in the first years • Our organization has gained a very commendable political ability especially since 1977 through the gradual construction. • Starting from building and deploying the friendly forces of the struggle, weakening the enemy forces politically and militarily, overnight he was able to completely rid the country of the rule of anti-democratic forces. • In the period after the collapse of the Derg, leading a transition process that was carried out in a clear and democratic manner at the beginning, replacing the command economy with a market economy step by step beyond the economic chaos seen in other countries, enabling a skilled democratic and participatory constitution approval process, building a decentralized federal administrative system, holding democratic elections. He proved his competence by conducting it. • In the years after the reform movement, he changed the line of struggle that he designed in a clear manner into government policies and strategies. • The fact that he faced the color revolution with maturity and perseverance, designed new programs that would continue the country's rapid development and was able to carry them out almost as promised, indeed proved that our organization was politically competent to lead the national change that has come in the past twenty-five years, both in theory and in practice.
  • 34. 29 1.1.11 The fact that the organization whose ability to organize and motivate the people has been proven is the change that he led. • For the past twenty-five years, it has been possible to record high growth in our country and stop the decline we have been living in, because we have built an organization capable of motivating and organizing the people. • Our organization is not only politically capable of designing a clear line, but it is an organization that has the ability to carry out change by transferring the line to the people and persuading them. • The line penetrated the people and touched the ground because our organization is full of cadres who are capable of inspiring, organizing and leading the people as an example. • This cadre force does not only include those who are in the political field. • Teachers, health and agricultural professionals engaged in activities to change the population, forces that perform justice and security work, etc., are all included. • If the government executive bodies at all levels had not already carried out their mission of changing the country while serving at low salaries, it would not have been possible to bring about the changes that Ethiopia has achieved in the last twenty-five years. • On the one hand, the way we are guided is by understanding the rules of society correctly and following these rules to bring about change. • That society grows from small to large, from simple to complex; this development is determined by the struggle and struggle between the interests of the social forces in the society, and the struggle is determined by the right direction.
  • 35. 30 • Since our organization was the organization that led the struggle by developing this kind of thinking, it was not in conflict with the rules of society. • Therefore, it is an organization that correctly understands the laws that ensure the development of society and creates a favorable environment to implement them. • Because he had this kind of ideological ability, he successfully resisted attacks from both rent-seekers and neo-liberal ideologues for a long time and was able to successfully lead his quarter-century journey of change. 1.1.12 An organization whose political competence is proven the fact that he led the movement; • Our quarter-century struggle was able to achieve such a brilliant victory because our organization had the political ability to lead the struggle. • Our organization EPRDF is not said to have been an organization that had perfected all the political skills from the very beginning, but it was an organization that met the political skills to fulfill its mandate. • Ever since the Derg came to power in the mid-1960s, Ethiopian progressives clearly defined the nature of the system, identified the enemy force and made armed struggle the main goal of the armed struggle. From the level of influence that the limited experience in the first years • Our organization has gained a very commendable political ability especially since 1977 through the gradual construction. • Starting from building and deploying the friendly forces of the struggle, weakening the enemy forces politically and militarily, overnight he was able to completely rid the country of the rule of anti-democratic forces. • In the period after the collapse of the Derg, leading a transition process that was carried out in a clear and democratic manner at the beginning, replacing the
  • 36. 31 command economy with a market economy step by step beyond the economic chaos seen in other countries, enabling a skilled democratic and participatory constitution approval process, building a decentralized federal administrative system, holding democratic elections. He proved his competence by conducting it. • In the years after the reform movement, he changed the line of struggle that he designed in a clear manner into government policies and strategies. • The fact that he faced the color revolution with maturity and perseverance, designed new programs that would continue the country's rapid development and was able to carry them out almost as promised, indeed proved that our organization was politically competent to lead the national change that has come in the past twenty-five years, both in theory and in practice. 1.1.13 The fact that the organization whose ability to organize and motivate the people has been proven is the change that he led. • For the past twenty-five years, it has been possible to record high growth in our country and stop the decline we have been living in, because we have built an organization capable of motivating and organizing the people. • Our organization is not only politically capable of designing a clear line, but it is an organization that has the ability to carry out change by transferring the line to the people and persuading them. • The line penetrated the people and touched the ground because our organization is full of cadres who are capable of inspiring, organizing and leading the people as an example. • This cadre force does not only include those who are in the political field.
  • 37. 32 • Teachers, health and agricultural professionals engaged in activities to change the population, forces that perform justice and security work, etc., are all included. • If the government executive bodies at all levels had not already carried out their mission of changing the country while serving at low salaries, it would not have been possible to bring about the changes that Ethiopia has achieved in the last twenty-five years. • One fundamental difference between Ethiopia and countries that have not left the path of decline is the difference between making government power a country building tool and not making it a tool to benefit the few or the majority. • It was another key issue that determined the progress of the last twenty-five years and the good results achieved by our company, which began to transform the huge government power from its usual predatory behavior into a development force. 1.1.14 An organization that passed all tests with maturity and perseverance, being a guided reform journey, • The fact that our country has come out of recession and progressed to rapid growth, which has continued for a quarter of a century, is not because our company has not faced any challenges along the way. • Instead, he faced serious challenges as he moved from one phase to another. • Some of the tests are external tests. Some of them originated from within himself. Some of the tests were easy or moderate. And the rest had behavior that raised the question of existence. • Even the so-called simple and mild ones, many of them demanded the sacrifice of life and if they were not resolved in the right way, they could have reached the point of being a test of existence.
  • 38. 33 • And our company is an organization that has never existed without such challenges. • It was an organization whose existence was not based on not being tested, but on testing and solving and passing the tests with perseverance and maturity. • Based on our company's long-term struggle and experience, there was no time when we had to prepare and anticipate many of the problems. • Based on this, it can be said that our company faced problems like any other company, but it was and still is a company that has its own distinguishing feature of solving problems with maturity and perseverance. • It is based on this when we say that it is an organization that has the culture and experience to achieve its goals by not kneeling down and persevering in a world where many have given up. • In our country, the phase of decline has been closed and continued growth has been confirmed for a quarter of a century, because our organization had and has the ability to solve problems with maturity, perseverance and public partisanship. • In summary, our organization and its member organizations, as well as our developmental government, are leaders of change who have been able to achieve great results in all fields of life for the past twenty-five years. • This is an issue that should never be hidden due to the number of problems we face. 1.1.15 A platform full of new challenges that we are on; • Even today, rent collection is the challenge of the platform. • Recognizing that our system is at risk of rent collection, we have fought against rent collection for fourteen years since our reform process.
  • 39. 34 • At the same time, we have made the existing situation very favorable for development. • Despite this basic issue, even today, weeds that are suitable for rent collection have not been removed at all. • In addition, due to the existing process and the holes created by the rent-collecting forces themselves, there are not a few problems that serve as fertile soil for the proliferation of rent-collecting trends and activities. • Our own weaknesses have significantly contributed to the emergence and spread of this negative trend. • Because of this, rent collection, which is stronger than it was yesterday and beyond yesterday, continues to be a challenge to the system. • We have gone through a situation where when the anti-rent-collecting struggle weakens, the tendency expands, and when the struggle strengthens, the tendency is seen to decrease. • Currently, due to the relative weakening of the anti-rentalism struggle seen in the struggle for some years, the tendency has been strengthened and has been causing damage in many fields. • Realizing this, the people, our organization and the developmental government should create a situation where the tendency can be controlled again. • This can be confirmed by strengthening the struggle that started recently. • When we say that rent-seeking is the main danger of our system, it is related to the increase of people who use more than their fair share in our economy.
  • 40. 35 • If we are able to strengthen the fight against rent-seeking in our country, the results we have achieved in the last twenty-five years will be preserved and strengthened with new victories. • Our economy can still grow rapidly and benefit the people. • On the other hand, if we allow rent-seeking to get out of control, it will have the opposite effect. By strengthening our developmental democratic government, let us rely on rent- seeking. • On this historic occasion, special attention should be given to the issue of clearing our developmental government from any kind of weakness and completing its mission. • This is determined more than anything else by the right direction of our leading organization and the people's ability to control the government and prevent it from straying from its good direction. • After twenty-five years of successful struggle, on the one hand, we must focus on developing the democratic and developmental characteristics of our developmental government, and on the other hand, we must persevere in fighting the trends of rent- seeking at the government level. • We have created accumulated positive potentials that did not exist before the start of reform and if we use them properly, we have accumulated positive potentials that will lead to greater growth and strength of our country, so we should harness and use them properly for results.
  • 41. 36 • We must fight persistently while exposing all forms of narrow-mindedness, arrogance and religious extremism that serve as shelters for rent-seeking, and free the government led by our revolutionary democratic organization from this. Freeing our company from weakness lets complete the mission! • It is possible to properly evaluate the actual situation of the platform, identify good opportunities and challenges, take advantage of the good opportunities, and solve the challenges in the appropriate direction when our company provides qualified leadership as in the past. • Our company, which brought us here by leading the changes that took place in power for a quarter of a century, is still working to move the country towards higher growth. • This, more than anything else, is determined by our ability and competence in identifying and solving the problems that prevent our organization from fulfilling its mission. • In this regard, realizing that rent-seeking has weakened not only our society and the system, but also a danger that tests our company, it is necessary to overcome this with perseverance and ensure the overall leadership ability of our company while achieving our mission. • Although there are many challenges that our company faces due to rent collection, the most difficult one is the use of power for the promotion of public rights and interests or viewing power as a tool for personal prosperity. • At this time when rent collection is not only the main thing, but it has become more widespread and comparatively more difficult than before, this is the main problem that prevents the desired results from coming in quality and at the right time in our struggle in every field.
  • 42. 37 • Currently, the efforts to fight this problem are being carried out in a way that involves not only the members, but also the people in many areas. • In this fight, especially our members and the people are fighting boldly and openly to raise all the problems they see and face. • At the same time, although the level is different, it has been observed that there is a possibility that the tendency and need for adjustment may increase. • If we are able to keep this kind of demand from being drowned in any other kind of problem, and if we fight with the spirit of struggle and people's mentality to develop and bring about the change while involving the members and the people in democratic platforms, then it is resolved without any doubt that we will create a much better situation in a short time. Through this, it can be confirmed that it will only be a matter of time to achieve our sustainable goal at a reliable level, based on the past twenty-five years, the good opportunities and challenges that have opened up in this process, as well as the process by which our company has used these for the public and national benefit. • If history is a witness for tomorrow, our organization EPRDF Meles is not an organization that is "promising to disappear in a blink of an eye". • Democratic based on diversity! • Unity for our renaissance!!
  • 43. 38 1.የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየ ///////////………..////////////………..//////////////… ……//////////////………. "በበበበበበበ በበበበ በበበበበ በበበበበ በበበበ በበበበበበበ በበበ በበበ በበበ በበ!" በበበ በበበበበ በበ በበበ በበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበበበበበ በበበ በበበበበ በበበበበበበ በበበበ በበ በበበበበበበ በበበበበ በበበበበበበ በበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበ በበበበበበ በበበ በበ በበበበበ በበ በበበበበ በበበ በበበ በበበበ በበበ በበበበበበበበበ …………………………………………………………………………. የየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ
  • 44. 39 የየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየ የየየ የየየየ? የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ (refrandome) የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ (Access and Coverage) የ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ (Equity) የ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ
  • 45. 40 የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ (Access and Coverage)የ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ (Fair play and Equity)የ የየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ (Access and Coverage) የ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ (Fair play and Equity) የ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ?
  • 46. 41 1.1 በበበበበ በበበበበበበ በበበበ በበበበበ በበበበ በበበበበበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበ በበበ በበበ? የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየ? የየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየ /የየየ? የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየ? የየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ? የየየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየ የየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየ የ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየየየየየ? የየ የየየየየየየ የ የየየየየ የየ የየየየየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየየ; የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ
  • 47. 42 የየየየ "የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ; የየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ!" የየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየ? የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየ የየ የየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ 1.2 በበበበ በበበበ በበበበበበ በበ በበበበበበበ በበበበ በበበበበ በበበበበ በበበበ በበበበበበበ በበበ በበበ በበበ በበ" በበበ በበበበበበ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየ
  • 48. 43 የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ? የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየየየ  የየየየ ሃያ ሰባት የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ (Golden Age) የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየ
  • 49. 44 የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ" የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ  የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየ (Access and Coverage)የ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ (Equity)የ የየየየየየ የየየ የየ (Quality) (የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየየ)የ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ (Efficiency) የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ  የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ
  • 50. 45 የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ (የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ)የ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ (የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ)የ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየየየ (የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ) የየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየ (Dark Age) የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየየየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ 24 የየ የ2013 የ.የ የየየ የየየየ የየየ (የየየየ) የየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየ-የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ
  • 51. 46 የየየ የየየየየየየየየ የ 50/70 የየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየየ  የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ "የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየየ" የየየ የየየየየ  የየየ የየየ የየየ የየ የየየ የየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ  የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ  የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ… የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የ  የየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየየ
  • 52. 47  የየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየየ  የየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየየ  የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየ የየየየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ 1.3 የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየ የየየየየየየ  የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየ 1983 የ.የ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ  የየየየ የየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ "የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ" የየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ
  • 53. 48 1.3.1 የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየ  በበበበ በበበ በበበበበበበ በበበ በበበበ በበበበ በበበበበ በበበ  የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ  የየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ  የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የ5.5 የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ  የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የ10 የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየየየ  የየየ የየየ የየ/የ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ 15 የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ  የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የ25 የየየየ የየየየየ የ8 የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ
  • 54. 49  የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ  የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ… የየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ  የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየ የየየየ የየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ  የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ  የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የ10.6 የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ  የየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየ የየ የየየየየየየየየ  የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየ/የ የየ የ136የ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ
  • 55. 50 የ544የ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ  የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየ የየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ  የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ  የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየየ  የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የ73 የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የ2006 የየ 278 የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየየ  የየየየየ የየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ  የየየየ የየ/የ የየየየ 12 የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየየ የየየየየየየ
  • 56. 51  የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ  የየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ… የየየየየየ  የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ  የየ የየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ  የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ በበበበበ በበበ በበበበበ በበበበበበ በበበበበበ በበ በበበ በበበ  የየየ የየየየ የ60 የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየ 2.1 የየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የ4 የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ
  • 57. 52  የየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የ2.1 የየየየ የየየየ 28 የየየየ የየየየየየ  የየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ 30 የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየየ  የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የ45 የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ 1.3.2 በበ/በ በበበ በበ/በበ በበበበበበ በበበ  የ1983 የ.የ 127 የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የ2007 የ.የ የ1085 የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ 92.8% የየየየየ  የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ (የ1-8የ) የ1983 የ.የ 161 የየየየየየ የየየ የ/የየየ የየየየ የየየ የ2007 የ.የ የ795 የየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየ 103% የየየየየየ  የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የ1983 የ.የ የየ/የየየ የየየ 42 የየየየ የየየ የ2007 የ.የ የ2የ የየየ የ/የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የ308 የየየ የየየየየየ  TVET የየየየየየ 10 የየየየየ 22 የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ 69 የየየየየ 282 የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የ100የ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየየየ
  • 58. 53  የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ  የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ  የየየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ  የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ  የ1982 የ.የ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የ45 የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የ64 የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ
  • 59. 54 ………. 1.3.3 በበ/በ በበበ በበበ በበበበበበ በበበበበበ  የ1983 የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ 12 የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ 86የ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየ የ1983 የ.የ 18 የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ 49 የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየየ  የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ 5 የየ 8 የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየየየየ በበበበበበበ በበበ በበበ በበበበበ በበበ በበበበበበበ በበ በበበ በበበበ  የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየ  የየየየ “የየየየየየ የየ የየ የየየ የየየየ” የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ  የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ
  • 60. 55  የ1990የየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ  የየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ  የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ  የ1990የየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ  የየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ