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Excerpted from Companion Planting, a book from Rodale’s Successful
             Organic Gardening series (copyright 1994).
         Reprinted with permission of Weldon Russell Pty. Ltd.

      Copyright 1995 by Rodale Press, Inc., Emmaus, PA 18098.
                        Fourth Printing 1999
Text: Susan McClure
Plant-by-Plant Guide: Sally Roth
Gardening editor: Nancy Ondra
Project editor: Linda Hager
Copy editor: Susan Fox
Cover and book designer: Judy Ross
Interior illustrations: Frank Fretz

        How Does
 Companion Planting Work?
      Getting Started
     with Companions
Growing a Companion Garden
    Plant-by-Plant Guide

W          ouldn’t it be great if you         encourage your plants to work
           could just plant your gar-         together, sharing water and nutri-
           den and forget it? Your            ents and protecting each other from
plants would grow lush and                    pesky insects. Companion Planting
healthy—without you adding lots of            Made Easy is your guide to using
fertilizer or worrying about pest             time-tested techniques for healthier
problems. Well, any kind of garden            plants, bigger harvests, and fewer
will need some care, but you can              pest problems.

      How Does
Companion Planting Work?
In the simplest terms, companion              ings of just a few different plant
planting is the technique of combin-          species. These large groups of simi-
ing two plants for a particular pur-          lar plants, called monocultures, are
pose. If your crops are regularly             prime targets for insect and disease
attacked by insects, you can use              attack. Increasing the diversity of
companions to hide, repel, or trap            your garden plantings is a natural
pests. Other companions provide               and effective way to avoid a mono-
food and shelter to attract and pro-          culture and minimize pest and dis-
tect beneficial insects. And some             ease problems.
plants grow well together just                  Technically, adding diversity could
because they don’t compete for light          be as simple as increasing the num-
or rooting space. Expanding the               ber of different plants in your gar-
diversity of your garden plantings and        den. Sounds simple—until you
incorporating plants with particularly        realize that you have a limited
useful characteristics are both part of       amount of room in your garden,
successful companion planting.                which is taken up by your favorite
                                              crops. But, if you create a planned
Creating Diversity                            diversity, you can still have good (or
In contrast to the wide diversity of          even better) yields from the same
natural systems—like forests and              amount of space.
prairies—our gardens and farms                  For instance, instead of growing
tend to contain neat, identical plant-        the same vegetable cultivars in the

same beds every year, try changing            the soil as the nodule-bearing roots
their positions each year, or at least        die off and decompose. This nitro-
try different cultivars. To get even          gen is available during the season to
more diversity, try open-pollinated           boost the growth of any companion
seeds instead of hybrids. The plants          plants growing nearby. The big
from open-pollinated seed are all             bonus comes when you turn the
just a little different genetically, so       foliage and roots of the legumes
even if pests or diseases attack              into the soil. When they decay, they
some of the plants, the rest of the           can release enough nitrogen to feed
crop may be spared.                           the next crop you grow.
  An easy and pleasant way to add
diversity to the vegetable garden is          Repelling Pest Insects
to add flowering plants. Mix annual           A key part of creating effective crop
flowers and herbs in the beds or              combinations is using the natural
rows of vegetables, or create per-            abilities of the plant to attract, con-
manent beds nearby for perennials             fuse, or deter insects. Some plants
and bulbs. Besides looking good,              produce repellent or toxic com-
flowers provide a source of food              pounds that chase pests away or
and shelter for spiders and benefi-           stop them from feeding. In other
cial insects that eat or parasitize           cases, the aromatic compounds
plant pests.                                  released by plants can mask the
                                              scent of companion crops. Summer
Enriching the Soil                            savory, for example, may help hide
All plants withdraw some nutrients            your bush beans from pests, while
from the soil as they grow, but some          tansy is said to repel Colorado pota-
actually return more nutrients than           to beetles from a potato planting.
they consume. Legumes—plants like             Garlic releases deterrent aromas
peas, beans, and clover—have a                into the air that may chase away
mutually beneficial relationship with         insects such as bean beetles and
nitrogen-fixing Rhizobium bacteria.           potato bugs. Mint may keep cab-
These bacteria colonize legume                bage loopers off cabbage plants,
roots, absorbing up to 20 percent of          while basil can discourage tomato
the sugars the plants produce. The            hornworms on tomatoes.
bacteria use this energy to capture             Try pungent plants as an edging
atmospheric nitrogen (nitrogen gas)           around garden beds, or mix them in
and convert it into nitrogen com-             among your crops. Or, if you can’t
pounds that plants can use.                   grow the repellents close enough to
  Some of this nitrogen goes direct-          your crops, try spreading clippings
ly back to the host plant. Another            of the scented plants over garden
part of the nitrogen trapped by the           beds for the same effect.
Rhizobium bacteria is released into
Luring Pests from Crops                     or apply some other type of control
Some plants have an almost irre-            measure to the infested plants.
sistible appeal for certain pests.
Nasturtiums, for instance, are an
                                            Sheltering Beneficial
excellent attractant plant because          Insects
they’re a favorite of aphids.               Not all insects are garden enemies.
Colorado potato beetles find black          Many actually help your garden
nightshade (Solanum nigrum)                 grow by eating or parasitizing plant
more alluring than even your best           pests. You can encourage these ben-
potato plants.                              eficial creatures to make a home in
   Attractant plants can protect your       your garden by planting their
crops in two ways. First, they act as       favorite flowering plants. Growing
decoys to lure pests away from your         dill, for example, can attract pest-
desirable crops. Second, they make          eating spiders, lacewings, and para-
it easier to control the pests since        sitic wasps, which will help control
the insects are concentrated on a           caterpillars on cabbage, beetles on
few plants. Once pests are                  cucumbers, and aphids on lettuce.
“trapped,” you can pull out the             Plants that produce large quantities
attractant plants (cover them with          of easily accessible pollen and nec-
paper or plastic bags first, if the         tar—like yarrow, fennel, and gold-
pests are small or fast-moving) and         enrod—provide shelter and supple-
destroy them along with the pests,          mental food for hungry beneficials.

Getting Started
              with Companions
With so many possible plant combi-            compatible companions, as well as
nations, it can be hard to know               helpful growing information. Use
where to start. To increase your              these suggestions as the basis for
chances of success, try a compan-             your trials.
ion planting scheme that has been                Also, keep your eyes open for
found effective in scientific studies         existing garden plants that you can
or that has the confirmation of a             use in your own companion plant-
wide variety of gardeners from vary-          ing experiments. Look closely at
ing climates. As you gain confi-              flowers around your yard to see
dence, you can branch out to try              which harbor a wealth of beneficial
less-proven combinations.                     insects; you may want to plant more
  You may want to start by selecting          of these attractant plants. If you find
a companion for one of your                   a quick-growing weed or vegetable
favorite crops—tomatoes, for                  that is crawling with a bumper crop
example. If you look up the                   of pests, take note—it could make
“Tomato” entry on page 38, you’ll             a good trap crop to lure pests away
find recommendations for allies and           from your other plants.

              Growing a
           Companion Garden
Caring for companion plantings                get the most out of companion
isn’t very different from how you             planting, it’s often wise to try a com-
normally care for your garden. You            bination at least twice; three times is
still need to prepare the soil well,          even better. Then you can look at
plant at the proper time, and water           the overall performance of the com-
and fertilize as necessary.                   bination and make an informed
  Throughout the season, observe              decision on whether it’s worth try-
the performance of the companion              ing again. You’ll soon build a list of
plantings you’re testing. Keep a              plants and techniques that will
notebook where you can record the             make your garden more productive
setup and the results of the trials. To       and even easier to maintain.

Plant-by-Plant Guide
                                     grapes were sometimes trellised
  Asparagus                          between the asparagus rows.
  Asparagus officinalis              ENEMIES: None known.
  LILIACEAE                          GROWING GUIDELINES:
                                     Asparagus grows well in most areas
ALLIES: According to companion
                                     that have either winter ground
gardening lore, planting pars-
                                     freezes or dry seasons. Choose a
ley or tomatoes with aspara-
                                     well-drained spot in full sun, and
gus will invigorate both
                                     dig in plenty of compost or aged
crops. Interplantings of
                                     manure. It’s important to prepare
parsley, tomatoes, and basil
                                       the soil well, since plants may stay
may discourage asparagus
                                        in place for 20 years or more.
beetles. Many companion
                                               Most gardeners start
gardeners find that aspara-
                                         asparagus from 1-year-old
gus grows well planted
                                         crowns. Buy all-male plants if
near basil.
                                         available. Place purchased
COMPANIONS:                              crowns 18 to 24 inches (45 to
Interplant early                          60 cm) apart in a trench that is
crops, such as                            12 inches (30 cm) wide and 8
lettuce, beets,
or spinach,
between the
rows in spring.
In summer, add a
late planting of let-
tuce and spinach
where the ferny
plants will pro-
vide some need-
ed shade. In
Colonial times,

inches (20 cm) deep. Allow 4 to 5          make a neat edging along flower
feet (1.2 to 1.5 m) between rows.          borders. Purple-leaved cultivars like
Cover with 2 inches (5 cm) of soil.        ‘Purple Ruffles’ are great in flower
Add another 2 inches (5 cm) of soil        beds as well as in vegetable and
every 2 weeks until the trench is          herb gardens.
filled. Mulch well and water regu-         ENEMIES: Even in the 1600s, gar-
larly during the first 2 years after       deners observed that rue and basil
planting, and side-dress with com-         did not appear to be good neigh-
post or aged manure. Remove and            bors. “Something is the matter,”
destroy old foliage each spring to         noted Nicholas Culpeper, in his
control pests and diseases. Wait to        English Physitian and Complete
harvest your asparagus until the           Herball. “This herb and rue will
third spring after planting. Break         never grow together, no, nor near
spears off at soil level.                  one another.”
                                           GROWING GUIDELINES: Basil is
 Basil                                     very sensitive to cold; wait until the
                                           weather and soil are warm before
 Ocimum basilicum                          planting outdoors. Sow seed 1⁄8 inch
 L ABIATAE                                 (3 mm) deep in full sun, or set out
                                           transplants after all danger of frost
ALLIES: Companion gardeners                has passed. Space plants 6 to 12
believe that basil improves the fla-       inches (15 to 30 cm) apart for
vor and growth of tomatoes, per-           small-leaved types such as
haps because the plants are such           ‘Minimum’ or ‘Spicy Globe’; allow
good companions on the table.              up to 11⁄2 feet (45 cm) between
Some are also convinced that basil         plants for larger cultivars such as
or basil sprays protect tomatoes           ‘Genova’ or ‘Piccolo Verde Fino’.
from insects and disease, although         Water and mulch to keep the soil
this remains unproven by scientific        evenly moist. Pinch or cut back
research.                                  flowering stems to keep the plant
COMPANIONS: Basil is available in          producing more leaves.
a variety of shapes and sizes, from        COMMENTS: Garden lore suggests
neat, small mounds to large,               that basil repels flies and mosqui-
branching plants. Low-growing,             toes: Try tucking a few stems into a
compact cultivars like ‘Spicy Globe’       bouquet on the patio table.

and flavor of growing beans as well.
 Bean                                        The beans provide food and shelter
 Phaseolus spp.                              for many predatory and parasitic
 and other genera                            insects.
 LEGUMINOSAE                                 COMPANIONS: Climbing pole
                                             beans are good companions for
ALLIES: Companion gardeners                  corn; they help anchor the corn
maintain that interplanting tomatoes         against wind and add nitrogen to the
or corn with beans improves the              soil. Celery and cucumbers are a few
growth and yields of both crops.             good companions for interplanting.
Some recommend marigolds with                ENEMIES: While some companion
beans to repel Mexican bean beetles.         gardeners recommend interplanting
Scientific studies with marigolds            garlic with beans to repel insects,
show reduced beetle populations,             others say that any member of the
but a border planting of French              onion family, including garlic, shal-
marigolds (Tagetes patula) nega-             lots, and chives, will be detrimental
tively affected the beans’ growth.           to growth and yield.
Companion gardeners also suggest
planting aromatic herbs such as win-         GROWING GUIDELINES: Sow
ter or summer savory and rosemary            seed in average to fertile, well-
to deter bean beetles.                       drained soil in full sun. Start plant-
   To help repel black aphids from           ing around 2 weeks after the last
beans, try intercropping bush beans          spring frost date, when the soil is
with garlic, or grow nasturtiums as          warm (seeds will rot in cold, wet
a trap crop. Summer savory, which            soil). Make successive plantings at
              goes well with cooked          2- to 3-week intervals until 2 months
                 beans, is said to           before the average date of your first
                   improve the growth        fall frost. Plant bush beans 1 to 11⁄2
                                             inches (2.5 to 3.75 cm) deep and 3
                                             to 6 inches (7.5 to 15 cm) apart.

Sow pole beans 2 inches (5 cm)                  when planted near pole beans or
deep and 10 inches (25 cm) apart.               field mustard.
Pick green beans while young; pick              GROWING GUIDELINES: For best
fresh shell beans when plump but                root development, beets need a
tender. Leave dry beans on the                  sunny site with loose, fertile, well-
plants until they rattle in the pod.            drained soil that is free of rocks and
                                                stones. Sow seed 1 inch (2.5 cm)
                                                deep and 2 inches apart about a
  Beet                                          month before the last spring frost.
  Beta vulgaris                                 Seedlings often come up in clumps;
  CHENOPODIACEAE                                thin to stand 2 inches (5 cm) apart.
                                                Transplant the thinnings to fill bare
ALLIES: Companion gardening lore                spots, or enjoy them in salads.
holds that beets thrive in the com-             Harvest roots when small; pick ten-
pany of cabbage and its relatives, as           der leaves for cooked greens. Sow a
well as with onions; alternate beets            fall crop in late summer.
in a row with onions or kohlrabi.               COMMENTS: Leafminers and flea
Try companion plantings of mints                beetles are common pests, but usu-
(Mentha spp.) or catnip (Nepeta                 ally cause only cosmetic damage
cataria) to ward off flea beetles.              and do not affect root yields. (If you
                                                are growing beets for their greens,
COMPANIONS: Plant in alternate
                                                floating row covers can help keep
rows with other crops, even those
                                                foliage pests away.) Larvae of beet
that grow tall. (Although beets pre-
                                                moths have been controlled on
fer full sun, they also tolerate partial
                                                sugar beets with a watered-down
shade.) Beets have attractive red-              extract of the leaves of chestnut
veined leaves that also make a nice             trees (Castanea sativa). Scientists
addition to ornamental plantings.               believe the extract masks the chemi-
ENEMIES: Some companion gar-                    cal aura that attracts the moth to lay
deners believe that beets do poorly             her eggs on the beet plants.

decaying broccoli plants instead of
  Broccoli                                    turning them under.
  Brassica oleracea,                          GROWING GUIDELINES: Sow
  Botrytis group                              seed indoors, 1⁄2 inch (12 mm) deep
  CRUCIFERAE                                  and 2 inches (5 cm) apart, about 2
                                              months before the last spring frost
ALLIES: Many companion garden-                date. Set out seedlings or nursery-
ers believe that beans, celery, pota-         grown transplants about a month
toes, and onions improve broccoli’s           before the last frost date. Give them
growth and flavor. Aromatic herbs,            a site with fertile, well-drained soil
including chamomile, dill, pepper-            and full sun. Space the young plants
mint, rosemary, and sage, are also            12 to 24 inches (30 to 60 cm)
supposed to be beneficial to broc-            apart. Sow a fall crop directly in the
coli and its relatives by discouraging        garden in July through August.
pests.                                        Harvest the terminal bud while the
COMPANIONS: Broccoli needs a                  florets are tightly budded and green.
lot of calcium, so plant it with low-         If you leave the stem in the ground,
calcium feeders like beets, nastur-           you can harvest smaller side buds
tiums, marigolds, or sage. In rich,           as they develop. Broccoli and other
fertile soil, interplant broccoli with        cabbage-family plants are heavy
other cabbage-family members such             feeders, so top-dress with compost
as cabbage, cauliflower, collards,            or feed with fish emulsion every few
and kohlrabi, which share its heavy           weeks.
feeding habits. Underplant late-sea-
son broccoli with hairy vetch, a win-
ter-hardy green manure that will live           Cabbage
on to protect the soil after you har-           Brassica oleracea,
vest the broccoli.                              Capitata group
ENEMIES: Many companion gar-                    CR U C I F E R A E
deners believe that broccoli and
other cabbage-family plants are               ALLIES: Many companion garden-
negatively affected by tomatoes.              ers say cabbage grows better when
Some would add pole beans to that             planted with celery, onions, and
list, and others disagree about               potatoes, although no research has
whether strawberries are good or              yet been done to prove or disprove
bad neighbors. In scientific studies,         the idea. Aromatic plants, including
decomposing residues of broccoli              marigolds, nasturtiums, pennyroyal,
were found to have a toxic effect on          peppermint, sage, and thyme, are a
lettuce seedlings. It’s probably a            favorite in garden lore for their
good idea to remove and compost               reputed insect-repellent powers;

except for marigolds, however, they      ENEMIES: Companion gardeners
have shown no significant effects in     disagree about strawberries and
scientific trials with cabbage. In       cabbage as companions; some say
fact, nasturtiums have been shown        the relationship is beneficial while
to actually attract cabbage flea bee-    others say it affects cabbage nega-
tles. Studies have shown that while      tively.
marigolds do reduce flea beetles,        GROWING GUIDELINES: Cabbage
they also apparently cause an allelo-    does best in cool weather. For the
pathic reaction that inhibits the        spring crop, sow seed indoors, 1⁄4
growth of the cabbage.                   inch (6 mm) deep, 8 to 10 weeks
   Interplanting tomato rows with        before the last spring frost date, or
cabbage rows provided some protec-       buy nursery-grown seedlings.
tion from whiteflies and cabbage flea    Transplant to fertile, well-drained
beetles in one study; researchers        soil in full sun as soon as the soil
theorized that the smell of the toma-    can be worked, spacing plants 12 to
toes hid the smell of the cabbage.       18 inches (30 to 45 cm) apart.
Clover, lettuce, and weeds also help     Side-dress monthly with compost or
protect from infestations by making      rotted manure. Water evenly to pre-
the cabbage hard to find.                vent splitting. Harvest the heads
COMPANIONS: Try a border of              when they are round and full.
kale around your cabbage patch to
decoy insects away from
the cabbage heads.

heads stand for self-sown plants
  Calendula                                    next spring.
  Calendula officinalis                        COMMENTS: In olden days, gold-
  C OMPOSITAE                                  orange calendula petals were popu-
                                               lar in cooking, and their inclusion
ALLIES: Some companion garden-                 in certain concoctions supposedly
ers believe a border or interplanting          allowed the consumer to see fairies.
of calendula protects plants against           On a more practical note, you can
asparagus beetles, tomato horn-                use the crushed, dried petals as a
worms, and other insects; this may             substitute for the coloring effect of
be due to a masking effect or a                saffron.
repellent created by the pungent
scent of its foliage. The brightly col-
ored flowers attract beneficial
insects, but the plant itself is often
beset by aphids, whiteflies,
caterpillars, leafhoppers, and
other pests; it may hold some value
as a trap crop. It is reputed to repel
dogs when planted around
shrubs and trees.
COMPANIONS: The cheerful
flowers of calendula are a great
accent for herb gardens and
flower borders. This compact
annual fits in easily with veg-
etable garden plantings.
ENEMIES: None known.
Calendula is easy to grow. Scatter
seed in early spring in average,
well-drained soil in full sun.
Cut plants back to 3 inches
(7.5 cm) after the first flush
of bloom for color until
frost, or sow again for fall
blooms. Calendulas thrive
in cool weather and keep
blooming through the first
light frosts. Let a few seed
tiny seeds to each inch (2.5 cm), in
  Carrot                                      rows 1 foot (30 cm) apart, and
  Daucus carota                               cover lightly with fine soil or a
  var. sativa                                 sprinkling of sand. Water gently
  UM B E L L I F E R A E                      with a fine mist to avoid washing out
                                              seeds. Carrots germinate in about 2
ALLIES: Companion gardeners say               to 3 weeks. When tops reach 1 to 2
that interplanted radishes, peas, or          inches (2.5 to 5 cm), thin plants to
sage can improve the flavor of car-           stand 1 inch (2.5 cm) apart. Thin
rots. Some believe that onions, leeks,        again to 4 inches (10 cm) apart in
and rosemary, perhaps because of              another 2 weeks, so that roots have
their strong scent, repel root maggot         plenty of room to grow. Make suc-
flies. Interplanting with onions may          cessive sowings every 3 weeks
also help repel carrot rust flies, a          through the season until 3 months
problem in Northwest gardens.                 before the first fall frost for a con-
                                              tinuous crop of young, tender car-
COMPANIONS: These light feeders               rots. Water before harvesting to
grow well in company with most                soften the soil, and pull by hand to
other garden vegetables.                      avoid damaging the roots.
ENEMIES: Folklore suggests that               COMMENTS: If nematodes are a
dill and anise cause poor growth in           problem in your patch, causing little
carrots.                                      knots along roots and a stunted
GROWING GUIDELINES: Plant in                  crop, plant the bed with French
full sun in deep, loose soil free of          marigolds (Tagetes patula) the
rocks. Start sowing about 3 weeks             year before sowing carrots. Till the
before the average date of the last           marigolds into the soil at the end of
spring frost. Sow about six of the            the growing season.

reach 6 inches (15 cm) tall. Pinch
  Chives                                      off spent flowers to prevent plants
  Allium schoenoprasum                        from reseeding.
  A MARYLLIDACEAE                             COMMENTS: Some companion
                                              gardeners recommend a spray of
ALLIES: Companion gardeners rec-              chives processed with water in a
ommend chives to improve growth               blender to deter mildew on cucur-
and flavor of carrots, grapes, roses,         bits and gooseberries or black spot
and tomatoes. Some suggest that a             on roses. In the kitchen, snip fresh
ring of chives around an apple tree           leaves into pieces and freeze in zip-
may inhibit the growth of apple scab          pered plastic bags for a ready
(possibly by affecting the spores             source of seasoning in the winter.
carried on dropped leaves); others
say chives ward off Japanese beetles
or black spot in roses. No scientific           Corn
studies have been conducted to
confirm these reports.
                                                Zea mays
COMPANIONS: Chives are too pret-
ty to keep in the vegetable garden            ALLIES: The benefit of planting
alone. Use them for a neat and                corn with beans has been upheld by
attractive border planting, punctu-           scientific research, which showed
ate the corners or centers of herb            increased yields when corn was
beds with their spiky form, or weave          grown with a legume. Beans and
a few clumps into the perennial               corn are mutually beneficial: Beans
border.                                       help keep fall armyworms in check
ENEMIES: Some companion gar-                  on corn, while corn minimizes
deners believe that chives inhibit the        leafhoppers on bean plants.
growth of beans or peas.                      Alternate rows of corn and bush
GROWING GUIDELINES: Seeds                     beans, two rows of corn to one of
require darkness to germinate. Sow            beans. Or plant pole beans to climb
a generous amount of seeds in each            corn stalks.
peat pot indoors. Cover the tray of           COMPANIONS: Sunflower borders
pots with a piece of newspaper or             were a tradition in American Indian
cardboard, then be patient—they               gardens. British research indicates
are slow to sprout. Transplant the            that strips of sunflowers alternated
young clumps, pot and all, to a               with corn will increase yields and
sunny spot in average, well-drained           decrease infestations of fall army-
soil. Space clumps 18 inches (45              worms. Squash and pumpkins do
cm) apart. Harvest leaves by cutting          well in the shade of the corn rows.
them off at ground level when they
ENEMIES: The weed quack grass                 Plant four seeds at a time: “One
(Agropyron repens) appears to               for the blackbird, one for the crow,
make nitrogen and potassium                 and that leaves just two to grow,” in
unavailable to corn, even when the          the words of an old prairie homily.
area is heavily fertilized. Leached         Sow seed 1 inch (2.5 cm) deep,
toxins from wheat-straw mulch               and space the groups 12 to 15 inch-
reduced corn yields in farm                 es (30 to 37.5 cm) apart, in rows
research by 44 to 94 percent.               or in hills of soil. Thin to two plants
GROWING GUIDELINES: Plan                    per group if needed. Side-dress with
your rotations so that heavy-feeding        organic fertilizer when plants are 6
corn follows a nitrogen-boosting            inches (15 cm) tall and again when
crop of beans, alfalfa, or clover.          they are knee-high. Start checking
Sow seed after all danger of frost          your corn for ripeness about three
has passed and soil is warm. Plant          weeks after the silks appear. Press a
in blocks to assure good pollina-           fingernail against one of the ker-
tion, interplanting with single rows        nels; if the sap looks milky, it’s time
of beans if desired.                        to harvest.

 Cosmos                                     are easy to grow from seed and easy
 Cosmos spp.                                to transplant, even when quite large.
 C OMPOSITAE                                After danger of frost has passed,
                                            direct-sow seed 1⁄4 inch (6 mm)
ALLIES: None known.                         deep in average, well-drained soil in
                                            full sun. Thin seedlings to stand
COMPANIONS: The flat daisy-like
                                            about 3 inches (7.5 cm) apart, and
flowers of cosmos make a good
                                            pinch them when young and single-
landing platform for honeybees and
                                            stemmed to encourage bushiness
beneficial insects seeking nectar or
                                            and branching. C. bipinnatus grows
pollen. Plant either Cosmos bipin-
                                            fast and lush, and it occasionally
natus, the old-fashioned, ferny-
                                            falls over from its own weight, snap-
foliaged plant with pink, red, and          ping a heavy branch of buds or
white flowers, or C. sulphureus, the        bloom. To salvage the plant, stick
hot-colored, shorter type. The              the broken end of the branch into
abundant foliage offers shelter to          the ground a few inches deep, or lay
predatory insects.                          it horizontally and mound 2 to 3
ENEMIES: None known.                        inches (5 to 7.5 cm) of soil over the

stem. Keep the soil wet while new            cucumbers will serve as a trap crop
roots form from the stem. It will            for black cutworms.
recover in less than a week.                 COMPANIONS: Interplant trellised
COMMENTS: Both types of cosmos               cucumbers with lettuce, celery, or
are beautiful in bouquets. Try a few         Chinese cabbage, all of which grow
stems of orange ‘Klondike’ blooms,           well in the light shade of the vines.
buds, and spiky seed heads in a              Or grow cucumbers with cabbage,
green vase for an arrangement of             broccoli, or cauliflower; by the time
almost oriental simplicity.                  the cucumbers begin to sprawl, the
  Cosmos is also an excellent plant          earlier crops should be ready for
for attracting birds to the garden.          harvesting.
Goldfinches are particularly fond of         ENEMIES: Potatoes growing near
the seeds and often hang upside              cucumbers are reputed to be more
down, feasting on them from the              susceptible to Phytophthora blight.
tips of branches bowed beneath               Companion gardeners also warn
their weight.                                that aromatic herbs and cucumbers
                                             do not make good neighbors.
 Cucumber                                    GROWING GUIDELINES: Grow
                                             cucumbers in hills or rows in fer-
 Cucumis sativus                             tile, well-drained soil in full sun.
 C UCURBITACEAE                              Sow seed 1⁄2 inch deep, or set out
                                             transplants 3 weeks after the last
ALLIES: Cucumbers are reputed to             spring frost date, when soil has
grow better and yield more when              warmed. Thin or space plants to
planted with beans, cabbage, corn,           stand 12 inches (30 cm) apart.
peas, or radishes. Some companion            Water regularly to keep the soil
gardeners believe that radishes lure         evenly moist and help prevent bitter
away cucumber beetles or that pun-           fruit. Apply an organic fertilizer, like
gent-smelling marigolds repel them.          fish emulsion, monthly.
Radishes and onions are supposed                Grow cucumbers on vertical trel-
to keep away root maggots.                   lises to save precious gardening
Research has shown that cucum-               space and make harvesting easier.
bers interplanted with broccoli or           Keep cucumbers picked regularly,
corn are less likely to be ravaged by        before they yellow, to encourage the
cucumber beetles or affected by the          vines to keep producing.
bacterial wilt the beetles carry.
Some studies show that some types            COMMENTS: If diseases are a
of cucumber inhibit weed growth.             problem in your area, select dis-
Spiny amaranth (Amaranthus spin-             ease-resistant cultivars such as
osus) plants standing among                  ‘Marketmore 76’ or ‘Sweet Slice’.

tomatoes planted near dill will fail
  Dill                                        to thrive.
  Anethum graveolens                          GROWING GUIDELINES: Dill can
  UMBELLIFERAE                                be temperamental about germinat-
                                              ing. It sprouts better in cool rather
ALLIES: Dill is a useful plant in the         than hot weather. Sow seed 1⁄4 inch
companion garden, thanks to its               (6 mm) deep and 4 inches (10 cm)
big, airy umbels of many tiny flow-           apart in spring in average, well-
ers. Mud daubers and other large              drained soil in full sun. Thin
predatory wasps, as well as many              seedlings to stand 8 to 12 inches
smaller beneficials, visit the flowers        (20 to 30 cm) apart. Sow every 2
regularly and may return to your              weeks for a continuous supply.
garden when they need caterpillars            Once you have a thriving dill patch,
to feed their young. Companion gar-           chances are you’ll have it for years;
deners say that dill improves the             it self-sows liberally.
growth and health of cabbage and
                                              COMMENTS: Don’t be alarmed by
related crops. It’s also reputed to
                                              an infestation of green-black-and-
repel aphids and spider mites, most
                                              yellow caterpillars on your dill. Let
likely because of its aroma. Dill may
                                              the creatures feed; they’ll turn into
be effective as a trap crop for thick,
                                              graceful black swallowtail butterflies.
green tomato hornworms.
Handpick the pests, or pull and
destroy infested crops. (Don’t
destroy caterpillars with little white
cocoons on their backs, though;                 Allium sativum
these have been parasitized by ben-             A MARYLLIDACEAE
eficial wasps.)
                                              ALLIES: Garlic is often recom-
COMPANIONS: Sow dill with let-
                                              mended by companion gardeners as
tuce, onions, or cucumbers; the
                                              an insect-repelling plant, especially
plants’ habits complement each
                                              for planting around roses and for
other well.
                                              deterring Japanese beetles and
ENEMIES: Many growers are con-
vinced that dill reduces the yield
of carrots. This belief may be
rooted in the fact that both
plants are susceptible to
some of the same dis-
eases. Some companion
gardeners believe that

aphids. Science has proven insecti-            contains a number of individual
cidal qualities of garlic sprays, but          cloves; plant them one by one to
its effectiveness as a companion               mature into fat bulbs. Give garlic a
plant in the garden is unconfirmed.            site with loose, rich soil in full sun.
COMPANIONS: Plant garlic between               Plant cloves 2 inches (5 cm) deep
tomatoes, eggplants, or cabbage                and 4 inches (10 cm) apart. Mulch
plants, or use as a border planting.           to keep weeds down, and water
                                               during dry spells.
ENEMIES: Garlic, like onions, is                 A 20-foot (6 m) row will yield 5 to
said to have a negative effect on              10 pounds (2.5 to 5 kg) of garlic.
peas, beans, and other legumes.                Timing the harvest is a little tricky:
GROWING GUIDELINES: Plant                      too early and bulbs will be small;
garlic in fall, around Columbus Day,           too late and the outer skin may tear,
for a vigorous crop. Garlic needs a            making the bulbs store poorly. Wait
chilling period for best growth, and           until leaves begin to turn brown,
fall-planted bulbs will benefit from           then check the status of one head
the winter cold. The bulbs will put            before you harvest the whole crop.
out a few roots before winter, but             Hang bulbs by the leaves to dry, or
green shoots usually won’t appear              weave them into a braid.
until spring.                                  COMMENTS: Garlic oil is a proven
  Some supermarket bulbs are                   insecticide and may have some effect
treated with antisprouting chemi-              on fungal or bacterial diseases.
cals, but others will yield a perfectly
acceptable garlic crop. Each bulb

grow tall and crooked with age, an
  Geranium                                    appealing look to some companion
  Pelargonium spp.                            gardeners but not to others. To
  GERANIACEAE                                 reclaim an old plant, cut the stems
                                              back to short stubs; this will encour-
ALLIES: The pungent foliage of                age vigorous new growth. Pot up the
flowering and scented geraniums is            cuttings to get more plants.
appealing to companion gardeners              COMMENTS: The dense, leafy
but not to garden pests. The showy            growth provides welcome hiding
flowering types of geranium are               places for insect predators, espe-
reputed to repel cabbageworms,                cially spiders. Scented types add
corn earworms, and Japanese bee-              appealing texture to ornamental
tles. The scented ones are thought            beds. Try the rose-scented ‘Grey
to deter red spider mites and cotton          Lady Plymouth’, with lacy, gray-
aphids. Some companion gardeners              green leaves delicately edged in
believe that white-flowered scented           white and pink, or peppermint
geraniums are effective as a trap             geranium, with large, wide velvety
crop for Japanese beetles; handpick           leaves. Keep a pot of scented gerani-
the beetles from the leaves.                  ums near walkways, where passers-
COMPANIONS: Interplant flowering              by will brush against the foliage and
or scented geraniums with vegeta-             release the fragrance.
bles—especially among cabbage
and its relatives—or use as a border
to the vegetable garden. Plant white-           Lettuce
or pink-flowering geraniums around              Lactuca sativa
roses for a pretty (and possibly pest-          C OMPOSITAE
controlling) combination.
ENEMIES: None known.                          ALLIES: Many companion garden-
GROWING GUIDELINES:                           ers maintain that lettuce grows best
Geraniums are easy to start from              when planted near or with straw-
cuttings; some types will also grow           berries, carrots, cucumbers, cab-
from seed. Grow plants in full sun in         bage-family crops, and beets.
lean to average, well-drained soil.           Companion gardening tradition rec-
Remove spent flowers on seed-                 ommends planting lettuce with
grown plants to encourage more                radishes for the mutual benefit of
blooms. In frost-free climates, gera-         both crops.
niums are perennial; elsewhere,               COMPANIONS: Plant lettuce below
take cuttings in late summer or pot           and around taller vegetables, such
up plants when frost threatens and            as cabbage, broccoli, and beans, or
bring indoors to overwinter. Plants           edge a bed with it. Interplant rows
of leaf lettuce with rows of beans,           well into the summer. In areas with
peas, and tomatoes.                           hot summers, look for heat-resis-
ENEMIES: None known.                          tant cultivars such as ‘Mantilia’,
                                              ‘Grand Rapids’, and ‘Summer Bibb’.
GROWING GUIDELINES: Lettuce                   Plant summer lettuce in the shade
thrives in fertile, well-drained but          of bean trellises or other tall plants.
moisture-retentive soil with plenty             Harvest lettuce in the morning,
of organic matter. Sow seed in full           when it is the most juicy and crispy.
sun as early as you can work the              Pick leaf lettuce as needed. Press
soil. Plant lettuce in rows, or broad-        down on heading types to check for
cast the tiny seeds over a small              the springy firmness that indicates
patch. Sow as evenly as possible.             the head is ready to harvest. When
Thin ruthlessly; you can always eat           plants start to elongate and send up
the thinnings. Allow 12 to 16 inches          a flowering stalk, the leaves become
(30 to 40 cm) between plants for              too bitter to enjoy.
heading types; space plants 6 to 8
inches (15 to 20 cm) apart for leafy          COMMENTS: If you have the space,
types. Water regularly to keep plants         leave a row of lettuce to flower and
growing well, and side-dress with             set seed. Lettuce flowers attract a
manure tea for rapid growth. Make             multitude of insects, including ben-
a second and third planting 2 weeks           eficials; birds relish the seeds.
apart to extend your lettuce harvest
ENEMIES: Marigolds appear to be
  Marigold                                    allelopathic to beans and vegetables
  Tagetes spp.                                of the cabbage family.
  C OMPOSITAE                                 GROWING GUIDELINES: Sow
                                              seed in lean to average soil with full
ALLIES: Marigolds have acquired a             sun after the last frost, or start with
large body of companion gardening             purchased plants. Space them 12 to
lore surrounding their reputed                24 inches (30 to 60 cm) apart.
insect-repelling qualities.                   Pinch off spent flowers to promote
Companion gardeners suggest                   bushy growth and more flowers. At
planting them with cabbage, pota-             the end of the season, let a few seed
toes, tomatoes, and roses, insisting          heads mature and save the seed for
that the pungently scented plants             next year.
control aphids, cabbage loopers,
                                              COMMENTS: Mulches of marigold
imported cabbageworms, Mexican
                                              leaves have been effective in sup-
bean beetles, and nematodes. Only
                                              pressing nematodes; root mulches
a few of the claims are backed up
                                              are also repellent. These findings
by scientific research, and some-
                                              suggest that you might be better off
times the results are contradictory.
                                              tossing pulled-up marigolds on the
In addition, marigolds appear to
                                              garden rather than on the compost
have an allelopathic effect on some
neighbors. In one study, French
marigolds (Tagetes patula)
repelled Mexican bean beetles, but
the growth of the beans was stunted,
apparently by the presence of the               Mentha spp.
marigolds. Nematode studies are                 LABIATAE
more definitive, showing a decrease
in population in at least five species        ALLIES: These strong-smelling
of nematodes. Spectacular nema-               plants are favorites with companion
tode control resulted when                    gardeners who believe that the
marigolds were interplanted with              sharp fragrance repels insect pests.
tomatoes.                                     Some believe that mint also
                                              improves the vigor and flavor of
COMPANIONS: Due to the possible
                                              cabbage and tomatoes.
allelopathic effects, it’s probably
best to plant marigolds and vegeta-           COMPANIONS: Mint is notoriously
bles in separate beds. Grow the               invasive, so don’t allow it free rein
marigolds as a cover crop and turn            in your garden. If you want to grow
them into the soil at the end of the          mint around your crops, plant it in
season.                                       pots and set the pots near the plants

you want to protect. Place a saucer         and cover it in a few places with
beneath the pot to prevent the roots        about 1⁄2 inch (12 mm) of patted-
from creeping into the garden soil.         down soil. Keep the soil moist until
Some low-growing mints, such as             vigorous new growth appears, usu-
pennyroyal, are not as rampant as           ally in just a few weeks. Seed-grown
taller apple mint, spearmint, and           mint may or may not have a strong
other species.                              scent; rub a leaf and sniff before
ENEMIES: None known.                        buying potted garden-center mints
                                            to make sure you are getting what
GROWING GUIDELINES: Grow                    you want. Even a young seedling
mint in average soil in full sun or         should have a strong, distinctive
partial shade. Extra moisture will          smell of peppermint, spearmint, or
encourage more vigorous                     whatever it is being sold as.
growth. Buy plants or beg a
cutting from a friend or neigh-             COMMENTS: Spearmint and pep-
bor to start your patch;                    permint, some say, will repel ants
mint cuttings are                           on plants or in the kitchen. Lay a
extremely easy to root.                             fresh sprig in drawers and
Lay the clipping horizon-                          on shelves. Mints may also
tally on the surface of aver-                              help protect woolens
age to lean soil in full sun,                              from moth damage.

encourage blooms during hot
  Nasturtium                                  weather.
  Tropaeolum majus                            COMMENTS: The colorful, spurred
  T ROPAEOLACEAE                              flowers attract hummingbirds. They
                                              are also a charming and flavorful
ALLIES: Companion gardeners rec-              garnish for salads.
ommend nasturtiums as a trap crop
for aphids; pull up and destroy the
infested plants. Nasturtiums are also          Onion
said to deter pests—including
whiteflies—from beans, cabbage
                                               Allium cepa
and its relatives, and cucumbers.               A MARYLLIDACEAE
Some companion gardeners plant
                                              ALLIES: Some gardeners believe
nasturtiums where they will later
                                              that onions thrive with cabbage,
plant their squash, hoping to keep
                                              beets, strawberries, and lettuce.
squash bugs away. Scientific trials
                                              Summer savory planted nearby is
show conflicting evidence. In some
                                              said to improve their flavor. Onions
tests, pests are reduced; in others,
                                              interplanted with potatoes are
the nasturtiums had no effect, or
                                              believed to deter Colorado potato
worse, appeared to draw pests to
                                              beetles. Some companion gardeners
the garden. It’s worth conducting
                                              plant onions with carrots to fend off
your own field trials.
                                              carrot rust flies that cause root
COMPANIONS: Nasturtiums are                   maggots, and many plant onions
available in compact or trailing              around rose bushes to deter pests.
forms. They flower well in poor soil
                                              COMPANIONS: Shallow-rooted,
and tend to produce more leaves
                                              narrow-growing onions are easy to
than flowers if you plant them in
                                              squeeze in anywhere in the garden.
the rich soil of the vegetable garden.
                                              Interplant them with annual or
Trailing types are pretty in a window
                                              perennial vegetables or use as
box with marigolds and other
                                              borders to edge a bed.
                                              ENEMIES: Peas, beans, and sage
ENEMIES: None known.
                                              are the traditional bad neighbors
GROWING GUIDELINES: Nastur-                   for onions.
tiums grow and flower best in aver-
                                              GROWING GUIDELINES: Use
age to poor soil. Plant seed 1⁄2 inch
                                              bulbs, or “sets”, for interplanting—
(12 mm) deep in full sun in well-
                                              they are easy to pop into the
drained soil after danger of frost
                                              ground, singly or in handfuls, wher-
has passed. Thin or space plants to
                                              ever you want them. Many compan-
stand 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 cm)
                                              ion gardeners plant sets one by one,
apart. Mulching and watering will
pointed-side up, but if you are sow-
ing a lot of onions for eating green
and don’t mind crooked stems, you
can simply pour the sets from the
bag into the row. Cover them with 1
inch (2.5 cm) of soil and firm the
surface; the new shoots will right
  When onion tops yellow, knock
them over. Dig the bulbs when the
tops turn brown. Dry them in the
sun in rows, laying the first row in
one direction and the next row in
the opposite direction. Lay the tops
of the second row over the bulbs of
the first row to prevent sunscald.
When skins are completely dry,
wipe off the soil, remove the tops,
and store the bulbs in a cool, airy
spot. You can also keep the dried
tops on and braid the onions for
COMMENTS: Select a cultivar best
suited to your gardening climate
and season length; check seed cata-
logs for recommendations.

winter’s worth of this versatile herb
 Parsley                                    by chopping and freezing in zip-
 Petroselinum crispum                       pered plastic bags. In order to
 UM B E L L I F E R A E                     attract beneficial insects to the gar-
                                            den, let a few plants flower and go
ALLIES: Many companion garden-              to seed. Tiny parasitic wasps are
ers are convinced that parsley              especially fond of the very small
repels asparagus beetles. Others            flowers, which are clustered togeth-
believe that parsley reduces carrot         er in umbels.
rust flies and beetles on roses.
Interplanted parsley may also
help invigorate tomatoes.
COMPANIONS: Rosettes of dark
green parsley add a neat, old-fash-
ioned touch to all kinds of garden
beds. Plant parsley around the base
of roses.
ENEMIES: None known.
is notoriously slow to germinate—
according to an old homily, the
seeds go to the devil and back seven
times before breaking through the
soil. Buy young plants, or sow seed
shallowly in spring. Grow parsley in
full sun or light shade in well-
drained, average soil. After the new
plant is established, harvest sprigs
as needed. Parsley blooms in its
second year and sometimes self-
sows if you let a few seed heads
COMMENTS: Dried parsley
quickly loses flavor. Save a

in full sun. Sow seed 1 inch (2.5
  Pea                                        cm) deep in early spring, up to 2
  Pisum sativum                              months before the last expected
  LE G U M I N O S A E                       frost. Some gardeners start peas
                                             indoors in individual peat pots. Thin
ALLIES: Companion gardeners                  or space plants to stand 3 inches
believe this nitrogen-fixing legume          (7.5 cm) apart. Mulch to control
stimulates the growth of corn,               weeds and keep the soil evenly
beans, potatoes, tomatoes, radishes,         moist. Give plants a trellis to climb,
carrots, turnips, and cucumbers.             or let short-vining cultivars trail on
Scientific research indicates that           the ground. After you harvest an
exudates from the roots of cabbage-          early crop of peas, remove the vines
family crops may help prevent pea            and plant squash, beans, or other
root rot.                                    crops to utilize the space.
COMPANIONS: Grow tomatoes,                   COMMENTS: A weedy garden may
eggplants, lettuce, or spinach in the        improve your pea crop. Researchers
shade of trellised pea plants. The           found that white mustard shelters a
pea vines also protect these tender          parasite of pea aphids, and weeds
crops from wind damage. Alternate            also provide an egg-laying site for
rows of peas with shade-tolerant             hover flies, which parasitize aphids
Chinese cabbage.                             and other soft-bodied pests.
ENEMIES: Onions and garlic are                 Pea greens are an oriental delica-
reputed to have a negative effect on         cy. Plant an extra row of peas and
the growth of peas.                          leave them unthinned to supply your
                                             kitchen with these tasty, delicate
GROWING GUIDELINES: Peas                     greens.
thrive in average, well-drained soil

COMPANIONS: Plant peppers with
 Pepper                                     okra for protection from sun and
 Capsicum frutescens,                       wind damage. They often drop their
 Grossum group                              blossoms in temperatures over 90°F
 SOLANACEAE                                 (32°C); keep them cool by growing
                                            with taller plants that will provide
ALLIES: Companion gardeners rec-            some shade during the hottest part
ommend planting peppers with car-           of the day.
rots and onions for vigorous growth         ENEMIES: Some companion gar-
and good flavor. Basil, lovage, mar-        deners keep kohlrabi and fennel
joram, and oregano are also said to         away from pepper plants. It’s best to
stimulate their growth. Gardeners in        keep peppers away from beans;
India use marigolds to protect pep-         both are susceptible to anthracnose,
pers and other crops from nema-             a disease that causes dark, soft
todes. Scientific studies indicate          spots on fruits.
marigolds are effective in reducing         GROWING GUIDELINES: Buy
aphids on peppers; other strong-            nursery-grown seedlings, or start
smelling plants, such as coriander,         seed indoors in peat pots 8 weeks
catnip, onions, nasturtiums, and            before the last spring frost. Seeds
tansy, may have the same effect.            are slow to germinate, often waiting
                                            3 to 4 weeks to make an appear-
                                            ance. Thin to one plant per pot
                                            when they reach 3 inches (7.5 cm)
                                             high, snipping off the extras with a

pair of small scissors. Transplant to          beetles away from the crop to lay
fertile, well-drained soil in full sun,        their eggs on the weeds, especially
2 to 3 weeks after the last spring             when the weeds are growing upwind.
frost. Space plants 11⁄2 to 2 feet (45         COMPANIONS: Plant lettuce,
to 60 cm) apart; hot peppers toler-            radishes, and green onions with
ate closer spacing than sweet pep-             potatoes; they mature long before
pers. Mulch to maintain even mois-             the tuber crop is ready to dig.
ture, and water during dry spells to
prevent bitterness. A dose of fish             ENEMIES: Companion gardeners
emulsion when plants are in flower             say potatoes may be more suscepti-
can help increase yields. Sweet pep-           ble to blight if grown near raspber-
pers turn from green to red, yellow,           ries, pumpkins, tomatoes, squash,
or purple as they mature, getting              cucumbers, and sunflowers.
sweeter with the color change; pick            GROWING GUIDELINES: Potatoes
at any stage. Hot peppers also                 thrive in loose, fertile, well-drained
change color when it’s time to pick.           soil in full sun. Cut whole potatoes
                                               into pieces, each with two or three
                                               “eyes” (growing points), and let
  Potato                                       them dry for a day before planting.
  Solanum tuberosum                            Plant the pieces as soon as you can
                                               work the soil, spacing them 6 to 12
  SO L A N A C E A E                           inches (15 to 30 cm) apart and 4
ALLIES: Many companion gardeners               inches (10 cm) deep. As the vines
recommend planting potatoes with               grow, pull soil over the developing
beans, cabbage, corn, or horse-                tubers to prevent them from turning
radish for improved growth and fla-            green, or cover them with compost,
vor. They also often recommend                 leaves, or straw. Some companion
marigolds to ward off pests and                gardeners grow potatoes in cages;
sometimes plant eggplants as a trap            fill the cage with straw as the plants
crop for Colorado potato beetles.              grow, leaving only 3 to 4 inches
Tests at the Rodale Research Center            (7.5 to 10 cm) of leaves exposed.
in Pennsylvania with plantings of cat-            Blossoms are a sign that new
nip, coriander, nasturtium, and tansy          potatoes are ready to harvest.
resulted in a slightly reduced infesta-        Uncover a layer and pluck off tubers
tion of beetle larvae. According to            that are big enough to eat; cover the
one study, tomato-family weeds such            rest. When the tops of the plants
as jimson weed and nightshade                  begin to die back, it’s harvest time.
attract female Colorado potato

rose in an old rose’s “grave”:
  Rose                                        Disease pathogens or allelopathic
  Rosa spp.                                   substances that hinder the growth of
  RO S A C E A E                              a new plant of the same genus may
                                              be lurking in the soil.
ALLIES: Alliums—including garlic,             GROWING GUIDELINES: Roses
onions, leeks, and chives—are                 need at least 6 hours of sun each
reputed to protect roses against              day, and they must have excellent
black spot, mildew, and aphids.               drainage. They do best in fertile soil
Parsley is said to repel rose beetles.        enriched with humus or other
Some companion gardeners suggest              organic material. In most climates,
that strongly aromatic herbs may              fall is the best time for planting
also repel aphids.                            bareroot roses. (You can plant
COMPANIONS: You can grow                      bareroot roses in winter in very
roses in a bed of their own, or               mild climates; spring is a better
weave them into perennial beds and            time in areas with very cold win-
borders. Use shrub types, such as             ters.) Plant container-grown roses
disease-resistant rugosa roses                anytime during the growing season.
(Rosa rugosa), for hedges or barri-           Dig the hole deep enough so the
ers or to provide food and shelter            graft union—the scar on the stem
for wildlife. Low-growing plants,             that indicates where the rose has
such as creeping thyme or sweet               been budded onto its rootstock—is
alyssum, make attractive ground-              at or just below the soil surface.
covers beneath rose bushes; these             Trim canes back to 8 inches (20
small-flowered plants may also                cm), and mulch plants with com-
attract beneficials to protect roses.         post. After the first hard frost, prune
ENEMIES: As with all members of               roses back halfway, and mulch
the rose family, never plant a new            deeply with loose leaves or coarse

compost, mounding it around the              herb gardens. The small flowers will
canes. Prune off and destroy any             attract many bees.
diseased leaves or branches.                 ENEMIES: None known.
                                             GROWING GUIDELINES: Grow
 Rosemary                                    from cuttings or buy a started plant.
                                             This tender perennial often won’t
 Rosmarinus officinalis                      survive the winter in areas colder
 L ABIATAE                                   than Zone 7. Use as a pot plant in
                                             Northern gardens, or plant it out
ALLIES: Rosemary is popular as a
                                             during summer and pot up cuttings
companion for cabbage, broccoli,
and related crops, as well as carrots        for overwintering. In containers or
and onions. Its fragrance is said to         in the garden, rosemary thrives on
repel insects; companion gardeners           heat. Plant in full sun in average,
use it for cabbage flies, root maggot        well-drained soil. Never allow con-
flies, and other flying pests.               tainer plantings to dry out; rose-
                                             mary does not recover from severe
COMPANIONS: Gardeners in warm
climates—especially the Pacific
Southwest, where rosemary reaches            COMMENTS: Rosemary has also
shrub proportions—can enjoy this             won favor as a defense against
attractive, aromatic plant as a hedge        clothes moths. Banckes wrote in his
or border. Prostrate types make              Herbal: “Take the flowers and put
beautiful groundcovers for stony             them in thy chest among thy clothes
banks or streetside rock gardens.            or among thy Bookes and Mothes
Rosemary is a natural addition to            shall not destroy them.”

drained soil. Sow seed shallowly
  Sage                                         indoors in late winter or outdoors in
  Salvia officinalis                           late spring. Space plants about 24
  L ABIATAE                                    inches (60 cm) apart. Trim back
                                               drastically in early spring to encour-
ALLIES: Many companion garden-                 age vigorous, bushy new growth.
ers believe that sage improves the             Plants may decline after several
growth and flavor of cabbage, car-             years; take cuttings or divide in
rots, strawberries, and tomatoes.              spring or fall to have a steady supply.
They also believe that it deters cab-          COMMENTS: A branch of strongly
bage-family pests such as imported             aromatic sage is a fragrant addition
cabbageworms and root maggot                   to a sweater drawer or blanket
flies. In one study, cabbageworms              chest, and it may help keep clothes
were not reduced by companion                  moths away. Herbalists recommend
plantings with sage; another study of          the herb for increasing longevity—
sage spray revealed some effective-            and for keeping your mind sharp.
ness in controlling the pest. Sage is
also thought to grow well with mar-
joram.                                           Squash
COMPANIONS: The plentiful, usu-                  Cucurbita spp.
ally blue, flowers of this perennial             C UCURBITACEAE
herb are attractive to bees and other
insects, including beneficials. Use            ALLIES: Squash, one of the
sage as a border planting, or dot the          American Indians’ “three sisters,” is
plants among annual or perennial               traditionally grown with corn and
vegetables; they grow to an appre-             beans. Some companion gardeners
ciable size in just one season. Sage           recommend a nearby planting of
is an attractive plant for a steep, dry        radishes, nasturtiums, or mint and
bank. Purple-leaved or tricolored              other aromatic herbs to
cultivars work well in combination             repel insect pests
with the usual gray-leaved sage.
ENEMIES: Sage is thought to stunt
the growth of cucumbers. Many
companion gardeners believe that
sage and rue make poor neighbors.
Long ago, people believed that sage
and onions had a negative effect on
each other in the garden.
needs full sun and average, well-
such as squash bugs. Studies at the             cm) apart. You can also grow win-
Rodale test gardens have shown a                ter squash up sturdy trellises to save
possible reduction of squash bugs on            space; suspend ripening fruits in a
zucchini paired with catnip or tansy.           panty-hose sling. Water with fish
COMPANIONS: Summer squash,                      emulsion every 3 to 4 weeks. Mulch
such as crookneck and zucchini,                 with straw to keep the soil moist.
                                                Gently guide straying vines back
grow on bushy, nonvining plants.
                                                where they belong.
Winter squash, such as acorn, but-
                                                  Summer squash fruits grow fast.
ternut, and Hubbard, produce very
                                                Pick them every few days, while they
long vines. Plant both kinds with
                                                are still young and tender, to keep
corn. Tall sunflowers are another
                                                the plant producing. Harvest winter
suitable companion crop.
                                                squash when the shell is too hard to
ENEMIES: Gardening lore suggests                dent with a fingernail. Let winter
that squash plants may inhibit the              squash cure in the sun for 10 to 14
growth of potatoes.                             days; cover if frost is expected.
GROWING GUIDELINES: Squash                      COMMENTS: Squash are suscepti-
thrives in fertile, well-drained soil in        ble to various pests and ailments
full sun. After the last frost, plant           that can cause serious damage.
seed 1 inch (2.5 cm) deep when                  Watch for signs of trouble, like wilt-
the soil has warmed. Space summer               ing vines, which can indicate squash
squash 1 to 2 feet (30 to 60 cm)                borers or bacterial wilt; destroy
apart; winter, 2 to 4 feet (60 to 120           infected plants.

can transplant the thinnings. Plants
  Sunflower                                   are drought-tolerant, but mulching
  Helianthus annuus                           and regular watering will encourage
  C OMPOSITAE                                 larger seed heads.
                                              COMMENTS: Before you cross
ALLIES: None known.                           sunflowers off your companion list,
COMPANIONS: Sunflowers are                    do a little experimenting yourself.
commonly planted with corn,                   Most research has been done on the
beans, and squash. Plant a strip of           sunflower’s effect on weeds, such as
tall-growing sunflowers between               jimson weed, velvetleaf, Johnson
plantings of popcorn and sweet                grass, and others, not on home gar-
corn to block wind-borne pollen               den crops.
that could cross-pollinate the crops.           If you enjoy growing sunflowers
                                              for their blooms, plant a variety of
ENEMIES: Research is turning up
                                              colors, and be sure to grow extras
strong evidence of allelopathy in
                                              for cutting. ‘Lemon Gem’ has black
sunflowers, in both wild types and
                                              seeds and sulfur yellow petals; other
cultivars. Wild sunflowers, a com-
                                              cultivars, including ‘Autumn Beauty’,
mon crop weed, have been shown
                                              ‘Music Box Mix’, and ‘Velvet Queen’,
to inhibit or prevent the growth of
                                              offer russets, burgundy, or yellow
many species of plants. Field and
                                              blotched with brown.
laboratory studies show that culti-
vated types can be equally detrimen-
tal to some of their neighbors. Just           Thyme
how significant the effect is in the            Thymus spp.
home garden has yet to be deter-
mined. Most home companion gar-
                                               L ABIATAE
deners notice no detrimental effects          ALLIES: Companion gardeners rec-
from the plants; some claim that the          ommend planting thyme with just
sunflower hulls dropped from bird             about everything in the garden; this
feeders inhibit plant growth around           herb is said to improve flavor and
the base of the feeder.                       repel pests. Eggplants, cabbage,
GROWING GUIDELINES:                           potatoes, and tomatoes are often
Sunflowers couldn’t be simpler to             mentioned as companions.
grow. They thrive in average soil in          Scientific evidence is sparse; in one
full sun. In spring, after danger of          study, the presence of thyme
frost has passed, push a seed 1⁄2 inch        appeared to increase the population
(12 mm) deep into the soil every 6            of cabbageworms on neighboring
inches (15 cm); thin to 18 to 24              plants. Another study suggests that
inches (45 to 60 cm) apart. You               thyme sprays may be more effective

at masking plants from pests that          GROWING GUIDELINES: Thyme
seek hosts by smell.                       thrives in poor to average, well-
COMPANIONS: Grow only non-                 drained soil in full sun. Common
spreading types of this herb in the        thyme is easy to grow from seed
vegetable garden. Common thyme             sown shallowly indoors in late win-
(Thymus vulgaris), an upright,             ter. Sprinkle the seed generously
shrubby type, is a good choice for         into pots. Buy other species and
interplanting with vegetables.             cultivars as plants from garden cen-
Spreading, mat-forming thymes,             ters. Cuttings are extremely easy to
such as the popular woolly thyme           root. Layering is also a good way to
(T. pseudolanuginosus), the rapid-         create more plants; simply nudge a
ly creeping nutmeg thyme (T.               bit of soil over a low-growing
herbabarona ‘Nutmeg’), and many            branch and anchor with a stone.
others, are best kept in separate          Sever the rooted plant from the
beds or in the herb and flower gar-        mother when it begins producing
den. Delicately pretty in leaf and         vigorous growth and resists a slight
flower, a carpet of thyme makes a          tug. Divide older plants in spring.
beautiful underplanting for roses.         COMMENTS: A sampler garden of
ENEMIES: None known.                       thymes, including yellow-edged
                                           lemon thyme (T. x citriodorus),
                                           diminutive woolly thyme, white-
                                           edged silver thyme (T. x citriodorus
                                           ‘Argentea’), and other favorites, is
                                           easy and appealing.

said to deter hornworms. In one
 Tomato                                      study, intercropping tomatoes with
 Lycopersicon                                plants of the cabbage family resulted
 esculentum                                  in reduced populations of diamond-
 SO L A N A C E A E                          back moths and flea beetles in the
                                             cabbage-family crops.
ALLIES: Companion gardeners                    Gardeners often interplant
plant tomatoes with asparagus,               marigolds with tomatoes to control
broccoli, cauliflower, cabbages, car-        nematodes, but studies indicate that
rots, and onions, hoping for                 the best way to control nema-
improved growth and flavor.                  todes—if they are indeed a prob-
Aromatic basil, parsley, and sage are        lem in your garden—is to plant a
also supposed to make tomatoes               whole bed of marigolds, then turn it
even more of a treat;                        under and follow it with tomatoes.
dill and borage are                          COMPANIONS: Surround tomatoes
                                             with aromatic herbs, or plant them
                                             into an already-growing bed of
                                             spinach, lettuce, or other fast-
                                             growing crops.
                                             ENEMIES: Black walnut roots
                                              cause tomato plants to wilt and die.
                                              Companion gardeners believe that
                                             tomatoes fail to thrive when planted
                                               near fennel or potatoes. Avoid
                                                  planting tomatoes where relat-
                                                  ed plants, such as eggplants
                                                  and potatoes, grew the previ-
                                                  ous 2 years.
                                               GROWING GUIDELINES:
                                                Tomatoes thrive in full sun in
                                                 deep, fertile, well-drained soil.
                                                  Start plants from seed sown 1⁄4
                                                   inch (6 mm) deep indoors, 5
                                                    to 6 weeks before the average
                                                   date of the last expected frost
                                                  in your area. Or, buy nursery-
                                               grown plants. After all danger of
                                                   frost has passed, set plants out
                                                      in the garden; make the
                                                        hole deep enough so soil
covers the stem up to the bottom               add a dash of color. Be sure to grow
leaves. Space them 12 to 24 inches             a few rows just for cutting; cut flow-
(30 to 60 cm) apart if you plan to             ers stay fresh for over a week with
cage or trellis the plants; allow 36 to        no special treatment.
48 inches (90 to 120 cm) between               ENEMIES: None known.
plants if you plan to let them sprawl.
                                               GROWING GUIDELINES: Zinnias
Mulch with compost in midsummer,
                                               thrive in full sun in average, well-
and water once with fish emulsion
                                               drained soil and are at their best in
when plants are in bloom.
                                               hot summer weather. They are
                                               among the quickest and easiest
  Zinnia                                       annuals you can grow from seed.
                                               Direct-sow 1⁄4 inch (6 mm) deep in
  Zinnia elegans                               spring after danger of frost has
  C OMPOSITAE                                  passed. Deadhead regularly to keep
                                               the flowers coming. Powdery
ALLIES: Zinnias attract insects of             mildew often causes dusty white
all kinds to the garden with their             spots on the foliage. Antidessicant
bright flowers and bushy foliage.              sprays may help protect leaves. Or,
Nectar-seeking wasps and hover                 look for resistant species and culti-
flies are two of the beneficials that          vars, such as Zinnia angustifolia.
come to the feast. Zinnias also                COMMENTS: Let some plants go to
attract butterflies of many species,           seed to attract goldfinches and
from small coppery metalmarks to               other seed eaters to the garden.
big, showy swallowtails.                       Easy-to-grow zinnias are a great
COMPANIONS: Zinnias are out-                   way to introduce children to the
standing plants for beds, borders,             pleasures of growing flowers. Young
and containers. These rewarding,               gardeners are particularly enchant-
gaily colored annuals bloom prolifi-           ed by peppermint-striped cultivars
cally from summer until frost.                 and extra-small miniatures, such as
Interplant in the vegetable garden to          ‘Thumbelina’.


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Companion Planting Made Easy - High Plains Food Bank

  • 1. COMPANION PLANTING M ADE EASY Excerpted from Companion Planting, a book from Rodale’s Successful Organic Gardening series (copyright 1994). Reprinted with permission of Weldon Russell Pty. Ltd. Copyright 1995 by Rodale Press, Inc., Emmaus, PA 18098. Fourth Printing 1999
  • 2. Text: Susan McClure Plant-by-Plant Guide: Sally Roth Gardening editor: Nancy Ondra Project editor: Linda Hager Copy editor: Susan Fox Cover and book designer: Judy Ross Interior illustrations: Frank Fretz
  • 3. Contents Introduction ~4~ How Does Companion Planting Work? ~4~ Getting Started with Companions ~7~ Growing a Companion Garden ~7~ Plant-by-Plant Guide ~8~
  • 4. Introduction W ouldn’t it be great if you encourage your plants to work could just plant your gar- together, sharing water and nutri- den and forget it? Your ents and protecting each other from plants would grow lush and pesky insects. Companion Planting healthy—without you adding lots of Made Easy is your guide to using fertilizer or worrying about pest time-tested techniques for healthier problems. Well, any kind of garden plants, bigger harvests, and fewer will need some care, but you can pest problems. How Does Companion Planting Work? In the simplest terms, companion ings of just a few different plant planting is the technique of combin- species. These large groups of simi- ing two plants for a particular pur- lar plants, called monocultures, are pose. If your crops are regularly prime targets for insect and disease attacked by insects, you can use attack. Increasing the diversity of companions to hide, repel, or trap your garden plantings is a natural pests. Other companions provide and effective way to avoid a mono- food and shelter to attract and pro- culture and minimize pest and dis- tect beneficial insects. And some ease problems. plants grow well together just Technically, adding diversity could because they don’t compete for light be as simple as increasing the num- or rooting space. Expanding the ber of different plants in your gar- diversity of your garden plantings and den. Sounds simple—until you incorporating plants with particularly realize that you have a limited useful characteristics are both part of amount of room in your garden, successful companion planting. which is taken up by your favorite crops. But, if you create a planned Creating Diversity diversity, you can still have good (or In contrast to the wide diversity of even better) yields from the same natural systems—like forests and amount of space. prairies—our gardens and farms For instance, instead of growing tend to contain neat, identical plant- the same vegetable cultivars in the 4
  • 5. same beds every year, try changing the soil as the nodule-bearing roots their positions each year, or at least die off and decompose. This nitro- try different cultivars. To get even gen is available during the season to more diversity, try open-pollinated boost the growth of any companion seeds instead of hybrids. The plants plants growing nearby. The big from open-pollinated seed are all bonus comes when you turn the just a little different genetically, so foliage and roots of the legumes even if pests or diseases attack into the soil. When they decay, they some of the plants, the rest of the can release enough nitrogen to feed crop may be spared. the next crop you grow. An easy and pleasant way to add diversity to the vegetable garden is Repelling Pest Insects to add flowering plants. Mix annual A key part of creating effective crop flowers and herbs in the beds or combinations is using the natural rows of vegetables, or create per- abilities of the plant to attract, con- manent beds nearby for perennials fuse, or deter insects. Some plants and bulbs. Besides looking good, produce repellent or toxic com- flowers provide a source of food pounds that chase pests away or and shelter for spiders and benefi- stop them from feeding. In other cial insects that eat or parasitize cases, the aromatic compounds plant pests. released by plants can mask the scent of companion crops. Summer Enriching the Soil savory, for example, may help hide All plants withdraw some nutrients your bush beans from pests, while from the soil as they grow, but some tansy is said to repel Colorado pota- actually return more nutrients than to beetles from a potato planting. they consume. Legumes—plants like Garlic releases deterrent aromas peas, beans, and clover—have a into the air that may chase away mutually beneficial relationship with insects such as bean beetles and nitrogen-fixing Rhizobium bacteria. potato bugs. Mint may keep cab- These bacteria colonize legume bage loopers off cabbage plants, roots, absorbing up to 20 percent of while basil can discourage tomato the sugars the plants produce. The hornworms on tomatoes. bacteria use this energy to capture Try pungent plants as an edging atmospheric nitrogen (nitrogen gas) around garden beds, or mix them in and convert it into nitrogen com- among your crops. Or, if you can’t pounds that plants can use. grow the repellents close enough to Some of this nitrogen goes direct- your crops, try spreading clippings ly back to the host plant. Another of the scented plants over garden part of the nitrogen trapped by the beds for the same effect. Rhizobium bacteria is released into 5
  • 6. Luring Pests from Crops or apply some other type of control Some plants have an almost irre- measure to the infested plants. sistible appeal for certain pests. Nasturtiums, for instance, are an Sheltering Beneficial excellent attractant plant because Insects they’re a favorite of aphids. Not all insects are garden enemies. Colorado potato beetles find black Many actually help your garden nightshade (Solanum nigrum) grow by eating or parasitizing plant more alluring than even your best pests. You can encourage these ben- potato plants. eficial creatures to make a home in Attractant plants can protect your your garden by planting their crops in two ways. First, they act as favorite flowering plants. Growing decoys to lure pests away from your dill, for example, can attract pest- desirable crops. Second, they make eating spiders, lacewings, and para- it easier to control the pests since sitic wasps, which will help control the insects are concentrated on a caterpillars on cabbage, beetles on few plants. Once pests are cucumbers, and aphids on lettuce. “trapped,” you can pull out the Plants that produce large quantities attractant plants (cover them with of easily accessible pollen and nec- paper or plastic bags first, if the tar—like yarrow, fennel, and gold- pests are small or fast-moving) and enrod—provide shelter and supple- destroy them along with the pests, mental food for hungry beneficials. 6
  • 7. Getting Started with Companions With so many possible plant combi- compatible companions, as well as nations, it can be hard to know helpful growing information. Use where to start. To increase your these suggestions as the basis for chances of success, try a compan- your trials. ion planting scheme that has been Also, keep your eyes open for found effective in scientific studies existing garden plants that you can or that has the confirmation of a use in your own companion plant- wide variety of gardeners from vary- ing experiments. Look closely at ing climates. As you gain confi- flowers around your yard to see dence, you can branch out to try which harbor a wealth of beneficial less-proven combinations. insects; you may want to plant more You may want to start by selecting of these attractant plants. If you find a companion for one of your a quick-growing weed or vegetable favorite crops—tomatoes, for that is crawling with a bumper crop example. If you look up the of pests, take note—it could make “Tomato” entry on page 38, you’ll a good trap crop to lure pests away find recommendations for allies and from your other plants. Growing a Companion Garden Caring for companion plantings get the most out of companion isn’t very different from how you planting, it’s often wise to try a com- normally care for your garden. You bination at least twice; three times is still need to prepare the soil well, even better. Then you can look at plant at the proper time, and water the overall performance of the com- and fertilize as necessary. bination and make an informed Throughout the season, observe decision on whether it’s worth try- the performance of the companion ing again. You’ll soon build a list of plantings you’re testing. Keep a plants and techniques that will notebook where you can record the make your garden more productive setup and the results of the trials. To and even easier to maintain. 7
  • 8. Plant-by-Plant Guide grapes were sometimes trellised Asparagus between the asparagus rows. Asparagus officinalis ENEMIES: None known. LILIACEAE GROWING GUIDELINES: Asparagus grows well in most areas ALLIES: According to companion that have either winter ground gardening lore, planting pars- freezes or dry seasons. Choose a ley or tomatoes with aspara- well-drained spot in full sun, and gus will invigorate both dig in plenty of compost or aged crops. Interplantings of manure. It’s important to prepare parsley, tomatoes, and basil the soil well, since plants may stay may discourage asparagus in place for 20 years or more. beetles. Many companion Most gardeners start gardeners find that aspara- asparagus from 1-year-old gus grows well planted crowns. Buy all-male plants if near basil. available. Place purchased COMPANIONS: crowns 18 to 24 inches (45 to Interplant early 60 cm) apart in a trench that is crops, such as 12 inches (30 cm) wide and 8 lettuce, beets, or spinach, between the rows in spring. In summer, add a late planting of let- tuce and spinach where the ferny asparagus plants will pro- vide some need- ed shade. In Colonial times, 8
  • 9. inches (20 cm) deep. Allow 4 to 5 make a neat edging along flower feet (1.2 to 1.5 m) between rows. borders. Purple-leaved cultivars like Cover with 2 inches (5 cm) of soil. ‘Purple Ruffles’ are great in flower Add another 2 inches (5 cm) of soil beds as well as in vegetable and every 2 weeks until the trench is herb gardens. filled. Mulch well and water regu- ENEMIES: Even in the 1600s, gar- larly during the first 2 years after deners observed that rue and basil planting, and side-dress with com- did not appear to be good neigh- post or aged manure. Remove and bors. “Something is the matter,” destroy old foliage each spring to noted Nicholas Culpeper, in his control pests and diseases. Wait to English Physitian and Complete harvest your asparagus until the Herball. “This herb and rue will third spring after planting. Break never grow together, no, nor near spears off at soil level. one another.” GROWING GUIDELINES: Basil is Basil very sensitive to cold; wait until the weather and soil are warm before Ocimum basilicum planting outdoors. Sow seed 1⁄8 inch L ABIATAE (3 mm) deep in full sun, or set out transplants after all danger of frost ALLIES: Companion gardeners has passed. Space plants 6 to 12 believe that basil improves the fla- inches (15 to 30 cm) apart for vor and growth of tomatoes, per- small-leaved types such as haps because the plants are such ‘Minimum’ or ‘Spicy Globe’; allow good companions on the table. up to 11⁄2 feet (45 cm) between Some are also convinced that basil plants for larger cultivars such as or basil sprays protect tomatoes ‘Genova’ or ‘Piccolo Verde Fino’. from insects and disease, although Water and mulch to keep the soil this remains unproven by scientific evenly moist. Pinch or cut back research. flowering stems to keep the plant COMPANIONS: Basil is available in producing more leaves. a variety of shapes and sizes, from COMMENTS: Garden lore suggests neat, small mounds to large, that basil repels flies and mosqui- branching plants. Low-growing, toes: Try tucking a few stems into a compact cultivars like ‘Spicy Globe’ bouquet on the patio table. 9
  • 10. and flavor of growing beans as well. Bean The beans provide food and shelter Phaseolus spp. for many predatory and parasitic and other genera insects. LEGUMINOSAE COMPANIONS: Climbing pole beans are good companions for ALLIES: Companion gardeners corn; they help anchor the corn maintain that interplanting tomatoes against wind and add nitrogen to the or corn with beans improves the soil. Celery and cucumbers are a few growth and yields of both crops. good companions for interplanting. Some recommend marigolds with ENEMIES: While some companion beans to repel Mexican bean beetles. gardeners recommend interplanting Scientific studies with marigolds garlic with beans to repel insects, show reduced beetle populations, others say that any member of the but a border planting of French onion family, including garlic, shal- marigolds (Tagetes patula) nega- lots, and chives, will be detrimental tively affected the beans’ growth. to growth and yield. Companion gardeners also suggest planting aromatic herbs such as win- GROWING GUIDELINES: Sow ter or summer savory and rosemary seed in average to fertile, well- to deter bean beetles. drained soil in full sun. Start plant- To help repel black aphids from ing around 2 weeks after the last beans, try intercropping bush beans spring frost date, when the soil is with garlic, or grow nasturtiums as warm (seeds will rot in cold, wet a trap crop. Summer savory, which soil). Make successive plantings at goes well with cooked 2- to 3-week intervals until 2 months beans, is said to before the average date of your first improve the growth fall frost. Plant bush beans 1 to 11⁄2 inches (2.5 to 3.75 cm) deep and 3 to 6 inches (7.5 to 15 cm) apart. 10
  • 11. Sow pole beans 2 inches (5 cm) when planted near pole beans or deep and 10 inches (25 cm) apart. field mustard. Pick green beans while young; pick GROWING GUIDELINES: For best fresh shell beans when plump but root development, beets need a tender. Leave dry beans on the sunny site with loose, fertile, well- plants until they rattle in the pod. drained soil that is free of rocks and stones. Sow seed 1 inch (2.5 cm) deep and 2 inches apart about a Beet month before the last spring frost. Beta vulgaris Seedlings often come up in clumps; CHENOPODIACEAE thin to stand 2 inches (5 cm) apart. Transplant the thinnings to fill bare ALLIES: Companion gardening lore spots, or enjoy them in salads. holds that beets thrive in the com- Harvest roots when small; pick ten- pany of cabbage and its relatives, as der leaves for cooked greens. Sow a well as with onions; alternate beets fall crop in late summer. in a row with onions or kohlrabi. COMMENTS: Leafminers and flea Try companion plantings of mints beetles are common pests, but usu- (Mentha spp.) or catnip (Nepeta ally cause only cosmetic damage cataria) to ward off flea beetles. and do not affect root yields. (If you are growing beets for their greens, COMPANIONS: Plant in alternate floating row covers can help keep rows with other crops, even those foliage pests away.) Larvae of beet that grow tall. (Although beets pre- moths have been controlled on fer full sun, they also tolerate partial sugar beets with a watered-down shade.) Beets have attractive red- extract of the leaves of chestnut veined leaves that also make a nice trees (Castanea sativa). Scientists addition to ornamental plantings. believe the extract masks the chemi- ENEMIES: Some companion gar- cal aura that attracts the moth to lay deners believe that beets do poorly her eggs on the beet plants. 11
  • 12. decaying broccoli plants instead of Broccoli turning them under. Brassica oleracea, GROWING GUIDELINES: Sow Botrytis group seed indoors, 1⁄2 inch (12 mm) deep CRUCIFERAE and 2 inches (5 cm) apart, about 2 months before the last spring frost ALLIES: Many companion garden- date. Set out seedlings or nursery- ers believe that beans, celery, pota- grown transplants about a month toes, and onions improve broccoli’s before the last frost date. Give them growth and flavor. Aromatic herbs, a site with fertile, well-drained soil including chamomile, dill, pepper- and full sun. Space the young plants mint, rosemary, and sage, are also 12 to 24 inches (30 to 60 cm) supposed to be beneficial to broc- apart. Sow a fall crop directly in the coli and its relatives by discouraging garden in July through August. pests. Harvest the terminal bud while the COMPANIONS: Broccoli needs a florets are tightly budded and green. lot of calcium, so plant it with low- If you leave the stem in the ground, calcium feeders like beets, nastur- you can harvest smaller side buds tiums, marigolds, or sage. In rich, as they develop. Broccoli and other fertile soil, interplant broccoli with cabbage-family plants are heavy other cabbage-family members such feeders, so top-dress with compost as cabbage, cauliflower, collards, or feed with fish emulsion every few and kohlrabi, which share its heavy weeks. feeding habits. Underplant late-sea- son broccoli with hairy vetch, a win- ter-hardy green manure that will live Cabbage on to protect the soil after you har- Brassica oleracea, vest the broccoli. Capitata group ENEMIES: Many companion gar- CR U C I F E R A E deners believe that broccoli and other cabbage-family plants are ALLIES: Many companion garden- negatively affected by tomatoes. ers say cabbage grows better when Some would add pole beans to that planted with celery, onions, and list, and others disagree about potatoes, although no research has whether strawberries are good or yet been done to prove or disprove bad neighbors. In scientific studies, the idea. Aromatic plants, including decomposing residues of broccoli marigolds, nasturtiums, pennyroyal, were found to have a toxic effect on peppermint, sage, and thyme, are a lettuce seedlings. It’s probably a favorite in garden lore for their good idea to remove and compost reputed insect-repellent powers; 12
  • 13. except for marigolds, however, they ENEMIES: Companion gardeners have shown no significant effects in disagree about strawberries and scientific trials with cabbage. In cabbage as companions; some say fact, nasturtiums have been shown the relationship is beneficial while to actually attract cabbage flea bee- others say it affects cabbage nega- tles. Studies have shown that while tively. marigolds do reduce flea beetles, GROWING GUIDELINES: Cabbage they also apparently cause an allelo- does best in cool weather. For the pathic reaction that inhibits the spring crop, sow seed indoors, 1⁄4 growth of the cabbage. inch (6 mm) deep, 8 to 10 weeks Interplanting tomato rows with before the last spring frost date, or cabbage rows provided some protec- buy nursery-grown seedlings. tion from whiteflies and cabbage flea Transplant to fertile, well-drained beetles in one study; researchers soil in full sun as soon as the soil theorized that the smell of the toma- can be worked, spacing plants 12 to toes hid the smell of the cabbage. 18 inches (30 to 45 cm) apart. Clover, lettuce, and weeds also help Side-dress monthly with compost or protect from infestations by making rotted manure. Water evenly to pre- the cabbage hard to find. vent splitting. Harvest the heads COMPANIONS: Try a border of when they are round and full. kale around your cabbage patch to decoy insects away from the cabbage heads. 13
  • 14. heads stand for self-sown plants Calendula next spring. Calendula officinalis COMMENTS: In olden days, gold- C OMPOSITAE orange calendula petals were popu- lar in cooking, and their inclusion ALLIES: Some companion garden- in certain concoctions supposedly ers believe a border or interplanting allowed the consumer to see fairies. of calendula protects plants against On a more practical note, you can asparagus beetles, tomato horn- use the crushed, dried petals as a worms, and other insects; this may substitute for the coloring effect of be due to a masking effect or a saffron. repellent created by the pungent scent of its foliage. The brightly col- ored flowers attract beneficial insects, but the plant itself is often beset by aphids, whiteflies, caterpillars, leafhoppers, and other pests; it may hold some value as a trap crop. It is reputed to repel dogs when planted around shrubs and trees. COMPANIONS: The cheerful flowers of calendula are a great accent for herb gardens and flower borders. This compact annual fits in easily with veg- etable garden plantings. ENEMIES: None known. GROWING GUIDELINES: Calendula is easy to grow. Scatter seed in early spring in average, well-drained soil in full sun. Cut plants back to 3 inches (7.5 cm) after the first flush of bloom for color until frost, or sow again for fall blooms. Calendulas thrive in cool weather and keep blooming through the first light frosts. Let a few seed 14
  • 15. tiny seeds to each inch (2.5 cm), in Carrot rows 1 foot (30 cm) apart, and Daucus carota cover lightly with fine soil or a var. sativa sprinkling of sand. Water gently UM B E L L I F E R A E with a fine mist to avoid washing out seeds. Carrots germinate in about 2 ALLIES: Companion gardeners say to 3 weeks. When tops reach 1 to 2 that interplanted radishes, peas, or inches (2.5 to 5 cm), thin plants to sage can improve the flavor of car- stand 1 inch (2.5 cm) apart. Thin rots. Some believe that onions, leeks, again to 4 inches (10 cm) apart in and rosemary, perhaps because of another 2 weeks, so that roots have their strong scent, repel root maggot plenty of room to grow. Make suc- flies. Interplanting with onions may cessive sowings every 3 weeks also help repel carrot rust flies, a through the season until 3 months problem in Northwest gardens. before the first fall frost for a con- tinuous crop of young, tender car- COMPANIONS: These light feeders rots. Water before harvesting to grow well in company with most soften the soil, and pull by hand to other garden vegetables. avoid damaging the roots. ENEMIES: Folklore suggests that COMMENTS: If nematodes are a dill and anise cause poor growth in problem in your patch, causing little carrots. knots along roots and a stunted GROWING GUIDELINES: Plant in crop, plant the bed with French full sun in deep, loose soil free of marigolds (Tagetes patula) the rocks. Start sowing about 3 weeks year before sowing carrots. Till the before the average date of the last marigolds into the soil at the end of spring frost. Sow about six of the the growing season. 15
  • 16. reach 6 inches (15 cm) tall. Pinch Chives off spent flowers to prevent plants Allium schoenoprasum from reseeding. A MARYLLIDACEAE COMMENTS: Some companion gardeners recommend a spray of ALLIES: Companion gardeners rec- chives processed with water in a ommend chives to improve growth blender to deter mildew on cucur- and flavor of carrots, grapes, roses, bits and gooseberries or black spot and tomatoes. Some suggest that a on roses. In the kitchen, snip fresh ring of chives around an apple tree leaves into pieces and freeze in zip- may inhibit the growth of apple scab pered plastic bags for a ready (possibly by affecting the spores source of seasoning in the winter. carried on dropped leaves); others say chives ward off Japanese beetles or black spot in roses. No scientific Corn studies have been conducted to confirm these reports. Zea mays GRAMINEAE COMPANIONS: Chives are too pret- ty to keep in the vegetable garden ALLIES: The benefit of planting alone. Use them for a neat and corn with beans has been upheld by attractive border planting, punctu- scientific research, which showed ate the corners or centers of herb increased yields when corn was beds with their spiky form, or weave grown with a legume. Beans and a few clumps into the perennial corn are mutually beneficial: Beans border. help keep fall armyworms in check ENEMIES: Some companion gar- on corn, while corn minimizes deners believe that chives inhibit the leafhoppers on bean plants. growth of beans or peas. Alternate rows of corn and bush GROWING GUIDELINES: Seeds beans, two rows of corn to one of require darkness to germinate. Sow beans. Or plant pole beans to climb a generous amount of seeds in each corn stalks. peat pot indoors. Cover the tray of COMPANIONS: Sunflower borders pots with a piece of newspaper or were a tradition in American Indian cardboard, then be patient—they gardens. British research indicates are slow to sprout. Transplant the that strips of sunflowers alternated young clumps, pot and all, to a with corn will increase yields and sunny spot in average, well-drained decrease infestations of fall army- soil. Space clumps 18 inches (45 worms. Squash and pumpkins do cm) apart. Harvest leaves by cutting well in the shade of the corn rows. them off at ground level when they 16
  • 17. ENEMIES: The weed quack grass Plant four seeds at a time: “One (Agropyron repens) appears to for the blackbird, one for the crow, make nitrogen and potassium and that leaves just two to grow,” in unavailable to corn, even when the the words of an old prairie homily. area is heavily fertilized. Leached Sow seed 1 inch (2.5 cm) deep, toxins from wheat-straw mulch and space the groups 12 to 15 inch- reduced corn yields in farm es (30 to 37.5 cm) apart, in rows research by 44 to 94 percent. or in hills of soil. Thin to two plants GROWING GUIDELINES: Plan per group if needed. Side-dress with your rotations so that heavy-feeding organic fertilizer when plants are 6 corn follows a nitrogen-boosting inches (15 cm) tall and again when crop of beans, alfalfa, or clover. they are knee-high. Start checking Sow seed after all danger of frost your corn for ripeness about three has passed and soil is warm. Plant weeks after the silks appear. Press a in blocks to assure good pollina- fingernail against one of the ker- tion, interplanting with single rows nels; if the sap looks milky, it’s time of beans if desired. to harvest. 17
  • 18. GROWING GUIDELINES: Cosmos Cosmos are easy to grow from seed and easy Cosmos spp. to transplant, even when quite large. C OMPOSITAE After danger of frost has passed, direct-sow seed 1⁄4 inch (6 mm) ALLIES: None known. deep in average, well-drained soil in full sun. Thin seedlings to stand COMPANIONS: The flat daisy-like about 3 inches (7.5 cm) apart, and flowers of cosmos make a good pinch them when young and single- landing platform for honeybees and stemmed to encourage bushiness beneficial insects seeking nectar or and branching. C. bipinnatus grows pollen. Plant either Cosmos bipin- fast and lush, and it occasionally natus, the old-fashioned, ferny- falls over from its own weight, snap- foliaged plant with pink, red, and ping a heavy branch of buds or white flowers, or C. sulphureus, the bloom. To salvage the plant, stick hot-colored, shorter type. The the broken end of the branch into abundant foliage offers shelter to the ground a few inches deep, or lay predatory insects. it horizontally and mound 2 to 3 ENEMIES: None known. inches (5 to 7.5 cm) of soil over the 18
  • 19. stem. Keep the soil wet while new cucumbers will serve as a trap crop roots form from the stem. It will for black cutworms. recover in less than a week. COMPANIONS: Interplant trellised COMMENTS: Both types of cosmos cucumbers with lettuce, celery, or are beautiful in bouquets. Try a few Chinese cabbage, all of which grow stems of orange ‘Klondike’ blooms, well in the light shade of the vines. buds, and spiky seed heads in a Or grow cucumbers with cabbage, green vase for an arrangement of broccoli, or cauliflower; by the time almost oriental simplicity. the cucumbers begin to sprawl, the Cosmos is also an excellent plant earlier crops should be ready for for attracting birds to the garden. harvesting. Goldfinches are particularly fond of ENEMIES: Potatoes growing near the seeds and often hang upside cucumbers are reputed to be more down, feasting on them from the susceptible to Phytophthora blight. tips of branches bowed beneath Companion gardeners also warn their weight. that aromatic herbs and cucumbers do not make good neighbors. Cucumber GROWING GUIDELINES: Grow cucumbers in hills or rows in fer- Cucumis sativus tile, well-drained soil in full sun. C UCURBITACEAE Sow seed 1⁄2 inch deep, or set out transplants 3 weeks after the last ALLIES: Cucumbers are reputed to spring frost date, when soil has grow better and yield more when warmed. Thin or space plants to planted with beans, cabbage, corn, stand 12 inches (30 cm) apart. peas, or radishes. Some companion Water regularly to keep the soil gardeners believe that radishes lure evenly moist and help prevent bitter away cucumber beetles or that pun- fruit. Apply an organic fertilizer, like gent-smelling marigolds repel them. fish emulsion, monthly. Radishes and onions are supposed Grow cucumbers on vertical trel- to keep away root maggots. lises to save precious gardening Research has shown that cucum- space and make harvesting easier. bers interplanted with broccoli or Keep cucumbers picked regularly, corn are less likely to be ravaged by before they yellow, to encourage the cucumber beetles or affected by the vines to keep producing. bacterial wilt the beetles carry. Some studies show that some types COMMENTS: If diseases are a of cucumber inhibit weed growth. problem in your area, select dis- Spiny amaranth (Amaranthus spin- ease-resistant cultivars such as osus) plants standing among ‘Marketmore 76’ or ‘Sweet Slice’. 19
  • 20. tomatoes planted near dill will fail Dill to thrive. Anethum graveolens GROWING GUIDELINES: Dill can UMBELLIFERAE be temperamental about germinat- ing. It sprouts better in cool rather ALLIES: Dill is a useful plant in the than hot weather. Sow seed 1⁄4 inch companion garden, thanks to its (6 mm) deep and 4 inches (10 cm) big, airy umbels of many tiny flow- apart in spring in average, well- ers. Mud daubers and other large drained soil in full sun. Thin predatory wasps, as well as many seedlings to stand 8 to 12 inches smaller beneficials, visit the flowers (20 to 30 cm) apart. Sow every 2 regularly and may return to your weeks for a continuous supply. garden when they need caterpillars Once you have a thriving dill patch, to feed their young. Companion gar- chances are you’ll have it for years; deners say that dill improves the it self-sows liberally. growth and health of cabbage and COMMENTS: Don’t be alarmed by related crops. It’s also reputed to an infestation of green-black-and- repel aphids and spider mites, most yellow caterpillars on your dill. Let likely because of its aroma. Dill may the creatures feed; they’ll turn into be effective as a trap crop for thick, graceful black swallowtail butterflies. green tomato hornworms. Handpick the pests, or pull and destroy infested crops. (Don’t destroy caterpillars with little white Garlic cocoons on their backs, though; Allium sativum these have been parasitized by ben- A MARYLLIDACEAE eficial wasps.) ALLIES: Garlic is often recom- COMPANIONS: Sow dill with let- mended by companion gardeners as tuce, onions, or cucumbers; the an insect-repelling plant, especially plants’ habits complement each for planting around roses and for other well. deterring Japanese beetles and ENEMIES: Many growers are con- vinced that dill reduces the yield of carrots. This belief may be rooted in the fact that both plants are susceptible to some of the same dis- eases. Some companion gardeners believe that 20
  • 21. aphids. Science has proven insecti- contains a number of individual cidal qualities of garlic sprays, but cloves; plant them one by one to its effectiveness as a companion mature into fat bulbs. Give garlic a plant in the garden is unconfirmed. site with loose, rich soil in full sun. COMPANIONS: Plant garlic between Plant cloves 2 inches (5 cm) deep tomatoes, eggplants, or cabbage and 4 inches (10 cm) apart. Mulch plants, or use as a border planting. to keep weeds down, and water during dry spells. ENEMIES: Garlic, like onions, is A 20-foot (6 m) row will yield 5 to said to have a negative effect on 10 pounds (2.5 to 5 kg) of garlic. peas, beans, and other legumes. Timing the harvest is a little tricky: GROWING GUIDELINES: Plant too early and bulbs will be small; garlic in fall, around Columbus Day, too late and the outer skin may tear, for a vigorous crop. Garlic needs a making the bulbs store poorly. Wait chilling period for best growth, and until leaves begin to turn brown, fall-planted bulbs will benefit from then check the status of one head the winter cold. The bulbs will put before you harvest the whole crop. out a few roots before winter, but Hang bulbs by the leaves to dry, or green shoots usually won’t appear weave them into a braid. until spring. COMMENTS: Garlic oil is a proven Some supermarket bulbs are insecticide and may have some effect treated with antisprouting chemi- on fungal or bacterial diseases. cals, but others will yield a perfectly acceptable garlic crop. Each bulb 21
  • 22. grow tall and crooked with age, an Geranium appealing look to some companion Pelargonium spp. gardeners but not to others. To GERANIACEAE reclaim an old plant, cut the stems back to short stubs; this will encour- ALLIES: The pungent foliage of age vigorous new growth. Pot up the flowering and scented geraniums is cuttings to get more plants. appealing to companion gardeners COMMENTS: The dense, leafy but not to garden pests. The showy growth provides welcome hiding flowering types of geranium are places for insect predators, espe- reputed to repel cabbageworms, cially spiders. Scented types add corn earworms, and Japanese bee- appealing texture to ornamental tles. The scented ones are thought beds. Try the rose-scented ‘Grey to deter red spider mites and cotton Lady Plymouth’, with lacy, gray- aphids. Some companion gardeners green leaves delicately edged in believe that white-flowered scented white and pink, or peppermint geraniums are effective as a trap geranium, with large, wide velvety crop for Japanese beetles; handpick leaves. Keep a pot of scented gerani- the beetles from the leaves. ums near walkways, where passers- COMPANIONS: Interplant flowering by will brush against the foliage and or scented geraniums with vegeta- release the fragrance. bles—especially among cabbage and its relatives—or use as a border to the vegetable garden. Plant white- Lettuce or pink-flowering geraniums around Lactuca sativa roses for a pretty (and possibly pest- C OMPOSITAE controlling) combination. ENEMIES: None known. ALLIES: Many companion garden- GROWING GUIDELINES: ers maintain that lettuce grows best Geraniums are easy to start from when planted near or with straw- cuttings; some types will also grow berries, carrots, cucumbers, cab- from seed. Grow plants in full sun in bage-family crops, and beets. lean to average, well-drained soil. Companion gardening tradition rec- Remove spent flowers on seed- ommends planting lettuce with grown plants to encourage more radishes for the mutual benefit of blooms. In frost-free climates, gera- both crops. niums are perennial; elsewhere, COMPANIONS: Plant lettuce below take cuttings in late summer or pot and around taller vegetables, such up plants when frost threatens and as cabbage, broccoli, and beans, or bring indoors to overwinter. Plants edge a bed with it. Interplant rows 22
  • 23. of leaf lettuce with rows of beans, well into the summer. In areas with peas, and tomatoes. hot summers, look for heat-resis- ENEMIES: None known. tant cultivars such as ‘Mantilia’, ‘Grand Rapids’, and ‘Summer Bibb’. GROWING GUIDELINES: Lettuce Plant summer lettuce in the shade thrives in fertile, well-drained but of bean trellises or other tall plants. moisture-retentive soil with plenty Harvest lettuce in the morning, of organic matter. Sow seed in full when it is the most juicy and crispy. sun as early as you can work the Pick leaf lettuce as needed. Press soil. Plant lettuce in rows, or broad- down on heading types to check for cast the tiny seeds over a small the springy firmness that indicates patch. Sow as evenly as possible. the head is ready to harvest. When Thin ruthlessly; you can always eat plants start to elongate and send up the thinnings. Allow 12 to 16 inches a flowering stalk, the leaves become (30 to 40 cm) between plants for too bitter to enjoy. heading types; space plants 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm) apart for leafy COMMENTS: If you have the space, types. Water regularly to keep plants leave a row of lettuce to flower and growing well, and side-dress with set seed. Lettuce flowers attract a manure tea for rapid growth. Make multitude of insects, including ben- a second and third planting 2 weeks eficials; birds relish the seeds. apart to extend your lettuce harvest 23
  • 24. ENEMIES: Marigolds appear to be Marigold allelopathic to beans and vegetables Tagetes spp. of the cabbage family. C OMPOSITAE GROWING GUIDELINES: Sow seed in lean to average soil with full ALLIES: Marigolds have acquired a sun after the last frost, or start with large body of companion gardening purchased plants. Space them 12 to lore surrounding their reputed 24 inches (30 to 60 cm) apart. insect-repelling qualities. Pinch off spent flowers to promote Companion gardeners suggest bushy growth and more flowers. At planting them with cabbage, pota- the end of the season, let a few seed toes, tomatoes, and roses, insisting heads mature and save the seed for that the pungently scented plants next year. control aphids, cabbage loopers, COMMENTS: Mulches of marigold imported cabbageworms, Mexican leaves have been effective in sup- bean beetles, and nematodes. Only pressing nematodes; root mulches a few of the claims are backed up are also repellent. These findings by scientific research, and some- suggest that you might be better off times the results are contradictory. tossing pulled-up marigolds on the In addition, marigolds appear to garden rather than on the compost have an allelopathic effect on some pile. neighbors. In one study, French marigolds (Tagetes patula) repelled Mexican bean beetles, but the growth of the beans was stunted, Mint apparently by the presence of the Mentha spp. marigolds. Nematode studies are LABIATAE more definitive, showing a decrease in population in at least five species ALLIES: These strong-smelling of nematodes. Spectacular nema- plants are favorites with companion tode control resulted when gardeners who believe that the marigolds were interplanted with sharp fragrance repels insect pests. tomatoes. Some believe that mint also improves the vigor and flavor of COMPANIONS: Due to the possible cabbage and tomatoes. allelopathic effects, it’s probably best to plant marigolds and vegeta- COMPANIONS: Mint is notoriously bles in separate beds. Grow the invasive, so don’t allow it free rein marigolds as a cover crop and turn in your garden. If you want to grow them into the soil at the end of the mint around your crops, plant it in season. pots and set the pots near the plants 24
  • 25. you want to protect. Place a saucer and cover it in a few places with beneath the pot to prevent the roots about 1⁄2 inch (12 mm) of patted- from creeping into the garden soil. down soil. Keep the soil moist until Some low-growing mints, such as vigorous new growth appears, usu- pennyroyal, are not as rampant as ally in just a few weeks. Seed-grown taller apple mint, spearmint, and mint may or may not have a strong other species. scent; rub a leaf and sniff before ENEMIES: None known. buying potted garden-center mints to make sure you are getting what GROWING GUIDELINES: Grow you want. Even a young seedling mint in average soil in full sun or should have a strong, distinctive partial shade. Extra moisture will smell of peppermint, spearmint, or encourage more vigorous whatever it is being sold as. growth. Buy plants or beg a cutting from a friend or neigh- COMMENTS: Spearmint and pep- bor to start your patch; permint, some say, will repel ants mint cuttings are on plants or in the kitchen. Lay a extremely easy to root. fresh sprig in drawers and Lay the clipping horizon- on shelves. Mints may also tally on the surface of aver- help protect woolens age to lean soil in full sun, from moth damage. 25
  • 26. encourage blooms during hot Nasturtium weather. Tropaeolum majus COMMENTS: The colorful, spurred T ROPAEOLACEAE flowers attract hummingbirds. They are also a charming and flavorful ALLIES: Companion gardeners rec- garnish for salads. ommend nasturtiums as a trap crop for aphids; pull up and destroy the infested plants. Nasturtiums are also Onion said to deter pests—including whiteflies—from beans, cabbage Allium cepa and its relatives, and cucumbers. A MARYLLIDACEAE Some companion gardeners plant ALLIES: Some gardeners believe nasturtiums where they will later that onions thrive with cabbage, plant their squash, hoping to keep beets, strawberries, and lettuce. squash bugs away. Scientific trials Summer savory planted nearby is show conflicting evidence. In some said to improve their flavor. Onions tests, pests are reduced; in others, interplanted with potatoes are the nasturtiums had no effect, or believed to deter Colorado potato worse, appeared to draw pests to beetles. Some companion gardeners the garden. It’s worth conducting plant onions with carrots to fend off your own field trials. carrot rust flies that cause root COMPANIONS: Nasturtiums are maggots, and many plant onions available in compact or trailing around rose bushes to deter pests. forms. They flower well in poor soil COMPANIONS: Shallow-rooted, and tend to produce more leaves narrow-growing onions are easy to than flowers if you plant them in squeeze in anywhere in the garden. the rich soil of the vegetable garden. Interplant them with annual or Trailing types are pretty in a window perennial vegetables or use as box with marigolds and other borders to edge a bed. annuals. ENEMIES: Peas, beans, and sage ENEMIES: None known. are the traditional bad neighbors GROWING GUIDELINES: Nastur- for onions. tiums grow and flower best in aver- GROWING GUIDELINES: Use age to poor soil. Plant seed 1⁄2 inch bulbs, or “sets”, for interplanting— (12 mm) deep in full sun in well- they are easy to pop into the drained soil after danger of frost ground, singly or in handfuls, wher- has passed. Thin or space plants to ever you want them. Many compan- stand 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 cm) ion gardeners plant sets one by one, apart. Mulching and watering will 26
  • 27. pointed-side up, but if you are sow- ing a lot of onions for eating green and don’t mind crooked stems, you can simply pour the sets from the bag into the row. Cover them with 1 inch (2.5 cm) of soil and firm the surface; the new shoots will right themselves. When onion tops yellow, knock them over. Dig the bulbs when the tops turn brown. Dry them in the sun in rows, laying the first row in one direction and the next row in the opposite direction. Lay the tops of the second row over the bulbs of the first row to prevent sunscald. When skins are completely dry, wipe off the soil, remove the tops, and store the bulbs in a cool, airy spot. You can also keep the dried tops on and braid the onions for storage. COMMENTS: Select a cultivar best suited to your gardening climate and season length; check seed cata- logs for recommendations. 27
  • 28. winter’s worth of this versatile herb Parsley by chopping and freezing in zip- Petroselinum crispum pered plastic bags. In order to UM B E L L I F E R A E attract beneficial insects to the gar- den, let a few plants flower and go ALLIES: Many companion garden- to seed. Tiny parasitic wasps are ers are convinced that parsley especially fond of the very small repels asparagus beetles. Others flowers, which are clustered togeth- believe that parsley reduces carrot er in umbels. rust flies and beetles on roses. Interplanted parsley may also help invigorate tomatoes. COMPANIONS: Rosettes of dark green parsley add a neat, old-fash- ioned touch to all kinds of garden beds. Plant parsley around the base of roses. ENEMIES: None known. GROWING GUIDELINES: Parsley is notoriously slow to germinate— according to an old homily, the seeds go to the devil and back seven times before breaking through the soil. Buy young plants, or sow seed shallowly in spring. Grow parsley in full sun or light shade in well- drained, average soil. After the new plant is established, harvest sprigs as needed. Parsley blooms in its second year and sometimes self- sows if you let a few seed heads stand. COMMENTS: Dried parsley quickly loses flavor. Save a 28
  • 29. in full sun. Sow seed 1 inch (2.5 Pea cm) deep in early spring, up to 2 Pisum sativum months before the last expected LE G U M I N O S A E frost. Some gardeners start peas indoors in individual peat pots. Thin ALLIES: Companion gardeners or space plants to stand 3 inches believe this nitrogen-fixing legume (7.5 cm) apart. Mulch to control stimulates the growth of corn, weeds and keep the soil evenly beans, potatoes, tomatoes, radishes, moist. Give plants a trellis to climb, carrots, turnips, and cucumbers. or let short-vining cultivars trail on Scientific research indicates that the ground. After you harvest an exudates from the roots of cabbage- early crop of peas, remove the vines family crops may help prevent pea and plant squash, beans, or other root rot. crops to utilize the space. COMPANIONS: Grow tomatoes, COMMENTS: A weedy garden may eggplants, lettuce, or spinach in the improve your pea crop. Researchers shade of trellised pea plants. The found that white mustard shelters a pea vines also protect these tender parasite of pea aphids, and weeds crops from wind damage. Alternate also provide an egg-laying site for rows of peas with shade-tolerant hover flies, which parasitize aphids Chinese cabbage. and other soft-bodied pests. ENEMIES: Onions and garlic are Pea greens are an oriental delica- reputed to have a negative effect on cy. Plant an extra row of peas and the growth of peas. leave them unthinned to supply your kitchen with these tasty, delicate GROWING GUIDELINES: Peas greens. thrive in average, well-drained soil 29
  • 30. COMPANIONS: Plant peppers with Pepper okra for protection from sun and Capsicum frutescens, wind damage. They often drop their Grossum group blossoms in temperatures over 90°F SOLANACEAE (32°C); keep them cool by growing with taller plants that will provide ALLIES: Companion gardeners rec- some shade during the hottest part ommend planting peppers with car- of the day. rots and onions for vigorous growth ENEMIES: Some companion gar- and good flavor. Basil, lovage, mar- deners keep kohlrabi and fennel joram, and oregano are also said to away from pepper plants. It’s best to stimulate their growth. Gardeners in keep peppers away from beans; India use marigolds to protect pep- both are susceptible to anthracnose, pers and other crops from nema- a disease that causes dark, soft todes. Scientific studies indicate spots on fruits. marigolds are effective in reducing GROWING GUIDELINES: Buy aphids on peppers; other strong- nursery-grown seedlings, or start smelling plants, such as coriander, seed indoors in peat pots 8 weeks catnip, onions, nasturtiums, and before the last spring frost. Seeds tansy, may have the same effect. are slow to germinate, often waiting 3 to 4 weeks to make an appear- ance. Thin to one plant per pot when they reach 3 inches (7.5 cm) high, snipping off the extras with a 30
  • 31. pair of small scissors. Transplant to beetles away from the crop to lay fertile, well-drained soil in full sun, their eggs on the weeds, especially 2 to 3 weeks after the last spring when the weeds are growing upwind. frost. Space plants 11⁄2 to 2 feet (45 COMPANIONS: Plant lettuce, to 60 cm) apart; hot peppers toler- radishes, and green onions with ate closer spacing than sweet pep- potatoes; they mature long before pers. Mulch to maintain even mois- the tuber crop is ready to dig. ture, and water during dry spells to prevent bitterness. A dose of fish ENEMIES: Companion gardeners emulsion when plants are in flower say potatoes may be more suscepti- can help increase yields. Sweet pep- ble to blight if grown near raspber- pers turn from green to red, yellow, ries, pumpkins, tomatoes, squash, or purple as they mature, getting cucumbers, and sunflowers. sweeter with the color change; pick GROWING GUIDELINES: Potatoes at any stage. Hot peppers also thrive in loose, fertile, well-drained change color when it’s time to pick. soil in full sun. Cut whole potatoes into pieces, each with two or three “eyes” (growing points), and let Potato them dry for a day before planting. Solanum tuberosum Plant the pieces as soon as you can work the soil, spacing them 6 to 12 SO L A N A C E A E inches (15 to 30 cm) apart and 4 ALLIES: Many companion gardeners inches (10 cm) deep. As the vines recommend planting potatoes with grow, pull soil over the developing beans, cabbage, corn, or horse- tubers to prevent them from turning radish for improved growth and fla- green, or cover them with compost, vor. They also often recommend leaves, or straw. Some companion marigolds to ward off pests and gardeners grow potatoes in cages; sometimes plant eggplants as a trap fill the cage with straw as the plants crop for Colorado potato beetles. grow, leaving only 3 to 4 inches Tests at the Rodale Research Center (7.5 to 10 cm) of leaves exposed. in Pennsylvania with plantings of cat- Blossoms are a sign that new nip, coriander, nasturtium, and tansy potatoes are ready to harvest. resulted in a slightly reduced infesta- Uncover a layer and pluck off tubers tion of beetle larvae. According to that are big enough to eat; cover the one study, tomato-family weeds such rest. When the tops of the plants as jimson weed and nightshade begin to die back, it’s harvest time. attract female Colorado potato 31
  • 32. rose in an old rose’s “grave”: Rose Disease pathogens or allelopathic Rosa spp. substances that hinder the growth of RO S A C E A E a new plant of the same genus may be lurking in the soil. ALLIES: Alliums—including garlic, GROWING GUIDELINES: Roses onions, leeks, and chives—are need at least 6 hours of sun each reputed to protect roses against day, and they must have excellent black spot, mildew, and aphids. drainage. They do best in fertile soil Parsley is said to repel rose beetles. enriched with humus or other Some companion gardeners suggest organic material. In most climates, that strongly aromatic herbs may fall is the best time for planting also repel aphids. bareroot roses. (You can plant COMPANIONS: You can grow bareroot roses in winter in very roses in a bed of their own, or mild climates; spring is a better weave them into perennial beds and time in areas with very cold win- borders. Use shrub types, such as ters.) Plant container-grown roses disease-resistant rugosa roses anytime during the growing season. (Rosa rugosa), for hedges or barri- Dig the hole deep enough so the ers or to provide food and shelter graft union—the scar on the stem for wildlife. Low-growing plants, that indicates where the rose has such as creeping thyme or sweet been budded onto its rootstock—is alyssum, make attractive ground- at or just below the soil surface. covers beneath rose bushes; these Trim canes back to 8 inches (20 small-flowered plants may also cm), and mulch plants with com- attract beneficials to protect roses. post. After the first hard frost, prune ENEMIES: As with all members of roses back halfway, and mulch the rose family, never plant a new deeply with loose leaves or coarse 32
  • 33. compost, mounding it around the herb gardens. The small flowers will canes. Prune off and destroy any attract many bees. diseased leaves or branches. ENEMIES: None known. GROWING GUIDELINES: Grow Rosemary from cuttings or buy a started plant. This tender perennial often won’t Rosmarinus officinalis survive the winter in areas colder L ABIATAE than Zone 7. Use as a pot plant in Northern gardens, or plant it out ALLIES: Rosemary is popular as a during summer and pot up cuttings companion for cabbage, broccoli, and related crops, as well as carrots for overwintering. In containers or and onions. Its fragrance is said to in the garden, rosemary thrives on repel insects; companion gardeners heat. Plant in full sun in average, use it for cabbage flies, root maggot well-drained soil. Never allow con- flies, and other flying pests. tainer plantings to dry out; rose- mary does not recover from severe COMPANIONS: Gardeners in warm wilting. climates—especially the Pacific Southwest, where rosemary reaches COMMENTS: Rosemary has also shrub proportions—can enjoy this won favor as a defense against attractive, aromatic plant as a hedge clothes moths. Banckes wrote in his or border. Prostrate types make Herbal: “Take the flowers and put beautiful groundcovers for stony them in thy chest among thy clothes banks or streetside rock gardens. or among thy Bookes and Mothes Rosemary is a natural addition to shall not destroy them.” 33
  • 34. drained soil. Sow seed shallowly Sage indoors in late winter or outdoors in Salvia officinalis late spring. Space plants about 24 L ABIATAE inches (60 cm) apart. Trim back drastically in early spring to encour- ALLIES: Many companion garden- age vigorous, bushy new growth. ers believe that sage improves the Plants may decline after several growth and flavor of cabbage, car- years; take cuttings or divide in rots, strawberries, and tomatoes. spring or fall to have a steady supply. They also believe that it deters cab- COMMENTS: A branch of strongly bage-family pests such as imported aromatic sage is a fragrant addition cabbageworms and root maggot to a sweater drawer or blanket flies. In one study, cabbageworms chest, and it may help keep clothes were not reduced by companion moths away. Herbalists recommend plantings with sage; another study of the herb for increasing longevity— sage spray revealed some effective- and for keeping your mind sharp. ness in controlling the pest. Sage is also thought to grow well with mar- joram. Squash COMPANIONS: The plentiful, usu- Cucurbita spp. ally blue, flowers of this perennial C UCURBITACEAE herb are attractive to bees and other insects, including beneficials. Use ALLIES: Squash, one of the sage as a border planting, or dot the American Indians’ “three sisters,” is plants among annual or perennial traditionally grown with corn and vegetables; they grow to an appre- beans. Some companion gardeners ciable size in just one season. Sage recommend a nearby planting of is an attractive plant for a steep, dry radishes, nasturtiums, or mint and bank. Purple-leaved or tricolored other aromatic herbs to cultivars work well in combination repel insect pests with the usual gray-leaved sage. ENEMIES: Sage is thought to stunt the growth of cucumbers. Many companion gardeners believe that sage and rue make poor neighbors. Long ago, people believed that sage and onions had a negative effect on each other in the garden. GROWING GUIDELINES: Sage needs full sun and average, well- 34
  • 35. such as squash bugs. Studies at the cm) apart. You can also grow win- Rodale test gardens have shown a ter squash up sturdy trellises to save possible reduction of squash bugs on space; suspend ripening fruits in a zucchini paired with catnip or tansy. panty-hose sling. Water with fish COMPANIONS: Summer squash, emulsion every 3 to 4 weeks. Mulch such as crookneck and zucchini, with straw to keep the soil moist. Gently guide straying vines back grow on bushy, nonvining plants. where they belong. Winter squash, such as acorn, but- Summer squash fruits grow fast. ternut, and Hubbard, produce very Pick them every few days, while they long vines. Plant both kinds with are still young and tender, to keep corn. Tall sunflowers are another the plant producing. Harvest winter suitable companion crop. squash when the shell is too hard to ENEMIES: Gardening lore suggests dent with a fingernail. Let winter that squash plants may inhibit the squash cure in the sun for 10 to 14 growth of potatoes. days; cover if frost is expected. GROWING GUIDELINES: Squash COMMENTS: Squash are suscepti- thrives in fertile, well-drained soil in ble to various pests and ailments full sun. After the last frost, plant that can cause serious damage. seed 1 inch (2.5 cm) deep when Watch for signs of trouble, like wilt- the soil has warmed. Space summer ing vines, which can indicate squash squash 1 to 2 feet (30 to 60 cm) borers or bacterial wilt; destroy apart; winter, 2 to 4 feet (60 to 120 infected plants. 35
  • 36. can transplant the thinnings. Plants Sunflower are drought-tolerant, but mulching Helianthus annuus and regular watering will encourage C OMPOSITAE larger seed heads. COMMENTS: Before you cross ALLIES: None known. sunflowers off your companion list, COMPANIONS: Sunflowers are do a little experimenting yourself. commonly planted with corn, Most research has been done on the beans, and squash. Plant a strip of sunflower’s effect on weeds, such as tall-growing sunflowers between jimson weed, velvetleaf, Johnson plantings of popcorn and sweet grass, and others, not on home gar- corn to block wind-borne pollen den crops. that could cross-pollinate the crops. If you enjoy growing sunflowers for their blooms, plant a variety of ENEMIES: Research is turning up colors, and be sure to grow extras strong evidence of allelopathy in for cutting. ‘Lemon Gem’ has black sunflowers, in both wild types and seeds and sulfur yellow petals; other cultivars. Wild sunflowers, a com- cultivars, including ‘Autumn Beauty’, mon crop weed, have been shown ‘Music Box Mix’, and ‘Velvet Queen’, to inhibit or prevent the growth of offer russets, burgundy, or yellow many species of plants. Field and blotched with brown. laboratory studies show that culti- vated types can be equally detrimen- tal to some of their neighbors. Just Thyme how significant the effect is in the Thymus spp. home garden has yet to be deter- mined. Most home companion gar- L ABIATAE deners notice no detrimental effects ALLIES: Companion gardeners rec- from the plants; some claim that the ommend planting thyme with just sunflower hulls dropped from bird about everything in the garden; this feeders inhibit plant growth around herb is said to improve flavor and the base of the feeder. repel pests. Eggplants, cabbage, GROWING GUIDELINES: potatoes, and tomatoes are often Sunflowers couldn’t be simpler to mentioned as companions. grow. They thrive in average soil in Scientific evidence is sparse; in one full sun. In spring, after danger of study, the presence of thyme frost has passed, push a seed 1⁄2 inch appeared to increase the population (12 mm) deep into the soil every 6 of cabbageworms on neighboring inches (15 cm); thin to 18 to 24 plants. Another study suggests that inches (45 to 60 cm) apart. You thyme sprays may be more effective 36
  • 37. at masking plants from pests that GROWING GUIDELINES: Thyme seek hosts by smell. thrives in poor to average, well- COMPANIONS: Grow only non- drained soil in full sun. Common spreading types of this herb in the thyme is easy to grow from seed vegetable garden. Common thyme sown shallowly indoors in late win- (Thymus vulgaris), an upright, ter. Sprinkle the seed generously shrubby type, is a good choice for into pots. Buy other species and interplanting with vegetables. cultivars as plants from garden cen- Spreading, mat-forming thymes, ters. Cuttings are extremely easy to such as the popular woolly thyme root. Layering is also a good way to (T. pseudolanuginosus), the rapid- create more plants; simply nudge a ly creeping nutmeg thyme (T. bit of soil over a low-growing herbabarona ‘Nutmeg’), and many branch and anchor with a stone. others, are best kept in separate Sever the rooted plant from the beds or in the herb and flower gar- mother when it begins producing den. Delicately pretty in leaf and vigorous growth and resists a slight flower, a carpet of thyme makes a tug. Divide older plants in spring. beautiful underplanting for roses. COMMENTS: A sampler garden of ENEMIES: None known. thymes, including yellow-edged lemon thyme (T. x citriodorus), diminutive woolly thyme, white- edged silver thyme (T. x citriodorus ‘Argentea’), and other favorites, is easy and appealing. 37
  • 38. said to deter hornworms. In one Tomato study, intercropping tomatoes with Lycopersicon plants of the cabbage family resulted esculentum in reduced populations of diamond- SO L A N A C E A E back moths and flea beetles in the cabbage-family crops. ALLIES: Companion gardeners Gardeners often interplant plant tomatoes with asparagus, marigolds with tomatoes to control broccoli, cauliflower, cabbages, car- nematodes, but studies indicate that rots, and onions, hoping for the best way to control nema- improved growth and flavor. todes—if they are indeed a prob- Aromatic basil, parsley, and sage are lem in your garden—is to plant a also supposed to make tomatoes whole bed of marigolds, then turn it even more of a treat; under and follow it with tomatoes. dill and borage are COMPANIONS: Surround tomatoes with aromatic herbs, or plant them into an already-growing bed of spinach, lettuce, or other fast- growing crops. ENEMIES: Black walnut roots cause tomato plants to wilt and die. Companion gardeners believe that tomatoes fail to thrive when planted near fennel or potatoes. Avoid planting tomatoes where relat- ed plants, such as eggplants and potatoes, grew the previ- ous 2 years. GROWING GUIDELINES: Tomatoes thrive in full sun in deep, fertile, well-drained soil. Start plants from seed sown 1⁄4 inch (6 mm) deep indoors, 5 to 6 weeks before the average date of the last expected frost in your area. Or, buy nursery- grown plants. After all danger of frost has passed, set plants out in the garden; make the hole deep enough so soil 38
  • 39. covers the stem up to the bottom add a dash of color. Be sure to grow leaves. Space them 12 to 24 inches a few rows just for cutting; cut flow- (30 to 60 cm) apart if you plan to ers stay fresh for over a week with cage or trellis the plants; allow 36 to no special treatment. 48 inches (90 to 120 cm) between ENEMIES: None known. plants if you plan to let them sprawl. GROWING GUIDELINES: Zinnias Mulch with compost in midsummer, thrive in full sun in average, well- and water once with fish emulsion drained soil and are at their best in when plants are in bloom. hot summer weather. They are among the quickest and easiest Zinnia annuals you can grow from seed. Direct-sow 1⁄4 inch (6 mm) deep in Zinnia elegans spring after danger of frost has C OMPOSITAE passed. Deadhead regularly to keep the flowers coming. Powdery ALLIES: Zinnias attract insects of mildew often causes dusty white all kinds to the garden with their spots on the foliage. Antidessicant bright flowers and bushy foliage. sprays may help protect leaves. Or, Nectar-seeking wasps and hover look for resistant species and culti- flies are two of the beneficials that vars, such as Zinnia angustifolia. come to the feast. Zinnias also COMMENTS: Let some plants go to attract butterflies of many species, seed to attract goldfinches and from small coppery metalmarks to other seed eaters to the garden. big, showy swallowtails. Easy-to-grow zinnias are a great COMPANIONS: Zinnias are out- way to introduce children to the standing plants for beds, borders, pleasures of growing flowers. Young and containers. These rewarding, gardeners are particularly enchant- gaily colored annuals bloom prolifi- ed by peppermint-striped cultivars cally from summer until frost. and extra-small miniatures, such as Interplant in the vegetable garden to ‘Thumbelina’. 39