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Describe two types
                                                                                                               On a scale of 1 - 5,                                                                                                               How has        How do the people         Name three                             of inequality that
                                                          How does this                                          how does this                                                                                                                 completing this   we interviewed for        services that                           the community        How does
                  Name the interest/                        community                           Choose one      person make a                                How much is the        How did the        Having heard this                     course contributed the community film       contribute to the    What does it mean    members have      intolerance and
                   project that this                     member respect Looking at all three   member of the        positive           Which sentence        project that they      community         interview, describe What do you do for       to your        project work to        value of diversity    to you to respect come across whilst extremism pose
                  person has in the                       other people's    community        community that we contribution to the    best describes this     work for part of    member respect         how you could       your local       understanding of improve the local           on a national         other people's   working on their threats to the local            Please put your
   Timestamp         community       Sample Question 2         beliefs?      members             interviewed      community?                person            their lifestyle?   people's identities? help this project.    community?        valuing diversity?   community?                 scale.              differences?         project         community?                    name below
                                                       he respects
                                                       peoples beliefs,
                                                       because he has a                                                                                                          he respects
                                                       range of different                                                                                                        peoples identities
                                                       races that he has                                                                                                         because he works                                                                                                         I respect other
                                                       to help. he                                                                                                               with a wide range                                                                                                        people's beliefs no         they come across       he stops the kids
                                                       respects there                                                                                                            of kids from                                                                                                             matter what they            different races that   from hanging
                                                       beliefs because he                                                                                                        different                                                                                                                are, It is important        dont like each         around the streets
                                                       wants to help                                                                                                             backgrounds and                                                                                                          to respect                  other and that they    and comiting
                                                       young people and                                                                                                          he helps them and                                                                                                        difference because          dont get along.        crime. hes helping
                                                       stop them from                                                                                                            treats there                                                                                                             that's what makes           another thing is       them stay out of
                                                       getting out of                                                                                                            identities like its                                                                                 teacher, helps kids us who we are,               they always fight,     prison and from
                                                       trouble, and he                                                                                                           his own. and he                                                                 because alex from get there grades. The world would                  bad language etc.      getting into trouble
                                                       brings all the                                                                 They see the                               shapes there                                                                    super kids helps    police officer helps be boring if we             and alex has a job     with the police. he
                                                       different ethnicitys                                                           community as                               personalities to                                          it has showed me the kids to stay of the nation from           were all the same.          where he has to        helps them to get
                                                       together, and help                                                             essential to the      The project takes    make them a                                               a wide range of       the streets and     crime and medics I like the                      stop this from         along with different
                                                       them with there                                                                modern world and      some time and is     better person and                      Go to any clubs in different ethnicitys prevent them from help the nation by differences it is                happening and          races and helps
01/05/2012 14:49:                                      communicating                                                                  we need to take an    part of their        help them grow                         school e.g.        and different         scaring the local   saving peoples       what makes life             help them get          them to stop the
              43 super kids                            skills.                               alex                                 4   active part in it     lifestyle            into better people. helpful            football, choir    peoples beliefs.      community.          lives.               interesting                 along.                 violence.            jessica
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           it helped me fully
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           understand                                                     I only respect other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           diversity and how                                              people who
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           easily people can they all have                                respect me, The
                                                       he had team                                                                                                                                                                         be different from     different jobs, all there are            world would be                                     people could take
                                                       building, he                                                                                                                                                                        social segregation different ways of      numerous ways to boring if we were                                      there views to an
                                                       listened to there                                                           It is just a job and     The project takes                                                              to not talking to     helping the         contribute but 3     all the same. I like        people bad             extreme for
                                                       views also he                                                               they don't see that      some time and is     they fully respect                                        someone because community so they main ones are the the differences it is                  mouthing to them       example painting
01/05/2012 14:54:                                      encouraged                            Alex from                             what they are            part of their        who they are and                                          there different.      all improve in      police, teachers     what makes life             also refusing there    the whole building
              24 a youth club                          independance.                         superkids                           4 doing is a big deal      lifestyle            they do not judge.   be a good youth   nothing                                  different ways.     and children.        interesting                 help.                  or vandalising.    Jamie O'Hara
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I respect other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          people's beliefs no
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          matter what they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          are, It is important
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          to respect
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          difference because
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          that's what makes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          us who we are, I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 They build up                            am different from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 social                                   other people but
                                                       He has lots of                                                                                                                                                                                            communities, like                        they are a lot of
                                                       people from                                                                                                                                                                                               youth clubs.                             things that we
                                                       diffrent backrounds                                                                                                                                                                                       Without youth                            share. It is
                                                       and gathers the                                                                                                   He treats                                                                               centres the crime                        important to
                                                       ones that are most                                                                                                everybody equally,                                                It taught me that     rate would                               respect that, The                                  He trying to keep
                                                       in trouble and                                                                                                    and he brings                                                     there is so many      increase and there                       world would be              People might have      young people off
                                                       builds trust, team                                                          Bringing                              everyone from                                                     diffrent people in    would be so much                         boring if we were           fights, saying bad     the streets and not
                                                       building,                                                                   awareness of what                     diffrent backrounds                                               this world, some      conflict between                         all the same. I like        words, not treating    to go to prison.
                                                       communicating,                                                              they do to people The project is very together to build a                            Go to any clubs in people are upper post code wars,                               the differences it is       each other equally.    He's really sending
01/05/2012 14:55: Community                            encouraging                           Alex From                             helps build the   much a part of      stronger            Attend to                  school e.g.        class and lower       whites vs blacks, Teacher, Police        what makes life             He has to              out a strong
              32 Activities                            independance.                         Superkidz                           5 community further their lifestyle     community.          Superkidz                  football, choir    class in life.        drugs ect.          officer and medics. interesting                  encounter this.        message.            Chief Sarpong
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Police - They
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     prevent crime.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Teachers - The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     teach kids the right
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and wrongs in life
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The people we       and give them the                                Fighting - Alex
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 interviewed help    education they                                   may cross this
                                                       He aims to bring                                                                                                                                                                                          decease diversity need.                                              frequently because     Alex stops
                                                       people from                                                                                                                                                                         This course has       by working to       St Johns             I respect other             he is working with     extremism
                                                       different groups                                                                                                                                                                    given me a lot of     prevent it. For     Ambulance - They people's beliefs no             kids and kids often    because he is
                                                       including; religion,                                                                                                                                                                knowledge on          example Alex        sponsor events       matter what they            fight.                 providing a place
                                                       age, race and                                                                                                                                                                       diversity. I now not works for an         and help within the are, The world               Bad language - He      for kids of all ages
                                                       gender together to                                                          They feel                                                                                               only understand       organisation that   community. For       would be boring if          also may hear a lot    to go. This keeps
                                                       allow them to bond                                                          passionately about                                                                                      but am able to        keeps kids off the example they train we were all the                of bad language        them from being
                                                       with one another                                                            the area that they                      Alex respected                                                  know hat to do if I streets, out of       nurses and place same. I like the                because most kids      on the streets
                                                       and participate in                                                          live in and want to The project is very peoples identities                           Attend out of      am ever to be         trouble and stops them in work           differences it is           of the adolescent      causing trouble
01/05/2012 14:57:                                      lots of team                                                                give back to        much a part of      and we know this                             school             stuck in a situation them from            places such as       what makes life             age group swear        and committing
              03 SuperKidz                             building activities.                  Alex                                5 society             their lifestyle     because                Spread the word.      organisation.      to do with diversity. committing crimes. schools.              interesting                 frequently.            crimes.              Amiee Roberts
                                                                                                                                                                           he did team
                                                                                                                                                                           building activities
                                                                                                                                                                           to get people to
                                                                                                                                                                           work together and
                                                       he said he tries to                                                                                                 to respect others                                                                       they put their lives
                                                       treat people                                                                They feel                               for their beliefs,                                               i thought i knew all   fully toward their                                                                        if people don't talk
                                                       equally and                                                                 passionately about                      looks, lifestyle, etc.                                           of what was taught     work for the                                                                              and sort out their
                                                       respects peoples                                                            the area that they                      he leads by                                                      but this course has    community instead                          It is hard to respect   there has been         differences, then it
                                                       differences and he                                                          live in and want to The project is very example so people                                                widened my view        of people who        the police force,     differences             race relation          is hard to build a
01/05/2012 14:58: youth and                            encourages people                     Alex from                             give back to        much a part of      can follow his         letting others know                       on all that was        would work for       teachers, local       sometimes but I try     issues, and there      positive
              31 community work                        to independent                        Superkids                           4 society             their lifestyle     ways.                  of its existance    nothing               given.                 money                authorities           to be open minded       has been gangs.        community.           Callum Hales-Jepp
Describe two types
                                                                                                                      On a scale of 1 - 5,                                                                                                         How has                    How do the people       Name three                              of inequality that
                                                          How does this                                                 how does this                                                                                                           completing this               we interviewed for      services that                            the community        How does
                 Name the interest/                         community                                  Choose one      person make a                           How much is the       How did the       Having heard this                      course contributed              the community film    contribute to the     What does it mean    members have      intolerance and
                  project that this                      member respect        Looking at all three   member of the        positive        Which sentence      project that they      community       interview, describe What do you do for        to your                     project work to     value of diversity     to you to respect come across whilst extremism pose
                 person has in the                        other people's          community         community that we contribution to the best describes this   work for part of   member respect        how you could        your local       understanding of                improve the local      on a national          other people's   working on their threats to the local            Please put your
  Timestamp         community       Sample Question 2        beliefs?              members             interviewed       community?             person          their lifestyle? people's identities? help this project.     community?        valuing diversity?                community?              scale.               differences?         project         community?                    name below
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             It has given me a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             understanding of
                                                                                                                                                                                 They respect                                                how the world
                                                                                                                                                                                 shared identity by                                          works. For                                                                                           Alex has seen kids
                                                                                                                                                                                 being in a big                                              example, with                                         Police - stop crime,                           fighting, this is bad
                                                        Alex respects what                                                                                                       group and working                                           diversity and                                         work with                                      because the
                                                        everyone thinks                                                                                                          with the local                                              communities                                           community, make                                children don't feel
                                                        and don't judge                                                                                                          community. He                                               working together. I                                   people feel safe.                              safe in their           Alex stops fights
                                                        them. He works                                                                                                           respects the fact                                           have personally                  Alex gets kids of    Teachers - help                                community. He           and bad language
                                                        with kids to get                                                                                                         that they might not                                         changed the way I                the street by giving children learn, help                           has also seen kids      and trouble. He
                                                        them off the street                                                                                                      want to open up                                             talk by using the                them team building adults learn who                                 being disrespectful     stops kids from
                                                        to get them off                                                                   They see the                           about their                                                 proper terms for                 activities to do.    had troubled life                              to the old              going into prison
                                                        crime. He works                                                                   community as                           problems. He is                                             things. For                      Alex tries to help   St John's                                      community               by working to get
                                                        with all different                                                                essential to the                       also helping kids                                           example, I no                    people by not        Ambulance - work       It is hard to respect   because they run        the off the streets
                                                        backgrounds and                                                                   modern world and The project is very grow up to be                              Help a family      longer use words                 getting in trouble   on marathons and       differences             around and people       and learn new
01/05/2012 14:59: Community                             ethnicities. He is a                      Alex from                               we need to take an much a part of      good and not                             member who         that are racist or               and gives them a volunteer to help          sometimes but I try     don't expect to be      skills and team     Charlie
              03 activities                             good team player.                         Superkidz                             5 active part in it  their lifestyle     violent.            I used to attend it. needs care         unacceptable.                    place to go.         wounded                to be open minded       treated that way.       building.           WARBOYS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  He mentioned
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  young people
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  using bad
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  language and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  fighting this affects
                                                                                                                                                                                    Respecting the                                                                                                                                                peoples equality
                                                                                                                                                                                    group and                                                                                                                                                     by disrespecting
                                                                                                                                                                                    individuals,                                                                                                                                                  peoples beliefs
                                                                                                                                                                                    encouraging                                                                                                                                                   and religions. By
                                                                                                                                                                                    people to respect                                                   The course has                                                                            attending the
                                                                                                                                                                                    one another,                                                        helped me to          They bring people                                                   group it is taking
                                                        He works with                                                                                                               helping others to                                                   socialise with more   from all cultures                                                   young people off        Intolerance and
                                                        people from all                                                                                                             understand                                                          people from           and ethnic groups                                                   the streets by          extremism poses a
                                                        backgrounds and                                                                                                             peoples different                                                   different             together and                                The world would         encouraging to do       threat as it causes
                                                        ethnic groups and                                                                 They feel                                 beliefs and                                                         backgrounds and       encourage them to                           be boring if we         better and show         violence, racism,
                                                        shows                                                                             passionately about                        encourage them to                                                   help me to            socialise and take                          were all the same.      what is available       homophobia,
                                                        understanding of                                                                  the area that they    The project takes   take an active roll                                                 understand how to     part in activities   Local Police           I like the              out their for them      discrimination of
                                                        their religious                                                                   live in and want to   some time and is    in the community Encourage more                                     be more tolerant of   together both in     Community              differences it is       and helps them to       any kind towards
01/05/2012 15:01:                                       beliefs and                                                                       give back to          part of their       and become good people to join the           Go to an after         peoples religion      the group and the    workers and            what makes life         turn their life         members of the      Adejoke
              11 Superkidz                              cultures.                                 Alex                                  5 society               lifestyle           citizens.             project                school club            and beliefs.          local community.     teachers               interesting             around.                 community.          BALOGUN
                                                                                                                                                                                    He tried to get
                                                                                                                                                                                    everyone to do
                                                                                                                                                                                    team building
                                                                                                                                                                                    activities, so they
                                                                                                                                                                                    can get the skills to
                                                                                                                                                                                    do teamwork in
                                                                                                                                                                                    their normal lives
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The Police: stop
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 crime and keep the
                                                                                                                                                                                  If their is an                                                                                                 peace in local
                                                                                                                                                                                  argument, then he                                                                                              communities
                                                                                                                                                                                  tries to bring the                                                                                             Teachers: provide                                A negative way
                                                                                                                                                                                  different                                                             It has helped my    Alex help's young Education +                                         that effects the        If people don't try
                                                        He respects other                                                                                                         Community                                                             understanding by people by doing         Encourage us to                                  community is            to understand
                                                        people's beliefs by                                                                                                       together, so they                                                     knowing i need to fun activities, by     be Independent                                   Racist issues,          other people
                                                        helping people                                                                                                            can resolve the                                                       treat people right, keeping them off     Youth and                                        Street Gangs,           need's, and see
                                                        from all different                                                                                                        issue. And also he                                                    other wise it will  the streets and out community                                         Crime, I think          that everyone is
                                                        backround's: He                                                                   They feel                               also said that                                                        cause a lot of      of trouble. And      workers who don't                                Parents don't           not the same, then
                                                        treats everyone in                                                                passionately about                      some people who                                                       problems. And       also he is trying to do their jobs for        It is important to      control there           it will cause
                                                        the same way and                                                                  the area that they                      go to Superkidz,                                                      also respect other make the              the money they do        respect difference      children, they just     problems. We
                  Youth &                               tries to make                                                                     live in and want to The project is very want to me youth Recommend this                                       people's Beliefs no Community a          the job because          because that's          let them out on the     should try to help
01/05/2012 15:03: communitya                            everyone work                             Alex From                               give back to        much a part of      worker's when they Project to another          Go to a Youth          matter what they    better and safer     they care.               what makes us           Streets which can       those who may
              46 worker/                                together.                                 Superkidz                             5 society             their lifestyle     grow up.           Kid.                        Club.                  are.                place.                                        who we are              be a problem.           need it.            Alex Lewis
                                                                                                                                          They feel                                                                                                                         Alex helped by
                                                                                                                                          passionately about                                                                                                                getting young        One: Police
                                                                                                                                          the area that they                      I think Alex                                                                              people off the
                                                        He respects other                                                                 live in and want to The project is very respected other                                                                           streets and tried to Two: Teachers            I only respect other
01/05/2012 15:03:                                       people beliefs by                                                                 give back to        much a part of      peoples identities                                                    It has changed the keep them out of                               people who              ylgzxlvaV;A:
              56 Super kids                             listing to them.                          Alex                                  5 society             their lifestyle     by                 Offer to help him.          Nothing                way i though about prison.               Three: Children          respect me              VJKABVJ;ABSC            dfhghygfncyugh     Kieran Harrhy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I respect other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   amblence helps         people's beliefs no
                                                                                                                                          They feel                                                                                                                                                the public             matter what they
                                                        He has to be able                                                                 passionately about                        He brought a big                                                    It has given me                            police helps the       are, It is important
                                                        to know about                                                                     the area that they    The project takes   group together and                           Go to an after         more knowledge                             public                 to respect              He has to put up
                                                        there religion and                                                                live in and want to   some time and is    they trusted to                              school club, Go to     on different                               teacher getting        difference because      with fighting and
03/05/2012 15:06:                                       respect every one                                                                 give back to          part of their       speak to him about                           any clubs in school    religions and         they stop trouble in the childrens          that's what makes       people being            combating different
              25 Seyhan DJEMALI                         he works with.                            Seyhan DJEMALI                        4 society               lifestyle           there troubles.    Used to go there.         e.g. football, choir   cultures.             the local area.      education              us who we are           disrespectful.          abuses.             Seyhan DJEMALI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        It has helped me
                                                                                                                                          They see the                                                     I would help by                              by understanding
                                                                                                                                          community as                              He respected them      going around                                 more diverse                                                      It is important to
                                                                                                                                          essential to the                          because he always      different areas                              things for example                         Police Force           respect difference
                                                        he helps different                                                                modern world and The project is very      helps diffrent ages,   working with                                 racisim and                                Fire Brigade           because that's
03/05/2012 15:08:                                       ethnicities, ages                                                                 we need to take an much a part of         abilitites and         different people in   Go to an after         Stephan Lawrence They stop crime,          Ambulance              what makes us           Negitive feedback, he stops all fights ,
              30 Superkids                              and abilities                             Alex                                  4 active part in it  their lifestyle        ethnicities            their communtiy.      school club            case               racisism and fights     Service                who we are              fighting, racisism trouble , and crime Connor Andrews
Describe two types
                                                                                                                         On a scale of 1 - 5,                                                                                                            How has        How do the people               Name three                                of inequality that
                                                            How does this                                                  how does this                                                                                                              completing this   we interviewed for              services that                              the community          How does
                   Name the interest/                         community                                   Choose one      person make a                             How much is the        How did the        Having heard this                     course contributed the community film             contribute to the    What does it mean       members have        intolerance and
                    project that this                      member respect         Looking at all three   member of the        positive        Which sentence        project that they      community         interview, describe What do you do for       to your        project work to              value of diversity     to you to respect come across whilst extremism pose
                   person has in the                        other people's           community         community that we contribution to the best describes this     work for part of    member respect         how you could       your local       understanding of improve the local                 on a national          other people's      working on their threats to the local Please put your
  Timestamp           community       Sample Question 2        beliefs?               members             interviewed       community?             person            their lifestyle?   people's identities? help this project.    community?        valuing diversity?   community?                       scale.               differences?            project          community?        name below
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           I respect other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           people's beliefs no
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           matter what they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           are, It is important
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           to respect
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           difference because
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           that's what makes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           us who we are, It
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           is hard to respect
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           sometimes but I try
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           to be open
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           minded, I am
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           different from other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           people but they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Go to an after                                                                          are a lot of things
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   school club,                                                                            that we share. It is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Volunteer in a                                                                          important to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   charity shop, Go to                                                                     respect that, The
                                                                                                                                             They feel                                                                             any clubs in school                                                                     world would be
                                                                                                                                             passionately about                         Yes as he brought                          e.g. football, choir,                       they used there                             boring if we were
                                                                                                                                             the area that they                         people in with                             Help a family                               time to occupy                              all the same. I like                      Puts people in
                                                          He's respects all                                                                  live in and want to The project is very    different identities                       member who            Very much as its      people by making Teachers police            the differences it is Fighting,racism,    situations that no
03/05/2012 15:10:                                         there ethical                                                                      give back to        much a part of         into one group       BE A GOOD             needs care,           raised much           activities to keep   and st johns           what makes life       sexism and          one deserves to be
              02 SUPERKIDZ                                beliefs.                                   Alex                                  4 society             their lifestyle        showing respect. YOUTH                     School council        awareness             them off the street. ambulance              interesting           extremism           in.                James PAUL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               1) Alex helps by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               getting young                                                                       Fighting puts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               people off the                                                                      people in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               streets.                                                                            uncomfortable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   situations. Fighting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2) Alex is helping                                                                  leads to injures,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               to reduce crime by    Police - working                                              which leads to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               giving the young      with local and                             Alex would have to police getting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               people somewhere      national                                   deal with fighting involved. People
                                                                                                                                             They feel                                                                                                                         to go                 communities. They                          and bad language. might be arrested.
                                                          He respects all                                                                    passionately about                   yes, as he brought                                                                                                 help with crime                            This kind of thing Extreme behaviour
                                                          ethical beliefs by                                                                 the area that they                   people in with                                                        its helped my          3) Alex is also       and talks to people                        gets bigger and    cause death or
                                                          talking to people                                                                  live in and want to The project is very
                                                                                                                                                                                  different identities                                                  understanding and      bringing the local    to listen to what is I only respect other bugger because      going to jail. It is
03/05/2012 15:22:                                         and listening to                                                                   give back to        much a part of   into one group                                                        raised my              community             wrong and try to     people who            more people get    important that Alex
              45 Superkids                                people.                                    Alex                                  5 society             their lifestyle  showing respects. Be a good youth.               Nothing              awareness              together              help.                respect me            involved.          stops this.          Kieran HARRHY
                                                                                                                                                                                  They accept                                                                                                                                                   some people they
                                                                                                                                             They see the                         anyone into who                                                                                                                                               work with may not
                                                                                                                                             community as                         they work with for                                                                                                                                            change
                                                          He believes that                                                                   essential to the                     example people                                                        it has helped me to    They teach kids to                         I respect other       The children may people may harm
                                                          people can change                                                                  modern world and The project is very with different                                   Help a family        understand other       respect each other    police               people's beliefs no fight and be         other people due
04/05/2012 14:43:                                         from what they                                                                     we need to take an much a part of    believes and         by helping out at           member who           peoples believes       help people           councliers           matter what they      horrible to each   to the way they are
              11 superkids                                used to be like                            Alex                                  5 active part in it  their lifestyle   personalities        superkids                   needs care           and disabilities       change                schools              are                   other              are                  Karl
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the police
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     contribute by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     keeping the streets
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     safe and talking to                        some of the kids
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the community                              have been in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                trouble with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        this course has                              community centres                          police and court
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        taught me to                                 contribute by                              this would give
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        understand people                            helping kids with                          teenagers a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        beliefs in a greater                         problems and to                            negative view
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        prospect allowing                            keep them aware
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        me to give them                              of the dangers of                          some of them don't
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the full respect       they work with kids   crime.                                     accept changing    they can cause the
                                                                                                                                             They feel                                  he respected their                                              they deserve.I         to keep them of                                                  so quickly         community
                                                          He helps them with                                                                 passionately about                         ethnicities and                                                 have also learnt       the streets and to    the NHS contribute It is important to      this means they    members have a
                                                          their problems and                                                                 the area that they                         worked with their                                               that stereotyping is   not get involved in   by ensuring          respect difference would stay the        negative view on
                                                          he works with                                                                      live in and want to The project is very    families to help   raising further                              caused by              gang crime thus       everyone gets        because that's        same and will      the other members
04/05/2012 14:44: helping youths in                       families of different                                                              give back to        much a part of         them stay out of   awareness to the        help with my         previous               lowering crime        health care and is what makes us           continue to hang   causing hatred and
              20 the community                            ethnicitys                                 Alex                                  5 society             their lifestyle        bad habits         community               parents buisness     experiences.           levels                looked after         who we are            with gangs         stereotyping         Connor watts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Alex helps kids
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   that have had lots
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of problems for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   example getting in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   trouble with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   police by giving
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   them somewhere
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        It has giving me                                                                        he has to make     else to go instead
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        more                                                              I only respect other sure the children   of hanging on the
                                                          by helping the                                                                                                                                                                                understanding          they offer help                            people who            treat each other   streets and helps
                                                          children and there                                                                 They feel                                                                                                  about the              advice and a place                         respect me, It is     with respect and   them keep out of
                                                          families to get                                                                    passionately about                         he treats                                                       community and          where kids can go                          important to          he also has to     trouble by giving
                                                          involved with                                                                      the area that they    The project takes    individuals equally                        Go to an after       how people can         to met others and                          respect difference make sure people them advice to
                                                          everything that is                                                                 live in and want to   some time and is     and respects          By giving some of    school club, Go to work together to         learn all about       police , community because that's          are always help    make them
04/05/2012 14:47:                                         going on in the                                                                    give back to          part of their        culture traditions of my time to help in   any clubs in school make it a better        what is going on in   centres and youth what makes us            each other and     become a better
              39 super kids                               club                                       Alex                                  4 society               lifestyle            other people.         the club             e.g. football, choir place                  they community        projects             who we are            work as a team.    person.              michael.a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I only respect other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          people who
                                                                                                                                                                                        they have to be                                                                                                                   respect me, The
                                                                                                                                             They see the                               very careful,and                                                                                                                  world would be
                                                                                                                                             community as                               watch the kids are                                                                     he want to get                             boring if we were                        thy trying to give
                                                                                                                                             essential to the      The project takes    doing, are they      spending more         Volunteer in a       i understand other     different kid from                         all the same. I like                     them better life
                                                          different believes                                                                 modern world and      some time and is     have to share        time with the kids    charity shop, Help   culture and i          different parts,and   polices,teachers     the differences it is raceme and         and stop them to
04/05/2012 14:55:                                         and different                                                                      we need to take an    part of their        there believe and    and share there       a family member      reaccept people        to give a solution    ambulances,          what makes life       different believe  discrimination and
              35 sperkidz                                 people                                     alex sperkidz                         4 active part in it     lifestyle            religions            ideas                 who needs care       more than they do      for there problems    nucers               interesting           and culture        projects             BAHJA HARRIS
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Community%20 film%20 %20sheet1

  • 1. Describe two types On a scale of 1 - 5, How has How do the people Name three of inequality that How does this how does this completing this we interviewed for services that the community How does Name the interest/ community Choose one person make a How much is the How did the Having heard this course contributed the community film contribute to the What does it mean members have intolerance and project that this member respect Looking at all three member of the positive Which sentence project that they community interview, describe What do you do for to your project work to value of diversity to you to respect come across whilst extremism pose person has in the other people's community community that we contribution to the best describes this work for part of member respect how you could your local understanding of improve the local on a national other people's working on their threats to the local Please put your Timestamp community Sample Question 2 beliefs? members interviewed community? person their lifestyle? people's identities? help this project. community? valuing diversity? community? scale. differences? project community? name below he respects peoples beliefs, because he has a he respects range of different peoples identities races that he has because he works I respect other to help. he with a wide range people's beliefs no they come across he stops the kids respects there of kids from matter what they different races that from hanging beliefs because he different are, It is important dont like each around the streets wants to help backgrounds and to respect other and that they and comiting young people and he helps them and difference because dont get along. crime. hes helping stop them from treats there that's what makes another thing is them stay out of getting out of identities like its teacher, helps kids us who we are, they always fight, prison and from trouble, and he his own. and he because alex from get there grades. The world would bad language etc. getting into trouble brings all the They see the shapes there super kids helps police officer helps be boring if we and alex has a job with the police. he different ethnicitys community as personalities to it has showed me the kids to stay of the nation from were all the same. where he has to helps them to get together, and help essential to the The project takes make them a a wide range of the streets and crime and medics I like the stop this from along with different them with there modern world and some time and is better person and Go to any clubs in different ethnicitys prevent them from help the nation by differences it is happening and races and helps 01/05/2012 14:49: communicating we need to take an part of their help them grow school e.g. and different scaring the local saving peoples what makes life help them get them to stop the 43 super kids skills. alex 4 active part in it lifestyle into better people. helpful football, choir peoples beliefs. community. lives. interesting along. violence. jessica it helped me fully understand I only respect other diversity and how people who easily people can they all have respect me, The he had team be different from different jobs, all there are world would be people could take building, he social segregation different ways of numerous ways to boring if we were there views to an listened to there It is just a job and The project takes to not talking to helping the contribute but 3 all the same. I like people bad extreme for views also he they don't see that some time and is they fully respect someone because community so they main ones are the the differences it is mouthing to them example painting 01/05/2012 14:54: encouraged Alex from what they are part of their who they are and there different. all improve in police, teachers what makes life also refusing there the whole building 24 a youth club independance. superkids 4 doing is a big deal lifestyle they do not judge. be a good youth nothing different ways. and children. interesting help. or vandalising. Jamie O'Hara I respect other people's beliefs no matter what they are, It is important to respect difference because that's what makes us who we are, I They build up am different from social other people but He has lots of communities, like they are a lot of people from youth clubs. things that we diffrent backrounds Without youth share. It is and gathers the He treats centres the crime important to ones that are most everybody equally, It taught me that rate would respect that, The He trying to keep in trouble and and he brings there is so many increase and there world would be People might have young people off builds trust, team Bringing everyone from diffrent people in would be so much boring if we were fights, saying bad the streets and not building, awareness of what diffrent backrounds this world, some conflict between all the same. I like words, not treating to go to prison. communicating, they do to people The project is very together to build a Go to any clubs in people are upper post code wars, the differences it is each other equally. He's really sending 01/05/2012 14:55: Community encouraging Alex From helps build the much a part of stronger Attend to school e.g. class and lower whites vs blacks, Teacher, Police what makes life He has to out a strong 32 Activities independance. Superkidz 5 community further their lifestyle community. Superkidz football, choir class in life. drugs ect. officer and medics. interesting encounter this. message. Chief Sarpong Police - They prevent crime. Teachers - The teach kids the right and wrongs in life The people we and give them the Fighting - Alex interviewed help education they may cross this He aims to bring decease diversity need. frequently because Alex stops people from This course has by working to St Johns I respect other he is working with extremism different groups given me a lot of prevent it. For Ambulance - They people's beliefs no kids and kids often because he is including; religion, knowledge on example Alex sponsor events matter what they fight. providing a place age, race and diversity. I now not works for an and help within the are, The world Bad language - He for kids of all ages gender together to They feel only understand organisation that community. For would be boring if also may hear a lot to go. This keeps allow them to bond passionately about but am able to keeps kids off the example they train we were all the of bad language them from being with one another the area that they Alex respected know hat to do if I streets, out of nurses and place same. I like the because most kids on the streets and participate in live in and want to The project is very peoples identities Attend out of am ever to be trouble and stops them in work differences it is of the adolescent causing trouble 01/05/2012 14:57: lots of team give back to much a part of and we know this school stuck in a situation them from places such as what makes life age group swear and committing 03 SuperKidz building activities. Alex 5 society their lifestyle because Spread the word. organisation. to do with diversity. committing crimes. schools. interesting frequently. crimes. Amiee Roberts he did team building activities to get people to work together and he said he tries to to respect others they put their lives treat people They feel for their beliefs, i thought i knew all fully toward their if people don't talk equally and passionately about looks, lifestyle, etc. of what was taught work for the and sort out their respects peoples the area that they he leads by but this course has community instead It is hard to respect there has been differences, then it differences and he live in and want to The project is very example so people widened my view of people who the police force, differences race relation is hard to build a 01/05/2012 14:58: youth and encourages people Alex from give back to much a part of can follow his letting others know on all that was would work for teachers, local sometimes but I try issues, and there positive 31 community work to independent Superkids 4 society their lifestyle ways. of its existance nothing given. money authorities to be open minded has been gangs. community. Callum Hales-Jepp
  • 2. Describe two types On a scale of 1 - 5, How has How do the people Name three of inequality that How does this how does this completing this we interviewed for services that the community How does Name the interest/ community Choose one person make a How much is the How did the Having heard this course contributed the community film contribute to the What does it mean members have intolerance and project that this member respect Looking at all three member of the positive Which sentence project that they community interview, describe What do you do for to your project work to value of diversity to you to respect come across whilst extremism pose person has in the other people's community community that we contribution to the best describes this work for part of member respect how you could your local understanding of improve the local on a national other people's working on their threats to the local Please put your Timestamp community Sample Question 2 beliefs? members interviewed community? person their lifestyle? people's identities? help this project. community? valuing diversity? community? scale. differences? project community? name below It has given me a greater understanding of They respect how the world shared identity by works. For Alex has seen kids being in a big example, with Police - stop crime, fighting, this is bad Alex respects what group and working diversity and work with because the everyone thinks with the local communities community, make children don't feel and don't judge community. He working together. I people feel safe. safe in their Alex stops fights them. He works respects the fact have personally Alex gets kids of Teachers - help community. He and bad language with kids to get that they might not changed the way I the street by giving children learn, help has also seen kids and trouble. He them off the street want to open up talk by using the them team building adults learn who being disrespectful stops kids from to get them off They see the about their proper terms for activities to do. had troubled life to the old going into prison crime. He works community as problems. He is things. For Alex tries to help St John's community by working to get with all different essential to the also helping kids example, I no people by not Ambulance - work It is hard to respect because they run the off the streets backgrounds and modern world and The project is very grow up to be Help a family longer use words getting in trouble on marathons and differences around and people and learn new 01/05/2012 14:59: Community ethnicities. He is a Alex from we need to take an much a part of good and not member who that are racist or and gives them a volunteer to help sometimes but I try don't expect to be skills and team Charlie 03 activities good team player. Superkidz 5 active part in it their lifestyle violent. I used to attend it. needs care unacceptable. place to go. wounded to be open minded treated that way. building. WARBOYS He mentioned young people using bad language and fighting this affects Respecting the peoples equality group and by disrespecting individuals, peoples beliefs encouraging and religions. By people to respect The course has attending the one another, helped me to They bring people group it is taking He works with helping others to socialise with more from all cultures young people off Intolerance and people from all understand people from and ethnic groups the streets by extremism poses a backgrounds and peoples different different together and The world would encouraging to do threat as it causes ethnic groups and They feel beliefs and backgrounds and encourage them to be boring if we better and show violence, racism, shows passionately about encourage them to help me to socialise and take were all the same. what is available homophobia, understanding of the area that they The project takes take an active roll understand how to part in activities Local Police I like the out their for them discrimination of their religious live in and want to some time and is in the community Encourage more be more tolerant of together both in Community differences it is and helps them to any kind towards 01/05/2012 15:01: beliefs and give back to part of their and become good people to join the Go to an after peoples religion the group and the workers and what makes life turn their life members of the Adejoke 11 Superkidz cultures. Alex 5 society lifestyle citizens. project school club and beliefs. local community. teachers interesting around. community. BALOGUN He tried to get everyone to do team building activities, so they can get the skills to do teamwork in their normal lives The Police: stop crime and keep the If their is an peace in local argument, then he communities tries to bring the Teachers: provide A negative way different It has helped my Alex help's young Education + that effects the If people don't try He respects other Community understanding by people by doing Encourage us to community is to understand people's beliefs by together, so they knowing i need to fun activities, by be Independent Racist issues, other people helping people can resolve the treat people right, keeping them off Youth and Street Gangs, need's, and see from all different issue. And also he other wise it will the streets and out community Crime, I think that everyone is backround's: He They feel also said that cause a lot of of trouble. And workers who don't Parents don't not the same, then treats everyone in passionately about some people who problems. And also he is trying to do their jobs for It is important to control there it will cause the same way and the area that they go to Superkidz, also respect other make the the money they do respect difference children, they just problems. We Youth & tries to make live in and want to The project is very want to me youth Recommend this people's Beliefs no Community a the job because because that's let them out on the should try to help 01/05/2012 15:03: communitya everyone work Alex From give back to much a part of worker's when they Project to another Go to a Youth matter what they better and safer they care. what makes us Streets which can those who may 46 worker/ together. Superkidz 5 society their lifestyle grow up. Kid. Club. are. place. who we are be a problem. need it. Alex Lewis They feel Alex helped by passionately about getting young One: Police the area that they I think Alex people off the He respects other live in and want to The project is very respected other streets and tried to Two: Teachers I only respect other 01/05/2012 15:03: people beliefs by give back to much a part of peoples identities It has changed the keep them out of people who ylgzxlvaV;A: 56 Super kids listing to them. Alex 5 society their lifestyle by Offer to help him. Nothing way i though about prison. Three: Children respect me VJKABVJ;ABSC dfhghygfncyugh Kieran Harrhy I respect other amblence helps people's beliefs no They feel the public matter what they He has to be able passionately about He brought a big It has given me police helps the are, It is important to know about the area that they The project takes group together and Go to an after more knowledge public to respect He has to put up there religion and live in and want to some time and is they trusted to school club, Go to on different teacher getting difference because with fighting and 03/05/2012 15:06: respect every one give back to part of their speak to him about any clubs in school religions and they stop trouble in the childrens that's what makes people being combating different 25 Seyhan DJEMALI he works with. Seyhan DJEMALI 4 society lifestyle there troubles. Used to go there. e.g. football, choir cultures. the local area. education us who we are disrespectful. abuses. Seyhan DJEMALI It has helped me They see the I would help by by understanding community as He respected them going around more diverse It is important to essential to the because he always different areas things for example Police Force respect difference he helps different modern world and The project is very helps diffrent ages, working with racisim and Fire Brigade because that's 03/05/2012 15:08: ethnicities, ages we need to take an much a part of abilitites and different people in Go to an after Stephan Lawrence They stop crime, Ambulance what makes us Negitive feedback, he stops all fights , 30 Superkids and abilities Alex 4 active part in it their lifestyle ethnicities their communtiy. school club case racisism and fights Service who we are fighting, racisism trouble , and crime Connor Andrews
  • 3. Describe two types On a scale of 1 - 5, How has How do the people Name three of inequality that How does this how does this completing this we interviewed for services that the community How does Name the interest/ community Choose one person make a How much is the How did the Having heard this course contributed the community film contribute to the What does it mean members have intolerance and project that this member respect Looking at all three member of the positive Which sentence project that they community interview, describe What do you do for to your project work to value of diversity to you to respect come across whilst extremism pose person has in the other people's community community that we contribution to the best describes this work for part of member respect how you could your local understanding of improve the local on a national other people's working on their threats to the local Please put your Timestamp community Sample Question 2 beliefs? members interviewed community? person their lifestyle? people's identities? help this project. community? valuing diversity? community? scale. differences? project community? name below I respect other people's beliefs no matter what they are, It is important to respect difference because that's what makes us who we are, It is hard to respect differences sometimes but I try to be open minded, I am different from other people but they Go to an after are a lot of things school club, that we share. It is Volunteer in a important to charity shop, Go to respect that, The They feel any clubs in school world would be passionately about Yes as he brought e.g. football, choir, they used there boring if we were the area that they people in with Help a family time to occupy all the same. I like Puts people in He's respects all live in and want to The project is very different identities member who Very much as its people by making Teachers police the differences it is Fighting,racism, situations that no 03/05/2012 15:10: there ethical give back to much a part of into one group BE A GOOD needs care, raised much activities to keep and st johns what makes life sexism and one deserves to be 02 SUPERKIDZ beliefs. Alex 4 society their lifestyle showing respect. YOUTH School council awareness them off the street. ambulance interesting extremism in. James PAUL 1) Alex helps by getting young Fighting puts people off the people in streets. uncomfortable situations. Fighting 2) Alex is helping leads to injures, to reduce crime by Police - working which leads to giving the young with local and Alex would have to police getting people somewhere national deal with fighting involved. People They feel to go communities. They and bad language. might be arrested. He respects all passionately about yes, as he brought help with crime This kind of thing Extreme behaviour ethical beliefs by the area that they people in with its helped my 3) Alex is also and talks to people gets bigger and cause death or talking to people live in and want to The project is very different identities understanding and bringing the local to listen to what is I only respect other bugger because going to jail. It is 03/05/2012 15:22: and listening to give back to much a part of into one group raised my community wrong and try to people who more people get important that Alex 45 Superkids people. Alex 5 society their lifestyle showing respects. Be a good youth. Nothing awareness together help. respect me involved. stops this. Kieran HARRHY They accept some people they They see the anyone into who work with may not community as they work with for change He believes that essential to the example people it has helped me to They teach kids to I respect other The children may people may harm people can change modern world and The project is very with different Help a family understand other respect each other police people's beliefs no fight and be other people due 04/05/2012 14:43: from what they we need to take an much a part of believes and by helping out at member who peoples believes help people councliers matter what they horrible to each to the way they are 11 superkids used to be like Alex 5 active part in it their lifestyle personalities superkids needs care and disabilities change schools are other are Karl the police contribute by keeping the streets safe and talking to some of the kids the community have been in trouble with the this course has community centres police and court taught me to contribute by this would give understand people helping kids with teenagers a beliefs in a greater problems and to negative view prospect allowing keep them aware me to give them of the dangers of some of them don't the full respect they work with kids crime. accept changing they can cause the They feel he respected their they deserve.I to keep them of so quickly community He helps them with passionately about ethnicities and have also learnt the streets and to the NHS contribute It is important to this means they members have a their problems and the area that they worked with their that stereotyping is not get involved in by ensuring respect difference would stay the negative view on he works with live in and want to The project is very families to help raising further caused by gang crime thus everyone gets because that's same and will the other members 04/05/2012 14:44: helping youths in families of different give back to much a part of them stay out of awareness to the help with my previous lowering crime health care and is what makes us continue to hang causing hatred and 20 the community ethnicitys Alex 5 society their lifestyle bad habits community parents buisness experiences. levels looked after who we are with gangs stereotyping Connor watts Alex helps kids that have had lots of problems for example getting in trouble with the police by giving them somewhere It has giving me he has to make else to go instead more I only respect other sure the children of hanging on the by helping the understanding they offer help people who treat each other streets and helps children and there They feel about the advice and a place respect me, It is with respect and them keep out of families to get passionately about he treats community and where kids can go important to he also has to trouble by giving involved with the area that they The project takes individuals equally Go to an after how people can to met others and respect difference make sure people them advice to everything that is live in and want to some time and is and respects By giving some of school club, Go to work together to learn all about police , community because that's are always help make them 04/05/2012 14:47: going on in the give back to part of their culture traditions of my time to help in any clubs in school make it a better what is going on in centres and youth what makes us each other and become a better 39 super kids club Alex 4 society lifestyle other people. the club e.g. football, choir place they community projects who we are work as a team. person. michael.a I only respect other people who they have to be respect me, The They see the very careful,and world would be community as watch the kids are he want to get boring if we were thy trying to give essential to the The project takes doing, are they spending more Volunteer in a i understand other different kid from all the same. I like them better life different believes modern world and some time and is have to share time with the kids charity shop, Help culture and i different parts,and polices,teachers the differences it is raceme and and stop them to 04/05/2012 14:55: and different we need to take an part of their there believe and and share there a family member reaccept people to give a solution ambulances, what makes life different believe discrimination and 35 sperkidz people alex sperkidz 4 active part in it lifestyle religions ideas who needs care more than they do for there problems nucers interesting and culture projects BAHJA HARRIS