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College of Business |
All rights are reserved. The material contained herein is the
copyright property of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University,
Daytona Beach, Florida, 32114. No part of this material may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any
form, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise without the prior written consent of the
University.Internal Factor Analysis Summary Guidelines
Here are the guidelines for completing the IFAS table.External
Factors (Column 1)
· Select five strategic opportunities and five strategic threats
facing your selected strategic audit company.
· List each of these factors as either opportunities or threats in
the appropriate column in the IFAS table.
· Provide a detailed description of each factor.
· If outside information is used in the comments section, then it
must be cited and referenced correctly in APA format. Weight
(Column 2)
· The total weight for all of the factors should be 1.00.
· Decide how strategic each of the ten factors is in comparison
to each other. As an example, a factor might have a high
strategic significance for your company with a weight ranging
from .15 to .20. On the other hand, a factor may have little in
the way of strategic significance, when compared to the other
nine factors, and might have a weight of .05.Rating (Column 3)
· In this column you are to rate how effective the firm has been
in meeting the opportunities and threats, with 5 being the top
score for any factor. As an example, if you feel a firm is doing a
super job of moving into Asia then give a rating of
5.0.Weighted Score (Column 4)
· Now multiple the scores you have in Columns 2 and 3 for each
· This will produce a weighted score for each factor.Comments
(Column 5)
· Provide a detailed description reflecting why you gave the
rating for each factor.
· If outside information is used in the comments section, then it
must be cited and referenced correctly in APA format. Total
· At the bottom of the matrix record the totals of the Weight
Score (Column 2), and Weighted Score (Column 4).
· The Total Weighted Score should indicate how effective your
firm has been in handling its opportunities and threats.
Page 2 of 2
Riverbend City ® ActivityData Analytics Internship
Welcome to your virtual internship at the Riverbend Community
Action Center (RCAC)! Located in Riverbend City, a midsized
city in the Midwest, this organization provides a variety of
human service functions. In your internship, you will be focused
on the Ruby Lake Teen Homelessness Task Force, which is
centered in the neighborhood of Ruby Lake. You will be
learning about the role of data analytics in a human services
Three years ago, RCAC received a seven-figure grant from the
Helping Hands Foundation to help the center's work with
homeless teens. Now Helping Hands would like to know what
RCAC has done, and if their programs have been effective.
Your focus will be on understanding how analytics could be
applied to evaluate these programs and make the case for their
effectiveness.Mentor Talk
Riverbend City Community Action Center: Mentor's Office
Check in with your CAC Mentor, Brenda.
Hi! And welcome to RCAC! I'm really looking forward to
working with you and helping dig into the landscape of data
analytics in the human services.
Like your acceptance letter said, the specific thing I'd like you
to look at while you're here is an analytics-based evaluation of
the effectiveness of our grant-funded work on teen
homelessness in the Ruby Lake neighborhood. Well, that's all
well and good, but what does that really mean? Let's jump in
and talk about the data analytics process itself.
To do that, we’re going to focus on the first step of the
There are a variety of ways to visualize the data analytics
lifecycle. Some models will have more steps than others… some
will parse those steps in slightly different ways. That said, there
is some commonality in terms of basic stages or steps. For our
purposes, let’s work with the model SAS uses.
The first stage of the data analytics lifecycle addresses
understanding the problem. Some models will call this the
discovery phase, others may talk about identification or
understanding the problem. The important thing to remember is
that this is the point where you are going to identify the
business problem and ask the questions that will help you
analyze the business problem. You might think of it as
narrowing the gap between yourself as a data analyst and the
business owner.
The business owner may not be describing the problem in ways
that make it clear what you’re trying to measure in your
analysis, so a significant part of the first stage of the lifecycle
may be identifying what data to look at. Later stages will center
on acquiring the data, cleaning it, building models and so forth,
but at this initial stage, the goal is to acquire as much clarity as
possible in understanding the core business problem.
OK! That's the lifecycle in a nutshell. Next, I'd like you to hit
the ground running on understanding the problem. I'd like you
to go talk to some of the internal stakeholders to help you get a
well-rounded view of exactly what we're trying to do here. I've
arranged for you to talk to Richard Agin, our CEO; Eduardo
Alvarez, the director of our Homeless Teen program; and
Heather Adams, one of our case managers in the program. That
way, you should get a good diversity of perspectives and
concerns that will help you really identify the questions being
asked.The Analytics LifecycleInterviews
Riverbend City Community Action Center Offices
Talk to some RCAC staffers to get their perspectives on what
kind of questions you should be trying to answer with
data.Richard AginCEO of Community Action Center
Thank you for asking! I'm excited to see this question being
taken seriously.
I'll tell you one thing: more than anything else, I want to
emphasize process. Since this program is essentially my little
kingdom, I often find myself in direct contact with donors,
granting agencies, and accrediting bodies. And I hate having to
answer their questions about how things are going with vague,
anecdotal evidence. I can see their eyes roll, and shudder when I
think of what this is doing to our long-term relationships. So if
you're here to bring some rigor to the question of evaluating
how we're doing, you're making my life a lot easier no matter
what you find. For my sake, I'm begging you: Please be
thorough with everything, please be clear, and please docume nt
everything you do, so that I can leverage these results to
convince people to give us more money for future activities.
OK, that said, if you're looking for the things you need to be
tracking, I'm happy to give you my perspective. As much as I
like to focus on individual success stories, in my role as CEO I
have to focus on big-picture elements. So: How much funding
did we direct towards this program? How much of it was from
dedicated grants and how much from unrestricted funds? What
were our cost centers in executing the program? How much staff
time and energy was devoted to this program, that could have
been devoted to other things? Same question in terms of our
non-staff resources—what did we allocate here?
You get that stuff and you have one side of the ledger…then we
have to figure out what our specific concerns are evaluating
benefits. The number of teens that have been involved with the
program seems like a good place to start. Maybe as a baseline,
the overall number of teens in the region who'd be eligible to be
helped by the program, so that we can see what percentage of
the populace we're targeting. Also worth looking at cost and
resource allocation per participant — how efficient are we
being? We've been doing this for a while now, so it's good to
look at year-to-year figures, see if we're getting better both in
terms of absolute numbers and efficiency. What else? If
possible, I'd love to have data from other orgs that are doing the
same kind of work, so that we can compare our effectiveness to
theirs. Oh, and I'd like to have longer-term data about what
happens to participants after they leave the program, so that we
can see if we're solving things or just applying a band-aid. How
are our participants doing after six months? After a year? And
so on.
I'm sure I could come up with more, but that's what comes to
mind first. Thanks again for asking me about this, and I'm really
looking forward to seeing what you come up with.Eduardo
AlvarezHomeless Teen Program Director
So, OK. We're looking for ways to use analytics to evaluate the
teen homelessness program? I need a moment to switch my
brain out of day-to-day mode and into long-term-thinking mode.
Which, now that I think about it, is a good thing for you to keep
in mind as you're working on this. We have this tactical day-to-
day reality of "how can I help Jenny, the 15-year-old who’s
currently sleeping under an overpass, find a place to stay with
some permanence?" And your project is to help us look at the
big picture so that we can tell how well we're doing in our
endless series of day-to-day realities.
All right. Sorry for the philosophy there. One thing I'd like to
have a handle on with analytics is what the circumstances are
for clients on intake, so that we can correlate that with success
rates. Like, are we more likely to be able to help kids who have
been living on their friends' couches than the kids who have
been sleeping out of doors? Is there a substantial, consistent
difference in how much staff time needs to be devoted,
depending on what the person's intake status was? Is there a
difference in how stable we can help them become? As far as
that goes, what *is* the range of possible living statuses that
kids enter the program with? We don't really know in any
systematic way.
As a program director, I'd also be interested in data on which of
my case workers are particularly effective — I guess for that to
work, we'd need to find a way to quantify effectiveness, of
course. Some tangle of time spent per case versus placement
rate for client versus stability of outcome, I'm not sure. But if
we had an answer for that, we could look at the most effective
case workers and see what it is they're doing right. And from
there, maybe try to work up some best practices that we could
share with case workers who aren't as effective. Lots of pitfalls
and cans of worms working that way, of course, but I think it
could be really helpful if we did it intelligently and
carefully.Heather AdamsCase Manager, Homeless Teen Program
It's hard for me to think about my job in terms of analytics.
Because to me that just means cold data, and this job is all
about people and their stories. But I've heard people talk about
how data tells stories of its own, so I guess that's the way I need
to look at this.
So, if I try to think about things I'd like to know about…I guess
I'd like it if we could try to figure out what individual things are
important about the teens we work with, in terms of making a
difference in how they wind up in the program and how able we
are to help them. Does that make sense? Like, the question I'm
trying to answer is "what do these teens have in common or not
in common, and how does that affect them?"
We gather a lot of basic information now that we don’t do
enough with: name, age, DOB, last permanent address, stuff like
that, but also a lot of detailed background information that goes
deeper into their family situation before they came into the
program. But then the data just sits there and we don’t do
anything with it, don’t use it to dig into the bigger questions.
Like, what if we looked at the data and saw that, say, Latino
kids with divorced parents are more likely come into the
program. I could see that being useful for us in the day-to-day
working of the program, and it seems like that would turn
around and help you figure out how effective the program as a
whole was for different populations. I think.
On the other hand, I can see some privacy risks there, if we're
gathering and storing that much information. And as case
managers, we'd need to be very careful not to be intrusive or
cold or off-putting as we gathered that information. But these
seem like solvable problems to me.Conclusion
You have completed the Riverbend City: Data Analytics
Internship Introduction activity.
Reflection QuestionsWhat big-picture questions should the
RCAC attempt to answer using data analytics to evaluate their
Your response:
This question has not been answered yet.
What specific data should be collected in pursuit of
these questions?
Your response:
This question has not been answered yet.
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Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
College of Business |
All rights are reserved. The material contained herei n is the
copyright property of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University,
Daytona Beach, Florida, 32114. No part of this material may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any
form, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise without the prior written consent of the
University.U.S. Securities Exchange (SEC) Form 10-K Report
In this exercise, each student will utilize the U.S. Securities
Exchange Commission (SEC) website to access and download
your selected company’s Form 10-K Corporate Information
Report. This annual report (simply referred to as the “10-K”
which is the SEC’s form number) must be electronically filled
annually by all U.S. publically-traded entities regardless if they
are domestic or foreign. Intended for the protection of the
public and for providing corporate and financial information to
investors, any stakeholder may access and download this
important report for free.
1) Complete the PART I - COMPANY INFORMATION section
on the form below.
2) Read about the purpose and mission of U.S. Securities &
Exchange Commission (SEC).
3) Locate the "Fast Search" field and enter your company's
Ticker Symbol (e.g., Ford = F).
4) Locate "10-K" under the Filings column (left-side of
webpage) and SELECT "Documents".
5) Locate "10-K" under Description and SELECT the *.htm
hyperlink shown under "Documents" column.
Example of Ford Motor Company: f1231201710-k.htm
6) From within the 10-K Report, scroll down to the "Table of
Contents" section.
NOTE: Use the keyboard shortcut CTRL-F to easily find and
navigate to a specific word or phrase within the 10-K Report.
7) Locate "ITEM 6. Selected Financial Data" and navigate
within the 10-K to this specific section.
8) The actual "ITEM 6. Selected Financial Data" section will
resemble a data table with various columns (by year) containing
important company financial information.
9) Complete the PART II - FINANCIAL COMPONENT section
using the above referenced financial information for each year
NOTE: New (or acquired) companies may have only listed
financial information from the year since going public (or since
year of being acquired).
10) Complete the PART III - COMPANY 10-K ANALYSIS &
SUMMARY section below based on your review and analysis of
the 10-K report information.
11) Using the file name convention of "MGMT 436 - LastName
– Module #4", save your work and upload the file to Canvas.
Company Name >
Primary Business Classification >
State Incorporated >
Year Established >
Ticker Symbol >
Analyst (i.e., Student Name) >
SEC Form 10-K Data
Total Revenues >
Net Income before taxes (or Loss) >
Total Assets >
Total Liabilities >
Equity (Assets - Liabilities) =
IN YOUR OWN WORDS and based on various information that
you have read in the company's 10-K report, summarize your
findings as to the company's financial health (i.e., solvency) and
strategic financial plan from a historical, current, and future
perspective in the space provided below.
NOTE: Do NOT copy and paste directly from the 10-K Report.
LIMIT your analysis to 300 words maximum.
Page 2 of 2
MGMT 436 - Strategic Management
Module 4 Activity
U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) Form 10-K Report
In this exercise, each student will utilize the U.S. Securities
Exchange Commission (SEC) website to access
and download your selected company’s Form 10-K Corporate
Information Report. This annual report
(simply referred to as the “10-K” which is the SEC’s form
number) must be electronically filled annually
by all U.S. publically-traded entities regardless if they are
domestic or foreign. Intended for the
protection of the public and for providing corporate and
financial information to investors, any
stakeholder may access and download this important report for
1) Complete the PART I - COMPANY INFORMATION section
on the form below.
2) Read about the purpose and mission of U.S. Securities &
Exchange Commission (SEC).
3) Locate the "Fast Search" field and enter your company's
Ticker Symbol (e.g., Ford = F).
4) Locate "10-K" under the Filings column (left-side of
webpage) and SELECT "Documents".
5) Locate "10-K" under Description and SELECT the *.htm
hyperlink shown under "Documents" column.
Example of Ford Motor Company: f1231201710-k.htm
6) From within the 10-K Report, scroll down to the "Table of
Contents" section.
NOTE: Use the keyboard shortcut CTRL-F to easily find and
navigate to a specific word or phrase
within the 10-K Report.
7) Locate "ITEM 6. Selected Financial Data" and navigate
within the 10-K to this specific section.
8) The actual "ITEM 6. Selected Financial Data" section will
resemble a data table with various columns
(by year) containing important company financial information.
9) Complete the PART II - FINANCIAL COMPONENT section
using the above referenced financial
information for each year provided.
NOTE: New (or acquired) companies may have only listed
financial information from the year
since going public (or since year of being acquired).
10) Complete the PART III - COMPANY 10-K ANALYSIS &
SUMMARY section below based on your review
and analysis of the 10-K report information.
11) Using the file name convention of "MGMT 436 - LastName
– Module #4", save your work and upload
the file to Canvas.
Company Name > Ford Motor Company
Primary Business Classification > Automobile Manufacturing
State Incorporated > Michigan
Year Established > 1903
Ticker Symbol > F
Analyst (i.e., Student Name) > John Doe Student
Assignment Instructions for Students
IN YOUR OWN WORDS and based on various information that
you have read in the company's 10-K
report, summarize your findings as to the company's financial
health (i.e., solvency) and strategic
financial plan from a historical, current, and future perspective
in the space provided below.
NOTE: Do NOT copy and paste directly from the 10-K Report.
LIMIT your analysis to 300 words maximum.
It appears that Ford has drastically reduced its debt and pension
obligations in recent years, enabling the
company to attain investment-grade ratings from credit rating
agencies. Ford's automotive debt has
declined to $13.8 billion at the end of 2014, and it will decline
to $10 billion by 2018. Also, Ford's pension
plan was underfunded by a staggering $18.7 billion at the end of
2014, but was halved to $9 billion at the
end of 2016.
The company's continuing operations are more profitable than
those of many other companies in its
industry, resulting in an Operating Margin that is above its
industry average.
It's becoming increasingly important for automakers to have a
successful global luxury brand to help
increase average transaction prices and profit margins. Ford' s
luxury Lincoln brand has struggled for
years, and a full turnaround is probably a decade away. Lincoln
sales have been cut roughly in half, from
around 190,000 units in the U.S. in 2000 to fewer than 90,000
units annually over the last five years.
Overseas, Ford, much like many automakers, is having a rough
time in Europe and South America. Ford
lost a total of $4.3 billion in Europe operations. Management
expects to lose less in Europe this year than
in 2014, and to break even in 2016. Meanwhile, South America
went from a $33 million loss in 2013 to a
whopping $1.1 billion loss last year. Both regions will continue
to drag on earnings in the near term.
Ford is subject to threats that affect all automakers, including a
decline in industry sales volume in the
event of a recession, potential market shift from more profitable
vehicles to smaller and cheaper vehicles,
and increased price competition which reduces profitability.
SEC Form 10-K Data 2017 2016 2015 2014
Total Revenues >
Net Income before taxes (or Loss) >
Total Assets >
Total Liabilities >
Equity (Assets - Liabilities) =
U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) Form 10-K
Report ttps://www.s of Ford
Motor Company: f1231201710-k.htm
MGMT 436 - Strategic Management
Module 4 Activity
U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) Form 10-K Report
In this exercise, each student will utilize the U.S. Securities
Exchange Commission (SEC) website to access
and download your selected company’s Form 10-K Corporate
Information Report. This annual report
(simply referred to as the “10-K” which is the SEC’s form
number) must be electronically filled annually
by all U.S. publically-traded entities regardless if they are
domestic or foreign. Intended for the
protection of the public and for providing corporate and
financial information to investors, any
stakeholder may access and download this important report for
1) Complete the PART I - COMPANY INFORMATION section
on the form below.
2) Read about the purpose and mission of U.S. Securities &
Exchange Commission (SEC).
3) Locate the "Fast Search" field and enter your company's
Ticker Symbol (e.g., Ford = F).
4) Locate "10-K" under the Filings column (left-side of
webpage) and SELECT "Documents".
5) Locate "10-K" under Description and SELECT the *.htm
hyperlink shown under "Documents" column.
Example of Ford Motor Company: f1231201710-k.htm
6) From within the 10-K Report, scroll down to the "Table of
Contents" section.
NOTE: Use the keyboard shortcut CTRL-F to easily find and
navigate to a specific word or phrase
within the 10-K Report.
7) Locate "ITEM 6. Selected Financial Data" and navigate
within the 10-K to this specific section.
8) The actual "ITEM 6. Selected Financial Data" section will
resemble a data table with various columns
(by year) containing important company financial information.
9) Complete the PART II - FINANCIAL COMPONENT section
using the above referenced financial
information for each year provided.
NOTE: New (or acquired) companies may have only listed
financial information from the year
since going public (or since year of being acquired).
10) Complete the PART III - COMPANY 10-K ANALYSIS &
SUMMARY section below based on your review
and analysis of the 10-K report information.
11) Using the file name convention of "MGMT 436 - LastName
– Module #4", save your work and upload
the file to Canvas.
Company Name > Ford Motor Company
Primary Business Classification > Automobile Manufacturing
State Incorporated > Michigan
Year Established > 1903
Ticker Symbol > F
Analyst (i.e., Student Name) > John Doe Student
Assignment Instructions for Students
IN YOUR OWN WORDS and based on various information that
you have read in the company's 10-K
report, summarize your findings as to the company's financial
health (i.e., solvency) and strategic
financial plan from a historical, current, and future perspective
in the space provided below.
NOTE: Do NOT copy and paste directly from the 10-K Report.
LIMIT your analysis to 300 words maximum.
It appears that Ford has drastically reduced its debt and pension
obligations in recent years, enabling the
company to attain investment-grade ratings from credit rating
agencies. Ford's automotive debt has
declined to $13.8 billion at the end of 2014, and it will decline
to $10 billion by 2018. Also, Ford's pension
plan was underfunded by a staggering $18.7 billion at the end of
2014, but was halved to $9 billion at the
end of 2016.
The company's continuing operations are more profitable than
those of many other companies in its
industry, resulting in an Operating Margin that is above its
industry average.
It's becoming increasingly important for automakers to have a
successful global luxury brand to help
increase average transaction prices and profit margins. Ford's
luxury Lincoln brand has struggled for
years, and a full turnaround is probably a decade away. Lincoln
sales have been cut roughly in half, from
around 190,000 units in the U.S. in 2000 to fewer than 90,000
units annually over the last five years.
Overseas, Ford, much like many automakers, is having a rough
time in Europe and South America. Ford
lost a total of $4.3 billion in Europe operations. Management
expects to lose less in Europe this year than
in 2014, and to break even in 2016. Meanwhile, South America
went from a $33 million loss in 2013 to a
whopping $1.1 billion loss last year. Both regions will continue
to drag on earnings in the near term.
Ford is subject to threats that affect all automakers, including a
decline in industry sales volume in the
event of a recession, potential market shift from more profitable
vehicles to smaller and cheaper vehicles,
and increased price competition which reduces profitability.
SEC Form 10-K Data 2017 2016 2015 2014
Total Revenues >
Net Income before taxes (or Loss) >
Total Assets >
Total Liabilities >
Equity (Assets - Liabilities) =
U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) Form 10-K
Report of Ford
Motor Company: f1231201710-k.htm
Microsoft Corporation Page 2 of 4
Windows and Windows Live
Windows & Windows Live Division offerings consist of the
Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating system, software and
services through Windows Live, and PC hardware products.
Windows operating system has been bedrock of Microsoft
corporations, and has consistently fended off and serious
competition from the industry and has been clear leader for
personal computing sector (Jones, 2018).
Enterprise Server and Tools
Enterprise Server and Tools product and service offerings
include Windows Server, Windows Azure, Microsoft SQL
Server, Windows Embedded device platforms, and Enterprise
Services. Enterprise Services comprise Premier product support
services and Microsoft Consulting Services. And like Windows
operating system for personal computing, Microsoft has
dominated enterprise computing via its Windows server and
SQL server platforms (Bloom, 2018).
Gaming and Entertainment (Xbox and Xbox live)
Microsoft's gaming and entertainment offerings include the
Xbox 360 entertainment platform, including Kinect for Xbox
360. Microsoft also offers Xbox LIVE service, which enables
online gaming, social networking, and access to a wide range of
video, gaming, and entertainment content. Kinect in particular
has provided Microsoft much needed edge over its competitors
in the gaming sector (Microsoft, 2018).
Diverse and global talent
Success of any company is highly dependent on their ability to
attract and retain qualified employees, Microsoft has done
relatively well to attract technical workforce from across the
globe and created an environment to nurture and foster that
talent to new heights. The diversity of their workforce in terms
of technical breadth as well as the geographical spread provides
Microsoft completive edge with the research and development
of wide range product and services (Smith and Simpson, 2018).
Brand Image
Over last 38 years since its inception in 1975, Microsoft had
clearly developed a brand image and reputation for itself. Even
though it has faced fierce challenge and attacks from its
competitors, Microsoft still is popular global brand. Bill Gates’
vision for Microsoft “A personal computer in every home
running Microsoft software” has become close to reality and,
Microsoft has become a true household name across the world
(Jones, 2018).
Over last decade or so Microsoft seems to be losing the battle of
innovation over it competitors. More often than not, Microsoft
seems to be following its competitors’ innovation that leading
the pack. For Microsoft to retain its global leadership, it really
need to re-vigor the innovative powerhouse that Microsoft once
was (Microsoft, 2018).
Lack of clear direction
The recent change in Microsoft’s business model from being
primarily a software company to that of software, services and
devices company has created lack of direction for the ranks and
files, particularly because every division is targeted to handle
all three aspect of business. To be successful Microsoft really
need to re-organize itself across the new business model, and in
recent days they have started initiative in that direction (Nelson,
Windows Phone and Tablet
Microsoft launched itself in the smartphone sector in 2010 with
its Widows 7 phone, and Surface was Microsoft’s attempt to get
into the tablet business. They haven’t performed very well in
either of these two; Window 8 phone has performed relatively
better than its predecessor but overall has not come even close
to the competition (Graham, 2018).
Search Engine sector
Microsoft has been trying to compete in the search engine
sector for long time. Microsoft’s original search engine MSN
Search never really got any traction and they launched their
current search engine BING in 2009. BING has done relatively
better than MSN Search and has taken over the 2nd place from
Yahoo, but still way behind than Google (Jones, 2010).
Web browser (Internet Explorer)
Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) was the leading web browser
until it was ousted by Google Chrome just over a year ago. For
now IE is maintaining 2nd place ahead of Firebox. Even though
IE by itself is not a major revenue source but it can certainly
help steer customers towards other Microsoft products and
services (Smith and Simpson, 2018).
Bloom, J.C. (2018). Microsoft struggles in the gamming sector.
Bloomberg Homepage. Retrieved from
Graham, B. W. (2018). Microsoft fined by the government.
Technology News Source. Retrieved from
Jones, C. L. (2018). New technology in the workforce and how
it changes business today. Reuters.
Microsoft. (2018). Official Homepage. Retrieved from
Nelson, D. P. (2018). Piracy threat to Microsoft and other
software companies since the beginning of time. US News &
World Reports. Retrieved from
Smith, G, A., & Simpson, H. J. (2018). Microsoft and the
changing dynamics in today’s tech industry. Official News
Report. Retrieved from

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College of Business worldwide.erau.eduAll rights are reser

  • 1. College of Business | All rights are reserved. The material contained herein is the copyright property of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida, 32114. No part of this material may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written consent of the University.Internal Factor Analysis Summary Guidelines Here are the guidelines for completing the IFAS table.External Factors (Column 1) · Select five strategic opportunities and five strategic threats facing your selected strategic audit company. · List each of these factors as either opportunities or threats in the appropriate column in the IFAS table. · Provide a detailed description of each factor. · If outside information is used in the comments section, then it must be cited and referenced correctly in APA format. Weight (Column 2) · The total weight for all of the factors should be 1.00. · Decide how strategic each of the ten factors is in comparison to each other. As an example, a factor might have a high strategic significance for your company with a weight ranging from .15 to .20. On the other hand, a factor may have little in the way of strategic significance, when compared to the other nine factors, and might have a weight of .05.Rating (Column 3) · In this column you are to rate how effective the firm has been in meeting the opportunities and threats, with 5 being the top score for any factor. As an example, if you feel a firm is doing a super job of moving into Asia then give a rating of 5.0.Weighted Score (Column 4) · Now multiple the scores you have in Columns 2 and 3 for each factor.
  • 2. · This will produce a weighted score for each factor.Comments (Column 5) · Provide a detailed description reflecting why you gave the rating for each factor. · If outside information is used in the comments section, then it must be cited and referenced correctly in APA format. Total Scores · At the bottom of the matrix record the totals of the Weight Score (Column 2), and Weighted Score (Column 4). · The Total Weighted Score should indicate how effective your firm has been in handling its opportunities and threats. Page 2 of 2 Print Riverbend City ® ActivityData Analytics Internship IntroductionIntroductionMentor TalkInterviewsConclusionIntroduction Welcome to your virtual internship at the Riverbend Community Action Center (RCAC)! Located in Riverbend City, a midsized city in the Midwest, this organization provides a variety of human service functions. In your internship, you will be focused on the Ruby Lake Teen Homelessness Task Force, which is centered in the neighborhood of Ruby Lake. You will be learning about the role of data analytics in a human services setting. Three years ago, RCAC received a seven-figure grant from the Helping Hands Foundation to help the center's work with homeless teens. Now Helping Hands would like to know what RCAC has done, and if their programs have been effective. Your focus will be on understanding how analytics could be applied to evaluate these programs and make the case for their effectiveness.Mentor Talk
  • 3. Riverbend City Community Action Center: Mentor's Office Check in with your CAC Mentor, Brenda. Hi! And welcome to RCAC! I'm really looking forward to working with you and helping dig into the landscape of data analytics in the human services. Like your acceptance letter said, the specific thing I'd like you to look at while you're here is an analytics-based evaluation of the effectiveness of our grant-funded work on teen homelessness in the Ruby Lake neighborhood. Well, that's all well and good, but what does that really mean? Let's jump in and talk about the data analytics process itself. To do that, we’re going to focus on the first step of the lifecycle. There are a variety of ways to visualize the data analytics lifecycle. Some models will have more steps than others… some will parse those steps in slightly different ways. That said, there is some commonality in terms of basic stages or steps. For our purposes, let’s work with the model SAS uses. The first stage of the data analytics lifecycle addresses understanding the problem. Some models will call this the discovery phase, others may talk about identification or understanding the problem. The important thing to remember is that this is the point where you are going to identify the business problem and ask the questions that will help you analyze the business problem. You might think of it as narrowing the gap between yourself as a data analyst and the business owner. The business owner may not be describing the problem in ways that make it clear what you’re trying to measure in your analysis, so a significant part of the first stage of the lifecycle may be identifying what data to look at. Later stages will center on acquiring the data, cleaning it, building models and so forth, but at this initial stage, the goal is to acquire as much clarity as possible in understanding the core business problem. OK! That's the lifecycle in a nutshell. Next, I'd like you to hit the ground running on understanding the problem. I'd like you
  • 4. to go talk to some of the internal stakeholders to help you get a well-rounded view of exactly what we're trying to do here. I've arranged for you to talk to Richard Agin, our CEO; Eduardo Alvarez, the director of our Homeless Teen program; and Heather Adams, one of our case managers in the program. That way, you should get a good diversity of perspectives and concerns that will help you really identify the questions being asked.The Analytics LifecycleInterviews Riverbend City Community Action Center Offices Talk to some RCAC staffers to get their perspectives on what kind of questions you should be trying to answer with data.Richard AginCEO of Community Action Center Thank you for asking! I'm excited to see this question being taken seriously. I'll tell you one thing: more than anything else, I want to emphasize process. Since this program is essentially my little kingdom, I often find myself in direct contact with donors, granting agencies, and accrediting bodies. And I hate having to answer their questions about how things are going with vague, anecdotal evidence. I can see their eyes roll, and shudder when I think of what this is doing to our long-term relationships. So if you're here to bring some rigor to the question of evaluating how we're doing, you're making my life a lot easier no matter what you find. For my sake, I'm begging you: Please be thorough with everything, please be clear, and please docume nt everything you do, so that I can leverage these results to convince people to give us more money for future activities. OK, that said, if you're looking for the things you need to be tracking, I'm happy to give you my perspective. As much as I like to focus on individual success stories, in my role as CEO I have to focus on big-picture elements. So: How much funding did we direct towards this program? How much of it was from dedicated grants and how much from unrestricted funds? What were our cost centers in executing the program? How much staff time and energy was devoted to this program, that could have
  • 5. been devoted to other things? Same question in terms of our non-staff resources—what did we allocate here? You get that stuff and you have one side of the ledger…then we have to figure out what our specific concerns are evaluating benefits. The number of teens that have been involved with the program seems like a good place to start. Maybe as a baseline, the overall number of teens in the region who'd be eligible to be helped by the program, so that we can see what percentage of the populace we're targeting. Also worth looking at cost and resource allocation per participant — how efficient are we being? We've been doing this for a while now, so it's good to look at year-to-year figures, see if we're getting better both in terms of absolute numbers and efficiency. What else? If possible, I'd love to have data from other orgs that are doing the same kind of work, so that we can compare our effectiveness to theirs. Oh, and I'd like to have longer-term data about what happens to participants after they leave the program, so that we can see if we're solving things or just applying a band-aid. How are our participants doing after six months? After a year? And so on. I'm sure I could come up with more, but that's what comes to mind first. Thanks again for asking me about this, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what you come up with.Eduardo AlvarezHomeless Teen Program Director So, OK. We're looking for ways to use analytics to evaluate the teen homelessness program? I need a moment to switch my brain out of day-to-day mode and into long-term-thinking mode. Which, now that I think about it, is a good thing for you to keep in mind as you're working on this. We have this tactical day-to- day reality of "how can I help Jenny, the 15-year-old who’s currently sleeping under an overpass, find a place to stay with some permanence?" And your project is to help us look at the big picture so that we can tell how well we're doing in our endless series of day-to-day realities. All right. Sorry for the philosophy there. One thing I'd like to have a handle on with analytics is what the circumstances are
  • 6. for clients on intake, so that we can correlate that with success rates. Like, are we more likely to be able to help kids who have been living on their friends' couches than the kids who have been sleeping out of doors? Is there a substantial, consistent difference in how much staff time needs to be devoted, depending on what the person's intake status was? Is there a difference in how stable we can help them become? As far as that goes, what *is* the range of possible living statuses that kids enter the program with? We don't really know in any systematic way. As a program director, I'd also be interested in data on which of my case workers are particularly effective — I guess for that to work, we'd need to find a way to quantify effectiveness, of course. Some tangle of time spent per case versus placement rate for client versus stability of outcome, I'm not sure. But if we had an answer for that, we could look at the most effective case workers and see what it is they're doing right. And from there, maybe try to work up some best practices that we could share with case workers who aren't as effective. Lots of pitfalls and cans of worms working that way, of course, but I think it could be really helpful if we did it intelligently and carefully.Heather AdamsCase Manager, Homeless Teen Program It's hard for me to think about my job in terms of analytics. Because to me that just means cold data, and this job is all about people and their stories. But I've heard people talk about how data tells stories of its own, so I guess that's the way I need to look at this. So, if I try to think about things I'd like to know about…I guess I'd like it if we could try to figure out what individual things are important about the teens we work with, in terms of making a difference in how they wind up in the program and how able we are to help them. Does that make sense? Like, the question I'm trying to answer is "what do these teens have in common or not in common, and how does that affect them?" We gather a lot of basic information now that we don’t do enough with: name, age, DOB, last permanent address, stuff like
  • 7. that, but also a lot of detailed background information that goes deeper into their family situation before they came into the program. But then the data just sits there and we don’t do anything with it, don’t use it to dig into the bigger questions. Like, what if we looked at the data and saw that, say, Latino kids with divorced parents are more likely come into the program. I could see that being useful for us in the day-to-day working of the program, and it seems like that would turn around and help you figure out how effective the program as a whole was for different populations. I think. On the other hand, I can see some privacy risks there, if we're gathering and storing that much information. And as case managers, we'd need to be very careful not to be intrusive or cold or off-putting as we gathered that information. But these seem like solvable problems to me.Conclusion You have completed the Riverbend City: Data Analytics Internship Introduction activity. Reflection QuestionsWhat big-picture questions should the RCAC attempt to answer using data analytics to evaluate their programs? Your response: This question has not been answered yet. What specific data should be collected in pursuit of these questions? Your response:
  • 8. This question has not been answered yet. Back to top Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License College of Business | All rights are reserved. The material contained herei n is the copyright property of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida, 32114. No part of this material may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written consent of the University.U.S. Securities Exchange (SEC) Form 10-K Report In this exercise, each student will utilize the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) website to access and download your selected company’s Form 10-K Corporate Information Report. This annual report (simply referred to as the “10-K” which is the SEC’s form number) must be electronically filled
  • 9. annually by all U.S. publically-traded entities regardless if they are domestic or foreign. Intended for the protection of the public and for providing corporate and financial information to investors, any stakeholder may access and download this important report for free. 1) Complete the PART I - COMPANY INFORMATION section on the form below. 2) Read about the purpose and mission of U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC). 3) Locate the "Fast Search" field and enter your company's Ticker Symbol (e.g., Ford = F). 4) Locate "10-K" under the Filings column (left-side of webpage) and SELECT "Documents". 5) Locate "10-K" under Description and SELECT the *.htm hyperlink shown under "Documents" column. Example of Ford Motor Company: f1231201710-k.htm 6) From within the 10-K Report, scroll down to the "Table of Contents" section. NOTE: Use the keyboard shortcut CTRL-F to easily find and navigate to a specific word or phrase within the 10-K Report. 7) Locate "ITEM 6. Selected Financial Data" and navigate within the 10-K to this specific section. 8) The actual "ITEM 6. Selected Financial Data" section will resemble a data table with various columns (by year) containing important company financial information. 9) Complete the PART II - FINANCIAL COMPONENT section using the above referenced financial information for each year provided. NOTE: New (or acquired) companies may have only listed financial information from the year since going public (or since year of being acquired). 10) Complete the PART III - COMPANY 10-K ANALYSIS & SUMMARY section below based on your review and analysis of
  • 10. the 10-K report information. 11) Using the file name convention of "MGMT 436 - LastName – Module #4", save your work and upload the file to Canvas. PART I - COMPANY INFORMATION Company Name > Primary Business Classification > State Incorporated > Year Established > Ticker Symbol > Analyst (i.e., Student Name) > PART II - FINANCIAL COMPONENT SEC Form 10-K Data 2017 2016 2015 2014 INCOME STATEMENT Total Revenues > $ $ $ $ Net Income before taxes (or Loss) > $ $
  • 11. $ $ BALANCE SHEET Total Assets > $ $ $ $ Total Liabilities > $ $ $ $ Equity (Assets - Liabilities) = $ PART III - COMPANY 10-K ANALYSIS & SUMMARY IN YOUR OWN WORDS and based on various information that you have read in the company's 10-K report, summarize your findings as to the company's financial health (i.e., solvency) and strategic financial plan from a historical, current, and future perspective in the space provided below. NOTE: Do NOT copy and paste directly from the 10-K Report. LIMIT your analysis to 300 words maximum.
  • 12. Page 2 of 2 MGMT 436 - Strategic Management Module 4 Activity U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) Form 10-K Report In this exercise, each student will utilize the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) website to access and download your selected company’s Form 10-K Corporate Information Report. This annual report (simply referred to as the “10-K” which is the SEC’s form number) must be electronically filled annually by all U.S. publically-traded entities regardless if they are domestic or foreign. Intended for the protection of the public and for providing corporate and financial information to investors, any stakeholder may access and download this important report for
  • 13. free. 1) Complete the PART I - COMPANY INFORMATION section on the form below. 2) Read about the purpose and mission of U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC). 3) Locate the "Fast Search" field and enter your company's Ticker Symbol (e.g., Ford = F). 4) Locate "10-K" under the Filings column (left-side of webpage) and SELECT "Documents". 5) Locate "10-K" under Description and SELECT the *.htm hyperlink shown under "Documents" column. Example of Ford Motor Company: f1231201710-k.htm 6) From within the 10-K Report, scroll down to the "Table of Contents" section. NOTE: Use the keyboard shortcut CTRL-F to easily find and navigate to a specific word or phrase within the 10-K Report. 7) Locate "ITEM 6. Selected Financial Data" and navigate within the 10-K to this specific section. 8) The actual "ITEM 6. Selected Financial Data" section will resemble a data table with various columns (by year) containing important company financial information. 9) Complete the PART II - FINANCIAL COMPONENT section using the above referenced financial information for each year provided.
  • 14. NOTE: New (or acquired) companies may have only listed financial information from the year since going public (or since year of being acquired). 10) Complete the PART III - COMPANY 10-K ANALYSIS & SUMMARY section below based on your review and analysis of the 10-K report information. 11) Using the file name convention of "MGMT 436 - LastName – Module #4", save your work and upload the file to Canvas. PART I - COMPANY INFORMATION Company Name > Ford Motor Company Primary Business Classification > Automobile Manufacturing State Incorporated > Michigan Year Established > 1903 Ticker Symbol > F Analyst (i.e., Student Name) > John Doe Student Assignment Instructions for Students 00015/f1231201710-k.htm IN YOUR OWN WORDS and based on various information that
  • 15. you have read in the company's 10-K report, summarize your findings as to the company's financial health (i.e., solvency) and strategic financial plan from a historical, current, and future perspective in the space provided below. NOTE: Do NOT copy and paste directly from the 10-K Report. LIMIT your analysis to 300 words maximum. It appears that Ford has drastically reduced its debt and pension obligations in recent years, enabling the company to attain investment-grade ratings from credit rating agencies. Ford's automotive debt has declined to $13.8 billion at the end of 2014, and it will decline to $10 billion by 2018. Also, Ford's pension plan was underfunded by a staggering $18.7 billion at the end of 2014, but was halved to $9 billion at the end of 2016. The company's continuing operations are more profitable than those of many other companies in its industry, resulting in an Operating Margin that is above its industry average. It's becoming increasingly important for automakers to have a successful global luxury brand to help increase average transaction prices and profit margins. Ford' s luxury Lincoln brand has struggled for years, and a full turnaround is probably a decade away. Lincoln sales have been cut roughly in half, from around 190,000 units in the U.S. in 2000 to fewer than 90,000 units annually over the last five years. Overseas, Ford, much like many automakers, is having a rough time in Europe and South America. Ford lost a total of $4.3 billion in Europe operations. Management expects to lose less in Europe this year than in 2014, and to break even in 2016. Meanwhile, South America
  • 16. went from a $33 million loss in 2013 to a whopping $1.1 billion loss last year. Both regions will continue to drag on earnings in the near term. Ford is subject to threats that affect all automakers, including a decline in industry sales volume in the event of a recession, potential market shift from more profitable vehicles to smaller and cheaper vehicles, and increased price competition which reduces profitability. PART III - COMPANY 10-K ANALYSIS & SUMMARY PART II - FINANCIAL COMPONENT SEC Form 10-K Data 2017 2016 2015 2014 INCOME STATEMENT Total Revenues > Net Income before taxes (or Loss) > $156,776 $8,148 $151,800 $6,796 $149,558 $10,252 $144,077 $1,234 BALANCE SHEET Total Assets > Total Liabilities >
  • 17. Equity (Assets - Liabilities) = $257,808 $138,356 $119,452 $237,951 $127,063 $110,888 $224,925 $120,015 $104,910 $208,615 $105,347 $103,268 U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) Form 10-K Report ttps://www.s of Ford Motor Company: f1231201710-k.htm MGMT 436 - Strategic Management Module 4 Activity U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) Form 10-K Report
  • 18. In this exercise, each student will utilize the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) website to access and download your selected company’s Form 10-K Corporate Information Report. This annual report (simply referred to as the “10-K” which is the SEC’s form number) must be electronically filled annually by all U.S. publically-traded entities regardless if they are domestic or foreign. Intended for the protection of the public and for providing corporate and financial information to investors, any stakeholder may access and download this important report for free. 1) Complete the PART I - COMPANY INFORMATION section on the form below. 2) Read about the purpose and mission of U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC). 3) Locate the "Fast Search" field and enter your company's Ticker Symbol (e.g., Ford = F). 4) Locate "10-K" under the Filings column (left-side of webpage) and SELECT "Documents". 5) Locate "10-K" under Description and SELECT the *.htm hyperlink shown under "Documents" column. Example of Ford Motor Company: f1231201710-k.htm 6) From within the 10-K Report, scroll down to the "Table of Contents" section. NOTE: Use the keyboard shortcut CTRL-F to easily find and navigate to a specific word or phrase within the 10-K Report.
  • 19. 7) Locate "ITEM 6. Selected Financial Data" and navigate within the 10-K to this specific section. 8) The actual "ITEM 6. Selected Financial Data" section will resemble a data table with various columns (by year) containing important company financial information. 9) Complete the PART II - FINANCIAL COMPONENT section using the above referenced financial information for each year provided. NOTE: New (or acquired) companies may have only listed financial information from the year since going public (or since year of being acquired). 10) Complete the PART III - COMPANY 10-K ANALYSIS & SUMMARY section below based on your review and analysis of the 10-K report information. 11) Using the file name convention of "MGMT 436 - LastName – Module #4", save your work and upload the file to Canvas. PART I - COMPANY INFORMATION Company Name > Ford Motor Company Primary Business Classification > Automobile Manufacturing State Incorporated > Michigan Year Established > 1903 Ticker Symbol > F Analyst (i.e., Student Name) > John Doe Student Assignment Instructions for Students
  • 20. 00015/f1231201710-k.htm IN YOUR OWN WORDS and based on various information that you have read in the company's 10-K report, summarize your findings as to the company's financial health (i.e., solvency) and strategic financial plan from a historical, current, and future perspective in the space provided below. NOTE: Do NOT copy and paste directly from the 10-K Report. LIMIT your analysis to 300 words maximum. It appears that Ford has drastically reduced its debt and pension obligations in recent years, enabling the company to attain investment-grade ratings from credit rating agencies. Ford's automotive debt has declined to $13.8 billion at the end of 2014, and it will decline to $10 billion by 2018. Also, Ford's pension plan was underfunded by a staggering $18.7 billion at the end of 2014, but was halved to $9 billion at the end of 2016. The company's continuing operations are more profitable than those of many other companies in its industry, resulting in an Operating Margin that is above its industry average. It's becoming increasingly important for automakers to have a successful global luxury brand to help
  • 21. increase average transaction prices and profit margins. Ford's luxury Lincoln brand has struggled for years, and a full turnaround is probably a decade away. Lincoln sales have been cut roughly in half, from around 190,000 units in the U.S. in 2000 to fewer than 90,000 units annually over the last five years. Overseas, Ford, much like many automakers, is having a rough time in Europe and South America. Ford lost a total of $4.3 billion in Europe operations. Management expects to lose less in Europe this year than in 2014, and to break even in 2016. Meanwhile, South America went from a $33 million loss in 2013 to a whopping $1.1 billion loss last year. Both regions will continue to drag on earnings in the near term. Ford is subject to threats that affect all automakers, including a decline in industry sales volume in the event of a recession, potential market shift from more profitable vehicles to smaller and cheaper vehicles, and increased price competition which reduces profitability. PART III - COMPANY 10-K ANALYSIS & SUMMARY PART II - FINANCIAL COMPONENT SEC Form 10-K Data 2017 2016 2015 2014 INCOME STATEMENT Total Revenues > Net Income before taxes (or Loss) > $156,776 $8,148 $151,800 $6,796
  • 22. $149,558 $10,252 $144,077 $1,234 BALANCE SHEET Total Assets > Total Liabilities > Equity (Assets - Liabilities) = $257,808 $138,356 $119,452 $237,951 $127,063 $110,888 $224,925 $120,015 $104,910 $208,615 $105,347 $103,268 U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) Form 10-K Report of Ford Motor Company: f1231201710-k.htm
  • 23. INTERNAL FACTOR ANALYSIS SUMMARY (IFAS) – Microsoft Corporation Page 2 of 4 FACTORS WEIGHT RATING WGTD SCORE COMMENTS STRENGHTS S1 Windows and Windows Live .15 4.5 .675 Windows & Windows Live Division offerings consist of the Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating system, software and services through Windows Live, and PC hardware products. Windows operating system has been bedrock of Microsoft corporations, and has consistently fended off and serious competition from the industry and has been clear leader for personal computing sector (Jones, 2018). S2 Enterprise Server and Tools .15 5
  • 24. .75 Enterprise Server and Tools product and service offerings include Windows Server, Windows Azure, Microsoft SQL Server, Windows Embedded device platforms, and Enterprise Services. Enterprise Services comprise Premier product support services and Microsoft Consulting Services. And like Windows operating system for personal computing, Microsoft has dominated enterprise computing via its Windows server and SQL server platforms (Bloom, 2018). S3 Gaming and Entertainment (Xbox and Xbox live) .10 4.5 .45 Microsoft's gaming and entertainment offerings include the Xbox 360 entertainment platform, including Kinect for Xbox 360. Microsoft also offers Xbox LIVE service, which enables online gaming, social networking, and access to a wide range of video, gaming, and entertainment content. Kinect in particular has provided Microsoft much needed edge over its competitors in the gaming sector (Microsoft, 2018). S4 Diverse and global talent .05 4.5 .225 Success of any company is highly dependent on their ability to attract and retain qualified employees, Microsoft has done relatively well to attract technical workforce from across the globe and created an environment to nurture and foster that talent to new heights. The diversity of their workforce in terms of technical breadth as well as the geographical spread provides Microsoft completive edge with the research and development of wide range product and services (Smith and Simpson, 2018). S5 Brand Image
  • 25. .05 3.5 .175 Over last 38 years since its inception in 1975, Microsoft had clearly developed a brand image and reputation for itself. Even though it has faced fierce challenge and attacks from its competitors, Microsoft still is popular global brand. Bill Gates’ vision for Microsoft “A personal computer in every home running Microsoft software” has become close to reality and, Microsoft has become a true household name across the world (Jones, 2018). WEAKNESSES W1 Innovation .15 2.5 .375 Over last decade or so Microsoft seems to be losing the battle of innovation over it competitors. More often than not, Microsoft seems to be following its competitors’ innovation that leading the pack. For Microsoft to retain its global leadership, it really need to re-vigor the innovative powerhouse that Microsoft once was (Microsoft, 2018). W2
  • 26. Lack of clear direction .10 2.5 .25 The recent change in Microsoft’s business model from being primarily a software company to that of software, services and devices company has created lack of direction for the ranks and files, particularly because every division is targeted to handle all three aspect of business. To be successful Microsoft really need to re-organize itself across the new business model, and in recent days they have started initiative in that direction (Nelson, 2018). W3 Windows Phone and Tablet .10 2 .2 Microsoft launched itself in the smartphone sector in 2010 with its Widows 7 phone, and Surface was Microsoft’s attempt to get into the tablet business. They haven’t performed very well in either of these two; Window 8 phone has performed relatively better than its predecessor but overall has not come even close to the competition (Graham, 2018). W4 Search Engine sector .10 3 .3 Microsoft has been trying to compete in the search engine sector for long time. Microsoft’s original search engine MSN Search never really got any traction and they launched their current search engine BING in 2009. BING has done relatively better than MSN Search and has taken over the 2nd place from Yahoo, but still way behind than Google (Jones, 2010). W5 Web browser (Internet Explorer)
  • 27. .05 2.5 .125 Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) was the leading web browser until it was ousted by Google Chrome just over a year ago. For now IE is maintaining 2nd place ahead of Firebox. Even though IE by itself is not a major revenue source but it can certainly help steer customers towards other Microsoft products and services (Smith and Simpson, 2018). TOTAL SCORES 1.00 3.525 References Bloom, J.C. (2018). Microsoft struggles in the gamming sector. Bloomberg Homepage. Retrieved from Graham, B. W. (2018). Microsoft fined by the government. Technology News Source. Retrieved from Jones, C. L. (2018). New technology in the workforce and how it changes business today. Reuters. Microsoft. (2018). Official Homepage. Retrieved from Nelson, D. P. (2018). Piracy threat to Microsoft and other
  • 28. software companies since the beginning of time. US News & World Reports. Retrieved from Smith, G, A., & Simpson, H. J. (2018). Microsoft and the changing dynamics in today’s tech industry. Official News Report. Retrieved from