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It's a weird feeling being compared to your seven–year–old sister. It's an even weirder feeling when
you're being compared because she can run five times as long as you can. I've never been sporty,
partially because I couldn't afford to participate in athletics at school and filled my day with
different pursuits. Even so, being so exhausted from standing for hours at work taught me to
seriously consider my physical condition. In the past months, I've been running. It's not something I
plan to stop soon. Many colleges have cross country teams, and Columbia isn't known for that sport
presently. However, it's known for its openness since it provides many affordable opportunities for
beginners through the Road Runners club sport. I want to be one
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College Admission Essay
College, up until my sophomore year of high school, had always been portrayed in my own mind as
an overly enthusiastic and admittedly frighteningly picture–perfect environment. It was, for some
reason, a faraway land with smooth sidewalks and clean landscapes, smiling students and animated
professors, cozy (albeit messy) dorm rooms and fashion–forward backpacks. The word itself meant
immensely more than four years of hard work and the opportunity of earning a degree. It represented
an era of independence, something I'd never truly tasted before, and of freedom to learn and to grow,
to create and nurture relationships that would last a lifetime, and to be myself without the polarizing
judgment that came along with growing up in a tight– more content...
College wasn't a place to experience any kind of social blossoming or personal reawakening. It
was somewhere I would study furiously and learn feverishly. It was somewhere I would gain the
knowledge and the skill to obtain and preserve a stable career. I could mention something
unbelievably cheesy about how the downfall of own mother inspired me to better myself and
that's why I decided to enroll in a major university, such as UGA. That just wouldn't be the whole
truth. The downfall of my own mom scared me to the point of focusing on absolutely nothing but
succeeding scholastically in order to acquire even an inch of future solidity. There would be no
risky endeavors, no questionable decisions, no time to waste or invest in frivolous events like
Greek Row parties or hall socials. College became an impending requirement instead of what once
was a magical
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University Of Cambridge Admissions Essay
University of Cambridge Admissions
With 800–year history of research and education, University of Cambridge has been a wonderland
for those who are seeking a perfect place and academic atmosphere to develop ideas and advance
knowledge. Being a student here, you can interchange your ideas with other students, academic
staff who are pioneers in their fields and those frequent visiting lecturers. Today, around 20,000
students are studying at Cambridge, among which 7,500 are graduate students with 50% coming
from overseas, and over 40% being women. Though courses are touch at Cambridge, those who
bear a belief to achieve their goals in beloved fields can really learn a lot and get intellectual
satisfaction. Following list is the portal more content...
Arrangements vary depending on what country you are from (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern
Ireland or the EU). Yon't need a confirmed place at auniversity to apply.
Cambridge Financial Support – Also available to UK/EU students for their first undergraduate
degree. Bursaries, college and faculty awards and grants such as book and equipment grants,
scholarships and prizes and travel grants are also provided.
Loan – Tuition Fee Loan up to ВЈ9,000 per year; Maintenance Loan up to ВЈ8,200 per year, Up to
ВЈ4,840 per year and up to ВЈ4,480 in final year especially for students from Northern Ireland.
Part Time Work– Doing some part time work in the College bar, College library or as a student
helper during open days can also earn you some money to fund your education. You are suggested to
achieve work–life balance while working within the University and Colleges.
Types of University of Cambridge Scholarships
Cambridge scholarships can be divided to three parts: undergraduate scholarships, graduate
scholarships and international students scholarships which could be divided to smaller parts as
listed below. The Cambridge Commonwealth, European & International Trust was the place where
students from all degree could find suitable scholarship opportunities for them. The Trust was
established for 1,100 to 1,400 students from 85 countries worldwide each year on degree courses to
get access to approximately 500 scholarships annually. Nearly 18,000
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My College Experience Essay examples
My College Experience
Throughout my lifetime I have listened to people reflect back on their college experiences and
explain how college is supposed to be "the best experience of your life." The summer after my senior
year I use to try and imagine what my first semester was going to be like based on what I had heard
people talk about in the past. After my first semester at NC State I realized that I couldn't fully
understand what college was like until I experienced it for myself. My first couple of weeks at
Ohio State was rough and really tested my strength (mental and physical). I faced challenges and
obstacles that I had never heard about in those past college experience conversations. All of a
sudden there was no one to get me out more content...
I can remember missing 8:05 classes because I stayed out too late the night before. In high school the
teacher would constantly remind the students when certain assignments were due, but this was not
the case in college. I learned that the hard way my first semester. Sometimes I forgot to turn in an
assignment because I didn't properly read my syllabus and my professor never mentioned it. These
were all new problems that could have easily let escalate without taking the proper actions. For the
most part I was doing fairly well but a few of my grades began to plummet. I was losing the
confidence in myself and started to wonder if going to college had been the best decision. The time
had come for me to grow up and become an adult even I didn't feel the time was right. I immediately
began attending tutoring sessions, working with peers and also keeping a daily to–do list. These
factors were the eventually led to drastic improvement and success. After my first semester I
learned how better manage my time, take advantage of campus resources and also how to organize
myself better. These struggles also taught me that sometimes I try and rush through things instead
of taking my time. I realized that one of my strong points is being able to really do well when my
back is against the wall. Although I was unhappy while facing obstacles I am happy I experienced
them. I believe this experience was the reason for my
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College Admissions Essay: Am I Talented?
Ever since I began my teaching career, I remember being confronted by concerned individuals who,
in the process of deciding whether to learn a musical instrument, expected me to answer an age old
"Am I talented?"
I must confess, for quite a long period of time, the answer to this question evaded me. However,
when I delved into the field of child education, I discovered a fundamental truth:
Musical talent is not inherited: it is developed.
Today, I am convinced that musical talent is a God given seed within every newly born child.
However, for it to blossom, it must be nurtured daily from a very early age on. Therefore, the child
should be constantly exposed to a wide variety of music. Amazingly enough, the subconscious mind
will register these new sounds and rhythms. A few years down the road, when the child begins
music lessons, he will have a storehouse of natural resources which will help him develop the
necessary skills with much more ease.
I have seen this principle in action repeatedly. A young adult will start lessons with me and make
remarkable progress in a short period of time. When I inquire about his musical background, he'll
most likely reply: "My parents were constantly listening to more content...
On the contrary, throughout Israel, Japan and Europe,it is most unusual for a child to be deprived of
their customary musical education. Through this means, the rich cultural heritage of these countries
is passed on from generation to generation and thus, preserved. Furthermore, through centuries of
observing this tradition, it has been discovered that the study of a musical instrument at an early age,
will aid in the development of the child's fine motor skills. Last, but not least, the experience has
proven to contribute to the formation of a noble character, as well as to promote discipline and better
concentration in the child's
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Attending Catholic School Essay
Attending Catholic school is very important to me especially because I have a lot of very good
friends at Sacred Heart School. For example, my best friend Lucianna is attending Sacred Heart
again next year and I look forward to her company. My teachers and the staff at Sacred Heart are
kind, dedicated, and very nice and I really like our principal Mr. Coyle. Mr. Coyle teaches us that
school can be holy, educational, and fun all at the same time. Everyone at my school teaches us
about our Catholic faith, like the importance of following the ten commandments, our church history
such as Peter becoming a martyr for his faith, and learning a lot prayers such as the Apostles Creed
and the Prayer of Saint Francis. At my Catholic school we go to church every month and we have
religion class every day. I like learning about my faith and that by having religion class on a daily
basis, practice makes permanent. We have special faith activities like our entire school says
rosaries together and we have stations of the cross. We get to wear a uniform, which I think is really
pretty, and I do not have more content...
I want to produce excellent work in my math class and to receive a superior grade. I hope to
continue to doing well in math, becoming further skilled with multiplication and division and to
someday to learn Algebra. I wish to put forth an exceptional effort in Social Studies class and to
learn a lot more about the United States and US history. I plan to do great in Language Arts, in
grammar, spelling, writing, and to receive an exceptional grade. I want to do great in Religion
class, to continue to learn about my Catholic faith, and to receive an A+. I plan to do great in
Science, as I feel learning in our science lab is really neat, we can perform experiments, use
microscopes, and explore inventors and
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College Admissions Essay: My Passion
When people would say "My hobby is this," or "My passion is that," I would wonder how he or
she found an activity that they could completely devote themselves to. I always thought that I would
immediately know what my passion or hobby was when I encountered it. For me, it happened to be
music. My passion for music, however, didn't come immediately; music wasn't something that I said
to myself, "This is it. I've found my passion in life." The piano wasn't like that at all.
When I started to play the piano, you could say that I wasn't its biggest fan. In fact, I hated it. I
remember my eyes swimming across the page, lost in a sea of little black dots. I mumbled endless
mnemonic tricks to try to read the notes. Every single part of your body is engaged to make that
piano sing; your fingers must move independently; your hands, arms, shoulders, and back must
supply the weight to depress the keys; your feet must push the pedals, more content...
With that encompassing wisdom that you never understand until later, they made me keep at it.
Without my parents pushing and forcing me to continue my musical studies, I wouldn't have
continued playing. And then, when I was about eight or nine, something started to happen. I
didn't have to use a stopwatch to make sure I had practiced enough. I could start to read the notes
without using any memorization tools, and, I actually began to enjoy my practice. Now, at
fifteen, nobody has to force me to practice anymore. Out of my own accord, I take several hours
out of every day to pursue this art that I've been chasing for ten years. I enjoy it, I live in it, and it
has become an inseparable part of me. This art has taken me places and introduced me to people I
would never have met without music. I have made lifelong friends and connections, and talk
regularly to college professors, all because of our mutual connection to
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Master Of Admission Essay Sample
I am writing to express my interest in the Master's of Education in Curriculum and Instruction with a
concentration in STEM (stem, technology, engineering and mathematics) program that begins in
I currently hold a Bachelor's of Science in Computer Engineering Technology from Prairie View
A&M University. My GPA from Prairie View A&M University wasn't my best work. At that time, I
was young and on my own for the first time and I lived life as a young person. Prior to attending
Prairie View A&M University, I was dedicated on receiving excellent grades in school, because of
my hard work I graduated from high school number three in my class. In college, I made mistakes
and learned from those mistakes. I was so elated to be the first person in my family to graduate
from college. My interest in teaching led me to complete a teacher's deficiency plan from Texas
Southern University. At Texas Southern University, my GPA is 3.88 which is a true reflection of
my ability to successfully complete a challenging educational program. The GPA is a sign of my
seriousness toward completing my more content...
I have taught for 18 years. I have 12 years of teaching elementary, as well as 6 years of teaching
secondary math. In elementary and secondary, I have served in the capacity of Math Department
Chairperson and Third Grade Lead Teacher. I have planned and developed academic schedules and
intervention plans to ensure the success of students, in addition to my teacher's responsibilities. I
have collaborated with principals and colleagues to ensure that the goals and objectives were met. I
have presented various workshops and trainings in the areas of math and science. I believe that
education is the most important tool that a person has for success. So, therefore it is important that
every child should be given the best education
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Pros and Cons of Attending College Essay examples
Is College Worth It? In Life today a college education is no longer an option or privilege, but rather
it is a necessity. We are raised to believe that a person needs higher education in order to succeed in
life. There is a saying, "if you think education is expensive, try ignorance." You may ask is college
necessary? There are people out in the real world that have never set a foot on a college campus
before and they are doing better than others that have their master's degree. There are many views
from both sides that have a good argument. The main reason people go to college is because they
were always told you will have a better life if you go to college. Kids are pressured to feel that the
have to go to college because, " more content...
They do not want to be looked down upon in the eyes of society so they do what they think is
best. The idea to become a productive person in society is that you must have some sort of
college education. Being a college student is seen as more respectable, rather then being a
garbage man or janitor because of the way society looks down upon these types of careers. Going
to college and receiving a degree does not guarantee that a person is going to get a job right after
they graduate. It is sometimes hard for some graduates to find a good job because there is so
much competition with other graduates as well. Sometimes they may get a job and it could be in
a totally different field of what they got their degree for. They must find a job though to pay off
all the debt that an education has given them. Many students feel that some classes are a waste of
time and money because they learn nothing about their chosen field. They have to take classes
that have nothing to do with their major but must take the class to meet the core education
requirement of the college. If these students receive a less than average grade in a class they feel
is unneeded then that lowers their overall GPA. The major reason of going to college is to get a
good job. College prepares us with academic knowledge in order to succeed in the future. Many
people think that a higher education is essential to prepare a person for their future. As
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A pervasive issue in education today is the college entrance exams. There are several college exams
used in the United States and around the world. These include the SAT, the ACT and many other
various versions of those tests. These tests are an unfair and ineffective measure to determine a
student's acceptance into college. These tests to do not measure a student's ability to master a
subject rather they measure aptitude which is ineffective. Not only do students need to achieve
academically, but they are also advised to have extracurricular activities outside of the classroom.
Race and gender also play a huge role in acceptance letters to universities forcing the acceptances to
be unfair.
College entrance exams do not identify whether more content...
Hardly a ringing endorsement for the effectiveness of SAT's" (guardian, 2007). For some students,
there are many issues such as anxiety with tests, students with ADD, and those students who are
given more than the allotted time to take these tests. Many students have anxiety problems when it
comes time to taking even just regular tests. The SAT is not just a regular psychologytest that you
can study, make note cards, and memorize for. It is a combination of academic ideas, and the
pressure of getting a high score to be accepted into a college doesn't lessen the anxiety. John
Katzman, president and founder of the Princeton review, wrote a letter about the anxiety of the
SAT and how "Students are anxious not because we rile them up but because this arbitrary ordeal
will largely determine where they spend their next four years". (Katzman, 2004). Some researchers
even think that, "the uses of the SAT, along with other descriptive and comparative uses, are
presumably secondary to the SAT's unique contribution in the prediction of college
grades."(Fincher, 1974). This is basically saying that the purpose of the SAT does not really have a
purpose. The University of California's Chief of faculty fully supports banning the SAT. He stated
that, "Students don't know how to study for the SAT, instead they shell out $100
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The Past, Present and Future One important thing that I think is essential to becoming a better
person is obviously growth. As young as I am, I have been through numerous personality changes
and social changes and I am hoping and willingly to experience more changes. In the past I have
been very quiet and conservative in my thinking and in my being as a person. I gave very little space
for change and I didn't want to open up to a lot of things or people. I really did not know who I was
or who I was to become and because of that I did not want to change. I wasn't very open to meeting
new friends or even things as simple as trying a new flavor of ice–cream. Looking back I do not
think I would be proud of who I was or even willingly to revert back to that more
It was an immense change from the person I used to be. I am very much so now open minded and
very left–sided in my opinions and thoughts. However, though I think I have a very clear
understanding of who I am, I am not sure in who I think I am. I have a lot more compassion for
other people and even for myself. An aspect of myself that I am fairly proud of is my newfound
ability to understand, interpret and adapt to certain situations. For instance, adapting to the
Country Day environment was very difficult to do. I didn't understand the social scene and I
could not get a handle on my academics. On top of high school being new for me, I had to deal with
the newness of a school I hadn't attended before. That experience helped me learn how to adapt to
new experiences. Also becoming socially and politically aware has helped me grow in put myself in
a worldly view. I do appreciate who I am now and still hope to grow and
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College Admissions Essay
College Admissions Essay College is a very important time in anyone's life. It's a time where boys
and girls turn into men and women. It's a time where people learn valuable life skills, and how to
live on their own. Choosing the right college is an incredibly important decision. Colleges come
in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, specialties and strong points, as well as cultures and diversities.
As a senior that will soon be on my way to a college is campus, it is vital for me to figure how I will
fit in with the rest of the student body. As a human I have a unique mindset, just like everyone else,
complete with values and morals that differ from everyone else's. I also have a unique high school
repertoire which encompasses many of my more content...
There are a lot of negative Nancy's out there and I try to be a positive Paul so to speak. I do my best
to keep a smile on my face and make my peers laugh, even if I am not feeling so well myself. I
believe life is a lot easier with a smile on your face and so I try to be that person every day;
smiling, joking, laughing, and trying to make others happy. I try to make a conscious effort to help
out people by holding doors, helping people carry stuff, and helping with academic studies
whenever possible. I believe this is the best way for me to be a positive influence on those around
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College Admissions Essay: The Worth Of Education
The worth of education has somehow become less. Is it because people think their "social lives"
will be hindered by the unlawful time they must give up to read these so called leaves with ancient
inscriptions on them? Do they feel that education is beneath them, that if they were to even try to
expand their minds; they would be deemed an outcast? The answers to these questions lies in society.
I have lived in many parts of our nation and of the world. Growing up I was tough education is
everything, the only thing you can take advantage of. Because in the end all you have is your
knowledge. Born and raised for sometime in Beaumont,Texas allowed me to gain my foundation.
The tools that I would take with for me forever. My parents placed me in Harmony Science
Academy in the more content...
I had the support and the willpower to want to learn even with a name that labeled me as a
disability. From there my father received order to Kaiserslautern, Germany. This was the next
stage to expanded my horizons; not just on an intellectual level but on a level of acceptance and
understanding. Being around people from the nations of the world I began my seventh grade
year in a program called AVID, it taught me the meaning of education. Giving me the tools such
as taking Cornell notes, planning for college, and just planning for life. Living in Germany not
only made me world rounded but accepting as well. Then I moved to Carbondale, Illinois for
eighth grade and I was in for a shock. I had never been around people who didn't care. People who
grew up no caring about where the future. People who put down others when they saw they spoke
proper. I was referred as " Too white for the white people and not black at all". When did being
educated and wanting to pursue a higher education become a social discrimination? Where not only
are you frowned upon but you stripped from your race. I'm an African
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Radiologic Technologist Admission Essay
My mother always reminded me how education is the most important tool which I can use to
improve myself and my community. After obtaining my undergraduate degree in geography in
the late nineties, I later moved to the United States a year later to peruse a master degree in
computer sciences. After arriving in the US, I learned that life was not as easy as I thought. I
could not afford the tuition, paying my bills and taking care of my family. I later dropped out of
school to work some low paying jobs in order to save money to continue my education. After several
years of contemplating what to study, I enrolled in a community college to continue my education in
radiologic technology. As an undergraduate student I developed a huge passion for computers, I took more content...
I was hired as a radiographer in a local hospital. I gained a lot of clinical experiences in the
healthcare setting. I fell in love with job, I enjoyed helping people. This gave me an opportunity
to meet people and be compassionate about the sick. After a few years of working as a
radiographer, I took some more certification courses and exams in computed Tomography (CT scan)
and Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which boosted my skills and knowledge as a radiologic
technologist. Because of my love for information technology, I took a course and exam in medical
imaging informatics and was certified as an imaging informatics professional (CIIP). With my
experience and knowledge, I was promoted to the position of coordinator and in charge of imaging
informatics (PACS administrator). Under the tutelage of my Director, I learned valuable leadership
skills. I began doing some training and administrative duties coupled with intermittent clinical work.
This position has also awakened my desire to pursue my graduate education and acquire a solid
background I so desire to shape my interest in healthcare and computer
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Science High School Entrance Exam Tips
Science High School Entrance Exam: Math Portion Tips and Coverage
As a wide–eyed student trying to apply for a slot in a good high school, I tended to struggle through
the mathematics portions of entrance exams. Looking back, I think I would've appreciated some
advanced warning regarding the test coverage.
The good news is that this help is now available to you. Think of the guidelines below as ideas on
what you can expect during science high school entrance tests and some tips on how you can do well
on the exam.
Half the Battle
Math may be a very broad field in itself, but certain sub–branches of it have a tendency to pop up
during science high school entrance exams. Some of the most common math–related questions you
can look more content...
Of course, you will also get the "once in a blue moon" kind of questions–think total eclipses,
speculations on hypothetical planets, venereal diseases, etcetera.
What? More Computations?
Don't lull yourself into a false security by thinking that this is science and not math. There are still
some computation–related questions involved. For example, you may be given the formula for
computing the amount of kinetic energy in a moving object, and then asked to solve for the total
amount given a certain amount of speed.
Be sure to have your stock knowledge of simple formulas ready, as some questions will press you
for answers without giving you the formulas at all. They may, for example, tell you that a certain
substance has a mass of twenty grams and a volume of one hundred cubic centimeters.
If you're not familiar with the basic formula for deriving density (mass divided by volume), then
you'll have a trickier time arriving at the correct answer of .2 grams per cubic centimeter.
Visual Stimuli
As with the math section of the exam, the science portion also involves some handy–dandy charts,
graphs and diagrams for you to study and draw inferences from. For instance, a common physics
question involves a diagram of a circuit, where your job is to determine the direction of the flow of
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My College Entrance Exam Essay
As the only child of an official and a professor of Politics Department, I was advised by my
parents to choose Art rather than Science when I was in high school, but I insisted on studying
science regardless of their rejection. Then after the college entrance exam, I was strongly advised
to major in economy because my parents felt that will make me live an easier life. However, I
rejected again and insisted to go to the Physics and Microelectronics department to study the most
difficult subjects. Afterwards in my third year of college, my parents wish I can continue my graduate
study in the top university in China. But I dreamed to continue my science study in America, where
technology is most advanced and turned down the opportunity of the postgraduate recommendation
in China. I didn't follow my parents' advice and kept following my heart because of my true
interest in science. I have always been working hard toward the best of it and my dream was
becoming increasingly definite as time went by. After three years in the university, my dream was
provided with a definite direction––it is doing research on science and engineering that I really
desire to pursue. Here I want to give some details about the process of the establishment of my
dream and the building up of my relevant ability in the past three years.
In my first year at university, I perused books that were concerned with physics and
microelectronics. My effort was rewarded because I gained basic knowledge on
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College Entrance Research Paper
College Entrance Essay
Josh Reynolds HR 4
"There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs." I believe that going to college is one
of the most important things a person can do in their lifetime, because it acts as the staircase to
success. Attending college has been one of my major goals for a very long time, and I am excited
to finally start my college career next year. I have toured and considered many institutions, and i
believe the computer science program at NDSU is the best fit for me. I am confident that I would
make a great student at NDSU. I have always been into computers and interested in learning about
them, and I have decided to make a career out of it. Up to this point my knowledge of computers is
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Nursing School Admission Essay Sample
My initial interest in nursing began from my experience with my grandmother. It was in the fall of
2007 when my grandmother was sent to the hospital due to hypernatremia. My dad would pick me
up every afternoon from school to visit my grandmother. I was given the responsibility to look after
my grandma for nearly two weeks that includes in feeding her, assisting her, and other light duties.
What fascinate me during my visits in the hospital were the nurses who assisted and took care of my
grandma. They treated my grandma with dignity, kindness, compassion, courtesy, respect,
understanding, and love. Their commitment, professionalism, dedication, determination and skills
inspired me to pursue a career in the medical field. From that point, I realized that nursing is a field
that enables people impact other people's lives and make a difference. At 9 years old, being a nurse
was a childhood dream and now I am at the point of turning my dream into reality. I want to study
and pursue my dream registered nursing at Ryerson University that offers a nursing degree program
that focuses on developing student's critical thinking skills, ability to analyze reflectively and apply
theory through community health focused practice making Ryerson one of the best nursing schools
in Canada.
Every summer I volunteer as a group leader in a one week more content...
I do not see myself going to a different university other than Ryerson because of the great nursing
program that your formidable school offers. This is why I choose Ryerson to hone my capabilities
to become not just a successful nurse, but a nurse who displays confidence in treating patients with
love, care and knowledge. I believe that I possess the skills, motivation and knowledge needed to
successfully finish the course with flying colors and eventually get a job with the endless
opportunities I would get from graduating at
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College Admissions Essay: A Dream College
Penn State has always been my dream college to attend, two of my family members attended this
college and graduated with their dreams accomplished. Following in their footsteps I will be as
successful as they were academically and more. I have an exciting, hard–working, dedicated and
motivated personality that will never stop me from accomplishing my goals while also exceeding
them. When I was in elementary school I never knew what I wanted be and jumped from the ideas of
being a fairy–tale princess, a flying magical hero and more. The older I became the more I realized
that life was around the corner, I entered my freshman year eager to find my path and start
becoming the person I will need to be in thirty years. My first year in more
I started off this new school year lifestyle during 10th grade, this school was lenient with their
rules and treated everyone as if they were adults compared to my old school which did not even
allow students to use the restroom. I slowly learned my way around the building and seen how
many opportunities there was to come but as the year went on I started to see a change in how
people looked at me and treated me, I had no friends or help with my classes when I struggled, I
had gotten suspended for simply being late to school and on my walks home had trash being
thrown at me while being yelled at with several racial remarks, I sat at lunch by myself and was
avoided by people in school. I fell into a deep depression where my life just became school and
work, there would be days where I would not speak at all; months went by and I attempted to bd
leader for other minority groups within the school who felt different and coached students to not
fall apart as I did. I eventually transferred back to my original highschool and carried my hateful
experience with me to help others grow and learn that not everything in life's candy and
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College Admissions Essay: A Change In My Life
"When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you will be successful." These are
the words of Eric Thomas, my inspiration, and that of many others. The starting of high school
directly coincides with a change in my life; nonetheless, of which both come to be what I call my
greatest milestone. From this milestone, I have led a better, more impressive path than I would
have if I these words and the many more that continue to inspire me had fallen on the deaf ears of
my past self. One of the most important parts of this milestone is the why I started seeking an
adjustment; from this why I realized what was holding me hostage to the dreams I endlessly
longed for and why they would to me always remain fantasies of a what if lifestyle. There have
been many instances in which this refining of my life has benefited me; however, none compare to
how far hitting this milestone has assisted me in my school more content...
Up to the point of sixth grade, I was an outstanding student. Reason being such was that school
was easy for me and I never had to try hard to get what I wanted; good grades, but once seventh
grade arose I started having trouble; this trouble persisted yet became filtered out through my own
realization that I needed to put more effort into what I did if I was to ever have my dreams within
my grasp. This transition was accompanied by a yearning to learn to be a better person, but it wasn't
until the end of my eighth grade year and the beginning of my high school life that I found Eric
Thomas, a genius in my eyes, that I woke up and made a true switch from my sedentary, unfocused,
easy–going lifestyle and began my journey to
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College Entrance Essay Samples

  • 1. It's a weird feeling being compared to your seven–year–old sister. It's an even weirder feeling when you're being compared because she can run five times as long as you can. I've never been sporty, partially because I couldn't afford to participate in athletics at school and filled my day with different pursuits. Even so, being so exhausted from standing for hours at work taught me to seriously consider my physical condition. In the past months, I've been running. It's not something I plan to stop soon. Many colleges have cross country teams, and Columbia isn't known for that sport presently. However, it's known for its openness since it provides many affordable opportunities for beginners through the Road Runners club sport. I want to be one Get more content on
  • 2. College Admission Essay College, up until my sophomore year of high school, had always been portrayed in my own mind as an overly enthusiastic and admittedly frighteningly picture–perfect environment. It was, for some reason, a faraway land with smooth sidewalks and clean landscapes, smiling students and animated professors, cozy (albeit messy) dorm rooms and fashion–forward backpacks. The word itself meant immensely more than four years of hard work and the opportunity of earning a degree. It represented an era of independence, something I'd never truly tasted before, and of freedom to learn and to grow, to create and nurture relationships that would last a lifetime, and to be myself without the polarizing judgment that came along with growing up in a tight– more content... College wasn't a place to experience any kind of social blossoming or personal reawakening. It was somewhere I would study furiously and learn feverishly. It was somewhere I would gain the knowledge and the skill to obtain and preserve a stable career. I could mention something unbelievably cheesy about how the downfall of own mother inspired me to better myself and that's why I decided to enroll in a major university, such as UGA. That just wouldn't be the whole truth. The downfall of my own mom scared me to the point of focusing on absolutely nothing but succeeding scholastically in order to acquire even an inch of future solidity. There would be no risky endeavors, no questionable decisions, no time to waste or invest in frivolous events like Greek Row parties or hall socials. College became an impending requirement instead of what once was a magical Get more content on
  • 3. University Of Cambridge Admissions Essay University of Cambridge Admissions With 800–year history of research and education, University of Cambridge has been a wonderland for those who are seeking a perfect place and academic atmosphere to develop ideas and advance knowledge. Being a student here, you can interchange your ideas with other students, academic staff who are pioneers in their fields and those frequent visiting lecturers. Today, around 20,000 students are studying at Cambridge, among which 7,500 are graduate students with 50% coming from overseas, and over 40% being women. Though courses are touch at Cambridge, those who bear a belief to achieve their goals in beloved fields can really learn a lot and get intellectual satisfaction. Following list is the portal more content... Arrangements vary depending on what country you are from (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland or the EU). Yon't need a confirmed place at auniversity to apply. Cambridge Financial Support – Also available to UK/EU students for their first undergraduate degree. Bursaries, college and faculty awards and grants such as book and equipment grants, scholarships and prizes and travel grants are also provided. Loan – Tuition Fee Loan up to ВЈ9,000 per year; Maintenance Loan up to ВЈ8,200 per year, Up to ВЈ4,840 per year and up to ВЈ4,480 in final year especially for students from Northern Ireland. Part Time Work– Doing some part time work in the College bar, College library or as a student helper during open days can also earn you some money to fund your education. You are suggested to achieve work–life balance while working within the University and Colleges. Types of University of Cambridge Scholarships Cambridge scholarships can be divided to three parts: undergraduate scholarships, graduate scholarships and international students scholarships which could be divided to smaller parts as listed below. The Cambridge Commonwealth, European & International Trust was the place where students from all degree could find suitable scholarship opportunities for them. The Trust was established for 1,100 to 1,400 students from 85 countries worldwide each year on degree courses to get access to approximately 500 scholarships annually. Nearly 18,000 Get more content on
  • 4. My College Experience Essay examples My College Experience Throughout my lifetime I have listened to people reflect back on their college experiences and explain how college is supposed to be "the best experience of your life." The summer after my senior year I use to try and imagine what my first semester was going to be like based on what I had heard people talk about in the past. After my first semester at NC State I realized that I couldn't fully understand what college was like until I experienced it for myself. My first couple of weeks at Ohio State was rough and really tested my strength (mental and physical). I faced challenges and obstacles that I had never heard about in those past college experience conversations. All of a sudden there was no one to get me out more content... I can remember missing 8:05 classes because I stayed out too late the night before. In high school the teacher would constantly remind the students when certain assignments were due, but this was not the case in college. I learned that the hard way my first semester. Sometimes I forgot to turn in an assignment because I didn't properly read my syllabus and my professor never mentioned it. These were all new problems that could have easily let escalate without taking the proper actions. For the most part I was doing fairly well but a few of my grades began to plummet. I was losing the confidence in myself and started to wonder if going to college had been the best decision. The time had come for me to grow up and become an adult even I didn't feel the time was right. I immediately began attending tutoring sessions, working with peers and also keeping a daily to–do list. These factors were the eventually led to drastic improvement and success. After my first semester I learned how better manage my time, take advantage of campus resources and also how to organize myself better. These struggles also taught me that sometimes I try and rush through things instead of taking my time. I realized that one of my strong points is being able to really do well when my back is against the wall. Although I was unhappy while facing obstacles I am happy I experienced them. I believe this experience was the reason for my Get more content on
  • 5. College Admissions Essay: Am I Talented? Ever since I began my teaching career, I remember being confronted by concerned individuals who, in the process of deciding whether to learn a musical instrument, expected me to answer an age old question: "Am I talented?" I must confess, for quite a long period of time, the answer to this question evaded me. However, when I delved into the field of child education, I discovered a fundamental truth: Musical talent is not inherited: it is developed. Today, I am convinced that musical talent is a God given seed within every newly born child. However, for it to blossom, it must be nurtured daily from a very early age on. Therefore, the child should be constantly exposed to a wide variety of music. Amazingly enough, the subconscious mind will register these new sounds and rhythms. A few years down the road, when the child begins music lessons, he will have a storehouse of natural resources which will help him develop the necessary skills with much more ease. I have seen this principle in action repeatedly. A young adult will start lessons with me and make remarkable progress in a short period of time. When I inquire about his musical background, he'll most likely reply: "My parents were constantly listening to more content... On the contrary, throughout Israel, Japan and Europe,it is most unusual for a child to be deprived of their customary musical education. Through this means, the rich cultural heritage of these countries is passed on from generation to generation and thus, preserved. Furthermore, through centuries of observing this tradition, it has been discovered that the study of a musical instrument at an early age, will aid in the development of the child's fine motor skills. Last, but not least, the experience has proven to contribute to the formation of a noble character, as well as to promote discipline and better concentration in the child's Get more content on
  • 6. Attending Catholic School Essay Attending Catholic school is very important to me especially because I have a lot of very good friends at Sacred Heart School. For example, my best friend Lucianna is attending Sacred Heart again next year and I look forward to her company. My teachers and the staff at Sacred Heart are kind, dedicated, and very nice and I really like our principal Mr. Coyle. Mr. Coyle teaches us that school can be holy, educational, and fun all at the same time. Everyone at my school teaches us about our Catholic faith, like the importance of following the ten commandments, our church history such as Peter becoming a martyr for his faith, and learning a lot prayers such as the Apostles Creed and the Prayer of Saint Francis. At my Catholic school we go to church every month and we have religion class every day. I like learning about my faith and that by having religion class on a daily basis, practice makes permanent. We have special faith activities like our entire school says rosaries together and we have stations of the cross. We get to wear a uniform, which I think is really pretty, and I do not have more content... I want to produce excellent work in my math class and to receive a superior grade. I hope to continue to doing well in math, becoming further skilled with multiplication and division and to someday to learn Algebra. I wish to put forth an exceptional effort in Social Studies class and to learn a lot more about the United States and US history. I plan to do great in Language Arts, in grammar, spelling, writing, and to receive an exceptional grade. I want to do great in Religion class, to continue to learn about my Catholic faith, and to receive an A+. I plan to do great in Science, as I feel learning in our science lab is really neat, we can perform experiments, use microscopes, and explore inventors and Get more content on
  • 7. College Admissions Essay: My Passion When people would say "My hobby is this," or "My passion is that," I would wonder how he or she found an activity that they could completely devote themselves to. I always thought that I would immediately know what my passion or hobby was when I encountered it. For me, it happened to be music. My passion for music, however, didn't come immediately; music wasn't something that I said to myself, "This is it. I've found my passion in life." The piano wasn't like that at all. When I started to play the piano, you could say that I wasn't its biggest fan. In fact, I hated it. I remember my eyes swimming across the page, lost in a sea of little black dots. I mumbled endless mnemonic tricks to try to read the notes. Every single part of your body is engaged to make that piano sing; your fingers must move independently; your hands, arms, shoulders, and back must supply the weight to depress the keys; your feet must push the pedals, more content... With that encompassing wisdom that you never understand until later, they made me keep at it. Without my parents pushing and forcing me to continue my musical studies, I wouldn't have continued playing. And then, when I was about eight or nine, something started to happen. I didn't have to use a stopwatch to make sure I had practiced enough. I could start to read the notes without using any memorization tools, and, I actually began to enjoy my practice. Now, at fifteen, nobody has to force me to practice anymore. Out of my own accord, I take several hours out of every day to pursue this art that I've been chasing for ten years. I enjoy it, I live in it, and it has become an inseparable part of me. This art has taken me places and introduced me to people I would never have met without music. I have made lifelong friends and connections, and talk regularly to college professors, all because of our mutual connection to Get more content on
  • 8. Master Of Admission Essay Sample I am writing to express my interest in the Master's of Education in Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in STEM (stem, technology, engineering and mathematics) program that begins in August. I currently hold a Bachelor's of Science in Computer Engineering Technology from Prairie View A&M University. My GPA from Prairie View A&M University wasn't my best work. At that time, I was young and on my own for the first time and I lived life as a young person. Prior to attending Prairie View A&M University, I was dedicated on receiving excellent grades in school, because of my hard work I graduated from high school number three in my class. In college, I made mistakes and learned from those mistakes. I was so elated to be the first person in my family to graduate from college. My interest in teaching led me to complete a teacher's deficiency plan from Texas Southern University. At Texas Southern University, my GPA is 3.88 which is a true reflection of my ability to successfully complete a challenging educational program. The GPA is a sign of my seriousness toward completing my more content... I have taught for 18 years. I have 12 years of teaching elementary, as well as 6 years of teaching secondary math. In elementary and secondary, I have served in the capacity of Math Department Chairperson and Third Grade Lead Teacher. I have planned and developed academic schedules and intervention plans to ensure the success of students, in addition to my teacher's responsibilities. I have collaborated with principals and colleagues to ensure that the goals and objectives were met. I have presented various workshops and trainings in the areas of math and science. I believe that education is the most important tool that a person has for success. So, therefore it is important that every child should be given the best education Get more content on
  • 9. Pros and Cons of Attending College Essay examples Is College Worth It? In Life today a college education is no longer an option or privilege, but rather it is a necessity. We are raised to believe that a person needs higher education in order to succeed in life. There is a saying, "if you think education is expensive, try ignorance." You may ask is college necessary? There are people out in the real world that have never set a foot on a college campus before and they are doing better than others that have their master's degree. There are many views from both sides that have a good argument. The main reason people go to college is because they were always told you will have a better life if you go to college. Kids are pressured to feel that the have to go to college because, " more content... They do not want to be looked down upon in the eyes of society so they do what they think is best. The idea to become a productive person in society is that you must have some sort of college education. Being a college student is seen as more respectable, rather then being a garbage man or janitor because of the way society looks down upon these types of careers. Going to college and receiving a degree does not guarantee that a person is going to get a job right after they graduate. It is sometimes hard for some graduates to find a good job because there is so much competition with other graduates as well. Sometimes they may get a job and it could be in a totally different field of what they got their degree for. They must find a job though to pay off all the debt that an education has given them. Many students feel that some classes are a waste of time and money because they learn nothing about their chosen field. They have to take classes that have nothing to do with their major but must take the class to meet the core education requirement of the college. If these students receive a less than average grade in a class they feel is unneeded then that lowers their overall GPA. The major reason of going to college is to get a good job. College prepares us with academic knowledge in order to succeed in the future. Many people think that a higher education is essential to prepare a person for their future. As Get more content on
  • 10. A pervasive issue in education today is the college entrance exams. There are several college exams used in the United States and around the world. These include the SAT, the ACT and many other various versions of those tests. These tests are an unfair and ineffective measure to determine a student's acceptance into college. These tests to do not measure a student's ability to master a subject rather they measure aptitude which is ineffective. Not only do students need to achieve academically, but they are also advised to have extracurricular activities outside of the classroom. Race and gender also play a huge role in acceptance letters to universities forcing the acceptances to be unfair. College entrance exams do not identify whether more content... Hardly a ringing endorsement for the effectiveness of SAT's" (guardian, 2007). For some students, there are many issues such as anxiety with tests, students with ADD, and those students who are given more than the allotted time to take these tests. Many students have anxiety problems when it comes time to taking even just regular tests. The SAT is not just a regular psychologytest that you can study, make note cards, and memorize for. It is a combination of academic ideas, and the pressure of getting a high score to be accepted into a college doesn't lessen the anxiety. John Katzman, president and founder of the Princeton review, wrote a letter about the anxiety of the SAT and how "Students are anxious not because we rile them up but because this arbitrary ordeal will largely determine where they spend their next four years". (Katzman, 2004). Some researchers even think that, "the uses of the SAT, along with other descriptive and comparative uses, are presumably secondary to the SAT's unique contribution in the prediction of college grades."(Fincher, 1974). This is basically saying that the purpose of the SAT does not really have a purpose. The University of California's Chief of faculty fully supports banning the SAT. He stated that, "Students don't know how to study for the SAT, instead they shell out $100 Get more content on
  • 11. The Past, Present and Future One important thing that I think is essential to becoming a better person is obviously growth. As young as I am, I have been through numerous personality changes and social changes and I am hoping and willingly to experience more changes. In the past I have been very quiet and conservative in my thinking and in my being as a person. I gave very little space for change and I didn't want to open up to a lot of things or people. I really did not know who I was or who I was to become and because of that I did not want to change. I wasn't very open to meeting new friends or even things as simple as trying a new flavor of ice–cream. Looking back I do not think I would be proud of who I was or even willingly to revert back to that more content... It was an immense change from the person I used to be. I am very much so now open minded and very left–sided in my opinions and thoughts. However, though I think I have a very clear understanding of who I am, I am not sure in who I think I am. I have a lot more compassion for other people and even for myself. An aspect of myself that I am fairly proud of is my newfound ability to understand, interpret and adapt to certain situations. For instance, adapting to the Country Day environment was very difficult to do. I didn't understand the social scene and I could not get a handle on my academics. On top of high school being new for me, I had to deal with the newness of a school I hadn't attended before. That experience helped me learn how to adapt to new experiences. Also becoming socially and politically aware has helped me grow in put myself in a worldly view. I do appreciate who I am now and still hope to grow and Get more content on
  • 12. College Admissions Essay College Admissions Essay College is a very important time in anyone's life. It's a time where boys and girls turn into men and women. It's a time where people learn valuable life skills, and how to live on their own. Choosing the right college is an incredibly important decision. Colleges come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, specialties and strong points, as well as cultures and diversities. As a senior that will soon be on my way to a college is campus, it is vital for me to figure how I will fit in with the rest of the student body. As a human I have a unique mindset, just like everyone else, complete with values and morals that differ from everyone else's. I also have a unique high school repertoire which encompasses many of my more content... There are a lot of negative Nancy's out there and I try to be a positive Paul so to speak. I do my best to keep a smile on my face and make my peers laugh, even if I am not feeling so well myself. I believe life is a lot easier with a smile on your face and so I try to be that person every day; smiling, joking, laughing, and trying to make others happy. I try to make a conscious effort to help out people by holding doors, helping people carry stuff, and helping with academic studies whenever possible. I believe this is the best way for me to be a positive influence on those around Get more content on
  • 13. College Admissions Essay: The Worth Of Education The worth of education has somehow become less. Is it because people think their "social lives" will be hindered by the unlawful time they must give up to read these so called leaves with ancient inscriptions on them? Do they feel that education is beneath them, that if they were to even try to expand their minds; they would be deemed an outcast? The answers to these questions lies in society. I have lived in many parts of our nation and of the world. Growing up I was tough education is everything, the only thing you can take advantage of. Because in the end all you have is your knowledge. Born and raised for sometime in Beaumont,Texas allowed me to gain my foundation. The tools that I would take with for me forever. My parents placed me in Harmony Science Academy in the more content... I had the support and the willpower to want to learn even with a name that labeled me as a disability. From there my father received order to Kaiserslautern, Germany. This was the next stage to expanded my horizons; not just on an intellectual level but on a level of acceptance and understanding. Being around people from the nations of the world I began my seventh grade year in a program called AVID, it taught me the meaning of education. Giving me the tools such as taking Cornell notes, planning for college, and just planning for life. Living in Germany not only made me world rounded but accepting as well. Then I moved to Carbondale, Illinois for eighth grade and I was in for a shock. I had never been around people who didn't care. People who grew up no caring about where the future. People who put down others when they saw they spoke proper. I was referred as " Too white for the white people and not black at all". When did being educated and wanting to pursue a higher education become a social discrimination? Where not only are you frowned upon but you stripped from your race. I'm an African Get more content on
  • 14. Radiologic Technologist Admission Essay My mother always reminded me how education is the most important tool which I can use to improve myself and my community. After obtaining my undergraduate degree in geography in the late nineties, I later moved to the United States a year later to peruse a master degree in computer sciences. After arriving in the US, I learned that life was not as easy as I thought. I could not afford the tuition, paying my bills and taking care of my family. I later dropped out of school to work some low paying jobs in order to save money to continue my education. After several years of contemplating what to study, I enrolled in a community college to continue my education in radiologic technology. As an undergraduate student I developed a huge passion for computers, I took more content... I was hired as a radiographer in a local hospital. I gained a lot of clinical experiences in the healthcare setting. I fell in love with job, I enjoyed helping people. This gave me an opportunity to meet people and be compassionate about the sick. After a few years of working as a radiographer, I took some more certification courses and exams in computed Tomography (CT scan) and Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which boosted my skills and knowledge as a radiologic technologist. Because of my love for information technology, I took a course and exam in medical imaging informatics and was certified as an imaging informatics professional (CIIP). With my experience and knowledge, I was promoted to the position of coordinator and in charge of imaging informatics (PACS administrator). Under the tutelage of my Director, I learned valuable leadership skills. I began doing some training and administrative duties coupled with intermittent clinical work. This position has also awakened my desire to pursue my graduate education and acquire a solid background I so desire to shape my interest in healthcare and computer Get more content on
  • 15. Science High School Entrance Exam Tips Science High School Entrance Exam: Math Portion Tips and Coverage As a wide–eyed student trying to apply for a slot in a good high school, I tended to struggle through the mathematics portions of entrance exams. Looking back, I think I would've appreciated some advanced warning regarding the test coverage. The good news is that this help is now available to you. Think of the guidelines below as ideas on what you can expect during science high school entrance tests and some tips on how you can do well on the exam. Half the Battle Math may be a very broad field in itself, but certain sub–branches of it have a tendency to pop up during science high school entrance exams. Some of the most common math–related questions you can look more content... Of course, you will also get the "once in a blue moon" kind of questions–think total eclipses, speculations on hypothetical planets, venereal diseases, etcetera. What? More Computations? Don't lull yourself into a false security by thinking that this is science and not math. There are still some computation–related questions involved. For example, you may be given the formula for computing the amount of kinetic energy in a moving object, and then asked to solve for the total amount given a certain amount of speed. Be sure to have your stock knowledge of simple formulas ready, as some questions will press you for answers without giving you the formulas at all. They may, for example, tell you that a certain substance has a mass of twenty grams and a volume of one hundred cubic centimeters. If you're not familiar with the basic formula for deriving density (mass divided by volume), then you'll have a trickier time arriving at the correct answer of .2 grams per cubic centimeter. Visual Stimuli As with the math section of the exam, the science portion also involves some handy–dandy charts, graphs and diagrams for you to study and draw inferences from. For instance, a common physics question involves a diagram of a circuit, where your job is to determine the direction of the flow of electricity. In Get more content on
  • 16. My College Entrance Exam Essay As the only child of an official and a professor of Politics Department, I was advised by my parents to choose Art rather than Science when I was in high school, but I insisted on studying science regardless of their rejection. Then after the college entrance exam, I was strongly advised to major in economy because my parents felt that will make me live an easier life. However, I rejected again and insisted to go to the Physics and Microelectronics department to study the most difficult subjects. Afterwards in my third year of college, my parents wish I can continue my graduate study in the top university in China. But I dreamed to continue my science study in America, where technology is most advanced and turned down the opportunity of the postgraduate recommendation in China. I didn't follow my parents' advice and kept following my heart because of my true interest in science. I have always been working hard toward the best of it and my dream was becoming increasingly definite as time went by. After three years in the university, my dream was provided with a definite direction––it is doing research on science and engineering that I really desire to pursue. Here I want to give some details about the process of the establishment of my dream and the building up of my relevant ability in the past three years. In my first year at university, I perused books that were concerned with physics and microelectronics. My effort was rewarded because I gained basic knowledge on Get more content on
  • 17. College Entrance Research Paper College Entrance Essay Josh Reynolds HR 4 "There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs." I believe that going to college is one of the most important things a person can do in their lifetime, because it acts as the staircase to success. Attending college has been one of my major goals for a very long time, and I am excited to finally start my college career next year. I have toured and considered many institutions, and i believe the computer science program at NDSU is the best fit for me. I am confident that I would make a great student at NDSU. I have always been into computers and interested in learning about them, and I have decided to make a career out of it. Up to this point my knowledge of computers is pretty Get more content on
  • 18. Nursing School Admission Essay Sample My initial interest in nursing began from my experience with my grandmother. It was in the fall of 2007 when my grandmother was sent to the hospital due to hypernatremia. My dad would pick me up every afternoon from school to visit my grandmother. I was given the responsibility to look after my grandma for nearly two weeks that includes in feeding her, assisting her, and other light duties. What fascinate me during my visits in the hospital were the nurses who assisted and took care of my grandma. They treated my grandma with dignity, kindness, compassion, courtesy, respect, understanding, and love. Their commitment, professionalism, dedication, determination and skills inspired me to pursue a career in the medical field. From that point, I realized that nursing is a field that enables people impact other people's lives and make a difference. At 9 years old, being a nurse was a childhood dream and now I am at the point of turning my dream into reality. I want to study and pursue my dream registered nursing at Ryerson University that offers a nursing degree program that focuses on developing student's critical thinking skills, ability to analyze reflectively and apply theory through community health focused practice making Ryerson one of the best nursing schools in Canada. Every summer I volunteer as a group leader in a one week more content... I do not see myself going to a different university other than Ryerson because of the great nursing program that your formidable school offers. This is why I choose Ryerson to hone my capabilities to become not just a successful nurse, but a nurse who displays confidence in treating patients with love, care and knowledge. I believe that I possess the skills, motivation and knowledge needed to successfully finish the course with flying colors and eventually get a job with the endless opportunities I would get from graduating at Get more content on
  • 19. College Admissions Essay: A Dream College Penn State has always been my dream college to attend, two of my family members attended this college and graduated with their dreams accomplished. Following in their footsteps I will be as successful as they were academically and more. I have an exciting, hard–working, dedicated and motivated personality that will never stop me from accomplishing my goals while also exceeding them. When I was in elementary school I never knew what I wanted be and jumped from the ideas of being a fairy–tale princess, a flying magical hero and more. The older I became the more I realized that life was around the corner, I entered my freshman year eager to find my path and start becoming the person I will need to be in thirty years. My first year in more content... I started off this new school year lifestyle during 10th grade, this school was lenient with their rules and treated everyone as if they were adults compared to my old school which did not even allow students to use the restroom. I slowly learned my way around the building and seen how many opportunities there was to come but as the year went on I started to see a change in how people looked at me and treated me, I had no friends or help with my classes when I struggled, I had gotten suspended for simply being late to school and on my walks home had trash being thrown at me while being yelled at with several racial remarks, I sat at lunch by myself and was avoided by people in school. I fell into a deep depression where my life just became school and work, there would be days where I would not speak at all; months went by and I attempted to bd leader for other minority groups within the school who felt different and coached students to not fall apart as I did. I eventually transferred back to my original highschool and carried my hateful experience with me to help others grow and learn that not everything in life's candy and Get more content on
  • 20. College Admissions Essay: A Change In My Life "When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you will be successful." These are the words of Eric Thomas, my inspiration, and that of many others. The starting of high school directly coincides with a change in my life; nonetheless, of which both come to be what I call my greatest milestone. From this milestone, I have led a better, more impressive path than I would have if I these words and the many more that continue to inspire me had fallen on the deaf ears of my past self. One of the most important parts of this milestone is the why I started seeking an adjustment; from this why I realized what was holding me hostage to the dreams I endlessly longed for and why they would to me always remain fantasies of a what if lifestyle. There have been many instances in which this refining of my life has benefited me; however, none compare to how far hitting this milestone has assisted me in my school more content... Up to the point of sixth grade, I was an outstanding student. Reason being such was that school was easy for me and I never had to try hard to get what I wanted; good grades, but once seventh grade arose I started having trouble; this trouble persisted yet became filtered out through my own realization that I needed to put more effort into what I did if I was to ever have my dreams within my grasp. This transition was accompanied by a yearning to learn to be a better person, but it wasn't until the end of my eighth grade year and the beginning of my high school life that I found Eric Thomas, a genius in my eyes, that I woke up and made a true switch from my sedentary, unfocused, easy–going lifestyle and began my journey to Get more content on