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CMGT 433 All Assignments (New Syllabus)
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CMGT 433 Assignment Week 1 Security Overview
CMGT 433 Assignment Week 2 Learning Team: Cybersecurity
Threats and Challenges
CMGT 433 Assignment Week 2 Prioritizing Threats
CMGT 433 Assignment Week 3 Action Plan
CMGT 433 Assignment Week 4 Learning Team: Cybersecurity RACI
CMGT 433 Assignment Week 4 Security Proposal
CMGT 433 Assignment Week 5 Cybersecurity Awareness Campaign
CMGT 433 All Assignments
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CMGT 433 Week 1 Individual Cyber Security, ICT, Legal
Obligations and Constraints (100% Score)
CMGT 433 Week 2 Team Red Team/Blue Team Exercise, Part I
(100% Score)
CMGT 433 Week 2 Individual Hot Topics in Cyber Security (100%
CMGT 433 Week 3 Team Red Team/Blue Team Exercise, Part II
(100% Score)
CMGT 433 Week 3 Individual Risk, Contingency Planning, and
Defensive Management (100% Score)
CMGT 433 Week 4 Team Red Team/Blue Team Exercise, Part III
(100% Score)
CMGT 433 Week 4 Individual Standard Operating Procedures (100%
CMGT 433 Week 5 Team Red Team/Blue Team Exercise, Final
Project (100% Score)
CMGT 433 Week 5 Individual Cyber Security Awareness for
Executives and Managers (100% Score)
CMGT 433 Assignment Week 1 Security
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CMGT 433 Assignment Week 1 Security Overview
In your first meeting, you will have to present a security overview
Create a 10- to 12-slide, multimedia-rich presentation in which you
A definition of cybersecurity; further explain how cybersecurity
differs from enterprise security
A timeline of cyber milestones; including graphics and a brief
explanation of the milestone
An explanation of why knowing cyber milestones is important for
improving security for the organization’s current and future
A chart presenting 4 strategies that could be used to determine the
organization’s current security environment, the impact of the
strategy, and resources (personnel, finances, etc.)
Your presentation should also include:
Speaker notes
At least 2 references to support the presented facts/etc. Format your
citations according to APA guidelines.
Note: “Multimedia-rich” presentation typically means including
several of the following: appropriate charts, graphics, video or audio
samples, or images
Submit your assignment.
CMGT 433 Assignment Week 2 Learning
Team: Cybersecurity Threats and Challenges
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CMGT 433 Assignment Week 2 Learning Team: Cybersecurity
Threats and Challenges
There are several threats and challenges to an organization’s
cybersecurity. As a team, list 15 threats or challenges that may occur,
as well as their possible impact on an organization.
Submit your assignment.
CMGT 433 Assignment Week 2 Prioritizing
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CMGT 433 Assignment Week 2 Prioritizing Threats
Based on your completed security overview presentation that was
‘approved for action,’ the team would like more information about the
type of threats and challenges that should be addressed. They want to
know which threats should be prioritized and the impact they have on
the organization. They would like you to:
Identify common categories of cybersecurity threats
Prioritize categories
Recommend a cybersecurity category to address with the organization
Identify challenges that mobile and cloud computing needs could
bring to the organization
Explain the importance of testing for the detection and intrusion of
Write a 2- to 3-page executive summary to share with the executive
staff about your recommendations, challenges, and explanations.
Include the following in your summary:
A chart detailing 8 challenges and their impact
Your top 5 prioritized categories with a rationale for the prioritization
At least two references supporting your top 5 recommendations
Note: This executive summary will also be used in the Assignment
Week 3 Assignment.
Submit your assignment.
CMGT 433 Assignment Week 3 Action Plan
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CMGT 433 Assignment Week 3 Action Plan
An action plan is often developed to assist project leaders to
effectively demonstrate what items need to be addressed when
charged to create or improve a business process, program, practice,
etc. A plan should break down individual requirements and issues into
steps that can be tracked, indicate team member(s) responsibility, and
completion (including prerequisites) dates. A plan usually includes
goals, steps, assignments, and deadlines.
The executive staff at Dayton Soft Products did not agree with your
first recommendations provided in your executive summary. They
asked that you go with your number 2 and number 4
recommendations, which they thought would be best for their
organization. This presents a challenge to you, but you must go ahead
with what your client wants.
Create an action plan with a total of at least 10 tasks. Each task must
address the following three issues:
Risk assessment (overall strategy)
Contingency planning
What is your plan if there is a problem? Who sets the priorities
following an incident? Who is going to do what? What are the
priorities? How do you keep the plan going?
Vulnerability management
What is the strategy for ongoing risk identification?
Once you’ve identified the risk, how do you mitigate the risk? What
are the steps?
You may complete this action table either as a 4- to-5-page
Microsoft® Word document or as a detailed Microsoft® Excel
spreadsheet. The following are examples of column heading titles for
a table-formatted action plan:
Column 1: Action Item
Column 2: Description/Details
Column 3: Person Responsible
Column 4: Status
Column 5: Due Date
Column 6: Prerequisites
Column 7: Date Completed
Column 8: Comments/Notes
Submit your assignment.
CMGT 433 Assignment Week 4 Learning
Team: Cybersecurity RACI Chart
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CMGT 433 Assignment Week 4 Learning Team: Cybersecurity RACI
RACI charts are commonly used in business proposals. They are used
to determine responsibilities among the team and clarify expectations.
As a team, develop a RACI chart for a cybersecurity plan for a small
start-up company in which you:
Explain the roles/responsibilities for the organization’s staff regarding
Identify expectations for a) business units, b) IT staff, c) executive
staff, d) sales, and e) support staff (clerical, maintenance, etc.)
Submit your assignment.
CMGT 433 Assignment Week 4 Security
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CMGT 433 Assignment Week 4 Security Proposal
The Dayton Soft Products executive staff has requested materials and
your recommendations on the following security issues:
Is a security audit really needed? What are your recommendations for
conducting such an audit?
What are the roles and responsibilities for the organization’s staff
regarding security?
Is there any concern about Dayton Soft Products’ overall
Compile a 3- to 4-page proposal that addresses solutions for the issues
presented and includes:
Reasons for why a security audit is necessary with your
recommendations for conducting such an audit:
Potential costs (personnel, finances, etc.)
Proposed audit timeline
Two recommend methodologies
A RACI chart that identifies:
the roles and responsibilities for the organization’s staff regarding
security, and
expectations for a) business units, b) IT staff, c) executive staff, d)
sales, and e) support staff.
Note: This chart may be embedded in your proposal as a table or
spreadsheet file, or attached as a separate document.
Answers to concern about Dayton Soft Products’ overall
Three recommendations for securing the web communications—
especially addressing internal needs and the growing global needs
Submit your assignment.
CMGT 433 Assignment Week 5 Cybersecurity
Awareness Campaign
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CMGT 433 Assignment Week 5 Cybersecurity Awareness Campaign
As a final project requirement, the executive staff requested
recommendations to address the following:
Strategy for staff awareness
Strategy for ongoing security maintenance
The best way to get the message across is to have a solid mission
statement to share with the organization. You decide to create an
awareness campaign for the organization to address the executive
staff member’s request. Your campaign consists of the following
three items:
Mission statement
Poster campaign
Message to organization via the intranet
Create an approximate 90-word security policy mission statement for
Dayton Soft Products.
Develop a poster campaign consisting of 3 posters for security
awareness to display in the workplace and to distribute virtually. Each
poster must include the security policy mission statement. Highlight
at least 5 legal and ethical issues across the 3 posters. You may use
any program to create your posters.
Write a message for the company’s internal website to a diverse
workforce announcing the cybersecurity awareness material. You will
need to submit a draft of your announcement message to the executive
staff in the form of a Microsoft® Word document.
Provide the following elements in your announcement message:
The reason the corporate security policy was established
Mission statement
Employees’ role to meet the mission
Announce launch of the poster campaign
Large images of the three posters
Strategies and tools for ongoing monitoring and enforcement of
security policy
Submit your assignment.
CMGT 433 Week 1 Individual Cyber Security,
ICT, Legal Obligations and Constraints (100%
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CMGT 433 Week 1 Individual Cyber Security, ICT, Legal
Obligations and Constraints
You have been asked by the CIO of your company, or another
company, to create a PowerPoint® informational presentation.
Examples of companies might be a company you have worked for in
the past or wish to work for in the future. The audience for this week's
presentation will be a group of department supervisors.
The objectives of this presentation are to:
• Define "cyber security," and identify threats to private and public
• Define Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and
explain why it is a very important component of cyber security.
• Identify the pillars of personal security that assist in personal
• Define the Six Principles of Information Security Management and
legislation constraints that apply to cyber security.
Create an 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint® informational presentation,
including the following:
• Content for each of the objectives
• Speaker's notes
• References used to support your presentation, including a minimum
of two outside academic references in addition to course textbooks
CMGT 433 Week 2 Individual Hot Topics in
Cyber Security (100% Score)
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CMGT 433 Week 2 Individual Hot Topics in Cyber Security
The CIO, of the company you chose in Week One, has asked you to
create a PowerPoint® informational presentation. The audience for
week's presentation will be a group of IT Operations employees.
The objectives of this presentation are to:
• Explain why the three most active areas in cyber security are the
Internet, mobile technology, and cloud computing.
• Describe the growing use of penetration (pen) testing in many
• Identify what the pen testing process is and how the outcomes
should be handled.
• Explain the Six Principles of Information Security Management and
why they are important.
Create an 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint® informational presentation,
including the following:
• Content for each of the objectives
• Speaker's notes
• References used to support your presentation, including a minimum
of two outside academic references in addition to course textbooks
Submit your presentation using the Assignment Files tab above.
CMGT 433 Week 2 Team Red Team/Blue
Team Exercise, Part I (100% Score)
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CMGT 433 Week 2 Team Red Team/Blue Team Exercise, Part I
Review the initial project description in Week One.
The Red Team completes the following:
1. Select three attacks that the team will launch.
2. Describe these attacks.
3. Justify the attacks based on the latest threats and/or the
vulnerability known for the company's industry.
4. Locate and document at least two references used in your
The Blue Team completes the following:
1. Select three defenses that the team will implement.
2. Describe these defenses.
3. Justify the defenses planned based on the latest threats and/or the
vulnerability known for the company's industry.
4. Locate and document at least two references used in your
Based on the instructions for your team, complete a 5-slide
PowerPoint® presentation, including detailed speaker's notes.
Team/Blue Team Exercise
CMGT 433 Week 3 Individual Risk,
Contingency Planning, and Defensive
Management (100% Score)
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CMGT 433 Week 3 Individual Risk, Contingency Planning, and
Defensive Management
The CIO of the company you chose in Week One, has asked you to
create a PowerPoint® informational presentation. The audience for
week's presentation will be a group of department managers within
The objectives of this presentation are to:
• Explain why risk, risk analysis, and prioritization of a company's
are some of the best methods to reduce threats in vulnerability
• Identify the major components of contingency planning.
• Define and explain what makes up the process called "vulnerability
• Explain several options that can be taken when severe risk is found
in the area of incidence response.
Create an 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint® informational presentation,
including the following:
• Content for each of the objectives
• Speaker's notes
• References used to support your presentation, including a minimum
of two outside academic references in addition to course textbooks
Submit your presentation to the Assignment Files tab above.
CMGT 433 Week 3 Team Red Team/Blue
Team Exercise, Part II (100% Score)
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CMGT 433 Week 3 Team Red Team/Blue Team Exercise, Part II
Review the initial project description in Week One.
At the beginning of the week, provide a copy of your Learning Team's
Week Two presentation to your counterpart.
The Red Team completes the following:
1. Review the Blue Team's presentation.
2. Assess whether the attack matched the protection put up by the
Blue Team.
3. Plan one new attack that the team will launch.
4. Describe the attack.
5. Justify the attack planned based on the latest threats and/or the
vulnerability known for the company's industry.
6. Locate and document at least two references used in your
The Blue Team completes the following:
1. Review the Red Team's presentation.
2. Assess if the protection matched the attack put up by the Red
3. Plan one new defense.
4. Describe the defense.
5. Justify the defense planned based on the latest threats and/or the
vulnerability known for the company's industry.
6. Locate and document at least two references used in your
Based on the instructions for your team, complete a 5-slide
PowerPoint® presentation, including detailed speaker's notes.
Submit your presentation using the Assignment Files tab above.
SupportingMaterial:Learning Team Instructions: Red Team/Blue
CMGT 433 Week 4 Individual Standard
Operating Procedures (100% Score)
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CMGT 433 Week 4 Individual Standard Operating Procedures
The CIO, of the company you chose in Week One, has asked you to
create a PowerPoint® informational presentation. The audience for
week's presentation will be the members of the executive staff,
including the Vice Presidents, CIO, and CEO.
The objectives of this presentation are to:
• Identify at least five opportunities areas for management to improve
company's security plan.
• Identify at least five opportunities for employees to contribute a
positive effect on the company's security plan.
• Identify at least three opportunities for management to display their
support for the efforts of the IT Department in the pursuit of safe
computing for all employees.
Create an 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint® training presentation, including
the following:
• Content for each of the objectives
• Speaker's notes
• References used to support your presentation, including a minimum
of two outside academic references in addition to course textbooks
Submit your presentation using the Assignment Files tab above.
CMGT 433 Week 5 Individual Cyber Security
Awareness for Executives and Managers
(100% Score)
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CMGT 433 Week 5 Individual Assignment Cyber Security
Awareness for Executives and Managers
The company you chose in Week One will hold a national convention
all of the U.S.-based executive staff members across 15 locations. The
CIO has chosen "Cyber Security Awareness" as the theme for the
convention. Based on the quality of your previous training
presentations, you have been chosen to write and deliver a
presentation at one of the Executive Round Table Meetings during the
convention. The CIO has stressed creating a presentation that will
capture the attention of executive management.
Create a 15- to 20-slide PowerPoint® presentation, including
notes. Use graphics, animation, or charts as appropriate.
Create a 1-page executive summary that the executives can use to
communicate the highlights of the presentation within their
Include the following topics in the presentation. Avoid using research
quotes or acronyms. Combine and/or order the topics in the way you
believe to be most effective:
• What is network protection? What needs protecting?
• What is a Cyber Attack? How can cyber security help?
• Security and ROI
• Legislation and government influence
• Ethical and legal issues
• The Six Principles of Information Security Management.
• What challenges are there with cloud computing?
• Why is the Internet often considered the cause of cyber security
• The role of the workforce in security
• Training, awareness, motivation, and continuous improvement
• Disaster recovery and business continuity
• Why are contingency planning and vulnerability management
• Security Audits - What are they? Who uses and performs them?
• Risk Management in reducing the probability of a negative event
• Social Engineering - What is it? How might we be vulnerable to it?
• Backups (full, copy, incremental, differential)
• Deterring network attacks
• Roles of our employees in cyber security
Compile all files into a ZIP folder.
CMGT 433 Week 5 Team Red Team/Blue
Team Exercise, Final Project (100% Score)
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CMGT 433 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Red Team/Blue
Team Exercise, Final Project
Consolidate all of the previous weeks Learning Team presentations,
and edit them into a single threat (Red Team) or protection (Blue
Prepare a 15- to 20-slide PowerPoint® presentation to present to
company executives, including the following:
• Title
• Lessons learned from the Red Team - Blue Team Exercises
• Speaker's notes
• References used during the project
Submit your presentation using the Assignment Files tab above.
CMGT 433Week4 Team Red Team/Blue Team
Exercise, Part III(100% Score)
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CMGT 433 Week 4 Team Red Team/Blue Team Exercise, Part III
Review the initial project description in Week One.
At the beginning of the week, provide a copy of your Learning Team's
Week Three presentation to your counterpart.
The Red Team completes the following:
1. Review the Blue Team's presentation.
2. Assess whether the attack matched the protection put up by the
Blue Team.
3. Plan one new attack that the team will launch.
4. Describe the attack.
5. Justify the attack planned based on the latest threats and/or the
vulnerability known for the company's industry.
6. Locate and document at least two references used in your
The Blue Team completes the following:
1. Review the Red Team's presentation.
2. Assess if the protection matched the attack put up by the Red
3. Plan one new defense.
4. Describe the defense.
5. Justify the defense planned based on the latest threats and/or the
vulnerability known for the company's industry.
6. Locate and document at least two references used in your
Based on the instructions for your team, complete a 4- to 5-slide
PowerPoint® presentation, including detailed speaker's notes.
Submit your presentation to the Assignment Files tab above.
SupportingMaterial:Learning Team Instructions: Red Team/Blue

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CMGT 433 Exceptional Education -

  • 1. CMGT 433 All Assignments (New Syllabus) For more classes visit CMGT 433 Assignment Week 1 Security Overview CMGT 433 Assignment Week 2 Learning Team: Cybersecurity Threats and Challenges CMGT 433 Assignment Week 2 Prioritizing Threats CMGT 433 Assignment Week 3 Action Plan CMGT 433 Assignment Week 4 Learning Team: Cybersecurity RACI Chart CMGT 433 Assignment Week 4 Security Proposal CMGT 433 Assignment Week 5 Cybersecurity Awareness Campaign ****************************************************** CMGT 433 All Assignments For more classes visit
  • 2. CMGT 433 Week 1 Individual Cyber Security, ICT, Legal Obligations and Constraints (100% Score) CMGT 433 Week 2 Team Red Team/Blue Team Exercise, Part I (100% Score) CMGT 433 Week 2 Individual Hot Topics in Cyber Security (100% Score) CMGT 433 Week 3 Team Red Team/Blue Team Exercise, Part II (100% Score) CMGT 433 Week 3 Individual Risk, Contingency Planning, and Defensive Management (100% Score) CMGT 433 Week 4 Team Red Team/Blue Team Exercise, Part III (100% Score) CMGT 433 Week 4 Individual Standard Operating Procedures (100% Score) CMGT 433 Week 5 Team Red Team/Blue Team Exercise, Final Project (100% Score) CMGT 433 Week 5 Individual Cyber Security Awareness for Executives and Managers (100% Score) ****************************************************** CMGT 433 Assignment Week 1 Security Overview For more classes visit
  • 3. CMGT 433 Assignment Week 1 Security Overview In your first meeting, you will have to present a security overview presentation. Create a 10- to 12-slide, multimedia-rich presentation in which you provide: A definition of cybersecurity; further explain how cybersecurity differs from enterprise security A timeline of cyber milestones; including graphics and a brief explanation of the milestone An explanation of why knowing cyber milestones is important for improving security for the organization’s current and future environment A chart presenting 4 strategies that could be used to determine the organization’s current security environment, the impact of the strategy, and resources (personnel, finances, etc.) Your presentation should also include: Speaker notes At least 2 references to support the presented facts/etc. Format your citations according to APA guidelines. Note: “Multimedia-rich” presentation typically means including several of the following: appropriate charts, graphics, video or audio samples, or images Submit your assignment. ****************************************************** CMGT 433 Assignment Week 2 Learning Team: Cybersecurity Threats and Challenges
  • 4. For more classes visit CMGT 433 Assignment Week 2 Learning Team: Cybersecurity Threats and Challenges There are several threats and challenges to an organization’s cybersecurity. As a team, list 15 threats or challenges that may occur, as well as their possible impact on an organization. Submit your assignment. ****************************************************** CMGT 433 Assignment Week 2 Prioritizing Threats For more classes visit CMGT 433 Assignment Week 2 Prioritizing Threats
  • 5. Based on your completed security overview presentation that was ‘approved for action,’ the team would like more information about the type of threats and challenges that should be addressed. They want to know which threats should be prioritized and the impact they have on the organization. They would like you to: Identify common categories of cybersecurity threats Prioritize categories Recommend a cybersecurity category to address with the organization Identify challenges that mobile and cloud computing needs could bring to the organization Explain the importance of testing for the detection and intrusion of risks Write a 2- to 3-page executive summary to share with the executive staff about your recommendations, challenges, and explanations. Include the following in your summary: A chart detailing 8 challenges and their impact Your top 5 prioritized categories with a rationale for the prioritization At least two references supporting your top 5 recommendations Note: This executive summary will also be used in the Assignment Week 3 Assignment. Submit your assignment. ****************************************************** CMGT 433 Assignment Week 3 Action Plan For more classes visit
  • 6. CMGT 433 Assignment Week 3 Action Plan An action plan is often developed to assist project leaders to effectively demonstrate what items need to be addressed when charged to create or improve a business process, program, practice, etc. A plan should break down individual requirements and issues into steps that can be tracked, indicate team member(s) responsibility, and completion (including prerequisites) dates. A plan usually includes goals, steps, assignments, and deadlines. The executive staff at Dayton Soft Products did not agree with your first recommendations provided in your executive summary. They asked that you go with your number 2 and number 4 recommendations, which they thought would be best for their organization. This presents a challenge to you, but you must go ahead with what your client wants. Create an action plan with a total of at least 10 tasks. Each task must address the following three issues: Risk assessment (overall strategy) Contingency planning What is your plan if there is a problem? Who sets the priorities following an incident? Who is going to do what? What are the priorities? How do you keep the plan going? Vulnerability management What is the strategy for ongoing risk identification? Once you’ve identified the risk, how do you mitigate the risk? What are the steps? You may complete this action table either as a 4- to-5-page Microsoft® Word document or as a detailed Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet. The following are examples of column heading titles for a table-formatted action plan: Column 1: Action Item
  • 7. Column 2: Description/Details Column 3: Person Responsible Column 4: Status Column 5: Due Date Column 6: Prerequisites Column 7: Date Completed Column 8: Comments/Notes Submit your assignment. ****************************************************** CMGT 433 Assignment Week 4 Learning Team: Cybersecurity RACI Chart For more classes visit CMGT 433 Assignment Week 4 Learning Team: Cybersecurity RACI Chart RACI charts are commonly used in business proposals. They are used to determine responsibilities among the team and clarify expectations.
  • 8. As a team, develop a RACI chart for a cybersecurity plan for a small start-up company in which you: Explain the roles/responsibilities for the organization’s staff regarding security Identify expectations for a) business units, b) IT staff, c) executive staff, d) sales, and e) support staff (clerical, maintenance, etc.) Submit your assignment. ****************************************************** CMGT 433 Assignment Week 4 Security Proposal For more classes visit CMGT 433 Assignment Week 4 Security Proposal The Dayton Soft Products executive staff has requested materials and your recommendations on the following security issues: Is a security audit really needed? What are your recommendations for conducting such an audit? What are the roles and responsibilities for the organization’s staff regarding security? Is there any concern about Dayton Soft Products’ overall communications?
  • 9. Compile a 3- to 4-page proposal that addresses solutions for the issues presented and includes: Reasons for why a security audit is necessary with your recommendations for conducting such an audit: Potential costs (personnel, finances, etc.) Proposed audit timeline Two recommend methodologies A RACI chart that identifies: the roles and responsibilities for the organization’s staff regarding security, and expectations for a) business units, b) IT staff, c) executive staff, d) sales, and e) support staff. Note: This chart may be embedded in your proposal as a table or spreadsheet file, or attached as a separate document. Answers to concern about Dayton Soft Products’ overall communications Three recommendations for securing the web communications— especially addressing internal needs and the growing global needs Submit your assignment. ****************************************************** CMGT 433 Assignment Week 5 Cybersecurity Awareness Campaign For more classes visit
  • 10. CMGT 433 Assignment Week 5 Cybersecurity Awareness Campaign As a final project requirement, the executive staff requested recommendations to address the following: Strategy for staff awareness Strategy for ongoing security maintenance The best way to get the message across is to have a solid mission statement to share with the organization. You decide to create an awareness campaign for the organization to address the executive staff member’s request. Your campaign consists of the following three items: Mission statement Poster campaign Message to organization via the intranet Create an approximate 90-word security policy mission statement for Dayton Soft Products. Develop a poster campaign consisting of 3 posters for security awareness to display in the workplace and to distribute virtually. Each poster must include the security policy mission statement. Highlight at least 5 legal and ethical issues across the 3 posters. You may use any program to create your posters. Write a message for the company’s internal website to a diverse workforce announcing the cybersecurity awareness material. You will need to submit a draft of your announcement message to the executive staff in the form of a Microsoft® Word document. Provide the following elements in your announcement message: The reason the corporate security policy was established Mission statement Employees’ role to meet the mission Announce launch of the poster campaign Large images of the three posters
  • 11. Strategies and tools for ongoing monitoring and enforcement of security policy Submit your assignment. ****************************************************** CMGT 433 Week 1 Individual Cyber Security, ICT, Legal Obligations and Constraints (100% Score) For more classes visit CMGT 433 Week 1 Individual Cyber Security, ICT, Legal Obligations and Constraints Instructions: You have been asked by the CIO of your company, or another company, to create a PowerPoint® informational presentation. Examples of companies might be a company you have worked for in the past or wish to work for in the future. The audience for this week's presentation will be a group of department supervisors. The objectives of this presentation are to: • Define "cyber security," and identify threats to private and public organizations. • Define Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and explain why it is a very important component of cyber security. • Identify the pillars of personal security that assist in personal protection. • Define the Six Principles of Information Security Management and
  • 12. legislation constraints that apply to cyber security. Create an 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint® informational presentation, including the following: • Content for each of the objectives • Speaker's notes • References used to support your presentation, including a minimum of two outside academic references in addition to course textbooks and videos ****************************************************** CMGT 433 Week 2 Individual Hot Topics in Cyber Security (100% Score) For more classes visit CMGT 433 Week 2 Individual Hot Topics in Cyber Security Instructions: The CIO, of the company you chose in Week One, has asked you to create a PowerPoint® informational presentation. The audience for this week's presentation will be a group of IT Operations employees. The objectives of this presentation are to: • Explain why the three most active areas in cyber security are the Internet, mobile technology, and cloud computing. • Describe the growing use of penetration (pen) testing in many companies.
  • 13. • Identify what the pen testing process is and how the outcomes should be handled. • Explain the Six Principles of Information Security Management and why they are important. Create an 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint® informational presentation, including the following: • Content for each of the objectives • Speaker's notes • References used to support your presentation, including a minimum of two outside academic references in addition to course textbooks and videos Submit your presentation using the Assignment Files tab above. ****************************************************** CMGT 433 Week 2 Team Red Team/Blue Team Exercise, Part I (100% Score) For more classes visit CMGT 433 Week 2 Team Red Team/Blue Team Exercise, Part I Instructions: Review the initial project description in Week One. The Red Team completes the following: 1. Select three attacks that the team will launch. 2. Describe these attacks. 3. Justify the attacks based on the latest threats and/or the vulnerability known for the company's industry. 4. Locate and document at least two references used in your
  • 14. justification. The Blue Team completes the following: 1. Select three defenses that the team will implement. 2. Describe these defenses. 3. Justify the defenses planned based on the latest threats and/or the vulnerability known for the company's industry. 4. Locate and document at least two references used in your justification. Based on the instructions for your team, complete a 5-slide PowerPoint® presentation, including detailed speaker's notes. Team/Blue Team Exercise ****************************************************** CMGT 433 Week 3 Individual Risk, Contingency Planning, and Defensive Management (100% Score) For more classes visit CMGT 433 Week 3 Individual Risk, Contingency Planning, and Defensive Management Instructions: The CIO of the company you chose in Week One, has asked you to create a PowerPoint® informational presentation. The audience for this week's presentation will be a group of department managers within the company. The objectives of this presentation are to:
  • 15. • Explain why risk, risk analysis, and prioritization of a company's risks are some of the best methods to reduce threats in vulnerability management. • Identify the major components of contingency planning. • Define and explain what makes up the process called "vulnerability management." • Explain several options that can be taken when severe risk is found in the area of incidence response. Create an 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint® informational presentation, including the following: • Content for each of the objectives • Speaker's notes • References used to support your presentation, including a minimum of two outside academic references in addition to course textbooks and videos Submit your presentation to the Assignment Files tab above. ****************************************************** CMGT 433 Week 3 Team Red Team/Blue Team Exercise, Part II (100% Score) For more classes visit CMGT 433 Week 3 Team Red Team/Blue Team Exercise, Part II Instructions: Review the initial project description in Week One.
  • 16. At the beginning of the week, provide a copy of your Learning Team's Week Two presentation to your counterpart. The Red Team completes the following: 1. Review the Blue Team's presentation. 2. Assess whether the attack matched the protection put up by the Blue Team. 3. Plan one new attack that the team will launch. 4. Describe the attack. 5. Justify the attack planned based on the latest threats and/or the vulnerability known for the company's industry. 6. Locate and document at least two references used in your justification. The Blue Team completes the following: 1. Review the Red Team's presentation. 2. Assess if the protection matched the attack put up by the Red Team. 3. Plan one new defense. 4. Describe the defense. 5. Justify the defense planned based on the latest threats and/or the vulnerability known for the company's industry. 6. Locate and document at least two references used in your justification. Based on the instructions for your team, complete a 5-slide PowerPoint® presentation, including detailed speaker's notes. Submit your presentation using the Assignment Files tab above. SupportingMaterial:Learning Team Instructions: Red Team/Blue Team Exercise ****************************************************** CMGT 433 Week 4 Individual Standard Operating Procedures (100% Score) For more classes visit
  • 17. CMGT 433 Week 4 Individual Standard Operating Procedures Instructions: The CIO, of the company you chose in Week One, has asked you to create a PowerPoint® informational presentation. The audience for this week's presentation will be the members of the executive staff, including the Vice Presidents, CIO, and CEO. The objectives of this presentation are to: • Identify at least five opportunities areas for management to improve company's security plan. • Identify at least five opportunities for employees to contribute a positive effect on the company's security plan. • Identify at least three opportunities for management to display their support for the efforts of the IT Department in the pursuit of safe computing for all employees. Create an 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint® training presentation, including the following: • Content for each of the objectives • Speaker's notes • References used to support your presentation, including a minimum of two outside academic references in addition to course textbooks and videos Submit your presentation using the Assignment Files tab above. ****************************************************** CMGT 433 Week 5 Individual Cyber Security Awareness for Executives and Managers (100% Score)
  • 18. For more classes visit CMGT 433 Week 5 Individual Assignment Cyber Security Awareness for Executives and Managers The company you chose in Week One will hold a national convention of all of the U.S.-based executive staff members across 15 locations. The CIO has chosen "Cyber Security Awareness" as the theme for the convention. Based on the quality of your previous training presentations, you have been chosen to write and deliver a presentation at one of the Executive Round Table Meetings during the convention. The CIO has stressed creating a presentation that will capture the attention of executive management. Create a 15- to 20-slide PowerPoint® presentation, including speaker's notes. Use graphics, animation, or charts as appropriate. Create a 1-page executive summary that the executives can use to communicate the highlights of the presentation within their organizations. Include the following topics in the presentation. Avoid using research quotes or acronyms. Combine and/or order the topics in the way you believe to be most effective: • What is network protection? What needs protecting? • What is a Cyber Attack? How can cyber security help? • Security and ROI • Legislation and government influence • Ethical and legal issues • The Six Principles of Information Security Management. • What challenges are there with cloud computing?
  • 19. • Why is the Internet often considered the cause of cyber security issues? • The role of the workforce in security • Training, awareness, motivation, and continuous improvement • Disaster recovery and business continuity • Why are contingency planning and vulnerability management important? • Security Audits - What are they? Who uses and performs them? • Risk Management in reducing the probability of a negative event • Social Engineering - What is it? How might we be vulnerable to it? • Backups (full, copy, incremental, differential) • Deterring network attacks • Roles of our employees in cyber security Compile all files into a ZIP folder. ****************************************************** CMGT 433 Week 5 Team Red Team/Blue Team Exercise, Final Project (100% Score) For more classes visit CMGT 433 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Red Team/Blue Team Exercise, Final Project Consolidate all of the previous weeks Learning Team presentations, and edit them into a single threat (Red Team) or protection (Blue Team) plan. Prepare a 15- to 20-slide PowerPoint® presentation to present to
  • 20. company executives, including the following: • Title • Lessons learned from the Red Team - Blue Team Exercises • Speaker's notes • References used during the project Submit your presentation using the Assignment Files tab above. ******************************************************** CMGT 433Week4 Team Red Team/Blue Team Exercise, Part III(100% Score) For more classes visit CMGT 433 Week 4 Team Red Team/Blue Team Exercise, Part III Instructions: Review the initial project description in Week One. At the beginning of the week, provide a copy of your Learning Team's Week Three presentation to your counterpart. The Red Team completes the following: 1. Review the Blue Team's presentation. 2. Assess whether the attack matched the protection put up by the Blue Team. 3. Plan one new attack that the team will launch. 4. Describe the attack. 5. Justify the attack planned based on the latest threats and/or the vulnerability known for the company's industry. 6. Locate and document at least two references used in your justification.
  • 21. The Blue Team completes the following: 1. Review the Red Team's presentation. 2. Assess if the protection matched the attack put up by the Red Team. 3. Plan one new defense. 4. Describe the defense. 5. Justify the defense planned based on the latest threats and/or the vulnerability known for the company's industry. 6. Locate and document at least two references used in your justification. Based on the instructions for your team, complete a 4- to 5-slide PowerPoint® presentation, including detailed speaker's notes. Submit your presentation to the Assignment Files tab above. SupportingMaterial:Learning Team Instructions: Red Team/Blue Team Exercise **********************************************************************************