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Forensic	&	Clinical	Research	Center	
	Forensic	Brain	Rewiring	™	
A Passion For Human Potential ™
Clinical	Case	Files	
Senior	corporate	executive	overturns	paralyzing	procrastination	
in	a	single	session	after	struggling	with	it	for	years	
The	clinical	case	study	below	demonstrates	how	we	were	able	to	correctly	and	permanently	address,	regress	
and	release	the	root	cause	responsible	for	years	of	debilitating	procrastination.	Recovering	his	freedom	from	
the	weight	of	an	imprint	that	paralyzed	his	potential	enabled	the	senior	executive	to	fuel	his	performance,	
recover	his	drive	and	dramatically	enhance	his	results.	
Adult	Onset	
In	my	office,	the	fifty	year-old	explained	he	had	been	a	high-achiever	since	childhood.	His	reputation	as	a	
problem-solver,	go-getter	and	winner	allowed	him	to	quickly	rise	to	the	top	of	the	corporate	ladder.		
His	success	in	the	high-tech	industry	came	to	an	abrupt	halt	with	the	dot-com	burst.	As	the	market	crashed,	
high-tech	 corporations	 began	 reporting	 unprecedented	 losses.	 Silicon	 billionaires	 had	 to	 let	 go	 of	 their	
million-dollar	estates	and	many	found	themselves	out	of	work.	Compounding	the	loss	of	their	lifestyles,	some	
faced	disintegrating	marriages.	Eventually,	they	had	to	find	a	way	to	reinvent	themselves.		
The	then	forty	year-old	had	to	let	go	of	everything	and	move	out	
of	state	to	accept	a	new	position.	He	hoped	this	would	mark	the	
start	 of	 a	 new	 chapter.	 His	 marriage,	 however,	 did	 not	 survive	
the	 changes	 and	 the	 unexpected	 divorce	 left	 him	 even	 further	
Having	 lost	 everything,	 shaken	 by	 fear	 and	 financial	 setbacks,	
parachuted	to	a	new	environment	and	deserted	by	his	spouse,	he	
began	 struggling	 with	 depression	 and	 symptoms	 of	 post-
traumatic	stress.	
For	the	first	time	in	his	life,	he	found	himself	unable	to	accomplish	what	he	had	always	performed	effortlessly.	
Procrastination	began	to	plague	him,	slowing	his	progress	even	further.	Trying	to	muscle	his	way	through	it	
created	increasing	anxiety.	Dread	and	fear	built	within,	prompting	him	to	turn	to	just	about	anything	his	mind	
could	 find	 to	 escape	 the	 tasks	 at	 hand.	 He	 would	 find	 himself	 checking	 his	 e-mail,	 following	 up	 on	 text	
messages,	surfing	the	web,	checking	the	weather,	doing	house	chores,	anything	and	everything	to	avoid	facing	
the	work	he	needed	to	tackle.	For	the	first	time	in	his	life,	he	was	beginning	to	lose	ground.
©	Forensic	Brain	Rewiring	™	
"I	suddenly	have	a	block	with	work	projects,"	he	explained.	"A	fear	of	taking	action.	I've	never	had	this	problem	
before.	I	always	got	things	done,	no	matter	what	stood	in	the	way.	I	was	known	as	a	problem	solver.	I	always	got	
work	because	everyone	knew	I	got	things	done.	Now	all	of	a	sudden,	after	this	series	of	setbacks,	I	am	plagued	by	
constant	procrastination.	I	let	everything	pile	up	until	it	becomes	overwhelming.	It's	almost	as	if	I	am	in	fear	of	
negative	consequences	from	getting	the	work	done.	Yet,	I'm	very	aware	the	more	I	procrastinate,	the	more	I	
amplify	the	potential	for	negative	consequences.	I	cannot	find	a	way	to	control	this."		
Root	Cause	
This	is	a	typical	example	of	an	adult-life	trauma	suddenly	triggering	brain	malfunctioning.	Time	and	again,	
people	tell	me	they	stopped	functioning	following	an	adult-life	trauma	and	believe	the	recent	event	to	be	the	
cause	of	their	issues.	While	adult	adversity	certainly	acts	as	a	trigger,	we	find	that	the	root	causes	for	current	
malfunctioning	of	the	mind	typically	go	back	much	beyond	adult	life,	and	are	almost	always	rooted	in	early-
life	events.		
When	 there	 are	 no	 early-life	 fracture	 underneath	 the	 surface,	 we	 might	 be	 brought	 to	 our	 knees	 by	 adult		
adversity,	 but	 we	 eventually	 push	 ourselves	 back	 up	 to	 normal	 functioning.	 When	 we	 don't,	 when	 post-
traumatic	sequels	remain	and	resist,	it	is	usually	the	sign	they	have	retriggered	life-long	wounds	that	were	
lying	dormant	beneath	the	surface.	
I	often	compare	this	to	the	San	Andreas	fault	extending	through	California.	You	
may	 travel	 over	 the	 surface	 and	 have	 the	 impression	 the	 earth	 is	 solid	 and	
stable.	 However,	 deep	 below	 the	 surface,	 lies	 a	 fracture,	 a	 fragility,	 a	
vulnerability.	Since	the	fault	is	the	tectonic	boundary	between	different	earth	
plates,	when	plates	shift,	where	other	areas	will	flex,	stretch,	bend	and	adjust	
without	 much	 damage,	 when	 the	 shift	 happens	 to	 hit	 an	 existing	 fracture,	
everything	 collapses,	 prompting	 considerable	 damage.	 The	 same	 applies	 to	
our	emotional	fabric.	
Early-life	wounds	leave	fractures,	fragilities,	vulnerabilities	lying	dormant	below	the	surface	of	our	otherwise	
well-functioning	 coping	 mechanisms.	 We	 cope,	 we	 compensate	 (often	 over-compensating),	 and	 continue	
functioning	to	the	best	of	our	abilities.	However,	left	unaddressed,	the	wounds	remain.	When	an	adult-life	
shift,	 traumatic	 event,	 or	 shock	 happens	 to	 hit	 a	 specific	 area	 of	 vulnerability,	 the	 mind	 suddenly	 stops	
functioning	seamlessly.	We	develop	glitches,	malfunctioning,	issues	or	symptoms	often	referred	to	as	post-
traumatic	stress.		
I	am	often	asked:	"how	are	you	going	to	find	the	root	cause	for	this?	I	certainly	don't	know	what	it	is!"	"Well,"	I	
respond,	"your	mind	will	tell	us."		
Anytime	our	mind	malfunctions,	resists,	or	glitches,	it	knows	exactly	why	it	is	doing	so.	Whenever	something	
shakes	us,	threatens	us	at	some	level,	our	mind	takes	a	snapshot	of	it.	We	may	think	we	forget	the	event,	our	
mind	doesn't.	It	is	stored	in	our	database	of	potential	threats.	Later	on	in	life,	when	we	encounter	events	
bearing	some	degree	of	resemblance	to	these	earlier	snapshots,	our	mind	reacts	based	on	the	original	trauma,	
with	 the	 original	 response	 of	 that	 time,	 based	 on	 the	 age	 we	 were	 at	 that	 time.	 The	 resulting	 sabotaging	
mechanism	 simply	 is	 an	 attempt	 from	 our	 mind	 to	 protect	 us	 against	 something	 it	 fears	 as	 a	 potential	
threat.	The	 power	 of	 regression	 to	 cause	 lies	 in	 its	 ability	 to	 bring	 the	 current	 malfunctioning	 back	 to	 its	
original	root	cause,	to	finally	address,	resolve	and	release	it.	
In	a	state	of	hypnosis,	we	brought	the	executive	back	to	the	situation	triggering	his	current	struggle:	sitting	at	
his	desk,	in	situation,	attempting	to	focus	on	a	project.	Instantly,	he	began	experiencing	the	symptoms	he	had	
described:	 tightness	 in	 his	 throat,	 pressure	 in	 his	 temples,	 a	 sensation	 of	 heaviness	 spreading	 across	 his	
forehead,	as	an	impending	sense	of	dread	and	anxiety	took	a	hold	of	him.
©	Forensic	Brain	Rewiring	™	
Reconnecting	with	the	negative	emotions	gives	us	a	direct	pathway	to	their	original	cause.	Interestingly	the	
initial	sensitizing	cause	for	his	sense	of	dread	and	fear	of	taking	action	brought	us	back	to	an	experience	he	
had	at	3	years	old.	A	toddler	full	of	energy,	action	oriented	and	adventurous,	he	momentarily	escaped	the	
watchful	eye	of	his	parents	and	managed	to	climb	up	to	one	of	the	windowsills.	His	parents	didn't	notice	his	
whereabouts	until	he	was	leaning	against	the	window.	Chaos	instantly	exploded	when	the	high-pitch	screams	
of	his	mother	tore	through	the	silence.	In	the	blink	of	an	eye,	his	father	bolted	through	the	door	and	leaped	
toward	him,	grabbing	him	so	abruptly	both	of	them	lost	their	balance	and	nearly	fell.	Wide-eyed	and	puzzled,	
the	toddler	remained	stunned	as	his	father	and	mother	both	yelled	at	him	simultaneously,	overcome	by	their	
sudden	fright	for	his	safety.	
In	my	chair	in	the	office,	it	is	now	the	3	year-old	speaking	to	me:	"I	am	so	scared...	I	have	never	seen	my	mom	
and	 dad	 so	 mad	 at	 me...	 They	 are	 yelling	 at	 me...	 I	 must	 have	 done	 something	 very	 wrong...	 I	 shouldn't	 have	
climbed	the	window...	They	had	told	me	not	to	climb	the	window...	I	feel	guilty...	The	fear	and	anger	I	sense	in	
them	are	terrifying..."			
Here	again,	we	have	all	of	the	components	for	a	lifelong	imprint	gathered:	repetitions,	strong	emotions	and	
authority	figures.	Analyzing	the	origin	of	imprints	at	the	subconscious	level	of	the	mind	enables	us	to	finally	
understand,	 address	 and	 release	 the	 negative	 programming	 left	 behind	 by	 traumatic	 events.	 Free	 of	 the	
limitations	of	the	past,	self-image	and	potential	are	restored.	
In	situation,	we	are	now	able	to	bring	the	adult	self	to	the	rescue	of	the	3	year-old.	Removing	the	toddler	from	
the	situation	charged	with	intense	emotions,	we	are	able	to	explain	to	the	child	the	reaction	he	witnessed	and	
experienced	at	that	moment	was	a	reflection	of	the	panic	felt	by	both	his	parents	when	they	realized	he	was	in	
imminent	danger.	A	reflection	of	their	own	guilt,	likely,	for	having	lost	sight	of	him	for	a	moment.	Being	able	
to	bring	this	understanding	and	comfort	to	the	3	year-old	also	enables	us	to	clarify	that	while	his	actions,	at	
that	specific	moment	in	time,	could	have	indeed	endangered	him,	they	also	reflected	his	positive	energy	and	
adventurous	spirit.	And	that	while,	at	3	years	old,	we	are	not	always	able	to	assess	our	safety	in	the	most	
efficient	manner,	the	adult	self	of	today	certainly	is.	The	key	here	being	to	make	the	mind	aware	that	today,	
the	adult	is	perfectly	capable	of	taking	all	appropriate	measures	to	best	ensure	his	safety.	In	fact,	today	his	
very	ability	to	take	action	is	what	best	promotes	his	safety,	security,	success	and	wellness.		
Projected	back	in	his	original	example	situation,	the	executive	returned	to	his	adult	age	indicates:	"I	now	feel	
very	good	at	the	idea	of	tackling	my	project.	I	feel	very	calm.	I	no	longer	feel	anything	holding	me	back.	I	now	
realize	the	block	I	experienced	was	due	to	a	paralyzing	fear	of	the	reactions	of	others,	a	fear	of	them	becoming	
angry.	There	is	no	more	justification	for	this	fear	in	my	life	of	today."		
Once	out	of	hypnosis,	he	exclaims:	"Wow!	I	had	no	idea	I	still	remembered	that	event!	I	had	forgotten	how	mad	
my	father	was	that	day.	I	hadn't	thought	about	this	since	it	happened.	I	certainly	never	realized	how	much	it	had	
affected	me!"		
A	week	later,	coming	back	for	his	follow-up	visit,	he	beamed:	"The	problem	is	
completely	 resolved.	 The	 change	 is	 miraculous.	 And	 it's	 not	 just	 the	
procrastination	that	dissolved,	but	my	attitude,	the	way	I've	been	interacting	
with	my	family	and	others	around	me,	everything	has	changed.	My	wife	even	
asked	me	if	I	was	the	same	person!"		
Uncovering	 and	 addressing	 the	 root	 cause	 of	 a	 problem	 of	 this	 nature	
enables	us	to	disconnect	its	hold	on	our	subconscious	mind.	Understanding	
how	and	where	the	imprint	took	place	enables	us	to	shift	our	perspective	of	
the	initial	sensitizing	event,	resolve	it	and	recover	our	truth,	strength	and	
peace	of	mind.

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