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Secrets to Passing the CLEP:
The Fastest & Easiest Way to Prepare
  & Pass the College Composition
      CLEP Exam - Guaranteed

  So You Can Graduate FASTER, With LESS
   Student Debt, & JUMP Start Your Career!

                 By Madison S.

*CLEP, Dantes/DSST, and InstantCert are registered trademarks. This video is in
no way affiliated with or endorsed by these respected organizations.
**Unless otherwise stated the links mentioned in this video are sponsored links,
but please-please-please support our sponsors to help keep this content FREE!
The Good Ol' Days
Which is how it used to be in the good ol' days
anyway. That is until the "THEYs" figured out
that strapping you with tens of thousands of
dollars in college tuition (and rising annually)
and then being KIND ENOUGH to offer you a
10-20 year student loan DEBT (yes it's been
extended to 20-years now, which is totally
ridiculous!) was GOOD for THEIR business,
THEIR bottom-line, and THEIR money-making
College is Important
Look, we all know a college education is
important for a better career and lifestyle.

And for many of us without a rich uncle or
parents "nice" enough to foot our college bill,
student loans are the only we would have
access to a better opportunity. That's how it
was for me and if you're watching this video I'm
sure it probably is for you too.
But Enough is Enough!
I don't know about you but I'm sick and tired of
the cost of college tuition going UP, which of
course causes my student debt to go UP, all
while the average American's income remains
FLAT! For those with Bachelors & Masters!

For those of you who like pictures, just take a
look at this diagram that shows student debt
balloon more than 5x in the last 10years alone!
If That Doesn't Make You M-A-D!
Then I don't know what will. The system is
obviously FIXED to favor Wall Street verses
Main Street. But look, I'm not here to bash a
college education or even student loans,
because I do believe they have their place. I'm
just here to say, STOP THE INSANITY!

And that's why I'm here to share with you a little
known secret that I discovered that allowed me
Pay for College by
Testing Out of College
  So I could Graduate FASTER, With LESS
   Student Debt, & JUMP start My Career.

And you can do the same thing too!

Now let me ask you, what does that mean for
you, your career, and your family, which is the
real reason we go to college anyway.

And that my fellow college students is what
we'll cover in this video.
Legal Stuff
OK, before we get started I just have to make a couple of FTC disclaimers and
just in the interest of transparency anyway.

●   1st CLEP, Dantes/DSST, and InstantCert are registered trademarks of
    their respective organizations. This video is in no way affiliated with or
    endorsed by these organizations.
●   2nd, unless otherwise stated the links mentioned in this video are
    sponsored links, but please-please-please support our sponsors because
    this is what helps keep this content FREE for YOUR benefit!
●   And last is a common sense one, but since this is a FREE video obviously
    I'm not selling anything to give you something back for a Guarantee. So
    while your individual success will depend on your individual effort, what I
    can tell you is the methods described in this video have a 97% success

So now that we have the legal stuff out the way let's go ahead & get started.
By the End of This Video You'll Learn:
● What is the CLEP Exam
● What to Expect on the CLEP College Composition
● Past Test Takers Exam Specific Feedback on the
  College Composition CLEP
● Where to Find the BEST College Composition CLEP
  Study Guides (and FREE!)
● Where to Find the BEST College Composition CLEP
  Practice Tests (and FREE!)
● What's a Passing CLEP Score & Other Tips & Tricks
● And Finally My Fast & Easy 3-Step Secret to Passing
  the College Composition CLEP Exam - Guaranteed!
CLEP College Composition
Now we have a lot of information to cover in a
short amount of time, so I have to talk really
fast, but you can always re-watch this video or
read the unabridged version on my website at (case sensitive).
WHAT is the CLEP?
Accepted at over 2,900 colleges and
universities and administered by over 1,900
testing centers across the USA and aboard the
College-Level Examination Program, or CLEP
Tests for short, is an EASY way for students
to earn college credit-by-exam on any one
of 33 subject-matters.

Or other "cool" terms you might hear it referred
as are: testing out or CLEPping out.
HOW the CLEP Works?
Basically instead of 16-weeks of reading,
homework, quizzes, projects, and final exams,
with just a few short weeks (and sometimes
even days) of independent study, which I'll
show you the FASTEST & EASIEST way to
study later in this video, you can test out of
college classes and earn the SAME amount of
college credit WITHOUT ever having to step
foot in a classroom! In short, if you pass the
exam you earn the college credit!
WHO Takes the CLEP?
There are many types of students that CLEP, such as:
1. High School Students who want to jump start their college degree.
2. Home School Students who want to earn dual credit and prove they're college
3. College Students who want to graduate faster than their peers OR those who
just need a class or two to finish their degree.
4. Adult Learners returning to school, managing work and family, who need to
condense time in the classroom & accelerate their degree for career
5. Military Service Members, at home or abroad, that need a flexible learning
schedule. Plus CLEP for Military is FREE!
6. Students with Foreign-Language Skills who want to earn up to 12 college
credits by passing a competency exam.
7. Or any cost & time conscious student that wants to...
Graduate FASTER, With LESS Student Debt, & Jump START Their Careers!
WHY Should You Take the CLEP?
There are 5 common reasons students CLEP:

1.   Save Money in College Tuition
2.   Save Time in the Classroom
3.   Graduate Faster (or On Time for that matter)
4.   Make College More Interesting
5.   Satisfy Proficiency Requirements

In short:
   Save Time. Save Money. Take the CLEP.
Now I don't have time to cover all 5 reasons in
this video, but you can see a detailed
explanation at (case sensitive).

But I do want to cover the two most important
reasons: Save Time. Save Money. CLEP.
How the CLEP Can Save You Time
The choice is simple. By earning college credit
without ever having to step foot in the
classroom, CLEP FREEs your schedule to do
other things like...
● take more advanced classes or
● explore other courses of interest or
● accelerate your degree or
● finish those embarrassing 1-2 classes* or
● more time to focus on your family or work
    responsibilities while earning your degree
●   just be able to breeze by college with some extra time in
    your class schedule!
How the CLEP Can Save You Time
Whatever your reason. The only regret
students have about CLEP, is they wish they
would have taken MORE! For a few weeks of
independent study you can SKIP 3-hrs in class
+ 10-hrs out of class for 16-weeks of reading,
homework, quizzes, projects, and final exams.
So you can have more time to "just do you!"

Whether you take 1-2 exams or 10-20 exams,
CLEP can help you earn your college degree.
How the CLEP Can Save You $$$
At the time of this video CLEP Tests are about
$77 per exam. So for less than the cost of your
college textbook you can test out of many of
your general & introductory college courses.

Let me repeat that because this is huge, for
LESS than the cost of your college textbook
Save Money in College Tuition Cont.
Now for those of you using student loans let me
put that in layman terms. The average cost of
tuition at a public 4-year university is $5,000
/semester or a private university is $10,000
/semesters. Well, if you do the math for every
$10,000 you save today that's $115 PER Month
for the NEXT 10-YEARS you don't have to
repay in student loan DEBT tomorrow. So by
testing out of 1-2 semesters you can quickly
see how this is a VERY BIG DEAL!!!
Save Time. Save Money. Take the
 OK, at this point in the video we're going to
 wrap-up Part I of How-To Pass The CLEP
 Exam - Guaranteed.

 But before I do I just want to pause for a
 second so you can reflect on what the CLEP
 means for you, your career, and most
 importantly your family. Which is the really
 reason we go to college anyway.
Save Time. Save Money. Take the
 I've said what I've had to say, I'm not going to
 sit here and hard sell you, if you have any Q&A
 ask them below. But you already know...

  The CLEP can help you graduate FASTER,
          with LESS student debt,
     so you can JUMP start your career.

 So now that we've got that out the way let's talk
 about How-To Pass the CLEP Exam -
A Word Before We Start
Now before I show you the FASTEST &
EASIEST Way to Prepare & Past the CLEP
Exam, to be completely transparent I want to
tell you that the "Official" CLEP study
recommendation can be found on their website
A Word Before We Start
So I just want to make it perfectly clear that
what I'm about to tell you is the "UNofficial"
CLEP Study Guide that will show you how to
shortcut all the fluff and ONLY focus on the key
points needed to pass the CLEP Exam.
A Word Before We Start
Because YOUR goal is to test out of these
required general & introductory courses as
FAST & EASY as possible, so you can get to
the classes that are REALLY important for your
degree and career.

While saving a whole bunch of time and money
at the same time!
A Word My Critics!
And let me just say something to my critics right now. I
respect the whole liberal arts educational model and think
these classes are important to any "well-rounded" college
graduate. BUT I just don't believe I should have to do 16-
weeks worth of "busy work" and spend hundreds and
thousands of dollars in college tuition to prove what I
already know (or at least can study for in a few short
weeks). And I believe that the independent study model
offers just as much value to a person's education as the
traditional brick-and-mortar classroom. Because...
A Word My Critics!
1. It teaches you how to be an independent learner which
     is important to any college graduate.
2.   Testing out of general & introductory classes frees your
     schedule to explore other courses of interest or more
     advanced courses in your degree.
3.   It allows students to graduate FASTER (or on time) so
     you can jump start your career and begin your REAL
     World learning.
4.   And last but certainly not least, it allows students to
     SAVE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in College Tuition &
     Student Loan Debt! (Heck, with the money saved you
     can buy a library if you're that motivated to learn!)
A Word My Critics!
Now if I'm preaching to the choir I apologize I
had to waste your time with that rant. But there
are a lot of THEYS that criticize ME for
spreading a message that can really help a lot
of college students for the reasons I just listed.

So I just want to set the record: I believe
education is important, but I do NOT believe in
a one-size-fits-all educational system.

So With That Being Said, Let's Get Started!!!
About the CLEP College
Composition Tests?
Most students say the College Composition
CLEP Test is a pretty "basic" English Exam to
pass, even for those who hated high school
English. Although many past test takers admit,
that this is one CLEP you'll be racing against
the clock to finish. But with the Best College
Composition CLEP Study Guides and the Best
College Composition CLEP Practice Tests, in
just a few short weeks of studying you'll be able
to test out of class.
About the CLEP College
Composition Tests?
Now this is one exam everybody should take
because after all, you've learned standard
written English from kindergarten - 12th grade.
So why should you have to spend another 16-
weeks and $1,000+ in college tuition and
books, for something you already know?! I
thought so too. So by testing out of a college
courses you already know or at least don't mind
a few short weeks of independent study. It's a
small price to pay for saving hundreds & even
thousands of dollars in college tuition!
Important Note About this Exam
On July 1, 2010, CLEP introduced two new
exams- College Composition and College
Composition Modular. These exams replaced
three current exams, which were discontinued
effective immediately:
● English Composition with Essay has been replaced by
  College Composition
● English Composition without Essay has been replaced
  by College Composition Modular.
● Freshman College Composition has been replaced by
  College Composition Modular.
College Composition vs
College Composition Modular
College Composition contains 50 multiple-
choice questions to be answered in 50 minutes
and two mandatory, centrally scored essays to
be written in 70 minutes, for a total of 120
minutes testing time. Each of the two essays
are scored independently by two different
readers, for a total of four different essay
scores. The multiple-choice and essay scores
are then combined to yield a SINGLE scaled
score between 20 and 80*. Most colleges
award 6 credits* for a passing score of 50.
College Composition vs
College Composition Modular
College Composition Modular contains 90
multiple-choice questions to be answered in 90
minutes and two OPTIONAL essays that is
either provided and scored by your college or
provided and scored by the College Board to
be written in 70 minutes. The multiple-choice
and essay scores are then combined to yield a
SINGLE scaled score between 20 and 80*.
Most colleges award 6 credits* for a passing
score of 50 with the essay OR 3 credits for a
passing score of 50 withOUT the essay.
College Composition vs
College Composition Modular
Now, for those of you deciding between the
two, it's important to know the exams are
similar in the knowledge and skills assessed
and identical in percentages of exam topic
questions. But the obvious difference, is that
since the College Composition Modular CLEP
is 90 questions in 90 minutes verses the
College Composition CLEP is 50 questions in
50 minutes, the extended time means the
College Composition Modular CLEP will have
progressively more difficult multiple-choice
College Composition vs
College Composition Modular
In addition, the College Composition Required
Essay is centrally scored by CLEP faculty vs
the College Composition Modular Optional
Essay is usually locally scored by your college.
Of course which CLEP Exam you take is
dependent on your college's CLEP policy, but if
given the option between the two I would
recommend the CLEP College Composition
Tests. Because 1) the questions aren't as
difficult as the later and 2) the test is centrally
scored so you know what rubric you are scored
What Topics are Covered on the
College Composition (Modular*)
The College Composition CLEP Exam covers
material that is normally taught in the first year
of a College English Undergraduate Course.

I usually tell people that CLEP Exams are
designed to be self-study and even someone
with NO or limited prior knowledge or
background can pass the exam in just a few
short weeks (and sometimes even days) of
studying. Which I’ll show you later in this video.
What Topics are Covered on the
College Composition (Modular*)
For the College Composition Test you will have
approximately 1 minute per multiple-choice
question in 4 English sub-topics including: 1)
Conventions of Standard Written English, 2)
Revision Skills, Including Sentence-Level Skills,
3) Ability to Use Source Materials, And 4)
Rhetorical Analysis.
The Key to this CLEP
The key to this CLEP is to watch your time!
Remember, you're graded on the number of
questions correct, with NO penalty for incorrect
answers. So if you find yourself stuck on one
questions, then pick your gut answer, mark it,
skip it, and move on! You can mark the
question and come back later if you have time.
But the strategy for this exam is to get through
all the questions in the allotted time, because
you will be racing against the clock.
The Key to this CLEP (cont.)
I also advise you take plenty of CLEP
Composition Practice Tests to become familiar
with the format and time constrains. This tests
is all about grammar and sentence structure
application. So simply memorizing the definition
of a subject-verb agreement is NOT enough,
instead you'll have to know how and when to
correct a sentence given to you.
The Key to this CLEP (cont.)
So if you hated English in high school or it’s
been a few decades since you’ve last seen a
English textbook :), it’s very important that you
spend several hours brushing up on your
English grammar skills. Remember, not just
textbook theory but actual application.
Testing Out is Easier than You Think
I know all this information may seem
overwhelming at first, and you may think that it’
s just easier to take the course at your college
instead. But trust me, just use the CLEP
College Composition Study Guides and
CLEP College Composition Practice Tests
we discuss next in this video and testing
out of a college class will be easier than you
think. Not to mention a great way to help you
pay for college and earn your degree faster!
How do I Study for the CLEP College
Composition Test?
To study for this exam, the College Board (the
makers of the tests) recommends you read
several 800+ page College Composition
textbooks. Now that is a daunting task even for
the most studious over-achiever! No wonder so
many students believe the MYTH that testing
out of a college course is actually harder than
just taking the damn class!
College Composition Qs by Topic
In the next few slides I'm going to show you a
quick overview of the College Composition
exam questions by topic.

For more details please goto my website at (case sensitive).
College Composition Qs by Topic
10% Conventions of Standard Written English – This section measures candidates’ awareness of a variety of logical, structural
and grammatical relationships within sentences. The questions test recognition of acceptable usage relating to the items below:
  ●    Syntax (parallelism, coordination, subordination)
  ●    Sentence boundaries (comma splice, run-ons, sentence fragments)
  ●    Recognition of correct sentences
  ●    Concord/agreement (pronoun reference, case shift, and number; subject-verb; verb tense)
  ●    Diction
  ●    Modifiers
  ●    Idiom
  ●    Active/passive voice
  ●    Lack of subject in modifying word group
  ●    Logical comparison
  ●    Logical agreement
  ●    Punctuation
25% Rhetorical Analysis – This section measures candidates’ ability to analyze writing. This skill is tested primarily in passage-
based questions pertaining to critical thinking, style, purpose, audience and situation:
  ●    Appeals
  ●    Tone
  ●    Organization/structure
  ●    Rhetorical effects
  ●    Use of language
  ●    Evaluation of evidence
College Composition Qs by Topic
40% Revision Skills – This section measures candidates’ revision skills in the context of works in progress (early drafts of
   ●    Organization
   ●    Evaluation of evidence
   ●    Awareness of audience, tone and purpose
   ●    Level of detail
   ●    Coherence between sentences and paragraphs
   ●    Sentence variety and structure
   ●    Main idea, thesis statements and topic sentences
   ●    Rhetorical effects and emphasis
   ●    Use of language
   ●    Evaluation of author’s authority and appeal
   ●    Evaluation of reasoning
   ●    Consistency of point of view
   ●    Transitions
   ●    Sentence-level errors primarily relating to the conventions of standard written English
25% Ability to Use Source Materials – This section measures candidates’ familiarity with elements of the following basic
reference and research skills, which are tested primarily in sets but may also be tested through stand-alone questions. In the
passage-based sets, the elements listed under Revision Skills and Rhetorical Analysis may also be tested. In addition, this section
will cover the following skills:
   ●    Use of reference materials
   ●    Evaluation of sources
   ●    Integration of resource material
   ●    Documentation of sources (including, but not limited to, MLA, APA and Chicago manuals of style)
College Composition Qs by Topic
Again for a detailed look please visit my
website @ (case sensitive).

   Now at first glance this may look REALLY
How do I Study for the CLEP College
Composition Test?
But no worries, because the TRUTH is CLEP
Tests were designed to be self-study for any
student with the motivation and desire to pass
the CLEP Exam. So that's why I’ve put together
the FASTEST & EASIEST Way to Prepare &
Pass the CLEP College Composition Tests :)
InstantCert CLEP Study Guides
First, I usually recommend students use the
InstantCert's CLEP Study Guides, because it
is The FASTEST & EASIEST Way to Prepare &
Pass the College Composition CLEP Tests. I
personally use InstantCert because it is like
having your college professor's private
classroom notes to study for your College
Composition Final Exam!
InstantCert CLEP Study Guides
Look, there is a lot of information out there that
can help you prepare for the CLEP College
Composition Tests and I'm going to give you
some FREE online CLEP preparation
resources shortly.
InstantCert CLEP Study Guides
But trust me, using a premium service like
InstantCert is the FASTEST & EASIEST Way
to Prepare & Pass the CLEP College
Composition Tests - Guaranteed. There's no
prior knowledge or background required. You
do NOT have to read hundreds of pages of fluff
or spend hours researching the Internet.
Because InstantCert will give you a solid
foundational knowledge necessary to Pass the
CLEP Exam.
InstantCert CLEP Study Guides
By spoon-feeding you only the main points
through their interactive learning format. They
are able to keep your mind engaged and
processing the information, so you are able to
prepare and pass the College Composition
CLEP Tests in a matter of days, not weeks…
InstantCert CLEP Study Guides
And thousands of successful past test takers
will agree, InstantCert was not only their secret
weapon to passing the College Composition
CLEP Test but also the ONLY CLEP Study
Guide needed.

Watch my full InstantCert Review Video @ http:
// and if you use InstantCert
Discount Code 30142 you'll get $5 off your 1st
Month Membership!
FREE College Composition Study
Now, after you've reviewed a premium College
Composition CLEP Study Guide service, like
InstantCert, free online preparation resources
serve as a great supplement to your studies.

InstantCert will give you the foundational
knowledge necessary to pass the CLEP, but
supplemental reading will give you that extra
confidence boast to improve your College
Composition CLEP Score.
FREE College Composition Study
With that being said, I couldn't find a GOOD
Composition Study Guide. So what I did was I
took the syllabus of a typical College
Composition undergraduate course (which is
what the exam is based on) and the syllabus of
the CLEP Exam and then I went and spent
HOURS-AND-HOURS researching the Internet
for the Best FREE College Composition web
resources, so you don't have to!
FREE College Composition Study
And I'm willing to give it all away for FREE!

No Catch or Strings Attached...

Just goto: (case sensitive)
and follow the 3-Step sign-up form to download
my FREE Secrets to Passing the CLEP:
College Composition Study Guide.
Now I will give you a word of caution that it's a
LOT of information that is NOT as neatly
organized as InstantCert. So you might get
scared off at first. BUT PLEASE DON'T!
I do NOT want you to think your way OUT of
taking the exam because you believe the
MYTH that testing out of college is actually
harder than just taking the class! Because it's
That's why I do NOT recommend using it
withOUT InstantCert. Because it's information
overload and it'll cause you to go into the exam
with your head ready to explode! So use it as a
supplement to InstantCert ONLY. Remember,
InstantCert will skip the fluff and spoon-fed you
only the main points needed to pass the CLEP!

For more information watch my Review &
InstantCert Discount Code (30142) @ http://bit.
How do I Practice for the CLEP
College Composition Test?
The two most popular options are purchasing
the premium Online Peterson’s College
Composition CLEP Practice Tests or ordering
the printed REA College Composition CLEP
Practice Tests Book from Amazon at http:
// (case sensitive).
How do I Practice for the CLEP
College Composition Test?
Again, there are several free CLEP College
Composition Practice Tests available online,
which I will provide to you shortly. But I always
recommend going with at least one premium
service, because they are the most up-to-date
and resemble both the format and type of
questions you’re likely to encounter on the
actual College Composition CLEP Exam.
How do I Practice for the CLEP
College Composition Test?
I also recommend you check out the Official
CLEP Study Guide Book from Amazon @ http:
// (case sensitive). Now, while it’s
incorrectly named CLEP Study Guide (it should
be named CLEP Practice Tests because it
doesn’t have ANY study guide information). It is
the only CLEP Practice Tests created by the
actual tests makers for all 33 CLEP Tests.
Note: Only one practice tests included per
exam and no explanation to answers are
How do I Practice for the CLEP
College Composition Test?
Anyway, whatever option you go with, it will
cost you less than $20. Now while no CLEP
Practice Tests (not even the Official CLEP
Practice Tests) will be an exact version of the
actual CLEP you test on “D-Day,” they do help
to familiarize you with the format and type of
CLEP College Composition Questions to
expect. I like to use practice tests as indicators
of my readiness for the actual College
Composition CLEP Tests, so I’m more
confident on exam day.
How do I Practice for the CLEP
College Composition Test?
For those of you who are new to CLEP exams
I've put together a 10 step study plan for the
College Composition CLEP at http://bit.
ly/clepcomposition (case sensitive).

This comes from personal experience after
taking several dozen exams. I've mastered
how to study for the shortest possible time to
get the highest possible score. So you can too!
FREE College Composition CLEP
Practice Tests
A lot of times I’m asked, “Where can I find a
FREE College Composition CLEP Practice
Tests?” My best advice is to always check with
your local library first. Even if your library
doesn’t have a CLEP College Composition
Book, many libraries have agreements with
libraries across town and sometimes even in
different cities.

Also don’t forget to check your college or
university’s library for CLEP Books!
FREE College Composition CLEP
Practice Tests
In addition, many libraries subscribe to Nelnet,
the company behind Peterson’s. So you can
get the Online Peterson’s College Composition
CLEP Practice Tests for FREE. Just ask your
friendly librarian what CLEP Preparation
resources are available to you.

For those of you in the Military you can take the
Peterson’s College Composition CLEP Practice
Tests for FREE by going to the Nelnet DOD
website @
FREE College Composition CLEP
Practice Tests
Now for those of you who don’t have access to
one of the above resources or if you’re just
looking for more practice questions, I’ve
compiled a list of additional FREE College
Composition CLEP Practice Tests Questions @ (case sensitive).
FREE College Composition CLEP
Practice Tests
What a lot of people don’t know is another
great resource for practice tests are College
Composition textbook companion websites.
While they don’t resemble the format of the
actual CLEP, they do go deep to ask you
multiple-choice questions about concepts you
might find on the exam.
FREE College Composition CLEP
Practice Tests
Remember, the makers of the CLEP tests base
the exam on what you would normally learn in a
College Composition course. So companion
websites serve as great supplements to test
what you should know to what you actually
know. Plus companion websites give you
additional College Composition study guides
and resources to supplement your learning.
FREE College Composition CLEP
Practice Tests
With that being said, I will give you a word of
caution when using companion websites. The
questions will be different than the type of
questions you encounter on the CLEP. And
many of you will say, “It’s a waste of time.” But
I’ve found that nothing beats confidence
during a tests. Because the companion
website quizzes require you to use critical
thinking to answer and then go research any
incorrect answers, it forces you to actually
start to UNDERSTAND the topic.
FREE College Composition CLEP
Practice Tests
And the secret to passing any CLEP Tests is to
UNDERSTAND the topic, not just memorize a
bunch of facts. Because when you truly
understand a topic you can answer any
question you encounter on the actual CLEP
FREE College Composition CLEP
Practice Tests
Again, I've compiled the BEST FREE College
Composition CLEP Practice Tests at http://bit.
ly/clepcomposition (case sensitive).
What is a passing College
Composition CLEP Test Score?
After completing the 50/90-minute, 50/90
multiple-choice question CLEP College
Composition Tests, you will receive a scaled
score ranging between 20 – 80. Each college
and university has its’ own CLEP Policy for
awarding college credit-by-exam, but the ACE
(American Council on Education)
recommended Passing College Composition
CLEP Score is 50.
What is a passing College
Composition CLEP Test Score?
IMPORTANT: If your Composition CLEP
includes an essay portion the multiple-choice
and essay are averaged together to give you a
final CLEP Score. Since the scores are NOT
reported separately you will have to wait until
your essay is reviewed for a final CLEP Score.
Plan on about 6-8 weeks to receive a final
What is a passing College
Composition CLEP Test Score?
What I always tell people is that it’s important to
know that CLEP Tests are scored on a curve,
with a passing score being the same number of
questions correct a C-Average Student would
receive on a comparable College Composition
Final Exam.

While the College Board (which does the
scoring) does not release this number,
seasoned CLEP Test Takers usually aim for a
raw score of 60-70% correctly answered
What is a passing College
Composition CLEP Test Score?
Depending on the difficulty of the exam, this is
usually well above the curve you need to
achieve a passing score.
I also remind new CLEP Test Takers that you
do NOT lose points for incorrect answers, so
you should ALWAYS try to answer ALL the
questions on the exam, even if you’re unsure of
the correct answer. This works best if you can
narrow down your choices to two or three
possible answers. That way you have a 50-50
chance of guessing correctly!
What is a passing College
Composition CLEP Test Score?
And remember, each question is worth the
SAME amount of points as the next one,
regardless of how easy or difficult the
question. The name of the game is to
answer as many easy and intermediate
questions as fast as possible. If you come
across a question that is too hard to solve
within a minute or two, mark it, skip it, and
move on!
What is a passing College
Composition CLEP Test Score?
You don’t want to struggle and toil over every
hard question at the expense of not having
enough time to answer the easier questions.
You can always go back to the ones you
skipped at the end of the exam, if you have
time leftover.

     Go for the “low hanging fruit” first!
What is a passing College
Composition CLEP Test Score?
A couple of other CLEP Tips & Tricks. 1)
Manage your time wisely. Depending on your
comfort level, some tests you can whiz by and
others will come down to the last second. If you
know that to be the case, then you always want
to select an answer before you skip a question,
just in case you don’t have time to return at the
end of the exam. Remember, you do NOT lose
points for incorrect answers. So it’s better to
have something than nothing.
What is a passing College
Composition CLEP Test Score?
2) Also, be on the lookout for questions that
answer other questions. Every now and then
you’ll run across a question that can help you
answer another question. The CLEP is
multiple-choice for Pete’s sake, so the answer
is right in front of you! If you don’t know the
answer then use this technique and process of
elimination to help you determine the correct
What is a passing College
Composition CLEP Test Score?

3) And remember, you don’t have to
get a 100% on the College
Composition CLEP Tests to score
well. It’s a curved tests, which
means you just have to do better
than the next person to score well!!!

And trust me, the curve is very
How do I Pass the College
Composition CLEP Tests?
OK, we’ve covered a lot of information.
Depending on your prior comfort-level, the
CLEP College Composition Test is an easy to
intermediate exam to study for and most
students will need about 1-4 weeks of
reasonable study time to prepare (about 10-15
hours/week). Yes, it's a serious exam, but it's
also a LOT easier than taking it at your college!
How do I Pass the College
Composition CLEP Tests?
Even students that say they hated English in
high school find that with the right preparation,
they can pass the CLEP with just a little
brushing up. Because whether you realize you
were learning standard written English from
kindergarten through 12th grade or not, you
already have a good foundation in English. You
just need a little CLEP Preparation to sharpen
up your skills.
How do I Pass the College
Composition CLEP Tests?
The key to any study plan is DO NOT GET
OVERWHELMED! There is a lot of information
to review and it’s not uncommon to feel
stressed out and overwhelmed at times.

But just use my 3 STEPS Below for The
PASS The CLEP College Composition Exam
and you’ll do great :)
Pass the College Composition CLEP
Exam - Guaranteed!
Step 1 (Required): BEFORE you do anything
else, study the InstantCert’s College
Composition CLEP Study Guide and their
Exam Specific Feedback Forum*. This will give
you a rock solid foundation to pass the CLEP
College Composition Tests. Many past test
takers say you can pass the College
Composition CLEP Tests with this information
alone! Watch my Review and InstantCert
Discount Code 30142 ($5 OFF 1st Month!) @
Pass the College Composition CLEP
Exam - Guaranteed!
Step 2 (Highly Recommended): Next take all
3 Peterson’s College Composition CLEP
Practice Tests or REA's College Composition
CLEP Practice Tests (@ http://amzn.
to/reacomposition) to assess your readiness for
the College Composition CLEP Exam. This will
give you a good indicator of if and when you’re
ready to take the exam.
Pass the College Composition CLEP
Exam - Guaranteed!
Step 3 (Optional Supplement): Sign-up for my
FREE Secrets to Passing the CLEP: College
Composition CLEP Study Guides & Practice
Tests at These
CLEP Prep resources are great supplements
that will help give you that extra confidence
boast during the CLEP Exam.
Good Luck Fellow CLEP Test
Well, I’ve told you everything I know to help you
Prepare & Pass the College Composition CLEP
Tests. Now the rest is up to you.

So Git ‘Er Done!

Madison S.
What To Do Next
1. Download my FREE Secrets to Passing the
   CLEP College Composition @ http://bit.

2. Watch my CLEP Study Guide Review &
   InstantCert Discount Code 30142 ($5 OFF
   1st Month) @

3. Take the Peterson's CLEP Practice Test @ or the REA's CLEP
   Practice Test
What To Do Next
       Watch All 3 FREE CLEP College
        Composition Training Videos:

What To Do Next
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really helpful please be sure to comment, rate,
share, and subscribe to this page or video.

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that this is a really good video that can help
other students learn how-to pay for college by
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FREE College Composition CLEP Study Guides & FREE College Composition CLEP Practice Tests

  • 1. Secrets to Passing the CLEP: The Fastest & Easiest Way to Prepare & Pass the College Composition CLEP Exam - Guaranteed So You Can Graduate FASTER, With LESS Student Debt, & JUMP Start Your Career! By Madison S. *CLEP, Dantes/DSST, and InstantCert are registered trademarks. This video is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by these respected organizations. **Unless otherwise stated the links mentioned in this video are sponsored links, but please-please-please support our sponsors to help keep this content FREE!
  • 2. The Good Ol' Days Which is how it used to be in the good ol' days anyway. That is until the "THEYs" figured out that strapping you with tens of thousands of dollars in college tuition (and rising annually) and then being KIND ENOUGH to offer you a 10-20 year student loan DEBT (yes it's been extended to 20-years now, which is totally ridiculous!) was GOOD for THEIR business, THEIR bottom-line, and THEIR money-making machine!
  • 3. College is Important Look, we all know a college education is important for a better career and lifestyle. And for many of us without a rich uncle or parents "nice" enough to foot our college bill, student loans are the only we would have access to a better opportunity. That's how it was for me and if you're watching this video I'm sure it probably is for you too.
  • 4. But Enough is Enough! I don't know about you but I'm sick and tired of the cost of college tuition going UP, which of course causes my student debt to go UP, all while the average American's income remains FLAT! For those with Bachelors & Masters! For those of you who like pictures, just take a look at this diagram that shows student debt balloon more than 5x in the last 10years alone!
  • 5.
  • 6. If That Doesn't Make You M-A-D! Then I don't know what will. The system is obviously FIXED to favor Wall Street verses Main Street. But look, I'm not here to bash a college education or even student loans, because I do believe they have their place. I'm just here to say, STOP THE INSANITY! And that's why I'm here to share with you a little known secret that I discovered that allowed me to...
  • 7. Pay for College by Testing Out of College So I could Graduate FASTER, With LESS Student Debt, & JUMP start My Career. And you can do the same thing too! Now let me ask you, what does that mean for you, your career, and your family, which is the real reason we go to college anyway. And that my fellow college students is what we'll cover in this video.
  • 8. Legal Stuff OK, before we get started I just have to make a couple of FTC disclaimers and just in the interest of transparency anyway. ● 1st CLEP, Dantes/DSST, and InstantCert are registered trademarks of their respective organizations. This video is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by these organizations. ● 2nd, unless otherwise stated the links mentioned in this video are sponsored links, but please-please-please support our sponsors because this is what helps keep this content FREE for YOUR benefit! ● And last is a common sense one, but since this is a FREE video obviously I'm not selling anything to give you something back for a Guarantee. So while your individual success will depend on your individual effort, what I can tell you is the methods described in this video have a 97% success rate. So now that we have the legal stuff out the way let's go ahead & get started.
  • 9. By the End of This Video You'll Learn: ● What is the CLEP Exam ● What to Expect on the CLEP College Composition ● Past Test Takers Exam Specific Feedback on the College Composition CLEP ● Where to Find the BEST College Composition CLEP Study Guides (and FREE!) ● Where to Find the BEST College Composition CLEP Practice Tests (and FREE!) ● What's a Passing CLEP Score & Other Tips & Tricks ● And Finally My Fast & Easy 3-Step Secret to Passing the College Composition CLEP Exam - Guaranteed!
  • 10. CLEP College Composition Now we have a lot of information to cover in a short amount of time, so I have to talk really fast, but you can always re-watch this video or read the unabridged version on my website at (case sensitive).
  • 11. WHAT is the CLEP? Accepted at over 2,900 colleges and universities and administered by over 1,900 testing centers across the USA and aboard the College-Level Examination Program, or CLEP Tests for short, is an EASY way for students to earn college credit-by-exam on any one of 33 subject-matters. Or other "cool" terms you might hear it referred as are: testing out or CLEPping out.
  • 12. HOW the CLEP Works? Basically instead of 16-weeks of reading, homework, quizzes, projects, and final exams, with just a few short weeks (and sometimes even days) of independent study, which I'll show you the FASTEST & EASIEST way to study later in this video, you can test out of college classes and earn the SAME amount of college credit WITHOUT ever having to step foot in a classroom! In short, if you pass the exam you earn the college credit!
  • 13. WHO Takes the CLEP? There are many types of students that CLEP, such as: 1. High School Students who want to jump start their college degree. 2. Home School Students who want to earn dual credit and prove they're college ready. 3. College Students who want to graduate faster than their peers OR those who just need a class or two to finish their degree. 4. Adult Learners returning to school, managing work and family, who need to condense time in the classroom & accelerate their degree for career advancement. 5. Military Service Members, at home or abroad, that need a flexible learning schedule. Plus CLEP for Military is FREE! 6. Students with Foreign-Language Skills who want to earn up to 12 college credits by passing a competency exam. 7. Or any cost & time conscious student that wants to... Graduate FASTER, With LESS Student Debt, & Jump START Their Careers!
  • 14. WHY Should You Take the CLEP? There are 5 common reasons students CLEP: 1. Save Money in College Tuition 2. Save Time in the Classroom 3. Graduate Faster (or On Time for that matter) 4. Make College More Interesting 5. Satisfy Proficiency Requirements In short: Save Time. Save Money. Take the CLEP.
  • 15. Now I don't have time to cover all 5 reasons in this video, but you can see a detailed explanation at (case sensitive). But I do want to cover the two most important reasons: Save Time. Save Money. CLEP.
  • 16. How the CLEP Can Save You Time The choice is simple. By earning college credit without ever having to step foot in the classroom, CLEP FREEs your schedule to do other things like... ● take more advanced classes or ● explore other courses of interest or ● accelerate your degree or ● finish those embarrassing 1-2 classes* or ● more time to focus on your family or work responsibilities while earning your degree ● just be able to breeze by college with some extra time in your class schedule!
  • 17. How the CLEP Can Save You Time Whatever your reason. The only regret students have about CLEP, is they wish they would have taken MORE! For a few weeks of independent study you can SKIP 3-hrs in class + 10-hrs out of class for 16-weeks of reading, homework, quizzes, projects, and final exams. So you can have more time to "just do you!" Whether you take 1-2 exams or 10-20 exams, CLEP can help you earn your college degree.
  • 18. How the CLEP Can Save You $$$ At the time of this video CLEP Tests are about $77 per exam. So for less than the cost of your college textbook you can test out of many of your general & introductory college courses. Let me repeat that because this is huge, for LESS than the cost of your college textbook you can PAY FOR COLLEGE by TESTING OUT OF COLLEGE CLASSES!
  • 19. Save Money in College Tuition Cont. Now for those of you using student loans let me put that in layman terms. The average cost of tuition at a public 4-year university is $5,000 /semester or a private university is $10,000 /semesters. Well, if you do the math for every $10,000 you save today that's $115 PER Month for the NEXT 10-YEARS you don't have to repay in student loan DEBT tomorrow. So by testing out of 1-2 semesters you can quickly see how this is a VERY BIG DEAL!!!
  • 20. Save Time. Save Money. Take the CLEP. OK, at this point in the video we're going to wrap-up Part I of How-To Pass The CLEP Exam - Guaranteed. But before I do I just want to pause for a second so you can reflect on what the CLEP means for you, your career, and most importantly your family. Which is the really reason we go to college anyway.
  • 21. Save Time. Save Money. Take the CLEP. I've said what I've had to say, I'm not going to sit here and hard sell you, if you have any Q&A ask them below. But you already know... The CLEP can help you graduate FASTER, with LESS student debt, so you can JUMP start your career. So now that we've got that out the way let's talk about How-To Pass the CLEP Exam - GUARANTEED!!!
  • 22. A Word Before We Start Now before I show you the FASTEST & EASIEST Way to Prepare & Past the CLEP Exam, to be completely transparent I want to tell you that the "Official" CLEP study recommendation can be found on their website at
  • 23. A Word Before We Start So I just want to make it perfectly clear that what I'm about to tell you is the "UNofficial" CLEP Study Guide that will show you how to shortcut all the fluff and ONLY focus on the key points needed to pass the CLEP Exam.
  • 24. A Word Before We Start Because YOUR goal is to test out of these required general & introductory courses as FAST & EASY as possible, so you can get to the classes that are REALLY important for your degree and career. While saving a whole bunch of time and money at the same time!
  • 25. A Word My Critics! And let me just say something to my critics right now. I respect the whole liberal arts educational model and think these classes are important to any "well-rounded" college graduate. BUT I just don't believe I should have to do 16- weeks worth of "busy work" and spend hundreds and thousands of dollars in college tuition to prove what I already know (or at least can study for in a few short weeks). And I believe that the independent study model offers just as much value to a person's education as the traditional brick-and-mortar classroom. Because...
  • 26. A Word My Critics! 1. It teaches you how to be an independent learner which is important to any college graduate. 2. Testing out of general & introductory classes frees your schedule to explore other courses of interest or more advanced courses in your degree. 3. It allows students to graduate FASTER (or on time) so you can jump start your career and begin your REAL World learning. 4. And last but certainly not least, it allows students to SAVE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in College Tuition & Student Loan Debt! (Heck, with the money saved you can buy a library if you're that motivated to learn!)
  • 27. A Word My Critics! Now if I'm preaching to the choir I apologize I had to waste your time with that rant. But there are a lot of THEYS that criticize ME for spreading a message that can really help a lot of college students for the reasons I just listed. So I just want to set the record: I believe education is important, but I do NOT believe in a one-size-fits-all educational system. So With That Being Said, Let's Get Started!!!
  • 28. About the CLEP College Composition Tests? Most students say the College Composition CLEP Test is a pretty "basic" English Exam to pass, even for those who hated high school English. Although many past test takers admit, that this is one CLEP you'll be racing against the clock to finish. But with the Best College Composition CLEP Study Guides and the Best College Composition CLEP Practice Tests, in just a few short weeks of studying you'll be able to test out of class.
  • 29. About the CLEP College Composition Tests? Now this is one exam everybody should take because after all, you've learned standard written English from kindergarten - 12th grade. So why should you have to spend another 16- weeks and $1,000+ in college tuition and books, for something you already know?! I thought so too. So by testing out of a college courses you already know or at least don't mind a few short weeks of independent study. It's a small price to pay for saving hundreds & even thousands of dollars in college tuition!
  • 30. Important Note About this Exam On July 1, 2010, CLEP introduced two new exams- College Composition and College Composition Modular. These exams replaced three current exams, which were discontinued effective immediately: ● English Composition with Essay has been replaced by College Composition ● English Composition without Essay has been replaced by College Composition Modular. ● Freshman College Composition has been replaced by College Composition Modular.
  • 31. College Composition vs College Composition Modular College Composition contains 50 multiple- choice questions to be answered in 50 minutes and two mandatory, centrally scored essays to be written in 70 minutes, for a total of 120 minutes testing time. Each of the two essays are scored independently by two different readers, for a total of four different essay scores. The multiple-choice and essay scores are then combined to yield a SINGLE scaled score between 20 and 80*. Most colleges award 6 credits* for a passing score of 50.
  • 32. College Composition vs College Composition Modular College Composition Modular contains 90 multiple-choice questions to be answered in 90 minutes and two OPTIONAL essays that is either provided and scored by your college or provided and scored by the College Board to be written in 70 minutes. The multiple-choice and essay scores are then combined to yield a SINGLE scaled score between 20 and 80*. Most colleges award 6 credits* for a passing score of 50 with the essay OR 3 credits for a passing score of 50 withOUT the essay.
  • 33. College Composition vs College Composition Modular Now, for those of you deciding between the two, it's important to know the exams are similar in the knowledge and skills assessed and identical in percentages of exam topic questions. But the obvious difference, is that since the College Composition Modular CLEP is 90 questions in 90 minutes verses the College Composition CLEP is 50 questions in 50 minutes, the extended time means the College Composition Modular CLEP will have progressively more difficult multiple-choice
  • 34. College Composition vs College Composition Modular In addition, the College Composition Required Essay is centrally scored by CLEP faculty vs the College Composition Modular Optional Essay is usually locally scored by your college. Of course which CLEP Exam you take is dependent on your college's CLEP policy, but if given the option between the two I would recommend the CLEP College Composition Tests. Because 1) the questions aren't as difficult as the later and 2) the test is centrally scored so you know what rubric you are scored
  • 35. What Topics are Covered on the College Composition (Modular*) The College Composition CLEP Exam covers material that is normally taught in the first year of a College English Undergraduate Course. I usually tell people that CLEP Exams are designed to be self-study and even someone with NO or limited prior knowledge or background can pass the exam in just a few short weeks (and sometimes even days) of studying. Which I’ll show you later in this video.
  • 36. What Topics are Covered on the College Composition (Modular*) For the College Composition Test you will have approximately 1 minute per multiple-choice question in 4 English sub-topics including: 1) Conventions of Standard Written English, 2) Revision Skills, Including Sentence-Level Skills, 3) Ability to Use Source Materials, And 4) Rhetorical Analysis.
  • 37. The Key to this CLEP The key to this CLEP is to watch your time! Remember, you're graded on the number of questions correct, with NO penalty for incorrect answers. So if you find yourself stuck on one questions, then pick your gut answer, mark it, skip it, and move on! You can mark the question and come back later if you have time. But the strategy for this exam is to get through all the questions in the allotted time, because you will be racing against the clock.
  • 38. The Key to this CLEP (cont.) I also advise you take plenty of CLEP Composition Practice Tests to become familiar with the format and time constrains. This tests is all about grammar and sentence structure application. So simply memorizing the definition of a subject-verb agreement is NOT enough, instead you'll have to know how and when to correct a sentence given to you.
  • 39. The Key to this CLEP (cont.) So if you hated English in high school or it’s been a few decades since you’ve last seen a English textbook :), it’s very important that you spend several hours brushing up on your English grammar skills. Remember, not just textbook theory but actual application.
  • 40. Testing Out is Easier than You Think I know all this information may seem overwhelming at first, and you may think that it’ s just easier to take the course at your college instead. But trust me, just use the CLEP College Composition Study Guides and CLEP College Composition Practice Tests we discuss next in this video and testing out of a college class will be easier than you think. Not to mention a great way to help you pay for college and earn your degree faster!
  • 41. How do I Study for the CLEP College Composition Test? To study for this exam, the College Board (the makers of the tests) recommends you read several 800+ page College Composition textbooks. Now that is a daunting task even for the most studious over-achiever! No wonder so many students believe the MYTH that testing out of a college course is actually harder than just taking the damn class!
  • 42. College Composition Qs by Topic In the next few slides I'm going to show you a quick overview of the College Composition exam questions by topic. For more details please goto my website at (case sensitive).
  • 43. College Composition Qs by Topic 10% Conventions of Standard Written English – This section measures candidates’ awareness of a variety of logical, structural and grammatical relationships within sentences. The questions test recognition of acceptable usage relating to the items below: ● Syntax (parallelism, coordination, subordination) ● Sentence boundaries (comma splice, run-ons, sentence fragments) ● Recognition of correct sentences ● Concord/agreement (pronoun reference, case shift, and number; subject-verb; verb tense) ● Diction ● Modifiers ● Idiom ● Active/passive voice ● Lack of subject in modifying word group ● Logical comparison ● Logical agreement ● Punctuation 25% Rhetorical Analysis – This section measures candidates’ ability to analyze writing. This skill is tested primarily in passage- based questions pertaining to critical thinking, style, purpose, audience and situation: ● Appeals ● Tone ● Organization/structure ● Rhetorical effects ● Use of language ● Evaluation of evidence
  • 44. College Composition Qs by Topic 40% Revision Skills – This section measures candidates’ revision skills in the context of works in progress (early drafts of essays): ● Organization ● Evaluation of evidence ● Awareness of audience, tone and purpose ● Level of detail ● Coherence between sentences and paragraphs ● Sentence variety and structure ● Main idea, thesis statements and topic sentences ● Rhetorical effects and emphasis ● Use of language ● Evaluation of author’s authority and appeal ● Evaluation of reasoning ● Consistency of point of view ● Transitions ● Sentence-level errors primarily relating to the conventions of standard written English 25% Ability to Use Source Materials – This section measures candidates’ familiarity with elements of the following basic reference and research skills, which are tested primarily in sets but may also be tested through stand-alone questions. In the passage-based sets, the elements listed under Revision Skills and Rhetorical Analysis may also be tested. In addition, this section will cover the following skills: ● Use of reference materials ● Evaluation of sources ● Integration of resource material ● Documentation of sources (including, but not limited to, MLA, APA and Chicago manuals of style)
  • 45. College Composition Qs by Topic Again for a detailed look please visit my website @ (case sensitive). Now at first glance this may look REALLY scary!
  • 46. How do I Study for the CLEP College Composition Test? But no worries, because the TRUTH is CLEP Tests were designed to be self-study for any student with the motivation and desire to pass the CLEP Exam. So that's why I’ve put together the FASTEST & EASIEST Way to Prepare & Pass the CLEP College Composition Tests :)
  • 47. InstantCert CLEP Study Guides First, I usually recommend students use the InstantCert's CLEP Study Guides, because it is The FASTEST & EASIEST Way to Prepare & Pass the College Composition CLEP Tests. I personally use InstantCert because it is like having your college professor's private classroom notes to study for your College Composition Final Exam!
  • 48. InstantCert CLEP Study Guides Look, there is a lot of information out there that can help you prepare for the CLEP College Composition Tests and I'm going to give you some FREE online CLEP preparation resources shortly.
  • 49. InstantCert CLEP Study Guides But trust me, using a premium service like InstantCert is the FASTEST & EASIEST Way to Prepare & Pass the CLEP College Composition Tests - Guaranteed. There's no prior knowledge or background required. You do NOT have to read hundreds of pages of fluff or spend hours researching the Internet. Because InstantCert will give you a solid foundational knowledge necessary to Pass the CLEP Exam.
  • 50. InstantCert CLEP Study Guides By spoon-feeding you only the main points through their interactive learning format. They are able to keep your mind engaged and processing the information, so you are able to prepare and pass the College Composition CLEP Tests in a matter of days, not weeks…
  • 51. InstantCert CLEP Study Guides And thousands of successful past test takers will agree, InstantCert was not only their secret weapon to passing the College Composition CLEP Test but also the ONLY CLEP Study Guide needed. Watch my full InstantCert Review Video @ http: // and if you use InstantCert Discount Code 30142 you'll get $5 off your 1st Month Membership!
  • 52. FREE College Composition Study Guides!!! Now, after you've reviewed a premium College Composition CLEP Study Guide service, like InstantCert, free online preparation resources serve as a great supplement to your studies. InstantCert will give you the foundational knowledge necessary to pass the CLEP, but supplemental reading will give you that extra confidence boast to improve your College Composition CLEP Score.
  • 53. FREE College Composition Study Guides!!! With that being said, I couldn't find a GOOD FREE SPECIFIC & IN-DEPTH CLEP College Composition Study Guide. So what I did was I took the syllabus of a typical College Composition undergraduate course (which is what the exam is based on) and the syllabus of the CLEP Exam and then I went and spent HOURS-AND-HOURS researching the Internet for the Best FREE College Composition web resources, so you don't have to!
  • 54. FREE College Composition Study Guides!!! And I'm willing to give it all away for FREE! No Catch or Strings Attached... Just goto: (case sensitive) and follow the 3-Step sign-up form to download my FREE Secrets to Passing the CLEP: College Composition Study Guide.
  • 55. WARNING-WARNING-WARNING Now I will give you a word of caution that it's a LOT of information that is NOT as neatly organized as InstantCert. So you might get scared off at first. BUT PLEASE DON'T! I do NOT want you to think your way OUT of taking the exam because you believe the MYTH that testing out of college is actually harder than just taking the class! Because it's not!
  • 56. WARNING-WARNING-WARNING That's why I do NOT recommend using it withOUT InstantCert. Because it's information overload and it'll cause you to go into the exam with your head ready to explode! So use it as a supplement to InstantCert ONLY. Remember, InstantCert will skip the fluff and spoon-fed you only the main points needed to pass the CLEP! For more information watch my Review & InstantCert Discount Code (30142) @ http://bit. ly/icreview
  • 57. How do I Practice for the CLEP College Composition Test? The two most popular options are purchasing the premium Online Peterson’s College Composition CLEP Practice Tests or ordering the printed REA College Composition CLEP Practice Tests Book from Amazon at http: // (case sensitive). .
  • 58. How do I Practice for the CLEP College Composition Test? Again, there are several free CLEP College Composition Practice Tests available online, which I will provide to you shortly. But I always recommend going with at least one premium service, because they are the most up-to-date and resemble both the format and type of questions you’re likely to encounter on the actual College Composition CLEP Exam.
  • 59. How do I Practice for the CLEP College Composition Test? I also recommend you check out the Official CLEP Study Guide Book from Amazon @ http: // (case sensitive). Now, while it’s incorrectly named CLEP Study Guide (it should be named CLEP Practice Tests because it doesn’t have ANY study guide information). It is the only CLEP Practice Tests created by the actual tests makers for all 33 CLEP Tests. Note: Only one practice tests included per exam and no explanation to answers are provided.
  • 60. How do I Practice for the CLEP College Composition Test? Anyway, whatever option you go with, it will cost you less than $20. Now while no CLEP Practice Tests (not even the Official CLEP Practice Tests) will be an exact version of the actual CLEP you test on “D-Day,” they do help to familiarize you with the format and type of CLEP College Composition Questions to expect. I like to use practice tests as indicators of my readiness for the actual College Composition CLEP Tests, so I’m more confident on exam day.
  • 61. How do I Practice for the CLEP College Composition Test? For those of you who are new to CLEP exams I've put together a 10 step study plan for the College Composition CLEP at http://bit. ly/clepcomposition (case sensitive). This comes from personal experience after taking several dozen exams. I've mastered how to study for the shortest possible time to get the highest possible score. So you can too!
  • 62. FREE College Composition CLEP Practice Tests A lot of times I’m asked, “Where can I find a FREE College Composition CLEP Practice Tests?” My best advice is to always check with your local library first. Even if your library doesn’t have a CLEP College Composition Book, many libraries have agreements with libraries across town and sometimes even in different cities. Also don’t forget to check your college or university’s library for CLEP Books!
  • 63. FREE College Composition CLEP Practice Tests In addition, many libraries subscribe to Nelnet, the company behind Peterson’s. So you can get the Online Peterson’s College Composition CLEP Practice Tests for FREE. Just ask your friendly librarian what CLEP Preparation resources are available to you. For those of you in the Military you can take the Peterson’s College Composition CLEP Practice Tests for FREE by going to the Nelnet DOD website @
  • 64. FREE College Composition CLEP Practice Tests Now for those of you who don’t have access to one of the above resources or if you’re just looking for more practice questions, I’ve compiled a list of additional FREE College Composition CLEP Practice Tests Questions @ (case sensitive).
  • 65. FREE College Composition CLEP Practice Tests What a lot of people don’t know is another great resource for practice tests are College Composition textbook companion websites. While they don’t resemble the format of the actual CLEP, they do go deep to ask you multiple-choice questions about concepts you might find on the exam.
  • 66. FREE College Composition CLEP Practice Tests Remember, the makers of the CLEP tests base the exam on what you would normally learn in a College Composition course. So companion websites serve as great supplements to test what you should know to what you actually know. Plus companion websites give you additional College Composition study guides and resources to supplement your learning.
  • 67. FREE College Composition CLEP Practice Tests With that being said, I will give you a word of caution when using companion websites. The questions will be different than the type of questions you encounter on the CLEP. And many of you will say, “It’s a waste of time.” But I’ve found that nothing beats confidence during a tests. Because the companion website quizzes require you to use critical thinking to answer and then go research any incorrect answers, it forces you to actually start to UNDERSTAND the topic.
  • 68. FREE College Composition CLEP Practice Tests And the secret to passing any CLEP Tests is to UNDERSTAND the topic, not just memorize a bunch of facts. Because when you truly understand a topic you can answer any question you encounter on the actual CLEP Exam.
  • 69. FREE College Composition CLEP Practice Tests Again, I've compiled the BEST FREE College Composition CLEP Practice Tests at http://bit. ly/clepcomposition (case sensitive).
  • 70. What is a passing College Composition CLEP Test Score? After completing the 50/90-minute, 50/90 multiple-choice question CLEP College Composition Tests, you will receive a scaled score ranging between 20 – 80. Each college and university has its’ own CLEP Policy for awarding college credit-by-exam, but the ACE (American Council on Education) recommended Passing College Composition CLEP Score is 50.
  • 71. What is a passing College Composition CLEP Test Score? IMPORTANT: If your Composition CLEP includes an essay portion the multiple-choice and essay are averaged together to give you a final CLEP Score. Since the scores are NOT reported separately you will have to wait until your essay is reviewed for a final CLEP Score. Plan on about 6-8 weeks to receive a final score.
  • 72. What is a passing College Composition CLEP Test Score? What I always tell people is that it’s important to know that CLEP Tests are scored on a curve, with a passing score being the same number of questions correct a C-Average Student would receive on a comparable College Composition Final Exam. While the College Board (which does the scoring) does not release this number, seasoned CLEP Test Takers usually aim for a raw score of 60-70% correctly answered
  • 73. What is a passing College Composition CLEP Test Score? Depending on the difficulty of the exam, this is usually well above the curve you need to achieve a passing score. I also remind new CLEP Test Takers that you do NOT lose points for incorrect answers, so you should ALWAYS try to answer ALL the questions on the exam, even if you’re unsure of the correct answer. This works best if you can narrow down your choices to two or three possible answers. That way you have a 50-50 chance of guessing correctly!
  • 74. What is a passing College Composition CLEP Test Score? ******************************* And remember, each question is worth the SAME amount of points as the next one, regardless of how easy or difficult the question. The name of the game is to answer as many easy and intermediate questions as fast as possible. If you come across a question that is too hard to solve within a minute or two, mark it, skip it, and move on! *******************************
  • 75. What is a passing College Composition CLEP Test Score? You don’t want to struggle and toil over every hard question at the expense of not having enough time to answer the easier questions. You can always go back to the ones you skipped at the end of the exam, if you have time leftover. Go for the “low hanging fruit” first!
  • 76. What is a passing College Composition CLEP Test Score? A couple of other CLEP Tips & Tricks. 1) Manage your time wisely. Depending on your comfort level, some tests you can whiz by and others will come down to the last second. If you know that to be the case, then you always want to select an answer before you skip a question, just in case you don’t have time to return at the end of the exam. Remember, you do NOT lose points for incorrect answers. So it’s better to have something than nothing.
  • 77. What is a passing College Composition CLEP Test Score? 2) Also, be on the lookout for questions that answer other questions. Every now and then you’ll run across a question that can help you answer another question. The CLEP is multiple-choice for Pete’s sake, so the answer is right in front of you! If you don’t know the answer then use this technique and process of elimination to help you determine the correct answer.
  • 78. What is a passing College Composition CLEP Test Score? 3) And remember, you don’t have to get a 100% on the College Composition CLEP Tests to score well. It’s a curved tests, which means you just have to do better than the next person to score well!!! And trust me, the curve is very GENEROUS :)
  • 79. How do I Pass the College Composition CLEP Tests? OK, we’ve covered a lot of information. Depending on your prior comfort-level, the CLEP College Composition Test is an easy to intermediate exam to study for and most students will need about 1-4 weeks of reasonable study time to prepare (about 10-15 hours/week). Yes, it's a serious exam, but it's also a LOT easier than taking it at your college!
  • 80. How do I Pass the College Composition CLEP Tests? Even students that say they hated English in high school find that with the right preparation, they can pass the CLEP with just a little brushing up. Because whether you realize you were learning standard written English from kindergarten through 12th grade or not, you already have a good foundation in English. You just need a little CLEP Preparation to sharpen up your skills.
  • 81. How do I Pass the College Composition CLEP Tests? The key to any study plan is DO NOT GET OVERWHELMED! There is a lot of information to review and it’s not uncommon to feel stressed out and overwhelmed at times. But just use my 3 STEPS Below for The FASTEST & EASIEST Way To PREPARE & PASS The CLEP College Composition Exam and you’ll do great :)
  • 82. Pass the College Composition CLEP Exam - Guaranteed! Step 1 (Required): BEFORE you do anything else, study the InstantCert’s College Composition CLEP Study Guide and their Exam Specific Feedback Forum*. This will give you a rock solid foundation to pass the CLEP College Composition Tests. Many past test takers say you can pass the College Composition CLEP Tests with this information alone! Watch my Review and InstantCert Discount Code 30142 ($5 OFF 1st Month!) @
  • 83. Pass the College Composition CLEP Exam - Guaranteed! Step 2 (Highly Recommended): Next take all 3 Peterson’s College Composition CLEP Practice Tests or REA's College Composition CLEP Practice Tests (@ http://amzn. to/reacomposition) to assess your readiness for the College Composition CLEP Exam. This will give you a good indicator of if and when you’re ready to take the exam.
  • 84. Pass the College Composition CLEP Exam - Guaranteed! Step 3 (Optional Supplement): Sign-up for my FREE Secrets to Passing the CLEP: College Composition CLEP Study Guides & Practice Tests at These CLEP Prep resources are great supplements that will help give you that extra confidence boast during the CLEP Exam.
  • 85. Good Luck Fellow CLEP Test Takers! Well, I’ve told you everything I know to help you Prepare & Pass the College Composition CLEP Tests. Now the rest is up to you. So Git ‘Er Done! Madison S.
  • 86. What To Do Next 1. Download my FREE Secrets to Passing the CLEP College Composition @ http://bit. ly/clepcomposition 2. Watch my CLEP Study Guide Review & InstantCert Discount Code 30142 ($5 OFF 1st Month) @ 3. Take the Peterson's CLEP Practice Test @ or the REA's CLEP Practice Test
  • 87. What To Do Next Watch All 3 FREE CLEP College Composition Training Videos: 1. 2. 3.
  • 88. What To Do Next If you liked this video and you thought it was really helpful please be sure to comment, rate, share, and subscribe to this page or video. Because that's what tells Google & YouTube that this is a really good video that can help other students learn how-to pay for college by testing out of college. By spreading the message to your family & friends you help keep this content FREE!
  • 89. Bonus: More Ways to Pay for College 1. FAFSA FAQ: 2. College Scholarship Fund: 3. Student Loans for School: 4. College Coupons & Deals: http://bit. ly/collegedeals
  • 90. Featured Sponsor I'd like to thank everyone for watching and I'd also like to thank the sponsors of the video that help keep this content FREE for YOU! The featured sponsor for this video is: Prosper, America's leading social lending marketplace. Prosper Marketplace: Invest. Borrow. Prosper. http://bit. ly/prosperlending