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I am extending the due date for your Midterm Exam. This new
deadline will be strictly enforced.
Please use this additional time wisely to ensure that you are
submitting your best work. Here are some questions that you
should ask yourself prior to submission:
1. Have I edited my work and corrected all spelling and
grammatical errors?
2. Have I properly cited my sources?
3. Am I abiding by UMGC's policy concerning plagiarism?
4. Have I answered all questions fully and completely?
Remember that you are required to complete all 20
Identification items and that you must select ONE essay
question to answer. If you have any general questions related to
the exam, please post them in the Ask the Professor section of
the online classroom. Please adhere to all instructions. Review
to make sure everything was followed. Will be graded hard.
You must then read your classmates’ responses. After you have
read their responses, you must respond to TWO of your
classmates by _____ each week at 11:59 pm ET. These are
called your PEER RESPONSES. Each Peer Response is worth
10 points and should be 100 words in length, in Arial, Calibri,
or Times New Roman 12 point font in a Word document.
African- Americans from the rural South did not migrate to the
north voluntarily, but were pushed out of the south by certain
factors. Also, choosing to move to the North was not a
coincidence, but were pulled there by some factors as well.
The massive migration that occurred between 1916 to 1970
was primarily caused by the push factor such as convict leasing,
segregation, disenfranchisement, and the widespread increase
in racist ideologies that were making the lives of African-
Americans unbearable. They were forced to move in large
troops when Jim Crow introduced laws that kept the African
Americans in an inferior position which denied them political
rights even to air out their grievances. So they chose to move to
the North, where racial segregation was not mandated even
though racism was rampant.
Another factor that pushed the African-Americans out to the
North was the lack of employment opportunities in the South.
The poor economic conditions in the South made survival very
difficult. The situation was made worse by the continuous
failing of crops, limitation of sharing cropping on the farms,
limited land for farming, and crop damage from the boll weevil.
Also, the Jim Crow laws' social and racial oppression made
possible meant that they could not even market their produce
freely. The lynching of African Americans did also push them
out in large numbers.
The main pull factor for the great migration of African
Americans to the North was encouraging reports of reasonable
wages and better living conditions in the North. These reports
came from African soldiers who had returned from the war and
were also reported in the African American newspapers. They
were pulled by the economic opportunities found in the
industrial cities, which meant better employment opportunities.
There were also reports of relative tolerance for blacks in
the North. The North had racism, but blacks enjoyed some
degree of freedom, including rights to votes, and segregation
was not allowed. The social acceptance in the North was the
main pull factor that drew the African Americans to migrate
from the South to the North.
The same pull and pull factors still apply today, especially
in minority groups. The African American community still
migrates, though not enormous, because of political and
economic reasons and racism. The African Americans still move
from white-dominated regions to more friendly neighborhoods.
Also, we see Africans trying to move to America for economic
The NAACP is an organization that’s main focus is the ensure
the equality of all minorities and races in America. They work
to eliminate discrimination in all aspects and ultimately strive
for equality for all. After doing this week’s reading as well as
researching the topic a bit more, I was able to find a lot of
information about the NAACP that I did not know before. Some
sources claim the start date of the movement was in the 1950s,
however there are facts arguing that statement and show that
there have been countless occurrences of civil right activism
dated as far back to the early 1900s.
Charles Hamilton Houston was a NAACP activist in the early
1900s who challenged the supreme court in regards to school
segregation. “This fight for equality of educational opportunity
(was) an isolated struggle. All our struggles must tie in together
and support one another. . .We must remain on the alert and
push the struggle farther with all our might”(
Another example of how the NAACP fought for civil rights was
by creating the Niagara Movement. The Niagara Movement was
for African Americans to gain the same freedoms for voting
rights as the white people. It challenged politic laws and
demanded voting rights to be given to all citizens regardless of
race or ethnicity. Lastly, another example of how the NAACP
fought for civil rights was their effort to pass a law to end
lynching. Lynching was a huge thing in that time period and it
caused much terror and pain throughout the country. “The
NAACP’s anti-lynching crusade became a central focus for the
group during its early decades. Ultimately, the NAACP was
unable to get a federal anti-lynching law passed; however, its
efforts increased public awareness of the issue and are thought
to have contributed to an eventual decline in
Charles Hamilton Houston. NAACP. (2021, May 11). Retrieved
February 6, 2022, from
explained/civil-rights-leaders/charles-hamilton-houston Editors. (2009, October 29). NAACP.
Retrieved February 6, 2022, from
Week Four
Photograph of Maggie Lena Walker. In 1903, Walker became
the first Black woman to found a bank, the St. Luke Penny
Savings Bank in Richmond, Virginia. Walker learned financial
and business acumen when she joined the Independent Order of
St. Luke as a 14-year-old girl, an all-Black voluntary
association begun in Baltimore after the Civil War. The late
19th-early 20th century period is full of examples of African
Americans attempting to create their own institutions.
Week 4 of this course turns towards the early 20th century. This
time period is a fascinating one to cover due to the rapid
expansion of new organizations and cultural developments in
African American life. Over a span of three decades, major
organizations such as the National Association for Colored
Women's Clubs (1896), the National Negro Business League
(1900), the National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People (1909), the National Urban League (1910), the
Universal Negro Improvement Association (1914), the
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (1925), and the National
Council of Negro Women (1935) were created and flourished.
These organizations were national in scope and worked on civil
rights, social welfare, business, labor rights, and community
organizing issues. They helped to provide an important
foundation and network for African Americans in the decades to
At the same time, African Americans began migrating in large
numbers from former slave plantations to urban areas in the
South, Northeast, Midwest, and West Coast. The migration was
spurred in part by the threat of racial violence, but the promise
of jobs that paid better wages and the possibility of owning land
drew them away as well. By the 1920s and 1930s, this migration
led to the development of new Black communities in cities such
as New York, Pittsburgh, Chicago, and Detroit. It also led to
what Howard University professor Alain Locke called the New
Negro Movement in which hundreds of plays, literature,
artwork, music, fashion and other creative forms of expression
were produced. The most visible manifestation of this
movement was known as the Harlem Renaissance, but it should
be noted that cities such as Chicago and Washington, DC
experienced their own "Negro Renaissance" cultures.
This week's resources provide a broad introduction to some of
these themes. Your instructor will advise you as to which
resources are required for this week. Please note that the
description of the course resources in some places may refer to
"your paper." This is not applicable in this course unless your
instructor specifically states otherwise.
· African-American History Timeline
· Ferris State University: Jim Crow Museum of Racist
· NPR: Great Migration: The Africa-American Exodus North
· The Niagara Movement and the NAACP: Growing Legal and
Social Power
· National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
(NAACP): 100 Years of History
· National Association for the Advancement of Colored People:
The Crisis Magazine
· National Association for the Advancement of Colored People:
Birth of a Nation and Black Protest
· National Association for the Advancement of Colored People:
Charles Hamilton Houston
· The Harlem Renaissance - 1919-1940
· Harlem Renaissance
· Plays and Opera: Mixing White and Black Cultures and
External Learning Tool
Midterm Exam Identifications, Essay Questions, and Rubric
Part One: Identifications (10 points each; 200 points total)
This section requires you to write short answers to each
identification question. There are 20 identification questions
worth 10 points each for 200 points total. Each answer must
address who, what, when, where, and why in the identification.
Each answer should be no more than one paragraph in length
(roughly 5-6 sentences or 150-200 words), double-spaced with
1-inch margins using 12- point Arial, Calibri, or Times New
Roman font. You are not required to include citations. Each
answer must:
· Identify the individual named, author, event, and other key
individuals and groups (2 points)
· Discuss what the identification term or name is about (2
· Describe when it occurred (1 point)
· Describe where it occurred (1 point)
· Explain why the individual, group, or event is significant for
understanding African American Studies (4 points)
Listed below are twenty identification terms you will need to
answer in Part One of the exam. You must answer all twenty
terms to receive full credit. DO NOT copy and paste language
from classroom resources or any other source. This is an act of
plagiarism and is a violation of the academic integrity pledge
you signed in Week 1.
The twenty identification terms are drawn from Weeks 1-4 of
the AASP 201 classroom resources. Please use your class
readings first to answer the terms before resorting to outside
1. Charles Hamilton Houston
2. Dred Scott
3. Talented Tenth
4. Freedmen's Bureau
5. Fountain Hughes
6. Jezebel
7. Southern Horrors
8. Frederick Douglass
9. "Forty acres and a mule"
10. Great Migration
11. Tragic Mulatto
12. Middle Passage
13. Booker T. Washington
14. Jim Crow
15. Harlem Renaissance
16. Plessy v. Ferguson
17. Kate Dudley Baumont
18. William Green
19. The Birth of a Nation
20. Zora Neale Hurston
Part Two: Essay (100 points)
You are required to answer one of three essay questions
described below. The essay portion must be 4-5 pages in length,
double-spaced, numbered, include 1-inch margins, use 12 point
Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman font.
Your essay must include a Works Cited page. The citation style
of the Works Cited page may be either Chicago, APA, or MLA.
The selected citations must be appropriate to the exam topic and
the citations must support the assertions made in the exam.
Your essay should also include either in-text citations or
footnotes depending upon the formatting style selected
(Chicago, APA, or MLA).
Your essay will include three main parts—the
Thesis/Introduction, Argument, and Conclusion.
The Introduction section should clearly state the thesis within
the first 1-2 paragraphs. The thesis must be relevant and
appropriate to the argument and demonstrate an accurate and
complete understanding of the question. This section should
make it clear which question you are answering, but it should
do more than restate the question by offering a brief response
and it should be free of grammar and spelling errors.
The Argument section (3-4 pages) should incorporate pertinent
details from the assigned readings but you may also use outside
readings. The section must provide relevant historical evidence
to support the thesis and the key claims made in the argument as
needed. It should maintain focus and avoid sidetracking. It
should present your answer to the question clearly and concisely
in an organized manner and it should be free of grammar and
spelling errors.
The Conclusion section should be in the last part of your essay
exam within the last 1-2 paragraphs. It should briefly restate the
thesis and summarize the main points of the argument. It should
also demonstrate insight and understanding regarding the
question asked and it should be free of grammar and spelling
A scoring rubric for the essay portion is included below. Please
answer one of the following essay questions:
1. Often when reading texts on the history of North American
slavery, a number of generalizations are made to condense the
experiences of enslaved Africans and African Americans.
However, it is important to note that there were variations and
that there was not just one experience. A variety of factors
could and did create different experiences for the enslaved. Two
factors are gender and location. In this essay, discuss how
gender and location created different experiences for the
enslaved. For location, be sure to go beyond the generalizations
of North and South. In addition to these factors, select one
additional factor of your own choosing to analyze. In total, your
essay should address THREE factors: gender, location, and a
factor that you select on your own.
2. Historian David Levering Lewis coined the term "civil rights
by copyright" to analyze the ways in which black writers of the
Harlem Renaissance era (1919 – 1940) used their pens (both
consciously and unconsciously) to challenge racial inequality.
Though Lewis focuses on writers, one can also extend this idea
of “civil rights by copyright” to other other artists of his period,
including musical and visual artists. As a whole, the works of
these artists reflected varying strategies for advocating for the
advancement of blacks in American society. Select three
African American artists of the Harlem Renaissance era and
discuss how their artistic work combated American racism. At
least one of the artists selected should be a writer.
3. Movement is an important and enduring theme in the study of
African American history. Black migration and immigration,
both voluntarily and involuntarily, have shaped not only the
African American community but the entire nation in
transformative ways. Beginning with the Middle Passage and
extending your analysis to the Great Migration, discuss how
black migration and immigration have shaped African American
history. In addition to the Middle Passage and the Great
Migration, identify at least one other period in American history
covered during Weeks 1 to 4 in this course that is characterized
by an important shift in the migration and/or immigration of
people of African descent.
Mechanics – 10 points (5 criteria):
4-5 double-spaced pages in length; pages are numbered; 1 inch
margins included; 12 point Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman
font used; a cover page with identifying information included
All 5 criteria are present with 0-1 error = 9-10 points
4 of 5 criteria are present OR all 5 criteria are present with 2 -3
errors = 8 points
3 of 5 criteria are present OR 4 of 5 criteria are present w ith 2-3
errors OR all 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors = 7 points
2 of 5 criteria are present OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 2 -3
errors OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR all 5
criteria are present with 6-7 errors = 6 points
0 or 1 of 5 criteria are present OR 2 of 5 criteria are present
with 2-3 errors OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR
4 of 5 criteria are present with 6-7 errors OR all 5 criteria are
present with more than 7 errors = 5 points
Citations – 10 points (5 criteria):
Works Cited page included; appropriate citation style used;
selected sources are appropriate to the topic; citations support
assertions made in the essay; footnotes/endnotes used in
instances where detailed explanations would distract from the
All 5 criteria are present with 0-1 error = 9-10 points
4 of 5 criteria are present OR all 5 criteria are present with 2 -3
errors = 8 points
3 of 5 criteria are present OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 2 -3
errors OR all 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors = 7 points
2 of 5 criteria are present OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 2 -3
errors OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR all 5
criteria are present with 6-7 errors = 6 points
0 or 1 of 5 criteria are present OR 2 of 5 criteria are present
with 2-3 errors OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR
4 of 5 criteria are present with 6-7 errors OR all 5 criteria are
present with more than 7 errors = 5 points
Thesis/Introduction – 10 points (5 criteria):
Clearly stated within the first 1-2 paragraphs; relevant &
appropriate to the argument; demonstrated an accurate &
complete understanding of the question(s); did more than restate
the question(s) & offer a brief response; free of grammar &
spelling errors
All 5 criteria are present with 0-1 error = 9-10 points
4 of 5 criteria are present OR all 5 criteria are present with 2 -3
errors = 8 points
3 of 5 criteria are present OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 2 -3
errors OR all 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors = 7 points
2 of 5 criteria are present OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 2-3
errors OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR all 5
criteria are present with 6-7 errors = 6 points
0 or 1 of 5 criteria are present OR 2 of 5 criteria are present
with 2-3 errors OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR
4 of 5 criteria are present with 6-7 errors OR all 5 criteria are
present with more than 7 errors = 5 points
Argument – 60 points (5 criteria)
Incorporated pertinent details from assigned coursework &
outside readings when permitted; provided relevant historical
evidence to support the thesis & key claims in the argument as
needed; maintained focus & avoided being sidetracked;
presented answer clearly & concisely in an organized manner;
3-4 pages in length and free of grammar and spelling errors
All 5 criteria are present with 0-1 error = 54-60 points
4 of 5 criteria are present OR all 5 criteria are present with 2 -3
errors = 48-53 points
3 of 5 criteria are present OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 2 -3
errors OR all 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors = 42-47
2 of 5 criteria are present OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 2 -3
errors OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR all 5
criteria are present with 6-7 errors = 36-41 points
0 or 1 of 5 criteria are present OR 2 of 5 criteria are present
with 2-3 errors OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR
4 of 5 criteria are present with 6-7 errors OR all 5 criteria are
present with more than 7 errors = 35 points
Conclusion – 10 points (5 criteria)
Clearly stated within the last 1-2 paragraphs; briefly restated
the thesis; summarized the main points of the argument;
demonstrated insight & understanding regarding the
question(s); free of grammar & spelling errors
All 5 criteria are present with 0-1 error = 9-10 points
4 of 5 criteria are present OR all 5 criteria are present with 2 -3
errors = 8 points
3 of 5 criteria are present OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 2 -3
errors OR all 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors = 7 points
2 of 5 criteria are present OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 2-3
errors OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR all 5
criteria are present with 6-7 errors = 6 points
0 or 1 of 5 criteria are present OR 2 of 5 criteria are present
with 2-3 errors OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR
4 of 5 criteria are present with 6-7 errors OR all 5 criteria are
present with more than 7 errors = 5 points
Due Date
Feb 7, 2022 11:59 PM
Submit Assignment

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Class,I am extending the due date for your Midterm Exam. This ne

  • 1. Class, I am extending the due date for your Midterm Exam. This new deadline will be strictly enforced. Please use this additional time wisely to ensure that you are submitting your best work. Here are some questions that you should ask yourself prior to submission: 1. Have I edited my work and corrected all spelling and grammatical errors? 2. Have I properly cited my sources? 3. Am I abiding by UMGC's policy concerning plagiarism? 4. Have I answered all questions fully and completely? Remember that you are required to complete all 20 Identification items and that you must select ONE essay question to answer. If you have any general questions related to the exam, please post them in the Ask the Professor section of the online classroom. Please adhere to all instructions. Review to make sure everything was followed. Will be graded hard. You must then read your classmates’ responses. After you have read their responses, you must respond to TWO of your classmates by _____ each week at 11:59 pm ET. These are called your PEER RESPONSES. Each Peer Response is worth 10 points and should be 100 words in length, in Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman 12 point font in a Word document. AHMIR’S POST: African- Americans from the rural South did not migrate to the north voluntarily, but were pushed out of the south by certain factors. Also, choosing to move to the North was not a coincidence, but were pulled there by some factors as well. The massive migration that occurred between 1916 to 1970 was primarily caused by the push factor such as convict leasing, segregation, disenfranchisement, and the widespread increase in racist ideologies that were making the lives of African-
  • 2. Americans unbearable. They were forced to move in large troops when Jim Crow introduced laws that kept the African Americans in an inferior position which denied them political rights even to air out their grievances. So they chose to move to the North, where racial segregation was not mandated even though racism was rampant. Another factor that pushed the African-Americans out to the North was the lack of employment opportunities in the South. The poor economic conditions in the South made survival very difficult. The situation was made worse by the continuous failing of crops, limitation of sharing cropping on the farms, limited land for farming, and crop damage from the boll weevil. Also, the Jim Crow laws' social and racial oppression made possible meant that they could not even market their produce freely. The lynching of African Americans did also push them out in large numbers. The main pull factor for the great migration of African Americans to the North was encouraging reports of reasonable wages and better living conditions in the North. These reports came from African soldiers who had returned from the war and were also reported in the African American newspapers. They were pulled by the economic opportunities found in the industrial cities, which meant better employment opportunities. There were also reports of relative tolerance for blacks in the North. The North had racism, but blacks enjoyed some degree of freedom, including rights to votes, and segregation was not allowed. The social acceptance in the North was the main pull factor that drew the African Americans to migrate from the South to the North. The same pull and pull factors still apply today, especially in minority groups. The African American community still migrates, though not enormous, because of political and economic reasons and racism. The African Americans still move from white-dominated regions to more friendly neighborhoods. Also, we see Africans trying to move to America for economic reasons.
  • 3. References https://eds-p-ebscohost- ab-abaa-4e9d- ALEXIS’S POST: The NAACP is an organization that’s main focus is the ensure the equality of all minorities and races in America. They work to eliminate discrimination in all aspects and ultimately strive for equality for all. After doing this week’s reading as well as researching the topic a bit more, I was able to find a lot of information about the NAACP that I did not know before. Some sources claim the start date of the movement was in the 1950s, however there are facts arguing that statement and show that there have been countless occurrences of civil right activism dated as far back to the early 1900s. Charles Hamilton Houston was a NAACP activist in the early 1900s who challenged the supreme court in regards to school segregation. “This fight for equality of educational opportunity (was) an isolated struggle. All our struggles must tie in together and support one another. . .We must remain on the alert and push the struggle farther with all our might”( Another example of how the NAACP fought for civil rights was by creating the Niagara Movement. The Niagara Movement was for African Americans to gain the same freedoms for voting rights as the white people. It challenged politic laws and demanded voting rights to be given to all citizens regardless of race or ethnicity. Lastly, another example of how the NAACP fought for civil rights was their effort to pass a law to end lynching. Lynching was a huge thing in that time period and it caused much terror and pain throughout the country. “The NAACP’s anti-lynching crusade became a central focus for the group during its early decades. Ultimately, the NAACP was
  • 4. unable to get a federal anti-lynching law passed; however, its efforts increased public awareness of the issue and are thought to have contributed to an eventual decline in lynchings”( Charles Hamilton Houston. NAACP. (2021, May 11). Retrieved February 6, 2022, from explained/civil-rights-leaders/charles-hamilton-houston Editors. (2009, October 29). NAACP. Retrieved February 6, 2022, from Week Four Print Photograph of Maggie Lena Walker. In 1903, Walker became the first Black woman to found a bank, the St. Luke Penny Savings Bank in Richmond, Virginia. Walker learned financial and business acumen when she joined the Independent Order of St. Luke as a 14-year-old girl, an all-Black voluntary association begun in Baltimore after the Civil War. The late 19th-early 20th century period is full of examples of African Americans attempting to create their own institutions. Introduction: Week 4 of this course turns towards the early 20th century. This time period is a fascinating one to cover due to the rapid expansion of new organizations and cultural developments in African American life. Over a span of three decades, major organizations such as the National Association for Colored Women's Clubs (1896), the National Negro Business League (1900), the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (1909), the National Urban League (1910), the Universal Negro Improvement Association (1914), the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (1925), and the National
  • 5. Council of Negro Women (1935) were created and flourished. These organizations were national in scope and worked on civil rights, social welfare, business, labor rights, and community organizing issues. They helped to provide an important foundation and network for African Americans in the decades to come. At the same time, African Americans began migrating in large numbers from former slave plantations to urban areas in the South, Northeast, Midwest, and West Coast. The migration was spurred in part by the threat of racial violence, but the promise of jobs that paid better wages and the possibility of owning land drew them away as well. By the 1920s and 1930s, this migration led to the development of new Black communities in cities such as New York, Pittsburgh, Chicago, and Detroit. It also led to what Howard University professor Alain Locke called the New Negro Movement in which hundreds of plays, literature, artwork, music, fashion and other creative forms of expression were produced. The most visible manifestation of this movement was known as the Harlem Renaissance, but it should be noted that cities such as Chicago and Washington, DC experienced their own "Negro Renaissance" cultures. This week's resources provide a broad introduction to some of these themes. Your instructor will advise you as to which resources are required for this week. Please note that the description of the course resources in some places may refer to "your paper." This is not applicable in this course unless your instructor specifically states otherwise. · African-American History Timeline Link · Ferris State University: Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia Link · NPR: Great Migration: The Africa-American Exodus North Link
  • 6. · The Niagara Movement and the NAACP: Growing Legal and Social Power Link · National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP): 100 Years of History Link · National Association for the Advancement of Colored People: The Crisis Magazine Link · National Association for the Advancement of Colored People: Birth of a Nation and Black Protest Link · National Association for the Advancement of Colored People: Charles Hamilton Houston Link · The Harlem Renaissance - 1919-1940 Link · Harlem Renaissance Link · Plays and Opera: Mixing White and Black Cultures and Caricatures External Learning Tool Midterm Exam Identifications, Essay Questions, and Rubric Part One: Identifications (10 points each; 200 points total) This section requires you to write short answers to each
  • 7. identification question. There are 20 identification questions worth 10 points each for 200 points total. Each answer must address who, what, when, where, and why in the identification. Each answer should be no more than one paragraph in length (roughly 5-6 sentences or 150-200 words), double-spaced with 1-inch margins using 12- point Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman font. You are not required to include citations. Each answer must: · Identify the individual named, author, event, and other key individuals and groups (2 points) · Discuss what the identification term or name is about (2 points) · Describe when it occurred (1 point) · Describe where it occurred (1 point) · Explain why the individual, group, or event is significant for understanding African American Studies (4 points) Listed below are twenty identification terms you will need to answer in Part One of the exam. You must answer all twenty terms to receive full credit. DO NOT copy and paste language from classroom resources or any other source. This is an act of plagiarism and is a violation of the academic integrity pledge you signed in Week 1. The twenty identification terms are drawn from Weeks 1-4 of the AASP 201 classroom resources. Please use your class readings first to answer the terms before resorting to outside sources. 1. Charles Hamilton Houston 2. Dred Scott 3. Talented Tenth 4. Freedmen's Bureau 5. Fountain Hughes 6. Jezebel 7. Southern Horrors 8. Frederick Douglass 9. "Forty acres and a mule" 10. Great Migration
  • 8. 11. Tragic Mulatto 12. Middle Passage 13. Booker T. Washington 14. Jim Crow 15. Harlem Renaissance 16. Plessy v. Ferguson 17. Kate Dudley Baumont 18. William Green 19. The Birth of a Nation 20. Zora Neale Hurston Part Two: Essay (100 points) You are required to answer one of three essay questions described below. The essay portion must be 4-5 pages in length, double-spaced, numbered, include 1-inch margins, use 12 point Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman font. Your essay must include a Works Cited page. The citation style of the Works Cited page may be either Chicago, APA, or MLA. The selected citations must be appropriate to the exam topic and the citations must support the assertions made in the exam. Your essay should also include either in-text citations or footnotes depending upon the formatting style selected (Chicago, APA, or MLA). Your essay will include three main parts—the Thesis/Introduction, Argument, and Conclusion. The Introduction section should clearly state the thesis within the first 1-2 paragraphs. The thesis must be relevant and appropriate to the argument and demonstrate an accurate and complete understanding of the question. This section should make it clear which question you are answering, but it should do more than restate the question by offering a brief response and it should be free of grammar and spelling errors. The Argument section (3-4 pages) should incorporate pertinent details from the assigned readings but you may also use outside readings. The section must provide relevant historical evidence to support the thesis and the key claims made in the argument as needed. It should maintain focus and avoid sidetracking. It
  • 9. should present your answer to the question clearly and concisely in an organized manner and it should be free of grammar and spelling errors. The Conclusion section should be in the last part of your essay exam within the last 1-2 paragraphs. It should briefly restate the thesis and summarize the main points of the argument. It should also demonstrate insight and understanding regarding the question asked and it should be free of grammar and spelling errors. A scoring rubric for the essay portion is included below. Please answer one of the following essay questions: 1. Often when reading texts on the history of North American slavery, a number of generalizations are made to condense the experiences of enslaved Africans and African Americans. However, it is important to note that there were variations and that there was not just one experience. A variety of factors could and did create different experiences for the enslaved. Two factors are gender and location. In this essay, discuss how gender and location created different experiences for the enslaved. For location, be sure to go beyond the generalizations of North and South. In addition to these factors, select one additional factor of your own choosing to analyze. In total, your essay should address THREE factors: gender, location, and a factor that you select on your own. 2. Historian David Levering Lewis coined the term "civil rights by copyright" to analyze the ways in which black writers of the Harlem Renaissance era (1919 – 1940) used their pens (both consciously and unconsciously) to challenge racial inequality. Though Lewis focuses on writers, one can also extend this idea of “civil rights by copyright” to other other artists of his period, including musical and visual artists. As a whole, the works of these artists reflected varying strategies for advocating for the advancement of blacks in American society. Select three African American artists of the Harlem Renaissance era and discuss how their artistic work combated American racism. At least one of the artists selected should be a writer.
  • 10. 3. Movement is an important and enduring theme in the study of African American history. Black migration and immigration, both voluntarily and involuntarily, have shaped not only the African American community but the entire nation in transformative ways. Beginning with the Middle Passage and extending your analysis to the Great Migration, discuss how black migration and immigration have shaped African American history. In addition to the Middle Passage and the Great Migration, identify at least one other period in American history covered during Weeks 1 to 4 in this course that is characterized by an important shift in the migration and/or immigration of people of African descent. Criteria Mechanics – 10 points (5 criteria): 4-5 double-spaced pages in length; pages are numbered; 1 inch margins included; 12 point Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman font used; a cover page with identifying information included All 5 criteria are present with 0-1 error = 9-10 points 4 of 5 criteria are present OR all 5 criteria are present with 2 -3 errors = 8 points 3 of 5 criteria are present OR 4 of 5 criteria are present w ith 2-3 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors = 7 points 2 of 5 criteria are present OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 2 -3 errors OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with 6-7 errors = 6 points 0 or 1 of 5 criteria are present OR 2 of 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 6-7 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with more than 7 errors = 5 points Citations – 10 points (5 criteria): Works Cited page included; appropriate citation style used;
  • 11. selected sources are appropriate to the topic; citations support assertions made in the essay; footnotes/endnotes used in instances where detailed explanations would distract from the argument All 5 criteria are present with 0-1 error = 9-10 points 4 of 5 criteria are present OR all 5 criteria are present with 2 -3 errors = 8 points 3 of 5 criteria are present OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 2 -3 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors = 7 points 2 of 5 criteria are present OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 2 -3 errors OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with 6-7 errors = 6 points 0 or 1 of 5 criteria are present OR 2 of 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 6-7 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with more than 7 errors = 5 points Thesis/Introduction – 10 points (5 criteria): Clearly stated within the first 1-2 paragraphs; relevant & appropriate to the argument; demonstrated an accurate & complete understanding of the question(s); did more than restate the question(s) & offer a brief response; free of grammar & spelling errors All 5 criteria are present with 0-1 error = 9-10 points 4 of 5 criteria are present OR all 5 criteria are present with 2 -3 errors = 8 points 3 of 5 criteria are present OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 2 -3 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors = 7 points 2 of 5 criteria are present OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with 6-7 errors = 6 points 0 or 1 of 5 criteria are present OR 2 of 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 6-7 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with more than 7 errors = 5 points Argument – 60 points (5 criteria) Incorporated pertinent details from assigned coursework &
  • 12. outside readings when permitted; provided relevant historical evidence to support the thesis & key claims in the argument as needed; maintained focus & avoided being sidetracked; presented answer clearly & concisely in an organized manner; 3-4 pages in length and free of grammar and spelling errors All 5 criteria are present with 0-1 error = 54-60 points 4 of 5 criteria are present OR all 5 criteria are present with 2 -3 errors = 48-53 points 3 of 5 criteria are present OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 2 -3 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors = 42-47 points 2 of 5 criteria are present OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 2 -3 errors OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with 6-7 errors = 36-41 points 0 or 1 of 5 criteria are present OR 2 of 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 6-7 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with more than 7 errors = 35 points Conclusion – 10 points (5 criteria) Clearly stated within the last 1-2 paragraphs; briefly restated the thesis; summarized the main points of the argument; demonstrated insight & understanding regarding the question(s); free of grammar & spelling errors All 5 criteria are present with 0-1 error = 9-10 points 4 of 5 criteria are present OR all 5 criteria are present with 2 -3 errors = 8 points 3 of 5 criteria are present OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 2 -3 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors = 7 points 2 of 5 criteria are present OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with 6-7 errors = 6 points 0 or 1 of 5 criteria are present OR 2 of 5 criteria are present with 2-3 errors OR 3 of 5 criteria are present with 4-5 errors OR 4 of 5 criteria are present with 6-7 errors OR all 5 criteria are present with more than 7 errors = 5 points
  • 13. Due Date Feb 7, 2022 11:59 PM Submit Assignment