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                         Draft 8
                    26 September 2011

           MediaCorp Raintree Pictures Pte Ltd
Caldecott Broadcast Centre, Andrew Road, Singapore 299939

1   BLACK                                                         1

    Over black, we hear the voice-over of 10-year-old Tan Si Qi.

                        SI QI (V.O.)
              Some people become friends because
              of common hobbies. Other people
              develop a friendship because of
              common interests. Ah Seng, Jonathan
              and me, on the other hand, became
              friends because of fate. We three
              are all surnamed Tan.

                                                       CUT TO:

2   EXT. SCHOOL, PARADE SQUARE - DAY                              2

    Reading from a name list, disciplinary master Mr Tay is
    calling out the names of students.

                        MR TAY
              Tan Si Qi! Jonathan Tan! Tan Ah
              Seng! Line up properly!

    We see Si Qi, Jonathan and Ah Seng’s feet get into a line,
    one behind another.

                        MR TAY (O.S.) (CONT’D)
              Wee Tze Min! Jeremy Wong!

                                                       CUT TO:

3   EXT. SCHOOL, BASKETBALL COURT - DAY                           3

    Reading from a name list, sports teacher Mr Raj Singh is
    calling out the names of students.

                        MR RAJ SINGH
                  (in English)
              Tan Si Qi! Jonathan Tan! Tan Ah
              Seng! You three form one team!

    We see Si Qi, Jonathan and Ah Seng’s feet huddle in a group.
    Jonathan’s foot accidentally steps on to Ah Seng’s foot.

                        MR RAJ SINGH (O.S.) (CONT’D)
              Wee Tze Min! Jeremy Wong!

                                                       CUT TO:

4   INT. SCHOOL, MUSIC ROOM - DAY                                 4

    Reading from a name list, music teacher Miss Wong is calling
    out the names of students.

                        MISS WONG
              Tan Si Qi! Jonathan Tan! Tan Ah
              Seng! Later, you all sing this

    We see Si Qi, Jonathan and Ah Seng’s feet join a chorus line.
    Jonathan’s foot accidentally steps on to Ah Seng’s foot. Ah
    Seng’s foot kicks Jonathan’s foot back.

                                                      CUT TO:

5   INT. SCHOOL, SICK BAY - DAY                                   5

    Reading from a name list, a nurse is calling out the names of

              Next! Tan Si Qi! Jonathan Tan! Tan
              Ah Seng!

    We see Si Qi, Jonathan and Ah Seng’s feet shuffle reluctantly
    towards a door. None of them want to be in front.

                        SI QI (V.O.)
              From lining up to taking injections
              to eating to exams, the three of us
              have always been doing everything
              together since Primary One.

    The mess of feet begin kicking and fighting one another in
    their bid not to be the first in line for an injection.

                        SI QI (V.O.) (CONT’D)
              Conflicts are of course inevitable.
              Sometimes, we would even fight. But
              like dogs and cats living under one
              roof, we learnt to accept one
              another eventually. Fussing and
              fighting, breaking up and making
              up, our friendship looks set to
              last forever until...

                                                      CUT TO:

6   I/E. SCHOOL, CANTEEN - DAY                                    6

    We see Jonathan, Si Qi and Ah Seng’s feet seated on a bench
    in a row.

                    SI QI (V.O.)
          ... that day when school reopened
          in Primary Four.

Camera pans up to reveal the three kids, all aged 10.

Jonathan is a chubby, pampered and spoilt rich kid.

Ah Seng is a scowling, skinny and sharp-tongued son of a
market hawker.

Si Qi is a pretty, neat and responsible girl.

All three of them in the middle of eating noodles in the

Chopsticks poised in mid air, Jonathan, Si Qi and Ah Seng are

                    MEI LING (O.S.)
          What do you all think?

On the opposite end of the canteen table, bespectacled class
monitor Mei Ling is holding up a huge and gaudy greeting card
that says “Welcome”.

                    MEI LING (CONT’D)
          Nice? I put in a lot of effort to
          finish this. Hope our new form
          teacher will like it.

Ah Seng’s foot nudges Si Qi’s.

                    SI QI
          Er, Mei Ling, isn’t it a bit too

                    MEI LING
          Too red? No. Other than red, there
          are many other colors like blue,
          green and yellow. I think the
          colors are combined very well.

Si Qi’s foot nudges Jonathan’s.

          Isn’t it a bit too many?

                    MEI LING
          Too many? I only made one card.
          What’s wrong with you triplets
          today? First day of school
          reopening, look a bit odd.

Si Qi’s foot nudges Ah Seng’s.

                        AH SENG
              I think you’re better off asking
              the nurse rather than asking us.

                        MEI LING
              Nurse? I ask the nurse for what?

                        SI QI, JONATHAN & AH SENG

    Mei Ling gets out her pencil box, lifts the lid and looks
    into a small mirror under the lid.

    She sees many red spots all over her face.

    Mei Ling screams.

                                                      CUT TO:

7   INT. PRIMARY 4C - DAY                                         7

    The class chicken is clucking softly inside a cage in the
    “Pet’s Corner” of the classroom. It has a bandage on one leg.

    Disciplinary master Mr Tay and the sagely Principal Wee are
    looking at the chicken. The former is holding his
    handkerchief to his nose. He is also armed with a cane.

    In the background, the nurse is taking the temperatures of
    the students.

                        MR TAY
              What do you think, Principal? Do
              you want me to take it behind the
              school and -

    Mr Tay makes a sinister slitting gesture across his throat.

    Principal Wee does not reply. He continues looking at the

                        MR TAY (CONT’D)
              If you feel that the school is not
              a suitable place, I can bring it to
              the factory opposite and -

    Mr Tay makes a sinister neck breaking gesture.

    Principal Wee is still not replying. He continues considering
    the chicken.

                        MR TAY (CONT’D)
              Or how about this, Principal -

    Principal Wee suddenly stands up straight and talks to no one
    in particular.

                    PRINCIPAL WEE
          Chicken essence.

Mr Tay is boggled.

                    PRINCIPAL WEE (CONT’D)
          Mrs Lim will be giving birth next
          week. To congratulate her, the
          school will send her chicken
          essence instead of flowers.

                    MR TAY
          What about this chicken, Principal?
          What do you want me to do it?

                    PRINCIPAL WEE
          Chicken pox is not caused by
          chickens, Mr Tay.

The nurse approaches Principal Wee.

          Principal, all the students are
          fine. Nobody has a fever.

                    PRINCIPAL WEE
          Although none of the students have
          a fever now, that doesn’t mean that
          they are not infected.
          Because of one case of chicken pox,
          do we send the whole class home or
          do we wait and observe for a few
          days? If we send everybody back, it
          might cause a panic among students
          from the other classes. But if we
          do nothing and more chicken pox
          cases break out later, the school
          might be accused of being
          complacent. Hard to either advance
          or retreat. Left and right - both a
          dilemma. This is the conundrum of
          power. Being a principal is the
          same as being the government.
          Whatever you decide to do, you will
          still be criticized. Mr Tay, please
          watch over Primary 4C until the
          teacher relieving Mrs Lim arrives.
          She had to go to the Ministry of
          Education this morning to settle
          some paperwork. She should be here

Principal Wee leaves with the nurse.

Just then, Si Qi, Jonathan and Ah Seng runs over to the
chicken cage.

          I want to feed! I want to feed!

                    AH SENG
          I also want to feed!

                    SI QI
          You two always feed him! Today is
          my turn!

Mr Tay slams his cane on a table. The whole class, which has
been jabbering and running about, falls silent.

                    MR TAY
          Silence! Go to your seats! You
          think this is a zoo?

Suddenly, the chicken crows.

The kids laugh.

                    AH SENG
          He says this is a zoo!

Mr Tay slams his cane on the table again.

                    MR TAY
          Silence! Whoever talks again will
          get a taste of my cane!

The children go to their seats. Mr Tay stands in front of the

                    MR TAY (CONT’D)
          Who is the class monitor?

          She’s gone home.

                    MR TAY
          Classes haven’t begun and she’s
          gone home? Are you trying to con

                    SI QI
          Our class monitor is the one who
          got chicken pox.

                     MR TAY

The class titters.

                     MR TAY (CONT’D)
          Silence! Since there is no class
          monitor, I will appoint one right
          now. Whose results were the best
          last year?

                    AH SENG
          Cai Mei Ling! She is the biggest
          bookworm in class. Her results were
          the best!

                    MR TAY
          Classmate Cai Mei Ling! Stand up!

          She’s gone home.

The class titters.

                    MR TAY
          Silence! Why did she go home too?
          Who let her go home?

                    SI QI
          Cai Mei Ling is our class monitor.
          She is also the one who got chicken
          pox. So the one who went home is
          Cai Mei Ling.

The class explodes in laughter.

Mr Tay slams his cane on the table.

                    MR TAY
              (to Si Qi)
          What is your name?

Si Qi stands up.

                       SI QI
          Tan Si Qi.

                    MR TAY
          Classmate Tan Si Qi, so you feel
          this is very funny? IS IT?

Jonathan knows Si Qi is in trouble. He signals Ah Seng, who
is sitting next to the chicken cage.

                    SI QI
          No, disciplinary master.

Mr Tay slams his cane on the table.

                       MR TAY

                    SI QI
          No, disciplinary master.

                    MR TAY
          Do you feel choosing a class
          monitor is very funny?

Surreptitiously, Ah Seng’s hand is inching towards the
chicken cage. He lifts the lock.

                    SI QI
          No, disciplinary master.

Mr Tay slams his cane on the table.

                    MR TAY

                     SI QI
          No, disciplinary master. But even
          though you asked us twice, you
          still didn’t know that our class
          monitor Cai Mei Ling was the one
          who went home because she got
          chicken pox. This - I feel - is a
          bit funny.

                    MR TAY
          Come out here! You are only 10
          years old and you dare to talk back
          to me? COME HERE!

Mr Tay slams his cane on the table.

Frightened, the chicken squawks and flies up into the air,
causing a commotion among the students.

                    MR TAY (CONT’D)
          Silence! Who let the chicken out?

Mr Tay sees that Ah Seng is the nearest to the cage.

                    MR TAY (CONT’D)
              (to Ah Seng)
          Must be you!

Mr Tay marches over to Ah Seng and grabs the boy by the
scruff of the neck. The disciplinary master hauls Ah Seng to
the front of the class.

Jonathan grabs the chicken and sticks it back in the cage.

                    MR TAY (CONT’D)
              (to Ah Seng)
          Stick out your hand! Stick it out!

Ah Seng sticks his hand out.

                    MR TAY (CONT’D)
          A classroom is like a country! If
          we don’t whack and scold, you all
          won’t be obedient!

Mr Tay raises his cane and brings it down hard.

Ah Seng’s reflexes are quicker and he withdraws his hand just
in time.

                    MR TAY (CONT’D)
          You dare to dodge! Stick your hand
          out! You dodge again, you’ll be

Ah Seng sticks his hand out.

Mr Tay raises his cane and brings it down hard.

Ah Seng withdraws his hand just in time again.

                    MR TAY (CONT’D)
          You come over here!

Mr Tay grabs Ah Seng and pushes him over the teacher’s table.
The furious disciplinary master is about to whack Ah Seng in
the buttocks when...

                    MDM LUCY (O.S.)

Everybody turns to see Mdm Lucy standing at the doorway of
the classroom. She is holding the welcome card made by Mei

                    MDM LUCY (CONT’D)
          So pretty! Is it for me?

Mdm Lucy walks up to Mr Tay.

                    MR TAY
          You are the teacher who is
          replacing Mrs Lim?

                    MDM LUCY
          I am Mdm Lucy, Primary 4C’s new
          form teacher. What are you all
          doing? Rehearsing a play?

                    MR TAY
          I am My Tay, the disciplinary
          master. I was just about to choose
          the class monitor when this rascal
          let the chicken out of the cage!
          Good. Now that you are here, Mdm
          Lucy, please!

Mr Tay offers Mdm Lucy the cane. She takes it.

                    MDM LUCY
          Just now, I thought I heard you say
          that a classroom is like a country?

Mr Tay nods and grunts.

                    MDM LUCY (CONT’D)
          Which country are you talking

Mr Tay is boggled.

                    MDM LUCY (CONT’D)
          A place with only whacking and
          scolding is not a classroom. It is
          also not a country. It is a prison.

Mr Tay is speechless.

                    MDM LUCY (CONT’D)
          Thank you for watching over my
          class, disciplinary master. You can
          hand this student over to me. I
          will use my own method to teach him

Mdm Lucy returns the cane to Mr Tay. He leaves angrily.

Ah Seng is monkeying around and waving Mr Tay goodbye.

Mdm Lucy glares at Ah Seng sternly. He stops fooling around.

                     MDM LUCY (CONT’D)
          Next time, cannot be rude to the
          disciplinary master. Go back to
          your seat!

Ah Seng scampers back to his seat. Jonathan winks at him. Si
Qi gives him a thumbs up.

                    MDM LUCY (CONT’D)
          Okay, where did the disciplinary
          master stop just now?

          Choosing the class monitor!

                    MDM LUCY
          That’s right. Choosing the class

          Mdm Lucy, the class monitor has
          gone home!

                    MDM LUCY
          Don’t even try! You think I’m like
          Mr Tay and don’t know that your
          class monitor Cai Mei Ling has
          chicken pox and has gone home? I’m
          not so easy to con!

The class laughs, warming up to Mdm Lucy.

                        MDM LUCY (CONT’D)
              Let me ask you all. How did
              classmate Cai Mei Ling become the
              class monitor of Primary 4C?

                         AH SENG
              Mrs Lim chose her when we were in
              Primary 1.

              Mdm Lucy, are you going to choose a
              new class monitor?

                        MDM LUCY
              Since classmate Cai Mei Ling has
              chicken pox, Primary 4C needs a new
              class monitor. However, I will not
              be the one choosing.

                        SI QI
              You’re not choosing. Then,
              disciplinary master Mr Tay choose?

                        MDM LUCY
              You all will choose. Students, do
              you know what an election is?

                                                      CUT TO:

8   I/E. SCHOOL, FIELD - DAY                                    8

    Recess time. Kids are playing on the field.

    Si Qi, Jonathan and Ah Seng are kicking a ball with three of
    their classmates - naughty boy Busybody, sly boy Sugarcane
    and overweight boy Fishball.

              I know! An election is like the one
              where we chose the president!
              Everybody has to vote and the
              candidate with the most votes
              become the president!

                  (to Si Qi, Jonathan & Ah
              Ey, triplets! Last time, the
              presidential candidates were all
              Tans. You three are also Tans.
              Seems like all the Tans in this
              country like to join election. You
              three also join the election, lah!

              I don’t want to be the class
              monitor. So troublesome.

                        JONATHAN (CONT'D)
              Must come to school early, must
              take attendance. Recess time, must
              book whoever does not return his

                        AH SENG
              There’s more! Being the class
              monitor must also keep shouting
              “Stand! Bow!” before and after
              every class. Must help the teacher
              carry books. Exam time must collect
              the exam paper. Life is too short!

              But be class monitor got a lot of
              power! Can be like government like
              that. Everybody has to listen to
              you. If not, get fined. So

              Eh, Si Qi. Those two don’t want to
              join the election. But I think even
              if you want to, you also cannot.
              You are so bad at kicking ball. How
              to be class monitor?

                        AH SENG
              Fishball, what does kicking ball
              have to do with being the class

              When students misbehave, the class
              monitor must kick their backside,
              mah! Si Qi can’t even kick a ball,
              how to kick people’s backside?

    Just then, Si Qi flicks the ball up into the air and strikes
    it hard with her feet. The ball slams into Fishball’s

                        SI QI
              Since when did I say I want to be
              class monitor?

                                                      CUT TO:

9   INT. PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE - DAY                               9

    Mr Tay is talking to Principal Wee.

                        PRINCIPAL WEE
              She really said that?

                         MR TAY
               There’s more. She even said a place
               that whacks and scolds students is
               not a classroom but a prison.

                         PRINCIPAL WEE
               Strange. I heard that when Mdm Lucy
               taught in this school 15 years ago,
               she was a very fierce teacher.
               That’s why when Mrs Lim went on
               maternity leave, I approved Mdm
               Lucy to come back and teach.

                         MR TAY
               Principal, how well do you know
               this Mdm Lucy?

                         PRINCIPAL WEE
               Not very well. When I was sent here
               to be Principal, Mdm Lucy had
               already left the school.

                          MR TAY
               Why did she leave the school 15
               years ago?

                         PRINCIPAL WEE
               I don’t know.

                         MR TAY
               I think we should find out.

                                                       CUT TO:

10   EXT. SCHOOL, GATE - DAY                                     10

     School is out.

     Si Qi, Jonathan and Ah Seng are walking out of the gate.

                         AH SENG
               What do you think of that Mdm Lucy?

                         SI QI
               She’s very different from the other
               teachers, who only know how to
               whack and scold us.

               I think there’s something wrong
               with her. Class monitors all over
               the world are chosen by teachers.
               Who chooses a class monitor through
               an election. There must be
               something wrong with her head!

                         SI QI
               Talk fairly, Jonathan. Mdm Lucy was
               the one who saved Ah Seng from a
               beating. Besides, I feel it’s
               better for the students to choose
               their own class monitor, rather
               than the teacher doing so.
                   (a beat)
               So, are you all going to join the
               election to become the class

                         AH SENG
               Please lah, Si Qi. My grades are
               one of the lowest in class. Who
               will vote for me?

               I said already. Being the class
               monitor must come to school early
               every day. I always oversleep.

                         AH SENG
               That’s because you this fat pig
               loves sleeping the most!

     Jonathan chases Ah Seng, trying to poke him.

               Damn Ah Seng! Who are you calling a
               fat pig?

                         AH SENG
               Oi, Si Qi! Come and save me from
               this damn fat pig!

     Si Qi rolls her eyes at the boys’ antics.

                         SI QI
               Oi! Are we still going to drink
               bubble tea?

                                                       CUT TO:

11   INT. SCHOOL, STAFF ROOM - DAY                                11

     Mr Tay is at his desk. He is spying on Mdm Lucy who is biding
     some other teachers goodbye. Mdm Lucy leaves.

     Just then, the old janitor arrives to clear Mr Tay’s
     wastepaper basket.

                         MR TAY
               Old Wang, you have been working
               here very long, right?

                         OLD WANG
               More than 20 years already.

                         MR TAY
               Do you remember a Mdm Lucy?

                         OLD WANG
               Mdm Lucy? Of course! She left this
               school 15 years ago. But now she’s
               back. Today is her first day. I saw
               her just now. But she doesn’t
               remember me.

                         MR TAY
               Do you know why she left?

                         OLD WANG
               I don’t know for sure but I
               remember Mdm Lucy was known as the
               fiercest teacher in this school.
               She was always caning students. I
               heard some people even say that
               there was once she caned a boy so
               bad he went home and drank
               detergent. The boy’s parents did
               not press charges for some reason.
               But Mdm Lucy left the school soon

     Mr Tay is intrigued.

                                                       CUT TO:

12   INT. JONATHAN’S HOUSE, DINING ROOM - NIGHT                  12

     Jonathan is playing the piano very badly.

     His mother - Mrs Tan - is seated at the dining table,
     listening and frowning. The table is piled full of food.

               I’m very hungry! Can I stop

                         MRS TAN
               Don’t stop! You never see my
               friend’s daughter Melissa. Younger
               than you by a year and can play
               like a concert pianist. My friend
               even booked the country club
               ballroom to let her daughter show
               off her skills. You - you learn one
               year already and can’t even play
               Three Little Mice properly!

               I don’t have musical talent!

                    MRS TAN
          That’s right! You only have eating
          talent! Play properly! Or else I’ll
          make you go on a diet!

Jonathan’s father - Mr Tan - returns home from work.

                    MR TAN
          Stop playing! So horrible! I could
          hear it in the car from the main
          road! Come and eat!

                    MRS TAN
          He’s not allowed to eat unless he
          plays that song properly!

          I can’t play properly if I am
          hungry. My fingers are so weak they
          are trembling!

                    MR TAN
          Aiyah, let him eat first. Play
          later, okay?

                    MRS TAN
          No means no! Eat first if you are

                    MR TAN
          He’s playing so horribly. How can I

                    MRS TAN
          Then you wait until he can play
          this tune finish properly!

                    MR TAN
          So fierce, you think you are the
          government, ah?

                    MRS TAN
          That’s right. In this house, I am
          the government.

                    MR TAN
          If you are the government, what am

                    MRS TAN
          You always oppose me, so you are
          the opposition, lor!

                    MR TAN
          Why are you the government and I am
          the opposition? Was there ever an
          election in this house?

               My class is going to have an

     Mr and Mrs Tan turn to look at Jonathan.

                                                          CUT TO:


     Jonathan is seated at the dining table with his parents.

               I can’t wake up in time!

                         MRS TAN
               Yes, you can. I will wake you!

               I don’t want! I don’t want!

                         MR TAN
               Stop forcing him if he doesn’t

                         MRS TAN
               You want to have dinner?

     Jonathan looks at the food on the table longingly and nods.

                         MRS TAN (CONT’D)
               Then you must listen to me. My
               friend’s son Matthew is a school
               prefect. When she brings him to the
               country club, he is always wearing
               a tie. So smart!

               The class monitor does not wear a

                         MR TAN
               You want him to wear a tie, you can
               always buy him one. No need to
               force him to join the election and
               run for class monitor.

                         MRS TAN
               Do you know how hard it was to get
               you into your primary school? Your
               daddy had to donate 20 computers
               and I had to volunteer to plant
               bonsai for your school garden. We
               thought that if we could get you
               into this good primary school, you
               will have a bright future.

          MRS TAN (CONT'D)
However, your grades have been
worsening recently. At this rate,
how are you going to get into a
famous secondary school after PSLE?

          MR TAN
At most I’ll donate 100 computers.

           MRS TAN
You think we are the only rich
people in this country? You can
donate 100 computers, people also
     (to Jonathan)
Mummy and daddy will do everything
we can to help you. But sometimes,
you have to help yourself too. If
you become class monitor, your
record in primary school will look
better. And that means your chances
of getting into a famous secondary
school will also improve.
     (a beat)
The class monitor really don’t wear
a tie, ah?

During recess time, the class
monitor has to book those who don’t
return their plates. That means I
won’t have enough time to eat. If I
become class monitor, I might
starve to death!

          MRS TAN
Why are you so disobedient? We want
you to run for class monitor for
your own good!

          MR TAN
    (to Mrs Tan)
Looks like this government of yours
is not very effective.

          MRS TAN
If you have a better idea, spit it
out. Don’t keep opposing me!

          MR TAN
Since you say you are the
government in this house, you
should learn from the government.
When you want the people to do what
you want, what must you give them?

          MRS TAN
What the heck are you talking

     Mr Tan smiles. He turns to Jonathan.

                         MR TAN
               Jonathan. If you are obedient and
               run for class monitor, daddy and
               mummy will reward you. During the
               June school holiday, instead of
               bringing you to Japan Disneyland,
               we’ll go to America Disneyland.

     Jonathan’s eyes widen.

               Really? You’re not bluffing me?

     Mr Tan turns to his wife.

                         MR TAN
               Upgrading -

                         MR & MRS TAN
               Works every time!

                                                       CUT TO:

14   I/E. MARKET, DRIED GOODS STALL - NIGHT                      14

     Ah Seng’s parents - Auntie Chilli and Tau Kee Tan - are
     closing their dried goods stall.

     Ah Seng is pretending to do his homework. He is actually
     playing a game on his mobile phone.

                         TAU KEE TAN
                   (in Hokkien, to Auntie
               I heard that Ang Kar Lim won a lot
               at the casino last week.

                         AUNTIE CHILLI
                   (in Hokkien)
               No wonder he didn’t open his fish
               stall these few days.

                         AH SENG
               Are you all done soon? I’m
               I’m going to the toilet.

     Ah Seng walks off, leaving his mobile phone on top of his

                         TAU KEE TAN
                   (in Hokkien)
               I heard he won tens of thousands.

                    AUNTIE CHILLI
              (in Hokkien)
          So much? Knowing his pattern, he is
          not going to tell anyone of us.
          Last time he borrowed money from
          you to pay his son’s school fees -
          has he repaid you?

                    TAU KEE TAN
              (in Hokkien)
          Aiyah, just a few hundred.
          Sometimes he give us the fish and
          prawns he cannot sell finish, he
          also never ask us to pay. Forget
          it, lah!

                    AUNTIE CHILLI
              (in Hokkien)
          Forget it? Now that he is rich, not
          only can he pay his son’s school
          fees. He can even hire tuition
          teachers. When you see him
          tomorrow, ask him to pay you back!

Just then, Tur Bak Ong walks by.

                    TUR BAK ONG
              (in Hokkien)
          Auntie Chilli, Tau Kee Tan -
          closing up?

                    AUNTIE CHILLI
              (in Hokkien)
          Wait for you to help us, meh, Tur
          Bak Ong?

Ah Seng’s mobile phone beeps.

                    TUR BAK ONG
              (in Hokkien)
          Tomorrow is the market committee
          meeting. Remember to come if you
          are free.

                    TAU KEE TAN
              (in Hokkien)
          Economy so bad. Where got time to
          go and hear you all chit chat?

                    TUR BAK ONG
              (in Hokkien)
          Economy bad, all the more you
          should come. Tomorrow, I will be
          accepting applications for the
          market bursary. Why don’t you help
          Ah Seng apply?

                    TUR BAK ONG (CONT'D)
          If you don’t, Ang Kar Lim’s son
          will get it again this year. He has
          already applied already three
          months ago.

                    AUNTIE CHILLI
              (to Tau Kee Tan, in
          This Ang Kar Lim is really too
          much! Win so much money still dare
          to apply for bursary?

Ah Seng’s mobile phone beeps again.

                    TUR BAK ONG
              (in Hokkien)
          You said who won a lot of money?

                    AUNTIE CHILLI
              (to Tur Bak Ong, in
          No, lah. Someone you don’t know.

                    TAU KEE TAN
              (to Auntie Chilli, in
          Aiyah, each year at most a few
          hundred dollars only. Like that you
          also want to fight with other

                    AUNTIE CHILLI
              (in Hokkien)
          A few hundred? School fees plus
          books and uniform and transport -
          at least a thousand dollars!

                    TAU KEE TAN
              (to Tur Bak Ong, in
          Eh, Tur Bak Ong, what are the
          criteria for the bursary?

                    TUR BAK ONG
              (in Hokkien)
          The market committee will look at
          exam results.

                    AUNTIE CHILLI
              (in Hokkien)
          Ang Kar Lim’s son’s studies not
          very good, right?

                    TUR BAK ONG
              (in Hokkien)
          Like your son - not very good.

                    TAU KEE TAN
              (in Hokkien)
          If we also apply for Ah Seng, how
          will you all decide who to give it

                    TUR BAK ONG
              (in Hokkien)
          If your son and Ang Kar Lim’s son’s
          results are about the same, we will
          look at other factors like whether
          they volunteer in school or whether
          they are active in charity work.

Ah Seng’s mobile phone beeps yet again. Annoyed, Auntie
Chilli grabs the phone. She sees an SMS from Fishball. It
reads: “Want to win $10? Bet on who will be chosen as Primary
4G’s class monitor!”

                    AUNTIE CHILLI
              (to Tur Bak Ong, in
          What if Ah Seng is the class

Auntie Chilli passes Ah Seng’s phone to Tau Kee Tan, who
reads the SMS too.

                    TUR BAK ONG
              (in Hokkien)
          Like that your son will sure win
          Ang Kar Lim’s son. Want to apply,
          remember to come early tomorrow!

Tur Bak Ong leaves.

Ah Seng returns. He snatches his mobile phone back from his

                    AH SENG
          You take my phone for what?
              (checks his phone)
          You read my SMS for what?

Ah Seng notices his parents looking at him intently.

                    AH SENG (CONT’D)
          Why are the two of you looking at
          me like that?

                    AUNTIE CHILLI
          The more I look at you, the more
          you look like a class monitor!

                    TAU KEE TAN
          A thousand-dollar class monitor!

                          AH SENG

                                                       CUT TO:

15   INT. SI QI’S FLAT, LIVING ROOM - NIGHT                      15

     Si Qi is doing her homework on the sofa with the help of her
     mother - Mrs Chen. Her grandmother - Mdm Chen - is watching

     There is a photo of Si Qi’s deceased father on an altar.

                         MRS CHEN
               Like this. Now, plus this. Then,
               times this -

                          SI QI
               Wrong. Wrong. It’s like this. Times
               this. Then, plus this. That’s how
               you do it!

                         MDM CHEN
                   (laughing gently, in
               Don’t know who teach who!

                         MRS CHEN
               Mother, primary school mathematics
               is really difficult these days.
               It’s not enough to get the right
               answer. You must use the right
               method as well.

                         MDM CHEN
                   (in Hokkien)
               Who cares which method is right as
               long as the answer is correct. If
               the schools go on like this, all
               the children will grow up and
               become idiots.

                          MRS CHEN
               Times have changed, mother. Now,
               everything is science and
               mathematics. There are rules and
               you must follow them. You cannot
               anyhow do what you want.
                   (to Si Qi)
               Come, let’s do three more, then we
               go to bed.

                         MDM CHEN
                   (in Hokkien)
               Last night, the lift alarm was
               ringing. I couldn’t sleep.

                    MRS CHEN
          Aiyah, it must be those naughty
          kids from the seventh floor again.
          Don’t bother with them, mother.

                    MDM CHEN
              (in Hokkien)
          I couldn’t sleep all night because
          I was wondering if there was
          someone stuck inside the lift.

                    MRS CHEN
          This whole block so many people. If
          someone is really stuck in the
          lift, other people will save them.
          You don’t worry and go to sleep.
              (to Si Qi)
          So fast. Next question.

                    SI QI
          What is an election?

                    MRS CHEN
          What did you say?

                    SI QI
          What is an election?

Mrs Chen panics. She gets up and closes all the windows.

                    MDM CHEN
              (to Mrs Chen, in Hokkien)
          What are you doing? Raining and
          lightning strike, ah?

Mrs Chen comes back to the couch.

                    MRS CHEN
              (to Si Qi)
          Why are you asking this? Did you
          meet any new friends recently? Or
          did you read something on the

Si Qi shakes her head.

                    MRS CHEN (CONT’D)
          You cannot anyhow talk about this
          kind of thing. Neighbors hear, no

                    SI QI
          What kind of thing? I only asked
          you what an election is.

                    MRS CHEN
          You still haven’t told me - why are
          you asking this?

                         SI QI
               My new teacher said she is going to
               hold an election to choose the
               class monitor.

                         MRS CHEN
               An election is an adult affair. You
               will know when you grow up. Tell
               you ah, Si Qi. This year I want you
               to concentrate on your studies.
               Don’t join any CCA and don’t join
               the election. Otherwise mummy will
               be very angry. Other people want to
               become the class monitor, it’s
               their business. I want you to
               devote all of your time to your
               studies. Okay. It’s nine-thirty. Go
               to bed!

     Si Qi leaves.

                         MDM CHEN
                   (in Hokkien)
               Aiyah, Si Qi wants to join the
               beauty contest (xuan bee pei cai),
               let her, lor. After all, my grand-
               daughter is quite pretty!

                         MRS CHEN
               Mother! She’s talking about an
               election (xuan ju), not a beauty
               contest (xuan bee peh cai)!

     Mrs Chen goes to the altar and lights joss sticks. She prays
     to her dead husband.

                         MRS CHEN (CONT’D)
               Aiyoh, hubby. You are in heaven.
               You must tell me what to do. Our
               daughter haven’t ask me about male-
               female relations, she is asking me
               about politics! Children these days
               are too far-fetched! You must help
               me, ah!

                                                       CUT TO:

16   INT. SCHOOL, STAFF ROOM - NIGHT                             16

     Mr Tay is trying to open an old filing cabinet. It is rusty
     and the lock is jammed from years of disuse. He finally yanks
     the cabinet open.

     The drawer falls out, scattering old school records of past
     students all over the place.

     Mr Tay searches through the pile and sees the records of a
     student named Tay Cheng Wee. A note attached to the records
     indicate that he had withdrawn from school.

                                                        CUT TO:

17   INT. JONATHAN’S HOUSE, BEDROOM - DAY                         17

     The alarm clock rings. Jonathan switches it off.

     Another alarm clock rings. Jonathan switches it off.

     Then, yet another alarm clock rings. But before Jonathan can
     switch it off, three more alarm clocks ring.

     He wakes up and is annoyed to see six alarm clocks around his

     He moves to switch the ringing clocks off and notices his
     parents in his room. They smile at him.

                         MR TAN
               It’s six o’clock.

                         MRS TAN
               Be class monitor, cannot be late!

                                                        CUT TO:

18   I/E. LUXURY SEDAN - DAY                                      18

     Jonathan dozing in the back seat. Mrs Tan is driving. Mr Tan
     is in the front passenger seat.

     Jonathan’s parents are quarreling.

                         MR TAN
               Turn! Turn! Turn! Why didn’t you
               turn down there? I told you
               already. This way a lot of traffic
               lights. See! Red light! Tsk!

                         MRS TAN
               Hello! Am I driving or are you
               driving? The steering seems to be
               in front of me, hor!

                         MR TAN
               You are the driver but I am the co-
               driver! As the co-driver, I have
               the right to tell you which route
               is best in order to get to our
               destination in the shortest
               possible time!

                         MRS TAN
               You think we are sitting Singapore
               airlines, ah? I got hear plane has
               co-driver. But I never hear before
               car got co-driver!

                         MR TAN
               Other car may not have a co-driver
               but this one has. You know why?

                         MRS TAN
               I can’t be bothered.

                         MR TAN
               Because I bought this car! Green
               light already! Green light already!

                         MRS TAN
               I know, lah! You so clever, you
               drive tomorrow, lah!

                                                       CUT TO:

19   EXT. SCHOOL, PARADE SQUARE - DAY                            19

     Students are lined up orderly for the flag-raising ceremony.

     Si Qi and Jonathan are already there. There is an empty spot
     between them.

     Ah Seng arrives, panting and sweating and stands in the empty

                         AH SENG
                   (to Jonathan)
               Wah! The world has changed. So
               early today? How did you this fat
               pig manage to wake up?

     Jonathan makes a face at Ah Seng.

     The national anthem strikes up.

                                                       CUT TO:

20   INT. PRIMARY 4C - DAY                                       20

     The students are running about the classroom, playing.

     Mdm Lucy enters the class.

     To the students’ surprise, Jonathan shouts out.

               Class! Stand!

Everybody stands.

          Good morning, Mdm Lucy!

Mdm Lucy smiles.

                    MDM LUCY
          Good morning, students. Please sit

As Si Qi sits down, she shoots Jonathan a quizzical look.
Jonathan does not return her gaze.

                    MDM LUCY (CONT’D)
          Yesterday, we talked about choosing
          a new class monitor. And the method
          we are going to adopt in order to
          achieve this is called -

          An election!

                    MDM LUCY
          Very good. First of all. Can anyone
          tell me what is an election?

Busybody’s hand shoots up.

          I know! I know!

                    MDM LUCY
          This classmate. What is your name?

          I’m called Huang Shi Hao. But
          everybody calls me “Busybody”!

The class titters.

                    MDM LUCY
          “Busybody”... Sounds like you know
          a lot of things.

          An election means everybody has to
          vote and the person who gets the
          most votes wins.

                    MDM LUCY
          Very good. Classmate Huang Shi Hao
          is correct. An election is a
          political device in which citizens
          vote to choose the person they want
          to represent them.

                     MDM LUCY (CONT'D)
          Elections are a special feature of
          democratic countries. Can anyone
          tell me what is the opposite of

Busybody’s hand shoots up again.

Mdm Lucy points at Sugarcane.

                    MDM LUCY (CONT’D)
          This classmate - what is your name?

          I’m called Fang Guo Qiang.

          But he’s so skinny so everybody
          calls him Sugarcane!

          If a democratic country has
          elections... Then, the opposite of
          a democratic country is a country
          with no elections!

          Idiot! Of course, lah! Still need
          to say?

                    MDM LUCY
          Quieten down, everyone. Classmate
          Fang Guo Qiang is not wrong. The
          opposite of a democracy does not
          have elections. Such a political
          system are known as -

To Si Qi and Ah Seng’s surprise, Jonathan raises his hand.

          My house!

Everybody laughs.

                     MDM LUCY
          Why do you say that, this

          In my house, my mother is the
          government. Everything she says,
          everybody has to do, including my
          father. A system like my house is
          not a democracy. It is a

                    MDM LUCY
          Dictatorship. That’s the opposite
          of a democracy.

                    MDM LUCY (CONT'D)
          A long time ago, most countries
          around the world were
          dictatorships. But as times changed
          and people wanted to play a bigger
          part in the planning and running of
          their lives, dictatorships gave way
          to democracies.
              (a beat)
          Yesterday, I said the class should
          have an election to choose a new
          class monitor. This morning, before
          class started, I approached the
          student with the best handwriting
          to go on the Internet, do some
          research and write the class
          constitution. He will now read it
          out to you. Classmate Yam Ah Bee.

A small-sized boy with Brylcreemed hair called Yam Ah Bee
stands up. He reads from a jotter book titled “Class

                     YAM AH BEE
              (reading in a deadpan
          Pursuant to Chapter One, Paragraph
          One, Sub-Section A of the Class
          Election Act. Every student of
          Primary 4C is entitled to run for
          the post of class monitor. All
          candidates must present their
          details to Mdm Lucy by eight
          o’clock next Monday. This will be
          known as Nomination Day. Starting
          tomorrow, a series of debates will
          be organized in which interested
          candidates can present their own
          positions and question their
          opponents. All debates must stop
          the day after Nomination Day. The
          day after Nomination Day will be
          known as Cooling Off Day. Students
          are to use the Cooling Off Day to
          think about which candidate he
          wishes to vote for in a calm and
          logical manner. The day after
          Cooling Off Day, all students are
          required to cast their votes for
          the candidate he or she wishes to
          elect as the class monitor. This
          day will be known as Polling Day.
          Voting is secret and compulsory.
          The candidate with the most number
          of votes will serve as the class
          monitor of Primary 4C for this

The students applaud.

     Just then, Mr Tay walks past the class. He peeps in, frowns
     at what he is hearing and leaves.

                         MDM LUCY
               Thank you, classmate Yam Ah Bee.
               You spoke very well.
                   (to the students)
               Until we elect a new class monitor,
               there are many things that still
               have to be done. For instance,
               taking attendance, wiping the
               blackboard and keeping the
               classroom clean. During recess time
               later, classmate Yam Ah Bee will
               let you draw lots to see which task
               you have been assigned to.
                   (a beat)
               Although Nomination Day is the day
               after, can I find out how many
               students are interested in joining
               the election?

     The students look at one another.

     Slowly, Jonathan raises his hand.

     Si Qi is stunned.

     Then, Ah Seng raises his hand.

     Jonathan is stunned.

                                                         CUT TO:

21   EXT. SCHOOL, BASKETBALL COURT - DAY                           21

     Recess time.

     Jonathan and Ah Seng are arguing. Si Qi looks on.

                         AH SENG
               Didn’t you say yesterday that you
               didn’t want to be the class
               monitor? So why did you raise your
               hand just now?

               Then what about you? You also said
               you were not interested yesterday.
               You also raised your hand just now.

                         SI QI
               What’s wrong with the two of you? I
               thought we had all agreed yesterday
               that none of us was going to join
               the election!

                    AH SENG
          I said being a class monitor is
          troublesome. But that doesn’t mean
          that I didn’t want to join the

          You are just twisting facts!

                    AH SENG
          Then what about you? You were
          saying that you couldn’t possibly
          be the class monitor because you
          always oversleep!

          It was you who said that you didn’t
          want to join the election because
          your grades are no good and no one
          will vote for you!

                    SI QI

Jonathan and Ah Seng shut up.

                    SI QI (CONT’D)
          So, you two have really decided to
          join the election?

Jonathan and Ah Seng nod.

                    SI QI (CONT’D)
          Even if that means you will fight
          and not remain friends?

Jonathan and Ah Seng are silent.

                    SI QI (CONT’D)
          I’m not bothering with you two

She stomps away.

          Why must you fight with me?

                    AH SENG
          It’s you who want to fight with me.

          No compromise?

                    AH SENG
          I won’t withdraw.

          Fine. See you at the election.

     The two leave in separate directions.

                                                       CUT TO:

22   INT. PRIMARY 4C - DAY                                        22

     The class is drawing lots from a box in front of Yam Ah Bee.
     They make faces when they find out which tasks they have

     Busybody and Sugarcane go over to Jonathan, who is trying to
     work out a complex mathematical problem.

               What did you draw?

               Me and Busybody has to help carry
               Mdm Lucy books.

               Don’t disturb me!

               Oh, someone has to collect the
               class funds!

               Eh, Jonathan. Your mathematics is
               so lousy. Can you cope or not?

               Go away, lah!

     Ah Seng draws a lot. His face darkens. Fishball goes up to

               What did you draw?

     Ah Seng shows Fishball his slip of paper.

     Fishball laughs and makes a clucking noise.

                         FISHBALL (CONT’D)
               At first, I thought sweeping the
               floor is suay (unlucky). This is
               even more suay!

                         JONATHAN (O.S.)
               Everybody! Please listen to me!

     The class tones down and turns to look at Jonathan.

                         JONATHAN (CONT’D)
               I have to collect this month’s
               class funds.

                         JONATHAN (CONT’D)
               This will be used to buy food for
               the chicken and change the old rags
               to new ones. According to my
               calculations, everybody has to pay
               56 cents this month.

               Last time we paid only 50 cents
               every month. How come now increase?

               Eh, wait a while. I forgot to count
               the plastic wrapping paper for the
               books in the class library. Sorry.
               Everybody has to pay 65 cents - Eh,
               wait. I counted wrong. Oh, no! I
               forgot to count the class present
               for Mrs Lim! Anybody has a

               Wah lao! You go home and count
               properly first, then tell us, lah!
               Your mathematics is really crap!

                         AH SENG
               Ya, lor! One moment say 56 cents.
               Then, increase to 65 cents. Eh,
               Jonathan, don’t come back tomorrow
               and tell us we have to pay one
               dollar, okay? We are not rich like
               you! Think you can be like that
               Youth Olympics. The cost keep going
               up, up, up like a balloon, is it?

     Jonathan shoots Ah Seng a poisonous look.

                                                       CUT TO:

23   INT. PRIMARY 4C - DAY                                        23

     After school.

     The students are leaving.

     Still engrossed with calculating the class funds, Jonathan

     Over at the pet’s corner, Ah Seng is looking at the chicken
     inside the cage. It is dirty and smelly. He winces.

     Fishball walks by on his way out of the door.

               Remember to clean properly, hah?

     Fishball makes clucking noises as he leaves.

Ah Seng sees Si Qi leaving.

                    AH SENG
          Oi, Si Qi! You’re not going to
          leave me in the lurch, right?

Si Qi leaves angrily.

Ah Seng is alone in the classroom.

He opens the cage and pulls out the soiled newspaper

In his haste and disgust, he fails to latch the door of the
cage properly.

                    AH SENG (CONT’D)
          Wah lao! So smelly!

He sees that the wastepaper basket is across the room. He
runs over and dumps the dirty newspaper.

Ah Seng gets his fingers dirty.

                    AH SENG (CONT’D)

Looking around to make sure no one is looking, Ah Seng wipes
his dirty hand on the wall.

Meanwhile, the chicken is pushing at the door of the cage.

Ah Seng turns to go back to the cage but he sees that the
soiled newspaper he had carried earlier to the wastepaper
basket had left a wet trail on the ground.

                    AH SENG (CONT’D)

Ah Seng tries to rub out the dirty spots on the ground with
his shoe but it doesn’t work.

He goes back to the wastepaper basket and retrieves the
soiled newspaper. He bundles it up and tries to use the
cleaner side to wipe the floor.

To his horror, the soiled newspaper leaks and creates even
more dirty spots on the ground.

Frustrated, Ah Seng dumps the soiled newspaper back into the

He spots a quilted scarf reading “Primary 4C” hanging on the
class project board. He rips it of the board and uses it to
wipe the floor.

Satisfied, Ah Seng turns back to the cage.

     He gasps in horror.

     The chicken is missing!

                                                       CUT TO:

24   I/E. SCHOOL, CORRIDOR - DAY                                 24

     The chicken walks down the corridor. It stops under a notice

     On the notice board is a geography project featuring the map
     of Malaysia.

     The chicken studies the map intently.

     It zooms into the Johor Straits separating Singapore from

     The chicken zooms into another chart with instructions on how
     to swim.

                                                       CUT TO:

25   I/E. SCHOOL, STAIRS - DAY                                   25

     The chicken is about to approach a flight of stairs when it
     suddenly stops and hides behind a wall.

     Principal Wee is leading two policemen down the stairs.

                         PRINCIPAL WEE
               Thank you, officers, for coming to
               our school and giving a crime
               prevention talk! Our students found
               your talk very informative and

                         POLICEMAN 1
               You are most welcome. Please
               contact us whenever you want us to
               come down again.

                          PRINCIPAL WEE
               You all don’t need to catch crooks,
               ah? Got so much time?

     The policemen laugh as they descend the stairs.

     The coast is now clear.

     The chicken emerges from behind the wall and continues on its

                                                       CUT TO:

26   I/E. SCHOOL, CORRIDOR - DAY                                    26

     Ah Seng is scouring the corridor, looking for the chicken.

     He makes clucking noises.

                                                          CUT TO:

27   I/E. SCHOOL, BOYS’ TOILET - DAY                                27

     The chicken is past the toilet. Suddenly, it sees Ah Seng

     The chicken turns back and enters the toilet.

     Ah Seng arrives, still making the clucking noises.

     He stops for a moment and, to his surprise, hears a cluck
     coming from the toilet.

     Ah Seng approaches the toilet door carefully.

                                                          CUT TO:

28   INT. SCHOOL, BOYS’ TOILET - DAY                                28

     The chicken is panicking.

     As the toilet door creaks open, the chicken enters a cubicle.

     It uses its beak to push the cubicle door close.

     Ah Seng enters the toilet.

     Inside the cubicle, the chicken looks around frantically.

     It spots an open window.

     Outside the cubicle, Ah Seng is looking around carefully. He
     spots a trail of wet chicken feet marks leading to the closed
     cubicle door.

     Ah Seng walks forward.

     He places his hands on the cubicle door.

     But just as he pushes the cubicle door open, he hears a loud
     flapping noise.


     The cubicle door opens.

     Ah Seng sees chicken feathers floating down from the open

     The chicken is gone!

                                                       CUT TO:

29   INT. SI QI’S FLAT, LIVING ROOM - DAY                         29

     Si Qi returns home. Her grandmother - Mdm Chen - is resting
     on the sofa.

                         SI QI
               Ah Ma! I’m home!

                         MDM CHEN
                   (in Hokkien)
               Si Qi, come back already, hah? Have
               you eaten? I cooked fried bee hoon.

                         SI QI
               I’m not hungry.

                         MDM CHEN
                   (in Hokkien)
               How can you not eat? You are going
               to join a beauty contest, right? If
               you don’t eat, fall on the stage,
               how? Ah Ma go and get you some
               fried bee hoon.

     Mdm Chen goes into the kitchen.

     Si Qi sits down on the couch and looks at the photo of her
     deceased father.

     Her mobile phone rings. She sees that it is Ah Seng calling.
     She rejects the call.

     Mdm Chen comes back with a plate of fried noodles. Si Qi
     begins to eat.

                         SI QI
               You want some, Ah Ma?

                         MDM CHEN
                   (in Hokkien)
               You eat. Ah Ma ate already.

     Mdm Chen looks at her grand-daughter and smiles happily.

                         MDM CHEN (CONT’D)
                   (in Hokkien)
               Si Qi has grown up already. Very
               pretty now. Going to join a beauty

                         SI QI
               Ah Ma, what was my father like when
               he was young?

                         MDM CHEN
                   (in Hokkien)
               Your father? He was very handsome.
               He was also very hardworking. After
               you were born, he was working as a
               life guard. One day, when you were
               still a baby, he saw a little boy
               drowning and jumped in to save him.
               The pool was too shallow and he hit
               his head. In the end, your father
               managed to save the little boy but
               he died in the hospital from his
               head injury. After that day, your
               mother never read the newspaper and
               never watch TV again. She says she
               just wants to mind her own business
               and take good care of you.

                         SI QI
               So my father liked helping people?

                         MDM CHEN
                   (in Hokkien)
               Yes, he loved helping people. In
               fact, when he was in school, he was
               the class monitor every year!

                                                       CUT TO:

30   INT. JONATHAN’S HOUSE, LIVING ROOM - DAY                    30

     Jonathan and his parents are seated around the coffee table,
     watching an accountant working out the class funds problem on
     a sophisticated calculator.

               Can or not?

                         MRS TAN
               Don’t worry. Your father got his
               company accountant to come and help
               you. Sure to settle.

               Mr and Mrs Tan, even applying the
               most complicated banking and high
               finance calculations, to pay for
               everything from the chicken feed to
               new rags to plastic wrapping to a
               present for your son’s former
               teacher who is due to deliver soon -
               each student still has to pay 70

               Die! Last time is 50 cents. People
               will blame me for any increase!

               Of course I can apply the laws of
               depreciation and amortization. But
               I think that will be not very
               suitable for a classroom

                         MR TAN
               Just apply!

     The accountant taps on his calculator.

               The best I can do is 64 cents per

                         MR TAN
                   (to Jonathan)
               Sixty four cents - can or not?

               Is that the lowest?

               Any lower and it will be illegal.
                   (to Mr Tan)
               I think your son is too young to be
               selling derivatives to his

     Mr and Mrs Tan smile weakly at the accountant.

                                                       CUT TO:

31   I/E. MARKET, DRIED GOODS STALL - DAY                        31

     Ah Seng arrives at his parents’ stall. He sees his mother
     talking to a scary loan shark.

                         LOAN SHARK
                   (in Hokkien)
               Auntie Chilli, don’t learn other
               people play mahjong if you can’t
               pay up!

                         AUNTIE CHILLI
                   (in Hokkien)
               Aiyoh, you all Ah Longs really more
               punctual than the utility bill!
               Can’t you give me three days more?
               I guarantee you I’ll get you the
               money in five days.

                         LOAN SHARK
                   (in Hokkien)
               Eight hundred, you know! Not

                    LOAN SHARK (CONT'D)
          How much chilli, tau pok and tau
          kee must you sell to make eight
          hundred dollars in five days?

                    AUNTIE CHILLI
              (in Hokkien)
          Aiyah, I am going for a meeting
          later. I will be getting at least a
          thousand dollars very soon. Don’t

                    LOAN SHARK
              (in Hokkien)
          Okay, ah. Don’t try to con me.
          Three days’ time. Eight hundred.
          Otherwise, I’ll get rough.

                    AUNTIE CHILLI
              (in Hokkien)
          Okay, okay, lah!

The loan shark leaves.

Ah Seng goes up to his mother.

                    AH SENG
          Who was that guy?

                    AUNTIE CHILLI
              (in Hokkien)
          Customer. Why are you so sweaty?

                    AH SENG
          I want chicken.

                    AUNTIE CHILLI
              (in Hokkien)

                    AH SENG
          I’m serious! I want chicken!

                    AUNTIE CHILLI
              (in Hokkien)
          You are only 10 years old! How can
          you want something like that?

                    AH SENG
          I lost the class chicken! I need to
          find another chicken to replace it!

                     AUNTIE CHILLI
               (in Hokkien)
          Oh! Say earlier, lah! Scare me to
          death! What’s the big deal about
          your class chicken? Lose, lose,

                         AUNTIE CHILLI (CONT'D)
               Government lose a terrorist also
               never scared until like you like

                         AH SENG
               Cannot! If my classmates know I
               lost the chicken, they will surely
               not vote for me to become the class

                         AUNTIE CHILLI
                   (in Hokkien)
               Wah, like that I sure let that loan
               shark kill! Come!

     She leads Ah Seng away.

                                                       CUT TO:

32   I/E. MARKET, CHICKEN STALL - DAY                            32

     Auntie Chilli brings Ah Seng to Kah Li Kuay’s chicken stall.

                         KAH LI KUAY
                   (in Hokkien)
               Auntie Chilli, so free bring your
               son look at chicken?

                         AUNTIE CHILLI
                   (in Hokkien)
               Your mouth don’t so foul! We want
               to buy one chicken.

                         KAH LI KUAY
                   (in Hokkien)
               Up to you to choose!

     Ah Seng looks at the chickens.

                         AH SENG
               None of them look like the class

                         AUNTIE CHILLI
                   (in Hokkien)
               Wah lao! Chickens got look
               different one, meh?

                         AH SENG
               My class chicken is lame in one
               leg. It walks funny.

                         KAH LI KUAY
                   (in Hokkien)
               Aiyoh, so simple. Uncle take any of
               these chickens, break one leg and
               give you!

                         AUNTIE CHILLI
                   (in Hokkien)
               Thank you! Thank you!

     Kah Li Kuay picks a chicken and is about to break one of its
     legs with the back of a cleaver when Ah Seng stops him.

                          AH SENG

                         AUNTIE CHILLI
                   (in Hokkien)
               What do you want?

                         AH SENG
               Forget it. I’ll just tell my
               classmates the chicken escaped.

                          AUNTIE CHILLI
                   (in Hokkien)
               Suddenly, want. Suddenly, don’t
               want! So troublesome! I go back to
               the stall!

     Auntie Chilli leaves.

     Ah Seng spots the loan shark passing by. He follows.

                                                       CUT TO:

33   I/E. MARKET, GENERAL AREA - DAY                              33

     Ah Seng is following the loan shark but loses sight of the

     Ah Seng is about to give up and go back when suddenly, the
     loan shark appears from behind a pillar.

                         LOAN SHARK
               You follow me for what?

                         AH SENG
               My mother owe you how much?

                         LOAN SHARK
               Oh, you are Auntie Chilli’s son!
               Eight hundred. You want to help
               your mother pay? You so small, got
               money, meh?

                         AH SENG
               I don’t have money.

                         LOAN SHARK
               No money nevermind. How’s your
               drawing skills?

     The loan shark brings out a can of spray paint.

                         LOAN SHARK (CONT’D)
               If you help me draw some pictures,
               I can forget your mother’s debt.

                         AH SENG
               Let me think about it. How do I get
               in touch with you?

     The loan shark takes Ah Seng’s mobile phone, punches in his
     number and returns it to him, before walking off.

                                                         CUT TO:

34   INT. SCHOOL, STAFF ROOM - NIGHT                               34

     Mdm Lucy is working at her desk. She is alone.

     Suddenly, there is a noise. She turns and looks.

     There is nobody in the darkened staff room except for her.
     She goes back to her work.

     Something creaks. Mdm Lucy spins around. Nothing.

     Roving POV and horror music starts.

     Something is creeping behind Mdm Lucy, spying on her. She
     gets an uneasy feeling.

     A noise. Mdm Lucy turns and sees a swivel chair behind her
     spinning slightly, as if someone has just brushed it.

     The chair stops spinning.

     Mdm Lucy turns back to her desk and screams!

     Perched on her desk is Mr Tay, holding a cane in his lap.

                         MDM LUCY
               Scared me to death!

                         MR TAY
               So late still haven’t gone home?

                         MDM LUCY
               I am planning this semester’s

                         MR TAY
               Oh, haven’t you finish already? I
               was walking by your class this
               morning. You seem to already know
               what to teach your students.

                    MDM LUCY
          What do you mean?

                    MR TAY
          They are only 10 years old. Don’t
          you think they are a bit young to
          be discussing politics?

                    MDM LUCY
          Oh, you are talking about the class
          election. Let me ask you, Mr Tay,
          in your opinion, how old should
          students be before they can discuss

                    MR TAY
          When they are 21 years old and
          eligible to vote.

                    MDM LUCY
          Don’t you think that’s a bit too
          late? Waiting till they are in the
          pool and then starting to learn how
          to swim?

                    MR TAY
          Why did you come back to this
          school, Mdm Lucy?

                    MDM LUCY
          I’m tired and it’s late. I’m going
          home. See you tomorrow, Mr Tay.

Mdm Lucy makes to leave but Mr Tay raises his cane, blocking
her way.

                    MR TAY
          I don’t know why you suddenly came
          back after 15 years, Mdm Lucy. I
          also don’t know why instead of
          controlling your students, you are
          filling their minds with nonsense.
          As the discipline master, I will be
          watching you very carefully.
              (smiles suddenly)
          So, have a good night and rest

Mdm Lucy walks away from Mr Tay. She stops at the doorway and
turns back.

                    MDM LUCY
          Oh, did you hear, Mr Tay. People
          say that 15 years ago, I caused the
          death of a boy in this school. Do
          you think that, like me, he is back
          here too?

     She smiles and leaves.

     Mr Tay snorts derisively. He slams the cane on Mdm Lucy’s
     table and flips through her papers.

     Suddenly, there is a noise.

     Mr Tay smirks.

                            MR TAY
                  Want to scare me back, is it?

     A creak.

                            MR TAY (CONT’D)
                  Not so easy! I am not easily


     Mr Tay turns around. Nothing is there.

     Suddenly, something rushes over the surface of Mdm Lucy’s
     desk and knocks Mr Tay’s cane to the ground.

     Mr Tay looks.

     Something drags his cane under the desk.

     Frightened now, Mr Tay backs away from the desk.

                            MR TAY (CONT’D)
                  Are you.. Are you... Are you Mdm
                  Lucy’s student from 15 years ago?


     Slowly, Mr Tay squats down to look under Mdm Lucy’s table.

     He sees a pair of red eyes. Before he can scream, something
     feathery leaps towards his face.


     Mr Tay screams!

                                                        CUT TO:

35   I/E. PICK-UP TRUCK - NIGHT                                   35

     Ah Seng is in the pick-up truck with his parents. They are
     going home from the market.

          TAU KEE TAN
    (in Hokkien)
Did you see Ang Kar Lim’s face when
we said we also wanted to apply for
the market bursary? He looked like
he wanted explode!

    (in Hokkien)
We must get the bursary no matter
what this time round.

          TAU KEE TAN
    (in Hokkien)
Aiyah, should be no problem. Tur
Bak Ong said that if Ah Seng
becomes class monitor, we have a
hundred per cent chance of getting
the bursary!

          AH SENG
What if I don’t win the election?

    (in Hokkien)
Why won’t you win? Because of that
chicken, is it? I told you to take
one from Kar Li Kuay’ stall this
afternoon already. But you didn’t
want. Now so late, where do you
want me to find a chicken for you?

           TAU KEE TAN
     (in Hokkien)
Actually, he did the right thing.
Even though Ah Seng lost the
chicken, if he can explain properly
to his classmates tomorrow and
admit his mistake, they will be
impressed with his honesty. This is
better than getting another chicken
and pretending. If you get found
out doing something like that, then
you will lose the election for
     (to Ah Seng)
Don’t worry, Ah Seng! I support

    (in Hokkien)
You have a point there.
    (to Ah Seng)
But remember - admit your mistake
openly and sincerely. But don’t
dwell on it too long.

                         AUNTIE CHILLI (CONT'D)
               Once you sense that your classmates
               have accepted your explanation,
               move on and focus on your opponent.
               Highlight his weak spots in a
               simple, direct manner. That way,
               you can shift the attention away
               from the lost chicken to your
               opponent’s weaknesses.

                                                       CUT TO:

36   INT. SI QI’S FLAT, BEDROOM - DAY                            36

     Mrs Chen is sleeping.

     The lift alarm rings.

     Her door opens. It is Mdm Chen.

                         MDM CHEN
               Is someone stuck in the lift?

                         MRS CHEN
               It’s those naughty kids from the
               seventh floor, mother. Go to sleep.

     Mdm Chen closes the door and leaves.

     The lift alarm rings.

     And then stops.

                                                       CUT TO:

37   INT. JONATHAN’S HOUSE, BEDROOM - DAY                        37

     Jonathan’s six alarm clocks ring, startling him awake.

                                                       CUT TO:

38   I/E. LUXURY SEDAN - DAY                                     38

     Jonathan is dozing in the back seat. Mr Tan is behind the
     wheel. Mrs Tan is in the front passenger seat.

                         MR TAN
                   (to Jonathan)
               Remember! Explain to your
               classmates that the best accountant
               in Singapore has looked at your
               class funds and the lowest you can
               collect is 64 cents.

                    MRS TAN
          Speak in an open and sincere voice.
          Remind your classmates that costs
          have risen. Remember what the
          accountant taught you? Explain
          every single thing to your
          classmates. Use those words he
          taught you - depreciation and
          amortization - but don’t adopt a
          superior tone. Always be humble.
          Speak slowly and clearly. That way,
          they will see that you are
          methodical, organized and
          responsible. They will then realize
          that you’ll make a good class

Suddenly, Mrs Tan slaps the back of Mr Tan’s head.

                    MR TAN
          Oi! You hit me for what?

                     MRS TAN
          You went the wrong way! This
          direction is going to the airport!
          The school is in the other

                    MR TAN
          I know! You think I’m stupid, ah? I
          heard the news of the radio this
          morning that there is an accident
          on the highway in the other
          direction! I’m going this way to go
          around the jam! Am I driving or are
          you driving?

                    MRS TAN
          You are driving but today I am the
          co-driver. My job is to slap you if
          I think you are falling asleep!

                    MR TAN
          But I’m not falling asleep! I’m
          avoiding a jam!

                    MRS TAN
          I say you are falling asleep, you
          are falling asleep! Even if you
          want to avoid the jam, this route
          will take 20 minutes longer!
          Jonathan will be late for school!

                    MR TAN
          You so clever, you drive tomorrow!

                                                     CUT TO:

39   EXT. SCHOOL, PARADE SQUARE - DAY                             39

     Students are lined up orderly for the flag-raising ceremony.

     Si Qi and Ah Seng are already there. There is an empty spot
     behind Ah Seng.

                         SI QI
               Where is Jonathan?

                         AH SENG
               That fat pig must have overslept
               again! Like that how to be class

                         SI QI
               Don’t talk about Jonathan like

     Jonathan arrives, panting and sweating and stands in the
     empty spot.

     Jonathan ignores Ah Seng.

     Just then, Mr Tay walks past, his face full of small

     The national anthem strikes up.

                                                       CUT TO:

40   INT. PRIMARY 4C - DAY                                        40

     The class is in an uproar over the missing chicken. Mdm Lucy
     starts the debate between Jonathan and Ah Seng.

                         MDM LUCY
               Quieten down, classmates. I know
               everybody is very upset by the
               disappearance of the class chicken.
               As far as I know, classmate Tan Ah
               Seng was in charge of cleaning the
               chicken cage yesterday. Everyone
               will have a chance to hear his
               explanation in a while. In
               addition, as part of today’s class
               monitor debate, classmate Jonathan
               Tan will also talk about his task -
               the calculation and collection of
               the class funds. Let’s invite
               classmate Tan Ah Seng to start

     Some students boo.

                    AH SENG
          Good morning, teacher and
          classmates. My name is Tan Ah Seng
          and I want to be your class
          monitor. Yesterday, I was tasked
          with cleaning the chicken cage.
          While I was performing my task, the
          chicken broke out of the cage and
          went missing. While I did not lose
          the chicken deliberately, I hereby
          acknowledge that it is my fault. I
          should have been more careful. I
          have learnt from this incident and
          will ensure that as class monitor,
          I will be more diligent and careful
          than before. Thank you for
          everybody’s kind understanding and

Ah Seng bows.

The class is pretty impressed.

                    MDM LUCY
          Very good. Any classmates have any
          question for classmate Tan Ah Seng?

          If you are elected as the class
          monitor, will you anyhow beat

                    AH SENG
          As class monitor, my job is not to
          beat other classmates. My job is to
          advise classmates who are breaking
          the class rules not to do so. A
          class monitor is equal to the other
          classmates. He is the recipient of
          the students’ trust and support. In
          return, he must not reward that
          trust and support with violence of
          any sort.

                    MDM LUCY
          Classmate Jonathan Tan, it’s your

          Good morning teacher and
          classmates. My name is Jonathan Tan
          and I am joining the election to
          become the class monitor. The task
          I drew yesterday was to calculate
          the class funds that everybody has
          to pay this month. Yesterday, I was
          not able to do an accurate job.

                    JONATHAN (CONT'D)
          The reason is because there were
          many new items contributing to
          increased costs. I had to check the
          prices of these items and apply the
          appropriate calculation methods.
          After school yesterday, knowing
          that it is my job to be as accurate
          as possible, I consulted a
          professional accountant. After
          applying the rules of depreciation
          and amortization, I am pleased to
          announce that this month’s class
          funds is 64 cents per student. The
          14-cent increase from the old
          monthly class fund is due to two
          reasons: rising costs and the need
          to buy Mrs Lim a present. While
          these factors are out of my
          control, I have done my best to
          minimize the increase. I have here
          the detailed mathematical
          calculations. Everyone is welcome
          to inspect them later. As the class
          monitor, I feel it is important to
          understand economy and to safeguard
          our class funds and ensure that
          they are spent in a responsible
          way. Thank you everyone for giving
          me a chance to contribute to the

                    MDM LUCY
          Thank you, classmate Jonathan Tan.
          Anyone has any questions for him?

          If you are chosen as the class
          monitor, your job will be to book
          students who break the class rules.
          Who will book you when you break
          the class rules?

          As a class monitor, I intend to set
          an example for the rest of the
          class. I will try my best to
          observe the class rules. But, like
          everyone else, I am human and
          humans make mistakes. So, since I
          am chosen by the classmates to be
          the class monitor. If I break any
          of the class rules, I hope that the
          classmates will book me. The class
          monitor is not above the class law.
          He is merely helping to uphold the
          class law.

The class seems impressed.

                    MDM LUCY
          Very good. Now that the class has
          asked our two candidates questions,
          it is time for the two candidates
          to ask each other questions.
          Classmate Tan Ah Seng.

                    AH SENG
          You said you calculated the class
          funds with the help of a
          professional accountant. Why can’t
          you do something so simple
          yourself? Are you simply shirking
          your responsibility?

          As class monitor, I am not perfect.
          It is more important to know your
          shortcomings rather than your
          strengths. I know that my maths is
          not strong. Hence, I thought it is
          best to get the help of a
          professional accountant, especially
          when something as important as the
          class funds is involved.
              (a beat)
          Now let me ask you a question back.
          You have admitted that the missing
          chicken is your fault. But your
          admission does not change the fact
          that the pet’s corner is now
          without life and color. Apart from
          asking for forgiveness, do you have
          more practical ways of making
          amends to the class?

                    AH SENG
          Yes, I do. If the class allows me
          to, I will use my own savings from
          past Chinese New Year to buy
          another chicken for the pet’s
          corner. This way, I will be able to
          make amends for my carelessness and
          bring back life and color to the
          pet’s corner!

                     MR TAY (O.S.)
          No need!

Everyone turns to see Mr Tay walking in carrying the runaway

                    MR TAY (CONT’D)
          I found him in the staff room last

Mr Tay puts the chicken back into the cage.

     As he passes by Mdm Lucy, he talks to her softly.

                         MR TAY (CONT’D)
               You are not teaching from the
               syllabus, what are you doing?

     Mdm Lucy ignores Mr Tay.

                         MDM LUCY
               Let’s put our hands together to
               show our appreciation to Mr Tay for
               finding our beloved chicken!

     The class applauds.

                                                         CUT TO:

41   I/E. SCHOOL, CANTEEN - DAY                                    41

     Recess time.

     The students arrive from their classroom.

     Jonathan goes up to Fishball.

               Will you vote for me?

               If you don’t beat people, I will
               vote for you.

               Next time there is a debate, you
               must ask Ah Seng some hard
               questions too.

     Fishball nods.

     Over on the other side of the canteen, Ah Seng is talking to
     Busybody and Sugarcane.

                         AH SENG
                   (to Busybody)
               Why did you ask me a question and
               not Jonathan?

               Ask only what, won’t die.

               Actually I also wanted to ask you a

                         AH SENG
               Why don’t you all ask Jonathan? Why
               keep focusing on me?

          If we help you, what will we get in

                    AH SENG
          If you help me, I will help you all
          back next time.


                    AH SENG
          You will see next time.

          Okay, we will help you. But you
          better remember what you promised

Busybody and Sugarcane leave.

Si Qi walks up.

                    SI QI
          I bought noodles for you already.

                    AH SENG

Happily, Ah Seng follows Si Qi to a table where he sees
Jonathan waiting.

                    AH SENG (CONT’D)
          I don’t want to sit with him.

          You never said he will be sitting

                    SI   QI
          What’s wrong   with the two of you?
          You can both   run for class monitor
          but still be   friends, right?

                    AH SENG
          Tan Si Qi, you are very naive. Let
          me ask you, who are you going to
          vote for - him or me?

          Yah, two of us - you choose who?

                    SI QI
              (suddenly smiling)
          Okay, nobody is allowed to talk
          about the election. Let’s eat

     She sits down.

                         SI QI (CONT’D)
                   (to Ah Seng)
               Sit down!

     Ah Seng sits down reluctantly.

     The three eat in silence.

               Why did you say by using a
               professional accountant, I was
               shirking my responsibility?

                         AH SENG
               Then why did you ask me if I have a
               more practical way of making amends
               to the class? You are obviously
               finding trouble with me!

                          SI QI

     Cut to the trio’s feet.

     Jonathan and Ah Seng leaves.

     Si Qi is left sitting alone on the bench.

                                                       CUT TO:

42   INT. SCHOOL, BOYS’ TOILET - DAY                             42

     Busybody enters the toilet. Mr Tay enters.

     They pee together.

     They wash their hands.

     Busybody notices the bandages on Mr Tay’s face.

               Mr Tay, were you attacked by the

                         MR TAY
               Where are you such a busybody?

               That’s what everybody calls me -
               “Busybody”! I know everything there
               is know in this school!

                         MR TAY
               Is that right? What do you know
               about Mdm Lucy?
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Class electiondraft08

  • 1. CLASS ELECTION Draft 8 26 September 2011 MediaCorp Raintree Pictures Pte Ltd Caldecott Broadcast Centre, Andrew Road, Singapore 299939
  • 2. FADE IN: 1 BLACK 1 Over black, we hear the voice-over of 10-year-old Tan Si Qi. SI QI (V.O.) Some people become friends because of common hobbies. Other people develop a friendship because of common interests. Ah Seng, Jonathan and me, on the other hand, became friends because of fate. We three are all surnamed Tan. CUT TO: 2 EXT. SCHOOL, PARADE SQUARE - DAY 2 Reading from a name list, disciplinary master Mr Tay is calling out the names of students. MR TAY Tan Si Qi! Jonathan Tan! Tan Ah Seng! Line up properly! We see Si Qi, Jonathan and Ah Seng’s feet get into a line, one behind another. MR TAY (O.S.) (CONT’D) Wee Tze Min! Jeremy Wong! CUT TO: 3 EXT. SCHOOL, BASKETBALL COURT - DAY 3 Reading from a name list, sports teacher Mr Raj Singh is calling out the names of students. MR RAJ SINGH (in English) Tan Si Qi! Jonathan Tan! Tan Ah Seng! You three form one team! We see Si Qi, Jonathan and Ah Seng’s feet huddle in a group. Jonathan’s foot accidentally steps on to Ah Seng’s foot. MR RAJ SINGH (O.S.) (CONT’D) Wee Tze Min! Jeremy Wong! CUT TO:
  • 3. 2. 4 INT. SCHOOL, MUSIC ROOM - DAY 4 Reading from a name list, music teacher Miss Wong is calling out the names of students. MISS WONG Tan Si Qi! Jonathan Tan! Tan Ah Seng! Later, you all sing this part! We see Si Qi, Jonathan and Ah Seng’s feet join a chorus line. Jonathan’s foot accidentally steps on to Ah Seng’s foot. Ah Seng’s foot kicks Jonathan’s foot back. CUT TO: 5 INT. SCHOOL, SICK BAY - DAY 5 Reading from a name list, a nurse is calling out the names of students. NURSE Next! Tan Si Qi! Jonathan Tan! Tan Ah Seng! We see Si Qi, Jonathan and Ah Seng’s feet shuffle reluctantly towards a door. None of them want to be in front. SI QI (V.O.) From lining up to taking injections to eating to exams, the three of us have always been doing everything together since Primary One. The mess of feet begin kicking and fighting one another in their bid not to be the first in line for an injection. SI QI (V.O.) (CONT’D) Conflicts are of course inevitable. Sometimes, we would even fight. But like dogs and cats living under one roof, we learnt to accept one another eventually. Fussing and fighting, breaking up and making up, our friendship looks set to last forever until... CUT TO: 6 I/E. SCHOOL, CANTEEN - DAY 6 We see Jonathan, Si Qi and Ah Seng’s feet seated on a bench in a row.
  • 4. 3. SI QI (V.O.) ... that day when school reopened in Primary Four. Camera pans up to reveal the three kids, all aged 10. Jonathan is a chubby, pampered and spoilt rich kid. Ah Seng is a scowling, skinny and sharp-tongued son of a market hawker. Si Qi is a pretty, neat and responsible girl. All three of them in the middle of eating noodles in the canteen. Chopsticks poised in mid air, Jonathan, Si Qi and Ah Seng are stunned. MEI LING (O.S.) What do you all think? On the opposite end of the canteen table, bespectacled class monitor Mei Ling is holding up a huge and gaudy greeting card that says “Welcome”. MEI LING (CONT’D) Nice? I put in a lot of effort to finish this. Hope our new form teacher will like it. Ah Seng’s foot nudges Si Qi’s. SI QI Er, Mei Ling, isn’t it a bit too red? MEI LING Too red? No. Other than red, there are many other colors like blue, green and yellow. I think the colors are combined very well. Si Qi’s foot nudges Jonathan’s. JONATHAN Isn’t it a bit too many? MEI LING Too many? I only made one card. What’s wrong with you triplets today? First day of school reopening, look a bit odd. Si Qi’s foot nudges Ah Seng’s.
  • 5. 4. AH SENG I think you’re better off asking the nurse rather than asking us. MEI LING Nurse? I ask the nurse for what? SI QI, JONATHAN & AH SENG BECAUSE YOU HAVE “CHICKEN POX”!!! Mei Ling gets out her pencil box, lifts the lid and looks into a small mirror under the lid. She sees many red spots all over her face. Mei Ling screams. CUT TO: 7 INT. PRIMARY 4C - DAY 7 The class chicken is clucking softly inside a cage in the “Pet’s Corner” of the classroom. It has a bandage on one leg. Disciplinary master Mr Tay and the sagely Principal Wee are looking at the chicken. The former is holding his handkerchief to his nose. He is also armed with a cane. In the background, the nurse is taking the temperatures of the students. MR TAY What do you think, Principal? Do you want me to take it behind the school and - Mr Tay makes a sinister slitting gesture across his throat. Principal Wee does not reply. He continues looking at the chicken. MR TAY (CONT’D) If you feel that the school is not a suitable place, I can bring it to the factory opposite and - Mr Tay makes a sinister neck breaking gesture. Principal Wee is still not replying. He continues considering the chicken. MR TAY (CONT’D) Or how about this, Principal - Principal Wee suddenly stands up straight and talks to no one in particular.
  • 6. 5. PRINCIPAL WEE Chicken essence. Mr Tay is boggled. PRINCIPAL WEE (CONT’D) Mrs Lim will be giving birth next week. To congratulate her, the school will send her chicken essence instead of flowers. MR TAY What about this chicken, Principal? What do you want me to do it? PRINCIPAL WEE Chicken pox is not caused by chickens, Mr Tay. The nurse approaches Principal Wee. NURSE Principal, all the students are fine. Nobody has a fever. PRINCIPAL WEE Although none of the students have a fever now, that doesn’t mean that they are not infected. (sighs) Because of one case of chicken pox, do we send the whole class home or do we wait and observe for a few days? If we send everybody back, it might cause a panic among students from the other classes. But if we do nothing and more chicken pox cases break out later, the school might be accused of being complacent. Hard to either advance or retreat. Left and right - both a dilemma. This is the conundrum of power. Being a principal is the same as being the government. Whatever you decide to do, you will still be criticized. Mr Tay, please watch over Primary 4C until the teacher relieving Mrs Lim arrives. She had to go to the Ministry of Education this morning to settle some paperwork. She should be here soon. Principal Wee leaves with the nurse. Just then, Si Qi, Jonathan and Ah Seng runs over to the chicken cage.
  • 7. 6. JONATHAN I want to feed! I want to feed! AH SENG I also want to feed! SI QI You two always feed him! Today is my turn! Mr Tay slams his cane on a table. The whole class, which has been jabbering and running about, falls silent. MR TAY Silence! Go to your seats! You think this is a zoo? Suddenly, the chicken crows. The kids laugh. AH SENG He says this is a zoo! Mr Tay slams his cane on the table again. MR TAY Silence! Whoever talks again will get a taste of my cane! The children go to their seats. Mr Tay stands in front of the class. MR TAY (CONT’D) Who is the class monitor? JONATHAN She’s gone home. MR TAY Classes haven’t begun and she’s gone home? Are you trying to con me? SI QI Our class monitor is the one who got chicken pox. MR TAY Oh. The class titters. MR TAY (CONT’D) Silence! Since there is no class monitor, I will appoint one right now. Whose results were the best last year?
  • 8. 7. AH SENG Cai Mei Ling! She is the biggest bookworm in class. Her results were the best! MR TAY Classmate Cai Mei Ling! Stand up! JONATHAN She’s gone home. The class titters. MR TAY Silence! Why did she go home too? Who let her go home? SI QI Cai Mei Ling is our class monitor. She is also the one who got chicken pox. So the one who went home is Cai Mei Ling. The class explodes in laughter. Mr Tay slams his cane on the table. MR TAY Silence! (to Si Qi) What is your name? Si Qi stands up. SI QI Tan Si Qi. MR TAY Classmate Tan Si Qi, so you feel this is very funny? IS IT? Jonathan knows Si Qi is in trouble. He signals Ah Seng, who is sitting next to the chicken cage. SI QI No, disciplinary master. Mr Tay slams his cane on the table. MR TAY LOUDER! SI QI No, disciplinary master. MR TAY Do you feel choosing a class monitor is very funny?
  • 9. 8. Surreptitiously, Ah Seng’s hand is inching towards the chicken cage. He lifts the lock. SI QI No, disciplinary master. Mr Tay slams his cane on the table. MR TAY LOUDER! SI QI No, disciplinary master. But even though you asked us twice, you still didn’t know that our class monitor Cai Mei Ling was the one who went home because she got chicken pox. This - I feel - is a bit funny. MR TAY Come out here! You are only 10 years old and you dare to talk back to me? COME HERE! Mr Tay slams his cane on the table. Frightened, the chicken squawks and flies up into the air, causing a commotion among the students. MR TAY (CONT’D) Silence! Who let the chicken out? Mr Tay sees that Ah Seng is the nearest to the cage. MR TAY (CONT’D) (to Ah Seng) Must be you! Mr Tay marches over to Ah Seng and grabs the boy by the scruff of the neck. The disciplinary master hauls Ah Seng to the front of the class. Jonathan grabs the chicken and sticks it back in the cage. MR TAY (CONT’D) (to Ah Seng) Stick out your hand! Stick it out! Ah Seng sticks his hand out. MR TAY (CONT’D) A classroom is like a country! If we don’t whack and scold, you all won’t be obedient! Mr Tay raises his cane and brings it down hard.
  • 10. 9. Ah Seng’s reflexes are quicker and he withdraws his hand just in time. MR TAY (CONT’D) You dare to dodge! Stick your hand out! You dodge again, you’ll be finished! Ah Seng sticks his hand out. Mr Tay raises his cane and brings it down hard. Ah Seng withdraws his hand just in time again. MR TAY (CONT’D) You come over here! Mr Tay grabs Ah Seng and pushes him over the teacher’s table. The furious disciplinary master is about to whack Ah Seng in the buttocks when... MDM LUCY (O.S.) WAH!!! Everybody turns to see Mdm Lucy standing at the doorway of the classroom. She is holding the welcome card made by Mei Ling. MDM LUCY (CONT’D) So pretty! Is it for me? Mdm Lucy walks up to Mr Tay. MR TAY You are the teacher who is replacing Mrs Lim? MDM LUCY I am Mdm Lucy, Primary 4C’s new form teacher. What are you all doing? Rehearsing a play? MR TAY I am My Tay, the disciplinary master. I was just about to choose the class monitor when this rascal let the chicken out of the cage! Good. Now that you are here, Mdm Lucy, please! Mr Tay offers Mdm Lucy the cane. She takes it. MDM LUCY Just now, I thought I heard you say that a classroom is like a country? Mr Tay nods and grunts.
  • 11. 10. MDM LUCY (CONT’D) Which country are you talking about? Mr Tay is boggled. MDM LUCY (CONT’D) A place with only whacking and scolding is not a classroom. It is also not a country. It is a prison. Mr Tay is speechless. MDM LUCY (CONT’D) Thank you for watching over my class, disciplinary master. You can hand this student over to me. I will use my own method to teach him properly. Mdm Lucy returns the cane to Mr Tay. He leaves angrily. Ah Seng is monkeying around and waving Mr Tay goodbye. Mdm Lucy glares at Ah Seng sternly. He stops fooling around. MDM LUCY (CONT’D) Next time, cannot be rude to the disciplinary master. Go back to your seat! Ah Seng scampers back to his seat. Jonathan winks at him. Si Qi gives him a thumbs up. MDM LUCY (CONT’D) Okay, where did the disciplinary master stop just now? STUDENTS Choosing the class monitor! MDM LUCY That’s right. Choosing the class monitor. JONATHAN (mischievously) Mdm Lucy, the class monitor has gone home! MDM LUCY Don’t even try! You think I’m like Mr Tay and don’t know that your class monitor Cai Mei Ling has chicken pox and has gone home? I’m not so easy to con! The class laughs, warming up to Mdm Lucy.
  • 12. 11. MDM LUCY (CONT’D) Let me ask you all. How did classmate Cai Mei Ling become the class monitor of Primary 4C? AH SENG Mrs Lim chose her when we were in Primary 1. JONATHAN Mdm Lucy, are you going to choose a new class monitor? MDM LUCY Since classmate Cai Mei Ling has chicken pox, Primary 4C needs a new class monitor. However, I will not be the one choosing. SI QI You’re not choosing. Then, disciplinary master Mr Tay choose? MDM LUCY You all will choose. Students, do you know what an election is? CUT TO: 8 I/E. SCHOOL, FIELD - DAY 8 Recess time. Kids are playing on the field. Si Qi, Jonathan and Ah Seng are kicking a ball with three of their classmates - naughty boy Busybody, sly boy Sugarcane and overweight boy Fishball. SUGARCANE I know! An election is like the one where we chose the president! Everybody has to vote and the candidate with the most votes become the president! BUSYBODY (to Si Qi, Jonathan & Ah Seng) Ey, triplets! Last time, the presidential candidates were all Tans. You three are also Tans. Seems like all the Tans in this country like to join election. You three also join the election, lah! JONATHAN I don’t want to be the class monitor. So troublesome. (MORE)
  • 13. 12. JONATHAN (CONT'D) Must come to school early, must take attendance. Recess time, must book whoever does not return his plate. AH SENG There’s more! Being the class monitor must also keep shouting “Stand! Bow!” before and after every class. Must help the teacher carry books. Exam time must collect the exam paper. Life is too short! BUSYBODY But be class monitor got a lot of power! Can be like government like that. Everybody has to listen to you. If not, get fined. So glamorous! FISHBALL Eh, Si Qi. Those two don’t want to join the election. But I think even if you want to, you also cannot. You are so bad at kicking ball. How to be class monitor? AH SENG Fishball, what does kicking ball have to do with being the class monitor? FISHBALL When students misbehave, the class monitor must kick their backside, mah! Si Qi can’t even kick a ball, how to kick people’s backside? Just then, Si Qi flicks the ball up into the air and strikes it hard with her feet. The ball slams into Fishball’s stomach. SI QI Since when did I say I want to be class monitor? CUT TO: 9 INT. PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE - DAY 9 Mr Tay is talking to Principal Wee. PRINCIPAL WEE She really said that?
  • 14. 13. MR TAY There’s more. She even said a place that whacks and scolds students is not a classroom but a prison. PRINCIPAL WEE Strange. I heard that when Mdm Lucy taught in this school 15 years ago, she was a very fierce teacher. That’s why when Mrs Lim went on maternity leave, I approved Mdm Lucy to come back and teach. MR TAY Principal, how well do you know this Mdm Lucy? PRINCIPAL WEE Not very well. When I was sent here to be Principal, Mdm Lucy had already left the school. MR TAY Why did she leave the school 15 years ago? PRINCIPAL WEE I don’t know. MR TAY I think we should find out. CUT TO: 10 EXT. SCHOOL, GATE - DAY 10 School is out. Si Qi, Jonathan and Ah Seng are walking out of the gate. AH SENG What do you think of that Mdm Lucy? SI QI She’s very different from the other teachers, who only know how to whack and scold us. JONATHAN I think there’s something wrong with her. Class monitors all over the world are chosen by teachers. Who chooses a class monitor through an election. There must be something wrong with her head!
  • 15. 14. SI QI Talk fairly, Jonathan. Mdm Lucy was the one who saved Ah Seng from a beating. Besides, I feel it’s better for the students to choose their own class monitor, rather than the teacher doing so. (a beat) So, are you all going to join the election to become the class monitor? AH SENG Please lah, Si Qi. My grades are one of the lowest in class. Who will vote for me? JONATHAN I said already. Being the class monitor must come to school early every day. I always oversleep. AH SENG That’s because you this fat pig loves sleeping the most! Jonathan chases Ah Seng, trying to poke him. JONATHAN Damn Ah Seng! Who are you calling a fat pig? AH SENG Oi, Si Qi! Come and save me from this damn fat pig! Si Qi rolls her eyes at the boys’ antics. SI QI Oi! Are we still going to drink bubble tea? CUT TO: 11 INT. SCHOOL, STAFF ROOM - DAY 11 Mr Tay is at his desk. He is spying on Mdm Lucy who is biding some other teachers goodbye. Mdm Lucy leaves. Just then, the old janitor arrives to clear Mr Tay’s wastepaper basket. MR TAY Old Wang, you have been working here very long, right?
  • 16. 15. OLD WANG More than 20 years already. MR TAY Do you remember a Mdm Lucy? OLD WANG Mdm Lucy? Of course! She left this school 15 years ago. But now she’s back. Today is her first day. I saw her just now. But she doesn’t remember me. MR TAY Do you know why she left? OLD WANG I don’t know for sure but I remember Mdm Lucy was known as the fiercest teacher in this school. She was always caning students. I heard some people even say that there was once she caned a boy so bad he went home and drank detergent. The boy’s parents did not press charges for some reason. But Mdm Lucy left the school soon after. Mr Tay is intrigued. CUT TO: 12 INT. JONATHAN’S HOUSE, DINING ROOM - NIGHT 12 Jonathan is playing the piano very badly. His mother - Mrs Tan - is seated at the dining table, listening and frowning. The table is piled full of food. JONATHAN I’m very hungry! Can I stop playing? MRS TAN Don’t stop! You never see my friend’s daughter Melissa. Younger than you by a year and can play like a concert pianist. My friend even booked the country club ballroom to let her daughter show off her skills. You - you learn one year already and can’t even play Three Little Mice properly! JONATHAN I don’t have musical talent!
  • 17. 16. MRS TAN That’s right! You only have eating talent! Play properly! Or else I’ll make you go on a diet! Jonathan’s father - Mr Tan - returns home from work. MR TAN Stop playing! So horrible! I could hear it in the car from the main road! Come and eat! MRS TAN He’s not allowed to eat unless he plays that song properly! JONATHAN I can’t play properly if I am hungry. My fingers are so weak they are trembling! MR TAN Aiyah, let him eat first. Play later, okay? MRS TAN No means no! Eat first if you are hungry. MR TAN He’s playing so horribly. How can I eat? MRS TAN Then you wait until he can play this tune finish properly! MR TAN So fierce, you think you are the government, ah? MRS TAN That’s right. In this house, I am the government. MR TAN If you are the government, what am I? MRS TAN You always oppose me, so you are the opposition, lor! MR TAN Why are you the government and I am the opposition? Was there ever an election in this house?
  • 18. 17. JONATHAN My class is going to have an election! Mr and Mrs Tan turn to look at Jonathan. CUT TO: 13 INT. JONATHAN’S HOUSE, DINING ROOM - MOMENTS LATER 13 Jonathan is seated at the dining table with his parents. JONATHAN I can’t wake up in time! MRS TAN Yes, you can. I will wake you! JONATHAN I don’t want! I don’t want! MR TAN Stop forcing him if he doesn’t want. MRS TAN You want to have dinner? Jonathan looks at the food on the table longingly and nods. MRS TAN (CONT’D) Then you must listen to me. My friend’s son Matthew is a school prefect. When she brings him to the country club, he is always wearing a tie. So smart! JONATHAN The class monitor does not wear a tie. MR TAN You want him to wear a tie, you can always buy him one. No need to force him to join the election and run for class monitor. MRS TAN Do you know how hard it was to get you into your primary school? Your daddy had to donate 20 computers and I had to volunteer to plant bonsai for your school garden. We thought that if we could get you into this good primary school, you will have a bright future. (MORE)
  • 19. 18. MRS TAN (CONT'D) However, your grades have been worsening recently. At this rate, how are you going to get into a famous secondary school after PSLE? MR TAN At most I’ll donate 100 computers. MRS TAN You think we are the only rich people in this country? You can donate 100 computers, people also can! (to Jonathan) Mummy and daddy will do everything we can to help you. But sometimes, you have to help yourself too. If you become class monitor, your record in primary school will look better. And that means your chances of getting into a famous secondary school will also improve. (a beat) The class monitor really don’t wear a tie, ah? JONATHAN During recess time, the class monitor has to book those who don’t return their plates. That means I won’t have enough time to eat. If I become class monitor, I might starve to death! MRS TAN Why are you so disobedient? We want you to run for class monitor for your own good! MR TAN (to Mrs Tan) Looks like this government of yours is not very effective. MRS TAN If you have a better idea, spit it out. Don’t keep opposing me! MR TAN Since you say you are the government in this house, you should learn from the government. When you want the people to do what you want, what must you give them? MRS TAN What the heck are you talking about?
  • 20. 19. Mr Tan smiles. He turns to Jonathan. MR TAN Jonathan. If you are obedient and run for class monitor, daddy and mummy will reward you. During the June school holiday, instead of bringing you to Japan Disneyland, we’ll go to America Disneyland. Jonathan’s eyes widen. JONATHAN Really? You’re not bluffing me? Mr Tan turns to his wife. MR TAN Upgrading - MR & MRS TAN Works every time! CUT TO: 14 I/E. MARKET, DRIED GOODS STALL - NIGHT 14 Ah Seng’s parents - Auntie Chilli and Tau Kee Tan - are closing their dried goods stall. Ah Seng is pretending to do his homework. He is actually playing a game on his mobile phone. TAU KEE TAN (in Hokkien, to Auntie Chilli) I heard that Ang Kar Lim won a lot at the casino last week. AUNTIE CHILLI (in Hokkien) No wonder he didn’t open his fish stall these few days. AH SENG Are you all done soon? I’m starving. (yawns) I’m going to the toilet. Ah Seng walks off, leaving his mobile phone on top of his textbook. TAU KEE TAN (in Hokkien) I heard he won tens of thousands.
  • 21. 20. AUNTIE CHILLI (in Hokkien) So much? Knowing his pattern, he is not going to tell anyone of us. Last time he borrowed money from you to pay his son’s school fees - has he repaid you? TAU KEE TAN (in Hokkien) Aiyah, just a few hundred. Sometimes he give us the fish and prawns he cannot sell finish, he also never ask us to pay. Forget it, lah! AUNTIE CHILLI (in Hokkien) Forget it? Now that he is rich, not only can he pay his son’s school fees. He can even hire tuition teachers. When you see him tomorrow, ask him to pay you back! Just then, Tur Bak Ong walks by. TUR BAK ONG (in Hokkien) Auntie Chilli, Tau Kee Tan - closing up? AUNTIE CHILLI (in Hokkien) Wait for you to help us, meh, Tur Bak Ong? Ah Seng’s mobile phone beeps. TUR BAK ONG (in Hokkien) Tomorrow is the market committee meeting. Remember to come if you are free. TAU KEE TAN (in Hokkien) Economy so bad. Where got time to go and hear you all chit chat? TUR BAK ONG (in Hokkien) Economy bad, all the more you should come. Tomorrow, I will be accepting applications for the market bursary. Why don’t you help Ah Seng apply? (MORE)
  • 22. 21. TUR BAK ONG (CONT'D) If you don’t, Ang Kar Lim’s son will get it again this year. He has already applied already three months ago. AUNTIE CHILLI (to Tau Kee Tan, in Hokkien) This Ang Kar Lim is really too much! Win so much money still dare to apply for bursary? Ah Seng’s mobile phone beeps again. TUR BAK ONG (in Hokkien) You said who won a lot of money? AUNTIE CHILLI (to Tur Bak Ong, in Hokkien) No, lah. Someone you don’t know. TAU KEE TAN (to Auntie Chilli, in Hokkien) Aiyah, each year at most a few hundred dollars only. Like that you also want to fight with other people? AUNTIE CHILLI (in Hokkien) A few hundred? School fees plus books and uniform and transport - at least a thousand dollars! TAU KEE TAN (to Tur Bak Ong, in Hokkien) Eh, Tur Bak Ong, what are the criteria for the bursary? TUR BAK ONG (in Hokkien) The market committee will look at exam results. AUNTIE CHILLI (in Hokkien) Ang Kar Lim’s son’s studies not very good, right? TUR BAK ONG (in Hokkien) Like your son - not very good.
  • 23. 22. TAU KEE TAN (in Hokkien) If we also apply for Ah Seng, how will you all decide who to give it to? TUR BAK ONG (in Hokkien) If your son and Ang Kar Lim’s son’s results are about the same, we will look at other factors like whether they volunteer in school or whether they are active in charity work. Ah Seng’s mobile phone beeps yet again. Annoyed, Auntie Chilli grabs the phone. She sees an SMS from Fishball. It reads: “Want to win $10? Bet on who will be chosen as Primary 4G’s class monitor!” AUNTIE CHILLI (to Tur Bak Ong, in Hokkien) What if Ah Seng is the class monitor? Auntie Chilli passes Ah Seng’s phone to Tau Kee Tan, who reads the SMS too. TUR BAK ONG (in Hokkien) Like that your son will sure win Ang Kar Lim’s son. Want to apply, remember to come early tomorrow! Tur Bak Ong leaves. Ah Seng returns. He snatches his mobile phone back from his father. AH SENG You take my phone for what? (checks his phone) You read my SMS for what? Ah Seng notices his parents looking at him intently. AH SENG (CONT’D) Why are the two of you looking at me like that? AUNTIE CHILLI The more I look at you, the more you look like a class monitor! TAU KEE TAN A thousand-dollar class monitor!
  • 24. 23. AH SENG Huh? CUT TO: 15 INT. SI QI’S FLAT, LIVING ROOM - NIGHT 15 Si Qi is doing her homework on the sofa with the help of her mother - Mrs Chen. Her grandmother - Mdm Chen - is watching TV. There is a photo of Si Qi’s deceased father on an altar. MRS CHEN Like this. Now, plus this. Then, times this - SI QI Wrong. Wrong. It’s like this. Times this. Then, plus this. That’s how you do it! MDM CHEN (laughing gently, in Hokkien) Don’t know who teach who! MRS CHEN Mother, primary school mathematics is really difficult these days. It’s not enough to get the right answer. You must use the right method as well. MDM CHEN (in Hokkien) Who cares which method is right as long as the answer is correct. If the schools go on like this, all the children will grow up and become idiots. MRS CHEN Times have changed, mother. Now, everything is science and mathematics. There are rules and you must follow them. You cannot anyhow do what you want. (to Si Qi) Come, let’s do three more, then we go to bed. MDM CHEN (in Hokkien) Last night, the lift alarm was ringing. I couldn’t sleep.
  • 25. 24. MRS CHEN Aiyah, it must be those naughty kids from the seventh floor again. Don’t bother with them, mother. MDM CHEN (in Hokkien) I couldn’t sleep all night because I was wondering if there was someone stuck inside the lift. MRS CHEN This whole block so many people. If someone is really stuck in the lift, other people will save them. You don’t worry and go to sleep. (to Si Qi) So fast. Next question. SI QI What is an election? MRS CHEN What did you say? SI QI What is an election? Mrs Chen panics. She gets up and closes all the windows. MDM CHEN (to Mrs Chen, in Hokkien) What are you doing? Raining and lightning strike, ah? Mrs Chen comes back to the couch. MRS CHEN (to Si Qi) Why are you asking this? Did you meet any new friends recently? Or did you read something on the Internet? Si Qi shakes her head. MRS CHEN (CONT’D) You cannot anyhow talk about this kind of thing. Neighbors hear, no good. SI QI What kind of thing? I only asked you what an election is. MRS CHEN You still haven’t told me - why are you asking this?
  • 26. 25. SI QI My new teacher said she is going to hold an election to choose the class monitor. MRS CHEN An election is an adult affair. You will know when you grow up. Tell you ah, Si Qi. This year I want you to concentrate on your studies. Don’t join any CCA and don’t join the election. Otherwise mummy will be very angry. Other people want to become the class monitor, it’s their business. I want you to devote all of your time to your studies. Okay. It’s nine-thirty. Go to bed! Si Qi leaves. MDM CHEN (in Hokkien) Aiyah, Si Qi wants to join the beauty contest (xuan bee pei cai), let her, lor. After all, my grand- daughter is quite pretty! MRS CHEN Mother! She’s talking about an election (xuan ju), not a beauty contest (xuan bee peh cai)! Mrs Chen goes to the altar and lights joss sticks. She prays to her dead husband. MRS CHEN (CONT’D) Aiyoh, hubby. You are in heaven. You must tell me what to do. Our daughter haven’t ask me about male- female relations, she is asking me about politics! Children these days are too far-fetched! You must help me, ah! CUT TO: 16 INT. SCHOOL, STAFF ROOM - NIGHT 16 Mr Tay is trying to open an old filing cabinet. It is rusty and the lock is jammed from years of disuse. He finally yanks the cabinet open. The drawer falls out, scattering old school records of past students all over the place.
  • 27. 26. Mr Tay searches through the pile and sees the records of a student named Tay Cheng Wee. A note attached to the records indicate that he had withdrawn from school. CUT TO: 17 INT. JONATHAN’S HOUSE, BEDROOM - DAY 17 The alarm clock rings. Jonathan switches it off. Another alarm clock rings. Jonathan switches it off. Then, yet another alarm clock rings. But before Jonathan can switch it off, three more alarm clocks ring. He wakes up and is annoyed to see six alarm clocks around his bed. He moves to switch the ringing clocks off and notices his parents in his room. They smile at him. MR TAN It’s six o’clock. MRS TAN Be class monitor, cannot be late! CUT TO: 18 I/E. LUXURY SEDAN - DAY 18 Jonathan dozing in the back seat. Mrs Tan is driving. Mr Tan is in the front passenger seat. Jonathan’s parents are quarreling. MR TAN Turn! Turn! Turn! Why didn’t you turn down there? I told you already. This way a lot of traffic lights. See! Red light! Tsk! MRS TAN Hello! Am I driving or are you driving? The steering seems to be in front of me, hor! MR TAN You are the driver but I am the co- driver! As the co-driver, I have the right to tell you which route is best in order to get to our destination in the shortest possible time!
  • 28. 27. MRS TAN You think we are sitting Singapore airlines, ah? I got hear plane has co-driver. But I never hear before car got co-driver! MR TAN Other car may not have a co-driver but this one has. You know why? MRS TAN I can’t be bothered. MR TAN Because I bought this car! Green light already! Green light already! MRS TAN I know, lah! You so clever, you drive tomorrow, lah! CUT TO: 19 EXT. SCHOOL, PARADE SQUARE - DAY 19 Students are lined up orderly for the flag-raising ceremony. Si Qi and Jonathan are already there. There is an empty spot between them. Ah Seng arrives, panting and sweating and stands in the empty spot. AH SENG (to Jonathan) Wah! The world has changed. So early today? How did you this fat pig manage to wake up? Jonathan makes a face at Ah Seng. The national anthem strikes up. CUT TO: 20 INT. PRIMARY 4C - DAY 20 The students are running about the classroom, playing. Mdm Lucy enters the class. To the students’ surprise, Jonathan shouts out. JONATHAN Class! Stand!
  • 29. 28. Everybody stands. STUDENTS Good morning, Mdm Lucy! Mdm Lucy smiles. MDM LUCY Good morning, students. Please sit down. As Si Qi sits down, she shoots Jonathan a quizzical look. Jonathan does not return her gaze. MDM LUCY (CONT’D) Yesterday, we talked about choosing a new class monitor. And the method we are going to adopt in order to achieve this is called - STUDENTS An election! MDM LUCY Very good. First of all. Can anyone tell me what is an election? Busybody’s hand shoots up. BUSYBODY I know! I know! MDM LUCY This classmate. What is your name? BUSYBODY I’m called Huang Shi Hao. But everybody calls me “Busybody”! The class titters. MDM LUCY “Busybody”... Sounds like you know a lot of things. BUSYBODY An election means everybody has to vote and the person who gets the most votes wins. MDM LUCY Very good. Classmate Huang Shi Hao is correct. An election is a political device in which citizens vote to choose the person they want to represent them. (MORE)
  • 30. 29. MDM LUCY (CONT'D) Elections are a special feature of democratic countries. Can anyone tell me what is the opposite of democracy? Busybody’s hand shoots up again. Mdm Lucy points at Sugarcane. MDM LUCY (CONT’D) This classmate - what is your name? SUGARCANE I’m called Fang Guo Qiang. BUSYBODY But he’s so skinny so everybody calls him Sugarcane! SUGARCANE If a democratic country has elections... Then, the opposite of a democratic country is a country with no elections! FISHBALL Idiot! Of course, lah! Still need to say? MDM LUCY Quieten down, everyone. Classmate Fang Guo Qiang is not wrong. The opposite of a democracy does not have elections. Such a political system are known as - To Si Qi and Ah Seng’s surprise, Jonathan raises his hand. JONATHAN My house! Everybody laughs. MDM LUCY Why do you say that, this classmate? JONATHAN In my house, my mother is the government. Everything she says, everybody has to do, including my father. A system like my house is not a democracy. It is a dictatorship! MDM LUCY Dictatorship. That’s the opposite of a democracy. (MORE)
  • 31. 30. MDM LUCY (CONT'D) A long time ago, most countries around the world were dictatorships. But as times changed and people wanted to play a bigger part in the planning and running of their lives, dictatorships gave way to democracies. (a beat) Yesterday, I said the class should have an election to choose a new class monitor. This morning, before class started, I approached the student with the best handwriting to go on the Internet, do some research and write the class constitution. He will now read it out to you. Classmate Yam Ah Bee. A small-sized boy with Brylcreemed hair called Yam Ah Bee stands up. He reads from a jotter book titled “Class Constitution”. YAM AH BEE (reading in a deadpan voice) Pursuant to Chapter One, Paragraph One, Sub-Section A of the Class Election Act. Every student of Primary 4C is entitled to run for the post of class monitor. All candidates must present their details to Mdm Lucy by eight o’clock next Monday. This will be known as Nomination Day. Starting tomorrow, a series of debates will be organized in which interested candidates can present their own positions and question their opponents. All debates must stop the day after Nomination Day. The day after Nomination Day will be known as Cooling Off Day. Students are to use the Cooling Off Day to think about which candidate he wishes to vote for in a calm and logical manner. The day after Cooling Off Day, all students are required to cast their votes for the candidate he or she wishes to elect as the class monitor. This day will be known as Polling Day. Voting is secret and compulsory. The candidate with the most number of votes will serve as the class monitor of Primary 4C for this year! The students applaud.
  • 32. 31. Just then, Mr Tay walks past the class. He peeps in, frowns at what he is hearing and leaves. MDM LUCY Thank you, classmate Yam Ah Bee. You spoke very well. (to the students) Until we elect a new class monitor, there are many things that still have to be done. For instance, taking attendance, wiping the blackboard and keeping the classroom clean. During recess time later, classmate Yam Ah Bee will let you draw lots to see which task you have been assigned to. (a beat) Although Nomination Day is the day after, can I find out how many students are interested in joining the election? The students look at one another. Slowly, Jonathan raises his hand. Si Qi is stunned. Then, Ah Seng raises his hand. Jonathan is stunned. CUT TO: 21 EXT. SCHOOL, BASKETBALL COURT - DAY 21 Recess time. Jonathan and Ah Seng are arguing. Si Qi looks on. AH SENG Didn’t you say yesterday that you didn’t want to be the class monitor? So why did you raise your hand just now? JONATHAN Then what about you? You also said you were not interested yesterday. You also raised your hand just now. SI QI What’s wrong with the two of you? I thought we had all agreed yesterday that none of us was going to join the election!
  • 33. 32. AH SENG I said being a class monitor is troublesome. But that doesn’t mean that I didn’t want to join the election! JONATHAN You are just twisting facts! AH SENG Then what about you? You were saying that you couldn’t possibly be the class monitor because you always oversleep! JONATHAN It was you who said that you didn’t want to join the election because your grades are no good and no one will vote for you! SI QI Enough! Jonathan and Ah Seng shut up. SI QI (CONT’D) So, you two have really decided to join the election? Jonathan and Ah Seng nod. SI QI (CONT’D) Even if that means you will fight and not remain friends? Jonathan and Ah Seng are silent. SI QI (CONT’D) I’m not bothering with you two anymore! She stomps away. JONATHAN Why must you fight with me? AH SENG It’s you who want to fight with me. JONATHAN No compromise? AH SENG I won’t withdraw. JONATHAN Fine. See you at the election.
  • 34. 33. The two leave in separate directions. CUT TO: 22 INT. PRIMARY 4C - DAY 22 The class is drawing lots from a box in front of Yam Ah Bee. They make faces when they find out which tasks they have drawn. Busybody and Sugarcane go over to Jonathan, who is trying to work out a complex mathematical problem. BUSYBODY What did you draw? SUGARCANE Me and Busybody has to help carry Mdm Lucy books. JONATHAN Don’t disturb me! BUSYBODY Oh, someone has to collect the class funds! SUGARCANE Eh, Jonathan. Your mathematics is so lousy. Can you cope or not? JONATHAN Go away, lah! Ah Seng draws a lot. His face darkens. Fishball goes up to him. FISHBALL What did you draw? Ah Seng shows Fishball his slip of paper. Fishball laughs and makes a clucking noise. FISHBALL (CONT’D) At first, I thought sweeping the floor is suay (unlucky). This is even more suay! JONATHAN (O.S.) Everybody! Please listen to me! The class tones down and turns to look at Jonathan. JONATHAN (CONT’D) I have to collect this month’s class funds. (MORE)
  • 35. 34. JONATHAN (CONT’D) This will be used to buy food for the chicken and change the old rags to new ones. According to my calculations, everybody has to pay 56 cents this month. BUSYBODY Last time we paid only 50 cents every month. How come now increase? JONATHAN Eh, wait a while. I forgot to count the plastic wrapping paper for the books in the class library. Sorry. Everybody has to pay 65 cents - Eh, wait. I counted wrong. Oh, no! I forgot to count the class present for Mrs Lim! Anybody has a calculator? SUGARCANE Wah lao! You go home and count properly first, then tell us, lah! Your mathematics is really crap! AH SENG Ya, lor! One moment say 56 cents. Then, increase to 65 cents. Eh, Jonathan, don’t come back tomorrow and tell us we have to pay one dollar, okay? We are not rich like you! Think you can be like that Youth Olympics. The cost keep going up, up, up like a balloon, is it? Jonathan shoots Ah Seng a poisonous look. CUT TO: 23 INT. PRIMARY 4C - DAY 23 After school. The students are leaving. Still engrossed with calculating the class funds, Jonathan leaves. Over at the pet’s corner, Ah Seng is looking at the chicken inside the cage. It is dirty and smelly. He winces. Fishball walks by on his way out of the door. FISHBALL Remember to clean properly, hah? Fishball makes clucking noises as he leaves.
  • 36. 35. Ah Seng sees Si Qi leaving. AH SENG Oi, Si Qi! You’re not going to leave me in the lurch, right? Si Qi leaves angrily. Ah Seng is alone in the classroom. He opens the cage and pulls out the soiled newspaper gingerly. In his haste and disgust, he fails to latch the door of the cage properly. AH SENG (CONT’D) Wah lao! So smelly! He sees that the wastepaper basket is across the room. He runs over and dumps the dirty newspaper. Ah Seng gets his fingers dirty. AH SENG (CONT’D) Yee!!! Looking around to make sure no one is looking, Ah Seng wipes his dirty hand on the wall. Meanwhile, the chicken is pushing at the door of the cage. Ah Seng turns to go back to the cage but he sees that the soiled newspaper he had carried earlier to the wastepaper basket had left a wet trail on the ground. AH SENG (CONT’D) Wah! Ah Seng tries to rub out the dirty spots on the ground with his shoe but it doesn’t work. He goes back to the wastepaper basket and retrieves the soiled newspaper. He bundles it up and tries to use the cleaner side to wipe the floor. To his horror, the soiled newspaper leaks and creates even more dirty spots on the ground. Frustrated, Ah Seng dumps the soiled newspaper back into the wastepaper. He spots a quilted scarf reading “Primary 4C” hanging on the class project board. He rips it of the board and uses it to wipe the floor. Satisfied, Ah Seng turns back to the cage.
  • 37. 36. He gasps in horror. The chicken is missing! CUT TO: 24 I/E. SCHOOL, CORRIDOR - DAY 24 The chicken walks down the corridor. It stops under a notice board. On the notice board is a geography project featuring the map of Malaysia. The chicken studies the map intently. It zooms into the Johor Straits separating Singapore from Malaysia. The chicken zooms into another chart with instructions on how to swim. CUT TO: 25 I/E. SCHOOL, STAIRS - DAY 25 The chicken is about to approach a flight of stairs when it suddenly stops and hides behind a wall. Principal Wee is leading two policemen down the stairs. PRINCIPAL WEE Thank you, officers, for coming to our school and giving a crime prevention talk! Our students found your talk very informative and educational. POLICEMAN 1 You are most welcome. Please contact us whenever you want us to come down again. PRINCIPAL WEE You all don’t need to catch crooks, ah? Got so much time? The policemen laugh as they descend the stairs. The coast is now clear. The chicken emerges from behind the wall and continues on its way. CUT TO:
  • 38. 37. 26 I/E. SCHOOL, CORRIDOR - DAY 26 Ah Seng is scouring the corridor, looking for the chicken. He makes clucking noises. CUT TO: 27 I/E. SCHOOL, BOYS’ TOILET - DAY 27 The chicken is past the toilet. Suddenly, it sees Ah Seng approaching. The chicken turns back and enters the toilet. Ah Seng arrives, still making the clucking noises. He stops for a moment and, to his surprise, hears a cluck coming from the toilet. Ah Seng approaches the toilet door carefully. CUT TO: 28 INT. SCHOOL, BOYS’ TOILET - DAY 28 The chicken is panicking. As the toilet door creaks open, the chicken enters a cubicle. It uses its beak to push the cubicle door close. Ah Seng enters the toilet. Inside the cubicle, the chicken looks around frantically. It spots an open window. Outside the cubicle, Ah Seng is looking around carefully. He spots a trail of wet chicken feet marks leading to the closed cubicle door. Ah Seng walks forward. He places his hands on the cubicle door. But just as he pushes the cubicle door open, he hears a loud flapping noise. BANG! The cubicle door opens. Ah Seng sees chicken feathers floating down from the open window.
  • 39. 38. The chicken is gone! CUT TO: 29 INT. SI QI’S FLAT, LIVING ROOM - DAY 29 Si Qi returns home. Her grandmother - Mdm Chen - is resting on the sofa. SI QI Ah Ma! I’m home! MDM CHEN (in Hokkien) Si Qi, come back already, hah? Have you eaten? I cooked fried bee hoon. SI QI I’m not hungry. MDM CHEN (in Hokkien) How can you not eat? You are going to join a beauty contest, right? If you don’t eat, fall on the stage, how? Ah Ma go and get you some fried bee hoon. Mdm Chen goes into the kitchen. Si Qi sits down on the couch and looks at the photo of her deceased father. Her mobile phone rings. She sees that it is Ah Seng calling. She rejects the call. Mdm Chen comes back with a plate of fried noodles. Si Qi begins to eat. SI QI You want some, Ah Ma? MDM CHEN (in Hokkien) You eat. Ah Ma ate already. Mdm Chen looks at her grand-daughter and smiles happily. MDM CHEN (CONT’D) (in Hokkien) Si Qi has grown up already. Very pretty now. Going to join a beauty contest! SI QI Ah Ma, what was my father like when he was young?
  • 40. 39. MDM CHEN (in Hokkien) Your father? He was very handsome. He was also very hardworking. After you were born, he was working as a life guard. One day, when you were still a baby, he saw a little boy drowning and jumped in to save him. The pool was too shallow and he hit his head. In the end, your father managed to save the little boy but he died in the hospital from his head injury. After that day, your mother never read the newspaper and never watch TV again. She says she just wants to mind her own business and take good care of you. SI QI So my father liked helping people? MDM CHEN (in Hokkien) Yes, he loved helping people. In fact, when he was in school, he was the class monitor every year! CUT TO: 30 INT. JONATHAN’S HOUSE, LIVING ROOM - DAY 30 Jonathan and his parents are seated around the coffee table, watching an accountant working out the class funds problem on a sophisticated calculator. JONATHAN Can or not? MRS TAN Don’t worry. Your father got his company accountant to come and help you. Sure to settle. ACCOUNTANT Mr and Mrs Tan, even applying the most complicated banking and high finance calculations, to pay for everything from the chicken feed to new rags to plastic wrapping to a present for your son’s former teacher who is due to deliver soon - each student still has to pay 70 cents. JONATHAN Die! Last time is 50 cents. People will blame me for any increase!
  • 41. 40. ACCOUNTANT Of course I can apply the laws of depreciation and amortization. But I think that will be not very suitable for a classroom environment. MR TAN Just apply! The accountant taps on his calculator. ACCOUNTANT The best I can do is 64 cents per student. MR TAN (to Jonathan) Sixty four cents - can or not? JONATHAN Is that the lowest? ACCOUNTANT Any lower and it will be illegal. (to Mr Tan) I think your son is too young to be selling derivatives to his classmates. Mr and Mrs Tan smile weakly at the accountant. CUT TO: 31 I/E. MARKET, DRIED GOODS STALL - DAY 31 Ah Seng arrives at his parents’ stall. He sees his mother talking to a scary loan shark. LOAN SHARK (in Hokkien) Auntie Chilli, don’t learn other people play mahjong if you can’t pay up! AUNTIE CHILLI (in Hokkien) Aiyoh, you all Ah Longs really more punctual than the utility bill! Can’t you give me three days more? I guarantee you I’ll get you the money in five days. LOAN SHARK (in Hokkien) Eight hundred, you know! Not eighty! (MORE)
  • 42. 41. LOAN SHARK (CONT'D) How much chilli, tau pok and tau kee must you sell to make eight hundred dollars in five days? AUNTIE CHILLI (in Hokkien) Aiyah, I am going for a meeting later. I will be getting at least a thousand dollars very soon. Don’t worry! LOAN SHARK (in Hokkien) Okay, ah. Don’t try to con me. Three days’ time. Eight hundred. Otherwise, I’ll get rough. AUNTIE CHILLI (in Hokkien) Okay, okay, lah! The loan shark leaves. Ah Seng goes up to his mother. AH SENG Who was that guy? AUNTIE CHILLI (in Hokkien) Customer. Why are you so sweaty? AH SENG I want chicken. AUNTIE CHILLI (in Hokkien) What?! AH SENG I’m serious! I want chicken! AUNTIE CHILLI (in Hokkien) You are only 10 years old! How can you want something like that? AH SENG I lost the class chicken! I need to find another chicken to replace it! AUNTIE CHILLI (in Hokkien) Oh! Say earlier, lah! Scare me to death! What’s the big deal about your class chicken? Lose, lose, lor! (MORE)
  • 43. 42. AUNTIE CHILLI (CONT'D) Government lose a terrorist also never scared until like you like that! AH SENG Cannot! If my classmates know I lost the chicken, they will surely not vote for me to become the class monitor. AUNTIE CHILLI (in Hokkien) Wah, like that I sure let that loan shark kill! Come! She leads Ah Seng away. CUT TO: 32 I/E. MARKET, CHICKEN STALL - DAY 32 Auntie Chilli brings Ah Seng to Kah Li Kuay’s chicken stall. KAH LI KUAY (in Hokkien) Auntie Chilli, so free bring your son look at chicken? AUNTIE CHILLI (in Hokkien) Your mouth don’t so foul! We want to buy one chicken. KAH LI KUAY (in Hokkien) Up to you to choose! Ah Seng looks at the chickens. AH SENG None of them look like the class chicken! AUNTIE CHILLI (in Hokkien) Wah lao! Chickens got look different one, meh? AH SENG My class chicken is lame in one leg. It walks funny. KAH LI KUAY (in Hokkien) Aiyoh, so simple. Uncle take any of these chickens, break one leg and give you!
  • 44. 43. AUNTIE CHILLI (in Hokkien) Thank you! Thank you! Kah Li Kuay picks a chicken and is about to break one of its legs with the back of a cleaver when Ah Seng stops him. AH SENG Don’t! AUNTIE CHILLI (in Hokkien) What do you want? AH SENG Forget it. I’ll just tell my classmates the chicken escaped. AUNTIE CHILLI (in Hokkien) Suddenly, want. Suddenly, don’t want! So troublesome! I go back to the stall! Auntie Chilli leaves. Ah Seng spots the loan shark passing by. He follows. CUT TO: 33 I/E. MARKET, GENERAL AREA - DAY 33 Ah Seng is following the loan shark but loses sight of the man. Ah Seng is about to give up and go back when suddenly, the loan shark appears from behind a pillar. LOAN SHARK You follow me for what? AH SENG My mother owe you how much? LOAN SHARK Oh, you are Auntie Chilli’s son! Eight hundred. You want to help your mother pay? You so small, got money, meh? AH SENG I don’t have money. LOAN SHARK No money nevermind. How’s your drawing skills?
  • 45. 44. The loan shark brings out a can of spray paint. LOAN SHARK (CONT’D) If you help me draw some pictures, I can forget your mother’s debt. AH SENG Let me think about it. How do I get in touch with you? The loan shark takes Ah Seng’s mobile phone, punches in his number and returns it to him, before walking off. CUT TO: 34 INT. SCHOOL, STAFF ROOM - NIGHT 34 Mdm Lucy is working at her desk. She is alone. Suddenly, there is a noise. She turns and looks. There is nobody in the darkened staff room except for her. She goes back to her work. Something creaks. Mdm Lucy spins around. Nothing. Roving POV and horror music starts. Something is creeping behind Mdm Lucy, spying on her. She gets an uneasy feeling. A noise. Mdm Lucy turns and sees a swivel chair behind her spinning slightly, as if someone has just brushed it. The chair stops spinning. Mdm Lucy turns back to her desk and screams! Perched on her desk is Mr Tay, holding a cane in his lap. MDM LUCY Scared me to death! MR TAY So late still haven’t gone home? MDM LUCY I am planning this semester’s syllabus. MR TAY Oh, haven’t you finish already? I was walking by your class this morning. You seem to already know what to teach your students.
  • 46. 45. MDM LUCY What do you mean? MR TAY They are only 10 years old. Don’t you think they are a bit young to be discussing politics? MDM LUCY Oh, you are talking about the class election. Let me ask you, Mr Tay, in your opinion, how old should students be before they can discuss politics? MR TAY When they are 21 years old and eligible to vote. MDM LUCY Don’t you think that’s a bit too late? Waiting till they are in the pool and then starting to learn how to swim? MR TAY Why did you come back to this school, Mdm Lucy? MDM LUCY I’m tired and it’s late. I’m going home. See you tomorrow, Mr Tay. Mdm Lucy makes to leave but Mr Tay raises his cane, blocking her way. MR TAY I don’t know why you suddenly came back after 15 years, Mdm Lucy. I also don’t know why instead of controlling your students, you are filling their minds with nonsense. As the discipline master, I will be watching you very carefully. (smiles suddenly) So, have a good night and rest well! Mdm Lucy walks away from Mr Tay. She stops at the doorway and turns back. MDM LUCY Oh, did you hear, Mr Tay. People say that 15 years ago, I caused the death of a boy in this school. Do you think that, like me, he is back here too?
  • 47. 46. She smiles and leaves. Mr Tay snorts derisively. He slams the cane on Mdm Lucy’s table and flips through her papers. Suddenly, there is a noise. Mr Tay smirks. MR TAY Want to scare me back, is it? A creak. MR TAY (CONT’D) Not so easy! I am not easily scared! Silence. Mr Tay turns around. Nothing is there. Suddenly, something rushes over the surface of Mdm Lucy’s desk and knocks Mr Tay’s cane to the ground. Mr Tay looks. Something drags his cane under the desk. Frightened now, Mr Tay backs away from the desk. MR TAY (CONT’D) Are you.. Are you... Are you Mdm Lucy’s student from 15 years ago? Silence. Slowly, Mr Tay squats down to look under Mdm Lucy’s table. He sees a pair of red eyes. Before he can scream, something feathery leaps towards his face. Squawking. Mr Tay screams! CUT TO: 35 I/E. PICK-UP TRUCK - NIGHT 35 Ah Seng is in the pick-up truck with his parents. They are going home from the market.
  • 48. 47. TAU KEE TAN (in Hokkien) Did you see Ang Kar Lim’s face when we said we also wanted to apply for the market bursary? He looked like he wanted explode! AUNTIE CHILLI (in Hokkien) We must get the bursary no matter what this time round. TAU KEE TAN (in Hokkien) Aiyah, should be no problem. Tur Bak Ong said that if Ah Seng becomes class monitor, we have a hundred per cent chance of getting the bursary! AH SENG What if I don’t win the election? AUNTIE CHILLI (in Hokkien) Why won’t you win? Because of that chicken, is it? I told you to take one from Kar Li Kuay’ stall this afternoon already. But you didn’t want. Now so late, where do you want me to find a chicken for you? TAU KEE TAN (in Hokkien) Actually, he did the right thing. Even though Ah Seng lost the chicken, if he can explain properly to his classmates tomorrow and admit his mistake, they will be impressed with his honesty. This is better than getting another chicken and pretending. If you get found out doing something like that, then you will lose the election for sure! (to Ah Seng) Don’t worry, Ah Seng! I support you! AUNTIE CHILLI (in Hokkien) You have a point there. (to Ah Seng) But remember - admit your mistake openly and sincerely. But don’t dwell on it too long. (MORE)
  • 49. 48. AUNTIE CHILLI (CONT'D) Once you sense that your classmates have accepted your explanation, move on and focus on your opponent. Highlight his weak spots in a simple, direct manner. That way, you can shift the attention away from the lost chicken to your opponent’s weaknesses. CUT TO: 36 INT. SI QI’S FLAT, BEDROOM - DAY 36 Mrs Chen is sleeping. The lift alarm rings. Her door opens. It is Mdm Chen. MDM CHEN Is someone stuck in the lift? MRS CHEN It’s those naughty kids from the seventh floor, mother. Go to sleep. Mdm Chen closes the door and leaves. The lift alarm rings. And then stops. CUT TO: 37 INT. JONATHAN’S HOUSE, BEDROOM - DAY 37 Jonathan’s six alarm clocks ring, startling him awake. CUT TO: 38 I/E. LUXURY SEDAN - DAY 38 Jonathan is dozing in the back seat. Mr Tan is behind the wheel. Mrs Tan is in the front passenger seat. MR TAN (to Jonathan) Remember! Explain to your classmates that the best accountant in Singapore has looked at your class funds and the lowest you can collect is 64 cents.
  • 50. 49. MRS TAN Speak in an open and sincere voice. Remind your classmates that costs have risen. Remember what the accountant taught you? Explain every single thing to your classmates. Use those words he taught you - depreciation and amortization - but don’t adopt a superior tone. Always be humble. Speak slowly and clearly. That way, they will see that you are methodical, organized and responsible. They will then realize that you’ll make a good class monitor. Suddenly, Mrs Tan slaps the back of Mr Tan’s head. MR TAN Oi! You hit me for what? MRS TAN You went the wrong way! This direction is going to the airport! The school is in the other direction! MR TAN I know! You think I’m stupid, ah? I heard the news of the radio this morning that there is an accident on the highway in the other direction! I’m going this way to go around the jam! Am I driving or are you driving? MRS TAN You are driving but today I am the co-driver. My job is to slap you if I think you are falling asleep! MR TAN But I’m not falling asleep! I’m avoiding a jam! MRS TAN I say you are falling asleep, you are falling asleep! Even if you want to avoid the jam, this route will take 20 minutes longer! Jonathan will be late for school! MR TAN You so clever, you drive tomorrow! CUT TO:
  • 51. 50. 39 EXT. SCHOOL, PARADE SQUARE - DAY 39 Students are lined up orderly for the flag-raising ceremony. Si Qi and Ah Seng are already there. There is an empty spot behind Ah Seng. SI QI Where is Jonathan? AH SENG That fat pig must have overslept again! Like that how to be class monitor? SI QI Don’t talk about Jonathan like that! Jonathan arrives, panting and sweating and stands in the empty spot. Jonathan ignores Ah Seng. Just then, Mr Tay walks past, his face full of small bandages. The national anthem strikes up. CUT TO: 40 INT. PRIMARY 4C - DAY 40 The class is in an uproar over the missing chicken. Mdm Lucy starts the debate between Jonathan and Ah Seng. MDM LUCY Quieten down, classmates. I know everybody is very upset by the disappearance of the class chicken. As far as I know, classmate Tan Ah Seng was in charge of cleaning the chicken cage yesterday. Everyone will have a chance to hear his explanation in a while. In addition, as part of today’s class monitor debate, classmate Jonathan Tan will also talk about his task - the calculation and collection of the class funds. Let’s invite classmate Tan Ah Seng to start first. Some students boo.
  • 52. 51. AH SENG Good morning, teacher and classmates. My name is Tan Ah Seng and I want to be your class monitor. Yesterday, I was tasked with cleaning the chicken cage. While I was performing my task, the chicken broke out of the cage and went missing. While I did not lose the chicken deliberately, I hereby acknowledge that it is my fault. I should have been more careful. I have learnt from this incident and will ensure that as class monitor, I will be more diligent and careful than before. Thank you for everybody’s kind understanding and forgiveness. Ah Seng bows. The class is pretty impressed. MDM LUCY Very good. Any classmates have any question for classmate Tan Ah Seng? FISHBALL If you are elected as the class monitor, will you anyhow beat people? AH SENG As class monitor, my job is not to beat other classmates. My job is to advise classmates who are breaking the class rules not to do so. A class monitor is equal to the other classmates. He is the recipient of the students’ trust and support. In return, he must not reward that trust and support with violence of any sort. MDM LUCY Classmate Jonathan Tan, it’s your turn. JONATHAN Good morning teacher and classmates. My name is Jonathan Tan and I am joining the election to become the class monitor. The task I drew yesterday was to calculate the class funds that everybody has to pay this month. Yesterday, I was not able to do an accurate job. (MORE)
  • 53. 52. JONATHAN (CONT'D) The reason is because there were many new items contributing to increased costs. I had to check the prices of these items and apply the appropriate calculation methods. After school yesterday, knowing that it is my job to be as accurate as possible, I consulted a professional accountant. After applying the rules of depreciation and amortization, I am pleased to announce that this month’s class funds is 64 cents per student. The 14-cent increase from the old monthly class fund is due to two reasons: rising costs and the need to buy Mrs Lim a present. While these factors are out of my control, I have done my best to minimize the increase. I have here the detailed mathematical calculations. Everyone is welcome to inspect them later. As the class monitor, I feel it is important to understand economy and to safeguard our class funds and ensure that they are spent in a responsible way. Thank you everyone for giving me a chance to contribute to the class. MDM LUCY Thank you, classmate Jonathan Tan. Anyone has any questions for him? BUSYBODY If you are chosen as the class monitor, your job will be to book students who break the class rules. Who will book you when you break the class rules? JONATHAN As a class monitor, I intend to set an example for the rest of the class. I will try my best to observe the class rules. But, like everyone else, I am human and humans make mistakes. So, since I am chosen by the classmates to be the class monitor. If I break any of the class rules, I hope that the classmates will book me. The class monitor is not above the class law. He is merely helping to uphold the class law. The class seems impressed.
  • 54. 53. MDM LUCY Very good. Now that the class has asked our two candidates questions, it is time for the two candidates to ask each other questions. Classmate Tan Ah Seng. AH SENG You said you calculated the class funds with the help of a professional accountant. Why can’t you do something so simple yourself? Are you simply shirking your responsibility? JONATHAN As class monitor, I am not perfect. It is more important to know your shortcomings rather than your strengths. I know that my maths is not strong. Hence, I thought it is best to get the help of a professional accountant, especially when something as important as the class funds is involved. (a beat) Now let me ask you a question back. You have admitted that the missing chicken is your fault. But your admission does not change the fact that the pet’s corner is now without life and color. Apart from asking for forgiveness, do you have more practical ways of making amends to the class? AH SENG Yes, I do. If the class allows me to, I will use my own savings from past Chinese New Year to buy another chicken for the pet’s corner. This way, I will be able to make amends for my carelessness and bring back life and color to the pet’s corner! MR TAY (O.S.) No need! Everyone turns to see Mr Tay walking in carrying the runaway chicken. MR TAY (CONT’D) I found him in the staff room last night. Mr Tay puts the chicken back into the cage.
  • 55. 54. As he passes by Mdm Lucy, he talks to her softly. MR TAY (CONT’D) You are not teaching from the syllabus, what are you doing? Mdm Lucy ignores Mr Tay. MDM LUCY Let’s put our hands together to show our appreciation to Mr Tay for finding our beloved chicken! The class applauds. CUT TO: 41 I/E. SCHOOL, CANTEEN - DAY 41 Recess time. The students arrive from their classroom. Jonathan goes up to Fishball. JONATHAN Will you vote for me? FISHBALL If you don’t beat people, I will vote for you. JONATHAN Next time there is a debate, you must ask Ah Seng some hard questions too. Fishball nods. Over on the other side of the canteen, Ah Seng is talking to Busybody and Sugarcane. AH SENG (to Busybody) Why did you ask me a question and not Jonathan? BUSYBODY Ask only what, won’t die. SUGARCANE Actually I also wanted to ask you a question. AH SENG Why don’t you all ask Jonathan? Why keep focusing on me?
  • 56. 55. BUSYBODY If we help you, what will we get in return? AH SENG If you help me, I will help you all back next time. BUSYBODY How? AH SENG You will see next time. SUGARCANE Okay, we will help you. But you better remember what you promised us. Busybody and Sugarcane leave. Si Qi walks up. SI QI I bought noodles for you already. AH SENG Really! Happily, Ah Seng follows Si Qi to a table where he sees Jonathan waiting. AH SENG (CONT’D) I don’t want to sit with him. JONATHAN You never said he will be sitting here! SI QI What’s wrong with the two of you? You can both run for class monitor but still be friends, right? AH SENG Tan Si Qi, you are very naive. Let me ask you, who are you going to vote for - him or me? JONATHAN Yah, two of us - you choose who? SI QI (suddenly smiling) Okay, nobody is allowed to talk about the election. Let’s eat noodles.
  • 57. 56. She sits down. SI QI (CONT’D) (to Ah Seng) Sit down! Ah Seng sits down reluctantly. The three eat in silence. JONATHAN Why did you say by using a professional accountant, I was shirking my responsibility? AH SENG Then why did you ask me if I have a more practical way of making amends to the class? You are obviously finding trouble with me! SI QI Silence! Cut to the trio’s feet. Jonathan and Ah Seng leaves. Si Qi is left sitting alone on the bench. CUT TO: 42 INT. SCHOOL, BOYS’ TOILET - DAY 42 Busybody enters the toilet. Mr Tay enters. They pee together. They wash their hands. Busybody notices the bandages on Mr Tay’s face. BUSYBODY Mr Tay, were you attacked by the chicken? MR TAY Where are you such a busybody? BUSYBODY That’s what everybody calls me - “Busybody”! I know everything there is know in this school! MR TAY Is that right? What do you know about Mdm Lucy?