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Being in India means a lot of things but most of all people every-
where, crazy traffic conditions, characteristic smells, bright colours,
Maggi mania, mobile phones and of course chai-tea not only every-
where but also all the time. Incredible? –Yes! Fascinating? –
Telling you about India from a westerner’s perspective, the picture
could look like that.While east has been chasing the west awhile
now, the west has just begun exploring the east.This reciprocation is
changing the scheme of things.The fascination with one another is
now going beyond the surficial things into a richer territory of
deeper values. East is now more interested in the west’s concept of
social liberation rather than just greater opportunities, success and
money.While for the west, the increasingly robotic lifestyles have
resulted in a spiritual and an emotional vacuum, which is steering
them in the direction of east in search of experiences with human
As east speeds up and west slows down, the trend is starting to seem
like a dog chasing its own tail while circling around an undefined yet
highly desired middle ground. Basis these observations emerged
the idea of our research study.The key question:What are the
eastern and western worlds running after? To best approach this
study we picked India and Europe as the representative regions. Our
key finding: the aim of both the worlds is to experience the flipside
of their own in order to find the desired middle ground, which is a
mix of foreign and familiar.While the dynamics of the chase continue
to vary, the end goal seems to be merging into one.
That said, here’s a snapshot of the key trends we observed for each
along with the middle grounds.
Prefer being digitally plugged to live that
parallel life family/society disapproves of.
Indians are eager to adopt things
that can get them
global recognition.
Hyper-consumption & fusion culture are
making Europeans appreciative of things with
human imperfections.
As India warms up to western values we see an
increased demand for personal spaces
(physical & emotional).
Having taken the concept of space too far,
Europeans now seek warmth and closeness in
relationships (communal space).
A growing global appeal for eastern social,
economic and political models is infusing
confidence among easterners, who are
beginning to assume authority.
Fatigue with material pursuits and the recent
economic setbacks are making westerners
look east and beyond for more sustainable
models of being.
Prefer to unplug every now and then to regain
a perspective of real vs. artificial.
Take control of the aspects of life that have fallen out of proportion in the hope
of achieving that ideal mix of foreign and familiar to restore balance.
Both are using culturally accepted tools to define their unique identities within
their respective peers.This approach helps them carve their niche without
alienating themselves from their ecosystem.
A common strive for an emotional safety net in the form of family, so one can
explore the extremes of self expression without the fear of being abandoned.
A growing open-mindedness and mutual respect for things
and ideas that are foreign.
Choices! We fight for more when we don’t have many and hesitate to
make one when we have plenty.What is it about ‘choices’ that
makes it so complex?
Hello! I’m Jessica Janke, a German by origin but currently in India
working as a planner with Havas Worldwide.When I think back about
‘why India?’ I struggle to articulate an answer.The things for which I love
being here in India are the things I didn’t know existed when I decided
to come here and the things I miss Germany for are those that I never
thought I would miss.
Thinking back, I recall, when packing my backpack to India I had a
tough time figuring out how much familiar to pack to leave enough room
for the foreign? Then, when seated next to another German in the
aircraft to India, I couldn’t help but wonder if it was a good or a bad
start? Headed to a country where I might get stared at for being
different it might be less scary to enter with a familiar face. In which
case, I began to think, what is it that I’m truly seeking from this travel?
Is it really the foreign that I seek or just a momentary escape from the
familiar? Will I return to the familiar at all? If I do, will I return fulfilled or
Then came along my first clue.When experiencing a country you have
only read and heard about, you tend to see the deeper meaning in
seemingly mundane events. For instance, an elderly woman sitting on
the sidewalk sorting flowers or selling vegetables in the sunny dust
waiting for customers could be a mundane event for Indians but I
couldn’t help admire her as an epitome of patience. Coming from a
country such a Germany, which is characterized by exhausting
impatience this seemed like the perfect moment of calm and inner
peace to me, which I longed to share … guess with whom? Someone
familiar, because only that person would truly “get” what I saw and felt
in that moment!
Choices! We fight for more when we don’t have many and hesitate
to make one when we have plenty.What is it about ‘choices’ that
makes it so complex?
Hello! I’m Jessica Janke, a German by origin but currently in India
working as a planner with Havas Worldwide.When I think back
about ‘why India?’ I struggle to articulate an answer.The things for
which I love being here in India are the things I didn’t know
existed when I decided to come here and the things I miss
Germany for are those that I never thought I would miss.
Thinking back, I recall, when packing my backpack to India I had a
tough time figuring out how much familiar to pack to leave enough
room for the foreign? Then, when seated next to another German
in the aircraft to India, I couldn’t help but wonder if it was a good or
a bad start? Headed to a country where I might get stared at for
being different it might be less scary to enter with a familiar face.
In which case, I began to think, what is it that I’m truly seeking
from this travel?
Is it really the foreign that I seek or just a momentary escape from
the familiar? Will I return to the familiar at all? If I do, will I return
fulfilled or disappointed?...
Then came along my first clue.When experiencing a country you
have only read and heard about, you tend to see the deeper
meaning in seemingly mundane events. For instance, an elderly
woman sitting on the sidewalk sorting flowers or selling
vegetables in the sunny dust waiting for customers could be a
mundane event for Indians but I couldn’t help admire her as an
epitome of patience. Coming from a country such a Germany,
which is characterized by exhausting impatience this seemed like
the perfect moment of calm and inner peace to me, which I longed
to share … guess with whom? Someone familiar, because only that
person would truly “get” what I saw and felt in that moment!
Hi! I’m Shradha Dudeja, an Indian who has lived in the US and is now back
in India working as a planner with Havas Worldwide. I don’t quite
remember why I moved back to India; but it was probably because “India
will always be home.”Thinking back in time before I left for the US, I
always wanted to go to a foreign land, not as a tourist but as an explorer to
truly experience the life, the culture, the people and their peculiarities
first hand. However, when I got a chance, it felt bittersweet. On the one
hand, I was looking forward to finally experiencing the life on the other
side, while on the other hand the realization of leaving my life, my family,
my friends and my city behind induced panic. I still remember, the day I
was flying out, I was the only one crying profusely saying – life will never
be the same again! Experiences change a person.What have I done? But
the moment my mum said,“let’s cancel the ticket if you are so upset”,
I was suddenly ok and ready to fly.
Once I reached Los Angeles, there was no looking back. It was incredible!
The sheer freedom to be, to wear whatever, to act/react however without
any social judgments or stares…It’s probably a way of life for most
Americans, however for most Indian girls it’s a refreshing change to not
be constantly looking over their shoulders to check if they are being
watched or judged. I wish I could explain how awesome it felt! It’s just
something you’d understand if you have lived in India long enough.
What is interesting to note here is that no matter how incredible the social
liberation felt, it couldn’t stop Shradha from returning to the familiar;
likewise for Jessica, no matter how awesome her experience in India has
been so far, it hasn’t changed her mind about returning to Germany. She
might have had postponed her tickets several times but she’s still
got a ticket home.
This led us to our first deduction – whether a westerner or an easterner,
the curiosity to experience the foreign and the need to hold onto the
familiar co-exists in all of us, irrespective of where we come from or what
the color of our skin is.Therefore, our hypothesis that it is probably not
either/or but both/and. Getting this ‘both/and’ right is what’s at the heart
of the circular-chase trend we are witnessing in our environment.
The eastern and the western worlds are at different stages of social & cultural evolution
and have contrasting lifestyles; each new realization of the other only vets their appetite for more,
resulting in a long-haul chase, end of which is unknown, therefore undefined. But not any more! The
in-depth interviews we conducted, which we subsequently analyzed with the help of experts have
helped us deduce a theorem for understanding the origin, the dynamics and the desired outcome of
this chase trend.The theorem: it all begins with a realization of ‘something‘s amiss’ in your life; which
makes you extremely receptive of new experiences. One such new experience triggers a strong desire
to explore the lesser known, which leads to a chase in the hope of restoring the lost balance. And, as
we all know human mind cannot be at rest or idle for too long, so soon enough it finds something else
to chase, which makes this trend cyclical in nature.
UNPLUGGED ...................TREND #01
...................TREND #03
TREND #02............
TREND #04................
Basis this theory, we approached our research
through a qualitative methodology of in-depth interviews.We interviewed two kinds of
people – people who have lived/living the east-west shift and experts such as sociologists &
anthropologists. Firstly, we interviewed people who have lived the shift, sharing our findings with the
experts to better understand the behaviors and derive patterns. Enclosed are the trends
that emerged with the desired middle ground defined for each .
Plugged and unplugged states were largely associated with digital
connectivity by our interviewees. East exhibited a strong inclination for
constant digital connectivity, while west reflected the opposite.What was
interesting to note was that the motivator for both the chases was common
– ‘taking control!’ Indians saw digital as an opportunity to live that parallel
life they always wanted to live but couldn’t because of financial, social,
emotional or such other real-life constraints.While Europeans blamed
constant digital connectivity for the blurring lines between human and
robotic, expressing a strong need to unplug every now and then to regain
perspective and enjoy personal events.
“Being online is one the few ways
I have to express myself freely”
(% reflects strongly & somewhat agree)
Take control of the aspects of life that have fallen out of proportion in the hope of
achieving that ideal mix of foreign and familiar; thereby restoring balance.
Source:This Digital Life, 2012 Prosumer Report
Source: Facebook Analytics
In Germany, there is a recent surge in
websites such as
that offer assistance in dropping out of
Facebook. Germans are increasingly
resorting to these websites to reclaim
their valuable time that was being
spent on Facebook.
Clement Boisseau,
Strategic Planner at BETC Paris:
“Despite making jokes about it Europeans
are addicted to Apple, but they also
appreciate time offs. For instance, in
Cambridge (Massachusetts), a café with no
Wi-Fi has become extremely popular
among students as a place for doing
their assignments.“
To understand this trend in entirety, we need to first understand the concept of
pre-conditioning, as was shared by Harish Naraindas, a Sociologist and a
professor with Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), India. Preconditioning is the
phenomenon of historic conditions – social and cultural – playing a role in
pre-determining our choices and behaviors as individuals. It is this phenomenon
that is responsible for those common traits we reflect as an ethnic group.
Taking from that, Indians’ eagerness to please others and their conscious effort
to stay updated on global events lingers from the engram British colonization left
on Indians. As reinforced by Sarah Coles (English, living in India) & Ruchika
Christ (Indian, married to a German),“Indians know that they are talented and
intelligent people but they still need the approval from outside”. The feeling of
‘west being superior’ (although not as prevalent anymore) continues to be a part
of Indian DNA.Which explains the appeal Indians have for things that are
perceived to be ‘modern’ such as western apparel & accessories, quick fix
health solutions/pills, western sitcoms, foreign movies and so on.That said, we
are also witnessing a certain slow down in the adoption trend, especially among
Indian youth.They are not only taking their time in adopting western ways but
are also personalizing these ways creating their own hybrid.This is best
reflective in the growing popularity of indo-western food, apparel,
entertainment (music/movies) even lifestyles.
On the other hand, Europeans’ growing anxiety about not being able to
differentiate real from the artificially perfected is making them more
appreciative of human imperfections in their consumption and pursuits. India is
still perceived to be a place untainted by the west’s robotic ways of life.
Therefore there is a growing interest in exploring Indian handicrafts, health
solutions (Yoga, Ayurveda…), spiritual theories (ancient scriptures/vedas) and
art forms (music/movies). However, these are being adopted selectively and the
end product is usually a hybrid such as contemporary yoga/power yoga.
This attitude of cautious adoption at both ends interestingly emerges from the
same need – a need to stand apart and still belong.
66% 69%
worried about being
from the natural world
worried about the blurring
lines b/w authenticity
and artificiality
Source:This Digital Life, 2012 Prosumer Report
(Data distilled for westerners)
Both are using culturally accepted tools to define their unique identities within
their respective peers. This approach helps them carve their niche without
alienating themselves from their ecosystem.
Europeans are increasingly appreciative
of things that have obvious human
imperfections, which explains the success
of websites such as that
sells handmade items made by nobodies
at a premium
Source: Ilka Mueller, German, expert
As India opens up culturally, we see a growing demand for personal
spaces – both physical (growing number of nuclear families) and
emotional (parent-child or husband-wife relationships) but not at the
cost of family ties.This half and half approach is making Indian youth
strive for some sort of consensus between their own and their
family’s aspirations. Further explaining the strong inclination for
digital connectivity among Indians (as discussed in Trend #01) to
live that parallel life their parents disapprove of.
Shifting gears to Europeans, they are beginning to feel a certain void
in their lives from having taken the concept of ‘space’ too far.While
they don’t want to completely let go of their culture of ‘space’, they
do want to bring back the lost warmth and closeness in their
relationships.Which is why we see a growing popularity of commu-
nal spaces and increased efforts on strengthening family ties.This
further proves the trend of unplugging every now and then to enjoy
personal events (discussed in Trend#01).
What is interesting to note is that both these behaviors underline an
important insecurity in all of us – the insecurity of ending up alone.
Which brings us to our middle ground in this case.
Families w/o
Families with
74% of the Germans associate harmony,
warmth and emotional security with
their family and name their mothers as
their role model in life, which seems to be
a recent trend.
A common strive for an emotional safety net in the form of family,
so one can explore the extremes of self expression
without the fear of being abandoned.
Source: Le Monde(Oct ‘12) - A leading French Daily
Source: DieZeit (Mar ‘13) - A leading German Weekly
Source: IRS Data, May 2012
In France, it is an important concept to
have the meals together in family. For
children this is more like a burden but they
start appreciating it more as they enter the
fast running world of college and
experience separation from their families.
The growing global appeal for Indian values and models of being is infusing confidence in Indians. And this
global interest doesn’t end at the ‘fascinating cultural heritage’ or spiritual theories but extends to political and
economic models as well.Whether it is China’s model of economic immunity, which delivered over 9% annual
average growth through the four years of the financial crisis (Martin Jacques,When China Rules the World) or
India’s ‘frugal innovation’ approach of milking the maximum benefit out of the limited resources they operate
with; it is becoming increasingly harder for the west to ignore the east (Pavan K Verma, Being Indian).
On the other hand Europeans, having hit a glass ceiling with their material pursuits and economic setbacks, are
beginning to show interest in experiences that help them understand the foreign better.The growing awareness
that theirs is not the only way to realize the success they did, the western world is increasingly growing receptive
of eastern theories across social, cultural, political and economic arenas.
“Now, however, we are in a new ball game.
With the Western economies in a
profound mess and with China’s startling
rise, the competence of the state can no
longer be ignored. Our [the Western]
model is in crisis.” - Martin Jacques,When
China Rules the World
“The economic downturn of the past few
years have made us question who’s at the
helm.” - This Digital Life, A Prosumer
Report by Havas Worldwide
“The so called crisis is not ‘just’ an
economical one. Instead it has changed the
way people live by practicing minimalism,
looking east or beyond for more sustainable
models of being.” - Clement Boisseau,
Strategic Planner at BETC Paris
Growing open-mindedness and mutual respect for
things and ideas that are foreign.
Europeans exhibit a greater need to unplug because they are more
addicted to their gadgets than their Indian counterparts. For Indians,
gadgets are still essentially means of entertainment, however for
Europeans their gadgets have become their way of being.
And somewhere sub-consciously these gadget addicts have started
questioning the relevance of human relationships, which is inducing
panic; therefore the need to resort to desperate measures such as
self-imposed deprivation of technology/conscious unplugging.
Technology brands, in particular, can step in to address this anxiety
among Europeans. One way could be through designing digital
experiences (apps & UIs) that underline the importance of human
relationships rather than undermine them. For instance,
When Apple had launched iPhone 4S in the fall of 2011, it shattered
sales records, selling over 4 million units in the first three days. A big
part of that success was Siri, a new interface that responds to voice
commands recreating real-time human interaction on digital platform.
(Forbes Mar 26 2013)
As west continues to popularize the eastern ways and east continues
to look west for inspiration, we see east’s quest for modernity
merging into west’s quest for authenticity. Brands can leverage this
merging to popularize good values and practices. Once popularized
in the west, east would be quick to notice, even adopt and vice versa.
For instance,
The popular models of healthy living such asYoga, Ayurveda,
Naturopathy although originated in the east, turned into phenomena
only once west popularized those. Likewise, the recent surge in the
preference for eco-friendly products in India is a trickle down effect
from the west. (Ruchika Christ, an Indian married to a German)
Everybody wants the liberty to be without too much intervention from
the society. Agreed, social codes are important, as we all have to
co-exist in one ecosystem, however in certain societies (mostly
eastern) social intervention is way higher as compared to that in the
west. And as both the worlds open up to each other culturally, brands
can step in as allies to catalyze the abolition of taboos and evil prac-
tices rooted in pre-conditionings. For instance,
Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty since 2004 committed to widening
the definition of beauty to be a source of confidence, not anxiety.
Fast-track’s Move On campaign, which was a bold attempt to reflect the
true attitude of Indian youth, thereby striking an instant connection
with it’s target market (Business World,The Marketing White Book, 2012-2013)
As east-west distinctions blur, brands can play a role in supporting
this movement towards the middle ground, which is the growing
open-mindedness and mutual respect for one another’s cultures.
Brands can create and promote platforms that foster greater
connections between the two worlds thereby reflecting the positive
intermingling between the two worlds. For instance,
Benetton Group’s long-standing commitment towards creating a new
culture against hate since 1991, which they communicate with a touch
of ironic hope and constructive provocation. Right from it’s very first
‘United Colors’ publicity campaign to it’s recent UNHATE campaign,
Benetton Group has successfully asserted the point that no matter how
divergent and mutually opposed politics, faith and ideas are they must
lead to dialogue and mediation. (Forbes Feb 12 2011)
Jessica Janke
Shradha Dudeja
Clement Boisseau - Strategic Planner at BETC Paris
Audrey Anand- Global Planning Director at HAVAS Worldwide, UK
May Leen Wong- Global Senior Planner with HAVAS Worldwide, UK
Archana Iyer - Group Head Planning at HAVAS Worldwide, Mumbai
T.A.Vijayraj-Creative Director at HAVAS Worldwide, Gurgaon
Sarah Coles-Creative Director at HAVAS Worldwide, Gurgaon
© Havas Worldwide India (Gurgaon)
All Rights Reserved. No part of this report or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied, modified or adapted,
without the prior written consent of Havas Worldwide India (Gurgaon).

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Circular chase trend

  • 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARYEXECUTIVE SUMMARY Being in India means a lot of things but most of all people every- where, crazy traffic conditions, characteristic smells, bright colours, Maggi mania, mobile phones and of course chai-tea not only every- where but also all the time. Incredible? –Yes! Fascinating? – Definitely! Telling you about India from a westerner’s perspective, the picture could look like that.While east has been chasing the west awhile now, the west has just begun exploring the east.This reciprocation is changing the scheme of things.The fascination with one another is now going beyond the surficial things into a richer territory of deeper values. East is now more interested in the west’s concept of social liberation rather than just greater opportunities, success and money.While for the west, the increasingly robotic lifestyles have resulted in a spiritual and an emotional vacuum, which is steering them in the direction of east in search of experiences with human rootedness. As east speeds up and west slows down, the trend is starting to seem like a dog chasing its own tail while circling around an undefined yet highly desired middle ground. Basis these observations emerged the idea of our research study.The key question:What are the eastern and western worlds running after? To best approach this study we picked India and Europe as the representative regions. Our key finding: the aim of both the worlds is to experience the flipside of their own in order to find the desired middle ground, which is a mix of foreign and familiar.While the dynamics of the chase continue to vary, the end goal seems to be merging into one. That said, here’s a snapshot of the key trends we observed for each along with the middle grounds. 1
  • 3. EASTEAST WESTWEST Prefer being digitally plugged to live that parallel life family/society disapproves of. Indians are eager to adopt things that can get them global recognition. Hyper-consumption & fusion culture are making Europeans appreciative of things with human imperfections. As India warms up to western values we see an increased demand for personal spaces (physical & emotional). Having taken the concept of space too far, Europeans now seek warmth and closeness in relationships (communal space). A growing global appeal for eastern social, economic and political models is infusing confidence among easterners, who are beginning to assume authority. Fatigue with material pursuits and the recent economic setbacks are making westerners look east and beyond for more sustainable models of being. Prefer to unplug every now and then to regain a perspective of real vs. artificial. PLUGGED UNPLUGGED MODERNITY AUTHENTICITY FREEDOM FRAMEWORK AUTHORITY HUMILITY MIDDLE GROUND MIDDLE GROUND MIDDLE GROUND MIDDLE GROUND Take control of the aspects of life that have fallen out of proportion in the hope of achieving that ideal mix of foreign and familiar to restore balance. Both are using culturally accepted tools to define their unique identities within their respective peers.This approach helps them carve their niche without alienating themselves from their ecosystem. A common strive for an emotional safety net in the form of family, so one can explore the extremes of self expression without the fear of being abandoned. A growing open-mindedness and mutual respect for things and ideas that are foreign. 2
  • 4. THE FOREIGN AND THE FAMILIARTHE FOREIGN AND THE FAMILIAR Choices! We fight for more when we don’t have many and hesitate to make one when we have plenty.What is it about ‘choices’ that makes it so complex? Hello! I’m Jessica Janke, a German by origin but currently in India working as a planner with Havas Worldwide.When I think back about ‘why India?’ I struggle to articulate an answer.The things for which I love being here in India are the things I didn’t know existed when I decided to come here and the things I miss Germany for are those that I never thought I would miss. Thinking back, I recall, when packing my backpack to India I had a tough time figuring out how much familiar to pack to leave enough room for the foreign? Then, when seated next to another German in the aircraft to India, I couldn’t help but wonder if it was a good or a bad start? Headed to a country where I might get stared at for being different it might be less scary to enter with a familiar face. In which case, I began to think, what is it that I’m truly seeking from this travel? Is it really the foreign that I seek or just a momentary escape from the familiar? Will I return to the familiar at all? If I do, will I return fulfilled or disappointed?... Then came along my first clue.When experiencing a country you have only read and heard about, you tend to see the deeper meaning in seemingly mundane events. For instance, an elderly woman sitting on the sidewalk sorting flowers or selling vegetables in the sunny dust waiting for customers could be a mundane event for Indians but I couldn’t help admire her as an epitome of patience. Coming from a country such a Germany, which is characterized by exhausting impatience this seemed like the perfect moment of calm and inner peace to me, which I longed to share … guess with whom? Someone familiar, because only that person would truly “get” what I saw and felt in that moment! THE FOREIGN AND THE FAMILIARTHE FOREIGN AND THE FAMILIAR Choices! We fight for more when we don’t have many and hesitate to make one when we have plenty.What is it about ‘choices’ that makes it so complex? Hello! I’m Jessica Janke, a German by origin but currently in India working as a planner with Havas Worldwide.When I think back about ‘why India?’ I struggle to articulate an answer.The things for which I love being here in India are the things I didn’t know existed when I decided to come here and the things I miss Germany for are those that I never thought I would miss. Thinking back, I recall, when packing my backpack to India I had a tough time figuring out how much familiar to pack to leave enough room for the foreign? Then, when seated next to another German in the aircraft to India, I couldn’t help but wonder if it was a good or a bad start? Headed to a country where I might get stared at for being different it might be less scary to enter with a familiar face. In which case, I began to think, what is it that I’m truly seeking from this travel? Is it really the foreign that I seek or just a momentary escape from the familiar? Will I return to the familiar at all? If I do, will I return fulfilled or disappointed?... Then came along my first clue.When experiencing a country you have only read and heard about, you tend to see the deeper meaning in seemingly mundane events. For instance, an elderly woman sitting on the sidewalk sorting flowers or selling vegetables in the sunny dust waiting for customers could be a mundane event for Indians but I couldn’t help admire her as an epitome of patience. Coming from a country such a Germany, which is characterized by exhausting impatience this seemed like the perfect moment of calm and inner peace to me, which I longed to share … guess with whom? Someone familiar, because only that person would truly “get” what I saw and felt in that moment! 3
  • 5. Hi! I’m Shradha Dudeja, an Indian who has lived in the US and is now back in India working as a planner with Havas Worldwide. I don’t quite remember why I moved back to India; but it was probably because “India will always be home.”Thinking back in time before I left for the US, I always wanted to go to a foreign land, not as a tourist but as an explorer to truly experience the life, the culture, the people and their peculiarities first hand. However, when I got a chance, it felt bittersweet. On the one hand, I was looking forward to finally experiencing the life on the other side, while on the other hand the realization of leaving my life, my family, my friends and my city behind induced panic. I still remember, the day I was flying out, I was the only one crying profusely saying – life will never be the same again! Experiences change a person.What have I done? But the moment my mum said,“let’s cancel the ticket if you are so upset”, I was suddenly ok and ready to fly. Once I reached Los Angeles, there was no looking back. It was incredible! The sheer freedom to be, to wear whatever, to act/react however without any social judgments or stares…It’s probably a way of life for most Americans, however for most Indian girls it’s a refreshing change to not be constantly looking over their shoulders to check if they are being watched or judged. I wish I could explain how awesome it felt! It’s just something you’d understand if you have lived in India long enough. What is interesting to note here is that no matter how incredible the social liberation felt, it couldn’t stop Shradha from returning to the familiar; likewise for Jessica, no matter how awesome her experience in India has been so far, it hasn’t changed her mind about returning to Germany. She might have had postponed her tickets several times but she’s still got a ticket home. This led us to our first deduction – whether a westerner or an easterner, the curiosity to experience the foreign and the need to hold onto the familiar co-exists in all of us, irrespective of where we come from or what the color of our skin is.Therefore, our hypothesis that it is probably not either/or but both/and. Getting this ‘both/and’ right is what’s at the heart of the circular-chase trend we are witnessing in our environment. 4
  • 6. The eastern and the western worlds are at different stages of social & cultural evolution and have contrasting lifestyles; each new realization of the other only vets their appetite for more, resulting in a long-haul chase, end of which is unknown, therefore undefined. But not any more! The in-depth interviews we conducted, which we subsequently analyzed with the help of experts have helped us deduce a theorem for understanding the origin, the dynamics and the desired outcome of this chase trend.The theorem: it all begins with a realization of ‘something‘s amiss’ in your life; which makes you extremely receptive of new experiences. One such new experience triggers a strong desire to explore the lesser known, which leads to a chase in the hope of restoring the lost balance. And, as we all know human mind cannot be at rest or idle for too long, so soon enough it finds something else to chase, which makes this trend cyclical in nature. CHASECIRCULAR CIRCULAR CHASE TRENDTREND TRIGGERSCHASE TO RE STORE THELO S T BALANCE SOMETHIN G IS AM ISS NEW EXPERIENCES CREATE DESIRE 5
  • 7. VS PLUGGED UNPLUGGED ...................TREND #01 ...................TREND #03 TREND #02............ TREND #04................ VS MODERNITY AUTHENTICITY VS FREEDOM FRAMEWORK VS AUTHORITY HUMILITY TREATING THE TRENDSTREATING THE TRENDS Basis this theory, we approached our research through a qualitative methodology of in-depth interviews.We interviewed two kinds of people – people who have lived/living the east-west shift and experts such as sociologists & anthropologists. Firstly, we interviewed people who have lived the shift, sharing our findings with the experts to better understand the behaviors and derive patterns. Enclosed are the trends that emerged with the desired middle ground defined for each . 6
  • 8. TREND #01 TREND #01 VS PLUGGED UNPLUGGED Plugged and unplugged states were largely associated with digital connectivity by our interviewees. East exhibited a strong inclination for constant digital connectivity, while west reflected the opposite.What was interesting to note was that the motivator for both the chases was common – ‘taking control!’ Indians saw digital as an opportunity to live that parallel life they always wanted to live but couldn’t because of financial, social, emotional or such other real-life constraints.While Europeans blamed constant digital connectivity for the blurring lines between human and robotic, expressing a strong need to unplug every now and then to regain perspective and enjoy personal events. 67% Indians 34% Europeans 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 “Being online is one the few ways I have to express myself freely” (% reflects strongly & somewhat agree) MIDDLE GROUNDMIDDLE GROUND Take control of the aspects of life that have fallen out of proportion in the hope of achieving that ideal mix of foreign and familiar; thereby restoring balance. Source:This Digital Life, 2012 Prosumer Report Source: Facebook Analytics In Germany, there is a recent surge in websites such as that offer assistance in dropping out of Facebook. Germans are increasingly resorting to these websites to reclaim their valuable time that was being spent on Facebook. 7 Clement Boisseau, Strategic Planner at BETC Paris: “Despite making jokes about it Europeans are addicted to Apple, but they also appreciate time offs. For instance, in Cambridge (Massachusetts), a café with no Wi-Fi has become extremely popular among students as a place for doing their assignments.“
  • 9. TREND #02 TREND #02 VS MODERNITY AUTHENTICITY To understand this trend in entirety, we need to first understand the concept of pre-conditioning, as was shared by Harish Naraindas, a Sociologist and a professor with Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), India. Preconditioning is the phenomenon of historic conditions – social and cultural – playing a role in pre-determining our choices and behaviors as individuals. It is this phenomenon that is responsible for those common traits we reflect as an ethnic group. Taking from that, Indians’ eagerness to please others and their conscious effort to stay updated on global events lingers from the engram British colonization left on Indians. As reinforced by Sarah Coles (English, living in India) & Ruchika Christ (Indian, married to a German),“Indians know that they are talented and intelligent people but they still need the approval from outside”. The feeling of ‘west being superior’ (although not as prevalent anymore) continues to be a part of Indian DNA.Which explains the appeal Indians have for things that are perceived to be ‘modern’ such as western apparel & accessories, quick fix health solutions/pills, western sitcoms, foreign movies and so on.That said, we are also witnessing a certain slow down in the adoption trend, especially among Indian youth.They are not only taking their time in adopting western ways but are also personalizing these ways creating their own hybrid.This is best reflective in the growing popularity of indo-western food, apparel, entertainment (music/movies) even lifestyles. On the other hand, Europeans’ growing anxiety about not being able to differentiate real from the artificially perfected is making them more appreciative of human imperfections in their consumption and pursuits. India is still perceived to be a place untainted by the west’s robotic ways of life. Therefore there is a growing interest in exploring Indian handicrafts, health solutions (Yoga, Ayurveda…), spiritual theories (ancient scriptures/vedas) and art forms (music/movies). However, these are being adopted selectively and the end product is usually a hybrid such as contemporary yoga/power yoga. This attitude of cautious adoption at both ends interestingly emerges from the same need – a need to stand apart and still belong. 66% 69% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% worried about being disconnected from the natural world worried about the blurring lines b/w authenticity and artificiality Source:This Digital Life, 2012 Prosumer Report (Data distilled for westerners) Both are using culturally accepted tools to define their unique identities within their respective peers. This approach helps them carve their niche without alienating themselves from their ecosystem. Europeans are increasingly appreciative of things that have obvious human imperfections, which explains the success of websites such as that sells handmade items made by nobodies at a premium MIDDLE GROUNDMIDDLE GROUND Source: Ilka Mueller, German, expert 8
  • 10. TREND #03 TREND #03 FREEDOM FRAMEWORK VS As India opens up culturally, we see a growing demand for personal spaces – both physical (growing number of nuclear families) and emotional (parent-child or husband-wife relationships) but not at the cost of family ties.This half and half approach is making Indian youth strive for some sort of consensus between their own and their family’s aspirations. Further explaining the strong inclination for digital connectivity among Indians (as discussed in Trend #01) to live that parallel life their parents disapprove of. Shifting gears to Europeans, they are beginning to feel a certain void in their lives from having taken the concept of ‘space’ too far.While they don’t want to completely let go of their culture of ‘space’, they do want to bring back the lost warmth and closeness in their relationships.Which is why we see a growing popularity of commu- nal spaces and increased efforts on strengthening family ties.This further proves the trend of unplugging every now and then to enjoy personal events (discussed in Trend#01). What is interesting to note is that both these behaviors underline an important insecurity in all of us – the insecurity of ending up alone. Which brings us to our middle ground in this case. 14% 12% 72% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Nuclear Families w/o elders Nuclear Families with elders Joint Families 74% of the Germans associate harmony, warmth and emotional security with their family and name their mothers as their role model in life, which seems to be a recent trend. A common strive for an emotional safety net in the form of family, so one can explore the extremes of self expression without the fear of being abandoned. MIDDLE GROUNDMIDDLE GROUND Source: Le Monde(Oct ‘12) - A leading French Daily Source: DieZeit (Mar ‘13) - A leading German Weekly Source: IRS Data, May 2012 In France, it is an important concept to have the meals together in family. For children this is more like a burden but they start appreciating it more as they enter the fast running world of college and experience separation from their families. 9
  • 11. The growing global appeal for Indian values and models of being is infusing confidence in Indians. And this global interest doesn’t end at the ‘fascinating cultural heritage’ or spiritual theories but extends to political and economic models as well.Whether it is China’s model of economic immunity, which delivered over 9% annual average growth through the four years of the financial crisis (Martin Jacques,When China Rules the World) or India’s ‘frugal innovation’ approach of milking the maximum benefit out of the limited resources they operate with; it is becoming increasingly harder for the west to ignore the east (Pavan K Verma, Being Indian). On the other hand Europeans, having hit a glass ceiling with their material pursuits and economic setbacks, are beginning to show interest in experiences that help them understand the foreign better.The growing awareness that theirs is not the only way to realize the success they did, the western world is increasingly growing receptive of eastern theories across social, cultural, political and economic arenas. TREND #04 TREND #04 AUTHORITY HUMILITY VS “Now, however, we are in a new ball game. With the Western economies in a profound mess and with China’s startling rise, the competence of the state can no longer be ignored. Our [the Western] model is in crisis.” - Martin Jacques,When China Rules the World “The economic downturn of the past few years have made us question who’s at the helm.” - This Digital Life, A Prosumer Report by Havas Worldwide “The so called crisis is not ‘just’ an economical one. Instead it has changed the way people live by practicing minimalism, looking east or beyond for more sustainable models of being.” - Clement Boisseau, Strategic Planner at BETC Paris Growing open-mindedness and mutual respect for things and ideas that are foreign. MIDDLE GROUNDMIDDLE GROUND 10
  • 12. Europeans exhibit a greater need to unplug because they are more addicted to their gadgets than their Indian counterparts. For Indians, gadgets are still essentially means of entertainment, however for Europeans their gadgets have become their way of being. And somewhere sub-consciously these gadget addicts have started questioning the relevance of human relationships, which is inducing panic; therefore the need to resort to desperate measures such as self-imposed deprivation of technology/conscious unplugging. Technology brands, in particular, can step in to address this anxiety among Europeans. One way could be through designing digital experiences (apps & UIs) that underline the importance of human relationships rather than undermine them. For instance, When Apple had launched iPhone 4S in the fall of 2011, it shattered sales records, selling over 4 million units in the first three days. A big part of that success was Siri, a new interface that responds to voice commands recreating real-time human interaction on digital platform. (Forbes Mar 26 2013) As west continues to popularize the eastern ways and east continues to look west for inspiration, we see east’s quest for modernity merging into west’s quest for authenticity. Brands can leverage this merging to popularize good values and practices. Once popularized in the west, east would be quick to notice, even adopt and vice versa. For instance, The popular models of healthy living such asYoga, Ayurveda, Naturopathy although originated in the east, turned into phenomena only once west popularized those. Likewise, the recent surge in the preference for eco-friendly products in India is a trickle down effect from the west. (Ruchika Christ, an Indian married to a German) 4 INSIGHTS 4 INSIGHTS HOW BRANDS CAN PLAY A ROLE. INTO HOW BRANDS CAN PLAY A ROLE. PROMOTE HUMAN-OLOGY USING TECHNOLOGY POPULARIZE THE IDEA IN ONE ANDTHE OTHERWILL FOLLOW 11
  • 13. Everybody wants the liberty to be without too much intervention from the society. Agreed, social codes are important, as we all have to co-exist in one ecosystem, however in certain societies (mostly eastern) social intervention is way higher as compared to that in the west. And as both the worlds open up to each other culturally, brands can step in as allies to catalyze the abolition of taboos and evil prac- tices rooted in pre-conditionings. For instance, Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty since 2004 committed to widening the definition of beauty to be a source of confidence, not anxiety. Fast-track’s Move On campaign, which was a bold attempt to reflect the true attitude of Indian youth, thereby striking an instant connection with it’s target market (Business World,The Marketing White Book, 2012-2013) As east-west distinctions blur, brands can play a role in supporting this movement towards the middle ground, which is the growing open-mindedness and mutual respect for one another’s cultures. Brands can create and promote platforms that foster greater connections between the two worlds thereby reflecting the positive intermingling between the two worlds. For instance, Benetton Group’s long-standing commitment towards creating a new culture against hate since 1991, which they communicate with a touch of ironic hope and constructive provocation. Right from it’s very first ‘United Colors’ publicity campaign to it’s recent UNHATE campaign, Benetton Group has successfully asserted the point that no matter how divergent and mutually opposed politics, faith and ideas are they must lead to dialogue and mediation. (Forbes Feb 12 2011) FOSTER CONNECTIONS LIBERATE BUT RESPECTFULLY 12
  • 14. CO-AUTHORED BY CO-AUTHORED BY Jessica Janke Shradha Dudeja PLANNER HAVAS WORLDWIDE INDIA (GURGAON) GROUP HEAD - PLANNING HAVAS WORLDWIDE INDIA (GURGAON) SPECIAL THANKS TO: Clement Boisseau - Strategic Planner at BETC Paris Audrey Anand- Global Planning Director at HAVAS Worldwide, UK May Leen Wong- Global Senior Planner with HAVAS Worldwide, UK Archana Iyer - Group Head Planning at HAVAS Worldwide, Mumbai T.A.Vijayraj-Creative Director at HAVAS Worldwide, Gurgaon Sarah Coles-Creative Director at HAVAS Worldwide, Gurgaon 13 © Havas Worldwide India (Gurgaon) All Rights Reserved. No part of this report or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied, modified or adapted, without the prior written consent of Havas Worldwide India (Gurgaon).