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Christopher Columbus By John Abbott
The author is John Abbott, who wrote Christopher Columbus. It is a Biography with 250 pages. The story takes place in the New World.
Christopher Columbus was born in the year 1435. Later in his life, he found out that the earth was a sphere. After this he wanted to sail there to
explore. Columbus went to Queen Elizabeth and asked her for money and ships for his exploration to the New World. At first, he didn't get the items
he wanted, but eventually Queen Elizabeth gave him permission and his items. The third ship he sailed with was called Santa Maria. He set sail for
the New World in August of 1492. The first destination he set sail for was the Canary Islands. On the third day the rudder on one of the vessels was
unshipped. Columbus
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Thesis Statement On Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus is known for being an explorer and is said to have made one of the most important voyages in world history without even
wanting to. Something else that is also believed is that he "opened up" the Americas to European nations, which changed the course of American
history. Before he went on his voyage though, he was in need of resources. So he asked Portugal, France, Italy among many other countries but they all
denied Columbus and thought his statement was incorrect. Columbus' statement was that he had found a faster way to get to Asia than the Portuguese
had, which was going around the continent of Africa. Columbus lived a majority of his life in Spain, so when it came to setting sail for the west, Spain
was one of the first nations he asked for funding. Though it took Columbus a little more than a few years to convince a nation to fund his voyage,
Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand from Spain subsequently granted to endow him in 1492. He would then leave for "Asia" on August 3, 1492.
There are many unanswered questions and thoughts on why Spain decided to finally fund Columbus' voyage, especially since he was an explorer that
was born in Italy.
A believed reason on why Queen Isabella and Ferdinand once and for all decided to fund Columbus' voyage would be because the Spanish rulers
wanted the virtue of fame and money. According to,, "During the 15th and 16th centuries, leaders of several European nations sponsored
expeditions abroad
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Christopher Columbus Pros And Cons
Christopher Columbus
Although nearly every phase of any exploration had its good and bad outcomes the benefits of Columbus' discovery of the New World far outweigh
the negative results of that enterprise; because his discovery stimulated further development of both Europe and the New World. His voyage was an
epochal and magnificent discovery in that it confirmed the roundness of the earth and gave new validity to science, expanded trade and opened new
markets and led to the industrialization of Europe, and opening the doors to a new world because the Old World was overcrowded and torn by strife.
Columbus' did not just discover land and resources rather he discovered the New World. A New World that offered hope, freedom, and a new
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As an explorer, Columbus not only confirmed the world was round, but he decoded the Atlantic wind system, discovered the magnetic variation in the
Western hemisphere and, among other things, contributed to the mapping of the Atlantic and the New World (FernГ
Ўndez–Armesto, 182). Columbus'
great skill in navigation paved the way for later explorers to come to the New World. Before he had set out in pursuit of the East Indies, he studied
charts, maps, and journals from earlier explorers and was certain that he could reach the Far East by sailing westward. His calculations were beyond
correct and he never quite realized the fact that he was nowhere near the Far East, but in reality was on a whole other continent. "The task he set for
himself В– to cross the Ocean Sea was literally beyond the capacity of any vessel of his day. The task he performed В– to cross from Europe to a New
World В– was beyond the conception of many of his contemporaries" (FernГЎndez–Armesto, 183). Nobody thought that Columbus could reach the Far
East В– much less anything at all. He achieved the highly impossible and instead of being praised, is put down for his faults. Although Columbus did
not find the spices of the East Indies there were still many new things to trade in the New World. Tomatoes, peppers, peanuts, sunflowers, cashews,
potatoes, and tobacco were brought to the Old World and sugar,
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Essay on The Voyage Of Christopher Columbus
American History I Christopher Columbus' Voyage to North America Spanish exploration first began with a series of revolutions. First, the
Commercial Revolution generated economic stability. Second, the Intellectual Revolution generated interest in the Earth's composition and the pursuit
of exploration. Europe then called for a political revolution to end the disorganized and disorderly rule of its government. This revolution returned
order and stability to the government and renewed interest in exploration to search for national wealth. The last of these revolutions was the religious
revolution (note Columbus' voyage occurred before this revolution). As more people broke away from the national religion they searched for a place more content...
It was on this voyage that "he learned how to sail, manage a boat, estimate distances, and other elements of seamanship" (29) 1. In 1476, Columbus
found his way to Portugal after his ship was burned during the wars between the Mediterranean states. Columbus arrived shortly after the death of
Prince Henry the Navigator who had set up his headquarters in Cape St. Vincent in addition to a school for maritime discovery. In 1477, Columbus set
out as a sailor on a trade ship towards Ireland and Iceland. The next year, a Lisbon merchant sent Columbus out on a sugar trade between Madeira and
Genoa. This was an indication that Columbus "was rising in the world" (30) 1. Columbus then ventured into the chart–making business with his
brother, Bartholomew. "He developed into a skilled mapmakerВ…became acquainted with the latest news about the world and its geographyВ…" (30)
1. After the death of his wife, Columbus became very interested in the Portuguese trading post in a gold–mining area on the Gulf of Guinea (Ghana) on
the west coast of Africa. Columbus further developed his skills as a seaman by observing his Portuguese shipmates that taught him "how to handle a
ship in heavy winds, what kinds of stores to take on a long voyage, and how to trade with primitive people" (31) 1. Upon his return to Lisbon,
Columbus was ready to explore the unknown Atlantic to obtain the wealth of the Indies. Certainly the idea of sailing west to reach the
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Christopher Columbus was a very famous Italian explorer during the 1400s.Now you might well be asking yourself why did he sail the ocean blue
in 1492 and what or who is Columbus.Well, Columbus was an Italian explorer born between August and October in 1451 in Genoa or known today
as Italy. Columbus started sailing when he was only a teen and traveled to Portugal, which he soon made his home.Columbus wanted to gain royal
sponsors that could aid him in his funds for Columbus first voyage.It was a rough time for Columbus to gain sponsors, though as the first ones
Columbus asked was France and England, which both declined his aid for his voyage.After a long time of searching and asking he finally landed
himself in Spain, where King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella decided to aid Columbus voyage.Why is this, Why would King Ferdinand and Queen
Isabella sponsor Columbus what did they see that everyone else didn't.Well, there are two main reasons why King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
decided to sponsor Columbus.The Main two was to help find a new, faster way to Asia so that Spain could trade with them, Columbus also promised
them that he would bring many riches back from his travels. On August third, 1492, Columbus along with many other sailors started there journey on
ships known today as the Santa Maria, Pinta Nina, after a long journey they finally sighted land and on October 12th Columbus with other sailors set
sail to the island which later now known as the
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Christopher Columbus Essay
Christopher Columbus is a very important person in our country's history. He found the "New World," the one we live in today. He started the society
that makes us who we are today, the society that allowed our ancestors to come to America and start the life that we live now. This whole world owes
their lives to him. Columbus should always be remembered as a very important and very good person in history.
Columbus made an especially daring trip when he set sail for the Indies. He knew he was headed for some rough water, bad weather, and maybe even
an unwelcoming crowd of people.
When he left the shore he didn't know what was to lie ahead in his journey, but to say the least it was the most prosperous voyage ever made. He opened more content...
Columbus opened a ton of new opportunities for the Europeans.
In this find, he gained money, people, land, and respect from the other countries. One of the big things that Columbus got out of this voyage was
Columbus came across a wealth of things that would help them for life. They had a vast area of land to do whatever they wanted to do with it.
They could use the water, oil, lumber, coal, and so many other things. They were faced with a new group of people, people they didn't know what to
do with. These people could be used as slaves for their personal use, being they came in and took over the land, and with the land come the people.
When Columbus found this New World, he brought a world of wealth back to the Spanish, later to be shared with all of Europe.
Now, in our present society, people are rethinking the goodness of Columbus and the actual impact that he had on our world. People feel that the
killing of the American Indians was "unethical and morally wrong," says Janet Mckay in an article from TIME magazine ("Columbus Day in Cali"
TIME MAGAZINE Oct. 15, 1995, pg. 17). When Columbus made the Voyage to the Americas it was a different time, a different way of life. People
thought differently than we do today. In 1492 there were many internal conflicts in many countries. Fighting was a thing that was normal.
In the late 1400's and the early 1500's there was
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Political Impact Of Christopher Columbus
Throughout his life, Christopher Columbus led four voyages to North America, bringing Europe riches in the form of slaves, new crops, and gold.
Docking his ships in what is now San Salvador, Columbus began a chain of events that would forever alter the history of the Americas. Although the
actions of Columbus were far from morally just, the impact of his voyages were widespread and can be seen today. Columbus' negative legacy
empowered Spain to conquer the people of the Americas, devastated the family and religious structure of the native peoples, also starting triangular
trade, and brought European nations great wealth at the cost of indigenous lives.
Columbus' arrival to the New World brought on many political effects both in the Old World as well as the new world. Initially,Christopher Columbus
had gone to the Portuguese for financial backing has had an earlier mariner Bartholomeu Dias. (Zinn 1–3) When, "Columbus heard Dias make his
report to Portugal's king and returned, empty–handed, to Spain," he thought that the Portuguese king would grant him aid in finding what Dias
couldn't, a sea route to Asia. Failing in receiving Portuguese support, he went to the Spanish King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to receive a grant.
This missed opportunity by the Portuguese that is capitalized upon by the Spanish is what sets off a rivalry between these two European countries.
After a decade of Spanish presence in the New World, Portugal was envious of Spanish success, and the
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Research Paper On Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus achieved remarkable success in the New World by discovering new lands and presenting an opportunity for new development.
Over the course of four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean, Columbus ignited the conquest and colonization of land in the New World. He recorded
his experiences in journals and letters for future navigators and sailors to read and learn from. The benefits that arose from his expeditions were
known as the Columbian Exchange, which included the transfer of people, resources, and culture, all of which significantly impacted society
worldwide. His world changing legacy impacted the development of the territory in the New World and increased trade, resources, and economic
stability for Europe.
Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy in 1451 as the son of a merchant, most likely into a Christian household. As a teenager, he worked on a
merchant ship and gained experience in trading voyages in the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas. He continued similar jobs at sea until his first voyage
into the Atlantic Ocean in 1470, when the French attacked his ship along the Portuguese Coast. Despite his sunken ship, Columbus floated to Lisbon,
where he married Felipa Perestrello and had a son. At this time, he also began studies in mathematics, astronomy, and navigation, thus inspiring him to
begin formulating his world changing plan. After the death of his wife, he moved to Spain, remarried and had another son. Meanwhile, he
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Essay On Christopher Columbus
"Hinga, Dinga, Durgen!" (Spongebob) We were taught in school the saying, "In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue," to help us remember when
Christopher Columbus "discovered" America. We learned the Spanish monarchy funded him and he set sail on the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa
Maria in hopes of finding a route to the riches that were in the west indies. He landed on an island, and this was how what we know as America was
discovered and referenced as "the New World." We even have a day set aside here in theUnited States to celebrate his accomplishment. It is difficult to
believe that growing up we were taught history that was so inaccurate. Who was first to come to what we now call the Americas? There are many
theories from more content...
He struggled to get funding and supplies needed to explore this theory, and after much rejection, the King and Queen of Spain agreed to sponsor
his journey. On August 3, 1492, he sailed from Spain, and on October 12 they finally spotted land. In a letter he wrote to King Ferdinand and
Queen Isabella of his first voyage, he had reached the Indian sea and discovered many populated islands that he took possession of without
resistance, in the name of the King and Queen of Spain. He named the first island San Salvador (Major 2). The natives that lived there greeted him
and his crew and offered them gifts. He sent out two of his men to explore the island and to gather information of the natives that were living there.
They discovered it was a massive population. In the meantime, Columbus seized some Indians and learned from them that they were on an island
(Major 4). He also found that the people that were inhabiting the island were simple, honest, and kind. They would offer up any of their possessions
(Major 7). Columbus also mentioned in his letter that he "had taken some Indians by force from, the first order that they might learn our
language, and communicate to us what they knew respecting the country" (Major 9). Bartolome de las Casa was an explorer that traveled with
Columbus on his second journey and later became a priest. He noted in his writings of The Short Account
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Essay on Christopher Columbus
In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. But should America really celebrate Christopher Columbus? Was he really responsible for finding America
or was he just simply lucky? The real question is, should the American people praise a man who had killed many innocent people? Though Columbus
Day is celebrated no one really knows for what reasons. Most Americans just enjoy their day off. Would they celebrate Columbus Day if they really
knew the facts?
Christopher Columbus was an explorer funded by the Spanish king and Queen to find other lands, gold, goods, and other beings. As he was sent on his
journey he stumbled upon a country in what is know today as America. At this time there on this mysterious land lived the Arawak Indians living in more content...
He made all of them– and some other slaves he already had upon his ship given to him by the king of Spain– look for gold that he himself could have
and gold and goods that he could bring back with him.. Every slave who had in fact found him gold and goods would get a gold coin around their
necks, if anyone whom in which did not have a gold coin hanging would be killed because they did not service him. Columbus called this land his
and not only did he make the natives of the land his slaves but he also raped the women and he also brought the natives back to his land to sell them
as slaves.
Now what are Americans really celebrating him for? Most people are naГЇve to Columbus but they really don't care or question it they just simply get
a day off of work or school. It is a representation of an interpretation that passes for an explanation.
Columbus day is celebrated for giving the American people an opportunity to come and live on this land, for Columbus informed England of the
"Golden Land" and there they sent their people to America and others started to migrate there because they thought that gold was falling from the sky
and then the American people were born. Granted if he did not fall onto America maybe things would be different but all in all he was a selfish man, a
man who only cared about his country and his alliances not for the natives in which he
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How To Write An Essay On Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus was a Spanish explorer born in Genoa, Italy on October 31, 1451. He made 4 trips across the Atlantic from Spain in 1492,
1493, 1498 and 1502 due to him being determined to find a water route directly west from Europe to Asia. Even though he could not find the route he
was looking for he stumbled across the Americas. His journeys marked the beginning of centuries of conquest and
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Argumentative Essay On Christopher Columbus
Isabelle Wilson
6th period
"An American icon"
It was the 15th century, it was a quote unquote different century. They had many new forces and changes but that doesn't justify what happened due
to Christopher Columbus. In this i'm going to state why Columbus is a terrible person. He said Native Americans would make fine servants. With
the fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever he wanted and or needed. Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492, but he
isn't as good of a person as we were taught. Until now some people just thought he was the guy we got the day off for. Once you learn what he's done
you realize he wasn't just the reason we didn't have school on a monday. He was the reason thousands of more content...
Him and his men went in groups to look for gold and round up any natives. They would take women and children then force them into being sex
and labor slaves. In 1495 they went on a very large raid of the land and ended up putting 1500 men into captivity. Captivity as in they were put into
cages like animals guarded by the spaniards and dogs. Of the 1500 they captured, the ones who they thought were the most healthy and fit were
put on sale in Spain, but only 300 of them arrived. Only 300 arrived because on the way there 200 of the "best specimens" perished. Columbus still
hadn't lived up to his promises, so he had people search for copper. The "indians" who searched had to hang the copper they found around their
necks, like a necklace. If they came back empty handed, you'd get your hands chopped off, and left to bleed out and die. Even though Columbus did
everything that was stated above he wasn't that bad. He overall really helped the development of the nation that we now know. He is one of the most
celebrated explorers and for good reason. Stated by Dr Thomas C Tirado in Christopher Columbus and his legacy "The routes he took to and from the
newly found lands are the ones we still use; his choice of the Atlantic Canary Current
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Importance Of Christopher Columbus
By and by this year many schools will delay to celebrate Christopher Columbus. Given all that we think about columbus' identity and what he propelled
in the Americas, this needs to stop.
Columbus started the trans–Atlantic slave exchange, toward the beginning of February 1494, first sending a few dozen subjugated TaГnos to Spain.
Columbus depicted those he subjugated as "well made and of good insight," and prescribed to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella that saddling slave
shipments could help pay for provisions required in the Indies. After a year, Columbus increased his endeavors to oppress Indigenous individuals in the
Caribbean. He requested 1,600 TaГnos gathered together–individuals whom Columbus had before depicted as "so brimming with
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Summary Of Christopher Columbus Life
Christopher Columbus was born October 31, 1451, in Genoa, Italy. His father was Domenico Colombo, a weaver and a wool merchant. His mother
was Susanna Fontanarossa, a housekeeper. He had three brothers, Bartholomew, Giovanni, and Giacomo, and he had one sister, Bianchi. As a child,
he helped his father in his weaving business. He attended a monastery school until he was fourteen. In his spare time, Columbus liked to collect and
to study maps. As a teenager, Columbus worked on ships as a sailor and as a messenger. When Columbus was nineteen, his family moved to Savona.
This was a port city. Navigators and explorers visited this area frequently. Columbus and his brother opened a map–making business there.
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Persuasive Essay On Christopher Columbus
Over 5 centuries ago in 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed across the ocean blue. At the age of 41, Columbus defied naysayers across Europe and led
four voyages across an uncharted ocean without maps in wooden sailing ships that were not designed to take on the punishing waters of the Atlantic.
Christopher Columbus should be considered a hero of exploration as he was a key factor of globalization and therefore, an instrument of progress.
Although some of his acts were contentious, Christopher Columbus was a servant of the Spanish crown at a time very different than now. As Columbus
was financed in his voyages to the New World, his duty was to claim the territories for Spain, to bring the word of God, and to convert those whose
faith did not adhere to the Christian faith. Columbus' four voyages constitute one of the greatest adventure stories in history. Despite having never have
reached Asia as planned, one cannot discount the sheer will required to make his journey. At the age of 41, he defied naysayers across Europe and led
four voyages across an uncharted ocean without maps in wooden sailing ships that were not designed to take on the punishing waters of the Atlantic.
Although he was not the first explorer to glimpse or visit the distant shores of the Americas, his was the discovery that permanently planted the reality
of the New World in the imagination – and political schemes – of the Old, Columbus forever changed the idea of what a European empire could be. He
had the
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The Background Of Christopher Columbus
2. Describe the background of Christopher Columbus. 150 Words
Cristoforo Colombo or commonly known today as, Christopher Columbus, was a navigator, sailor, and a coloniser who was inspired by other
sailors books such as, Livres des merveilles du monde (Book of the Marvels of the world), published by Marco Polo. He was thought to be born on
31st October 1451 in Genoa, Republic of Genoa, but historians haven't actually confirmed this to be true. He was the son of two wool weavers
named Domenico Colombo and Susanna Fontanarossa. He was also the husband of Filipa Moniz Perestrello. He was famous for accidently finding,
then colonising The New World which is commonly known today as America. It's commonly thought that he was the first person to discover America
but America was discovered by Lief Erikson, a Viking of a few centuries prior to Columbus's time.Christopher Columbus passed away from gout in
3. Achievements of Christopher Columbus. 330 Words
3.1. Finding and Colonising the New World.
Columbus's first journey was sponsored by King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella I, the Catholic Monarchs of Aragon, Castile, and Leon in Spain. The
funding was used to give Columbus crew members and the money to afford three ships called the NiГ±a, Pinta, and Santa MarГa. Columbus and his
crew then sailed west in hopes to find a new route to lucrative Chinese trade markets or a new Silk Road.
After two months (October 12 1492) of sailing, a sailor named Rodrigo de Triana spotted land.
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Christopher Columbus: The Hero Essay
It is thought by many that Christopher Columbus was a skilled sailor on a mission of greed. Many think that he in fact did it all for the money,
honor and the status that comes with an explorer, but this is not the case entirely. Columbus was an adventurer and was enthused by the thrill of the
quest of the unknown. "Columbus had a firm religious faith and a scientific curiosity, a zest for life, the felling for beauty and the striving for novelty
that we associate with the advancement of learning". He had heard of the legendary Atlantic voyages and sailors reports of land to the west of
Madeira and the Azores. He believed that Japan was about 4,800 km to the west of Portugal. In 1484, Columbus wanted support for an exploratory more content...
On May in 1486 almost a year after Columbus had enter Spain, he was finally allowed to meet with the queen who is said to be known for her
great judgment in choosing the right man for the right job. The queen turned down Christopher's proposals several times before giving it any true
thought. The queen sent out her confessor to examine the great project to see if it was feasible. For the next six months Columbus lived the worst
days of his life. Christopher was subjected to continuous prejudice even though he knew his great project would open new pathways to maritime
achievement and opportunity, but still the public viewed his revolutionary planes as a crackpot idea. Very few of the queen's staff were in favor of
the great quest except for one, Diego de Deza who granted Columbus 12,000 maravedis a year, which was about $83 in gold. It was enough to support
a man like Columbus. Columbus had simple tastes. On Aug. 3, 1492, Columbus sailed from Palos, Spain, with three small ships, the Santa MarГa,
commanded by Columbus himself, the Pinta under MartГn Pinzon, and the Nina under Vicente Yanez Pinzon. After stopping at the Canary Islands, he
sailed due west from Sept. 6 until Oct. 7, when he changed his course to the southwest. On Oct. 10 a small rebellion was quelled, and on Oct. 12 he
landed on a small island in the Bahamas. He took possessions for Spain and brought natives aboard, discovered other
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Essay on Christopher Columbus: Villain or Hero?
For more than five centuries Americans have lifted Christopher Columbus to heights of greatness and god–like. We celebrate his life as though he was
a man that had done us a great favor. In resent years Christopher Columbus has come under scrutiny, his life and works being questioned more than
celebrated. There have be many great men and women that contributed to the building of our great nation but they do not receive anywhere as much
recognition as Columbus. When a person begins to study the actual accounts of the "finding of the New World" they begin to wonder if Columbus
should adored or hated for his actions. As a child I was taught that Columbus was a great man that had accomplished great things for the sake of
humanity, but more content...
Gold became his journey's fleece and grail. A few days before departure he was still tracking rumors about "an exceedingly great quantity of gold" in
Hispaniola, "where he could get it for nothing." That search continued on all four of his voyages, but the Indies never yielded him much treasure
(William Howarth). Columbus' journey didn't start out to be a bad idea, he even gave examples of how he tried to reason and befriend the indigenous
people of the Americas. "I," he says, "in order that they would be friendly to us––because I recognized that they were people who would be better freed
[from error] and converted to our Holy Faith by love than by force––to some of them I gave red caps, and glass beads which they put on their chests,
and many other things of small value in which they took so much pleasure and became so much our friends that it was a marvel" (Columbus Quote
from Christian History). Columbus did do the world a great service when he made his exploration and some people would argue that to their own
graves. "The greatest event since the creation of the world, excluding the Incarnation and death of Him who created it;" Francisco Lopez de Gomara
(1552). "After 500 years the Columbian legacy has created a civilization that we ought not, in all humble piety and cultural relativism, declare to be no
better or worse than that of the Incas.
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Christopher Columbus Essay
Christopher Columbus set out on his voyage in 1942 on the West Indian islands, to find a new world for the Europeans. When he landed on the
Caribbean Island the Indian Natives that lived there were at first scared but greeted him in a friendly manner. The conquest and settlement of the
Western Hemisphere opened new opportunities for other Europeans such as the French, Dutch, English and Spanish to come to the island and colonize
the Indian's land. For the Europeans to colonize and move in on Native land they had to find a way to interact with the Indians. Through their
interaction they found cultural understandings and confusions that were documented by both the Europeans and the Indians. In the book, "Major
Problems in American more content...
Indian women cooked, cleaned, build houses, planted corn, got lobsters and gathered flags. While their "lazy husbands" went fishing the Indian women
would carry the fish and dry it for the next season. The Europeans saw the Indians gender roles within families as a sign of weakness for the husband
and poor treatment of the wives. In the book, " Give Me Liberty" by Eric Foner, he states, " Europeans considered Indian men "unmanly"– too weak to
exercise their authority within their families and restrain their wives open sexuality, and so lazy that they forced their wives to do most of the
productive work" ( Foner, Pg 23). As a result the Europeans suggest bringing them freedom to liberate them from the unchristian gender roles. Wood
suggests that the "ruder Indian men" should treat their women the way the English treat their wives with love and respect. This demonstrates how the
Europeans expectations of the Indians are to be similar to their own culture. The Europeans are not trying to understand the Indians gender role but
rather they are criticizing it and judging it for being different. In document one, "Captain John Smith Analyzes the Humane Scene, both English and
Indian, in Early Jamestown, 1642. Captain John during his first Jamestown year, h explored Chesapeake Bay, in the course of which he was captured
and taken to the paramount chief, Powhatan. Here he describes the Indians as wild
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Christopher Columbus By John Abbott

  • 1. Christopher Columbus By John Abbott The author is John Abbott, who wrote Christopher Columbus. It is a Biography with 250 pages. The story takes place in the New World. Christopher Columbus was born in the year 1435. Later in his life, he found out that the earth was a sphere. After this he wanted to sail there to explore. Columbus went to Queen Elizabeth and asked her for money and ships for his exploration to the New World. At first, he didn't get the items he wanted, but eventually Queen Elizabeth gave him permission and his items. The third ship he sailed with was called Santa Maria. He set sail for the New World in August of 1492. The first destination he set sail for was the Canary Islands. On the third day the rudder on one of the vessels was unshipped. Columbus Get more content on
  • 2. Thesis Statement On Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus is known for being an explorer and is said to have made one of the most important voyages in world history without even wanting to. Something else that is also believed is that he "opened up" the Americas to European nations, which changed the course of American history. Before he went on his voyage though, he was in need of resources. So he asked Portugal, France, Italy among many other countries but they all denied Columbus and thought his statement was incorrect. Columbus' statement was that he had found a faster way to get to Asia than the Portuguese had, which was going around the continent of Africa. Columbus lived a majority of his life in Spain, so when it came to setting sail for the west, Spain was one of the first nations he asked for funding. Though it took Columbus a little more than a few years to convince a nation to fund his voyage, Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand from Spain subsequently granted to endow him in 1492. He would then leave for "Asia" on August 3, 1492. There are many unanswered questions and thoughts on why Spain decided to finally fund Columbus' voyage, especially since he was an explorer that was born in Italy. A believed reason on why Queen Isabella and Ferdinand once and for all decided to fund Columbus' voyage would be because the Spanish rulers wanted the virtue of fame and money. According to,, "During the 15th and 16th centuries, leaders of several European nations sponsored expeditions abroad Get more content on
  • 3. Christopher Columbus Pros And Cons Christopher Columbus Although nearly every phase of any exploration had its good and bad outcomes the benefits of Columbus' discovery of the New World far outweigh the negative results of that enterprise; because his discovery stimulated further development of both Europe and the New World. His voyage was an epochal and magnificent discovery in that it confirmed the roundness of the earth and gave new validity to science, expanded trade and opened new markets and led to the industrialization of Europe, and opening the doors to a new world because the Old World was overcrowded and torn by strife. Columbus' did not just discover land and resources rather he discovered the New World. A New World that offered hope, freedom, and a new more content... As an explorer, Columbus not only confirmed the world was round, but he decoded the Atlantic wind system, discovered the magnetic variation in the Western hemisphere and, among other things, contributed to the mapping of the Atlantic and the New World (FernГ Ўndez–Armesto, 182). Columbus' great skill in navigation paved the way for later explorers to come to the New World. Before he had set out in pursuit of the East Indies, he studied charts, maps, and journals from earlier explorers and was certain that he could reach the Far East by sailing westward. His calculations were beyond correct and he never quite realized the fact that he was nowhere near the Far East, but in reality was on a whole other continent. "The task he set for himself В– to cross the Ocean Sea was literally beyond the capacity of any vessel of his day. The task he performed В– to cross from Europe to a New World В– was beyond the conception of many of his contemporaries" (FernГЎndez–Armesto, 183). Nobody thought that Columbus could reach the Far East В– much less anything at all. He achieved the highly impossible and instead of being praised, is put down for his faults. Although Columbus did not find the spices of the East Indies there were still many new things to trade in the New World. Tomatoes, peppers, peanuts, sunflowers, cashews, potatoes, and tobacco were brought to the Old World and sugar, Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on The Voyage Of Christopher Columbus American History I Christopher Columbus' Voyage to North America Spanish exploration first began with a series of revolutions. First, the Commercial Revolution generated economic stability. Second, the Intellectual Revolution generated interest in the Earth's composition and the pursuit of exploration. Europe then called for a political revolution to end the disorganized and disorderly rule of its government. This revolution returned order and stability to the government and renewed interest in exploration to search for national wealth. The last of these revolutions was the religious revolution (note Columbus' voyage occurred before this revolution). As more people broke away from the national religion they searched for a place more content... It was on this voyage that "he learned how to sail, manage a boat, estimate distances, and other elements of seamanship" (29) 1. In 1476, Columbus found his way to Portugal after his ship was burned during the wars between the Mediterranean states. Columbus arrived shortly after the death of Prince Henry the Navigator who had set up his headquarters in Cape St. Vincent in addition to a school for maritime discovery. In 1477, Columbus set out as a sailor on a trade ship towards Ireland and Iceland. The next year, a Lisbon merchant sent Columbus out on a sugar trade between Madeira and Genoa. This was an indication that Columbus "was rising in the world" (30) 1. Columbus then ventured into the chart–making business with his brother, Bartholomew. "He developed into a skilled mapmakerВ…became acquainted with the latest news about the world and its geographyВ…" (30) 1. After the death of his wife, Columbus became very interested in the Portuguese trading post in a gold–mining area on the Gulf of Guinea (Ghana) on the west coast of Africa. Columbus further developed his skills as a seaman by observing his Portuguese shipmates that taught him "how to handle a ship in heavy winds, what kinds of stores to take on a long voyage, and how to trade with primitive people" (31) 1. Upon his return to Lisbon, Columbus was ready to explore the unknown Atlantic to obtain the wealth of the Indies. Certainly the idea of sailing west to reach the Get more content on
  • 5. Christopher Columbus was a very famous Italian explorer during the 1400s.Now you might well be asking yourself why did he sail the ocean blue in 1492 and what or who is Columbus.Well, Columbus was an Italian explorer born between August and October in 1451 in Genoa or known today as Italy. Columbus started sailing when he was only a teen and traveled to Portugal, which he soon made his home.Columbus wanted to gain royal sponsors that could aid him in his funds for Columbus first voyage.It was a rough time for Columbus to gain sponsors, though as the first ones Columbus asked was France and England, which both declined his aid for his voyage.After a long time of searching and asking he finally landed himself in Spain, where King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella decided to aid Columbus voyage.Why is this, Why would King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella sponsor Columbus what did they see that everyone else didn't.Well, there are two main reasons why King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella decided to sponsor Columbus.The Main two was to help find a new, faster way to Asia so that Spain could trade with them, Columbus also promised them that he would bring many riches back from his travels. On August third, 1492, Columbus along with many other sailors started there journey on ships known today as the Santa Maria, Pinta Nina, after a long journey they finally sighted land and on October 12th Columbus with other sailors set sail to the island which later now known as the Get more content on
  • 6. Christopher Columbus Essay Christopher Columbus is a very important person in our country's history. He found the "New World," the one we live in today. He started the society that makes us who we are today, the society that allowed our ancestors to come to America and start the life that we live now. This whole world owes their lives to him. Columbus should always be remembered as a very important and very good person in history. Columbus made an especially daring trip when he set sail for the Indies. He knew he was headed for some rough water, bad weather, and maybe even an unwelcoming crowd of people. When he left the shore he didn't know what was to lie ahead in his journey, but to say the least it was the most prosperous voyage ever made. He opened more content... Columbus opened a ton of new opportunities for the Europeans. In this find, he gained money, people, land, and respect from the other countries. One of the big things that Columbus got out of this voyage was resources. Columbus came across a wealth of things that would help them for life. They had a vast area of land to do whatever they wanted to do with it. They could use the water, oil, lumber, coal, and so many other things. They were faced with a new group of people, people they didn't know what to do with. These people could be used as slaves for their personal use, being they came in and took over the land, and with the land come the people. When Columbus found this New World, he brought a world of wealth back to the Spanish, later to be shared with all of Europe. Now, in our present society, people are rethinking the goodness of Columbus and the actual impact that he had on our world. People feel that the killing of the American Indians was "unethical and morally wrong," says Janet Mckay in an article from TIME magazine ("Columbus Day in Cali" TIME MAGAZINE Oct. 15, 1995, pg. 17). When Columbus made the Voyage to the Americas it was a different time, a different way of life. People thought differently than we do today. In 1492 there were many internal conflicts in many countries. Fighting was a thing that was normal. In the late 1400's and the early 1500's there was
  • 7. Get more content on
  • 8. Political Impact Of Christopher Columbus Throughout his life, Christopher Columbus led four voyages to North America, bringing Europe riches in the form of slaves, new crops, and gold. Docking his ships in what is now San Salvador, Columbus began a chain of events that would forever alter the history of the Americas. Although the actions of Columbus were far from morally just, the impact of his voyages were widespread and can be seen today. Columbus' negative legacy empowered Spain to conquer the people of the Americas, devastated the family and religious structure of the native peoples, also starting triangular trade, and brought European nations great wealth at the cost of indigenous lives. Columbus' arrival to the New World brought on many political effects both in the Old World as well as the new world. Initially,Christopher Columbus had gone to the Portuguese for financial backing has had an earlier mariner Bartholomeu Dias. (Zinn 1–3) When, "Columbus heard Dias make his report to Portugal's king and returned, empty–handed, to Spain," he thought that the Portuguese king would grant him aid in finding what Dias couldn't, a sea route to Asia. Failing in receiving Portuguese support, he went to the Spanish King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to receive a grant. This missed opportunity by the Portuguese that is capitalized upon by the Spanish is what sets off a rivalry between these two European countries. After a decade of Spanish presence in the New World, Portugal was envious of Spanish success, and the Get more content on
  • 9. Research Paper On Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus achieved remarkable success in the New World by discovering new lands and presenting an opportunity for new development. Over the course of four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean, Columbus ignited the conquest and colonization of land in the New World. He recorded his experiences in journals and letters for future navigators and sailors to read and learn from. The benefits that arose from his expeditions were known as the Columbian Exchange, which included the transfer of people, resources, and culture, all of which significantly impacted society worldwide. His world changing legacy impacted the development of the territory in the New World and increased trade, resources, and economic stability for Europe. Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy in 1451 as the son of a merchant, most likely into a Christian household. As a teenager, he worked on a merchant ship and gained experience in trading voyages in the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas. He continued similar jobs at sea until his first voyage into the Atlantic Ocean in 1470, when the French attacked his ship along the Portuguese Coast. Despite his sunken ship, Columbus floated to Lisbon, where he married Felipa Perestrello and had a son. At this time, he also began studies in mathematics, astronomy, and navigation, thus inspiring him to begin formulating his world changing plan. After the death of his wife, he moved to Spain, remarried and had another son. Meanwhile, he Get more content on
  • 10. Essay On Christopher Columbus "Hinga, Dinga, Durgen!" (Spongebob) We were taught in school the saying, "In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue," to help us remember when Christopher Columbus "discovered" America. We learned the Spanish monarchy funded him and he set sail on the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria in hopes of finding a route to the riches that were in the west indies. He landed on an island, and this was how what we know as America was discovered and referenced as "the New World." We even have a day set aside here in theUnited States to celebrate his accomplishment. It is difficult to believe that growing up we were taught history that was so inaccurate. Who was first to come to what we now call the Americas? There are many theories from more content... He struggled to get funding and supplies needed to explore this theory, and after much rejection, the King and Queen of Spain agreed to sponsor his journey. On August 3, 1492, he sailed from Spain, and on October 12 they finally spotted land. In a letter he wrote to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of his first voyage, he had reached the Indian sea and discovered many populated islands that he took possession of without resistance, in the name of the King and Queen of Spain. He named the first island San Salvador (Major 2). The natives that lived there greeted him and his crew and offered them gifts. He sent out two of his men to explore the island and to gather information of the natives that were living there. They discovered it was a massive population. In the meantime, Columbus seized some Indians and learned from them that they were on an island (Major 4). He also found that the people that were inhabiting the island were simple, honest, and kind. They would offer up any of their possessions (Major 7). Columbus also mentioned in his letter that he "had taken some Indians by force from, the first order that they might learn our language, and communicate to us what they knew respecting the country" (Major 9). Bartolome de las Casa was an explorer that traveled with Columbus on his second journey and later became a priest. He noted in his writings of The Short Account Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on Christopher Columbus In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. But should America really celebrate Christopher Columbus? Was he really responsible for finding America or was he just simply lucky? The real question is, should the American people praise a man who had killed many innocent people? Though Columbus Day is celebrated no one really knows for what reasons. Most Americans just enjoy their day off. Would they celebrate Columbus Day if they really knew the facts? Christopher Columbus was an explorer funded by the Spanish king and Queen to find other lands, gold, goods, and other beings. As he was sent on his journey he stumbled upon a country in what is know today as America. At this time there on this mysterious land lived the Arawak Indians living in more content... He made all of them– and some other slaves he already had upon his ship given to him by the king of Spain– look for gold that he himself could have and gold and goods that he could bring back with him.. Every slave who had in fact found him gold and goods would get a gold coin around their necks, if anyone whom in which did not have a gold coin hanging would be killed because they did not service him. Columbus called this land his and not only did he make the natives of the land his slaves but he also raped the women and he also brought the natives back to his land to sell them as slaves. Now what are Americans really celebrating him for? Most people are naГЇve to Columbus but they really don't care or question it they just simply get a day off of work or school. It is a representation of an interpretation that passes for an explanation. Columbus day is celebrated for giving the American people an opportunity to come and live on this land, for Columbus informed England of the "Golden Land" and there they sent their people to America and others started to migrate there because they thought that gold was falling from the sky and then the American people were born. Granted if he did not fall onto America maybe things would be different but all in all he was a selfish man, a man who only cared about his country and his alliances not for the natives in which he Get more content on
  • 12. How To Write An Essay On Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus was a Spanish explorer born in Genoa, Italy on October 31, 1451. He made 4 trips across the Atlantic from Spain in 1492, 1493, 1498 and 1502 due to him being determined to find a water route directly west from Europe to Asia. Even though he could not find the route he was looking for he stumbled across the Americas. His journeys marked the beginning of centuries of conquest and Get more content on
  • 13. Argumentative Essay On Christopher Columbus Isabelle Wilson Mr.Schober 6th period "An American icon" It was the 15th century, it was a quote unquote different century. They had many new forces and changes but that doesn't justify what happened due to Christopher Columbus. In this i'm going to state why Columbus is a terrible person. He said Native Americans would make fine servants. With the fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever he wanted and or needed. Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492, but he isn't as good of a person as we were taught. Until now some people just thought he was the guy we got the day off for. Once you learn what he's done you realize he wasn't just the reason we didn't have school on a monday. He was the reason thousands of more content... Him and his men went in groups to look for gold and round up any natives. They would take women and children then force them into being sex and labor slaves. In 1495 they went on a very large raid of the land and ended up putting 1500 men into captivity. Captivity as in they were put into cages like animals guarded by the spaniards and dogs. Of the 1500 they captured, the ones who they thought were the most healthy and fit were put on sale in Spain, but only 300 of them arrived. Only 300 arrived because on the way there 200 of the "best specimens" perished. Columbus still hadn't lived up to his promises, so he had people search for copper. The "indians" who searched had to hang the copper they found around their necks, like a necklace. If they came back empty handed, you'd get your hands chopped off, and left to bleed out and die. Even though Columbus did everything that was stated above he wasn't that bad. He overall really helped the development of the nation that we now know. He is one of the most celebrated explorers and for good reason. Stated by Dr Thomas C Tirado in Christopher Columbus and his legacy "The routes he took to and from the newly found lands are the ones we still use; his choice of the Atlantic Canary Current Get more content on
  • 14. Importance Of Christopher Columbus By and by this year many schools will delay to celebrate Christopher Columbus. Given all that we think about columbus' identity and what he propelled in the Americas, this needs to stop. Columbus started the trans–Atlantic slave exchange, toward the beginning of February 1494, first sending a few dozen subjugated TaГnos to Spain. Columbus depicted those he subjugated as "well made and of good insight," and prescribed to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella that saddling slave shipments could help pay for provisions required in the Indies. After a year, Columbus increased his endeavors to oppress Indigenous individuals in the Caribbean. He requested 1,600 TaГnos gathered together–individuals whom Columbus had before depicted as "so brimming with Get more content on
  • 15. Summary Of Christopher Columbus Life Christopher Columbus was born October 31, 1451, in Genoa, Italy. His father was Domenico Colombo, a weaver and a wool merchant. His mother was Susanna Fontanarossa, a housekeeper. He had three brothers, Bartholomew, Giovanni, and Giacomo, and he had one sister, Bianchi. As a child, he helped his father in his weaving business. He attended a monastery school until he was fourteen. In his spare time, Columbus liked to collect and to study maps. As a teenager, Columbus worked on ships as a sailor and as a messenger. When Columbus was nineteen, his family moved to Savona. This was a port city. Navigators and explorers visited this area frequently. Columbus and his brother opened a map–making business there. Get more content on
  • 16. Persuasive Essay On Christopher Columbus Over 5 centuries ago in 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed across the ocean blue. At the age of 41, Columbus defied naysayers across Europe and led four voyages across an uncharted ocean without maps in wooden sailing ships that were not designed to take on the punishing waters of the Atlantic. Christopher Columbus should be considered a hero of exploration as he was a key factor of globalization and therefore, an instrument of progress. Although some of his acts were contentious, Christopher Columbus was a servant of the Spanish crown at a time very different than now. As Columbus was financed in his voyages to the New World, his duty was to claim the territories for Spain, to bring the word of God, and to convert those whose faith did not adhere to the Christian faith. Columbus' four voyages constitute one of the greatest adventure stories in history. Despite having never have reached Asia as planned, one cannot discount the sheer will required to make his journey. At the age of 41, he defied naysayers across Europe and led four voyages across an uncharted ocean without maps in wooden sailing ships that were not designed to take on the punishing waters of the Atlantic. Although he was not the first explorer to glimpse or visit the distant shores of the Americas, his was the discovery that permanently planted the reality of the New World in the imagination – and political schemes – of the Old, Columbus forever changed the idea of what a European empire could be. He had the Get more content on
  • 17. The Background Of Christopher Columbus 2. Describe the background of Christopher Columbus. 150 Words Cristoforo Colombo or commonly known today as, Christopher Columbus, was a navigator, sailor, and a coloniser who was inspired by other sailors books such as, Livres des merveilles du monde (Book of the Marvels of the world), published by Marco Polo. He was thought to be born on 31st October 1451 in Genoa, Republic of Genoa, but historians haven't actually confirmed this to be true. He was the son of two wool weavers named Domenico Colombo and Susanna Fontanarossa. He was also the husband of Filipa Moniz Perestrello. He was famous for accidently finding, then colonising The New World which is commonly known today as America. It's commonly thought that he was the first person to discover America but America was discovered by Lief Erikson, a Viking of a few centuries prior to Columbus's time.Christopher Columbus passed away from gout in 1506. 3. Achievements of Christopher Columbus. 330 Words 3.1. Finding and Colonising the New World. Columbus's first journey was sponsored by King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella I, the Catholic Monarchs of Aragon, Castile, and Leon in Spain. The funding was used to give Columbus crew members and the money to afford three ships called the NiГ±a, Pinta, and Santa MarГa. Columbus and his crew then sailed west in hopes to find a new route to lucrative Chinese trade markets or a new Silk Road. After two months (October 12 1492) of sailing, a sailor named Rodrigo de Triana spotted land. Get more content on
  • 18. Christopher Columbus: The Hero Essay It is thought by many that Christopher Columbus was a skilled sailor on a mission of greed. Many think that he in fact did it all for the money, honor and the status that comes with an explorer, but this is not the case entirely. Columbus was an adventurer and was enthused by the thrill of the quest of the unknown. "Columbus had a firm religious faith and a scientific curiosity, a zest for life, the felling for beauty and the striving for novelty that we associate with the advancement of learning". He had heard of the legendary Atlantic voyages and sailors reports of land to the west of Madeira and the Azores. He believed that Japan was about 4,800 km to the west of Portugal. In 1484, Columbus wanted support for an exploratory more content... On May in 1486 almost a year after Columbus had enter Spain, he was finally allowed to meet with the queen who is said to be known for her great judgment in choosing the right man for the right job. The queen turned down Christopher's proposals several times before giving it any true thought. The queen sent out her confessor to examine the great project to see if it was feasible. For the next six months Columbus lived the worst days of his life. Christopher was subjected to continuous prejudice even though he knew his great project would open new pathways to maritime achievement and opportunity, but still the public viewed his revolutionary planes as a crackpot idea. Very few of the queen's staff were in favor of the great quest except for one, Diego de Deza who granted Columbus 12,000 maravedis a year, which was about $83 in gold. It was enough to support a man like Columbus. Columbus had simple tastes. On Aug. 3, 1492, Columbus sailed from Palos, Spain, with three small ships, the Santa MarГa, commanded by Columbus himself, the Pinta under MartГn Pinzon, and the Nina under Vicente Yanez Pinzon. After stopping at the Canary Islands, he sailed due west from Sept. 6 until Oct. 7, when he changed his course to the southwest. On Oct. 10 a small rebellion was quelled, and on Oct. 12 he landed on a small island in the Bahamas. He took possessions for Spain and brought natives aboard, discovered other Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on Christopher Columbus: Villain or Hero? For more than five centuries Americans have lifted Christopher Columbus to heights of greatness and god–like. We celebrate his life as though he was a man that had done us a great favor. In resent years Christopher Columbus has come under scrutiny, his life and works being questioned more than celebrated. There have be many great men and women that contributed to the building of our great nation but they do not receive anywhere as much recognition as Columbus. When a person begins to study the actual accounts of the "finding of the New World" they begin to wonder if Columbus should adored or hated for his actions. As a child I was taught that Columbus was a great man that had accomplished great things for the sake of humanity, but more content... Gold became his journey's fleece and grail. A few days before departure he was still tracking rumors about "an exceedingly great quantity of gold" in Hispaniola, "where he could get it for nothing." That search continued on all four of his voyages, but the Indies never yielded him much treasure (William Howarth). Columbus' journey didn't start out to be a bad idea, he even gave examples of how he tried to reason and befriend the indigenous people of the Americas. "I," he says, "in order that they would be friendly to us––because I recognized that they were people who would be better freed [from error] and converted to our Holy Faith by love than by force––to some of them I gave red caps, and glass beads which they put on their chests, and many other things of small value in which they took so much pleasure and became so much our friends that it was a marvel" (Columbus Quote from Christian History). Columbus did do the world a great service when he made his exploration and some people would argue that to their own graves. "The greatest event since the creation of the world, excluding the Incarnation and death of Him who created it;" Francisco Lopez de Gomara (1552). "After 500 years the Columbian legacy has created a civilization that we ought not, in all humble piety and cultural relativism, declare to be no better or worse than that of the Incas. Get more content on
  • 20. Christopher Columbus Essay Christopher Columbus set out on his voyage in 1942 on the West Indian islands, to find a new world for the Europeans. When he landed on the Caribbean Island the Indian Natives that lived there were at first scared but greeted him in a friendly manner. The conquest and settlement of the Western Hemisphere opened new opportunities for other Europeans such as the French, Dutch, English and Spanish to come to the island and colonize the Indian's land. For the Europeans to colonize and move in on Native land they had to find a way to interact with the Indians. Through their interaction they found cultural understandings and confusions that were documented by both the Europeans and the Indians. In the book, "Major Problems in American more content... Indian women cooked, cleaned, build houses, planted corn, got lobsters and gathered flags. While their "lazy husbands" went fishing the Indian women would carry the fish and dry it for the next season. The Europeans saw the Indians gender roles within families as a sign of weakness for the husband and poor treatment of the wives. In the book, " Give Me Liberty" by Eric Foner, he states, " Europeans considered Indian men "unmanly"– too weak to exercise their authority within their families and restrain their wives open sexuality, and so lazy that they forced their wives to do most of the productive work" ( Foner, Pg 23). As a result the Europeans suggest bringing them freedom to liberate them from the unchristian gender roles. Wood suggests that the "ruder Indian men" should treat their women the way the English treat their wives with love and respect. This demonstrates how the Europeans expectations of the Indians are to be similar to their own culture. The Europeans are not trying to understand the Indians gender role but rather they are criticizing it and judging it for being different. In document one, "Captain John Smith Analyzes the Humane Scene, both English and Indian, in Early Jamestown, 1642. Captain John during his first Jamestown year, h explored Chesapeake Bay, in the course of which he was captured and taken to the paramount chief, Powhatan. Here he describes the Indians as wild Get more content on