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Ann Seton
and Illness
8 Christmas
Scenes of
Wednesday — Not only willing to take my cross but kissed
it too — and whilst glorying in our Consolations, my poor W
was taken with an ague which was almost too much— he
told me as he often had done before that it was too late, his
strength was going from him every hour and he should go
gradually — but not long — this to me — to his friends quite
chearful — he was not able to go to them, they were
admitted to our door — must not touch the least thing near
us— and a point of our Capitano’s stick warded Willy off
when in eager conversation he would go too near — it
reminded me of going to see the Lions — one of the guards
brought a pot of incense also to purify our air. — quiet half
hour at sun set — Ann and I sung advent hymns with low
voice, Oh — after all was asleep said our dear Service alone.
Willy had not been able in the day — found heavenly
consolation, forgot prisons, bolts and sorrow, and would
have rejoiced to have sung with Paul and Silas.
Collected Writings: Volume 1, p. 257
Ann sick, William tired out — was obliged to say my dear Service by
myself a clear sun set which cheared my heart tho' it was all the while
Singing "from lowest depth of woe” — the Ave Maria bells ring while the Sun
Sets, on one side of us and the Bells "for the dead" on the other — the latter
sometimes continue a long while — in the morning always call again to
Prayer for the "Souls in Purgatory"— Our Capitano said a good deal on the
Pleasure I should enjoy on Christmas at Pisa in seeing all their ceremonies —
The enjoyment of Christmas — Heavenly Father who knows my inmost soul
he knows how it would enjoy — and will also pity while it is cut off from what
it so much longs for— one thing is in my power, tho' communion with those
my Soul loves is not within my reach in one sense, in the other what can
deprive me of it, “still in spirit we may meet” — at 5 o'clock here, it will be 12
there — at 5, then in some quiet corner on my Knees I may spend the time
they are at the altar, and if the "cup of Salvation" cannot be received in the
strange land evidently, virtually it may, with the Blessing of Christ and the
"cup of Thanksgiving" supply in a degree, That, which if I could obtain would
be my strongest desire — Oh my Soul what can shut us out from the love of
Him who will even dwell with us through love —
Collected Writings: Volume 1, p. 266
Saturday — constant suffering and for the first day confined in bed —
the disorder of the Bowels so violent that he said he could not last till
morning — talked with chearfulness about his Darlings thanked God
with great earnestness that he had given him so much time to reflect,
and such consolation in his Word, and Prayer, and with the help of a
small portion of Laudanum rested until midnight — he then awoke, and
observed I had not laid down. I said no love for the sweetest reflections
keep me awake — Christmas day is began — the day of our dear
Redeemer’s birth here you know is the day that opened to us the door
of everlasting life — Yes he said "and how I wish we could have the
Sacrament” — well we must do all we can and putting a little wine in a
glass I said different portions of Psalms and Prayers which I had
marked hoping for a happy moment and we took the cup of
Thanksgiving setting aside the sorrow of time, in the views of the joys
of Eternity … On Sunday, O’Brien came, and my W gave me in his
charge to take me home with a composure and solemnity, that made
us cold — did not pass a mouthful thro' my lips that day, which was
spent on my knees by his bedside every moment I could look off of my
W. He anxiously prayed to be released that day, and followed me in
prayer whenever he had the least cessation from extreme suffering —
Collected Writings: Volume 1, p. 273— 274
Our passage here was as comfortable as we could expect, and his prospects of
recovery I think almost the same as when we left home but thirty days passed
in the Lazaretto, on the sea shore, exposed to a succession of heavy storms
very unusual to this climate, and a large room always cold and full of smoke,
added to confinement, and the regulations of not suffering even a Physician to
feel his pulse, (for whoever touched or came within some yards of us were
subject to the same quarantine) … he bore much better than we expected, but
two days before Christmas was taken to his bed with the last symptom of his
disorder, a lax, and from that day every thing he took passed immediately thro'
him and I had to do for him as for a Baby — he suffered at times, but was
generally composed and so desirous of going that every nourishment I gave
him he would say "I do not want that, I want to be in heaven," … Christmas day
he continually reminded himself "this day my Redeemer took pain and sorrow
that I might have Peace; this day he gained eternal life for me"— and hoped so
much that he would be called that day — but Monday night about twelve the
cold sweat began, he bid me carry the candle out of the room and shut the
door, I did so — and remained on my knees holding his hand and praying for
him till a quarter past seven when his dear soul separated gently without any
groan or struggle — I heard him repeatedly follow my prayers, and when I
ceased a moment continued saying "My Christ Jesus have mercy” — also "my
dear wife, my little ones." and told me tell all my dear friends not to weep for
me that I die happy, and satisfied with the Almighty Will …
Collected Writings: Volume 1, p. 277— 279
To Cecilia Seton, Christmas Eve 1805
Oh that I could take the Wings of the Angel of Peace and visit the heart of my
darling darling Child — pain and sorrow should take their flight, or if ordained to
stay as messengers from Our Father of Mercies to separate you from our life of
temptation and misery and prepare you for the reception of endless blessedness, I
would repeat to you the story of his sufferings and anguish, who chose them for his
companions from the cradle to the grave — I would help you to separate all worldly
thoughts from your breast, to yield the sinful Body to the punishment it deserves,
and to beg that sanctifying grace which will change temporal pain to eternal glory…
My Cecilia — my Sister — my friend — my dear dear child I beg, beseech, implore
you, to offer up all your pains, your Sorrows, and vexations to God that he will unite
them with the Sorrows, the pangs and anguish which Our adored Redeemer bore
for us on the Cross — place yourself in spirit at the foot of that cross, and intreat
that a drop of that precious blood there shed may fall on you to enlighten
strengthen and support your Soul in this life and ensure its eternal Salvation in the
next — He knows all our weakness and the failings of our hearts — as the Father
pities his own children he pities US and has himself declared that he never will
forsake the soul that confides in his Name — think of our Sweet Rebecca how
meekly she bore her burden and earnestly looked up to the cross — she was given
to us to teach us how to live and taken from us to learn us how to die … dear
dearest Soul let us work while it is day, and trim our lamps and prepare the oil for
that hour when none can work — at this blessed season he especially manifests
Himself to those who love him with fervent love … forever your EAS
Collected Writings: Volume 1, p. 398— 399
To Antonio Filicchi, 4th December 1806
A mob on Christmas Eve assembled to pull down our
Church* or set fire to it — but were dispersed with only the
death of a Constable and the wounds of several others —
they say it is high time the cross was pulled down, but the
Mayor has issued a proclamation to check the evil. Our
Gentlemen near the church has had a sad time of it. In
Peace, or War, in life, or death, my Brother I shall never
cease to pray for you, and love you with my Whole Heart.
*(An anti— Catholic protest at St. Peter's Church, known as the
Highbinders' Riot of December 24— 25, 1806. Some fifty men
gathered in front of St. Peter's Church intending to disrupt Christmas
Eve services. Andrew Morris, a trustee of St. Peter's as well as a
member of the city council, persuaded the mob to disperse. but they
returned and continued a menacing presence. Irish parishioners
arrived the next day to defend their church, and a riot broke out
which resulted in the death of a constable. Only the arrival of the
mayor, De Witt Clinton, brought an end to the event.)
Collected Writings: Volume 1, p. 425
To Ellen Wiseman +[November 27, 1815]
My darling Ellen I wrote you very particularly about Rebecca
but suppose like many of our letters it has been left some
where to be sent — Now my eyes are blind with writing and
tears — our blessed Archbishops situation tho!* we must give
and resign him presses hard on me as well as on thousands
— harder on me than you would imagine. Rebecca is very
weak — Jalap** 3 times a week a sore penance — but she
bears it as you know, and I look far beyond it all my Ellen —
Oh if indeed you could pass this advent with us, but a more
secure will than ours must be done my dear one — and do try
much to take all its grace — it is so sweet a season for
comforting the poor and in everyone our coming Lord.
Collected Writings: Volume 2, p. 361
*Archbishop John Carroll died December 3, 1815
**Jalap is a plant whose root was used to make medicine to empty and cleanse the
bowels, and as a diuretic.
Journal of Rebecca's Illness
"Oh Mother Mother how I suffer every bone every joint all over do pray for my
Faith so much I may have yet to go through dearest Mother you see every day
something is added of new warning how soon I am to go — dear dearest Mother
yet I do not remember more than once or twice to have thought my sufferings
too hard or to have felt any bad impatience, so our Lord will pity me and give me
a short purgatory I hope, But his will in that too at least I will be safe there and sin
no more” — She will here no more little amusing readings nor play our little
plays … "one only object my Mother, one alone now all the rest is — nothing" ...
yet she is the liveliest little soul in her worst pains — in full play of her heart she
says "I consent dear Lord to live till you are born" meaning until Christmas. Poor
little Darling she clasps her dear hands and bows the head over them in the
gentlest manner hiding the Death pale face so often wet with tears ... often
saying "I do wish so his will should be done my Mother" ... our God! how dear to
see his love in my little beloved so above human nature while she says looking at
her crucifix "not one moment would he let me suffer but for my good ... our
compassionate Saviour” — "out of my prison I will soon be … probably
tomorrow my hearing, my sight, every thing is hurt I shall soon go" and the
precious beloved gives me the little kiss at every sentence —
Collected Writings: Volume 2, p. 444— 445
5 Christmases of
To Rev. Pierre Babade, S.S. [December n.d.]
Between the Adoration of Midnight and the mass of four O’clock — what
moments our Father — our happy retreat ended, the flame of love
ascending — every innocent heart beating — those who had communed
before preparing and desiring as if for the first time and the meltings of
love going from Mother to children and from children to Mother at 1/2
past 11. She called them from their Short Slumber or rather found most of
them watching for her. Come Gratitude and love resounded in a moment
thro' all the Dormitories from young and old — even dear Annina laying in
her cold sweat and fever joined the loud chorus — the altar dressed by
our truly angelic sacristans Vera and Betsey [Boyle] adorned with the
purest taste and blazing with lights made by their Virgin hands — Oh my
Father words have little meaning — our Venite, Glorias, Te Deum and
Ave, — you can understand — all we wanted was Vere dignum et justum
est we were so often delighted with in former days — Peace to memory
— let all be hushed as the darling Babe when he first laid his dear mouth
to the sweet breast of his Mother — but the Vere dignum will sound in my
Ear, my heart will follow it, well, I stop, adore, and listen
Collected Writings: Volume 2, p. 204
To Rev. Simon Brute, S.S. +[Christmas time, 1818]
Blessed It will please your so kind heart to know that
this week past or more our souls’ dear Baby has been
much more present to me than the beloved Babes of
former days when I carried and suckled them — He
the Jesus Babe so unspeakable near, and close
hugged by his poor Silently delighted wild one — this
morning in every fibre of life! and tomorrow — and
again, and again — surely the little clouds that pass
over such a sun have not a name — Sin, Sin, and
Sinners, the blind, poor misled souls that know not,
love not, — that the only grief and sadness is it not so
"blessed" — I see my God himself in silence and love
thro’ all
Collected Writings: Volume 2, p. 597
To Marie Françoise Chatard
[December 1819]
…how my heart and soul rejoices
with you — all is busy preparation
here for our dear coming Christmas
the peace and blessing of it to you
and yours dearest friend
Your EASeton
Collected Writings: Volume 2, p. 631
Elizabeth Seton's Transcription of Anna Maria Seton's Letter to
Theresa Carrare [December 1810]
Dr Theresa I only write to you to put you in mind of the great
action you are going about, and do my dear love try to prepare
your heart to receive our Blessed Lord. I think Theresa how
good he is to you in granting you such a favour spend every
day till Christmas a quarter of an hour in the Chapel to offer
your dear heart to our Blessed Lord, and beg him my dear love
to prepare your heart, you know you cannot do it yourself … to
the blessed Virgin beg her to make you her Child — Beg our
dear Lord to be born in your heart as he was in the Manger for
our Salvation — Oh! Theresa remember you can make your first
Communion but once, try to make it well then — in the course
of the day while you are at your lessons sometimes think Oh
how happy am I, Jesus my dear Jesus is coming to me…
(continued next slide…)
…Oh dearest Lord prepare me for yourself try to serve him
and make resolutions to — do your best — if you are
impatient now and then — try when you think any thing will
make you angry to think, is this preparing to receive my Lord
— When you are at your prayers keep your head down and
your hands joined, and don’t look about the Chapel, because
you need not think our Lord will listen to your prayers when
you don’t even think of what you are saying to him, and after
your first Communion try then, try to keep your Blessed Lord
in your heart, keep those precious graces he will bestow on
you if you receive him as you ought — often say during the
day Come my dear Jesus my souls longs to be with you —
and particularly when you are to go to Communion do not look
about at all but try to keep your heart with your dear Lord. Ah!
My Love if you knew what I feel for you, and the dear girls who
are to make their first Communions, all I ask of you is to beg
him, and him alone to prepare your heart, and to give you a
true sense of what you are going about — I know I need say
nothing if our Lord pleases to make you His — all I wish is to
put you in mind because I would be so happy to think you
would be forever his. Pray for me dear Love, beg our Lord to
make me his and teach me how to love him — Annina+
Collected Writings: Volume 2, p. 741-742
To a Pupil
Now, this beautiful season of Advent, do try to
take its spirit, my friend; to think of it as the
last. You have so many opportunities to love
our Jesus in His poor, to make the little Babe
so many presents before Christmas comes.
You know, in our sweet meditation it says now
He is our tender Babe, stretching His arms and
offering His tears for us, by and by He will be
our awful Judge.
Collected Writings: Volume 2, p. 703
Seton, Elizabeth Ann Saint, "Collected Writings:
Volume 1" (2000). Vincentian Digital Books. 9.
Seton, Elizabeth Ann Saint, "Collected Writings:
Volume 2" (2002). Vincentian Digital Books. 11.
Bechtle, Regina M., Metz, Judith.
Images: Depaul Image Archive

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Christmas With Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

  • 2. Sorrow and Illness PART 1 8 Christmas Scenes of
  • 3. Wednesday — Not only willing to take my cross but kissed it too — and whilst glorying in our Consolations, my poor W was taken with an ague which was almost too much— he told me as he often had done before that it was too late, his strength was going from him every hour and he should go gradually — but not long — this to me — to his friends quite chearful — he was not able to go to them, they were admitted to our door — must not touch the least thing near us— and a point of our Capitano’s stick warded Willy off when in eager conversation he would go too near — it reminded me of going to see the Lions — one of the guards brought a pot of incense also to purify our air. — quiet half hour at sun set — Ann and I sung advent hymns with low voice, Oh — after all was asleep said our dear Service alone. Willy had not been able in the day — found heavenly consolation, forgot prisons, bolts and sorrow, and would have rejoiced to have sung with Paul and Silas. Collected Writings: Volume 1, p. 257 1
  • 4. Ann sick, William tired out — was obliged to say my dear Service by myself a clear sun set which cheared my heart tho' it was all the while Singing "from lowest depth of woe” — the Ave Maria bells ring while the Sun Sets, on one side of us and the Bells "for the dead" on the other — the latter sometimes continue a long while — in the morning always call again to Prayer for the "Souls in Purgatory"— Our Capitano said a good deal on the Pleasure I should enjoy on Christmas at Pisa in seeing all their ceremonies — The enjoyment of Christmas — Heavenly Father who knows my inmost soul he knows how it would enjoy — and will also pity while it is cut off from what it so much longs for— one thing is in my power, tho' communion with those my Soul loves is not within my reach in one sense, in the other what can deprive me of it, “still in spirit we may meet” — at 5 o'clock here, it will be 12 there — at 5, then in some quiet corner on my Knees I may spend the time they are at the altar, and if the "cup of Salvation" cannot be received in the strange land evidently, virtually it may, with the Blessing of Christ and the "cup of Thanksgiving" supply in a degree, That, which if I could obtain would be my strongest desire — Oh my Soul what can shut us out from the love of Him who will even dwell with us through love — Collected Writings: Volume 1, p. 266 2
  • 5. Saturday — constant suffering and for the first day confined in bed — the disorder of the Bowels so violent that he said he could not last till morning — talked with chearfulness about his Darlings thanked God with great earnestness that he had given him so much time to reflect, and such consolation in his Word, and Prayer, and with the help of a small portion of Laudanum rested until midnight — he then awoke, and observed I had not laid down. I said no love for the sweetest reflections keep me awake — Christmas day is began — the day of our dear Redeemer’s birth here you know is the day that opened to us the door of everlasting life — Yes he said "and how I wish we could have the Sacrament” — well we must do all we can and putting a little wine in a glass I said different portions of Psalms and Prayers which I had marked hoping for a happy moment and we took the cup of Thanksgiving setting aside the sorrow of time, in the views of the joys of Eternity … On Sunday, O’Brien came, and my W gave me in his charge to take me home with a composure and solemnity, that made us cold — did not pass a mouthful thro' my lips that day, which was spent on my knees by his bedside every moment I could look off of my W. He anxiously prayed to be released that day, and followed me in prayer whenever he had the least cessation from extreme suffering — Collected Writings: Volume 1, p. 273— 274 3
  • 6. Our passage here was as comfortable as we could expect, and his prospects of recovery I think almost the same as when we left home but thirty days passed in the Lazaretto, on the sea shore, exposed to a succession of heavy storms very unusual to this climate, and a large room always cold and full of smoke, added to confinement, and the regulations of not suffering even a Physician to feel his pulse, (for whoever touched or came within some yards of us were subject to the same quarantine) … he bore much better than we expected, but two days before Christmas was taken to his bed with the last symptom of his disorder, a lax, and from that day every thing he took passed immediately thro' him and I had to do for him as for a Baby — he suffered at times, but was generally composed and so desirous of going that every nourishment I gave him he would say "I do not want that, I want to be in heaven," … Christmas day he continually reminded himself "this day my Redeemer took pain and sorrow that I might have Peace; this day he gained eternal life for me"— and hoped so much that he would be called that day — but Monday night about twelve the cold sweat began, he bid me carry the candle out of the room and shut the door, I did so — and remained on my knees holding his hand and praying for him till a quarter past seven when his dear soul separated gently without any groan or struggle — I heard him repeatedly follow my prayers, and when I ceased a moment continued saying "My Christ Jesus have mercy” — also "my dear wife, my little ones." and told me tell all my dear friends not to weep for me that I die happy, and satisfied with the Almighty Will … Collected Writings: Volume 1, p. 277— 279 4
  • 7. To Cecilia Seton, Christmas Eve 1805 Oh that I could take the Wings of the Angel of Peace and visit the heart of my darling darling Child — pain and sorrow should take their flight, or if ordained to stay as messengers from Our Father of Mercies to separate you from our life of temptation and misery and prepare you for the reception of endless blessedness, I would repeat to you the story of his sufferings and anguish, who chose them for his companions from the cradle to the grave — I would help you to separate all worldly thoughts from your breast, to yield the sinful Body to the punishment it deserves, and to beg that sanctifying grace which will change temporal pain to eternal glory… My Cecilia — my Sister — my friend — my dear dear child I beg, beseech, implore you, to offer up all your pains, your Sorrows, and vexations to God that he will unite them with the Sorrows, the pangs and anguish which Our adored Redeemer bore for us on the Cross — place yourself in spirit at the foot of that cross, and intreat that a drop of that precious blood there shed may fall on you to enlighten strengthen and support your Soul in this life and ensure its eternal Salvation in the next — He knows all our weakness and the failings of our hearts — as the Father pities his own children he pities US and has himself declared that he never will forsake the soul that confides in his Name — think of our Sweet Rebecca how meekly she bore her burden and earnestly looked up to the cross — she was given to us to teach us how to live and taken from us to learn us how to die … dear dearest Soul let us work while it is day, and trim our lamps and prepare the oil for that hour when none can work — at this blessed season he especially manifests Himself to those who love him with fervent love … forever your EAS Collected Writings: Volume 1, p. 398— 399 5
  • 8. To Antonio Filicchi, 4th December 1806 A mob on Christmas Eve assembled to pull down our Church* or set fire to it — but were dispersed with only the death of a Constable and the wounds of several others — they say it is high time the cross was pulled down, but the Mayor has issued a proclamation to check the evil. Our Gentlemen near the church has had a sad time of it. In Peace, or War, in life, or death, my Brother I shall never cease to pray for you, and love you with my Whole Heart. MEASeton *(An anti— Catholic protest at St. Peter's Church, known as the Highbinders' Riot of December 24— 25, 1806. Some fifty men gathered in front of St. Peter's Church intending to disrupt Christmas Eve services. Andrew Morris, a trustee of St. Peter's as well as a member of the city council, persuaded the mob to disperse. but they returned and continued a menacing presence. Irish parishioners arrived the next day to defend their church, and a riot broke out which resulted in the death of a constable. Only the arrival of the mayor, De Witt Clinton, brought an end to the event.) Collected Writings: Volume 1, p. 425 6
  • 9. To Ellen Wiseman +[November 27, 1815] My darling Ellen I wrote you very particularly about Rebecca but suppose like many of our letters it has been left some where to be sent — Now my eyes are blind with writing and tears — our blessed Archbishops situation tho!* we must give and resign him presses hard on me as well as on thousands — harder on me than you would imagine. Rebecca is very weak — Jalap** 3 times a week a sore penance — but she bears it as you know, and I look far beyond it all my Ellen — Oh if indeed you could pass this advent with us, but a more secure will than ours must be done my dear one — and do try much to take all its grace — it is so sweet a season for comforting the poor and in everyone our coming Lord. Collected Writings: Volume 2, p. 361 *Archbishop John Carroll died December 3, 1815 **Jalap is a plant whose root was used to make medicine to empty and cleanse the bowels, and as a diuretic. 7
  • 10. Journal of Rebecca's Illness "Oh Mother Mother how I suffer every bone every joint all over do pray for my Faith so much I may have yet to go through dearest Mother you see every day something is added of new warning how soon I am to go — dear dearest Mother yet I do not remember more than once or twice to have thought my sufferings too hard or to have felt any bad impatience, so our Lord will pity me and give me a short purgatory I hope, But his will in that too at least I will be safe there and sin no more” — She will here no more little amusing readings nor play our little plays … "one only object my Mother, one alone now all the rest is — nothing" ... yet she is the liveliest little soul in her worst pains — in full play of her heart she says "I consent dear Lord to live till you are born" meaning until Christmas. Poor little Darling she clasps her dear hands and bows the head over them in the gentlest manner hiding the Death pale face so often wet with tears ... often saying "I do wish so his will should be done my Mother" ... our God! how dear to see his love in my little beloved so above human nature while she says looking at her crucifix "not one moment would he let me suffer but for my good ... our compassionate Saviour” — "out of my prison I will soon be … probably tomorrow my hearing, my sight, every thing is hurt I shall soon go" and the precious beloved gives me the little kiss at every sentence — Collected Writings: Volume 2, p. 444— 445 8
  • 12. To Rev. Pierre Babade, S.S. [December n.d.] Between the Adoration of Midnight and the mass of four O’clock — what moments our Father — our happy retreat ended, the flame of love ascending — every innocent heart beating — those who had communed before preparing and desiring as if for the first time and the meltings of love going from Mother to children and from children to Mother at 1/2 past 11. She called them from their Short Slumber or rather found most of them watching for her. Come Gratitude and love resounded in a moment thro' all the Dormitories from young and old — even dear Annina laying in her cold sweat and fever joined the loud chorus — the altar dressed by our truly angelic sacristans Vera and Betsey [Boyle] adorned with the purest taste and blazing with lights made by their Virgin hands — Oh my Father words have little meaning — our Venite, Glorias, Te Deum and Ave, — you can understand — all we wanted was Vere dignum et justum est we were so often delighted with in former days — Peace to memory — let all be hushed as the darling Babe when he first laid his dear mouth to the sweet breast of his Mother — but the Vere dignum will sound in my Ear, my heart will follow it, well, I stop, adore, and listen Collected Writings: Volume 2, p. 204 1
  • 13. To Rev. Simon Brute, S.S. +[Christmas time, 1818] Blessed It will please your so kind heart to know that this week past or more our souls’ dear Baby has been much more present to me than the beloved Babes of former days when I carried and suckled them — He the Jesus Babe so unspeakable near, and close hugged by his poor Silently delighted wild one — this morning in every fibre of life! and tomorrow — and again, and again — surely the little clouds that pass over such a sun have not a name — Sin, Sin, and Sinners, the blind, poor misled souls that know not, love not, — that the only grief and sadness is it not so "blessed" — I see my God himself in silence and love thro’ all Collected Writings: Volume 2, p. 597 2
  • 14. To Marie Françoise Chatard [December 1819] …how my heart and soul rejoices with you — all is busy preparation here for our dear coming Christmas the peace and blessing of it to you and yours dearest friend Your EASeton Collected Writings: Volume 2, p. 631 3
  • 15. Elizabeth Seton's Transcription of Anna Maria Seton's Letter to Theresa Carrare [December 1810] JMJ Dr Theresa I only write to you to put you in mind of the great action you are going about, and do my dear love try to prepare your heart to receive our Blessed Lord. I think Theresa how good he is to you in granting you such a favour spend every day till Christmas a quarter of an hour in the Chapel to offer your dear heart to our Blessed Lord, and beg him my dear love to prepare your heart, you know you cannot do it yourself … to the blessed Virgin beg her to make you her Child — Beg our dear Lord to be born in your heart as he was in the Manger for our Salvation — Oh! Theresa remember you can make your first Communion but once, try to make it well then — in the course of the day while you are at your lessons sometimes think Oh how happy am I, Jesus my dear Jesus is coming to me… (continued next slide…) 4
  • 16. …Oh dearest Lord prepare me for yourself try to serve him and make resolutions to — do your best — if you are impatient now and then — try when you think any thing will make you angry to think, is this preparing to receive my Lord — When you are at your prayers keep your head down and your hands joined, and don’t look about the Chapel, because you need not think our Lord will listen to your prayers when you don’t even think of what you are saying to him, and after your first Communion try then, try to keep your Blessed Lord in your heart, keep those precious graces he will bestow on you if you receive him as you ought — often say during the day Come my dear Jesus my souls longs to be with you — and particularly when you are to go to Communion do not look about at all but try to keep your heart with your dear Lord. Ah! My Love if you knew what I feel for you, and the dear girls who are to make their first Communions, all I ask of you is to beg him, and him alone to prepare your heart, and to give you a true sense of what you are going about — I know I need say nothing if our Lord pleases to make you His — all I wish is to put you in mind because I would be so happy to think you would be forever his. Pray for me dear Love, beg our Lord to make me his and teach me how to love him — Annina+ Collected Writings: Volume 2, p. 741-742
  • 17. To a Pupil Now, this beautiful season of Advent, do try to take its spirit, my friend; to think of it as the last. You have so many opportunities to love our Jesus in His poor, to make the little Babe so many presents before Christmas comes. You know, in our sweet meditation it says now He is our tender Babe, stretching His arms and offering His tears for us, by and by He will be our awful Judge. Collected Writings: Volume 2, p. 703 5
  • 18. Source Seton, Elizabeth Ann Saint, "Collected Writings: Volume 1" (2000). Vincentian Digital Books. 9. Seton, Elizabeth Ann Saint, "Collected Writings: Volume 2" (2002). Vincentian Digital Books. 11. Editors Bechtle, Regina M., Metz, Judith. Images: Depaul Image Archive