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Emmanuel Flores Elias
Wu Jie
IN 2050
In daily life, food and packaging are inseparable. Packaging is powerful
tool for food products, even it’s just a fruit plastic cover, it’s not only act as protec-
tion layer but also determine the identity of the product through its branding.
Packaging has been in food industry for ages and it has developed in certain
aspects from past to present. Therefore it’s also important to think ahead of how
the role of package in food industry will develop in the future. The design thinking
of the topic not only including the future thinking, but also considering the realistic
aspect of the topic.
These questions came from observation of present day packages:
- Most package become environment waste, not sustainable
- Most consumers didn’t know about the quality of product inside
- Consumers are mostly not aware of the content of package once they put inside the
- Companies focus more on the package visual approach rather than the product
- These days design is more about interactivity. As the data collection is becoming
big asset for company, the consumers expect for higher interaction and innovation of
the package
Self washed package
Microfilm material
(thinner than
human hair)
Water soluble
- Hygiene
-Interactivity level
Liquid form food, minimalist,
Easily recycled food and package
Time-temperature history
Microbial growth indicators
Light protection (photochromic)
Physical shock indicators
Leakage, microbial spoilage indicating
Oxygen scavenging
Ethylene scavenging
Odour and flavour absorbing/releasing
Moisture absorbing
Intellegent Active
Pneumatic Tubes
Drone for delivery
(air transportation)
Amazon Company did some
How the data will present
the package?
How will it affects the
future environment?
Do we need package
in year 2050?
How human will interact
with data in 2050?
Further problems
Voice recognition
(refernce: Siri)
Face recognition to trigger
the voice recognition
Hologram projection
from the product
Label changing
indicator of food expiration
Nutrients of the food
How’s the food proceed
User health check (calories, etc)
give auser choice whether
to see/unseen the information
Open Information
Identity of the brand
In the future, there might be
less but huge brandsDetects what time
the last face detection face was
and will set the certain time
Brand Identity?(1) Illustration of uniform minimalist package containing liquid form food
- it is a good approach to get rid of branding in 2050?
- How to simplify the interaction?
- How the data will interact with the consumers in the future?
- loyalty of branding is important, How’s the future of
company branding?
- How is the sensor is going to support the sustainibility?
- How can people become emotionally attached to the product?
Bionic lense
- Give the space of company branding
- Emphasize the transparency of the quality of product, therefore
the consumer will not only consider the branding but also the food itself
- Considering the usage of bionic lense in the future
- QR Code / Near Field Communication (NFC) chip embeded in package
This research is limited by the time of workshop, as the result,
there are few challenges that I keep in mind while designing the solution:
- Logistic aspect of transporting biodegradable product
- Company will most likely disagree with the transparency of product
- The use of QR code is most likely applicable to Asian users
- The health impact of using bionic lenses
(2) User bionic scan will automatically
scan the QR code or NFC within close distance
(3) Projection of package information,
seen from Bionic lense
(4) Color changing label, indicate the chemical
substance released by expired food (e.g: Ammonia)
QR code/ Near field Communication sensor chip
QR code are part of biodegradable material
NFC chip to be recycled
Food quality
Future bionic lense
Project the product information 3D**
Branding space
Name of the brand
Visual graphic approach
Important info written
in minimalist way
Clear and transparent part
to show the quality of the
Water 30%
Carbohydrate 15%
Vitamin C 15%
Protein 15%
100 gram
Food producing video
**Projection of product information seen through bionic lense
Biodegradable material
Less use of printing ink (limited
branding space
Human Interaction in 2050
Did you ever feel humans are getting lazier? Did you ever wonder how we will be talking, walking, seeing each other
in the future? Would we still be walking on our feet? Will we still be seeing what we think we see? How will our
behaviours effect the future revolution of creating bridges to reach each other. Will we ever touch someone again?
Will you ever be hugging a real person again? Can you believe what you know anymore? There are so many
possibilties and so many questions that could have so many answers. As we all know how delacte the butterfly effct
is: Anything could be possible in the future. So this is my theory of how human interactions would be like in the year
Human Interaction in 2050
“This is a picture of a family at the dinner table. The author editted out the phones in their hands
to show how addicted we are now days.”
How will human interactions be like in the year 2050?
What is human interaction? It is when you make contact with another human being. But yet then,
What is Contact? It is acknowledging the existence of another human being.
How would we come across some one, to interfere with another person?
By information - to let someone know you are existing. What types of information can we get?
By sight - to see someone - to see a living human
By acknowledging - to know someone is there - through the power of words
By sound - to hear someone speak
By touch - to feel something living
Online is where you see things indirectly - To assume an answer through visualized data.
Offline is when you see things directly - In places where you are close enough to know what is real.
What will be effected?
The way we speak/ the way we act/ the way we look?
How will we interact with each other?
How will we meet / see / talk to each other?
Will we still be able to tell what is fake, and what is real?
Human Interaction in 2050
Human Interaction
Contact Acknowledge
Sight To recive proof of existance through seeing a moving being before your eyes
Dialogue To communicate with another being, and understand it’s identity through text or speach.
Sound To distiguish the unique sound being created by another human.
Touch To feel another human directly, proving it’s existance.
Habbits Ways we behave unconsiously, our actions we make from muscle memory
Hobbies The actions that we enjoy doing and are willing to do more of.
Awareness How do we think about ourselfs and our surroundings
Actions How we influence other humans through our motions that were put to thought.
To Others
To Yourself
What is Human Interaction?
(What do we make
people feel about
(The “Input” of
interaction. The
place were we
recive data.)
(The “Output” of
interaction. The
way were we
present our data.)
(How we look to
others, the way we
represent ourselves)
(The methods we
use to access this
(To contact with someone directly gives you raw data, proving what you recive is true, therefore it is real.)
(To contact with someone indirectly gives you processed data, what you recive might not be true, therefore questioning whether it is real.
Past Present Future
Human Interaction in 2050
Clothes/Accesories Replaceable feature that you can change easily at anytime
Hair/Skin/Nails Things tha can be changed but take time to recover.
Bone Structure Permanent structures that are very hard to change.
Gender Permanent structures that are even harder to change.
“We are use ‘Solowheels’ and Segways, people even use chairs to move around in
stores, or at theme parks, what will come next? Right now we are standing on them,
soon enough there will be a comfty chair for you to sit on. Next thing you know you are
playing with your phone, and the vehical is on auto drive. But you are hot, so there is
airconditioning. You are hungry so you have a storage. You will have something fun to
entertain you on your boring jorney.”
Why do we Create?
How are we changing? Well, that really depends on how we want to change,
and how we are willing to change. Humans wouldn’t ever invent something
that disables thier needs. What ever we make, would at least be something
that somebody wanted. Every invention has a target, and is usually aimed to
the majority. So how has the creations for society been changing our habbits
since the past?
What are we Creating?
Ever since the past, we have been trying to make things easier, faster,
cheaper for ourselves. In other words : Efficient
Efficiency, is being that we use the least amount of energy to get the most
amount of work done. Cause who would want to waste energy? And energy
is important, becasue it allows us to achieve tasks. So if spending less time
on one thing can access us to doing more, why not? Therefore horses were
evented, and machines to make work faster, then even faster! Ships! Trains!
Planes! Cars! And while we are at it, why not do even more things? We can
save even more time if we are sitting, cause it’s hard to read a book or work
on a computer if you are standing. Since we will be on a trains ride for 2
hours, why not sit down, take this precious time to relax, entertain, or work?
We are achieveing more! MORE! Cause every second counts, and we try to
capture every opportunity.
“ Different types of ways we collect
data through human interaction, mainly
the five sences, the key of our human
body to interact with the outer nature
we live in”
Human Interaction in 2050
How are We Changing?
People would start to rely on chairs to travel around. So we can get more done and relax at the same time as we travel
short distances. Maye from room to room, building to building. My idea is a floating chair with sensors. There are input
and output sensors. The inputs recive data from other chairs nearby. Assuring that the chiars don’t run into each other.
They also capture data from the chair owner, which is being sent out from the output sensors of their chair. This data is
then sent through the inputs and the other users can see him as a projected figure through thier headset. Of course, it is
projected, which is indrect information, nothing is garanteed to be real. Unless you take off your headset.
My First Idea
What Might it Be Like?
Human Interaction in 2050
Will We Like it?
Maybe you might think this is pathetic, do we actually
want to sit in chairs, and not walk around freely. Do we
actually want to trust ourselves to a machine? Do we
want to give up our out door evolution? I’m pretty sure
we’ve already been doing that for centries.
They way we think is highly influenced on
our environment. When you see dust on a black
surface, it look white. But if you see dust on a white surface, it looks black. But
the dust never changed color, just it’s suroundings that did. And that simple
difference made us feel that the dust was black or white. But the truth is, dust
is grey! It was always the same.
We are influenced in so many different ways that we don’t even realize it anymore. Since we were
born, we assume what we see is the normal, and what we usually don’t encounter is abnormal.
When humans first invented cars, I am sure there were people against it, but it was just a minority,
and after time a generations, we got used to it. We think is normal. As long as technology steps
slowly, people won’t refuse it as much as if it took a huge leap.
The Suit
But just like a whole room full of computers can evolve into one smart
phone. We wouldn’t be stuck on thick chairs for the rest of our lives. I
think that eventually technology will allow us to make the chair as thin
as our clothes. We will be able to float around in any position, with the
comfort of the suit fitting out body flow-lines. The suit can project us
with any outfit as long as the viewer is watching through his headset.
What Might it Be Like?
Human Interaction in 2050
How we will Communicate Online
How will we interact with each other? I was thinking kind of a hologram type.
If you are next to the actual person, you will recieve data from thier sensors and your
headset will directlt transfer the data to you. On the other hand for example, in the
picture to the right. These to people are far apart, and they are talking trough data
transfers online. So in the first picture is what they see of each other. The second
picture is the actual environment of the boy, he is talking to the chair, but he can see
and speak to the gril through his online “chat” while seeing her actions and
movements that she makes on her side.
And the last picture is the girl’s environment, she doesn’t even look like her image
online, and she isn’t even in the environment that was projected on top. So you can
talk to anyone anywhere, face to face.... to face? Really? Maybe not.
How we will Communicate Offline
Just like the chair, I was thinking that
people might be tired by staying in the
same position. Both physically and
mentally. So originally with the chair, it
could piviot to change shapes, now it’s
even simpler with the suit. Just sit back
and relax! Your suit will hold you up,
hover to where you want it to go, keep
you cool or warm, safe from germs, and
avoid you from bumping into others.
New sleeping mode solves physical & mental diseases
in the future and brings consequences
Consciousness can always be an enighma. It is both concrete and abstract. Firstly, I am
interested in its effect on human and the influence of dreams. I am thinking about if people’s
sleeping problems can be solved by controlling the consiousness during sleeping. Then it
comes to the topic: How will people solve mental or physical diseases caused by insomnia or
nightmare in the future? When I am doing some research I find that I can go deep in to a
further aspect. That is changing people’s sleeping mode to deal with the problems, and then
it brings new consequences...
What is consciousness?
What is sleeping?
What is dream?
What’s the relationship between consiousness and dreams?
Is there ways to solve psychology problems caused by dreams?
Can consiousness be controlled? Will it bings privacy problems?
How do people sleep nowadays?
What physical & mental diseases will appear due to traditional sleeping?
How will people sleep in the future? Is there a new sleeping mode?
What are the consequecences it brings?
new sleeping device——floating space
Problems & Analysis
Consciousness is the state or quality of awareness, or, of being aware of an external object or something within oneself.
Dreams do the digestion work during sleep for whatever is generated during the day as it resonates with our inner character.
combats, boredom, pain, disappoint-
ments, fears, anxieties, cruelty, sadism,
humiliations, sufferings, abuse, depriva-
tions, traumas, jealousies, sadness
quests, challenges, wishes, hopes, curiosities,
sexual interests and stimulations, fantasies, compe-
titions, envies, the full panoply of life’s dramas,
engagements, and relationship adventures.
A central arena for the work of sleep is for the
rest and restoration of our consciousness.
The function of sleep is to rest and restore the organism to be at
its best to take on the challenges of living during the next day.
positive negative
Floating, referring to the total elimination of external physical
stimulation. Floating boxes will completely block the light and
sound that you do not even feel your body - because the
same body temperature saline will hold the whole body.
It is said that the floaters can "get the best of the rest in this life." More-
over, a single charge to the brain as the effect shows that one hour of
floating equals eight hours of sleep - because the floaters can quickly
enter a deep sleep to some subconscious stage. To some people with
arthritis, muscle tension, spinal disease, insomnia and other issues can
also relieve symptoms through floating.
According to neuroscientist analysis of our brain normal work-
load 90% from the environmental stimulation.
Temperature, touch, light, sound, gravity is the nerve to pass
the burden of the brain.
The pool, likes the elastic mattress, is consisted of the
high concentration of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate)
This ingredient can often be found in bath salts, and it can have the
effect of skin moisturizing, exfoliating, relieving muscle tension or pain.
solving & causing diseases
cervical spondylosis
solving problems
The Present & Future of Sleeping
saving lives——less sudden death
less heart disease, high blood pressure
on fire
people breaking in
heart attack
intead of sleeping
more leisure time
more efficient
appear : industry of floating room
disappear : industry of traditonal sleeping mode since 2009
544,000 / year
How will Floating Influent the Future Society?
one person’s height
like a bed
for couple / family having rest together
liquid / air(gravity controller)
After my research, I devide my floating device concepts into two
types. One’s shape is like womb, and it’s more suitable for just one
person to relax or sleep. The other is like a bed. It is bigger and
higher so that can contain more people.
Floating Device Concepts
Designer Zhang Zhenyan
Instructor Emmanuel Flores Elias
Design a concept product about how smart plant
can apply in in-house service system on energy
saving & medical & education aspects.
In 2015, there are nearly 1.4 billion
people in China. And in the year of
2050, the number is considered to
be even smaller than the present
because of aging. The young in
2050 will take not more than 20%.
With the One-Child policy removed,
somehow urban residents would find
it harder to raise kids due to the high
expenses. Howerver, rural residents
will still have several kids, where the
education system is not mature yet.
In this greatest but darkest time,
China and Chinese are facing a lot
of identity problems. We used to
have a bad reputation around the
world. But today, a new image, a
new identity is being shaped due
to our growing strength.
Who are we? What will we become? How will we be
part of the world? We have no choice but to plan for
the future. We need to change in order to survive.
Everyone as a Chinese has a common identity and
that should include pride if we were well-educated.
Only with knowledge and experience can a man
stand in the world. So education is the key to China.
In the year of 2013, there are just 34.5% of
students who had the opportunity to enter
higher education. This proportion is
increasing, as well as the faculty power.
However, more than half of chinese cannot
access higher education. There is a huge
gap compared to the developed areas.
In the coming future, we will meet with a
wide variety of new subjects in college,
which are mainly in high-tech fields. The
original faculty will not have enough
advantage in information and knowledge
because the Internet is able to do all the
job for them.
Data from Ministry of Education of PRC
Unfortunately, the aged are
playing a much more important
role in the future society. And that
is why the young are much much
more crutial. It is because they
have to feed the old and support
the economy at the same time.
China’s economy system will become the
knowledge economy, just as the western pattern
nowadays. That is how China shall survive when
the labor force is no longer cheap here and the
new 4.0 manufacture industry is reforming right
now. And all of those reasons make the educa-
tion become such a significant key to us.
There is a growing market of online
education. There are several Chinese
platforms estabished by Guokr,
Wangyi etc. and they are similar to
Coursera. Users can access resourc-
es from top universities for free.
Altough there are massives
high-quality courses on the Internet,
the dropout rate is up to 75% at
least. People believe that online
studying at home is an inappropriate
choice because there is not much
restain as in schools.
Chinese teachers are using a lot
more resources from the Internet
such as data and videos which are
making the classes way more inter-
esting. And students are benifiting.
At the same time some of the online
materail is not regular nor autho-
rised. But most of it is for free. The
government is blocking a huge
amount of information on Internet.
Report of the Committee on Online Education, Yale University
New law requires that every citizen must
complete a series of basic studying, wheth-
er at school or home. This is refered to as
the Internet Primary Education (IPE). A
citizen can access further resources of the
society, such as occupation, welfare, and
higher education etc. as long as he gets an
IPE certificate.
Fortunately, in 2050, Internet is likely to reach
every corner in China. Probably not every family
because of the expensive data fee, but at least
every education institution. So this is how the IPE
Law would come up and militate.
Colleges and universities will not only
recruit more student, but also provide
better resources and environment.
Lectures, courses, libraries and labs
will be online and avalible for everyone.
With both the education and econo-
my promoting and acceleranting
each other, China will hopefully take
another step toward its greatness.
At the same time, every child is
required to spent part of his time
in school in order to fit better in
the society. In the meantime, he
will choose several practical
courses and finish community
obligations with the help of
China 2050 Student Project - Tongji University

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China 2050 Student Project - Tongji University

  • 1. 2 0 1 2 级 数 字 媒 体 设 计 学 期 汇 总 CHINA2050
  • 4. INTRODUCTION In daily life, food and packaging are inseparable. Packaging is powerful tool for food products, even it’s just a fruit plastic cover, it’s not only act as protec- tion layer but also determine the identity of the product through its branding. Packaging has been in food industry for ages and it has developed in certain aspects from past to present. Therefore it’s also important to think ahead of how the role of package in food industry will develop in the future. The design thinking of the topic not only including the future thinking, but also considering the realistic aspect of the topic. QUESTIONS These questions came from observation of present day packages: - Most package become environment waste, not sustainable - Most consumers didn’t know about the quality of product inside - Consumers are mostly not aware of the content of package once they put inside the storage - Companies focus more on the package visual approach rather than the product itself - These days design is more about interactivity. As the data collection is becoming big asset for company, the consumers expect for higher interaction and innovation of the package ? FOOD PACKAGE IN 2050
  • 5. Self washed package Microfilm material (thinner than human hair) Water soluble package Challenges - Hygiene -Logistic -Interactivity level EXPERIENCE Liquid form food, minimalist, Easily recycled food and package Time-temperature history Microbial growth indicators Light protection (photochromic) Physical shock indicators Leakage, microbial spoilage indicating Oxygen scavenging Anti-microbial Ethylene scavenging Heating/cooling Odour and flavour absorbing/releasing Moisture absorbing Intellegent Active Biodegradable Distribution Pneumatic Tubes system Drone for delivery (air transportation) Amazon Company did some implementations DESIGN PROCESS FOOD PACKAGE IN 2050 How the data will present the package? How will it affects the future environment? Do we need package in year 2050? How human will interact with data in 2050?
  • 6. Further problems Voice recognition (refernce: Siri) Face recognition to trigger the voice recognition Hologram projection from the product trigger Label changing indicator of food expiration Nutrients of the food How’s the food proceed User health check (calories, etc) give auser choice whether to see/unseen the information Open Information Identity of the brand In the future, there might be less but huge brandsDetects what time the last face detection face was and will set the certain time Brand Identity?(1) Illustration of uniform minimalist package containing liquid form food - it is a good approach to get rid of branding in 2050? - How to simplify the interaction? - How the data will interact with the consumers in the future? - loyalty of branding is important, How’s the future of company branding? - How is the sensor is going to support the sustainibility? - How can people become emotionally attached to the product? FOOD PACKAGE IN 2050
  • 7. Bionic lense INFORMATION - Give the space of company branding - Emphasize the transparency of the quality of product, therefore the consumer will not only consider the branding but also the food itself - Considering the usage of bionic lense in the future - QR Code / Near Field Communication (NFC) chip embeded in package This research is limited by the time of workshop, as the result, there are few challenges that I keep in mind while designing the solution: - Logistic aspect of transporting biodegradable product - Company will most likely disagree with the transparency of product - The use of QR code is most likely applicable to Asian users - The health impact of using bionic lenses DESIGN SOLUTIONS NEW CHALLENGES OP EN SOON PAST EXPIRED OP EN SOON PAST EXPIRED OP EN SOON PAST EXPIRED (2) User bionic scan will automatically scan the QR code or NFC within close distance (3) Projection of package information, seen from Bionic lense (4) Color changing label, indicate the chemical substance released by expired food (e.g: Ammonia) FOOD PACKAGE IN 2050
  • 8. QR code/ Near field Communication sensor chip QR code are part of biodegradable material NFC chip to be recycled Food quality indicator Future bionic lense Project the product information 3D** Branding space Name of the brand Visual graphic approach Important info written in minimalist way Clear and transparent part to show the quality of the product Water 30% Carbohydrate 15% Vitamin C 15% Protein 15% 100 gram Food producing video **Projection of product information seen through bionic lense Biodegradable material Less use of printing ink (limited branding space
  • 10. by CATHAY SKEBE Did you ever feel humans are getting lazier? Did you ever wonder how we will be talking, walking, seeing each other in the future? Would we still be walking on our feet? Will we still be seeing what we think we see? How will our behaviours effect the future revolution of creating bridges to reach each other. Will we ever touch someone again? Will you ever be hugging a real person again? Can you believe what you know anymore? There are so many possibilties and so many questions that could have so many answers. As we all know how delacte the butterfly effct is: Anything could be possible in the future. So this is my theory of how human interactions would be like in the year 2050. Human Interaction in 2050 Questions “This is a picture of a family at the dinner table. The author editted out the phones in their hands to show how addicted we are now days.” How will human interactions be like in the year 2050? What is human interaction? It is when you make contact with another human being. But yet then, What is Contact? It is acknowledging the existence of another human being. How would we come across some one, to interfere with another person? By information - to let someone know you are existing. What types of information can we get? By sight - to see someone - to see a living human By acknowledging - to know someone is there - through the power of words By sound - to hear someone speak By touch - to feel something living Online is where you see things indirectly - To assume an answer through visualized data. Offline is when you see things directly - In places where you are close enough to know what is real. What will be effected? The way we speak/ the way we act/ the way we look? How will we interact with each other? How will we meet / see / talk to each other? Will we still be able to tell what is fake, and what is real? Online/Offline Online Online/Offline Offline - Intro Human Interaction in 2050
  • 11. Human Interaction Contact Acknowledge Existance Sight To recive proof of existance through seeing a moving being before your eyes Dialogue To communicate with another being, and understand it’s identity through text or speach. Sound To distiguish the unique sound being created by another human. Touch To feel another human directly, proving it’s existance. Personality Appearance Habbits Ways we behave unconsiously, our actions we make from muscle memory Hobbies The actions that we enjoy doing and are willing to do more of. Awareness How do we think about ourselfs and our surroundings Actions How we influence other humans through our motions that were put to thought. Unconsiously Consiously To Others To Yourself Direct Indirect What is Human Interaction? (What do we make people feel about ourselves) (The “Input” of interaction. The place were we recive data.) (The “Output” of interaction. The way were we present our data.) (How we look to others, the way we represent ourselves) (The methods we use to access this data) (To contact with someone directly gives you raw data, proving what you recive is true, therefore it is real.) (To contact with someone indirectly gives you processed data, what you recive might not be true, therefore questioning whether it is real. Past Present Future Human Interaction in 2050 Clothes/Accesories Replaceable feature that you can change easily at anytime Hair/Skin/Nails Things tha can be changed but take time to recover. Bone Structure Permanent structures that are very hard to change. Gender Permanent structures that are even harder to change.
  • 12. “We are use ‘Solowheels’ and Segways, people even use chairs to move around in stores, or at theme parks, what will come next? Right now we are standing on them, soon enough there will be a comfty chair for you to sit on. Next thing you know you are playing with your phone, and the vehical is on auto drive. But you are hot, so there is airconditioning. You are hungry so you have a storage. You will have something fun to entertain you on your boring jorney.” Why do we Create? How are we changing? Well, that really depends on how we want to change, and how we are willing to change. Humans wouldn’t ever invent something that disables thier needs. What ever we make, would at least be something that somebody wanted. Every invention has a target, and is usually aimed to the majority. So how has the creations for society been changing our habbits since the past? What are we Creating? Ever since the past, we have been trying to make things easier, faster, cheaper for ourselves. In other words : Efficient Efficiency, is being that we use the least amount of energy to get the most amount of work done. Cause who would want to waste energy? And energy is important, becasue it allows us to achieve tasks. So if spending less time on one thing can access us to doing more, why not? Therefore horses were evented, and machines to make work faster, then even faster! Ships! Trains! Planes! Cars! And while we are at it, why not do even more things? We can save even more time if we are sitting, cause it’s hard to read a book or work on a computer if you are standing. Since we will be on a trains ride for 2 hours, why not sit down, take this precious time to relax, entertain, or work? We are achieveing more! MORE! Cause every second counts, and we try to capture every opportunity. “ Different types of ways we collect data through human interaction, mainly the five sences, the key of our human body to interact with the outer nature we live in” Human Interaction in 2050 How are We Changing?
  • 13. People would start to rely on chairs to travel around. So we can get more done and relax at the same time as we travel short distances. Maye from room to room, building to building. My idea is a floating chair with sensors. There are input and output sensors. The inputs recive data from other chairs nearby. Assuring that the chiars don’t run into each other. They also capture data from the chair owner, which is being sent out from the output sensors of their chair. This data is then sent through the inputs and the other users can see him as a projected figure through thier headset. Of course, it is projected, which is indrect information, nothing is garanteed to be real. Unless you take off your headset. My First Idea What Might it Be Like? Human Interaction in 2050 Will We Like it? Maybe you might think this is pathetic, do we actually want to sit in chairs, and not walk around freely. Do we actually want to trust ourselves to a machine? Do we want to give up our out door evolution? I’m pretty sure we’ve already been doing that for centries. They way we think is highly influenced on our environment. When you see dust on a black surface, it look white. But if you see dust on a white surface, it looks black. But the dust never changed color, just it’s suroundings that did. And that simple difference made us feel that the dust was black or white. But the truth is, dust is grey! It was always the same. We are influenced in so many different ways that we don’t even realize it anymore. Since we were born, we assume what we see is the normal, and what we usually don’t encounter is abnormal. When humans first invented cars, I am sure there were people against it, but it was just a minority, and after time a generations, we got used to it. We think is normal. As long as technology steps slowly, people won’t refuse it as much as if it took a huge leap.
  • 14. The Suit But just like a whole room full of computers can evolve into one smart phone. We wouldn’t be stuck on thick chairs for the rest of our lives. I think that eventually technology will allow us to make the chair as thin as our clothes. We will be able to float around in any position, with the comfort of the suit fitting out body flow-lines. The suit can project us with any outfit as long as the viewer is watching through his headset. What Might it Be Like? Human Interaction in 2050 How we will Communicate Online How will we interact with each other? I was thinking kind of a hologram type. If you are next to the actual person, you will recieve data from thier sensors and your headset will directlt transfer the data to you. On the other hand for example, in the picture to the right. These to people are far apart, and they are talking trough data transfers online. So in the first picture is what they see of each other. The second picture is the actual environment of the boy, he is talking to the chair, but he can see and speak to the gril through his online “chat” while seeing her actions and movements that she makes on her side. And the last picture is the girl’s environment, she doesn’t even look like her image online, and she isn’t even in the environment that was projected on top. So you can talk to anyone anywhere, face to face.... to face? Really? Maybe not. How we will Communicate Offline Just like the chair, I was thinking that people might be tired by staying in the same position. Both physically and mentally. So originally with the chair, it could piviot to change shapes, now it’s even simpler with the suit. Just sit back and relax! Your suit will hold you up, hover to where you want it to go, keep you cool or warm, safe from germs, and avoid you from bumping into others.
  • 15. SLEEPING & DREAMS IN 2050
  • 16. New sleeping mode solves physical & mental diseases in the future and brings consequences INTRODUCTION QIAN XINYUE Consciousness can always be an enighma. It is both concrete and abstract. Firstly, I am interested in its effect on human and the influence of dreams. I am thinking about if people’s sleeping problems can be solved by controlling the consiousness during sleeping. Then it comes to the topic: How will people solve mental or physical diseases caused by insomnia or nightmare in the future? When I am doing some research I find that I can go deep in to a further aspect. That is changing people’s sleeping mode to deal with the problems, and then it brings new consequences... QUESTIONS What is consciousness? What is sleeping? What is dream? What’s the relationship between consiousness and dreams? Is there ways to solve psychology problems caused by dreams? Can consiousness be controlled? Will it bings privacy problems? How do people sleep nowadays? What physical & mental diseases will appear due to traditional sleeping? How will people sleep in the future? Is there a new sleeping mode? What are the consequecences it brings? new sleeping device——floating space
  • 17. Problems & Analysis Consciousness is the state or quality of awareness, or, of being aware of an external object or something within oneself. Dreams do the digestion work during sleep for whatever is generated during the day as it resonates with our inner character. combats, boredom, pain, disappoint- ments, fears, anxieties, cruelty, sadism, humiliations, sufferings, abuse, depriva- tions, traumas, jealousies, sadness quests, challenges, wishes, hopes, curiosities, sexual interests and stimulations, fantasies, compe- titions, envies, the full panoply of life’s dramas, engagements, and relationship adventures. A central arena for the work of sleep is for the rest and restoration of our consciousness. The function of sleep is to rest and restore the organism to be at its best to take on the challenges of living during the next day. CONSIOUSNESS DREAMS relationship dream stage SLEEPING positive negative
  • 18. Floating, referring to the total elimination of external physical stimulation. Floating boxes will completely block the light and sound that you do not even feel your body - because the same body temperature saline will hold the whole body. It is said that the floaters can "get the best of the rest in this life." More- over, a single charge to the brain as the effect shows that one hour of floating equals eight hours of sleep - because the floaters can quickly enter a deep sleep to some subconscious stage. To some people with arthritis, muscle tension, spinal disease, insomnia and other issues can also relieve symptoms through floating. According to neuroscientist analysis of our brain normal work- load 90% from the environmental stimulation. Temperature, touch, light, sound, gravity is the nerve to pass the burden of the brain. The pool, likes the elastic mattress, is consisted of the high concentration of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) This ingredient can often be found in bath salts, and it can have the effect of skin moisturizing, exfoliating, relieving muscle tension or pain. solving & causing diseases cervical spondylosis form medium environment control feel & result arthritis insomnia nervousness solving problems TYPE OF SLEEPING definition Traditionl Sleeping Floating The Present & Future of Sleeping
  • 19. FLOATING Health Emergency Industry Job opportunity Time management saving lives——less sudden death less heart disease, high blood pressure earthquake on fire people breaking in heart attack sensors intead of sleeping more leisure time more efficient appear : industry of floating room disappear : industry of traditonal sleeping mode since 2009 544,000 / year China How will Floating Influent the Future Society?
  • 20. “WOMB” one person’s height like a bed for couple / family having rest together liquid / air(gravity controller) After my research, I devide my floating device concepts into two types. One’s shape is like womb, and it’s more suitable for just one person to relax or sleep. The other is like a bed. It is bigger and higher so that can contain more people. Floating Device Concepts
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  • 22. SMART PLANTS IN IN-HOUSE SERVICE SYSTEM Designer Zhang Zhenyan Instructor Emmanuel Flores Elias Design a concept product about how smart plant can apply in in-house service system on energy saving & medical & education aspects. Found fast
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  • 29. In 2015, there are nearly 1.4 billion people in China. And in the year of 2050, the number is considered to be even smaller than the present because of aging. The young in 2050 will take not more than 20%. With the One-Child policy removed, somehow urban residents would find it harder to raise kids due to the high expenses. Howerver, rural residents will still have several kids, where the education system is not mature yet. THE DANGEROUS SITUATION WE ARE FACING challenges THE FUTURE POPULATION WILL NOT BE OPTIMISTIC EDUCATION & POPULATION WE HAVE TO REFORM OUR IDENTITY BY EDUCATION EDUCATION & IDENTITY In this greatest but darkest time, China and Chinese are facing a lot of identity problems. We used to have a bad reputation around the world. But today, a new image, a new identity is being shaped due to our growing strength. Who are we? What will we become? How will we be part of the world? We have no choice but to plan for the future. We need to change in order to survive. Everyone as a Chinese has a common identity and that should include pride if we were well-educated. Only with knowledge and experience can a man stand in the world. So education is the key to China.
  • 30. In the year of 2013, there are just 34.5% of students who had the opportunity to enter higher education. This proportion is increasing, as well as the faculty power. However, more than half of chinese cannot access higher education. There is a huge gap compared to the developed areas. In the coming future, we will meet with a wide variety of new subjects in college, which are mainly in high-tech fields. The original faculty will not have enough advantage in information and knowledge because the Internet is able to do all the job for them. Data from Ministry of Education of PRC WHERE EDUCATION & ECONOMY WILL BE TREND OLD SYSTEM CANNOT HANDLE WITH FUTURE WELL EDUCATION & facuLty EDUCATION will BECOME CRITICAL TO the dying ECONOMY EDUCATION & ECONOMY Unfortunately, the aged are playing a much more important role in the future society. And that is why the young are much much more crutial. It is because they have to feed the old and support the economy at the same time. China’s economy system will become the knowledge economy, just as the western pattern nowadays. That is how China shall survive when the labor force is no longer cheap here and the new 4.0 manufacture industry is reforming right now. And all of those reasons make the educa- tion become such a significant key to us.
  • 31. There is a growing market of online education. There are several Chinese MOOC(MassiveOpenOnlineCourses) platforms estabished by Guokr, Wangyi etc. and they are similar to Coursera. Users can access resourc- es from top universities for free. Altough there are massives high-quality courses on the Internet, the dropout rate is up to 75% at least. People believe that online studying at home is an inappropriate choice because there is not much restain as in schools. Chinese teachers are using a lot more resources from the Internet such as data and videos which are making the classes way more inter- esting. And students are benifiting. At the same time some of the online materail is not regular nor autho- rised. But most of it is for free. The government is blocking a huge amount of information on Internet. THE MEASURES WE HAVE BEEN TAKING IMPROVEMENT NEW FEATURES HAVE BEEN ADDED TO CLASSES NEW CLASS ONLINE EDUCATION STARTS TO THRIVE NEW PLATFORM Report of the Committee on Online Education, Yale University
  • 32. New law requires that every citizen must complete a series of basic studying, wheth- er at school or home. This is refered to as the Internet Primary Education (IPE). A citizen can access further resources of the society, such as occupation, welfare, and higher education etc. as long as he gets an IPE certificate. Fortunately, in 2050, Internet is likely to reach every corner in China. Probably not every family because of the expensive data fee, but at least every education institution. So this is how the IPE Law would come up and militate. Colleges and universities will not only recruit more student, but also provide better resources and environment. Lectures, courses, libraries and labs will be online and avalible for everyone. With both the education and econo- my promoting and acceleranting each other, China will hopefully take another step toward its greatness. At the same time, every child is required to spent part of his time in school in order to fit better in the society. In the meantime, he will choose several practical courses and finish community obligations with the help of teachers. WHAT KIND OF EDUCATION WILL WE HAVE? FUTURE INTERNET IS THE KEY TO E-LEARNING INTERNET CHINA'S EDUCATION IN THE FUTURE VISION THE GOVERNMENT WILL MAKE NEW POLICIES LAW