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Production of Power
from Heat
β€’ Work can readily be transformed into other forms of energy (such as
heat); however, converting heat to work cannot be done easily
β€’ Heat engines are special devices or machines that produce work from
heat in a cyclic process
β€’ A power cycle is one where heat is absorbed by the fluid, and
transformed into work, with the remaining heat rejected
β€’ To facilitate power cycles, a working fluid is needed, which absorbs
heat from a heat reservoir, produces a net amount of work ,
discards heat to a cold reservoir, and returns to its initial state
β€’ This chapter is devoted to the analysis of several common heat
engine cycles
Power Cycles
β€’ Power cycles can be categorized depending upon the working fluid used:
Vapor power cycle- working fluid exists in vapor phase during one part of the
cycle, and in liquid phase during another part of the cycle
- fluid undergoes a thermodynamic cycle
Gas power cycle- working fluid remains in the gaseous phase throughout the
entire cycle
- mechanical cycle: fluid may start as a liquid, then exhausted
as a mixture of combustion gases
The Carnot Cycle
β€’ Carnot cycle- the most efficient heat engine cycle allowed by physical
β€’ The Carnot efficiency sets the limiting value on the fraction of the
heat which can be used:
(note: the magnitude, not the sign, is important.)
The Carnot Cycle
β€’ The cycle consists of four processes:
 Reversible isothermal absorption of heat from a heat source at a high
 Reversible adiabatic (isentropic) expansion: the system is thermally
insulated; the fluid expands from boiler pressure at to the condenser
pressure at , and produces work
The Carnot Cycle
β€’ The cycle consists of four processes (continued):
 Reversible isothermal rejection of heat at
A reversible adiabatic (isentropic) compression: the system is thermally
insulated; the fluid compresses from condenser pressure at to the boiler
pressure at ; work is done on the fluid
The Carnot Cycle
Step Equipment Process
b-c Boiler Reversible Isothermal Absorption
of Heat
c-d Turbine Reversible Adiabatic (Isentropic)
d-a condenser Reversible Isothermal Rejection
of Heat
a-d Pump Reversible Adiabatic (Isentropic)
The Carnot Cycle
Step Equipment Process
1-2 Boiler Reversible Isothermal Absorption
of Heat
2-3 Turbine Reversible Adiabatic (Isentropic)
3-4 Condenser Reversible Isothermal Rejection
of Heat
4-1 Pump Reversible Adiabatic (Isentropic)
Illustrative Problem
Saturated liquid in a power plant is boiled isothermally to saturated
vapor, and is fed to a turbine at a pressure of 7231.5 kPa and a
temperature of 561.15K. Exhaust from the turbine enters a condenser
at a pressure 10.09 kPa and a temperature of 319.15K, which is then
pumped to the boiler.
Find: , , , , , and .
Solving Problems Involving Cycles
A step-by-step approach in solving problems involving thermodynamic
cycles is as follows:
1. Draw the schematic diagram of the power plant
2. Draw a T-S diagram and put appropriate labels
3. Make a table listing down relevant properties
4. Write energy and entropy balances around the equipment used in
the plant
5. Solve for the variables of interest (shaft work, efficiency of the
cycle, entropy generation)
Schematic Diagram
β€’ Before solving the problem,
sketching a schematic diagram is
done in order to visualize the
β€’ The flows are assigned numbers;
said flows are at a certain state
β€’ Draw the equipment and label
T-S Diagram
β€’ The T-S diagram plots the specific entropy of the fluid against
β€’ This diagram is useful in visualizing how the cycle operates. For
 the points where the fluid will undergo a phase change,
 the areas under the curves, which pertain to the heat absorbed (using a
boiler) and heat rejected (using a condenser), and
 the points where the fluid is a two-phase mixture
Drawing a T-S Diagram
Start with a β€œblank” diagram:
Drawing a T-S Diagram
Draw the relevant isobars:
Drawing a T-S Diagram
Label intersection of the isobar PTH and the saturated liquid curve as state (1):
Drawing a T-S Diagram
Label intersection of the isobar PTH and the saturated vapor curve as state (2); draw an arrow from (1) to (2):
Drawing a T-S Diagram
Draw an arrow perpendicular to arrow (1)-(2), from (2) until it intersects the isobar PTC ; label the intersection as state (3):
Drawing a T-S Diagram
Draw an arrow from (3) until it intersects the "line” perpendicular to arrow (1)-(2) ; label the point as state (4):
Drawing a T-S Diagram
Draw an arrow from (4) to (1) to complete the cycle; label accordingly:
Drawing a T-S Diagram
Table of Property Data
A good way to organize the property data from the steam tables is by
making a table of property data. The format of this table is as follows:
Point State P(kPa) T(K) H(kJ kg-1) S(kJ kg-1 K-1) Quality (x)
1 Saturated Liquid 7231.5 561.15 1279.2 3.1424 -
2 Saturated Vapor 7231.5 561.15 2770.5 5.7997 1
3 Saturated Vapor 10.09 319.15 1835.6 5.7997 0.6867
4 Saturated Liquid 10.09 319.15 987.5 3.1424 0.3323
β€’ Recall that, in the T-S diagram, points (3) and (4) do not lie along the
saturated vapor-liquid curve; instead, they lie inside the dome
β€’ In order to solve for the properties of these points, one must first
consider the quality of the steam
β€’ The quality of the steam is defined to be the mass fraction of a
vapor/liquid mixture that is vapor:
π‘₯ =
β€’ Relevant equations:
1) π‘†π‘šπ‘–π‘₯π‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘’ = π‘†π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž + π‘₯(π‘†π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘£π‘Žπ‘ βˆ’ π‘†π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž)
2) π»π‘šπ‘–π‘₯π‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘’ = π»π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž + π‘₯(π»π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘£π‘Žπ‘ βˆ’ π»π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž)
3) π‘‰π‘šπ‘–π‘₯π‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘’ = π‘‰π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž + π‘₯(π‘‰π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘£π‘Žπ‘ βˆ’ π‘‰π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž)
β€’ The quality of steam can be computed using one of these equations;
choosing what equation to use will depend on what particular
properties are given
β€’ In the case of the Carnot cycle, equation (1) is commonly used (for
example, in an isentropic expansion process, 𝑆2 = 𝑆3; hence, 𝑆2 is the
π‘†π‘šπ‘–π‘₯π‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘’ at (3))
x = Quality of Steam
x =
π‘€π‘Žπ‘ π‘  π‘œπ‘“ π‘†π‘Žπ‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘‘π‘’π‘‘ π‘‰π‘Žπ‘π‘œπ‘Ÿ 𝑖𝑛 π‘Šπ‘’π‘‘ π‘‰π‘Žπ‘π‘œπ‘Ÿ
π‘€π‘Žπ‘ π‘  π‘œπ‘“ 𝑀𝑒𝑑 π‘£π‘Žπ‘π‘œπ‘Ÿ
y =
π‘€π‘Žπ‘ π‘  π‘œπ‘“ π‘†π‘Žπ‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘‘π‘’π‘‘ π‘™π‘–π‘žπ‘’π‘–π‘‘ 𝑖𝑛 π‘Šπ‘’π‘‘ π‘‰π‘Žπ‘π‘œπ‘Ÿ
π‘€π‘Žπ‘ π‘  π‘œπ‘“ 𝑀𝑒𝑑 π‘£π‘Žπ‘π‘œπ‘Ÿ
Sat’d liquid
Sat’d vapor
π‘†π‘£π‘Žπ‘π‘œπ‘Ÿ - π‘†π‘™π‘–π‘žπ‘’π‘–π‘‘
x y
π‘₯ =
𝑆 βˆ’ π‘†π‘™π‘–π‘žπ‘’π‘–π‘‘
π‘†π‘£π‘Žπ‘π‘œπ‘Ÿ βˆ’ π‘†π‘™π‘–π‘žπ‘’π‘–π‘‘
S = π‘†π‘™π‘–π‘žπ‘’π‘–π‘‘ + π‘₯(π‘†π‘£π‘Žπ‘π‘œπ‘Ÿ βˆ’ π‘†π‘™π‘–π‘žπ‘’π‘–π‘‘)
Property Data
Point State P(kPa) T(K) H(kJ kg-1) S(kJ kg-1 K-1) Quality (x)
1 Saturated Liquid 7231.5 561.15 1279.2 3.1424 -
2 Saturated Vapor 7231.5 561.15 2770.5 5.7997 1
3 Wet Vapor 10.09 319.15 1835.6 5.7997 0.6867
4 Wet Vapor 10.09 319.15 987.5 3.1424 0.3323
π‘₯3 =
𝑆2 βˆ’ π‘†π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž,319.15𝐾
π‘†π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘£π‘Žπ‘,319.15𝐾 βˆ’ π‘†π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž,319.15𝐾
5.7997 βˆ’ 0.6514
8.1481 βˆ’ 0.6514
= 0.6867
Calculations (values taken from steam tables):
π‘₯4 =
𝑆1 βˆ’ π‘†π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž,319.15𝐾
π‘†π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘£π‘Žπ‘,319.15𝐾 βˆ’ π‘†π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž,319.15𝐾
3.1424 βˆ’ 0.6514
8.1481 βˆ’ 0.6514
= 0.3323
H3 = π»π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž,319.15 + π‘₯3(π»π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘£π‘Žπ‘,319.15𝐾 - π»π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž,319.15𝐾 )
H3 = 192.5 + (0.6867)(2585.1- 192.5)
H3 = 1835.6 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1
H4 = π»π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž,319.15 + π‘₯4(π»π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘£π‘Žπ‘,319.15𝐾 - π»π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž,319.15𝐾 )
H3 = 192.5 + (0.3323)(2585.1- 192.5)
H3 = 987. 5 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1
Energy Balance
β€’ We will now use the properties in the table in order to solve for the
quantities of interest (shaft work, efficiency, etc.)
β€’ One way to solve for these quantities is by writing energy balances
around the equipment used
Energy Balance: Boiler
Assumptions: no work done; potential and kinetic energy effects are
Energy Balance:
Δ𝑃𝐸 + Δ𝐾𝐸 + Δ𝐻 = π‘Š
𝑠 + 𝑄𝐻
β†’ Δ𝐻 = 𝑄𝐻
0 0 0
Energy Balance: Turbine
Assumptions: adiabatic; potential and kinetic energy effects are ignored
Energy Balance:
Δ𝑃𝐸 + Δ𝐾𝐸 + Δ𝐻 = π‘Š
𝑠 + 𝑄
β†’ Δ𝐻 = π‘Š
0 0 0
Energy Balance: Condenser
Assumptions: no work done; potential and kinetic energy effects are
Energy Balance:
Δ𝑃𝐸 + Δ𝐾𝐸 + Δ𝐻 = π‘Š
𝑠 + 𝑄𝐢
β†’ Δ𝐻 = 𝑄𝐢
0 0 0
Energy Balance: Pump
Assumptions: adiabatic; potential and kinetic energy effects are ignored
Energy Balance:
Δ𝑃𝐸 + Δ𝐾𝐸 + Δ𝐻 = π‘Š
𝑠 + 𝑄
β†’ Δ𝐻 = π‘Š
0 0 0
Solving for Shaft Work (For a Turbine and Pump)
Writing the energy balance of the turbine,
𝑠 π‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘π‘–π‘›π‘’ = Δ𝐻 = 𝐻3 βˆ’ 𝐻2
= 1835.6 βˆ’ 2770.5 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1
= βˆ’934.9 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1.
Writing the energy balance of the pump,
𝑠 π‘π‘’π‘šπ‘ = Δ𝐻 = 𝐻1 βˆ’ 𝐻4
= 1279.2 βˆ’ 987.5 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1
= 291.7 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1.
β†’ π‘Šπ‘›π‘’π‘‘ = βˆ’934.9 + 291.7 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1
= βˆ’643.2 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1
Note: the energy balances used
for the turbine and pump are for
open systems.
Solving for QH and QC
Writing the energy balance of the boiler,
𝑄𝐻 = Δ𝐻 = 𝐻2 βˆ’ 𝐻1
= 2770.5 βˆ’ 1279.2 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1
= 1491.3 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1
Writing the energy balance of the condenser,
𝑄𝐢 = Δ𝐻 = 𝐻3 βˆ’ 𝐻2
= 987.5 βˆ’ 1835.6 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1
= βˆ’848.1 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1
By the 1st law of thermodynamics for closed systems (cycle),
β†’ |𝑄𝐻| βˆ’ |𝑄𝐢| = π‘Š
𝑠(𝑛𝑒𝑑) = 1491.3 βˆ’ 848.1 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1
= 643.2 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1
Note: the energy balances used
for the boiler and condenser are
for open systems.
Solving for QH and QC
β€’ |𝑄𝐻|, |𝑄𝐢| and |π‘Š
𝑠 𝑛𝑒𝑑 | can be solved by evaluating the areas under
the curves in the T-S diagram
β€’ For the boiler, |𝑄𝐻| = 𝑇𝐻 𝑆2 βˆ’ 𝑆1 = 𝑇𝐻 𝑆3 βˆ’ 𝑆4
β€’ For the condenser, |𝑄𝐢| = 𝑇𝐢 𝑆2 βˆ’ 𝑆1 = 𝑇𝐢 𝑆3 βˆ’ 𝑆4
β€’ Solving for π‘Š
𝑠 𝑛𝑒𝑑 : |π‘Š
𝑠 𝑛𝑒𝑑 | = 𝑇𝐻 βˆ’ 𝑇𝐢 𝑆2 βˆ’ 𝑆1
= (𝑇𝐻 βˆ’ 𝑇𝐢) 𝑆3 βˆ’ 𝑆4
Solving for QH and QC
Solving for QH and QC
Solving for QH and QC
Solving for QH and QC
|𝑄𝐻| = 561.15 𝐾 5.7997 βˆ’ 3.1424 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1 πΎβˆ’1
= 1491.14 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1
|𝑄𝐢| = 319.15 𝐾 5.7997 βˆ’ 3.1424 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1 πΎβˆ’1
= 848.08 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1
𝑠 𝑛𝑒𝑑 | = 561.15 𝐾 βˆ’ 319.15𝐾 5.7997 βˆ’ 3.1424 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1 πΎβˆ’1
= 643.06 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1
Solving for Carnot Efficiency
πœ‚ = 1 βˆ’
319.15 𝐾
561.15 𝐾
= 0.4313
πœ‚ =
𝑠 𝑛𝑒𝑑 |
643.06 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1
1491.14 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1
= 0.4313
Thank you!

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  • 2. Introduction β€’ Work can readily be transformed into other forms of energy (such as heat); however, converting heat to work cannot be done easily β€’ Heat engines are special devices or machines that produce work from heat in a cyclic process
  • 3. Introduction β€’ A power cycle is one where heat is absorbed by the fluid, and transformed into work, with the remaining heat rejected β€’ To facilitate power cycles, a working fluid is needed, which absorbs heat from a heat reservoir, produces a net amount of work , discards heat to a cold reservoir, and returns to its initial state
  • 4. Introduction β€’ This chapter is devoted to the analysis of several common heat engine cycles SIMPLE STEAM POWER PLANT
  • 5. Power Cycles β€’ Power cycles can be categorized depending upon the working fluid used: Vapor power cycle- working fluid exists in vapor phase during one part of the cycle, and in liquid phase during another part of the cycle - fluid undergoes a thermodynamic cycle Gas power cycle- working fluid remains in the gaseous phase throughout the entire cycle - mechanical cycle: fluid may start as a liquid, then exhausted as a mixture of combustion gases
  • 6. The Carnot Cycle β€’ Carnot cycle- the most efficient heat engine cycle allowed by physical laws β€’ The Carnot efficiency sets the limiting value on the fraction of the heat which can be used: (note: the magnitude, not the sign, is important.)
  • 7. The Carnot Cycle β€’ The cycle consists of four processes:  Reversible isothermal absorption of heat from a heat source at a high temperature  Reversible adiabatic (isentropic) expansion: the system is thermally insulated; the fluid expands from boiler pressure at to the condenser pressure at , and produces work
  • 8. The Carnot Cycle β€’ The cycle consists of four processes (continued):  Reversible isothermal rejection of heat at A reversible adiabatic (isentropic) compression: the system is thermally insulated; the fluid compresses from condenser pressure at to the boiler pressure at ; work is done on the fluid
  • 9. The Carnot Cycle Step Equipment Process b-c Boiler Reversible Isothermal Absorption of Heat c-d Turbine Reversible Adiabatic (Isentropic) Expansion d-a condenser Reversible Isothermal Rejection of Heat a-d Pump Reversible Adiabatic (Isentropic) Compression
  • 10. The Carnot Cycle Step Equipment Process 1-2 Boiler Reversible Isothermal Absorption of Heat 2-3 Turbine Reversible Adiabatic (Isentropic) Expansion 3-4 Condenser Reversible Isothermal Rejection of Heat 4-1 Pump Reversible Adiabatic (Isentropic) Compression
  • 11. Illustrative Problem Saturated liquid in a power plant is boiled isothermally to saturated vapor, and is fed to a turbine at a pressure of 7231.5 kPa and a temperature of 561.15K. Exhaust from the turbine enters a condenser at a pressure 10.09 kPa and a temperature of 319.15K, which is then pumped to the boiler. Find: , , , , , and .
  • 12. Solving Problems Involving Cycles A step-by-step approach in solving problems involving thermodynamic cycles is as follows: 1. Draw the schematic diagram of the power plant 2. Draw a T-S diagram and put appropriate labels 3. Make a table listing down relevant properties 4. Write energy and entropy balances around the equipment used in the plant 5. Solve for the variables of interest (shaft work, efficiency of the cycle, entropy generation)
  • 13. Schematic Diagram β€’ Before solving the problem, sketching a schematic diagram is done in order to visualize the cycle β€’ The flows are assigned numbers; said flows are at a certain state β€’ Draw the equipment and label appropriately
  • 14. T-S Diagram β€’ The T-S diagram plots the specific entropy of the fluid against temperature β€’ This diagram is useful in visualizing how the cycle operates. For example:  the points where the fluid will undergo a phase change,  the areas under the curves, which pertain to the heat absorbed (using a boiler) and heat rejected (using a condenser), and  the points where the fluid is a two-phase mixture
  • 15. Drawing a T-S Diagram Start with a β€œblank” diagram:
  • 16. Drawing a T-S Diagram Draw the relevant isobars:
  • 17. Drawing a T-S Diagram Label intersection of the isobar PTH and the saturated liquid curve as state (1):
  • 18. Drawing a T-S Diagram Label intersection of the isobar PTH and the saturated vapor curve as state (2); draw an arrow from (1) to (2):
  • 19. Drawing a T-S Diagram Draw an arrow perpendicular to arrow (1)-(2), from (2) until it intersects the isobar PTC ; label the intersection as state (3):
  • 20. Drawing a T-S Diagram Draw an arrow from (3) until it intersects the "line” perpendicular to arrow (1)-(2) ; label the point as state (4):
  • 21. Drawing a T-S Diagram Draw an arrow from (4) to (1) to complete the cycle; label accordingly:
  • 22. Drawing a T-S Diagram Animation:
  • 23. Table of Property Data A good way to organize the property data from the steam tables is by making a table of property data. The format of this table is as follows: Point State P(kPa) T(K) H(kJ kg-1) S(kJ kg-1 K-1) Quality (x) 1 Saturated Liquid 7231.5 561.15 1279.2 3.1424 - 2 Saturated Vapor 7231.5 561.15 2770.5 5.7997 1 3 Saturated Vapor 10.09 319.15 1835.6 5.7997 0.6867 4 Saturated Liquid 10.09 319.15 987.5 3.1424 0.3323
  • 24. Quality β€’ Recall that, in the T-S diagram, points (3) and (4) do not lie along the saturated vapor-liquid curve; instead, they lie inside the dome β€’ In order to solve for the properties of these points, one must first consider the quality of the steam
  • 25. Quality β€’ The quality of the steam is defined to be the mass fraction of a vapor/liquid mixture that is vapor: π‘₯ = π‘šπ‘£π‘Žπ‘ π‘šπ‘šπ‘–π‘₯π‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘’ β€’ Relevant equations: 1) π‘†π‘šπ‘–π‘₯π‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘’ = π‘†π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž + π‘₯(π‘†π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘£π‘Žπ‘ βˆ’ π‘†π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž) 2) π»π‘šπ‘–π‘₯π‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘’ = π»π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž + π‘₯(π»π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘£π‘Žπ‘ βˆ’ π»π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž) 3) π‘‰π‘šπ‘–π‘₯π‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘’ = π‘‰π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž + π‘₯(π‘‰π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘£π‘Žπ‘ βˆ’ π‘‰π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž)
  • 26. Quality β€’ The quality of steam can be computed using one of these equations; choosing what equation to use will depend on what particular properties are given β€’ In the case of the Carnot cycle, equation (1) is commonly used (for example, in an isentropic expansion process, 𝑆2 = 𝑆3; hence, 𝑆2 is the π‘†π‘šπ‘–π‘₯π‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘’ at (3))
  • 27. Quality x = Quality of Steam x = π‘€π‘Žπ‘ π‘  π‘œπ‘“ π‘†π‘Žπ‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘‘π‘’π‘‘ π‘‰π‘Žπ‘π‘œπ‘Ÿ 𝑖𝑛 π‘Šπ‘’π‘‘ π‘‰π‘Žπ‘π‘œπ‘Ÿ π‘€π‘Žπ‘ π‘  π‘œπ‘“ 𝑀𝑒𝑑 π‘£π‘Žπ‘π‘œπ‘Ÿ y = π‘€π‘Žπ‘ π‘  π‘œπ‘“ π‘†π‘Žπ‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘‘π‘’π‘‘ π‘™π‘–π‘žπ‘’π‘–π‘‘ 𝑖𝑛 π‘Šπ‘’π‘‘ π‘‰π‘Žπ‘π‘œπ‘Ÿ π‘€π‘Žπ‘ π‘  π‘œπ‘“ 𝑀𝑒𝑑 π‘£π‘Žπ‘π‘œπ‘Ÿ Sat’d liquid Sat’d vapor S π‘†π‘™π‘–π‘žπ‘’π‘–π‘‘ π‘†π‘£π‘Žπ‘π‘œπ‘Ÿ π‘†π‘£π‘Žπ‘π‘œπ‘Ÿ - π‘†π‘™π‘–π‘žπ‘’π‘–π‘‘ x y π‘₯ = 𝑆 βˆ’ π‘†π‘™π‘–π‘žπ‘’π‘–π‘‘ π‘†π‘£π‘Žπ‘π‘œπ‘Ÿ βˆ’ π‘†π‘™π‘–π‘žπ‘’π‘–π‘‘ S = π‘†π‘™π‘–π‘žπ‘’π‘–π‘‘ + π‘₯(π‘†π‘£π‘Žπ‘π‘œπ‘Ÿ βˆ’ π‘†π‘™π‘–π‘žπ‘’π‘–π‘‘)
  • 28. Property Data Point State P(kPa) T(K) H(kJ kg-1) S(kJ kg-1 K-1) Quality (x) 1 Saturated Liquid 7231.5 561.15 1279.2 3.1424 - 2 Saturated Vapor 7231.5 561.15 2770.5 5.7997 1 3 Wet Vapor 10.09 319.15 1835.6 5.7997 0.6867 4 Wet Vapor 10.09 319.15 987.5 3.1424 0.3323 π‘₯3 = 𝑆2 βˆ’ π‘†π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž,319.15𝐾 π‘†π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘£π‘Žπ‘,319.15𝐾 βˆ’ π‘†π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž,319.15𝐾 = 5.7997 βˆ’ 0.6514 8.1481 βˆ’ 0.6514 = 0.6867 Calculations (values taken from steam tables): π‘₯4 = 𝑆1 βˆ’ π‘†π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž,319.15𝐾 π‘†π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘£π‘Žπ‘,319.15𝐾 βˆ’ π‘†π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž,319.15𝐾 = 3.1424 βˆ’ 0.6514 8.1481 βˆ’ 0.6514 = 0.3323 H3 = π»π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž,319.15 + π‘₯3(π»π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘£π‘Žπ‘,319.15𝐾 - π»π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž,319.15𝐾 ) H3 = 192.5 + (0.6867)(2585.1- 192.5) H3 = 1835.6 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1 H4 = π»π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž,319.15 + π‘₯4(π»π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘£π‘Žπ‘,319.15𝐾 - π»π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘π‘™π‘–π‘ž,319.15𝐾 ) H3 = 192.5 + (0.3323)(2585.1- 192.5) H3 = 987. 5 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1
  • 29. Energy Balance β€’ We will now use the properties in the table in order to solve for the quantities of interest (shaft work, efficiency, etc.) β€’ One way to solve for these quantities is by writing energy balances around the equipment used
  • 30. Energy Balance: Boiler Assumptions: no work done; potential and kinetic energy effects are ignored Energy Balance: Δ𝑃𝐸 + Δ𝐾𝐸 + Δ𝐻 = π‘Š 𝑠 + 𝑄𝐻 β†’ Δ𝐻 = 𝑄𝐻 0 0 0
  • 31. Energy Balance: Turbine Assumptions: adiabatic; potential and kinetic energy effects are ignored Energy Balance: Δ𝑃𝐸 + Δ𝐾𝐸 + Δ𝐻 = π‘Š 𝑠 + 𝑄 β†’ Δ𝐻 = π‘Š 𝑠(π‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘π‘–π‘›π‘’) 0 0 0
  • 32. Energy Balance: Condenser Assumptions: no work done; potential and kinetic energy effects are ignored Energy Balance: Δ𝑃𝐸 + Δ𝐾𝐸 + Δ𝐻 = π‘Š 𝑠 + 𝑄𝐢 β†’ Δ𝐻 = 𝑄𝐢 0 0 0
  • 33. Energy Balance: Pump Assumptions: adiabatic; potential and kinetic energy effects are ignored Energy Balance: Δ𝑃𝐸 + Δ𝐾𝐸 + Δ𝐻 = π‘Š 𝑠 + 𝑄 β†’ Δ𝐻 = π‘Š 𝑠(π‘π‘’π‘šπ‘) 0 0 0
  • 34. Solving for Shaft Work (For a Turbine and Pump) Writing the energy balance of the turbine, π‘Š 𝑠 π‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘π‘–π‘›π‘’ = Δ𝐻 = 𝐻3 βˆ’ 𝐻2 = 1835.6 βˆ’ 2770.5 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1 = βˆ’934.9 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1. Writing the energy balance of the pump, π‘Š 𝑠 π‘π‘’π‘šπ‘ = Δ𝐻 = 𝐻1 βˆ’ 𝐻4 = 1279.2 βˆ’ 987.5 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1 = 291.7 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1. β†’ π‘Šπ‘›π‘’π‘‘ = βˆ’934.9 + 291.7 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1 = βˆ’643.2 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1 Note: the energy balances used for the turbine and pump are for open systems.
  • 35. Solving for QH and QC Writing the energy balance of the boiler, 𝑄𝐻 = Δ𝐻 = 𝐻2 βˆ’ 𝐻1 = 2770.5 βˆ’ 1279.2 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1 = 1491.3 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1 Writing the energy balance of the condenser, 𝑄𝐢 = Δ𝐻 = 𝐻3 βˆ’ 𝐻2 = 987.5 βˆ’ 1835.6 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1 = βˆ’848.1 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1 By the 1st law of thermodynamics for closed systems (cycle), β†’ |𝑄𝐻| βˆ’ |𝑄𝐢| = π‘Š 𝑠(𝑛𝑒𝑑) = 1491.3 βˆ’ 848.1 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1 = 643.2 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1 Note: the energy balances used for the boiler and condenser are for open systems.
  • 36. Solving for QH and QC β€’ |𝑄𝐻|, |𝑄𝐢| and |π‘Š 𝑠 𝑛𝑒𝑑 | can be solved by evaluating the areas under the curves in the T-S diagram β€’ For the boiler, |𝑄𝐻| = 𝑇𝐻 𝑆2 βˆ’ 𝑆1 = 𝑇𝐻 𝑆3 βˆ’ 𝑆4 β€’ For the condenser, |𝑄𝐢| = 𝑇𝐢 𝑆2 βˆ’ 𝑆1 = 𝑇𝐢 𝑆3 βˆ’ 𝑆4 β€’ Solving for π‘Š 𝑠 𝑛𝑒𝑑 : |π‘Š 𝑠 𝑛𝑒𝑑 | = 𝑇𝐻 βˆ’ 𝑇𝐢 𝑆2 βˆ’ 𝑆1 = (𝑇𝐻 βˆ’ 𝑇𝐢) 𝑆3 βˆ’ 𝑆4
  • 37. Solving for QH and QC Illustration:
  • 38. Solving for QH and QC
  • 39. Solving for QH and QC
  • 40. Solving for QH and QC |𝑄𝐻| = 561.15 𝐾 5.7997 βˆ’ 3.1424 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1 πΎβˆ’1 = 1491.14 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1 |𝑄𝐢| = 319.15 𝐾 5.7997 βˆ’ 3.1424 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1 πΎβˆ’1 = 848.08 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1 |π‘Š 𝑠 𝑛𝑒𝑑 | = 561.15 𝐾 βˆ’ 319.15𝐾 5.7997 βˆ’ 3.1424 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1 πΎβˆ’1 = 643.06 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1
  • 41. Solving for Carnot Efficiency πœ‚ = 1 βˆ’ 319.15 𝐾 561.15 𝐾 = 0.4313 Or… πœ‚ = |π‘Š 𝑠 𝑛𝑒𝑑 | |𝑄𝐻| = 643.06 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1 1491.14 π‘˜π½ π‘˜π‘”βˆ’1 = 0.4313