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Great Coding Guidelines

A beginner’s guide to write code for next generations
        Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012
 Based in Paris, France
 Software engineer specializing in web technologies,
  development, architecture and troubleshooting
 ColdFusion since 1998
 Founder of Aurel&Co
 Involved into the French community
 And, yes, I‟m supporting Railo

Who am I?
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012   Monday October 15th 2012
 Think to the next generations of developers
 Think to yourself when you will have to get back to
  your code later
 Think to your colleagues… it‟s your reputation…

Code for next generations
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012     Monday October 15th 2012
 A working code is not enough…
 …it has to be robust and maintainable

Think to the future
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012       Monday October 15th 2012
Before digging into best practices…

©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012   Monday October 15th 2012
 Both of course!
 But I would prefer a clean code than a fast code
 Use performance mechanisms when possible like
  mainly caching
 Always understand what you‟re doing:
     may this array can be huge one day?

Readability or performances?
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012         Monday October 15th 2012
Mark‟s CFML Myth Busters
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012   Monday October 15th 2012
Mark‟s CFML Myth Busters
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012   Monday October 15th 2012
Mark‟s CFML Myth Busters
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012   Monday October 15th 2012
In good hands,
a few lines of CFML looks like poetry.

©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012   Monday October 15th 2012
 Keep your code as simple as possible
 Use small functions, small files, small number of
  arguments, small names…
 …small is beautiful
 Break down complex and large things to simple and
  little tasks
 Once it works – and is tested - close your eyes and
  be confident

Perfection is attained, not when no more can be
added, but when no more can be removed.
                                      Antoine de Saint Exupéry (1900 – 1944)

Less is more
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012                      Monday October 15th 2012
 Don‟t rush on your keyboard!

Before writing, learn to think.
What one understands, one expresses clearly.
                                      Nicolas Boileau (1636-1711)

Think before doing
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012             Monday October 15th 2012
 Improve your code each time you get back on it
     « Leave code better than you found it »
   Anticipate: This function could do more…
   Consolidate: I‟ve already seen this somewhere…
   Do not duplicate code!
   But in any case: TEST, TEST and TEST!

Improve again and again
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012         Monday October 15th 2012
 Truth is always in source code
 Be curious
 Be confident
     Do not hesitate to refactor, the only reason that should
      stop you is how difficult it is to test

Other principles
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012           Monday October 15th 2012
 Don‟t mix a logic across multiple language
     i.e. javascript, CFML and SQL
 Keep the logic in one place

Languages mix
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012     Monday October 15th 2012
 It‟s not about which guidelines…
     …but have guidelines
 When you go into a code is not yours, enter in
  stealth mode, mimic the style in place:
     Make impossible to identify you when others read your

Stealth coder
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012         Monday October 15th 2012
 Tags fit well with views
 Script with business code

 You can only use tags, it‟s your choice.
 You can only use scripts, it‟s your choice…
     …but never do that. Never.

Tags or script?
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012     Monday October 15th 2012
Make it readable!

©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012   Monday October 15th 2012
 Do or do not but do always the same way:
       to indent your code
       „ or “
       ending slash for unary tags <cfabort />
       spaces <cfset count = 0 />
       void lines
       …

 One style by language is a good choice

Coding style: be constant
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012               Monday October 15th 2012
 Clear name with meaning
 Boolean should begins with is or has (isBlue)
 About case:
     Only object names should begin with an upper case
     Separate words with an upper case, avoid using the
      old fashion “_”
public void function onApplicationStart() {
  application.physicalRoot = expandPath("/");
  application.env = new model.utils.Env(cgi.server_name);
  application.sanitizer = new model.utils.Sanitizer();
  application.cfTags = new model.utils.CFTags();
  application.debug = false;

Naming conventions
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012                         Monday October 15th 2012
 Don‟t leave garbage into your code
<cfif 1 EQ 2>

 Don‟t comment code, remove it

 You identify a portion to improve?
  use Eclipse tasks:
//TODO: This block needs to be refactored

Keep your code clean
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012         Monday October 15th 2012
 Do not overload your code with useless comment
<!--- init count to 0 --->
<cfset count = 0 />

 A comment is stronger when it is useful and frugal
application.proxy = {
         server = "",
         port = 80, // *MUST* be a number
         user = "",
         password = "”

©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012         Monday October 15th 2012
 Avoid McDonald‟s programming
// =======================================================
// controllo esistenza fornitore su anagrafica
q_fornitore = cfc_fornitori.GetAnagFornitore(idSocieta =
my_idsocieta, idAnag = codFornitore, const = glb.const, dbprop = glb.dbprop);
// =======================================================

// inserimento link fornitore
linkfornitore = structNew();
linkfornitore.idSocieta = my_idsocieta;

if (q_fornitore.recordcount eq 0) {
    // inseriemnto tan030anagfornitori
    fornitore = structNew();
// =======================================================

©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012                            Monday October 15th 2012
 Use every scope explicitly. Always
     Arguments, caller, query name, etc.

public Token function init(token) {
        variables.token = arguments.token;
        return this;

Variables scopping
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012          Monday October 15th 2012
 Declare a variable where it‟s used… avoid the old fashion of all
  the declaration on top (legacy from var scoping up to CF8)
public string function generate() {
            var i = 0;
            var token = "";
            for (; i <= 32 ; i++)
                         token &= chr(randRange(65, 90));

           return hash(token, "MD5");

public string function generate2() {
            var token = "";
            for (var i = 0 ; i <= 32 ; i++) {
                         token &= chr(randRange(65, 90));

           return hash(token, "MD5");

Variables declaration
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012                         Monday October 15th 2012
 Don‟t use Magic Numbers. Never.

<cfswitch expression="#quoteRow.groupID#">
          <cfcase value="12">
                   <cfset quoteRow['isAnnual'][1] = "yes" />
          <cfcase value="13">
                   <cfset quoteRow['isAnnual'][1] = "yes" />
          <cfcase value="24">
                   <cfset quoteRow['isAnnual'][1] = "yes" />
          <cfcase value="25">
                   <cfset quoteRow['isAnnual'][1] = "no" />

Variables usage
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012                      Monday October 15th 2012
 Don‟t use the pound sign where it is not needed
<cfset newColor = #oldColor# />
<cfset newColor = "#oldColor#" />

 But do instead:
<cfset newColor = oldColor />

Variables usage
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012    Monday October 15th 2012
if (isBlue == false) {

if (!isBlue) {

©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012   Monday October 15th 2012
if (!isBlue) {
} else {

Prefer avoiding “if not else”:
if (isBlue) {
} else {

©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012   Monday October 15th 2012
if (isBlue) {
          return true;
} else {
          return false;

return isBlue;

©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012   Monday October 15th 2012
 Parenthesis:
if (isBlue || isRed && isSquare) {...}
if (isBlue || (isRed && isSquare)) {...}

return variables.token == arguments.token;
return (variables.token == arguments.token);

 Order of variables
if ("blue" == color) { //don‟t, use EQ?

©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012            Monday October 15th 2012
if (token.equals("1234"))

if (token.equals("1234")) {
} else {

Always use brackets
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012   Monday October 15th 2012
 Exceptions allow you to focus on the useful code
<cffunction name="login" access="public" returnType="boolean" output="false">
 <cfargument name="username" type="string" required="yes" />
 <cfargument name="hash" type="string" required="yes" />

 try {
   var user ="User").init(arguments.username);
   var hashServer = hash(session.token & user.getPassword(), "MD5");

   if (hashServer == arguments.hash) { //connection success
              session.user = user;
              return true;

   var debug = "username=#user.getUsername()#<br>password=#user.getPassword()#<br>";
 } catch (objectNotExistsException e) {
   var debug = "user not exists exception (#arguments.username#/#arguments.hash#)";
 } catch (connectionFailedException e) {
    var debug = e.message & "<br>" & e.detail;

  <cfthrow type="loginFailedException” message="...” detail="#debug#" />

©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012                                             Monday October 15th 2012
 Don‟t make entities dependent on each others

<cfset colors = "blue,red,green,yellow" />
<cfloop from="1" to="10" index="i">
        <cfinclude template="sometemplate.cfm">

<!--- sometemplate.cfm --->
<cfset i = 0>
<cfloop list="#colors#" index="lst">
         <cfset i++ />

©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012          Monday October 15th 2012
Principle: no dynamic value into the condition of a loop

for (i = 1 ; i <= arrayLen(items) ; i++) {

About readability
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012                   Monday October 15th 2012
len = arrayLen(items);
for (i = 1 ; i <= len ; i++) {

Improvement: 0% to 5%

About readability
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012   Monday October 15th 2012
for (item in items) { // Railo and CF since 9.0.1

Improvement: 10% to 15%

About readability
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012                 Monday October 15th 2012
We learn more from our mistakes

©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012   Monday October 15th 2012
 Control birth date:
     60 days minimum
     Must be right with the age entered (previous screen)

©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012         Monday October 15th 2012
function isBirthDateValid(value,element) {
         var tmp = value.split("/");
         if (tmp.length != 3) {
                   return false;

           } else {
                       var month = tmp[1]-1;
                       var year = tmp[2];
                       var day = tmp[0];
                       if (isValidDate(month,day,year) != true) {
                                  return false;

                       } else {
                                  return true;

Original code
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012                         Monday October 15th 2012
function isBirthDateValid(value,element) {
         var tmp = value.split("/");

           if (tmp.length == 3) {
                     var month = tmp[1]-1;
                     var year = tmp[2];
                     var day = tmp[0];
                     if (isValidDate(month,day,year) != true) {
                                return false;

                       } else {
                                  return true;

           return false;

Rewriting step 1
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012                       Monday October 15th 2012
function isBirthDateValid(value,element) {
        var tmp = value.split("/");

           if (tmp.length == 3) {
                     var month = tmp[1]-1;
                     var year = tmp[0];
                     var day = tmp[2];

                       return isValidDate(month,day,year);

           return false;

Rewriting step 2
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012                    Monday October 15th 2012
function isBirthDateValid(value, element) {
        var tmp = value.split("/");

           if (tmp.length == 3) {
                     var day = tmp[0];
                     var month = tmp[1] - 1; //month start at 0
                     var year = tmp[2];

                       return isValidDate(month, day, year);

           return false;

Rewriting step 3
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012                     Monday October 15th 2012
function isBirthDateValid(value, element) {
  try {
    var birthDate = $.datepicker.parseDate('dd/mm/yy', value);

      if (birthDate.getAgeInDays() >= 60) {

        // we retrieve the current id from ”birthDate_X”
               // to check the age against "age_X"
                var id ='_').pop();
                if (birthDate.getAge() == $('#age_' + id).val()) {
                   return true;
    } catch (e) {}

    return false;

Final code
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012                                  Monday October 15th 2012
Date.prototype.getAge = function() {
  var today = new Date();
  var age = today.getFullYear() - this.getFullYear();
  var monthes = today.getMonth() - this.getMonth();
  var days = today.getDate() - this.getDate();

     if (month < 0 || (monthes == 0 && days < 0)) {
        return age - 1;
     } else {
        return age;

Date.prototype.getAgeInDays = function() {
   var today = new Date();
   return Math.floor((today - this) / 86400000); //ms to days (24*60*60*1000)

Final code
©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012                                Monday October 15th 2012
Thank you! Vielen Dank! Merci !
@adeleusiere • •

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CFCamp 2012 - Great Coding Guidelines - V1.0

  • 1. Great Coding Guidelines A beginner’s guide to write code for next generations Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012
  • 2.  Based in Paris, France  Software engineer specializing in web technologies, development, architecture and troubleshooting  ColdFusion since 1998  Founder of Aurel&Co  Involved into the French community  And, yes, I‟m supporting Railo Who am I? ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 3.  Think to the next generations of developers  Think to yourself when you will have to get back to your code later  Think to your colleagues… it‟s your reputation… Code for next generations ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 4.  A working code is not enough…  …it has to be robust and maintainable Think to the future ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 5. JUST A POINT OF VIEW Before digging into best practices… ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 6.  Both of course!  But I would prefer a clean code than a fast code  Use performance mechanisms when possible like mainly caching  Always understand what you‟re doing:  may this array can be huge one day? Readability or performances? ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 7. Mark‟s CFML Myth Busters ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 8. Mark‟s CFML Myth Busters ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 9. Mark‟s CFML Myth Busters ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 10. ART OF CODING In good hands, a few lines of CFML looks like poetry. ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 11.  Keep your code as simple as possible  Use small functions, small files, small number of arguments, small names…  …small is beautiful  Break down complex and large things to simple and little tasks  Once it works – and is tested - close your eyes and be confident Perfection is attained, not when no more can be added, but when no more can be removed. Antoine de Saint Exupéry (1900 – 1944) Less is more ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 12.  Don‟t rush on your keyboard! Before writing, learn to think. What one understands, one expresses clearly. Nicolas Boileau (1636-1711) Think before doing ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 13.  Improve your code each time you get back on it  « Leave code better than you found it »  Anticipate: This function could do more…  Consolidate: I‟ve already seen this somewhere…  Do not duplicate code!  But in any case: TEST, TEST and TEST! Improve again and again ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 14.  Truth is always in source code  Be curious  Be confident  Do not hesitate to refactor, the only reason that should stop you is how difficult it is to test Other principles ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 15.  Don‟t mix a logic across multiple language  i.e. javascript, CFML and SQL  Keep the logic in one place Languages mix ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 16.  It‟s not about which guidelines…  …but have guidelines  When you go into a code is not yours, enter in stealth mode, mimic the style in place:  Make impossible to identify you when others read your code Stealth coder ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 17.  Tags fit well with views  Script with business code  You can only use tags, it‟s your choice.  You can only use scripts, it‟s your choice…  …but never do that. Never. Tags or script? ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 18. YOUR CODE HAS TO TELL A STORY Make it readable! ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 19.  Do or do not but do always the same way:  to indent your code  „ or “  ending slash for unary tags <cfabort />  spaces <cfset count = 0 />  void lines  …  One style by language is a good choice Coding style: be constant ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 20.  Clear name with meaning  Boolean should begins with is or has (isBlue)  About case:  Only object names should begin with an upper case  Separate words with an upper case, avoid using the old fashion “_” public void function onApplicationStart() { application.physicalRoot = expandPath("/"); application.env = new model.utils.Env(cgi.server_name); application.sanitizer = new model.utils.Sanitizer(); application.cfTags = new model.utils.CFTags(); application.debug = false; ... } Naming conventions ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 21.  Don‟t leave garbage into your code <cfif 1 EQ 2> ... </cfif>  Don‟t comment code, remove it  You identify a portion to improve? use Eclipse tasks: //TODO: This block needs to be refactored Keep your code clean ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 22.  Do not overload your code with useless comment <!--- init count to 0 ---> <cfset count = 0 />  A comment is stronger when it is useful and frugal application.proxy = { server = "", port = 80, // *MUST* be a number user = "", password = "” }; Comments ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 23.  Avoid McDonald‟s programming // ======================================================= // controllo esistenza fornitore su anagrafica q_fornitore = cfc_fornitori.GetAnagFornitore(idSocieta = my_idsocieta, idAnag = codFornitore, const = glb.const, dbprop = glb.dbprop); // ======================================================= // inserimento link fornitore linkfornitore = structNew(); linkfornitore.idSocieta = my_idsocieta; //======================================================= if (q_fornitore.recordcount eq 0) { // inseriemnto tan030anagfornitori fornitore = structNew(); ..... // ======================================================= Comments ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 24.  Use every scope explicitly. Always  Arguments, caller, query name, etc. public Token function init(token) { variables.token = arguments.token; return this; } Variables scopping ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 25.  Declare a variable where it‟s used… avoid the old fashion of all the declaration on top (legacy from var scoping up to CF8) public string function generate() { var i = 0; var token = ""; for (; i <= 32 ; i++) token &= chr(randRange(65, 90)); return hash(token, "MD5"); } public string function generate2() { var token = ""; for (var i = 0 ; i <= 32 ; i++) { token &= chr(randRange(65, 90)); } return hash(token, "MD5"); } Variables declaration ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 26.  Don‟t use Magic Numbers. Never. <cfswitch expression="#quoteRow.groupID#"> <cfcase value="12"> <cfset quoteRow['isAnnual'][1] = "yes" /> </cfcase> <cfcase value="13"> <cfset quoteRow['isAnnual'][1] = "yes" /> </cfcase> <cfcase value="24"> <cfset quoteRow['isAnnual'][1] = "yes" /> </cfcase> <cfcase value="25"> <cfset quoteRow['isAnnual'][1] = "no" /> </cfcase> </cfswitch> Variables usage ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 27.  Don‟t use the pound sign where it is not needed <cfset newColor = #oldColor# /> <cfset newColor = "#oldColor#" />  But do instead: <cfset newColor = oldColor /> Variables usage ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 28. if (isBlue == false) { ... } Prefer: if (!isBlue) { ... } Logic ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 29. if (!isBlue) { doThis(); } else { doThat(); } Prefer avoiding “if not else”: if (isBlue) { doThat(); } else { doThis(); } Logic ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 30. if (isBlue) { return true; } else { return false; } Prefer: return isBlue; Logic ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 31.  Parenthesis: if (isBlue || isRed && isSquare) {...} if (isBlue || (isRed && isSquare)) {...} return variables.token == arguments.token; return (variables.token == arguments.token);  Order of variables if ("blue" == color) { //don‟t, use EQ? ... } Logic ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 32. if (token.equals("1234")) writeOutput("ok"); else writeOutput("ko"); Prefer: if (token.equals("1234")) { writeOutput("ok"); } else { writeOutput("ko"); } Always use brackets ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 33.  Exceptions allow you to focus on the useful code <cffunction name="login" access="public" returnType="boolean" output="false"> <cfargument name="username" type="string" required="yes" /> <cfargument name="hash" type="string" required="yes" /> <cfscript> try { var user ="User").init(arguments.username); var hashServer = hash(session.token & user.getPassword(), "MD5"); if (hashServer == arguments.hash) { //connection success session.user = user; user.lastLogon(username); return true; } var debug = "username=#user.getUsername()#<br>password=#user.getPassword()#<br>"; } catch (objectNotExistsException e) { var debug = "user not exists exception (#arguments.username#/#arguments.hash#)"; } catch (connectionFailedException e) { var debug = e.message & "<br>" & e.detail; } </cfscript> <cfthrow type="loginFailedException” message="...” detail="#debug#" /> </cffunction> Exceptions ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 34.  Don‟t make entities dependent on each others <cfset colors = "blue,red,green,yellow" /> <cfloop from="1" to="10" index="i"> <cfinclude template="sometemplate.cfm"> </cfloop> <!--- sometemplate.cfm ---> <cfset i = 0> <cfloop list="#colors#" index="lst"> <cfset i++ /> ... </cfloop> Decoupling ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 35. Principle: no dynamic value into the condition of a loop for (i = 1 ; i <= arrayLen(items) ; i++) { ... } About readability ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 36. len = arrayLen(items); for (i = 1 ; i <= len ; i++) { ... } Improvement: 0% to 5% About readability ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 37. for (item in items) { // Railo and CF since 9.0.1 ... } Improvement: 10% to 15% About readability ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 38. A REAL WORLD EXAMPLE We learn more from our mistakes ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 39.  Control birth date:  60 days minimum  Must be right with the age entered (previous screen) Requirements ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 40. function isBirthDateValid(value,element) { var tmp = value.split("/"); if (tmp.length != 3) { return false; } else { var month = tmp[1]-1; var year = tmp[2]; var day = tmp[0]; if (isValidDate(month,day,year) != true) { return false; } else { return true; } } } Original code ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 41. function isBirthDateValid(value,element) { var tmp = value.split("/"); if (tmp.length == 3) { var month = tmp[1]-1; var year = tmp[2]; var day = tmp[0]; if (isValidDate(month,day,year) != true) { return false; } else { return true; } } return false; } Rewriting step 1 ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 42. function isBirthDateValid(value,element) { var tmp = value.split("/"); if (tmp.length == 3) { var month = tmp[1]-1; var year = tmp[0]; var day = tmp[2]; return isValidDate(month,day,year); } return false; } Rewriting step 2 ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 43. function isBirthDateValid(value, element) { var tmp = value.split("/"); if (tmp.length == 3) { var day = tmp[0]; var month = tmp[1] - 1; //month start at 0 var year = tmp[2]; return isValidDate(month, day, year); } return false; } Rewriting step 3 ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 44. function isBirthDateValid(value, element) { try { var birthDate = $.datepicker.parseDate('dd/mm/yy', value); if (birthDate.getAgeInDays() >= 60) { // we retrieve the current id from ”birthDate_X” // to check the age against "age_X" var id ='_').pop(); if (birthDate.getAge() == $('#age_' + id).val()) { return true; } } } catch (e) {} return false; } Final code ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 45. Date.prototype.getAge = function() { var today = new Date(); var age = today.getFullYear() - this.getFullYear(); var monthes = today.getMonth() - this.getMonth(); var days = today.getDate() - this.getDate(); if (month < 0 || (monthes == 0 && days < 0)) { return age - 1; } else { return age; } }; Date.prototype.getAgeInDays = function() { var today = new Date(); return Math.floor((today - this) / 86400000); //ms to days (24*60*60*1000) }; Final code ©Aurélien Deleusière – CF Camp 2012 Monday October 15th 2012
  • 46.
  • 47. Thank you! Vielen Dank! Merci ! @adeleusiere • •