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                           Delivering results
                           Growth and value in a volatile world
                           Country summary: Belgium

A Belgian perspective on
PwC’s 15th Annual Global
CEO Survey

The 15th Annual Global CEO Survey is based on a total of
1,258 interviews with CEOs in 60 countries, carried out between
22 September and 12 December 2011. 291 interviews were done in
Western Europe, of which 34 in Belgium, compared to 17 in France,
38 in The Netherlands and 49 in Germany. None were carried out
in Luxembourg. The Belgian CEO interviews were spread across a
range of industries: asset management; banking and capital
markets; insurance; entertainment and media; healthcare;
industrial products; retail and consumer products. Additional
insight into what is underpinning CEOs’ outlook, quotes from their
interviews and more extensive extracts, as well as responses by
sector and location can be found at

ii  PwC 15th Annual Global CEO Survey 
How is 2012 shaping up?

The year 2012 is unfolding with wide       But businesses are not on the               Rather CEOs are manoeuvring to
disparities in potential outcomes in       defensive. Despite uncertainties, CEOs      outpace: they are three times more
many economies, and little prospect        are taking deliberate steps to stretch in   confident in their own capacity to
for a coordinated turnaround: just         markets they believe are most               generate growth in their business than
15% of CEOs believe the global             important for their future. As a result,    they are in global economic growth.
economy will improve this year.            close to 40% are ‘very confident’ in        Here Belgian CEOs surveyed are
Belgian top executives are significantly   prospects for revenue growth in their       surprisingly upbeat: they are four
more pessimistic: only 3% believe in       companies in the next 12 months.            times more confident in their own
recovery, whereas 62% of Belgian           Again, Belgian CEOs are less bullish:       growth potential than that of the
CEOs think the global economy is set       only 12% share this view. Strategies no     world at large. Correspondingly,
to decline further. Only the Dutch are     longer rely on riding economic              Belgian business leaders predict more
more pessimistic, with 68% expecting       updrafts – or even riding out volatility.   significant change to their strategies
a worsening economic climate.                                                          than others: 26% compared to 13%
                                                                                       globally, and only 4% in Germany and
                                                                                       The Netherlands respectively. The
                                                                                       main drivers of strategic reorientation
                                                                                       in Belgium are competitive threats, the
       “CEOs are very concerned about economic                                         impact of government debt, changes in
       uncertainty and the pace of recovery. The                                       risk tolerance and the availability of
       optimism that had been building                                                 talent.
       cautiously since 2008 has begun to recede.”                                     The optimism among Belgian business
                                                                                       leaders in their ability to generate
       Karel De Baere,                                                                 growth also reflects the tough choices
       Chairman, PwC Belgium                                                           made and hard work done since the
                                                                                       crisis began in 2008. With stronger
                                                                                       balance sheets, improved cost
                                                                                       structures, and a greater awareness of
                                                                                       global risks, CEOs have a renewed
                                                                                       sense of preparedness when facing
                                                                                       today’s challenges. Belgian CEOs are
                                                                                       focusing on innovation in products and
                                                                                       services for growth in 2012, compared
                                                                                       to their Dutch and German neighbours
                                                                                       who are focusing more on M&A and
                                                                                       increased market share respectively.

                                                                                                       Key findings in Belgium  1 
Difficult conditions in the near term        However, this frugality shouldn’t             Over the next three years, CEOs will
have CEOs paring down ambitions in           suggest a lack of appetite for the right      be reconfiguring their business models
response to disappointing recoveries in      investments. Operational                      for a world where risks and
Europe and the US. Over two thirds of        improvement remains on the agenda,            opportunities are increasingly
the Belgian CEOs interviewed said the        even after three years of crisis. 66% of      interconnected, yet where sources of
ongoing sovereign debt crisis in             CEOs worldwide plan to implement a            growth are often very much local and
Europe has had a direct financial            cost cutting initiative in 2012 – and in      may be outside the familiar terrain.
impact on their company. Many CEOs           Belgium 85% plan to do so. Belgian            The rise in investment and commerce
are holding back their cash reserves as      business leaders also plan more               to and from emerging economies is
a buffer against an economic                 outsourcing and divestment than their         fundamentally altering approaches.
contraction: fewer CEOs are planning         neighbours in Germany and The
a ‘major change’ to capital investment       Netherlands in 2012. In terms of              In response, CEOs are concluding that
strategies this year than in 2011, while     investing directly in growth, over a          their businesses need to pivot across
38% are making no change at all.             quarter of CEOs, both globally and at         their priority markets, both developed
                                             Belgian level, anticipate a cross-border      and emerging, to embrace
                                             acquisition this year. Belgian CEOs are       opportunities in markets they may be
                                             focused on France and Germany as the          less familiar with. They are facing
                                             countries they consider most                  several challenges in this regard.
                                             important for growth abroad, followed
                                             by China and Russia. Dutch CEOs are
                                             above all focused on Germany as their
                                             most important export market.

Graphic 1: Do you believe the global economy will improve, stay the same, or decline over the next 12 months?

Base: All respondents (1258; 49; 38; 34)

2  PwC 15th Annual Global CEO Survey 
Making it happen

In past economic downturns, the world           CEOs believe the forces of global          How CEOs are able to succeed in this
has experienced rises in protectionism.         integration will stay on track: 45%        interconnected world, with a
But this time there has been progress           believe the world will become more         potentially slower and more volatile
on bilateral and regional levels in             open to free international trade (with     global economy, will hinge on how
fostering cross-border commerce and             31% dissenting) and 56% are                well they master the three execution
investment. Alliances continued to              convinced cross-border capital flows       challenges mentioned below.
evolve into late 2011 with the US-              will not come under new constraints.
Korea free trade pact and the proposed          The Belgian CEOs surveyed are
Trans-Pacific Partnership. Free-trade           similarly optimistic about capital flows
purists might argue that preferential           (50%), but only 26% believe openness
deals are a form of protectionism. But          to free trade will increase.
the reality is that trade and cross-
border capital flows have rebounded
since the downturn began. Belgian
CEOs are much less concerned about
protectionism, exchange rate volatility
and corruption than CEOs globally,
perhaps due to their focus on growth
in neighbouring France and Germany.

                                                The tax advantage
                                                Market opportunity, natural resources, talent – all of these factors matter
                                                when companies decide where and how to locate operations. But tax may
                                                be the most significant: 44% of CEOs worldwide (and 47% of Belgian
                                                CEOs) say tax policies are a ‘significant factor’ in their decision-making on
                                                cross-border locations. CEOs are paying close attention to changing tax
                                                conditions as a result of high debts and deficits in developed economies.
                                                Governments continue to reform their tax systems to help businesses grow.
                                                Over the past seven years more than 60% of economies made paying taxes
                                                easier with 244 reforms, according to Paying Taxes 2012. Globally, the
                                                total tax rate has fallen by 8.5% since 2006; the time required to comply
                                                with taxes declined by more than one day per year; and the number of tax
                                                payments required dropped by five.1 Belgian business leaders are much
                                                more concerned about the increasing tax burden than their colleagues
                                                in Germany and The Netherlands. 53% see increased taxes as a potential
                                                threat to the business, compared to 33% and 18% in Germany and
                                                The Netherlands respectively.


                                                                                                          Key findings in Belgium  3 
Build or buy? Acquisitions always
                                          have a role to play in growth plans.
                                          Responses indicate the potential of a
                                          modest pull-back on international
                                          deal-making over the next 12 months:
                                          28% of CEOs globally plan to complete
                                          a cross-border deal in 2012 (29% for
                                          Belgian CEOs), a decline from the 34%
1. Worldly wise, locally savvy            last year. The pool of potential buyers    Segmentation is at the centre. CEOs
                                          is becoming more diverse, however.         place high importance on adapting to
Developed and emerging economies          Firms from China, India and elsewhere      local customer preferences. Four
alike are considered destinations that    have emerged as major international        billion people live in countries where
CEOs believe are critical for their       investors in recent years. Acquisitions    the per capita income is US$ 1,000-
organisations. Over 60 different          are always risky. Yet, our research        4,000 per year, for example, an
economies were named by CEOs as key       suggests that acquisitions in emerging     ‘emerging middle class’ that is
overseas markets, some adjacent to        markets – exactly the type of              prompting business leaders to
their home market and others on the       acquisition that appears to be more        fundamentally rethink business
other side of the world. A sensible       popular today – are particularly risky,    strategies. It’s not only products that
strategy for globalisation today means    with lower chances of success even for     must be adapted or built anew, but also
more than building cheaply in one         proven deal-makers. Acquirers will         production, distribution and
location and selling in another. CEOs     need to learn new post-merger              marketing capabilities – entire
are investing to build fully-fledged      integration competences to make these      business models. Success involves
operations in their priority markets to   deals work.                                understanding customer segmentation
build relationships with their                                                       and the dynamics driving it.
customers, innovate, take advantage of    Less global export, more local
local talent and brands, reduce risk,     rapport. How businesses achieve the        Innovating on multiple fronts.
improve access to capital, and            right mix to leverage global               Improving the effectiveness of
strengthen supply chains. Building        capabilities while servicing distinct      innovation continues to be a major
manufacturing capacity, for example,      local needs is a defining question for     strategic priority. Three out of four
is important for many CEOs in each of     growing in dissimilar markets. The tilt    CEOs – at both global and Belgian level
their key markets and China faces         is towards decentralising, and creating    – plan to change R&D and innovation
increasing competition as CEOs reach      localised products. Substantial            capacity in 2012. CEOs in insurance,
further afield. CEOs are making deeper    proportions of CEOs, between 20%           asset management and retail are more
commitments to priority markets,          and 36%, say they are designing new        likely than those in other industries to
guided by domestic customer demands.      products specifically for local markets.   emphasise innovation in new business
                                                                                     models – often taking advantage of
                                                                                     new technologies. Those in industries
                                                                                     with a historical dependence on
       “ he good news is that the long cycle of the
        T                                                                            innovation are among the most likely
        slowdown has given CEOs greater                                              to change approaches. Pharma and life
                                                                                     sciences, for example, has been in the
        experience of managing their businesses                                      forefront in shifting some research
        with ever greater efficiencies. 59% of                                       resources to faster-growing economies.
        Belgian CEOs are confident they can                                          While primary RD is still largely
                                                                                     conducted in home markets,
        deliver revenue growth despite the                                           businesses are shifting capabilities to
        difficult conditions.”                                                       their priority markets, partly to seek
                                                                                     footholds in fast-growing economies,
          Karel De Baere,
                                                                                     but also because of improved scientific
          Chairman, PwC Belgium

4  PwC 15th Annual Global CEO Survey 
CEOs that were financially impacted by the
sovereign debt crisis in Europe
                                             Belgian CEOs

 2. Expect the unexpected
 Global risks often have local sources       sheets have improved, cash reserves
 and last year was no exception. 56% of      have been built up, and supply chains
 CEOs were financially impacted by the       have added redundancies. These types
 sovereign debt crisis in Europe (79% of     of solution – financial buffers, supply
 Belgian CEOs), another 29% by the           chain redundancies – point towards
 earthquake and tsunami in Japan, and        one way to approach risk: less
 21% by the political upheaval in the        emphasis on the probability of events,
 Middle East. Yet, CEOs report that they     and more on how business can be
 are less likely to focus on risk            disrupted. When the focus is preparing
 management than on areas ranging            for consequences, discussions are more
 from technology investments to              likely to occur across functions
 reorganisation. Significant defensive       involved in strategy, operations, risk
 steps have already been taken: balance      management and business continuity.

 Finding growth away from home
 With CEOs looking for growth outside of their home markets, risk practices
 will have to adapt. Companies cannot control or predict the economic,
 social and political risk factors influencing their operations in priority
 markets, but prudent risk managers are getting a better understanding of
 how these forces can help or hinder their plans. Ongoing risk monitoring
 and incorporation of new information into business models can allow savvy
 businesses to pivot away from known risks, plan for unknown risks, and
 capitalise on opportunities. Risk resilience involves constantly returning
 to the question, ‘What should my business model be, given the way the
 political, economic and social conditions are changing in this country?’ 56%
 of Belgian CEOs intend to change their approach to managing risk in the
 next 12 months, and 56% state that a change in risk tolerance is driving a
 change in their strategy (compared to only 34% at global level).

                                                              Key findings in Belgium  5 
Graphic 2: How concerned are you about the following potential business threats to your growth prospects?

Base: All respondents (1258; 49; 38; 34) - Respondents who stated ‘extremely’ or ‘somewhat concerned’

6  PwC 15th Annual Global CEO Survey 
Regional concerns reveal regional                       •	 Western Europe: Outlook for                  •	 Latin America: Underdeveloped
risks. The risk of global economic                         taxes, sovereign debt crisis,                   infrastructure
volatility is a common threat for all                      financial market stability
CEOs. Yet, comparing how CEOs                                                                           •	 Middle East and Africa: Skills
perceive other threats to their business                •	 North America: Constrained state                shortages and corruption
offers some insight into the risks that                    spending, skills mismatches
are top-of-mind in different regions.
                                                        •	 Asia Pacific: Currency volatility,
                                                           energy costs

Graphic 3: How concerned are you about the following potential economic and policy threats to your business growth prospects?

Base: All respondents (1258; 49; 38; 34) - Respondents who stated ‘extremely’ or ‘somewhat concerned’

                                                                                                                       Key findings in Belgium  7 
3. The talent challenge                               The reality is far different. Shortages              Hiring talent. Worldwide, 43% of
                                                      are evident everywhere. More CEOs                    CEOs across industries say it’s become
Theoretically, finding good candidates                are changing talent management                       more difficult to hire. In Belgium 62%
should be a near-frictionless exercise                strategies than are adjusting                        of CEOs surveyed say the situation has
today. There have never been as many                  approaches to risk: 23% expect ‘major                worsened, 38% say growth at home
educated people in the world, nor has                 change’ to the way they manage their                 was impacted by talent constraints,
it ever been as easy for employers to                 talent. Skills shortages are seen as a               and 59% said talent expenses rose
tap this vast pool online. Highly-                    top threat to growth. And talent                     more than expected. The challenges
skilled talent is also highly mobile but              shortages are impacting profitability                are acute in both knowledge industries
just in case, networking advances                     now. One in four CEOs said they were                 such as pharmaceuticals and life
mean many more tasks can be handled                   unable to pursue a market opportunity                sciences, and technology, and heavy
remotely or outsourced.                               or have had to cancel or delay a                     industries such as industrial
                                                      strategic initiative because of talent.              manufacturing and automotive
                                                      One in three is concerned that skills                sectors. In Belgium increased difficulty
                                                      shortages will constrain their                       in hiring is attributed to a deficit of
                                                      company’s innovation.                                skilled candidates, in particular for
                                                                                                           production workers (according to 59%
                                                                                                           of Belgian CEOs surveyed). Even
                                                                                                           industries that have retrenched
                                                                                                           workers in large numbers like banking
                                                                                                           are still struggling to get the right
                                                                                                           people. Developed market banks are in
           “ EOs say they are having difficulty
            C                                                                                              competition with one another but also
            finding and retaining skilled people in                                                        with increasingly ambitious and
            their industries. Belgian CEOs think that                                                      well-capitalised local competitors in
                                                                                                           faster-growing economies.2 Twice as
            creating and fostering a skilled workforce                                                     many banking CEOs plan to expand
            should be a top priority for government.”                                                      workforces than to cut them in 2012.
                                                                                                           Strikingly, 32% of Belgian CEOs
             Karel De Baere,
                                                                                                           surveyed said they will move their
             Chairman, PwC Belgium
                                                                                                           operations within 3 years because of
                                                                                                           talent availability.

    PwC, “Securing the talent to succeed: Making the most of international mobility in financial services,” Nov. 2011

8  PwC 15th Annual Global CEO Survey 
Making talent strategic. CEOs are          Developing talent. Frequent job-           The Belgian CEOs surveyed are better
determined to take a more strategic        hopping is endemic to many markets,        informed but hungry for more: only
approach to how they manage their          at all levels. This is a trend many CEOs   12% say the information they receive
workforce today and plan for future        would like to counter. Two-thirds say      on the cost of employee turnover to
needs. A longer-term, strategic view is    it’s more likely that senior talent will   their organisations is not adequate but
needed if they want to close the gap       come from promotions within their          56% want more information on top of
and map how talent needs will change.      companies over the next three years.       what they currently receive. To better
As part of this effort, CEOs are closely   While outsiders bring benefits, the        develop talent, however, companies
integrating HR with business planning      loss in productivity and time when a       will need to understand what works in
at the highest levels of the company:      valuable employee leaves, as well as       one market might not work in another.
79% of CEOs say the chief human            the expense related to retraining, are     Mentoring programmes, for example,
resources officer is a direct report.      better appreciated: 21% say the            work in some countries but fail in
                                           information they receive on the cost       others, because of how coaching is
They are also seeking a better             of employee turnover to their              received in different cultures.
understanding of the scale and             organisations is not adequate and
effectiveness of their investments in      47% receive some information but
talent. For many CEOs, the                 want more.
information they receive tells them
how the business is performing
today, but not how investments in
employees will generate future
growth. Such measurements can’t
                                           More comprehensive reporting on employee engagement
isolate skills gaps and struggle to
identify the pivotal jobs that drive       Employee engagement analysis can give business leaders a clear link
exponential value; they do not             between engagement and improved performance measures like retention
measure employee engagement or             and discretionary effort. Forward-looking businesses are coupling a clear
team performance. These are much           view of the pivotal roles within their business – the roles that create (or
harder to measure, which is one            destroy) disproportionate business value – and applying data mining
reason they’ve been neglected.             and predictive modelling to gain insight into retention, recruiting or
                                           productivity analysis. For example:
                                           •	 a retention score for each employee, which measures the probability that
                                              an employee will leave in the next year;
                                           •	 use of engagement studies to identify barriers to high performance
                                              within specific groups of employees, as well as the tangible
                                              improvements that can drive both engagement and business
                                              performance; or
                                           •	 a focus on the direct market-facing impact employee engagement has
                                              on measures of business performance such as customer satisfaction or
                                              product quality.

                                                                                                      Key findings in Belgium  9 
Holding the organisation together.                  Moving talent. Across all industries,     Foreign multinationals remain
High-potential middle managers are                  more CEOs would rather local              desirable employers, but top talent in
the employees more CEOs fear losing                 leadership run local business units.      India and China, among other
the most (53% at global level                       Today, 29% of senior managers are         economies, has many more options
compared to 38% in Belgium). These                  transferred from their headquarters       with domestic multinationals today,
operational managers are often the                  country to newer markets; in an ideal     which can offer opportunities to run
closest to changing customer demands                world, only 18% of CEOs said they         growing, global businesses and can
and the ones charged with executing                 would continue to move their senior       increasingly match Western
the strategic direction. This is one                leaders from headquarters (12% in         compensation packages. While 53% of
reason why formal succession                        Belgium). This is becoming                CEOs expect to move experienced
planning in some companies is starting              increasingly hard to do in fast-growing   people from the home market to newer
to go deeper into the organisation.                 economies.                                markets to fill skills gaps (65% in
Efforts to identify talented managers                                                         Belgium), reverse transfers involving
earlier in their careers, and to                                                              moving top performers in emerging
specifically devote development                                                               markets into developed markets for a
resources to them, are being made in                                                          short period of time to gain
more organisations.                                                                           ‘credentials’ can also be effective
                                                                                              retention and development measures.

                                                    Investing in workforce development
                                                    Skills constraints are going away and governments are responding. India
                                                    and China have invested heavily to upgrade skills and widen access to
                                                    education, and are cultivating their substantial diaspora of students and
                                                    entrepreneurs to encourage their return. Singapore and Malaysia are taking
                                                    comprehensive, long-term approaches to attract highly-skilled foreigners
                                                    to enhance their economies. In short, policy-makers are seeing the effects
                                                    of talent mobility on economic competitiveness and acting to attract and
                                                    retain talent. This is likely to encourage more global talent mobility, which
                                                    will impact business talent management strategies.

                                                    Leading companies take the long view and are partnering with their
                                                    governments to invest in workforce development. Most CEOs believe
                                                    business has a role upgrading skills outside of their own companies and
                                                    78% say they are making direct investments in workforce development.
                                                    The Belgian CEOs surveyed are even more proactive, with 85% investing
                                                    directly in workforce development. This is part of a wider trend of
                                                    businesses reaching back further into the talent pool and seeking to ‘grow
                                                    their own’ with employer-led universities.3

    ‘Taking responsibility: Government and the Global CEO’, PwC Dec. 2011.

10  PwC 15th Annual Global CEO Survey 
What’s next
The following questions are distilled from CEOs’ many approaches to resolving the execution challenge, and their insights into the
constraints in 2012, and can help business leaders achieve the balance they’ll need to grow their businesses in these volatile times.

1.	 How local is your global growth           2.	 How are you balancing                     3.	 Is your talent strategy fit
    strategy? CEOs are shifting                   global capabilities with local                for growth? Cost-focused
    away from an export mindset                   opportunities? CEOs are                       measurements around talent
    to respond more attentively to                developing new capabilities in their          strategy need to give way to
    local markets. Over 70% of CEOs               important markets, and tailoring              measurements around returns on
    are planning to grow domestic                 approaches to ensure that the best            investment, as leaders increasingly
    customer bases in their important             of their global expertise supports            implement new approaches to solve
    markets. Competition will be tough,           rather than imposes operational               their talent shortage problems.
    particularly when operating in                structures on the local business.             Two-thirds of CEOs are seeking
    markets that are dissimilar and               One in five plan to innovate locally          better analysis to make and inform
    far afield. The traditional way of            in their important markets; and               investment decisions around
    setting a grand global strategy and           over a third expect to expand                 people. Implementing strategic
    pushing it out to operations may              internal service delivery. They’ll            workforce planning will help
    need to give way to a more agile              need to find the right scale to               leaders look beyond the talent
    strategy that can be adapted at local         bring the benefits of their global            shortages today to align the talent
    level.                                        organisation to the local level and           needed to fulfil business plans.
                                                  maintain profitability.

                                                                                “ ur strategy is all about
                                                                                 going local, because it is a
                                                                                 market hundreds of times
                                                                                 bigger than cross-border.”
                                                                                   Lazaro Campos,
                                                                                   CEO Swift

                                                                                                            Key findings in Belgium  11 
4.	 Are your innovations creating            6.	 Are you responding to the               8.	 Does your governance model
    value for your customers – or                needs and constraints of the                account for the ways in which
    just novelty? When it comes to               communities in which you                    organisations’ and people’s
    innovating in and for local markets,         operate? CEOs recognise that                expectations are changing?
    delivering the value customers in            sustainable business growth                 The organisation of the future will
    those markets expect is paramount.           requires working closely with local         likely be accountable to a different
    Between a fifth and third of all             populations, governments and                mix of stakeholders from a different
    CEOs say they are creating products          business partners, and investing in         mix of markets. Governance models
    specifically for their important             local communities. This can mean            need to adapt, beginning with
    markets. It will be increasingly             creating job training programmes,           building a leadership pipeline that
    important to get segmentation                helping to manage resource                  reflects potential future demands.
    right – at the regional, country, city       constraints or contributing to              It’s a key area of focus globally,
    or even neighbourhood level – and            health solutions. Two-thirds plan           with 53% of CEOs concerned
    to design operating models around            to increase investments in the              about recruiting and retaining
    serving those segments. That means           next three years to help maintain           high-potential middle managers
    looking beyond product design to             the health of the workforce, for            and a desire to build more diverse
    include factors such as production,          example.                                    leadership teams. Only 38% of
    distribution and marketing.                                                              Belgian CEOs surveyed shared
                                             7.	 Where are the biggest                       this concern. They are more
5.	 Do your strategic plans account              opportunities for business                  preoccupied with recruiting
    for the macro impact of micro                and government to coordinate                and retaining skilled production
    risks? The range of CEO concerns             better? Compliance with a                   workers (59% vs. 33% globally).
    reflects how diverse sources of risks        growing body of regulations,
    are: 25% are ‘extremely concerned’           particularly when operating in
    instability in capital markets will          disparate markets, is a complex
    impact business, for example. The            task for most businesses, which
    number of potential risks and their          is why CEOs consistently report
    inter-relationships makes it very            over-regulation as a threat to their
    difficult to predict what will occur         growth. However, the successes of
    where and when, but companies                the private and public sectors are
    can better deal with uncertainty –           increasingly intertwined. Half of
    and take a more strategic approach           CEOs believe workforce skills and
    to risk – by focusing on the likely          infrastructure developments are
    consequences, no matter the cause.           top priorities for their governments.
                                                 The Belgian CEOs surveyed are
                                                 clearly more concerned about
                                                 fostering a skilled workforce
                                                 (74%), and much less worried
                                                 about improving infrastructure
                                                 (32% vs. 53% of CEOs globally).
                                                 Eight in ten CEOs say their
                                                 business has a role in workforce
                                                 development, other than their own
                                                 employees. Effective partnership
                                                 models – better communication,
                                                 improved coordination, and true
                                                 collaboration – are emerging
                                                 around the world.

12  PwC 15th Annual Global CEO Survey 

          Karel De Baere

          Pwc Belgium

          +32 2 710 8241

                                  Key findings in Belgium  13
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Ceo survey belgium 2012 final

  • 1. Delivering results Growth and value in a volatile world Country summary: Belgium A Belgian perspective on PwC’s 15th Annual Global CEO Survey
  • 2. Introduction The 15th Annual Global CEO Survey is based on a total of 1,258 interviews with CEOs in 60 countries, carried out between 22 September and 12 December 2011. 291 interviews were done in Western Europe, of which 34 in Belgium, compared to 17 in France, 38 in The Netherlands and 49 in Germany. None were carried out in Luxembourg. The Belgian CEO interviews were spread across a range of industries: asset management; banking and capital markets; insurance; entertainment and media; healthcare; industrial products; retail and consumer products. Additional insight into what is underpinning CEOs’ outlook, quotes from their interviews and more extensive extracts, as well as responses by sector and location can be found at ii  PwC 15th Annual Global CEO Survey 
  • 3. How is 2012 shaping up? The year 2012 is unfolding with wide But businesses are not on the Rather CEOs are manoeuvring to disparities in potential outcomes in defensive. Despite uncertainties, CEOs outpace: they are three times more many economies, and little prospect are taking deliberate steps to stretch in confident in their own capacity to for a coordinated turnaround: just markets they believe are most generate growth in their business than 15% of CEOs believe the global important for their future. As a result, they are in global economic growth. economy will improve this year. close to 40% are ‘very confident’ in Here Belgian CEOs surveyed are Belgian top executives are significantly prospects for revenue growth in their surprisingly upbeat: they are four more pessimistic: only 3% believe in companies in the next 12 months. times more confident in their own recovery, whereas 62% of Belgian Again, Belgian CEOs are less bullish: growth potential than that of the CEOs think the global economy is set only 12% share this view. Strategies no world at large. Correspondingly, to decline further. Only the Dutch are longer rely on riding economic Belgian business leaders predict more more pessimistic, with 68% expecting updrafts – or even riding out volatility. significant change to their strategies a worsening economic climate. than others: 26% compared to 13% globally, and only 4% in Germany and The Netherlands respectively. The main drivers of strategic reorientation in Belgium are competitive threats, the “CEOs are very concerned about economic impact of government debt, changes in uncertainty and the pace of recovery. The risk tolerance and the availability of optimism that had been building talent. cautiously since 2008 has begun to recede.” The optimism among Belgian business leaders in their ability to generate Karel De Baere, growth also reflects the tough choices Chairman, PwC Belgium made and hard work done since the crisis began in 2008. With stronger balance sheets, improved cost structures, and a greater awareness of global risks, CEOs have a renewed sense of preparedness when facing today’s challenges. Belgian CEOs are focusing on innovation in products and services for growth in 2012, compared to their Dutch and German neighbours who are focusing more on M&A and increased market share respectively. Key findings in Belgium  1 
  • 4. Difficult conditions in the near term However, this frugality shouldn’t Over the next three years, CEOs will have CEOs paring down ambitions in suggest a lack of appetite for the right be reconfiguring their business models response to disappointing recoveries in investments. Operational for a world where risks and Europe and the US. Over two thirds of improvement remains on the agenda, opportunities are increasingly the Belgian CEOs interviewed said the even after three years of crisis. 66% of interconnected, yet where sources of ongoing sovereign debt crisis in CEOs worldwide plan to implement a growth are often very much local and Europe has had a direct financial cost cutting initiative in 2012 – and in may be outside the familiar terrain. impact on their company. Many CEOs Belgium 85% plan to do so. Belgian The rise in investment and commerce are holding back their cash reserves as business leaders also plan more to and from emerging economies is a buffer against an economic outsourcing and divestment than their fundamentally altering approaches. contraction: fewer CEOs are planning neighbours in Germany and The a ‘major change’ to capital investment Netherlands in 2012. In terms of In response, CEOs are concluding that strategies this year than in 2011, while investing directly in growth, over a their businesses need to pivot across 38% are making no change at all. quarter of CEOs, both globally and at their priority markets, both developed Belgian level, anticipate a cross-border and emerging, to embrace acquisition this year. Belgian CEOs are opportunities in markets they may be focused on France and Germany as the less familiar with. They are facing countries they consider most several challenges in this regard. important for growth abroad, followed by China and Russia. Dutch CEOs are above all focused on Germany as their most important export market. Graphic 1: Do you believe the global economy will improve, stay the same, or decline over the next 12 months? Base: All respondents (1258; 49; 38; 34) 2  PwC 15th Annual Global CEO Survey 
  • 5. Making it happen In past economic downturns, the world CEOs believe the forces of global How CEOs are able to succeed in this has experienced rises in protectionism. integration will stay on track: 45% interconnected world, with a But this time there has been progress believe the world will become more potentially slower and more volatile on bilateral and regional levels in open to free international trade (with global economy, will hinge on how fostering cross-border commerce and 31% dissenting) and 56% are well they master the three execution investment. Alliances continued to convinced cross-border capital flows challenges mentioned below. evolve into late 2011 with the US- will not come under new constraints. Korea free trade pact and the proposed The Belgian CEOs surveyed are Trans-Pacific Partnership. Free-trade similarly optimistic about capital flows purists might argue that preferential (50%), but only 26% believe openness deals are a form of protectionism. But to free trade will increase. the reality is that trade and cross- border capital flows have rebounded since the downturn began. Belgian CEOs are much less concerned about protectionism, exchange rate volatility and corruption than CEOs globally, perhaps due to their focus on growth in neighbouring France and Germany. The tax advantage Market opportunity, natural resources, talent – all of these factors matter when companies decide where and how to locate operations. But tax may be the most significant: 44% of CEOs worldwide (and 47% of Belgian CEOs) say tax policies are a ‘significant factor’ in their decision-making on cross-border locations. CEOs are paying close attention to changing tax conditions as a result of high debts and deficits in developed economies. Governments continue to reform their tax systems to help businesses grow. Over the past seven years more than 60% of economies made paying taxes easier with 244 reforms, according to Paying Taxes 2012. Globally, the total tax rate has fallen by 8.5% since 2006; the time required to comply with taxes declined by more than one day per year; and the number of tax payments required dropped by five.1 Belgian business leaders are much more concerned about the increasing tax burden than their colleagues in Germany and The Netherlands. 53% see increased taxes as a potential threat to the business, compared to 33% and 18% in Germany and The Netherlands respectively. 1 Key findings in Belgium  3 
  • 6. Build or buy? Acquisitions always have a role to play in growth plans. Responses indicate the potential of a modest pull-back on international deal-making over the next 12 months: 28% of CEOs globally plan to complete a cross-border deal in 2012 (29% for Belgian CEOs), a decline from the 34% 1. Worldly wise, locally savvy last year. The pool of potential buyers Segmentation is at the centre. CEOs is becoming more diverse, however. place high importance on adapting to Developed and emerging economies Firms from China, India and elsewhere local customer preferences. Four alike are considered destinations that have emerged as major international billion people live in countries where CEOs believe are critical for their investors in recent years. Acquisitions the per capita income is US$ 1,000- organisations. Over 60 different are always risky. Yet, our research 4,000 per year, for example, an economies were named by CEOs as key suggests that acquisitions in emerging ‘emerging middle class’ that is overseas markets, some adjacent to markets – exactly the type of prompting business leaders to their home market and others on the acquisition that appears to be more fundamentally rethink business other side of the world. A sensible popular today – are particularly risky, strategies. It’s not only products that strategy for globalisation today means with lower chances of success even for must be adapted or built anew, but also more than building cheaply in one proven deal-makers. Acquirers will production, distribution and location and selling in another. CEOs need to learn new post-merger marketing capabilities – entire are investing to build fully-fledged integration competences to make these business models. Success involves operations in their priority markets to deals work. understanding customer segmentation build relationships with their and the dynamics driving it. customers, innovate, take advantage of Less global export, more local local talent and brands, reduce risk, rapport. How businesses achieve the Innovating on multiple fronts. improve access to capital, and right mix to leverage global Improving the effectiveness of strengthen supply chains. Building capabilities while servicing distinct innovation continues to be a major manufacturing capacity, for example, local needs is a defining question for strategic priority. Three out of four is important for many CEOs in each of growing in dissimilar markets. The tilt CEOs – at both global and Belgian level their key markets and China faces is towards decentralising, and creating – plan to change R&D and innovation increasing competition as CEOs reach localised products. Substantial capacity in 2012. CEOs in insurance, further afield. CEOs are making deeper proportions of CEOs, between 20% asset management and retail are more commitments to priority markets, and 36%, say they are designing new likely than those in other industries to guided by domestic customer demands. products specifically for local markets. emphasise innovation in new business models – often taking advantage of new technologies. Those in industries with a historical dependence on “ he good news is that the long cycle of the T innovation are among the most likely slowdown has given CEOs greater to change approaches. Pharma and life sciences, for example, has been in the experience of managing their businesses forefront in shifting some research with ever greater efficiencies. 59% of resources to faster-growing economies. Belgian CEOs are confident they can While primary RD is still largely conducted in home markets, deliver revenue growth despite the businesses are shifting capabilities to difficult conditions.” their priority markets, partly to seek footholds in fast-growing economies, Karel De Baere, but also because of improved scientific Chairman, PwC Belgium capabilities. 4  PwC 15th Annual Global CEO Survey 
  • 7. CEOs that were financially impacted by the sovereign debt crisis in Europe 56% Belgian CEOs 79% 2. Expect the unexpected Global risks often have local sources sheets have improved, cash reserves and last year was no exception. 56% of have been built up, and supply chains CEOs were financially impacted by the have added redundancies. These types sovereign debt crisis in Europe (79% of of solution – financial buffers, supply Belgian CEOs), another 29% by the chain redundancies – point towards earthquake and tsunami in Japan, and one way to approach risk: less 21% by the political upheaval in the emphasis on the probability of events, Middle East. Yet, CEOs report that they and more on how business can be are less likely to focus on risk disrupted. When the focus is preparing management than on areas ranging for consequences, discussions are more from technology investments to likely to occur across functions reorganisation. Significant defensive involved in strategy, operations, risk steps have already been taken: balance management and business continuity. Finding growth away from home With CEOs looking for growth outside of their home markets, risk practices will have to adapt. Companies cannot control or predict the economic, social and political risk factors influencing their operations in priority markets, but prudent risk managers are getting a better understanding of how these forces can help or hinder their plans. Ongoing risk monitoring and incorporation of new information into business models can allow savvy businesses to pivot away from known risks, plan for unknown risks, and capitalise on opportunities. Risk resilience involves constantly returning to the question, ‘What should my business model be, given the way the political, economic and social conditions are changing in this country?’ 56% of Belgian CEOs intend to change their approach to managing risk in the next 12 months, and 56% state that a change in risk tolerance is driving a change in their strategy (compared to only 34% at global level). Key findings in Belgium  5 
  • 8. Graphic 2: How concerned are you about the following potential business threats to your growth prospects? Base: All respondents (1258; 49; 38; 34) - Respondents who stated ‘extremely’ or ‘somewhat concerned’ 6  PwC 15th Annual Global CEO Survey 
  • 9. Regional concerns reveal regional • Western Europe: Outlook for • Latin America: Underdeveloped risks. The risk of global economic taxes, sovereign debt crisis, infrastructure volatility is a common threat for all financial market stability CEOs. Yet, comparing how CEOs • Middle East and Africa: Skills perceive other threats to their business • North America: Constrained state shortages and corruption offers some insight into the risks that spending, skills mismatches are top-of-mind in different regions. • Asia Pacific: Currency volatility, energy costs Graphic 3: How concerned are you about the following potential economic and policy threats to your business growth prospects? Base: All respondents (1258; 49; 38; 34) - Respondents who stated ‘extremely’ or ‘somewhat concerned’ Key findings in Belgium  7 
  • 10. 3. The talent challenge The reality is far different. Shortages Hiring talent. Worldwide, 43% of are evident everywhere. More CEOs CEOs across industries say it’s become Theoretically, finding good candidates are changing talent management more difficult to hire. In Belgium 62% should be a near-frictionless exercise strategies than are adjusting of CEOs surveyed say the situation has today. There have never been as many approaches to risk: 23% expect ‘major worsened, 38% say growth at home educated people in the world, nor has change’ to the way they manage their was impacted by talent constraints, it ever been as easy for employers to talent. Skills shortages are seen as a and 59% said talent expenses rose tap this vast pool online. Highly- top threat to growth. And talent more than expected. The challenges skilled talent is also highly mobile but shortages are impacting profitability are acute in both knowledge industries just in case, networking advances now. One in four CEOs said they were such as pharmaceuticals and life mean many more tasks can be handled unable to pursue a market opportunity sciences, and technology, and heavy remotely or outsourced. or have had to cancel or delay a industries such as industrial strategic initiative because of talent. manufacturing and automotive One in three is concerned that skills sectors. In Belgium increased difficulty shortages will constrain their in hiring is attributed to a deficit of company’s innovation. skilled candidates, in particular for production workers (according to 59% of Belgian CEOs surveyed). Even industries that have retrenched workers in large numbers like banking are still struggling to get the right people. Developed market banks are in “ EOs say they are having difficulty C competition with one another but also finding and retaining skilled people in with increasingly ambitious and their industries. Belgian CEOs think that well-capitalised local competitors in faster-growing economies.2 Twice as creating and fostering a skilled workforce many banking CEOs plan to expand should be a top priority for government.” workforces than to cut them in 2012. Strikingly, 32% of Belgian CEOs Karel De Baere, surveyed said they will move their Chairman, PwC Belgium operations within 3 years because of talent availability. 2 PwC, “Securing the talent to succeed: Making the most of international mobility in financial services,” Nov. 2011 8  PwC 15th Annual Global CEO Survey 
  • 11. Making talent strategic. CEOs are Developing talent. Frequent job- The Belgian CEOs surveyed are better determined to take a more strategic hopping is endemic to many markets, informed but hungry for more: only approach to how they manage their at all levels. This is a trend many CEOs 12% say the information they receive workforce today and plan for future would like to counter. Two-thirds say on the cost of employee turnover to needs. A longer-term, strategic view is it’s more likely that senior talent will their organisations is not adequate but needed if they want to close the gap come from promotions within their 56% want more information on top of and map how talent needs will change. companies over the next three years. what they currently receive. To better As part of this effort, CEOs are closely While outsiders bring benefits, the develop talent, however, companies integrating HR with business planning loss in productivity and time when a will need to understand what works in at the highest levels of the company: valuable employee leaves, as well as one market might not work in another. 79% of CEOs say the chief human the expense related to retraining, are Mentoring programmes, for example, resources officer is a direct report. better appreciated: 21% say the work in some countries but fail in information they receive on the cost others, because of how coaching is They are also seeking a better of employee turnover to their received in different cultures. understanding of the scale and organisations is not adequate and effectiveness of their investments in 47% receive some information but talent. For many CEOs, the want more. information they receive tells them how the business is performing today, but not how investments in employees will generate future growth. Such measurements can’t More comprehensive reporting on employee engagement isolate skills gaps and struggle to identify the pivotal jobs that drive Employee engagement analysis can give business leaders a clear link exponential value; they do not between engagement and improved performance measures like retention measure employee engagement or and discretionary effort. Forward-looking businesses are coupling a clear team performance. These are much view of the pivotal roles within their business – the roles that create (or harder to measure, which is one destroy) disproportionate business value – and applying data mining reason they’ve been neglected. and predictive modelling to gain insight into retention, recruiting or productivity analysis. For example: • a retention score for each employee, which measures the probability that an employee will leave in the next year; • use of engagement studies to identify barriers to high performance within specific groups of employees, as well as the tangible improvements that can drive both engagement and business performance; or • a focus on the direct market-facing impact employee engagement has on measures of business performance such as customer satisfaction or product quality. Key findings in Belgium  9 
  • 12. Holding the organisation together. Moving talent. Across all industries, Foreign multinationals remain High-potential middle managers are more CEOs would rather local desirable employers, but top talent in the employees more CEOs fear losing leadership run local business units. India and China, among other the most (53% at global level Today, 29% of senior managers are economies, has many more options compared to 38% in Belgium). These transferred from their headquarters with domestic multinationals today, operational managers are often the country to newer markets; in an ideal which can offer opportunities to run closest to changing customer demands world, only 18% of CEOs said they growing, global businesses and can and the ones charged with executing would continue to move their senior increasingly match Western the strategic direction. This is one leaders from headquarters (12% in compensation packages. While 53% of reason why formal succession Belgium). This is becoming CEOs expect to move experienced planning in some companies is starting increasingly hard to do in fast-growing people from the home market to newer to go deeper into the organisation. economies. markets to fill skills gaps (65% in Efforts to identify talented managers Belgium), reverse transfers involving earlier in their careers, and to moving top performers in emerging specifically devote development markets into developed markets for a resources to them, are being made in short period of time to gain more organisations. ‘credentials’ can also be effective retention and development measures. Investing in workforce development Skills constraints are going away and governments are responding. India and China have invested heavily to upgrade skills and widen access to education, and are cultivating their substantial diaspora of students and entrepreneurs to encourage their return. Singapore and Malaysia are taking comprehensive, long-term approaches to attract highly-skilled foreigners to enhance their economies. In short, policy-makers are seeing the effects of talent mobility on economic competitiveness and acting to attract and retain talent. This is likely to encourage more global talent mobility, which will impact business talent management strategies. Leading companies take the long view and are partnering with their governments to invest in workforce development. Most CEOs believe business has a role upgrading skills outside of their own companies and 78% say they are making direct investments in workforce development. The Belgian CEOs surveyed are even more proactive, with 85% investing directly in workforce development. This is part of a wider trend of businesses reaching back further into the talent pool and seeking to ‘grow their own’ with employer-led universities.3 3 ‘Taking responsibility: Government and the Global CEO’, PwC Dec. 2011. 10  PwC 15th Annual Global CEO Survey 
  • 13. What’s next The following questions are distilled from CEOs’ many approaches to resolving the execution challenge, and their insights into the constraints in 2012, and can help business leaders achieve the balance they’ll need to grow their businesses in these volatile times. 1. How local is your global growth 2. How are you balancing 3. Is your talent strategy fit strategy? CEOs are shifting global capabilities with local for growth? Cost-focused away from an export mindset opportunities? CEOs are measurements around talent to respond more attentively to developing new capabilities in their strategy need to give way to local markets. Over 70% of CEOs important markets, and tailoring measurements around returns on are planning to grow domestic approaches to ensure that the best investment, as leaders increasingly customer bases in their important of their global expertise supports implement new approaches to solve markets. Competition will be tough, rather than imposes operational their talent shortage problems. particularly when operating in structures on the local business. Two-thirds of CEOs are seeking markets that are dissimilar and One in five plan to innovate locally better analysis to make and inform far afield. The traditional way of in their important markets; and investment decisions around setting a grand global strategy and over a third expect to expand people. Implementing strategic pushing it out to operations may internal service delivery. They’ll workforce planning will help need to give way to a more agile need to find the right scale to leaders look beyond the talent strategy that can be adapted at local bring the benefits of their global shortages today to align the talent level. organisation to the local level and needed to fulfil business plans. maintain profitability. “ ur strategy is all about O going local, because it is a market hundreds of times bigger than cross-border.” Lazaro Campos, CEO Swift Key findings in Belgium  11 
  • 14. 4. Are your innovations creating 6. Are you responding to the 8. Does your governance model value for your customers – or needs and constraints of the account for the ways in which just novelty? When it comes to communities in which you organisations’ and people’s innovating in and for local markets, operate? CEOs recognise that expectations are changing? delivering the value customers in sustainable business growth The organisation of the future will those markets expect is paramount. requires working closely with local likely be accountable to a different Between a fifth and third of all populations, governments and mix of stakeholders from a different CEOs say they are creating products business partners, and investing in mix of markets. Governance models specifically for their important local communities. This can mean need to adapt, beginning with markets. It will be increasingly creating job training programmes, building a leadership pipeline that important to get segmentation helping to manage resource reflects potential future demands. right – at the regional, country, city constraints or contributing to It’s a key area of focus globally, or even neighbourhood level – and health solutions. Two-thirds plan with 53% of CEOs concerned to design operating models around to increase investments in the about recruiting and retaining serving those segments. That means next three years to help maintain high-potential middle managers looking beyond product design to the health of the workforce, for and a desire to build more diverse include factors such as production, example. leadership teams. Only 38% of distribution and marketing. Belgian CEOs surveyed shared 7. Where are the biggest this concern. They are more 5. Do your strategic plans account opportunities for business preoccupied with recruiting for the macro impact of micro and government to coordinate and retaining skilled production risks? The range of CEO concerns better? Compliance with a workers (59% vs. 33% globally). reflects how diverse sources of risks growing body of regulations, are: 25% are ‘extremely concerned’ particularly when operating in instability in capital markets will disparate markets, is a complex impact business, for example. The task for most businesses, which number of potential risks and their is why CEOs consistently report inter-relationships makes it very over-regulation as a threat to their difficult to predict what will occur growth. However, the successes of where and when, but companies the private and public sectors are can better deal with uncertainty – increasingly intertwined. Half of and take a more strategic approach CEOs believe workforce skills and to risk – by focusing on the likely infrastructure developments are consequences, no matter the cause. top priorities for their governments. The Belgian CEOs surveyed are clearly more concerned about fostering a skilled workforce (74%), and much less worried about improving infrastructure (32% vs. 53% of CEOs globally). Eight in ten CEOs say their business has a role in workforce development, other than their own employees. Effective partnership models – better communication, improved coordination, and true collaboration – are emerging around the world. 12  PwC 15th Annual Global CEO Survey 
  • 15. Contact Karel De Baere Chairman Pwc Belgium +32 2 710 8241 Key findings in Belgium  13 
  • 16. PwC firms help organisations and individuals create the value they’re looking for. We’re a network of firms in 158 countries with close to 169,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, tax and advisory services. Tell us what matters to you and find out more by visiting us at This publication has been prepared for general guidance on matters of interest only, and does not constitute professional advice. You should not act upon the information contained in this publication without obtaining specific professional advice. No representation or warranty (express or implied) is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this publication, and, to the extent permitted by law, PricewaterhouseCoopers does not accept or assume any liability, responsibility or duty of care for any consequences of you or anyone else acting, or refraining to act, in reliance on the information contained in this publication or for any decision based on it. © 2012 PwC. All rights reserved. Not for further distribution without the permission of PwC. “PwC” refers to the network of member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL), or, as the context requires, individual member firms of the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity and does not act as agent of PwCIL or any other member firm. PwCIL does not provide any services to clients. PwCIL is not responsible or liable for the acts or omissions of any of its member firms nor can it control the exercise of their professional judgment or bind them in any way. No member firm is responsible or liable for the acts or omissions of any other member firm nor can it control the exercise of another member firm’s professional judgment or bind another member firm or PwCIL in any way.