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NO ONE should be without THIS...
Learn How "Over-50's" Are Using This "Energy Mineral" To Improve
Immunity, Rejuvenate Heart Health, And Reclaim The Best Years of
Their Life!
“Daddy is going to die!”
My sister sobbed.
“I’m so scared!” she cried.
“What happened?”
“Dad was working on the roof of the house… he was coming down the 10-ft ladder, the neighbor saw him clutch his
chest and fall to the ground, headfirst.”
How This Uncommon Mineral Kept My Father
From Dying In My Arms
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Another neighbor called 9-1-1 and fortunately the paramedics arrived in just
Those quick-acting first responders saved my Dad’s life.
They said my strong, hard-working dad suffered a myocardial infarction – a
heart attack – and the fall caused a traumatic head injury.
Dad stayed in critical condition in the hospital for nearly three weeks.
Doctors said his overworked heart was extremely weak.
He couldn’t move... barely spoke a word... and had little appetite.
Dad didn’t even know my name...
The thought of my father spending his Golden Years frail and feeble…
… unable to recognize his family... weak and unable to move…
... just tore me apart.
Doctors said he was “blessed to be alive”. But was he really living?
They said his heart may eventually perform at 60% capacity. One doctor even
smugly said “if that.”
Those words hit me like a ton of bricks!
Shocked and distrustful, I knew that my Dad would be counting on me to prove
the doctors wrong! But little did I know that…
This near-fatal accident would lead me to
discover this ‘Energy Mineral’ that has
never seen the light of day...
What I'm about to share with you is the exact formula I found that gave my
father a new lease on life. And let me tell you…
… this discovery is in a category of its own!
All I ask is that you give me a few minutes so I can tell you about this nearly-
miraculous remedy.
Over $50 million dollars in clinical research backs up this powerful
In fact, numerous studies and clinical trials show this new breakthrough can
Give you 24/7 energy, slow the aging process, and rejuvenate EVERY cell in
your body!
Including cells that make up your brain... heart... liver... eyes... and even sex
Rejuvenate struggling heart cells!
To pump blood into tired heart cells to rev up energy and activity!
Cross the brain-blood barrier to feed brain cells!
That means no more "brain fog," or awkward "senior moments" for you!
Rotate shoulders and knees without pain after a busy day!
Also boosts muscle strength and rejuvenates skeletal muscles – so you can MOVE
Reduce the look of wrinkles and tighten saggy skin!
Restore your youthful glow and combat the effects of aging!
Protect your cells from viruses and toxins!
Strengthen and seal cell membranes - and keep out nasty bugs.
Increase energy levels!
Boost your body’s natural production of youthful hormones – so you can feel like you’re
30 again!
Strong as steel bones!
Infuses bones with key minerals and essential elements to keep them strong as steel!
You feel healthier and stronger - in just one month!
Yes – in just 30 days – you can boost energy levels… tighten your skin... experience
fewer aches and pains!
In a surreal way – I’m almost grateful my
family and I went through this terrifying
ordeal with my Dad…
… I Might Have Never Found the Secret to
Long-Lasting Cellular Energy...
But before I go any further, let me
introduce myself…
And so much more!
I know that sounds crazy…
... but my Dad’s ordeal gave me the drive and determination to find this SECRET
health wonder that helped him come back from the brink…
... but it’s also giving thousands of people – just like you – a chance for a NEW
LEASE on life too!
I guess that’s what they call making lemonade out of lemons, huh?
But the reality was…
... my dad couldn't turn over in bed without help…
I realized the only way to help him keep his zest for life…
…Was to figure out a way to give his cells the extra boost they need.
Now please, hear me out…
… all I ask is that you forget what you think you know about aging – and let me
show you what NEW research proves…
It’s going to blow you away…
Imagine being surprised to discover that…
Your energy levels are supercharged!
Your joints are supported – to promote ease of movement!
Your skin is glowing – and smile lines have faded!
Your memory is sharp and clear – and your recall quicker than it’s been in
And it doesn’t matter if you’ve had a lifetime of bad habits like smoking or
eating an unhealthy diet…
... because the lies you’re told about aging are pure nonsense! And you no
longer have to believe the aging lies… Lies… LIES!
What If I Told You “Age” Ain’t the
If you believe that getting weak and frail is your destiny – then you’ll fall for the
hype and UNTRUTHS that WILL make you weak and frail!
I’m talking about bold-faced LIES like...
You have to SETTLE for feeling like you've been hit by a train! I’ll show you
how to have all-day energy without drinking gallons of coffee, energy drinks, or
insane workouts!
You CAN’T turn back the biological clock! That’s pure horse pucky! I’m
going to show you how you can physically rejuvenate every organ inside your
body – including your heart, your brain, your liver and more!
You’re going to get fat and STAY fat! Now – this one REALLY makes my
blood boil! Why? Because if you’re over 40 – you can activate your fat burning
switch and shed the weight!
You’re DOOMED to suffer! Because you’ve supposedly inherited BAD
GENES! You’ll be plagued with brain fog, poor sleep, aches and pains, high
blood sugar, heart problems, low sex drive and poor vision! This is the biggest
DOOZY of them all…
Now, I’m going to drop another TRUTH bomb on you:
Most of the health challenges you’re facing RIGHT NOW are caused by ONE
If Your Cells Aren’t Healthy
You’re a Sitting Duck!
But it Doesn’t Have to Happen…
… Not to YOU!
I’ll Show You How to Turn Your Cells
Into Energy Powerhouses
and Turn Back the Clock!
These breaks and tears can let invaders in... like free radicals, bacteria, viruses,
and toxins to attack your DNA!
... Now - it doesn’t matter if you celebrate another birthday…
... Or experience a trauma…
... This cellular breakdown happens no matter what.
But if you experience a trauma like my dad did -- the breakdown worsens…
… it’s like pouring gasoline on a fire.
As I watched my dad growing weaker in the hospital…
... and not being able to care for himself…
... I knew I had to dedicate my time exclusively to helping him.
I was thrilled to discover that this “Energy Mineral” could be the key to TRULY
HELPING my dad!
Yes – it could actually revitalize his mind and body.
It’s a gamechanger!
The “Energy Mineral” goes to work to rebuild cells and give cells the
constant supply of energy they need to stay alive.
... like spackle patching up a nail hole in a wall…
Once the remarkable “Energy Mineral” comes in contact with the cell…
... in addition to fixing dysfunctional cells…
The “Energy Mineral” give cells the
constant supply of energy they need to stay
healthy and become revitalized!
Now you have a protective barrier around every cell to keep out unwanted
And a natural chemical bond to allow the cell to optimally create sustained
This “Energy Mineral” breakthrough is the creation of one of the most
important, yet little-known, men in anti-aging science.
Celebrities, Royal Families, and Former
But best of all, Dr. Nieper treated thousands of folks – just like you and me!
Dr. Nieper knew the secret to healthy aging…
… is that aging and ALL disease starts at the cellular level!
And to treat it – you’ve got to attack the problem at the cellular level too!
Dr. Nieper came to a game-changing scientific conclusion that:
Cells must either reverse back to a normal state or be destroyed!
... but there was an even bigger breakthrough.
Turns out…
... another phenomenon occurred in Dr. Nieper’s study of the “Energy Mineral”…
Dr. Nieper’s incredible study results
showed that his patients barely aged. What
a miracle!
In the Australasian Journal of Health and Healing Dr. Hans Nieper studied over
2,280 patients back in the late 1960s and early ’70s, looking for a way to reverse
nerve damage...
When study participants were given the “Energy Mineral”...
Their recovery was jaw dropping!
Throughout the 24 year study Dr. Nieper and his team found several ways the
“Energy Mineral” could transform total body wellness...
Here’s where I got excited...
✔ Improved circulation, healthier red blood cells, blood flowed freely and
easily, and varicose veins practically vanished…
✔ They became more youthful from the inside out...aches and pains were
✔ In addition, bone density increased ,they began to breathe easier, and
brain fog disappeared!
✔ But most of all their energy levels skyrocketed... improving their quality of
life and long-term wellbeing...
The name of this “Energy Mineral” is a mouthful. It’s called Calcium 2-
aminoethylphosphate but you can call it Ca 2-AEP for short.
aminoethylphosphate but you can call it Ca 2-AEP for short.
But I have to warn you Ca 2-AEP is nothing like the calcium you’d find in milk or
yogurt. Ca 2-AEP a.k.a the “Energy Mineral” is a vital component in the
structure of EVERY cell in the human body.
Dr. Nieper proved Ca 2-AEP could fuse with cell membranes to protect cell
structure and maintain the biological order that cells need for optimal energy…
… to keep cells active and healthy.
But what really got me shaking with excitement was…
... the “Energy Mineral” could be combined with other minerals and nutrients…
… to shuttle those nutrients directly to your cells – right where you need them
most to boost cellular function and turn back the clock on aging...
The “Energy Mineral” instantly delivers
nutrients to your cells!
Just like FedEx delivers a package to your door.
So, instead of your minerals and nutrients “passing through” you…
...The “Energy Mineral” transports all the good stuff right where you need it
That means your heart... brain... lung... and nerve cells get bathed in revitalizing
nutrients that invigorate them!
That’s how the “Energy Mineral” can actually slow aging at the cellular level
and promote a healthier rejuvenated body and mind!
2 3 4 5 6 7
I never planned to share this formula with anyone.
But I had discovered something I was extremely proud of…
... and that could work for YOU!
This formula brought Dad back to an
active and healthy life – and helped me
reclaim my youth…
The “Energy Mineral” Can Give You
Back the Boundless Energy You Had in
Your 20's and 30's!
That’s why once I saw how effective this cellular energy formula is, I knew I
had to get it into as many hands as possible.
While Aging May Be Inevitable, HOW You Age Is Totally Up To You.
And I’m thrilled to introduce you to this
revolutionary formula called CellXRenewal™!
CellXRenewal™ is the only All-in-One “Cellular Energy” formula of its kind
There’s never been anything like this proprietary formula created before!
CellXRenewal is the latest breakthrough in the science of longevity that can
maybe disappear altogether…
Your friends, family, and colleagues will start to notice the change…
... and they’ll want to know your secret!
They won’t be able to hold back from saying, “You look amazing!”
CellXRenewal will change your entire idea of what it means to “age gracefully.”
(No gym membership required.)
Remember those synergistic special nutrients I mentioned?
Well, I have a surprise for you…
These SIX Super Cell Nutrients Magnify
the Strength of the Energy Mineral and
Make CellXRenewal Even More
To help you live LONGER, STRONGER, and HEALTHIER!
I’m so excited to tell you about them…
Super Cell Nutrient #2
S-l-o-w Aging to a Crawl... Create More
Youthful Skin Cells... and Reduce
Wrinkles By 38% – Thanks to Mother
Nature's “Beauty Mineral”!
If you want clear radiant skin, soft silky hair, and strong, vibrant nails - every cell
in your body needs this mineral.
Years ago, I discovered the savior for ALL skin types – it’s called
Methylsulfonylmethane – or MSM for short.
Back in my 30’s I discovered that a spoonful of MSM crystals dissolved in water
every day twice a day soothed my breakouts...
In about a month…
... my skin became smoother...
... my breakouts stopped…
And over time my scars began to fade away!
Super abundant in every plant, animal, and human – MSM is one of the MOST
essential minerals crucial to cellular regeneration.
MSM ‘fills’ in the gaps making your skin look - smoother, more hydrated and
A study in the International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research showed
MSM created a significant improvement in skin firmness, elasticity, and
hydration over a placebo .
It reduced the signs of facial aging by 38%!
And that barely scratches the surface of what this super mineral can do.
Which made my decision to include MSM in CellXRenewal a no-brainer!
It’s one of the BEST ways to age in reverse!
Smooth skin is great!
But it’s not enough….
... you also need loads of energy!
That’s what you get with the remarkable “sugar” you’re about to discover...
And that was a LIFESAVER for my Dad!
If you’re over 55 I urge you to listen to what I’m about to tell you very carefully.
The standard treatments for survivors of heart failure, heart attack or stroke
maintain your heart at about 60% of its previous capacity — at best.
A “special sugar” called D-Ribose is the “spark plug” of every cell — especially
those your heart needs to create energy.
Super Cell Nutrient #3
The Unusual Sugar That Powers Up Your
Heart 24/7
You may have heard of resveratrol or green tea as antioxidants that can manage
inflammation – but have you ever heard of the edible brown seaweed known as
the Wonder Plant of the Sea?
Scientists in South Korea spent $39 million researching this dynamic deep-sea
nutrient called Ecklonia cava…
… that unlocks your body’s rejuvenating potential with unique and powerful
antioxidants to douse the fire of inflammation.
Ecklonia cava is fat and water soluble…
… which means it can penetrate deep into nerve cells… brain cells… liver cells… and
more - to trap and destroy harmful free radicals that cause inflammation.
Better than resveratrol and green tea which are only water soluble and can’t
penetrate deep into your cell membranes.
And Ecklonia cava is even clinically shown to beat the leading treatment for
sexual issues…
Because it can restore raw, sexual function WITHOUT unhealthy side effects.
What’s more…
Unique and powerful Ecklonia cava knocks out “free radicals” from your cells
that make you look and feel OLD!
Even with all these extraordinary ingredients…
Scientific studies show that nearly 1-in-4 of us are lacking in this immune
system-protecting nutrient by over 63%!
This nutrient CAN’T BE easily found in food!
Yet it can shield your immune system from the ravages of viruses, toxins,
environmental pollutants, and much more like no other.
So, I asked the lab to include a little something extra…
Do you ever wonder why some people always seem to be “coming down with
something” and others never take a sick day?
It has a lot to do with this - Sunshine!
Now I know you’ve probably heard it before but give me one minute…
… I’m not saying you need to (or should) sunbathe outside for hours.
But one nutrient you desperately need to slow down premature aging – that’s
found in sunshine – is Vitamin D. More specifically – it’s vitamin D3.
In fact, vitamin D3 has been shown to help maintain:
A healthy mood – Vitamin D3 (once converted by your liver and kidneys)
creates hormone-like activity that your brain receptors need to boost your
Bone health – Got vitamin D3? Contrary to popular opinion, vitamin D3 is
what your body needs for strong bones and muscles. Without it your body can’t
even absorb calcium! Studies suggest that Baby Boomers who take Vitamin D3
seem to fall less often - it is believed this is due to better muscle function.
Immune support – Since vitamin D3 is fat soluble… if you’re not at your ideal
weight (and who is?) Vitamin D3 can get trapped in fatty tissue and can’t be
used… robbing you of many of its immune protecting properties. By adding
Vitamin D3 to CellXRenewal you have the crucial extra vitamin D3 you need to
enjoy good health!
And much more …
I’ve Added A Bonus Super Cell Nutrient!
Bulletproof Your Immune System and
Increase Your Youthful Lifespan with the
Sunshine Vitamin
With CellXRenewal You Can Finally
SLOW Aging To A Crawl!
CellXRenewal changed the prognosis my dad received from his doctors and
transformed his health!
And as a wonderful bonus…
… CellXRenewal made it possible for me to look and feel better than I have in
You’ve seen the proven science behind all seven ingredients…
… and that this life-changing formula can help you live longer, stronger and
You’ll never see this in any other anti-aging support supplement!
CellXRenewal packs a TON of age-defying support into one little capsule
without a huge price tag:
Ca 2-AEP: The Energy Mineral… rejuvenate cells and DNA to their most
robust health!
MSM: Erases 10 years of wrinkles… to firm saggy skin and fade age
spots from your face for a return to a youthful YOU!
D-Ribose: Increases blood flow… to revitalize your heart, brain, blood
vessels, and lungs with the “spark plug” that creates energy in every cell
in your body!
Shilajit: Gets back your razor-sharp mind… to regain deeper focus,
quicker recall, support long-term memory, and ease anxiety levels!
Marine Phytoplankton: Sends in your cell’s natural “garbage
collectors” … to rid your body of cellular debris to support a healthy
inflammatory response and power up energy levels!
Ecklonia Cava: Knocks out free radicals… give you potent antioxidants
to support healthy inflammatory response and keep your body
functioning at peak capacity!
Vitamin D3: Powers up your immune system… to lower your risk of
illness and balance your mood!
"CellXRenewal gave me more energy, my skin is
better, and my nails are growing stronger every day.
It's a great product and I truly don't feel soon-to-be
72 years of age."
- Vivian H., Florida
"I feel great and I'm walking two miles four times a
week. Losing weight and feeling energized on
- Carol W., Delaware
"As a 71 year old I am well aware that my body needs
more nutrients than diet alone can provide.
CellXRenewal contains ingredients that are hard to
source elsewhere and at an affordable price. I feel
confident that this supplement is helping to keep
my body and brain active."
- Marianne I., Australia
Now let me ask you a question!
What will YOU see when you look in the mirror a month from now?
"Now, I'm Feeling Myself Again!”
Dr. Molly Leavitt
Dr. Molly Leavitt
“I've always taken good care of myself and as the years went by, I thought I
was aging pretty well.
People would tell me that I looked younger than I actually was and I
certainly didn't feel my age, even into my 50's.
But then, "something" changed and that "something" was that I started
looking older...and feeling older.
I found more lines in my face and neck, my hair was losing its thickness, and
my skin was thinning. About the same time, I had a bone scan and found
out that my bones were getting weaker as well.
What was worse, I would come home after work, sit down, and sometimes
fall asleep - like a really, really old person!
But I'm a fighter so I started researching. I've always taken vitamins so I
knew I needed something more than just regular run-of-the-mill
When I found CellXRenewal™ I was attracted right away to the quality of
the ingredients and the big, BIG bonus of zero mysterious chemical
Now, I'm feeling myself again!
I'm not falling asleep in a chair anymore!
I go through my day with a spring in my step, looking great, and happier…
Best of all I can handle stress better…
...And I’m not worried about aging too fast.”
Dr. Molly Leavitt, DC Chief Wellness Officer
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The common habit that actually causes brain drain! Plus, what to do
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How the Richard Simmons secret quickly boosts brain cells.
Researchers say it can make your brain bigger and keep your memories
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The simple life hacks can reduce pain by 56%. No risks or side effects.
Why your pain isn’t “All in your head!” How to become your own
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And much more...
Let me Sum Up What You’re Getting With the 6-Bottle Best Deal Today…
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(I’ve made sure that you won’t be charged again unless you place another
I urge you to be quick.
This batch will be snapped up in no time at all.
I can’t promise CellXRenewal™ will be offered at such a low price forever.
My customer care team will get your order of CellXRenewal™ in the mail as
soon as you order your bottles.
Once your order is processed within 24 hours. Your shipment takes about 4-7
business days to arrive in the U.S.
CellXRenewal™ is one of the most advanced supplements available today.
In fact, I’m so convinced you’ll feel younger, stronger, and revitalized after
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You’ve seen the clinical studies showing how CellXRenewal™ can protect
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Yet, the best results come from longer use… that’s when your results go from
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And that’s why folks just like you are buying multiple bottles at a time.
In short, if CellXRenewal™doesn’t exceed your expectations in boosting
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Send back any unused bottles of CellXRenewal™ within the next 1 year or
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There’s no risk here!
If for any reason, or no reason at all, you feel this is not for you, simply send
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Just remember, this offer is available on THIS page only…
... and for a limited time, due to our inventory issues.
Take a look at the ordering options and choose the right package for you.
6 bottles if you want by far the best deal and what I have no
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3 bottles of the life-changing experience and still a great deal!
Or order 1 bottle if you’re simply trying it out because your
super skeptical (still a really good deal)!
Take a moment and choose your option below.
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You can easily start to look and feel 10 years younger without
And become the envy of your friends for the cost of a cheap
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I urge you: Claim six of the bottles available today.
Thank you so much for your time today.
Alex Bradford
Co-Founder & CEO Life Titan Naturals
You Save $80
$ .00
Before this letter was sent out to thousands of folks like you, I showed it to my
family and friends. Some of them asked important questions I’ve answered
Frequently Asked Questions
CellXRenewal delivers 7 powerful cell rejuvenating ingredients directly to
each cell.
The nutrients in this proprietary formula travel to each cell to protect it.
This helps you have loads of energy, look younger and feel stronger from
the inside out.
Which makes the proprietary formula of CellXRenewal a one-of-a-kind
incredible natural healer for your body.
What makes CellXRenewal™ so different from other anti-aging
How long until I get results?

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  • 1. NO ONE should be without THIS... Learn How "Over-50's" Are Using This "Energy Mineral" To Improve Immunity, Rejuvenate Heart Health, And Reclaim The Best Years of Their Life! “Daddy is going to die!” My sister sobbed. “I’m so scared!” she cried. “What happened?” “Dad was working on the roof of the house… he was coming down the 10-ft ladder, the neighbor saw him clutch his chest and fall to the ground, headfirst.” How This Uncommon Mineral Kept My Father From Dying In My Arms 2022 © Digistore24 Inc., United States Inc. and/or its licensors. Review legal terms of use here and privacy policy here. Contact us here.   S E C U R E   O R D E R  
  • 2. Another neighbor called 9-1-1 and fortunately the paramedics arrived in just minutes. Those quick-acting first responders saved my Dad’s life. They said my strong, hard-working dad suffered a myocardial infarction – a heart attack – and the fall caused a traumatic head injury. Dad stayed in critical condition in the hospital for nearly three weeks. Doctors said his overworked heart was extremely weak. He couldn’t move... barely spoke a word... and had little appetite. Dad didn’t even know my name... The thought of my father spending his Golden Years frail and feeble… … unable to recognize his family... weak and unable to move… ... just tore me apart. Doctors said he was “blessed to be alive”. But was he really living?
  • 3. They said his heart may eventually perform at 60% capacity. One doctor even smugly said “if that.” Those words hit me like a ton of bricks! Shocked and distrustful, I knew that my Dad would be counting on me to prove the doctors wrong! But little did I know that… This near-fatal accident would lead me to discover this ‘Energy Mineral’ that has never seen the light of day... What I'm about to share with you is the exact formula I found that gave my father a new lease on life. And let me tell you… … this discovery is in a category of its own! All I ask is that you give me a few minutes so I can tell you about this nearly- miraculous remedy. Over $50 million dollars in clinical research backs up this powerful discovery... In fact, numerous studies and clinical trials show this new breakthrough can help... Give you 24/7 energy, slow the aging process, and rejuvenate EVERY cell in your body! Including cells that make up your brain... heart... liver... eyes... and even sex organs! Rejuvenate struggling heart cells! To pump blood into tired heart cells to rev up energy and activity! Cross the brain-blood barrier to feed brain cells! That means no more "brain fog," or awkward "senior moments" for you!
  • 4. Rotate shoulders and knees without pain after a busy day! Also boosts muscle strength and rejuvenates skeletal muscles – so you can MOVE again! Reduce the look of wrinkles and tighten saggy skin! Restore your youthful glow and combat the effects of aging! Protect your cells from viruses and toxins! Strengthen and seal cell membranes - and keep out nasty bugs. Increase energy levels! Boost your body’s natural production of youthful hormones – so you can feel like you’re 30 again! Strong as steel bones! Infuses bones with key minerals and essential elements to keep them strong as steel!
  • 5. You feel healthier and stronger - in just one month! Yes – in just 30 days – you can boost energy levels… tighten your skin... experience fewer aches and pains! In a surreal way – I’m almost grateful my family and I went through this terrifying ordeal with my Dad… … I Might Have Never Found the Secret to Long-Lasting Cellular Energy... But before I go any further, let me introduce myself… Hello! My name is Alex Bradford. For over 15 years, I’ve dedicated my life to researching little- known health cures that can make a tremendous impact on the lives of folks over 50. Just like you, I love my family and And so much more! I know that sounds crazy… ... but my Dad’s ordeal gave me the drive and determination to find this SECRET health wonder that helped him come back from the brink… ... but it’s also giving thousands of people – just like you – a chance for a NEW LEASE on life too! I guess that’s what they call making lemonade out of lemons, huh?
  • 6. But the reality was… ... my dad couldn't turn over in bed without help… I realized the only way to help him keep his zest for life… …Was to figure out a way to give his cells the extra boost they need. Now please, hear me out… … all I ask is that you forget what you think you know about aging – and let me show you what NEW research proves… It’s going to blow you away… Imagine being surprised to discover that… Your energy levels are supercharged! Your joints are supported – to promote ease of movement! Your skin is glowing – and smile lines have faded! Your memory is sharp and clear – and your recall quicker than it’s been in decades! And it doesn’t matter if you’ve had a lifetime of bad habits like smoking or eating an unhealthy diet… ... because the lies you’re told about aging are pure nonsense! And you no longer have to believe the aging lies… Lies… LIES! What If I Told You “Age” Ain’t the Problem? If you believe that getting weak and frail is your destiny – then you’ll fall for the hype and UNTRUTHS that WILL make you weak and frail! I’m talking about bold-faced LIES like... You have to SETTLE for feeling like you've been hit by a train! I’ll show you
  • 7. how to have all-day energy without drinking gallons of coffee, energy drinks, or insane workouts! You CAN’T turn back the biological clock! That’s pure horse pucky! I’m going to show you how you can physically rejuvenate every organ inside your body – including your heart, your brain, your liver and more! You’re going to get fat and STAY fat! Now – this one REALLY makes my blood boil! Why? Because if you’re over 40 – you can activate your fat burning switch and shed the weight! You’re DOOMED to suffer! Because you’ve supposedly inherited BAD GENES! You’ll be plagued with brain fog, poor sleep, aches and pains, high blood sugar, heart problems, low sex drive and poor vision! This is the biggest DOOZY of them all… Now, I’m going to drop another TRUTH bomb on you: Most of the health challenges you’re facing RIGHT NOW are caused by ONE thing... If Your Cells Aren’t Healthy You’re a Sitting Duck! But it Doesn’t Have to Happen… … Not to YOU! I’ll Show You How to Turn Your Cells Into Energy Powerhouses and Turn Back the Clock! Did you catch that? It doesn’t have to happen to YOU! If your cells aren’t healthy – there’s NO WAY you can experience optimum health and longevity. So how do
  • 8. These breaks and tears can let invaders in... like free radicals, bacteria, viruses, and toxins to attack your DNA! ... Now - it doesn’t matter if you celebrate another birthday… ... Or experience a trauma… ... This cellular breakdown happens no matter what. But if you experience a trauma like my dad did -- the breakdown worsens… … it’s like pouring gasoline on a fire. As I watched my dad growing weaker in the hospital… ... and not being able to care for himself… ... I knew I had to dedicate my time exclusively to helping him. I was thrilled to discover that this “Energy Mineral” could be the key to TRULY HELPING my dad! Yes – it could actually revitalize his mind and body. It’s a gamechanger! The “Energy Mineral” goes to work to rebuild cells and give cells the constant supply of energy they need to stay alive. ... like spackle patching up a nail hole in a wall… Once the remarkable “Energy Mineral” comes in contact with the cell… ... in addition to fixing dysfunctional cells… The “Energy Mineral” give cells the constant supply of energy they need to stay healthy and become revitalized! Now you have a protective barrier around every cell to keep out unwanted intruders... And a natural chemical bond to allow the cell to optimally create sustained energy. This “Energy Mineral” breakthrough is the creation of one of the most important, yet little-known, men in anti-aging science. Celebrities, Royal Families, and Former
  • 9. But best of all, Dr. Nieper treated thousands of folks – just like you and me! Dr. Nieper knew the secret to healthy aging… … is that aging and ALL disease starts at the cellular level! And to treat it – you’ve got to attack the problem at the cellular level too! Dr. Nieper came to a game-changing scientific conclusion that: Cells must either reverse back to a normal state or be destroyed! ... but there was an even bigger breakthrough. Turns out… ... another phenomenon occurred in Dr. Nieper’s study of the “Energy Mineral”… Dr. Nieper’s incredible study results showed that his patients barely aged. What a miracle! In the Australasian Journal of Health and Healing Dr. Hans Nieper studied over 2,280 patients back in the late 1960s and early ’70s, looking for a way to reverse nerve damage... When study participants were given the “Energy Mineral”... Their recovery was jaw dropping! Throughout the 24 year study Dr. Nieper and his team found several ways the “Energy Mineral” could transform total body wellness... Here’s where I got excited... ✔ Improved circulation, healthier red blood cells, blood flowed freely and easily, and varicose veins practically vanished… ✔ They became more youthful from the inside out...aches and pains were soothed… ✔ In addition, bone density increased ,they began to breathe easier, and brain fog disappeared! ✔ But most of all their energy levels skyrocketed... improving their quality of life and long-term wellbeing... The name of this “Energy Mineral” is a mouthful. It’s called Calcium 2- aminoethylphosphate but you can call it Ca 2-AEP for short.
  • 10. aminoethylphosphate but you can call it Ca 2-AEP for short. But I have to warn you Ca 2-AEP is nothing like the calcium you’d find in milk or yogurt. Ca 2-AEP a.k.a the “Energy Mineral” is a vital component in the structure of EVERY cell in the human body. Dr. Nieper proved Ca 2-AEP could fuse with cell membranes to protect cell structure and maintain the biological order that cells need for optimal energy… … to keep cells active and healthy. But what really got me shaking with excitement was… ... the “Energy Mineral” could be combined with other minerals and nutrients… … to shuttle those nutrients directly to your cells – right where you need them most to boost cellular function and turn back the clock on aging... The “Energy Mineral” instantly delivers nutrients to your cells! Just like FedEx delivers a package to your door. So, instead of your minerals and nutrients “passing through” you… ...The “Energy Mineral” transports all the good stuff right where you need it most! That means your heart... brain... lung... and nerve cells get bathed in revitalizing nutrients that invigorate them! That’s how the “Energy Mineral” can actually slow aging at the cellular level and promote a healthier rejuvenated body and mind! 2 3 4 5 6 7 UNHEALTHY CELL My
  • 11. I never planned to share this formula with anyone. But I had discovered something I was extremely proud of… ... and that could work for YOU! This formula brought Dad back to an active and healthy life – and helped me reclaim my youth… The “Energy Mineral” Can Give You Back the Boundless Energy You Had in Your 20's and 30's! That’s why once I saw how effective this cellular energy formula is, I knew I had to get it into as many hands as possible. Because… While Aging May Be Inevitable, HOW You Age Is Totally Up To You. And I’m thrilled to introduce you to this revolutionary formula called CellXRenewal™! CellXRenewal™ is the only All-in-One “Cellular Energy” formula of its kind There’s never been anything like this proprietary formula created before! CellXRenewal is the latest breakthrough in the science of longevity that can
  • 12. maybe disappear altogether… Your friends, family, and colleagues will start to notice the change… ... and they’ll want to know your secret! They won’t be able to hold back from saying, “You look amazing!” CellXRenewal will change your entire idea of what it means to “age gracefully.” (No gym membership required.) Remember those synergistic special nutrients I mentioned? Well, I have a surprise for you… These SIX Super Cell Nutrients Magnify the Strength of the Energy Mineral and Make CellXRenewal Even More Powerful… To help you live LONGER, STRONGER, and HEALTHIER! I’m so excited to tell you about them… Super Cell Nutrient #2 S-l-o-w Aging to a Crawl... Create More Youthful Skin Cells... and Reduce Wrinkles By 38% – Thanks to Mother Nature's “Beauty Mineral”! If you want clear radiant skin, soft silky hair, and strong, vibrant nails - every cell in your body needs this mineral. Years ago, I discovered the savior for ALL skin types – it’s called Methylsulfonylmethane – or MSM for short. Back in my 30’s I discovered that a spoonful of MSM crystals dissolved in water every day twice a day soothed my breakouts... In about a month… ... my skin became smoother... ... my breakouts stopped… And over time my scars began to fade away! Super abundant in every plant, animal, and human – MSM is one of the MOST
  • 13. essential minerals crucial to cellular regeneration. MSM ‘fills’ in the gaps making your skin look - smoother, more hydrated and radiant. A study in the International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research showed MSM created a significant improvement in skin firmness, elasticity, and hydration over a placebo . It reduced the signs of facial aging by 38%! And that barely scratches the surface of what this super mineral can do. Which made my decision to include MSM in CellXRenewal a no-brainer! It’s one of the BEST ways to age in reverse! Smooth skin is great! But it’s not enough…. ... you also need loads of energy! That’s what you get with the remarkable “sugar” you’re about to discover... 8 And that was a LIFESAVER for my Dad! If you’re over 55 I urge you to listen to what I’m about to tell you very carefully. The standard treatments for survivors of heart failure, heart attack or stroke maintain your heart at about 60% of its previous capacity — at best. A “special sugar” called D-Ribose is the “spark plug” of every cell — especially those your heart needs to create energy. Super Cell Nutrient #3 The Unusual Sugar That Powers Up Your Heart 24/7 9
  • 14. You may have heard of resveratrol or green tea as antioxidants that can manage inflammation – but have you ever heard of the edible brown seaweed known as the Wonder Plant of the Sea? Scientists in South Korea spent $39 million researching this dynamic deep-sea nutrient called Ecklonia cava… … that unlocks your body’s rejuvenating potential with unique and powerful antioxidants to douse the fire of inflammation. Ecklonia cava is fat and water soluble… … which means it can penetrate deep into nerve cells… brain cells… liver cells… and more - to trap and destroy harmful free radicals that cause inflammation. – It’s Super Cell Nutrient #6 12 Better than resveratrol and green tea which are only water soluble and can’t penetrate deep into your cell membranes. And Ecklonia cava is even clinically shown to beat the leading treatment for sexual issues… Because it can restore raw, sexual function WITHOUT unhealthy side effects. What’s more… Unique and powerful Ecklonia cava knocks out “free radicals” from your cells that make you look and feel OLD!
  • 15. Even with all these extraordinary ingredients… Scientific studies show that nearly 1-in-4 of us are lacking in this immune system-protecting nutrient by over 63%! This nutrient CAN’T BE easily found in food! Yet it can shield your immune system from the ravages of viruses, toxins, environmental pollutants, and much more like no other. So, I asked the lab to include a little something extra… Do you ever wonder why some people always seem to be “coming down with something” and others never take a sick day? It has a lot to do with this - Sunshine! Now I know you’ve probably heard it before but give me one minute… … I’m not saying you need to (or should) sunbathe outside for hours. But one nutrient you desperately need to slow down premature aging – that’s found in sunshine – is Vitamin D. More specifically – it’s vitamin D3. In fact, vitamin D3 has been shown to help maintain: A healthy mood – Vitamin D3 (once converted by your liver and kidneys) creates hormone-like activity that your brain receptors need to boost your mood! Bone health – Got vitamin D3? Contrary to popular opinion, vitamin D3 is what your body needs for strong bones and muscles. Without it your body can’t even absorb calcium! Studies suggest that Baby Boomers who take Vitamin D3 seem to fall less often - it is believed this is due to better muscle function. Immune support – Since vitamin D3 is fat soluble… if you’re not at your ideal weight (and who is?) Vitamin D3 can get trapped in fatty tissue and can’t be used… robbing you of many of its immune protecting properties. By adding Vitamin D3 to CellXRenewal you have the crucial extra vitamin D3 you need to enjoy good health! And much more … I’ve Added A Bonus Super Cell Nutrient! Bulletproof Your Immune System and Increase Your Youthful Lifespan with the Sunshine Vitamin  
  • 16. With CellXRenewal You Can Finally SLOW Aging To A Crawl! CellXRenewal changed the prognosis my dad received from his doctors and transformed his health! And as a wonderful bonus… … CellXRenewal made it possible for me to look and feel better than I have in decades! You’ve seen the proven science behind all seven ingredients… … and that this life-changing formula can help you live longer, stronger and healthier. You’ll never see this in any other anti-aging support supplement! CellXRenewal packs a TON of age-defying support into one little capsule without a huge price tag: Ca 2-AEP: The Energy Mineral… rejuvenate cells and DNA to their most robust health! 1 MSM: Erases 10 years of wrinkles… to firm saggy skin and fade age spots from your face for a return to a youthful YOU! 2 D-Ribose: Increases blood flow… to revitalize your heart, brain, blood vessels, and lungs with the “spark plug” that creates energy in every cell in your body! 3 Shilajit: Gets back your razor-sharp mind… to regain deeper focus, quicker recall, support long-term memory, and ease anxiety levels! 4 Marine Phytoplankton: Sends in your cell’s natural “garbage collectors” … to rid your body of cellular debris to support a healthy inflammatory response and power up energy levels! 5 Ecklonia Cava: Knocks out free radicals… give you potent antioxidants to support healthy inflammatory response and keep your body functioning at peak capacity! 6 Vitamin D3: Powers up your immune system… to lower your risk of illness and balance your mood! 7
  • 17. "CellXRenewal gave me more energy, my skin is better, and my nails are growing stronger every day. It's a great product and I truly don't feel soon-to-be 72 years of age." - Vivian H., Florida "I feel great and I'm walking two miles four times a week. Losing weight and feeling energized on CellXRenewal." - Carol W., Delaware "As a 71 year old I am well aware that my body needs more nutrients than diet alone can provide. CellXRenewal contains ingredients that are hard to source elsewhere and at an affordable price. I feel confident that this supplement is helping to keep my body and brain active." - Marianne I., Australia
  • 18. Now let me ask you a question! What will YOU see when you look in the mirror a month from now? "Now, I'm Feeling Myself Again!” Dr. Molly Leavitt Dr. Molly Leavitt “I've always taken good care of myself and as the years went by, I thought I was aging pretty well. People would tell me that I looked younger than I actually was and I certainly didn't feel my age, even into my 50's. But then, "something" changed and that "something" was that I started looking older...and feeling older. I found more lines in my face and neck, my hair was losing its thickness, and my skin was thinning. About the same time, I had a bone scan and found out that my bones were getting weaker as well. What was worse, I would come home after work, sit down, and sometimes fall asleep - like a really, really old person! But I'm a fighter so I started researching. I've always taken vitamins so I knew I needed something more than just regular run-of-the-mill multivitamin. When I found CellXRenewal™ I was attracted right away to the quality of the ingredients and the big, BIG bonus of zero mysterious chemical ingredients. Now, I'm feeling myself again! I'm not falling asleep in a chair anymore! I go through my day with a spring in my step, looking great, and happier… Best of all I can handle stress better… ...And I’m not worried about aging too fast.” Dr. Molly Leavitt, DC Chief Wellness Officer
  • 19. When You Take Advantage of the 6-Bottle Best Deal Today… BEST VALUE 6 MONTH SUPPLY   You Save $600 49 $ .00 /each FREE SHIPPING 365 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE MOST POPULAR 3 MONTH SUPPLY
  • 21. You’ll Also Get Two Exclusive Bonuses Valued at $39.90…Absolutely FREE! FREE GIFT #1 - $19.95 Value Special Report: Use It or Lose It How to Keep Your Brain Youthful to 100 and Beyond! The #1 reason why your brain is "hardening". How it prevents you from learning new skills and information, increases your risk of dementia and what you can do to reverse it! The common habit that actually causes brain drain! Plus, what to do instead to safeguard your thinking. How the Richard Simmons secret quickly boosts brain cells. Researchers say it can make your brain bigger and keep your memories crystal clear. Why you must have the Mother of ALL Antioxidants to safeguard your brain cells. But you can’t get it from just any old supplement - and your brain is starving for it! Let the games begin! Discover the fun ways you can "flex" your brain - gain mental clarity and lose the "brain fog!" Hint: Crossword puzzles don’t work! And much more...
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  • 24. CellXRenewal™ is one of the most advanced supplements available today. In fact, I’m so convinced you’ll feel younger, stronger, and revitalized after taking CellXRenewal™ for just a couple of weeks, I’m willing to back every bottle with our iron-clad guarantee. No hassles. No questions asked. No hoops to jump through. But that’s not all… … I guaranteed you’ll get FREE shipping when you try our 3- or 6-bottle option! That’s an additional $9.95 savings! You’ve seen the clinical studies showing how CellXRenewal™ can protect your health at the cellular level. Yet, the best results come from longer use… that’s when your results go from great to AMAZING. And that’s why folks just like you are buying multiple bottles at a time. In short, if CellXRenewal™doesn’t exceed your expectations in boosting overall health, lifting your mood, sharpening your memory and infusing you with more energy than you’ve had in years, then you don’t pay a cent. Send back any unused bottles of CellXRenewal™ within the next 1 year or 365 days and my friendly customer care team will issue you a full and prompt refund. There’s no risk here! If for any reason, or no reason at all, you feel this is not for you, simply send my customer care team an email or give them a call and we’ll be more than happy to give you a 100% money-back refund minus shipping and handling.
  • 25. Just remember, this offer is available on THIS page only… ... and for a limited time, due to our inventory issues. Take a look at the ordering options and choose the right package for you. 6 bottles if you want by far the best deal and what I have no doubt will be a life-changing experience! 3 bottles of the life-changing experience and still a great deal! Or order 1 bottle if you’re simply trying it out because your super skeptical (still a really good deal)! Take a moment and choose your option below. Our BEST VALUE and MOST POPULAR means you WON'T be enrolled in an automatic billing subscription. And you’re covered by our 100% risk-free money-back-guarantee. You’ll be taken to a secure checkout page to review your order. You can easily start to look and feel 10 years younger without surgery. And become the envy of your friends for the cost of a cheap dinner. So why not? I urge you: Claim six of the bottles available today. Thank you so much for your time today. Alex Bradford Co-Founder & CEO Life Titan Naturals BEST VALUE 6 MONTH SUPPLY
  • 26. 1 MONTH SUPPLY   You Save $80 69 $ .00 /each SHIPPING APPLIES 365 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Before this letter was sent out to thousands of folks like you, I showed it to my family and friends. Some of them asked important questions I’ve answered below: Frequently Asked Questions CellXRenewal delivers 7 powerful cell rejuvenating ingredients directly to each cell. The nutrients in this proprietary formula travel to each cell to protect it. This helps you have loads of energy, look younger and feel stronger from the inside out. Which makes the proprietary formula of CellXRenewal a one-of-a-kind incredible natural healer for your body. What makes CellXRenewal™ so different from other anti-aging formulas? How long until I get results?