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Identities in Motion;
                        Migration and Health In India

                                Chandrima B. Chatterjee,           Ph.D

             The Centre for Enquiry into Health and Allied Themes (CEHAT), Mumbai

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First Published in October 2006

           Centre for Enquiry into Health and Allied Themes
           Survey No. 2804 & 2805
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           © CEHAT

           ISBN : 81-89042-46-7

           Printed at :
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           Parel, Mumbai-400 012.

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           Health and Human rights has explicit                     The Background Series is a collection of
           intrinsic connections and has emerged as                 papers on various issues related to right to
           powerful concepts within the rights based                health, i.e., the vulnerable groups,health
           approach especially so in the backdrop of                sy stems, h ealth po licies, affecti ng
           weakening public health system, unregulated              accessibility and provisions of healthcare in
           growth of the private sector and restricted              India. In this series, there are papers on
           access to healthcare systems leading to a                wo men, elderly , mi grants, disable d,
           near-to tal ecli pse of avail abil ity and               adolescents and homosexuals. The papers are
           accessibility of universal and comprehensive             well researched and provide evidence based
           healthcare. A rights-based approach to health            recommendations for improving access and
           uses International Human Rights treaties and             reducing barriers to health and healthcare
           norms to hold governments accountable for                alongside addressing discrmination.
           their obligations under the treaties. It                 We would like to use this space to express
           recognises the fact that the right to health is          our gratitude towards the authors who have
           a fundamental right of every human being and             contributed to the project by sharing their
           it implies the enjoyment of the highest                  ideas and knowledge through their respective
           attainable standard of health and that it is             papers in the Background Series. We would
           one of the fundamental rights of every human             like to thank the Programme Development
           bei ng and that gove rnme nts have a                     Committee (PDC) of CEHAT, for playing such
           responsibility for the health of their people            a significant role in providing valuable inputs
           which can be fulfilled only through the                  to each paper. We appreciate and recognise
           provision of adequate health and social                  the efforts of the project team members who
           measures. It gets integrated into research,              have worked tirelessly towards the success
           advocacy strategies and tools, including                 of the project ; the Coordinator, Ms. Padma
           monitoring; community education and                      Deosthali for her support and the Ford
           mobilisation; litigation and policy formulation.         Foundation, Oxfam- Novib and Rangoonwala
           Right to the highest attainable standard is              Trust for supporting such an initiative. We
           encapsulated in Article 12 of the International          are also grateful to several others who have
           Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural                offered us technical support, Ms Sudha
           Rights. It covers the underlying preconditions           Raghavendran for editing and Satam Udyog
           necessary for health and also the provisions             for printing the publication. The cover page
           of medical care. The critical component                  design and the photograph has been provided
           within the right to health philosophy is its             by Jhanvi Graphics. We hope that through
           realisation. CEHAT’s main objective of the               this series we are able to present the health
           project, Establishing Health as a Human Right            issues and concerns of the vulnerable groups
           is to propel within the civil society and the            in India and that the series would be useful
           public domain, the movement towards                      for those directly working on the rights issues
           realisation of the right to healthcare as a              related to health and other areas.
           fundamental right through research and
           documen tati on, advo cacy , lo bbyi ng,                             Chandrima B.Chatterjee, Ph.D
           campaig ns, awareness an d education                                   Project In-Charge (Research)
           activities.                                                   Establishing Health As A Human Right


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                     Identities in Motion; Migration and Health In India

                        Chandrima B.Chatterjee is presently working with the Centre
                        for the Enquiry into Health and Allied Themes. She is the
                        Project-In-Charge of research on Establishing Health as a
                        Human Right. She holds a doctorate in Sociology and has
                        been involved in several research projects on various issues.
                        She has published and presented papers both nationally and
                        internationally. Her research interest includes labour
                        migration, migration and health, urban health, human
                        trafficking and health and human rights.


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                Introduction ...............................................................................................................   1

           1. Migration and Health ................................................................................................            1
                1. A. Degrees of Vulnerability along Types of Migrants affecting Health -
                      An Exploration of their health impact .............................................................                      3
                1. B. i) Internal Migration in India ........................................................................                  5
                1. B. ii) International Migrants in India ................................................................ 13
                1. C. Migrant Women and Children ......................................................................... 14

           2. Health Implication for those on the move ............................................................. 16

           3. The Human Rights of Migrants ............................................................................... 20
                3. A. Migrants Rights in India .................................................................................. 23
                3. B. Existing Gaps Interfering with the Realisation of the Right to Health ........ 25

           4. Conclusion: Including the Excluded ...................................................................... 26
                4. A. Inclusive Healthcare for Migrants .................................................................. 27
                   References ............................................................................................................. 31
                   Definitions And Concepts ................................................................................... 39
                   Annexures ..............................................................................................................    i


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           1.    IDPs in Neighbouring Countries .............................................................................              9
           2.    Overview of available estimates of internally displaced due to
                 conflict in India ....................................................................................................... 11

                                                       LIST OF BOXES
           1.    Vulnerability Among Migrants ...............................................................................              3
           2.    Categories of internal displacement in India ........................................................                     8
           3.    Causal Factors Affecting Migrant’s Health ............................................................ 16
           4.    Migration, Mobility and HIV/AIDS ......................................................................... 18
           5.    Health Problems in the context of Trafficking ....................................................... 19
           6.    International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All
                 Migrant Workers and Members of their Families .................................................. 22
           7.    Existing Labour Laws in India Relevant for Migrant Workers ............................. 24
           8.    Inter State Migrant Workmen Act, 1979 ................................................................ 25
           9. Integration Health and Migration- Achieving a Balance (Benefits) ................... 29
           10. Priority Areas ............................................................................................................ 29

                                                    LIST OF FIGURES
           1.    Increased Internal Migration by Place of Birth in India ......................................                            6


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           1.   Latest Census Questions on Migrants/Non-Migrants ..........................................                   i
           2.   Status of Ratification on the CPRMW ......................................................................   ii
           3.   Key Provisions of the Unorganised Sector Bill ......................................................         iii


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Identities in Motion;
                             Migration and Health In India

           INTRODUCTION                                       This paper addresses the issue of migration
                                                              and its public health implications within
           Human spatial mobility started about two           the      huma n      rights    fra mework.
           decades ago for various systemic, economic         Disaggregated information on the types of
           and individual reasons, but there is a lack        migrants in India, their magnitude and
           of systematic information and health-risk          their vulnerabilities impacting their health
           assessment among the mobile population.            a nd access to he a lthca re ha s bee n
           The specific socio-demographic structure,          presented. The migrants are vulnerable at
           that is, age, sex, education, attainment,          the source, throughout the migratory
           occupation and income, determines the              process and at the destination areas. The
           context in which migration takes place and         degree of vulnerability of migrants in India
           their health-risks are predetermined by            is different in different situations and so
           certain factors at the destination areas.          are the challenges that migration poses for
           They are                                           health policy-makers. Understanding
               l Government-related factors such as           migration through a human rights
                 national policies, public service            framework helps explain the health needs
                 system, community development,               of migrants in the context of the current
                 development and housing;                     migration patterns.
               l Employer-related factors such as
                 work site safety, living conditions,         1. Migration and Health
                 insurance coverage, women worker’s
                 maternal and reproductive health             At the start of the new millennium, spatial
                 benefit, etc;                                movement of the human population has
               l Health-sector related factors such           become more pronounced. Migratory
                 a s hea lth/pre ve ntive ne twork,           movements characterized by increased
                 service coverage and approaches,             q ua ntitative growth and q ualita tive
                 service items and prices; and                differentiation along the lines of migratory
               l Individual-related factors like social       patterns, nature of migrants, their quality
                 support at the destination, health           and final destination have facilitated a
                 awareness, health beliefs, health            differe ntia te d de velopme nt pattern
                 beha viour and he lp see king                creating spaces of vulnerability. The
                 behaviour, impacts the individual            unfolding of the socio-political dynamics
                 a nd colle ctive he alth risk of             of different countries and the persistent
                 migrants.                                    economic growth along the individual and

                                                          1                         Chandrima B. Chatterjee

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collective complexities of societies has           Restrictive migration policies in many
           introduced instability at all levels. This         countries have resulted in different kinds
           has increased the migration of populations         of human right violations on migrants and
           within a nd across the ge ogra phica l             refugees. The marginalization and health
           contours of the na tion-sta te. In the             of migrant populations are a growing public
           globalization debate, movement of people           health concern as they represent one of the
           received scant attention. Yet the sheer            most ‘at need’ groups in the world.
           magnitude of migration- force d and
           voluntary, regular and irregular, clearly          Migrants have always been conceptualized
           suggests that migration has the potential          as problematic in the context of policies
           to pose a potential public health challenge.       both nationally and internationally. This
           Migration can expose individuals and               mindset has led to complex public health
           groups in many settings at health risks.           issues posed by migration. Migrants and
           Many individuals and groups, in certain            their human rights have to be understood
           kinds of settings, remain excluded from the        from the existing contradictions within
           benefits of health and healthcare.                 and across countries between skilled and
                                                              voluntary migrants at one end of the
           General Comment 14 of the International            spectrum to the other end comprising of the
           Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural           poor and unskilled migrant population
           Rights comments on the right to the highest        destined to be excluded and obscured from
           attainable standard of health (Committee           the fabric of the host societies. For the
           on Economic Social and Cultural Rights,            latter, the intersection of human rights and
           2000). This has been largely translated as         migration is a negative one, with bad
           a right to health care and has enabled focus       experiences throughout the migratory ‘life
           on ensuring that the rights of individuals         cycle’, in areas of origin, journey or transit
           are not violated through the creation of           in case of international migrants and
           structural and other barriers to the access        destination. The intersection of migrants
           to healthcare facilities. The application of       and human rights becomes even more
           principles in international law reminds            comple x whe n irre gular or ille ga l
           governments and relevant authorities of            migration clashes with the interest of the
           their obligations to their populations. But        area of destination. Cases of exploitation
           the rights of migrants have always been a          of migrants by employers, smugglers or
           problematic area with many challenges.             traffickers in such cases never meet
           While globalization, conflict and disasters        justice. All these directly impact the rights
           have contribute d to the ne ed for                 of individual migrants.
           populations to be mobile and governments,
           particula rly those of the de velope d             The focus of this section is on the health
           countries, have promoted globalization for         implications for poor unskilled/semi-
           economic and development reasons, they             skille d migra nts, both internal and
           have become increasingly reluctant to              international, in the context of public
           a cce pt migration as one of the                   health as well as in relation to the health
           consequences of opening up markets for             of the individual and the existing barriers
           the exchange of goods and services.                of access to health services at the host

           Identities in Motion ...                       2                          Chandrima B. Chatterjee

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destinations.                                             case of migrants, the common factor that
                                                                     justifies their vulnerability is perhaps the
           1. A. Degrees of Vulnerability along Types                fact that their origin differs from their
           of Mig rants a ffe c ting He a lth-An                     present residence. The difference is not
           Exploration of their health impact                        merely limited to the experience of change
                                                                     of space but extends to other experiences
           Vulnerability can be understood as a state                of differences of culture, language and
           of being exposed to or susceptibility to                  people . The vulne rability which is
           danger or abuse. It comprises of weakness                 primarily premised on the alien status 1 of
           of physica l a nd mental strength,                        the migrant gets complicated by the
           defe nse lessne ss, unprote cte d ne ss,                  combination of factors at the area of
           fragility and exposure to undesirable                     destination. Limited choice and reduced
           conditions/ factors. In addition to the                   capacity to negotiate results in increased
           health environment in the place of origin,                discrimina tion in life cha nce s. The
           transit and destination (including disease                migrant is considered an ‘outsider’.
           prevalence), they include patterns of
           mobility (regular, circular, seasonal, etc)               Various survey and studies have shown
           that define the conditions of journey and                 that migrants are disadvantaged relative to
           their impact on health; the status of                     the na tive population re garding
           migrants in de stination are a s tha t                    employment, education and health. These
           determines their access to health and                     circumstances are not formally separable
           social services; and familiarity with the                 into causes such as deficient education
           culture a nd language of the host                         and health, initial prejudice, and effects
           community. Vulnerability is a relative                    such as poor wages, inferior healthcare
           term. Simila rly, fa ctors lea ding to                    provision and sustained discrimination.
           vulnerability are varied and relative. In the             But they mutually reinforce each other. For

                                                              Box 1
                                               Vulnerability among Migrants
                              l   Migrants are disadvantaged relative to the native population
                              l   They often have a low socio-economic status with no access
                                  to either healthcare or social services
                              l   They suffer from mental and emotional vulnerability and
                                  low self-esteem
                              l   Lack of provision of social goods, education and health,
                                  impedes the integration of migrants into the local population.

               This is more evident in the case of international migrants

           Identities in Motion ...                              3                         Chandrima B. Chatterjee

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instance, a bias against the migrants may                 prevents irregular international migrants
           translate into health provider neglect                    from seeking healthcare and treatment is
           which in turn perpetuates poor migrant                    the fear of their illegal status being
           health.                                                   discovered (WHO 2003). In the case of
                                                                     internal labour migrants, their fluidity in
           The degrees of vulnerability in which                     terms of movement and their working
           migrants find themselves depend on a                      conditions in the informa l work
           variety of factors, ranging from their legal              arrangements2 in the city debars them
           status to their overall environment. In the               access to adequate curative care.
           case of international migrants, one of the
           most important determining factors that                   The vulnerability of the migrants and their
           pose barriers to accessing health services                health and human rights has to be assessed
           is the question of their legal status in the              from the framework of
           host area.1 The discussion on health and                     l   accessibility of health and health
           human rights issues of migrants is most                          service s in re la tion to the
           pertinent in the case of the mass exodus of                      availability of services; stigma and
           poor population from the areas of origin to                      discrimination, discrimination on
           the areas of destination for economic and                        the basis of sex and gender roles
           socio-political reasons internally and                           and economic affordability,
           undocumented or irregular migration from                     l   quality of available services and the
           outside the country. Laws and policies are                       prior conditions of health like right
           either redundant or prevent migrants from                        to safe and he althy working
           a cce ssing social se rvices, including                          conditions, right to adequate food,
           healthcare. The hiring of migrants in an                         physical accessibility of health
           irregular situation (both internal and                           services, culturally sensitive and
           international) allows employers to be                            good quality health services, and
           exempt from providing health coverage to                         the right to seek and receive health
           them as the labour force then becomes                            related information.
           cheaper than recruiting locals/natives.
                                                                        Local bias stigmatizes migrants and
           N ationa l hea lth- care plans ofte n                        may be used as an excuse by host
           discriminate against temporary migrants                      communities to supply inferior care,
           and especially undocumented ones by                          impe de integration, re strict the
           making only emergency care available for                     migrant’s care er a nd e duca tional
           non-citizens. This forces migrants to delay                  mobility and ultimately act as a socially
           hea lth-se e king till the condition is                      and culturally indenturing force. Bias
           sufficiently hazardous to justify going to                   also acts as a self-perpetuating force,
           emergency clinics. Another factor which                      sustaining the migrant’s negative

             Refugees and illegal migrants often get caught up in the internal geopolitics of the host countries and
           have no legitimate right that can protect them. They are denied basic rights.
             Delay in health-seeking is also due to associated costs, inability to miss work, problems of transportation.
           Many are unfamiliar with the local health-car e syst ems and hav e linguistic or cultural diff iculties
           communicating their problems.
           Source: Census India, 2001

           Identities in Motion ...                              4                            Chandrima B. Chatterjee

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conditions and thus allowing for more          vulnerability point of view, the conditions
                 bias to continue.                              prior to migration are important.

           Broadly speaking, migration is of two                1. B. i) Internal Migration in India
           different types—internal and international.
           Both the types can be either voluntary or            Internal migration by place of birth has
           forced. Migration is voluntary or forced on
                                                                increased in India, from 1991 (838.5 in
           the basis of the factors that propel migration
                                                                millions) to 2001 (1,028 in millions). In
           at the point of origin. In the case of
           voluntary migra tion, the de cision to               a lmost eve ry ca tegory 4 ba rring the
           migrate is taken as a part of an informed            intrastate migration, there has been an
           choice made by the prospective migrant,              increase in migration in the 2001 census
           while in the case of forced migration,               as compared to the 1991 census data. The
           conflict, political violence, armed conflict,        Figure 1 clearly shows that there has been
           development-induced displacement, are                an increase in the internal migration
           major reasons for migration. From the                between the two census periods.


               Migrants            1999     2001
               Intra-district     136.2     181.7
               Inter-district      59.1     76.8
               Inter-state         27.2     42.3
               Source: Census India, 2001

           Identities in Motion ...                         5                        Chandrima B. Chatterjee

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Figure 1
                             Increased Internal Migration by Place of Birth in India

                                                                                            1999     2001

                        Total Migrants    Intra-district   Inter-district     Inter-state     Intra-state

                      Source: Census, Government of India, 2001     5

           During the 2001 census period, 14.4                      work in the urban informal manufacturing
           million people migrated within the country               construction, services or transport sectors
           for work purposes either to cities or areas              and are employed as casual labourers,
           with higher expected economic gains. The                 hea d loa de rs, ricksha w pulle rs and
           National Commission on Rural Labour                      hawkers (Dev, 2002).
           (NCRL) estimates the number of internal
           labour migrants in rural areas in India                  Migrant workers predominate in the lower
           alone at around 10 million (including                    income labour market with higher risks of
           roughly 4.5 million inter-state migrants                 exposure to unsafe working conditions.6
           and 6 million intra-state migrants). The                 Migration for labour among the poor has a
           2001 Census has recorded about 53.3                      peculiar characteristic. It can be voluntary
           million rural to rural migration within the              in the sense that the prospective migrants
           country. According to the NCRL, a large                  in most cases take the decision to migrate
           number of migrants are employed in                       based on their expectations of estimated
           cultivation and plantations, brick-kilns,                gains from the movement and in some
           quarries, construction sites and fish                    cases, the same movement could be
           processing. A large number of migrants also              considered as forced migration where often

            Jammu & Kashmir has been excluded in both the Census
            Allotey Pascale (2003), Is Health a Fundamental Right for Migrants, Guest Editorial Column in the journal
           Development, Vol 46, No 3, September.

           Identities in Motion ...                             6                           Chandrima B. Chatterjee

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poverty, landlessness, debt, unemployment           ethnic conflicts. Here, there is a need to
           act as the push factors for mass exodus.            differentiate migration from displacement.
                                                               Migration may include both voluntary and
           Globalisa tion a nd the a ssocia te d               forced movement of people. Displacement
           casualisation of work have favoured the             implies the use of force or generation of
           migrants who are absorbed in all forms of           conditions that displaces people from their
           low paying, low or unskilled jobs with              source of origin. Because of political crisis
           higher prospects of potential hea lth               a nd ethnic cla she s, re a sons of
           hazards. Employers prefer to employ                 development or natural or man-made
           migrant labour with lower wages and they            disasters, people are forced to flee their
           are steadily replacing local labourers              homes to new destinations. So while
           (Breman, 1994). The mobile existence of the         migration implies both voluntary and
           migra nt labour furthe r affe cts their             forced migrants, and includes the element
           sustainability in the urban industrial              of ‘choice’ or pull factors alongside the
           system in India (Breman, 1985; Singh,               possibility of ‘force’ or push factors,
           1995; Grewal and Sidhu, 1979; Sidhu et              displacement is solely dependent on the
           a l., 1997,Roga ly, 1996). Thus, the                push factors. It takes away the voluntarism
           economic vulnerability of the migrant is            from the individual and the collective.
           kept a live by the informa l work                   Internally Displaced People (IDPs) are a
           arrangement from the employers’ end.                product of displacement and are different
           Seasonal and annual migrant labourers               from refugees in the sense that their areas
           from the rural areas working in the urban           of destinations are not across the borders.
           areas are denied voting power and are               They resettle in a different place but within
           therefore not allowed to develop any stakes         their country of origin. Again, while
           in the destination areas. They are not              refuge e s a re eligible to rece ive
           allowed to participate in the planning and          international protection and help under the
           governance processes thereby perpetuating           1951 Refugee Convention and the 1967
           political vulnerability. Social vulnerability       Protocol, the international community is
           is perpetrate d by the e xpe rie nce of             not under the same legal obligation to
           discrimination, social distance and feeling         protect and assist internally displaced
           of alienation in the host area/destination.         people. National governments have the
                                                               primary responsibility for the security and
           The other type of internal migration which          well-being of all displaced people on their
           is purely forceful is due to political and          territory.

           Identities in Motion ...                        7                         Chandrima B. Chatterjee

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Box 2
                                  Categories of Internal Displacement in India
                           l   Political causes, including secessionist movements
                           l   Identity-based autonomy movements
                           l   Localized violence
                           l   Environmental and development-induced displacement
                           l   Religion-based violence and displacement

           Globally Asia is the second largest region          around 6 lakhs (IDMC, 2006). Even among
           having IDPs close to 2.8 million after Africa       the neighbouring countries, the available
           (12.1 million).In India, the internally             estimates of IDPs in India are quite high.
           displaced people are estimated to be                See Table 1 below for details.

           Identities in Motion ...                        8                        Chandrima B. Chatterjee

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Table 1 : IDPs in Neighbouring Countries of India

             Country          No of IDPs    Estimated Date             Source              Comments
             Global          25,300,000        Dec,2004          Internal            Estimates based on
                                                                 Displacement        analysis of available
                                                                 Monitoring          country figures and
                                                                 Centre (IDMC)       additional information
                                                                                     on displacement and
                                                                                     return trends
             India             600,000          May-05           Internal            Compiled from
                                                                 Displacement        various figures
                                                                 Centre (IDMC)
             Bangladesh       5000,000           2000            State Committee
                                                                 on Statistics,
                                                                 Chittagong Hill
             Pakistan      30,000-50,000        Sep-04           IRIN; Local Media   Estimates relates
                                                                                     to South Waziristan.
                                                                                     Most IDPs in
                                                                                     Pakistan controlled
                                                                                     Kashmir reported
                                                                                     to have returned
             Nepal             200,000          Jun-05           UN/NGO IDP
                                                                 Survey, IDMC
             Myanmar           540,000          Oct-05           Thailand Burma    Estimates relates to
                                                                 Border Consortium eastern border areas
                                                                                   only and does not
                                                                                   include significant
                                                                                   number of IDPs in the
                                                                                   rest of the country
             Srilanka          341,175         July,2005         UNHCR/MRRR
           Source:, accessed 20 Feb, 2006

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The re ha s bee n no syste ma tic                     Karbis in Assam; 262000 Kashmiri Pandits
           documentation of IDPs both globally and               from Jammu and Kashmir; 35,000 Brus/
           nationally. The estimates are largely based           Reangs from Mizoram and about 50000
           on official estimates published and on                displaced persons in Tripura (Norwegian
           analysis of additional information on new             Refugee Council, 2005). Insurgency and
           deve lopme nts with re ga rd to ne we r               retaliatory operations by security forces are
           displacements returns and reintegration.              a major factor of displacement. Civilians
           Availa bility of IDP data ha s a lways                have fled fighting and have sometimes
           rema ine d a proble m a nd the re are                 been directly targeted by militant groups
           enormous information gaps. In most                    in Kashmir, the Northeast and in several
           countries, the scope of the displacement              states of Central India. Many people are
           crisis is known with lowe r le ve ls of               known to be internally displaced due to
           accuracy. In such cases, detailed and                 conflicts in the Indian states of Jammu and
           specific information on the IDPs’ total
                                                                 Kashmir, Gujarat and in the North-east.7
           estimate, their living conditions and needs
                                                                 The la rge st situa tion of inte rna l
           is always a problem. The figures used by
                                                                 displacement however, stems from the
           the governments a nd interna tiona l
                                                                 conflict in the north-western state of
           organisations are often rough estimates,
                                                                 Jammu and Kashmir.8 There are no surveys
           and at times contradict each other. All
           these increase the vulnerability of the IDPs          to date that specify the extent of the
           to human right violations. Large numbers              problem and the actual number of people
           of IDPs are caught in desperate situations            internally displaced by conflict could be
           a midst fighting or in remote and                     much higher than the official statistics
           ina cce ssible     are as   cut-off    from           made available. A majority of the internally
           international assistance. Others have been            displaced people (IDPs) have not been able
           forced to live away from their homes for              to return for several years either due to
           many years, or even decades, because the              protracted conflict or unresolved issues
           conflicts that caused their displacement              related to land and property. One example
           remained unresolved.                                  is India’s largest group of internally
                                                                 displaced, the Kashmiri Pandits who have
           India at present has over half a million              been fleeing the Kashmir Valley since
           conflict-induced Internally Displaced                 1989 due to conflict in the Kashmir Valley.
           Persons — 200000 consisting of the                    Table 2. provides an overview of IDPs in
           Adivasis, Bodos, Muslims, Dimasas and                 India and their nature of displacement.

             Assistance to IDPs remains inadequate, http://www.internal-
           (ht t p Count r ies)/5 762D122F45E14B0802570A7 004BBA1F?ope ndocument &c ount =10000&e xpand=
           2&link=20.2&count=10000#20.2, Posted on 13 May 2005, accessed on 13.02.’06
             The status of Kashmir has been in dispute since the creation of an independent India and Pakistan in
           1947, and the two countries have twice gone to war over the issue. Protection of the remaining Pandit
           population has been far from adequate, leading to further displacement during 2004 when 160 of the
           estimated 700 Pandit families remaining in the Kashmir Valley fled an upsurge of violence and killings
           (Central Chronicle, 4 January 2005

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Table 2 : Overview of available Estimates of Internally Displaced
                                               due to Conflict in India

                State          Who are IDPs?           Nature of             Reasons for Displacement
                                                      NORTHERN INDIA
                Jammu and      1) Kashmiri Pandits     Political Conflict    Conclusion of the ceasefire
                Kashmir        2) Residents LoC                              with Pakistan; due to shelling
                               and border areas                              between India and Pakistan.
                                                    NORTH-EASTERN INDIA
                Assam          Santhals, Nepalis,      Ethnic Conflict       Santhal-Bodo9 conflict
                               Bengalis                                      (2003), conflict between Karbis
                                                                             and Kukis (Oct-Nov 2003);
                                                                             violence towards Hindi-
                                                                             speaking people ( Nov 2003);
                                                                             fighting between Dimasa
                                                                             and Hmar tribes; eviction of
                                                                             Muslims of Bengali origin;
                                                                             violence between Karbis and
                                                                             Dimasa tribes (2005) in Assam
                Manipur        Kukis, Paites10 and     Ethnic Conflict       Conflicts between the tribes11
                               Nagas, Hmars
                Tripura        Tribals, i.e., Reangs12 Ethnic Conflict13     Clashes between tribes;
                               and non-tribals, i.e.,                        security reasons 14
                                                      WESTERN INDIA
                Gujarat        Religious groups        Communalism           Communal conflict
                Chattisgarh    Villagers               Political Conflict    Clashes between naxalites
                                                                             and police15
           Source: Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, February, 2006

              The Bodos refer to themselves as Boros
               Paites refer to themselves as Zomis
               Around 1,000 were displaced in Mizoram and 5,000 in the Tipaimukh sub-division of Manipur.
               Reangs refer to themselves as Bru
               The official reports confirm about 47,742 people displaced between Jan 1999 and Nov 2003. More than
           100,000 Bengali settlers have been internally displaced (BBC News, 6 th May 2004). A large amount of
           Reangs have been displaced.
               Many people has also been displaced due to building of fence along Bangladesh border (Telegraph, 13,
               Many villagers from nearly 420 villages in Chhattisgarh have fled for safety

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In India, internal displacement has also           alternative schemes offered to the project-
           re sulted from na tural disasters a nd             affe cted pe rsons. This re duces their
           development projects. Floods and other             chances of resettlement and exacerbates
           natural disasters displace many people             their vulnerability impacting access to
           every year. Recently, the tsunami in the           health and healthcare (Himadri et al.,
           Indian Ocean which hit southern India in           1999). There are reports of lack of basic
           December 2004, devastated the Andaman              facilities like food, medical supplies and
           and Nicobar Islands and a 2,260 km stretch         sanita tion in the Sta te gove rnment
           of the mainland coastline in Andhra                organized relief camps for the internally
           Pra desh, Kera la , Ta mil N a du and              displaced people (HRW, April 2002).
           Pondicherry affecting several households.
           An estimated 2.7 million people were               Reports suggest that more than half of the
           affected by the disaster and some 650000           IDPs are at risk of falling victim to physical
           were displaced (World Bank, 3 May 2005).           violence threatening their lives (Norwegian
           Kashmir, in the north of India, was badly          Refugee Council, 2005). Many IDPs
           affected by the South Asian earthquake in          remain exposed to violence and other
           October 2005, which made thousands of              human rights violations during and after
           people homeless. According to official             their displacement. Often they have no or
           records, 150000 people were homeless               only ve ry limite d a cce ss to food,
           following the earthquake disaster.16               employment, education and health care.
                                                              Large numbers of IDPs are caught in
           Available reports indicate that more than          desperate situations amidst fighting or in
           21 million people are internally displaced         remote and inaccessible areas cut-off from
           due to development projects in India. India        international assistance. Others have been
           is the third largest dam builder country in        forced to live away from their homes for
           the world. It now has over 3600 large dams         many years, or even decades, because the
           and over 700 more under construction.17            conflicts that caused their displacement
           Large dams are the single largest cause of         have remained unresolved. Women and
           displacement in India. Of those who were           children often are particularly vulnerable
           displaced in India due to construction of          to sexual and other forms of violence. As
           dams, more than 50 per cent are tribal             lack of security also affects humanitarian
           (HRW, January 2006). The estimates of              access, many of those stuck in dangerous
           IDPs due to deve lopme nt induce d                 situations also have limited possibilities of
           displacement lack authenticity of data.            getting humanitarian assistance, which,
           Lack of proper surveys on development-             in addition to immediate physical threats,
           induced displacement excludes a large              make s the m more vulnera ble to
           proportion of affected families out of the         malnutrition and diseases.

             USAID, 2005, Earthquake Estimates, December
             Taneja, Bansuri and Thakkar, Himanshu, On Dams, World Commission on Dams, accessed:5th April,

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1.B. ii) International Migrants in India                 children from the neighbouring countries
                                                                    to India. Bangladesh, SriLanka and Nepal
           In India there are a large number of                     are common neighbouring countries from
           inte rna tional migra nts from othe r                    which women migrate to India as part of
           countries. In 2001 Census about 5.1                      an organized trafficking network. The
           million persons were reported as migrants                movement of trafficked persons is based on
           by last r esidence from a cross the                      deception and coercion and its main
           Inte rna tional border. N e ighbouring                   purpose is exploitation. In the case of
           countries are the main source of origin of               illegal international migrant, the issue of
           the international migrants to India. 4.9                 legality is the main cause of vulnerability.
           million persons who migrated from the                    The vulne ra bility of undocume nte d
           neighbouring countries constitute 96.9                   migrants is multiplied by their illegal and
           per cent of the total migrants from abroad.              clandestine condition. When migrants
           The bulk of these migrants were from                     e nte r a nothe r country ille ga lly and
           Bangladesh, followed by Pakistan and                     subsequently lose any legal immigration
           Nepal. But for the purpose of this paper, the            status, his or her vulnerability to abuse and
           main focus would be on low-skilled and                   exploitation increases sharply. In many
           unskilled internal migration to India and
                                                                    situations, migrants do not know what
                                                                    rights they are entitled to, and still less how
                                                                    to claim them, hence the cases of abuse
           Restrictions on legal entry at in most
                                                                    goes unrecorded.
           countries of destination, enforced through
           strict visa regimes and carrier sanctions,
                                                                    Another area where exploitation is rampant
           mean that a large proportion of migrants
                                                                    is forced labour which takes place in the
           travel with illegal documents, often using
           long, torturous and dangerous routes to                  illicit underground economy and so tends
           countries of de stina tion. Since the                    to escape national statistics. Irregular
           movement of population is illegal, the                   migrant workers are easy victims of abuse
           estimates of entry of migrants to the                    and exploitation by employers, migration
           countries of their destination remain                    agents, corrupt bureaucrats and criminal
           largely undocume nte d. Restrictive                      gangs. They often live on the margins of
           approaches based on efforts to obstruct or               society, trying to avoid contact with
           deter people moving from one country and                 authorities and have little or no legal
           region to another, have had a negative                   access to prevention and healthcare
           impact on prospective migra nts and                      services. Migrant workers predominate in
           asylum seekers violating their human                     the lower income labour market with higher
           rights principles and force them into the                risks of exposure to unsafe working
           hands of human traffickers. Trafficking                  conditions. 18 Many often they do not
           occurs in a wide range of situations and                 approach the health system of the host
           take s many forms. There a re we ll-                     countries in the fear of their status being
           established trafficking routes of women and              discovered.

             Allotey Pascale (2003), Is Health a Fundamental Right for Migrants, Guest Editorial Column in the journal
           Development, Vol 46, No 3, September.

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Refugees are international migrants to                   entered the country after 25 March 1971
           India, who are understood as a fleeing                   would need to return to Bangladesh by the
           stranger in need of sanctuary or someone                 end of February 1972. Remarkably, by the
           who was received and treated as guests.                  end of February 1972, over nine million
           Some refugees were integrated into the                   refugees had returned back to Bangladesh.
           receiving society, while others may have
           chosen to return to their homes after a                  A recent estimate of refugees in India
           period of time (Samaddar, 2003). There                   amounts to 162687 (UNHCR, 2005). The
           have been several political developments                 number of refugees in India is declining
           and ethnic considerations which have                     from 1994 to 2004 (See Appendix 2). The
           resulted in a refugee problem in India.                  total number of refugee population living
           Because of ethnic violence in Sri Lanka, a               in camps is 165292 of which 11493 stay
           large number of Sri Lankan refugees have                 in urban areas and the rest 153799 are
           crossed over to India since July, 1983 and               dispersed across various regions. Refugees
           their influx, though substantially reduced,              have an added complexity of nationalism,
           still continues19. Displaced persons from                ethnicity and social norms20. Refugees may
           East Pakistan who had come into India                    also face racism and xenophobia in the
           upto March 31, 1958 are known as ‘Old                    countries of destination. At times of
           Migrants’. They number about 41.17 lakh                  political crisis, they may be the first to be
           and the bulk of them, over 31 lakh stayed                targeted. In recent years, the linkages
           on in West Bengal. Following the partition,              dra wn betwee n a ntiterrorism and
           India received 2.55 million Hindu refugees               immigration control in the context of the
           from East Bengal. Again following the war                ‘wa r on te rror’, ha s le d to many
           of liberation in 1971, an estimated ten                  governments having uninte ntiona lly
           million refugees fled from Bangladesh to                 e ncoura ge d discrimination a ga inst
           neighbouring India to escape from the                    international migrants and refugees.
           atrocities of the Pakistan Army and their
           local collaborators. Within a month after                1. C. Migrant Women and Children
           the crackdown of the Pakistan Army on 25
           March 1971, nearly a million refugees                    Migration among women and children
           entered India. By the end of May, the                    (both internal and international) warrants
           average daily influx into India was over                 spe cia l a tte ntion in the context of
           100000 and had reached a total of almost                 migration from the perspective of human
           four million. By the end of 1971, figures                rights. Migration a mong women and
           provided by the Indian government to the                 children and its associated vulnerability
           United Nations indicated that this total had             poses complex public health challenge. In
           rea che d 10 million. India q uickly                     the migratory pattern within India, women
           announced that all refugees who had                      and children have always featured as
              Sri Lankan Refugees in India
             Year January February March       Apr il May June July August Sept. October November December
             1999    370      408      579      546 769 612 448         387    287     379        72          120
             2000     92      181      257      198 288 200 138          45     29      41        46          105
           Source: Ministry of Home Affairs,
              Bangladesh Documents, Vol. I,    New Delhi, Government of India, Ministry of External Affairs, p.464

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“associated” migrants with the main                       lead to the reversal of the income dynamics
           decision to migrate being taken by the male               of individual households. Post 1990s,
           of the household. Internally migration                    globally the identity of women as laborers
           within and outside the States of India, has               became pervasive. Women migrant labour
           always thrown out higher figures of female                now accounts for 46 per cent of the overall
           migrants citing, ‘Marriage’ and ‘Moved with               international migration from developing
           household’ as the two most important                      countries.22 In India, there are a large
           reasons to move among women. This is                      number of international women migrants.
           primarily in consonance with the belief                   Female migration to India constitutes 48
           that man is the prime breadwinner of the                  per cent of the total in-migration from other
           household and is responsible to take                      countries. Migration among women has
           important decisions. Women are largely                    been high from Bangladesh and Nepal as
           care givers. This belief holds ground as is               compared to other neighbouring countries.
           evident from the trend displayed in the                   Low/skilled or semi-skilled migration has
           subsequent censuses on migration. 21                      an impact on their choice of occupation
           According to the 2001 Census, 42.4                        and the conditions of work. Many of the
           million migrants out of the total 65.4                    low/semi skilled female migrants work in
           million fe male migra nts in India ,
                                                                     the unorganized sector.23 They work in
           mentioned marriage as the main reason to
                                                                     hazardous conditions, live in shanty
           migrate within the country. As associated
                                                                     arrangements and are denied access to
           migrants, wome n suffer gre a te r
                                                                     health and health care.
           vulnerability due to reduced economic
           choices and lack of social support in the
                                                                     Trafficking also contributes to the cross-
           new area of destination. In the case of
                                                                     border movement of a large proportion of
           semi/ low-skilled or unskilled women
           migrants, this can translate into their entry             women into other countries. As mentioned
           into the low paying, unorganized sector                   earlier, there are established routes of
           with high exposure to exploitation and                    trafficking in India used to facilitate the
           abuse.                                                    movement of women and children from
                                                                     across the borders in order to sustain the
           But this scenario has changed globally.                   unde rground e conomy. Women and
           International migration of women for                      children in an irregular situation are
           employment has increased over a period                    doubly vulnerable owing to their lack of
           of time ma inly with the changing                         proper legal status and high risk of sexual
           vicissitudes of the global economy that has               exploitation.

              In India, out of the total 82.1 million migrants by last residence during 1981-1991 about 36.1 million and
           10.1 million were female migrants who migrated due to marriage and moved with family. In 2001 Census,
           about 42.2 million and 12.2 million were female migrants who migrated for marriage and moved with
           household respectively out of the total 97.8 million migrants. This estimate includes both skilled and
           unskilled female migrants.
              Citation available in Meenakshi Thapan’s Series Introduction for Sandhya Arya and Anupama Roy edited,
           Poverty, Gender and Migration, New Delhi: Sage Publication, pg.9. The original citation is Susie Jolly,
           Emma Bell and Lata Narayanswamy,(2003), Gender and Migrat ion in Asia: Overview and Annotated
           Bibliography, No 13. Bridge, Institute of Development, UK.
              Many of the migrant women work as domestic help, in beauty parlours as helpers, sweepers, prostitutes etc.

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There are a large proportion of women and                 popula tions      when      dise a se s   are
           children refugees in the camps in India.                  communicable and infected persons move
           There are 1, 22,078 Tibetan refugees in                   or migrate. Cataloguing the morbidity
           India, of which 43,708 are women and                      reported among migrants makes the
           23,122 childre n (0- 14 a ge group) 24 .                  relation between migration and morbidity
           According to the UNHCR estimates, there                   clear. Understanding the relationship is
           are 12,760 Afghan refugees in India, of                   particularly important from the public
           whom 9,417 are women, and children,                       health perspective. Different types of
           which amounts to 74 per cent being women                  migration lead to diversified vulnerability
           and children. Of these 4 percent are                      among both internal and international
           children below the age of five years.25 Those
                                                                     migrants. The common possible
           in the refugee camps face large-scale
                                                                     de terminants of he alth risks among
           atrocities. Very often, women in the camps,
                                                                     migrants are the motivational factors
           suffer se xua l abuse during conflict.
                                                                     (reasons for migration, occupational at the
           Women migrants have higher risks of being
           victimized at the work place and suffer                   source of origin 27 ), occupation related
           sexual exploitation with its associated                   factors 27 and environment-re la te d
           reproductive and mental health problems.                  factors28 . The factors that increase the
                                                                     health risks and health outcomes either
           2. Health implications for those on                       directly or indirectly are not exclusive. Box
           the move                                                  3. below gives several factors that affect
                                                                     migrant’s health. The factors are inter-
           Public health threats arise in migrant                    correlated.

                                                             Box 3
                                      Causal Factors Affecting Migrant’s Health
                l   Overcrowded living conditions which facilitate increased transmission of
                    infectious diseases
                l   Poor nutritional status( and consequent lowered immunity) due to lack of food
                    before, during and after displacement
                l   Inadequate quantities and quality of water to sustain health and allow personal
                l   Poor environmental sanitation
                l   Inadequate Shelter

              Tibetan Planning Commission, 1984, Tibetan Demographic Survey, Dharamshala
              UNHRC, 2001, ht tp: //www. UNHRC.CH, Women, Childr en and Older Refugee: The Sex and Age
           Distribution of Refugee Population with a Special Emphasis on UNHRC Policy Priorities, Geneva: Population
           Data, Unit Population And Geographic Data Section, United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees,
              These factors change and impact priorities at the destination areas. For example, perception and awareness
           of poor health; however, health expenditure depends on the socio-economic profile of the migrants at the
           areas of origin.
              Occupation related health hazards.
              Poor living conditions impact health.

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The morbidity patterns among migrants                     headache, pain in the neck, swelling of
           vary with the type of migration and its                   legs, swelling of hands, hair loss, skin
           scope for generation of health risk. For                  diseases, injuries, chest pain, eye problems
           instance, in the case of internal migration               among others (Jeyaranjan, 2000). Migrant
           among poor labourers, their susceptibility                labourers avail themselves of curative care
           to health problems stems from their                       but they fall outside the coverage of
           peripheral socio-economic existence in the                preventive care largely due to their fluidity
           host areas. Since they are absorbed in the                of movement caused by uncertainty of
           informa l e conomy, the y e xist a s                      employment. The low health status of
           undocumented labour in most cases and                     women can be seen from indicators such
           fall outside the coverage of the labour-                  as antenatal care coverage, prevalence of
           welfare sche mes 29 a nd he nce , the                     anemia, prevalence of reproductive tract
           employer does not provide them their due.                 infections and violence against women
           Poor living conditions such as lack of                    (Kundu, 2002). Children suffer from
           proper water supply, poor drainage system                 malnutrition and low immunization when
           and unhealthy practices and deplorable                    their parents are in perpetual low-income
           sanitary conditions expose the migrants to                uncertain jobs that necessitate frequent
           various kinds of health risks predetermined               shifts based on concentration of work
           by their standard of living and their choice              (Sundar et al, 2000). Measles is found to
           of occupation (Sundar et al, 2000; VHAI,                  be common a mong migrants ma inly
           2000, Ray 1993). These harm the migrants                  a mong childre n who do not have
           and increase the chance of their being                    immunization (Harpham, 1994).
           prone to infectious diseases30.
                                                                     Migrant labour is more susceptible to HIV/
           Living arrangement, living conditions, and                AIDS infection. A study on the
           hea lth be haviour a re re la ted to the                  vulnerability of the workers in an industrial
           incidence of infectious diseases. Malaria,                are in New Delhi that in the absence of
           hepatitis, typhoid fever, and respiratory                 proper observance of existing labour rights,
           infection are found with a higher incidence               the migrant labourers continue to live in
           among migrants The occupation-related                     squalid surroundings and have hazardous
           commonly reported problems among                          working atmosphere. They are not provided
           migrant workers working in the informal                   the basic needs. Most of the workers have
           sector are cold- cough fever, diarrhea,                   multiple partners and indulge in high risk
           tiredness, lack of appetite, giddiness,                   behaviour with a very low pattern of condom
           weight loss, stomach pain, hip pain,                      usage. They also reported high alcohol

              In cases of rural to urban migration where the push factors are essentially economic i.e.,   landlessness,
           debts, joblessness, etc., the need of the migrant is more than the employers need for labour. This gap in the
           level of need between the labourer and the employer reduces the time of bargaining for the right price of
           labour benefiting the employer who buys labour at his price irrespective of the market price. The need
           element of the migrant reduces his/her labour price.
              The World Bank and WHO has estimated that in India, 21 per cent of all communicable diseases (11.5
           per cent of all diseases) are water related. The specific diseases are diarrhea, trachoma, intestinal worms,
           hepatitis and tropical cluster (schistosomiasis, leishmaniasis, lymphatic filariasis in India) of diseases
           (Parikh, 2000).

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Box 4
                                        Migration, Mobility and HIV/AIDS
                           Migrants and mobile people become more vulnerable to HIV/
                           AIDS. By itself being mobile is not a risk factor for HIV/AIDS.
                           It is the situations encountered and behaviours possibly
                           engaged in during the mobility or migration that increases
                           vulnerability and risk. Migrant and mobile people may have
                           little or no access to HIV information, prevention (condoms,
                           STI management), health services. – International Organization
                           of Migration, 2005.

           consumption and drug use. All these place             crowding, and extremes of climate, lack of
           them at high risk for HIV/AIDS (Singh R.,             hea lthca re , joble ssne ss, idlene ss,
           N Atteq, J.John, 1999 ; Lingam,1998). The             depression, disease and death. A health
           most vulnerable sub-population is sex                 survey among displaced Kashmiri Pandits
           workers is found to be those who are                  reveals that the affected population shows
           trafficked from neighbouring countries or             multiple signs of deteriorating health like
           those from rural areas who lack education             high incidence of serious and potentially
           and migrate to cities a s a surviving                 fatal diseases (Norwegian Refugee Council,
           strategy.                                             2005).

           There are health risks for people displaced           The emotional stress of displacement and
           due to development activities such as dam             the toll that this takes can have a great
           construction 31 and conflicts. Internally             impact on physical as well as mental
           displaced people are usually housed in                health. Large numbers mental health
           tents or one-room tenements or just                   problems are reported among IDPs. Stress
           spaces, bereft of basic amenities of life.            disorder leads to cardio-vascular stress,
           Others are on the move in search of shelter           psycho-tra uma , e ndocrine stre ss,
           a nd livelihood a nd lea d a noma dic                 musculo-skeletal stress, stress-belly
           existence. The health, both mental and                (ulcers etc) and cranial stress (tension
           physical, of IDPs has been the greatest               headaches and migraines). Hypertension
           casualty. The trauma of forced exodus and             is common even among the youth. Stress
           the exposure to an alien and hostile                  dia bete s is a ne w syndrome (Da ily
           environment are further compounded by                 Exce lsior,    3    Se ptember    2003).
           the problems of acclimatisation, lack of              Psychological and mental disorders are
           basic amenities such as drinking water,               e pidemic in proportion. Re active
           drainage and sewerage, absence of proper              depression and nervous breakdown are
           lavatory facilities, poor housing, over-              very common in the youth. Males have overt

             Sometimes water impoundments increase favourable vector sites at times of the year offering to be a
           breeding site for mosquitoes. They transit a number of tropical diseases.

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Box 5
                                    Health Problems in the Context of Trafficking
                                                     Mental trauma
                                                    Physical trauma
                                                 Communicable disease
                                            Violence, including sexual abuse
                                    Source: International Organisation of Migration, 2005.

           depression. Female complaints are more                   and this is most pronounced among
           somatic in nature. Older people have                     childre n unde r five ye a rs of a ge .
           retarded depression. Even schizophrenia is               Malnutrition is both a prima ry and
           reporte d a mong IDPs. C o nstant                        secondary cause of death among children
           unce rta inty has cre a te d chronic,                    (Norwegian Refugee Council, 2005). The
           impending and ongoing phobias. Refugees                  refugee camps lack basic medical facilities.
           like IDPs suffer from poor mental health.                The results are devastating in terms of
           Cases of neurological disorders are also                 morbidity a nd morta lity a mong the
           commonly reported in the refugee sites                   children (Norwegian Refugee Council,
           (Norwegian Refugee Council, 2005).                       2005). Children also suffer as they grow in
                                                                    some time s violent a nd inse cure
           Refugees are placed at a high degree of                  environment. The NHRC reported that
           vulnerability as far as their exposure to                children were one of the major sufferers in
           diseases is concerned and this exacerbates               the refugee camps due to the neglect of
           by their status in the host country and their            their education and health32.
           uncertain future of relationship with the
           country of origin. They have restricted                  Women like children have specific needs
           access to social goods in the host country.              than others in the refugee camps. The
           Many refugee camps lack sanitation, water,               gender dimensions of ethnic nationalism
           electricity and have little or no access to              and the related struggle for identity
           medical facilities (Norwegian Refugee                    formation, manifests itself in the form of
           Council, 2005). A report by the South Asia               violence on women in the case of refugee
           Human Rights Documentation Centre in                     women. As women they are targeted for
           1994 described the conditions in the                     sexual violence because of the nation or
           camps as abysmal (SAHRDC, 1994). The                     the community they represent. Several
           major causes of morbidity and mortality                  cases of chronic vaginal discharge due to
           among refugees are measles, diarrhoeal                   vaginal infection and ovarian failure
           diseases, acute respiratory infections,                  related to sexual abuse are commonly
           malaria and malnutrition. A direct causal                reported by women in the refugee camps
           relationship between malnutrition and                    (Internationa l Initia tive of Justice ,
           mortality in the refugee sites is evident,               December 2003, pp.64, 67).

                National Human Rights Commission, India, July 1996, ‘Human Rights Newsletter’.

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Various reports have underlined the                      have been recognized as groups with
           importance of meeting the reproductive                   special protection needs. Each government
           health needs of women and adolescents in                 is a llowe d to e xercise its na tiona l
           the camps. 33 Cases of polymenorrhea                     sovereignty to decide who to admit into its
           (shorte ne d      me nstrua l       cycle s),            territory, but once the individual has
           dysmenorrhoea (painful menses) and                       e nte re d the country, the na tiona l
           menstrual irregularity are common among                  gove rnment is re sponsible for the
           women and adolescent girls in the refugee                protection of his or her rights. But between
           camps. The most common cause for such                    refugees and migrants, the former received
           health problems is violence on women and                 more attention than the latter on the
           the associated psychological and physical                grounds that they lack protection by their
           stress. (International Initiative of Justice,            own governments. A special protection
           2003). There are also many cases of mental               ‘regime’ was created for the refugees to
           problems reported among women in the                     protect the m from re foule me nt, to
           refugee camps. Skin diseases, nutrition                  recognize their civil, social, economic and
           syndromes, incidence of tuberculosis,                    cultural rights, and place them under the
           renal stones, renal failure and asthma are               protection of individual states and of the
           among other commonly reported morbidity                  UNHCR.35 The UNHCR was formed with
           in the camps (Samaddar, 2003).                           enormous protection mandate for refugees.

           3. The Human Rights of Migrants                           Refugees and children’s rights have been
                                                                    defined in separate treaties quite early but
           The Vie nna De cla ration a nd the                       there was no legal text for migrants which
           Programme of Action (1993) attached great                included all the different elements and
           importa nce to the promotion and                         aspects of migration, and which was
           protection of the human rights of persons                a cce pte d a s lega lly binding and
           belonging to vulnerable groups, including                authoritative by a majority of states. It was
           migrant workers.34 States were urged to                  perhaps the move to prioritize the rights of
           create conditions to foster greater harmony              refugees which has led the international
           and tolerance between migrant workers                    community to give less attention to the
           and the rest of the society of the State in              rights of migrants a nd a much le ss
           which they reside. Refugees and migrants                 developed human rights protection.

              A study was conducted to compare 400 females with menopausal symptoms after migration and an equal
           number who developed menopause before exile. It showed that 25 women in the age group 35-40 years
           developed menopause after exile compared to nine before migration. In the age group 41 to 45 years, 34
           developed menopause after exile as against 26 before exile. More than 36 per cent women become infertile
           by the time they reach 40 years of age after Migration (Norwegian Refugee Council, 2005).
              In the last half century, human rights have been transformed from the abstract principles embodied in
           the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), to become legal entitlements for individuals, and legal
           duties for states. The body of international law seeks to regulate the relationship between the state and
           individuals within its territory and jurisdiction. The central principal is nondiscrimination and equal
           treatment. In the context of vulnerable groups, governments have recognized that some individuals and
           groups are particularly vulnerable; although they enjoy the same universal protection as everyone, they also
           have special protection needs.
              Convention on the Status of Refugees (1951) and Protocol.

           Identities in Motion ...                            20                           Chandrima B. Chatterjee

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But the increased movement of people                       Most of the rights set out in Part III, which
           across the globe for labour and the serious                applies to all migrant workers are related
           concerns raised about the existing labour                  to the fundamental civil and political
           standards of individual states necessitated                rights. 36 The Convention establishes a
           the need to protect the rights of the migrants             Committee to oversee implementation by
           by governments. The value of a rights based                the States.37 The CMW treaty came into
           approach to migration lies in its ability to               effect only in 2003. It has been accepted
           identify at an early stage laws, policies and              a s lega lly binding by rela tive ly fe w
           practices which could lead to abuse of                     governments but no major employment
           migrant’s rights. The Hague Declaration                    country has thus far ratified it (See
           focused on adopting a more humane                          Appendix 3 for Status of Ratification of the
           approach to migrants and migration.                        CMP by countries). At present, the number
           Migrants now have rights under two sets                    of ratifications of the Convention is 25
           of international instruments: first, the core              (Steering Committee Report, 2003). The
           huma n rights tre a tie s such as the                      CMW lacks the legal authority of other
           International Covenant on Civil and Political              human rights treaties as it has not been
           Rights (ICCPR), whose provisions apply                     ratified by majority of states. But, the UN
           universally, and thus protect migrants; and                Convention on the Protection of the Rights
           second the new Convention on Migrant                       of All Migrant Workers and Members of
           Workers (CMW) and the ILO Conventions                      their Families (UN Convention on Migrant
           which specifically apply to migrants, and                  Workers) clearly spells the global focus on
           in particular to migrant workers. Despite                  the human rights of migrants
           several attempts, migrants continued to be
           protected under an amalgam of general                      Migrant’s rights in the most extreme
           internal law, human rights law, labour law,                situations, that is, war, genocide or crimes
           and international criminal law. But with                   against humanity are protected under
           the Convention of Migrant Workers (CMV),                   inte rna tiona l crimina l la w, and
           the provisions for the protection of the                   international humanitarian law. Two
           migrants received formal sanction. The                     protocols to the UN Convention against
           CMW was adopted by the General Assembly                    Transnational Organised Crime protect
           at its 45th session on 18 December 1990.                   migrant’s rights in situations of trafficking
                                                                      and to a lesser degree where they are
           The Convention on Migrant Workers brings                   smuggled. The mandate for the Special
           together in a single text the rights of the                Rapportuer for Human Rights of Migrants
           migrants including the irregular migrants.                 was established in 1999.

              Part III contains that there has to be equal treatment between all migrant workers and nationals to their
           families, giving them equal treatment in respect of their basic economic and social rights, including
           remuneration, work and employment conditions, social security, emergency medical care, and access to
           education for the children of migrant workers. Part IV, is only for regular migrants and relates to access to
           educational institutions and service, vocational guidance and training, housing, social and health services,
           and participation in cultural life. They are given the right to form trade union and rights to political
           participation. They also have a right to family reunification.
              The Committee examines reports from States, and considers communications from individual and other
           states alleging violations. An ILO representative is to participate in a consultative capacity at the Committee’s

           Identities in Motion ...                              21                             Chandrima B. Chatterjee

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There are only two international treaties            about the protection of the rights of all
           that recognize health rights of irregular            migrant workers and the members of their
           migrants: the Convention on Migrant                  families. It makes a reference to the access
           Workers (1990) and the Rural Worker’s                to social and health services by migrants
           Organizations Convention (1975). The right           in the host countries. (See Box 6 below for
           to health among migrant workers is                   details.)
           encapsulated in Article 43 of the CMW

                                                        Box 6
                            International Convention on the Protection of the Rights
                             of all Migrant Workers and Members of their Families
                                                      Article 43
                   1. Migrant workers shall enjoy equality of treatment with nationals of the
                      State of employment in relation to:
                       a. Access to educational institutions and services subject to the admission
                          requirements and other regulations of the institutions and services
                       b. Access to vocational guidance and placement services;
                       c. Access to vocational training and retraining facilities and institutions;
                       d. Access to housing, including social housing schemes, and protection
                          against exploitation in respect of rents;
                       e. Access to social and health services, provided that the requirements
                          for participation in the respective schemes are met;
                       f.   Access to co-operatives and self-managed enterprises, which shall
                            not imply a change of their migration status and shall be subject to the
                            rules and regulations of the bodies concerned;
                       g. Access to and participation in cultural life.
                   2. States Parties shall promote conditions to ensure effective equality of
                      treatment to enable migrant workers to enjoy the rights mentioned in
                      paragraph 1 of the present article whenever the terms of their stay, as
                      authorized by the State of employment, meet the appropriate requirements.
                   3. States of employment shall not prevent an employer of migrant workers
                      from establishing housing or social or cultural facilities for them. Subject
                      to article 70 of the present Convention, a State of employment may make
                      the establishment of such facilities subject to the requirements generally
                      applied in that State concerning their installation.

           Identities in Motion ...                        22                         Chandrima B. Chatterjee

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Cehat chandrima
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Cehat chandrima
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Cehat chandrima

  • 1. Identities in Motion; Migration and Health In India Chandrima B. Chatterjee, Ph.D The Centre for Enquiry into Health and Allied Themes (CEHAT), Mumbai PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 2. First Published in October 2006 By Centre for Enquiry into Health and Allied Themes Survey No. 2804 & 2805 Aaram Society Road Vakola, Santacruz (East) Mumbai - 400 055 Tel. : 91-22-26673571 / 26673154 Fax : 22-26673156 E-mail : Website : © CEHAT ISBN : 81-89042-46-7 Printed at : Satam Udyog Parel, Mumbai-400 012. PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 3. FROM THE RESEARCH DESK Health and Human rights has explicit The Background Series is a collection of intrinsic connections and has emerged as papers on various issues related to right to powerful concepts within the rights based health, i.e., the vulnerable groups,health approach especially so in the backdrop of sy stems, h ealth po licies, affecti ng weakening public health system, unregulated accessibility and provisions of healthcare in growth of the private sector and restricted India. In this series, there are papers on access to healthcare systems leading to a wo men, elderly , mi grants, disable d, near-to tal ecli pse of avail abil ity and adolescents and homosexuals. The papers are accessibility of universal and comprehensive well researched and provide evidence based healthcare. A rights-based approach to health recommendations for improving access and uses International Human Rights treaties and reducing barriers to health and healthcare norms to hold governments accountable for alongside addressing discrmination. their obligations under the treaties. It We would like to use this space to express recognises the fact that the right to health is our gratitude towards the authors who have a fundamental right of every human being and contributed to the project by sharing their it implies the enjoyment of the highest ideas and knowledge through their respective attainable standard of health and that it is papers in the Background Series. We would one of the fundamental rights of every human like to thank the Programme Development bei ng and that gove rnme nts have a Committee (PDC) of CEHAT, for playing such responsibility for the health of their people a significant role in providing valuable inputs which can be fulfilled only through the to each paper. We appreciate and recognise provision of adequate health and social the efforts of the project team members who measures. It gets integrated into research, have worked tirelessly towards the success advocacy strategies and tools, including of the project ; the Coordinator, Ms. Padma monitoring; community education and Deosthali for her support and the Ford mobilisation; litigation and policy formulation. Foundation, Oxfam- Novib and Rangoonwala Right to the highest attainable standard is Trust for supporting such an initiative. We encapsulated in Article 12 of the International are also grateful to several others who have Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural offered us technical support, Ms Sudha Rights. It covers the underlying preconditions Raghavendran for editing and Satam Udyog necessary for health and also the provisions for printing the publication. The cover page of medical care. The critical component design and the photograph has been provided within the right to health philosophy is its by Jhanvi Graphics. We hope that through realisation. CEHAT’s main objective of the this series we are able to present the health project, Establishing Health as a Human Right issues and concerns of the vulnerable groups is to propel within the civil society and the in India and that the series would be useful public domain, the movement towards for those directly working on the rights issues realisation of the right to healthcare as a related to health and other areas. fundamental right through research and documen tati on, advo cacy , lo bbyi ng, Chandrima B.Chatterjee, Ph.D campaig ns, awareness an d education Project In-Charge (Research) activities. Establishing Health As A Human Right iii PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 4. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Identities in Motion; Migration and Health In India Chandrima B.Chatterjee is presently working with the Centre for the Enquiry into Health and Allied Themes. She is the Project-In-Charge of research on Establishing Health as a Human Right. She holds a doctorate in Sociology and has been involved in several research projects on various issues. She has published and presented papers both nationally and internationally. Her research interest includes labour migration, migration and health, urban health, human trafficking and health and human rights. iv PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 5. CONTENTS Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1 1. Migration and Health ................................................................................................ 1 1. A. Degrees of Vulnerability along Types of Migrants affecting Health - An Exploration of their health impact ............................................................. 3 1. B. i) Internal Migration in India ........................................................................ 5 1. B. ii) International Migrants in India ................................................................ 13 1. C. Migrant Women and Children ......................................................................... 14 2. Health Implication for those on the move ............................................................. 16 3. The Human Rights of Migrants ............................................................................... 20 3. A. Migrants Rights in India .................................................................................. 23 3. B. Existing Gaps Interfering with the Realisation of the Right to Health ........ 25 4. Conclusion: Including the Excluded ...................................................................... 26 4. A. Inclusive Healthcare for Migrants .................................................................. 27 References ............................................................................................................. 31 Definitions And Concepts ................................................................................... 39 Annexures .............................................................................................................. i v PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 6. LIST OF TABLES 1. IDPs in Neighbouring Countries ............................................................................. 9 2. Overview of available estimates of internally displaced due to conflict in India ....................................................................................................... 11 LIST OF BOXES 1. Vulnerability Among Migrants ............................................................................... 3 2. Categories of internal displacement in India ........................................................ 8 3. Causal Factors Affecting Migrant’s Health ............................................................ 16 4. Migration, Mobility and HIV/AIDS ......................................................................... 18 5. Health Problems in the context of Trafficking ....................................................... 19 6. International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families .................................................. 22 7. Existing Labour Laws in India Relevant for Migrant Workers ............................. 24 8. Inter State Migrant Workmen Act, 1979 ................................................................ 25 9. Integration Health and Migration- Achieving a Balance (Benefits) ................... 29 10. Priority Areas ............................................................................................................ 29 LIST OF FIGURES 1. Increased Internal Migration by Place of Birth in India ...................................... 6 vi PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 7. LIST OF ANNEXURES 1. Latest Census Questions on Migrants/Non-Migrants .......................................... i 2. Status of Ratification on the CPRMW ...................................................................... ii 3. Key Provisions of the Unorganised Sector Bill ...................................................... iii vii PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 8. BLANK PAGE viii PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 9. Identities in Motion; Migration and Health In India INTRODUCTION This paper addresses the issue of migration and its public health implications within Human spatial mobility started about two the huma n rights fra mework. decades ago for various systemic, economic Disaggregated information on the types of and individual reasons, but there is a lack migrants in India, their magnitude and of systematic information and health-risk their vulnerabilities impacting their health assessment among the mobile population. a nd access to he a lthca re ha s bee n The specific socio-demographic structure, presented. The migrants are vulnerable at that is, age, sex, education, attainment, the source, throughout the migratory occupation and income, determines the process and at the destination areas. The context in which migration takes place and degree of vulnerability of migrants in India their health-risks are predetermined by is different in different situations and so certain factors at the destination areas. are the challenges that migration poses for They are health policy-makers. Understanding l Government-related factors such as migration through a human rights national policies, public service framework helps explain the health needs system, community development, of migrants in the context of the current development and housing; migration patterns. l Employer-related factors such as work site safety, living conditions, 1. Migration and Health insurance coverage, women worker’s maternal and reproductive health At the start of the new millennium, spatial benefit, etc; movement of the human population has l Health-sector related factors such become more pronounced. Migratory a s hea lth/pre ve ntive ne twork, movements characterized by increased service coverage and approaches, q ua ntitative growth and q ualita tive service items and prices; and differentiation along the lines of migratory l Individual-related factors like social patterns, nature of migrants, their quality support at the destination, health and final destination have facilitated a awareness, health beliefs, health differe ntia te d de velopme nt pattern beha viour and he lp see king creating spaces of vulnerability. The behaviour, impacts the individual unfolding of the socio-political dynamics a nd colle ctive he alth risk of of different countries and the persistent migrants. economic growth along the individual and 1 Chandrima B. Chatterjee PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 10. collective complexities of societies has Restrictive migration policies in many introduced instability at all levels. This countries have resulted in different kinds has increased the migration of populations of human right violations on migrants and within a nd across the ge ogra phica l refugees. The marginalization and health contours of the na tion-sta te. In the of migrant populations are a growing public globalization debate, movement of people health concern as they represent one of the received scant attention. Yet the sheer most ‘at need’ groups in the world. magnitude of migration- force d and voluntary, regular and irregular, clearly Migrants have always been conceptualized suggests that migration has the potential as problematic in the context of policies to pose a potential public health challenge. both nationally and internationally. This Migration can expose individuals and mindset has led to complex public health groups in many settings at health risks. issues posed by migration. Migrants and Many individuals and groups, in certain their human rights have to be understood kinds of settings, remain excluded from the from the existing contradictions within benefits of health and healthcare. and across countries between skilled and voluntary migrants at one end of the General Comment 14 of the International spectrum to the other end comprising of the Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural poor and unskilled migrant population Rights comments on the right to the highest destined to be excluded and obscured from attainable standard of health (Committee the fabric of the host societies. For the on Economic Social and Cultural Rights, latter, the intersection of human rights and 2000). This has been largely translated as migration is a negative one, with bad a right to health care and has enabled focus experiences throughout the migratory ‘life on ensuring that the rights of individuals cycle’, in areas of origin, journey or transit are not violated through the creation of in case of international migrants and structural and other barriers to the access destination. The intersection of migrants to healthcare facilities. The application of and human rights becomes even more principles in international law reminds comple x whe n irre gular or ille ga l governments and relevant authorities of migration clashes with the interest of the their obligations to their populations. But area of destination. Cases of exploitation the rights of migrants have always been a of migrants by employers, smugglers or problematic area with many challenges. traffickers in such cases never meet While globalization, conflict and disasters justice. All these directly impact the rights have contribute d to the ne ed for of individual migrants. populations to be mobile and governments, particula rly those of the de velope d The focus of this section is on the health countries, have promoted globalization for implications for poor unskilled/semi- economic and development reasons, they skille d migra nts, both internal and have become increasingly reluctant to international, in the context of public a cce pt migration as one of the health as well as in relation to the health consequences of opening up markets for of the individual and the existing barriers the exchange of goods and services. of access to health services at the host Identities in Motion ... 2 Chandrima B. Chatterjee PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 11. destinations. case of migrants, the common factor that justifies their vulnerability is perhaps the 1. A. Degrees of Vulnerability along Types fact that their origin differs from their of Mig rants a ffe c ting He a lth-An present residence. The difference is not Exploration of their health impact merely limited to the experience of change of space but extends to other experiences Vulnerability can be understood as a state of differences of culture, language and of being exposed to or susceptibility to people . The vulne rability which is danger or abuse. It comprises of weakness primarily premised on the alien status 1 of of physica l a nd mental strength, the migrant gets complicated by the defe nse lessne ss, unprote cte d ne ss, combination of factors at the area of fragility and exposure to undesirable destination. Limited choice and reduced conditions/ factors. In addition to the capacity to negotiate results in increased health environment in the place of origin, discrimina tion in life cha nce s. The transit and destination (including disease migrant is considered an ‘outsider’. prevalence), they include patterns of mobility (regular, circular, seasonal, etc) Various survey and studies have shown that define the conditions of journey and that migrants are disadvantaged relative to their impact on health; the status of the na tive population re garding migrants in de stination are a s tha t employment, education and health. These determines their access to health and circumstances are not formally separable social services; and familiarity with the into causes such as deficient education culture a nd language of the host and health, initial prejudice, and effects community. Vulnerability is a relative such as poor wages, inferior healthcare term. Simila rly, fa ctors lea ding to provision and sustained discrimination. vulnerability are varied and relative. In the But they mutually reinforce each other. For Box 1 Vulnerability among Migrants l Migrants are disadvantaged relative to the native population l They often have a low socio-economic status with no access to either healthcare or social services l They suffer from mental and emotional vulnerability and low self-esteem l Lack of provision of social goods, education and health, impedes the integration of migrants into the local population. 1 This is more evident in the case of international migrants Identities in Motion ... 3 Chandrima B. Chatterjee PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 12. instance, a bias against the migrants may prevents irregular international migrants translate into health provider neglect from seeking healthcare and treatment is which in turn perpetuates poor migrant the fear of their illegal status being health. discovered (WHO 2003). In the case of internal labour migrants, their fluidity in The degrees of vulnerability in which terms of movement and their working migrants find themselves depend on a conditions in the informa l work variety of factors, ranging from their legal arrangements2 in the city debars them status to their overall environment. In the access to adequate curative care. case of international migrants, one of the most important determining factors that The vulnerability of the migrants and their pose barriers to accessing health services health and human rights has to be assessed is the question of their legal status in the from the framework of host area.1 The discussion on health and l accessibility of health and health human rights issues of migrants is most service s in re la tion to the pertinent in the case of the mass exodus of availability of services; stigma and poor population from the areas of origin to discrimination, discrimination on the areas of destination for economic and the basis of sex and gender roles socio-political reasons internally and and economic affordability, undocumented or irregular migration from l quality of available services and the outside the country. Laws and policies are prior conditions of health like right either redundant or prevent migrants from to safe and he althy working a cce ssing social se rvices, including conditions, right to adequate food, healthcare. The hiring of migrants in an physical accessibility of health irregular situation (both internal and services, culturally sensitive and international) allows employers to be good quality health services, and exempt from providing health coverage to the right to seek and receive health them as the labour force then becomes related information. cheaper than recruiting locals/natives. Local bias stigmatizes migrants and N ationa l hea lth- care plans ofte n may be used as an excuse by host discriminate against temporary migrants communities to supply inferior care, and especially undocumented ones by impe de integration, re strict the making only emergency care available for migrant’s care er a nd e duca tional non-citizens. This forces migrants to delay mobility and ultimately act as a socially hea lth-se e king till the condition is and culturally indenturing force. Bias sufficiently hazardous to justify going to also acts as a self-perpetuating force, emergency clinics. Another factor which sustaining the migrant’s negative 2 Refugees and illegal migrants often get caught up in the internal geopolitics of the host countries and have no legitimate right that can protect them. They are denied basic rights. 3 Delay in health-seeking is also due to associated costs, inability to miss work, problems of transportation. Many are unfamiliar with the local health-car e syst ems and hav e linguistic or cultural diff iculties communicating their problems. Source: Census India, 2001 Identities in Motion ... 4 Chandrima B. Chatterjee PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 13. conditions and thus allowing for more vulnerability point of view, the conditions bias to continue. prior to migration are important. Broadly speaking, migration is of two 1. B. i) Internal Migration in India different types—internal and international. Both the types can be either voluntary or Internal migration by place of birth has forced. Migration is voluntary or forced on increased in India, from 1991 (838.5 in the basis of the factors that propel migration millions) to 2001 (1,028 in millions). In at the point of origin. In the case of voluntary migra tion, the de cision to a lmost eve ry ca tegory 4 ba rring the migrate is taken as a part of an informed intrastate migration, there has been an choice made by the prospective migrant, increase in migration in the 2001 census while in the case of forced migration, as compared to the 1991 census data. The conflict, political violence, armed conflict, Figure 1 clearly shows that there has been development-induced displacement, are an increase in the internal migration major reasons for migration. From the between the two census periods. 4 Migrants 1999 2001 Intra-district 136.2 181.7 Inter-district 59.1 76.8 Inter-state 27.2 42.3 Source: Census India, 2001 Identities in Motion ... 5 Chandrima B. Chatterjee PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 14. Figure 1 Increased Internal Migration by Place of Birth in India 1999 2001 Total Migrants Intra-district Inter-district Inter-state Intra-state Source: Census, Government of India, 2001 5 During the 2001 census period, 14.4 work in the urban informal manufacturing million people migrated within the country construction, services or transport sectors for work purposes either to cities or areas and are employed as casual labourers, with higher expected economic gains. The hea d loa de rs, ricksha w pulle rs and National Commission on Rural Labour hawkers (Dev, 2002). (NCRL) estimates the number of internal labour migrants in rural areas in India Migrant workers predominate in the lower alone at around 10 million (including income labour market with higher risks of roughly 4.5 million inter-state migrants exposure to unsafe working conditions.6 and 6 million intra-state migrants). The Migration for labour among the poor has a 2001 Census has recorded about 53.3 peculiar characteristic. It can be voluntary million rural to rural migration within the in the sense that the prospective migrants country. According to the NCRL, a large in most cases take the decision to migrate number of migrants are employed in based on their expectations of estimated cultivation and plantations, brick-kilns, gains from the movement and in some quarries, construction sites and fish cases, the same movement could be processing. A large number of migrants also considered as forced migration where often 5 Jammu & Kashmir has been excluded in both the Census 6 Allotey Pascale (2003), Is Health a Fundamental Right for Migrants, Guest Editorial Column in the journal Development, Vol 46, No 3, September. Identities in Motion ... 6 Chandrima B. Chatterjee PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 15. poverty, landlessness, debt, unemployment ethnic conflicts. Here, there is a need to act as the push factors for mass exodus. differentiate migration from displacement. Migration may include both voluntary and Globalisa tion a nd the a ssocia te d forced movement of people. Displacement casualisation of work have favoured the implies the use of force or generation of migrants who are absorbed in all forms of conditions that displaces people from their low paying, low or unskilled jobs with source of origin. Because of political crisis higher prospects of potential hea lth a nd ethnic cla she s, re a sons of hazards. Employers prefer to employ development or natural or man-made migrant labour with lower wages and they disasters, people are forced to flee their are steadily replacing local labourers homes to new destinations. So while (Breman, 1994). The mobile existence of the migration implies both voluntary and migra nt labour furthe r affe cts their forced migrants, and includes the element sustainability in the urban industrial of ‘choice’ or pull factors alongside the system in India (Breman, 1985; Singh, possibility of ‘force’ or push factors, 1995; Grewal and Sidhu, 1979; Sidhu et displacement is solely dependent on the a l., 1997,Roga ly, 1996). Thus, the push factors. It takes away the voluntarism economic vulnerability of the migrant is from the individual and the collective. kept a live by the informa l work Internally Displaced People (IDPs) are a arrangement from the employers’ end. product of displacement and are different Seasonal and annual migrant labourers from refugees in the sense that their areas from the rural areas working in the urban of destinations are not across the borders. areas are denied voting power and are They resettle in a different place but within therefore not allowed to develop any stakes their country of origin. Again, while in the destination areas. They are not refuge e s a re eligible to rece ive allowed to participate in the planning and international protection and help under the governance processes thereby perpetuating 1951 Refugee Convention and the 1967 political vulnerability. Social vulnerability Protocol, the international community is is perpetrate d by the e xpe rie nce of not under the same legal obligation to discrimination, social distance and feeling protect and assist internally displaced of alienation in the host area/destination. people. National governments have the primary responsibility for the security and The other type of internal migration which well-being of all displaced people on their is purely forceful is due to political and territory. Identities in Motion ... 7 Chandrima B. Chatterjee PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 16. Box 2 Categories of Internal Displacement in India l Political causes, including secessionist movements l Identity-based autonomy movements l Localized violence l Environmental and development-induced displacement l Religion-based violence and displacement Globally Asia is the second largest region around 6 lakhs (IDMC, 2006). Even among having IDPs close to 2.8 million after Africa the neighbouring countries, the available (12.1 million).In India, the internally estimates of IDPs in India are quite high. displaced people are estimated to be See Table 1 below for details. Identities in Motion ... 8 Chandrima B. Chatterjee PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 17. Table 1 : IDPs in Neighbouring Countries of India Country No of IDPs Estimated Date Source Comments Global 25,300,000 Dec,2004 Internal Estimates based on Displacement analysis of available Monitoring country figures and Centre (IDMC) additional information on displacement and return trends India 600,000 May-05 Internal Compiled from Displacement various figures Monitoring Centre (IDMC) Bangladesh 5000,000 2000 State Committee on Statistics, Chittagong Hill Tracts Pakistan 30,000-50,000 Sep-04 IRIN; Local Media Estimates relates to South Waziristan. Most IDPs in Pakistan controlled Kashmir reported to have returned Nepal 200,000 Jun-05 UN/NGO IDP Survey, IDMC Myanmar 540,000 Oct-05 Thailand Burma Estimates relates to Border Consortium eastern border areas only and does not include significant number of IDPs in the rest of the country Srilanka 341,175 July,2005 UNHCR/MRRR Source:, accessed 20 Feb, 2006 Identities in Motion ... 9 Chandrima B. Chatterjee PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 18. The re ha s bee n no syste ma tic Karbis in Assam; 262000 Kashmiri Pandits documentation of IDPs both globally and from Jammu and Kashmir; 35,000 Brus/ nationally. The estimates are largely based Reangs from Mizoram and about 50000 on official estimates published and on displaced persons in Tripura (Norwegian analysis of additional information on new Refugee Council, 2005). Insurgency and deve lopme nts with re ga rd to ne we r retaliatory operations by security forces are displacements returns and reintegration. a major factor of displacement. Civilians Availa bility of IDP data ha s a lways have fled fighting and have sometimes rema ine d a proble m a nd the re are been directly targeted by militant groups enormous information gaps. In most in Kashmir, the Northeast and in several countries, the scope of the displacement states of Central India. Many people are crisis is known with lowe r le ve ls of known to be internally displaced due to accuracy. In such cases, detailed and conflicts in the Indian states of Jammu and specific information on the IDPs’ total Kashmir, Gujarat and in the North-east.7 estimate, their living conditions and needs The la rge st situa tion of inte rna l is always a problem. The figures used by displacement however, stems from the the governments a nd interna tiona l conflict in the north-western state of organisations are often rough estimates, Jammu and Kashmir.8 There are no surveys and at times contradict each other. All these increase the vulnerability of the IDPs to date that specify the extent of the to human right violations. Large numbers problem and the actual number of people of IDPs are caught in desperate situations internally displaced by conflict could be a midst fighting or in remote and much higher than the official statistics ina cce ssible are as cut-off from made available. A majority of the internally international assistance. Others have been displaced people (IDPs) have not been able forced to live away from their homes for to return for several years either due to many years, or even decades, because the protracted conflict or unresolved issues conflicts that caused their displacement related to land and property. One example remained unresolved. is India’s largest group of internally displaced, the Kashmiri Pandits who have India at present has over half a million been fleeing the Kashmir Valley since conflict-induced Internally Displaced 1989 due to conflict in the Kashmir Valley. Persons — 200000 consisting of the Table 2. provides an overview of IDPs in Adivasis, Bodos, Muslims, Dimasas and India and their nature of displacement. 7 Assistance to IDPs remains inadequate, http://www.internal- (ht t p Count r ies)/5 762D122F45E14B0802570A7 004BBA1F?ope ndocument &c ount =10000&e xpand= 2&link=20.2&count=10000#20.2, Posted on 13 May 2005, accessed on 13.02.’06 8 The status of Kashmir has been in dispute since the creation of an independent India and Pakistan in 1947, and the two countries have twice gone to war over the issue. Protection of the remaining Pandit population has been far from adequate, leading to further displacement during 2004 when 160 of the estimated 700 Pandit families remaining in the Kashmir Valley fled an upsurge of violence and killings (Central Chronicle, 4 January 2005 Identities in Motion ... 10 Chandrima B. Chatterjee PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 19. Table 2 : Overview of available Estimates of Internally Displaced due to Conflict in India State Who are IDPs? Nature of Reasons for Displacement Displacement NORTHERN INDIA Jammu and 1) Kashmiri Pandits Political Conflict Conclusion of the ceasefire Kashmir 2) Residents LoC with Pakistan; due to shelling and border areas between India and Pakistan. NORTH-EASTERN INDIA Assam Santhals, Nepalis, Ethnic Conflict Santhal-Bodo9 conflict Bengalis (2003), conflict between Karbis and Kukis (Oct-Nov 2003); violence towards Hindi- speaking people ( Nov 2003); fighting between Dimasa and Hmar tribes; eviction of Muslims of Bengali origin; violence between Karbis and Dimasa tribes (2005) in Assam Manipur Kukis, Paites10 and Ethnic Conflict Conflicts between the tribes11 Nagas, Hmars Tripura Tribals, i.e., Reangs12 Ethnic Conflict13 Clashes between tribes; and non-tribals, i.e., security reasons 14 Bengalis. WESTERN INDIA Gujarat Religious groups Communalism Communal conflict Central Chattisgarh Villagers Political Conflict Clashes between naxalites and police15 Source: Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, February, 2006 9 The Bodos refer to themselves as Boros 10 Paites refer to themselves as Zomis 11 Around 1,000 were displaced in Mizoram and 5,000 in the Tipaimukh sub-division of Manipur. 12 Reangs refer to themselves as Bru 13 The official reports confirm about 47,742 people displaced between Jan 1999 and Nov 2003. More than 100,000 Bengali settlers have been internally displaced (BBC News, 6 th May 2004). A large amount of Reangs have been displaced. 14 Many people has also been displaced due to building of fence along Bangladesh border (Telegraph, 13, March,2005) 15 Many villagers from nearly 420 villages in Chhattisgarh have fled for safety Identities in Motion ... 11 Chandrima B. Chatterjee PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 20. In India, internal displacement has also alternative schemes offered to the project- re sulted from na tural disasters a nd affe cted pe rsons. This re duces their development projects. Floods and other chances of resettlement and exacerbates natural disasters displace many people their vulnerability impacting access to every year. Recently, the tsunami in the health and healthcare (Himadri et al., Indian Ocean which hit southern India in 1999). There are reports of lack of basic December 2004, devastated the Andaman facilities like food, medical supplies and and Nicobar Islands and a 2,260 km stretch sanita tion in the Sta te gove rnment of the mainland coastline in Andhra organized relief camps for the internally Pra desh, Kera la , Ta mil N a du and displaced people (HRW, April 2002). Pondicherry affecting several households. An estimated 2.7 million people were Reports suggest that more than half of the affected by the disaster and some 650000 IDPs are at risk of falling victim to physical were displaced (World Bank, 3 May 2005). violence threatening their lives (Norwegian Kashmir, in the north of India, was badly Refugee Council, 2005). Many IDPs affected by the South Asian earthquake in remain exposed to violence and other October 2005, which made thousands of human rights violations during and after people homeless. According to official their displacement. Often they have no or records, 150000 people were homeless only ve ry limite d a cce ss to food, following the earthquake disaster.16 employment, education and health care. Large numbers of IDPs are caught in Available reports indicate that more than desperate situations amidst fighting or in 21 million people are internally displaced remote and inaccessible areas cut-off from due to development projects in India. India international assistance. Others have been is the third largest dam builder country in forced to live away from their homes for the world. It now has over 3600 large dams many years, or even decades, because the and over 700 more under construction.17 conflicts that caused their displacement Large dams are the single largest cause of have remained unresolved. Women and displacement in India. Of those who were children often are particularly vulnerable displaced in India due to construction of to sexual and other forms of violence. As dams, more than 50 per cent are tribal lack of security also affects humanitarian (HRW, January 2006). The estimates of access, many of those stuck in dangerous IDPs due to deve lopme nt induce d situations also have limited possibilities of displacement lack authenticity of data. getting humanitarian assistance, which, Lack of proper surveys on development- in addition to immediate physical threats, induced displacement excludes a large make s the m more vulnera ble to proportion of affected families out of the malnutrition and diseases. 16 USAID, 2005, Earthquake Estimates, December 17 Taneja, Bansuri and Thakkar, Himanshu, On Dams, World Commission on Dams, accessed:5th April, 2006 Identities in Motion ... 12 Chandrima B. Chatterjee PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 21. 1.B. ii) International Migrants in India children from the neighbouring countries to India. Bangladesh, SriLanka and Nepal In India there are a large number of are common neighbouring countries from inte rna tional migra nts from othe r which women migrate to India as part of countries. In 2001 Census about 5.1 an organized trafficking network. The million persons were reported as migrants movement of trafficked persons is based on by last r esidence from a cross the deception and coercion and its main Inte rna tional border. N e ighbouring purpose is exploitation. In the case of countries are the main source of origin of illegal international migrant, the issue of the international migrants to India. 4.9 legality is the main cause of vulnerability. million persons who migrated from the The vulne ra bility of undocume nte d neighbouring countries constitute 96.9 migrants is multiplied by their illegal and per cent of the total migrants from abroad. clandestine condition. When migrants The bulk of these migrants were from e nte r a nothe r country ille ga lly and Bangladesh, followed by Pakistan and subsequently lose any legal immigration Nepal. But for the purpose of this paper, the status, his or her vulnerability to abuse and main focus would be on low-skilled and exploitation increases sharply. In many unskilled internal migration to India and situations, migrants do not know what refugees. rights they are entitled to, and still less how to claim them, hence the cases of abuse Restrictions on legal entry at in most goes unrecorded. countries of destination, enforced through strict visa regimes and carrier sanctions, Another area where exploitation is rampant mean that a large proportion of migrants is forced labour which takes place in the travel with illegal documents, often using long, torturous and dangerous routes to illicit underground economy and so tends countries of de stina tion. Since the to escape national statistics. Irregular movement of population is illegal, the migrant workers are easy victims of abuse estimates of entry of migrants to the and exploitation by employers, migration countries of their destination remain agents, corrupt bureaucrats and criminal largely undocume nte d. Restrictive gangs. They often live on the margins of approaches based on efforts to obstruct or society, trying to avoid contact with deter people moving from one country and authorities and have little or no legal region to another, have had a negative access to prevention and healthcare impact on prospective migra nts and services. Migrant workers predominate in asylum seekers violating their human the lower income labour market with higher rights principles and force them into the risks of exposure to unsafe working hands of human traffickers. Trafficking conditions. 18 Many often they do not occurs in a wide range of situations and approach the health system of the host take s many forms. There a re we ll- countries in the fear of their status being established trafficking routes of women and discovered. 18 Allotey Pascale (2003), Is Health a Fundamental Right for Migrants, Guest Editorial Column in the journal Development, Vol 46, No 3, September. Identities in Motion ... 13 Chandrima B. Chatterjee PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 22. Refugees are international migrants to entered the country after 25 March 1971 India, who are understood as a fleeing would need to return to Bangladesh by the stranger in need of sanctuary or someone end of February 1972. Remarkably, by the who was received and treated as guests. end of February 1972, over nine million Some refugees were integrated into the refugees had returned back to Bangladesh. receiving society, while others may have chosen to return to their homes after a A recent estimate of refugees in India period of time (Samaddar, 2003). There amounts to 162687 (UNHCR, 2005). The have been several political developments number of refugees in India is declining and ethnic considerations which have from 1994 to 2004 (See Appendix 2). The resulted in a refugee problem in India. total number of refugee population living Because of ethnic violence in Sri Lanka, a in camps is 165292 of which 11493 stay large number of Sri Lankan refugees have in urban areas and the rest 153799 are crossed over to India since July, 1983 and dispersed across various regions. Refugees their influx, though substantially reduced, have an added complexity of nationalism, still continues19. Displaced persons from ethnicity and social norms20. Refugees may East Pakistan who had come into India also face racism and xenophobia in the upto March 31, 1958 are known as ‘Old countries of destination. At times of Migrants’. They number about 41.17 lakh political crisis, they may be the first to be and the bulk of them, over 31 lakh stayed targeted. In recent years, the linkages on in West Bengal. Following the partition, dra wn betwee n a ntiterrorism and India received 2.55 million Hindu refugees immigration control in the context of the from East Bengal. Again following the war ‘wa r on te rror’, ha s le d to many of liberation in 1971, an estimated ten governments having uninte ntiona lly million refugees fled from Bangladesh to e ncoura ge d discrimination a ga inst neighbouring India to escape from the international migrants and refugees. atrocities of the Pakistan Army and their local collaborators. Within a month after 1. C. Migrant Women and Children the crackdown of the Pakistan Army on 25 March 1971, nearly a million refugees Migration among women and children entered India. By the end of May, the (both internal and international) warrants average daily influx into India was over spe cia l a tte ntion in the context of 100000 and had reached a total of almost migration from the perspective of human four million. By the end of 1971, figures rights. Migration a mong women and provided by the Indian government to the children and its associated vulnerability United Nations indicated that this total had poses complex public health challenge. In rea che d 10 million. India q uickly the migratory pattern within India, women announced that all refugees who had and children have always featured as 19 Sri Lankan Refugees in India Year January February March Apr il May June July August Sept. October November December 1999 370 408 579 546 769 612 448 387 287 379 72 120 2000 92 181 257 198 288 200 138 45 29 41 46 105 Source: Ministry of Home Affairs, 20 Bangladesh Documents, Vol. I, New Delhi, Government of India, Ministry of External Affairs, p.464 Identities in Motion ... 14 Chandrima B. Chatterjee PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 23. “associated” migrants with the main lead to the reversal of the income dynamics decision to migrate being taken by the male of individual households. Post 1990s, of the household. Internally migration globally the identity of women as laborers within and outside the States of India, has became pervasive. Women migrant labour always thrown out higher figures of female now accounts for 46 per cent of the overall migrants citing, ‘Marriage’ and ‘Moved with international migration from developing household’ as the two most important countries.22 In India, there are a large reasons to move among women. This is number of international women migrants. primarily in consonance with the belief Female migration to India constitutes 48 that man is the prime breadwinner of the per cent of the total in-migration from other household and is responsible to take countries. Migration among women has important decisions. Women are largely been high from Bangladesh and Nepal as care givers. This belief holds ground as is compared to other neighbouring countries. evident from the trend displayed in the Low/skilled or semi-skilled migration has subsequent censuses on migration. 21 an impact on their choice of occupation According to the 2001 Census, 42.4 and the conditions of work. Many of the million migrants out of the total 65.4 low/semi skilled female migrants work in million fe male migra nts in India , the unorganized sector.23 They work in mentioned marriage as the main reason to hazardous conditions, live in shanty migrate within the country. As associated arrangements and are denied access to migrants, wome n suffer gre a te r health and health care. vulnerability due to reduced economic choices and lack of social support in the Trafficking also contributes to the cross- new area of destination. In the case of border movement of a large proportion of semi/ low-skilled or unskilled women migrants, this can translate into their entry women into other countries. As mentioned into the low paying, unorganized sector earlier, there are established routes of with high exposure to exploitation and trafficking in India used to facilitate the abuse. movement of women and children from across the borders in order to sustain the But this scenario has changed globally. unde rground e conomy. Women and International migration of women for children in an irregular situation are employment has increased over a period doubly vulnerable owing to their lack of of time ma inly with the changing proper legal status and high risk of sexual vicissitudes of the global economy that has exploitation. 21 In India, out of the total 82.1 million migrants by last residence during 1981-1991 about 36.1 million and 10.1 million were female migrants who migrated due to marriage and moved with family. In 2001 Census, about 42.2 million and 12.2 million were female migrants who migrated for marriage and moved with household respectively out of the total 97.8 million migrants. This estimate includes both skilled and unskilled female migrants. 22 Citation available in Meenakshi Thapan’s Series Introduction for Sandhya Arya and Anupama Roy edited, Poverty, Gender and Migration, New Delhi: Sage Publication, pg.9. The original citation is Susie Jolly, Emma Bell and Lata Narayanswamy,(2003), Gender and Migrat ion in Asia: Overview and Annotated Bibliography, No 13. Bridge, Institute of Development, UK. 23 Many of the migrant women work as domestic help, in beauty parlours as helpers, sweepers, prostitutes etc. Identities in Motion ... 15 Chandrima B. Chatterjee PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 24. There are a large proportion of women and popula tions when dise a se s are children refugees in the camps in India. communicable and infected persons move There are 1, 22,078 Tibetan refugees in or migrate. Cataloguing the morbidity India, of which 43,708 are women and reported among migrants makes the 23,122 childre n (0- 14 a ge group) 24 . relation between migration and morbidity According to the UNHCR estimates, there clear. Understanding the relationship is are 12,760 Afghan refugees in India, of particularly important from the public whom 9,417 are women, and children, health perspective. Different types of which amounts to 74 per cent being women migration lead to diversified vulnerability and children. Of these 4 percent are among both internal and international children below the age of five years.25 Those migrants. The common possible in the refugee camps face large-scale de terminants of he alth risks among atrocities. Very often, women in the camps, migrants are the motivational factors suffer se xua l abuse during conflict. (reasons for migration, occupational at the Women migrants have higher risks of being victimized at the work place and suffer source of origin 27 ), occupation related sexual exploitation with its associated factors 27 and environment-re la te d reproductive and mental health problems. factors28 . The factors that increase the health risks and health outcomes either 2. Health implications for those on directly or indirectly are not exclusive. Box the move 3. below gives several factors that affect migrant’s health. The factors are inter- Public health threats arise in migrant correlated. Box 3 Causal Factors Affecting Migrant’s Health l Overcrowded living conditions which facilitate increased transmission of infectious diseases l Poor nutritional status( and consequent lowered immunity) due to lack of food before, during and after displacement l Inadequate quantities and quality of water to sustain health and allow personal hygiene l Poor environmental sanitation l Inadequate Shelter 24 Tibetan Planning Commission, 1984, Tibetan Demographic Survey, Dharamshala 25 UNHRC, 2001, ht tp: //www. UNHRC.CH, Women, Childr en and Older Refugee: The Sex and Age Distribution of Refugee Population with a Special Emphasis on UNHRC Policy Priorities, Geneva: Population Data, Unit Population And Geographic Data Section, United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees, p.10. 26 These factors change and impact priorities at the destination areas. For example, perception and awareness of poor health; however, health expenditure depends on the socio-economic profile of the migrants at the areas of origin. 27 Occupation related health hazards. 28 Poor living conditions impact health. Identities in Motion ... 16 Chandrima B. Chatterjee PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 25. The morbidity patterns among migrants headache, pain in the neck, swelling of vary with the type of migration and its legs, swelling of hands, hair loss, skin scope for generation of health risk. For diseases, injuries, chest pain, eye problems instance, in the case of internal migration among others (Jeyaranjan, 2000). Migrant among poor labourers, their susceptibility labourers avail themselves of curative care to health problems stems from their but they fall outside the coverage of peripheral socio-economic existence in the preventive care largely due to their fluidity host areas. Since they are absorbed in the of movement caused by uncertainty of informa l e conomy, the y e xist a s employment. The low health status of undocumented labour in most cases and women can be seen from indicators such fall outside the coverage of the labour- as antenatal care coverage, prevalence of welfare sche mes 29 a nd he nce , the anemia, prevalence of reproductive tract employer does not provide them their due. infections and violence against women Poor living conditions such as lack of (Kundu, 2002). Children suffer from proper water supply, poor drainage system malnutrition and low immunization when and unhealthy practices and deplorable their parents are in perpetual low-income sanitary conditions expose the migrants to uncertain jobs that necessitate frequent various kinds of health risks predetermined shifts based on concentration of work by their standard of living and their choice (Sundar et al, 2000). Measles is found to of occupation (Sundar et al, 2000; VHAI, be common a mong migrants ma inly 2000, Ray 1993). These harm the migrants a mong childre n who do not have and increase the chance of their being immunization (Harpham, 1994). prone to infectious diseases30. Migrant labour is more susceptible to HIV/ Living arrangement, living conditions, and AIDS infection. A study on the hea lth be haviour a re re la ted to the vulnerability of the workers in an industrial incidence of infectious diseases. Malaria, are in New Delhi that in the absence of hepatitis, typhoid fever, and respiratory proper observance of existing labour rights, infection are found with a higher incidence the migrant labourers continue to live in among migrants The occupation-related squalid surroundings and have hazardous commonly reported problems among working atmosphere. They are not provided migrant workers working in the informal the basic needs. Most of the workers have sector are cold- cough fever, diarrhea, multiple partners and indulge in high risk tiredness, lack of appetite, giddiness, behaviour with a very low pattern of condom weight loss, stomach pain, hip pain, usage. They also reported high alcohol 29 In cases of rural to urban migration where the push factors are essentially economic i.e., landlessness, debts, joblessness, etc., the need of the migrant is more than the employers need for labour. This gap in the level of need between the labourer and the employer reduces the time of bargaining for the right price of labour benefiting the employer who buys labour at his price irrespective of the market price. The need element of the migrant reduces his/her labour price. 30 The World Bank and WHO has estimated that in India, 21 per cent of all communicable diseases (11.5 per cent of all diseases) are water related. The specific diseases are diarrhea, trachoma, intestinal worms, hepatitis and tropical cluster (schistosomiasis, leishmaniasis, lymphatic filariasis in India) of diseases (Parikh, 2000). Identities in Motion ... 17 Chandrima B. Chatterjee PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 26. Box 4 Migration, Mobility and HIV/AIDS Migrants and mobile people become more vulnerable to HIV/ AIDS. By itself being mobile is not a risk factor for HIV/AIDS. It is the situations encountered and behaviours possibly engaged in during the mobility or migration that increases vulnerability and risk. Migrant and mobile people may have little or no access to HIV information, prevention (condoms, STI management), health services. – International Organization of Migration, 2005. consumption and drug use. All these place crowding, and extremes of climate, lack of them at high risk for HIV/AIDS (Singh R., hea lthca re , joble ssne ss, idlene ss, N Atteq, J.John, 1999 ; Lingam,1998). The depression, disease and death. A health most vulnerable sub-population is sex survey among displaced Kashmiri Pandits workers is found to be those who are reveals that the affected population shows trafficked from neighbouring countries or multiple signs of deteriorating health like those from rural areas who lack education high incidence of serious and potentially and migrate to cities a s a surviving fatal diseases (Norwegian Refugee Council, strategy. 2005). There are health risks for people displaced The emotional stress of displacement and due to development activities such as dam the toll that this takes can have a great construction 31 and conflicts. Internally impact on physical as well as mental displaced people are usually housed in health. Large numbers mental health tents or one-room tenements or just problems are reported among IDPs. Stress spaces, bereft of basic amenities of life. disorder leads to cardio-vascular stress, Others are on the move in search of shelter psycho-tra uma , e ndocrine stre ss, a nd livelihood a nd lea d a noma dic musculo-skeletal stress, stress-belly existence. The health, both mental and (ulcers etc) and cranial stress (tension physical, of IDPs has been the greatest headaches and migraines). Hypertension casualty. The trauma of forced exodus and is common even among the youth. Stress the exposure to an alien and hostile dia bete s is a ne w syndrome (Da ily environment are further compounded by Exce lsior, 3 Se ptember 2003). the problems of acclimatisation, lack of Psychological and mental disorders are basic amenities such as drinking water, e pidemic in proportion. Re active drainage and sewerage, absence of proper depression and nervous breakdown are lavatory facilities, poor housing, over- very common in the youth. Males have overt 31 Sometimes water impoundments increase favourable vector sites at times of the year offering to be a breeding site for mosquitoes. They transit a number of tropical diseases. Identities in Motion ... 18 Chandrima B. Chatterjee PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 27. Box 5 Health Problems in the Context of Trafficking Mental trauma Physical trauma Communicable disease Violence, including sexual abuse Source: International Organisation of Migration, 2005. depression. Female complaints are more and this is most pronounced among somatic in nature. Older people have childre n unde r five ye a rs of a ge . retarded depression. Even schizophrenia is Malnutrition is both a prima ry and reporte d a mong IDPs. C o nstant secondary cause of death among children unce rta inty has cre a te d chronic, (Norwegian Refugee Council, 2005). The impending and ongoing phobias. Refugees refugee camps lack basic medical facilities. like IDPs suffer from poor mental health. The results are devastating in terms of Cases of neurological disorders are also morbidity a nd morta lity a mong the commonly reported in the refugee sites children (Norwegian Refugee Council, (Norwegian Refugee Council, 2005). 2005). Children also suffer as they grow in some time s violent a nd inse cure Refugees are placed at a high degree of environment. The NHRC reported that vulnerability as far as their exposure to children were one of the major sufferers in diseases is concerned and this exacerbates the refugee camps due to the neglect of by their status in the host country and their their education and health32. uncertain future of relationship with the country of origin. They have restricted Women like children have specific needs access to social goods in the host country. than others in the refugee camps. The Many refugee camps lack sanitation, water, gender dimensions of ethnic nationalism electricity and have little or no access to and the related struggle for identity medical facilities (Norwegian Refugee formation, manifests itself in the form of Council, 2005). A report by the South Asia violence on women in the case of refugee Human Rights Documentation Centre in women. As women they are targeted for 1994 described the conditions in the sexual violence because of the nation or camps as abysmal (SAHRDC, 1994). The the community they represent. Several major causes of morbidity and mortality cases of chronic vaginal discharge due to among refugees are measles, diarrhoeal vaginal infection and ovarian failure diseases, acute respiratory infections, related to sexual abuse are commonly malaria and malnutrition. A direct causal reported by women in the refugee camps relationship between malnutrition and (Internationa l Initia tive of Justice , mortality in the refugee sites is evident, December 2003, pp.64, 67). 32 National Human Rights Commission, India, July 1996, ‘Human Rights Newsletter’. Identities in Motion ... 19 Chandrima B. Chatterjee PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 28. Various reports have underlined the have been recognized as groups with importance of meeting the reproductive special protection needs. Each government health needs of women and adolescents in is a llowe d to e xercise its na tiona l the camps. 33 Cases of polymenorrhea sovereignty to decide who to admit into its (shorte ne d me nstrua l cycle s), territory, but once the individual has dysmenorrhoea (painful menses) and e nte re d the country, the na tiona l menstrual irregularity are common among gove rnment is re sponsible for the women and adolescent girls in the refugee protection of his or her rights. But between camps. The most common cause for such refugees and migrants, the former received health problems is violence on women and more attention than the latter on the the associated psychological and physical grounds that they lack protection by their stress. (International Initiative of Justice, own governments. A special protection 2003). There are also many cases of mental ‘regime’ was created for the refugees to problems reported among women in the protect the m from re foule me nt, to refugee camps. Skin diseases, nutrition recognize their civil, social, economic and syndromes, incidence of tuberculosis, cultural rights, and place them under the renal stones, renal failure and asthma are protection of individual states and of the among other commonly reported morbidity UNHCR.35 The UNHCR was formed with in the camps (Samaddar, 2003). enormous protection mandate for refugees. 3. The Human Rights of Migrants Refugees and children’s rights have been defined in separate treaties quite early but The Vie nna De cla ration a nd the there was no legal text for migrants which Programme of Action (1993) attached great included all the different elements and importa nce to the promotion and aspects of migration, and which was protection of the human rights of persons a cce pte d a s lega lly binding and belonging to vulnerable groups, including authoritative by a majority of states. It was migrant workers.34 States were urged to perhaps the move to prioritize the rights of create conditions to foster greater harmony refugees which has led the international and tolerance between migrant workers community to give less attention to the and the rest of the society of the State in rights of migrants a nd a much le ss which they reside. Refugees and migrants developed human rights protection. 33 A study was conducted to compare 400 females with menopausal symptoms after migration and an equal number who developed menopause before exile. It showed that 25 women in the age group 35-40 years developed menopause after exile compared to nine before migration. In the age group 41 to 45 years, 34 developed menopause after exile as against 26 before exile. More than 36 per cent women become infertile by the time they reach 40 years of age after Migration (Norwegian Refugee Council, 2005). 34 In the last half century, human rights have been transformed from the abstract principles embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), to become legal entitlements for individuals, and legal duties for states. The body of international law seeks to regulate the relationship between the state and individuals within its territory and jurisdiction. The central principal is nondiscrimination and equal treatment. In the context of vulnerable groups, governments have recognized that some individuals and groups are particularly vulnerable; although they enjoy the same universal protection as everyone, they also have special protection needs. 35 Convention on the Status of Refugees (1951) and Protocol. Identities in Motion ... 20 Chandrima B. Chatterjee PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 29. But the increased movement of people Most of the rights set out in Part III, which across the globe for labour and the serious applies to all migrant workers are related concerns raised about the existing labour to the fundamental civil and political standards of individual states necessitated rights. 36 The Convention establishes a the need to protect the rights of the migrants Committee to oversee implementation by by governments. The value of a rights based the States.37 The CMW treaty came into approach to migration lies in its ability to effect only in 2003. It has been accepted identify at an early stage laws, policies and a s lega lly binding by rela tive ly fe w practices which could lead to abuse of governments but no major employment migrant’s rights. The Hague Declaration country has thus far ratified it (See focused on adopting a more humane Appendix 3 for Status of Ratification of the approach to migrants and migration. CMP by countries). At present, the number Migrants now have rights under two sets of ratifications of the Convention is 25 of international instruments: first, the core (Steering Committee Report, 2003). The huma n rights tre a tie s such as the CMW lacks the legal authority of other International Covenant on Civil and Political human rights treaties as it has not been Rights (ICCPR), whose provisions apply ratified by majority of states. But, the UN universally, and thus protect migrants; and Convention on the Protection of the Rights second the new Convention on Migrant of All Migrant Workers and Members of Workers (CMW) and the ILO Conventions their Families (UN Convention on Migrant which specifically apply to migrants, and Workers) clearly spells the global focus on in particular to migrant workers. Despite the human rights of migrants several attempts, migrants continued to be protected under an amalgam of general Migrant’s rights in the most extreme internal law, human rights law, labour law, situations, that is, war, genocide or crimes and international criminal law. But with against humanity are protected under the Convention of Migrant Workers (CMV), inte rna tiona l crimina l la w, and the provisions for the protection of the international humanitarian law. Two migrants received formal sanction. The protocols to the UN Convention against CMW was adopted by the General Assembly Transnational Organised Crime protect at its 45th session on 18 December 1990. migrant’s rights in situations of trafficking and to a lesser degree where they are The Convention on Migrant Workers brings smuggled. The mandate for the Special together in a single text the rights of the Rapportuer for Human Rights of Migrants migrants including the irregular migrants. was established in 1999. 36 Part III contains that there has to be equal treatment between all migrant workers and nationals to their families, giving them equal treatment in respect of their basic economic and social rights, including remuneration, work and employment conditions, social security, emergency medical care, and access to education for the children of migrant workers. Part IV, is only for regular migrants and relates to access to educational institutions and service, vocational guidance and training, housing, social and health services, and participation in cultural life. They are given the right to form trade union and rights to political participation. They also have a right to family reunification. 37 The Committee examines reports from States, and considers communications from individual and other states alleging violations. An ILO representative is to participate in a consultative capacity at the Committee’s meetings. Identities in Motion ... 21 Chandrima B. Chatterjee PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version
  • 30. There are only two international treaties about the protection of the rights of all that recognize health rights of irregular migrant workers and the members of their migrants: the Convention on Migrant families. It makes a reference to the access Workers (1990) and the Rural Worker’s to social and health services by migrants Organizations Convention (1975). The right in the host countries. (See Box 6 below for to health among migrant workers is details.) encapsulated in Article 43 of the CMW Box 6 International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of their Families Article 43 1. Migrant workers shall enjoy equality of treatment with nationals of the State of employment in relation to: a. Access to educational institutions and services subject to the admission requirements and other regulations of the institutions and services concerned; b. Access to vocational guidance and placement services; c. Access to vocational training and retraining facilities and institutions; d. Access to housing, including social housing schemes, and protection against exploitation in respect of rents; e. Access to social and health services, provided that the requirements for participation in the respective schemes are met; f. Access to co-operatives and self-managed enterprises, which shall not imply a change of their migration status and shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the bodies concerned; g. Access to and participation in cultural life. 2. States Parties shall promote conditions to ensure effective equality of treatment to enable migrant workers to enjoy the rights mentioned in paragraph 1 of the present article whenever the terms of their stay, as authorized by the State of employment, meet the appropriate requirements. 3. States of employment shall not prevent an employer of migrant workers from establishing housing or social or cultural facilities for them. Subject to article 70 of the present Convention, a State of employment may make the establishment of such facilities subject to the requirements generally applied in that State concerning their installation. Identities in Motion ... 22 Chandrima B. Chatterjee PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version