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3. iGE
5. iGCDP
Fa Co.
iGE Ra
Ent. F.
Coo. 1
Coo. 2
Coo. 3
Coo. 1
Coo. 2
Start Up
Project 1
4 TMP Project 2
Feel UA
Brand Man.
Digital Man.
GC Promo Coo.
GC Uni.
GC City
GC Uni.
PD Cor.
Control Coo.
GC Coo.
*Coo: Coordinator
Meeting Re OPS Ma(EP AN) Recommendations Check Points
Operational Flow
Application Form Call Interview OP Contract Training
If the basic info in the AF is okay, they calling people to invite interviews.
They are sending an online english quiz in addition to interview. If they pass, they are
being redirected to OP.
The ones who are already in EXPA should sign the contract the make the 30%
payment of whole fee to proceed.
LEAD and EXPA training.
Check Points:
2 weeks after the trainings, check points start. It is done biweekly.
Recommendation of partner opportunities, or other opportunities suitable for EP.
Ma(EP AN):
To be matched, EP should pay the rest 70% of the fee.
Because there not much people going in one time, it is being done in personal
meetings to be done by EP Maneger.
A meeting to be conducted after 1 week of EP’s return. After that, they are sending
Team Structure (New Version)
• oGE Team(with 4 TMPs)
• Quality Control Manager – Responsible for teams’ tracking, LEAD implementation,
NPS, firefighting, EP Facebook Group and IR
• GT Ra
• GT Ma & Re
MC Partners
Vietnam, Turkey, Poland, Mexico, Egypt, Colombia
KPIs and MoSes
In Ra Team:
• # of Interviews
• # of Ra
• CR
In Ma Team:
• # of Applications
• # of Ma
• CR
LC Partners
Turkey, China, Morocco, Egypt(people might be interested), Colombia(random)
EP Manager System
Their focus will be to decrease the time spent in matching. They are assigning 7-8 EPs to each
IR Responsibility
Coordinator will evaluate EP datas and profiles. Based on the SPs, the partnerships will be
established. Coordinator will also send opportunity mails for each SP.
oGIP Culture
It is really relevant in the country, so it is like a natural driver. Still, MC is also supporting very
well. They have a national motto for oGIP:
From the MC’s view, the reason behind successful oGIP focus is culture of professionalism and
JDs of people.
Member Efficiency
Because of the lack of management of ex VP oGIP, members were demotivated and they left.
Right now, there is a feeling of «lack of leadership» in oGIP. Even though there were problems,
because the raise team was good and they were recruiting the right profiles; matches were
coming all the time.
The Reasons Behind The Growth
From the MC’s perspective, they are growing owing to attitude of people. They respect to the
work they are operating. They have a cleadr business model and LEAD is being used as a
They had one team for the summer peak. 4 TMPs under it. For Q4 they do not have team for
They are receiving payment in match step. They are not allowed to have more than 20 open
forms. So, they stopped raising.
They do not have any sustainable system. They are trying to increase the number of EXPA
applications but none of the applications are good enough for the opportunities. They
sometimes do lots of junk interviews. Their focus is very low in partnership, they do not know
how to manage. They are also having company issues. Because there is no payment boundary
for the company, they are delaying the feedback process.
Currently, they have only 1 Match& Realization. Yet, they have 20 Open forms.
* Because VP BD did not come our meeting and did not respond me when I ask for a Skype meeting, I could not
receive any detailed info about Raising.
Team Structure (Summer Peak)
• Offline Marketing – City (with 3 TMPs)
• Offline Marketing - University (with 3 TMPs)
• Coordinator (2 Teams under) – Responsible for teams’ tracking and LEAD
• Operations Team(with 4 TMPs) – Responsible for Online Registrations
• Operations Team(with 4TMPs) – Responsible for Offline Registrations
Team Structure (New Version)
• GC Innovations Manager – Responsible for driving oGCDP, re-integration, sending
members to internship, viral operations,
• Program Development Manager – Responsible for teams’ tracking, LEAD and IR
• GC Ra – Responsible for Application Forms, Delivering Presentations and
• GC Ma & Re - Responsible for each process after Ra
LC Partners
Sri Lanka, Turkey(İzmir, Gaziantep), Egypt(Suez, GUC), Slovakia, Albania, Tunisia, Azerbaijan
EXPA Usage and Raise Flow
They started using OP in May. After receiving application forms, an otomatic mail goes to
applicant that redirects them to OP.
They are calling the people in EXPA to invite them to a consideration presentation. They
mention AIESEC, GC, OP Usage, EP Showcase and the process. They also Show some
opportunties. If applicants accept, they are being interviewed. If they pass the interview, they
need to sign contract and pay 50% of the fee. After payment and contract, EPs can apply on the
Among application forms, they are checking who are still not in EXPA. They are approaching
them to make them register in EXPA. If people reject them, they offer Global Leader.
*They have a value-based interview.
Conversion Rates
After July:
• Application Form to Interview: 20%
• Interview to Contract: 20%
In Spring:
• Application Form to Interview: 50%
• Interview to # of people passed : 70%
• People who passed interview to Ra: 40% (the reason was, they were not seein any
opportunity and they needed to make 100% payment.)
• They are making a big OPSes, either ath the end of May or in the beginning of June.
• It is for 2 days.
• They are seleting Facis for the event. Sometimes VPs of other LCs. VP oGCDP released
application for the faci opportunity.
• The content is LDM-based.
 Why AIESEC(they do this by mentioning world citizen)
 Who I am(about self-aware)
 I’m Ukrainian Ambassador(where they mention their LCs motto «for stronger
 Empowering Others
 My Fears(about culture shocks)
 Think & Solve(about being solution oriented)
 Let’s Travel(tips for travelling)
They use spreadsheets to track members. In summer peak, each member is assigned appx. 6-
30 EPs. In general, 10 EPs for a member.
Team Structure (Old Version)
• TL of Raise Team of WWB Project
• TL of Ma-Re Team of WWB Project
• TL of Explore Kyiv Project
• TL of Speak Global Project
• TL of Language School Project
• TL of iGE Matching
• Coordinator (Resp. for IR, Document Tracking)
Team Structure (New Version)
• Coordinator of Special Projects (iGE Ma-Re )
• Coordinator of iGCDP ( Resp. for partnerships, search tools, internal documents,
support for operational tracking)
• TL of Explore Kyiv Project
• TL of Language School Project
• TL of We Care Project
• TL of Feel Ukraine
• TL of WWB (November – January)
• TL of WWB (January – February)
*iGCDP Coordinator is making the functional tracking but not working «above» TLs.
Member Efficiency
Depends on Project.
• For their biggest project, WWB, when members only work for Ra or Ma-Re , it is sometimes
becoming boring and inefficient for them.
• For Language School Project, they have OC HRs who have the JD of agenda creation,
accommodation arrangement, fee collection from external attendants.
• Most part of the working flow is the same with us. For the special projects, they have a team
structure that members have different JDs to be more efficient. And for the big and national
projects, they either have two different teams for two different Re dates, or they have a Ra
team and a different Ma-Re team.
• Rather than «last-second» matchings, they prefer to select the EPs who are aware of the JDs
and responsibilities while they still have time. 10
Teams are trying to raise discount from the hostels. After the discount, LC makes the
rest of the payment(around 70%).
For Language School Project, they are collecting fee from the attendants and with that
fee sometimes they cover the accommodation also.
Because it is a huge burden for the budget, for Explore Kyiv project they are planning to
put some TN fee.
Financial Sustainability
For all these accommodation expenditures, in the beginning of team they have planned
the enough budget.
They tried sponsorship raising from companies but it did not work out for them. Because
of that, they are planning to work with colleges both to make them TN takers and
Experience Tracking
• In IPS, they are launching this to EPs. Before IPS, they prepare the personal
development plan.
• For the coaches, they are arranging seminars. Alumni come and train how to coach
• A coach does at least 3 meeting with the EP. All the meetings have a main topic such as
goal settings, check points and reminders, reflection and evaluation.
• A coach has 1 or 2 interns in general.
Selection of the coaches:
• Coaching position is open both for AIESECers and non-AIESECers. They are relasing
an application form for that.
• TM department is responsible for the application releasing and coach trainings.
• For the tracking of the coaching flow and operation, generally VP TM questions VP
ICX whether everything is going right.
Language School :
• It’s been 3-4 years since this project is first done. It has akind of brand value.
• 2 times in a year(September and January)
• The project consists of language courses(English, Spanish, French and etc)
• They are matching EPs based on their language levels.
• They are accepting delegetes to the project. They need to pay a fee to attend the
• Language school decides on the fee.
• Team leader creates a budget for the project. VP F tracks how the budget is being
• Their biggest national project.
• Main aim is to improve the english level of the attendants.
• The main themes of the projects are culture, career development, IT, finance, literacy
and health.
• They will also do a project about ecology.
Explore Kyiv, Feel Ukraine and We Care are the other projects they have.
Main perspective of the projects: To be helpful for the Ukrainian society. While improving
foreign university students, improving the youth of Ukraine, as well.
Team JDs
Coordinators are responsible for cooperations, preparation of search tools, documents for
realizations and support for operational tracking.
They are having teams for each project. Because WWB is the biggest one, they had separate
teams for Ra and Ma-Re in summer. For Q4, because the timeline of WWBs are different, they
will have two teams for WWB(Ra-Ma-Re together) for different timelines(one for November
and one for January).
They are assigning appx. 6 EPs for each member.
EPs From Istanbul and EP Engagement
They can accept 1 EP from Istanbul for each project. For WWB, it can be 2 people. In total, they
can accept 6 people from Istanbul in Q4.
Engagement: EPs are intivited to LCMs and some activities of the LC.
Team Structure(Old Version)
Generally the same in off-peak and summer
• Brand Manager
• Social Media Coordinator
• Online Promo Team(Promotions
to attract EPs for iGCDP )
Online Channels
• Facebook:
They have LC Page. Main usage is for oGIP GT Advertisements., GE EP Attraction for iGE .
Not frequently used for oGCDP .
• VK:
They have LC Page. Main useage is for GC Promotions and announcement of the events.
They use VK to announce Global Village, as wel.
• Google Ads:
They do not have enough budget for this. They are trying to raise Google to use Google
Ads via the partnership.
• Linkedin:
Because you need to find people one by one if needed, it is not practical for them. It is
also not popular in Ukraine, they do not use it often.
• Instagram:
They have LC Page. They shar intern pictures and nowadays they started sharing
• Youtube:
They have LC Page. They planned to record promo videos of 3 programs but they do not
have result, yet. They are planning to record a Global Village video ,as well.
For GT, they are working with job-reach websites. They are directly adding some sample
GT opportunities there.
Team Structure(New Version)
• Digital Manager
• Brand Manager(Offline Manager)
• GC Promo Coordinator and 2-3 Teams
under it.
Offline Channels
• ICX:
In Global Villages and in external events; by using the ICX interns they are promoting GC.
• GT & GE:
In external career events, days and etx, they were attending and collecting info of the
• GC:
 Their aim is to have university events. They will have a team for that. They want to
have presentations. They have 2 teams, each has 22 universities in their
responsibility. Ideal timeline for the teams: 2 weeks to contact all universities, 2
months to arrange the events and presentations. Goal is to have minimum 2
presentation from each team.
 Their second focus is city events. They also have team for that. They want to attend
external events or arrange their own event with that team.
With the municipality or governmental support, they are planning to have billboard or
banner adversitements. They want to make AIESEC «viral».
Conversion Rates
• Offline Channel to Raise : 0,11
• Online Channel to Raise: 0,15
They were not tracking it before. With an initiative from MC, they will start.
Their CRs are not good in Facebook.
Marketing Focus
• Their main focus is GT, in general but because GT Sign-Ups are in good level, it is not
an actual focus right now.
• Their focus will be GC for Q4. It will be the first time marketing handles the
promotions that much. Back then, oGCDP was doing the whole offline process.
Biggest Challenge
• Google Partnership
• Partnership for Outdoor Advertisements.
Accomplishing those, she will consider herself as successful.
MC – LC Communication
They do not have strict policies as we have. Mainly, they do not have any restrictions.
They have their own pages, they do not have to make their visual materials confirmed
by MC and etc.
Because MC VP Mkt is her current, they have a friendly relationship. With MC, they
are only working on product packaging.
Recruitment Basics
Bad Case Practise:
• They recruited members for 2 teams. They delivered trainings for 3-4 hours.
Because they tried to did it in very short time, the result was awful. Retention
rate was very low, most of the members left AIESEC in the same day of training
for after 1-2 weeks.
• 2 big recruitments in one year are considered as ideal.
• They are recruiting people to AIESEC, not to the departments.
• They are arranging everything based on demand. If the need is 35 people, they are
recruiting 50.
Recruitment Flow
Application Form OP Apply Assessment Center Interview
Application Form:
They release it in VK and Facebook.
They arrange otomatical e-mails for each AF to redirect them to OP.
People are waited to apply the membership opportunity they created(TNs for each
open position).
Assessment Center:
Each Applicant in EXPA is being called to attend assesment centers. They are doing it
for 2 weeks as 2 days in a week. Each AC can contain 10 people. For different
positions, there are different ACs. They are measuring behaviour, attitude,
ability&skills, knowledge. If one candidate is lack of attitude and behaviour that are
expected for the position, the candidate is being rejected. If they are lack in
knowledge and skills, they are arranging needed trainings for later.
People are being interview based on their application on EXPA.
Recruitment Timeline
4 Days
TLP Application Launch & TLP Announcement:
They put the positions on EXPA. Each applies, and then prepares the required
application booklet. Then attends an open interview. TL first needs to make a speech
that explains why he/she wants to apply for this position. Then VPs question the
candidate. Everyone in LC can attend the elections. They are giving 2-3 days for
TLP Training:
1 day for general training that includes public speech, life long connection etc. 2
more days for TLP planning. TL needs to determine goals, make plans for Team
Minimums steps.
Local Induction Day/Conference:
With at least 5-7 teamsi they are hacing 2 days conference. It is mostly about
delivering AIESEC culture, and connect new members with the organization. They
also deliver functional trainings ans some other trainings about soft skills. People are
waited to apply the membership opportunity they created(TNs for each open
Interviews and Allocation
• If an applicant is not suitable for the position applied, they suggest another one
based on the skills observed in AC.
• Interview content is «practical knowledge-based» .Interviews’s main focus is
giving feedback, not rejections.
• For GCDP departments, they have value based interviews.
3 Days
1 Month
1 Week 1 Week
Centers in
Tue. and
Centers in
Tue. and
Recruitment Conversion Rates
Assessment Center to Interview: 50%
Interview to Selected : 50%
Application Form to interview: 75%(ex) – 25% (now)
• Approximately they need at 6 application forms to recruit 1 member.
Team and JDs
In the ideal planning, TM has 3 Coordinators.
Recruitment Manager :
• Except Local Induction Conference, the one is responsible from everything.
• Has 3 Members (1 for Sales – conference avenue ; 1 for Services – assessment centers
arrangement ; 1 for marketing)
TXP Education Manager x2 :
• They need to check 22 teams that LC has.
• Their main JDs are
• to arrange trainings
• To deliver leadership development trainings to TLs and TMs.
• To prepare and release newletters
• To be involved in AC preparations during recruitment
• To arrange transitions between old and new TLs
• To collect stories from members
*In their latest TL elections, one TXP position for was ICX TXP, the other was OGX TXP.
Rewards and Recognition
TM department delivers RnR system. After each team term, they evaluate KPIs and MoSes.
They gave percentages for each MoS. And according to the scores each member and TL has,
they announce Best Team, Best Team Leader, Best Team Member for botch front and back
Office. And for LST, they only announce Best Team Leader and Best Team Member.
The rewards for normal teams are t-shirts, bracelets in general. For TLs, it is national
conference fee, for TMs it is internship fee.
The rewards for LST, it is international conference fee based on performance
Local Support Team
It has a really huge meaning for the LC. Rather than a minor team, LST almost considered as
middle management team. Some LST positions are :
• GC Innovations Manager,
• BD Project Partnership Manager
• Digital Marketing Manager
• oGIP Qualirt Control Manager
• ICX iGE Matching Manager
• Recruitment Manager…
Duration for LST is 3 months. Their main responsibility is quality control, innovation,
operational tracking over teams.
LSTs track the team leaders operationally, VPs focus on TLs development.
LST is considered as higher than TL who is a link between TL and VP.
VPs are preparing an LST day when they deliver some strategies(like delivering to a middle
General Info
• Before new teams start, they are selecting team leaders(2 weeks before generally).
• From members, they can directly select coordinators to LST.
• To increase in the results of OGX, they want to grow in the numbers of members.
• Team Leaders’ pipeline is the number of their members who applied for a TL or LST position.
• RnR has an important role in retention rate. They are rewarding people with small symbols
in general.
• Their retention rate it 70%.
• Dual Roles are not allowed.
• To the ones they select, they are givin MoS and they directly say that you are responsible
for that. They explaining the achievement plan in backwards way.
Team JDs
• VP F gives advices to project TLs in budget preparation. They get together, work on
the budget and VP F tracks them during the project.
• F Coordinator support the budget evaluation, documentation, fund raising and the
• F department is responsible to set up partnerships with NGOs to support ICX
department. Their focus is NGOs which are working with universities. Via their help,
they are planning to arrange some presentation in universities. Their goal is 2 OGX Re
from these partnerships.
• They are also contacting with NGOs which are active in festivals and entertainment.
They are trying to have some part in these events to talk about AIESEC.
• Government Relations: They do not have strict communication barriers put by MC as
we do. They are going to talk governmental offices to solve visa issue. Their aim is to
have an AIESEC Visa as we do.
• Their expenses are mostly in ICX area(accommocation costs).
*Because VP F is resigned, VP TM has responsibility for F.
LCMs are biweekly. Every Monday, at 19.30.
For each LCM, one VP is the main responsible. He/she needs to arrange the venue and
track the ones who are going to lead the LCM.
For each LCM, they are selecting members to lead it(not the TLs, it is always members).
The reason is that they want the members to feel like they are doing something big and
important. They are trying to make the members feel important.
They sometimes to it in the parks or in some places they can rent for one or two hours.
This time it was in a university classroom.
Attendants and Language
They are always inviting interns to LCM, so it is in English.
• It started with G2Know. This time they played Yes/No Game.
• Second part was Training. This time they focused on «Coaching». They made a
workshop about it. They are generally deciding on the training topic based on the
requests coming from members.
• Then there was a part for the teams in a game. They had some papers, such emotions
as anger, happiness were written on them. Each team peaked one and had sharings
according to that feeling. Every member of the team had to share something.
• The following part was announcement of new positions. VP TM explained each open
• Then every VP who opened a position for his/her department promoted their
positions for 2 minutes.
• At the end, they started doing roll calls for 15-20 minutes.
Second Part of the Positions to be
VP TM Launches New Positions
and Explains Them JD by JD.
Members of Local Training Team
Starts Leading LCM.
VP ICX Promotes Her Open Positions
to Receive More Applicants and
Clarify Some Points.
• Business Model and Efficiency in EP Manager System (Page 4)
• OPS (Page 9)
• Personal Coaching System(Page 11),
• Theme Based Projects and Language School Project (Page 12)
• GC Offline Promo Focus - City &University (Page 14)
• OP Based Recruitment(Page 16),
• TLP Application Process(Page 17),
• TLP Trainings(Page 17),
• LST(Page 19)
• Budget Creating, Evaluation with OCPs and Tracking(Page 12, 20)
CEED Report - LC Kyiv

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CEED Report - LC Kyiv

  • 1.
  • 3. TEAM STRUCTURES LCP (Vika) VP BD &ER (Vladlen) VP TM & F (Mark) VP M (Nata) VP ICX (Ilona) VP OGX (Roma) OD Coo. 2 TMP University 4 TMP Project Part. 2 TMP Fa Co. 4 TMP iGE Ra 4 TMP Ent. F. 4 TMP Coo. 1 2 TMP Coo. 2 2 TMP Coo. 3 2 TMP Coo. 1 2 TMP Coo. 2 2 TMP Start Up 4 TMP Project 1 4 TMP Project 2 4 TMP Language Sch. 4 TMP Explore Kyiv 4 TMP Ecology 4 TMP ATO 4 TMP Feel UA 4 TMP Brand Man. 2 TMP Digital Man. 2 TMP GC Promo Coo. 2 TMP GC Uni. 3 TMP GC City 4 TMP GC Uni. 3 TMP oGE 4 TMP 2 TMP PD Cor. 2 TMP Quality Control Coo. 2 TMP GC Coo. 2 TMP GC Ra 4 TMP GC Ma 4 TMP GT Ra 4 TMP GT Ma 4 TMP 3 *Coo: Coordinator
  • 4. Meeting Re OPS Ma(EP AN) Recommendations Check Points oGIP 4 Operational Flow Application Form Call Interview OP Contract Training Call: If the basic info in the AF is okay, they calling people to invite interviews. Interview: They are sending an online english quiz in addition to interview. If they pass, they are being redirected to OP. Contract: The ones who are already in EXPA should sign the contract the make the 30% payment of whole fee to proceed. Training: LEAD and EXPA training. Check Points: 2 weeks after the trainings, check points start. It is done biweekly. Recommendations: Recommendation of partner opportunities, or other opportunities suitable for EP. Ma(EP AN): To be matched, EP should pay the rest 70% of the fee. OPS: Because there not much people going in one time, it is being done in personal meetings to be done by EP Maneger. Meeting: A meeting to be conducted after 1 week of EP’s return. After that, they are sending NPS or CFS.
  • 5. oGIP 5 Team Structure (New Version) • oGE Team(with 4 TMPs) • Quality Control Manager – Responsible for teams’ tracking, LEAD implementation, NPS, firefighting, EP Facebook Group and IR • GT Ra • GT Ma & Re MC Partners Vietnam, Turkey, Poland, Mexico, Egypt, Colombia KPIs and MoSes In Ra Team: • # of Interviews • # of Ra • CR In Ma Team: • # of Applications • # of Ma • CR LC Partners Turkey, China, Morocco, Egypt(people might be interested), Colombia(random) EP Manager System Their focus will be to decrease the time spent in matching. They are assigning 7-8 EPs to each member. IR Responsibility Coordinator will evaluate EP datas and profiles. Based on the SPs, the partnerships will be established. Coordinator will also send opportunity mails for each SP.
  • 6. oGIP 6 oGIP Culture It is really relevant in the country, so it is like a natural driver. Still, MC is also supporting very well. They have a national motto for oGIP: Professional.Innovative.People. From the MC’s view, the reason behind successful oGIP focus is culture of professionalism and JDs of people. Member Efficiency Because of the lack of management of ex VP oGIP, members were demotivated and they left. Right now, there is a feeling of «lack of leadership» in oGIP. Even though there were problems, because the raise team was good and they were recruiting the right profiles; matches were coming all the time. The Reasons Behind The Growth From the MC’s perspective, they are growing owing to attitude of people. They respect to the work they are operating. They have a cleadr business model and LEAD is being used as a catalizor.
  • 7. iGE 7 Raising They had one team for the summer peak. 4 TMPs under it. For Q4 they do not have team for raising. They are receiving payment in match step. They are not allowed to have more than 20 open forms. So, they stopped raising. Matching They do not have any sustainable system. They are trying to increase the number of EXPA applications but none of the applications are good enough for the opportunities. They sometimes do lots of junk interviews. Their focus is very low in partnership, they do not know how to manage. They are also having company issues. Because there is no payment boundary for the company, they are delaying the feedback process. Currently, they have only 1 Match& Realization. Yet, they have 20 Open forms. * Because VP BD did not come our meeting and did not respond me when I ask for a Skype meeting, I could not receive any detailed info about Raising.
  • 8. oGCDP 8 Team Structure (Summer Peak) • Offline Marketing – City (with 3 TMPs) • Offline Marketing - University (with 3 TMPs) • Coordinator (2 Teams under) – Responsible for teams’ tracking and LEAD • Operations Team(with 4 TMPs) – Responsible for Online Registrations • Operations Team(with 4TMPs) – Responsible for Offline Registrations Team Structure (New Version) • GC Innovations Manager – Responsible for driving oGCDP, re-integration, sending members to internship, viral operations, • Program Development Manager – Responsible for teams’ tracking, LEAD and IR • GC Ra – Responsible for Application Forms, Delivering Presentations and Interviews • GC Ma & Re - Responsible for each process after Ra LC Partners Sri Lanka, Turkey(İzmir, Gaziantep), Egypt(Suez, GUC), Slovakia, Albania, Tunisia, Azerbaijan EXPA Usage and Raise Flow They started using OP in May. After receiving application forms, an otomatic mail goes to applicant that redirects them to OP. They are calling the people in EXPA to invite them to a consideration presentation. They mention AIESEC, GC, OP Usage, EP Showcase and the process. They also Show some opportunties. If applicants accept, they are being interviewed. If they pass the interview, they need to sign contract and pay 50% of the fee. After payment and contract, EPs can apply on the system. Among application forms, they are checking who are still not in EXPA. They are approaching them to make them register in EXPA. If people reject them, they offer Global Leader. *They have a value-based interview.
  • 9. oGCDP 9 Conversion Rates After July: • Application Form to Interview: 20% • Interview to Contract: 20% In Spring: • Application Form to Interview: 50% • Interview to # of people passed : 70% • People who passed interview to Ra: 40% (the reason was, they were not seein any opportunity and they needed to make 100% payment.) OPS • They are making a big OPSes, either ath the end of May or in the beginning of June. • It is for 2 days. • They are seleting Facis for the event. Sometimes VPs of other LCs. VP oGCDP released application for the faci opportunity. • The content is LDM-based.  Why AIESEC(they do this by mentioning world citizen)  Who I am(about self-aware)  I’m Ukrainian Ambassador(where they mention their LCs motto «for stronger Ukraine»)  Empowering Others  My Fears(about culture shocks)  Think & Solve(about being solution oriented)  Let’s Travel(tips for travelling) Matching They use spreadsheets to track members. In summer peak, each member is assigned appx. 6- 30 EPs. In general, 10 EPs for a member.
  • 10. Team Structure (Old Version) • TL of Raise Team of WWB Project • TL of Ma-Re Team of WWB Project • TL of Explore Kyiv Project • TL of Speak Global Project • TL of Language School Project • TL of iGE Matching • Coordinator (Resp. for IR, Document Tracking) Team Structure (New Version) • Coordinator of Special Projects (iGE Ma-Re ) • Coordinator of iGCDP ( Resp. for partnerships, search tools, internal documents, support for operational tracking) • TL of Explore Kyiv Project • TL of Language School Project • TL of We Care Project • TL of Feel Ukraine • TL of WWB (November – January) • TL of WWB (January – February) *iGCDP Coordinator is making the functional tracking but not working «above» TLs. iGCDP Member Efficiency Depends on Project. • For their biggest project, WWB, when members only work for Ra or Ma-Re , it is sometimes becoming boring and inefficient for them. • For Language School Project, they have OC HRs who have the JD of agenda creation, accommodation arrangement, fee collection from external attendants. • Most part of the working flow is the same with us. For the special projects, they have a team structure that members have different JDs to be more efficient. And for the big and national projects, they either have two different teams for two different Re dates, or they have a Ra team and a different Ma-Re team. • Rather than «last-second» matchings, they prefer to select the EPs who are aware of the JDs and responsibilities while they still have time. 10
  • 11. iGCDP Accommodation Teams are trying to raise discount from the hostels. After the discount, LC makes the rest of the payment(around 70%). For Language School Project, they are collecting fee from the attendants and with that fee sometimes they cover the accommodation also. Because it is a huge burden for the budget, for Explore Kyiv project they are planning to put some TN fee. Financial Sustainability For all these accommodation expenditures, in the beginning of team they have planned the enough budget. They tried sponsorship raising from companies but it did not work out for them. Because of that, they are planning to work with colleges both to make them TN takers and sponsors. Experience Tracking They have «PERSONAL COACHING SYSTEM». • In IPS, they are launching this to EPs. Before IPS, they prepare the personal development plan. • For the coaches, they are arranging seminars. Alumni come and train how to coach someone. • A coach does at least 3 meeting with the EP. All the meetings have a main topic such as goal settings, check points and reminders, reflection and evaluation. • A coach has 1 or 2 interns in general. Selection of the coaches: • Coaching position is open both for AIESECers and non-AIESECers. They are relasing an application form for that. • TM department is responsible for the application releasing and coach trainings. Tracking: • For the tracking of the coaching flow and operation, generally VP TM questions VP ICX whether everything is going right. 11
  • 12. iGCDP Projects Language School : • It’s been 3-4 years since this project is first done. It has akind of brand value. • 2 times in a year(September and January) • The project consists of language courses(English, Spanish, French and etc) • They are matching EPs based on their language levels. • They are accepting delegetes to the project. They need to pay a fee to attend the project. • Language school decides on the fee. • Team leader creates a budget for the project. VP F tracks how the budget is being fulfilled. WWB: • Their biggest national project. • Main aim is to improve the english level of the attendants. • The main themes of the projects are culture, career development, IT, finance, literacy and health. • They will also do a project about ecology. Explore Kyiv, Feel Ukraine and We Care are the other projects they have. Main perspective of the projects: To be helpful for the Ukrainian society. While improving foreign university students, improving the youth of Ukraine, as well. 12 Team JDs Coordinators are responsible for cooperations, preparation of search tools, documents for realizations and support for operational tracking. They are having teams for each project. Because WWB is the biggest one, they had separate teams for Ra and Ma-Re in summer. For Q4, because the timeline of WWBs are different, they will have two teams for WWB(Ra-Ma-Re together) for different timelines(one for November and one for January). They are assigning appx. 6 EPs for each member. EPs From Istanbul and EP Engagement They can accept 1 EP from Istanbul for each project. For WWB, it can be 2 people. In total, they can accept 6 people from Istanbul in Q4. Engagement: EPs are intivited to LCMs and some activities of the LC.
  • 13. MARKETING Team Structure(Old Version) Generally the same in off-peak and summer peak. • Brand Manager • Social Media Coordinator • Online Promo Team(Promotions to attract EPs for iGCDP ) 13 Online Channels • Facebook: They have LC Page. Main usage is for oGIP GT Advertisements., GE EP Attraction for iGE . Not frequently used for oGCDP . • VK: They have LC Page. Main useage is for GC Promotions and announcement of the events. They use VK to announce Global Village, as wel. • Google Ads: They do not have enough budget for this. They are trying to raise Google to use Google Ads via the partnership. • Linkedin: Because you need to find people one by one if needed, it is not practical for them. It is also not popular in Ukraine, they do not use it often. • Instagram: They have LC Page. They shar intern pictures and nowadays they started sharing opportunities. • Youtube: They have LC Page. They planned to record promo videos of 3 programs but they do not have result, yet. They are planning to record a Global Village video ,as well. For GT, they are working with job-reach websites. They are directly adding some sample GT opportunities there. Team Structure(New Version) • Digital Manager • Brand Manager(Offline Manager) • GC Promo Coordinator and 2-3 Teams under it.
  • 14. MARKETING 14 Offline Channels • ICX: In Global Villages and in external events; by using the ICX interns they are promoting GC. • GT & GE: In external career events, days and etx, they were attending and collecting info of the people. • GC:  Their aim is to have university events. They will have a team for that. They want to have presentations. They have 2 teams, each has 22 universities in their responsibility. Ideal timeline for the teams: 2 weeks to contact all universities, 2 months to arrange the events and presentations. Goal is to have minimum 2 presentation from each team.  Their second focus is city events. They also have team for that. They want to attend external events or arrange their own event with that team. With the municipality or governmental support, they are planning to have billboard or banner adversitements. They want to make AIESEC «viral». Conversion Rates GC: • Offline Channel to Raise : 0,11 • Online Channel to Raise: 0,15 They were not tracking it before. With an initiative from MC, they will start. Their CRs are not good in Facebook.
  • 15. MARKETING 15 Marketing Focus OGX • Their main focus is GT, in general but because GT Sign-Ups are in good level, it is not an actual focus right now. • Their focus will be GC for Q4. It will be the first time marketing handles the promotions that much. Back then, oGCDP was doing the whole offline process. Biggest Challenge • Google Partnership • Partnership for Outdoor Advertisements. Accomplishing those, she will consider herself as successful. MC – LC Communication They do not have strict policies as we have. Mainly, they do not have any restrictions. They have their own pages, they do not have to make their visual materials confirmed by MC and etc. Because MC VP Mkt is her current, they have a friendly relationship. With MC, they are only working on product packaging.
  • 16. TALENT MANAGEMENT Recruitment Basics Bad Case Practise: • They recruited members for 2 teams. They delivered trainings for 3-4 hours. Because they tried to did it in very short time, the result was awful. Retention rate was very low, most of the members left AIESEC in the same day of training for after 1-2 weeks. Perspective: • 2 big recruitments in one year are considered as ideal. • They are recruiting people to AIESEC, not to the departments. • They are arranging everything based on demand. If the need is 35 people, they are recruiting 50. Recruitment Flow 16 Application Form OP Apply Assessment Center Interview Application Form: They release it in VK and Facebook. OP: They arrange otomatical e-mails for each AF to redirect them to OP. Apply: People are waited to apply the membership opportunity they created(TNs for each open position). Assessment Center: Each Applicant in EXPA is being called to attend assesment centers. They are doing it for 2 weeks as 2 days in a week. Each AC can contain 10 people. For different positions, there are different ACs. They are measuring behaviour, attitude, ability&skills, knowledge. If one candidate is lack of attitude and behaviour that are expected for the position, the candidate is being rejected. If they are lack in knowledge and skills, they are arranging needed trainings for later. Interview: People are being interview based on their application on EXPA.
  • 17. TALENT MANAGEMENT Recruitment Timeline 17 { TLP Announcement 4 Days TLP Application Launch TLP Training TLP Application Launch & TLP Announcement: They put the positions on EXPA. Each applies, and then prepares the required application booklet. Then attends an open interview. TL first needs to make a speech that explains why he/she wants to apply for this position. Then VPs question the candidate. Everyone in LC can attend the elections. They are giving 2-3 days for applications. TLP Training: 1 day for general training that includes public speech, life long connection etc. 2 more days for TLP planning. TL needs to determine goals, make plans for Team Minimums steps. Local Induction Day/Conference: With at least 5-7 teamsi they are hacing 2 days conference. It is mostly about delivering AIESEC culture, and connect new members with the organization. They also deliver functional trainings ans some other trainings about soft skills. People are waited to apply the membership opportunity they created(TNs for each open position). Interviews and Allocation • If an applicant is not suitable for the position applied, they suggest another one based on the skills observed in AC. • Interview content is «practical knowledge-based» .Interviews’s main focus is giving feedback, not rejections. • For GCDP departments, they have value based interviews. 3 Days 1 Month Recruitment Starts 1 Week 1 Week { Assessment Centers in Tue. and Wed. { Assessment Centers in Tue. and Wed. Local Induction Day { Interviews and Allocation
  • 18. TALENT MANAGEMENT Recruitment Conversion Rates Assessment Center to Interview: 50% Interview to Selected : 50% Application Form to interview: 75%(ex) – 25% (now) • Approximately they need at 6 application forms to recruit 1 member. 18 Team and JDs In the ideal planning, TM has 3 Coordinators. Recruitment Manager : • Except Local Induction Conference, the one is responsible from everything. • Has 3 Members (1 for Sales – conference avenue ; 1 for Services – assessment centers arrangement ; 1 for marketing) TXP Education Manager x2 : • They need to check 22 teams that LC has. • Their main JDs are • to arrange trainings • To deliver leadership development trainings to TLs and TMs. • To prepare and release newletters • To be involved in AC preparations during recruitment • To arrange transitions between old and new TLs • To collect stories from members *In their latest TL elections, one TXP position for was ICX TXP, the other was OGX TXP. Rewards and Recognition TM department delivers RnR system. After each team term, they evaluate KPIs and MoSes. They gave percentages for each MoS. And according to the scores each member and TL has, they announce Best Team, Best Team Leader, Best Team Member for botch front and back Office. And for LST, they only announce Best Team Leader and Best Team Member. The rewards for normal teams are t-shirts, bracelets in general. For TLs, it is national conference fee, for TMs it is internship fee. The rewards for LST, it is international conference fee based on performance
  • 19. TALENT MANAGEMENT Local Support Team It has a really huge meaning for the LC. Rather than a minor team, LST almost considered as middle management team. Some LST positions are : • GC Innovations Manager, • BD Project Partnership Manager • Digital Marketing Manager • oGIP Qualirt Control Manager • ICX iGE Matching Manager • Recruitment Manager… Duration for LST is 3 months. Their main responsibility is quality control, innovation, operational tracking over teams. LSTs track the team leaders operationally, VPs focus on TLs development. LST is considered as higher than TL who is a link between TL and VP. VPs are preparing an LST day when they deliver some strategies(like delivering to a middle body). 19 General Info • Before new teams start, they are selecting team leaders(2 weeks before generally). • From members, they can directly select coordinators to LST. • To increase in the results of OGX, they want to grow in the numbers of members. • Team Leaders’ pipeline is the number of their members who applied for a TL or LST position. • RnR has an important role in retention rate. They are rewarding people with small symbols in general. • Their retention rate it 70%. • Dual Roles are not allowed. • To the ones they select, they are givin MoS and they directly say that you are responsible for that. They explaining the achievement plan in backwards way.
  • 20. FINANCE 20 Team JDs • VP F gives advices to project TLs in budget preparation. They get together, work on the budget and VP F tracks them during the project. • F Coordinator support the budget evaluation, documentation, fund raising and the payments. • F department is responsible to set up partnerships with NGOs to support ICX department. Their focus is NGOs which are working with universities. Via their help, they are planning to arrange some presentation in universities. Their goal is 2 OGX Re from these partnerships. • They are also contacting with NGOs which are active in festivals and entertainment. They are trying to have some part in these events to talk about AIESEC. • Government Relations: They do not have strict communication barriers put by MC as we do. They are going to talk governmental offices to solve visa issue. Their aim is to have an AIESEC Visa as we do. • Their expenses are mostly in ICX area(accommocation costs). *Because VP F is resigned, VP TM has responsibility for F.
  • 21. LCM CULTURE Schedule LCMs are biweekly. Every Monday, at 19.30. Chair For each LCM, one VP is the main responsible. He/she needs to arrange the venue and track the ones who are going to lead the LCM. For each LCM, they are selecting members to lead it(not the TLs, it is always members). The reason is that they want the members to feel like they are doing something big and important. They are trying to make the members feel important. 21 Venue They sometimes to it in the parks or in some places they can rent for one or two hours. This time it was in a university classroom. Attendants and Language They are always inviting interns to LCM, so it is in English. Flow • It started with G2Know. This time they played Yes/No Game. • Second part was Training. This time they focused on «Coaching». They made a workshop about it. They are generally deciding on the training topic based on the requests coming from members. • Then there was a part for the teams in a game. They had some papers, such emotions as anger, happiness were written on them. Each team peaked one and had sharings according to that feeling. Every member of the team had to share something. • The following part was announcement of new positions. VP TM explained each open position. • Then every VP who opened a position for his/her department promoted their positions for 2 minutes. • At the end, they started doing roll calls for 15-20 minutes.
  • 22. LCM CULTURE 22 Second Part of the Positions to be Opened. VP TM Launches New Positions and Explains Them JD by JD. Members of Local Training Team Starts Leading LCM. VP ICX Promotes Her Open Positions to Receive More Applicants and Clarify Some Points.
  • 23. GCPs 23 oGIP: • Business Model and Efficiency in EP Manager System (Page 4) oGCDP: • OPS (Page 9) iGCDP: • Personal Coaching System(Page 11), • Theme Based Projects and Language School Project (Page 12) Marketing: • GC Offline Promo Focus - City &University (Page 14) TM: • OP Based Recruitment(Page 16), • TLP Application Process(Page 17), • TLP Trainings(Page 17), • LST(Page 19) Finance: • Budget Creating, Evaluation with OCPs and Tracking(Page 12, 20)