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1              From personal link to hoplink
Explanation:      In volume 1 I already revealed how to setup personal links by adding ?
x=uniqueid to the end of an URL

In this chapter I will tell you how to use the PHP ECHO function to go from your personal link
to your hoplink

This technique is perfect for if you don’t want your traffic to go instantly to your CB hoplink,
but rather want to send them to an “in between” page first. On this page you can for instance
capture the email or other info form your traffic first.

If you send traffic from your websites instantly to your hoplink you have no control over the
traffic anymore and you won’t be able to retrieve any precious information.

Let’s make this visual:

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Create a separate (squeeze) page for which we create our own personalized links. IN this
example we will call this page

We create the personal links with as unique ID your websites, website1, website2, etc.
(remember the subid in Volume 1?)

Your personal links could look like


Link your different website to this page like:

                       Link website 1 to
                       Link website 2 to

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Use the PHP ECHO function on the in between page to call the value after the “x” parameter,
in this example “website1” value from behind the personal link and print it in the hoplink:

http:// affiliatex.<?php echo str_replace('-', ' ', $_GET['x’])?>

Which will show up on the in between page as:

http:// affiliatex.

This will be the hoplink where you send your traffic to from the in between page; for instance
after the email subscription.

As you can see it will print the correct website in the as subid in the hoplink and you will be
able to track sales per website again in your CB account, but now with an “in between page”
where you can collect information

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2                 From personal link to hoplink with
                     affiliate traffic

Explanation: In the last chapter I taught you how to go from a personal link to a hoplink
with an “in between page” and still managed to keep subid tracking per website.
This technique works with traffic coming from your own websites.

Of course it is much nicer if the influx of traffic is not just coming from your own website but
also from affiliates.

In this chapter I will tell you how to use the PHP ECHO function to go from your personal link
to your hoplink with affiliate traffic.

However please note that there are multiple variants of this technique. You could like the last
chapter use this technique while promoting an affiliate offer, though mostly when you work
with affiliates you do it with your own offer/product.

I will go through both options and I will also tell you how you will be able to see which affiliates
perform and which affiliates are sending BS traffic.

This technique is perfect for if you want to drive traffic to your CB hoplink(s) (whether that’s as
affiliate or seller), but you don’t have your own traffic generating websites.

Use other CB affiliates to drive traffic by giving them a commission per action.

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Let’s make this visual:

Solution 1 Drive affiliate traffic for your own affiliate hoplink

Create a separate (squeeze) page for which we create our own personalized links. IN this
example we will call this page

Create personal links for your affiliates with as unique ID their CB nicknames for instance
cbaff1, cbaff2 etc…

Your personal affiliate links could look like


I would in this case call the parameter hop since Clickbank also calls the affiliate parameter
hop (to overcome confusion).

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Links your affiliates get could look like:

                      Affiliate 1 gets link:
                      Affiliate 2 gets link:

Use the PHP ECHO function on the in between page to call the value after the
“hop”parameter, in this example “cbaff1” value from behind the personal link and print it in the

http:// affiliatex.<?php echo str_replace('-', ' ', $_GET[‘hop’])?

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Which will show up on the in between page as:

http:// affiliatex.

This will be the hoplink where you send your traffic to from the in between page, for instance
after the email subscription.

As you can see it will print the correct affiliate in the as subid in the hoplink and you will be
able to track sales per affiliate again in your CB account, but now with an “in between page”
where you can collect information.

Since you can see through which affiliate the sale was made you could for instance offer a
commission per sale to your affiliates.

However I think that in this specific occasion it’s better to pay your affiliates per lead (email
signup), like $1.00.

You simply place an email form on your in between page and collect emails/build an email list
from you affiliate traffic before forwarding them to your hoplink.

For this you need to know of course which affiliate brought the lead. This works exactly the

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Track affiliates leads on in between page

This lead tracking technique per affiliate works with every autoresponder software, whether
that’s Aweber, GetResponse, iContact or any other.

All email form codes look a little bit different but they work the same.

The code exists of fields. The exact number of fields can be specified by you in your email
account. The most basic email forms just have an email and name field, but some bigger
ones may also have phone and address fields.

For this example I will use a very simple email code with just an email and name field.

      <form action="" method="post"
      <input class="txt" id="name" name="cm-name" value="your name"
       type="text" />
      <input class="txt2" id="zljod-zljod" name="cm-zljod-zljod" value="your
       email" type="text" />
      <input class="sbm" name="submit" value="" type="submit" /></form>

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What will look like

Now to track the leads per affiliate simply add one custom field in your email account that you
can call “affid”.

Copy and paste the email form code on your “in between page” but make the 3 rd new field, the
“affid” field, a “hidden” field. This way it is still there, but your traffic can’t see it.

        <form action="" method="post"
        <input class="txt" id="name" name="cm-name" value="your name"
         type="text" />
        <input class="txt2" id="zljod-zljod" name="cm-zljod-zljod"
         value="your email" type="text" />
        <input class="hidden" id="affid" name="cm-f-xukikk" value="print
         affiliate id" type="hidden" />
        <input class="sbm" name="submit" value="" type="submit" /></form>

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That’s exactly what we want because this field isn’t supposed to be filled in by your traffic,
because we are going to auto fill this field with the affiliate id of the affiliate that brought the
Your page would still look like this for your traffic:

Now use the PHP ECHO function again on the in between page to call the value after the
“hop” parameter, in this example “cbaff1” value from behind the personal link and print it as
the value of the custom field “affid”:

       <form action="" method="post"
       <input class="txt" id="name" name="cm-name" value="your name"
        type="text" />
       <input class="txt2" id="zljod-zljod" name="cm-zljod-zljod"
        value="your email" type="text" />
       <input class="hidden" id="affid" name="cm-f-xukikk" value="<?php echo
        str_replace('-', ' ', $_GET[‘hop’])?>" type="hidden" />
       <input class="sbm" name="submit" value="" type="submit" /></form>

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Which will show up on the in between page as:

   <form action="" method="post"
   <input class="txt" id="name" name="cm-name" value="your name"
    type="text" />
   <input class="txt2" id="zljod-zljod" name="cm-zljod-zljod"
    value="your email" type="text" />
   <input class="hidden" id="affid" name="cm-f-xukikk" value="cbaff1"
    type="hidden" />
   <input class="sbm" name="submit" value="" type="submit" /></form>

Ones the visitor signs up through the email form your autoreponder account will store this
extra affid value with the visitors email and name.

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Now you have:
    a) Captured a lead before sending the traffic to your hoplink

    b) You used affiliate traffic for it

    c) You know which affiliates sent the lead

    d) If the guy also buys a product after he signed up through the email form you also know
           which affiliate made you’re the sale (refer to the first part of this chapter)

This is all really important information.

Since you can track the leads back per affiliate you can pay affiliates per lead, like $1.00.
And since you also can track which affiliates make the actual CB sales at the end you know
exactly which affiliates bring you quality converting traffic and which affiliates bring you BS

Affiliates that don’t make any sales for you at the end through your hoplink you have (of
course) to ban ASAP from paying them $1.00 per lead. They will just cost you money.
The cool part is that the entire technique is 100% free. So no expensive costs to buy lead
tracking whatsoever.

Solution 2 Drive affiliate traffic for your own CB product

This technique works exactly the same as solution 1.

The only difference is that if you are driving affiliate traffic for your own product you could also
offer the affiliate a percentage of the CB sale on top of the commission you pay per lead.

Create a separate (squeeze) page for which we create our own personalized links. IN this
example we will call this page

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Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom
Create personal links for your affiliates with as unique ID their CB nicknames for instance
cbaff1, cbaff2 etc..

Your personal affiliate links could look like


I would in this case call the parameter hop since Clickbank also calls the affiliate parameter
hop. (to overcome confusion)

Links your affiliates get could look like:

                      Affiliate 1 gets link
                      Affiliate 2 gets link

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Use the PHP ECHO function on the in between page to call the value after the “hop”
parameter, in this example “cbaff1” value from behind the personal link and print it in the
hoplink on the spot of the affiliateCBnickname:

http:// <?php echo str_replace('-', ' ', $_GET[‘hop’])?>
Which will show up on the in between page as:


This will be the hoplink where you send your traffic to from the in between page, for instance
after the email subscription.

As you can see it will print the correct affiliate in the as affiliate in the hoplink and you will be
able to reward the right affiliate with the affiliate commission if a sale appears for your product,
with an “in between page” where you can collect information.

Of course the lead part, where you track which affiliate brought the lead (email subscription)
works exactly the same as in Solution 1.

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Using CBLeads To Gain Afiliates

If you don’t know how or where to get affiliates that can drive traffic you could for instance
have a look at our platform where at the moment over 23,000 affiliates are

We offer multiple options to recruit affiliates, under which paid mailings to our CbLeads
network list.

And if this entire lead technique goes beyond your skills…CbLeads can track leads for your
Clickbank products:

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3                   Creating a 2nd tier with CB to
                       stimulate affiliate signups
Explanation: It’s really an easy way to track 2nd Tiers yourself for a Clickbank Product that
actually doesn’t have a 2nd tier.

For those that don’t know what a 2nd Tier Program is…

It is nothing more than rewarding a partner for referring another partner. A normal affiliate
program rewards a partner for making a sale to a customer. Imagine there are 2 partners,
partner A and partner B. A 2 tier program rewards partner A for referring partner B with a % of
partner B’s sales volume or just a fixed fee per partner signup.

Why should you have a 2nd Tier Program?
By adding a 2nd tier you make it attractive for partners to refer other partners.

Results: Your number of partners (the number of promoters for your product(s)) increases big

Results: your sales grow big time! (and that’s what everybody wants RIGHT?)
Really guys, adding a 2nd Tier can grow your partner database exponentially. Do NOT
underestimate this. And the fun thing is, I don’t have to teach you anything new because
adding a 2nd TIER works exactly the same way as lead tracking.

Adding a 2nd Tier IS a form of lead tracking…
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Where we stored the partner/Clickbank ID from person 1 in the first lead tracking technique
with the sign up information of the new subscriber (person 2) we now have to store the
Clickbank ID from partner 1 with the signup info of partner 2 (the new partner that signed up)


   ⇒ Simply use the side technique “creating a personalized link” to create the JV/partner
      referral links. These are the links you give to your partners to get them to refer other


      If your partners signup page is located at


      Then you can create a partner referral link by adding a parameter + a UNIQUE
      characteristic (the partner affiliateCBnickname).

      If we call the parameter “hop” then the partner referral link will simply look like:


      You will give this link to affiliates so they can refer other partners. It’s that simple!

   ⇒ Now just remember all the steps from the lead tracking technique and the ECHO
      Function using the Clickbank ID.

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⇒ Place a partner signup form on partner sign up page with one extra field. Also ask for
   the Clickbank Id of the partner that signs up.

  <form action="" method="post"
  <input class="txt" id="name" name="cm-name" value="your name"
   type="text" />
  <input class="txt2" id="zljod-zljod" name="cm-zljod-zljod"
   value="your email" type="text" />
  <input class="txt" id="cbid" name="cm-cbid" value="your Clickbank id"
   type="text" />
  <input class="hidden" id="affid" name="cm-f-xukikk" value="<?php echo
   str_replace('-', ' ', $_GET[‘hop’])?>" type="hidden" />
  <input class="sbm" name="submit" value="" type="submit" /></form>

   When partner 2 signs up, the partner ID from partner 1 gets sent with the signup
   information of partner 2 to your autoresponder account and again we can see who
   referred partner 2 through the value in the “affid” field.

   Assume that affiliate with the CB Nickname “ethyx456” is recruiting new partners. Then
   the value for the “affid” field would show “ethyx456”
   <form action="" method="post"
   <input class="txt" id="name" name="cm-name" value="your name"
    type="text" />
   <input class="txt2" id="zljod-zljod" name="cm-zljod-zljod"
    value="your email" type="text" />
   <input class="hidden" id="affid" name="cm-f-xukikk" value="ethyx456"
    type="hidden" />
   <input class="sbm" name="submit" value="" type="submit" /></form>

   Remember our example in the first lead tracking technique. Now the affid field shows
   the Clickbank nickname of the partner that referred the new partner:

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In the partner list the new partner signup record shows us the name of the new partner
Carl Wolf with his own Clickbank ID and the Clickbank nickname of his referrer

If you now do a search for the affid “ethyx456” in the partner list you will find the name
of the referrer and the circle is round 
You could offer an affiliate that refers other affiliates for instance 10% of their sales.

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4         Creating a 2nd Tiers ALL-IN-ONE Link
Explanation: you know the phrase: good, better, best (in this scenario we’ll call it “best
solution”). Well, I got one for you. Setting up a 2 tier program with a separate partner referral
works great, but I have one that’s even better. The All-IN-One partner link.

Track leads, sales and partner signups using the same link. This overcomes
misunderstandings about which link to use. It just works much more efficiently!


The affiliate/partner link doesn’t redirect to the partner signup page, but to the product sales

 How in the world do we echo the Clickbank ID of partner 1 in the “affid” field when partner 2
 signs up on the partner page IF the affiliate link doesn’t take us to the partner signup page?

That’s a good question. Let’s make this visual!

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⇒ The hoplink of partner 1 takes partner 2 (the new partner that wants to signup) to the
   main site. The main site shows the “hop” value.

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Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom

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Cbcode volume2

  • 1. Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom
  • 2. 1 From personal link to hoplink Explanation: In volume 1 I already revealed how to setup personal links by adding ? x=uniqueid to the end of an URL In this chapter I will tell you how to use the PHP ECHO function to go from your personal link to your hoplink This technique is perfect for if you don’t want your traffic to go instantly to your CB hoplink, but rather want to send them to an “in between” page first. On this page you can for instance capture the email or other info form your traffic first. If you send traffic from your websites instantly to your hoplink you have no control over the traffic anymore and you won’t be able to retrieve any precious information. Let’s make this visual: Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom
  • 3. Solution Create a separate (squeeze) page for which we create our own personalized links. IN this example we will call this page We create the personal links with as unique ID your websites, website1, website2, etc. (remember the subid in Volume 1?) Your personal links could look like Link your different website to this page like: Link website 1 to Link website 2 to Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom
  • 4. Use the PHP ECHO function on the in between page to call the value after the “x” parameter, in this example “website1” value from behind the personal link and print it in the hoplink: http:// affiliatex.<?php echo str_replace('-', ' ', $_GET['x’])?> Which will show up on the in between page as: http:// affiliatex. This will be the hoplink where you send your traffic to from the in between page; for instance after the email subscription. As you can see it will print the correct website in the as subid in the hoplink and you will be able to track sales per website again in your CB account, but now with an “in between page” where you can collect information Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom
  • 5. 2 From personal link to hoplink with affiliate traffic Explanation: In the last chapter I taught you how to go from a personal link to a hoplink with an “in between page” and still managed to keep subid tracking per website. This technique works with traffic coming from your own websites. Of course it is much nicer if the influx of traffic is not just coming from your own website but also from affiliates. In this chapter I will tell you how to use the PHP ECHO function to go from your personal link to your hoplink with affiliate traffic. However please note that there are multiple variants of this technique. You could like the last chapter use this technique while promoting an affiliate offer, though mostly when you work with affiliates you do it with your own offer/product. I will go through both options and I will also tell you how you will be able to see which affiliates perform and which affiliates are sending BS traffic. This technique is perfect for if you want to drive traffic to your CB hoplink(s) (whether that’s as affiliate or seller), but you don’t have your own traffic generating websites. Use other CB affiliates to drive traffic by giving them a commission per action. Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom
  • 6. Let’s make this visual: Solution 1 Drive affiliate traffic for your own affiliate hoplink Create a separate (squeeze) page for which we create our own personalized links. IN this example we will call this page Create personal links for your affiliates with as unique ID their CB nicknames for instance cbaff1, cbaff2 etc… Your personal affiliate links could look like I would in this case call the parameter hop since Clickbank also calls the affiliate parameter hop (to overcome confusion). Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom
  • 7. Links your affiliates get could look like: Affiliate 1 gets link: hop=cbaff1 Affiliate 2 gets link: hop=cbaff2 Use the PHP ECHO function on the in between page to call the value after the “hop”parameter, in this example “cbaff1” value from behind the personal link and print it in the hoplink: http:// affiliatex.<?php echo str_replace('-', ' ', $_GET[‘hop’])? > Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom
  • 8. Which will show up on the in between page as: http:// affiliatex. This will be the hoplink where you send your traffic to from the in between page, for instance after the email subscription. As you can see it will print the correct affiliate in the as subid in the hoplink and you will be able to track sales per affiliate again in your CB account, but now with an “in between page” where you can collect information. Since you can see through which affiliate the sale was made you could for instance offer a commission per sale to your affiliates. However I think that in this specific occasion it’s better to pay your affiliates per lead (email signup), like $1.00. You simply place an email form on your in between page and collect emails/build an email list from you affiliate traffic before forwarding them to your hoplink. For this you need to know of course which affiliate brought the lead. This works exactly the same. Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom
  • 9. Track affiliates leads on in between page This lead tracking technique per affiliate works with every autoresponder software, whether that’s Aweber, GetResponse, iContact or any other. All email form codes look a little bit different but they work the same. The code exists of fields. The exact number of fields can be specified by you in your email account. The most basic email forms just have an email and name field, but some bigger ones may also have phone and address fields. For this example I will use a very simple email code with just an email and name field. <form action="" method="post" id="subForm"> <input class="txt" id="name" name="cm-name" value="your name" type="text" /> <input class="txt2" id="zljod-zljod" name="cm-zljod-zljod" value="your email" type="text" /> <input class="sbm" name="submit" value="" type="submit" /></form> </div> Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom
  • 10. What will look like Now to track the leads per affiliate simply add one custom field in your email account that you can call “affid”. Copy and paste the email form code on your “in between page” but make the 3 rd new field, the “affid” field, a “hidden” field. This way it is still there, but your traffic can’t see it. <form action="" method="post" id="subForm"> <input class="txt" id="name" name="cm-name" value="your name" type="text" /> <input class="txt2" id="zljod-zljod" name="cm-zljod-zljod" value="your email" type="text" /> <input class="hidden" id="affid" name="cm-f-xukikk" value="print affiliate id" type="hidden" /> <input class="sbm" name="submit" value="" type="submit" /></form> </div> Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom
  • 11. That’s exactly what we want because this field isn’t supposed to be filled in by your traffic, because we are going to auto fill this field with the affiliate id of the affiliate that brought the visitor. Your page would still look like this for your traffic: Now use the PHP ECHO function again on the in between page to call the value after the “hop” parameter, in this example “cbaff1” value from behind the personal link and print it as the value of the custom field “affid”: <form action="" method="post" id="subForm"> <input class="txt" id="name" name="cm-name" value="your name" type="text" /> <input class="txt2" id="zljod-zljod" name="cm-zljod-zljod" value="your email" type="text" /> <input class="hidden" id="affid" name="cm-f-xukikk" value="<?php echo str_replace('-', ' ', $_GET[‘hop’])?>" type="hidden" /> <input class="sbm" name="submit" value="" type="submit" /></form> </div> Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom
  • 12. Which will show up on the in between page as: <form action="" method="post" id="subForm"> <input class="txt" id="name" name="cm-name" value="your name" type="text" /> <input class="txt2" id="zljod-zljod" name="cm-zljod-zljod" value="your email" type="text" /> <input class="hidden" id="affid" name="cm-f-xukikk" value="cbaff1" type="hidden" /> <input class="sbm" name="submit" value="" type="submit" /></form> </div> Ones the visitor signs up through the email form your autoreponder account will store this extra affid value with the visitors email and name. Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom
  • 13. Now you have: a) Captured a lead before sending the traffic to your hoplink b) You used affiliate traffic for it c) You know which affiliates sent the lead d) If the guy also buys a product after he signed up through the email form you also know which affiliate made you’re the sale (refer to the first part of this chapter) This is all really important information. Since you can track the leads back per affiliate you can pay affiliates per lead, like $1.00. And since you also can track which affiliates make the actual CB sales at the end you know exactly which affiliates bring you quality converting traffic and which affiliates bring you BS traffic. Affiliates that don’t make any sales for you at the end through your hoplink you have (of course) to ban ASAP from paying them $1.00 per lead. They will just cost you money. The cool part is that the entire technique is 100% free. So no expensive costs to buy lead tracking whatsoever. Solution 2 Drive affiliate traffic for your own CB product This technique works exactly the same as solution 1. The only difference is that if you are driving affiliate traffic for your own product you could also offer the affiliate a percentage of the CB sale on top of the commission you pay per lead. Create a separate (squeeze) page for which we create our own personalized links. IN this example we will call this page Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom
  • 14. Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom
  • 15. Create personal links for your affiliates with as unique ID their CB nicknames for instance cbaff1, cbaff2 etc.. Your personal affiliate links could look like I would in this case call the parameter hop since Clickbank also calls the affiliate parameter hop. (to overcome confusion) Links your affiliates get could look like: Affiliate 1 gets link hop=cbaff1 Affiliate 2 gets link hop=cbaff2 Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom
  • 16. Use the PHP ECHO function on the in between page to call the value after the “hop” parameter, in this example “cbaff1” value from behind the personal link and print it in the hoplink on the spot of the affiliateCBnickname: http:// <?php echo str_replace('-', ' ', $_GET[‘hop’])?> Which will show up on the in between page as: http:// This will be the hoplink where you send your traffic to from the in between page, for instance after the email subscription. As you can see it will print the correct affiliate in the as affiliate in the hoplink and you will be able to reward the right affiliate with the affiliate commission if a sale appears for your product, with an “in between page” where you can collect information. Of course the lead part, where you track which affiliate brought the lead (email subscription) works exactly the same as in Solution 1. Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom
  • 17. Using CBLeads To Gain Afiliates If you don’t know how or where to get affiliates that can drive traffic you could for instance have a look at our platform where at the moment over 23,000 affiliates are registered. We offer multiple options to recruit affiliates, under which paid mailings to our CbLeads network list. And if this entire lead technique goes beyond your skills…CbLeads can track leads for your Clickbank products: Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom
  • 18. 3 Creating a 2nd tier with CB to stimulate affiliate signups Explanation: It’s really an easy way to track 2nd Tiers yourself for a Clickbank Product that actually doesn’t have a 2nd tier. For those that don’t know what a 2nd Tier Program is… It is nothing more than rewarding a partner for referring another partner. A normal affiliate program rewards a partner for making a sale to a customer. Imagine there are 2 partners, partner A and partner B. A 2 tier program rewards partner A for referring partner B with a % of partner B’s sales volume or just a fixed fee per partner signup. Why should you have a 2nd Tier Program? By adding a 2nd tier you make it attractive for partners to refer other partners. Results: Your number of partners (the number of promoters for your product(s)) increases big time Results: your sales grow big time! (and that’s what everybody wants RIGHT?) Really guys, adding a 2nd Tier can grow your partner database exponentially. Do NOT underestimate this. And the fun thing is, I don’t have to teach you anything new because adding a 2nd TIER works exactly the same way as lead tracking. Adding a 2nd Tier IS a form of lead tracking… Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom
  • 19. Where we stored the partner/Clickbank ID from person 1 in the first lead tracking technique with the sign up information of the new subscriber (person 2) we now have to store the Clickbank ID from partner 1 with the signup info of partner 2 (the new partner that signed up) IMPLEMENTATION: ⇒ Simply use the side technique “creating a personalized link” to create the JV/partner referral links. These are the links you give to your partners to get them to refer other partners. Example: If your partners signup page is located at Then you can create a partner referral link by adding a parameter + a UNIQUE characteristic (the partner affiliateCBnickname). If we call the parameter “hop” then the partner referral link will simply look like: You will give this link to affiliates so they can refer other partners. It’s that simple! ⇒ Now just remember all the steps from the lead tracking technique and the ECHO Function using the Clickbank ID. Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom
  • 20. ⇒ Place a partner signup form on partner sign up page with one extra field. Also ask for the Clickbank Id of the partner that signs up. <form action="" method="post" id="subForm"> <input class="txt" id="name" name="cm-name" value="your name" type="text" /> <input class="txt2" id="zljod-zljod" name="cm-zljod-zljod" value="your email" type="text" /> <input class="txt" id="cbid" name="cm-cbid" value="your Clickbank id" type="text" /> <input class="hidden" id="affid" name="cm-f-xukikk" value="<?php echo str_replace('-', ' ', $_GET[‘hop’])?>" type="hidden" /> <input class="sbm" name="submit" value="" type="submit" /></form> </div> When partner 2 signs up, the partner ID from partner 1 gets sent with the signup information of partner 2 to your autoresponder account and again we can see who referred partner 2 through the value in the “affid” field. Assume that affiliate with the CB Nickname “ethyx456” is recruiting new partners. Then the value for the “affid” field would show “ethyx456” <form action="" method="post" id="subForm"> <input class="txt" id="name" name="cm-name" value="your name" type="text" /> <input class="txt2" id="zljod-zljod" name="cm-zljod-zljod" value="your email" type="text" /> <input class="hidden" id="affid" name="cm-f-xukikk" value="ethyx456" type="hidden" /> <input class="sbm" name="submit" value="" type="submit" /></form> </div> Remember our example in the first lead tracking technique. Now the affid field shows the Clickbank nickname of the partner that referred the new partner: Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom
  • 21. • In the partner list the new partner signup record shows us the name of the new partner Carl Wolf with his own Clickbank ID and the Clickbank nickname of his referrer “ethyx456”. If you now do a search for the affid “ethyx456” in the partner list you will find the name of the referrer and the circle is round  You could offer an affiliate that refers other affiliates for instance 10% of their sales. Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom
  • 22. 4 Creating a 2nd Tiers ALL-IN-ONE Link Explanation: you know the phrase: good, better, best (in this scenario we’ll call it “best solution”). Well, I got one for you. Setting up a 2 tier program with a separate partner referral works great, but I have one that’s even better. The All-IN-One partner link. Track leads, sales and partner signups using the same link. This overcomes misunderstandings about which link to use. It just works much more efficiently! However>> The affiliate/partner link doesn’t redirect to the partner signup page, but to the product sales page. How in the world do we echo the Clickbank ID of partner 1 in the “affid” field when partner 2 signs up on the partner page IF the affiliate link doesn’t take us to the partner signup page? That’s a good question. Let’s make this visual! Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom
  • 23. Implementatation: ⇒ The hoplink of partner 1 takes partner 2 (the new partner that wants to signup) to the main site. The main site shows the “hop” value. Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom
  • 24. Brought to you by TimBekkerdotcom