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Capstone Paper
Students will select a specific problem or policy discussed in
the Alexander book and discuss the ramifications of the
problem/policy within the criminal justice system. The paper
should take the form of a problem/policy analysis and should
indicate whether the problem is theoretical or practical
(applied). Furthermore, students should include, at minimum,
answers to the problem including, but not limited to, who, what,
when, where, why, and how the problem originated within the
criminal justice system as well as how it continues to be a
1-2 pages
Literature Review
Students are expected to read and review historical and current
research on their specific problem; this includes prior studies on
the problem selected.
3-4 pages
Criminological Theory
Students should review criminological theory and ascertain how
the problem/policy is rooted in a particular theory. Students
should consult the text from Nature and Causes of
Crime/Criminological Theory as a starting place.
1-2 pages
Students should review case law to determine the extent to
which the problem/policy has been reviewed by the courts and
provide a thorough background of the case(s) and the judicial
opinion. If the problem/policy has not yet been reviewed by the
courts, students should research case precedents that are closely
aligned to the problem.
1-2 pages
Students must clearly articulate their opinion on the
problem/policy and how it should be addressed. A plan of action
to support your position is expected.
1-2 pages
Alternative Positions
Provide a critique of logical alternatives to dealing with the
1-2 pages
Critical Reflection
Using critical thinking and reflection skills, explain how the
problem/policy, your position (and alternatives) affect police,
courts, and corrections.
1-2 pages
Finally, provide a final description of the problem, theory,
literature review, position and alternative positions.
1-2 pages
A detailed References section including a minimum of 15
resources is required. Resources may include professional trade
journals, books, peer reviewed publications, and government
publications. Wikipedia is not permitted. Internet resources will
be limited to EBSCO, NCJRS, BJA, BJS, DOJ, OJJDP, and
FirstGov. APA format must be used. Papers with incorrect APA
format will be returned with no grade for revision.
His 330
Fall 2013
Writing Assignments—Tupelo
General Guidelines
Writing assignments should be doubled spaced and use a
standard 12 point font. Remember to always put your name on
your work.
Writing assignments should be submitted via SafeAssign on
Blackboard before class on the date listed below. One letter
grade will be deducted for each day the paper is late. Papers
more than four days late will not be graded and given a zero. It
is your responsibility to insure that papers are properly
submitted to Blackboard on time. If in doubt, email a copy to
the instructor or bring a hard copy to class.
The quality of the writing will constitute a significant portion of
your grade. Writing assignments should be carefully edited and
proofread to eliminate grammatical and typographical mistakes.
Refer to the guidelines for good writing listed below.
Numerous errors will result in a lower a grade.
While consulting with your colleagues is acceptable, writing
assignments are to be written individually. Papers that are
exceptionally similar will receive a failing grade.
To receive credit, assignments must be completed on the date
specified and over the correct reading. For instance, do not
submit the assignment over chapter three on the day chapter six
is due.
The writing assignments should be argumentative and not
reviews of the reading. Argumentative papers will have a
clearly defined thesis and support the thesis with examples from
the primary sources in the reading. Writing assignments that
are reviews of the reading will receive a lower grade.
Papers that fail to meet the required length will receive a grade
no higher than a ‘D’.
The following provides an example for the appropriate way to
cite for these assignments:
Regarding his Indian policy, De Perier believed that he had
“profited by the mistakes” his predecessors made. (27) He also
feared that Indians planned to massacre all Frenchmen in the
In other words, if you quote directly from the readings, a page
number is needed. Failure to cite properly will result in a lower
Plagiarism is stealing somebody else’s thoughts, ideas, and
words and claiming them for your own. Like stealing,
plagiarism is a serious offense that could lead to expulsion. Be
forewarned that all papers will be vetted by anti-plagiarism
software. If you cheat, you will get caught.
Guidelines for Good Writing
Since writing constitutes a significant portion of your grade,
refer to these guidelines. Papers that do not adhere to these
guidelines will receive a lower grade.
1. Use proper grammar, punctuation and a formal tone. Avoid
slang or other informal phrases. If you heard a phrase on
SportsCenter, it is slang and should not be used.
2. Do not use first person. For example do not write, “I think
the book was great.” Instead, write “the book was great.”
3. Make sure that your paragraphs are between 4-8 sentences
4. Do not use contractions. For example, write do not instead of
don’t; cannot instead of can’t; will not instead of won’t; etc.
5. Either Underline or Italicize a book’s title. Same for court
6. Once you have used a person’s first and last name, you only
refer to them by their last name throughout the rest of the paper.
Do not repeatedly use titles like Mr. or Mrs. or Dr. or Judge.
7. Place punctuation inside quotation marks.
8. Spell numbers that are two words or less. For example,
twenty-eight, sixty-three, twentieth century are spelled out.
Numbers like 383, 1935 remain numerical
9. Eliminate unnecessary words. For example, “Caldwell shows
the importance of race.” This is far better than “Caldwell is able
to show the importance of race.”
10. Diversify your verb choice and vocabulary. Instead of
“Caldwell shows” try using “Caldwell demonstrates” or
“Caldwell discusses” or “Caldwell highlights” or “Caldwell
chronicles.” Use the synonyms feature on Microsoft Word by
right clicking or visit!
11. Do not misuse words. If you are uncertain of the meaning
of word—look it up. is a wonderful website.
Use it!
12. Organize your paper in a clear, logical manner.
Writing Assignments:
1. Bond, Chapter 3 “Antebellum White Society”
Due Date: Before class on Sept. 10th
After read chapter three of Mississippi: A Documentary
History, your assignment is to write a 500-750 word essay that
discusses the hardships whites in antebellum Mississippi faced.
Be sure to include specific examples from the primary sources
to support your position.
2. Bond, Chapter 5 “The Secession Crisis”
Due Date: Before class on Sept. 24th
After reading chapter five of Mississippi: A Documentary
History, your assignment is to write a 500-750 word essay that
discusses and explains why Mississippi seceded from the United
States. Include specific examples from the primary sources to
support your position.
3. Bond, Chapter 7 “Free Labor and Violence in
Due Date: Before Class on Oct. 8th
After reading chapter seven of Mississippi: A Documentary
History, your assignment is to write a 500-750 word essay that
illustrates how Democrats employed violence and fraud to
overthrow Republican governments during Reconstruction. Be
sure to include specific examples from the primary sources to
support your position.
4. Bond, Chapter 10“The Jim Crow World”
Due Date: Before Class on Oct. 15th
After reading chapter ten of Mississippi: A Documentary
History, your assignment is to write a 500-750 word essay that
discusses the hardships and horrors African Americans endured
under segregation. Include specific examples from the primary
sources to support your position.
Mississippi Secession
Student Name: Ralph Graham
Institution Affiliation: Ole Miss
Course: His 330 The History of Mississippi Sec 2
Date: September 23, 2013
Historians still debate the reasons which made Mississippi, as
well as, her sister southern states opt to secede from the United
States. State’s rights, along with high tariffs are some of the
issues which are considered to be the main reasons which made
Mississippi to secede from U.S but the ultimate reason which
made the state to secede from the union was the defense of the
slavery institution
. A Declaration from the state convention held on January 1861
to discuss the issue of secession states that “Our position is
basically identified with the slavery institution-which is the
world’ greatest material interest” (McDowell & McDowell,
2007). –paragraphs should be 4-8 sentences long. Also, the
quote you use is found in the reading. Lastly, the thesis
statement (the one I highlighted above) should be the last
sentence of your introduction.
The 1850 compromise angered the Mississippians.
Mississippians had strongly supported the American-Mexican
war because they hoped to gain new slave territory, but the
compromise would exclude them from reaping benefits from
their concerted efforts. In addition, the Mississippians viewed
the entry of California, New Mexico along with Utah as free
states as a threat to the significant balance within free and
slaves states.—Examples from the documents in the reading are
The 1854 Kansa-Nebraska Act was part of the territorial issues
which pushed Mississippi towards secession. The
aforementioned Act considered the solution to the ambiguous
slavery question to be ‘popular sovereignty’. In respect to the
“popular sovereignty” the individuals of the territories, prior to
making an application for statehood, would make the decision to
allow or not allow slavery.
The said solution made the abolitionist invade the area. The said
Act did not impress the Mississippians because they believed
that there was no way the Congress would prevent the
introduction of slavery within the various territories. The
Mississippians were greatly angered by Senator Stephen
Douglas who was the author of the bill which led to the
implementation of the Kansa-Nebraska Act (Bond, 2003). –
page numbers are needed for citations. In addition, the paper
needs to focus exclusively on the primary source documents
(the non-italicized stuff)
The other event which is considered to have compelled
Mississippi to opt for seceding from U.S was the 1859 John
Brown’s Raid. Brown who was an abolitionist ho was violent,
organized a raid in the Harper’s Ferry federal arsenal in the
hope of inciting and arming a slave uprising within the South.
However, the raid failed and at last Brown was captured, tried,
as well as, hung due to his crimes. Brown’s raid increased the
slave revolts fears. The Mississippi parliament implemented
several resolutions advising the other sates within the south to
oppose antislavery aggression.
Finally, the November 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln as the
president actually pushed almost all the advocates of secession
to the edge. This is due to the fact that the Lincoln’s Republican
Party had made a pledge to fully restrict slavery (Bond, 2003).
In that regard, the Mississippians considered the Lincoln’s
election as a sure sign that slavery abolishment was imminent.
In general, it can be concluded that Mississippi’s secessionist’s
journey was similar to that of numerous other southern states.
Secessionist sentiment not only ebbed but also flowed until
events basically got out of control. Passion, pride in addition to
ego outclassed logic, as well as, rationality as Mississippians
eventually felt that the only way they would preserve slavery
along with their preferred way of life was through secession.
While this paper does a nice job highlighting the national
context for secession, it does not examine the documents in the
reading. This is purpose of the assignment. In addition,
additional editing is needed to improve the quality of the
writing. Work on eliminating unnecessary words. Note my
corrections above for tips on how this can be done.
Grade: D
Bond, B. G. (2003). Mississippi: A documentary history.
Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.
McDowell, G. D., & McDowell, R. A. (2007). Mississippi
Secrets: Facts, legends, and folklore. Lincoln, Neb.: iUniverse.
�This sentence is way too long and verbose. A better one is:
“Although states’ rights and high tariffs contributed to
secession, protecting slavery was the ultimate reason.”
Same thing in far fewer words.
Name: Title:
1-F 2- D 3-C 4-B 5-A
Introduction Problem selected is not
well-defined– too narrow or
too broad
Problem area is vague or
Problem area is clearly
Identified problem is
unique; exceeds minimum
Identified problem is complex;
original and multi-dimensional
Organization Fails to arrange paper
accordingly and does not
follow format
Unclear, confusing- paper
does not provide direction
or follow suggested
Follows format and
provides description of
Follows format, provides
description of problem,
presents information in an
understandable easy to
follow format
Organizational skills are excellent –
follows format, good chronology of
problem, superior information
presentation and documentation
within paper
Fails to provide pertinent
information on problem
Literature review defines
problem yet lacks
supportive information on
Literature review provides
basic background and
description of problem
Literature review provides
good depth and breadth
description of problem
Literature review provides excellent
breadth and depth of explanation of
Theory Fails to apply and explain
the problem
Improper theory
selection/application –
lacks depth
Acceptable standard of
theory application
Theory selection based
upon sound reasoning -
Theory application goes
beyond minimum - good
Selection of theory shows excellent
ability to apply principles - Theory
application demonstrates depth and
Position Fails to support position in
any manner through the use
of credible research and
uses inappropriate court
Lacks supportive research
– personal opinions
interjected in paper along
with research results and
an unlinked court case.
Position meets acceptable
level of competence- uses
research to support
position and appropriate
court case.
Position is supported by
good research materials,
extremely relevant court
case and student
explanation of materials.
Position has excellent depth and
quality - uses outstanding reasoning
and informs beyond research and
provides in depth explanation of
relevancy of court case.
Alternative viewpoints are
non-existent or fail to
explain problem
Alternative viewpoints are
unclear or lack acceptable
Alternative viewpoints are
explains other
Alternative viewpoints are
carefully developed based
on research and
considerate thought
Multiple alternative viewpoints are
offered. Viewpoints are carefully
developed based on research, critical
thinking and reflective thought
Ffail to explain overall
content of paper and no
reflection is offered.
Critical reflection and
conclusions are unclear –
lack basis in reasoning and
fail to illuminate key
concepts of paper, while
reflection is minimal.
Acceptable - detailed
conclusions reached based
upon research, reasoning
and critical thinking
through informed
Conclusions based upon
sound research and
reasoning while
complementing key facets
of paper through critical
thinking and reflection.
Depth and quality of conclusions
clearly and cogently provide a sound
factual basis for understanding paper
while providing a superior critical
thinking basis for reflection on
Grammar, spelling and
punctuation fails to reflect
quality necessary for degree
seeking BS/BA student-
Student fails
Grammar, spelling and
punctuation is poor, 5-7
Grammar, spelling and
punctuation acceptable, 3-
4 mistakes
Grammar, spelling and
punctuation good – 1-2
Grammar, spelling and punctuation
exceptional – no mistakes
References Fails to follow APA format
in text and References
APA format has more than
5 mistakes
APA format has 3-4
APA format has 1-2
Excellent APA format- mistake free
A Guide for the
Fledgling Analyst
Nolan J. Argyle
Valdosta State University
All Rights Reserved
A policy position paper should structure a problem facing a
decision-maker or decision-makers. It should
present the basic, relevant information known about the
problem, and should conclude with a recommendation. A
position paper should be based upon a clear understanding of
the goals decision-makers want to attain--something
that is easier said than done.
Any policy problem, from a decision to use or not use nuclear
weapons in a regional conflict to the type of
solid waste disposal plan to adopt in Hahira, Ga. may be
addresses in a policy position paper. The nature of the
problem to be addressed and the needs of the decision maker(s)
should determine the format of the position paper.
Variations of position papers are staff reports, option papers,
etc.; each prepared with the needs of the decision-
maker in mind. No matter what the name of the paper, each
should contain certain elements. The basic format of a
position paper is presented below.
Position Paper Format
I. Cover Material
A. Letter of Transmittal
B. Executive Summary
II. Problem History
A. Background of the Problem
B. Current Status of the Problem
C. Importance of the Problem
III. Problem Definition
A. Statement of the Problem
B. Statement of Methodology Used in Analysis
C. Identification of Actors Involved
D. Impact of the Problem
IV. Alternative
A. Listing of Alternatives Considered
B. Comparison of Alternatives
C. Constraints, Including Political
V. Recommendations
A. Description of Policy Recommendation(s)
B. Rationale for Recommendations
C. Plan for Implementation
D. Provisions for Monitoring/Evaluation
VI. End Material
A. References
B. Appendices
Each element of a policy position paper may be evaluated
through a series of questions. The author should
always ask "is it"--is it clear, is it thorough, etc. Some of the
key questions that should be asked for each element
are indicated below.
Position Paper Checklist
I. Cover Material
A. Letter of Transmittal
Is the letter addressed to all the relevant decision makers?
Does it indicate who is to take action, and
when? Does it list all the attached materials?
B. Executive Summary
Does the executive summary describe all the elements of the
position paper? Does it describe those
elements in a way that will be understood by all it is addressed
to? (Do not assume that everyone knows what an
AWACS is--avoid jargon as much as possible.) Is the summary
concise? Is (are) your recommendation(s) clearly
spelled out?
II. Problem History
A. Background of the Problem
Is the problem adequately explained in terms of where it came
from and what led to the problem to place it
in context for the decision maker? Are prior efforts to resolve
the problem listed and evaluated? Is the significance
of the problem pointed out?
B. Current Status of the Problem
This element relies heavily upon the proper completion of
element II A. If that element has been properly
developed, you should now be asking the following types of
questions. Is the current status of the problem clearly
indicated? Have the people currently dealing with the problem-
-and those that should be currently dealing with the
problem--been properly identified?
C. Importance of the Problem
What will happen if the problem is left alone? Why is it
important for policy makers to consider the
III. Problem Definition
A. Statement of the Problem
Is the problem clearly defined, using relevant data? (For
example, if the problem is the inability of a
university to play competitive football because of the number of
players ruled ineligible under Proposition 48, have
you stated the number of players involved?) Are the cultural or
political aspects of the problem included in the
B. Statement of Methodology Used in Analysis
Are the methodologies used in the analysis clearly identified,
along with the rational for selecting those?
(For example: "Input-output analysis was utilized to account for
the resources that would be required for a given
C. Identification of Actors Involved
Are the major stakeholders involved in the problem clearly
identified, along with their values and
priorities? Are potential players identified, and their possible
impact included in the analysis?
D. Impact of the Problem
Is the influence of the problem on current, related policy areas
explained? Are the potential consequences
of the problem developed?
IV. Alternative

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Capstone Paper Introduction Students will select a s.docx

  • 1. Capstone Paper Introduction Students will select a specific problem or policy discussed in the Alexander book and discuss the ramifications of the problem/policy within the criminal justice system. The paper should take the form of a problem/policy analysis and should indicate whether the problem is theoretical or practical (applied). Furthermore, students should include, at minimum, answers to the problem including, but not limited to, who, what, when, where, why, and how the problem originated within the criminal justice system as well as how it continues to be a problem. 1-2 pages Literature Review Students are expected to read and review historical and current research on their specific problem; this includes prior studies on the problem selected. 3-4 pages Criminological Theory Students should review criminological theory and ascertain how the problem/policy is rooted in a particular theory. Students should consult the text from Nature and Causes of Crime/Criminological Theory as a starting place. 1-2 pages Cases Students should review case law to determine the extent to
  • 2. which the problem/policy has been reviewed by the courts and provide a thorough background of the case(s) and the judicial opinion. If the problem/policy has not yet been reviewed by the courts, students should research case precedents that are closely aligned to the problem. 1-2 pages Position Students must clearly articulate their opinion on the problem/policy and how it should be addressed. A plan of action to support your position is expected. 1-2 pages Alternative Positions Provide a critique of logical alternatives to dealing with the problem. 1-2 pages Critical Reflection Using critical thinking and reflection skills, explain how the problem/policy, your position (and alternatives) affect police, courts, and corrections. 1-2 pages Conclusion Finally, provide a final description of the problem, theory, literature review, position and alternative positions. 1-2 pages References A detailed References section including a minimum of 15 resources is required. Resources may include professional trade journals, books, peer reviewed publications, and government publications. Wikipedia is not permitted. Internet resources will be limited to EBSCO, NCJRS, BJA, BJS, DOJ, OJJDP, and FirstGov. APA format must be used. Papers with incorrect APA format will be returned with no grade for revision.
  • 3. His 330 Fall 2013 Writing Assignments—Tupelo General Guidelines Writing assignments should be doubled spaced and use a standard 12 point font. Remember to always put your name on your work. Writing assignments should be submitted via SafeAssign on Blackboard before class on the date listed below. One letter grade will be deducted for each day the paper is late. Papers more than four days late will not be graded and given a zero. It is your responsibility to insure that papers are properly submitted to Blackboard on time. If in doubt, email a copy to the instructor or bring a hard copy to class. The quality of the writing will constitute a significant portion of your grade. Writing assignments should be carefully edited and proofread to eliminate grammatical and typographical mistakes. Refer to the guidelines for good writing listed below. Numerous errors will result in a lower a grade. While consulting with your colleagues is acceptable, writing assignments are to be written individually. Papers that are exceptionally similar will receive a failing grade. To receive credit, assignments must be completed on the date specified and over the correct reading. For instance, do not submit the assignment over chapter three on the day chapter six is due. The writing assignments should be argumentative and not reviews of the reading. Argumentative papers will have a clearly defined thesis and support the thesis with examples from the primary sources in the reading. Writing assignments that
  • 4. are reviews of the reading will receive a lower grade. Papers that fail to meet the required length will receive a grade no higher than a ‘D’. Citations The following provides an example for the appropriate way to cite for these assignments: Regarding his Indian policy, De Perier believed that he had “profited by the mistakes” his predecessors made. (27) He also feared that Indians planned to massacre all Frenchmen in the colony. In other words, if you quote directly from the readings, a page number is needed. Failure to cite properly will result in a lower grade. Plagiarism Plagiarism is stealing somebody else’s thoughts, ideas, and words and claiming them for your own. Like stealing, plagiarism is a serious offense that could lead to expulsion. Be forewarned that all papers will be vetted by anti-plagiarism software. If you cheat, you will get caught. Guidelines for Good Writing Since writing constitutes a significant portion of your grade, refer to these guidelines. Papers that do not adhere to these guidelines will receive a lower grade. 1. Use proper grammar, punctuation and a formal tone. Avoid slang or other informal phrases. If you heard a phrase on SportsCenter, it is slang and should not be used. 2. Do not use first person. For example do not write, “I think
  • 5. the book was great.” Instead, write “the book was great.” 3. Make sure that your paragraphs are between 4-8 sentences long. 4. Do not use contractions. For example, write do not instead of don’t; cannot instead of can’t; will not instead of won’t; etc. 5. Either Underline or Italicize a book’s title. Same for court cases. 6. Once you have used a person’s first and last name, you only refer to them by their last name throughout the rest of the paper. Do not repeatedly use titles like Mr. or Mrs. or Dr. or Judge. 7. Place punctuation inside quotation marks. 8. Spell numbers that are two words or less. For example, twenty-eight, sixty-three, twentieth century are spelled out. Numbers like 383, 1935 remain numerical 9. Eliminate unnecessary words. For example, “Caldwell shows the importance of race.” This is far better than “Caldwell is able to show the importance of race.” 10. Diversify your verb choice and vocabulary. Instead of “Caldwell shows” try using “Caldwell demonstrates” or “Caldwell discusses” or “Caldwell highlights” or “Caldwell chronicles.” Use the synonyms feature on Microsoft Word by right clicking or visit! 11. Do not misuse words. If you are uncertain of the meaning of word—look it up. is a wonderful website. Use it! 12. Organize your paper in a clear, logical manner.
  • 6. Writing Assignments: 1. Bond, Chapter 3 “Antebellum White Society” Due Date: Before class on Sept. 10th After read chapter three of Mississippi: A Documentary History, your assignment is to write a 500-750 word essay that discusses the hardships whites in antebellum Mississippi faced. Be sure to include specific examples from the primary sources to support your position. 2. Bond, Chapter 5 “The Secession Crisis” Due Date: Before class on Sept. 24th After reading chapter five of Mississippi: A Documentary History, your assignment is to write a 500-750 word essay that discusses and explains why Mississippi seceded from the United States. Include specific examples from the primary sources to support your position. 3. Bond, Chapter 7 “Free Labor and Violence in Reconstruction” Due Date: Before Class on Oct. 8th After reading chapter seven of Mississippi: A Documentary History, your assignment is to write a 500-750 word essay that illustrates how Democrats employed violence and fraud to overthrow Republican governments during Reconstruction. Be sure to include specific examples from the primary sources to support your position. 4. Bond, Chapter 10“The Jim Crow World” Due Date: Before Class on Oct. 15th After reading chapter ten of Mississippi: A Documentary History, your assignment is to write a 500-750 word essay that discusses the hardships and horrors African Americans endured
  • 7. under segregation. Include specific examples from the primary sources to support your position. Running head:MISSISSIPPI SECESSION 1 Mississippi Secession Student Name: Ralph Graham Institution Affiliation: Ole Miss Course: His 330 The History of Mississippi Sec 2 Date: September 23, 2013 Historians still debate the reasons which made Mississippi, as well as, her sister southern states opt to secede from the United States. State’s rights, along with high tariffs are some of the issues which are considered to be the main reasons which made Mississippi to secede from U.S but the ultimate reason which made the state to secede from the union was the defense of the slavery institution . A Declaration from the state convention held on January 1861 to discuss the issue of secession states that “Our position is basically identified with the slavery institution-which is the world’ greatest material interest” (McDowell & McDowell, 2007). –paragraphs should be 4-8 sentences long. Also, the quote you use is found in the reading. Lastly, the thesis statement (the one I highlighted above) should be the last sentence of your introduction. The 1850 compromise angered the Mississippians.
  • 8. Mississippians had strongly supported the American-Mexican war because they hoped to gain new slave territory, but the compromise would exclude them from reaping benefits from their concerted efforts. In addition, the Mississippians viewed the entry of California, New Mexico along with Utah as free states as a threat to the significant balance within free and slaves states.—Examples from the documents in the reading are needed. The 1854 Kansa-Nebraska Act was part of the territorial issues which pushed Mississippi towards secession. The aforementioned Act considered the solution to the ambiguous slavery question to be ‘popular sovereignty’. In respect to the “popular sovereignty” the individuals of the territories, prior to making an application for statehood, would make the decision to allow or not allow slavery. The said solution made the abolitionist invade the area. The said Act did not impress the Mississippians because they believed that there was no way the Congress would prevent the introduction of slavery within the various territories. The Mississippians were greatly angered by Senator Stephen Douglas who was the author of the bill which led to the implementation of the Kansa-Nebraska Act (Bond, 2003). – page numbers are needed for citations. In addition, the paper needs to focus exclusively on the primary source documents (the non-italicized stuff) The other event which is considered to have compelled Mississippi to opt for seceding from U.S was the 1859 John Brown’s Raid. Brown who was an abolitionist ho was violent, organized a raid in the Harper’s Ferry federal arsenal in the hope of inciting and arming a slave uprising within the South. However, the raid failed and at last Brown was captured, tried, as well as, hung due to his crimes. Brown’s raid increased the slave revolts fears. The Mississippi parliament implemented several resolutions advising the other sates within the south to oppose antislavery aggression.
  • 9. Finally, the November 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln as the president actually pushed almost all the advocates of secession to the edge. This is due to the fact that the Lincoln’s Republican Party had made a pledge to fully restrict slavery (Bond, 2003). In that regard, the Mississippians considered the Lincoln’s election as a sure sign that slavery abolishment was imminent. In general, it can be concluded that Mississippi’s secessionist’s journey was similar to that of numerous other southern states. Secessionist sentiment not only ebbed but also flowed until events basically got out of control. Passion, pride in addition to ego outclassed logic, as well as, rationality as Mississippians eventually felt that the only way they would preserve slavery along with their preferred way of life was through secession. While this paper does a nice job highlighting the national context for secession, it does not examine the documents in the reading. This is purpose of the assignment. In addition, additional editing is needed to improve the quality of the writing. Work on eliminating unnecessary words. Note my corrections above for tips on how this can be done. Grade: D References Bond, B. G. (2003). Mississippi: A documentary history. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. McDowell, G. D., & McDowell, R. A. (2007). Mississippi Secrets: Facts, legends, and folklore. Lincoln, Neb.: iUniverse. �This sentence is way too long and verbose. A better one is: “Although states’ rights and high tariffs contributed to
  • 10. secession, protecting slavery was the ultimate reason.” Same thing in far fewer words. Name: Title: CAPSTONE PAPER GRADING RUBRIC (100 POINTS) FAILING UNACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE GOOD EXCEPTIONAL POINTS 1-F 2- D 3-C 4-B 5-A Introduction Problem selected is not well-defined– too narrow or too broad Problem area is vague or confusing Problem area is clearly identified
  • 11. Identified problem is unique; exceeds minimum level Identified problem is complex; original and multi-dimensional Organization Fails to arrange paper accordingly and does not follow format Unclear, confusing- paper does not provide direction or follow suggested format Follows format and provides description of problem Follows format, provides description of problem, presents information in an
  • 12. understandable easy to follow format Organizational skills are excellent – follows format, good chronology of problem, superior information presentation and documentation within paper Literature Review Fails to provide pertinent information on problem Literature review defines problem yet lacks supportive information on problem Literature review provides basic background and
  • 13. description of problem Literature review provides good depth and breadth description of problem Literature review provides excellent breadth and depth of explanation of problem. Theory Fails to apply and explain the problem Improper theory selection/application – lacks depth Acceptable standard of theory application Theory selection based upon sound reasoning - Theory application goes beyond minimum - good
  • 14. Selection of theory shows excellent ability to apply principles - Theory application demonstrates depth and originality Position Fails to support position in any manner through the use of credible research and uses inappropriate court case. Lacks supportive research – personal opinions interjected in paper along with research results and an unlinked court case. Position meets acceptable level of competence- uses research to support
  • 15. position and appropriate court case. Position is supported by good research materials, extremely relevant court case and student explanation of materials. Position has excellent depth and quality - uses outstanding reasoning and informs beyond research and provides in depth explanation of relevancy of court case. Alternative Positions Alternative viewpoints are non-existent or fail to explain problem Alternative viewpoints are
  • 16. unclear or lack acceptable application Alternative viewpoints are acceptable--clearly explains other perspectives Alternative viewpoints are carefully developed based on research and considerate thought process Multiple alternative viewpoints are offered. Viewpoints are carefully developed based on research, critical thinking and reflective thought process. Critical
  • 17. Reflection Ffail to explain overall content of paper and no reflection is offered. Critical reflection and conclusions are unclear – lack basis in reasoning and fail to illuminate key concepts of paper, while reflection is minimal. Acceptable - detailed conclusions reached based upon research, reasoning and critical thinking through informed reflection. Conclusions based upon sound research and
  • 18. reasoning while complementing key facets of paper through critical thinking and reflection. Depth and quality of conclusions clearly and cogently provide a sound factual basis for understanding paper while providing a superior critical thinking basis for reflection on problem. Grammar Mechanics Grammar, spelling and punctuation fails to reflect quality necessary for degree seeking BS/BA student- Student fails Grammar, spelling and
  • 19. punctuation is poor, 5-7 mistakes Grammar, spelling and punctuation acceptable, 3- 4 mistakes Grammar, spelling and punctuation good – 1-2 mistakes Grammar, spelling and punctuation exceptional – no mistakes References Fails to follow APA format in text and References section APA format has more than 5 mistakes APA format has 3-4 Mistakes
  • 20. APA format has 1-2 mistakes Excellent APA format- mistake free TOTAL TOTAL X 5.5 1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR WRITING POLICY POSITION PAPERS A Guide for the Fledgling Analyst
  • 21. Nolan J. Argyle Valdosta State University All Rights Reserved 2 INSTRUCTIONS FOR WRITING POLICY POSITION PAPERS A policy position paper should structure a problem facing a decision-maker or decision-makers. It should present the basic, relevant information known about the problem, and should conclude with a recommendation. A position paper should be based upon a clear understanding of the goals decision-makers want to attain--something that is easier said than done. Any policy problem, from a decision to use or not use nuclear weapons in a regional conflict to the type of solid waste disposal plan to adopt in Hahira, Ga. may be addresses in a policy position paper. The nature of the problem to be addressed and the needs of the decision maker(s) should determine the format of the position paper. Variations of position papers are staff reports, option papers, etc.; each prepared with the needs of the decision-
  • 22. maker in mind. No matter what the name of the paper, each should contain certain elements. The basic format of a position paper is presented below. Position Paper Format I. Cover Material A. Letter of Transmittal B. Executive Summary II. Problem History A. Background of the Problem B. Current Status of the Problem C. Importance of the Problem III. Problem Definition A. Statement of the Problem B. Statement of Methodology Used in Analysis C. Identification of Actors Involved D. Impact of the Problem IV. Alternative Solution s/Policies A. Listing of Alternatives Considered B. Comparison of Alternatives C. Constraints, Including Political V. Recommendations
  • 23. A. Description of Policy Recommendation(s) B. Rationale for Recommendations C. Plan for Implementation D. Provisions for Monitoring/Evaluation VI. End Material A. References B. Appendices Each element of a policy position paper may be evaluated through a series of questions. The author should always ask "is it"--is it clear, is it thorough, etc. Some of the key questions that should be asked for each element are indicated below. 3
  • 24. Position Paper Checklist I. Cover Material A. Letter of Transmittal Is the letter addressed to all the relevant decision makers? Does it indicate who is to take action, and when? Does it list all the attached materials? B. Executive Summary Does the executive summary describe all the elements of the position paper? Does it describe those elements in a way that will be understood by all it is addressed to? (Do not assume that everyone knows what an AWACS is--avoid jargon as much as possible.) Is the summary concise? Is (are) your recommendation(s) clearly spelled out? II. Problem History A. Background of the Problem Is the problem adequately explained in terms of where it came
  • 25. from and what led to the problem to place it in context for the decision maker? Are prior efforts to resolve the problem listed and evaluated? Is the significance of the problem pointed out? B. Current Status of the Problem This element relies heavily upon the proper completion of element II A. If that element has been properly developed, you should now be asking the following types of questions. Is the current status of the problem clearly indicated? Have the people currently dealing with the problem- -and those that should be currently dealing with the problem--been properly identified? C. Importance of the Problem What will happen if the problem is left alone? Why is it important for policy makers to consider the problem? III. Problem Definition A. Statement of the Problem Is the problem clearly defined, using relevant data? (For
  • 26. example, if the problem is the inability of a university to play competitive football because of the number of players ruled ineligible under Proposition 48, have you stated the number of players involved?) Are the cultural or political aspects of the problem included in the definition? B. Statement of Methodology Used in Analysis Are the methodologies used in the analysis clearly identified, along with the rational for selecting those? (For example: "Input-output analysis was utilized to account for the resources that would be required for a given alternative.") C. Identification of Actors Involved Are the major stakeholders involved in the problem clearly identified, along with their values and priorities? Are potential players identified, and their possible impact included in the analysis?
  • 27. 4 D. Impact of the Problem Is the influence of the problem on current, related policy areas explained? Are the potential consequences of the problem developed? IV. Alternative