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PO 132 & EV 301
One of the biggest challenges for human society in the 21st century is the
dangers brought about by a change in global climate patterns. Large concentrations
of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are increasing the temperature of the earth,
leading some ecological systems we depend on to approach their tipping points, at
which point it will be too late to do anything to save them. Solar photovoltaic
technology is one way in which governments can reduce their emissions while
creating jobs and strengthening the local economy. Examining the various policies
and market mechanisms designed to induce investments in the solar PV industry will
give us a better picture of the impacts that these policies have on homeowners,
businesses, and electric utilities. California and Germany are both at the forefront of
the transition to low-carbon energy sources, and examining these markets will give
us a better picture of the effectiveness and impacts that these policies can have. In
this paper we will examine how feed-in tariffs and renewable portfolio standards
have been proven to be effective policy tools in Germany and California that achieve
higher rates of penetration for solar and create jobs that are local and non-
There are a number of policies available to governments that want to increase
the share of renewable energy in their grid. Renewable portfolio standards and feed-
in tariffs are in place in both Germany and California and have emerged
as compelling policy tools that achieve high renewable market penetration rates. A
renewable portfolio standard (RPS)is
“a policy designed to increase generation of electricity from renewable
resources by requiring electricity producers within a given jurisdiction to
supply a certain minimum share of their electricity from designated renewable
resources” (US EIA).
One of the advantages of having a RPS is that the government sets the quantity
desired and lets the market establish the price. This is a very efficient approach in
the sense that it lowers costs for the government because companies have to go
through competitive bidding and negotiations to set the price of the electricity they
are supplying. A disadvantage of RPS is that it favors experienced developers over
normal citizens who want to go green because of the time-and resource-intensive
nature of the competitive bidding and contract negotiations. It also favors large
projects over small, distributed installations because of the economic efficiency that
can be achieved through economies of scale. Developers can get a lower price if
they buy solar panels in bulk and build them where the best solar resources are
located. Renewable portfolio standards are common in the United States, with 30
states and the District of Columbia having enforceable RPS policies (CPUC RPS).
California established a RPS in 2002 when it passed Senate Bill 1078, requiring the
state to get 20% renewable energy by 2017(CPUC RPS). Over the years, this target
goal has been increased, culminating in Senate Bill 2 codifying a 33% requirement
by 2020 into law.
While Germany does not have a RPS, this country pioneered the feed-in tariff
in 1991, when they passed the Greed Feed-in Law[v]. According to the United
State’s Energy Information Administration, a feed-in tariff is
“a policy measure used to encourage deployment of renewable electricity
technologies…which guarantees that customers who own a FIT-eligible
renewable electricity generation facility will receive a set price from their utility
for all the electricity they generate and provide to the grid” (US EIA).
The main advantages of a feed-in tariff are that it provides financial certainty, lowers
transaction costs, and encourages distributed generation over centralized power
plants. Whereas a RPS sets the quantity desired and lets the market establish the
price, a feed-in tariff sets the price and lets the market determine the quantity
supplied. Since the price is determined by law, there is no need for the negotiations
or bidding processes that would have to occur with the RPS. All you have to do as a
consumer is sign a contract and you are guaranteed a set price for the electricity you
produce for a number of years after construction, in most cases 20. However, a feed-
in tariff generally results in higher electricity prices because the price is set before
projects are financed, and that production efficiency is therefore ignored.
The Renewable Energy Sources Act, or EEG for its German initials, replaced
Germany’s Greed Feed-in Law in the year 2000, and its purpose is:
“facilitate the sustainable development of energy supply, particularly for the
sake of protecting the climate and the environment, to reduce the costs of
energy supply to the national economy, to conserve fossil fuels and to
promote the further development of technologies for the generation of
electricity from renewable energy sources (Lang & Mutschler).
To achieve these objectives, the law gives priority access to renewable energy to the
power grid, as well as priority transmission and distribution. Grid operators are
required to purchase the electricity produced from renewable energy sources and
power plants owners are guaranteed a fixed price for every kilowatt-hour produced
for 20 years after construction. Over time the law has been amended to take
technological innovations and price drops for renewable energy technologies into
account, but the price paid to power plant owners is fixed to the year the plant went
into operation.
EEG also establishes renewable energy targets for the future. These are also
amended and modified depending on the rate at which renewable energy
installations occur and the targets are met (or not). For our purposes, we will use the
targets set in EEG 2014, which are 40% to 45% of the share in the gross electricity
consumption by 2025, 55% to 60% by 2035, and 80% by 2050.
Other additions to EEG that are important to note are the introduction of direct
marketing, expansion corridors, and breathing caps. Direct marketing was introduced
in 2012 as an option for plant operators that allowed them to offer and sell their
energy directly on the power market instead of receiving the feed-in tariff rate
(energy2market). In EEG 2014, direct marketing was made mandatory, which means
that new plant operators are required to market their generated electricity directly,
either independently or through a direct marketer (Herbold). There are two ways of
direct marketing: subsidized direct marketing and unsubsidized direct marketing.
Subsidized direct marketing is done with the purpose of receiving a market premium,
which requires “that the grid operator is allowed to label the energy as energy
generated by renewable energy sources” (Herbold). Moreover, the market premium
“consists of the fixed statutory tariff of the respective renewable energy plant minus
its technology-specific monthly value” (Herbold), which is calculated based on the
monthly average of the hourly contracts at the European Power Exchange. For solar,
the fixed statutory tariff in EEG 2014 is 9.23 ct/kWh for installations with a nominal
output of up to 10 MW.
Under EEG 2014 there are two exceptions to the direct marketing rule. The
first is for small renewable power plants, in particular “plants commissioned before 1
January 2016 with an installed capacity of less than 500kW” and “plants
commissioned after 31 December 2015 with an installed capacity of less than
100kW” (Lang Mutschler). The second exception applies when direct marketing is
not possible, in which case “the operator receives a tariff in the amount of 80% of the
fixed statutory tariff from the grid operator” (Herbold). By providing 80% of the fixed
statutory tariff to operators, the government ensures investment and planning
security for new plants while simultaneously providing an incentive for operators to
return to direct marketing because they are not receiving 100% of the tariff.
Expansion corridors are simply specific growth targets for different renewable
energy technologies. Under EEG 2014, solar power’s growth corridor target is 2,500
MW. The breathing cap concept was introduced to ensure compliance with the
growth corridors by adjusting “the feed-in tariff depending on the extent to which
newly installed capacity is in line with the corridors” (Lang Mutschler). This way,
financial support for solar can increase or decrease depending on whether or not the
corridor targets are exceeded.
California’s renewable portfolio standard also establishes a feed-in tariff,
authorized by section 399.20 of the public utilities code. The feed-in tariff is available
to renewable generators sized up to 3 MW in size. To participate, “developers have
to submit a program participation request form with the investor owned utility (IOU) in
whose service territory the developer intends to site its project” (FAQ RPS
CACPUC). Once deemed eligible to participate in the program, the developer will be
able to execute a feed-in tariff contract and will be placed in the queue for the
renewable market adjusting tariff, or ReMAT for short. Each IOU has a prescribed
allocation of capacity for each program period, which lasts two months in duration.
Payment for the renewable energy generators is set at $89.23/MWh, but the ReMAT
mechanism is designed to adjust the price offered every period based on market
interest at the previously offered price. If there are a large number of subscriptions at
the offered price, the ReMAT is designed to lower the offered price and vice-versa.
The ReMAT is the equivalent of the fixed statutory tariff offered in Germany and
payment is fixed for the duration of the generator’s contract, which can be 10, 15, or
20 years.
Although feed-in tariffs and renewable portfolio standards are certainly
effective policy tools to encourage the development of solar energy, the
implementation of a net metering policy can advance the adoption of solar by
providing an additional incentive to solar photovoltaic system owners. According to
the Solar Energy Industries Association, net metering “allows electricity customers
who wish to supply their own electricity from on-site generation to pay only for the
net energy they obtain from the utility” (SEIA NEM). This policy allows PV system
owners to get credited for the full amount of electricity they produce, making it more
economically attractive to go solar. If a customer produces more electricity than they
consume they get credited for that excess generation according to the policies of the
utilities or state in their service territory.
The main difference between a feed-in tariff and net metering is that with net
metering, PV system owners will consume the electricity produced by their solar
panels and get credited for the electricity they don’t use. In some cases, plant
owners may not get credited for the excess electricity but they may be able to carry
forward the excess electricity they produced so that they can draw down on it during
periods of low production (greenbugenergy). If they consume more electricity than
they produce, they are supplied electricity from the grid and get billed the difference.
For a feed-in tariff, PV system owners get paid for all the electricity they produce
over a long contract period, normally 15 to 20 years, but have to pay the market rate
for the electricity they consume. Essentially, they may be selling the electricity they
produce back to the grid at one price and buying it back at another, usually higher,
California passed senate bill AB 920 in 2009, which requires “California
utilities to compensate Net Energy Metering customers for electricity produced in
excess of on-site load over a 12-month period” (CA CPUS NEM). The law
establishes a capacity limit for participation in the program of 1 MW, and the net
excess generation is credited to the customers’ next monthly bill at retail rate unless
they choose to have their excess electricity roll over indefi nitely (freeingthegrid). At
the time of this writing, there were over 120,000 residential and non-residential
customers enrolled in the net energy metering program.
In Germany, net energy metering works differently in that customers who
have installed a solar PV system are credited the feed-in tariff rate instead of the
retail rate. Since EEG was introduced in 2000, the feed-in tariff rate has been
reduced as targets have been met and solar PV systems and installation costs have
significantly decreased. At the moment, the retail residential electricity rate is higher
than the feed-in tariff rate. This creates an incentive for solar PV owners to self-
consume the electricity they produce because each kilowatt-hour produced gets
special treatment depending on where it is used. According to the Rocky Mountain
Institute, “if you use solar energy from your PV system in your home or business,
you’re effectively credited at the retail electricity rate since that’s energy that you’re
simply not using from the utility” (Morris). If you produce more than you consume,
that electricity feeds back into the grid and you get credited at the feed-in tariff rate,
which is lower than the retail in Germany. When your system is not producing
electricity at all or you are consuming more than you are producing, you b uy
electricity from the utility at the standard retail rate.
Although going solar is an undeniably worthy investment because of the
savings and even revenue generated from owning a PV system, the large upfront
costs are still a barrier to the large-scale proliferation of this power source. The
actual costs of buying a solar array vary greatly by location and depend on the
availability of good solar resources, tax exemptions, system size and regulatory
incentives that support this technology. To better understand the factors that affect
solar PV system prices, we must look into hardware and soft costs. Hardware costs
refer to the price of buying the actual solar panels, and these costs have decreased
greatly over the past few years. According to a report released by the International
Renewable Energy Agency, “prices for solar PV modules declined by 65% to 70%
between 2009 and 2013” (Meza). The report also found that the technology costs
reductions have been driven by 3 factors: efficiency improvements, economies of
scale, and production optimization (Meza). Scientific American estimates that
averaged over the last 30 years, the cost reduction trend has been an annual 7%,
and if this trend continues over the next 20 years we may reach a cost per watt of PV
cells of just over 50 cents (compared to $22 in 1980 and $3 today)[xxiv]. According
to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), soft costs include financing
and other non-hardware costs such as permit fees, installation costs, and transaction
costs “now comprise up to 64% of the total price of residential solar energy systems”
in the United States (Naam). As hardware costs continue to decline in the future and
soft costs cover an ever greater share of the price to go solar, pressure will mount on
federal and state governments to decrease the bureaucratic red tape holding back
the installation of even more solar.
California embarked on a “Go Solar California” campaign in 2006 with a goal
of installing 3,000 MW of solar energy on homes and businesses by 2016 (About Go
Solar California). This campaign is a joint effort of the California Energy Commission
and the California Public Utilities Commission and is divided into three different
programs: the California Solar Initiative (CSI), the New Solar Homes Partnership
(NSHP), and a separate set of programs for publicly owned utilities.
The CSI is the solar rebate program for consumers that are in the service
territory of any of the three investor owned utilities, which are: Pacific Gas and
Electric (PG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE), and San Diego Gas and Electric
(SDG&E). CSI has a budget of $2,167 million for PV systems between 2007 and
2016 and $250 million for solar thermal water heaters between 2010 and 2017
(About CSI). Its goal is to install 1,940 MW of solar PV and 200,000 solar water
heaters. Through their general market program they “fund solar on existing homes,
existing or new commercial, agricultural, government, and non-profit buildings”
(About CSI). The initiative also includes options for low-income households wanting
to go solar through its Single Family Affordable Solar Homes Program, which
provides a “fully subsidized 1 kW system to households that meet the legal definition
of very low-income described as 50% or below the area median income” (About
SFAHP). For low-income households living in a multifamily dwelling, the Multifamily
Affordable Housing program provides building owners with the opportunity to install
solar PV systems and receive a high rebate for the clean energy they provide to their
tenants. Finally, for those customers who want to switch from gas to solar thermal
for water heating there is the CSI-Thermal program, which offers cash rebates of up
to $2,719 for single-family homes and up to 500,000 for multifamily and commercial
The NSHP “provides financial incentives and other support to home builders,
encouraging the construction of new, energy efficient solar homes that save
homeowners money on their electric bills and protect the environment” (About
NSHP). It has a budget of $400 million and a goal of 360 MW, and customers who
buy a solar home qualify for an additional $2,000 in federal tax credits. This program
provides an incentive for developers to build sustainably from the start, resulting in
savings for the residents and the county or municipality where the property is built.
The Go Solar California campaign also provides support to customers of publicly
owned utilities that want to go solar to the tune of $784 million and a goal of installing
700 MW. The program requirements for this section vary depending on the utility
under whose service territory you are located.
In addition to the Go Solar California campaign, there is funding available for
residential and commercial property owners that wish to go solar through the
Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program. A report by the California Center
for Sustainable Energy explains that PACE allows “property owners to finance
energy efficiency, water efficiency, and renewable energy projects on existing
residential and commercial structures through a special tax assessment on the
property” (Kaatz). By financing the project through a reevaluation of their property
tax, program participants can install solar PV panels with little to no upfront. This
program is backed by a $10 million fund set up by Governor Brown designed to
cover any potential losses to the mortgage market. Tying the loan to the property
allows property owners to sell the house before they have repaid their entire system
costs, and the new property owner simply continues paying the loan (and enjoying
the savings).
Another financing option for residential and commercial solar that has
emerged in the United States as a very popular option is third-party solar financing.
According to the Solar Energy Industries Association, third-party financing is
primarily based on one of two models: a power purchase agreement (PPA) or a solar
lease. In the PPA model, a solar developer installs solar panels on a property and
“sells the power generated to the customer at a fixed rate, typically lower than the
local utility” (SEIA). At the end of the contract, customers have the option of buying
the solar system from the developer or simply extending the contract for a number of
years. In the lease model, customers sign a contract with the developer over a
period of time (usually 15-20 years) and pay for the solar energy system itself rather
than for the electricity produced by it. The primary benefit of third-party solar
financing is that in most cases, customers pay little to no upfront cost for their solar
PV systems. This basically removes the main barrier to transition to solar energy and
provides low and medium income households with alternatives to lower their
electricity bills and protect the environment.
High levels of awareness of the dangers of a warmer climate and a long-term
commitment to support renewables by the government have combined to place
Germany in a leadership position in the renewable energy field. Germany accounts
for more than 30% of installed PV capacity in the world (Chabot 27). Some argue
that the success of the German energy transition has been due to the high
percentage of local ownership of renewable energy assets in the country. According
to a report released by German renewables organization AEE, private individuals
own more than half of the renewable energy generating capacity in Germany (Morris
Energy Transition). This promotion of energy democracy, the idea that private
individuals should be decision-makers on how to use and create energy that is local
and renewable, strengthens the energy transition by reinvesting energy spending
back into the local economy.
Renewable energy cooperatives have been crucial to the energy transition,
comprising over 130,000 members, 90% of whom are private citizens (Morris
Renewables International). A cooperative is an “autonomous association of people
who join voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and
aspirations through jointly owned and democratically controlled businesses” (Viardot
758). Cooperatives are different from normal businesses in that outside investors are
not allowed to join. They are democratically controlled, meaning that all members
have an equal voice regardless of their equity share. By providing legal and
economic expertise, they facilitate the transition to renewable energy for private
individuals without the means to do it themselves. Cooperatives are essential to the
renewable energy market in Germany because they help dissolve the main barriers
to the adoption of renewable energy.
The first one of these barriers is the free-rider effect that is “associated with
the belief that a programme will be implemented with or without one’s support”
(Viardot 758). Individuals might reason that it is more economically beneficial for
them to simply wait for the government to act because they will gain all the public
benefits without inquiring any personal costs. Cost is also a major financial barrier
that discourages people from going green. The upfront expenditure of buying solar
panels, for instance, is sometimes seen as too high in the short-term to justify the
investment. There is also a risk factor associated with renewable energies. Some
individuals might think lower electricity costs in the long-run do not justify the large
investment over a 10 to 20 year period before their principal is recovered. This
barrier is magnified when comparing their investment to traditional investment
vehicles that have been proven to offer higher returns in a lower time frame. Another
potential obstacle is “the worry about the resale potential of a house or property
where a RE system has been installed” (Viardot 758). The third major barrier is the
fact that not everyone owns a suitable location to place their renewable energy
systems. Germany’s home ownership rate is one of the lowest among developed
nations. Only 43% of the population owns their houses, compared to around 68% in
the United States. This is due to the housing policies implemented after the Second
World War, when Germany had a severe housing shortage. A lack of funds from the
mortgage market combined with renter-friendly policies, such as a law that “allows
state government to cap rent increases at no more than 15% over a three-year
period”, to make Germany’s homeownership rate what it is today (Phillips Quartz).
In order to reduce all the barriers previously mentioned, renewable energy
cooperatives engage in educational campaigns through social marketing using four
different educational tools: websites, seminars and lectures, educational tours, and
exhibitions and festivals. Websites are used to provide the public with information on
the different renewable energy technologies available, their effectiveness, and even
step-by-step instructions on how to install solar PV system. The seminars and
lectures provide a similar educational function as the websites, but by engaging
directly with the public, there is an increased chance that the information will reach a
wider audience through social diffusion techniques like word of mouth and
networking. Educational tours that visit operational sites help dispel the fears many
have regarding the reliability and usability of the technology. They also help “reduce
the free-riding behavior as they show how any character can contribute effectively to
improve the natural environment with the use of renewable energy” (Viardot 760).
To lower the cost and location barriers, cooperatives develop local projects in
which community members can buy preferential shares “with a minimum i nvestment
between $100 to $500” (VIardot 760). This allows low and medium income families
to participate and benefit from the revenues generated by the systems. Cooperatives
also develop partnerships with strategic players to help lower project costs. A good
example of a partnership would be a cooperative associating itself with a system
provider in order to get volume discounts or with a community developer that can
provide its services to the cooperative in exchange of a number of shares in the
project being built. Other services provided by cooperatives are feasibility studies on
potential sites, which send “testers” to measure the potential output of the site and
do environmental impact assessments to assuage any public concerns on the
impacts of these technologies on their local environment.
The Renewable Energy Sources Act contains a provision that exempts certain
industries from paying the EEG surcharge used to finance renewable electricity
projects across the country. These exemptions have been a controversial issue and
were placed under review by the European Commission for constituting i llegal state
aid under European Union state aid rules. The current rules on industry exemptions
under EEG 2014 apply to “industrial companies with an electricity consumption of
more than 1 gigawatt hour per year” and companies whose ratio of electricity costs
to gross added value is at least 14% (Graichen Agora). Companies consuming over
100 gigawatt hours per year pay a surcharge of .05 cents per kilowatt-hours, while
those between 10 and 100 gigawatt-hours pay 1% of the standard EEG rate, and
those between 1 and 10 gigawatt hours pay 10% of the standard EEG rate
(Graichen Agora). Rail operators that consume more than 10 gigawatt hours per
year “pay an EEG surcharge of .05 cent per kilowatt hour for 90% of their electricity
consumption” (Graichen Agora). Although these exemptions are seen as critical to
the German industrial complex and their comparative advantage with the rest of the
world, the commission argues that these reductions “seem to give the beneficiaries a
selective advantage that is likely to distort competition within the EU internal market”
(Lang Mutschler). On April 9, 2014, the European Commission published new
guidelines on what constitutes legal state aid, and the German government reformed
EEG to exempt companies with a ratio of electricity to gross added value of 16 to
20% (Weiss 16).
In addition to these exemptions on industries with high electricity
consumption, EEG 2014 contains a Green Electricity Privilege that reduces the EEG
surcharge to “suppliers only if 50% of their electricity portfolio is sourced from
domestic renewable electricity produced in plants that are not already more than 20
years in operation” (Lang Mutschler). In this case, the commission argues that the
provision discriminates between domestic plants and other similar plants in the EU
that produce energy from renewable sources.
The share of electricity consumption in the country covered by the industry
exemptions alone has been increasing over the last 10 years, going from 7% in 2004
to 20% in 2014. When we add the Green Electricity Privilege, that share increases to
30% of electricity consumption in 2014. The original purpose of these exemptions
was to shield electricity-intensive firms, such as iron, aluminum, and chemical
industries, from international competitors and keep manufacturing jobs in Germany.
Unfortunately, there have been some unintended consequences that will have to be
dealt with in the upcoming revisions of EEG. One of these is the impact on small and
medium sized businesses that do not consume enough electricity to qualify for the
exemptions but still have to compete with large companies in their sector that do.
This blatant disadvantage is exacerbated by the fact that exempt corporations have
no incentive to reduce their electricity consumption, which results in higher emissions
that would otherwise occur without the exemptions. Another consequence of the
exemption to companies whose ratio of electricity costs to gross added value is at
least 14% has been that many sectors are “increasingly employing fewer personnel
of their own and instead using third-party contracts” (Graichen Agora). In reality the
company maintains the same amount of workers, but statistically speaking becomes
more electricity intensive and therefore qualifies for the exemptions.
The potential effects of a reduction or complete elimination of these
exemptions depend on industry type and a variety of other factors. The energy or
electricity productivity of a firm is the ratio of the gross value added to energy or
electricity consumption. This ratio is important because if electricity prices were to
rise, they would eat away at the company’s profit margins, decreasing their
comparative advantage. A report by German development bank KfW states that “the
effect on profit margins also depend on the extent to which higher electricity costs
can be passed on to end customers via price increases” (Dieckhoner KFW). Price
elasticity of demand is an economic term that measures how responsive consumers
are to changes in price, and by measuring this, a company can have a better idea of
how much of their electricity costs they can pass on to their customers. Companies
whose products have a low price elasticity of demand, meaning consumers are not
very responsive to changes in price, are able to pass on most of their costs to the
consumers. Those with a high price elasticity of demand, on the other hand, have
no option but to absorb the increased electricity costs to avoid going out of business.
In reality, companies with a high price elasticity of demand will not be able to pass
the full amount of the cost increase to their customers. The only other option in this
case would be for the company to become more efficient by increasing its electricity
productivity by the amount of the price increase, leaving profit margins untouched.
To gain more insight on the effectiveness of these policies as job creators, we
must look at the solar industry job numbers in Germany and California. According to
the Solar Energy Industries Association, California is the leading market for solar
energy in the United States and has a total of 8.5 GW installed. They state that
“there are currently more than 2,063 solar companies at work throughout the value
chain in California, employing 47,223 people” (SEIA CA). In Germany the numbers
are even more startling. Germany has an installed capacity of 38 GW, which makes
it by far the biggest market in Europe and the world. The International Renewable
Energy Agency states that “solar PV employment in Germany grew from 38,000 jobs
in 2007 to 10,900 in 2011” (Ferroukhi IRENA). Although these numbers decreased
during 2012 due to the price decrease brought about by an increasing number of
solar manufacturing capacity being brought online in developing markets, the
prospects for future job growth in the industry are still very high. A report by the
Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts estimates
that for every one million dollars invested in the solar industry, 14 jobs are created,
compared to 5 for natural gas and 7 for coal. Dollar for dollar, investments in
renewable energy create more jobs than conventional energy industries. These jobs
range from solar cell manufacturing jobs, to installation and maintenance as well as
other industries throughout the value chain that participate in the manufacturing and
installation process. Most of these installation and maintenance jobs are non-
outsourceable, which means that they cannot be lost to other countries with a
competitive advantage because they must be performed by local companies.
To understand the impact that solar PV generation has had on German retail
prices, we must start by looking at the costs of buying and installing a solar PV
system. Installation costs have been falling steadily in Germany, declining by an
average of 16% per year from 2006 to 2013. This decrease in installation costs has
coincided with a reduction of the feed-in tariff and an increase in installed capacity.
According to a report by the Solar Energy Industries Association, solar PV costs
have fallen from $6,197/kWp in 2006 to $2,032/kWp in 2014. This cost decrease has
been achieved through a combination of learning and scaling effects as well as
technological innovations in the global market.
Another important factor that relates to retail prices is the cost of the German
FIT program. Opponents of the Renewable Energy Support Act like to point out that
retail rates in Germany are too expensive due to the increasing support of
renewables. While it is true that rates have gone up, “retail prices would be high
when compared to the US even without any support for renewable energy” (Weiss
SEIA). The EEG surcharge, used to finance the feed-in tariff payments, is broken
down into six categories, four of which represent about 95% of the $7.73/kWh levy
for 2014. The biggest and most important category is for renewable energy support,
meaning the direct feed-in tariff payments for renewable energy. This category
accounts for about 41% ($3.15) of the $7.73/kWh. The second largest category is
the reduction of wholesale price, and it accounts for about 24% of the levy.
Wholesale electricity markets are where “electricity is traded (bought and sold) prior
to its supply to the destination grid of the end customer (individual customer or
commercial)” (SEIA). This trading takes place at the European Power Exchange and
involves brokers buying electricity from the owners of generating stations and selling
it to the suppliers. Solar PV generates the most electricity when the sun is at its
highest point, creating a surplus of electricity and effective lowering the wholesale
electricity price for a period of time. The 24% figure represents
“extra payments under FITs that are necessary to make the transmission
system operators, who have to compensate renewable energy producers
under FITs, whole relative to the wholesale market value of the renewable
energy, when renewable energy actually reduces that wholesale market
value” (Weiss SEIA).
In other words, transmission system operators have to be compensated because
they lose money when they buy electricity from producers at the feed-in tariff price
and sell it at the wholesale market at a lower price, even though renewable energy
actually lowers wholesale prices. The third largest category is the industrial
exemption explained earlier, and it accounts for 20% of the levy. The last significant
category accounts for 9% of the levy and represents payments for renewable energy
capacity added in 2013 after the expected capacity addition targets were passed and
the funds from the 2013 EEG surcharge had run out.
One of the most confusing facts about EEG is that support for renewables is
not linear and will soon begin to decline. Germany currently has an installed capacity
of 35 GW of solar PV with a goal of 55 GW by 2020. An uninformed observer would
incorrectly guess that these extra 25 GW would send retail and commercial
electricity rates soaring, putting German corporations out of business and decreasing
the purchasing power of German households. As explained earlier, EEG introduced
expansion corridors, which are targets that, when met, trigger a reduction of the
feed-in tariff. As more and more solar PV capacity comes online, feed-in tariffs will
continue declining, which is why the current feed-in tariff rate is lower than the retail
rate in Germany. The reason for the current high EEG surcharge is due to the fact
that Germans are still paying today for the feed-in tariff contracts signed 20 years
ago when the feed-in tariff rate needed to be higher than the retail rate to encourage
the adoption of solar. The Solar Energy Industries Association states that “total
payments under FITs for solar PV currently amount to approximately €10 billion per
year”[liii]. Given the sharp reductions in feed-in tariffs, the remaining 20 GW to reach
the 55 GW goal are estimated to cost another €1.4 billion per year.
Opponents of California’s Renewable Portfolio Standards claim that this
program has been responsible for an increase in retail electricity prices. California’s
average retail price for electricity is currently 13.5 cents/kWh (US EIA). There is no
consensus on the short and long-term impacts of a RPS on electricity prices, with
some studies claiming that prices have increased while others say it has decreased
or remained the same. A report released by Energy and Environmental Economics,
a consulting firm specializing in North American electricity markets, average retail
rates could increase from 14.4 cents/kWh in 2012 to 21.1 cents/kWh in 2030 (Arvizu
Borenstein). However, the study claims that of this 47% increase, only about 7% can
be attributed to California’s RPS policy, with the remaining 40% due to the need to
replace the aging infrastructure of the state’s transmission and distribution network.
Another report conducted by the Energy Efficiency Center of UC Davis concluded
that “achieving 33% renewable energy in California by 2020 show slightly higher
nominal average retail rate increases that are in the range of 4-5%” (Cook UC
Davis). The report also notes that the price increase results from “increasing
transmission and distribution costs along with higher fuel and operating costs for all
types of generation” (Cook UC Davis). While solar PV system costs are predicted to
continue to decrease exponentially in the future and installation costs are expected
to fall due to the learning and scaling effects, our ability to forecast these costs as
well as fossil fuel prices into the future remains minimal.
There are several issues surrounding renewable energy, particularly those
regarding their impact on the reliability of the electrical grid, that we must discuss in
order to better understand how more renewable energy can be safely integrated into
our grid. Renewable energy is intermittent by nature; the sun is not always shining
nor the wind blowing. Solar PV systems reach their peak generating capacity when
the sun is at its highest point. Overgeneration occurs when “must-run generation is
greater than loads plus exports” (Arvizu Borenstein). Examples of must-run
generation include nuclear power, combined-heat-and-power, and thermal electric
generation that must be maintained online to stabilize the grid. To avoid too much
energy flowing onto the grid and guarantee reliable electricity service, grid operators
are forced to curtail the renewable energy. They shut down solar PV power plants or
wind turbines to reduce supply and balance the load. Another issue that grid
operators could face is a shortage in ramping capability, or “the ability of the
generation fleet to accommodate large changes in the net load served over one or
more hours” (Arvizu Borenstein). Grid operators can also use curtailment as a
solution to this problem. They use forecasts on an hourly basis of energy demand
and supply and shut down renewable energy output to smooth out the grid load.
Another potential solution to the intermittency of renewables and the problems this
causes for grid operators is energy storage. Although there are a number of large -
scale battery installations in Germany and California, battery costs are currently too
high to justify a utility-scale investment in battery storage. This will certainly change
in the future, as technological breakthroughs take place and Elon Musk’s massive
gigafactory comes online, which is expected to double global production of lithium-
ion batteries and reduce costs through the achieved economies of scale. Finally,
pumped hydroelectric storage is a viable, cost effective option that is used in both
Germany and California but is constrained to the amount of available locations
suitable for a project of such scale.
When comparing grid reliability in both locations it is useful to look at the
system average interruption duration index (SAIDI). Germans suffer one of the
lowest rates of outages in the developed world, and they suffer “from merely 7% of
the outage minutes of average Americans, which is to say that high levels of
renewable penetration do not ensure an unreliable electricity supply. California’s
share of renewable energy has not yet reached the levels of penetration achieved in
the German market, and as such, grid operators can manage the load through
curtailments alone. In Germany’s more developed market, the effect of renewables
integration into the grid has led to the deterioration of the economics of its fossil fuel
generation fleet. This is due to the fact that renewables have priority on the grid and
may result in a significant portion of underperforming fossil fuel plants going offline.
After the nuclear meltdown in Fukushima, Germany also decided to retire its fleet of
nuclear power generation by 2022, potentially leaving Germany with a shortage of
base-load power capacity and a surplus of intermittent renewable energy. As a
result, the German parliament has reformed EEG to “require power plants planning
to retire to inform the relevant TSO and electricity regulator at least twelve months
prior to planned retirement” (Weiss SEIA). The law also gives the grid operators the
power to require plants to continue operating to ensure grid reliability. In the future,
more investments will need to be made into the transmission and distribution
infrastructure of both California and Germany to guarantee that new renewable
energy projects have access to the grid.
Germany’s EEG, although highly successful in spurring investment in
renewable energy technologies, has not been able to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions due to a variety of factors unrelated to the effectiveness of carbon-free
renewable energies like solar PV. The shale gas boom in the United States has
lowered prices for natural gas in that market, consequently lowering the price of
more polluting fossil fuels such as hard coal and lignite, of which Germany has large
reserves. Additionally, “several new coal-fired plants have either come online or are
in the process of coming online” (Weiss SEIA). The phasing out of nuclear power, a
zero-carbon energy source, is being replaced in part by coal-fired generation due to
its ability to provide base-load supply of electricity. In the future, a restructuring of the
European Union’s Emissions Trading System that raises the cost of carbon
allowances to account for negative externalities could help Germany achieve its
emissions reduction target of 80% by 2050.
California introduced Senate Bill AB 32, or the Global Warming Solutions Act,
in 2006 with a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020.
The California Air Resources Board is in charge of administering this law and has
introduced a cap-and-trade program to complement the state’s RPS. The Air
Resources Board has released a report explaining that greenhouse gas emissions in
2012 increased by 1.7% since 2011, while per-capita emissions have decreased by
12% from 2000 to 2012, even though the population increased by 11.4% during the
same period. As with Germany, the increased emissions are caused by a variety of
external factors not directly related to California’s RPS or bill AB 32. Strong
economic growth, prevailing drought conditions in California that have decreased
electricity generation from hydroelectric dams, and the retirement of the San Onofre
Nuclear Generating Station are all reasons behind the increased emissions. It is still
too early to say whether or not the state will reach their emissions reduction targets
by 2020, but the future looks promising given the policies in place and the impact
they are having in the adoption of renewable energies.
Grid parity, which occurs when an alternative energy source can generate
electricity at a cost that is less than or equal to the price of purchasing power from
the electricity grid, is the holy grail for solar PV power. Reaching grid parity is
achieved through a combination of lowering hardware and soft costs and also
depends on the amount of solar resources available and the price of electricity for
the retail, commercial, and industrial sectors. In Germany, commercial “PV systems
for self-consumption represent a viable, cost-effective, and sustainable power
generation alternative”. This is calculated by using the levelized cost of energy,
which is the cost of purchasing and installing a solar PV system divided by the
amount of electricity produced over the system’s lifetime. If the calculated rate is
lower than the commercial electricity rate being paid, then grid parity has been
reached. At the moment, retail and utility grid parity have not been reached in
Germany. According to a report by Deutsche Bank, California has reached grid parity
at the residential and commercial level but not at the industrial level, where rates are
significantly lower. The report estimates that the levelized cost of energy for solar
systems in California are “between 11-15 ¢/kWh while the price of electricity is
between 11-37 ¢/kWh”. As soft costs continue to decrease further into the future,
industrial scale solar PV systems, which can achieve lower levelized cost of energy
due to economies of scale, will reach grid parity.
Transitioning to a future dominated by renewable energy will require that
governments implement renewable energy targets and support them with policy tools
like feed-in tariffs. Feed-in tariffs and renewable portfolio standards have been
proven to be successful in attracting investment in solar PV because they provide
homes and businesses with the financial certainty necessary to justify the large
upfront investment needed to go solar. The price reductions in both hardware costs
and installation costs due to the learning and scaling effect hold promise for the
future cost of solar PV energy in Germany and California. Battery prices are also
expected to decrease, which will solve the issue of intermittency that plagues
renewables today. As these costs continue to decrease, it will become increasingly
cheaper to support renewable energy and phase out feed-in tariffs completely. At
this point, renewable energy will be regarded as the go-to option because it will be
cheaper than conventional energy sources.
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Capgemini ses - smart grid operational services - leveraging technology to ...
Global Renewables Transition Requires Dedicated ETRM Capabilities
Global Renewables Transition Requires Dedicated ETRM CapabilitiesGlobal Renewables Transition Requires Dedicated ETRM Capabilities
Global Renewables Transition Requires Dedicated ETRM Capabilities
Bidding strategies in deregulated power market
Bidding strategies in deregulated power marketBidding strategies in deregulated power market
Bidding strategies in deregulated power market


  • 2. One of the biggest challenges for human society in the 21st century is the dangers brought about by a change in global climate patterns. Large concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are increasing the temperature of the earth, leading some ecological systems we depend on to approach their tipping points, at which point it will be too late to do anything to save them. Solar photovoltaic technology is one way in which governments can reduce their emissions while creating jobs and strengthening the local economy. Examining the various policies and market mechanisms designed to induce investments in the solar PV industry will give us a better picture of the impacts that these policies have on homeowners, businesses, and electric utilities. California and Germany are both at the forefront of the transition to low-carbon energy sources, and examining these markets will give us a better picture of the effectiveness and impacts that these policies can have. In this paper we will examine how feed-in tariffs and renewable portfolio standards have been proven to be effective policy tools in Germany and California that achieve higher rates of penetration for solar and create jobs that are local and non- outsourceable. There are a number of policies available to governments that want to increase the share of renewable energy in their grid. Renewable portfolio standards and feed- in tariffs are in place in both Germany and California and have emerged as compelling policy tools that achieve high renewable market penetration rates. A renewable portfolio standard (RPS)is “a policy designed to increase generation of electricity from renewable resources by requiring electricity producers within a given jurisdiction to
  • 3. supply a certain minimum share of their electricity from designated renewable resources” (US EIA). One of the advantages of having a RPS is that the government sets the quantity desired and lets the market establish the price. This is a very efficient approach in the sense that it lowers costs for the government because companies have to go through competitive bidding and negotiations to set the price of the electricity they are supplying. A disadvantage of RPS is that it favors experienced developers over normal citizens who want to go green because of the time-and resource-intensive nature of the competitive bidding and contract negotiations. It also favors large projects over small, distributed installations because of the economic efficiency that can be achieved through economies of scale. Developers can get a lower price if they buy solar panels in bulk and build them where the best solar resources are located. Renewable portfolio standards are common in the United States, with 30 states and the District of Columbia having enforceable RPS policies (CPUC RPS). California established a RPS in 2002 when it passed Senate Bill 1078, requiring the state to get 20% renewable energy by 2017(CPUC RPS). Over the years, this target goal has been increased, culminating in Senate Bill 2 codifying a 33% requirement by 2020 into law. While Germany does not have a RPS, this country pioneered the feed-in tariff in 1991, when they passed the Greed Feed-in Law[v]. According to the United State’s Energy Information Administration, a feed-in tariff is “a policy measure used to encourage deployment of renewable electricity technologies…which guarantees that customers who own a FIT-eligible renewable electricity generation facility will receive a set price from their utility for all the electricity they generate and provide to the grid” (US EIA).
  • 4. The main advantages of a feed-in tariff are that it provides financial certainty, lowers transaction costs, and encourages distributed generation over centralized power plants. Whereas a RPS sets the quantity desired and lets the market establish the price, a feed-in tariff sets the price and lets the market determine the quantity supplied. Since the price is determined by law, there is no need for the negotiations or bidding processes that would have to occur with the RPS. All you have to do as a consumer is sign a contract and you are guaranteed a set price for the electricity you produce for a number of years after construction, in most cases 20. However, a feed- in tariff generally results in higher electricity prices because the price is set before projects are financed, and that production efficiency is therefore ignored. The Renewable Energy Sources Act, or EEG for its German initials, replaced Germany’s Greed Feed-in Law in the year 2000, and its purpose is: “facilitate the sustainable development of energy supply, particularly for the sake of protecting the climate and the environment, to reduce the costs of energy supply to the national economy, to conserve fossil fuels and to promote the further development of technologies for the generation of electricity from renewable energy sources (Lang & Mutschler). To achieve these objectives, the law gives priority access to renewable energy to the power grid, as well as priority transmission and distribution. Grid operators are required to purchase the electricity produced from renewable energy sources and power plants owners are guaranteed a fixed price for every kilowatt-hour produced for 20 years after construction. Over time the law has been amended to take technological innovations and price drops for renewable energy technologies into account, but the price paid to power plant owners is fixed to the year the plant went into operation.
  • 5. EEG also establishes renewable energy targets for the future. These are also amended and modified depending on the rate at which renewable energy installations occur and the targets are met (or not). For our purposes, we will use the targets set in EEG 2014, which are 40% to 45% of the share in the gross electricity consumption by 2025, 55% to 60% by 2035, and 80% by 2050. Other additions to EEG that are important to note are the introduction of direct marketing, expansion corridors, and breathing caps. Direct marketing was introduced in 2012 as an option for plant operators that allowed them to offer and sell their energy directly on the power market instead of receiving the feed-in tariff rate (energy2market). In EEG 2014, direct marketing was made mandatory, which means that new plant operators are required to market their generated electricity directly, either independently or through a direct marketer (Herbold). There are two ways of direct marketing: subsidized direct marketing and unsubsidized direct marketing. Subsidized direct marketing is done with the purpose of receiving a market premium, which requires “that the grid operator is allowed to label the energy as energy generated by renewable energy sources” (Herbold). Moreover, the market premium “consists of the fixed statutory tariff of the respective renewable energy plant minus its technology-specific monthly value” (Herbold), which is calculated based on the monthly average of the hourly contracts at the European Power Exchange. For solar, the fixed statutory tariff in EEG 2014 is 9.23 ct/kWh for installations with a nominal output of up to 10 MW. Under EEG 2014 there are two exceptions to the direct marketing rule. The first is for small renewable power plants, in particular “plants commissioned before 1 January 2016 with an installed capacity of less than 500kW” and “plants commissioned after 31 December 2015 with an installed capacity of less than
  • 6. 100kW” (Lang Mutschler). The second exception applies when direct marketing is not possible, in which case “the operator receives a tariff in the amount of 80% of the fixed statutory tariff from the grid operator” (Herbold). By providing 80% of the fixed statutory tariff to operators, the government ensures investment and planning security for new plants while simultaneously providing an incentive for operators to return to direct marketing because they are not receiving 100% of the tariff. Expansion corridors are simply specific growth targets for different renewable energy technologies. Under EEG 2014, solar power’s growth corridor target is 2,500 MW. The breathing cap concept was introduced to ensure compliance with the growth corridors by adjusting “the feed-in tariff depending on the extent to which newly installed capacity is in line with the corridors” (Lang Mutschler). This way, financial support for solar can increase or decrease depending on whether or not the corridor targets are exceeded. California’s renewable portfolio standard also establishes a feed-in tariff, authorized by section 399.20 of the public utilities code. The feed-in tariff is available to renewable generators sized up to 3 MW in size. To participate, “developers have to submit a program participation request form with the investor owned utility (IOU) in whose service territory the developer intends to site its project” (FAQ RPS CACPUC). Once deemed eligible to participate in the program, the developer will be able to execute a feed-in tariff contract and will be placed in the queue for the renewable market adjusting tariff, or ReMAT for short. Each IOU has a prescribed allocation of capacity for each program period, which lasts two months in duration. Payment for the renewable energy generators is set at $89.23/MWh, but the ReMAT mechanism is designed to adjust the price offered every period based on market interest at the previously offered price. If there are a large number of subscriptions at
  • 7. the offered price, the ReMAT is designed to lower the offered price and vice-versa. The ReMAT is the equivalent of the fixed statutory tariff offered in Germany and payment is fixed for the duration of the generator’s contract, which can be 10, 15, or 20 years. Although feed-in tariffs and renewable portfolio standards are certainly effective policy tools to encourage the development of solar energy, the implementation of a net metering policy can advance the adoption of solar by providing an additional incentive to solar photovoltaic system owners. According to the Solar Energy Industries Association, net metering “allows electricity customers who wish to supply their own electricity from on-site generation to pay only for the net energy they obtain from the utility” (SEIA NEM). This policy allows PV system owners to get credited for the full amount of electricity they produce, making it more economically attractive to go solar. If a customer produces more electricity than they consume they get credited for that excess generation according to the policies of the utilities or state in their service territory. The main difference between a feed-in tariff and net metering is that with net metering, PV system owners will consume the electricity produced by their solar panels and get credited for the electricity they don’t use. In some cases, plant owners may not get credited for the excess electricity but they may be able to carry forward the excess electricity they produced so that they can draw down on it during periods of low production (greenbugenergy). If they consume more electricity than they produce, they are supplied electricity from the grid and get billed the difference. For a feed-in tariff, PV system owners get paid for all the electricity they produce over a long contract period, normally 15 to 20 years, but have to pay the market rate for the electricity they consume. Essentially, they may be selling the electricity they
  • 8. produce back to the grid at one price and buying it back at another, usually higher, price. California passed senate bill AB 920 in 2009, which requires “California utilities to compensate Net Energy Metering customers for electricity produced in excess of on-site load over a 12-month period” (CA CPUS NEM). The law establishes a capacity limit for participation in the program of 1 MW, and the net excess generation is credited to the customers’ next monthly bill at retail rate unless they choose to have their excess electricity roll over indefi nitely (freeingthegrid). At the time of this writing, there were over 120,000 residential and non-residential customers enrolled in the net energy metering program. In Germany, net energy metering works differently in that customers who have installed a solar PV system are credited the feed-in tariff rate instead of the retail rate. Since EEG was introduced in 2000, the feed-in tariff rate has been reduced as targets have been met and solar PV systems and installation costs have significantly decreased. At the moment, the retail residential electricity rate is higher than the feed-in tariff rate. This creates an incentive for solar PV owners to self- consume the electricity they produce because each kilowatt-hour produced gets special treatment depending on where it is used. According to the Rocky Mountain Institute, “if you use solar energy from your PV system in your home or business, you’re effectively credited at the retail electricity rate since that’s energy that you’re simply not using from the utility” (Morris). If you produce more than you consume, that electricity feeds back into the grid and you get credited at the feed-in tariff rate, which is lower than the retail in Germany. When your system is not producing electricity at all or you are consuming more than you are producing, you b uy electricity from the utility at the standard retail rate.
  • 9. Although going solar is an undeniably worthy investment because of the savings and even revenue generated from owning a PV system, the large upfront costs are still a barrier to the large-scale proliferation of this power source. The actual costs of buying a solar array vary greatly by location and depend on the availability of good solar resources, tax exemptions, system size and regulatory incentives that support this technology. To better understand the factors that affect solar PV system prices, we must look into hardware and soft costs. Hardware costs refer to the price of buying the actual solar panels, and these costs have decreased greatly over the past few years. According to a report released by the International Renewable Energy Agency, “prices for solar PV modules declined by 65% to 70% between 2009 and 2013” (Meza). The report also found that the technology costs reductions have been driven by 3 factors: efficiency improvements, economies of scale, and production optimization (Meza). Scientific American estimates that averaged over the last 30 years, the cost reduction trend has been an annual 7%, and if this trend continues over the next 20 years we may reach a cost per watt of PV cells of just over 50 cents (compared to $22 in 1980 and $3 today)[xxiv]. According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), soft costs include financing and other non-hardware costs such as permit fees, installation costs, and transaction costs “now comprise up to 64% of the total price of residential solar energy systems” in the United States (Naam). As hardware costs continue to decline in the future and soft costs cover an ever greater share of the price to go solar, pressure will mount on federal and state governments to decrease the bureaucratic red tape holding back the installation of even more solar. California embarked on a “Go Solar California” campaign in 2006 with a goal of installing 3,000 MW of solar energy on homes and businesses by 2016 (About Go
  • 10. Solar California). This campaign is a joint effort of the California Energy Commission and the California Public Utilities Commission and is divided into three different programs: the California Solar Initiative (CSI), the New Solar Homes Partnership (NSHP), and a separate set of programs for publicly owned utilities. The CSI is the solar rebate program for consumers that are in the service territory of any of the three investor owned utilities, which are: Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE), and San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E). CSI has a budget of $2,167 million for PV systems between 2007 and 2016 and $250 million for solar thermal water heaters between 2010 and 2017 (About CSI). Its goal is to install 1,940 MW of solar PV and 200,000 solar water heaters. Through their general market program they “fund solar on existing homes, existing or new commercial, agricultural, government, and non-profit buildings” (About CSI). The initiative also includes options for low-income households wanting to go solar through its Single Family Affordable Solar Homes Program, which provides a “fully subsidized 1 kW system to households that meet the legal definition of very low-income described as 50% or below the area median income” (About SFAHP). For low-income households living in a multifamily dwelling, the Multifamily Affordable Housing program provides building owners with the opportunity to install solar PV systems and receive a high rebate for the clean energy they provide to their tenants. Finally, for those customers who want to switch from gas to solar thermal for water heating there is the CSI-Thermal program, which offers cash rebates of up to $2,719 for single-family homes and up to 500,000 for multifamily and commercial properties. The NSHP “provides financial incentives and other support to home builders, encouraging the construction of new, energy efficient solar homes that save
  • 11. homeowners money on their electric bills and protect the environment” (About NSHP). It has a budget of $400 million and a goal of 360 MW, and customers who buy a solar home qualify for an additional $2,000 in federal tax credits. This program provides an incentive for developers to build sustainably from the start, resulting in savings for the residents and the county or municipality where the property is built. The Go Solar California campaign also provides support to customers of publicly owned utilities that want to go solar to the tune of $784 million and a goal of installing 700 MW. The program requirements for this section vary depending on the utility under whose service territory you are located. In addition to the Go Solar California campaign, there is funding available for residential and commercial property owners that wish to go solar through the Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program. A report by the California Center for Sustainable Energy explains that PACE allows “property owners to finance energy efficiency, water efficiency, and renewable energy projects on existing residential and commercial structures through a special tax assessment on the property” (Kaatz). By financing the project through a reevaluation of their property tax, program participants can install solar PV panels with little to no upfront. This program is backed by a $10 million fund set up by Governor Brown designed to cover any potential losses to the mortgage market. Tying the loan to the property allows property owners to sell the house before they have repaid their entire system costs, and the new property owner simply continues paying the loan (and enjoying the savings). Another financing option for residential and commercial solar that has emerged in the United States as a very popular option is third-party solar financing. According to the Solar Energy Industries Association, third-party financing is
  • 12. primarily based on one of two models: a power purchase agreement (PPA) or a solar lease. In the PPA model, a solar developer installs solar panels on a property and “sells the power generated to the customer at a fixed rate, typically lower than the local utility” (SEIA). At the end of the contract, customers have the option of buying the solar system from the developer or simply extending the contract for a number of years. In the lease model, customers sign a contract with the developer over a period of time (usually 15-20 years) and pay for the solar energy system itself rather than for the electricity produced by it. The primary benefit of third-party solar financing is that in most cases, customers pay little to no upfront cost for their solar PV systems. This basically removes the main barrier to transition to solar energy and provides low and medium income households with alternatives to lower their electricity bills and protect the environment. High levels of awareness of the dangers of a warmer climate and a long-term commitment to support renewables by the government have combined to place Germany in a leadership position in the renewable energy field. Germany accounts for more than 30% of installed PV capacity in the world (Chabot 27). Some argue that the success of the German energy transition has been due to the high percentage of local ownership of renewable energy assets in the country. According to a report released by German renewables organization AEE, private individuals own more than half of the renewable energy generating capacity in Germany (Morris Energy Transition). This promotion of energy democracy, the idea that private individuals should be decision-makers on how to use and create energy that is local and renewable, strengthens the energy transition by reinvesting energy spending back into the local economy.
  • 13. Renewable energy cooperatives have been crucial to the energy transition, comprising over 130,000 members, 90% of whom are private citizens (Morris Renewables International). A cooperative is an “autonomous association of people who join voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through jointly owned and democratically controlled businesses” (Viardot 758). Cooperatives are different from normal businesses in that outside investors are not allowed to join. They are democratically controlled, meaning that all members have an equal voice regardless of their equity share. By providing legal and economic expertise, they facilitate the transition to renewable energy for private individuals without the means to do it themselves. Cooperatives are essential to the renewable energy market in Germany because they help dissolve the main barriers to the adoption of renewable energy. The first one of these barriers is the free-rider effect that is “associated with the belief that a programme will be implemented with or without one’s support” (Viardot 758). Individuals might reason that it is more economically beneficial for them to simply wait for the government to act because they will gain all the public benefits without inquiring any personal costs. Cost is also a major financial barrier that discourages people from going green. The upfront expenditure of buying solar panels, for instance, is sometimes seen as too high in the short-term to justify the investment. There is also a risk factor associated with renewable energies. Some individuals might think lower electricity costs in the long-run do not justify the large investment over a 10 to 20 year period before their principal is recovered. This barrier is magnified when comparing their investment to traditional investment vehicles that have been proven to offer higher returns in a lower time frame. Another potential obstacle is “the worry about the resale potential of a house or property
  • 14. where a RE system has been installed” (Viardot 758). The third major barrier is the fact that not everyone owns a suitable location to place their renewable energy systems. Germany’s home ownership rate is one of the lowest among developed nations. Only 43% of the population owns their houses, compared to around 68% in the United States. This is due to the housing policies implemented after the Second World War, when Germany had a severe housing shortage. A lack of funds from the mortgage market combined with renter-friendly policies, such as a law that “allows state government to cap rent increases at no more than 15% over a three-year period”, to make Germany’s homeownership rate what it is today (Phillips Quartz). In order to reduce all the barriers previously mentioned, renewable energy cooperatives engage in educational campaigns through social marketing using four different educational tools: websites, seminars and lectures, educational tours, and exhibitions and festivals. Websites are used to provide the public with information on the different renewable energy technologies available, their effectiveness, and even step-by-step instructions on how to install solar PV system. The seminars and lectures provide a similar educational function as the websites, but by engaging directly with the public, there is an increased chance that the information will reach a wider audience through social diffusion techniques like word of mouth and networking. Educational tours that visit operational sites help dispel the fears many have regarding the reliability and usability of the technology. They also help “reduce the free-riding behavior as they show how any character can contribute effectively to improve the natural environment with the use of renewable energy” (Viardot 760). To lower the cost and location barriers, cooperatives develop local projects in which community members can buy preferential shares “with a minimum i nvestment between $100 to $500” (VIardot 760). This allows low and medium income families
  • 15. to participate and benefit from the revenues generated by the systems. Cooperatives also develop partnerships with strategic players to help lower project costs. A good example of a partnership would be a cooperative associating itself with a system provider in order to get volume discounts or with a community developer that can provide its services to the cooperative in exchange of a number of shares in the project being built. Other services provided by cooperatives are feasibility studies on potential sites, which send “testers” to measure the potential output of the site and do environmental impact assessments to assuage any public concerns on the impacts of these technologies on their local environment. The Renewable Energy Sources Act contains a provision that exempts certain industries from paying the EEG surcharge used to finance renewable electricity projects across the country. These exemptions have been a controversial issue and were placed under review by the European Commission for constituting i llegal state aid under European Union state aid rules. The current rules on industry exemptions under EEG 2014 apply to “industrial companies with an electricity consumption of more than 1 gigawatt hour per year” and companies whose ratio of electricity costs to gross added value is at least 14% (Graichen Agora). Companies consuming over 100 gigawatt hours per year pay a surcharge of .05 cents per kilowatt-hours, while those between 10 and 100 gigawatt-hours pay 1% of the standard EEG rate, and those between 1 and 10 gigawatt hours pay 10% of the standard EEG rate (Graichen Agora). Rail operators that consume more than 10 gigawatt hours per year “pay an EEG surcharge of .05 cent per kilowatt hour for 90% of their electricity consumption” (Graichen Agora). Although these exemptions are seen as critical to the German industrial complex and their comparative advantage with the rest of the world, the commission argues that these reductions “seem to give the beneficiaries a
  • 16. selective advantage that is likely to distort competition within the EU internal market” (Lang Mutschler). On April 9, 2014, the European Commission published new guidelines on what constitutes legal state aid, and the German government reformed EEG to exempt companies with a ratio of electricity to gross added value of 16 to 20% (Weiss 16). In addition to these exemptions on industries with high electricity consumption, EEG 2014 contains a Green Electricity Privilege that reduces the EEG surcharge to “suppliers only if 50% of their electricity portfolio is sourced from domestic renewable electricity produced in plants that are not already more than 20 years in operation” (Lang Mutschler). In this case, the commission argues that the provision discriminates between domestic plants and other similar plants in the EU that produce energy from renewable sources. The share of electricity consumption in the country covered by the industry exemptions alone has been increasing over the last 10 years, going from 7% in 2004 to 20% in 2014. When we add the Green Electricity Privilege, that share increases to 30% of electricity consumption in 2014. The original purpose of these exemptions was to shield electricity-intensive firms, such as iron, aluminum, and chemical industries, from international competitors and keep manufacturing jobs in Germany. Unfortunately, there have been some unintended consequences that will have to be dealt with in the upcoming revisions of EEG. One of these is the impact on small and medium sized businesses that do not consume enough electricity to qualify for the exemptions but still have to compete with large companies in their sector that do. This blatant disadvantage is exacerbated by the fact that exempt corporations have no incentive to reduce their electricity consumption, which results in higher emissions that would otherwise occur without the exemptions. Another consequence of the
  • 17. exemption to companies whose ratio of electricity costs to gross added value is at least 14% has been that many sectors are “increasingly employing fewer personnel of their own and instead using third-party contracts” (Graichen Agora). In reality the company maintains the same amount of workers, but statistically speaking becomes more electricity intensive and therefore qualifies for the exemptions. The potential effects of a reduction or complete elimination of these exemptions depend on industry type and a variety of other factors. The energy or electricity productivity of a firm is the ratio of the gross value added to energy or electricity consumption. This ratio is important because if electricity prices were to rise, they would eat away at the company’s profit margins, decreasing their comparative advantage. A report by German development bank KfW states that “the effect on profit margins also depend on the extent to which higher electricity costs can be passed on to end customers via price increases” (Dieckhoner KFW). Price elasticity of demand is an economic term that measures how responsive consumers are to changes in price, and by measuring this, a company can have a better idea of how much of their electricity costs they can pass on to their customers. Companies whose products have a low price elasticity of demand, meaning consumers are not very responsive to changes in price, are able to pass on most of their costs to the consumers. Those with a high price elasticity of demand, on the other hand, have no option but to absorb the increased electricity costs to avoid going out of business. In reality, companies with a high price elasticity of demand will not be able to pass the full amount of the cost increase to their customers. The only other option in this case would be for the company to become more efficient by increasing its electricity productivity by the amount of the price increase, leaving profit margins untouched.
  • 18. To gain more insight on the effectiveness of these policies as job creators, we must look at the solar industry job numbers in Germany and California. According to the Solar Energy Industries Association, California is the leading market for solar energy in the United States and has a total of 8.5 GW installed. They state that “there are currently more than 2,063 solar companies at work throughout the value chain in California, employing 47,223 people” (SEIA CA). In Germany the numbers are even more startling. Germany has an installed capacity of 38 GW, which makes it by far the biggest market in Europe and the world. The International Renewable Energy Agency states that “solar PV employment in Germany grew from 38,000 jobs in 2007 to 10,900 in 2011” (Ferroukhi IRENA). Although these numbers decreased during 2012 due to the price decrease brought about by an increasing number of solar manufacturing capacity being brought online in developing markets, the prospects for future job growth in the industry are still very high. A report by the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts estimates that for every one million dollars invested in the solar industry, 14 jobs are created, compared to 5 for natural gas and 7 for coal. Dollar for dollar, investments in renewable energy create more jobs than conventional energy industries. These jobs range from solar cell manufacturing jobs, to installation and maintenance as well as other industries throughout the value chain that participate in the manufacturing and installation process. Most of these installation and maintenance jobs are non- outsourceable, which means that they cannot be lost to other countries with a competitive advantage because they must be performed by local companies. To understand the impact that solar PV generation has had on German retail prices, we must start by looking at the costs of buying and installing a solar PV system. Installation costs have been falling steadily in Germany, declining by an
  • 19. average of 16% per year from 2006 to 2013. This decrease in installation costs has coincided with a reduction of the feed-in tariff and an increase in installed capacity. According to a report by the Solar Energy Industries Association, solar PV costs have fallen from $6,197/kWp in 2006 to $2,032/kWp in 2014. This cost decrease has been achieved through a combination of learning and scaling effects as well as technological innovations in the global market. Another important factor that relates to retail prices is the cost of the German FIT program. Opponents of the Renewable Energy Support Act like to point out that retail rates in Germany are too expensive due to the increasing support of renewables. While it is true that rates have gone up, “retail prices would be high when compared to the US even without any support for renewable energy” (Weiss SEIA). The EEG surcharge, used to finance the feed-in tariff payments, is broken down into six categories, four of which represent about 95% of the $7.73/kWh levy for 2014. The biggest and most important category is for renewable energy support, meaning the direct feed-in tariff payments for renewable energy. This category accounts for about 41% ($3.15) of the $7.73/kWh. The second largest category is the reduction of wholesale price, and it accounts for about 24% of the levy. Wholesale electricity markets are where “electricity is traded (bought and sold) prior to its supply to the destination grid of the end customer (individual customer or commercial)” (SEIA). This trading takes place at the European Power Exchange and involves brokers buying electricity from the owners of generating stations and selling it to the suppliers. Solar PV generates the most electricity when the sun is at its highest point, creating a surplus of electricity and effective lowering the wholesale electricity price for a period of time. The 24% figure represents
  • 20. “extra payments under FITs that are necessary to make the transmission system operators, who have to compensate renewable energy producers under FITs, whole relative to the wholesale market value of the renewable energy, when renewable energy actually reduces that wholesale market value” (Weiss SEIA). In other words, transmission system operators have to be compensated because they lose money when they buy electricity from producers at the feed-in tariff price and sell it at the wholesale market at a lower price, even though renewable energy actually lowers wholesale prices. The third largest category is the industrial exemption explained earlier, and it accounts for 20% of the levy. The last significant category accounts for 9% of the levy and represents payments for renewable energy capacity added in 2013 after the expected capacity addition targets were passed and the funds from the 2013 EEG surcharge had run out. One of the most confusing facts about EEG is that support for renewables is not linear and will soon begin to decline. Germany currently has an installed capacity of 35 GW of solar PV with a goal of 55 GW by 2020. An uninformed observer would incorrectly guess that these extra 25 GW would send retail and commercial electricity rates soaring, putting German corporations out of business and decreasing the purchasing power of German households. As explained earlier, EEG introduced expansion corridors, which are targets that, when met, trigger a reduction of the feed-in tariff. As more and more solar PV capacity comes online, feed-in tariffs will continue declining, which is why the current feed-in tariff rate is lower than the retail rate in Germany. The reason for the current high EEG surcharge is due to the fact that Germans are still paying today for the feed-in tariff contracts signed 20 years ago when the feed-in tariff rate needed to be higher than the retail rate to encourage
  • 21. the adoption of solar. The Solar Energy Industries Association states that “total payments under FITs for solar PV currently amount to approximately €10 billion per year”[liii]. Given the sharp reductions in feed-in tariffs, the remaining 20 GW to reach the 55 GW goal are estimated to cost another €1.4 billion per year. Opponents of California’s Renewable Portfolio Standards claim that this program has been responsible for an increase in retail electricity prices. California’s average retail price for electricity is currently 13.5 cents/kWh (US EIA). There is no consensus on the short and long-term impacts of a RPS on electricity prices, with some studies claiming that prices have increased while others say it has decreased or remained the same. A report released by Energy and Environmental Economics, a consulting firm specializing in North American electricity markets, average retail rates could increase from 14.4 cents/kWh in 2012 to 21.1 cents/kWh in 2030 (Arvizu Borenstein). However, the study claims that of this 47% increase, only about 7% can be attributed to California’s RPS policy, with the remaining 40% due to the need to replace the aging infrastructure of the state’s transmission and distribution network. Another report conducted by the Energy Efficiency Center of UC Davis concluded that “achieving 33% renewable energy in California by 2020 show slightly higher nominal average retail rate increases that are in the range of 4-5%” (Cook UC Davis). The report also notes that the price increase results from “increasing transmission and distribution costs along with higher fuel and operating costs for all types of generation” (Cook UC Davis). While solar PV system costs are predicted to continue to decrease exponentially in the future and installation costs are expected to fall due to the learning and scaling effects, our ability to forecast these costs as well as fossil fuel prices into the future remains minimal.
  • 22. There are several issues surrounding renewable energy, particularly those regarding their impact on the reliability of the electrical grid, that we must discuss in order to better understand how more renewable energy can be safely integrated into our grid. Renewable energy is intermittent by nature; the sun is not always shining nor the wind blowing. Solar PV systems reach their peak generating capacity when the sun is at its highest point. Overgeneration occurs when “must-run generation is greater than loads plus exports” (Arvizu Borenstein). Examples of must-run generation include nuclear power, combined-heat-and-power, and thermal electric generation that must be maintained online to stabilize the grid. To avoid too much energy flowing onto the grid and guarantee reliable electricity service, grid operators are forced to curtail the renewable energy. They shut down solar PV power plants or wind turbines to reduce supply and balance the load. Another issue that grid operators could face is a shortage in ramping capability, or “the ability of the generation fleet to accommodate large changes in the net load served over one or more hours” (Arvizu Borenstein). Grid operators can also use curtailment as a solution to this problem. They use forecasts on an hourly basis of energy demand and supply and shut down renewable energy output to smooth out the grid load. Another potential solution to the intermittency of renewables and the problems this causes for grid operators is energy storage. Although there are a number of large - scale battery installations in Germany and California, battery costs are currently too high to justify a utility-scale investment in battery storage. This will certainly change in the future, as technological breakthroughs take place and Elon Musk’s massive gigafactory comes online, which is expected to double global production of lithium- ion batteries and reduce costs through the achieved economies of scale. Finally, pumped hydroelectric storage is a viable, cost effective option that is used in both
  • 23. Germany and California but is constrained to the amount of available locations suitable for a project of such scale. When comparing grid reliability in both locations it is useful to look at the system average interruption duration index (SAIDI). Germans suffer one of the lowest rates of outages in the developed world, and they suffer “from merely 7% of the outage minutes of average Americans, which is to say that high levels of renewable penetration do not ensure an unreliable electricity supply. California’s share of renewable energy has not yet reached the levels of penetration achieved in the German market, and as such, grid operators can manage the load through curtailments alone. In Germany’s more developed market, the effect of renewables integration into the grid has led to the deterioration of the economics of its fossil fuel generation fleet. This is due to the fact that renewables have priority on the grid and may result in a significant portion of underperforming fossil fuel plants going offline. After the nuclear meltdown in Fukushima, Germany also decided to retire its fleet of nuclear power generation by 2022, potentially leaving Germany with a shortage of base-load power capacity and a surplus of intermittent renewable energy. As a result, the German parliament has reformed EEG to “require power plants planning to retire to inform the relevant TSO and electricity regulator at least twelve months prior to planned retirement” (Weiss SEIA). The law also gives the grid operators the power to require plants to continue operating to ensure grid reliability. In the future, more investments will need to be made into the transmission and distribution infrastructure of both California and Germany to guarantee that new renewable energy projects have access to the grid. Germany’s EEG, although highly successful in spurring investment in renewable energy technologies, has not been able to reduce greenhouse gas
  • 24. emissions due to a variety of factors unrelated to the effectiveness of carbon-free renewable energies like solar PV. The shale gas boom in the United States has lowered prices for natural gas in that market, consequently lowering the price of more polluting fossil fuels such as hard coal and lignite, of which Germany has large reserves. Additionally, “several new coal-fired plants have either come online or are in the process of coming online” (Weiss SEIA). The phasing out of nuclear power, a zero-carbon energy source, is being replaced in part by coal-fired generation due to its ability to provide base-load supply of electricity. In the future, a restructuring of the European Union’s Emissions Trading System that raises the cost of carbon allowances to account for negative externalities could help Germany achieve its emissions reduction target of 80% by 2050. California introduced Senate Bill AB 32, or the Global Warming Solutions Act, in 2006 with a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. The California Air Resources Board is in charge of administering this law and has introduced a cap-and-trade program to complement the state’s RPS. The Air Resources Board has released a report explaining that greenhouse gas emissions in 2012 increased by 1.7% since 2011, while per-capita emissions have decreased by 12% from 2000 to 2012, even though the population increased by 11.4% during the same period. As with Germany, the increased emissions are caused by a variety of external factors not directly related to California’s RPS or bill AB 32. Strong economic growth, prevailing drought conditions in California that have decreased electricity generation from hydroelectric dams, and the retirement of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station are all reasons behind the increased emissions. It is still too early to say whether or not the state will reach their emissions reduction targets
  • 25. by 2020, but the future looks promising given the policies in place and the impact they are having in the adoption of renewable energies. Grid parity, which occurs when an alternative energy source can generate electricity at a cost that is less than or equal to the price of purchasing power from the electricity grid, is the holy grail for solar PV power. Reaching grid parity is achieved through a combination of lowering hardware and soft costs and also depends on the amount of solar resources available and the price of electricity for the retail, commercial, and industrial sectors. In Germany, commercial “PV systems for self-consumption represent a viable, cost-effective, and sustainable power generation alternative”. This is calculated by using the levelized cost of energy, which is the cost of purchasing and installing a solar PV system divided by the amount of electricity produced over the system’s lifetime. If the calculated rate is lower than the commercial electricity rate being paid, then grid parity has been reached. At the moment, retail and utility grid parity have not been reached in Germany. According to a report by Deutsche Bank, California has reached grid parity at the residential and commercial level but not at the industrial level, where rates are significantly lower. The report estimates that the levelized cost of energy for solar systems in California are “between 11-15 ¢/kWh while the price of electricity is between 11-37 ¢/kWh”. As soft costs continue to decrease further into the future, industrial scale solar PV systems, which can achieve lower levelized cost of energy due to economies of scale, will reach grid parity. Transitioning to a future dominated by renewable energy will require that governments implement renewable energy targets and support them with policy tools like feed-in tariffs. Feed-in tariffs and renewable portfolio standards have been proven to be successful in attracting investment in solar PV because they provide
  • 26. homes and businesses with the financial certainty necessary to justify the large upfront investment needed to go solar. The price reductions in both hardware costs and installation costs due to the learning and scaling effect hold promise for the future cost of solar PV energy in Germany and California. Battery prices are also expected to decrease, which will solve the issue of intermittency that plagues renewables today. As these costs continue to decrease, it will become increasingly cheaper to support renewable energy and phase out feed-in tariffs completely. At this point, renewable energy will be regarded as the go-to option because it will be cheaper than conventional energy sources.
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