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strategic marketing plan 2013
table of contents
A Message from the VP Marketing		 1
Economic Environment		 3
Marketing Strategy		 5


Our Target travellers	




Strategy by Market	


• Regional
• National
• International


Marketing Team  	
Advisory Committees

a message from the VP Marketing
Calgary’s new tourism destination brand
“Calgary. Be Part of the Energy”, has brought
energy and renewed optimism to the tourism
industry in Calgary.
Not only has the development of this new
brand been a collaborative process with key city
partners and other industry members, it has
also been tested regionally and nationally and
resonates positively with our target customers.
Our new brand truly captures the essence of
what a trip or vacation to Calgary is all about.
It’s a city that is welcoming, inclusive, ever
changing and invites the world to be part of
our exuberant and energetic lifestyle. Our
overall destination marketing voice for Calgary
is now stronger than ever and more effective at
intriguing and creating memorable experiences
for visitors and potential visitors alike.
As a destination we offer visitors the
opportunity to be a part of something. This
speaks loudly to our target travellers, who have
the ability to spend, influence and inspire others
to travel. They are youthful spirited adventurers,
highly connected to technology and in search
of experiences they can brag about, share with
their friends and remember for a lifetime.
Calgary’s unique experiences speak to travellers’
motivations. Whether it’s our city’s festivals
or events; sports spectaculars; conferences;
attractions like our galleries, museums, theatres
or concert halls; or our shopping and culinary
offerings, our city has what our guests are
looking for. The Calgary Stampede, Rocky
Mountains, Badlands and Royal Tyrrell Museum
are international icons that anchor our urban
destination with the best backyard in the country!


Calgary is the only city in Canada surrounded by
four UNESCO world heritage sites.
But Calgary is not typically perceived to
have so many rich experiences or to be a
competing leisure destination. Better known
as Canada’s business capital, our challenge
and opportunity is to deepen the breadth and
depth of the Calgary travel story.
The goal in 2013 is to begin to position
Calgary as the leading tourism destination
regionally, owning the weekend leisure
getaway market (Alberta and Saskatchewan).
In fact, to be the best place for a getaway or
trip to shop, dine, escape and be entertained.
And nationally and internationally, our
strategy for the long-haul traveller is to align
our marketing efforts with Travel Alberta and
the Canadian Tourism Commission to make
Calgary top of mind for a traveller considering
a vacation to the Rockies or an Alberta escape.
Through our multi-channel strategy, we
will capture the excitement and urban vibe
in Calgary, communicate it to consumers
as well as bring it directly to them in their
communities via technology or public
relations events. These objectives are not
going to be accomplished in one year. To
position Calgary this way will take at least
three years of consistent and deliberate
investment and effort. Brand perceptions are
difficult to shift but can be done over time
with strong commitment from our industry
and stakeholders.
This marketing strategy is a fully integrated
plan connecting direct to consumer
advertising, social/digital media, promotions,

public and media relations and travel trade
development to our local and global target
markets. Our marketing strategy has been
developed in collaboration with key industry
stakeholders to ensure our strategies are
aligned and we’re leveraging investments
where possible. 2013 will signal a shift for the
destination marketing organization; we will
put a greater emphasis on brand awareness.
This means engaging our customers better
in experience-based marketing to raise
awareness of Calgary as a leisure destination.
We will still be driving efforts to close sales
online and off-line direct to our partners or
directly on We are confident
that with a strong brand awareness foundation,
sales will follow and our website target of 15
per cent growth in room nights and attraction
ticket sales over last year is achievable, albeit
a small indicator to the overall effect of our
industry’s marketing efforts.

growth. The research will help advance
Tourism Calgary’s marketing in order to
remain competitive and ensure our partners
are well armed.
On behalf of the marketing team at Tourism
Calgary, we thank our Marketing Advisory
Committee (see page 28), as well as our
industry at large for their support, input
and direction that is clearly reflected in this
2013 Marketing Plan. We are confident we
will contribute to growing Calgary’s tourism
economy together.

– Gisèle Danis, VP Marketing,
Tourism Calgary

To be successful we must work collaboratively
with our industry and know the travellers
in our target markets, with a propensity to
travel to Calgary or Alberta, better than we
have ever known them before. Resources
are too tight to use a shotgun approach
to our marketing tactics. When we are
communicating with our travellers we
must be laser focused; a reflection of our
commitment to social media and building
a relationship with our travellers and then
speaking to them when they want to hear
from us and with a message that is relevant to
their needs. With this new approach, comes
the commitment to invest more in research
and results. Research that will allow us to
confirm or change direction, understand
our markets and those of greatest potential

economic environment


The Canadian economy is moving into a
period of softer economic growth, with growth
forecasts of 2 per cent for 2012 and 2013.
Alberta and Saskatchewan are forecast to do
slightly better at 3 per cent growth in 2013.
This bodes well for sustaining regional tourism,
although the weak U.S. dollar and strong
marketing push from Brand USA may spur some
to take their vacation time and travel dollars
south of the border. In an outlook on Canada’s
air transportation industry, The Conference
Board of Canada noted that Canadians overall
are trying to pay down debt and have become
more cautious about spending. As a result, we
should expect that Canadian consumers and
businesses will be more cautious about their
travel spending.

The Eurozone problems are intensifying
(GDP growth is forecast at 0.2 per cent in 2013),
and should a breakup of the monetary union
occur it would destabilize global financial
systems, leading to a global recession. This
uncertainty and instability in Europe will impact
consumer and business confidence and weigh
heavily on travel decisions. The slowdown
in emerging market economies (including
China and Brazil) appears to be greater than
expected due to declining trade as a result
of the deteriorating situation in Europe and
the tightening in domestic policies to reduce
inflation pressures. While growth is still
expected in the emerging markets, it will
be at a slower rate than in recent years.

United states
“Increased downside risk” is the phrase used
most often in current economic forecasts.
The United States is facing increased
uncertainty around higher taxes and lower
spending that may come into effect in 2013,
and the November elections will delay the
implementation of any reforms to address
this “fiscal cliff”. This uncertainty along with
continued high unemployment will continue
to suppress consumer and business confidence
and keep discretionary spending down.


marketing strategy

Tourism Calgary’s mission is to bring more people
to Calgary for memorable experiences.

As the official destination marketing organization mandated with the promotion of Calgary, Tourism Calgary
develops and executes initiatives focused on growing and developing the visitor economy.
The goal of the marketing strategy is to position Calgary as the destination of choice for our regional markets
and as a hub for exceptional experiences to our national and international markets.
To meet this goal, our marketing strategy aims to deliver on four strategic priorities aligned with Tourism
Calgary’s Strategic Plan.
1. 	 Expand the refreshed Calgary brand as the vehicle to educate target audiences about the new Calgary as
a tourist destination.
2. 	 Enhance customer relevancy by marketing ‘experiences’ vs. products to align with our target’s path to
purchase process.
3. 	 Drive weekend visitation and hotel stays with the leisure market while maintaining a necessary presence
with key partners to enhance blended travel (business and leisure).
4. 	 Maximize ROI by leveraging research insight and allocating investment to fewer markets for greater
impact. (Regional: Edmonton, Regina, Saskatoon. Long Haul National: Vancouver, Toronto. International:
U.S., U.K., China).



expand the refreshed Calgary brand
Our refreshed brand is the product of a
collaborative process we undertook in 2012.
In 2013 we will continue the brand roll out
on a full scale to help the market understand
the new Calgary and to build stronger market
perceptions around our key attributes.
Our brand promise is: “Calgary exudes a
youthful vitality. Bold, energetic Calgarians
have created a dynamic city with an everchanging list of ‘must-see’ attractions.
Today’s Calgary will surprise and inspire
visitors. Calgary is not the city they used
to know or the city they imagined. Every
visit offers new experiences, adventures
and memories.
Although Calgary is constantly evolving,
Calgarians remain true to their western
roots. We’re warm and down to earth. We’re
eager to welcome the world to our city. And
we invite everyone to be part of the energy.”

Our marketing strategy seeks to reflect this
pride we have in our city and the respect we
have for our tourism assets. It requires us to
be innovative and creative in our portrayal of
these experiences in order to stand out in a
crowded and competitive marketplace. These
experiences are deep and diverse, and it is the
mandate of the Calgary brand to convey them
vividly to our audience and invite them to be
part of that energy. In order to expand the
refreshed Calgary brand, we plan to continue
to invest in our brand assets: differentiating
our imagery and enhancing our video library
in order to capture Calgary’s unique ambience,
and create a recognizable, coherent visual
language for our brand. Utilizing these assets
to the fullest is the next step, and our priority


here is to ensure the brand is rolled out
consistently across all channels and with all
partners. Travel trade continues to play a vital
role in long-haul market visitation; therefore
Tourism Calgary will maintain a focused
presence in our key international markets and
continue to collaborate with partners including
Travel Alberta and the Canadian Tourism
Commission (CTC). Of the 12 markets these two
organizations focus on, Tourism Calgary will
support primarily the top three, U.S., U.K., and
China. Our marketing activities will support
this key strategy by communicating dynamic
itinerary options to strengthen Calgary’s
positioning and garner incremental room nights
for our top performing operators.
We will continue to invest in trade partnership
programs that target urban and niche
experiences. This will include:
•	 Supporting a unified tourism brand that
differentiates Calgary through all trade
materials and initiatives.
•	 Driving awareness and sales by
differentiating Calgary through the
identification of 10-25 signature
experiences and events.
•	 Driving visitation from international markets
that deliver a higher spending visitor to
Calgary via key account strategy.


enhance customer relevancy
Effective destination marketing will
offer potential travellers the right products and
experiences to meet their wants and needs. Our
destination offering must be relevant and work
to promote authentic experiences that reinforce
our “Calgary” brand. These experiences will
help increase awareness of Calgary as a must
see destination and assist in evolving travel
perceptions of Calgary.
The imagery and messaging of the Calgary
brand must create a movie in travellers’ minds
about what could be and then inspire them
to buy. Today we are conversing with our
customers continuously through social media
– we know the importance of this powerful
medium and how it can help us tell our
story interactively. Finally, we know that our
marketing tactics must convey a united and
consistent brand promise that is authentic,
believable and achievable.
The CTC leads in international markets with
awareness creation for Canada. Keep Exploring.
Travel Alberta leads in national and American
markets with Alberta. Remember to Breathe.
Tourism Calgary leads in regional markets with
Be Part of the Energy. Together, we all work
under each other’s leadership to grow our
market share.

Tourism Calgary will embark on an industrywide collaborative effort to continue to identify
and build its collection of signature travel
experiences unique to Calgary. This database
of travel moments will form the foundation
for all media activity including story pitches,
press events, promotions and hosting top
broadcasters for live remotes.
Compelling stories will also shape our media
visit trip itineraries and programs. Media
stories that differentiate our city from the
competition and create urgency to visit are
vital to converting travellers. Our public
relations team will:
•	 Work closer with multiple groups (attractions,
festivals, culinary, events etc.) in order to
pitch compelling and unique Calgary
stories that will increase our collective
voice in the marketplace.
•	Grow the city’s image and reputation by
developing and placing stories to top tier
media and bloggers that reflect Calgary’s
energy and vibrancy.
•	 Create impactful regional in-market events.

Public relations activities will be critical in
communicating our refreshed brand, which
will increase awareness and ultimately lead to
greater sales. Earning positive headlines is the
most credible and fastest way to have people
listen to our message. The key to influencing
behaviour with public relations lies in creative
campaign execution based on front-end
research that identifies the true drivers of
behavioural change.


drive weekend visitation

Destination promotion is highly
competitive in all of our markets. To grow
market share from our competitors we need
to combine our scarce financial resources in
the execution of efficient and effective
marketing strategies.
Calgary’s best opportunities to grow the
visitor economy are with the leisure market.
The gap between supply and demand in
Calgary is greatest in leisure travel periods
(especially weekends).
As a priority, we must optimize our brand
experiences to take advantage of this
•	 Develop a customer relationship
management strategy.
•	Identify market of origin, segment
community engagement platforms and
develop a strategy to increase opt-ins to
database from regional and national markets
of greatest growth.
•	 Create a fully integrated spring campaign
(driving visitation six weeks post Stampede
– July to end of August) and fall/winter
campaign (driving Jan-March visitation) by
leveraging our primary destination drivers.
•	 Put into action key-observations from the
2012 third party digital analysis on visitcalgary.
com and any new observations in 2013 from
online analytics and research in order to move
travellers quicker down the path to purchase.



maximizing ROI

•	Enhance package development with greater
and more differentiating ad-value.
•	 Deepen the digital relationship with one key
leading online booking travel agent (OTA)
to drive greater conversion and revenue to and partners. (e.g. affiliate
program with Expedia)

Tourism Calgary is targeting markets
that are most apt to respond to our brand
and experiences. We will drive return on
investment by applying a disciplined
marketing strategy to focused, key, and
measurable objectives and by fully engaging
industry. Tourism Calgary has identified
the following markets as our greatest
opportunity for actual or potential growth
opportunities: Alberta, British Columbia,
Saskatchewan and Ontario within Canada, as
well as the U.S., U.K. and China. The strategy
will be executed through individual channel
strategies or a combination of consumer
campaigns, work with the travel trade as well
as media and public relations activities.

Our research investment will be geared
towards strengthening Calgary’s leisure
market competitiveness.
•	 Focus research efforts on better
understanding our destination brand
awareness, perceptions and key travel
•	Identify market potential in each of our
regional markets in order to better target
messages to consumers.
•	 Understanding traveller satisfaction and
behaviour patterns on

In 2013, a greater emphasis will be put
on understanding visitor patterns and
perceptions of our destination in order to
maximize the marketing effectiveness and
return on investment.
Research is the foundation, the building
blocks to effective marketing execution.
Our research budget over the last three
years was approximately one per cent
of our organization’s overall budget.
With this investment, we have initiated a
behaviour study in our regional market,
advertising effectiveness review and an
exit survey to determine value perception
and spend of our visitors. But more needs
to be done in primary research to provide
a solid knowledge base. In 2013, we will
quadruple our research investment providing
intelligence on our markets that will serve
for years to come. This research will be
shared with our industry and partners
leveraging further effectiveness through
their marketing campaigns.

our brand story
OUR DESTINATION BRAND conveys consistent
and salient messages to our target audiences.
Our brand story informs and inspires. It conveys
the themes and feelings our marketing activities
will elicit.
Well beyond the status quo, it’s the catalyst for
our partners and prospective visitors to uncover
our city’s new, dynamic and highly attractive
modern personality. Calgary has far more to offer
than most people think. It’s a vibrant centre that
combines the best of all worlds: cosmopolitan
with casual, outdoorsy with urban. All of which
adds up to more than enough secrets and
surprises to keep its population of over
1.1 million people busy all year.
In fact, most people are stunned by the range
of cultural attractions, festivals, restaurants,
live performance spaces, specialty shops and
trendy nightspots that thrive in our city. With
wide-open blue skies and a moderate climate,
Calgary’s ever-evolving list of attractions
beckon outdoor enthusiasts year-round
with anything from golf to skateboarding
and fishing to skiing.
This is largely due to our youthful vitality.
Today’s Calgary delivers a bold, welcoming
energy that generates an ever-changing list
of “must-see” attractions. Every visit is loaded
with new experiences, adventures and memories.
But no matter how much we evolve, Calgary
remains rooted within our western hospitality.
We haven’t lost our sense of wonder or our
sense of humour, which is why people here
still believe there’s always time to have a good
time. Warm and down to earth, our people
enthusiastically invite the world to
Be Part of The Energy.

A good time in Calgary is whatever you want it to be – and
more than you imagined. No matter who you are or what you
like to do, Calgary will surprise you. Inspire you. Welcome you.
And invite you to be part of the energy.

our target traveller
EQ™ Segmentation

Free Spirits

Tourism Calgary and Travel Alberta have
adopted the Canadian Tourism Commission
(CTC) EQ™ tool, to match consumers with
the tourism experiences based on their
individual travel values and motivations.
By making use of EQ™, Tourism Calgary can
align its marketing strategies and tactics with
industry partners, Travel Alberta and the
Canadian Tourism Commission.






Travel Values of Cultural Explorers

•	Aspire to stay in the most luxurious
accommodations and venues.
•	 Want to see all the main attractions, but do
not need to go in-depth.	
•	 High energy to see everything.
•	 Want to be the centre of attention, so
they’re attracted to groups and shared
•	 Don’t want to wait at home, constant need
to travel. The Internet is no substitute.
•	 Want some structure and planning.
Packages should include planned activities.

•	Always excited about the next trip.
•	Travel is best experienced with likeminded companions who want to have
fun while learning.
•	 Feel relaxed and free while travelling.
•	 Seek an authentic experience, and don’t
want to stay in sterile, commercial hotels.



Avid, open-minded and socially engaged
travellers, Cultural Explorers want to
immerse themselves in the people and
settings of the places they visit. And once
they’re there, they prefer to let things unfold
spontaneously. They want their trips to go
beyond just seeing the main attractions
and are eager to explore. Like Free Spirits,
Cultural Explorers are always excited about
their next trip.


Tourism Calgary will use this visitor
segmentation tool to drive increased
visitation by matching the right product
to the right audience.

As travellers, Free Spirits are primarily defined
by their constant search for opportunities for
fun and excitement and desire for top-notch
and hedonistic experiences with groups of
friends. This segment of travellers aspires to
be extravagant, seeking out luxury, exclusivity
and premium amenities and services and are
unwilling to settle for anything less than the
best they can afford. Free Spirits tend to be
samplers of their destinations, preferring to
visit the famous, must-see sites.

Travel Values of Free Spirits

Free Spirit Households

Cultural Explorers


One of the most important ways we will
achieve this matching is through our website,, as most vacation planners
are now relying on the Internet to plan their
Tourism Calgary will get to know our customers
by understanding their interests, needs and
preferences. EQ™ provides Tourism Calgary a
deeper understanding of consumers who may
stay longer and spend more money in Calgary.
From visuals to copy, down to the right package
and offer, EQ™ ensures that we deliver the right
message to compel our target consumer to
travel to Calgary.
Tourism Calgary will focus on the Free Spirit
and Cultural Explorer EQ™ segments. Our
brand promise resonates with these two
segments the most and they are significantly
more likely to say they will visit. They are also
most likely to tell others about their travel




experiences, both online and off-line.

Cultural Explorer Households












Key Performance Indicators
(Organizational Wide)

2012 Target

2012 Forecast

2013 Target

Total visits to Calgary

no target

5.2 million

5.3 million

Total visitor spending in Calgary

no target

$1.4 billion

$1.5 billion

City occupancy – annual

no target


Marketing Additional Metrics


Summer occupancy level
• 45 days post Stampede



no target

no actual

no target

no actual

Sport/cultural event production
• Number of events
• Room nights



Online sales on
• Room revenue/packages
• Attractions revenue



($250K industry)
($450K quadrant)

($240K industry)
($335K quadrant)

$4.7 million

FB: 19,700




no target

FB: 13,750

$5 million


1.15 million

($275K industry)
($450K quadrant)

$3 million

Travel trade Room nights
(Joint Marketing Agreements)

1 million


Partner revenue
(co-operative marketing dollars
from industry)

Social media platforms
(Facebook  Twitter)

2013 Target


85% (2014)

Brand Awareness
(consumers in key markets aware of
Calgary as a vacation destination)
Brand Perception
(Consumer’s image of Calgary)

Unpaid destination awareness
media value
Referrals to industry
Tourism Calgary member
satisfaction index





Web visits

2012 Target



strategies by market
Overview of our Target markets

Regional: Focus on Edmonton,
Saskatoon  Regina

Where are the visitors to Calgary from?

per centage of overnight visits to Calgary


British Columbia






Other Canada


United States




Other Overseas





8.3% Trans-border
12.6% Overseas

Statistics Canada’s most recent visitor profile for
the Calgary metro area confirms that Albertans
make up the largest share of overnight visits to
Calgary – at 42 per cent of all overnight visits.
Residents from British Columbia, Saskatchewan
and Ontario are the next largest markets for
visitors to Calgary.
Calgary competes with many western Canadian
cities, with Vancouver, Edmonton, Kelowna
and Victoria mentioned most often as an
alternative destination to Calgary by travellers
in the regional markets. Banff/mountain parks
is mentioned most often among travellers from
Edmonton as their top alternative destination to
Calgary. The biggest barrier to visiting Calgary
relates to a lack of motivation, which includes
those who say “I have already been” and “there
is no reason to go”. This is followed by cost (“too
expensive”) and congestion concerns. The main
challenge in attracting more visits will be to


overcome a lack of motivation and perceived
hassles of cost and congestion.
A travel intentions study conducted by Travel
Alberta in April 2012 showed Calgary and
Edmonton are the most popular destinations
among travellers from British Columbia
and Saskatchewan, indicating that regional
travellers are drawn to urban settings and
experiences. A majority of regional travellers
say the main reason for their trip to Alberta is
to visit friends or relatives. Saskatchewan was
forecast to generate the most trips to Alberta
during the summer of 2012, as it had the
highest proportion of households planning
to travel to Alberta (at 47 per cent) and the
highest average number of planned trips to
Alberta (1.6 trips per household). Both British
Columbia and Saskatchewan represent good
target markets since even among those who
were not planning to travel to Alberta this
summer, more than one-third (41 per cent in
the British Columbia interior and 34 per cent in
Saskatchewan) say they will consider travelling
to Alberta in the next two years.
The greatest potential for tourism revenue
growth is compelling travellers who have
visited Calgary previously to return to the city
multiple times.

situational analysis


Strong rubber tire market


Calgary Stampede


Shopping, arts  entertainment,


Touring to the Rockies
and southern Alberta


2. 	 Increase urgency to visit Calgary.

Low destination awareness
beyond Stampede and Rockies

• 	 Develop steady seasonal and events/
attractions promotions.


Price sensitivity


Limited marketing resources to
combat competition

• 	 Enhance packaging strategy with value
added and extended stay discounts based
on campaign key drivers.


Weak product shoulder seasons
(spring, winter and fall)

Feature time bound events on home page.

Industry active and aligned with
Tourism Calgary

3. 	 Increase advocacy of tourism activities
by local Calgarians to increase VFR
number of visits and spend.





Travel Alberta multi-million dollar
marketing campaign driving
attention to Calgary


Increasing fuel costs


Regional competition

Web linkage strategy with industry
partners driving traffic to each
others’ sites


Strong dollar- makes outside
Canada travel more motivating

Social media activation and


Internet allows market to make
value comparisons –shop or buy

1.	 Compel travellers who have visited
Calgary previously to return to the
city multiple times with emphasis on
weekend visitation.



Develop and execute a regional advertising
campaign leveraging key drivers and
industry needs periods (e.g. shopping,
culinary, shoulder season).

5. 	 Reach out to target segments by
leveraging their heavy use of peer-topeer and magazine/newspaper articles
for trip inspiration.


• 	 Build collection of signature brand
experience stories to maximize public
relations and earned media values.
•	Enhance local content on
including ambassadors and video.

Develop blogger strategy by leveraging
current Canadian Tourism Commission
and Travel Alberta research.


• 	 Leverage local Calgarian’s media channels
to drive Tourism Calgary website visitation.
• 	 Enhance features of mobile to be more
interactive and transactional to capture out
of home research and purchase.
4. 	 Amplify the Calgary brand message
through Tourism Calgary partners for
greater reach and efficiencies.


• 	 Provide new Calgary brand education to
partners and membership.

Strategic Objectives: Regional




Burgeoning dining scene – high
profile media exposure



• 	 Develop messaging that educates regional
prospects on what’s new and improved in
• 	 Continue to build e-newsletter distribution
list to inform the prospects on upcoming
events of note and package specials.
• 	 Employ social media channels to strengthen
relationships with previous visitors.

• 	 Provide convenient access to brand assets
to encourage partners to use them in their
marketing materials.
• 	 Share research findings with partners to
help them reach the highest potential
• 	 Develop full suite of cooperative
opportunities which include public
relations, social media, online, traditional
and business development opportunities.

situational analysis

Long Haul Canada: Focus on
Vancouver  Toronto

Western culture  dude ranch
•	 Calgary Stampede
•	 Touring to the Rockies
and southern Alberta
•	 Burgeoning dining scene – high
profile media exposure
•	 Alignment of marketing activities
with Travel Alberta  CTC

holiday that makes them feel they have seen
and done something new and different.

Visiting friends or relatives remains among
one of the top intentions for Canadians
visiting Alberta. Alberta’s Travel Activities and
Motivation Survey (TAMS) discovered that
while on recent overnight pleasure trips to
Calgary, over half of Ontarians went to fairs or
festivals with about one-third naming fairs/
festivals as a trip motivator. About one-fifth
say they took a trip to Calgary motivated by a
spectator sporting event, while close to onethird attended such an event as one of many
activities on their trips. Attractions such as
casinos, zoos, farmers’ markets, amusement
parks, free outdoor performances and botanical
gardens are mentioned as activities on Calgary
trip itineraries for at least 1-in-4 of these
Ontario-based tourists.
According to the same TAMS, visitors from
Vancouver enjoy entertainment-oriented
activities, shopping, dining at restaurants
offering local cuisine, visiting local outdoor
cafés and wine tasting. Vancouver-based
tourists are somewhat up-scale travellers, with
over one-quarter claiming to have an annual
household income of at least $100,000. They
describe themselves as tourists who want a
break from the day-to-day and a stress-reducing


Vancouver provides 6 per cent of all
overnight visits to Calgary and Toronto
provides 4 per cent of all overnight visits.
These two markets show great growth
potential, especially considering their
higher per centages of Free Spirits (Toronto
4.65 per cent, Vancouver 10.24 per cent)
and Cultural Explorers (Toronto 13.07
per cent, Vancouver 24.40 per cent). The
potential to appeal to the escapist mindset
of these audiences makes them a prime
focus for Tourism Calgary. As marketing
opportunities grow with available funding,
the potential for visits to Calgary from other
markets will be explored.




Shareholder support to enter this
market with public relations
Internet usage, mobile usage
Outdoors including skiing, golf
Social media activation and

Low destination awareness
Price sensitivity
Limited marketing resources to
combat competition


Economic recovery
Time/Drive direct through to the
Investment levels are minimal to
penetrate market effectively

Strategic Objectives: Long Haul
1. 	 Strengthen awareness and recognition of
the Calgary brand.

3. 	 Increase urgency to visit Calgary.


• 	 Develop innovative online tactics to
encourage people to go to
where they will discover a full range of
events and attractions.


• 	 Develop a collection of new signature brand
experience stories to maximize public
relations and earned market value relevant
to long-haul markets.
•	Support public relations activity with
in-market media events.



• 	 Support public relations or Travel Alberta
campaigns with enhanced online packaging
for long-haul visitors with value added and
extended stay discounts.

2. 	 Capitalize on marketing efforts of our
larger partners such as the Calgary
Stampede and Travel Alberta for
efficiency of spending.

4. 	 Increase advocacy of tourism activities
by local Calgarians to increase VFR
number of visits and spend.





• 	 Target shared priority markets with Calgaryspecific packages and communication.

• 	 Leverage local Calgarian’s channels to drive visitation.

• 	 Encourage partners to use Calgary brand
assets in their marketing materials.

•	Enhance features of mobile to be more
interactive and transactional to capture outof-home research and purchase.

International: Focus on U.S., U.K., China

United States
Since 2009, Canada has seen a consecutive year-over-year decline (- 6.1 per cent) With
continued economic instability characterized by plummeting housing prices, a weakened
currency and record high unemployment, Canada continues to see reduced demand from
its most valuable international market.

situational analysis

A small per centage of our investment is
focused internationally, building destination
awareness in order to drive conversion. Success
in these markets relies on communicating
dynamic experiences and diverse itineraries.

be enormous; for example, there was a
90 per cent increase in Chinese arrivals
following ADS approval. Measures are already
in place to capitalize on this significant
opportunity for increased demand to Canada.

Relationships with key travel trade operators
will influence placement and length of stay of
the Calgary experience, ultimately resulting in
additional room nights and revenues to Calgary.
Leveraging the international marketing efforts
of major partners like the Calgary Stampede will
also prove valuable.

Despite a stronger economic situation, travel
to Canada slipped 14.3 per cent in 2009. Canada
is starting to regain some momentum in the
market, with visitation up 11 per cent over the
first half of 2010. Canada is back on the radar
of travellers given its price competitiveness
relative to other overseas destinations.


United Kingdom

China represents a major opportunity.
Outbound travel from China has risen over
the last few years, fuelled by rapid economic
growth, a rising middle class, less restrictive
travel policies and a desire among Chinese
to experience other cultures. The impact of
gaining Approved Destination Status (ADS) will

The U.K. market, which represents half of all
trips from the three European markets, fell
in 2009 by 18 per cent over 2008. However,
the Canadian Tourism Commission’s (CTC)
Market Portfolio Analysis ranks the U.K. at
number one, suggesting continued strong
potential for the future.



Western culture


Low destination awareness


Calgary Stampede


Price sensitivity


Heritage Park Historical Village



Touring to the Rockies
and southern Alberta

Limited marketing resources to
combat competition


Alignment of marketing activities
with Travel Alberta  Canadian
Tourism Commission




Growing Chinese market


Slow economic recovery


Internet usage, mobile usage


Visas (difficulty to obtain – China)


Continued investment in air access
(Germany, Asia)


Time/Drive direct through to the


Social media activation and


Investment levels are minimal to
penetrate market effectively


Continued investment in trade
partnership with key accounts


Air capacity decreased

Strategic Objectives: international
1. 	 Continue to build and strengthen
Travel trade relationships to influence
placement and length of stay.


• 	 Provide convenient access to brand assets
to encourage partners to use them in their
marketing materials and refresh current
•	Connect with key accounts in key markets
to provide brand training and education to
partner reservation agents, sales teams and
travel agents to drive visitation.
2. 	Leverage the international marketing
efforts of major partners such as
Calgary Stampede, Travel Alberta,
Canadian Tourism Commission.


• 	 Target shared priority markets with Calgaryspecific packages and communication.
• 	 Execute three joint marketing agreements
with key tour operators that drive
incremental room nights/length of stay.
• 	 Encourage partners to use Calgary brand
assets in their marketing materials.
3. 	 Strengthen awareness and recognition of
the Calgary brand.


• 	 Attend marketplaces and missions when
possible to represent the Calgary brand
and key Calgary messaging abroad.


marketing team and marketing communications
advisory committees
Destination marketing success is built through the participation and collaboration with industry stakeholders.

Marketing Advisory Committee

Marketing Team

The Marketing Advisory Committee members are appointed volunteers with interest and expertise in
marketing, media and digital management. This Committee is an invaluable resource in evaluating the
organization’s assumptions with respect to strategic planning and research. The Committee’s contributions
to our marketing plan is one of the critical inputs sought from many individuals and organizations:

Our marketing team is structured to ensure Tourism Calgary has expertise and resources in the areas that are
most critical to marketing Calgary as a tourist destination. With a solid plan in place the team is set to work
together with industry to move Tourism Calgary and the new brand to the next level.
Gisèle Danis – Vice President, Marketing and Communications


Jeff Hessel – Director, Marketing


Hala Dehais – Manager, Public Relations


Rhonda Reid – Manager, Travel Trade


Sarah Prud’homme – Manager, Marketing/Digital


Vanessa Gagnon – Specialist, Public Relations


Janis Cook – Coordinator, Digital Content


Kay Martin – Executive Assistant, Marketing

Marketing and Communications Committee of the Board
Tourism Calgary’s Board of Directors has three standing committees, including the Marketing and
Communications Committee. The purpose of this committee is to enhance both the governance and marketing
strategy through a combination of board and industry expertise.



Carson Ackroyd – ATCO


Bruce Cameron – Return On Insight


Joy Caron – Sheraton Cavalier


Deb Cummings – RedPoint Media


Danielle Durand – Hyatt Regency Calgary


Grant Erickson – Delta Calgary South


Maureen Henderson – TELUS Spark
Jon Jackson – Calgary Hotel Association


Sandra Kam – Heritage Park Historical Village


Ann Lewis-Luppino – Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra


Terry Rock – Calgary Arts Development Authority


Shelley Grollmuss – Travel Alberta

Kurby Court – Tourism Calgary Director


Fraser Abbott – Hotel Arts

Larry Ryder – Tourism Calgary Director



Maureen Payne – Tourism Calgary Director (Committee Chair)


Jeff Eisler – Global TV (Committee Chair)

Rod McKay – Tourism Calgary, Chair of the Board





Simon Scott – Talisman Energy

thank you.
200, 238 11 Avenue SE
Calgary, AB
T2G 0X8

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Calgary 2013 Marketing Plan

  • 2. table of contents A Message from the VP Marketing 1 Economic Environment 3 Marketing Strategy 5 Our BRAND STORY 11 Our Target travellers 13 Measurement 15 Strategy by Market 17 • Regional • National • International FUTURE FUNDING MODEL 26 Marketing Team Advisory Committees 27
  • 3. a message from the VP Marketing Calgary’s new tourism destination brand “Calgary. Be Part of the Energy”, has brought energy and renewed optimism to the tourism industry in Calgary. Not only has the development of this new brand been a collaborative process with key city partners and other industry members, it has also been tested regionally and nationally and resonates positively with our target customers. Our new brand truly captures the essence of what a trip or vacation to Calgary is all about. It’s a city that is welcoming, inclusive, ever changing and invites the world to be part of our exuberant and energetic lifestyle. Our overall destination marketing voice for Calgary is now stronger than ever and more effective at intriguing and creating memorable experiences for visitors and potential visitors alike. As a destination we offer visitors the opportunity to be a part of something. This speaks loudly to our target travellers, who have the ability to spend, influence and inspire others to travel. They are youthful spirited adventurers, highly connected to technology and in search of experiences they can brag about, share with their friends and remember for a lifetime. Calgary’s unique experiences speak to travellers’ motivations. Whether it’s our city’s festivals or events; sports spectaculars; conferences; attractions like our galleries, museums, theatres or concert halls; or our shopping and culinary offerings, our city has what our guests are looking for. The Calgary Stampede, Rocky Mountains, Badlands and Royal Tyrrell Museum are international icons that anchor our urban destination with the best backyard in the country! 1 Calgary is the only city in Canada surrounded by four UNESCO world heritage sites. But Calgary is not typically perceived to have so many rich experiences or to be a competing leisure destination. Better known as Canada’s business capital, our challenge and opportunity is to deepen the breadth and depth of the Calgary travel story. The goal in 2013 is to begin to position Calgary as the leading tourism destination regionally, owning the weekend leisure getaway market (Alberta and Saskatchewan). In fact, to be the best place for a getaway or trip to shop, dine, escape and be entertained. And nationally and internationally, our strategy for the long-haul traveller is to align our marketing efforts with Travel Alberta and the Canadian Tourism Commission to make Calgary top of mind for a traveller considering a vacation to the Rockies or an Alberta escape. Through our multi-channel strategy, we will capture the excitement and urban vibe in Calgary, communicate it to consumers as well as bring it directly to them in their communities via technology or public relations events. These objectives are not going to be accomplished in one year. To position Calgary this way will take at least three years of consistent and deliberate investment and effort. Brand perceptions are difficult to shift but can be done over time with strong commitment from our industry and stakeholders. This marketing strategy is a fully integrated plan connecting direct to consumer advertising, social/digital media, promotions, public and media relations and travel trade development to our local and global target markets. Our marketing strategy has been developed in collaboration with key industry stakeholders to ensure our strategies are aligned and we’re leveraging investments where possible. 2013 will signal a shift for the destination marketing organization; we will put a greater emphasis on brand awareness. This means engaging our customers better in experience-based marketing to raise awareness of Calgary as a leisure destination. We will still be driving efforts to close sales online and off-line direct to our partners or directly on We are confident that with a strong brand awareness foundation, sales will follow and our website target of 15 per cent growth in room nights and attraction ticket sales over last year is achievable, albeit a small indicator to the overall effect of our industry’s marketing efforts. growth. The research will help advance Tourism Calgary’s marketing in order to remain competitive and ensure our partners are well armed. On behalf of the marketing team at Tourism Calgary, we thank our Marketing Advisory Committee (see page 28), as well as our industry at large for their support, input and direction that is clearly reflected in this 2013 Marketing Plan. We are confident we will contribute to growing Calgary’s tourism economy together. – Gisèle Danis, VP Marketing, Tourism Calgary To be successful we must work collaboratively with our industry and know the travellers in our target markets, with a propensity to travel to Calgary or Alberta, better than we have ever known them before. Resources are too tight to use a shotgun approach to our marketing tactics. When we are communicating with our travellers we must be laser focused; a reflection of our commitment to social media and building a relationship with our travellers and then speaking to them when they want to hear from us and with a message that is relevant to their needs. With this new approach, comes the commitment to invest more in research and results. Research that will allow us to confirm or change direction, understand our markets and those of greatest potential 2
  • 4. economic environment Canada Overseas The Canadian economy is moving into a period of softer economic growth, with growth forecasts of 2 per cent for 2012 and 2013. Alberta and Saskatchewan are forecast to do slightly better at 3 per cent growth in 2013. This bodes well for sustaining regional tourism, although the weak U.S. dollar and strong marketing push from Brand USA may spur some to take their vacation time and travel dollars south of the border. In an outlook on Canada’s air transportation industry, The Conference Board of Canada noted that Canadians overall are trying to pay down debt and have become more cautious about spending. As a result, we should expect that Canadian consumers and businesses will be more cautious about their travel spending. The Eurozone problems are intensifying (GDP growth is forecast at 0.2 per cent in 2013), and should a breakup of the monetary union occur it would destabilize global financial systems, leading to a global recession. This uncertainty and instability in Europe will impact consumer and business confidence and weigh heavily on travel decisions. The slowdown in emerging market economies (including China and Brazil) appears to be greater than expected due to declining trade as a result of the deteriorating situation in Europe and the tightening in domestic policies to reduce inflation pressures. While growth is still expected in the emerging markets, it will be at a slower rate than in recent years. United states “Increased downside risk” is the phrase used most often in current economic forecasts. The United States is facing increased uncertainty around higher taxes and lower spending that may come into effect in 2013, and the November elections will delay the implementation of any reforms to address this “fiscal cliff”. This uncertainty along with continued high unemployment will continue to suppress consumer and business confidence and keep discretionary spending down. 3 4
  • 5. marketing strategy Tourism Calgary’s mission is to bring more people to Calgary for memorable experiences. As the official destination marketing organization mandated with the promotion of Calgary, Tourism Calgary develops and executes initiatives focused on growing and developing the visitor economy. The goal of the marketing strategy is to position Calgary as the destination of choice for our regional markets and as a hub for exceptional experiences to our national and international markets. To meet this goal, our marketing strategy aims to deliver on four strategic priorities aligned with Tourism Calgary’s Strategic Plan. 1. Expand the refreshed Calgary brand as the vehicle to educate target audiences about the new Calgary as a tourist destination. 2. Enhance customer relevancy by marketing ‘experiences’ vs. products to align with our target’s path to purchase process. 3. Drive weekend visitation and hotel stays with the leisure market while maintaining a necessary presence with key partners to enhance blended travel (business and leisure). 4. Maximize ROI by leveraging research insight and allocating investment to fewer markets for greater impact. (Regional: Edmonton, Regina, Saskatoon. Long Haul National: Vancouver, Toronto. International: U.S., U.K., China). 5 6
  • 6. 1 expand the refreshed Calgary brand Our refreshed brand is the product of a collaborative process we undertook in 2012. In 2013 we will continue the brand roll out on a full scale to help the market understand the new Calgary and to build stronger market perceptions around our key attributes. Our brand promise is: “Calgary exudes a youthful vitality. Bold, energetic Calgarians have created a dynamic city with an everchanging list of ‘must-see’ attractions. Today’s Calgary will surprise and inspire visitors. Calgary is not the city they used to know or the city they imagined. Every visit offers new experiences, adventures and memories. Although Calgary is constantly evolving, Calgarians remain true to their western roots. We’re warm and down to earth. We’re eager to welcome the world to our city. And we invite everyone to be part of the energy.” Our marketing strategy seeks to reflect this pride we have in our city and the respect we have for our tourism assets. It requires us to be innovative and creative in our portrayal of these experiences in order to stand out in a crowded and competitive marketplace. These experiences are deep and diverse, and it is the mandate of the Calgary brand to convey them vividly to our audience and invite them to be part of that energy. In order to expand the refreshed Calgary brand, we plan to continue to invest in our brand assets: differentiating our imagery and enhancing our video library in order to capture Calgary’s unique ambience, and create a recognizable, coherent visual language for our brand. Utilizing these assets to the fullest is the next step, and our priority 7 here is to ensure the brand is rolled out consistently across all channels and with all partners. Travel trade continues to play a vital role in long-haul market visitation; therefore Tourism Calgary will maintain a focused presence in our key international markets and continue to collaborate with partners including Travel Alberta and the Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC). Of the 12 markets these two organizations focus on, Tourism Calgary will support primarily the top three, U.S., U.K., and China. Our marketing activities will support this key strategy by communicating dynamic itinerary options to strengthen Calgary’s positioning and garner incremental room nights for our top performing operators. We will continue to invest in trade partnership programs that target urban and niche experiences. This will include: • Supporting a unified tourism brand that differentiates Calgary through all trade materials and initiatives. • Driving awareness and sales by differentiating Calgary through the identification of 10-25 signature experiences and events. • Driving visitation from international markets that deliver a higher spending visitor to Calgary via key account strategy. 2 enhance customer relevancy Effective destination marketing will offer potential travellers the right products and experiences to meet their wants and needs. Our destination offering must be relevant and work to promote authentic experiences that reinforce our “Calgary” brand. These experiences will help increase awareness of Calgary as a must see destination and assist in evolving travel perceptions of Calgary. The imagery and messaging of the Calgary brand must create a movie in travellers’ minds about what could be and then inspire them to buy. Today we are conversing with our customers continuously through social media – we know the importance of this powerful medium and how it can help us tell our story interactively. Finally, we know that our marketing tactics must convey a united and consistent brand promise that is authentic, believable and achievable. The CTC leads in international markets with awareness creation for Canada. Keep Exploring. Travel Alberta leads in national and American markets with Alberta. Remember to Breathe. Tourism Calgary leads in regional markets with Be Part of the Energy. Together, we all work under each other’s leadership to grow our market share. Tourism Calgary will embark on an industrywide collaborative effort to continue to identify and build its collection of signature travel experiences unique to Calgary. This database of travel moments will form the foundation for all media activity including story pitches, press events, promotions and hosting top broadcasters for live remotes. Compelling stories will also shape our media visit trip itineraries and programs. Media stories that differentiate our city from the competition and create urgency to visit are vital to converting travellers. Our public relations team will: • Work closer with multiple groups (attractions, festivals, culinary, events etc.) in order to pitch compelling and unique Calgary stories that will increase our collective voice in the marketplace. • Grow the city’s image and reputation by developing and placing stories to top tier media and bloggers that reflect Calgary’s energy and vibrancy. • Create impactful regional in-market events. Public relations activities will be critical in communicating our refreshed brand, which will increase awareness and ultimately lead to greater sales. Earning positive headlines is the most credible and fastest way to have people listen to our message. The key to influencing behaviour with public relations lies in creative campaign execution based on front-end research that identifies the true drivers of behavioural change. 8
  • 7. 3 drive weekend visitation Destination promotion is highly competitive in all of our markets. To grow market share from our competitors we need to combine our scarce financial resources in the execution of efficient and effective marketing strategies. Calgary’s best opportunities to grow the visitor economy are with the leisure market. The gap between supply and demand in Calgary is greatest in leisure travel periods (especially weekends). As a priority, we must optimize our brand experiences to take advantage of this opportunity. • Develop a customer relationship management strategy. • Identify market of origin, segment community engagement platforms and develop a strategy to increase opt-ins to database from regional and national markets of greatest growth. • Create a fully integrated spring campaign (driving visitation six weeks post Stampede – July to end of August) and fall/winter campaign (driving Jan-March visitation) by leveraging our primary destination drivers. • Put into action key-observations from the 2012 third party digital analysis on visitcalgary. com and any new observations in 2013 from online analytics and research in order to move travellers quicker down the path to purchase. 9 4 maximizing ROI • Enhance package development with greater and more differentiating ad-value. • Deepen the digital relationship with one key leading online booking travel agent (OTA) to drive greater conversion and revenue to and partners. (e.g. affiliate program with Expedia) Tourism Calgary is targeting markets that are most apt to respond to our brand and experiences. We will drive return on investment by applying a disciplined marketing strategy to focused, key, and measurable objectives and by fully engaging industry. Tourism Calgary has identified the following markets as our greatest opportunity for actual or potential growth opportunities: Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Ontario within Canada, as well as the U.S., U.K. and China. The strategy will be executed through individual channel strategies or a combination of consumer campaigns, work with the travel trade as well as media and public relations activities. Our research investment will be geared towards strengthening Calgary’s leisure market competitiveness. • Focus research efforts on better understanding our destination brand awareness, perceptions and key travel motivators. • Identify market potential in each of our regional markets in order to better target messages to consumers. • Understanding traveller satisfaction and behaviour patterns on In 2013, a greater emphasis will be put on understanding visitor patterns and perceptions of our destination in order to maximize the marketing effectiveness and return on investment. Research is the foundation, the building blocks to effective marketing execution. Our research budget over the last three years was approximately one per cent of our organization’s overall budget. With this investment, we have initiated a behaviour study in our regional market, advertising effectiveness review and an exit survey to determine value perception and spend of our visitors. But more needs to be done in primary research to provide a solid knowledge base. In 2013, we will quadruple our research investment providing intelligence on our markets that will serve for years to come. This research will be shared with our industry and partners leveraging further effectiveness through their marketing campaigns. 10
  • 8. our brand story OUR DESTINATION BRAND conveys consistent and salient messages to our target audiences. Our brand story informs and inspires. It conveys the themes and feelings our marketing activities will elicit. Well beyond the status quo, it’s the catalyst for our partners and prospective visitors to uncover our city’s new, dynamic and highly attractive modern personality. Calgary has far more to offer than most people think. It’s a vibrant centre that combines the best of all worlds: cosmopolitan with casual, outdoorsy with urban. All of which adds up to more than enough secrets and surprises to keep its population of over 1.1 million people busy all year. In fact, most people are stunned by the range of cultural attractions, festivals, restaurants, live performance spaces, specialty shops and trendy nightspots that thrive in our city. With wide-open blue skies and a moderate climate, Calgary’s ever-evolving list of attractions beckon outdoor enthusiasts year-round with anything from golf to skateboarding and fishing to skiing. This is largely due to our youthful vitality. Today’s Calgary delivers a bold, welcoming energy that generates an ever-changing list of “must-see” attractions. Every visit is loaded with new experiences, adventures and memories. But no matter how much we evolve, Calgary remains rooted within our western hospitality. We haven’t lost our sense of wonder or our sense of humour, which is why people here still believe there’s always time to have a good time. Warm and down to earth, our people enthusiastically invite the world to Be Part of The Energy. A good time in Calgary is whatever you want it to be – and more than you imagined. No matter who you are or what you like to do, Calgary will surprise you. Inspire you. Welcome you. And invite you to be part of the energy. 11 12
  • 9. our target traveller EQ™ Segmentation Free Spirits Tourism Calgary and Travel Alberta have adopted the Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) EQ™ tool, to match consumers with the tourism experiences based on their individual travel values and motivations. By making use of EQ™, Tourism Calgary can align its marketing strategies and tactics with industry partners, Travel Alberta and the Canadian Tourism Commission. Vancouver 2.55 Toronto 8.64 Edmonton Saskatoon Travel Values of Cultural Explorers • Aspire to stay in the most luxurious accommodations and venues. • Want to see all the main attractions, but do not need to go in-depth. • High energy to see everything. • Want to be the centre of attention, so they’re attracted to groups and shared experiences. • Don’t want to wait at home, constant need to travel. The Internet is no substitute. • Want some structure and planning. Packages should include planned activities. • Always excited about the next trip. • Travel is best experienced with likeminded companions who want to have fun while learning. • Feel relaxed and free while travelling. • Seek an authentic experience, and don’t want to stay in sterile, commercial hotels. 13.14 Regina Avid, open-minded and socially engaged travellers, Cultural Explorers want to immerse themselves in the people and settings of the places they visit. And once they’re there, they prefer to let things unfold spontaneously. They want their trips to go beyond just seeing the main attractions and are eager to explore. Like Free Spirits, Cultural Explorers are always excited about their next trip. 5.11 Tourism Calgary will use this visitor segmentation tool to drive increased visitation by matching the right product to the right audience. As travellers, Free Spirits are primarily defined by their constant search for opportunities for fun and excitement and desire for top-notch and hedonistic experiences with groups of friends. This segment of travellers aspires to be extravagant, seeking out luxury, exclusivity and premium amenities and services and are unwilling to settle for anything less than the best they can afford. Free Spirits tend to be samplers of their destinations, preferring to visit the famous, must-see sites. Travel Values of Free Spirits Free Spirit Households Cultural Explorers 11.98 One of the most important ways we will achieve this matching is through our website,, as most vacation planners are now relying on the Internet to plan their vacations. Tourism Calgary will get to know our customers by understanding their interests, needs and preferences. EQ™ provides Tourism Calgary a deeper understanding of consumers who may stay longer and spend more money in Calgary. From visuals to copy, down to the right package and offer, EQ™ ensures that we deliver the right message to compel our target consumer to travel to Calgary. Tourism Calgary will focus on the Free Spirit and Cultural Explorer EQ™ segments. Our brand promise resonates with these two segments the most and they are significantly more likely to say they will visit. They are also most likely to tell others about their travel 13 City % experiences, both online and off-line. Cultural Explorer Households City % Vancouver 24.4 Toronto 13.07 Edmonton 11.0 Saskatoon 8.7 Regina 4.25 14
  • 10. measurement ORGANIZATIONAL KEY PERFORMANCE METRICS Key Performance Indicators (Organizational Wide) 2012 Target 2012 Forecast 2013 Target Total visits to Calgary no target 5.2 million 5.3 million Total visitor spending in Calgary no target $1.4 billion $1.5 billion City occupancy – annual no target 70% Marketing Additional Metrics 72% Summer occupancy level • 45 days post Stampede 73.4% 78.2% no target no actual no target no actual Sport/cultural event production • Number of events • Room nights 32 35,000 40 55,800 Online sales on • Room revenue/packages • Attractions revenue $140,000 $56,000 $145,000 $52,000 ($250K industry) ($450K quadrant) ($240K industry) ($335K quadrant) $4.7 million 129,000 80% FB: 19,700 Twitter: 13,600/10,450 Incremental 1,170 (24,579) Incremental 1,200 (27,000) 150,000 no target FB: 13,750 Twitter: 7500/5600 $5 million 11,250 1.15 million ($275K industry) ($450K quadrant) $3 million Travel trade Room nights (Joint Marketing Agreements) 1 million $161,000 $65,000 Partner revenue (co-operative marketing dollars from industry) Social media platforms (Facebook Twitter) 2013 Target 42 50,000 85% (2014) Brand Awareness (consumers in key markets aware of Calgary as a vacation destination) Brand Perception (Consumer’s image of Calgary) Unpaid destination awareness media value Referrals to industry Tourism Calgary member satisfaction index 15 $700K $575K 79% Web visits 2012 Target TBD Nov/Dec $725K 16
  • 11. strategies by market Overview of our Target markets Regional: Focus on Edmonton, Saskatoon Regina Where are the visitors to Calgary from? per centage of overnight visits to Calgary Alberta 42.5% British Columbia 15.2% Saskatchewan 8.0% Ontario 7.6% Other Canada 5.8% United States 8.3% Europe 7.7% Other Overseas 4.9% 65.7% Regional 79.1% Domestic 8.3% Trans-border 12.6% Overseas Statistics Canada’s most recent visitor profile for the Calgary metro area confirms that Albertans make up the largest share of overnight visits to Calgary – at 42 per cent of all overnight visits. Residents from British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Ontario are the next largest markets for visitors to Calgary. Calgary competes with many western Canadian cities, with Vancouver, Edmonton, Kelowna and Victoria mentioned most often as an alternative destination to Calgary by travellers in the regional markets. Banff/mountain parks is mentioned most often among travellers from Edmonton as their top alternative destination to Calgary. The biggest barrier to visiting Calgary relates to a lack of motivation, which includes those who say “I have already been” and “there is no reason to go”. This is followed by cost (“too expensive”) and congestion concerns. The main challenge in attracting more visits will be to 17 overcome a lack of motivation and perceived hassles of cost and congestion. A travel intentions study conducted by Travel Alberta in April 2012 showed Calgary and Edmonton are the most popular destinations among travellers from British Columbia and Saskatchewan, indicating that regional travellers are drawn to urban settings and experiences. A majority of regional travellers say the main reason for their trip to Alberta is to visit friends or relatives. Saskatchewan was forecast to generate the most trips to Alberta during the summer of 2012, as it had the highest proportion of households planning to travel to Alberta (at 47 per cent) and the highest average number of planned trips to Alberta (1.6 trips per household). Both British Columbia and Saskatchewan represent good target markets since even among those who were not planning to travel to Alberta this summer, more than one-third (41 per cent in the British Columbia interior and 34 per cent in Saskatchewan) say they will consider travelling to Alberta in the next two years. The greatest potential for tourism revenue growth is compelling travellers who have visited Calgary previously to return to the city multiple times. 18
  • 12. situational analysis Strengths • Strong rubber tire market • Calgary Stampede • Shopping, arts entertainment, events • Touring to the Rockies and southern Alberta • 2. Increase urgency to visit Calgary. Low destination awareness beyond Stampede and Rockies • Develop steady seasonal and events/ attractions promotions. • Price sensitivity • Limited marketing resources to combat competition • Enhance packaging strategy with value added and extended stay discounts based on campaign key drivers. • Weak product shoulder seasons (spring, winter and fall) • Feature time bound events on home page. Industry active and aligned with Tourism Calgary 3. Increase advocacy of tourism activities by local Calgarians to increase VFR number of visits and spend. opportunities • • • THREATS Travel Alberta multi-million dollar marketing campaign driving attention to Calgary • Increasing fuel costs • Regional competition Web linkage strategy with industry partners driving traffic to each others’ sites • Strong dollar- makes outside Canada travel more motivating Social media activation and engagement • Internet allows market to make value comparisons –shop or buy elsewhere 1. Compel travellers who have visited Calgary previously to return to the city multiple times with emphasis on weekend visitation. Actions • Develop and execute a regional advertising campaign leveraging key drivers and industry needs periods (e.g. shopping, culinary, shoulder season). 5. Reach out to target segments by leveraging their heavy use of peer-topeer and magazine/newspaper articles for trip inspiration. Actions • Build collection of signature brand experience stories to maximize public relations and earned media values. • Enhance local content on including ambassadors and video. • Develop blogger strategy by leveraging current Canadian Tourism Commission and Travel Alberta research. Actions • Leverage local Calgarian’s media channels to drive Tourism Calgary website visitation. • Enhance features of mobile to be more interactive and transactional to capture out of home research and purchase. 4. Amplify the Calgary brand message through Tourism Calgary partners for greater reach and efficiencies. Actions • Provide new Calgary brand education to partners and membership. Strategic Objectives: Regional 19 Actions • Burgeoning dining scene – high profile media exposure • weaknesses • Develop messaging that educates regional prospects on what’s new and improved in Calgary. • Continue to build e-newsletter distribution list to inform the prospects on upcoming events of note and package specials. • Employ social media channels to strengthen relationships with previous visitors. • Provide convenient access to brand assets to encourage partners to use them in their marketing materials. • Share research findings with partners to help them reach the highest potential audiences. • Develop full suite of cooperative opportunities which include public relations, social media, online, traditional and business development opportunities. 20
  • 13. situational analysis Long Haul Canada: Focus on Vancouver Toronto strengths • Western culture dude ranch experiences • Calgary Stampede • Touring to the Rockies and southern Alberta • Burgeoning dining scene – high profile media exposure • Alignment of marketing activities with Travel Alberta CTC holiday that makes them feel they have seen and done something new and different. Visiting friends or relatives remains among one of the top intentions for Canadians visiting Alberta. Alberta’s Travel Activities and Motivation Survey (TAMS) discovered that while on recent overnight pleasure trips to Calgary, over half of Ontarians went to fairs or festivals with about one-third naming fairs/ festivals as a trip motivator. About one-fifth say they took a trip to Calgary motivated by a spectator sporting event, while close to onethird attended such an event as one of many activities on their trips. Attractions such as casinos, zoos, farmers’ markets, amusement parks, free outdoor performances and botanical gardens are mentioned as activities on Calgary trip itineraries for at least 1-in-4 of these Ontario-based tourists. According to the same TAMS, visitors from Vancouver enjoy entertainment-oriented activities, shopping, dining at restaurants offering local cuisine, visiting local outdoor cafés and wine tasting. Vancouver-based tourists are somewhat up-scale travellers, with over one-quarter claiming to have an annual household income of at least $100,000. They describe themselves as tourists who want a break from the day-to-day and a stress-reducing 21 Vancouver provides 6 per cent of all overnight visits to Calgary and Toronto provides 4 per cent of all overnight visits. These two markets show great growth potential, especially considering their higher per centages of Free Spirits (Toronto 4.65 per cent, Vancouver 10.24 per cent) and Cultural Explorers (Toronto 13.07 per cent, Vancouver 24.40 per cent). The potential to appeal to the escapist mindset of these audiences makes them a prime focus for Tourism Calgary. As marketing opportunities grow with available funding, the potential for visits to Calgary from other markets will be explored. weaknesses • • • • threats opportunities • • • • Shareholder support to enter this market with public relations Internet usage, mobile usage Outdoors including skiing, golf Social media activation and engagement Low destination awareness Price sensitivity Limited marketing resources to combat competition Geography • • • Economic recovery Time/Drive direct through to the Rockies Investment levels are minimal to penetrate market effectively Strategic Objectives: Long Haul 1. Strengthen awareness and recognition of the Calgary brand. 3. Increase urgency to visit Calgary. • Develop innovative online tactics to encourage people to go to where they will discover a full range of events and attractions. Actions • Develop a collection of new signature brand experience stories to maximize public relations and earned market value relevant to long-haul markets. • Support public relations activity with in-market media events. Actions • Support public relations or Travel Alberta campaigns with enhanced online packaging for long-haul visitors with value added and extended stay discounts. 2. Capitalize on marketing efforts of our larger partners such as the Calgary Stampede and Travel Alberta for efficiency of spending. 4. Increase advocacy of tourism activities by local Calgarians to increase VFR number of visits and spend. Actions Actions • Target shared priority markets with Calgaryspecific packages and communication. • Leverage local Calgarian’s channels to drive visitation. • Encourage partners to use Calgary brand assets in their marketing materials. • Enhance features of mobile to be more interactive and transactional to capture outof-home research and purchase. 22
  • 14. International: Focus on U.S., U.K., China United States Since 2009, Canada has seen a consecutive year-over-year decline (- 6.1 per cent) With continued economic instability characterized by plummeting housing prices, a weakened currency and record high unemployment, Canada continues to see reduced demand from its most valuable international market. situational analysis STRENGTHS • A small per centage of our investment is focused internationally, building destination awareness in order to drive conversion. Success in these markets relies on communicating dynamic experiences and diverse itineraries. be enormous; for example, there was a 90 per cent increase in Chinese arrivals following ADS approval. Measures are already in place to capitalize on this significant opportunity for increased demand to Canada. Relationships with key travel trade operators will influence placement and length of stay of the Calgary experience, ultimately resulting in additional room nights and revenues to Calgary. Leveraging the international marketing efforts of major partners like the Calgary Stampede will also prove valuable. Despite a stronger economic situation, travel to Canada slipped 14.3 per cent in 2009. Canada is starting to regain some momentum in the market, with visitation up 11 per cent over the first half of 2010. Canada is back on the radar of travellers given its price competitiveness relative to other overseas destinations. China United Kingdom China represents a major opportunity. Outbound travel from China has risen over the last few years, fuelled by rapid economic growth, a rising middle class, less restrictive travel policies and a desire among Chinese to experience other cultures. The impact of gaining Approved Destination Status (ADS) will The U.K. market, which represents half of all trips from the three European markets, fell in 2009 by 18 per cent over 2008. However, the Canadian Tourism Commission’s (CTC) Market Portfolio Analysis ranks the U.K. at number one, suggesting continued strong potential for the future. 23 weaknesses Western culture • Low destination awareness • Calgary Stampede • Price sensitivity • Heritage Park Historical Village • • Touring to the Rockies and southern Alberta Limited marketing resources to combat competition • Alignment of marketing activities with Travel Alberta Canadian Tourism Commission opportunities threats • Growing Chinese market • Slow economic recovery • Internet usage, mobile usage • Visas (difficulty to obtain – China) • Continued investment in air access (Germany, Asia) • Time/Drive direct through to the Rockies • Social media activation and engagement • Investment levels are minimal to penetrate market effectively • Continued investment in trade partnership with key accounts • Air capacity decreased 24
  • 15. Strategic Objectives: international 1. Continue to build and strengthen Travel trade relationships to influence placement and length of stay. Actions • Provide convenient access to brand assets to encourage partners to use them in their marketing materials and refresh current collateral. • Connect with key accounts in key markets to provide brand training and education to partner reservation agents, sales teams and travel agents to drive visitation. 2. Leverage the international marketing efforts of major partners such as Calgary Stampede, Travel Alberta, Canadian Tourism Commission. Actions • Target shared priority markets with Calgaryspecific packages and communication. • Execute three joint marketing agreements with key tour operators that drive incremental room nights/length of stay. • Encourage partners to use Calgary brand assets in their marketing materials. 3. Strengthen awareness and recognition of the Calgary brand. Actions • Attend marketplaces and missions when possible to represent the Calgary brand and key Calgary messaging abroad. 25 26
  • 16. marketing team and marketing communications advisory committees Destination marketing success is built through the participation and collaboration with industry stakeholders. Marketing Advisory Committee Marketing Team The Marketing Advisory Committee members are appointed volunteers with interest and expertise in marketing, media and digital management. This Committee is an invaluable resource in evaluating the organization’s assumptions with respect to strategic planning and research. The Committee’s contributions to our marketing plan is one of the critical inputs sought from many individuals and organizations: Our marketing team is structured to ensure Tourism Calgary has expertise and resources in the areas that are most critical to marketing Calgary as a tourist destination. With a solid plan in place the team is set to work together with industry to move Tourism Calgary and the new brand to the next level. Gisèle Danis – Vice President, Marketing and Communications • Jeff Hessel – Director, Marketing • Hala Dehais – Manager, Public Relations • Rhonda Reid – Manager, Travel Trade • Sarah Prud’homme – Manager, Marketing/Digital • Vanessa Gagnon – Specialist, Public Relations • Janis Cook – Coordinator, Digital Content • Kay Martin – Executive Assistant, Marketing Marketing and Communications Committee of the Board Tourism Calgary’s Board of Directors has three standing committees, including the Marketing and Communications Committee. The purpose of this committee is to enhance both the governance and marketing strategy through a combination of board and industry expertise. • 27 • Carson Ackroyd – ATCO • Bruce Cameron – Return On Insight • Joy Caron – Sheraton Cavalier • Deb Cummings – RedPoint Media • Danielle Durand – Hyatt Regency Calgary • Grant Erickson – Delta Calgary South • Maureen Henderson – TELUS Spark Jon Jackson – Calgary Hotel Association • Sandra Kam – Heritage Park Historical Village • Ann Lewis-Luppino – Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra • Terry Rock – Calgary Arts Development Authority • Shelley Grollmuss – Travel Alberta Kurby Court – Tourism Calgary Director • Fraser Abbott – Hotel Arts Larry Ryder – Tourism Calgary Director • • Maureen Payne – Tourism Calgary Director (Committee Chair) • Jeff Eisler – Global TV (Committee Chair) Rod McKay – Tourism Calgary, Chair of the Board • • • • Simon Scott – Talisman Energy 28
  • 17. thank you. 200, 238 11 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 0X8