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Business Law
Module – 2
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
Munir Fuadi,2005, Pengantar Hukum Bisnis, PT. Citra Aditya Bakti, Bandung.
Burton, Simatupang Richard, 2007, Aspek Hukum Dalam Bisnis (Edisi Revisi), Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
K.Bertens, 2000, Pengantar Etika Bisnis, Kanisius, Yogyakarta.
Bambang B, Melia Famiola, 2007, Etika Bisnis dan Tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan di Indonesia, Rekayasa sains, Bandung.
Mariam Darus B,1994, Aneka Hukum Bisnis, Alumni Bandung.
Any relevant materials in conjunction with the cases and topics in discuss
I Nyoman Wisnu Wardhana
Yayasan Pendidikan Telkom
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
Contract law concerns the legal principles governing the exchange of goods or services between
individuals or businesses.
A contract is a legally enforceable promise or an exchange of promises. To be enforceable, the
contract must meet certain elements. There must be an offer, acceptance of that offer, and then an
intended exchange of value between the parties.
These elements demonstrate a “meeting of the minds” between the parties. That is, the parties have
a common understanding of the material terms of the agreement. A contract does not have to be a
formal, written document. It can be a verbal agreement or it can arise through the conduct of the
Those who make a contract do not have to use the word contract or even recognize that they have
made a legally enforceable promise. Each state develops its own contract law. Contract law provides
confidence and promotes productivity by making private agreements between individuals
legally enforceable.
Plainly stated, it helps make buyer and seller willing to do business together.
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
Example: One individual offers to purchase a knife from another person for $1.
The other person agrees. This is an contract, as there is an offer and acceptance
of that offer, a planned exchange of value, and a meeting of the minds as to
these primary terms of the agreement.
Note: As you can see, a contract does not necessarily have to be formal or in writing. A simple
conversation or even actions of two or more individuals can be a contact.
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
What are the sources of contract law?
States create their own contract law. They pass statutes and allow courts to develop common law. In doing so, state
legislators and judges rely upon model laws in developing the statutory and common law.
These model laws are known as the Restatement of Contracts and the Uniform Commercial Code. These model laws
influence judges who interpret contract law and legislators who draft statutes that resemble (or copy exactly) these
model laws.
As such, you can study model laws to acquire a broad understanding of how contract law works. You can then look to
the specific laws of your state to determine the exact law that applies to a given situation.
Based on KUHPerdata – Burgerlijk Wetboek
• Buku ke tiga tentang perikatan
• Perikatan (verbintenis) lebih luas dari perjanjian.
• Buku III mengatur juga mengenai perikatan yang berasal dari undang-undang. Namun sebagian
besar buku III ditujukan pada perikatan yang bersumber dari perjanjian.
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
UU saja
Perbuatan Manusia
Perbuatan Halal
1354, 1359
Buku III menganut asas “kebebasan berkontrak” → Ps. 1338
Sistem yang dianut adalah sistem terbuka.
Buku III → hukum pelengkap (aanvullend recht)
What are “express contracts”, “implied-in-fact contracts”, and “implied-in-law contracts”?
Express Contract - An express contract arises from interactions in which parties actually discuss the agreement
and the promised terms. The contract does not have to be formal or in writing, but it requires that the parties
express their intentions in an agreement.
Example: One person expressly offers to sell a widget to another person. The other person accepts the
offer by saying the she will buy it. The parties have an expressed contract because they have stated an
offer, stated an acceptance, and identified consideration. These expressions can be verbal, as in this
situation, or written.
Implied-in-Fact Contract - An implied-in-fact contract arises from the conduct of the parties, rather than from
words. That is, the parties interact in a manner that constitutes a legally enforceable contract. This means that all
of the elements of an enforceable contract can be inferred from the actions of the parties.
Example: Ellen asks Albert, an attorney, for professional advice. Ellen knows that Albert is an attorney
and charges for his advice. Asking Albert for his professional advice implies a promise from Ellen to pay
the going rate for that advice. This is true even though Ellen and Albert did not make an express promise
to pay for it.
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
What are “express contracts”, “implied-in-fact contracts”, and “implied-in-law contracts”?
Implied-in-Law or Quasi-Contracts - An implied-in-law contract is a contractual relationship ordered by the court.
It lacks the mutual asset element of a contract, but the court deems the interactions between parties to be a
contract under the law. This court action is generally taken to avoid an unjust result, such as when one party is
unjustly enriched at the expense of another. The court will hold that the law implies a duty on the first party to pay
the second, even though the elements to find a legally enforceable contract between the two parties are absent.
Example: Bell routinely rakes leave in the neighborhood for extra money. She rakes leaves for lots of
houses and sometimes forgets which houses have requested her services. She begins raking James’s yard,
having forgotten that she never worked out an agreement to do so. James often pays individuals to rake
his yard and has plenty of money to do so. At the end of the job, Bell asks James for $20 for her effort. If James
refuses to pay the court may hold that it would be unfair for James to receive this value and not pay something for it.
As such, the court could hold that an implied-in-law contract to pay for Bell’s services.
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
Bagian Umum (1233 – 1456)
Bab 1 – Bab 4
Bagian Khusus (1457 – 1864)
bab3, bab 5 s.d bab 18
Nominat 15 Perj.
InominatAsas keb.
Sistem terbuka
▪ Sumber perikatan
▪ Prestasi
▪ Syarat sahnya perikatan
▪ Wanprestasi
▪ Keadaan memaksa
▪ Resiko s.d
▪ hapusnya perikatan
Sumber :
o Peraturan Per UU
o Kebiasaan
Lex specialis derogat lex generali
Pengaturan: Buku 3 KUH Pdt, 18 Bab (sejak 1950 stlh
bab 7 ada bab 7a, jd ada 19 bab)
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
Sistem terbuka, artinya memberikan kebebasan kepada para pihak (dalam hal menentukan isi, bentuk, serta
macam perjanjian) untuk mengadakan perjanjian akan tetapi isinya selain tidak bertentangan dengan
perundang-undangan, kesusilaan, dan ketertiban umum, juga harus memenuhi syarat sahnya perjanjian.
Pengertian Perikatan tidak dijumpai dalam KUHPerdata, namun terdapat pengertian:
▪ Hal yang mengikat antara orang yang satu & orang yang lain (Abdulkadir M., 2000: 198)
▪ Hubungan hukum mengenai harta kekayaan yang terjadi antara debitur & kreditur
▪ Hubungan hukum antara 2 pihak yang menimbulkan hak & kewajiban atas suatu prestasi (Sudikno
“suatu hubungan hukum (mengenai kekayaan harta benda) antara dua orang, yang
memberi hak kepada yang satu untuk menuntut barang sesuatu dari yang lain,
sedangkan orang lainnya diwajibkan memenuhi tuntutannya itu”
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
• Pengertian:
Obyek perikatan → “barang sesuatu yang dapat
• Dasar Hukum: Ps 1234 KUHPerdata
1. Memberikan sesuatu (to Geven)
1235 KUHPerdata
499 KUHPerdata
2. Berbuat sesuatu (to Doen)
3. Tidak Berbuat Sesuatu (Niet Doen)
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
Sifat prestasi:
1. Harus sudah tertentu
2. Harus mungkin
3. Harus diperbolehkan
4. Harus ada manfaat/bermakna bagi kreditur
5. Terdiri dari 1/lebih perbuatan
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
What are “unilateral contracts” and “bilateral contracts”?
Contracts are divided into unilateral and bilateral agreements based upon the duty of performance and how an
offer to contract is accepted.
▪ Bilateral Contract - A bilateral contract consists of two promises between individuals that form a contract.
Specifically, one party makes a promise to another party that she will do something (or forgo doing
something) in exchange for the other party’s promise to do something (or promise to forgo doing
▪ Unilateral Contract - A Unilateral contract is an agreement with only one promise. That is, one party promises
a future action if the other party performs whatever is requested of her. The promising party does not want a
return promise. As such, a contract is formed or comes into exists once the other party begins to perform the
requested services.
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
▪ Example: Suppose Eric tells Julia that he will pay her $20 if she washes his car. Eric does not want a
promise to wash the car. Julia can accept Eric’s offer by beginning to wash his car. Julia is not obligated
to wash the car unless or until she begins doing so. Further Eric is not obligated to pay Julia until she
begins washing the car.
▪ Example: Eric promises to wash Julia’s car if she promises to pay him $20. The both activities will occur
at some point in the future, so you have two promises of future performance.
Note: The common characteristic between unilateral and bilateral contracts is that it entails a promise of
performance and a demand from the offeree. This is critical to the requirement that a contract contain an
offer, acceptance, and exchange of value.
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
3 Musketeers in a Legal Perspective
The Subject
Subyek hukum
The Object
Obyek hukum
Legal Relation
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
Subyek hukum Subyek hukum
Koperasi ABC
Yayasan WZ
Peristiwa hukum atau
hubungan hukum
Jual beli?
Anjak piutang?
Hak dan Kewajiban
Prestasi dan wan prestasi
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
What constitutes an “offer” to contract?
The following elements must be present to establish a valid offer to contract.
Offeror and Offeree - An offer to contract must contains a specific promise from the person making the promise
(offeror) and a specific demand of the individual receiving the offer (offeree).
Example: I tell you that I will sell you a product for $5. I am the offeror and you are the offeree. My offer is to
transfer ownership of a product and my demand is that you transfer ownership $5.
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
What constitutes an “offer” to contract?
Intent to Make an Offer - The offeror must intend to make the offer. Whether there is intent to make an offer is
judged from the position of the offeree. If a reasonable person in the position of the offeree would believe the
offeror’s words or actions constitute an offer, it is an offer. This is an objective, rather than subjective, standard for
determining whether the intent to make an offer exists.
Example: I shout out loud in frustration that I would sell my piece-of-junk care for a $100. The words look like an
offer to sell my car. In reality, I am simply espousing my frustration. I do not have the intent necessary for my
statement to constitute an offer and no reasonable person would interpret my statement as truly demonstrating
that intent.
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
What constitutes an “offer” to contract?
Definite Terms - An offer to contract must be sufficiently definite. That is, the terms of the offer must be
sufficiently specific to allow the offeree to understand and accept the offer. The offeree must understand that she
is the intended recipient of the offer and may accept it. Also, the terms of consideration must be stated.
Example: Simply stating that I will sell you an item “for a reasonable price” is not sufficient to constitute
a definite offer. Most advertisements, catalogs, and web page price quotes are considered too indefinite to
form the basis for a contract. To be sufficiently definite, the advertisement must be specific about the
quantity of goods being offered and who is the intended offeree.
Remember, the above elements do not have to be in writing or formal. Further, the parties do not have to realize that
their words or actions constitute a valid contract; rather, each element is judged by an objective standard. That is, how
would a reasonable person perceive the actions potentially constituting an offer?
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
Macam-macam perikatan
1. Perikatan Bersyarat, “suatu perikatan yang digantungkan pada suatu kejadian dikemudian hari, yang
masih belum tentu akan atau terjadi”
a. Syarat tangguh
b. Syarat batal
2. Perikatan yang digantungkan kepada ketetapan waktu
3. Perikatan alternatif (manasuka), suatu perikatan, dimana terdapat dua atau lebih macam prestasi, sedang
kepada debitur diberi hak untuk memilih yang mana akan dilakukan.
4. Perikatan tanggung menanggung, suatu perikatan dimana beberapa orang bersama-sama sebagai kreditur
berhadapan dengan satu orang debitur, atau sebaliknya. Hal ini ‘harus’ dinyatakan tegas dalam perjanjian.
5. Perikatan yang dapat dibagi dan tidak dapat dibagi, Tergantung pada prestasi dan maksud kedua belah
pihak. Asasnya antara para pihak dalam perjanjian tidak boleh dibagi-bagi, karena kreditur selalu berhak
menuntut pemenuhan prestasi secara penuh
6. Perikatan dengan penetapan hukuman, perjanjian dimana didalamnya ditetapkan suatu hukuman kepada
debitur apabila ia melalaikan kewajibannya. Tujuannya mencegah debitur melalaikan kewajibannya.
Hukumannya adalah pembayaran sejumlah uang tertentu.
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
Asas-asas penting dalam perjanjian
Lahirnya perjanjian
Isi perjanjian
Akibat perjanjian
Berlakunya perjanjian
Pelaksanaan perjanjian
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
(pasal 1320
Asas Kebebasan
(Pasal 1338 (1)
Asas Pacta Sunt
(Pasal 1338
Asas Itikad Baik
(Pasal 1338 (3)
(Pasal 1315 jo
1. Asas konsensualisme (Syarat berlakunya)
2. Asas pacta sunt servanda (Perjanjian berlaku
sebagai UU)
3. Asas kebebasan berkontrak:
a. bebas membuat perjanjian apa saja
b. bebas melakukan perjanjian dengan siapa saja
c. bebas membuat isinya
d. bebas bentuknya
4. Asas kepercayaan (Trust)
5. Asas persamaan hukum (Equality)
6. Asas keseimbangan (Equilibrium)
7. Asas kepastian hukum
8. Dll.
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
▪ Asas konsensuil → perikatan lahir pada saat detik kata sepakat, Pengecualiannya
perjanjian ril dan formil.
▪ Asas kebebasan berkontrak → kebebasan untuk menentukan isi dan bentuk
▪ Asas kekuatan mengikat (pacta sunt servanda) → asas yg menyatakan bahwa
para pihak terkikat utk melaksanakan isi perj. Termasuk terikat pd kebiasaan &
▪ Asas kepribadian → asas yg menyatakan bahwa perjanjian berlaku bg pihak yg
mengadakan perjanjian itu sendiri ( Ps. 1315 jo 1340). Pengecualiannya Ps. 1317.
▪ Asas Itikad Baik → Ps. 1338 (3) → perjanjian hrs dilakukan dg itikad baik. Itikad
baik harus diartikan obyektif → maksudnya perj. Didasarkan pd keadilan,
kepatutan dan kesusilaan. Itikad baik dalam buku II KUHPdt → kejujuran
Asas-asas penting dalam perjanjian
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
Asas Konsensualitas (Consensus)
• Kesepakatan para pihak yang membuat perjanjian, yang ditandai
dengan apa yang dikehendaki pihak yang satu juga dikehendaki oleh
pihak lainnya.
• Asas ini tercantum di dalam pasal 1320 KUHperdata.
• Konsensus ini tidak ada bila terdapat 3 (tiga) hal (pasal 1321
KUHPerdata) yaitu:
• Paksaan (dwang);
• Kekhilafan (dwaling);
• Penipuan (bedrog).
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
Asas Kebebasan Berkontrak
• Kebebasan untuk membuat perjanjian yang meliputi:
1. Kebebasan untuk mengadakan/tdk mengadakan perjanjian
2. Kebebasan untuk mengadakan perjanjian dengan siapapun
3. Kebebasan untuk menentukan bentuk perj
4. Kebebasan untuk menentukan isi perj
5. Kebebasan untuk menerima/menyimpangi hk perj yang bersifat pelengkap
(aanvullend recht)
• Asas ini tercantum di dalam pasal 1338 KUHPerdata.
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
Asas Pacta Sunt Servanda
• Asas Mengikat sebagai Undang-undang (pacta sunt servanda)
• Perjanjian yang dibuat secara sah mengikat kedua belah pihak
seperti mengikatnya sebuah undang-undang (pasal 1338
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
Asas Itikad Baik (Good Faith)
• Asas Itikad Baik (Good Faith)
• Black’s Law Dictionary memberikan pengertian itikad baik adalah:
“in or with good faith; honestly, openly, and sincerely; without deceit or fraud. Truly; actually;
without simulation or pretense”.
Prof. Mr. P.L. Wry memberikan arti itikad baik dalah hukum perjanjian adalah:
“…. Bahwa kedua belah pihak harus berlaku yang satu terhadap yang lain seperti patut saja antara orang-orang sopan, tanpa
tipu daya, tanpa tipu muslihat, tanpa cilat-cilat, akal-akal, tanpa mengganggu pihak lain, tidak dengan melihat kepentingan
sendiri saja, tetapi juga dengan melihat kepentingan pihak lain”
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
Asas Itikad Baik (Good Faith)
Fungsi Itikad Baik dalam kontrak.
• Rumusan pasal 1338 ayat 3 KUHPerdata, dapat disimpulkan bahwa itikad
baik harus digunakan pada saat pelaksanaan suatu kontrak. Hal ini berarti
bahwa pada waktu kontrak dilaksanakan, selain ketentuan-ketentuan yang
telah disepakati dalam kontrak yang wajib ditaati oleh para pihak, melainkan
juga itikad baik sebagai ketentuan-ketentuan yang tidak tertulis. Jadi, itikad
baik berfungsi menambah (aanvullend) ketentuan-ketentuan yang telah
disepakati oleh kedua belah pihak di dalam kontrak.
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
Ps. 1313
“Suatu perbuatan dengan mana satu orang atau lebih mengikatkan dirinya
terhadap suatu orang atau lebih lainnya”
Diperbaiki doktrin
“suatu pesetujuan dengan mana dua orang atau lebih saling mengikatkan
diri untuk melaksanakan suatu hal mengenai harta kekayaan.”
“Suatu perjanjian adalah suatu peristiwa di mana seorang
berjanji kepada seorang lain atau di mana dua orang itu saling
berjanji untuk melaksanakan sesuatu hal.”
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
Subjek Hukum dalam Perjanjian
• Subjek Hukum adalah pendukung hak dan kewajiban,
• Manusia.
• Badan hukum.
• Kemampuan dalam membuat perjanjian dengan menafsirkan Pasal 1330
KUHPerdata secara “a contrario” (Negatif).
• Digolongkan orang-orang yang cakap (“bekwaamheid”) adalah:
• Orang-orang yang sudah dewasa.
• Mereka yang tidak di bawah pengampuan.
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
• Causa, secara letterlijk → sebab,
tetapi menurut riwayatnya adl.
tujuan, yaitu yg dikehendaki oleh
kedua belah pihak yg
mengadakan perj.
•Yang diperjanjikan dalam
perjanjian haruslah suatu hal
atau suatu barang yang
cukup jelas atau tertentu
•1332, 1333, 1334
• Ps. 1330 jo 330.
• Belum dewasa
• Dibawah pengampuan
• Badan hukum
• PT
• Yayasan
• Koperasi
•Paksaan (dwang) → takut
akan ancaman (dilarang oleh
UU) 13
•Khilaf (dwaling)→ orang,
barang, negosiasi, konsep
•Penipuan (bedrog) →
serangkaian kebohongan yg
Sepakat kecakapan
Suatu sebab
(oorzaak) yang
Suatu hal
Pembagian diatas untuk melihat
apakah implikasi hukumnya, bila
tidak terpenuhi:
▪ Bila syarat Subjective tidak
terpenuhi →Perjanjian dapat
▪ Bila syarat Objective tidak
terpenuhi → Perjanjian batal demi
hukum (Void/Nietig).
Prestasi dalam sebuah perjanjian
terdiri atas: (Ps. 1234 KUHPerdata)
▪ Melaksanakan sesuatu
▪ Memberikan sesuatu
▪ Tidak berbuat sesuatu
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
What are “valid contracts”, “enforceable contracts”, “void contracts”, and “voidable contracts”?
There are several common characteristics of contracts that dictate whether a contract actually exists and whether it
is enforceable in a court of law. The following vocabulary is important for characterizing these aspects of a contract.
Valid and Invalid - A contract is valid when all of the elements essential to forming a legal contract are present.
Conversely, a contract is invalid (or rather, there is no contract) if any of the essential elements of a contract are
missing. The elements to forming a valid contract (offer, acceptance, consideration, and a meeting of the minds)
are discussed further below.
Example: One person announces that she will sell her cell phone for a reasonable price. Another person
quickly says, “I will buy it”. In this case there is not a valid contract because there is not enough
specificity in the consideration. As such, a critical piece of the contract is missing. While the parties might
think they have a contract, if a challenge to the contract arises, a court is likely to hold it to be invalid.
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
What are “valid contracts”, “enforceable contracts”, “void contracts”, and “voidable contracts”?
Enforceable and Unenforceable Contract - An enforceable contract is one that can be enforced in court of law.
That is, the law allows for enforcement of the contract. An enforceable contract must always be valid. A valid
contract may, however, be unenforceable. That is, even though all of the essential elements of a contract are
present, a court will not enforce the contract.
Example: An oral contract may be valid, but the court will not enforce it because that specific type of
contract is required to be in writing under the state’s law. Contracts that are required to be in writing are
discussed further below.
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
What are “valid contracts”, “enforceable contracts”, “void contracts”, and “voidable contracts”?
Void and Voidable Contracts - An otherwise valid contract may be void pursuant to the law. That is, state law
identifies certain types of contracts that are deemed void from the outset. These include contracts that violate
public policy or have an illegal purpose. A voidable contract is an agreement where either one or both parties has
the right to make the contract void. That is, the contract is valid and enforceable until one party elects to void it.
Example: A contract to purchase illegal drugs is void. A party to a contract who is below the legal age of
mental capacity may void the contract at any point before she reaches the age of mental capacity. Various
situations where contracts are deemed valid, enforceable, void, or voidable are discussed further below.
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
• Apabila seseorang berhutang tidak memenuhi kewajibannya →
• Akibatnya : dapat digugat di depan hakim. Karena asas “ orang tidak
boleh menjadi hakim sendiri.”
• Parate executie → kreditur berhak melaksanakan sendiri hak-haknya menurut
perjanjian, dengan tak usah meminta perantaraan hakim. → jika si debitur
sudah memberi persetujuan apabila ia lalai
• Reele executie → cara melaksanaan suatu putusan, yang oleh hakim
dikuasakan kepada kreditur untuk mewujudkan sendiri apa yang menjadi
haknya. Dalam B.W cara ini diperbolehkan dalam hal sbg :
1. Perjanjian yang prestasinya memberikan sesuatu → UU tidak
2. Perjanjian yg prestasinya tidak berbuat sesuatu (1240)
3. Perjanjian yg prestasinya berbuat sesuatu barang (1241)
kecuali : suatu barang yang bersifat pribadi → ganti rugi.
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
• Wujud wanprestasi:
• Tidak memenuhi kewajibannya sama sekali
• Terlambat memenuhi kewajibannya
• Tidak sempurna memenuhi kewajibannya
• Melakukan hal yang dilarang dalam perjanjian
• Akibat wanprestasi adalah kreditur dapat meminta ganti rugi
• Kewajiban debitur untuk membayar ganti rugi baru terbit apabila debitur telah
dinyatakan dalam keadaan lalai (ingebrekestelling)
• Hak-hak kreditur apabila terjadi wanprestasi:
1. Hak menuntut pemenuhan perikatan (nakomen)
2. Hak menuntut pemutusan perikatan (outbinding)
3. Hak menuntut ganti rugi (schade vergoeding)
4. Hak menuntut pemenuhan perikatan + ganti rugi
5. Hak untuk memutuskan perikatan + ganti rugi.
• Pasal 1266 → perjanjian timbal balik
• Debitur juga dibebani membayar biaya perkara Ps 18 (1) HIR ““debitur
lalai/kalah, diwajibkan membayar biaya perkara”
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
Kerusakan barang-barang
kreditur akibat kelalaian
Kerugian yang berupa
Kehilangan keuntungan
Segala pengeluaran yang
nyata-nyata sudah dikeluarkan
Unsur ganti rugi
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
Pembelaan Debitur yg dituduh lalai:
▪ Keadaan Memaksa
▪ Kreditur sendiri telah lalai (execptio non adimpleti contractus)
▪ Kreditur telah melepaskan haknya (rechtsverwerking atau
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
Overmacht atau force majeur
• Ps. 1244
• Tiga elemen keadaan memaksa, yaitu;
1. Tidak memenuhi prestasi;
2. Ada sebab yang terletak di luar kesalahan debitur
3. Faktor penyebab tidak tidak diduga sebelumnya dan tidak dapat
dipertanggungjawabkan kepada debitur.
Dua ajaran tentang overmacht:
1.Ajaran yang obyektif (de objective overmachtsleer) atau absolut.
• Unsur impossibilitas
2.Ajaran yang subyektif (de subjective overmachtsleer) atau relatif.
• Unsur diffikultas
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
Bentuk keadaan memaksa
1.Bentuk umum
a. keadaan iklim,
b. kehilangan, dan
c. pencurian
2.Bentuk khusus
a. Undang-undang atau peraturan pemerintah
b. sumpah
c. pemogokan
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
Hapusnya perikatan (1381)
1. Karena pembayaran;
2. Karena penawaran pembayaran tunai, diikuti dengan penyimpanan atau penitipan
3. Karena pembaharuan utang (novasi);
4. Karena perjumpaan utang (kompensasi);
5. Karena percampuran hutang;
6. Karena pembebasan utang;
7. Karana musnahnya barang yang terhutang;
8. Karena kebatalan atau pembatalan;
9. Karena berlakunya suatu syarat batal;
10. Karena lewatnya waktu
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
When does an offer to contract terminate?
An offer to contract terminates at the following times or under the following conditions:
▪ Specific Provision - An offer may include a specific provision detailing how long an offer will stay open and the
conditions under which it terminates.
▪ Lapse of Time - Unless the offer states otherwise, an offer terminates after a reasonable period of time. A
reasonable period of time will vary depending upon the type of contract. (Example: An offer to sell bananas will
terminate more quickly than an offer to sell cement).
▪ Offeree’s Rejection - An offer terminates if the offeree receives the offer and rejects it. Once the offeree rejects
the offer, she cannot come back later and accept the offer. Any attempt to do so may constitute a new offer to
the original offeror.
▪ Counter Offer - If an offeree makes a counter offer or counter proposal in response to an offer, the original offer
terminates. This is the case with negotiations. If a party attempts to negotiate new or additional material terms
to the offer, the original offer terminates. Attempting to offer ancillary or non-material terms may not terminate
the offer.
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
When does an offer to contract terminate?
An offer to contract terminates at the following times or under the following conditions:
▪ Revocation by Offeror - Generally, the offeror may revoke an offer at any time before the offeree accepts it. If the
offeree has already accepted the offer, a valid contract exists and an attempt to revoke the offer may constitute
breach of the contract. (Note: There are certain offers, known as “firm offers”, that state that the offer cannot be
revoked for a certain period. This type of offer is a form of contract in itself).
▪ Destroy Subject Matter of Contract - An offer terminates if, before the offer is accepted, the property that is the
subject of the offer is destroyed. If the offer has already been accepted, this could serve to void the contract.
▪ Death or Mental Incapacity - If the offeror dies or loses mental capacity at any time before an offer is accepted,
the offer is revoked. (Note: The offer does not become effective again if the offeror regains mental capacity).
▪ Illegality - An offer terminates if the subject of the offer (the activity or product) becomes illegal. If the offer has
been accepted, the subject matter becoming illegal will void the contract.
Some of the methods of contract termination are voluntary, while others are a result of
circumstances beyond the control of the parties.
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
What is “consideration” in the context of contract formation?
Consideration is anything of value. Recall that a valid contract must include an exchange of value between the offeror
and offeree. The value should be the inducement or incentive for the other party entering into the agreement. That is,
it must be the subject of the bargain between the parties. A promise to make a gift is not binding because the party
receiving the gift gives no value in return for the promise. When the existence of consideration is not clear, the court
will examine the transaction as a whole to determine if consideration exits and the contract is enforceable.
Types of Consideration - The amount or value of the consideration present does not matter. It need not be money
or goods. Acceptable types of consideration include:
Agreement to Refrain: An agreement to refrain from doing something that you have the right and ability to do may
constitute consideration.
Example: I really want to stand up and sing in the middle of a crowded restaurant. You would be very embarrassed if
I do so. You offer me $5 to not stand up and start singing. My refraining form doing this may constitute
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
What is “consideration” in the context of contract formation?
Types of Consideration - The amount or value of the consideration present does not matter. It need not be money
or goods. Acceptable types of consideration include:
Agreement not to Sue: An agreement not to sue the other party may be sufficient consideration when reasonable
grounds exist to make a lawsuit possible.
Example: You claim that I owe you additional funds under a contract. I disagree and argue that all accounts are
settled. You threaten to sue me. I offer to pay you a small sum of money in exchange for your agreement not to
bring a legal action against me. Forgoing your right to sue me in exchange for money is a valid exchange of
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
What is “consideration” in the context of contract formation?
Types of Consideration - The amount or value of the consideration present does not matter. It need not be money
or goods. Acceptable types of consideration include:
Prior Consideration - Generally, consideration in a prior agreement is not valid consideration in a new agreement,
except in very limited circumstances. The reason is because the individual is already obligated under the old
agreement. Trying to promise to do the same thing does not provide a new form of value.
Under the UCC, however, a preexisting obligation can constitute valid consideration if the offeror is a purchaser of
$500 or more in goods, and she offers to pay more than an additional $500 for the same goods. This exception exists
to protect certain business arrangement from failing.
Example: We are both merchants. You enter into a contract to purchase goods from me for $5,000. In the pendency
of the contract, you realize that I am likely breach the contract. You really do not want to find another seller, so you
offer to pay an additional $1,000 for me to perform the contract. May agreement to perform my existing contractual
obligation (sell you the goods) is valid consideration - even though it is the consideration for a prior agreement.
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
What is “consideration” in the context of contract formation?
Types of Consideration - The amount or value of the consideration present does not matter. It need not be money
or goods. Acceptable types of consideration include:
Promissory Estoppel Exception to Consideration Requirement - A doctrine known as “promissory estoppel” may serve
as a substitute for consideration to make an agreement into a valid contract. Promissory estoppel is an equitable
doctrine. If the offeree reasonably relies on the offeror’s promise to her detriment, the doctrine of promissory
estoppel may make the contract valid despite the absence of consideration. The two key elements are:
▪ that the reliance must be reasonable in light of the situation, and
▪ the relying party must suffer a tangible detriment.
Note: The court may also consider whether performance causes a hardship on the promising party.
Example: You are having erosion problems in your hard. You cannot afford to pay to have it fixed, so I offer to give
you the materials necessary to build a retaining wall. You spend your available money grading out the ground and
digging the dirt where the wall will go. After all of this, I back out of my promise. You have now spent your available
money and, without installing the wall, made the situation far worse than it was before. A court may deem my
promise to be an enforceable contract because you relied to your detriment on my promise.
Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
What is “consideration” in the context of contract formation?
Types of Consideration - The amount or value of the consideration present does not matter. It need not be money
or goods. Acceptable types of consideration include:
Other Exceptions to Consideration Requirement - There are two very broad, common exceptions to the requirement
that a contract be supported by consideration.
▪ Option Contracts - An option contract is an agreement between parties that allows one party a specific period of
time to purchase a particular asset at a given price.
Example: Mark believes that the price of Apple, Inc., stock is going to rise. He purchases an option contract
from Tom that allows him to purchase the Apple stock at the current price at any time within the next 30 days.
Tom believes that the price is going to go down, so he is happy to sell the option to Mark.
▪ Firm Offers - The UCC recognizes the enforceability of a promise to keep open (not retract or cancel) the offer to
purchase or sell a good for a specific period of time.
Example: Agnes offers to sell a piece of equipment to Maria. She states that the offer is good for 30 days.
Agnes and Maria now have an enforceable agreement for the next 30 days, despite the absence of
consideration in the agreement to keep the offer open.

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Business law module 2

  • 1. Business Law Module – 2 Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business Ref. Munir Fuadi,2005, Pengantar Hukum Bisnis, PT. Citra Aditya Bakti, Bandung. Burton, Simatupang Richard, 2007, Aspek Hukum Dalam Bisnis (Edisi Revisi), Jakarta: Rineka Cipta K.Bertens, 2000, Pengantar Etika Bisnis, Kanisius, Yogyakarta. Bambang B, Melia Famiola, 2007, Etika Bisnis dan Tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan di Indonesia, Rekayasa sains, Bandung. Mariam Darus B,1994, Aneka Hukum Bisnis, Alumni Bandung. Any relevant materials in conjunction with the cases and topics in discuss I Nyoman Wisnu Wardhana Yayasan Pendidikan Telkom
  • 2. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business Contract law concerns the legal principles governing the exchange of goods or services between individuals or businesses. A contract is a legally enforceable promise or an exchange of promises. To be enforceable, the contract must meet certain elements. There must be an offer, acceptance of that offer, and then an intended exchange of value between the parties. These elements demonstrate a “meeting of the minds” between the parties. That is, the parties have a common understanding of the material terms of the agreement. A contract does not have to be a formal, written document. It can be a verbal agreement or it can arise through the conduct of the parties. Those who make a contract do not have to use the word contract or even recognize that they have made a legally enforceable promise. Each state develops its own contract law. Contract law provides confidence and promotes productivity by making private agreements between individuals legally enforceable. Plainly stated, it helps make buyer and seller willing to do business together.
  • 3. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business Example: One individual offers to purchase a knife from another person for $1. The other person agrees. This is an contract, as there is an offer and acceptance of that offer, a planned exchange of value, and a meeting of the minds as to these primary terms of the agreement. Note: As you can see, a contract does not necessarily have to be formal or in writing. A simple conversation or even actions of two or more individuals can be a contact.
  • 4. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business What are the sources of contract law? States create their own contract law. They pass statutes and allow courts to develop common law. In doing so, state legislators and judges rely upon model laws in developing the statutory and common law. These model laws are known as the Restatement of Contracts and the Uniform Commercial Code. These model laws influence judges who interpret contract law and legislators who draft statutes that resemble (or copy exactly) these model laws. As such, you can study model laws to acquire a broad understanding of how contract law works. You can then look to the specific laws of your state to determine the exact law that applies to a given situation. Based on KUHPerdata – Burgerlijk Wetboek • Buku ke tiga tentang perikatan • Perikatan (verbintenis) lebih luas dari perjanjian. • Buku III mengatur juga mengenai perikatan yang berasal dari undang-undang. Namun sebagian besar buku III ditujukan pada perikatan yang bersumber dari perjanjian.
  • 5. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business Perikatan (1233) Perjanjian UU 1352 UU saja Perbuatan Manusia 1353 Perbuatan Halal 1354, 1359 PMH 1365 Buku III menganut asas “kebebasan berkontrak” → Ps. 1338 Sistem yang dianut adalah sistem terbuka. Buku III → hukum pelengkap (aanvullend recht)
  • 6. What are “express contracts”, “implied-in-fact contracts”, and “implied-in-law contracts”? Express Contract - An express contract arises from interactions in which parties actually discuss the agreement and the promised terms. The contract does not have to be formal or in writing, but it requires that the parties express their intentions in an agreement. Example: One person expressly offers to sell a widget to another person. The other person accepts the offer by saying the she will buy it. The parties have an expressed contract because they have stated an offer, stated an acceptance, and identified consideration. These expressions can be verbal, as in this situation, or written. Implied-in-Fact Contract - An implied-in-fact contract arises from the conduct of the parties, rather than from words. That is, the parties interact in a manner that constitutes a legally enforceable contract. This means that all of the elements of an enforceable contract can be inferred from the actions of the parties. Example: Ellen asks Albert, an attorney, for professional advice. Ellen knows that Albert is an attorney and charges for his advice. Asking Albert for his professional advice implies a promise from Ellen to pay the going rate for that advice. This is true even though Ellen and Albert did not make an express promise to pay for it. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
  • 7. What are “express contracts”, “implied-in-fact contracts”, and “implied-in-law contracts”? Implied-in-Law or Quasi-Contracts - An implied-in-law contract is a contractual relationship ordered by the court. It lacks the mutual asset element of a contract, but the court deems the interactions between parties to be a contract under the law. This court action is generally taken to avoid an unjust result, such as when one party is unjustly enriched at the expense of another. The court will hold that the law implies a duty on the first party to pay the second, even though the elements to find a legally enforceable contract between the two parties are absent. Example: Bell routinely rakes leave in the neighborhood for extra money. She rakes leaves for lots of houses and sometimes forgets which houses have requested her services. She begins raking James’s yard, having forgotten that she never worked out an agreement to do so. James often pays individuals to rake his yard and has plenty of money to do so. At the end of the job, Bell asks James for $20 for her effort. If James refuses to pay the court may hold that it would be unfair for James to receive this value and not pay something for it. As such, the court could hold that an implied-in-law contract to pay for Bell’s services. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business
  • 8. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business Bagian Umum (1233 – 1456) Bab 1 – Bab 4 Bagian Khusus (1457 – 1864) bab3, bab 5 s.d bab 18 BUKU III Nominat 15 Perj. InominatAsas keb. berkontrak Sistem terbuka ▪ Sumber perikatan ▪ Prestasi ▪ Syarat sahnya perikatan ▪ Wanprestasi ▪ Keadaan memaksa ▪ Resiko s.d ▪ hapusnya perikatan Sumber : o Peraturan Per UU o Kebiasaan Lex specialis derogat lex generali 1319 Pengaturan: Buku 3 KUH Pdt, 18 Bab (sejak 1950 stlh bab 7 ada bab 7a, jd ada 19 bab)
  • 9. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business Sistem terbuka, artinya memberikan kebebasan kepada para pihak (dalam hal menentukan isi, bentuk, serta macam perjanjian) untuk mengadakan perjanjian akan tetapi isinya selain tidak bertentangan dengan perundang-undangan, kesusilaan, dan ketertiban umum, juga harus memenuhi syarat sahnya perjanjian. Pengertian Perikatan tidak dijumpai dalam KUHPerdata, namun terdapat pengertian: ▪ Hal yang mengikat antara orang yang satu & orang yang lain (Abdulkadir M., 2000: 198) ▪ Hubungan hukum mengenai harta kekayaan yang terjadi antara debitur & kreditur ▪ Hubungan hukum antara 2 pihak yang menimbulkan hak & kewajiban atas suatu prestasi (Sudikno Mertokusumo) Perikatan “suatu hubungan hukum (mengenai kekayaan harta benda) antara dua orang, yang memberi hak kepada yang satu untuk menuntut barang sesuatu dari yang lain, sedangkan orang lainnya diwajibkan memenuhi tuntutannya itu”
  • 10. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business Prestasi • Pengertian: Obyek perikatan → “barang sesuatu yang dapat dituntut” • Dasar Hukum: Ps 1234 KUHPerdata 1. Memberikan sesuatu (to Geven) 1235 KUHPerdata 499 KUHPerdata 2. Berbuat sesuatu (to Doen) 3. Tidak Berbuat Sesuatu (Niet Doen)
  • 11. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business Sifat prestasi: 1. Harus sudah tertentu 2. Harus mungkin 3. Harus diperbolehkan 4. Harus ada manfaat/bermakna bagi kreditur 5. Terdiri dari 1/lebih perbuatan
  • 12. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business What are “unilateral contracts” and “bilateral contracts”? Contracts are divided into unilateral and bilateral agreements based upon the duty of performance and how an offer to contract is accepted. ▪ Bilateral Contract - A bilateral contract consists of two promises between individuals that form a contract. Specifically, one party makes a promise to another party that she will do something (or forgo doing something) in exchange for the other party’s promise to do something (or promise to forgo doing something). ▪ Unilateral Contract - A Unilateral contract is an agreement with only one promise. That is, one party promises a future action if the other party performs whatever is requested of her. The promising party does not want a return promise. As such, a contract is formed or comes into exists once the other party begins to perform the requested services.
  • 13. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business ▪ Example: Suppose Eric tells Julia that he will pay her $20 if she washes his car. Eric does not want a promise to wash the car. Julia can accept Eric’s offer by beginning to wash his car. Julia is not obligated to wash the car unless or until she begins doing so. Further Eric is not obligated to pay Julia until she begins washing the car. ▪ Example: Eric promises to wash Julia’s car if she promises to pay him $20. The both activities will occur at some point in the future, so you have two promises of future performance. Note: The common characteristic between unilateral and bilateral contracts is that it entails a promise of performance and a demand from the offeree. This is critical to the requirement that a contract contain an offer, acceptance, and exchange of value.
  • 14. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business 3 Musketeers in a Legal Perspective The Subject Subyek hukum The Object Obyek hukum Legal Relation Hubungan hukum/peristiwa hukum
  • 15. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business Subyek hukum Subyek hukum PT X Koperasi ABC ASD Yayasan WZ Peristiwa hukum atau hubungan hukum Jual beli? Anjak piutang? Leasing? dll Hak dan Kewajiban Prestasi dan wan prestasi
  • 16. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business What constitutes an “offer” to contract? The following elements must be present to establish a valid offer to contract. Offeror and Offeree - An offer to contract must contains a specific promise from the person making the promise (offeror) and a specific demand of the individual receiving the offer (offeree). Example: I tell you that I will sell you a product for $5. I am the offeror and you are the offeree. My offer is to transfer ownership of a product and my demand is that you transfer ownership $5.
  • 17. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business What constitutes an “offer” to contract? Intent to Make an Offer - The offeror must intend to make the offer. Whether there is intent to make an offer is judged from the position of the offeree. If a reasonable person in the position of the offeree would believe the offeror’s words or actions constitute an offer, it is an offer. This is an objective, rather than subjective, standard for determining whether the intent to make an offer exists. Example: I shout out loud in frustration that I would sell my piece-of-junk care for a $100. The words look like an offer to sell my car. In reality, I am simply espousing my frustration. I do not have the intent necessary for my statement to constitute an offer and no reasonable person would interpret my statement as truly demonstrating that intent.
  • 18. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business What constitutes an “offer” to contract? Definite Terms - An offer to contract must be sufficiently definite. That is, the terms of the offer must be sufficiently specific to allow the offeree to understand and accept the offer. The offeree must understand that she is the intended recipient of the offer and may accept it. Also, the terms of consideration must be stated. Example: Simply stating that I will sell you an item “for a reasonable price” is not sufficient to constitute a definite offer. Most advertisements, catalogs, and web page price quotes are considered too indefinite to form the basis for a contract. To be sufficiently definite, the advertisement must be specific about the quantity of goods being offered and who is the intended offeree. Remember, the above elements do not have to be in writing or formal. Further, the parties do not have to realize that their words or actions constitute a valid contract; rather, each element is judged by an objective standard. That is, how would a reasonable person perceive the actions potentially constituting an offer?
  • 19. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business Macam-macam perikatan 1. Perikatan Bersyarat, “suatu perikatan yang digantungkan pada suatu kejadian dikemudian hari, yang masih belum tentu akan atau terjadi” a. Syarat tangguh b. Syarat batal 2. Perikatan yang digantungkan kepada ketetapan waktu 3. Perikatan alternatif (manasuka), suatu perikatan, dimana terdapat dua atau lebih macam prestasi, sedang kepada debitur diberi hak untuk memilih yang mana akan dilakukan. 4. Perikatan tanggung menanggung, suatu perikatan dimana beberapa orang bersama-sama sebagai kreditur berhadapan dengan satu orang debitur, atau sebaliknya. Hal ini ‘harus’ dinyatakan tegas dalam perjanjian. 5. Perikatan yang dapat dibagi dan tidak dapat dibagi, Tergantung pada prestasi dan maksud kedua belah pihak. Asasnya antara para pihak dalam perjanjian tidak boleh dibagi-bagi, karena kreditur selalu berhak menuntut pemenuhan prestasi secara penuh 6. Perikatan dengan penetapan hukuman, perjanjian dimana didalamnya ditetapkan suatu hukuman kepada debitur apabila ia melalaikan kewajibannya. Tujuannya mencegah debitur melalaikan kewajibannya. Hukumannya adalah pembayaran sejumlah uang tertentu.
  • 20. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business Asas-asas penting dalam perjanjian Lahirnya perjanjian Isi perjanjian Akibat perjanjian Berlakunya perjanjian Pelaksanaan perjanjian
  • 21. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business Asas Konsensualisme (pasal 1320 KUHPer) Asas Kebebasan Berkontrak (Pasal 1338 (1) KUHPerdata) Asas Pacta Sunt Servanda (Pasal 1338 (1)dan(2) KUHPerdata) Asas Itikad Baik (Pasal 1338 (3) KUHPerdata) Asas Personalitas (Pasal 1315 jo 1340 KUHPerdata) 1. Asas konsensualisme (Syarat berlakunya) 2. Asas pacta sunt servanda (Perjanjian berlaku sebagai UU) 3. Asas kebebasan berkontrak: a. bebas membuat perjanjian apa saja b. bebas melakukan perjanjian dengan siapa saja c. bebas membuat isinya d. bebas bentuknya 4. Asas kepercayaan (Trust) 5. Asas persamaan hukum (Equality) 6. Asas keseimbangan (Equilibrium) 7. Asas kepastian hukum 8. Dll.
  • 22. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business ▪ Asas konsensuil → perikatan lahir pada saat detik kata sepakat, Pengecualiannya perjanjian ril dan formil. ▪ Asas kebebasan berkontrak → kebebasan untuk menentukan isi dan bentuk perjanjian. ▪ Asas kekuatan mengikat (pacta sunt servanda) → asas yg menyatakan bahwa para pihak terkikat utk melaksanakan isi perj. Termasuk terikat pd kebiasaan & kepatutan. ▪ Asas kepribadian → asas yg menyatakan bahwa perjanjian berlaku bg pihak yg mengadakan perjanjian itu sendiri ( Ps. 1315 jo 1340). Pengecualiannya Ps. 1317. ▪ Asas Itikad Baik → Ps. 1338 (3) → perjanjian hrs dilakukan dg itikad baik. Itikad baik harus diartikan obyektif → maksudnya perj. Didasarkan pd keadilan, kepatutan dan kesusilaan. Itikad baik dalam buku II KUHPdt → kejujuran subyektif. Asas-asas penting dalam perjanjian
  • 23. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business Asas Konsensualitas (Consensus) • Kesepakatan para pihak yang membuat perjanjian, yang ditandai dengan apa yang dikehendaki pihak yang satu juga dikehendaki oleh pihak lainnya. • Asas ini tercantum di dalam pasal 1320 KUHperdata. • Konsensus ini tidak ada bila terdapat 3 (tiga) hal (pasal 1321 KUHPerdata) yaitu: • Paksaan (dwang); • Kekhilafan (dwaling); • Penipuan (bedrog).
  • 24. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business Asas Kebebasan Berkontrak • Kebebasan untuk membuat perjanjian yang meliputi: 1. Kebebasan untuk mengadakan/tdk mengadakan perjanjian 2. Kebebasan untuk mengadakan perjanjian dengan siapapun 3. Kebebasan untuk menentukan bentuk perj 4. Kebebasan untuk menentukan isi perj 5. Kebebasan untuk menerima/menyimpangi hk perj yang bersifat pelengkap (aanvullend recht) • Asas ini tercantum di dalam pasal 1338 KUHPerdata.
  • 25. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business Asas Pacta Sunt Servanda • Asas Mengikat sebagai Undang-undang (pacta sunt servanda) • Perjanjian yang dibuat secara sah mengikat kedua belah pihak seperti mengikatnya sebuah undang-undang (pasal 1338 KUHPerdata)
  • 26. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business Asas Itikad Baik (Good Faith) • Asas Itikad Baik (Good Faith) • Black’s Law Dictionary memberikan pengertian itikad baik adalah: “in or with good faith; honestly, openly, and sincerely; without deceit or fraud. Truly; actually; without simulation or pretense”. Prof. Mr. P.L. Wry memberikan arti itikad baik dalah hukum perjanjian adalah: “…. Bahwa kedua belah pihak harus berlaku yang satu terhadap yang lain seperti patut saja antara orang-orang sopan, tanpa tipu daya, tanpa tipu muslihat, tanpa cilat-cilat, akal-akal, tanpa mengganggu pihak lain, tidak dengan melihat kepentingan sendiri saja, tetapi juga dengan melihat kepentingan pihak lain”
  • 27. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business Asas Itikad Baik (Good Faith) Fungsi Itikad Baik dalam kontrak. • Rumusan pasal 1338 ayat 3 KUHPerdata, dapat disimpulkan bahwa itikad baik harus digunakan pada saat pelaksanaan suatu kontrak. Hal ini berarti bahwa pada waktu kontrak dilaksanakan, selain ketentuan-ketentuan yang telah disepakati dalam kontrak yang wajib ditaati oleh para pihak, melainkan juga itikad baik sebagai ketentuan-ketentuan yang tidak tertulis. Jadi, itikad baik berfungsi menambah (aanvullend) ketentuan-ketentuan yang telah disepakati oleh kedua belah pihak di dalam kontrak.
  • 28. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business Ps. 1313 “Suatu perbuatan dengan mana satu orang atau lebih mengikatkan dirinya terhadap suatu orang atau lebih lainnya” Diperbaiki doktrin “suatu pesetujuan dengan mana dua orang atau lebih saling mengikatkan diri untuk melaksanakan suatu hal mengenai harta kekayaan.” Subekti: “Suatu perjanjian adalah suatu peristiwa di mana seorang berjanji kepada seorang lain atau di mana dua orang itu saling berjanji untuk melaksanakan sesuatu hal.”
  • 29. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business Subjek Hukum dalam Perjanjian • Subjek Hukum adalah pendukung hak dan kewajiban, • Manusia. • Badan hukum. • Kemampuan dalam membuat perjanjian dengan menafsirkan Pasal 1330 KUHPerdata secara “a contrario” (Negatif). • Digolongkan orang-orang yang cakap (“bekwaamheid”) adalah: • Orang-orang yang sudah dewasa. • Mereka yang tidak di bawah pengampuan.
  • 30. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business • Causa, secara letterlijk → sebab, tetapi menurut riwayatnya adl. tujuan, yaitu yg dikehendaki oleh kedua belah pihak yg mengadakan perj. •1337 •Yang diperjanjikan dalam perjanjian haruslah suatu hal atau suatu barang yang cukup jelas atau tertentu •1332, 1333, 1334 • Ps. 1330 jo 330. • Belum dewasa • Dibawah pengampuan • Badan hukum • PT • Yayasan • Koperasi •Paksaan (dwang) → takut akan ancaman (dilarang oleh UU) 13 •Khilaf (dwaling)→ orang, barang, negosiasi, konsep •Penipuan (bedrog) → serangkaian kebohongan yg diatur. Sepakat kecakapan Suatu sebab (oorzaak) yang halal Suatu hal tertentu Pembagian diatas untuk melihat apakah implikasi hukumnya, bila tidak terpenuhi: ▪ Bila syarat Subjective tidak terpenuhi →Perjanjian dapat dibatalkan (Voidable/Vernietigbaarheid). ▪ Bila syarat Objective tidak terpenuhi → Perjanjian batal demi hukum (Void/Nietig). Prestasi dalam sebuah perjanjian terdiri atas: (Ps. 1234 KUHPerdata) ▪ Melaksanakan sesuatu ▪ Memberikan sesuatu ▪ Tidak berbuat sesuatu
  • 31. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business What are “valid contracts”, “enforceable contracts”, “void contracts”, and “voidable contracts”? There are several common characteristics of contracts that dictate whether a contract actually exists and whether it is enforceable in a court of law. The following vocabulary is important for characterizing these aspects of a contract. Valid and Invalid - A contract is valid when all of the elements essential to forming a legal contract are present. Conversely, a contract is invalid (or rather, there is no contract) if any of the essential elements of a contract are missing. The elements to forming a valid contract (offer, acceptance, consideration, and a meeting of the minds) are discussed further below. Example: One person announces that she will sell her cell phone for a reasonable price. Another person quickly says, “I will buy it”. In this case there is not a valid contract because there is not enough specificity in the consideration. As such, a critical piece of the contract is missing. While the parties might think they have a contract, if a challenge to the contract arises, a court is likely to hold it to be invalid.
  • 32. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business What are “valid contracts”, “enforceable contracts”, “void contracts”, and “voidable contracts”? Enforceable and Unenforceable Contract - An enforceable contract is one that can be enforced in court of law. That is, the law allows for enforcement of the contract. An enforceable contract must always be valid. A valid contract may, however, be unenforceable. That is, even though all of the essential elements of a contract are present, a court will not enforce the contract. Example: An oral contract may be valid, but the court will not enforce it because that specific type of contract is required to be in writing under the state’s law. Contracts that are required to be in writing are discussed further below.
  • 33. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business What are “valid contracts”, “enforceable contracts”, “void contracts”, and “voidable contracts”? Void and Voidable Contracts - An otherwise valid contract may be void pursuant to the law. That is, state law identifies certain types of contracts that are deemed void from the outset. These include contracts that violate public policy or have an illegal purpose. A voidable contract is an agreement where either one or both parties has the right to make the contract void. That is, the contract is valid and enforceable until one party elects to void it. Example: A contract to purchase illegal drugs is void. A party to a contract who is below the legal age of mental capacity may void the contract at any point before she reaches the age of mental capacity. Various situations where contracts are deemed valid, enforceable, void, or voidable are discussed further below.
  • 34. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business • Apabila seseorang berhutang tidak memenuhi kewajibannya → wanprestasi. • Akibatnya : dapat digugat di depan hakim. Karena asas “ orang tidak boleh menjadi hakim sendiri.” • Parate executie → kreditur berhak melaksanakan sendiri hak-haknya menurut perjanjian, dengan tak usah meminta perantaraan hakim. → jika si debitur sudah memberi persetujuan apabila ia lalai • Reele executie → cara melaksanaan suatu putusan, yang oleh hakim dikuasakan kepada kreditur untuk mewujudkan sendiri apa yang menjadi haknya. Dalam B.W cara ini diperbolehkan dalam hal sbg : 1. Perjanjian yang prestasinya memberikan sesuatu → UU tidak menentukan. 2. Perjanjian yg prestasinya tidak berbuat sesuatu (1240) 3. Perjanjian yg prestasinya berbuat sesuatu barang (1241) kecuali : suatu barang yang bersifat pribadi → ganti rugi.
  • 35. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business • Wujud wanprestasi: • Tidak memenuhi kewajibannya sama sekali • Terlambat memenuhi kewajibannya • Tidak sempurna memenuhi kewajibannya • Melakukan hal yang dilarang dalam perjanjian • Akibat wanprestasi adalah kreditur dapat meminta ganti rugi • Kewajiban debitur untuk membayar ganti rugi baru terbit apabila debitur telah dinyatakan dalam keadaan lalai (ingebrekestelling) • Hak-hak kreditur apabila terjadi wanprestasi: 1. Hak menuntut pemenuhan perikatan (nakomen) 2. Hak menuntut pemutusan perikatan (outbinding) 3. Hak menuntut ganti rugi (schade vergoeding) 4. Hak menuntut pemenuhan perikatan + ganti rugi 5. Hak untuk memutuskan perikatan + ganti rugi. • Pasal 1266 → perjanjian timbal balik • Debitur juga dibebani membayar biaya perkara Ps 18 (1) HIR ““debitur lalai/kalah, diwajibkan membayar biaya perkara”
  • 36. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business Ganti rugi biaya bungarugi Kerusakan barang-barang kreditur akibat kelalaian debitur Kerugian yang berupa Kehilangan keuntungan Segala pengeluaran yang nyata-nyata sudah dikeluarkan Unsur ganti rugi
  • 37. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business Pembelaan Debitur yg dituduh lalai: ▪ Keadaan Memaksa ▪ Kreditur sendiri telah lalai (execptio non adimpleti contractus) ▪ Kreditur telah melepaskan haknya (rechtsverwerking atau waiver)
  • 38. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business Overmacht atau force majeur • Ps. 1244 • Tiga elemen keadaan memaksa, yaitu; 1. Tidak memenuhi prestasi; 2. Ada sebab yang terletak di luar kesalahan debitur 3. Faktor penyebab tidak tidak diduga sebelumnya dan tidak dapat dipertanggungjawabkan kepada debitur. Dua ajaran tentang overmacht: 1.Ajaran yang obyektif (de objective overmachtsleer) atau absolut. • Unsur impossibilitas 2.Ajaran yang subyektif (de subjective overmachtsleer) atau relatif. • Unsur diffikultas
  • 39. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business Bentuk keadaan memaksa 1.Bentuk umum a. keadaan iklim, b. kehilangan, dan c. pencurian 2.Bentuk khusus a. Undang-undang atau peraturan pemerintah b. sumpah c. pemogokan
  • 40. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business Hapusnya perikatan (1381) 1. Karena pembayaran; 2. Karena penawaran pembayaran tunai, diikuti dengan penyimpanan atau penitipan (konsinyasi); 3. Karena pembaharuan utang (novasi); 4. Karena perjumpaan utang (kompensasi); 5. Karena percampuran hutang; 6. Karena pembebasan utang; 7. Karana musnahnya barang yang terhutang; 8. Karena kebatalan atau pembatalan; 9. Karena berlakunya suatu syarat batal; 10. Karena lewatnya waktu
  • 41. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business When does an offer to contract terminate? An offer to contract terminates at the following times or under the following conditions: ▪ Specific Provision - An offer may include a specific provision detailing how long an offer will stay open and the conditions under which it terminates. ▪ Lapse of Time - Unless the offer states otherwise, an offer terminates after a reasonable period of time. A reasonable period of time will vary depending upon the type of contract. (Example: An offer to sell bananas will terminate more quickly than an offer to sell cement). ▪ Offeree’s Rejection - An offer terminates if the offeree receives the offer and rejects it. Once the offeree rejects the offer, she cannot come back later and accept the offer. Any attempt to do so may constitute a new offer to the original offeror. ▪ Counter Offer - If an offeree makes a counter offer or counter proposal in response to an offer, the original offer terminates. This is the case with negotiations. If a party attempts to negotiate new or additional material terms to the offer, the original offer terminates. Attempting to offer ancillary or non-material terms may not terminate the offer.
  • 42. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business When does an offer to contract terminate? An offer to contract terminates at the following times or under the following conditions: ▪ Revocation by Offeror - Generally, the offeror may revoke an offer at any time before the offeree accepts it. If the offeree has already accepted the offer, a valid contract exists and an attempt to revoke the offer may constitute breach of the contract. (Note: There are certain offers, known as “firm offers”, that state that the offer cannot be revoked for a certain period. This type of offer is a form of contract in itself). ▪ Destroy Subject Matter of Contract - An offer terminates if, before the offer is accepted, the property that is the subject of the offer is destroyed. If the offer has already been accepted, this could serve to void the contract. ▪ Death or Mental Incapacity - If the offeror dies or loses mental capacity at any time before an offer is accepted, the offer is revoked. (Note: The offer does not become effective again if the offeror regains mental capacity). ▪ Illegality - An offer terminates if the subject of the offer (the activity or product) becomes illegal. If the offer has been accepted, the subject matter becoming illegal will void the contract. Some of the methods of contract termination are voluntary, while others are a result of circumstances beyond the control of the parties.
  • 43. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business What is “consideration” in the context of contract formation? Consideration is anything of value. Recall that a valid contract must include an exchange of value between the offeror and offeree. The value should be the inducement or incentive for the other party entering into the agreement. That is, it must be the subject of the bargain between the parties. A promise to make a gift is not binding because the party receiving the gift gives no value in return for the promise. When the existence of consideration is not clear, the court will examine the transaction as a whole to determine if consideration exits and the contract is enforceable. Types of Consideration - The amount or value of the consideration present does not matter. It need not be money or goods. Acceptable types of consideration include: Agreement to Refrain: An agreement to refrain from doing something that you have the right and ability to do may constitute consideration. Example: I really want to stand up and sing in the middle of a crowded restaurant. You would be very embarrassed if I do so. You offer me $5 to not stand up and start singing. My refraining form doing this may constitute consideration.
  • 44. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business What is “consideration” in the context of contract formation? Types of Consideration - The amount or value of the consideration present does not matter. It need not be money or goods. Acceptable types of consideration include: Agreement not to Sue: An agreement not to sue the other party may be sufficient consideration when reasonable grounds exist to make a lawsuit possible. Example: You claim that I owe you additional funds under a contract. I disagree and argue that all accounts are settled. You threaten to sue me. I offer to pay you a small sum of money in exchange for your agreement not to bring a legal action against me. Forgoing your right to sue me in exchange for money is a valid exchange of consideration.
  • 45. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business What is “consideration” in the context of contract formation? Types of Consideration - The amount or value of the consideration present does not matter. It need not be money or goods. Acceptable types of consideration include: Prior Consideration - Generally, consideration in a prior agreement is not valid consideration in a new agreement, except in very limited circumstances. The reason is because the individual is already obligated under the old agreement. Trying to promise to do the same thing does not provide a new form of value. Under the UCC, however, a preexisting obligation can constitute valid consideration if the offeror is a purchaser of $500 or more in goods, and she offers to pay more than an additional $500 for the same goods. This exception exists to protect certain business arrangement from failing. Example: We are both merchants. You enter into a contract to purchase goods from me for $5,000. In the pendency of the contract, you realize that I am likely breach the contract. You really do not want to find another seller, so you offer to pay an additional $1,000 for me to perform the contract. May agreement to perform my existing contractual obligation (sell you the goods) is valid consideration - even though it is the consideration for a prior agreement.
  • 46. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business What is “consideration” in the context of contract formation? Types of Consideration - The amount or value of the consideration present does not matter. It need not be money or goods. Acceptable types of consideration include: Promissory Estoppel Exception to Consideration Requirement - A doctrine known as “promissory estoppel” may serve as a substitute for consideration to make an agreement into a valid contract. Promissory estoppel is an equitable doctrine. If the offeree reasonably relies on the offeror’s promise to her detriment, the doctrine of promissory estoppel may make the contract valid despite the absence of consideration. The two key elements are: ▪ that the reliance must be reasonable in light of the situation, and ▪ the relying party must suffer a tangible detriment. Note: The court may also consider whether performance causes a hardship on the promising party. Example: You are having erosion problems in your hard. You cannot afford to pay to have it fixed, so I offer to give you the materials necessary to build a retaining wall. You spend your available money grading out the ground and digging the dirt where the wall will go. After all of this, I back out of my promise. You have now spent your available money and, without installing the wall, made the situation far worse than it was before. A court may deem my promise to be an enforceable contract because you relied to your detriment on my promise.
  • 47. Legal Standing of a Subject and Parties in a Contract/Business What is “consideration” in the context of contract formation? Types of Consideration - The amount or value of the consideration present does not matter. It need not be money or goods. Acceptable types of consideration include: Other Exceptions to Consideration Requirement - There are two very broad, common exceptions to the requirement that a contract be supported by consideration. ▪ Option Contracts - An option contract is an agreement between parties that allows one party a specific period of time to purchase a particular asset at a given price. Example: Mark believes that the price of Apple, Inc., stock is going to rise. He purchases an option contract from Tom that allows him to purchase the Apple stock at the current price at any time within the next 30 days. Tom believes that the price is going to go down, so he is happy to sell the option to Mark. ▪ Firm Offers - The UCC recognizes the enforceability of a promise to keep open (not retract or cancel) the offer to purchase or sell a good for a specific period of time. Example: Agnes offers to sell a piece of equipment to Maria. She states that the offer is good for 30 days. Agnes and Maria now have an enforceable agreement for the next 30 days, despite the absence of consideration in the agreement to keep the offer open.