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Business Intelligence Portfolio
Robert N. Litsinger
 This portfolio contains examples of my skills in the Business Intelligence arena.

         Data Modeling                                                  3
         SQL Programming                                                6
         SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)                        10
         SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS)                           14
         MDX Programming                                               19
         SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)                          22
         Excel Power Pivot                                             24
         Performance Point Services (PPS)                              26
         SharePoint Services                                           30
         SQL and MDX Presentations                                     36
         Experience Summary                                            37
         Recommendations                                               38

AllWorks Data Warehouse
A data warehouse model must consider both the available data and reporting
                        needs to be supported.

Data Modeling Alternatives

                      Even a small data warehouse
                      might have alternate designs
                      that need to be tested for
                      support of the needs of SSAS or
                      SSRS development.


A Table Value Function
                     The function returns a product and the price as of a give date.

                                                                        The function can be used to return the price
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects                                    for a single item,
       WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[GetStandardCostByDate]')
       AND type in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF', N'FS', N'FT'))
DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[GetStandardCostByDate]                            DECLARE     @ProdNum NVARCHAR(25) = 'BK-R89R-58‘
GO                                                                               , @CostDate DATETIME = '1/1/2008'

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetStandardCostByDate                              SELECT * FROM dbo.GetStandardCostByDate
     (@ProdNum NVARCHAR(25), @CostDate AS DATETIME)                    (@ProdNum,@CostDate)

      SELECT        PP.ProductID
                ,    PP.ProductNumber
                ,    PP.Name
                ,    ROUND(PCH.StandardCost,2) AS RoundedStandCost
                                                                          . . . or it could be used to return a list based
      FROM          Production.ProductCostHistory PCH                     on addition selection criteria.
      JOIN          Production.Product PP
            ON      PCH.ProductID = PP.ProductID                       SELECT    GET.ProductNumber
      WHERE         StartDate < DATEADD(DAY,1,@CostDate)                       , GET.Name
          AND       PP.ProductNumber = @ProdNum                                , GET.RoundedStandCost
          AND       (    PCH.EndDate is null                           FROM      Production.Product PP
                      OR PCH.EndDate >= @CostDate                      CROSS APPLY dbo.GetStandardCostByDate (PP.ProductNumber, GETDATE()) GET
                    )                                                  WHERE     GET.RoundedStandCost >= 1500
GO                                                                     ORDER BY GET.RoundedStandCost DESC

Both uses are potentially valuable in .NET
and web based applications.
A Pivot Table with Dense Rank Query
                Pivot tables can be produced in many of the BI layers beginning with SQL.
                This example provides output that is useful in reporting and applications.
;WITH SaleByShipper AS
(     SELECT      DATEADD(DAY, 7 - DATEPART(WEEKDAY,OrderDate),OrderDate) AS WeekEnding
            ,     ShipMethodID
            ,     SUM(TotalDue) AS ShipperTotal
       FROM       Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader POH
       WHERE      YEAR(DATEADD(DAY, 7 - DATEPART(WEEKDAY,OrderDate),OrderDate)) = 2007
            ,     ShipMethodID
       SELECT           WeekEnding
                  ,     [1] AS XRQ
                  ,     [2] AS ZY
                  ,     [3] AS OVERSEAS
                  ,     [4] AS OVERNIGHT
                  ,     [5] AS CARGO
       INTO             #Pivot
       FROM             SaleByShipper
                        PIVOT (     SUM(ShipperTotal) FOR ShipMethodID IN ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5])) AS ShipDol

       SELECT      TOP 5 REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(10),WeekEnding,111),'/','-') AS WeekEnding
                   ,     ISNULL(XRQ,0) + ISNULL(ZY,0) + ISNULL(OVERSEAS,0) + ISNULL(OVERNIGHT,0) + ISNULL(CARGO,0) AS GrandTotal
                   ,     XRQ
                   ,     ZY
                   ,     OVERSEAS
                   ,     OVERNIGHT
                   ,     CARGO
       FROM              #Pivot

Segments of a Stored Procedure
               Producing a dual ranked output that has application uses for reporting.

(     SELECT        VEN.BusinessEntityID                                            In a stored procedure
                ,   VEN.Name AS VendorName

                ,   DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY SUM(TotalDue) DESC) AS
                                                                                           a temporary table built using a
                ,   SUM(POH.TotalDue) AS TotalDue
                    Purchasing.Vendor VEN
                                                                                            sub-query to build a Vendor
      JOIN               Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader POH                                 Ranking,
                ON POH.VendorID =        VEN.BusinessEntityID
      WHERE         POH.OrderDate >= @StartDate
                AND POH.OrderDate <      DATEADD(DAY,1,@EndDate)
                                                                                           and a similar query on Products
      GROUP BY           VEN.BusinessEntityID
                ,   VEN.Name                                                               are joined in a final query
)    vendalias
WHERE           VendorRank <= @TopVend                                                      to provide a combined ranked
SELECT         V.VendorName                                                                 listing of vendors and products.
           ,   V.VendorRank
           ,   V.TotalDue                                  EXEC dbo.TopProductForTopVendorSales
           ,   P.ProductName                                         @TopVend = 3, @TopProd = 3,
                                                                     @StartDate = '1/1/2007',
           ,   P.ProductRank
                                                                     @EndDate = '6/30/2008'
           ,   P.ProductTotalDue                           GO
FROM                #Vendor V
JOIN           #Product P
     ON        P.VendorID = V.BusinessEntityID
ORDER BY       V.VendorRank
           ,   P.ProductRank


The AllWorks Construction Company
 A series of real world projects are undertaken for a fictional construction firm. After
creation of the database, an SQL Server Integration Services package was created to
process the data.
   The first step was the creation of the
    relational database using SQL.
   This was followed by the development of an
    ETL process using SQL Server Integration
   The process was deployed to SQL Server
   The deployed SSIS process is designed to do
    an initial load of the data as well as to be
    used for regular, ongoing processing of data.
   The source included files from Excel, CSV
    and XML.

Processing Employee Time Records
This process is used for the initial load of time records, but designed for scheduled
processing that can be done daily or at any selected frequency. The process validates
Projects and Employees and produces a single report of invalid records. Records that pass
validation are checked for late time and a separate late time report is produced. Only
records passing all three tests are inserted, and reports are sent by e-mail for invalid
records and late time. Multiple source files are received and processed in a ForEach Loop
in Control Flow.

                                                                                  Data Flow

   Control Flow

Master ETL Control Flow
 A Master Control Flow was used to assure that the file processing order was sequenced to
process primary keys before use of the primary key as a foreign key. The process began
with control tables and ended with secondary transaction tables. Once processing is
complete, database maintenance tasks are done in a final step.


Browsing the All Works Cube Data
The AllWorks OLTP database was staged to provide the OLAP cube shown here in the

One of the features of
the cube is the ability
to click on a county
and open a map
centered on the
Creating A Staging Area for OLAP Deployment
A copy of the OLTP Database was loaded to AllWorksDW and T-SQL Programs were
used to create and load Fact and Dimension tables.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[WeekEndingDate]
( @InputDate date ) -- 9-20-2010
                                                                                      This query creates a function to find the week
RETURNS Date                                                                          ending date. A similar function to find the week
                                                                                      ending key was also created.
   DECLARE @ReturnDate DATE
   SET @ReturnDate =
      dateadd(day, ( @@DateFirst - datepart(weekday,@InputDate)), @InputDate)
RETURN @ReturnDate

                                                                                                          Fact and Dimensions were
(                                                                                                         created using a combination
SELECT DISTINCT [dbo].[WeekEndingDate](JobClosedDate) AS Dates FROM dbo.JobMaster
SELECT DISTINCT [dbo].[WeekEndingDate](WorkDate) FROM dbo.JobTimeSheets
UNION                                                                                                          Views and
SELECT DISTINCT [dbo].[WeekEndingDate](PurchaseDate)FROM dbo.JobMaterialPurchases
SELECT [dbo].[WeekEndingDate]('Oct 2, 2004') -- DEFAULT JobCloseDate
                                                                                                               Tables created in Stored
)                                                                                                               Procedures
INSERT INTO [AllWorksDW].[dbo].[DimDate]
SELECT            dbo.WeekEndingKey(Dates)
       ,          CONVERT(VARCHAR(12),Dates, 107)
       ,          CAST(CAST(YEAR(Dates) as varchar(4)) + CAST(DATEPART(qq,Dates) as varchar(1)) AS INT)
       ,          'Q' + CAST(DATEPART(Q,Dates) as varchar(1)) + '-' + CAST(YEAR(Dates) as varchar(4))     This query was used in a
       ,          YEAR(Dates)                                                                             Stored Procedure to create
                                                                                                          the Date Dimension.
WHERE Dates > '12/31/2003'
Developing A Cube
The AllWorksOLAP cube build included basic structure, dimension usage, calculated
members and sets, KPI’s, Actions, Partitions, Aggregations, and Perspectives.

A Calculated Member and KPI Definition


Useful Simple MDX Queries
                                                                                   MEMBER [Labor Hrs Last Year] AS
A query producing a weekly moving average.                                      ( [Worked Hours]
                                                                                , parallelperiod (   [Dates].[Calendar Tree].[Quarter]
WITH SET [Weeks] AS                                                                                        ,    4
    FILTER ([Dates].[Calendar Tree].[Weekend], [Overhead Cost] <> null)                                    ,    [Dates].[Calendar
     MEMBER [MovingXWeekAvg] AS                                                    )
        AVG (
                                                                                                                          Comparing this        year to
                                                                                   ,    FORMAT_STRING = 'Standard'
               LastPeriods (     52                                                                                        last year
                            ,    [Dates].[Calendar Tree].CurrentMember
                            )                                                 SELECT [Dates].[Quarter] * { [Worked Hours], [Labor Hrs Last Year] }
                                                                                        on columns,
             ,     ([Overhead Cost])                                                    NON EMPTY [Labor].[Employee Name].Children
             )                                                                          on rows
                                                                              from [Labor]
SELECT {[Overhead Cost],[MovingXWeekAvg]} ON COLUMNS,                         WHERE     [Dates].[Calendar Tree].[Q4-2005]
      [Weeks] ON ROWS
FROM [Overhead]

                                                  Some really simply queries produce interesting, useful
                                                  results, like this TOPPERCENT query:
                                                  SELECT    [Invoice Amount] on COLUMNS,
                                                            TOPPERCENT ([Projects].[Project].children, 30, [Invoice Amount]) ON ROWS
                                                  FROM      [Global]

A More Complex MDX Example
WITH MEMBER [Internet Sales Amount Prior PD] as                                 This much more complex example calculates the
   ( [Internet Sales Amount] , [Date].[Calendar].PrevMember)
,      format_string = ‘currency'                                                percentage increase in sales over the prior month.
    MEMBER [% Sales Change] AS                                                  It identifies the months having the greatest increase
    IIF ( [Internet Sales Amount Prior PD] <> null
              , ([Internet Sales Amount] - [Internet Sales Amount Prior PD])     and ranks these.
                   / [Internet Sales Amount Prior PD]
              , 0)                                                              It evaluates cities within each of these months for
    , format_string = 'percent'
                                                                                 sales increases and ranks those.
         SET [TopMonth] AS
         TOPCOUNT ( [Date].[Calendar].[Month], 3, [% Sales Change] )            Finally the query reports the top 3 months and top 3
         MEMBER [MonthRank] AS                                                   cities within those month and reports
         RANK ( [Date].[Calendar].CurrentMember, [TopMonth] )
                                                                                      the amount of sales for the month and prior
         SET [Top3MonthsTop3Cities] AS
         GENERATE( [TopMonth], ( [Date].[Calendar].CurrentMember,                      month,
           TOPCOUNT([Customer].[City].Children, 3, [% Sales Change]) ) )
                                                                                      the percentage increase,
         MEMBER [CityRank] as

         RANK( ( [Date].[Calendar].CurrentMember,                                     the ranking of the months, and
              EXISTS( [Top3MonthsTop3Cities], [Date].[Calendar].CurrentMember))
                                                                                      the ranking of the cities within those months.
     {[Internet Sales Amount] , [Internet Sales Amount Prior PD],
     [% Sales Change], [MonthRank], [CityRank] }
FROM    [Adventure Works]


Example Reports Developed in SSRS

The SSRS Project developed reports               Promotional Sales: A simple
for deployment in SharePoint.                    report requiring custom MDX.

                    Sales by state with an                                      Employee Sales: Actually is a
                    accompanying chart of the top 10                            master report with 4 sub reports.
                    states by either sales or returns.


Excel Power Pivot Against Contoso Operation Cube

                                                                           Product Category is configured to
                                                                           highlight and preselect valid

Geography is based on a hierarchy from the cube,
so can be expanded to lower levels.
                                                   Gridlines and headings are turned of to provide a
                                                   cleaner appearance when deployed to SharePoint.

Performance Point Services

                                                        Reports were prepared directly in PPS, and reports
                                                        deployed to SharePoint from SSRS and Excel where brought
                                                        into SharePoint to be deployed to the Dashboard.

For SSRS reports, the deployment to the Dashboard via PPS
enabled the use of superior drop down and tree selections for
report parameters.
Contoso Retail Scorecard Using SSAS KPIs

                                                   KPIs for the Contoso SSAS Operation Cube are used to build
                                                   a scorecard. Indicators are modified to provide a better
                                                   web appearance.

When building the Dashboard Page containing the KPIs, the primary KPIs are linked
to a different chart that will appear in SharePoint when that KPI is selected.                                  28
Other PPS Reports

Other Charts and Reports are created directly in PPS.

          The Excel Pivot Report is added so that it will be included
          on the Dashboard.

                            SSRS Reports are added and deployed to the
                            SharePoint Dashboard using PPS page
                            controls. This not only allows inclusion on
                            the Dashboard, but also enables these
                            reports to use SharePoint selection controls
                            which have a better appearance and are
                            easier to use.

Welcome to the SharePoint Contoso Retail Dashboard

KPI Scorecard in SharePoint Dashboard

                                           The right hand chart is set by the select KPI on
                                           the left.

Product Gross Margin selected in KPI.

                                           Channel Revenue selected in KPI.

Returns % selected in KPI.

                                           Machine Downtime Trend selected in KPI.
A Deceptively Simple Chart from PPS
                                      But it has
                                      impressive drill
                                      down capabilities.

Other Dashboard Reports

SSRS Scheduled Reports

A simple informational report
was created in SSRS, deployed
in SharePoint, then versions
for Maryland and Virginia
were set up for daily

Demonstration and Educational Presentations
These presentations, prepared independently, provide education and demonstrations
    for anyone interest in T-SQL and MDX query syntax and use. The completed
         presentations are posted on LinkedIn as SlideShare Presentations.

Experience Summary
    Over 12 years experience as a analyst, data auditor and T-SQL Programmer for
    data and financial system implementation and maintenance
    Prior experience in accounting and system specification, selection and
   MS Business Intelligence
     T-SQL Programming
     SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)
     SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS)
     MDX Programming
     SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
     Excel, Excel Services and Power Pivot
     SharePoint for Business Intelligence
     Performance Point Services (PPS)

                                                                   Letter of Recommendation
                                                                         Robert Litsinger
The following is a letter of reference/recommendation for Robert Litsinger. Robert was enrolled in the SetFocus SQL Server Business Intelligence Master’s
Program in the third quarter of 2011 and will graduate on October 21, 2011. I was Robert’s instructor throughout the 12-week program.
Robert brought substantial experience (25+ years) into the Master’s Program, with a background as a systems analyst, database professional, and management
consultant. Robert demonstrated very early in our Master’s Program that he “knows data”. His prior work on data conversions in particular came through during
many lecture discussions.
Robert performed very well in our Master’s Program curriculum, both during lecture and project weeks. He picked up a great deal of information, performed well
on all areas of the BI stack, and often worked on lab assignments in the evenings/weekends after a long day of class. His attention to detail is exactly what every
professional instructor hopes to see. The road to learning the Microsoft BI stack is paved with countless details: Robert demonstrated he can integrate them into
his thought processes. During our final student team project, we will select Robert as the team lead.
Robert is very intelligent and articulate, and can translate business requirements into results. He has decades of experience in this area that a company will value.
He also constructed some documentation of his own as part of the learning curve for MDX programming – several of his ideas were so good that I plan to utilize
them for the next class.
Having been a hiring manager, I know that companies are equally concerned about the character of an applicant. Without any exaggeration, Robert is a model of
professionalism, especially during periods of adversity. A company will benefit from his experience, capabilities, and work ethic - and will also appreciate his
steady demeanor and common sense. He is a quality person who produces quality work. I enjoyed having him in class and appreciated his insights.
I would recommend Robert without hesitation for any SQL Server Business Intelligence developer/management position. Please contact me at, if you have any additional questions.
Kevin S. Goff |
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
SetFocus SQL Server Business Intelligence Practice Manager

                                                                        About SetFocus: SetFocus, LLC ( is a Microsoft Certified Gold Partner for Learning Solutions.
                                                                        The Master's Program consists of intensive coverage of T-SQL, SSIS, SSAS, MDX, SSRS, PerformancePoint Server,
                                                                        SharePoint, and Excel Services. Our BI curriculum is one of the most intensive curriculums in the industry. The
                                                                        projects are based on actual project specifications from industry SQL Server and OLAP/Business Intelligence


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Business Intelligence Portfolio

  • 1. Business Intelligence Portfolio Robert N. Litsinger
  • 2. Contents This portfolio contains examples of my skills in the Business Intelligence arena.  Data Modeling 3  SQL Programming 6  SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) 10  SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) 14  MDX Programming 19  SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 22  Excel Power Pivot 24  Performance Point Services (PPS) 26  SharePoint Services 30  SQL and MDX Presentations 36  Experience Summary 37  Recommendations 38
  • 3. D ATA M O D E L I N G 3
  • 4. AllWorks Data Warehouse A data warehouse model must consider both the available data and reporting needs to be supported. 4
  • 5. Data Modeling Alternatives Even a small data warehouse might have alternate designs that need to be tested for support of the needs of SSAS or SSRS development. 5
  • 7. A Table Value Function The function returns a product and the price as of a give date. The function can be used to return the price IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects for a single item, WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[GetStandardCostByDate]') AND type in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF', N'FS', N'FT')) DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[GetStandardCostByDate] DECLARE @ProdNum NVARCHAR(25) = 'BK-R89R-58‘ GO , @CostDate DATETIME = '1/1/2008' CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetStandardCostByDate SELECT * FROM dbo.GetStandardCostByDate (@ProdNum NVARCHAR(25), @CostDate AS DATETIME) (@ProdNum,@CostDate) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN SELECT PP.ProductID , PP.ProductNumber , PP.Name , ROUND(PCH.StandardCost,2) AS RoundedStandCost . . . or it could be used to return a list based FROM Production.ProductCostHistory PCH on addition selection criteria. JOIN Production.Product PP ON PCH.ProductID = PP.ProductID SELECT GET.ProductNumber WHERE StartDate < DATEADD(DAY,1,@CostDate) , GET.Name AND PP.ProductNumber = @ProdNum , GET.RoundedStandCost AND ( PCH.EndDate is null FROM Production.Product PP OR PCH.EndDate >= @CostDate CROSS APPLY dbo.GetStandardCostByDate (PP.ProductNumber, GETDATE()) GET ) WHERE GET.RoundedStandCost >= 1500 GO ORDER BY GET.RoundedStandCost DESC Both uses are potentially valuable in .NET and web based applications. 7
  • 8. A Pivot Table with Dense Rank Query Pivot tables can be produced in many of the BI layers beginning with SQL. This example provides output that is useful in reporting and applications. ;WITH SaleByShipper AS ( SELECT DATEADD(DAY, 7 - DATEPART(WEEKDAY,OrderDate),OrderDate) AS WeekEnding , ShipMethodID , SUM(TotalDue) AS ShipperTotal FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader POH WHERE YEAR(DATEADD(DAY, 7 - DATEPART(WEEKDAY,OrderDate),OrderDate)) = 2007 GROUP BY DATEADD(DAY, 7 - DATEPART(WEEKDAY,OrderDate),OrderDate) , ShipMethodID ) SELECT WeekEnding , [1] AS XRQ , [2] AS ZY , [3] AS OVERSEAS , [4] AS OVERNIGHT , [5] AS CARGO INTO #Pivot FROM SaleByShipper PIVOT ( SUM(ShipperTotal) FOR ShipMethodID IN ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5])) AS ShipDol SELECT TOP 5 REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(10),WeekEnding,111),'/','-') AS WeekEnding , ISNULL(XRQ,0) + ISNULL(ZY,0) + ISNULL(OVERSEAS,0) + ISNULL(OVERNIGHT,0) + ISNULL(CARGO,0) AS GrandTotal , DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY ISNULL(XRQ,0) + ISNULL(ZY,0) + ISNULL(OVERSEAS,0) + ISNULL(OVERNIGHT,0) + ISNULL(CARGO,0) DESC) AS [Rank] , XRQ , ZY , OVERSEAS , OVERNIGHT , CARGO FROM #Pivot 8
  • 9. Segments of a Stored Procedure Producing a dual ranked output that has application uses for reporting. SELECT * INTO #Vendor FROM ( SELECT VEN.BusinessEntityID In a stored procedure , VEN.Name AS VendorName VendorRank , DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY SUM(TotalDue) DESC) AS  a temporary table built using a FROM , SUM(POH.TotalDue) AS TotalDue Purchasing.Vendor VEN sub-query to build a Vendor JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader POH Ranking, ON POH.VendorID = VEN.BusinessEntityID WHERE POH.OrderDate >= @StartDate AND POH.OrderDate < DATEADD(DAY,1,@EndDate)  and a similar query on Products GROUP BY VEN.BusinessEntityID , VEN.Name  are joined in a final query ) vendalias WHERE VendorRank <= @TopVend  to provide a combined ranked SELECT V.VendorName listing of vendors and products. , V.VendorRank , V.TotalDue EXEC dbo.TopProductForTopVendorSales , P.ProductName @TopVend = 3, @TopProd = 3, @StartDate = '1/1/2007', , P.ProductRank @EndDate = '6/30/2008' , P.ProductTotalDue GO FROM #Vendor V JOIN #Product P ON P.VendorID = V.BusinessEntityID ORDER BY V.VendorRank , P.ProductRank 9
  • 10. S Q L S E R V E R I N T E G R AT I O N S E R V I C E S (SSIS) 10
  • 11. The AllWorks Construction Company A series of real world projects are undertaken for a fictional construction firm. After creation of the database, an SQL Server Integration Services package was created to process the data.  The first step was the creation of the relational database using SQL.  This was followed by the development of an ETL process using SQL Server Integration Services.  The process was deployed to SQL Server Agent.  The deployed SSIS process is designed to do an initial load of the data as well as to be used for regular, ongoing processing of data.  The source included files from Excel, CSV and XML. 11
  • 12. Processing Employee Time Records This process is used for the initial load of time records, but designed for scheduled processing that can be done daily or at any selected frequency. The process validates Projects and Employees and produces a single report of invalid records. Records that pass validation are checked for late time and a separate late time report is produced. Only records passing all three tests are inserted, and reports are sent by e-mail for invalid records and late time. Multiple source files are received and processed in a ForEach Loop in Control Flow. Data Flow Control Flow 12
  • 13. Master ETL Control Flow A Master Control Flow was used to assure that the file processing order was sequenced to process primary keys before use of the primary key as a foreign key. The process began with control tables and ended with secondary transaction tables. Once processing is complete, database maintenance tasks are done in a final step. 13
  • 14. S Q L S E R V E R A N A LY S I S S E R V I C E S (SSAS) 14
  • 15. Browsing the All Works Cube Data The AllWorks OLTP database was staged to provide the OLAP cube shown here in the browser. One of the features of the cube is the ability to click on a county and open a map centered on the county. 15
  • 16. Creating A Staging Area for OLAP Deployment A copy of the OLTP Database was loaded to AllWorksDW and T-SQL Programs were used to create and load Fact and Dimension tables. CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[WeekEndingDate] ( @InputDate date ) -- 9-20-2010 This query creates a function to find the week RETURNS Date ending date. A similar function to find the week AS BEGIN ending key was also created. DECLARE @ReturnDate DATE SET @ReturnDate = dateadd(day, ( @@DateFirst - datepart(weekday,@InputDate)), @InputDate) RETURN @ReturnDate END GO Fact and Dimensions were ;WITH EndDateCTE AS ( created using a combination SELECT DISTINCT [dbo].[WeekEndingDate](JobClosedDate) AS Dates FROM dbo.JobMaster UNION of: SELECT DISTINCT [dbo].[WeekEndingDate](WorkDate) FROM dbo.JobTimeSheets UNION  Views and SELECT DISTINCT [dbo].[WeekEndingDate](PurchaseDate)FROM dbo.JobMaterialPurchases UNION SELECT [dbo].[WeekEndingDate]('Oct 2, 2004') -- DEFAULT JobCloseDate  Tables created in Stored ) Procedures INSERT INTO [AllWorksDW].[dbo].[DimDate] SELECT dbo.WeekEndingKey(Dates) , CONVERT(VARCHAR(12),Dates, 107) , CAST(CAST(YEAR(Dates) as varchar(4)) + CAST(DATEPART(qq,Dates) as varchar(1)) AS INT) , 'Q' + CAST(DATEPART(Q,Dates) as varchar(1)) + '-' + CAST(YEAR(Dates) as varchar(4)) This query was used in a , YEAR(Dates) Stored Procedure to create FROM EndDateCTE the Date Dimension. WHERE Dates > '12/31/2003' 16
  • 17. Developing A Cube The AllWorksOLAP cube build included basic structure, dimension usage, calculated members and sets, KPI’s, Actions, Partitions, Aggregations, and Perspectives. 17
  • 18. A Calculated Member and KPI Definition 18
  • 20. Useful Simple MDX Queries WITH MEMBER [Labor Hrs Last Year] AS A query producing a weekly moving average. ( [Worked Hours] , parallelperiod ( [Dates].[Calendar Tree].[Quarter] WITH SET [Weeks] AS , 4 FILTER ([Dates].[Calendar Tree].[Weekend], [Overhead Cost] <> null) , [Dates].[Calendar Tree].CurrentMember ) MEMBER [MovingXWeekAvg] AS ) AVG ( Comparing this year to , FORMAT_STRING = 'Standard' LastPeriods ( 52 last year , [Dates].[Calendar Tree].CurrentMember ) SELECT [Dates].[Quarter] * { [Worked Hours], [Labor Hrs Last Year] } on columns, , ([Overhead Cost]) NON EMPTY [Labor].[Employee Name].Children ) on rows from [Labor] SELECT {[Overhead Cost],[MovingXWeekAvg]} ON COLUMNS, WHERE [Dates].[Calendar Tree].[Q4-2005] [Weeks] ON ROWS FROM [Overhead] Some really simply queries produce interesting, useful results, like this TOPPERCENT query: SELECT [Invoice Amount] on COLUMNS, TOPPERCENT ([Projects].[Project].children, 30, [Invoice Amount]) ON ROWS FROM [Global] 20
  • 21. A More Complex MDX Example WITH MEMBER [Internet Sales Amount Prior PD] as  This much more complex example calculates the ( [Internet Sales Amount] , [Date].[Calendar].PrevMember) , format_string = ‘currency' percentage increase in sales over the prior month. MEMBER [% Sales Change] AS  It identifies the months having the greatest increase IIF ( [Internet Sales Amount Prior PD] <> null , ([Internet Sales Amount] - [Internet Sales Amount Prior PD]) and ranks these. / [Internet Sales Amount Prior PD] , 0)  It evaluates cities within each of these months for , format_string = 'percent' sales increases and ranks those. SET [TopMonth] AS TOPCOUNT ( [Date].[Calendar].[Month], 3, [% Sales Change] )  Finally the query reports the top 3 months and top 3 MEMBER [MonthRank] AS cities within those month and reports RANK ( [Date].[Calendar].CurrentMember, [TopMonth] )  the amount of sales for the month and prior SET [Top3MonthsTop3Cities] AS GENERATE( [TopMonth], ( [Date].[Calendar].CurrentMember, month, TOPCOUNT([Customer].[City].Children, 3, [% Sales Change]) ) )  the percentage increase, MEMBER [CityRank] as RANK( ( [Date].[Calendar].CurrentMember,  the ranking of the months, and [Customer].[City].CurrentMember), EXISTS( [Top3MonthsTop3Cities], [Date].[Calendar].CurrentMember))  the ranking of the cities within those months. SELECT {[Internet Sales Amount] , [Internet Sales Amount Prior PD], [% Sales Change], [MonthRank], [CityRank] } ON COLUMNS, [Top3MonthsTop3Cities] ON ROWS FROM [Adventure Works] 21
  • 23. Example Reports Developed in SSRS The SSRS Project developed reports Promotional Sales: A simple for deployment in SharePoint. report requiring custom MDX. Sales by state with an Employee Sales: Actually is a accompanying chart of the top 10 master report with 4 sub reports. states by either sales or returns. 23
  • 25. Excel Power Pivot Against Contoso Operation Cube Product Category is configured to highlight and preselect valid subcategories. Geography is based on a hierarchy from the cube, so can be expanded to lower levels. Gridlines and headings are turned of to provide a cleaner appearance when deployed to SharePoint. 25
  • 27. Performance Point Services Reports were prepared directly in PPS, and reports deployed to SharePoint from SSRS and Excel where brought into SharePoint to be deployed to the Dashboard. For SSRS reports, the deployment to the Dashboard via PPS enabled the use of superior drop down and tree selections for report parameters. 27
  • 28. Contoso Retail Scorecard Using SSAS KPIs KPIs for the Contoso SSAS Operation Cube are used to build a scorecard. Indicators are modified to provide a better web appearance. When building the Dashboard Page containing the KPIs, the primary KPIs are linked to a different chart that will appear in SharePoint when that KPI is selected. 28
  • 29. Other PPS Reports Other Charts and Reports are created directly in PPS. The Excel Pivot Report is added so that it will be included on the Dashboard. SSRS Reports are added and deployed to the SharePoint Dashboard using PPS page controls. This not only allows inclusion on the Dashboard, but also enables these reports to use SharePoint selection controls which have a better appearance and are easier to use. 29
  • 31. Welcome to the SharePoint Contoso Retail Dashboard 31
  • 32. KPI Scorecard in SharePoint Dashboard The right hand chart is set by the select KPI on the left. Product Gross Margin selected in KPI. Channel Revenue selected in KPI. Returns % selected in KPI. 32 Machine Downtime Trend selected in KPI.
  • 33. A Deceptively Simple Chart from PPS But it has impressive drill down capabilities. 33
  • 35. SSRS Scheduled Reports A simple informational report was created in SSRS, deployed in SharePoint, then versions for Maryland and Virginia were set up for daily production. 35
  • 36. Demonstration and Educational Presentations These presentations, prepared independently, provide education and demonstrations for anyone interest in T-SQL and MDX query syntax and use. The completed presentations are posted on LinkedIn as SlideShare Presentations. 36
  • 37. Experience Summary Over 12 years experience as a analyst, data auditor and T-SQL Programmer for  data and financial system implementation and maintenance Prior experience in accounting and system specification, selection and  implementation  MS Business Intelligence  T-SQL Programming  SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)  SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS)  MDX Programming  SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)  Excel, Excel Services and Power Pivot  SharePoint for Business Intelligence  Performance Point Services (PPS) 37
  • 38. Recommendations Letter of Recommendation Robert Litsinger The following is a letter of reference/recommendation for Robert Litsinger. Robert was enrolled in the SetFocus SQL Server Business Intelligence Master’s Program in the third quarter of 2011 and will graduate on October 21, 2011. I was Robert’s instructor throughout the 12-week program. Robert brought substantial experience (25+ years) into the Master’s Program, with a background as a systems analyst, database professional, and management consultant. Robert demonstrated very early in our Master’s Program that he “knows data”. His prior work on data conversions in particular came through during many lecture discussions. Robert performed very well in our Master’s Program curriculum, both during lecture and project weeks. He picked up a great deal of information, performed well on all areas of the BI stack, and often worked on lab assignments in the evenings/weekends after a long day of class. His attention to detail is exactly what every professional instructor hopes to see. The road to learning the Microsoft BI stack is paved with countless details: Robert demonstrated he can integrate them into his thought processes. During our final student team project, we will select Robert as the team lead. Robert is very intelligent and articulate, and can translate business requirements into results. He has decades of experience in this area that a company will value. He also constructed some documentation of his own as part of the learning curve for MDX programming – several of his ideas were so good that I plan to utilize them for the next class. Having been a hiring manager, I know that companies are equally concerned about the character of an applicant. Without any exaggeration, Robert is a model of professionalism, especially during periods of adversity. A company will benefit from his experience, capabilities, and work ethic - and will also appreciate his steady demeanor and common sense. He is a quality person who produces quality work. I enjoyed having him in class and appreciated his insights. I would recommend Robert without hesitation for any SQL Server Business Intelligence developer/management position. Please contact me at, if you have any additional questions. Kevin S. Goff | Microsoft SQL Server MVP SetFocus SQL Server Business Intelligence Practice Manager About SetFocus: SetFocus, LLC ( is a Microsoft Certified Gold Partner for Learning Solutions. The Master's Program consists of intensive coverage of T-SQL, SSIS, SSAS, MDX, SSRS, PerformancePoint Server, SharePoint, and Excel Services. Our BI curriculum is one of the most intensive curriculums in the industry. The projects are based on actual project specifications from industry SQL Server and OLAP/Business Intelligence applications. 38