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Transact-SQL ProjectSQL Server 2008 Management Studio SetFocus Business Intelligence Master’s Program Jeff Jacob, MBA P: (312) 772-6142 E1: E2:
Query 1 – Wildcard Search(CI Collation)A summary of order detail-linetotal by product – for products that contain ‘Washer’ in their name; 2003 data only. USE [AdventureWorks2008]; GO SELECT Name, SUM(LineTotal) AS TotDollars     FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail pod           INNER JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader poh           ON poh.PurchaseOrderID = pod.PurchaseOrderID           INNER JOIN Production.Productprd           ON prd.ProductID  = pod.ProductID                WHERE Name LIKE '%washer%‘                AND YEAR(OrderDate) = 2003                      GROUP BY Name 	ORDER BY TotDollars DESC 2
Query 2 – HAVING clauseA count of orders by product subcategory– for those with at least 10 orders; 2004 data only. USE [AdventureWorks2008]; GO SELECT psc.Name, COUNT(poh.PurchaseOrderID) AS NumOrders      FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader poh      INNER JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail pod ON pod.PurchaseOrderID = poh.PurchaseOrderID      INNER JOIN Production.ProductprdON prd.ProductID = pod.ProductID      INNER JOIN Production.ProductSubcategorypscON prd.ProductSubcategoryID= psc.ProductSubcategoryID           WHERE YEAR(OrderDate) = 2004 GROUP BY psc.Name      HAVING COUNT(poh.PurchaseOrderID) >=10 	          ORDER BY NumOrdersDESC 3
Query 3 – Correlated Subquery of exclusionA list of the vendors for which there were no orders in 2003. USE [AdventureWorks2008]; GO SELECT Name      FROM Purchasing.Vendor           WHERE NOT EXISTS 					(SELECT * FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader        WHERE YEAR(OrderDate) = 2003 	       AND Vendor.BusinessEntityID =  PurchaseOrderHeader.VendorID) 4
Query 4 – OUTER JOIN syntaxA summary of freight charges by shipper for all shippers; Q1 of 2003 data only. USE [AdventureWorks2008]; GO SELECT Name, SUM(Freight) AS TotFreight     FROM Purchasing.ShipMethodsm      LEFT OUTER JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader poh      ON poh.ShipMethodID = sm.ShipMethodID      AND YEAR(OrderDate) = 2003       AND DATEPART(q,OrderDate) = 1           GROUP BY Name                ORDER BY TotFreightDESC 5
Query 5 – Chronological Sort A summary of total charges due by specific employee national ID numbers, sorted chronologically within each employee; 2003 data only. USE [AdventureWorks2008]; GO SELECT NationalIDNumber, LoginID, DATENAME(MONTH, OrderDate) AS  MonthName, YEAR(OrderDate) as YearName, SUM(TotalDue) AS  SumTotalDue      FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeaderpoh      INNER JOIN HumanResources.Employeeemp ON emp.BusinessEntityID 			                    = poh.EmployeeID           WHERE NationalIDNumber IN (792847334, 407505660, 482810518,  			         466142721, 367453993)           AND YEAR(OrderDate) = 2003                GROUP BY NationalIDNumber, LoginID, DATENAME(MONTH,  OrderDate),DATEPART(MONTH, OrderDate) ,YEAR(OrderDate)                     ORDER BY NationalIDNumber, DATEPART(MONTH, OrderDate)  6
Query 6 – UNION queryA union of two view-based queries to obtain  contact information of both vendors and employees, sorted first by postal code and then by name. USE [AdventureWorks2008]; GO SELECT 'Vendor' AS RecordType, Name, AddressLine1, ISNULL(AddressLine2,'') AS AddressLine2, City,  StateProvinceName, PostalCode      FROM Purchasing.vVendorWithAddresses UNIONALL SELECT 'Employee' AS RecordType, LastName + ', ‘ + FirstName + ' ‘ + ISNULL(MiddleName, ''), AddressLine1, ISNULL (AddressLine2,''), City, StateProvinceName, PostalCode      FROM HumanResources.vEmployee           ORDER BY PostalCode, Name 7
Query 7 – Stored ProcedureA stored procedure designed to summarize freight, tax amount and subtotal  by  vendor and shipper based on supplied account number and date parameters; with example usage. USE [AdventureWorks2008]; GO CREATEPROCEDUREdbo.usp_GetVendorOrders @AcctNonvarchar(15), @StartDatedatetime, @EndDatedatetime AS SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT Ven.Name AS VendorName, Ship.Name AS ShipperName, SUM(Freight) as TotFreight, SUM(TaxAmt) AS TotTaxAmt, SUM(SubTotal) AS TotSubTot      FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeaderpoh      JOIN Purchasing.VendorVen ON poh.VendorID = Ven.BusinessEntityID      JOIN Purchasing.ShipMethod ship ON ship.ShipMethodID = poh.ShipMethodID           WHERE OrderDate >= @StartDate and OrderDate <= @EndDate           AND AccountNumber = @AcctNo 	GROUP BY Ven.Name, Ship.Name GO EXEC dbo.usp_GetVendorOrders N'ADVANCED0001', '1-1-2003', '12-31-2003' 8
Query 8 – PIVOT tableA pivot table of shipper data for total charges due in 2003 summarized by Saturdays with a summary rank of the Top 5 based on grand total. ;WITH ShipperTotDueCTE AS ( SELECT sm.Name,  dbo.SatDatesConverter(OrderDate) AS WeekEnding, TotalDue      FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeaderpoh      INNER JOIN Purchasing.ShipMethodsm ON sm.ShipMethodID  = poh.ShipMethodID           WHERE YEAR(OrderDate) = 2003           ), SumByWeekEndCTE AS  ( SELECT Name AS Shipper, WeekEnding, SUM(TotalDue) AS GrandTot      FROM ShipperTotDueCTE           GROUP BY Name, WeekEnding	), PivCTE AS    ( SELECT WeekEnding, [XRQ - Truck Ground] AS XRQ, [Cargo Transport 5] AS Cargo,  [Overnight J-Fast] AS Overnight, [ZY - Express] AS ZY, [Overseas - Deluxe] AS Overseas, ISNULL([XRQ - Truck Ground],0) + ISNULL([Cargo Transport 5],0) + ISNULL([Overnight J-Fast],0) + ISNULL([ZY - Express],0) + ISNULL([Overseas - Deluxe],0)  AS GrandTot      FROM SumByWeekEndCTE PIVOT (  SUM(GrandTot) FOR Shipper IN ([XRQ - Truck Ground],[Cargo Transport 5], [Overnight J-Fast],[ZY - Express], [Overseas - Deluxe])	   ) AS P  ) SELECT TOP 5 WeekEnding, GrandTot, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY GrandTot DESC)  AS WeekRank, XRQ, ZY, Overseas, Overnight, Cargo      FROM PivCTE ORDER BY WeekRank; USE [AdventureWorks2008]; GO CREATEFUNCTION [dbo].[SatDatesConverter] (@orderdatedatetime) RETURNS datetime AS BEGIN DECLARE @satdatedatetime SET @satdate =  (SELECT DateAdd(d, 7- datepart(dw, @OrderDate), @OrderDate))  RETURN @satdate END; GO 9
USE [AdventureWorks2008]; GO CREATEPROCEDUREdbo.usp_VendorProductRank @TopNint, @TopYint, @BeginDatedatetime, @EndDatedatetime AS  SET NOCOUNT ON; ;WITH VendCTE AS ( SELECT Ven.BusinessEntityID, Ven.Name AS VendorName, SUM(TotalDue) AS TotalDue, DENSE_RANK () OVER (ORDER BY  SUM(TotalDue) DESC ) AS VendorRank      FROM Purchasing.VendorVen      INNER JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeaderpoh ON poh.VendorID = Ven.BusinessEntityID           WHERE OrderDate >= @BeginDate AND OrderDate <= @EndDate                GROUP BY BusinessEntityID, Name ), ProdCTEAS ( SELECT Ven.BusinessEntityID, prd.Name AS ProductName, SUM(LineTotal) AS ProductTotalDue, DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY Ven.BusinessEntityID ORDER BY SUM(LineTotal) DESC) AS ProductRank FROM Purchasing.Vendorven INNER JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeaderpoh ON poh.VendorID = ven.BusinessEntityID INNER JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail pod ON pod.PurchaseOrderID = poh.PurchaseOrderID INNER JOIN Production.Productprd ON prd.ProductID = pod.ProductID WHERE OrderDate >= @BeginDate AND OrderDate <= @EndDate GROUP BY Ven.BusinessEntityID, prd.Name) SELECT VC.VendorName, VC.VendorRank, CAST(VC.TotalDue AS NUMERIC (14,2)) AS TotalDue, PC.ProductName, PC.ProductRank, CAST(PC.ProductTotalDue AS NUMERIC (14,2) ) AS ProductTotalDue FROM VendCTE VC INNER JOIN ProdCTE PC ON PC.BusinessEntityID = VC.BusinessEntityID WHERE VendorRank <= @TopN AND ProductRank <= @TopY ORDER BY VendorRank, ProductRank GO EXECdbo.usp_VendorProductRank    5,5,'2003-01-01', '2004-06-30' Query 9 – SP, CTE-only approachA stored procedure for a ranking of Top N vendors by Total Due amount; and, within each vendor, the Top N products based on Line Total (Due) for specified start/end dates.   10
Query 9 – SP, CTE/Function approach A stored procedure for a ranking of Top N vendors by Total Due amount; and, within each vendor, the Top N products based on Line Total (Due) for specified start/end dates.   CREATEPROCEDURE dbo.usp_TestProc1 @TopNint, @TopYint, @BeginDatedatetime, @EndDatedatetime AS SET NOCOUNT ON; ;WITHxCTEas (     SELECT TOP (@TopN) WITH TIES poh.VendorID, ven.Name AS VendorName, SUM(poh.TotalDue) AS TotalDue, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY SUM(poh.TotalDue) DESC) AS VendorRank           FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeaderpoh            INNER JOIN Purchasing.Vendorven ON ven.BusinessEntityID = poh.VendorID               WHERE OrderDate >= @BeginDate AND OrderDate <= @EndDate                     GROUP BY poh.VendorID, ven.Name            )  SELECT xCTE.VendorName, xCTE.VendorRank, CAST(xCTE.TotalDue AS NUMERIC (14,2)) AS TotalDue, C.ProductName, C.ProductRank, CAST(C.ProductLineTotal AS NUMERIC (14,2) ) AS ProductLineTotal     FROM xCTE     CROSS APPLY dbo.TestFn1 (xCTE.VendorID, @TopY, @BeginDate, @EndDate) AS C   GO EXEC dbo.usp_TestProc1    5, 5,'2003-01-01', '2004-06-30' USE [AdventureWorks2008]; GO CREATEFUNCTION dbo.TestFn1 (@VendorIDint, @TopYint, @StartDatedatetime, @EndingDatedatetime) RETURNS TABLE AS  RETURN    SELECT TOP (@TopY) WITH TIES poh.vendorid, prd.Name AS ProductName,       DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY poh.vendorID ORDER BY      SUM(pod.LineTotal) DESC) AS ProductRank,      SUM(pod.LineTotal) AS ProductLineTotal                 FROM Production.Productprd                 INNER JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail pod ON pod.productid = prd.productid                 INNER JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeaderpoh ON pod.PurchaseOrderid = poh.purchaseorderid                      WHERE poh.VendorID = @VendorID AND OrderDate >= @StartDate       AND OrderDate <= @EndingDate                           GROUP BY poh.vendorID, prd.Name                                ORDER BY ProductLineTotal DESC GO 11
Query 10 – Effective (‘As of’) Dates: Scalar UDF A function which provides the commensurate standardproductcost based on a specified productIDnumber and a desired  ‘effective date.’ Example included. USE [AdventureWorks2008]; GO CREATEFUNCTIONdbo.ProdStdCostAsOfDate (@ProductIDint, @AsOfDatedatetime ) RETURNS MONEY AS BEGIN DECLARE @StndCost money SET @StndCost =       ( SELECT StandardCost           FROM Production.ProductCostHistorypch                WHERE ProductID = @ProductID                AND StartDate =                                 (SELECT MAX(StartDate)                                       FROM Production.ProductCostHistory 	    WHERE ProductID = @Productid 	     AND StartDate <= @AsOfDate    )     ) RETURN @StndCost END; GO ;WITH ProdStdCostCTE AS ( SELECT ProductNumber, Name,   CAST( dbo.ProdStdCostAsOfDate (Product.ProductID, '2002-01-01') AS NUMERIC (14,2) ) AS StandardCost FROM Production.Product INNER JOIN Production.ProductCostHistorypch ON pch.ProductID = Product.ProductID  ) SELECT ProductNumber, Name, StandardCost FROM ProdStdCostCTE  WHERE StandardCost IS NOT NULL   AND StandardCost > 700 ORDER BY StandardCost DESC; 12

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JKJ_T SQL project code samples

  • 1. Transact-SQL ProjectSQL Server 2008 Management Studio SetFocus Business Intelligence Master’s Program Jeff Jacob, MBA P: (312) 772-6142 E1: E2:
  • 2. Query 1 – Wildcard Search(CI Collation)A summary of order detail-linetotal by product – for products that contain ‘Washer’ in their name; 2003 data only. USE [AdventureWorks2008]; GO SELECT Name, SUM(LineTotal) AS TotDollars FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail pod INNER JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader poh ON poh.PurchaseOrderID = pod.PurchaseOrderID INNER JOIN Production.Productprd ON prd.ProductID = pod.ProductID WHERE Name LIKE '%washer%‘ AND YEAR(OrderDate) = 2003 GROUP BY Name ORDER BY TotDollars DESC 2
  • 3. Query 2 – HAVING clauseA count of orders by product subcategory– for those with at least 10 orders; 2004 data only. USE [AdventureWorks2008]; GO SELECT psc.Name, COUNT(poh.PurchaseOrderID) AS NumOrders FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader poh INNER JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail pod ON pod.PurchaseOrderID = poh.PurchaseOrderID INNER JOIN Production.ProductprdON prd.ProductID = pod.ProductID INNER JOIN Production.ProductSubcategorypscON prd.ProductSubcategoryID= psc.ProductSubcategoryID WHERE YEAR(OrderDate) = 2004 GROUP BY psc.Name HAVING COUNT(poh.PurchaseOrderID) >=10 ORDER BY NumOrdersDESC 3
  • 4. Query 3 – Correlated Subquery of exclusionA list of the vendors for which there were no orders in 2003. USE [AdventureWorks2008]; GO SELECT Name FROM Purchasing.Vendor WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader WHERE YEAR(OrderDate) = 2003 AND Vendor.BusinessEntityID = PurchaseOrderHeader.VendorID) 4
  • 5. Query 4 – OUTER JOIN syntaxA summary of freight charges by shipper for all shippers; Q1 of 2003 data only. USE [AdventureWorks2008]; GO SELECT Name, SUM(Freight) AS TotFreight FROM Purchasing.ShipMethodsm LEFT OUTER JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader poh ON poh.ShipMethodID = sm.ShipMethodID AND YEAR(OrderDate) = 2003 AND DATEPART(q,OrderDate) = 1 GROUP BY Name ORDER BY TotFreightDESC 5
  • 6. Query 5 – Chronological Sort A summary of total charges due by specific employee national ID numbers, sorted chronologically within each employee; 2003 data only. USE [AdventureWorks2008]; GO SELECT NationalIDNumber, LoginID, DATENAME(MONTH, OrderDate) AS MonthName, YEAR(OrderDate) as YearName, SUM(TotalDue) AS SumTotalDue FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeaderpoh INNER JOIN HumanResources.Employeeemp ON emp.BusinessEntityID = poh.EmployeeID WHERE NationalIDNumber IN (792847334, 407505660, 482810518, 466142721, 367453993) AND YEAR(OrderDate) = 2003 GROUP BY NationalIDNumber, LoginID, DATENAME(MONTH, OrderDate),DATEPART(MONTH, OrderDate) ,YEAR(OrderDate) ORDER BY NationalIDNumber, DATEPART(MONTH, OrderDate) 6
  • 7. Query 6 – UNION queryA union of two view-based queries to obtain contact information of both vendors and employees, sorted first by postal code and then by name. USE [AdventureWorks2008]; GO SELECT 'Vendor' AS RecordType, Name, AddressLine1, ISNULL(AddressLine2,'') AS AddressLine2, City, StateProvinceName, PostalCode FROM Purchasing.vVendorWithAddresses UNIONALL SELECT 'Employee' AS RecordType, LastName + ', ‘ + FirstName + ' ‘ + ISNULL(MiddleName, ''), AddressLine1, ISNULL (AddressLine2,''), City, StateProvinceName, PostalCode FROM HumanResources.vEmployee ORDER BY PostalCode, Name 7
  • 8. Query 7 – Stored ProcedureA stored procedure designed to summarize freight, tax amount and subtotal by vendor and shipper based on supplied account number and date parameters; with example usage. USE [AdventureWorks2008]; GO CREATEPROCEDUREdbo.usp_GetVendorOrders @AcctNonvarchar(15), @StartDatedatetime, @EndDatedatetime AS SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT Ven.Name AS VendorName, Ship.Name AS ShipperName, SUM(Freight) as TotFreight, SUM(TaxAmt) AS TotTaxAmt, SUM(SubTotal) AS TotSubTot FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeaderpoh JOIN Purchasing.VendorVen ON poh.VendorID = Ven.BusinessEntityID JOIN Purchasing.ShipMethod ship ON ship.ShipMethodID = poh.ShipMethodID WHERE OrderDate >= @StartDate and OrderDate <= @EndDate AND AccountNumber = @AcctNo GROUP BY Ven.Name, Ship.Name GO EXEC dbo.usp_GetVendorOrders N'ADVANCED0001', '1-1-2003', '12-31-2003' 8
  • 9. Query 8 – PIVOT tableA pivot table of shipper data for total charges due in 2003 summarized by Saturdays with a summary rank of the Top 5 based on grand total. ;WITH ShipperTotDueCTE AS ( SELECT sm.Name, dbo.SatDatesConverter(OrderDate) AS WeekEnding, TotalDue FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeaderpoh INNER JOIN Purchasing.ShipMethodsm ON sm.ShipMethodID = poh.ShipMethodID WHERE YEAR(OrderDate) = 2003 ), SumByWeekEndCTE AS ( SELECT Name AS Shipper, WeekEnding, SUM(TotalDue) AS GrandTot FROM ShipperTotDueCTE GROUP BY Name, WeekEnding ), PivCTE AS ( SELECT WeekEnding, [XRQ - Truck Ground] AS XRQ, [Cargo Transport 5] AS Cargo, [Overnight J-Fast] AS Overnight, [ZY - Express] AS ZY, [Overseas - Deluxe] AS Overseas, ISNULL([XRQ - Truck Ground],0) + ISNULL([Cargo Transport 5],0) + ISNULL([Overnight J-Fast],0) + ISNULL([ZY - Express],0) + ISNULL([Overseas - Deluxe],0) AS GrandTot FROM SumByWeekEndCTE PIVOT ( SUM(GrandTot) FOR Shipper IN ([XRQ - Truck Ground],[Cargo Transport 5], [Overnight J-Fast],[ZY - Express], [Overseas - Deluxe]) ) AS P ) SELECT TOP 5 WeekEnding, GrandTot, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY GrandTot DESC) AS WeekRank, XRQ, ZY, Overseas, Overnight, Cargo FROM PivCTE ORDER BY WeekRank; USE [AdventureWorks2008]; GO CREATEFUNCTION [dbo].[SatDatesConverter] (@orderdatedatetime) RETURNS datetime AS BEGIN DECLARE @satdatedatetime SET @satdate = (SELECT DateAdd(d, 7- datepart(dw, @OrderDate), @OrderDate)) RETURN @satdate END; GO 9
  • 10. USE [AdventureWorks2008]; GO CREATEPROCEDUREdbo.usp_VendorProductRank @TopNint, @TopYint, @BeginDatedatetime, @EndDatedatetime AS SET NOCOUNT ON; ;WITH VendCTE AS ( SELECT Ven.BusinessEntityID, Ven.Name AS VendorName, SUM(TotalDue) AS TotalDue, DENSE_RANK () OVER (ORDER BY SUM(TotalDue) DESC ) AS VendorRank FROM Purchasing.VendorVen INNER JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeaderpoh ON poh.VendorID = Ven.BusinessEntityID WHERE OrderDate >= @BeginDate AND OrderDate <= @EndDate GROUP BY BusinessEntityID, Name ), ProdCTEAS ( SELECT Ven.BusinessEntityID, prd.Name AS ProductName, SUM(LineTotal) AS ProductTotalDue, DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY Ven.BusinessEntityID ORDER BY SUM(LineTotal) DESC) AS ProductRank FROM Purchasing.Vendorven INNER JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeaderpoh ON poh.VendorID = ven.BusinessEntityID INNER JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail pod ON pod.PurchaseOrderID = poh.PurchaseOrderID INNER JOIN Production.Productprd ON prd.ProductID = pod.ProductID WHERE OrderDate >= @BeginDate AND OrderDate <= @EndDate GROUP BY Ven.BusinessEntityID, prd.Name) SELECT VC.VendorName, VC.VendorRank, CAST(VC.TotalDue AS NUMERIC (14,2)) AS TotalDue, PC.ProductName, PC.ProductRank, CAST(PC.ProductTotalDue AS NUMERIC (14,2) ) AS ProductTotalDue FROM VendCTE VC INNER JOIN ProdCTE PC ON PC.BusinessEntityID = VC.BusinessEntityID WHERE VendorRank <= @TopN AND ProductRank <= @TopY ORDER BY VendorRank, ProductRank GO EXECdbo.usp_VendorProductRank 5,5,'2003-01-01', '2004-06-30' Query 9 – SP, CTE-only approachA stored procedure for a ranking of Top N vendors by Total Due amount; and, within each vendor, the Top N products based on Line Total (Due) for specified start/end dates. 10
  • 11. Query 9 – SP, CTE/Function approach A stored procedure for a ranking of Top N vendors by Total Due amount; and, within each vendor, the Top N products based on Line Total (Due) for specified start/end dates. CREATEPROCEDURE dbo.usp_TestProc1 @TopNint, @TopYint, @BeginDatedatetime, @EndDatedatetime AS SET NOCOUNT ON; ;WITHxCTEas ( SELECT TOP (@TopN) WITH TIES poh.VendorID, ven.Name AS VendorName, SUM(poh.TotalDue) AS TotalDue, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY SUM(poh.TotalDue) DESC) AS VendorRank FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeaderpoh INNER JOIN Purchasing.Vendorven ON ven.BusinessEntityID = poh.VendorID WHERE OrderDate >= @BeginDate AND OrderDate <= @EndDate GROUP BY poh.VendorID, ven.Name ) SELECT xCTE.VendorName, xCTE.VendorRank, CAST(xCTE.TotalDue AS NUMERIC (14,2)) AS TotalDue, C.ProductName, C.ProductRank, CAST(C.ProductLineTotal AS NUMERIC (14,2) ) AS ProductLineTotal FROM xCTE CROSS APPLY dbo.TestFn1 (xCTE.VendorID, @TopY, @BeginDate, @EndDate) AS C GO EXEC dbo.usp_TestProc1 5, 5,'2003-01-01', '2004-06-30' USE [AdventureWorks2008]; GO CREATEFUNCTION dbo.TestFn1 (@VendorIDint, @TopYint, @StartDatedatetime, @EndingDatedatetime) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN SELECT TOP (@TopY) WITH TIES poh.vendorid, prd.Name AS ProductName, DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY poh.vendorID ORDER BY SUM(pod.LineTotal) DESC) AS ProductRank, SUM(pod.LineTotal) AS ProductLineTotal FROM Production.Productprd INNER JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail pod ON pod.productid = prd.productid INNER JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeaderpoh ON pod.PurchaseOrderid = poh.purchaseorderid WHERE poh.VendorID = @VendorID AND OrderDate >= @StartDate AND OrderDate <= @EndingDate GROUP BY poh.vendorID, prd.Name ORDER BY ProductLineTotal DESC GO 11
  • 12. Query 10 – Effective (‘As of’) Dates: Scalar UDF A function which provides the commensurate standardproductcost based on a specified productIDnumber and a desired ‘effective date.’ Example included. USE [AdventureWorks2008]; GO CREATEFUNCTIONdbo.ProdStdCostAsOfDate (@ProductIDint, @AsOfDatedatetime ) RETURNS MONEY AS BEGIN DECLARE @StndCost money SET @StndCost = ( SELECT StandardCost FROM Production.ProductCostHistorypch WHERE ProductID = @ProductID AND StartDate = (SELECT MAX(StartDate) FROM Production.ProductCostHistory WHERE ProductID = @Productid AND StartDate <= @AsOfDate ) ) RETURN @StndCost END; GO ;WITH ProdStdCostCTE AS ( SELECT ProductNumber, Name, CAST( dbo.ProdStdCostAsOfDate (Product.ProductID, '2002-01-01') AS NUMERIC (14,2) ) AS StandardCost FROM Production.Product INNER JOIN Production.ProductCostHistorypch ON pch.ProductID = Product.ProductID ) SELECT ProductNumber, Name, StandardCost FROM ProdStdCostCTE WHERE StandardCost IS NOT NULL AND StandardCost > 700 ORDER BY StandardCost DESC; 12